The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, May 09, 1873, Image 2
eonjinn, PUBLISHED BY X, "W. & T.L. GANTT, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, Jit Tvo dollars Per Annum, CASH IN ADVANCE. i CoplesScnt Kreeon Application."**! Heath or James L. Orr.—Hon. James I* Orr, United States Minister to the Court of Russia, died suddenly and unexpectedly to-day, of inflamma tion: of the lungs. He had been suffer ing from the effects of the severe cold o^ the climate, but was not considered eerioqsly ill. -.Indian Moses.—Why should not the Indian have a Moses as well as the negroes ? The Western papers say that the Indians have been for Bome^jJin4"ekp8fetiDg * Moses to arise nrnoiig their trace end redeem the peo ple from bondage. This belief, sub stantially the same as officially stated above, has led the Indians in that belt GORGIA ITEMS. 1 Exhausted Soqs Renovated I with Cotton Stalks.—A correspon- „ _ I dentin Murray county, Georgia, writes Four new cases of small-pox in to the Department of Agriculture as Augusta. follows: Mayor Estes, of Augusta, has with- [ The raising of corn, wheat, and stock drawn his resignation for the use of the farm, and beyoDd m , . . _ I that, cotton, is certainly the true policy Two negroes escaped from the Ca- for farmers of this rountv. Cotton nnlha jail by using their jack-knives. ^ better than auy other' crop , but A cat in Covington gives nourish- not well euough to justify one in raisiug ment to a parcel of valuable terrier it altogether and buying his own pro pups. visions. An experiment came under The fifty-fourth anniversary of Odd option which proves that e»t- ellows ww celebrated in Atlanta and ton - 50 fr0 ™ exh “ ustin " the , 80 ^ ' ! ugusta with great ceremony. a •£* when properly man . b J aged. My son-in-law took two acres A white woman promenaded the J or old, worn out, completely exhausted streets of Macon the other day fond-1 and, four years ago, and planted it in ling a little Modoc nigger baby. cotton. Each winter, after the stalks m. rr , « ... had become tender, he took a stick and The Tel gr<ph<uul Meager says ^ them to piece9 then a long, th«| the night train between Macon | bn ll-tongne plow, as deep as a strong mule could pul! it, under the roots of A negro named George Henson has the old stalks, and with a one-horse been arrested in Atlanta for an attempt turningplow threw all the old bolls and to commit a rape on a white woman. stalks on the ridge. This lie did each js rsrftri i” s? S?i’asf«££* tirivo *ht thirtv in nn I doubled itself each year; the first year brought thirty-six applicants in one itmade 350 pound/ of ^ cotton, the last 2,200 pounds. No manure what A few families in Barnesville, Alba- ever was used. ny and Macon have been luxuriating upon Irish potatoes — this year’s! Civil War in Louisiana.—It growth. . I seems that Kellogg’s operations have Eight buildings in the suburbs of I at last culminated in actual civil war Atlanta, known as the West End, I in Louisiana. A battle royal has oc- were destroyed by fire on Monday | currcd in Martinsville,' and Kel of country situated east of the Cascade ra o rn > 8- ->•, ' i bigg’s army was defeated, with the loss An Augusta soiled dove, named and west of the Rocky .Mountains, to longingly look for the coming of their deliverer, and to hail ell unusual oc currences as indications of his speedy ndvent. No chief knows but that he may prove to be the chosen one, and Captain Jack in his success will l« greeted as such by great numbers of braves. New Advertisements. KING’S CURE FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. aer W. P. HOYT & CO., Drug gists at Rome, write: “** * We have not written because we wanted to give the Chicken Cure a fair trial, and see if it would do in every case. We have done so, and find it will do all it claims. J. C. HARDIE DEALER IN , \ DRY GOODS. AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Justly Celebrated Magno lia Hams, Bologna Sau sage, Dried Beef, Canned Woods, &c. Sndir. Pipes, Tobacco and Segara, Raisins, Sar dines, Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, Candy and Pea nuts, Lemons and Oranges, Pickles, Northern Ap ples and Butter Scotch. . Cash paid for country produce. •V Rmad street, Athens, Ga., opposite J. H. Huggins. apll-ly NOTICE . Athena, Go., May 1, 1873. H AVING disposed of our entire stock, of Stores, Tinware and House Furnish ing Goods to Messrs J. C. Wilkins A Co., We cheerfully recemmend them to the public, and ask for them the patronage of those who have hitherto dealt with us in that line of goods. SCMMEY A NEWTON. FN accordance with the above, we 1 would say that we shall .pen, on or about May loth, a complete stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware AND Housc-Furnisliing Goods, in the Store now occupied by the agency of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, and re' -vpcclfully solicit a share of the public patronage. J. C. WILKINS & CO. The Lava Beds Marines.