Newspaper Page Text
smmiw trow!
£]'/&{$> Aepl. 2 t 7, /872,
- ; * For President ' >'
. )<a . OF NEW YORK. -
For Vice-President :
, rp>m.iT«Tii tr urnc;
b. T; WOFFORD, of Burtow,
HENRI L. BENNING, ofMuscogee.
1 District-H. C. TURNER, of Brooks,
R. N. ELY, of Dougheitv
W. J. HUDSON, of Harris.
J. M. PACE, ofNewton,
Dr. CASE} , of Columbia,
E. D. GRAHAM, of Dade.
GreeJcy's Speech at Mcksburg, 1871.
In assuming the editorial department
of the North East Georgian, we
*re fully aware of all the duties and
responsibilities attached to it. Before
the war it was our vocation, at the
commencement of hostilities we laid
■aide the pen for the sword, and
“ Marched to the sound of the drum.’
After the surrender our occupation
like Othelo’s “ was gone” and so was
nealrly-everythingelse we possessed. Af
ter various plans to keepour head above
nwater and “ push along keep moving,”
wwe have at length determined once
.iroore to take hold of ‘ the pen,
TThat mighty instrument of little men.”
'iThere is no drudgery more severe
*Hhan that of the press. Those who
have the neatly folded sheet brought
in every morning have little idea ot
the mental and physical labor that
have been necessary to afford them
that luxury. He who enters for the
tastes of the public, even in the col
umns of a weekly journal has a con
stant drain upon his intellect. The
imp of the composing room continues
ibis cries for more copy, though the
brow throbs with pain i nd the mi se
continues deaf to all appeals for aid.
We must beg o- r friends and pattrons
not to view u< too closely with a critics
eye, we have been so long from the
editors chair that they must look over
for a season, as a lawyer would say all
errors, uncertainties and insufficiencies,
not desert us, but look with kindness
upon our failings and efforts to please,
and say with honest Sancho Fanza
" Let the hen live through she have the
As we become more accustomed to
«ur office, we are determined to make
each issue an improvement on the last,
publish a live paper, wh’-h we scinoere-
ly hope will he agreeable to our patrons
• id profitable to ourselves. To those
with whom wo are unacquainted we
would say that we are Southern born,
we love every grain of sand upon her
•oil, and every drop of water in her
streams. We came to this State
rt angers and settled in Elbert county,
her people received us with open hands
■nd generous hearts, and may our
right hand forget its cunning if we
ever forget their kindness to us. We
hags now cast our lot among the peo
pie of Athens, be it for weal or woe,
time and chance must determine. We
have purchased the Athens Banner
Gffice, and the only change we will
make ttt present is the name an 1 sub
scription price. Our paper will be
called Northeast Georgian,
a*d sept to suscribers at two doll-
oyr brother editors we extend the
of friendship, and trust
POfbiug Fill aver occur to mar
to tod feeing that should be felt
atm of the same
Letter from Charleston,
f to*. Trawl, Politics, Pretty Ladles,
Ac., Ac.
I The C arhst.m liiic norhw.irdninir*^
j! tains i.s old popularity with ^erchauR, _
! and the freight business is unpreeedont-;
- , ed. Among its arrivals on yesterday
wore fifteen car loads of goods for
Athens, chiefly from tim' Chariest
steamers. Such ; is the ,pre
business by These boats, that they do
not wait for regular sailing days, but
leave as soon as their immense freights
can be discharged, and outward freight
loaded. The-. “ Georgia,”- which was
announced for this' afternoon hurried
off at 7 this morning. The Champion
goes at 9 to-morrow—Having secured
passage on her, yon will—should she
ride the perils of the equinox securely—
hear from me next in Gotham.
The people of Bouth Carolina bear
their political ills with heroic fortitude^
The devastation of the war was trifling
compared to the plunder of the ill
umined vampires of reconstruction
who followed in its wake. Negro rule
and carpet-bag financcering which have
bank-rupted the State, have pressed
sorely iijion the business interests of
the city. The city tax is two per cent,
and though the State tax has been al-
tno.-t as much more, the treasury is
empty, uml the inmates of the Peni
tentiary and Lunatic Asylum arc now
f ; d by the bounty' of private citizens.
The Superintendent is here now, trying
to raise a few thousand dollars to feed
the poor maniacs after October 1st up
to which time he has obtained supplies
in Columbia. He offers as security
warrants on the treasury, but as Moses
i.s said to have issued about a million
of dollars of these already, no capita
lists will touch them. I met one of
Moses’ clerks to-day—a man of culture
—and a Democrat—who was offered
a clerkship at Columbia—required to
do no service—and received these
warrants in payment. At first the
ring would shave them but at length
they became worthless, and the holder
had actually to send home here for
money to pay his board in Columbia,
though he had several hundred dollars
of these warrants in his jwket. It
seems that Moses lavished these war
rants with a prodigal hand, on friend
and foe, for the purpose of buying up
strength for the Gubernatorial race on
which he has just entered. He got
the Radical nomination, but a large
party bolted, with ev-Gov. Grr at their
head, or tail, and support one Reuben
Tomlinson, who I believe has been
auditor. Tomlinson is a Pennsylvania
carpet-bagger, and has naxel rich on
Imnds and jobs of various sorts. Aii
effort is on foot to induce the conserva
tive, decent citizens to unite on
to beat Tomlinson. The difference be
tween them appears to lie that Moses,
who is a native Jew, has scattered his
plunder with a lavish hand amons
friends and foes, while Tomlinson is
charged fattening with a Tribe of cormo
rants foreign to the soil. Moses ha«
recently gone into bankruptcy, but has
friends who are not broke, and who
are pressing his claims on the white
oiks, who see no chance of such a
split in the ranks of the faithful as to
afford any hope of electing an honest
ticket. Moses favors the repudiation
of the fraudulent bonds, while Tom
linson, whose ring is said to own files
of them, is of course shocked at such
depravity. Moses is a gentleman of
culture, a fine speaker, and as the
world goes, a princely fine fellow—a i
improved edition of our late handsome
executive^ As long as his warranls
were paid, he, as speaker of the House,
and dispenser of bribes in the Assem
bly, was quite as potent a personage as
Gov. Scott. Amusing incidents ot
the shamless bribery of the Legisla
ture are openly told. When there
were no jobs on hand, the negro law
maker complained th?.t it was dull;
and nobody thought of gettiug them
to pass a bill of any importance with
out bribery. It is cruejly intimated
that Moses used to take the money,
and subsidize his credulous dupes with
treasury warrants—but this may be
slander—la ey even ijj> ic re are
not so stupid ns to receive the stuff.
The phosphate interest here has as
sumed immense proportions, nnd is a
most opportune source of revenue to
the vicinity, fbe supply rasBts juex-
haustible, coverjug thousand, and per
haps millions of acres, bordering the
rivers, near the coast Jt is from 4 to
18 inches deep, in the form of indu
rated nadulcs in an adhesive Usd of
blue day and saud. It is mixed with
the remains of animals, fish, etc., and
contains 60 per cent, of phosphate of
lime. Under thiaeru&t there has been
found a bed of runrj, said to be 500
feel deep, for many miles along the
coast. This marl contains 90 per cent,
carhonate of lime, and 10 per •>»})* of
the phosphate of lime, aud ha9 there
fore value for fertilizing purposes, .So
It is evident that if the guano deposites
of Peru .should fail, the manipulators
of that unctious article may find along
this coast .a valuable substitute.
Oar U
From iha.VyuiJa. Journal* ... _ ..
