The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, December 23, 1870, Image 2

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7 THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. HANCOCKTgRAHAM a REILLY »»OP*IltTOBS. . W. VANCuCK,.. AMERICUS. GEORGIA: Friday Morning, December 23,1870 FOB CONGRESS—2» Dwraicr, HON. NELSON TIFT, OF DOUGHEBTY. FOR REPRMMTATIVESi WEIGHT BRADY, Sr. STERLING GLOVER. The Way the Money Goes—What it hat Cogt the People of Georgia to Support the Radical State Government If the entire expenditures of the Bul lock administration could bo obtained, and were given to the people, the figures would be startling; the lionest tax-payers would scream and tremble. But, like the National, the State debt will be many years in being ascertained and laager—in being paid: the people mnat sweat and toil many yean yet to pay, from their hard earnings, for the wild extnvaganoe of the Radical State Government. But, os the election is very near aft hand, and, to somewhat inform tho peo ple of the blessings and benefits of Radi calism, we desire to give a few facts and figures, as taken from the record—and this the Rads, cannot deny, for they have made the record—of themselves. It will be remembered that the Radi cals went in power, in this State, in 1868* and have, consequently, been in sway something over two years. In our show* s can only give the expenditares of GEOROIA EtECTlOH HEWS. ■Wmhisotos, Dee. 20.—The election in programing in Oeorgin for members of Congress and Legislatnre and connty offleenr. The returns sre inesgro sod unsatisfactory, bat it i. believed that the Democrats sill carry the State.^lji following has been received - • Augusta.—Two thousand votes polled. Democrats ahead. Republicans divided. All quiet Savanxaii.—No disturbances. Brad ley, the colored independent candidate for Congress, is receiving a large portion of the colored vote at the regular pre cinct Other election precincts were opened in the eastern portion of the city by the Republicans. Gov. Bullock's managers, have protest ed against the proceedings as illegal.— Several negroes were arrested for voting more than once. No violation or intimi dation. Columbus, Dec. 20.—Eleven hundred votes polled. The majority voting were negroes. Democrats ahead. All qnict. Atlanta, Dec. 20.—Election quiet Six Republicans arrested for illegal vot ing. Many negroes brought to the city Appointment of Preadiei 'Jpmnkmm cc for Nothing definite as to the result Bmrs, Dee. 20.—Democrats over two to one ahead. Negroes arrested for Ille gal voting. All quiet Union Point, Deoember 20.—Nothing definite from Greensboro and White Plains. Montzxttha, Dee. 20.—Republicans supposed to be ahead. CuTHBnrr.—Republicans seven hun dred ahead. Nearly all the blacks voting. Fort Gaines. —Republicans ahead to day, but the Democrats will be at the dose, as they are reserving their strength for to-morrow. Covington.—Eight bnndred votes polled. Result not known. Fort Valley.—Republicans ahead to ft portion of the Government, yet prvhrml enough .m bo given to ^v.u^.-wpnn.^u b«mtif,Uly portray tho imaging effect,! wh,,ea T " t,n «- of Radicalism on the pockets of tax-payers. .. ...... u .. % mi i The cotton seed oil of the Southern Ami just here wo might state that, for the ‘ , . , . . . . • , ,. . . .., , States has a great future before it, second figures, ue are indebted to ll.e Atlanta ' i v in Sontla Georgia Co' 1871. Savannah District—J. W. Hinton, P. E. Savannah^ Trinity—J. E. Evans. Savs2%ssh. Wesley Chapel sud City Geo. G. N. McDonell Springfield—T. B. Lanier, J. S. Jor- Syl vania—W. T. McMicheel. Bethel—It. H. Honser, Alexander—W. S. Baker. Waynesboro—N. B. Ousley. Louisville—B. W. Flournoy. Davisboro- J. A. Rosser. Sandersville—J. W. Simmons. Washington—J. V. Culpepper. Gibson—S. N. Frieker, Macon District—Joseph S. Key, P. E. Mulberry Street and Vineville—J. O. Branch, H. J. Ellis. East Macon—John W. Burke. First Street—To bo supplied. City Mission—To be iapplied by R. C»iu.’ Macon Circuit—W. C. Bass. Gordon—C. W. Smith. Irwinton—J. W. Glenn. Jeffersonville—A A. Robinson. Swift Creek—To be supplied by Wm. Griffin. Hawkinsville and Longstrect—C. A. Fullwood. Porlaski and Wilcox Mission—J. Spence. Fort Valley and Marshsllville—B. F. Breedlove. Houston—James Jones. Ferrv—Walton Knox. Beaver Dam—R. F. Evans. Hayneville—S. S. Sweet Montezuma—J. Skipper. Dooly Mission—To be supplied by N. Athon. Wesleyan Female College—J. M. Bon- nell. President W. O. Bass and C. W. Smith, Professors. E. H. Myers—Editor Sounthern Chris tian Advocate. Columbus District—T. T. Christian, Columbus, St Luke—O. L. Smith. Columbus, St Paul—A. M. Wynn. Columbus. Wesley Chapel—A J. Dean. Muscogee—S. D. Clements. Hamilton—W. F. Robinson. Tnlbotton—F. A. Branch. Talbot—J. M. Austin, R. L. Hunter. Genova—S. K. Weaver, W. A Green. Butler—J. R. Littlejohn. Buena Vista—W. W. Stewart. C asset a—W. M. D. Bond. Oglethorpe—W. W. Tidwell. La Vert Female College—DL.D. Moore, President. l*r,s, Hou-o, House only in importance to the gigantic pet roleum trade of the Northern States. So Suico 1H6R the Legislature has been in . sajs tUe Liverpool Cireuhir of Alexander session 328 dnyw, and in the House there j y Mncrae> of November li». which adds: *“* >“ 1,10 «■ | “It, sweetness, ntiUty naff price are now tliongh neither branch ha., ever been fnIL I commcnding tteTOy „ hcre , ,i 10 , lg |, In addition, there has been clerks, me-I to Engllni , , v0 Ilr0 malmf ,during snm sengora Ac., withont end. But the cnet | oQ.OOO tons nnnualiy, (chiefly from oftbeDegalatnre for :t» days wa, as fol- ; EgTptiM1 tllc <lmUitT j s not u, ; compared with the American, os the fol- ^’ioo IS | lo ™S Vldne ^*11 testify. Tho price of 13GJ55 no | English to-day is £21, nt which it is slow; tsja, liJSi, M snitioa, :bVu;;: ::: $$jgS!!«be™h» of American «K to .MS, per ! 7 na,c ’ 7 “ “ “ 22,000 on ton, nt which it is in strong demand. The Somite *• * *.T _;' j^ooo o*>! r* 0 ? 0 quotations for American oil lie- ■ 'i""?; ** S< 7. i,,n ' *A“ ‘^f7* ‘ ’ 24MOO 0.* J gins from tl.o worst of il. {which eclipses " 1.' j uny of ours.) to the l*est of it, that is. from . ,. on ( ordinary yellow to fine blenched. The i A.l.i l«r back pay of upcllcl colored , ... ... ... member*.. 2y,0o.) on! bleaching of tins oil is ot the veriest lm-1 \U* name for minority candidates... 20,000 no j jjortuiice, and whether c-fl'ected by the ! tirand total w.i.ilv* no j sun or chemically will have a marked ad-1 Of this umonnt about ?>125,000 00 was vantage from Southern climes. Onr poi.l for club hire, and many white Radi-; consumption for it is practically exhansti- ] .Tils drew regular j«iy, ir/to nerer wrofo a i bio—wo use it for soap, for solids, for • I in* or c'rr^/ o tinnh >tm/. I lubricating, and for burning—and the , Let ns add to the above 00, wholo continent of Enroin' consumes it ■ the cost of public printing, up to sonic | I°rgcly. It is sold by the ton of 2,240 j time in November, of tho present year, j ^* s -» and if i.'3 to .€.» per ton be taken off ■ 870,432 05 and we have $1,055,581 95. t the above quotations, pro*luc»rs may see | Great God ! Is it necessary to go far- j »t a glance, the ‘net profit* on consign- ] liams, P- ^ the people stand it ? [ nients to T,ivcri>o«d from the Southern j i — c » 1 - • Euffulo Missio B. G. Franklin. Bt. Mary’s—H. P. Myers. l»e med for almost oil Card from Gen. Gordon. In my capacity as Vice-President for the State of Georgia, of the Lee Monu ment Association, I respectfully invite the active assistance of the gentlemen named below. It ia earnestly desired that they proceed at once to select proper persons to collect funds in various locali ties in their respective Districts, that all who desire to contribute may have the opportunity to do so. The contributions are designed to erect a monument to General Lee at Richmond, a* directed by the recent soldiers* conven tion, as well as to prepare a sarcophagous at Lexington, Va. The amounts collected can be forward ed to the Atlanta National Bank, at At- lanti}, which will acknowledge receipt of same. I would be glad to have furnished me, at the same time, a list of the con tributors. General A R. Lawton, Savannah, Ga., for the District of Chatham. Effingham, Bryan, Bullock, Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnall and Liberty counties. Colonel Barcaloo and Major Blaine.for the District of Glynn, Wayne, Pierce, Appling and Camden connties. Captain Robert Troupe, for the county of McIntosh. Colonel John L. Harris, of Waresboro, Ga., for the District of Waresboro, Cof fee, Telfair, Irwin and Berrien counties. - Colonel Atkinson, formerly of the 26th Georgia regiment, for the District of Chariton, Clynch, Echols and Lowndes counties. Colonel Toang, of Thomssville, for the District of Thomas. Brooks, Colquitt and Worth oonntiea. General A H. Colquitt, for the District of Bakes, Dougherty, Mitchell, Decatur, Miller, Calhoun and Terrill counties. Col. Tnrnipseed, of Fort Gaines, Ga,, for the District of Clay, Randolph and Quitman counties. Colonel Jack Brown, of Amerieus, Ga., for the District of 8umter, Webster, Schley, Dooley and