Newspaper Page Text
|orth-jaslt $<*'#•
bates oE advertising
81 00
.86 00
01 00
96 00
I SO 101 00
105 00
luo 00
i 113 00
■0; 117 00
!! XJ|« wTt 00152 75161 25| M 50|121 00
5 52 $3 SO .V. 25'm 75163 50 *7 50 125 00
J - 75 24 »'» S0|36 50 56 75.65 75 90 50,129 00
III ±i] ” Jl 25 37 50 53 50 67 75 93 DO; 132 00
", i?Sj oo'38 50 60 25 69 75 95 50 185 00
„ 5 W 25 7132 75 39 50,« 00 71 75 95 OO 188 00
5 25 33 50140 56*63 75 73 75;100 00 141 00
M 4 00 26 75 34 25141 50 65 50 75 75ll03 00 144 00
5 ! i g'B WA2 5* 67 25 77 75|105 0W147 00
M 19 50 27 50 35 75 43 50i70 0)179 75.108 Oo j 150 00
Red and silver skin Onions for sale
by Tal&adge, Hadgson & Co.
DiAMissi—A lot of fine Diaries for
1873 at Burke & Hodgison Book
Gilt-Edge” Goshen Butter, Choice
Cream Cheese and Maccarohi, at Tal-
madge, Hodgson & Co’s.
Conundrum.—Why is an editor like
a hen ? Because he is bound to scratch
fora living.
Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. take the
lead in low prices on Sugar, Coffee,
Meats and Molasses.
On the Move. — The laborers
are “ changing, base.” The country
is filled with movers.
We Return Thanks to Col. John
Screven, the President of the Atlantic
and Gulf R. R. for favors extended.
Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. keep the
finest Teas and the choicest Coffee in
the city.
Col. S. K. Johnson, the able
Superintendent of the Ga. R. R., will
accept our thanks for courtesies for
the year 1873.
Shan’t Say.—An exchange asks:
“ Where does the cotton go!” We
know where a great deal of it goes, but
don’t like to tell.
Rates 0f jLegal Advertising
, Citation for loiter* of tiuenlUnshlp..... $5 00
1 Coition far Letter* of Administration 5 00
' Application for letter* of Dlsralesion Adra'r.- 5 00
Application for Loiters of Dism’on Guard 5 00
kAppl.cation for Leave to Sell Lands 5 00
\Notice to Webtortand Creditors - 3 00
/Kales of Lan<L &«*-. per square 5 00
[fiaJes Perishable Property, 10 days, per sq 1 50
I fcslray Notices, .*Vl days 3 00
I Sheriff Sale*, per levy of 10 lines or less 2 50
1 Sheriff Mortgage ft. fa. Sales per square — 5 00
I Tax Col lector's Sales per square 5 00
1 Foreclosure Moripaj;© per square each time 1 00
1 K.xempliou Notices (in advance) 2 00
|Ku!e Nisi's, |»er square, each time .' 1 00
Males of land by Administrators, Executors or
iGuardiana, are required by law to be held on the
■ first Tuesday in the month, lictween the hours of
Itsa in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at
|tbs Court House in the county in which the prop
erty is situated. Notice of these sales mnst be
given in a public gazette forty days previous to
the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must
U«o be published 40 days.
Notice for the sale of personal property must !>e
Bgiven in like manner, 10 dav* previous to sale day.
T Notice that app'ication will be made to the <!ourt
■sf ordinary for leave to sell laud must be publish-
|*J four weeks.
Citations on letters of administration, guardi-
sship, etc., must l>e published 30 day*. Fordis-
issiou from administration, monthly, for three
oaths. For dismission from guardianship, 40 days
Rules for the foreclosure of mortgages must be
ublithed monthly, four monllit. For establish-
by lost papers, for the full space of three months.
For compelling titles from executors or adminis
trators, where bond has been given by the deceas
*a, the full space of three months.
Sheriff's sales must be published four weeks.
KuleNisis, monthly, four months.
Eat ray Notices, two weeks.
Publications will always be continued according
S these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise
i No extra charge fur Local, Special or Business
(•liras. Advertisers can select any portion of
^a paper for one prick.
| Marriage Notices or Obituaries, not over ten
se<, will be inserted without extra charge, when
^nl by a subscriber or patron. Over ten lines,
arged for at regular rates.
[A SQUARE is one inch in depth, or twelve lines
’ nonpareil.
I Half Squs.-counted as such, and NOT as whole
I |utret.
I Parties can refer to the above tabic, and sc
Just So.—A young lady of our ac
quaintance says “ its disgusting to turn
around to see what another girl has got
on and find her staring at you.
Just Arrived—A fresh stock of
newly canned Tomatoes, Corn and
Green Pea*, at Talmadge, Hodgson
& Co’s.
