The Weekly Sumter republican. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1889, December 30, 1885, Image 1

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The Sumter Republican. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS AND DEVOTED TO NEWS,' UTEBATUBE SCIENCE, AND GENERAL BRQGR£8S BY C. W. HANCOCK. AMEBICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1885. VOL. 32. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. tat Home Square, A MKRICUS.G V Those who enjoy riddles may bother I their brains over that which follows: I Adana Goal made oat of «last, Bat thought it best to Make ate first, So I was made before the naan To answer God's most holy plain. B. B.&E.F. Hinton, Attorneys at JLaw. I’ractice In State and Federal courts. HT Uawklas llut.Uing Americas, Ga. My body God dad make complete, I Bat without arms or hands or feet, L My ways and acts he did control, la Bat to nay body gave no soul; l( A living being I became, Ami Adam gave to nae my name} I I from hispreseaeothen withdrew, lj And more of Adam never knew. ! I did my maker's lawobey, • I* Nor from it ever went astray. I ThouMuid of miles I go in fear, I \ Bat seldom on the Earth appear, It For purpose wise whieh God did see IJ lie put a living sonl in me— A *»ul from me my God did claim I. And took that soul from mo again; 11 For when from me that sonl had fled, T I was the same as when first made; | And without hands or feet or sonl 1 travel on from pole to pole. ( I labor hard by day and night I To fallen man togive delight; I Thousand of pooplc, young and old, I | I Will by my death great light behold, I ’I No right or wrong can I conceive, I The Scriptures I can not believe; - I I Although my name therein is found, I I They are to me an empty sound. j I No fear of death doth trouble me, I And happiness I ne'er shall see; | I To Heaven I can never go, I Nor to the grave nor nell below ji I Now when those lines yon slowly read I I Go search your Bible with full speed, I For that my name's recorded there II honestly to you declare. j B. P. HOi-i-lS, Attorney at lane, A.MEKICCS.UA. OSes, Forsyth Street, n National Bank building. detaotf J. R. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, And Real Estate Agent. ELLAVlLLS, GEORGIA. i’n>apt sttaotlo n riven to all bo»lnco estru* t<«l him. Mo charve* unices rolled Ions made CUT ’EM OUT MY BROTHER AND CARRY THEM IN YOUR LEFT VEST POCKET FOR REFERENCE. , 76c, >1.25, $1,60 .ml $3,00. I 60 Piece China Tea Sets from |5.00 to $25.00. 1 Cologno Seta from 50c to $5. WuhiUnd arts from $1.00 to $25.00. Tin Tuilet sets from $2.50 t r - . tig). Lamp Chimneys Qt. Gem Jars, pc* uua. *imu |l gal. Gem Jars, per do*. 11.75 [Jelly Cups with covers per ^ Goblets from 35c a set to $1. ! Large Glass Pitchers. 50c. Glass Beta 4 pieces, per set, 40c Large Glass stands each 25c. Hyrup Cans each 15c. Hamburg Ridging per yd let. IrooBtooe China plate*, cup* saucers per set 40 and 50c. Steak Dishes with Covers 00c. Large stock, finest variety of Ta ble Cutlery to town. Iron han- I die Knives GOcts. per set. Valances Lace per 3 ard 2c Braes Hand Lamps, lScta. Brooms 20, SO and 50cts Picture Frames very Cheap. : Window Shades Complete 11.00 • Mattresses $2.70,4.00,10.00,15.00 I 30.00. _ Spring beds, $1A0 to 9.00. Uedsteedes. $1.50 to 60.00. Double locked and guaranteed | hickory chairs 60c. iGlssses large else 40cta. B. H. WILKINSON, Attorney at Mmte. And Real Estate Agent. I Win attend promptly and rarer bow asarwiruatedt) SM. More J ed will b« Immediately remitted. Omta-Umsr Street People’» Triple Plate Custom $3.75 Warranted to hold its plate 15 years. Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks from 75c pet set to $12.00. Uncle Mass Hay said oi our Plated Ware, It is the best the cheapest I’ve bought. I'm This Eight Day Clock $4.50 i)r. J. A. FORT, Physician and Surgeon j&tkisssrtsri*.- Kr?r-tdridge's Drug Store. At nlghtcan tm found at residence at the Taylor bouso, ‘^CsSs^toreerivi. prompt attention. ErGr SIMMONS. Attorney at Mmu> AMER1CUS GA., omet-^f Eldridges, in Bartow luUdingup stabs. Room No. 4- T11KSK KTKRTDAr TITLES. I w»T» that a wife who gets ap in the I usual morning dntie*. A few minute* middle ofth.nightto arw buttons on I after, she heard the repoct of the rifle Hmao Journal. I her husband's clothes m a pneelees I in the house, and horned la to as, Not only in our country, but appar-ltreamxre, a crown to her husband, aadl tain the cause. She fouaAOmafofd I ently with all modern peoples, the hub I an her oex.” living on the floor, with a balled hole in it. hae arisen and become a permanent] Then