Gordpi in Iiidiana!
I it - - -: re •« -;-t~
Uallaai Georgian MikcsaProfennd
linprrssto'u on H es.uru jlvii I
Ne .y Al.l
bany, Ind. Sept. 14,72.
? u t Thp citizens or New Albany were
[treated to a novel entertuinuiqut last
A real live rebel General is
not seen every day north of the “ bloody
•chasm,” and we feel ourselves happy,
now and then, to touch the' Jate reoet-
lious finger-tips stretched across to
greet us in the old spirit of fraternal
concord ; but to fiejir a speech from
such a man as Gen.- J: B. Gordon, of
Georgia, is a matter deserving of special
mention and consideration.
A few hours’ noticeby handbills, aud
in the columns of the Ledger titainlard,
that Vance, Gordon and •'shorter would
speak at the Opera Hou-e in mis city
lost night, served, to jiack ih.* entire
Tallulah FaH.
Corrcpoad-ace or the Ctprlaloa Courier-]
The Fall of Tallulah, -or “The
, Ternbla,” is situated on the Tallulan
I litter, which here rushes through a
go.go in lue uiiiuutaui, singui tr tor it-
uep.n and grandeur. The ,pc: pcudic-
utar cJiils asceuti from five hundred to
a thousand or twelve hundred feat,
wooded to their very summits, aud the
quivering trees staud against the ver-
ttcle walls ot rock, eternal spectators
of the war of waters raging' and thun
dering below, ritauding npon a rocky
ledge within a’ huudaed feet ot trie
river, one beholds the waters boiling
through a, defile over a slope rather
than a fall ot abrut fifty feet and rush
ing with pallid trout ami _-mini roar
towards tue second descent, where, in
a narrower defile, half hidden by a
projecting root, which also conceals
) ii'O.ii t;ie spectator oa the opposite
031 ru ASS.
“Early, bright, transient chaste as
morning dew,
nng ■ K
She sparkled, was exhaled, and went
to heafeu,'
Legal Notices,
Executory Sale.
A GREEABLE to an order from
F XJL the Court of O.diuury of Franklin County
tv- J Atl.ana nn ' Mmiiluv mm. ! n *- W illbo whl bo ore tM Court hou-ed tor m
Died in Athens on mommy, rt-irn- c , 4 . 11Tvilie .,i,i ull , } . h , Tucdayiu
in -> >) ■. ih >• ] J • 1. | / i ’ • N->.-m no 1, wiiiiiu ,lio tegd uo-r>. l.-ae, i
building from pit to gallery with eager, j '‘bore, half its white wild^agony, it
expectant hearers, flu* presence oi a j n ‘»Kes its itvful piiiugeof oa:» Jitindretl
Cmmxsrov, Sept 18,1872.
Leaving Atbvjjt* on Tuesday night
•otbing specially notalje marked the
ikmiliar Ujp to Augusta, cove a deteu
tion at BaroeU, caused by on accident
to the op passenger train. The sleep
mg car was thrown fropj Oje track by
A broken rail, and turned over against
• friendly sand bank, causing no little
dismay and bard scrambling, but do
iiig no damage. The detention caused
large number o:*' I .die* v.a* ’specialty '
cheering—this being the occasion in
which Heaven’s “ last, best gift to
man,’ has graced a political gathering
in New Albany the present canvass.
Governor Vance aud Colonel Shorter
having returned home, the re.q>on*i-
bility of the occasion fell entirely- on
Geueral Gordon. The absence of
Governor Vance was a great disap
pointment to many of our citizens,
especially those who immigrated to
this neighborhood years ago from the
old North State.
Iu the matter of the entertainment,
however, there was no disappointment,
but universal congratulatiou rather.
The speaker pursued a line of argu
ment which was interesting and in
structive, to us of the North, as it was
unusual in this portion of the country,
i am backed by hundreds of earnest
Liberals and Democrats of New Al
bany in urging upon your Democratic
committees of Kentucky and the Nat
ional Committee to make Gen. Gordim
canvass as much of the ritate as possi
ble before the October election. You
may imagine how well his speech was
received when I inform you that 1
heard a prominent Democrat of this
city ejthusiastically declare: “If
Gen. Gordon will make a dozen such
speeches at prominent points in In
diana he will carry the .Suite lbr Hen
dricks and Greelev
Aud our friend is not far wrong. I
fell you that neither 8hurz no.* Hen
dricks can have half the eflect of a re
presentative .Southern man like G -n-
eralGordon. 1 knew his speech would
lie well received, but 1 was absolutely
surprised at the enthusiasm mauiteste.l
and the eagerness to hear every word
he uttered. Radicals, Liberals, and
all listened as if some one from an-
o.'her world was ad lressiug them, and
1 heard several extreme Radicals au-
mit that their hearts were much soften
ed toward the South. The truth of
the matter is, the Grant men of the
Western States have no conception of
They hear something ot this subject
from their own speakers, but Morton
c lines along, ami, as opportunities
for learning the truth are as good as
those ot otticr Northern speakers, the
Radicals credit his statements.
But it has an entirely different effect
to hear the matter discussed from a
Southern stand-point, and by a man
who can illustrate what he says by
personal experience. Hence General
Gordon ami others like him should Is 1
emit North, while Sumner, Shurz,
Trumbull, etc., should go South.
Thousands of recruits to our cau.-e
would be gained, and it is not too late.
I tell you truly, our organizers and
committeemen have no proper conccii-
iou of the juilitical necessity in this
regard. 'They should reverse matters
at ouce according to the above pro
gramme. I saw tears iu
last night as Geueral Gordou drew, iu
his own forcible way, the picture of
tiic trampled, bleeding, impoverished
South, with the negro and carjiet-liag
carnival of crime. Such a speech as
lie made, touches the Northern people
iu a new place, and nuts them to think
ing. If our committees could hear the
Radical, Liberal aud Democratic com
ments of the sjieech that I heard last
night and to-day, they would move in
the matter alluded to.
While there aze lew improvements of
much importance going on, pleasing
evidences of thrift are not wanting.
Our friends of the Charleston Xeict
have recently purchased nnd fitted up
a splendid building on Broad street,
A few improvements are going tip on
the old burnt district; aud a tt.nj'J
along the enchanting walks of the Bat
tery shows that the hand of taste bos
been busy there. The residences of
that vicinity have been renovated, nnd
I noticed especially the General’s al
lusion to negro domination and watch-
ed the eflect. And when among other
things, lie said; “ Go to your forests,
and see beside the stalely pine and
.iint o»k, the thorn and ihjstle grow
ing, the one the superior the other the
interior, by God Almighty’s decree.
The lion roams his native wilds king of
beasts, by heaven’s high decree. The
eagle mounts to tlie zeuilh and follows
the S.un in Ilk course, leaving behind
him the hat aud tlie owl, his inferiors
by heaven’s high decree. So in all
times and ages the white man has been
God’s ehosen vessel aud the superior
race, by heaven’s unalterable decree”—
he almost literally “ brought the house
down.” Men stamped their feet and
clapped their hands, while the women
Waved their handkerchiefs and joined
in the applause, aud even the cheeks
of the Radicals glowed and tingled as
feet or to uc an i n p,hil. worm, i.i
env.iturning contrast, lies black and
still below. The first fall is named
lia:i, or Jorath; the fecund, Tem
pests ; tlie. third, Qoeana, towards
which the river turns in a right angle,
is tne largest and, by far, the grandest
a cataract, white, raging, eternal
fury and undying roar. Yet, dread-
tui irony ! It L spann :<l by fnrr rain
bows, whose deceitful primi-e is
enguifed iu the raging fl > »J. Qi these
names, the fi:s: aloi eis tyelichosen.