We Are Under Obligations to
Superintendent William Rogers for a
pass over the Central, South Western
and Macon and Western Railroads
tillFebuary 1st.,
No Go.—We came very near hav
ing the pleasure of chronicling a negro
fight in this issue, but they didn’t fight
“ worth a cent,” and the donations to
the city treasury for 1873 are still
Look Out—“Whenever you see a
married man eating cloves, you may
be sure that he is' a cloven-footed tem
perance man. Eating cloves is a mean
way to cheat the wife he has cloven
That’s Right.—Madame Rumor,
with authoritative positiveness, as
serts that too of our prettiestand sweet
estgirlsare preparing to take their vows
to love, honor and obey, sometime in
Burn Out Your Chimneys.—
Chief Engineer Luckie requests us to
say to the citizens of Athens, that du
ring the present wet spell of weather
the must have all of their chimneys
burnt out. He says that, during dry
weather, all chimneys that all set afire
whether by accident or otherwise, will
be certainly reported to Council, and
the occupants of the houses fined. Ver-
bum sap.
The Mule Trade.—Notwith
standing there is great demand for
mules in our market, the trade is not
very brisk. Owing to the scarcity of
money and the difficulty of obtaining
satisfactory acceptances, sellers are un
able to get their prices, and sales are
not as easy as they could -wish.
Planters are proceeding cautiously,
and are driving close bargains and well
calculated operations.
Prices range from 8140 to 8200, and
three sales out of four are effected on
Mayor’s Court.—His Honor, at
his last levee, disposed of the follow
ing cases:
In the case of Colonel Wharton and
Mr. J. Z. Cooper, the former was fined
five dollars and costs, and the latter
Several boys, up for disorderly con
duct, were dismissed after a reprimand
from His Honor.
The next case on docket was that of
David Thomas and John Towns, for
disorderly conduct. Dave was fined
five dollars and costs.
Fit for a King—Those “Magnolia”
Hams at Talmadge, Hodgson & Co’s;
Dinner at the Newton House.
—Tuesday last, by special invitation o
Mr. Cliuard, we took dinner at the
above named popular hotel. Every
thing was scrupulously neat and dean,
and prepared in the best manner. The
Newton is a first-class hotel, and is
kept by a gentleman thoroughly con
versant with the business. We cheer
fully recommend this house to the tra
velling public, who will find a good
table, comfortable rooms, attentive ser
vants, an obliging landlord, and mode
rate charges.
False Alarm and Fire.—A false
alarm of fire was given on Monday
last, at 5:35 o’dock. The alarm was
first started by the ringing of the new
bell for St. Mary’s Chapel.
Tuesday morning, at 8:15 o’dock,
a fire occurred in the building belong
ing to Mr. Bloomfield, next door to
our friend Jacobs. It was extinguish
ed before doing any damage.
Our noble firemen were promptly on
the spot, and were ready, if occasion
required, to fight the fire fiend as long
as they could stand.
Messrs. F. W. Lucas & Co., arc
now preparing for their spHng stock,
and calls on their debtors for what is
due them. They have in store one of
the most magnificent stocks of Dry
Goods ever brought" to this dty, and
will soon make a large addition of ele
gant spring goods. They keep noth
ing but the very best, aud still, strange
to say, sell os low as others who deal
in inferior articles.
W6 had. the pleasure of attending,
last. Wednesday night,' a meeting of
this efficient organization. It was our
first, visit to them, but we were so
much pleased with everything we saw
that we, do not, intend it shall he our
last. Never, in our lives, did we see
a better disciplined, more gentlemanly
set of men assembled together. TVh
and every one appeared perfectly at
ease, but at the* same time had that
quiet dignity . about them wftjch so
much adds to. the standing of a compa
ny. Captain Bishop, that Prince of
Firemto, presides with «nSK tafte Sad i
dignity, and appeared to govern his
men by kindness.' Thete is no more
popular, man in Athena than this Cap
tain B., and we arc sure no one is
more intitlcd to the good will of a peo
ple than 'id the ffallaat leader of the
mefi who peril their health, lives, and
all to save’lbe homes, and property of
their fellow-citizens, and .neither ask
nor receive a farthing for it.
The Captain showed us a beautiful
gold-fined sHvejf Warn tl£tt/ Sad jjbeen
presented mn/by the members of his
Company.'"' f ' r * * ^
This organization turned out abjut
seven o’clock, forif&h purpose of frying
their new hose. They threw a very
fine stream. Their machine is kept in
Poetic.—A young man in town
made his girl a present the other day,
A6TI.Y what their adjustment will come to ail( J on a s lj p of - pa accompaitvin
foie they here it inserted. 1 r 1 r - -
-anberggs! Cranberries 2 at Tal-
e, Hodgson <fc Co’s.