—The dispatches indicate that Capt. Jack and his fifty or sixty warriors are too many for the army and navy of the United States. And the extract from the Washington Chronicle yesterday, call ing “ for the enlistmcut of three or four Volunteer regiments ” in “ order to surrouud and starve cut these treach- ous savages” amounts to an acknowl edgement of being whipped out. The defeat of the regular army is sim ply complete. The humiliation and d^jrace none the less so. Grant liad better call off* his soldier from this ser vice, either send them among Southern families where no fighting is required, drum up these volunteers, or somebody else who can fight. It is well demon strated that his array is unfited for such barbarous busiuess as actual fighting. 0r perhaps he ought to send the entire rfMbang to the Vienna Fair. It would Do doubt get a premium of some kind or other. . It really ought to lrnvc a premium. n ... n r. , , , , - , i of two killed and three wounded. The Bettie Hubbard, took laudanum last ,. „ , , , . Thursday night. She now sleeps the d,s P atch “Y 8 the P°°P lc are resolved usual sleep. not to pay the taxes levied by this bold An affectionate colored mother who and flushing usurpation, unless they left her child in her house alone had are enforced by Federal bayonets. It to huut for it in a pile of ashes when I is impossible to forecast the miseries sl.e returned. j w hich ma y grow out of this complica For the benefit of members of the tion, in which the wretched tax-pay- Georgia Legislature we will state that j erg 0 f Louisiana are driven to the al the farmers are preparing to put in a large crop of peanuts. Richmond county is jubilant. She is out of debt and has 810,502 45 in treasury. This is known in the diction aries as prosperity A man named William Wafkins, a native of Franklin, Heard county, was hung iu Arkansas on the 25th ulL He was sixty years of age. As the word “black” has been ex- teruativc of submitting to barefaced robbery or assuming an attitude of quasi-resistince to the Federal Govern ment. The probabilities are that they will be robbed and punished for trea son too. SOLA WATER .A.T A good story is told of a Germnn shoemaker in Utica, who having made a pair of boots for a gentleman of punged from the dictionary, we will whose financial integrity he had consi- state that the colored berry crop is , .. ... , .. „,, . . very promising in Georgia. derable doubt, made the following reply ,, T» • i r. i e i_ „ to him when he called for the article: Mr. Daniel Palmer, of Mitchell .. — . , . , . , county, says he has two hundred acres Der P 00 ^ ,al * not quite done, but dcr of cotton chopped out aud has gone heel ish nade out.” over it the second time with his ploughs. | Negro lodges of the Know Nothing A s]>ccial term of Monroe Superior order are forming in the West and Court will be held-next week for the South. Their motto is “No white man | purpose of working off the criminals for office.” Longs&Billups Talmaflge & Dorsey liar* the finest lot of FISHING TACKLE Ever brought to this market. Also a superb lot o PISTOLS In 1 every thing else kept ain first class Jewclery Store. May 2tl For over Forty Years- this PURELY VEGETABLE. Liver Medicine lias proved to be the GRKAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint nn<l the ptinful offspring thereof! to-wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Billions attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirit*, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, CHILLS aud FEVER, Ao. t Ac. After yean of careful experiments, to meet a great and unjent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powder*, * THE PREPARED _ Liquid form of Simmons' Liver Regulator, con taining all it* wonderful and valuable properties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The Powders, price as before, ...