The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, January 06, 1871, Image 4

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All the Men in town and country of every age, size and description, ABE INVITED TO COME and be COMFORTABLE DON’T SHIVER ANY LONGER IN CLOTHES THAT ABE TOO THIN for the SEASON, It is the greatest enemy in the World. EWE COSDITiOS FCWHEES cert: ficate. » I c.'ri'fy ihM J I «ve oxMninp.1, and rourhly . *'a nij janctlw tW i arl k<. m*J r*?*Y 1 tl-crs m prrjaraticM cl in* |.r»|K»!« l ***tfc pj» ear«* from re- I NTENDING to leave Georgia at sn early day. I am now cfifering my citv property for wife, coosiKing of a DWELLING HOUSE and TWO 8TOHE ROOMS. located in the eastern part of the city, adjoining* A. K. Brown's law office. The dwelling is a comfortable one, and con tains fonr rooms, with two fireplaces. On the lot is a kitchen, splendid well or water, and the sri'rcde&z&'SJ&tiszs the city. The store rooms are convenient to the dwelling The property can he bought on very reasomu>!o terms. Cor cash. For farther information apply to O. J. NOIUUS. THE BEST ECONOMY IS TO COME TO M. WACHTELS’S €R£AT CLOTHING HALL, EABLY IN THE SEASON AND BUY THE CLOTHES YOU WANT. Don’t forget the place. M. WACHTEL’S novl5 Next door to Toole AfSchompert. .. ‘ . : ' .’-i i • • .4 ^ *». '-vu ‘ • ’ --•«?"•••• . j. l eaner. | ». e. mtu*. | t ea*. A. rea«rr_ J. J. PEARCE, BUTLER & CO., CXyiTON FACTORS, ackson Street, Ab,mIs, Cm. Brick for Sale. Notice to Physicians. t&T A * gentleman living near Cntii- bert, Ga., bad the misfortune to have Ilia gin-houso burned, containing cotton enoegh to umount to the sum of $3,000. The Appeal mys he was uol in un-ed. B8F&30 reward fora better and i lot of Furniture on the market Hess’ A notion House.. ^ — 1 • ' Metaphysical Discovery tj ftgal ELECnONNOncrl A S]”**bty to An Act to establish > ^ I XX Public Instruction 1 Commissioners. VINEGAR BITTERS u *« ou «cv mi cstabl h», . - XX Public Instrnctinn approved I 1870, tbera will bo held elect ion. ui .Mb lUiitUD»lrtctiii8»5 J oMI " c>OD,J Bo *" I °fid One School Trustee, to eerr cr attassasSS?? I U. l'. I.F.U, o"i r ,^ Georgia—Sumter Count v. WE ARE NOW OFFERING THEY ABB NOT A VHX C FANCY DRIMK v l|f c people toit. Jr -wiM Ik* seen M.»t the election take* plwo oji Sr. turd ay next, t tho 7 th day ci January, and no time rnn*t bo lost: Drr'r or Eduo.'.tiow, State or Gsoeum, < )fno: Statu Scroop Commiksioxer, A'.t.anxa, Ga., DfccpitNM 12,-ltiTO. KJii-r Sumter-fVrjwbliam .- Dear Sik—Relieving llu.t von d*>ire the mo.-t thorough utid prompt czecu u»u of the Public School !h-v rmwtM by tin* last General AiSendjIy, •* t-v»t. it school officer.-. 1 d.*-i NviujKithioH and labor? t/» secure the choice of election to be held in . . . uud one .• ineiubt-g-of the (!<» mty Heard ft EdncsiAioii, to serve • vvoye. rs. I trust tiiAt political aud nil other d:f- f. rendi-M will Ik* made snliordinate t<» the more impat£fnt consideration of tbe edu cational intcnwte of tho State, and that in the s'-lection <*f thiwe oflicyra tho prju- eipal questions will bo whether the can- uidateisau earnest aud sincere advocate of the Public School System, and c latent to perform tho duties. You will bear in min-1 lhat tbc Uwnfy lloanl of Kd mat ion nro to elfot a fcj ecre- tary, who is the County School Coxnmis *'ipner. llo is the only salaried ofiioei uScmb’nt «-f 1’iiUie Just; ia pays : "Jio should b. pnrritr, eduentiop, rity. Jlis chief •hool tew, csmuir.v.ig JiTHi niNiruciin*' i« ncliers, ronn.lHirig Di«- tiiet Tri!bt**e.s, a[i}H»rtioning funds, au diting i.cecunt', attending to all school inte esfs, and I'romofing generally a sj.irit of education among the people. A perfect County Superintendent of Schools would be a young man, or mid dle nf'ed man, of swceseful <*xperie DAVENPORT’S DRUD STORE, AND (?KT PHAMPHLETS. RKH AND WHITE Onion Sets. iar ft. i J A %,i. AURILVAE8. I a :j£. Hosford’s Yeast Powders, LINSEED OIL, T m y> v o v e d . jK'ukmg I»nb Everythin”: k<*|)t ii Dm Stoi l>o iomid at DAVENPORT’S C OJjbl K X rlulJy Inrni.-U nuy infer- :.jiiuind. lK*ctful!y, your obedient riiung ienec aud teachings,: intelligent readers •rreation which is tr Lfkwts of thk Vermont Liquor Law—Hotels Stoited.