Newspaper Page Text
Nh ¥
left a»luwe»- ; -w«n r a wwliiag,by
way of variety, yoa ka&w.
Bareness ia car orris re bride as it
! osoallv a at this tune of rear.
Hart desense a committing rrs rav
ages withsome rfoaryooiJg folk*.
The celebrated P« She hams al
ways on hand by Weatherly 4 Co.
The genial lien is greasing his legs
*JS»««metoa»4ir Laalar Sp«ci»i tnluiaa f , _ » ,
ipreparaasev to the. summer# eam_
OtSerhina ! r *
Ifeii turn,,iMMl ai
n« tart f Sr ai« Sot
€«an» par Jq'uu-r tir
Saturn and Obioaarimi gharywi Sir
enneaem umta iir my irisr
Bead all the advertisements in this
paper. Until yoa dn, you can sever be
STJEC7A1. .YOriCBS. ha ^
- ^ ^ e * aI a PP CeS "[ WiTCmtAKEB AMSk Jittr int
| to the adverts—ect at 3fo_ Aida
**“ ■*?* ,* ir *?'"* * nlkr i Et ^“v a Practical Watehaafer ami
a luxary. I«n* As « ? «ts. a Jeweler. Welter**** -oneof Ur.
poomi. aad if people don't keep tool, j Evanrf wftR
ifetheirown fort. We has to spoil ! eapfefe rf
go.xi ice by patting it ta as bad wart superior stfe*/ We bw that he Si
!f “ We « *S* neighborhood. a small j* for as feat we were told
Cobfeham ts am place fcr cod, pure; oald aut he 4»e thi fefcrf New
"“/• n 1 > r l 5 \ I r w ’ • P rett y;Yorfc. He can be found at Dr. King’s
*** College, j Drug Store; aad parties rerehfog—k
ItaBsar Sot.—AH over town : “ «• *> fetta- than to
we notice o«* lady friends as. work, in L xgaIL
their yards. The spirit for heaatiang I Me. A. A. Wtvt.—Ths g»mfe-
hous yard, ami gardens is rife in j 31:111 from Savannah gave as a eaB a
j The fes&ve red bog rejoices at the
Xatlial Insur-i frequency efthemes, aod sharpens his
Company. ! *«*h forth* p«y.
■n.mmisE^rf’aiTcL.!. »—»»*•
wji s* i«iii »t ti>« ''ampmy’j afir*. in io ® ® °® r o£t, upna which we wooai i interests the curious, encourages a love
Athena. We know of
more commendable orcfaer&t to?™ t,>
see persons engaged in mAinj home
attractive by such, improvements. It
pleases the eye, attracts the attention,
» VtSne*
™ xttsDaT. U«k if Jan- i«xt. at ■ be pleased Co see ness residenere eree-1 for she beautiful and brinas^cfceerM-
i a. at. ?. THOX.IS. | »^| | - - * “•
have associated with me in the
t <rf IMImni* «ui rtiryry ns▼ ma* Dr. W7
1L CAXLT05. Winn ant [jr»*fe*anixail7 emp£*Hl
k te» Ifcxrbrt at as j uxfl«^.
J. 3. CARLTOX. 3L t>.
Disease.—Rumor say* the mumps
ami measles are both prevailing in F!-
berton. No fool cases that we have
heard o£
i Mareifd, on the iith ita., by th.