$1.00 per package. Sent by mail .'— i.Ot “ C^XJTXOTST. But no Powders or Prepared Simmons’ Regula tor unless In our engraved wrapper, with trade mark, stamp and signature unbroken, None oth er is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ua, aud Philadelphia SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jan3-6m F. W. LUCAS & CO’S LARGE STOCK OF BOOTH &c CHAFFIN Market Street, near Court House, Fam ily Grocery and Bar Room Keeps constantly on hand choice Family Grocer ries, of all kinds, aud the best brauds ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give us a cal), and you will find everything in >ur line of the best, aud prices as low as the lowest. J. S. DORTCH, Attorney at Law CAltNESVILLE, GA. W* R. LITTLE, Attorney at Law CAltNESVILLE, GA. that are sweating in jail. The proba bility is that some of them will be aired on a gallows. The City Couucil of Atlanta de clined to appropriate $2,000 for the entertainment of the Convention of Governors ou the 20th inst., as they would be compelled to borrow the money at heavy interest. The admirable condition of our side-1 walks gives us the right, on rainy nights, lo the title of the “City of j Lakes.” Treat your lied hugs to kerosene cock tails if you would have them call on your neighbor. Cow for Sale. W EATHERLY & CO. HAVE a fine COW for sale, willi a young Calf. Apply at their Store, corner of Thomas and Clayton streets. myiMf Death ok the Chief Justice of the United States.—Chief Justice Chas, died Wednesday morning from paralysis. Both of his daughters and his son-in-law, Senator Sprague, were at his bod-side. '.Chief Justice Chase left Washing. toll last week for New York and Bos ton. He expected to remain in the If ttor city two or three weeks; then return to Washington, and after a t rt stay there go to Colorado, where proposed to locate for the Summer, with a view .to the. restoration of lii* health by tho pure and bracing air of the mountain.region. -The Chief Jus- iicSWosin unusually good health and spirits, and continued so during Sun- day and Monday. On Tuesday mor- ■Sing he was stricken with paralysis, Btid remained unconscious till this mor ning, at 11 o’clock, when he peace fully died, surrounded by his sorrow ing. relatives. The Eagle says during the month of April over $3,000 worth of chickcqs On Saturday last a white man and I and eggs were ahipj>ed from Gainsville. a negro, concealed on the road side drag- 1 ged W. B. Roberts from his horse, while on his way from Decatur to . THE WILKES i OL’RT. Washington, Ga., May 6, 1873 JEdSen.KfithrEaet Georgian: *fhe Superior Court for Wilkes county convened here yesterday morn ing, - Judge Garnett Andrews presid ing^ Quite ( number of distinguished gentlemen were in attendance, among the number the great commoner, Al exander H. Stephens, Judge Hook of Auguste, Judge Vason of Albany, Hon. 8. C. Reese, J. D. Mathews, W. D. Johnson, and Solicitor General Samuel Lumpkin. -. Wie ore informed that the cause of the appearance of Mr. Stephens m Urn probability of the great Pounds tMtniteg to trial, in 'which Mr. Stcphcns.appears for the defence. This is a murder case, which was removed Jfofn Hancock county because of the .trouble experienced in obtaining an Unbiased jury. The prisoner has been tried three times, with the same result in each case. His counsel, however, arc still sanguine of su n-css. An ong the arrivals wc were pleaded to nfth the presence of our esteemed friend, Dr. J. E. Pope, of your city. What brought the youug gentleman . to our little town we are not prepared bot Madame Rumor has been fp bgld as to surmise that a certain lit- «ift piece of divinity, who glories in bright eyes and rosy cheeks, was the power behind the scene*. The visit of this disciple of .&culapius has placed the minds of many of our young men in quite a stiteof perturbation. They teriodsly contemplate “going gun ning" for him should he again put in hn appearance. But the course of true love never did run smooth. We have been having a great deal of rain lately; and crops ore “looking up.’ Our farmers ere making very abundant use of ferfrlixsrs. In Act, so extensive has been the Application of guano, that you can easily track tho route of a wagons by the perfumery of Dicksou’s Compound. Moke Anon. Lawrenoeville, robbed him of $546 in greenbacks and other valuables, mak ing good their escape. The Rev. Mr. Wood, DeKalb coun ty seducer, has obtained a new trial under the decision of the Supreme Court, on the ground that a married man cannot be guilty of seduction by promise of marriage when his marriage I cotto*.—.. The news from the Modoc war has aroused the pugilistic feeling in the breast of the colored warrior, and bre vet wiyes are catching “thunder.” Athens’ Retail Prices Current Corrected by England <t* Orr, Gen-1 eral Commission Merchants, Broad \ Street, Athens Georgia. T8E NSW DRUG STORE AfiEifAi COLOGNE, More Delicate anti Permanent thau any other* and at uiuch Lower Rates- WM. KING, Ju. BONES* I WILL PAY ONE CENT TER Pound for all OLD BONES, of any kind, delivered to me. A. S. DORSEY, nih21-3m Broad Street, Athens, (i DR. J. E. POPE ■RESPECTFULLY offers his Pro- JL\ fe&aional Services to the Citizens of Athens and Adjacent Country. Occupies the office formerly occupied by Dr. II. Carlton. At night he can be found at the resi dence of Dr. J. A. llunnlcutt. feblt-l THE E OLIPSE W i § i p © p TS MEETING WITH UNPRECE _ . ‘T are us* all urer the Union, and crerj wheel heard from is giving unqualified satisfaction* All tires, from 8 to 72 inches in diameter, manufactured l>y the Stillwell k Bierce Xanufactarina Company. For dcscripllTe circulars and price list ap ply to or address. K. Mt KKBsO.V. /ebXl-6ui Athens, U*. PAPER At Wholesale. THE UNDERSIGNED have just -JL received* large in voice of Commercial, Note, Letter anil Cap Paper, to which they inrite the attention of Merchants and Dealers. We believe that we can sell as low as the same qualities and quantities can be pur chased any where in the South. Samples and pri ces sent on application to BURKE & HODGSON. Gift tmiiRpmsE The Onlj & liable (lift Distribution a u» C« u &tr $60,000 oo VALUABLE GIFTS III Xj. TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN' X>. SINE’S 161th EEdUCUt MOSTIII.V J. w. COLLINS Has now in Store a Full Stock of DRY GOODS -PERSONS FROM THE COUN- J- TRY and those from a distance arc invited to inspect our II ATS, SHOES & NOTIONS Of All Kinds, which he offers HEAP FOR CASH Or in Exchange for Country Produce. IWThe highest market price paid in cash for Cotton. apll-tf Gift enterprise: 7b be dra-wn Monday, June 2d, 1873. Two Grand Capitals of §5,000 each in Greenbacks Two Prizes $1000 = ( n L I I «?Rgs jsi 1 Greenbacks! 1 Horse and Buggy, with Silver-Mounted Harncs-, "Orth $600. 1 Fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $308. 10 Family Sewing Machines, worth Sio-i each. Five Gold Watches and Chains, wort'. .-;Chi each. 5 Gold Amr. Hunting Watches, worth $125 each. 10 Ladies'Gold Hunting Watches, Worth $75 each. 800 Gold anti Silver Lever Hunting Watches, (in *11.) worth from $20 to S300each. Gold Chains, Sliver-ware, Jewelrv, Ac., Ac. Whole uumber Gifts, 6,500. Tickets Limited to 60,000. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal I*remitims will he paid. Slitgl* Tickets »1; Six Tickets $5: Twelve Tickets $10 j Twenty-five Tickets $20 Circulate containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other ’,n- Tormatien in reference to the Distribution, will ho sent to any one ordering them. AU letters must be addressed to Main Office, L. D. SINES, Box 66. 101 W. Fifth St. Cincinnati, o LARGE & ELEGANT STOCK. OLD BOIES Surveyor, Architect. F'PIIE undersigned, having a com _L |*lete set of Surveying instruments, is now ready to do all kinds of Surveying, vi*.: Laying off City Lot*, Homesteads, Plantations, Ac.,'and making accurate Plots of the saute. He is also prepared to execute all descriptions of Drafting, to furnish Plans for Houses, Bridges, Ac., and make estimates of cost. Can lie found at the Office of Captain E. F. Lumpkin. I>. K. LUMPKIN. jan31-tf County Surveyor. which wo guarantee to equal any in the State in Qulity and in Low Prices Largo Stock of Ladies' and Children's DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES AND KINDS, Large Stock of Gentlemen and Boy's Goods, From th* Lowest to the Highest Prices, which can be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER, by i First-Class Tailor & Cutter Umbrellas and Parasols, Window Shades, Straw