Mr. Jonoe chaetiing to himottt I the easier of bia forehead. The blood and every day custom of appropriating | lay ealmly down and slept the sleep of I mas slowly ooaing from it, and near hie ' what were formerly definite titles oflttie jnst—flwlsn Ctorir. I tide lay the rile. She immediately high distinction, and making them ab-1 _ , , ■■ ;;—; . I gave the alarm, and in a diert w hile | solntely meaningless by tacking them|. There lately died in Pams a hump- j roceived assistance. Cracford was I to the name of every obscure tadivid-|backed man- tor Ike previous fifty I placed on a bed, wad a physieiaa wag | ual. Does not, for instance, every I years of ku life, had given hu time to I gammoned. Everything poesible was I German butcher and baker expect to I researches upon hla hnmp-baeked| done to save tire suicide's life, but to I be dubbed “herr” or “lord!' It is the I brethren. Hie heirs found, instead I m> avail. He lingered until 10 o'clock I tame, too, both with the "monsieur” I of a will, a voluminous manuscript of I sad then died. I of the Frenchman, and the “signor” |two thousand pagea upon hump*. He! Yesterday morning a messenger w« a |and the “senor” of the Italian and I *fas rich, and traveled in every dire©-1 amt to Mmeou for a coffin, which wsa I Spaniard. In actual conversation we|tkM» for information. It was in the I obtained from Messrs. Wood A Bond. < I are leas assuming than our neighbors, I milder regions of Europe that he found I Cranford was well known in Macon, land do not require to be spoken of as | the misfortune the most prevalent I For a number of years hobohghtlft* I Esquire Smith or Lord Jones, being | Spain supplies the greatest number, I gappRa* in this eily. He was indebted I quite contented with a plain ‘‘Mister’ | and in a circumscribed locality at.the I to several persons, here, bat as fir as I before out names; but we are quite apt | foot of the BieraMorena there existed | could be tearned' the amounts-were to feel slighted and offended if tha I one hump-backed individual to overy|smalL Added to his financial trouble I “Esq.” should be omitted after our I thirteen inhabitants. They were atoo! was an nnfortanate habift'uf drinking < I names on the envelopes which contain I found very numerous in the valley of | to excess. It is understood that the lour correspondence. The history of I the Lorie in Franoe. The writer s ooo-1 two combined preyed upon hi* mind to | those everyday titles of Mr. and Mrs. I elusion was that for every thousand I * n ch an extent as to weaken it, and for I which are now the common property of I persons on the globe there was oaelgome time past his neighbors have 'lest, though in some of its steps it is a|the entire earth. .The last page of the I Twiggs oonnty yesterday aftent$anr*^ J little obscure, vnd a few remarks upon | ^ | —-—— Artewinn Welle. Reader, Maryville: What conditions buy a buggy load of nice! things for your table and 'ten or twelve dollars worth of Furniture will balk a dr am of mules. You'll ' tixi«l me on the A written guarantee furnish ed up to 15 years. I represent Mendan Britannia Co„ Reed k Barton, Simpson Hall, Miller k Co. In feet all the leading manuficturuis in this line. Prescription Druggirts. Ttiimar stroot. .V3IERICDH, GEOHGIA J. M. R. Westbrook, M. D- Physician and Surgeon. CLOCKS A Farmers’ Lantern Safe and Lasiirftnly. ECr 'CLOSE BY THK -TEM PLE OF JUSTICE " Dr. C. A. BROOKS. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Millinery! Millinery!] 80W SU00E8S 8U00EEDS I it may not Im out of place here. deceased, which *aid.nothing regard-1 In the tarlicr times of our history I inf the dissOritiou of his property, but j the ordinary man was simply William Umplv desired that a hump of marble or John; that is to say, he had merely I «J»pu}d be raised upon his tomb with , I a Christian name, without any kind of I this inscription: Here lire a hump-1, | “handle” before it or surname after it. I back, who had a taste for humps, and 1 Into the question of aurnamre wo do knew more about tham than any other I not propose to enter here. Suffice it to|hnmp-back. I 1 I say that as some further means of dis-1 ■ . I< I tinguishing one John or one William I . ^ .... I' from another John or another William The tkxMMas of the party division I were found, in process of time, to bo I in the Ohio Legislature, says the Rome I necessary, names, generally nicknames Courier, justifies a hope that John I derived from a man’s trade, or from 1... . * ,u. I Ins dwelling-place, or from mm per-1 aonal peculiarity, were tacked on to twa for a United States Senator. The I I their