The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, January 06, 1871, Image 3

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3hr ftforUg gcpttbUtatt. yndg Morning. January 6, :1871. hanjer, l»apti ; :,t I': The New Year. With its virtues and its vices, its sins of omission ana commission, another year has pasted away in the stillness of the night, a stillness, brukeu only by 4 * the wild bells that rang out on the si lent sky,’* the discordant note - of the night prowlers, and by the carols and an thems of assembled worshipers, or the joyo as converse of youths and maidens. Tuo New Year dawned in brightness and beanty. Long may it hold the chalice of, pleasure to th* lips ©f v < ^ rr oi:. niENTS.—Elders L. O. Boden- and P. T. Gold, (Primative Ministers.) will preach at the ing places, January 1871. tuary 10th, (Tuesday.) nt Bluff ,jys Macon county Georgia, Wednes- 1th, at Harmony Ohurch, 5 miles j of Americas, Thursday the 12th, -oridence Church, 11 miles West of is, Friday 13th, Harmony Church, many readers ! Among the Romans, the o. Saturday 14th, Slaughter Creek . two-faced Jana* tap the god of the„from- I mencing season—one face for tho past, 1 and one for the fnrure. The Kalends of < hr.rch. Sunday 15th, at Mount Olivo. Official Vote of Sumter County. J BRING OUT THE BIG GUN C05URKSSMEX. * ] AMD LET I*Kit RIF! Forty-first Congress. Nelson Tift, (Democrat). R. H. Wbitd.y, (Radicftl);.... Tift’s majoriiy 734 Forty-second Congress. Nelson Tift .£ 1,972 R. H. Whiteley.. 1,238 5^r We are now having bright and , January were celebrated by theminnear- \ j<«uit days witli nights made beautiful j lj tlie *»nie manner as the first day is ^ • - : ons moonshine. j n,,w honored by ns. All labor was sns- i i pended. The temples of the gods laughed .mr Dr. T - E - Smith has removed his wit, ‘ j^und flowers, and burning per- fl.ivto a room over Brown’** Confection- tor Crystal Temple I. O. O. T.—A , ?re o meeting will be held this (Thurs- T freeing at 7 o’clock. Candidates \ take due notice and be in attendance. jej-Simmons wants to know “how the i3 K did ” to defeat him at the late *tion when the negroes have such a ■go majority in the county. It was done working for an honest administration governmental affairs. ii!F. Florence Bewiko Machine.-This client machine is now on exhibition Mrs. Spaulding’s Book Store. Per liS desiring a good Sewing Machine onld do well to call and examine this. MRS. E. C. SPAULDING, tf. Agent. loj-Wo are closing out onr entire 4ock of Indies Cloaks at New York Cost. GRANnEKRY A Co. 17-lm. fumes diffused a grateful odor. Theje festivals were regarded by the Christians with suspicion, <»r rather terror, for they savored strongly of idolatry. Tho laurel garlands hung over the doors were sacred to Daphne ; the congratulatory words at meeting were profane. But let the past sleep—then, ns now, the mysteries of time and eternity stood impenetrable and unexplained, whether dogmatized by faith or mystified by spec ulation—and we, capable only of enjoy ing the present as our own, shall not look with repining on the slumbers which lock the might and glory of by-gone days, but shall redouble our efiorts to merit the continued kindness and appreciation of — numerous friends and returning them thanks for past favofru. -We can obly hope, therefore, in extending to our read- tbe usual good wishes of the season, that they may not desire more than they need, get more than they earn, suffer more than they expect, nor err more easi ly than they would at any time admit. Our l>est wishes and a happy New Year to all! l’rof. Manasse will remain only uutil Saturday tho 7th. All those in need .