University Banking Company
■ Athens.—Among the hills iutro-
ccd in the Senate on Saturday last,
is one to incorporate the University
|auking Company of Athens.
| Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. have just
received a fresh supply of their cele-
3ted “Cumberland Cut” Hams.
it he indited the poetic sentiment, “ To
my am to be wife.” The girl says what
am to he will be, bat she thinks this
nmn’t to be.
Austria-Virginia is the name of
one of the finest cigars that caD be
found this side of Cuba. They are
shaped very much after the fashion of
a pea-pod, with a straw in the centre.
This takes away all the offensive por
tion of the tobacco, and renders the
smoke cool and pleasant. One will
last fully two hours, thus rendering it
the cheapest as well as the best cigar.
Messrs. Gailey & Barry have a large
stock of them on hand, which they are
selling very low.
Delicious Perfume.—We are in
debted to Messrs. R. T. Brumby &
Co. for a bottle of thWinest Cologne
we have ever seen. It is the pure ar
ticle, and will hold its scent after the
garment perfumed with it has been
thoroughly washed. They have one of
the finest lots of perfumery on hand
in the State, comprising all sorts and
flavors. Ladies would find it to their
interest to call on these gentlemen
when they are laying in their toilet
A Good Idea.—Messrs. Kalvarin-
ski & Leibler have had a set of boxes
arranged in their store, very much re
sembling post office boxes, where par
ties buying a box of cigars can place
their purchase, look them up, keep the
key, and get them whenever they wish
to smoke. This is a great convenience
to the purchaser, as he can do retail
smoking at a wholesale price.
Daniel’s Magic Oil.—Read the
certificate of D. C. Olliver as to the
great benefits received by him by the
use of this celebrated oil. Plenty of it
can be found at Dr. King’s Drug
ith&t it is in
know" what
'**! I? k .
splendid order, and shot
the hands of men wl
they are about.
We could not blit exclaim, as we
saw the great discipline of this compa
ny, “how much the people of Athens
stand in their own light when they do
not furnish these gallant boys with a
new advertisements.
Escaped ‘.Convict.—A convict
cai>ed from Messrs. Grant, Alexander
Co., some days since, and after
Hindering about some weeks or more,
| ffiturued and voluntarily gave himself
up. He is in for life for a most brutal
Bd unnatural crime.
Pf If you want a nice breakfast dish,
tiy some of Talmadge, Hodgson & Co’s
flSugar-Cured” Dried Beef& Sausage.
■ Fine Cattle.—Ono of the finest
Boves of l>ccf cattle passed down
ftekson street, last Monday, that we
Bve seen in some time. They were
ftidcntly from the West, as we see no
Hch stock hsreahou ts.
■Tangled Up.—2V mule became
[ngled up in the harness of the wagon
which it was hitched, last Saturday,
id with great difficulty it was extri-
To Arrive—Two car loads of choice
White Seed Oats, for Talmadge, Hodg
son & Co.
Caution.- -Never carry your matc-
es, powder and whiskey all in one
pocket. You might accidently strike
off the matches, and then what would
become of the whiskey, eh ?
Leap Year is gone, and
of our most fascinating young ladies
remain in single blessedness. Several
of our modest bachelors friends are
mourning over departed v hopes.
The price of Flour is advancing, but
Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. have on
hand 200 barrels that they will sell
cheap for cash.
A Mule attached to a buggy’ became
frightned at some of the ugly men cn
College Avenue, last Saturday, and
attempted to run away. Some uglier
man, however, got in front and scared
the poor thing so much that it couldn’t
Election for Magistrates and
Bailiffs.—The following is the cor
rect return of the election for the above
named officers:
Boggs 275
Taylor 166
Fuller 21
Towns. 267
Baker 265
Green.—A respectable appearing
man about 35 years of age, evidently
from one of the surrounding towns, was
on his way to the Postoffice yesterday,
bringing a large quantity of canceled
postage stamps to sell. It seems that
somebody had told him that such
were bought there at a small discount
on their original value. His collection,
he said, was the result of a number of
months’ labor by his daughter, and
some comprised several hundreds of various
denominations. When informed that
he had been badly imposed upon, he
left with a sorrowful looking counte
Garden Seed. — Messrs. R. T.
runihy & Co. advertises a full stock
the best Garden Seeds. The season
a arrived when we should begin to
tend to our gardens and plant early
Co to Talmadge, Hodgson & Co’s
Codfish and Irish Potatoes. .
Merchants or Farmers desiring
Blank Contracts, wherein the hands
mortgage their crop, etc., can have
them neatly gotten np at this office at
$2 per hundred.
To Dealers in Wood.—Bids will
he received, until February 1st, for
furnishing five hundred cords of sea
soned pine wood to the 2Vthens Factory.
Parties can now have an excellent op
portunity of disposing of their old field
pines to great advantage.