Hie ludiau name is appropriate to all,
for each presents but another aspects
of terror and awakens oqjty another
p} awv-
There are said to lie two other falls,
but they are not included in the views
from this locality. The “ Devil’s IV-
pit,” a name doubtless originated by
modem civilization—it is far hc-low tlie
dignity of the Indian—is nn elevated
point, which presents the three falls iu
a coup n’tcil truly sublime. The pro
found gorge, ap nrently cloven before
the rushing flood lifts up its stony walls
transfixed forever to gaze u|ion the
mad thing raving and agonizing below
—lit emblem of that moveless eternity,
upon whose black shore Iieat and surge
and break the geat tide of humanity.
_ Tallulah, like other falls, lias "had
victims. Dr. Stephenson, in Ills inter
esting \vt»ri on the “ Geology of
Georgia,” -mentions two instances, w e
of which is extremly remarkable.
Forty years ago, or thereabouts, a
young maintained Hanks, sitting upon
a ledge of rock 100 feet above the pool,
between the second and third falls,
s tddenly and unaccountably to h : s
companion, slipped from his sent and
fell into the water. Incredible to re
late, he iiail life and strength . left to
susta.n himself, swimming, until he
was rescued, lie lived in Clarksville
many years after and was killed in a
street fight, originated in political ex
citement. The other instance termin
ated fatally. Rev. Mr. Hawthorn, a
Presbyterian clergyman, visited the
Fall, and with a strange iiiiscnnce|>-
io i of flie danger, went in to bathe
between the first and second falls, liis
clothes and watch were found, and the
river was dragged, his body found nnd
tied to a rope ; hut it liccame detach
ed, and when nga n recovered below
the third fall, was in a frightful con
dition. It was hro i *ht to Clarksville
and interred in the Methodist Burial
Ground. Both these cases are verified
by Mr. Crews, the present Postmaster
at Clarksville, wlp knew the men, and
was cognizant of the circumstances. ■
Clarksville lias not recuperated
since the war. and it presents a dilapi
dated appearance. The rail will bring
the spirit of improvement and progress,
aud soon this lovely sjmt will want
nothing to lend attraction to the char
ming scenery and the delightful el-
ver, Miss, Allllic King Lumpkin, o.d- ; One liuud«J»Dj £>ur(l0t) acres of Imd, more
est child of ‘ JosephT; E U m tlkl n, News ' or less, lying In ».id county oa waters ill KasUnuj-
• r - K*e crje*. adjourning lamia of Jamel Moseley. II.
II. Farrow a «d otiicr<, being the pltce wliereou
Anui Smith lived at tiie liinetM Her death. The
place it well improved and ha» some btuuch but-
Mi’s. A.L. Uiin.Ul\Principal.
FOR 50 TO 60
Do u%[
Urn Tlicmps n Cute, » I
r : neatly i,„, M
turn Lull aud about severny-lire (75, acre in or.-
giml forest,
Sold as the property of said Anns Smith dcc'd,
fur thedistr.liutiouam mz the heirs at lour. Te-uia
cash Wil.J OLLIVEU'
Sept lath
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL BE SOLD, before the Court
House d *>r ia Cirueivdle, Franklin C .
Editor of the A lanta Constitution.
“ Site hath g’v ■:> up th: ghost; 1 er son
bath goue down, while it is yet day.”
The character of Miss Lumpkin can
not be dwelt upon at length. Her
heart was a deep aud rich mine of ten
der, sympathetic, benevolent and holy
affections, Her faith was strong; her
graces a *tive; her conduct exemplary.
In her early womanhood she was the
same thoughtful, dutious child that
she ha 1 ever been, even from her early
childhoo 1.
It is d ffie ilt to point nut the promi
nent traits of her ciiarae If wj
were to speak ot any which nal a spo
ciil pro n : n?T»'-e. we slvxihl meiuio i
among oiiiers her unselfishness, lier.cb •-
ilienee, her purity, Iw-r simplicity, and
her strict regard for truth. Her un
selfishness was proverbial. She loved
to hold the cup of p«i*e and joy to
the lips of another, though she thirsted
herself. Neither pain, core, privation,
or di aop tint n *nt lnd pnwe N)
i * * * • , . •: *, tt i Ode o ty burw,e >w auo ull. m
turb her che. rful forMtinu*. Her |»u-i la n»UafcAt Olc.—Terms u^..
(•». within tne legal hiun o. sale «»n the rir>t
day iu November next, the Allowing prupe.ty t«»
A tract < f hml containing 214 acres more or h*s«,
lying in said cou »ty on waters ot Middle Uivi-r *d-
J»i>ruiug land of John :4. Freoinan, ito’iscnei-uru,
J. 6. Jones and others, boiii 1 the pl.tce wlieroon
ti.M to.t A t-iir iiunr iivfs. iln.c wafemi ufetii
a.* i>ra » m o t on wt> sail tr ei ol Sami, tfie
bti .new original forest and upktud ti a state ol l'ano is dwelling, «»ut house*
aud oreuari ou tae place, situated oae and a aa.f
tn.Lrs lVuu» xjaruesviiie on the Athens itmd, «•**'- Iu c-mreues, seiio -1<* Ac. !> ll:«s t’ie pro^.-
ei*;y t*T Abram A lerli dd ilec’i lute **f * ranfeliu
C»». far t i*pur.»Me of distribution. Terms ol sal**
oae iuii'cjsa, the baiauctfoti tw Ue ruontiiscredit.
Fur iia^er to re-e ve lM>iid lur t tles till purciia>
money i* pa d.
Als.» nt tlie s Hue time an-l pla -e, will be s.»l 1 al
the ptfrs.uat pru. 4 «...iy .1 s Id «l -cM, eons! ling 1
o ha o *y horse,c -w am; call*, lua-shoid a .d k.tcucu
A Ship Canal Across t:ie Pen
insula of Florida.—The people ol
Horida arc considering the feasibility
ot constructing a ship canal across the
t>eninsuala, with the view of divert ng
Trom the roundabout and dangerous
navigation of the Florida Kevs the
vast commerce of-the Gulf of Mexico.
It is believed bv the. sanguine that a
canal sufficiently .vide and deep for
tne passage of tlie large vessels whir i
ar -e imaged iu Gulf commerce, wi.h
-uiiab.e harbors at each termini,
wo 11 pay the projectors as Well i s
oenetit the trading interests of tl
Mississippi valley and the Southern
coast. The route from the Atlantic
to the outlets of the Mississippi would
lie much shortened, and navigation
made cliea|ier and safer. Silver
Spring, which rises on the summit of
the ridge which divides the waters of
tiie Gulf from those of the Atlantic,
pours fourth a volume of water sfficie t
to leed the eastward division of a first-
elass canal; while the ridge to the
westward is so depressed as to present
no obstacle to the diversion of so much
of the supply from tsilver Spring as is
required for a canal of any depth to
Blue Spring, which would suj ply all
the water needed for the western
descent. Tlie project seams prac
ticable enough, aud the other question
is, would it pay to maintain the canal
after building it ?
ritv was like tbi* .-f the gentle infun',
asunsuelicd as w'di'ir its -In 1
When a I tie girl n *r lovingo’lediei ea
and her perfect confidence were n’o t
remarkable; and after growing to wo
man hood she more than fulfilled the
bright promise of her cliildluiod. Sbc
was a and thought ul
being, a more firm an 1 established
character; but was still the same si in
pie and loving child—on-* of God’-
own lovely children, guileless, and
humble and confiding—wi-e c.»neefn-
ir.g that which was good, ami simple
concerning that which was evil. She
ap;ieared to he oae of those i i«tanc'*s
so rarely met with, a child ol Go I al
most from tier Girth —one who lia 1
been* subject of the Holy Spirits re
generating influence,, even from that
ady period. She lived truth is a
or neipl ; an 1 adhere 1 to it in practice.
