The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, December 09, 1870, Image 4

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COTTON AVENUE, Orders Solicited. their objection, if any they have. Letters of Guardianship will-be gn applicant. Given under my hand, in office, at this 21st day of November, 1870. [V7E desire to call the attention of Planter* to the fact that our lar n house will be put in order at an early date for the reception of i fe vrillbe frilly prepared to accommodate all of our old cnetomere and i and coromodirua Ware- > present growing crop, i many new one* as will on which they aro constructed brings 'KT; or centre of the lens directly in front of the ■ producing a clear and distinct vision, as in natural beeltliy sight, and preventing all pleasant sensation, such as glimmering wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar t others in use. They are mounted in the ft manner, in founts of the maiedal'-wscd for porpose. Their finish and durability cannc Administrator’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in January in**. sold before the Court House door, in town of BUrkville, Lee county, agreesh*® 1 '? order or the Ordinary of said county, the «»• ^iSofk&Njria, in the 2dKArfotofLJ county, Georgia, known as the lands bet®* to the ostate of Joseph Outlaw, deceaaed. TSST*- TO.fl.OW.W’r- gfeath, bet that l» Upland uSi •» CUSTOM-MADE WORK ,tth, Ihortect uoUo. Wbtrt Two European Workmen is willing to cut and make clothes at moderately VALUABLE propebty Y FOB SALE IN BRUNSWICK, Gru, oop- I umatmyhoi Conference >i be stationed at #u NEW SYRUP I <*•«. | Great Reduction Great Reduction BLACKSHEAB & LAKAMOBE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC Fall & Winter REMEMBER 1870 ty, ODtiKflntTnMdjkT in JiSn SSS' .Also, at the asms time and dC^Su^, six seres of land, more or less, lvinrtSv’ the corporate limit* of the citv ofjL&IS; 5 adjoining the improved lands beWfa?^ the estate of Jeeee C. Jackson, late of k ter county, deceased, and Iris'. Court house, and between the roads w’?* I said land sold as the property of the mJ i Jeeee C. Jackson for the benefit cf the heir.1 creditors of said estate. llki Tonns—One-hair cosh, the balance at t*,v months. Titles made and inorteaire tak«?. the premise*. Sold to secure the pavW ct f, the purchase money. * t * STEPHEN 8. BOONE nov 23tdg. - Adtu'cdcloniBnun ESTABLISHED STAND WACHTEL’S 8. WESTftEHKft, STERESC Emporium —ox— ART AND BEAUTY Favorite Resort of the Fash ionable and Lovely. Americus, Cecrgia- PHOTOGRAPHS, ITORYTYPES, porcelain, AMBBOTTPE8. GEMS, tc. ..rice* within the reach of all. Wo also make the Storewopic Ficturaa tornttbing ~ DUPLEX-TYPES lir which the likeness of the same p r [•cars twice in the same card in tbo most incon .vivably different positions. In true sympathy with tl»e many ills to winch frail humanity is heir, they have for i codeave ’ “* tunebeen sen endeavoring to ascertain some pro- y which beautiful pictures can be taken nferior subjects. They have St f this discovery, and are now permitted .—.«—» .-s - BWt iQ gflirti r feature, that they are tins discovery, i in heralding tin couclyin il to take for them the most beautiful prepare.! . . _ .... muiI flattering pictures, at the same time pre serving s correct likeness. #8- OLD PICTURES copied to MiuiaUiro or SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! WHITE LEAD, “ DON’T SHIVER MEN.” The .American Combination BUTTON-HOLE k OVERSEAMING SEWING MACHINE OR THE PLAIN AMERICAN, Button Hole & Overseaming. ON TIME ! hines nuke the lock stit th sides, ami Will i\ot Rip! hey will ling Hut any other machine can do, jiiparatively noiseless, ami easier than any •ther two thread machine. We will sell these Machines to responsible peities upon the follow- $25 cash when the machine it bought, bal ance in weekly instalments untl the machine is paid for. Any lady cam in a short time snake the macldnc Pay for Itself Ever}' Machine Warranted. Leitner and Fricker, SOLE AGENTS 3L 3£ji And Everything in the Drag Line, LITTLE MAN— .SMALL MAN- THIN MAN- STOUT MAN- LEAN MAN- FAT MAN- SHORT MAN- TALL MAN- ACTIVE MAN- STUDIOUS MAN— FIRST-RATE MAN- FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. FALL CLOTHES. All the Men in town and country of every age, size and description, ABE INVITED TO GOME and be COMFORTABLE DON’T SHIVER ANY LONGER IN CLOTHES THAT ARE TOO THIN for the SEASON, It is the greatest enemy in the World. THE BEST ECONOMY IS TO COME TO M. WACHTELS’S CHEAT C10TCINC HALL, EARLY IS THE SEASOS AND BUY THE CLOTHES YOU WANT. Don’t forget the place. M. WACHTEI.’S nov 15 Next door to Toole & Schumpcrt. secure the payment tf boose, iif 4MHHIS 90VX03V8, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Grent’s OTAWSSOT® CMOm, MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING THE GREATEST INDUCEMENTS Ever Offered in Wholesale and Retail. REMEMBER CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Isliam Early having applied to me lorn emption of Personalty, I will pies apoa .r - in December 17th, foo * B. F. BELL, Ordiurr. f'lEORGIA—8vntek County. 