Melancholy.—A young man out
West recently died in consequence of
relinquishing the habit of chewing to
bacco. Patrons of the weed will be
admonished by his sad fate to avoid
the pernicious counsels of those who
declaim against its use, and go to G.
Hauser for vour tobacco.
Burning of the Danielsville
Jail.—This jail wa^destroyed by fire
on Saturday night last. It appears
that two prisoners. were therein incar
cerated, and that they attempted to
release themselves by' burning the
wooden frame that held the window
gratings, and being unable to extin
guish the flames, the whole structure
was soon in a blaze. The sheriff, af
ter much difficulty, extricated the pri
soners, but found it impossible to save
the building. The negro who fired the
building was placed therein only four
day3 previous, upon a charge of bur
glary and house-breaking, and when
placed in prison had four matches in
his pocket, with which he accomplished
the deed. They thought they could
burn the grating and keep the fire
smothered with their bedding so as to
loosen the bars, but not having suffi
cient water on hand, the burning of
the whole building was the result. If
the sheriff had been five minutes later,
the prisoners would have both been
burned; but unfortunately, he arrived
a little too soon. The jail was a wood
en building, and h^d been built forty-
four years, still it was very strong and
secure. The prisoners were sent to
Elbert jail for safe keeping. We are
indebted to Gapt. Juo. N. Montgome
ry, of Fort Lamar, for the above par
In behalf ot the Fire Department of
Athens, we respectfully appeal to our
citizens to aid us in getting a machine
with which to lighten our labor and at
the same time make it more effective
in saving property. We need a
Steamer and better Hose. You have
as good a body of-Firemen as any city
on earth, of this size. They are ever
ready to respond to the alarm of Fire.
When you are at your home on the
coldest aijd darkest night, and hear
the alarin Sell sounding, you little know
of the hardship that your gallant Fire
men are undergoing. They drag their
heavy, clumsy machine to the place of
danger, and then, when nearly fainting
with fatigu* 1 , they * .come do wn on the
brakes” in a manner that should win
for them the admiration of every good
citizen in Athens. We have seen
them black with smoke, their clothes
torn and muddy, their hands blistered,
their whole system tired, still laboring
on to save property in which they held
no other interest except as good citi
zens hold for the place they live in.
We do hbpe that our citizens will
not wait to be asked to contribute, but
will as voluntarily come forward, and
subscribe as cheerfully, as our noble
Firemen go ’forth to save your j roper-
ty. Show your Firemen that you ap
preciate their services. Show them
that they are not looked upon as blanks
in your city organization, and they will
almost sacrifice their lives to prevent
Athens becoming a blank upon the
map of Georgia.
The following gentlemen have kind
ly volunteered to assist in raising con
tributions for the new steamer :
Lamar Cobb, C. S. Talmadge,
“ Prince” Hodgson, A. T. Luckie.
Mr. Editor:—As all of our elections
are over, from President of the United
States down to Bailiffs in each Militia
District in Georgia, may I call the at
tention of the Ordinary of Clarke Co.,
and all other authorities named, to sec.
I of “ An Act of the General Assem
bly*,” “ approved Nov. 24th, 1871,’
which section reads in these words :—
“That whereas, the Intendant and
Wardens of the said Town of Athens
have tendered the Town Hall of At’.i-
■ Prepared by the Oglethorpe Fertilizing Co., Maxcfs, Qa.
V, Ton, 2.009 pounds, at works, $52 55; ON TIME, kin on* " ‘
couM furnish nuraerou. certificates as to the Talue of this Fertiliser,
acceptance, $50. The Company
to those who have used it in this county for the lait two or three yeais.
but prefer to refer the l’lantera
Agents In Clark County.
£ 3
Office in Dr. King's Drug Store,
Editors North-Eart Georgian:
Srns—You will confer a favor by
publishing in your paper the following
statistics collected from official sources
and from private correspondence, a
copy of which was also furnished the
Southern Watchman. We desire t 1 a'
the citizens of Athens shall know what
liberality other cities aud counties have
shown towards Colleges, and would
also mention in connection, that the
large donations made by these cities
were not regarded as gifts of charity,
but as valuable investments for the
general good of the community.
The Massachusetts Agricultural Col
lege, located about or.e and a half miles
troxn Amherst, received donations to
the amount of §100,000. Of this
amount, the town of Amherst, though
already possessing a fine College, and
thougli having a papulation less than
that of Athens, gave 875,000, to be
used in buildings.
The Illinois rVgricultural College
received from the citizens of Cham
paign County, iu which the College's
located, donations in land, buildings
and bonds to the amount of 8400,000.
Of this amount, the County of Cham
paign gave 8100,000 in ten per cent,
Tne Maryland Agricultural College,
located near Washington City, receiv
ed benefactions to the amount of $100,-
The Ohio Agricultural College re
ceived in bonds and cash front the
County of Franklin, the location of
ens to the County of Clarke, to be used College, §309,000
Buist’s and Lnndreth’s
Direct from the Growers.