Her religion w.ts quiet, unobtrusive,
yet it. contr-'!!eil her will, sanctified
her alli-eiion-. pervaded her whole
moral structure and influenced tl e ae-
ions of her life. Prayer was to her a
pleasure—the bible her guide. S'ie
-ver looked to brighter prospects than
the earth alforded, and to the fairer
scenes which lay beyond the limits of
earth and time. She did not un-
il her list days to gather and sum up
all her evidences f«a* heaven and eter
nal life and then venture into the dark
valley at an uncertainty, but looked to
Christ with the eye of faith, lived in
the constant thoughts of tim Me iiator,
knew in whom she had believed, eiiose
God for her portion, and Christ for
her only Savior, and tlie happiness sh«
aimed at was to enjoy Chri. t in God I
Through all her illn ss not a mur
mur fell from her lips—not a wish to
recover. She was satisfied to rest iu
her Father’s arms, nnd she was calm,
tranquil, submissive,
“SiTc^t to lie passive in his hands.
Ami know no will but his.”
She glorified God by frnnklv redgn-
ing herself to His disposal. .She also
glorified Him, and edified others, b
p'o'is exhortations and warning to iel
ativas around her bedside. She d : d
not lose this fe<t opportunity to work
for the good of souls, an 1 to end. avor
to bring honor to God.
During tlie night previous to her
death sli<» gently and peacefully mut-
tereil, “No night after this one,” and
’n tlie early morning -'he m *t the mys-
erious messenger with the calmness of!
l.EV. SE.Vi.l.L, i
HENRY .1. A1>..KH.)LD,|
Atlm'ra’a.o.'s feiiie.
[? ILL
\17 ILL BE SOLD, on tlie fir.-t
TitesJjy hi uc^t, w.l.t.u .lit hour*ui JA.e, be or; t »c /f u 1.1 .utn; U
jVatfnuQ,;, t .tf i liO o’.iif, j> r
tract w. liflj, utf»u.i^;u£mu ea.aie ul jj.
CiMiialer rtrce .Htf*!, iu wii: ibut itajI ui .ai.d w..
srUicu M.s. Naiu-j O.i aUier, itur »r.u «r itVtfU, a t-
jouriinig AtVxau «er ouruu .m t otituitu ^
o:ie liuikJ.ed au i uiitciy Uve'^la-j) acres .u »*..
panvl. an i t.iive ami vue acre* b a»»-
ut.» :r ;ur ol to t'^ *.te tuti *re t ;ia ; muoty .»
ami bill ilJi .) .a w* iu u.i, uiuru u* lev, »•.«!
latiis tyi i^ u.t ouiijcfc.-A .a Joc.^s .u ou..t. . ^u.d
by vii'.utf ul ..u «»r to. il t .to c .ur^ ul"'>ra.Uxry ui
JaCAj(*»-t cou uiy fur lit j ovnoui oi. u ui he.** ..fad
K. A. CTi ANHLGR, Kxr.s if
After the pulication of this no.icc
four wegic*, ippuoaa >u «r.l* .uadtf U» tue Oidiuary
ut a’ i .iuuh c aui»Udv Ociuotfr term, Uexi L r
l ave t*# soU lao ra.ivis bei »it t '.u^ to lb*.- e latooi
l>-viu Ganitfr, lato of Kran^zi.t county, ou.
ituioJ. GAUj..i( i
li. ;•*. uaunt:it.
U».- Ib7;.
• A<lm.’a
Administrator’s Sale.
A CriCi’Ji^Al5L»E to an onleroftlR-
-Q. ia
Court ufOrd.uaiy ot* Madison c.auty. u H .
>%... utf sold btftore too Court tiouae u^oriusaiw
uouuiy at iLukielsviittf, oft (no u;>t 1’ujs lay i»» ao*
Vfiua.r next wituiu liw lev*.*! aour* o. &ai.* ;ue f.i-
ovVi.ipi |).o,tf.iy In; ou^ii.^ to l..e o.
i'attou ate ot’sail d.coufea, on. irac. .
aud ytu^iuiki.d cou^i.. u t ,c w t rsuf o utli
droad itiver adjoining ..i.s, ..t w &c at* .c-n Jucom
F. l*-Uouttnd Idhcea.m i i-aia.o y o . me *.iai..
ro-d icaJiu^ tr >»u C in. m. « aLiuOi, «.onta.n-
.»•>: utf .iUuJ ed and i. v a-»es suo.eoi
e*» a- tba^KKi o«r i., bo » a ». otaerout it us &
i.ibS wtm iA'tfaiy v*«»;ae.v.& ctf.zca ’and. i.o-v.
aau c tf .ic 4 Luia -utid ov c million f»on* n. •
IIAV.Q^ l Itt'iil j I S ujtf liitf w tr. OoM .or
heirsaudcrtfditu.aoi * id ikiuami. cash.
fkVl l*it.» iJ. . uAd.Ui'.b.i.^.s* atiui’
Administrarer’s Sale.
EEAifLE to an order from
i Franklin Couti ),
court ol'Ur i n try t
• soli o:i ill.* lir-t 1'ue.M ty . ^
til; lc,ai .lours ol .nuu, Luj <
•iio icre*. ol land imire or ltf?is lyin^ in mi d toui.-
ty on.t^e vrattfisoftne Little ...sUti-.licj Cieek,
aa) .ur.» u 0 * i .n .*of.L T. i.ati^i .11, jo..n T.i.cci.
•nd oilier.'*, dohlasiiic |*r».|n;riy ot Wiili..iu U
iianter.l nr.sed, .or t.u beucutol ncirs uui 1 redi-
lors, w.ih tuc Widow* au^ci cxc.-j tea. ’leriu
l-a-.i. .4. N. tl » » Ailin’?
*e;»t :3ld SAUAIl j Adm x
V.T Court ol" OrAiuary ol *aid countv.
idmiiiistmtoiv of Wiilis
djceastvl. |>e(itioti4 i.»i
rnerctore, «il per^otn concjre l, are hereby re-
-fuired tosuow cause, daily lacy nave, why sa.u
A.tiuiu s rators m 10aid uoi, ul a rc^ term o.
;* id , o !•«* tivdi on tne first M .n.tay m i>c-
cc u »cr next, be d.schargeaf oui said a .iui.tUi.u-
4*.. or ler of »ii 1 court, at a regular term thereof,
he.i .hi* .t .« Jd. day ctu <cr Ij.iL
A. J .Mb.i.ii.'
Administrator’s Sale
nature! fniti. with tli» triumph of as- ’. ( ^ ^^sVuLc. lap Ls in Bank
, , . I , V_y Uia.i.v Ui Corsu u. to a l r fni.u th
urivl hope. 1 h-"* trusting voting soul
•inetl on tlie arm of the Beloved, ami
1 was peace and joy.
Wen not r or hor! -She lied In early youth,
Lre had lt»rt As ri. It runinitic lutes,
Wli ii banian bowoni'' Sfi-tned the Ito nt>* >f tr tt’*.