Rev. E. D. Stone, 5£r. Wrn. EL }*a-
days since. Having Iatetv mar
ried. he 5* on a braid tour. We had
not the pleasure of seeing hr? lady, hut
if his taste » as good as hers, we would
®*J they were a Sae loaking couple,
fcr Mr. Wyun would be caHed a ffne
loolaag man any where. We fnimi
him very pteasant. He is now drag
business in Savannah, as will be seen
by his card in our paper.. We fearn
j that most of the cotton from here is
superior to- any we have seen ; shipped to the firm he is wife, llanv
ness to the weorv and ami heart.
mu conn.
am sisazsiiciKsmKUi
—Wednesday hast we ao-!
toted a.pedestrian on th* yrrmoc . -! ■ 1
a fca^et of Faster of Pkns images,' ^ arcing the feter fern a safe : We oarmesd she fcHcwing extract
swung «n Is. jn^jj seppo® tom !Wtl ^ 6g 13 Hart Coontj to dus Wabafc- ! from the fiasrjwa. a paper pah&hed f —-—
to bean ^ ^ . nm, we intended m» dawspeef to that a* Atheas, 'a. t»thecon^Aeiataon qf j- ygg Smgy- Sevrmg Miefee Coae-
toar^.knowofteLmsarii We .* w ^. *™ cher
When we®* fejoi, it “carried aahmk tfawfc the ether mi*i Atm TbrnWwA- tfo Seat*; unkacyv oxen success, fitd have added ta their already
to «U Cailloa she**.* Before the war i“I s -* » » h^ghif resyret-1 Whs- were eonspefled in pure aeiffde- aameroug tropfties tbe -tmif valaaMe
j there jfmmnmt image peflers W im, ablesoarce. Wedo aotdeiythat,Snit! fonse, So mtmJre a ^kiintired ae- £&} mudhta dforedUy the Xrverpwl
r . .... . - A sometimes a^hiv regpectahfe- persons ™ Lamrion^ tt fine days rince, jadlbahhtotor Agriinfepril Ssciety
_ - ._r, - .1 - - _,, f) to diimocstr*te the dreadful: despotism
are mistaken m their vmwy. mnikin* moa ^fine.
chick in Charieato*
©ir ohlSrida.
blackberries in
—We are sorry to ae ths paper has
s^peadai It xrs a% epadneted,
anti we think its retfeetion on a city
with the wealth of Augusta to allow
1 thing. There were hut two
is the ctir, and most assuredly
the basinets of the place ought to have
kept them running. Both first
papers, such as aay people ought to be
pcoad q£ We hope yet to see the
Uowat&rfwMwfisf rfoeand “floaria&Eke
a green hav tree.^
It over estimate ha their real to asset | Ifee ©»r»ji*7t thus s—ms themar-
their friends. We give below a lettar derof General Caabyr
from Hart Cooney from one of her' “Captain Jack and hi* warriors
most respecublc and tiros# worthy j avenge the Saatk by murderiag Gen-
up to altasaert-Dn*. -fiml Three cheers file the gwOdnt
Ifcdocs r 1.
It a* no answer to this tt> sty that
this fieHow h * eoward and a fi»5L
There are just esoogfe of sueh pusil-
tinimo'is ariscreiats in the South to
Steep.—Weatherly A Co. have a
lot of the finest kind of New Orleans
since the war. It is as clear as old ■ of his acquaintances here speak in the
CosacbnuAr.u.i rio«_ tte -■ to-mAvtki-q*# UST’ WV^.d'^Ti,™.
color- We are onuer obligations to [correct oasiness mankind appeared ans- L M ,_™k ^ -t
I*OC AL ^ tioas and Mrs. Martha J. Woois, all ^ them for a jug of it. The* affewr »- j ioas&rosi»£ijcmhE*ae«niaihtaace. Oot 11 ”
FW of mil grads for safe bv^Weath-1 * Ataett? ' ______ j t<J kri<>w j &*od, Dick England, one with him
eriy ACo. " — - - - ' New Clwww.—'We see that Masers. 1 ***** ^ ¥*- waat ba S fce&re I u TOr auctirn*, and mtredueed us. If
! England A Orr have a new clerk. He i ® mz & 5A 3X9 ^ui to see ! we had never heard of 3D. Wynn be-
* vIIiUG a,xi> 5XOCI5G To-! aw. t. _ _ »v v - ! the j appear to bedntus i trne basi-' 5)r^ r that of wx* x first‘elaas
laoro to be had of Kal varinskI A
Ldbfcf, National Cigar Sc-rru.