—Tho Vermont liquor law as is well known, is very stringent. Per selling liquor to travel- . cm for the first offense a light line ia iin posed; for the second ofienro a greater penalty is inflicted, and third offense constitutes a misdemeanor, for which the. offender may be severely punished. Four of the hotel-kedpers at llutlaml were re- ci-ntl^ it :s said, found guilty of the first and second grades of the offense, aud de manded of the town authorities immuni ty iVom the operation of the law, to far as the selling of liquor to travelers is concerned. This request it appears, was denied ; and tho four hotel-keepers at once entered into a compact to cease business. Acr-ordiugly they dismissed the sonants and guests, and now all the hofils of the place are fiermaucntly closed, the jiroprietors nailing bars aero.-s their front<*t. S3. Tho Supreme Court of Tennes%e has decided that the al>«ence of a stamp does not affect tl»e legality of a document. A hdluro to affix the stamp subjects the delinquent to fine by the United States Courts, when convicted, but does not af fect the validity of tho contracts in that State. Gar Tlio branch mint at Now Orleans, which hue done but veiy little business since the war, was practically closed up by I lie last Congress, us no appropriation was made for it, and the property has recently been turned over to the govern ment. In the evfrnt of n return to specie paymenta, the branch will he located elsewhere, probably iu the west. BQT A dispatch from Santa Fc, Dec. 18th, reports that nt El Passo on the 7th, B. F. Williams, a lawyer, shot Senator Fountaine, seriously wounding him.— Williams, resisting arrest, killed Judge Clark, and Capt. French, of tho State police, then killed Williams. f I NTOMOIADJ: WORK 4t th«} all**rtost |«elice. Wr love Two European- Workmen mayfi-ly . 8i*uth Side Lamar R’i'IM O VAL Si R. BOONE H AVING remov. J to iu ataml oconnie.1 by him \a«t )i-ur—known as thv G. M. Ha» building-ie now manufacturing, ai.d kc*-ii.-< «-n- itant!> on luuid a 1 -.11 or rino 35M.xi-xxitio.x-o- PARLOR SETS, In Walnut and Muhugauy; 'l ‘'ubambeiTsets,' With and without marble tops COTTAGE SETS, bedsti;als,maitmsses Chairs, Baaketj, Erorms WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS In great vanity. Repairing promptIv attended to. Orclrn tilled with aatiaSictiun aud diapatch ecpt1:l-tf HORSE AWD CATTLE REMEDIES. , The JJt'.d aud wont J!(liable ever offered fo the Public. Tho American Magnctio liable tarred* „ treatm-iU «<f i:« . LeMB tor *Uch4Uvar* taDo*"^ ll “ a 0,,y r, * ,n cl I Ut* G50ROE H. DADD, riatyy t>/ •* lift* Dodar,” Pa.xbascrt will phase for * eery «f "Honsand ft 0»ttia O-*n*r’* Ua{<!«" gratia LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, » Cuicaoc, Ills. t.Dpl. . • fcr.ttiiL loaltt.. to dnxakeuco. < uud r uin, liu t arv a tru a •‘licine, mala from t:.o Nativo Koota and j r-rt« of CaUtomla, l'roo from all Alcoholic St! mnUnta. Tb* y a- • • -o O «EAT BU IFlEHan l LIPB GIVING PJ PURI Fit CIPLB, a perfect Ke-ova;. ; ai.d Invi^nntor c.t tne Hyatcm, carrringotlaJ poUonou* matter, r.nd rostoriofi the tloo-t to a It -althy condition. N» )W«em taVethceo B.Uer*,cacordin*to •tireetionv ar.d remain longunwtlL . #100 will l»cp»«»forai»»ae»ratil«caee,pn». v Jn. ih* ben-.s are not tintroyel t*y xainecal >‘.Ur the triud organs W i«’-r-«t heron 1 the r*»int of repair. For Iallanun".tary and Chronio Bheu- adarsdS»3BF»ffi£ mittont Forers, Dtseavcvof th» Blood. Liver. Kidneys. ondBladdorMh^o Bit- sHS 1 ’ Digestivo OrgMts^ tv I! orpid li wand boweuTwhWlrwwtethm n’>tiar«di>WaadhspifliV^S-•r.^Gaafi vi_-or ie«Mw1wltjiTfS!«ni.'* Trf •*’*'* ‘ v ^SBSlSi£rSt& t. tinfut ejnaTrtoom.VrUtU fcto \h> ott-'rint* cl IX."«rep*!*;are cured bf thews TV!*"t *. Cleanse the Vitir.t«4 C.oo 1 wl.'^cv.rrm fl-vl it* irnnar5tl»w bufuting throorh th-*n . y.' f. I'.r-jpliona, or feor?': * * v ' ’ * t!i*! blood p*av .-.nd tho haaltUo*. t js vi.l f °nX. TAVB, m4 ofiar WO2113. InrklnvH t?w ay«tftuof to u-.uiy th-jmem-b, are «■•»«. tually V. r fa!! dire*-;i.««, read CHrcIntly tl>e circular •Mini each Wt!