And earth still *:!e;onevl wiih beau'y’t* r-uliant
.summer prinm waned r ot to d »ys tliat freere,
ittco. life w is n >t run to tli • lees.
Weep not i«»r her.
Weep n »t 'or tier : S l »e h no .'mjrel notr.
An 1 tr»»ri\* the *ap h : re 11 or» »*f !*ira M*«»,
A!! darknmn wip d :mm h- r r-fuleent l.rnvr,
''in. s *rr**r, *uTe.- : ir*, han’she t fr n» her eves ;
V’i *t »rto «** ov *r dowth. to tier n^pe *r>*
The vis tad joys of heaven's oft* na vear.
W**« n in.t tor er
W*'op not f*»r h *r! Ifcr ne’iio* v is tne shrine
Ol »»le;i a it thou ;ht«, * -ft a* t**e s ••• t of fl.-wc.r
an on wind!eaa ove |li » <un*s twl'n.*,
S re t »* »h • wo jco‘hir!«n nong thelevuvis,
ll:* h a a rd d»otr with Its W sof ii ;M.
l*ore as tlie inoonwhine ot' m •utunin n:.h f .
Wo *n liof f. r he»-.**
t of dr tin* y oi rr uaii:i county, vvil. be
d b for. tne court lioa -j d e*r in •to.ncr lta. k>
iiuiy oj, wit.iiu the itf^al iiours of-oii--ou tin* Im
dow.iig t*-c. oi
New A dvertlsem ents.
Office of North-Eastern
Railroad Company,
r 1MIE Setmml Annual Convention of
L lh“ w toekholders of the Northeastern Rail
Road Co, will h» held in Athen
Kdoher lfith, H7’2. Stockl
he ropn'seMted hr proxy.
Sept 20 JOHN A CRAWFORD, Sec’y.
not present can
OT Ordlnarv** otfic^ Sept. I7Hi, 1372. France
One tcue* ty ng three uillcs No dhof Hvm r on
hjxl Mfa.e s to .bs Ufccw luljo mii^ tuWds t..
F* A. O ur > »u, Oed.^e Wiison aud udio.
o.iiainins-nenuudied ana fouru n acre*,
.u »re oi’ ie*>, and auuwu tne ” W iiliain Wu.a.
pi .i «. * *
One traet adjoining la t.lsu: John hdinstoii, Mr».
iCiu^ and others, ly. g n tVentutcre k, cm taiuin,
one uu nired uni tony 1 u) nu>rc nr I s-, aim
sii »u n a* toe M.4j -u piace.
Ouj tract ontaiu*. k ...*ce .unnr.-dand tiftv (:**3ui
a • e* tn *re *.r ic*-, lying on vs ebb ere* k, id o.n . g
1 dsof • V. U .id n. il r.ooi* and ct . .* aau
4 i wa ** il .r.*y place.”
Ail tue aot»vtf 1 tod a.e .ui.r*vcd, aiidliead-
jonr.iin^ ea li
A two, one tot .1 land (improved) containing f ve
( ) aerc* uioreo. lcs< f l. :i giuav luiiea.i. in iloiuer
*# lue r ad leading to un iiesv.l e, und known as
the *• Auborn iliilpbce.”
Also, the oue uuuivid d Inlf interest In a i. a * o
it illy n n ’ .intlcut ; o. Lij ix*u j.i&uni w
hundred an 1 t ight en (dli) a,res in r nr l », a i-
joliiiu.' lints of M icillta Davis, Mep en A la*h
F. O. Mo*aud othei>, known as the “ W. tf * o.«i
More stand” i..e u»h r li ».f .• t ;es. ill oai.t tr. c» o.
la .d b- lotigiug t*» C. o d. h dt interest : i* a tract 1 i d
in Han eon iryc«>utai n i u; title hu. d .. . nd twen*
ty (12i) acres un*re or less, lying n M ..d.e mv *
adionrung lauds of L. Al. *a-li, N A.t.odamt
o fitfi*. known as »G*rt 4ii the ‘N.incv \ rd i.i*.
pi ice ” said tra t of laud i> well \m t rove 1 an • << n-
t lins between 4(1 at.d .'-bacres oi g»*«Mi river Ih> tom
l.nd. The other hall i oer^ht iu sal a tract of lat.d
belongs to C. C dtwoou.
AUso'das th; |<r per:y QfTliojn a M; e de. M
teof Franklin Ct. Ga. Inj the piu p*>se ofu.sirit u-
T. Caret *<*rs. widow of 11. I>. Care h^rs decc.
has applied t »r exemption of pers. nulty and »et-
ting apart ami valuation of Homestead, and I will
pass upon the same* at 2 o’clock P. M. on the 5tl»
dav of«*e ober, 1872. at iuv office
Sept, 26. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ord
Ter ns of sa’e—one half cash, b laure o r i twelve ere lit wiin interest fro.udxte. i uic tascis
will recoivj bonds for titles til! inoi.e. s
1 pa d.
c f cm rwool*.
, 1 Ad.»•’i
J <
VV day of .Swptember, 1872, with a FULL
iron l»ra, being i*itk ''1^1
iviiliiu ibe reach of»i| ‘ c.«
U. rlccc, i., . few «, “ni« °*««Z*
injinc-nUibi Uwa.uTioilii
wlio wiT' u " <r ' d >i>'- OT
For Cin-n’sr and further Infonumtfon, apply lo
the Principal, or lo
Se\ Bo ltd of Trviteer.
August 9-1*
£S£. Brand ♦Wire* t. Angnsln, Cn.,
Athens, Uu„ July
Reared proposals v .il| | )( .' ‘ i ; •
LV Wind, -sal.; iu Foreign .in* Dome-tic £?<•*,nu-t Ak-i n-'T^TT"" l1,
ro hundred “un”,* 0 ,** ^
••»>, will, LiU f« Le,, u' 11 '.el
1 will fur.i.1, .hit
or I he whole P rc ., i"/
nart of *»- . ^
plete for
to any part of the counter
1 alro n ve a light Ti.^n
oingand Thrashing. I'-
carry it* ,, u ih LWn*
in gflining, aeemding t„Vi *
alancy in -lying n |, the 11,,' tl'
Address »e at Jefferv.u, 1
Brandies, Wines, Gin. Porter, Ale, etc.
Tobacco a:ul Segnrs of every variety.
ipril :'*-tf'
igiiu». trad ng or a ccrrafn pv-auisa t v
note given to I.a in V. Wailc'ns by me fi»r si, uit*
Tre I dollar', "lie fiundmf and i n dollar', paid * n
said iioiv. N* t**g:v. n its t »r I.
July jv-isr-j. 4t
Catoosa Springs.
I striivx nev of Vi* Ltu;». [ liavo de -ideJ to re-
Rittfft'.f R> :rl-it (hc*t • •. e- la.ued wa e -
ti t-place f -r he remainder «.f this svas «n. From
an l*if(cr this d He they will b* a« follows : For
singh* oivrupaiit «»f tingle rooms, p r month.
For tw.* p •rso:iv»ccjpyi!ig one n on* and lUcsan o
i>e 1.-r'45 per uiouthg eicli. < hildien and colored
servants, JJipjr m♦ ith, ea ;h* Terms p. r we k,
31*. W. C. HEW ITT, Proprietor.
Kulv 20-21*
\ L CARijED.
WooB CioJhfor tfool.
Cii'Bi for Wool,
G will nurclm c wool, nnd pnv
".jalitv.wid lwv<*r s mi1 4 in •>n*t»nrtW». Per-ot s
' ishiiig Goml WOOL CLOTH t ib faU fia ’ Rest
»*ure i with their Wool, as they can advantage
themse'vi * by s »doin.:.