Christian names, and plain John I Republicans appear to have not exceed I I became John Smith. As yet there I i„g a majority ef three oo joint ballot I wealth than the bulk of ku fellows-1 bto suppoMtwo that two or thrre Ro- | became, perhaps, a landed proprietor, I publican members can be found will-1 I or an employer of hired labor. Then Ito snito with the Desaecrats in sap-1 SSJSF5 bli*— I this place or of that, of these workmen Id*** a more liberal aad broad-mind-1 | or of those. In time the “Maistre,''|edmaa. Wo are clearly of the opinion I lor “Mai*ter," as it soon became, got | that the Democrats ought, when they] tacked on before his name, and be he- ^ u bo chance to elect one I I came Mauler Smith, and hia wife wan | -1 I ..n. who h.d > uoUbl«|Kaitiuu u. n»«.ato( th«t kind tor tho Jct«t I place, and who actually were “mas-1 of Sherman. They owe this duty to I ten.” or something or other beyond thel^ coantry, not merely as a personal! ithuJdignifiedwith the title. Colonel Donna, of Dakota, says III I ally the sense of poooeocaon was loatlatedsmagogna.lmtbeemMahuslsrtionl^^^^^ that imperial territory ■ I sight of, and the title was conferred I would boa tnnmph of wetMnalimiJ^^^^-^^ Iu a recent I..IU, M upon any man who had attainedsoeial ^ to prolong tho di™* I the Pkiladelphu New. he says: “It it distinction of any kind, whether by . .■ a bv the war I . .7^ ^. ! . , J , 11 1 wealth, or by holding some position of ■ n 'V«ilmmtire oamoa sy ino war. M rnntiag region for giris and youn, I more or Ires consideration aid impor- U would make tho “Moody *>*1’ tb« women, because they are oo scarce o I tance. I prominent issue in the next elections I to a huae- oremiura. Th For along seriesi of ymhoworor,Ltthe North, both Stotoand Preside*-1 f#w “M^?r” W Sitowhieh “Maistor*’ «51 1 and * baff unmarrie. I transformed), unless he was distinctly 1 01 sttife ^ r °“ dl y" 0 P~ I and marriageable men toeyery an mar in a position superior to that of the I had been smothered by the eleetimi •( I ri^d ud aarrinccaUe woman, and th great bulk of his fellow-countrymen, I Cleveland. The triumph of John fiber- . and was reodly, mono nmse « another, aft., hi. fcto eaamse, would be CStam bscbeWs3wiTwcre t. I a “master,” and it uonly within com-1 !fa . __j I 1 . oacno$m* anu wiaowcre i Iparatively modern times thatthe term | * "Stomal enlayty. and to prevent it I^ or widow. This makes a* CUD. to b. DD DlDCDt i»- * 7“* br «~aWK>ki»» rH oftk. rood I writing. Mautrc bmithcon boo.. — lfoc «D»o ..ock »' *"7 •'“ •’f iMutrcu timith, E»ctly ko« aad AtMCur. Iki^uc. trou. 30 to 100 [Decent.hi*b Im|. Op. ■ The flrat Dae o( “Miatcr" UdiBcDltIEaptec. A| dod. •uopfcl tomur- tic ud tonne. Th. peter « Juno 10-tf OLD WOODEN DllVU STORE. SPREAD. MY STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY IS NOW COMPLETE, EMBRACING ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES IN LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S Course of 8tudy:\ l Bookkeeping, Buiatti Aritkanbc,' HATS AND BONNETS ft MtEfTttj SMB] HAS BEEN CRAMPED FOR ROOM LONGTIME AND 1»NOW ENLAK U1KG U1S STORK TO JUST DOU BLE 1TB FORMER S1ZK. THIS HAS BEEN CAUSED BT INCREASING TRADE WHICH DEMANDS ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF TRIMMINGS, AND ORNAMENTS Southwest tieorgia Real Estate Agency. IN GREAT VIRIETY. And All Sundries! EP SECIALLY Mrs. M. E. R.11JYE8. Jas. Frieker &Bro, JEWELERS. SEED! And Planter? Goods. AGENTS WANTED ‘BILL ABP r S°8CRAP BOUK. TIITT'S Momr. Of Kto atty.. Amrt; ■id aU la wont of employment should writ* foi eoofideatUl terms. A mot wW •^WJSBSSlKSu. n,4 t . Fop Sale op ? en ^' ® esid ^hcbch, 0S AS LOW AS ANYUOUSE1N TUE STATE. 80*4E RARE VARI ETIES OF CHOICE SOUTH ERN GROWN SEEDS ON HAND THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ELSE WHERE All k*c4« la tin drag Use are new re w well as Seeds. B little cmH will .■aoyou. II .1 to, A land foe sale. IX HUNDRED saw* of fla* Und-* tt!3S23m£r£.Sg& If’and thq lesa^tko supply, tl tho valuation always. T cstern Territories could funii snd husbands for twenty tho NOTICE. Dr. 0. P. HOLIOWM. If*. B. OLIVER, a. At DBAPEB Call early as we have bargain! regret if you mua. ^ ^ ^ Sale begin* THURSDAY morning Octulxr let, 1885 Athens, Os. P.H- HELL, B.B.,LU5-.Chitc*Ite JEdgerton House, 0||idti r—soasr Pepsi MACON, GEORGIA *X. ?• Brews k Bon,. SKprUter Balts $MjOO for Day ADMINISTUATOUS SALE. TURKEYS FOR SALE I rnX TORE BRONZE TCBKEY8 aWImHouw'MMB St Mis.W.H. Allen. Pro’s.' IaMERIOIS, (1A. NOTICE. “No”mid tho Georgia his head solemnley. **i your bugs and I don’t like you can bet yer life I « [VIGOROUS HEAITH ME-