{ Spectacles had better call, on a mere in-pection of the eyes he adapts his Para na Lenses. Can be seen at Sullivan k Tinsley, Jewelers. jan.5-lt tor The officers and a portion of the ■ mbers of Protection Fire Compauy o. •_*, have concluded that it is best that the Company have no more meetings un til the present Council make some deti- ite arrangement for tho purchase of an ingiuo. When that is done a meeting ij be tailed and on election be held for Dicers for tho present year. Stft.Mr. J. A. Thornton has opened a Molusaes and Sugar house on Cotton Ave- two doors f rom Price's office, where ill keep n largo supply of these ar il on hand and sell cither by whole- or retail. This is tho place to get th» finest grades of sugar and syrup. See alvei Amij.kis, Jan. 2d, ’71.—I nm nsing a ir of Spectacles of Professor Manas- -V make, uml am much pleased with cm. They suit me in every respect and, prutmhW, are the lx**t I have ever tried. T. M. Fcrlow, C. W. Felder. 1-tf. Last evening the Worrell Troupe onoluded nn engagement in our city. Ha- entertainment was chaste, amusing mil diverting, the fascinating Sophie and icr suppliers performing with that spir- t sud ability which have given this I'otnpiuiy its fine reputation and full 'tries in all parts of the States it has usitej. We are pleased to know and to umounce that in a fow days Miss Wor- rvll will again appear before our citizens. Tift’s majority 734 W. B. Jone% (Radical)....JL034 Black’s majority 1,137 legislature. Wright Brady, (Dem.) 1,956 Sterling Glover, (Dem.) 1,957 J. R. Simmons, (Rad.) 1,220 Floyd Snellson, (negro Rad.) 1,219 i sheriff. Democratic Ticket Triumphant I THREE TIMES THREE CHEERS far SUMTER! Win. J. Boaworth 1,830 H. H. Allen 1,275 fk. The Annual Election for officers of Wide Awake Fire Company, No. 1, took place at Firemen’s Hall last night, and resulted in the selection of the fol lowing gentlemen as officers for the pres ent year : Foreman—J. C. Griffis. Ass’t Foreman—P. B. Sims. Secretary—O. V. Lamar. Ass’t Secretary—W. II. Toxdke. Hose Director—Henry Hardy. Ass’t *• Harris Wertheimer. Surgeon—Dr. E. J. Eluridge. Engineer—G. W. Sirring. I 1st. Ass’t. T3ug.—T. Hi Ei>W. J 2d. “ “ —C. BucnANAN. For Chief and Ass’t. Chief of Fire De partment, Capt. Wm. Sirring and Col. A. S. Crrrs received the nimnimous vote of the company. ordinary. Ben. Johnson 321 B. B. Dykes 176 H. L. French 6 9^ cotfw. • A. G. Ronaldson 1,1 ,962 Jos. Mnlholland, (Rad.) 1,239 TAX RECEIVER. Joseph Mize, (Dem.) 2,075 Samnel Casey, (negTO Radical).. 1,114 TAX COLLECTOR. G. M. Wheeler 2,624 574 COUNTY TREASURER. Hiram J. Williams 1,814 Sampson P. Boone 1,376 CORONER. W. W. Gnerry 2,885 Wm. Hawkes Jas. Wilson COUNTY SURVEYOR. Neil McKay 3,149 John V. Price The election in Sumter passed off with out any disturbance. So much for the closing of barrooms. The number of vote* cart was 3210. The “colored troops fought nobly." Everybody was impress ed with the earnest determinatien with j which the negroes spread themselves. They left no stone unturned to secure a vote. They gained tho vantage ground on Tuesday, and held it during the day and part of Wednesday, when the Demo crats rallied and making a flank move ment recovered their lost ground, and held their position uutil the polls • closed. Thursday morning the enemy * thought to be a little ahead, but it was discovered that their ammunition was about to give ont. when the Demo crats made a gallant charge on the enemy and followed it up during the entire day; when the battle closed at G r. m. Democrats held tho ground, and the tory was theirs. They worked with a hearty good will and with telling effect The shackles of business were thrown aside, and every man did his whole doty n the last day. The victory is a glorious one, and hdnorably achieved. Sumter county has crowned herself with glory. She sends greetings to her sister counties in election of two Democratic members to the Legislature, and gains a majority sufficient to secure the election of a Sena tor from this District in the plnco of tho present Badical member. The connty officers ore all Democratic. This elec tion will convince onr opponents of the folly of innning against so well an or ganized party as the Democrats of Sum- Dn. W. A. Greene.