Wilcox counties. General Henry L. Benning, for the District of Muscogee, Chattahoochee, Stewart, Marion, Taylor and Harris ooun- ties. General Phil Cook, for the District of Macon, Houston, Pulaski and Laurens counties. Colonel William B. Jones, of Lagrange, Ga., for the District of Troup, Heard, Coweta and Carroll counties. Colonel P. W. Alexander, of Thomas- ton, Ga., for the District of Upson, Meri wether and Pike counties. General William M, Browne, of Macon, for the District of Bibb, Crawford, Mon- *. Jones and Baldwin comities. emetic, and compelled mo to puke them up.” That is Akerman on the point in question, and the rest is a rehash of the Georgia knklax stories. Let Akerman rankle. Thbi Nectar. —A -superior articlo of Black Tea with a Green Tea flavor. Price SI 20 per pound at DR. ELDBIDGE’S. Dmg Store. A Good Cat Story—A Cincinnati Drum mer in a Ndw Role—He Advertise* for 10,000 Cat*—Result of His Efforts. The Cincinnati Times is responsible for the following ‘‘eat” story : A prom inent wholesale house on Vine stret t has, among its employes a commercial trav eler whose route of travel lies through Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Mis souri, but is principally among the river towns in those States. About three weeks since, this gentleman, who prince of good fellows, found himself compelled to “lay over,” waiting for a l»oat, ut Fulton’s Landing, Keutncky. Having fionhed up his business, ho aud one of his customers, named Johnson, concluded to have some sport, aud adopt ed the plan of gettiug up u demaud for cats, of which that section was represent ed to be over-stocked. As tho means to obtain it, tkeir plan was that be should issue a notice calling fora largo quan tity of these domestic animals, represen ting himself as a manufacturer of fiddle- strings and dealer in furs. So between them they got up several notices (written of course, for there is no press in the town, offering to buy cats at a certain scale of prices: After seeing that his bills were proper ly posted np, onr hero took the first boat that left town, and started to St. Louis. For a day or two there was a great deal of wondering by the people about the landing as to what could have caused so great a demand for cats all at once and no end of questions were propound ed to our friend Johnsou on the subject. To all of them hia answer was that his principal was a responsible man, and able to keep his word, and he would ad vise bis neighbors if they had any surplus felines about their premises to sell them; they might never have an opportunity to realize so much clear money for them again. On the morning of the fourth day busi ness began to “open np,” as they say in commercial narluuce. An old man and his wife, witli their team, consisting of a half-grown steer aud a mule hitched to a cart, with roj>e harness of the most prim- gjrnr IMh’tttuttmettts. Notice to Farmers. B. Emallel COTTOX PIAXTER, PEA DROPER, CORX DROPER, GUANO DISTRIBUTOR, j WIIEA T DRILLER, j All comprised in one Machine! j Distribute Guaa>), Drill Wheat better thvu . Miwhino ever invented. -Price witliia reach of S&ti^fact •eJ. For sals by I. N. HART & CO FOUNT), nut barrel HOUSE: twelve hands kigl>; harness mirk on left shoulder; star in forehead: shed in front; rather inclined to be roan. Said horae, when found, had huegj harness and bridle on. Horae can be had when expenses sre psHL Apply to G. W. RHODES, or <&§3-lt a M. COLLINS. MASONIC NOTICE. T HE snnnsl election for officers of Americas Lodge, No 13, F. A M., will tske place on FRIDAY EVENING the 23d instant. Tho brethren are earnestly requested to at tend. By order W. M, dec22-lt J. E. SULLIVAN, Sec’ry. Estray Mule. S TRAYED or stolen from the lot of M. Lszeron, in this city, on yeetordsy, s light bay horse MULE; six years old; with white noee and mouth ; in his walk appears lame as he makes a short step with left fore leg. A liberal reward will be given for any information which will lead to his recovery. doc22-tf M. HEYMAN A BRO. Elizabeth Jones having applied to me . -xomptum of Personalty and setting apart a ad, I will p. BLANEJf#, ,11 JR! BLiInKETS, BLANKETS OFALLKINC . ^ AU COLORS, OF AU SIZES, 84,94,104, If :!t .'4,134, White, Blue and Grey 30th of De. itive kind, came driving into town. Iu! 1 the curt stood a barrel covered over with i * a scrap of tow baggiug, Securely hooped i town, and from this barrel came forth tlie most nuearthly sounds of screeching, ; aud spitting, and mowing, and such A I ,'r,X77f»r i-mnlmi^r^n aL af ib. , { l 7«i S. E. EASON, Ore LOST OR MISLAID. other noises as the feline organs of speech i ^ ov * ir,-.h ”ls«J are capable of, that could be imagined. The old man had brought iu a barrel j off I eb!o io iuu u dec20-lin. . Bald ii had brought —.......... .. , °l forty-two alia. | * dUSlMu!”” C ""'" W. a STALLINOH. He had dumped oil his load without. :— ceremony, and with his wife, entered the Kxecutor’s Sale, store. They had hardly got seated, how-1 TTVlLL bo sold in the towu or Bntnx Yiat: ever, before an aged colored “anntv,” ” > Marimn-ouuty,thei;r»tTnf«KUyi»-i*«»-»r' munutetlon »poor old knock-kneed and j{JJl'oriXx!