Matting, Hoop Skirts, Cambric Skirts, Shawls, Lace Points, Scarfs, Thread Lacc Collars, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Tuckiugs, Trimmings, Party and Wedding Dress Goods, III Silks, Grenadines and Muslins. Elegant Black Silks, And Summer Silks. Call aud see the Goods and Prices. F. W. LUCAS&CO apr4-5m r WILL PAY ONE CENT PER 1- POUND for all BONES delivered to me. mh28-tf j. H. HUGGINS, Athens. WANTED, At the Tan-Yar<l formerly owned by V. If. Doyle, 200 Cords Red Oak Bark. HWlCASII and the highest market price will be paidT n»h21 W. C. KEMP. BEUSSE&MOON Keeps Consiantly on Hand the Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At their BAR will bo found the l**st of every thing to drink, served up ‘According to Gunter." Gentleman will also find No. 1 BILLIARD TABLES, kept in good order. KING'S cuud: is known to the female. The oldest chartered lodge of Ma sons now in existence in the United States is Solomon’s Lodge, No. 1, of Savannah. It was chartered by the Grand Lodge of England in 1755, and was re-charte-rod by the Grand Lodge of Georgia on the organization of that body in 1785. Anderson Reese and Henry Grady have been elected Vice Presidents of the Georgia Society for the “ Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals.” If livery stable horses could a tale unfold, we don’t think these fast young men would have been so honored. Henry Jackson, negro, was arrested | Friday before last, at Station No. 1 on the Augusta and Savannah Rail-1 way, charged with the murder of a white woman in Green county 6ome weeks since. He answers to the dc-1 scription of the Governor’s proclama tion offering a reward for the murderer. An Atlanta man got himself into | business the other night with a non- explosive kerosine lamp. The oil took ! fire and he endeavored to extinguish it. Then the oil in the can caugnt fire, and he put "his hand over the mouth to smother it—whereupon the bottom [ came out, and the doctors have got him in tow. It is said that Foster Blodgett isl anxious to return to Georgia. This is rigl t He has many friends in this | State who would be glad to see him. Among others we might mention Grant I and Alexander, who seem to imagine that they can get a shoveling contract with the busy B. He would be an invaluable acquisition to th;ir chain | gang- Gov. Smith has addressed a letter to the farmers of the West and North- we t in regard to the great advantag> s presented by the Atlantic and Great Western Canal. Gov. Smith, in in viting the Governors of the above States to send delegates to the Conven tion at Atlanta, May 20th assures them that they will meet with a hearty wel come from our people. A negro woman in Upsun county has given birth to a second child by her own brother. The breast and abdomen of the child and the back makes a complete turtle, the former being covered by a soft white shell and the back by a hard one. This Is the jecond child by her brother. Another woman gave birth to triplets, and all are doing well. In Atlanta a negro named George Henson, on Sunday night with a vehi cle to a white woman’s nouse, and by telling her that a friend had arrived in the city and sent for her, induced her to take a seat in the cairiage. He then drove off in a different route to that the woman expected, and attempted to violate her person, which was prevented by the timely arrival of a gentleman, who rescued the woman Heusou is in limbo. 12 to 16.'£ Provisions.—Flour,Fancy,pcrbbL. 13 50 Extra Family,... 12 50 Family, 1200 Superfine 10 00 Corn...— per hush. 90 to 1 16 Pea* - •• 1 00 to I Keai “ i 10 Wheat 2 Ooto 2 50 Baron aides, per pound 11 to 12% “ shoulders, ** • 9 to 10 " hams, •• IS to 1* l»rd •• 12 to 15 Iriah Potatoes, country, pr bush, 1 00 to 2 00 Sweet Potatoes, “ 1 25 to 1 50 Egg*. —per dor.. 20 Chickens, grown, lOct Frying 25 to 30 Butter— —per lb. 30 35 (iroccrirx.—Sugar, Crushed per lb. 15 to 16 BOCK BEER Now on draught at the EXCHANGE SALOON. HOUSE TO RENT rrio RENT, a HOUSE JL situated noarthe Lucy Cohb Institute, containing four rooms, a fire-place in oach, with a double room Kitchen iu the yard. On the lot is a weU of good water, and a fine Uardcn, ready planted. For tonus, Ac., apply to uiv9-lm S. C. REESE. II.... C U to *’ Demarara, “ IS Coffee, Rio, —. “ 25 “ Laguira, “ 28 “ Java *• S3 Tea, Hyacn •* 1 50 '• Gunpowder, “ 2 00 •' Black •• 1 50 Onions — per bush.1 00 Syrup, Sorghum, per gal. 60 *' Cane •• 73 Cuba MoUsscs •• 33 Candles, sperm... per lb. 46 “ Adaman, •' 20 " Tallow, •- 15 Cheeae, State “ 20 “ Eng. Dairy, 25 Crackers, soda,... “ is “ bntter, “ 15 •' augai, “ 20 “ cream, “ 20 Candy, plain per lb. 18 “ fancy « so Soda “ 12 Black Pepper..