—By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen ttihtaur worthy friend and physician, has removed his residence to the Cobb place. We congratulate him upon pur chasing this handsome property, which his energy and close attention to business have enabled him to do. May his su cess in tho future bo as marked as that tho past, aud we hope he will live for many C6T At the last regular communication of Americas Lodge No. 13, F. A. M. tho following officers were duly elected : W. M.—W. W. Ford. S. W.—J. W’. Remley. J. W.—J. C. Hogue,’ Sec.—M. E. Flesh. Tress.—n. C. Hardy. S. D.—Harris Westhcimer J. D.—S. Fleiseliman. •*, Tyler—Hiram J. Williams. ^ ny lpag years to. enjoy tho fruits a! f;i$dttt(riouH n tho’ practice of his profession. ter. Again we say bring out the big gun and let her rip ! Public Meeting. Er.LAVH.LX, Ga, i 2 o’clock F. M., Dec. 22. '70. \ Responsive to a call at this hour made a large number of the citizens of Sctley county assembled in the Conrt House, for the purpose of giving some expression of opinion in regard to the unfortunate kill ing of a fellow-citizen in Ellaville, about le hour previously. On motion, B.‘ J. Redding and Buckin Stovall, (coL) were called to the Chair, and C. F. Crisp, Esq., requested to act as Secretary. On motion of O. L. Battle it was re solved that the Chair appoint a Commit-1 ?nr "wnvvrv tee of five to draft and submit resolutions expressive of the seuse of this meeting in GRANBERRY & CO, Again AHKOCKCE thUUnjnUOooda Only for Cash. Their FALL and WINTER Stock i» lUily arriv ing, and will soon be complete—bought VERY LOW, and a large portion of it will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH! ON jth. OaBDIT. We have NO CREDIT PRICE. sell FOR THE OLD AND ESTABLISHED STAND regard to this deplorable occurrence. The Chair appointed the following Committee: C. L. Battle, T. F. Rainey, Jessie Dinkins, (coL) Richard Johnson, (col.) C. F. Crisp. The Committee retired aud in a few moments returned, when Mr. Crisp, in behalf of the Committee, made the fol lowing report: Whereas, Saunders Burnett, a 'colored citizen of ASchley county, was this day shot and perhaps mortally‘wonuded, And Whereas, The perpetrator of this deed (said to be Walter B. Cook) has fled from justice; and Whereas, We the peo ple of Schley connty, irrespective of col or, utterly denounce and tiscountenance all lawlessness and violence from whatev er source it emanates, therefore Resolrcd, That we regret tho occur rence aforesaid, and hope that all neces sary steps will be taken by the proper au thorities to bring the offender to a speedy trial that justice may be doue in the prem- s received aud ou motion The report adopted. Mr. Hudson made a few remarks. On motion of T. F. Raney the Ameri cas papers were requested to publish these proceedings. On motion the meeting adjourned. R. J. Redding, ( av. *». .HELIDING, ( f,. . Buckin Stovall, (coL) f ChftIrm * n ' C. F. Crisp, Secretary. SgU At a regular meeting of Raphael Lodge No. 145,1. O. B. B., the follow ing officers were duly installed: Henry Westheimer—President* N. Emanuel—Vice President. ~ 1 M. E. Flesh—Sec. J. Lemmel—Fin. See. M. Lazaron—Mon. S. Henman—A. M. S. Cohen, Sr.—Treas. M. B. Foster—Warden. **• S. Cohen, Jr.