‘J171taftoXStoKii oljfario, spavinetl horse, came riding mto town as i cunntv containing 2ir2l Colonel Lucius Lamar, of Maeon, for kn£iuai« Dlhimcr—J. Blakelv Smith, (the District of Twiggs, Wilkinson, .Tohn- P E. * son and Washington counties. Ameriena—.T. B. MeOcliee. (ieuend A. It. Wright, of Angnata, for Bethel—J. K. Seutell. the District of llichmoud, Burke, Jeffer- Magnolia Springs—C. A. Crowell. son. tilnascock, Warren and Columbia Ellavfll—Oeo. S. Johnson, It. V. Wil- i connties. linmson, supernumerary. Genend 1). M. Dubose, of Washington, Smithville D. O. Driscoll. G;l, for the Dist riot of Wilkes,Taliiiferrro, Cnthl>ert and Georgetown- R. B. Les-1 Oglethorpe. Elbert and Lincoln connties. ^ Major Lamar Cobb, of Athens, Ga., for _ Spring Vale—N. D. Morehonse. the District of Clarke, Walton. Jackson, fast as the poor animal’s legs could carry ! Sold Dawson—E. A. H. MeGeliee. Madison, Burke, Franklin and Hart couu- her. Behind the saddle, uud slung ove ' Terrell—G. T. Embry. tit-s. _ the liors<‘, was a bag, aud from this bn^ Weston—E. J. ltentz, B. *T. Baldwin. Colonel I*. B. Xcsbitt, of F.itonton,for J cmauated the same class of unearthly Lumpkin—J. M. Marshall. the District of Putnam, Hancock, Green, sounds that hod proceeded from the tmr- Stawart-J. Harris, one to be supplied. . Morgan^nnd Jasj»er <-ounties.^ re]._ She managed to BaiMUUOOK Distkut— Geo. C. Clarke. P. E. Bainbridge—11. \V. Dixon. Factory Mission- To bo supplied by W. M. Bussell Decatur—J. J. Giles. . " Vun«^.i n a of Atiauta, Ga., . i Rk ; J. B. D; k- pav*\de IK- two huudnid .loUitrai u and made pay- COVERT COVERLETS, rlli i e pr».}K- 13t(ld orWiii. lloni, deceased, lica.-li, the other iu two UU S. T.'cUANVFOVlD, Ex front ■ «t* ■,* ' T ‘ ’ General C A. Evaus, of Atlanta, < Collputt—W. I^ltoberta, J. M. l’ottcr. i Ior Distrirt <>[ 1 ''" l,on “ nl1 C “ m I' Port Goom uud Blake!jr—W. M. Hay '•‘i'""'™ Morgan—T. S. Armstead. Administrator's Sale*. Gen. Robert lienderson, of Covington, 0 f Johnson’s »ton\ and with the agility 0^ *g1°1 K (!p*’' '*mr7*1««>uw 'i'kv!' 7 ll ,j7 Gn., for the District of Newton, Butts of youth, sprung to the ground, declar- ' tinrn^‘;Etlav;:!<»,Sfblaycomity,oue-fifthinterest i and Henry connties. ing that “never in .her born days had j ia iwo ioi4 or ion !, nuinitcra <2 ai.d 3’>, in tiic t (!olonel Stewart, of Griffin, Go., for. she bail such a ride,” and praising her ld ; stri«-t < <if St-ldcy r..m,iy ku«sn a-thf Cartri the District of Spalding, Fayette nud Maker that she had fimlly arrived :i S riraveUnd 1 ^"btc 1 Clayton counties. • safely. She had brought with her ' ir Terms -<^l7 *' ^ * ■ al C A. Evau», of Atiauta, Ga., teen cats. i J. N. CHENEY, dork ! ge COVERLETS in Large Variety. _.l*ll , counties. Colonel IL A. Allstou, for the District of .DcKalb, Gwinnett and Ilall counties. Celonol J. U. Towers, of Rome, Ga., ' for the District of Floyd, l’ope, Haralson I uud Chattooga counties. General Wm. Phillips, of Marietta, Ga., : for the District of Cobb and Pauldiug S counties. Colonel George Lester, of Marietta, Ga., for tho District of Milton, Forsyth But let ns proceed. | and Western States of America. To tho above let ns make auotheraddi-1 — # • - lion, for services rendered by A. L. Har-! ^ te)**The “American Magnetic Eipiine ris and others, in organizing the Provis- j l >ow ders, «i ionul Legislature. This Cost 81,589 00- fonns of di " e,uto tI,at do not actually not much, but eminently unnecessary.