Iu bulk, just received and for sale cheap.
Almanacs Free.
To Our Customers*
for our SPUING STUCK, aud must call
for all that is due us.
We shalUoatinuts t g'veiui u ual time t« th> •»
who pay promptly. An accounts dne Isi ot juiy
and 1st of January, except *»r »d-
Inj. F. W. LUCAS & CO.
Athens, January 13th, 1S7J. jau.«-li
\ V February 1st, 1S7J, for Furnishing Five
nlred fords of
To the Athens Factory by October 1st, IS73.
Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. keep the
famous “Pee Dee” Hams, u3ed by all
the first-class Hotels in the country.
[Accident.—Mr. Robert Chillers,
of the guards on the North-East-
Railroad, while riding near the
is last Friday morning, had his
knocked out of place by being
own from his horse.
0U.EQK Students.-
tntlv arrived i
-Among the
1 m our city, we were
_ to see two of our young friends
' nn< ^ **• Moring, of Swains-
Ga. Both are most exemplary
m ° n ’ and ve 2 br »gl»t scholars.
•'louAGn. Mr. Jasper Nations
Mws Nancy Bridges were married
>-unday evening, at -the residence
e ride. The attendants upon
^asion were Mr. Rufus Riden
Vim Mary Parker.
^rooked Salmon and Halibut at Tal-
dge, Hodgson & Co.’s.
Mule.—A mule last
urday evening, on Broad street, be-
“ fr, 8 h ‘f ed at something, and
'the w. tUr “: broke one wheel
fe.^to.» ldlhe .„ Mtochea
A Noble Lady.—One of the new
Jy married ladies of Athens, this week,
most gallantly subscribed $50 to the
steamer that Chief Engineer Luckie is
bound to have for the Athens firemen.
She said she highly appreciated the
gallantry of our firemen, and thought
It the duty of every one to assist them
in any way they could.
A fine assortment of Plain and Fan
cy Crackers at Talmadge. Hodgson &
Truly Benevolent.—We learn
that Mr. Johu White, one of our old
est and best citizens, sent two bales cf
factory doth to Mayor Pittard last
week, to be distributed among the poor
of the city. One bale is for the color
ed and one for the white people. Mr.
White does not know that we are pos
sessed of this fact, for wc obtained our
information from a party who is not at
all connected with the charity. Heis a
man who truly obeys the Scripture in
“ not letting his left hand know wHat
his right hand doeth.” There is no
man in our city who has done more for
the poor than Mr. White.
The Week of Prayer.—The
meetings at the several houses of
worship where services have been held
in accordanco with the recommenda
tion of the Evangelical Alliance, have,
we are pleased to say, been very well
attended. The services are both in
teresting and impressive good will
1 doubtless result therefrom.
Council Chamber,
Athens, Ga., Jan. 9th, 1873
A called meeting of Council was
held this afternoon.
Present: His Honor the Mayor,
and Alderman Palmer, Talmadge,
Nickerson, Lanipkin and Hunter.
The application of R. S. Taylor for
Retail Liquor License, at I. M. Kin-
ny’s old stand on Prince Avenue, was
On motion of Alderman Talmadge,
Clerk of Council was instructed to
issue the license upon compliance
with the law. Council adjourned.
A. L. Mitchell, Clerk.
Jon’s Maxims.—The following ex
cellent maxims were handed to us by
an old subscriber:
If you are a man of business,
Call on a man of business,
During the hours of business,
Transact your business,
Then go about your business,
And let him attend to his business.
Choice New Orleans Syrups aud new’
hulled Buckwheat Flour, always on
hand at Talmadge, Hodgson & Co’s.
“Pay What Thou Owest.”—We
regret to hear complaints from our
Merchants that many of our substan
tial farmers, blessed in the past year’s
profitable farming, are yet unmindful
of their obligations to those who, when
the strain was upon them, gave them
help in attninining their success. This
is. by no means a general failing, but
there are instances enough to make
some of our Merchants sad over their
credit account. This should not be,
and a notice of this kind will be enough,
we are satisfied, to bring matters up
square even to the settlement of little
dues to the Printer.
The Fine Bar and Billiard Sa
loon of R. II. Lampkin.—We can
boast of as fine and as well kept Bars
as any city in the Union. Mr. R. H.
Lampkin has recently bought out the
interest of Mr. Kittle in the magnifi
cent establishment owned by them,
and lias added thereto until he has
made it fully equal to any similar es
tablishment in the country. He has
ou hand an Immense stock of the very
best of every kind of liquors—whis
keys, brankies, wiucs, gins, rums, cor
dials, and just anything else you can
call for. If you don’t find good liquors
at Bob Lampkiu’s, why you need not
go any further, for you may just sei it
down as a fact that they have qu J
making it. But let them quit, Lamp
kin has that cellar of his piled to the
ceiling with the “real stuff’,” enough to
last a many a year to coiue... He has
all kinds and brands on hand, and
sells very low. So we say to our
frseuds, if you want a good drink, just
eall on Bob Lampkin, and you will be
sure to get it.