—Guardian. tkaST We regret to record the death of Dr. J. L. McDonald which was occasion ed by nn attack of pneumonia, in this city, on Tuesday tho 3d inst He was an excellent ycung gentleman, dignified and courteous in his demeanor ho gained the respect aud admiration of all who knew him. His many friends will deeply feel his loss, but the blow falls heaviest on those least able to bear it—a loving wife and little babe are left to buffit the rnde trials of life without the aid of his strong arms and wiso counsels. He was bnried I could expound the law correctly Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Reese And I will add, what do they say of Maeon, conducting tho funeral cere* think of a man who wuh never heard of before stating that he was a manufacturer certain kind of Spectacle whoso Communicated. FAitor Sumter Republican : I have fre quently called the attention of zens to a class of men trading about the country calling themselves “Professors," who are peddling spectacles; and as each ono of these itenerant peddlers calls his predecessor a humbug aud a swindle, and so many people hare been swindled by them, it looks as if the time would come when tho true character of Traveling •‘Doctors” and “Professors” would be come known. No Physician of character or atandiug in the community in which ho lives and is known ever travels about the country seeking patients ; if his skill is as great as he would have the people to believe it to be, the patients would seek him, aud not he them. What would our'people say of a man a perfect stran ger who would como amongst them, claiming that he wus the only man that preached the true gospel of Christ, or should he claim to bo the only man that Ao?* 850 reward for a better and cheaper lot of Furniture on tho market than at Hess’ Auction House. 09* Just received a splendid stock of tho very best of British Hose, for ladies and gents, at Hess* Auction Honse. THE MONEY, sad have bat OBK PRICK We hare a full Mock of Domestics, both of orthern sad Southern manufacture, sncli as servant*, Osnabnrga, Brown and Plaids fc , _ Bleached Shirtiu j* »nd Sheetings, at CASH PRICES, corresponding with the LOW price of COTTON, i MERINOS, EMPRE- s CLOTHS, POPLINS, BL’K A COLD SILKS, . roa CASH. ». westremkr, A beautiful stock of ladies CLOAKS and SHAWLS, cheap enough to satisfy the closest buyers. Hosiery lower than ever roa th vox- r.v. Cloths and Casaimeres, both of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, some of superior quality, and warranted to give satisfaction. Blankets, Prints, Whits Goods, Table Damask. Irish Linen, Pillow case Linen and Sheeting, all Astounding Low Prices FOIt CASH. A large stock of UMBRELLA!, WINDOW SHADES and OIL CLOTHS. A very superior article of Ticking, warranted to hold feathers. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A verr large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA & GLASSWARE At Reduced Prices for Cash. Plated Spoons and Forks of superior quality. Also, CASTORS, Table and Pocket Knives. Fine Teas, Candles, Soap, Starch, Soda, Royal Baking Powders, Potash. Smoking and Chewing S^UDZiBS, Lower than ever. Trunks, Travelling Bags and Baskets, all at the lowest voices roa i LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETINCS1 Evza nnoroHT to south-west nxosou, Ai\d at ower Prices IN S0ME0F0UR LARGER TOWNS. CGr Sealed proposals will he received until ^Conday next to contract for working the streets during the present year. See City Clerk’s notice. Important Election—It will be seen l'v reference to tho election order issued V h- F. Hell, the Ordinary of this eounty, that mi election will be held in the several rnilita Districts of this county, ° ,J Saturday next, ithe 7th inst. for a uember of the Board of Education and three Trustees, under the late Common Sebool Law. We received from the Superintendent * eirealur a few days ago, which * e pMLshed in our last, urging the !>*-ople to ignore party politics in this election, and vote for the best men. We fully appreciate tho wisdom of his advice, and hope that good men may be selected. It is a matter with which politics cannot rightfully have anything to do. Our esteeemed young friend and eminent physician, Dr. J. B. Hinkle has purchased -the residence known aa^.the Foster House ” and moved thereto. Those in want of his professional services can leave orders either at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug store or at his residence. The Eureka Club.