- 1 need Uie services of a veterinary surgeon. Also add 818,300 00 paid, by the Govern-1 Wbile 4116 L,te General O. M. Mitchell or, for incidentals about the Execntivc | was iu e°nimaud of tho department of office, such as mending locks, buying • lhe 0hio nud n ft erwanla under RaeU ’ Camilla—J. T. Ainsworth. Cairo—P. C. Harris. Grooversvill—W. M. Watts. Duncanville—C. E Brown. Thomasville—C R. Jewett. Albany—R. J. Corley. Bhcnswick Dis rm« c—D. II. McWil- Brnnswick and City Mission—J. O. A. | ami’Dawson counties. , General P. M. B. Young, of Cartera- lo in! supplieii by | T nie, Go., for the District of Bartow’, j Gordon, Pickens, Cherokeo and Gilmer Centre Village—J. CT llabuu. ; ^’cnl.'linffman. of SpHng Place. Ga.. for worried’ Waynesville—J. L. Williams. the District of Murray. Whitfield and Ca- saw any one coming into towu ho would W aresboro—J. D. MouUliu. ; toosa counties. elosu and leek his doors. At length lie Jessup—W. M. Kennedy. Major W T . Welsh, of Ellijay, Go., for one day met a young farmer who more the District of Fannin aud Union couu than made up for liis wealth in this ties. world’s goods by the poverty of his up- Col. J. Cooper Fesbit, of Dade connty, I jx r story. Addressing ‘ ' •on after a lieigUboriug fill ith his wagon, and iu it w box with sluts neatly nailed < dec 20 t<!» r.d iilminutraloi Admiuhtralois’ Sale. !every c top. In this 1k>x was a peacefv.l i.-t of ( TV*'rirtne of an or«l< r passed tiy tho C»»v.rt (•! 1 twenty-seven cats. They had be. u . nr- j jP 'v , vHl . ,H !p 8 " 1 '! ed in comparative ntlliieiiee, r.n.l uere j ,. a ^ on the dn-t T;u'SkUv in Fchrann-''nexMsv disposed to take their removal p.-od- tiviin the nsiwt hours of eilc, liiat valuable j call attention to our stock of WHITE BLANKETS,» i it brought here this winter. We will make it the interest i or eau use n pair to call upon B. EMANUEL & BRO. rdlv. Then followed consignments iu 'i,. • I kcls, boxes, aud buckets, aud on> :>ldj liuly brought her tabby iu a re tic ole while a young fellow handed iu a pun of saddle-bags containing two, which he j ’d he would exchange for powder i CF. istnuis Presents JAMES l*. west. 1*1 IILIP WEST, shot, and “maby a few Principe cigars !” \ dec- *o tds ’ ’ And thus the trade was kept np for a . cek, l*y which time our friend got so • G£R°ROIA, Sumter County. the matter that when he j \JL7 IH’BEAS, ltuebcu h. s .minr* tnl. 1 . Ii.mii 1 i>. » VV tM )T ••! 1. UitU Slsjli eV, hand soap,-putting in glass and sneli; al- j Kentucky, he ordered his division wagon I h. Thomas, and one to lie supplied, so 8200 00 paid for boartl of one Chap, j UWBter *° wse tl,eso “Powdera” in all j Stockton—A. P. W’riglit. Norris in Atlanta ; and 8400 00 handed j 00809 of diseaso occnring among horses j Naldosta-J. K. Armstrong, one of his Secretaries, and nerer rrinm-! nnder his care « and the result was that | Holmesville—A. M. Kibbeu. i tlie District oi rauuin nuu union couu man mane up lor ins weattn in tins | wtiyw.. Ocmulgee To be supplied by L. 1^- ! ties. world’s goods by the poverty of his up- “‘7 if. 1 * , . . . , ‘mllay. .^ . „. j Col. J. Cooper Fesbit, of Dade comity, p» r story. Addressing our friend, lie | by taw, r.v.dih • <ceii.'c if anr thev-Lve ■ Nashville and Alapalxi Mission ” • j f or (i l0 District of Dade and Walker said : I letters bo g.taa<l. oUic-rwino iottii counties. “Ah, Johnson, how about them cats— | Capt. James P. Phillips, of Clarksville, when shall I bring ’em in ?” ! ti j . . Ga., for tho District of Haliersham, ! “Whatcats?’ I ,ico2omim n y ijkll Oniinarv Quitman J. W • I alley. ! 1,., llnbnn nn<1 Tntvnc ' uWln. «. na . I *' Morvin—L. C. Pe»-k. ml *n l official sigua . also *«,(«> no nmonut pniaas sala-! ,lle UTes of many valiuible Lorac. were riB. for Executive Secretarie, .rad Clnln ;: WTeJ - Ho >“ o'Snrd to tbo “Eunine 00 paid to tho AUorncj-Geu- O^tmeut" and “Liniment, ” they had end aud oilier Attorneys for professional I ^ le -ome effect. While in Kcntncky, ,, , . i almost all horses attached to General I limosvilie—W. U. itootn. / dd*ng the-o Mvere! paonnts f *“ 10 V . ,' Darien and McIntosh —E. J. Burch. :o- V ‘ rvc 91,: 10,632 25 ' 5 xoc 'r.» ic:., >7an Mission—W. M. G. g 0 f greaso sadrcratehi ’ i counties. Moultrie—To be supplied by W. M. j j n ,i ge George D. Wright, of Dalilone- Bu nt ing. | ga t for the District of Lumpkin and White • Altaxaha Distrit-L B. Payne, I counties. 1*. E. All papers in the State j copy. . *» xiy iiieiu i tliem la-bills.” 1 advertised for farther. If them figures fail to prevent | *iTeeiion». He was supplied with the I«opie from embracing Radicalism, it’s | “Equine Ointment, which soon had the no use to say more, save that Ephraim is I effect of entirely eradicating the disease, joined to his idols and must be let alone. I E,er y P«We ot these remedies hears ft will he seen that tho abovo does not I Uie oertifleate of tU Veterinary Surgeon, embrace the salaries of the Governor and ! ( Geo - H - Da<l1 '.) *l*o used them exten- varions heads of departments, and their i eirelj >n his largo practice, clubs and expense of running their offices, i Scnd Lord, Smith i Co., r»i Ws- nor docs it embrace the expenses of the! bosh Avenne, Chicago, for a copy of their judiciary oi llio State, and other things j “Horse and Cattle Guide," mailat/re*. that might bo mentioned. Therefore it irt ouly a portion of the expenses of the State Government for the past two years. Think of it. people! Think of it nil, !