Fltd meal ground of pure white
coca always 00 band bv Weaiherlv A
ness. Almost anything a fiimHv wants ! etramemiilfi-ia, for that chan Dick
I appears C» be a very
j- stirring, sober sort of a ^ f
— : they are ready to supply, and at rea-! don’t have much to do with those who
j A valuable yeEow dog danceti a tin so cable pricte*. j are not the "Saaon Pure.’ We are
pan cock ion on Jacksoa street y ester- j ~ ™ - ~ _ ^ . always glad to receive vhnts from such
see the carpenters at work on the oertr
sale of this Church, giving it an over,
hauling, repairtag and beautifring the
9# it;
This is quite
a neat Tittle Church, and we believe-the
congregated ipos Large-one. We heard
tint Mr. BSamfeM feml been vent
liberal in the support of this Church.
re ~ i It e attended by a gwd many of the
Hast Ox Ga.. May 22,1K3L
Hiilm Svrtt-Eat Georjutn.: I have
before me a letter in tire hist WttA-
asoa, from this county, «gaed “Safc«-
sertber,” complaining that owr Comity
Officers do not advertise m that paper.
Also, that the Wittekatim few* double
the number of swbacrihere of any other
paper in4’iisowaty, Ac.
If “ SdoBaibers* have any money to
bet on that subject, they can be-accom
modated rf they will count pcmuuj .««&-
jerioers anfn. They can get another
bet, vis : than tire ShrlAe~Eastt Ganrrpjtrri
has more immjiJe subscribers in Hart
County than the Wateianm or
I other Mwspaper. i Wb«f"wy you
“Subscriber i m I bock yew “eenerel
jbservatiba.^ >r-gg Pop.
at Bjlton, for the best dwnesfk sewing
mart me, and for the best eaathine for
maaafireturiag porpmsfe:
The cewpetfribn tobk pftfee' a# Bol
ton >-a Thursday,' fieptesabvfi 12th, ssȣ
the foQrtwing day r and ahe trial was
rendered doubly iatawtihg and mr-
poctant by reason, of the antatbeT and
cehfority of the competitor; whi-h Irr-
| ridded Meters;- Wlteefer mdf Wilson,
Messrs. Grove# SS0 BHsfar.'Ae Howe
make it an»i keep it a desert; men poo- [ machine, ffife TiaSit, li(fi Uffe
resell of a high ambition, to kill ms-1 Stranger, the’ Europin. theLoaBax, the
o*n«fing negreef whom they hate, aud [ TWas, ami the times- Thtee are*
Waresiaate Aocthera white men whom {
thev foar, but who- are as destitute of , , , - ..
eomrags and honor as they axis barren r‘ ^bfckd among the jmigea, #R other
chankarf engineers' of cebsfcrlty were U3V
; laetory hand*,, and ire is always prompt
of decency and beams. There are the
sort of men who degrade t&e Seuth,
food an infamous name to their com
munities, ami inspire maagacres like
that of Grant P*neb. .Sack people
deserve to have^“carpet-baggers” among
them forever, and otv* is teaspted to
say the aaeacar thr latter are the bet
Be atmeted of
majority of thwiiensof
At&ere, ♦jfe.. ar we happen to know
aomethlcg about them. During the
ndiemea being area of^reuptactical
knewfedgC; aadsfl th* imhAifot were-
swbmltteii to the severest tcmlsmul tin
closest «crirfiay. fee- result bring that
the titager machiacs were s%aally to-
toris^na over ad their opponent*, and
carried off both cite gjul aowhife- Du
ring tire past id months tire Singe-
Company Hire,«pe» coiggetaaon,
carried everything 'before flaw*, hay-'
&tg won at previmrial esMBEcfoos na"
™^jte**£x*** iewer than IS first class prires, in. ; I D4 E
to iLurao. We were Lisrrwl from.. ^ cP^ ' XIli ^
•lay. Thus have tire summer 'sports j Death.—We learaai, a tew daysf
eomarenewi and the bo vs are Ln glee.