—This Clql>—which composed cf Israelites of this place— and which was organized in 1868, have just had a Club-House finished for them. We arc glad to see so much spirit and en ergy has been displayed by this Club while yet in its infancy. Their library is filled with a choice collection of books and the latest papers. We wish them many a pleivsan ; hour during the winter eveniDgs. At an election held Sunday, Dec. 25th, ’70, tha following officers wage elected: Henry Wertheimer—-President. Simon Hetman—Vice President. S. G. Lazabus—Secretary. S. Houser—Treasurer. Theo. M. Loovls—Librarian. Harris Westheimer . T : t - rarv N. Emanuel, V S. Seligsbero, u On Saturday night, 31st Decem ber, about 111 o’clock, tli e Stables and Carriage House of Col. Peter F. Brown were destroyed by fire. Loss estimated at $1,000. Committee. mkpetihngs at reduced prices. Cranberry & Co. Dec. 17-lm. ..7“^ Nectar.—A superior article of mack Tea with a Green Tea flavor. 1 20 per pound at bit. ELDBIDGE’S, Drugstore. Tight-Kope Walking. Hi** famous Athletes, the Gilfort fothers, a ill give one of their grand Ffluhitions on the Tight rope, at 4 this afternoon. The rope is s -reatched on Lamar and College streets. f nr Police.—Mr. W. A. Freeman the ttvly elected Marshal, entered upon the discharge of his duties on Tuesday last. 1 reeman is a gentleman who will ^ritaand the respect of all our citizens, ^d who will do his duty without fear, ■* T( >inflection or reward. The same can xiid of Mr. John C. Joiner, the Deputy *n*hal The police force consists of *!' r * Hte adj gentlemen, who can at all i®es he relied upon. The citizens of - mericus bavo cause to be thankful for 16 c lua £« made in the police srrange- Valedictort Sermon.—Rev. Mr. Dix on who has been Pastor of the Methodist Church at this station for, the past tjoj yewrs, delivered his valedictory sermon’ to his charge last Sunday night. He will, sometime daring tho week,bid adieu to Americas, to take charge of the church at Bainbridgo. When we say that regret to give Mr. Dixon up cot only as a minister of thoGospfl, but as a citizen of the t >wn, we but faintly echo the sentiments of every one that knows him or has set under bi$ _ administrations. I To say. that he, closing his sojourn of two years in Americus, has not only tho love of every one of the fold which he has guided and guarded faithfully, but has justly earned tho res pect and high esteem of every man the community, for his Christian and gentlemanly bearing, is the poorest and most meagre compliment that we pay him. Bat at the same time express our regrej congratulate the occes&ou of so valuable a citizen, and the chnrch on securing tho services of so good a pastor aud so able an advo cate of the cause of religion. *^ s fiwt day of the New Year S T S m '7 nda i? ed “wives m the pleasure of making p ew ‘ eftr » <*lls Saturday evening last— Very one enjoyed himself in the most 'sgant manner, and all are uuani- in the higheit praiM of the ho.pi- extended by the Mies, .nd their l*»utiftU appearance. The rrr° , ‘ h ' occ ** ion kept nntil * hoars grew smsU" in the night, mtnj were the heart, whoa* enp of jojraeut wm filled to overflowing and «*tua«l with a, deh 1 «P««noe. of th* evening. t&~ Those excellent gentlemen, Flesh aud Wertheimer, at the old stand of S. Waxelbaumi Co., are tendered our sin- cerest regards for the valuable Christmas its made Asfheir lilierality and fits flow Us continuous os the he year, may fortune’s' richest r flow into their hands. Z&T It is rumored c Radical paper will soo this city. ?