>oth black and white ! All are interested.; Tho less taxes paid the higher wi.l be wages, mid tho cheaper the laborer can live, therefore the colored people ore deeply interested. Think of it, then, when yon go to vote next week. Think of it and vote against Radicalism. Now is the time to strike down this wild extravagance. Elect good honest men to the Legislature and it will be stoppe<L John Simmons will not stop it. lie went into Radicalism for office and the money in office, consequently it will be against his interests to stop it. Bat we’ll ventiuo onr old hat that old Wright Bra dy and Sterling Glover will do all they can to stop it. Thou vote for them. j tup--: 'umerary. All those who contemplate making Presents to their relative friends on ®«SfSTfflftS OR SEW ¥€ABS (AND WHO DOES NOT ?) Are invited to look over the stock of Goods at foejr Ih there a man in the county, per Monally unfriendly wilh either of the can didates, who U hesitating about voting for them, on that account If tso, let him think of what is involved, of the princi ple at stake, and then go and vote tor the man. Your enemy, as we have before said, can represent a j>rincijle ns well as your friend, and yon are not voting for a man, but a principle. And to show you this, let us suppose yoor friend were to espouse the cause of Radicalism, wonld you vote for him. No. Why? Because his principles do not accord with yunr 1 Then lay aside personal prejudice and vote for the jnineij^e not the man. Don’t hesitate. Too much is at stake. •day, 1 w . . gro girl about nine yean old. The avi denco being sufficient he was held in bond of $250 00 for appearance at the uex term of Superior Court. :—:— Jvnts Town— , ' Any quantity of second-hand furniture bought at Hess’ Aution Howe. 4MlS4f. IIaib Vioon.—In common with many others we have felt a lively interest in the investigations which Dr. Ayer has been making to discover the causes of failure of the hair, and to provide a remedy. His researches are said to have been much more thorough and exhaustive than any ever made before. The resnlt now before us nnder the natno of Ayeeu’s H.\in Vigor. We have given it a trial, and with full satisfaction. It equals our most favorable anticipations Our grav hairs have disappeared, or re- snmed their original color ; and a visible crop of soft silken hair has started on a part of the scalp which was entirely bal«L—\Drmocrut, A binpt Ion, I ’a. Federai. Soldiers.—On Wednesday night last, two companies of Federal sol diers arrived here, one of them, as we understand, being e#t route to Dooly County. Wo are glad they are to be here during the election, for we know their presence will go far toward pre serving the peace. The only opinion wi have heard expressed by tho whites, i one of approval, and we only hope we may boas fortunate as the people of Au gusta, in having an orderly and gentle manly sent in our midst. Judging from what we hare seen, they will prove to be such. We understand they are ordered to reportyto the Sheriff, Scarboro—L. A. Darsey. Dtiblid—J. J. Morgan. Wrightsvillo—C. C. Hines. County Line—To be suppled by C. A. Moore. Swainsboro—C. J. Toole. _ Jacksonville—To lie supplied by J. R. Ware. Oconee—R. D. Gentiy. Cochran Mission - H. C. Fentress. ! Saturday. Cormsive sublimato--an the! e | s i,bribed on it in the boldest Roman 1 idiT Altamaha—W. F. Conley. j acids combined—with a heavy touch of ■ t -h arac t4.|--j. The young agricultures! Itehlsville, D. J. Pope, I phosphorus and luunr caustic thrown in, j promised to do so, and left, satisfied Emory College—J. O. A Clark, J. 8. i * ro milk compared to tlie temper of At , vvitl» prospective speculation. Hopkina, Profwaors. . . i<«rney ecDenlAJnnDtra. He ikmwm ; Thu ahipment has not 7 ot arrixod, bat, Leitner & Fricker’s I t of ’em by this time. , >t«-a -.