You will also find three splendidly
kept Billiard Tables, where gentlemen
cau engage in this interesting game.
How he did it.— Last week, in
one of the shops of this city, one of the
boys who are always examining every
thing he sees, went to inspect a small
circular saw that was in motion, which
very unexpectedly split his thumb
up about half way. It was tied up
quickly, when the proprietor iuteroga-
ted the young misobief as to how he
happened to lot it so catch him. The
boy informed him that he had just
done his thumb that wpy—when, as
quick as lightning, finger No. 2 was
served in the same manner.
Moral—Boys should not meddle
with what does not concern them.
Those nice Pearl Grits and White
Beans come from -Talmadge, Hodgson
& Co’s. • *
Pomeroy’s Democrat has made
its appearance in one of the neatest
suits of new type that graces any
journal. Since the election, the circu-
ati on of tho Democrat has been in
creasing at an extraordinary rate. Its
queer, quaint and vigorous editors, its
undiluted Democracy, its fearless ex
posure of Radical wrosgs, 8na its just
denunciation of that cowardly policy
that has well nigh ruiued the Demo
cratic party, makes it just such a jour
nal as the great mass take pleasure in
crusing. For the present year the
Democrat promises to be better than
ever, but we don’t believe it can. In
addition to the paper, which is $2.50
per year, each subscriber receives a
ebromo, fully worth twice the price of
the paper, and .the paper is worth twice
the price charged for it. Address
Pomeroy’s Democrat, New York.
Unclaimed freight now at the Office
of the Southern Express Company,
Athens, Georgia : - 1
l Box G A Anderson, Tallulah.
1 Pci Mrs E Brandi, Athens.
I Pkg Bowers & Brown, “
1 Pci II an an Bray, “
1 P Box 11 Povington,
1 Box Ti M Culbertson, Harmony Grove.
1 Box J II Dunnnhoo, “
l Collar England & Orr, Athens,
1 Pkg HT Greenwood, “
1 Pci II II Gordon,. “
1 Umbrella B Hcdendorph “
1 Pel P H Harden, ^
1 Pkg Mrs A It Herring, “
1 Pci N L Jones, Currahed.^
1 Box T A Janes, Athens. .
1 Pci- Miss J M Little, Athens.
1 Pkg D R Moseley, Danielsville.
I Pkg J Mabry, Carncsville.
I Pkg Osborn «fc Tucker, Carm-suillc.
1 Box Mrs. L Russ, Athens.
I Pkg T \V Smith.
1 Pkg S M Slmnkle, Harmony Grove.
I Pci W B Tilton, Athena.-, -
1 Pkg John IVJieeler, Athens. ( j
1 Bdl James \Yilliams, Athens. •
1 Pkg R Bancroft, AthoisI * i JLJz
1 Box 1) McKenzie, Carnesvitle.
I Pci Win. Brittain, Atljens.
1 Pkg G J X Wilson, Jefferson.
I Box T P Cleveland, Danielsville. i
1 Truss, Smith & Bro, Athens. ^
1 Pkg C W Hood, Harmony Grove.
1 Box .J W Knight,-Athens.
I Pkg T S Davis, Qurrahec.
1 Pkg W J Russell, Athens.
1-Box J E Wall, Atiiens.
1 Box W H Stevens, Athens.
1 Box Miss A Minisb, Athens.
1 Pkg Haygood & Hunter, Athens.
1 Pci Miss S Randolph, Athena. .
I Pci Miss M Hardin, Athens.
1 Pci A A Dcleperrie, Athens;
1 Pci U 0 Briant, Athens.
I Psl W M Datyson, Athen
as a Court House, the said Intendant
and Wardens and their successors in
office, in case the present Board does
not complete the undertaking, shall be
constituted a Board of Commissioners,
and are hereby so appointed, to make
such alterations iu said Town Hall as
may bo necessary for sessions of the
Court, and the Ordinary is hereby au
thorized aud required, to sell to the
highest bidder, the buildings herein
specified, to wit: the Court House
and Clerk’s office, situated in Watkius-
villc, after advertising the same fifteen
days in the town papers; and he is
hereby required to appropriate the
proceeds of said sale, or so m uch there
of, as the said Commissioners may
deem necessary, to defray the altera
tions in the Town Hall as aforesaid;
and that the Ordinary be required to
make immediate provision for a Jail iu
the town of Athens, by removing the
iron-work of the Jail in Watkinsville
to the town of Athens, and therewith
enlarging and otherwise fitting for such
use the Calaboose or town prison of
Athens, and that this section of this
act take effect immediately after its
Now sir, has this section been fully
and completely carried out. If not,
why ? I pause for a reply.