Watches ast> Jewexst neatly
asri promptly repaiwi at A. S. Man-
dertSTi Jeweirr Store.
i since, that Tiiounaa Willis, Esq., of j
Elbert county, diet! very unenpected-
Hastt Cocsty, May 2\>, I5T3L
J'tinier Editor: I never writ a pease, place to place until we finally reached j silver cup. The* unprecedeateil suo-
cess settles the ilisputed qaestion as to’
to assist in any good work that will |
benefit those in breemplovmeat- Wej — — t
have heard several connected with tire I x *sse-gaper in my life, but there j Athens, rad while stamiing near a
factory speak « his general kiruiaere j » ®ch a stir in the papers bout Qttr[ aafe ^ e ^ 1 tiu? best machine, and strews Aat for
Ceots.—A geademaa from. Elbert! ** employees, encouraging j county advertising I thought I would arocindto frost th«reyes ttpua j *® dnmtel&f and mraufohduriSg p«ir-
It» about time tire little girls who \j tfc e other dky. We were wed ae-: county called in our offices a few davs i lbem “ ™ rtu « *“*F eorrect .iep;rtment, I ^7 »“ Sngfe Shot'’ by way of Com-; Yankee soldiers. One well dressei! poser £jfe Singer machines art umte*
jumps the rope three humireti times : q^at^i with Mr. Willis. He was *0*1 gave as 1 very afiooeny ac . 1 equally prompt to condemn error or premise. WriL now, as evry gxxi; nabob, with Ms thumbs under his; persartobfe. Several rmporrarit im-
1 without stopping, to the delight of her} ^ .p^ worthr dzhea ^ W(S ^ p . count of the cotton' m'sooe* pir-! ^proprieties. We a few days ; w ” rk »® these degnerite daae by j suspen.lers sod ha body ^defiantly *
A Gootx SreocE.—"Our Choree” is j nearest undertaker, j p,** he 'died without an enemy among | dons of that county. He say* there- [ ***' that °* Sl5t of *tj Be ^w» mooev, and our county is powerful! I“ ek ' *“® to 08: *
a swperior Cigar, ami can be hmi of [ &er appearance.
Kaivaamski A Leiiher.
his numerjus acquaintance. He was at | lias been, such quantities ot rain that 1 1 2^ cera ^ holiday, and a hwadsome post
•me time Sheriff of Elbert eoonev. He the fiirttrer has been retarde<i ra his I a ^* f t0 Minds. It as to us a pleasure-1
Goods delivered free of riiarge every
hour daring the 'iav by Weatherly A
To Sist.—Mrs. T. A. A*iams has
a small boose on Oconee Street to rent. ^
Apply at her Milltnary Store on Bread |
Street. BcR-iLrcrso.—Messrs. W m. Jester
— »■ j and W. L. W:od leayes toniay for
CtOi2s. The ''Phi-Kappa’ ] tire Falls, etjuipccii with two black
Thojca.* Stheet.—The attention of j - -■ —, ... , - siai-i , rr - „ ,, .