•«■ » Oitc( ' . „ _ r , , ! “Well, select outalxiut four dozen of ; ~ ~2 l Z : Brother Clwby, of the Macon lelegrnph | your best ones, and put them in a \xin 1 Notice to Physicians, and Messenger, docs not often apply tlie j and ship them by express, marked C. O. _ . . • 1 Hear hfm tiC ’ ^ ^ ^ ' Sem°he wiulriTyo^wimtto do wUh the 11 i£t Tuc^by^a JwirFtS'S; ’ The - V havc the liir gefit and most general assortment of G«hm1s suifa- ! "Attorney Genera.. Aherraau barata ; i W I another gall-bladder in the Ne<e Era, of tho name of the firm for which lie truv-! biifaSl. ’ a " 1 C0T1S1Ptin f? m P art ol ~ ! Satnrdov. Corrosive sublimate- -all the i :* ; n ana luterest torney General Akerman Ronflay K<-hool,—Lovick |» flow. «J biliinxf^to *- 1 Pierce. Agent for Orphans’ Home-S. Anthony. Geo. H. Patiilo. F. F. Benohls, J. G. Worley, Oeo. E. Gnnlner.B. E. L. Tim mons, transfered to North Georgia Conference. W. II. Fielding and II. Puckett tran«- ferrctl to Little Hock Conference. J. W. Mills transferred to East Texas Conference. fisherwomen ; and when he has exhaust ed his powers of expression, we iwn the man cursing tho English language as inadequate, do his liest, to give full vent to the morbid intensity of liis hat red of all that is decent and respectable, and the excoriating acidity of his bile venom. ‘ ‘I only wish I could curse and blackguard yon as much as I hate yon,” The next Conference to lie held Columbus. S&* Stone k If array’s Circus and Trained Animals Combined, is coming, and will exhit in this city on Fridsy, the 23nl inst A greater variety of^first-class performers are with this circus, than was over before collected |in one company, and it has acquired s fame for excellence and respectability that is not accorded to any other exhibitions. See advertise ments. “BarrattV Hair RaatpnUva. Nature aaatatadky «BaoaUV • The Election. The election, as is well known, will last three days, commencing on next Tues day. Daring these three days a vast deal of work can be done—must be done. It might lie well to have a committee to hunt and bring up old white men through out the county, who arc indisposed to come to the election. Every white man in the connty must vote. But much is to be done, and if all will go to work with a determination, won ders will be accomplished. Tho results of this election are momentous, and the interests involved great. The people must arouse and go to work. There is no man bnt can do something. Some men can do more than others, yet all can do something, and we insist that every one shall contribute his mite. Let every countryman suspend his work and come to town on Tuesday, and go to woik, and do the same on Wednesday and Thursday, and we will guarantee the re sult will demonstrate the benefit We also hope, and here suggest it that every business boose in the city be closed da ring the election, no that every one can work. There is no denying the fact that modi is to be done, if we would carry the day, and to do this we must work, marie, work. It will not do to let old Sumter go over to tho Radicals, at this late day, and she will not do 4t -if her sons will do their duty. Wo shall, expect a Dem- OCTationrajority <4 fit* hundred I Shall iQdrciol traveler avoids the ex pit-? * they ! the plague, and has given W offices | »'f? t« would be nlKiut a faithful embodiment of tlie tone of his address to ''The People of Georgiaby which he means simply the negroes of Georgia, and tlie miserable creatures wlio, like himself, are seeking to u e them as the cats-paws of dishon est greed and selfish ambition. When n man writes and talks that way and shows hit whole mental and moral nature transposed with devilish malice— as a sick man’s physical system is per meated with healthy bile in tho yellow janndicc, one need not say that be is simply to be pitied. He has lost his self-respect, and despises himself far more than lie affects to despise those whom ho seeks to make victims of his rancor. If Akerman had ns mnch sense as he has malice, he would be a states man and philosopher indeed. Bnt what shall we say of a man who iu two mortal columns, charges the Democrats of Georgia with having con victed themselves of a thousand wrongs, in opposing negro suffrage, because their Executive Committee say they are now unwilling to disturb it Now that is a great point for a United States Attorney General to hinge a political paper upon, is it not? Let ns illustrate his position : Aker man, being sick and diseased, bodily and mentally, as we know him to be, calls in some Radical quack of a physi cian, who drugs him with patent nos trums and minces him, if possible, be low his present level. Finding his mis take at last, he next calls in a skillful and regular physician, who says to him, •‘you have been badly treated, air. The medicines you have taken have in jured, and I fear, will injureyou. “Well, then” says Akerman, “give me an emetic at once.” “No, sir,” says the doctor, “I fear an emetic would injure you stiU more. You need sedatives, rest and quiet; any more violent doef kill you.” “Well, than, says “now I know you Had when you said the quack remedies were injurious, became, Uyoo thought so, you would give see an orders to the receiving clerk not to ad vance any money for him in the way of express charges, or even to allow a pack age to be left for him. How lie will meet the offended majes ty of the people of Fulton’s Landing ro- luaius to bo seen. We opine, however, that he will not visit tliat point for several months to come. !,- lines, Uten from the F.'