“■ The heaviest snow in this section, for fifteen o fell Thursday evening. we have had • twenty years, Du Sumter county has rejected the nasty Radical pills—Simmons, tho de serter, and tho nigger Snelson. agJuWe have quit trusting, man has money when wo present superiority over all others was acknowl- edgetl by the most eminent Oculists and Physicians of Europe!” and that he should leave his Factory iu Eurojte, Ocu lists aud Physicians, to say nothing of the common people, and cross the “briny deep” and come all the way to Americas to’peddlo ont nis spectacles by the singlt P'tir, to say nothing of his charging from two to five times their value, (ono of these chaps charged $15 a pair for steel frame spectacles.) Now let any man carefully read 'the advertisement of any these Itinerants, and sift it down and think of what an easy way it is to make money, by paying from 75 cents to $1 pair for spectacles, and selling them for $6 or 88, amt if the spectacles should prove to bo of a very inferior quality, where is tho Professor when the dupe goes to look for him ? I have mon iron framed spectacles that have been sold by some peddler calling him self “Professor,” for 85, that no resident Optician Jeweler or merchant . of any kind, would thiuk of charging uny than 50 nents for. Bninum said tho people loved to be humbugged, and the bigger the lmmbng the greater the receipts, a case in point, is that of a “Professor,” who paid our city a Visit'"some time ago. Ho was un doubtedly the best informed, coolest, sharpest one of bis kind thnt I ever beard of. His plan was to get the Physicians and Preachers to testify to his wares Arc., then lie would “go for ’am.” He at tempted to cajole our Pliysicinns into siguing sorno of his printed certificates, but they couldn’t “see it,” not even with the spectacles he had presented them with. His spectacles were celebrated” in the United States as well as Europe, and further more lie claimed that he would A Novel Question of State Rights. An interesting suit is now pending in the Surrogate’s Conrt, in New York, in volving the right of a citizen to bequeath real estate to the General Government for any purpose. The circumstances are, briefly, as fallows: Mr. Charles Fox, formerly a resident of this city, and who died during 1809, left a considera ble estate, including a number of up town lots, cosh aud bonds, to the total value of half a million of dollars. Hav ing neither wife nor children, Mr. Fox mode a will in which ho bequeathed tho whole of his fortune to the United States os solo legatee, to l>o “devoted to the payment of the debt incurred by the Hemp, Venetian and Felt. Beautiful 3 ply*. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. AND RICH VELVETS, Of entirely new Style* au.l Pattern*. f D D ? f f It you want CAmira, HANDHOMF. CaarETS, CHEAP Carpet a, look at We cordially invite all to call and examine Government in the war for the subjuga tion of the rebellion iu Southern States.’ 1 This extraordinary will was presented in due course for probate, and two nepht of the deceased, of whom no mention is made iu the will, uppeored to contest it —presenting a petition to have it set aside on the ground of the illegality of its provisions. Ou behalf of the United States it is claimed that the General Gov ernment, in right of its soveriegnty, can not only take property given or devised to it, hut can bring suit to recover in eith* * United States or State courts. On behalf of the appellants it is urged that the General Government has right to hold real estate by devise, with out the consent of the Legislature of tho State in which such real estate is located, i the United States is a corporation hose charter is the Constitution, by which it is not authorized to hold real estate by devise. It is further claimed that there is no authority by which a man can devise his property to the United States, as no such authority has ever been conceded by the State Government; that the State of New York has sovereign control over its own