—' “ S3 Ginger •• 35 Starch “ 15 Tallow ' '• g Dried Peaches, pealed, “ 8 •• •* unpealcd, “ 3 Dried Applea — •• 4 Mackerel, kite 2 25 to 3 50 “ bbl —. 10 00 to 12 00 Sardines —.— per box, ?S to 40 Salt— — pcrsack, 2 25 Factory Goods,—Cotton Yarns. t 65 COTTON GIN WINSllIP IMPROVED COTTON GIN. ~ I Lightness of Draft, Fast Gin- — I JJ Ding. Cleansing the * erd well, and making to 1 50 I Good Sample, this Gin has no equal. It U made of the • BEST MATERIAL I to be had in this country or Europe, in good style and well finished. Planters are invited to call on uain Atlanta, or at any of our Agencies, and exam ine this Gin, before purchasing. Also to send in their orders EARLY, to insure their being filled In good time for the coming crop. 8. nd for Circulars. SCMMEY A NEWTON, Agents, Athens. W INSHIP A BRO., Atlanta, Qa. WANTED, A T THE GEORGIA FACTORY XA. a MAN who is competent to keep opera tives’ accounts and do a general trading business. One who has had some business experience, and has a fhmlly. Applications at UtofplaOB will bo j attended to. J. WHITE, Agent. Osuaburg*, |wr yd. IS to 18 y. Shirting, " 12 to IS 1-4 •• It uo oda..—Prints, •• 11 to 12^ Delaines, •• 25 to SO Bl'ched Shirting, " 10 to 25 lleil Ticking, •• 20 to 50 -Peach Brandy, good “ 4 00 t* “ medium, “ 3 00 to — " common,'"' 2 00 to Apple •* good, " 4 00 to — ** “ medium, “ 3 00 to — " _ " common, “ 2 25 to — French •• —.... *< 4 00 to 10 00 Holland Gin “ 5 00 to 8 00 American Gin— — " 800 to 6 00 Jamaica Rum-——- “ 5 1)0 to 8 00 American Bum—.—— " 3 00 to 6 00 Bourbon Whiskey— " 2 00 to 4 00 Wines,..— " 8 00 to 10 00 Gen. Lee at Stonewall’s Grave, A lt x IS Inch Engraving of the Grave of “Stonewal.” Jackson in the Lexington, Va., Cemetery. The noble Gen. Lee standi beside the flower-strewn grave, over which bangs a weeping willow. In the distance la to be seen a beautiful landscape, hills decked in venlae, clouds as natu ral as real ones, and many other things which makes this picture a gem of art; one which ahould hang in the parlor of every Southern borne. It is vtthootarival the sweetest and most touchingly beautiful Engraving before the pablie. A copy of this beautiful Engraving will be sent by mall, post paid to every one sending 50 cents for six months subscription to THE SOUVENIR, A large eight-page paper with 6,000 circulation, devoted to Literature, Poetry, Romance, Senti ment, Wit, Humor, Ac. Address J. C. A W. H. BURROW. Publishers, Bristol, Tenn. LAMAR COB1I, A. S. ERWIN, HOWELL COBB COBB, ERWIN & COBB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Ojficc in the Deupree lluilding.^gr* SAMUEL P. THURMOND, •Attorney at JLatv, ATHENS, GEORGIA. mr Office orer Barry’a Store, Broad Street. Will Practice in the Counties of Cforke, Walton, Jackson, Banks, Franklin, Madison and Hall. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, ATHENS, G-A. GANN & REAVES... .PROPRIETORS TX7ILL BE FOUND AT THEIR V V old stand, rear Franklin House building, Thomas street. Keep always on hand good Turn outs and careful drivers. Block well cared for when entrusted to our cutc. Stock ou hand for sale at all times. declB-tf NEW SONFECTIONERY T L. FRANKLIN & CO..would fj a inform the public that they have opened on Jacksou street, rear of the National Bank, a Con fectionery, where they will keep a full stock of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Crack ers, Canned Fruit, Oysters, Bardines, Ac., Ac. All goods fresh. Give us a call. apll-tf J\Tewton House ATHENS, GA. T’HE undersigned having taken -1_ charge of the above popular Hotel, takes pleasure in annonneing to the travelling public and citizens of Atheus and surrounding country, that he is prepared to accommodate, in • satislac- tory manner, all who may favor him with their patronage. Persona wishing to spend their sum mer months away from home, will And Athens a delightful place, and rates for Board very moder ate. Permanent Boarders taken at low rates. apr4-2m A. D. CL1NARD, Proprietor. Ttksrcs-Common, per lb so Medium “ I so Fine. “ 1 00 6Uokiag, “ — 60 WooimWon.