«i ici<lerstood in that bccMgU Bjr a pergonal friend I waa canght by tho ’and* And was led to a mountaiu ‘igb, 0 abowed me a prospect there, And the places were lair to my eye, 80 I’ll ana my ’Arp on a wilier tree. And never will touch it agin, Aud I'll vote for the taao what greases me, Because *e ’a* plenty o’ tin, An office I saw in that prospect fair. And tlie picture is ’aunting me ) ct. For plenty good pickings lay scattered around And didn’t I like it—yoa bet. 80 111 *ang my ’Arp on a wilier tree, And never will touch it agin, For I'll vote lor the mau who showed it me, Because I am alter the tin. Oh, General Young ia a very nice man, But *e dosn’t know how to grease, 80 111 cling to the tail of my personal friend, Till the waters of Tartarus freeze. And 111 ’angmy ’Arp on a wilier tree. And never will tonch it agin, And I’ll fall ia the Badical lines, you see, Because they ’ave plenty 6*tin. Thus, one by one, do the mighty fall. When troublesome times appear, Like the summer vines from a cottage wall, When winds blow Weak and drear. 80 we’ll ’sag onr ’Arp on a wilier tree, Andnevei will touch it agin, If it chooses to fell ia tins Radical aea. Why, there wall Istit rnnain. the present condition of money matten, it is nbsoluUJj the dntjof e*eiy meti ithd woman—to buj their good, to the beet edranteger-they will find it to their internet toned EMANUEL'S ad- Tertiaemeot Then go there and bny. DOT, JL it F«>rth deceased, to wit •ight c GOLD WATCHES, worth from $40 CO to 8250 00 each, other Watches tn* ; 84 00 to 875 (H) each. t LOCKS, from $3 50 to 850 00 each. Gold Chains from 8*20 00 to $1*5 : SETS OF ALL GOLD JEWELRY, from S10 00 to 875 00. GOLD ClFl . find last, tt mu mco- i BUTLON8 from 83 50 to. 830 «*0 r. pair, MASONIC PINS from 81 »• to l5" 1 inter county, the !c.‘ikiw- { cucIl Ladies’ Broaches, al! *‘;old, f com 82 !K) lo 840 00 -each; Plated Jeweirr ' iftftto tho estate of F. W. all kinds and nfc all prices. .one horr’c, four mules. Knliil Kitvur Pima NOTICE. . lot of fanning £ K‘lX)i;TH. Adra’x. FOR SALE. ra, I offer for DESIRING to elianp* sale tbc honno and lot business in this city. I will noil the house and lot separate, or with my stock and evervthipg oiHucted therewith—cheap for cssiu The loiifeccan be ranted lor twenty-live per cert rn ii vestment •-* 1 -«■—-* *— decl7-tf. . J. PF.ASCK. | D. E. BUTLKn. | CRAS. A. PEAUCF. J. J. PEARCE, BUTLER & CO., COTTON FACTORS, sekson Street Aagw.ia. Ga FOR SALE. 2 of the finest DWELLINGS, and lot of \J 2 acre* in tho city, with atl necessary out buildings, and an excellent well of water. Would be exchanged for some good Plants- do. G. W. THOHJS. octlS lm Solid Silver Cups, from 813 00 to 830 00 each; Silver Plated Caps, from #1 to Sj 00 each. Solid Sterling Silver, Forks. Sjioons, Goblets, Childrens’ sets. Berry Sjiooay * Knives, Card Cases, &c; Silver Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Pickle stands, lets, Ico Pitchers, Bntter-Dishes, Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc.. Work Boxes ** n ting Desks, Jewel Cafes, Toilet sets, English and American Cutlery, (AlbmsG cost,) Gold Pens, Portmonies, Spectacles and n great many other articles J* 3 ?:' found in a first-claes Jewelry Store; and lust but not least, a new lot of Sewiwr** chines just received, nt the Jewelry Store of LEITNER £ FRICKER, in the v 1 Hotel Building, Americas, Georgia. [decl5-tf ] NOTICE. >del»n Nor. 2Gth, 1870. FAIR WARNING! TO WHOM p; MAY CONCERN : except cash B.B.CAIV. A. HIRSCH, Cotton Avenue two Doors below Toole & Schnmpcrt’s, Amorims, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER, Offers for sale at the very lowest Cash Prices 100 Barrels Old Kentucky Whiskey, 2 years old, 100 “ ' “ < “4 « « 100 “ “ « « {j “ “ 50 Pipes of HOLLAND GIN, .50 « FRENCH BRANDY, 60 Barrels PORT and SHERRY WINE, 500 Boxes Assorted Bitters. 200 BBLS. BEST COEN WHISKER - A FULL ASSO lPi£ 5 JT Groceries, Segars and Tobacco. Supplies the trade from either one of their Eastern or West 6 " Houses. . Call and sector yourselves. dec 10»