tire Jtavor and Aldermen are called ' W3i} 4 m,iJna « r w tire Baptist church, i W0¥ ^r rad the consequence ik. that the ! t0 reeoed acts of aiminess to the poor 1 drred up teller m Hartweil woo
to tire state this *tre« Ls iw. Cast an ' !Uta ^ alwavs a kind, rad goad neigh-, » about to master the cocton. i classes. It is but seldom they : dlstribits more 3feiical Almtnax
eye to It. gewtiemaa, aad see if voa don’t I 1 Peasant companion, and a [There « one former, with whom we ■ aad the hand ;«Ban all the ntae-papere put to getirer,
‘ Elbert county has fosc ; well acquainted, wfc- has forty acres! ^ extea,fe ^ reap its reward, f *ri he says ire will have the county
one amoug her best citizens." rad the; emt-sn that he has never stock a hoe I We taTO “* <*» » what is | advertiserig printei «• back of Ms
Masonic Lo-ige a fcrocier in every re-1 ia since It was pleased. We know | S e “ r * B ?' “ nn * i 1a> Mr- Bloom- j Almnma for nm&m, and pay Seventy
spect worthy. j him to be a hand working, industrious | CUi hD
think a little work on it might be very j
Oeneficiafr Those who stir about sav i
e|uippeti _
aad Dnnosthenmn e two brands of j bottles, said to ctmtain vinegar and J of tins little girfr tire fnfiint 'ianghter "xud 'tom
the best Cigars in the State. They j molasses,; ami a hali-bex of paper ed!-[ at Mr. ra.i 31rs. A. A. FUrfL rice .iie.1
mam thar never Lets grass arow if he [ ®
w- can help it 3fany“ others in tiuil i ^ Badness rad charity.
rowtoJ heart we announce the death ’ neighborhood are m the same fir. Oats
Little ilrco.—It is with
work is .Ion in* these degenerite daae bv j suspenders rad his body &&tatiy , .rv^^eocs have rmstfjr |*dl ma.le
: S3 Z&SlL mi • a* «hpa*« «•' W
aea.iy, I Jrar it oogat to be let eat to j ajat ^Ls we replied all kinds <si %bt an! heavy wwk. so
the lowest huhier. T'aare is a little j that “it was difficult to answer that j that now they may be poaounhed tt e
question, as I was a prisoner and did wfax srwiifij mhcMxies in errst-
not know whether I would ever have L . . ... , _ . , , .
, ; •-r . . w ence. It is not necessary here to define
the privuegs to yite again. Tfas, „ . . .
eld nabob then said, —who would yew i new mechanical raraugmwnns ia-
vote foh if you had the privilege *”! trariueed into the iriiager aaadteaes. ami
We replied pr.-™p-tiy—-old Abe Lin-: j: *ntv suffice to observe that tire tami-
colm’ Immediatelf theory of bang W fr. one of dte most besuti-
same time most thssir-
, a mob as was there exhibited. A rebel \ a'ole article of domestic utilxny wulci?
1 Sarsaparilla. I think from, “jiaerai ob- [ Colonel happened to be present, in. i could be introduced iati»> the Bkinsion
* , *- * - * — 11 w' t • • r — y r - ^ •- » . . , v 1 i 1 > »•. 1 *. is
We areraa^uainted with him. j *e rents fur the privilige. as it would 1 Srial! ^ «d of toe
*e srai above. weBie to record £ * auttui benettt to Ms Pills knd k m „h »» «** tiwre v refa*f able article- of.
Ie* Hocse.—On and after 1st May ! "’ iLa *I ax
I til keep ennsteatiy am hand a Large j
he savs are looking well bat .... . . , .. ! auSKtB!1 .
, ' , .. * i —£ riidav last was emte a ri.Ta day with
, , , ^.. - t -i- ------ -- — — —— not more chan a ami cron at wheat eon ; _ . r ~ i fr '
■* 41 Kai'^a^aski A Leibler s. | lars. They will remain as long as the | the on 2:3d inst., of cholera infantum. ! Tb e -= fee may he auV-dren ! ^ L!Hrai pocukuion. The fire com-
B« * w m*. h.™ HM am*' M .ktt » *_ d ^ i 5^ “ « »*».*»*.
^ IT T~I . j «•« we „ued tafi birth oedm ^failiL ,'ira.ttell... eiiett P ur ? Ja * ‘ A ar,. «.-ac th.!