<\ printed in lour lan^iaaea— r. r>, i'rutfh. yadSjaBi«h.» ,T. WAKKEH, Pi A .V* Uommrw*direct, Ji. Y. r -.-ri. tor. 1!. H. McPOXAI.D A CO. Ayers Cathartic Pills, Jfor all tho purpoaoa of a Laxative Perhaps no one incU- eine is an univeraally required by even-- body ns a cathartic, uor was ever any bo- X& fiffafg among mi cusses, as lliU iniltl bat efficient purgative Frf/f. ITie ined it, know thai u curea uicm; uiosc wno nan not. know that it cures their neighbors and friends and nil know that what it does once it docs al ways—that it never fails through any fault or neg gleet of its composition. We hare thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures known in every neighborhood, and we need S ublish them. Adapted to aU ages and conditJ i ail climates; containing neither calomel uor deleterious drug, they may be taken with sa by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves tl aver fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, w being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify tbe blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orgaas of the body, restoring tlicir irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such de rangements «a ara tha first or*-* * -**— Minute dire the box, for th MU rapidly ForDyspepda or Isdlyeitloa, List I. ness, laarnor and Low of Appetite, they should l.e taken moderately to stiranute the stom- Complaint and its various symp toms, unions Headache, Mick Head* ache. Jaundice or Green Sickness, Dll- or remove the obstructions but on* *. Gravel, Fab J, Pain In tko - I* and Lolas, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce tbe effect of a drastic purge. For MnppreasJon a large dose should take n ns it produces the desired effect by sym- nathy. -v _ , ... As ififtuerWH talw one fir tur* TUIm to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels hto healthy action, restores tbe appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a ■dose of these TUIm makes him feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect — the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. Arm & CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V. 8. FAIR WARNING! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : A LL partied who owe ns, if not paid by the 1 day of January, 1871, or some arrangeme! mad*;, will bo exp.iced in tho public journals this place aud Macon. We have *tood it just l l»ug aa we intend to. 1 mean what I nay, and do assure yon that I am not afraid to act. _ lenient a* any roan, but for- o !*• a virtue, and . r . living oil of others must i dishonest. TVe except cash and prompt-paving men. _decl.Vtf. ' H.^LCAIN. XT ALUABLEPROPERTY » FOit MALE IN bUUMHWlCK, Ga., si a* in g of lute to enjt purer a.'K-rs. liucly situated. 480 .IS 15Q ccntly surveyed iut*» lots and now tor tho firat time oilcndat low prices to encourage improve ment.*, ] rv*-iit>Bg great inducements to settlers. (Wjjit.u f-iH ami others wismug to make safe and valuable ixivcstiuonts, as tne projsjrtymi vanoe rapidly in aa tbo city impr Titles aro jK-rtect. 18-scriptivo pkmpble maps can lie i»-en or procured at the offio S. ll. HAWKINS. Atton . mar 12-ly for Cbarlea Day. r. Cement, PXiAl3TEB. T HE underfeignod tenders his service* to the citizens of Americas, and informs them that ho in prepared to execute in the beat style, snr kind of work in the lino of PLA8TERINQ, CEMENTING, Ac., Brown, or any other reft done in tho xeatikt Kyle. •a. Specimen of my w ork may be seeu on t new r.Mdcnre of Dr. t. J. Eldridgc. • SatisL. tiou guarantied, rieemf JOHN A. DUANE. Valuablet3ity Property WAGONS, A RN CARRIAGE MAKER’S MATERIAL PRICES IN KEEPING WITH THE PRICE of COTTON. ST AND--East side Public Square, Win. Sirrine & Son. Great Reduction Great Reduction IN CLOTHING ! IN CLOTHING ! M. WACHTEL’S CITY H A. L L . CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING “ DON'T SHIVER MEN." IjTTTLE MAN- SMALL MAX- THIN MAN- STOUT MAX- LEAN MAN- FAT MAN- SHORT MAN- TALL MAN- ACTIVE MAN- STUDIOUS MAN- FIRST-RATE MAN- FALL Pall FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. CLOTHES. —AND DEALER IN— NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL, Lamps, Chimnies, Fine