Tax Payer.
CAPr. Win
Athens, Gii., Jiui.' 16th,
Unclotm^l freight now at the
Athens Depot, Athens Georgia.
J W Russell, McLroy, W M Payne, H
J Anderson, UN . Booth, -VV' ‘ ™
Whitmprth, Nortnnp ,
A Hirtiard, W'W Jackson;
J W Crump & Co, Thompson McFarland,
New High Shoals Fac., C A Smith &
The best Flour in the city ia kept
by Talmadge, Hodgson & Co.
Bro, P~H
Morgan, Mrs. It Kii
ret &
A Mam
yT ’M~€raiiferdr T -
t, S II Foddell, Gar-
°8 Nichels, -Oi
jaiil T-2t
Fur CumpanT.
The Kentucky Agricultural College
received from the chizens of Lexing
ton, cash to the amount of §100,000.
The Missouri Agricultural College,
located in Boone County, received, in
a valuable farm, building! aud cash,
donations from the citizeus of Boone to
the amount of §207,000.
The Wisconsin Agricultural College
received from the citizens of Dane
County, a valuable farm which •cost
The West Virginia Agricultural
College received from the citizens of
Morgantown, a village containing less
than half the population of Athens, in
which the College is located, in “ build-
ings, grounds and money,” donations
to the amount of §'>0,000.
The Virginia Agricultural College,
received from Montgomery County, in
which the College is located, bonds to
the amount of $20,000, and buildings
valued at 812,000.
And in our own State, we find that
the enterprising city of Macon has do
nated to Mercer University a valuable
lot of land and bonds to the amount of
These significant facts wc respectful
ly commend to the careful considera
tion of the citizeus of Athens.
. W. L. Broun.
A Certificate from Mr. D. C. Oliver.
I certify that I used Daniel's Magic Oil in a se
vere case of Inflammatory Rheumatism. It gave
relief iu a few hours. Case U now entirely cured.
Certificate from the llev. Mr. Sanders.
Cleveland, White County, Ga., Xor. 7, 1872.'
I hereby certify that twtnve months affo I hmlr
severe attack of Rheumatism in my leg*, with’
which I suffered severely. 1 was* rcq-.histed by id/
father to try Danid'H MACH OIL, which I did,
and using it three or four times, 1 wtfjfcnMrely re*
lieved, and have had no return of the pains. I
have also used it in my family for other palnr/rfnd'
iu most of cases it has afibuled relict, i can safely
say that no i^rsoa will regret trying It.
nov22-tf MUTTON 6AND75HS.
Important to All.—Messrs Gailey
& Barry have now, and will keep con
stantly on hand, a pure articlc^of Kero
sene Oil, which has been tested by the
Government and is guaranteedto stand
a test of 125° Fahrenheit. It is un
doubtedly. a tion-explosive Oil. And
though it e>st much higher at the Re
finery, thejtwill continue to sell at the
low figures of 50c per gallon. The
public are respectfully invited to give
it a trial—and it is open for any legal
The Press Convention.—This
body has been in session for several
days in Atlanta, bat adjourned last
.Wednesday, sine die. Circumstances
over which we had no control prevent
ed our attendance. We assure our
brothers of the press, however, that
our heart was with them, and that we
will cheerfully co-operate with them in
anything their august body shall de
cide is necessary for the honor or inter
est of the press.
: Extract irom Telegraph and Messen-
gtr,. Macon, Ga. We have tested its
virtue personally, and know that for
ipepsia, biliousness and throbbing
■headache ar ising therefrom, it is tho
best medicine the world ever saw.
We had tried forty other remedies be
fore die simmons’ liver regulator,
but none of,them gave us more than
temporary, relief, but the regulator
not only relived, but cured us.
•Editor Telegraph.
a fr \ i
"■Ristol Lost—Sheriff Duke, of
Jackson county, last Tuesday, about
151 o’clock, lost a cartridge pistol, five
shooter, somewhere between the Livery
Stable of Messrs. Gann dj Reaves
and"the Georgia Depot. It is valued
very highly on account of its being a
gift from a friend, more than for its
merits a< KttftaMHI taAr
five dolla»,Twill bejpaid to the finder,
if returned-to Sam Hunter, of
the firm of Huntef Tfc Beusse.'
W D Yi
if, J R Moseley,
Babcock Extinguisher.—There
.was, an exhibition of this celebrate*!
\ Marine Monday last, which gave uni-
D R Moseley, Prieceton Factory, E-R
Ware, B -8 Thompson), F Martin, J J
Jennings, DM Smith,,J O DiUen, Win
A Bovston ,& Co., ,W 1> Grant, J W
Crump, M F Adams, C W Hood, W B
Doster, M # Durham.