P. L. DL^OMFf T 'I.D,
Athens. .Tune 20th, 1872, A^ei.t A. M. Co
iHirtimi of i*aid woik-ih* (W'!
»y , or aii bii *. * } r tvfn.
right to reject a
ProiiUa ami sp.
(ice of tne Company.
By ocJer of the Boar 1 of i>
illy 12-1 m
1k» hiiis (.an
■J "/Brret.r, *' 1
J - CALliEH Tf?*
'-‘•Ul LL K ft*Ut,
SO OS, ,
• e end. o. ,he P;,',,iTr, '.' V, ‘* W 11
le...-. Hu.i„g,„,„ d . s r'“ ^
Sleuiuir.iuiK..beri <
w, Hi,,
■' ■ “■1 Ike . .
1 re, acd
A lloy’, tr
iiniue. Smile,. 51 au
iur.eceniuiiei.ui tnvli.i, 1 .
•uke Vuiige. *1 50 K al ‘ ! -aersture.
( )NE SPLMXDid U\t 1 r TT
V / D.V V I.-* A CO’> s.umh i • 1 , h IT,.
<ant inatrumcnt—w*irrtn,. rf f L, r ^‘ 1 ian '’
m *y he ihsuglt
It was u*ed Hi Mr*.
Pi tn*»s and Organ
al.l • uu>*t:dv, and
strtisueiit wui ruuU*i.
r V pQrlif* flrU
priew, M,j
hiud c e*sv
• »
F IT-PLANT, Garden and Yen.
ita’i Trel’i-e-. The ruitivstion • v
Shrub*. Vines, etc., h i, !>■ o me *»*
larj; * d-mand has be-n .Teaiid u.r V-M , 1 * 1
vhich tu trait,-ii, '
Ir;iin,*s nr trellises, uui-n
lar e assortment of th-
war 22 BURKE'S BOOKST(,|
FIXE Pcrkth’re Pn»
A ns
j \ ly ; also r h. ntl
. pure stork,
i iennei,ec and the other IK’tti Ket tU'l- '
: at the 11ASN1.1: lit
Kew York Office, 27 BEEEMA2I SlC
Cilil^iJo ev .lii t.'..--, Audits Atiien
For sale at Loxgs& Biltupp.
\ In—jt»r ClUeri are net a vile Finer t
made of Poor H im, IVhi.ihc-, Proof SjnEis mil R
Ltqtmrs, d.Kttnre I, s-riceil, a-’..I ,we-tea«l t,. pla>
taste, called •‘Tonic,,'’ Appetitcr.,' - -'Utitnr
TTfvoti want fine eliewin" tobacco,
I Call at
c *or* No. 12, Broad .Street.
ftc , tlut lend th* tippler oa i
but nre a true Medicine, rude fro-n i
and lie: b;of a!if«>mki. free from ai A o>!ioiic.Stannon g
They are tlr C eat 11 <mh1 Purifier aad a ‘
I'rincip'e, a Perfect R;n-rai..r
System, carrying oT-a.i iv»i«<niou< r
the blno 1 to heallbv co-id tion. enriching it, ftfrtshitj
and invigorating both mind .*nul body. T'icv areeuj
of admmiMrAiion, T^ro-n-'t in their action, certain in :l*u
resnh*, nte a ul renili'e i » all farms of di«eaw.
X> Pcnum can IJi!t« llicne Hilteri
mg !■> directioiia, and r-rnvn long nnwe.l,
their bo*ie« a - ? n^t ri Proved bv mineral poi**
means anJ t’ie vital organs wasted be>*ond i
of repair.
Bynftejuia or IiiiVi:7enlioii. Headic
til the Shmiltl-rs. CMi’'lw,'|'ij;liiiie'ii»f tl»e Ui
Sour Kimiiimiii i.i ill- Si.»mucIi, llad Tie I
in *l»e Month. Biaom Amck*. Pilpiuii.m ti n
Heart, liirt mi"f ibe l.tin.'i. Pam in ilieret-aii
the Ridnev-s a.wt a Imndre ! other pa ::»u"
are the «uT»p:in2< of I>v«pepsia. In iitc«e-;
it h i< no eqna\ and one Imtt'e will prove a betlerj-
F »r LVm-tle Cnmulaiiri 1 *, m \,-Ming nr»;
married or sni-le, at the H»«n» of woinaii!inr»i. n j
turn of li e. lhc«e T ore R ttera riisplav deOilda
indue..ce that a marked improvement is soon \cv>
mi ...e first to Ir.tni-
4 -4 d c*|., t'« i uhl « IV Vu.hV.rl S-i■ usii,
>we i nn Tuitia 8 ua,fi Marlteh >1 j.’-m tl
<’ah tme. M xi an Sweet Corn, -Pliim-e\'. ter
H--1..H, Ilrowu’s New i r irf .M:vrr.*wfat Pea. Ho-tott t.eilnre, ntal otfi.-r
, Hon. P. Reynolds, of Covington,
Chairman of the recent Straight Dein-
if with a new and hitherto uuexperi- Convention lias published tK-
enced sense ol the superiority of the
white man.
General Gordon’s references to the
Northern and Southern soldiers, honor
ing both as only a brave soldier can,
placing the laurels upon the brows ot
the one, aud twinning thcevpressabout
the tombstones of tlie other, were re
ceived with prolonged applause. He
told the story ably, beautiftiliv, sadly,
from first to last of the late terrible
struggle, 1* or two hours lie held his
audience enraptured, and finally sat
down amid cries of “ go on,” “ go on,”
from all ports of the house.
As I have sg:d before, I never before
appreciated “ boy thicker is bloul than
water,” and if Louisville will (as
Louisville should) raise the necessary
merns, and persuade Gen. Gotdun to
stump Indiana, Greeley's election is
assured. Pity is that this course has
«ot been adopted heretofore; I mean
iha transposing of Nortliern and South
ern speakers, But it is not too late.
Will the Gros’ay men take tlie hint ?
* H ° win K : B - v virtue of the fidthiirity , w . , e „ : rante w , b .„. v . to tK . wnrth
conferred upon me, by a resolution
adopted by the State Convention ot
the Democratic party, assembled iu
Adapta on the 20th day of August to
appoint an Executive Committee ot
the State, to consist of one from each
Congressional District, I hereby ap-
|Mi)iitr-*ho fo! gentlemen, bupiug
tliey will accept, and earnestly work
to further the interest of the, party,
and et flea .or in every way in th: ir
power l° re-establish the great princi
ples ol Constitutional liberty and re
deem our people from that centralized
despotism, which, under Radical rule,
has been imposed upon us, viz; 1st
District, Mershon, of Glynn county;
2d District, T. L. Gucrn’, of Quitman
rjry* /
county; 3d District, H. L- NVT Craig,
of Telfair county; 4th District, Henry
LT 2Vi Hi*:rl.-t G. V., Wh.tre»«, T. r. Hu •» n.
•f«m*d district ha< exhibited befiire us entiaya
life sorrel mare tnul»\ it ha t*n»ptf rell r marks and
id«lle marke*, a:i»:*r Iv gr.v |*i be fare with it
kn »t ui»d *r !'»•» c’i’n tl »i r% r \ tc *b <*urLe c lain
•uirka, aw're on t e ri^bt hind l:i? «up»h»s-
ed to liavc lieen cat with a • l»* v, f.n:* feet seven
mnd n half inches !»l<h, an l aim-rat twelve years
O- . f this nolle, for four weeks, rtl ut the r.-g-
seveutj-flvo dollars. Th s Ith <i ty of September
7. W. HOOD, l
J NASH. f Freeholders.