—Painted Buckets, dox 3 73 to 00 to 75 to 1 60 to 1 00 to 3 00 Cedar « “ 9 00 to 12 00 White Pine, •* “ 7 0C to • oO Sieves, •• 3 00 to S 00 Snuff, Maecaboy, per lb, 1 00 “ Scotch....— “ • 80 Cigars, Am per 1000 80 00 •• Havana— “ 8880 100 00 Am rnmaUtow—Powder per lb. 80 to 80 Shot.. — « 13 to IS Lead “ 12 to IS Caps— per box, 10 to 40 KING’S Toilet Powders Delightfully Perfumed And not at all injuriooa to the mod delicate com plexion. WM. KING, Jr. »- Ice, Ice, Ice. toS0«0| 1 7 I would respectfully announce to the I citizens of Atboai that on the 1st of May I wi 1 open the Ice House on College Avenue under the | L«*er Beer Saloon of Myer Stern. April 25th. WM. GOTHAS1MLR. For Sale or Rent, A HOUSE AND LOT ON CLAY ton Street, situated uearly opposite Mr. J S. Eoglaud’ft residence. The Uou»c is verv con venient for a am all familv, with two welts of wate. stables and a most excellent garden spot. F- partlculars enquire at THIS OFFICE. NOTICE OP CHANGE - OF SCHEDULE GEORGIAandMACON and AUGUSTA RAILRODS Superintendent's UlSrr, Georgia and Baron k Augusta Railroad Augusta, On., June 8; 1672. ■*’} O N AND AFTER WEDNES DAY, June 5th, 1872, the Passenger Trains on the Georgia and Macon aud Auguata Railroads wUl run us follows: GEORGIA RAILROAD. Day Passenger Train will Leave Augusta at — - —.8 20 a.m. Leave Atlanta at - 8 15a.m. An lvc at At lan ta at — —6 40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta at - .A 30 p. in. Night Passenger Train. Lesve Augustaat ..8 1$ p. ni. Leave Atlanta at. ..8 oop. m. Arrive at Atlania at......' 6 45 a. m. Arrive at Augusta at 6 00 a. m. MACON AND AUGUSTA R. R. Day Passenger Train. Leave Augusta at....... 11 oo a. m. Leave Macon at—.— — — 6 30 a. m. Arrive in Augusta at— 2 45 p. m. Arrive in Macon at.....—— 7 40 p. in. Night Passenger Train. Leave Augusta at...——.. Leave Macon at — Arrive in Augusta at Arrive in Macon at... —......... 8 13 p. m. ——.JO oop. m. — 6 00 a. m. 4 15 a. m. Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Washington and stations on Georgia Railroad, by taking th* Day Passenger Train will make connection at Ea rn ak with the Train lor Macon. tar Pullman's (First-Class) Sleeping Cara on all Might Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad; and Firkt-CUas-sleeplng Cars on all Might Trains on the Macon and Augusta Railroad. S. K. JOHNSON, SupL If ® <T 2B Sp Si 1 2. ? CD I -- 1 f > « &s Cf> - 5>a S3 '<1 ' jBm , = o —I - a —^2 K; rrg v 1-^ a; 3^! iS - i f ? • I? = a | —i |-f; j GC 5= S3 § W= M S-S - __ o ' |— ■£.» C3C3 s - t» J S.g. - 5»J _ 2 »55; TSJ K s . “ f §' i m 'U " p-'2! ss ft j2«d *-{ GC aiS o "| tTmMKW ALTER mm/ AT COST JWnc is the Time for I*ou to Jtlalie Jtloney. H aving determined to change ray business, I now offer my entire stock of Goods at COST 1 My stock is large and fine, con-sIbting of a full .and complete .assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a full stock oi Groceries, and all articles kept in a first class Drv (toods and Grocery .Store. I mmn BUSINESS, And will close out during this month. wv*,CALL nnd SEE.*«:ta To any one buying my entire slock will offer additional inducements, and give time. A.L.DEARING, No. 1 Granite Row, Bishop’s old stand. AthcIns,Ga., January 1st, 1873 janff-tf Is Certainty Prompt tt.sed twice a week, it UJ will prevent the Disease among Poultry, «t al! kinds. One Bottle, Worth FIFTY C’EN l'S, makes Two Gallons of Medicine. The use of it will save Thousands of Dollars annually to North east Georgia. PREPARED BY DR. WM. KING ATHENS, And for sale by Merchants generally, and by BARRETT, LAND A CO., Augusta, Wholesale Agents. feb’il-fiiu Jftarhle ¥f*orks BIIOID HT., ACOP8TA, fit. -\/TARBLE MONUMENTS, Toml Stones, etc., Marble Mantles, Furniture Work of all kinds, from the plainest to tho n.o.-t elaborate designs, ami furnished to or*lf r at short notice. All work for the country carefully S.T-1860- X. Athens Foundry & Machine Works. fNENERAL FOUNDERS AND VjT Machinists. Pattern Work, Smithing aud Repairing. Having an extensive collection of Patterns, manufacture IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS MillandGin (.earing, Mining and Mill .Machine ry, Steam Engine., Saw Mills, Hoisting Screws, Lighter Serews, Sugar Mills, Cut ton Seed Crush ers, Shafting. Pulleys, Threshers, Fan Smutters, Bark Milia, Mill Spindles, liorse-I’ow- ers. Rattle Staffs, Mill Cranks, Corn Shellera, Ae. Also manufacture, and arc Agents for, the most approved Turbine Water Wheels, Brooks' Patent Revolving Cotton Press, Iron Fencing, Grave En closures, Balconies, Ac. R. NICKERSON, Agent nnd Superintendent. M. B.