,, . , Becootqw.—Meezertsatolewa i .- „ , . , , , . T * F nn ~, riprinus. About ten <f<dmek they form-
oflce, which I will deiiyeronce v , r p w . rflL™—,, Now sue Mis gone ra»i lert ua-parena; .rere in k. But cotton he thinks is ! T- v. • J”
• « tm. mm« ! i l JSST? « h --' ! “=- M t. **. “ 'TT” 0 ’. 67 1
ASDomet ^ l “' "”*“**•• ifc - B - «emh,r^*«r I* » te « 4 n»l! , &ir ™ - “* 7 , ay ta* rf =«.
* liooe of Qiost ^G€rz*H:ie aa*i encerunrl , .*.»!“ ^ i B^dsiiI ia»{ sooi*? ocher? ot yh**
from Jackson coonty streets, with their Emrineanii
gives pretty mu< ' the same account of • handsomely and tasterally dress.
servotwa’ this pkn wouiii give jiaeral
jinerai ob- Colonel happened to be present, in | could be hitro<Iucal
tire iineral i command of a detachment of State 1 v rh/ we ukny or th.
Yours, Kispeetfulley,
“ ricxGLE riipyr. ’
The Man
Wt» Don’t
of the wealthy or tiiii Lest pcetintloua
troops, and Hr actually bad to fight tie 1 , „^ . r
kfckfirffeffiEmn.fs bade wiri sword | I««eo£ tne tndmmum or wsfi-todo-
and bavunet, ami harried us into the! artisan. The A)B{te (it fe? #ork is
simpiy wuniierfufr for it caa ire used
wick bet little reatijustoxeixt for every
th lag in which tire employment of a
meet fie is retpilske, from Suit starting of
the finest lawn or lausiin. or the etn-
. Mayors effiee. Locked the door?, and
L pkred a guarl of two hon. bred men :
c Ireland the buil*£Ing. until the train tor j
Pay S>r Ms j Macon was ready ta leave, and thus we
' X-^siped from the heathens of Athens.
f Go., of whom the editor of the G"tw
it- cannot hart you. It is purely
▼rgetahle. Try Simnaiur Lwtr Er.tru-
I tar, if you wish to he well It arts oc ’ Bis recovering with pleasure.
Hk» a charm without .iebilifuing the j O>JOtEEEXKLJL——WlTkn
».« mm** ».i «*“f *“ » *« ^!!« «=l* » «r «p.
*«s»««». «rffei .ra* iL! “ ■ rMtM '■ "™w "■ 1 A ?«■*»» &»» ■
our readers will hail the ranoance-
I jolce that their child b? taken from
The man who r&ct pav for h« ua-jdP 1131 H * kartepresentatimt.
„ * ^ ii t*1V?*rP l«srv riwnf
per was in to wn- the other aav.
work! of trouble to one of eternal rest.
crops in his neighborhood Both of
^stem, an>l without any of the evil who is an ornament in the parlor,! be able ta say, “not my w .’. but Thine
at Mercury. Salmons Lirarr ^—£,1 with accomphshment*. practi- [ oh. God, be done.
ia the safe remedy. • acqpamted with the fine art.*, ami.
and happiness. They have our *yiu | these are reliable gentleman, and men
ow a young j parby In their bereavorenL May they! not rat to Look on the dork side of the |
picture. If the corn crop should be a i
good one. we don’t ask re cron much!
We now hcwtderiag of the most beautiful,
He I “ ,57e ™ , - rn “ 5 “?» *r 1 '* to the making up of the heaviest tinea
. _ into the service, rad that he be pLaesd . _ _ _. , - r .
was tho most cadaverous. Gud-for-1 fet front of Cap*. -Le’.'s J ; tn Simily use. Toe macmniery is so»
saken hulking p»tor devil that we hare i derers. uniier geanfrond to fori# . dniple and perfect that, wrtk. oeHnary
ever seen. He ‘iixfrged across tfe* { ratil h» useless erl-ceuce k cut short, j care, it caassot get out «£ repahr; and
- , .. . ,. . • street rad orour.d the corner whenever The above article we extract from.; the vexation occasicsied by tire frwpeac
^ ape®: an< et , ?t ai.o rianday . ^ until we. acchlenttoBy met ralmfrona Kadlcol piper. A? soon, 'oreakiau of naeriaes b? preveateif bv a
him firce to sure. With a feeling of j,** we L - ^ Deuevet every wort ..special fia-priveuteni m && ranger
Cnsheii A. Extra C A Brews ! » *>»estic, which was
Sagan, for sale by Weatherly A Co. ! sKtafoctorily proven, the other day.