“ A. Grant, Agent.
Sand to Talmadge, . Hodgson & Co.
for your meal and Hominy, fresh
.ground eveEy day.
51 satisfaction. A luff report of it
has been prepared, but we had to lay
it over until our next issue on account
of the rush of other matter.
Maiuages in Hart County.
The following Mariages have recently
taken place in Hart county.
Mr. Wm. Ray and Miss Mollie
Mr. Watson and Misa Oii'ens. .
Haygood, Hunter & Co«*
A RE Agents for the sale of the'
Z moat popular Fertiliser* now in use—all oC
which are guaranteed to bo pure, and will l>e sold
as cheap us they can be bought i this market.
rtH'Csll and see us, before purchasing elaewhere.
~ $?5 to $250 per month
every where, male and female, to introduce the
(ieuuiue Improved Co nimn {sense Family
Sewing Machine. This Much in e will,
hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, Lind, braid, cm*
***' broider, in a most su|»crior manner. Price
v. only ?I5. Fully licensed and warren ted. for
^ five years. We wifi p*/ 8i,0*»0 for arty ma6hlno'
'■’^that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or
inure elastic scam than ours. It makes the'
“KJa.slic L<*ok Stitch/ Every second stitch^
can be cut, and >*till the cloth t ar.not be pulled*
fj art without tearing it. We pay agent* $7e'
r-Js l«» $!50 per month and expenses or a coinini*-
—si on from which twice 1 amount can b«
'K made. Address SECOMII & OO., H< jtion, Mass;'
~ T» { t»*hor«h, Pa; Chicane, 111, or Lo l.tuir,
■<} Missouri.
tvfioritctj at £.asv,
6'G~ Othce over Barry’s Stoic, Broad Street. “TfC
Will Practice In the Counties of Clarke, Walton,
.Jackson, Franklin, Madison and HilK.
Lively, feed and Safe Stable;
tdd stand, rear Franklin llruvebuilding,
Thomas street. Keep always on hand good Tune*'
»uts and careful dri vers. ’
block well eared for when entrusted to our c«#e. *
Stock on baud for sale at all tluies.
Livery Stable.
Atlanta, January 15.
The following bills were passed : To
pay Justices of the Peace and freehol
ders two dollars per day for conduct
ing elections; to create a Board of
Commissioners for Banks county; to
authorize telegraph companies to con
struct lines on the right of way of rail
roads ; to declare there may lie princi
pals iu the second degree**, and to au
thorize the trial of principals in the
second degree and accessories before
the principal of the first degree.
The Senate and House Immigra
tion Committee were consolidated.
The Committee on Elections will re
port tc-morrow in favor of seating the
Demcc.atic del gations of Wilkiuson
and Houston counties. No evidence
was submitted in either case.
Aker man is here as attorney for T.
G. Campbell, negro, the contestant
for Mattox’s seat.
The Press Association adjourned
to-day. They passed a resolution
making the meiphers subject to expul
sion who accepted the legal advertise
ments of Ordinaries in, arrears with
other publishers, and requiring mem . . COBB, ERWIN & COBB,
here to adhere strictly to the regular _ .
pates in contracting with advertising ATTORNEYS AT LAW,
It ;«r»T
On 2‘/iomas 'Street.
. • <
wh«w florae* will be 1TEI> aod cmred^ for. Alto**
I I *m prepared to F«ed DroT« of Horae* soft
' Mole*. Partie* will do well to call.
j: z. cooper*
^Jlill speaks to-morrow night. If
there be a second ballot in the Senato
rial election, it is thought Stephens
will be elected.
Office in the Deupree Baildtr.a. JS^
Two ladies were chatting gaily,
when the conversation turned upon the
subject of dress. Lady No. 1, in re
ply to a facetious remark of No. 2,
saifi; “ I’m in no mood lor trifling to-
.day, and I’m backed up in my good
iqtbntions by the presence of Zion’s
Herald in. my panier.” No. 2. re
marked: “There’s no use in vour
feeling so particuarly good about that;
I have the Christian at Work in mine.’
Two negroes confined in the Fulton
oounty jail attempted to burn it ou
11th. No great damage done.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
Chewing and Sinokim Tobacco, Sniff",
Pipes of all kinds, Cigar Holders,
Walking Canes, Ac., dr., de.
Iff* Store Mtuatrd on Colic
loath Wheeler A Wilson Sew
ce Avenue, one door
ing Machine Agency.
KAA Agents wanted ! Jnlt out! A splendid
rfew Chart: “Christ bleating little chil
dren ’’ Immense sales! 500 agents wanted for our
large Map of the “ United Stab**” with immense
•‘World’’ Map on reverse side. Onr Maps and
Charts go like wi:d-Dic.
‘ reUbbehm-nt, 197 Libert; SI
ijdre Map
tr.ot, r«.
and Cfcsrt