territory, and with out tho special authority sometimes con ferred upon it. the General Government lias no right to take even a stone; and that, as no such power has been granted in the present instance, the General Gov ernment cannot hold this real estate any more than on alien power—Great Brit ain or the Bepnblie of France, for ex iple. By its ratification of the Consti- f. By ii tution of tho United States of New York agreed to the surrender of a certain por tion of its sovereign rights, but no agree ment has ever been entered into between the National and State Governments by which the latter consents to the former by citizens holding it in fee simple. The question thus raised is one of much in terest, and the decision of the suit will establish an important precedent.—Netc York Bulletin. bills due look ai a man’s eyes, and then «.«£. make a pair of glasses suitable for them. A CARD. Mr. Editor : Permit me, through your paper, to return my sincere thanks to the fire companies and citizens gener ally for their prompt appearance and eflicieut aid in arresting tho fire which occurred on my premises. I wish them a happy and prosperous New Year. Jan. 2d, 1871. P. F BROWN. WALL PAPER consignment to clone oat at less tha> GUANBERRY & CO. America*. Oct. 8, tf. $50,000 —DEALER IN— ffOflOIS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Grent’s MEN’S AND BOY’S THE GREATEST INDUCEMENTS Ever Offered in Wholesale and Retail. REMEMBER CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Americus, Ga, Oct 4. South Side of Lamar Street A. HIRSCH, Cotton Avenue two Doors below Toole & Sclinmpert’s, Americus, Ga IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER, Offers for sale at the very lowest Cash Prices WORTH OF Dry Goods Great Reduction in Prices 200 BBLS. BEST CORN WHISKEY, A riJLL •; J i* Groceries, Segars and Tobacco. S. Waxelbaum & Co’s NEW STORE, r St., opjxi- he largo Grocery Hooae of T le Bchnmprrt ana Fnrlow A Bro. J. A KENDRCK’S £6^ The election i» over. Candidates will please make it convenient to call and settle for their tickets immediately, a “ credit ” is a word we can’t go any more. L Monday afternoon, 2d inst, was tho first quarterly parade of the Fire Department. The Wide-Awakes were ont in their new uniform making a fine appearance. Hook k Ladder Company also made an imposing appearance. General PhiL Cook having re moved to this city offers his professional services to the people of this section. He ia a gentleman of the highest legal - — , V e J * "*pillar'n&f ability and will" prove strength" to those employing him in their cause. Jlia card will be found else- trbere in this paper. A good preacher can have a very large congregation any Sunday by hav ing religions service, at the Depot about train mar ked a lit tle negro boy’s skull with a stick, yester day, because he said he had seen him in Eufaula. 3U All persons interested in Sheriff’s Sales, for this county, are notified that no advertisement will be inserted in this paper unless the cash accompanies the levy announced. City Omenta—The City Council, aU l^AgnUr Meeting, held at their Chamber last evening, elected the following offi* cent to aeive during the present year: Chief Marshal—W. A Freeman. Deputy “ —J. C. Joiner. Policemen—W. W. Wheeler. John Brake, Sexton O. G. Cent—W. P. Hainta " ool’d “ —Abort Low* 1 He did not tarry with us long, this place was too small kc. Well now such hum- buggery did take iu most every place but this, the mau carried away from Colum bus alone over $6000, and large sums from other places where he stopped. And further more you never see one of these chaps that aro fond of exposure, at least they don’t cry for it, bat on the contrary usually get into a great rage, and would have people believe that they persecuted. Yours truly, • » -j ) ,JAS. FRICKER. A Card. To the Citizens of Stonier County:—I find that