T. L. BOSS, Onl.
TER A REAVES, are agents
for the Athens Maiuifictu in*? fa>., in tiu- sale
of t hcl^r M \TTg e*s *r».
thens Supt 20 3m.
til ir.tftiin ofth ey ml *»f Ortinar) oif Ha.*t c.oiut
tt» b** !» -Id •»:» th • tiu*: Monday i.t u toner next, aj.-
tdicatlo W!lU>e la dtf t«» Daid court »«»r teave t*
m*:I the «»f l.lUabctn Fritcuott. the same
IreitiK ti undivided halt interest n and to a tra. t o’,
laud containing seventy-three aud a naif ucres,
more rl .Vs ly«n^ in Hart -omit v, and said State.
Aug. Zl, jlST2. T. It. UtLLKY.
Guardian of El.xabstli Pritchett.
( ’IGAIt SMOKERS and Tobacco
u—rs -roneroll.v ! I ..ff-r you a «! I 11,111:
For Itifliimtiistory nnd C’bmnlc Rb«*
*nnfl«n« and CLmii, I>vs.nrj*. i ..r 1 .*<1 ~eooD.Ei
Pemiitent .m l Intermittent I evei«*, i inei *
B no 1, I.*ver. Kidnevs and IBad lrr. t!»e«e n-tiniai
I'eea mo-t Such l)i*efl*r* at ^
V it .ited !’• ••***!, nli cli ih cenerallr 2'r'K.lnCctll.vdmr.T
m**nt of ih • 2> o-»nu
T i")’4ifB iHieutlu l*nr n 'n«lvf
a Traill ir. | wwoeiaiii-j a’*u the |»ccn<iir atm
as a iwiwert’nl s-ent I * r-'ieviif* « .»ncr < ' '•*: ^
matron of ihe I..ver and Visceral Organs aid^
Hi AIL tirade 4<f thebe.«t to* a. c>* in marl el
uh* IM'r! I’ontc nnd «:itr tbitit
a Vtiif
«t th" National Cic: v^t re,Av uue, under
sc, At I
k \lv.u:i: sm
spormwD h ta,
Macon, Georgia.
1‘. L. HARRIS Projirietor.
For Skt*% ONrnsrs, Filiation
Rheum, U'lKCh •«. S.hjIs 1’impcs Pu<t
bunecs Uinv '.viiniD. Scad Head. S<*»e t
rij»e a-*. | .tli, Si’iirfo, Iti^dorntioiK ot tin? Sk »
and Itiienes or the Skm. ».f nli never imh*c«*
a-e literally i|n * m« and cirvicd out of
sh'»rt time bv ih* n c of ihe^e Ihttcm. <>**«
sucll cues will COIIVOICC the iiiucila.Mli
cun:ivc efleet«
UoaiHfl I lio VIMittrd nioml nher.
fnd i * iinput iti-t bnmin; ihroii^li iliok’ni"
Lnintif**i i. or Srares; c’e.iune it when v..u li d
netc 1 ami s’u^isli in i Tie vein*; cle*”*= it * K
riU |e* 1 yon wIhmi. Kcc
pine, an I the h-aidi of ilie xynit... ,
C«ri»tcf4il thuiMimih juoctaun Visrc** * |
‘ ulcrfui lnvi^otaul that c
This Wati*.*n, fadlit es c.f access, nd m d rat*-
charges, nunmen l th> h *use to c mmere * 1 a cn *
an l the travelling p ;b eg nera ly. 1 oa d St | er
New Tailoring Establishment
White foods, Embroideries, etc.
tn* to spend a part of a day in Augusta, are more attractive tli.m ever.
it. is reported that Robert Bonner
will retire from the active management
of the New York Ledger next spring.
where I found business quite lively,
fbe merchants haygTeceived their fall
stocks—cotton is coming in freely, and
though declining daily, is giving an
rtfllr early impetus lo trade.
the things of ladies and children prooi-
enading amid the walks nnd shades of
this eaden by the sea, shows that tliere
is life and happiqoss in the
> et. B. A. A
And , He lias now lieen at it twenty years,
ami in that time has converted a
paper, which was entirely an adver
tising sheet, into a paper which no
amqunt of money could: purchase the fo would positively decline thenomi-
way for nn advertisement.
o i coiintv; 7th District, Alex. K. ***??**«*
A kinson," of Cubb countv ; jjih Di- ^ lw> "
«t 5, Miles W. Lewis, of Gi’eSt couu-
ty; 9to District, Suhn T. Ezzar.l, of
Forsyth county
Hon, Charles Sumner arrived at
Liverpool on Saturday. Sooa after
landing jbe visited the Aaicjacaa Club,
where he received the Brat information
of his nomination for Governor of
Massacliusetis. IJe announced that
E/nwrrs, Feathers, Ornaments,
Frnme\ etc f , S'raw Bonnets
and Lidia? aud Children's
Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed.
And In connecting warernomt—
Wfcllr (.nnd*. 1-I.mi., Knhrotdoiid, Lure*, Kfh,
(Ml ire, Sells, llaoillerrhlclh, V.llir.R,
Head N»t«. .tf., ,| r>
Nm. 939 nnd !I39 Bnlilmore *»., Bal.
THESE GOODS ore manufactured
a l,y us or bought for cash directly from the
prompt!)*** an»l di*p«tcb.
The Pathfinder • or, the inland sea. Being the
third numlier et the new illustrated csJni .n o
Cooper’*novels. AU a new nupply of the Ut.*'
of the Mohicaus, and the Deer-blayer. Price 7.
cenLH each.
The Sv; a Tale of th** neutral ground. By Cooper.
New edition ; 91 23.
Valerie A v liner; Morton Hou e ; Mahel Lee;
by Miss Fisdier, of North C irol .n i. ?j each.
Albert Lunel; by Lord Brougham. 75coti(«*.
The Lily of the lee ; by Ja ucs ue.dills ; cloth.
$1 2.1: pajier, 7’icts.
Lord Kill? bliu— Lever'nit a*. SI.
Onlv Three weeks. A Novel. .V) cents.
Broken Toy>. Hv Anna V. Steele. 75 cents.
;*ai;- Women-a Mury of Life. CO « ents.
vioi l Mini Name ; tuo Right One ; Two Fuiuilr
Mothers: Birth-and Education ; by Madame
Suphic Schwarts. St each.
A Grown ftoiu the Speak. 75 eenl*.
For sale at IJUUKE’s 1100KST0RE.
History of the United States,
A COMPENDIUM of the Historv
•O. of the United States, from the earliest set
tlement to 1*72. By Alexander H. S eplit ns. l)c-
-lxtied as a text ho<-l[ for school, and colleges. ».
„ , colleges, a.«
well as fur the geueral reader. A li-jndsoniexnl-
uuieoi i.vt-j :.,v .j.--, !llit..,ra'cd.
This lawk, by •* the Sage of Liberty Hall,” j.