—Mill'Findings furnished at manufactu rer's prices. Jan PAIXTING. W. M. BONE ^PROPOSES TO DO ALL KINDS A of Painting—House, Carriage and Furniture work-in the neatest, cheapest and most durable style. Also, imitaticn work anil glazing and paper hanging done at short notice. Prompt attention given to all orders left at th* Drugstores, or at his Shnpon Clayton street, 2d door S. E. Episcopal church, Athens Ga. feb7—ly. UNIVERSITY HOTEL. R. H. LAMPION TTAVING OPENED A HOTEL J—L on Wall street, offers to our citizens and the travelling public, select BOARDmud Lodgings if desired, fhble always furnished with the best the market affords, aud served up in a superior manner. Give me a call. fcb21-:t Livery Stable ’-js; I HAVE A LIVERY STABLE On Thomas Street, where Hones will be FED and cared for. Alao, WAGON YARD. mSS;. 1 do wtu toSdi? of Horaei *“ d J! Z. COOPER. aovii-ly R. R. SAULTER C 'ALLS the attention of his friends 1 and “the rest of mankind** to the fact that he will keep on hand a fresh assortment of Family Supplies, with a fine quantity of COOKING WINE, either in bottles or on draught. Also, tlie best o B ANDY, WHISKEY RUM. GIN, ALE. LAGER BEER, TOBACCO AND CIGARS OjB“ Country Dealers supplied at low figures, st HOLBROOK’S CORNFR, inhU-tf Near N. E. Railroad Depot, Athens. DANIEL’S MAGIC OIL. rplliS is to certify that I have used DANIEL’S L MACilC OIL, and I can recommend it for Frost Bite* Chilblaiu* Sprains and Bruises. T am satisfied that tio one would regret trying it. M. P. DAVIS, Chief Police, Athens, Ga. Young Steele. T his celebrated Stallion will stand during the Spring seaaou in Jackson and ad jacent counties. He iflof the beat blood on all side*, and is now iu his prime. Price, to iusure colt, $15. If a party trades a mare folded by him before the blrtb of the colt, the money become* due at that time# K.,t. JOHNSON. O’KELLEY’S SKY-LIGHT PH0T06RAPH GALLERY, Over Williams' Shoe Store, Broad Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. "DHOTOGRAPHS and Ferreolypes J- executed in the finest and best style of the art, in cloudy as well as clear weather. Call and be convinced that you can obtain True Likenesses at this Gallery. Terms Cash and Low Prices. J. P. O’KELLEY. LIST OF ARTICLES — SOLD BY — tl.COIsTER & CO. And their Authorised Agents. To Make fiOLDEN HONEY. Price of a family right, One Dollar. WASHING COMPOCXD. Price o f a family reci pe, One Dollar. WHITE WINE VINEGAR. Price of family re ceipt, One Dollar. SPANISH LESTER. Price of family receipt, ft. Dr. Chase's ANTIDOTE FOB TOBACCO. Price, ofa full box, directions Fifty Cents. SPAVIN CUBE FOR HOUSES. Price of an indi vidual right, Two Dollars. The above is secured by law. Not transferable. F. S. RAWSON, ap!8-lm Agent at Athens, O t FINE HORSES. ^pHE subscriber informs his friends " that he wiUrelurn 11 or first the Sad DOLMAN. and FR"UIT3,oomblnedw8totlier properties, which in their nature are Cathartic. Aperient, Nutritious, Diuretic. Alterative aafl Anti-Bilious. The whole la preserved in a auO- eisat quantity ot spirit from the SUGAR CANE to Beep them in *ny climate, which makes th* LANTATION EETEES P one of 1 than etrietlj Temperance Bitters only to bo used aa a medicine, and always cording to directions. » They ere the ebect-anchor of the feeble ana one of the most desirable Tonies eind Cs- tlamrtles in tho world. They ere inteaM strictly aa a BtllBRlktA tOfowm • ucgreu t**—y■ * —■, . ta at onoe brought ebont. Aa a remedy to whica Women are especially subject it aedisg every other etlmulaut A* a "P™? bavenoegaal. live aa well a» z. They make the weakahyt nnd Sommer Tonlo they They «ro a mild and gentlo Pu Tonic. They purify tho bio pepeia. Constipation end Headache. Tb®! .. aa a specific in an species of diaord«vwMch tmdermlne the bodily etrength and break apwa the animal spirits. _ , ^ Depot, 53 Park Place, Hew York. AGIST FOIt THE SAB OF TICKETS To All Principal Point* IN THE UNITED STATES. ALSO, FOE THE CUKARD in ANCHOR UK OF EUROPEAN STEAM 1111 S \ Capt. WM. W1LUAJ® 1 _ jlhcib 1 * Agent Sputhcru Lipreas Ce»r»T'