3 same at my office, on December 17tU i«co 7, 1 12 o’clock, M. ’ ‘ ■ dcc« 2w U. F. BELL, Ordinm. Notice to Debtors and Creditor? r OSE indebted to the estate of Dr. J >bn i Comer will please make payment prompt Thoee having claims against the estate will t«. der them in terms of the law to the nndersicnw! . . , „ II. T. DAVENPORT, Atty in fact for Mrs. Hattie W Comer,Eat. |totitts~g>t!|to (j t Schley SherifPs Sale for January. TUESDAY IN JANUARY, 1871, within the lea! hours of sale, the following property, t One cow aud calf; ten bauds conij m. sa; one stack of fodder; and one tlio Kinds seed cotton, more or lees. Levied upon by a lien fi. fa. in favor of J. j. Dykes vs. Thoe. Newsom; property point' ' by plaintiff, and levied aa the property o Newsom. T. B. MYERS, SL( Dec. 6th, 1870. decC t Americus, Ga., Oct 4. WE ARE NOW OFFERING HORSE AND CATTLE REMEDIES. The Best and most lleliabie ever offered to the Public, The American Magnetic A.T _ EQUINE CONDITION POWDERS CERTI FICATF. liable Ingredient*.’ s 1<.I H'on^tOlrwriojU^ •iwN^ued, tbou any rem i d lea oi »hicb I bavs * * e. OHORGE H. DADD, _ . AntW ..f -Ananiy and F%f- iiiJcfry nf U>' HurttT " tSA rn tl > , Dsrfor," rfe. Pv xhasan will pl'ia* «k far a copy af •* Horn usd Tsttis Owaer's Gilds.'' praUt. Money cannot buy itfor Sight is Priceless. The Diamond Glasses Dp* E* A. A, HIRSCH, Cotton Avenue two Doors below Toole & Schnmpert’s, IMPORTER AND DEALER OLD BOURBON, Brandis, Gn, Rum, snvifts, Wines, Cordials, vfcc. Fancy. Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, «fec., &c., &c. WAGONS, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Or*U- nary or Schley connty, will be bold on ft. firat Tuesday in January next, before the Coir; House door in the town of Ellaville, the follow ing property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 41, fa tue SCth diatrict of Schley county, contaiainu 0u - hundred acres, more or less. Said lot of land it bounded on the north by lands of VTillia Little and on West by Thoa. F. Rainey. Improve ments on place good, nov 17 td T. II. DEVANE, Adtur. - Libel for Divt LIBEL FOE DIVORCE. Schley Superior Court, October Term, SABAH WALDRF.P,) T3 -1 SDL WALDREP. J F APPEARING ant in the a be erred, he being a a said April Term of this court. J: M. CLARK. J. B. v,«. ». v. ' om the kunutes of Schlev Su- J. NEWTON CHENEY, r 22 m4m Cltrk. fTfgal Salrs-cSlfbstfr Co Webster Mortgage Sales. W ILL bo sold before the Court house door u the city of Preoton, county of Webster,,■: the first Tuesday in January next, the folk* ing property, to One Horrell lior li fa in my hand* — -— — — r of said county, in favor of John Turm Bell. J. T. WHARTON, DRUG STORE. VI Whereas, Mrs. Cinthia Goare applies Letters of Administration, with tlie Will aui, od, on the estate of Pliaris Goare, late of a county, deceased. • These aro therefore to cito all person! int estedto be and ap|>ear at my office on or bet the first Monday in December "next, to >h cause, if any, why the petition should m-t Given under my hand and ofticial aiipiiiii this 7th of November, 1870. nov 10 lm G. W. DaVEsrcirr, Ordinary CARRIAGE MAKER’S MATERIAL, PRICES IN KEEPING WITH THE PRICEoiCOTf ON. REM QY A. L . iCheap for Cash! S. P. BOONE OUR STOCK lannfactoring, and kee)w o PARLOR SETH, PERFECT! Id Walnut and Mahogany; CHAMBER SETS, ~ - £S2£S:i 1 )RY goods BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES! - asd - Chairs, Baskets, Brooms ! WINDOW HHADES. WALL PAPER i MILL!NERY METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS attended dispatch COTTON PRICES! administrator on eaid estate. > therefore to cite and admonish, a r, the kindred aud creditors of «a> . ind all persons concerned, to l>c airi appear at my office within the timo gescnM ^•EORGIA—Websteb Coryrv. U Whereas, A. J. Austin applies to me U letters of Guardianship of the person and prop erty of Franklin Opry and Robert Opry, minor* under 14 years of age, residents of said count'. These are to cite and admonish all coocenif'- to l»e and appear at my office, within the t c; prescribed Ly law, and file their objection, i any they have, otherwise letters of UuartL*i • i-hi'p wiu bo granted said applic*.nt. Given under my hand and official signatnr- this 2Gth day of November, 1870. nov291m«. G. W. DAVENPORT, Ord y. STAND—East side Public Square, ing •Wewhcrc. We are always glad to ahowour atock fc oct lS-tf Wm. Sirrine & Son. JOHN V. PRICE & SON, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, .nd property of >'») ... ___ jear T. l’err —■ i jeare of age, reaider lie* are to cite an 1 admonish ail com-wu* 1 ' be aud npiK-ar at my office within the t 1 ®’’ scribed bv law, and show cause, if anr w’ re, why said Leilcra of Gnanliausliip hand and official signing- jot. 1870. . DAVKNFORT, Ordic»r. '^rgal Uotitts--Counts G eorg u-lke cocxty, Whereas, Mrs. E. A. Green applies to me"; d 1 |MW< D * J " t Starkvfik