Segars and Tobacco, CD P- M* <3> 0 © GG •av ‘STIO ‘SLNIVd *iO XOOLS LSaORVTE ‘seuioipejm l sSojq jotu. iwiuo re. oomer, tor berre] f an , ,. having applied for exempUon of Peitoni^ kp-bbix^ ! Administrators' Sale. (Y virtue of an order paatci bv the (v,-. miter con. tr Will i.. . — pass on the eame at my *. day of January, at 10 o’clock. janStw B. Ordinary of Sumter, wilfbe'CSf,''! fore the t>mrt House door in tW eit v of tdh I cue, on the firet Tuesday in February DtrT’ H tween the usual hours of i*ale. that plantation in the 15th district of SutnUrcJT’l good state of cultivation. a kl Tenne—Cash. JAMES I*. WEST .. PHILIP wtar, ’ Administrators de botiin non on the ttt»*. ■ ol J. W. Walker, of bum ter court* G dec 20 tds 9XR0EGIA, Sumter County. . TIT HE RE AS, Kueben H. Blappey, Adn^l w* trator of Uriah Slangy, deceased, up 1* fl to me for leuers of disnuseion as adnuui^r2 V on estate: ^ , Tbeae^ therefore to ate and admoui-h 1 1 * ai1 cmLt , ora deceased, and all persona concerned, to b*r appear at my office within tho Umo nrescrv by law, and show cause, »f any they W. letters should not be gland otherwise lett^, diemiflaiou will be granted in term ot ib« Given under my liand and official sinus™. 1 his 19th day of December, 1870. 8 *■ 1 ftgal Itotitts—^x^ltD tfi. Administrator’s Sale. D N the first Tuesday in Febnurv next •old before tbe Court House door is th I town of Ellariile, Schley county, one-fifth intetS I iu two lots of Uud, numbers 62 and 35 in I 3d district of Schley county, known a« thtCine I Oleaveland land. Sold as the property of w i I O. cleaveland, late of said county, docV*«ed. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Schley Superior Court, October Term, ltfo SABAH WALDREP,) vs [- Libel for Divorce. SIM. WALDREP. J perior Court then and there to answer ihei>Ui> I tiff in an action for Divorce, and that M-rr;n (, I perfected on said defendant by publication <i I l^qal ^alfS-OQlfbsttr ?o. non, estate of J. P. Harrell, late of said conn:;, dec’d. applies tomefoi letters of dismuskw ii administrator on said evtate. These are therefore to cite and admoniih, o and singular, tbe kiudri'd and credit' lcccaxed, and all persons conci ippearat my office within tho by*Uw, and show cause, if any they Cave, oil*- erwiso letters of dismission will bo grantola and official siguatsu, this 25th day of October, 1870. " G. \V. Davksimut, Ord’j Notice to Debtors and Credits. d hereby uotified to come immediate payment, aud those bolding dix* against said dec’d will band them £rgal fiotitts—J!fc Count;. for Letterw of Guardianship of the j> property of ltobert McLeod Minor of McLeod deceased. Tliese are therefore to cite and adm aud singular tbe kindred of said minors aud ii> persons concerned, to he and apj*ear at bit of fice within the time prescribed by law, and fi* their objection, if an/ they have, otherwise let ters w*U be granted said applicant. Given under, my band, iu office, at Ktarkri!>. this 5th day of December, 1870. J. W. WILKEKKON, Ordinan. Georgia-Lec County. HERE AS, tho estate of Wes . deceased, late of said county, i e therefore to c tions, if auy they have, why such letters should not be vested in the Clerk of the SupenorCourt, or some otherproper person. . Given under my baud and signature this 13& of December, lo70. dec 15 Im J. W. Wmaaso*, Ordinary. SEWING MACHINES ON TIME! WE WILL HELL The .American CombinatioD BUTTON-HOLE A OVERSEAMING SEWING MACH1M OB THE PUIN AMERICAN, which will do all that can be done on the C<* bination Macltino, except the BnttonSole & Overseaming. ON TIME I nes make the lock stitch sides, and Will not Rip! They will stitch, hem, felt, tack, teri, bw} quilt, and gather and aew oo. In fact theyww do everything that any other machine can»j mparatively noiseless, and easier than _ Jier two thread machine. We vrill red! machines to responsible partial upon tho folio*- ing terms: $25 cash when He. Machine is bought, b once in weekly instalments usd the machine is paid for. Any lady can, in a abort time make the machii* Pay for I tself Erery Machine Warranted. Leitner and Flicker, SOLE AGENTS . In Americas far these n