<1 r» u*| etet.i utliority to 'he the best
* 1st,Mr; o the Unite! Mat.s yet pic-l s e<l. Price
for which amount It will bo sent |M,Mag -
|K>hl to any |«, t of the country. Special .lisconufis
luutle to Daieh -rs. Address
aug. 25-If
T. A. rCRl.E,
Bookseller, Athens, Ga.
r PHE EXERCISES of this Insti
. l tuti.m will he reatjtiled August J4th, 1872. It is
The Cheapest Schiol of its Grade,
I ? ih«4»eii4n of th# Bute, expenses, Including
t*ntC*sd tail ion. l*ing from »i:m to S150 per an-
nu . n, .• ' . . - T - W. GLENN, Prinelnsl
r PHE SUBSCRIBER etui he f..i:m!
i daring hour* ; t tlu* M«ir • cf fi>. r.
Reese, ready and ai \i* us t»* do rny Uiirg In Ids
line of businesK. He ui.l keep a f.v «hole grKwl.y
• >r sale chenj Mr. Rei^ealsu kee, s?u ds nrnten s
w ar. .V.t A'/ \<J .-l A D TIUMMI.Mi do e iu the
(olden Hill make—wdl be furnUKel «o t wler.
WTSpcoia, attention g:ven to eu ting for \hose
who wish to have their clothing made elsewhere,
rail and see, *n l give us a trial. g\lso, IV r sale,
Two Fine Scu ing Machines.
One iSjJcndid Piano,
One Vacant Tam Lot.
apr 3—lm W. H. H. WHITE.
T**s the i
the ■‘iiikiti** system.
Pin* Titj.c, mi l other Worms. *-»ik"s *
the system «if s«» vn icy th«u:xiud<, are effcCft ,J ’ T
Siroved a i I removed. Sis a tlaimnuiv-d >***
ogiNt: Tharci I'-carce van i-ulividual ::|m»u tlie wee* 4 * |
earth whose Ixcly iaexeiNOt Irumtlie presence®'
It is not upiei t:» ft he i ,hy •lements c-f tt«e !»**
worms ct! 4, Ivit inon t?ie diseased ln»m*»r* a.M'
dejnisits b -r*d l!ie>e living monsters A A** 1
No syMe’n tif Mullein •, no v»TinifiM*es, ,
itic% will ficc tiie system from worms like the* :I j
Mcchanbul Ulsmsc*. Person* enfir
P dots an I Mmen'i, such as P’mulrers, *|*yj>e *'
(sit'd betters, and Miner*, a* llirv advance m l : »
l»e * i!»i'?ct lo pira'v-i* of ilie i-i. 1'n eo.ud x
this take a cl.sse «sf War Rut's Vinkcak 'Iitim
or iw : c* i week as a Preventive.
Rillrati*. Roiiiillriif, oml liilernilliftj
Fovcra, wtucli ara mi preva'eut io lire vallev*«<
rreat river* ilmMi-hoiit the Uui«e*l States, ever-*
those of the Mississip**, Ohi*», Misaonri. 1- i»n»A lr
n-ssee. Cumberland. Arkansas Red, Colt.ixJa
Uira C*vande« Pearl, A alrania, MoL 'e Sivj nult, K^-‘
oke, j * »d many oilier*, wi.h their rid tcl^
».es* ihrnu drool our entire Country ifitritu; lUtSo*^ ]
aa 1 A itumn, an 1 vemarka!. y *<» *lur.*r*rr *’*** ^ !
triusual licit and dryness, a-e iaviriah'y
by extensive deraneement-s »»f i!ie suwnch ami t |Vr - 1 _
oilier abdominal v.scera. There are a!wa» * f
obstruction* of the liver, a rveakuC'* a-'-f * !T ' 1 , f ,V.
of (he atom ic'*, and great tor*v*r of tUc
’ \7R e I «;» widi vitiated accumu aiira ‘
’ il iutluerctr
J msnt, a mirgaiive, t
th^e nrtiiin i*rpn<, ..
! ro cathartic for tlie pnrjmstf equal to I>« J " ,,c |
ViNKGAM P.ITTK* a* they will speedi V'*5*^ j| rt I
! dirk colored vise d matter with which the h 1 **• J
loaded, at the same time aiimulatinc die .1
Madame S. Sosiiowski,
-L liiMituto wLl.bc r.sumea Mou^ay, the lJth
same time sttinuMM>»». •••- ,
i liver, and generally restoring the lieaahr •
of th* digestive organs.
Scrrafuln, or lxlntj** Hvll. U’li.te**""
U c«r\ Erysipelas Sa-ehcd Na
1 »rt imuuiio**s Indolent- I iilamman
1 iH namtliiru. Indolent I .tlam nati •*»'- ‘^ E
factious, () d S*mc% Lrupuraits o l*>e S'..u». ‘ r , |
etc., etc I
■eases, IVai.kkk's Vinko
freai curaiive powers in lit: most obs:
able ca es
as in ail othur ciu'V'i jL:
INKO.U ItlTTUHS 1,.«.!»*• S]
i Sept.-iuber.
Ota. No e.tra charges fur D.awing.
A«sc«oiiciit i\o. 21
OKriCB North-Eastkus 4uCo , 1
Athens, Ga., S •pi. Sid, s
X olution of tiie ll«i <l uf Direeioi. of f, . r ,,
>1: ca e* Tiittw*
Dr* WwllierNCnIlfomlA VlMCgavU” , ^
•ct on ill thw: c-»se* in .a Mini lar manner. M } n -
the II on I they remove the cause, and bvrs*** f P* V
the ejects of the infiamm.ation (itie !nhcrc"lar r r vj
the elected parts receive hca.iii, and -a i* ,,,,an “ ^
isetT.c:cd. , Vi<f-‘ f ™
The prop-rfles of Da. Wai ?jLn-.w*
r.ITT^e* are A f *erie«il. |)i.l ;hoi«lic ? ,a I: «
Nutrition*, Lix.itive, IJInreii^ 5?eaa'o''.*. c-
tan*. Sudorific. Aiteratire, and A«iti-b'"°" —jj* f
The AttorlcnC and mild Uwt've J
Du Walker's Vulgar llirnsn
guard in a l case* of emptuHis aud " ,a .in'-*
their ha'samic. healin j, and soodims^l* 01 **, ’
the humor* of die Cinccs- ’J'Leir Sen*"' * •
allay iviin in the nervous fraicv. '
pasAc.i at a meet ilk held th! _
gue * that au unH;>nnint No. 2, ot ei/bt Ver cent,
up uithtf c ji.tal n ocr has lieen cr’,1 <1 in, (ol e p : i i
' etween this and the 5th day of Oct* b: r » ext. All
“ho .paid up* asAessim t,t N <( , j, of
Their Counter Irritant iuduence ‘
the saltern. Their II nretic pr»i
stockliolners woo pam up asAesmmi.t No. 1, of
ihree per ceut. will only be due the c* mpntiy l ve
per reut.
All atockhnlder* will p'case c-U on John CnMn
-lohmou, Tiewurt i „i thecomi »i.T,«nd p»»
up 4* early a day a. p.reihlr.
“P Secretary.
revs correctin'; arul rerti .n; tne !.•■ v - lI ’■ , 1|; V
Ami-Uuioin pru-rertie. .timiilxte Ihc lu' r -
tion of bile, and it* di<char;e.t’u-rush
and are superior to a!l ren*e*Ua’ agcntN
FOR 1872.
ner»e* tre rendereJ diseJMe-ptoot' by tin’
"nireoMau*—r»V« of ll ^*g
at nitthl (him a hdf tn on. »n-l ■
K.I good nou. .bins fo.A mk'i beef* 1 '* tf
chopTreniron. toa-t beet and
- 1 - ------ Tl.. ir ana COtBU#*®'* ** ‘
om-door exercise. They Rf*
and cor. of wjunmgion anu n r
coi n BV ALL druggists and I