my name has been run for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this connty. It was pnt on the ticket without my knowledge or consent. I never have held any office of profit, and not anxious for any. Had I voted I should have voted for Mr. Ronaldson, as I consider him a good man in the proper plaoe. I hope heif elected. Jo* Mulholland. Americus, December 23,1870. TV* T IS I W.B, Older ot Judge Clark. Lee 8a- — ' w. K. JOTKeor, ~ perior Conrt bee been adjourned nnUl the second Monday in February. Jfewim sol os* E*juiooRemedies. O WING to the low price of Cotton, we hai concluded to offer the balance or oar Fa Stock at the following remarkable low prices : Go >d Fast colored Prints, 10 c. yd Very best Merrimack, Sprague,Ac 12J “ Best Shirting, 10 “ Beat Sheetings, 124 ” No. 1. Osnabnrga, 8 oz 14 “ No. 2. “ 9 •* Sea Island Homespun 10 “ Good Bleaching, 7 - “ Better quality, 10 and 12$ “ Osnaburg Stripe*, 12J “ Best Span Ysm, — 1 45 bn THE LAXOKST STOCK ( At the residence of Mr. Joseph Jack- son, Dec. 22d 1870, by Rev. G. T. Wil burn, Mr. W. G. Elder, of Clark county Ga., and Miss Cora M. Jackson, of Sum ter county Ga January 1st. 1871, by Elder T. R. Parsley, Mr. W. H. Wilkinson, to Mjiw Nannie Davidson, of Samter county. At the residence of Dr. S. 3. Hawkins, i the 1st inst, by Rev. Samnel Anthony, Mr. Georoe E. Thornton, cf Randolph county Alabama, to Miss Loudik A. Birdsong, of Americus. In Sumter county, on Thursday even ing, the 22nd of December, by Rev. J. W. Jordan, Mr. George T. Douglass, and Miss MabyA. Horne, daughter of the late Judge J. W. C. Horne. All of Sumter. At the residence of the Bride’s father, IsascHart jr.on the evening of the 15th of December 1870, by Judge A. J. Wil- lisms, Mr. J. H. Daniel, and Miss A. M. Hart, both of Schley county Ga On the lstinst. at the residence of Mr. R. W. Morgan, by Judge A J. Williams Mr. John A Webb, and Miss Elizabeth Morgan. All of .Samter county Georgia. DRESS GOODS offered, among wluch we offer the follow- Emprees Cloth « Black Alpaca * American Delaine* " In CLOTHING We have the largeet and beat selected stock in the city. Good Caaeimere Suita S10 00 and 115 00. Fine Walking Frock Goats, latest styles. Freedman’* Sait* from S2 50 to 13 00. | BOOTS and SHOES | We have the largeet stock ta the city, which we *| positively selling 35 per cent, lea* than any i them direct from ST Having determined to offer our friend* ami patron* all the inducements th* market af ford* w* invite all to call and *—*- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Call before yon purchase elsewhere, and yon «n_ Eomember tho old reli»bl. Srm of & WAXELBAUM A GO. waft If . 100 Barrels Old Kentucky Whiskcv, 2 rears old, 100 “ “ “ “'3' “ “ 100 “ *, “ i «. “ 100 <• “ “ “ 0 “ “ 50 Pipes of HOLLAND GIN, 50 “ FRENCH BRANDY, 50 Bartels PORT and SHERRY WINE, 500 Boxes Assorted Bitters. Supplies the trade from either one of their Eastern or Western Houses. Call and see for yourselves. dec 10 tf HO! FOR CHRISTMAS 1870. — A LABOE AND — ATTRACTIVE STOCK SEASONABLE GOODS Greatly Reduced Prices pon. oabui DRESS GOODS, the most fubionmble .tylea; SHAWLS AND KNIT GOODS; BOOTS AND SHOES; BROWN k BLEACH’D SHEETINGS AND SHUtTINGS; PLAID * STRIPED OSNABUBGS; CASSIMEBES AND JEANS, Colombo. Factory; HATS AND OAFS; from CLOTHING; CROCKERY, Ac., Ac.. All at the Very Lowest Prices FOR CASH! J. A. KENDRICK, At the mo-hum Stand, Forth Sid. of the Pnbtic ‘cjQa . trHrti: : ; 45. HOLIDAYS 1 Cotton. Prices I Oppenheimer & Frank’s CLOTHING HALL, Under the BARLOW {HOUSE. inform the public that tho LARGEST STOCK SELECTED ASSORTMENT * Gentlemen’s Clothing at th* above named house, which wfl| beaokl rt aTd below Cotton Price*. Give us a Call brtmlroingebnhera, u joa W) bn. to 25 percent. IgMosao, Wohanaho. nr, mbctatock Domestic Dry Goods, which wfflbeeoU at the Lowest Prices! OPPENHEIMER & FRANK’S