' by a gxi<i dinner that she prepared
Pt*lk LtsauT of Kextccst.— ■. a I,,; ^^4
$500,fl*» At.8E.tDT Deposit ED 1
If there is but little of it male [ ^
male and female, all
Pat Gorrs nr Full.—Patrons are
pntiti-refy memr srf, that there will be ao
further postponement, and that a pdi
drvmitsy, kithout rebate or discount,
will certainly take pia.:e on the Sch ot
July next.
Haring beta apcointeii •oenenl
JLgeat for Georgia, Fieri’ia and South
Carofiaa, I will appoint a few Loeaj
New Saw Mill.—-A citizen at the
Six Mile Station, Wlaterville. fat* a
steam, saw mill in operation, We
looked over oar mail book tor his
B. T. Bumtarr A Co. This enter- j will only bring the better price.
prising firm has just opened another | " *
Log ef codec articles, comprising a large j Peoxess Hook avd Ladder.Con-
osstirtment of soaps, perfumery of all; P’.lxt.—We »»the members of this j marching was uoae ia
kinds, rouges, chalks, powders, combs, i company are trying to “raise th; wimf T *Be-bniiaviowr of aE anexeeprioa-
brusTes, Ac. They have also Savor- j to purchase a Bohredt Extingnisiiing > ^ 4 never better onkr pre-
ings of aii kinds, which we know to be' Ergtne. We hope the citizen.
ed with Sowers, to theplaced at readz- j
vous. They were accompanied by the j
Baptist aad Methoillst colored Sundav
Sifeols, who hai agreed to unite with
, . , , ~ . . , : ana ace to race, vv itn a feeling ,
thahswn. mhn ^ e ,f ir ‘ r eympathy we asked him what was fo e T atatel ia it respecting the Athens *0- machines,
was quite a number of scfioliara. | ^Ah,’ says he, ‘T Jon: know. >wui base. sLuidiirousLfe, but more , >p oc ^
genceeiy j waafs kaiiug me. I can't' to satisfy ourselves that it was a
dressei, rad attended by their teachers., , , - ,. i \ r . ' “
redi tvl ° “ ! ^ 1 ' if:5r * ,M * w “ en £ drop off
SWH * - ’ 1 into a doze I hare the- most horrid
served. After the pic nic was over,
superior, is the Doctor presented us [ Athena partieniariy those who are the i refinTn f^ t0 ^ nI ff ™ ^ same
, . , with a sample to test, riummer is! owners of real estate, will come for- > * >rT ^ r! T T 3 ** maimer. They halted
aame, as we wonted to give the mill a 1 _ , , ... ^ _ f fe* Bread street.
0 Snow here, aad wren too. mai-* lt1i ; warn anrt promptly respond to^the calfr 1
They must recoOeet this is no «efnsh i Barr ? V ^7 exercMei
move an the part of the boys. i : ^ | «agjnc for some time in throwing
ings.’ He has also some very unique j tended for the general gooiL We know ' wlLer ’ ® W3S re murkaoie with what
Rewedt stvs Bcess.—We coll ax-1 clothe brushes, made from the root of | there are members of this company
dreams aad the mfoQest pressure
right here.’ laying hand upon hie
breast. “The doctors cant iio aav
attentioui been pall tv
construction, of the asartiate used
the gentleman wno exelwaivelT tor mannfiicturrair pur-
wa? the Mayor of the city at the time po ^ TW lkjnIlT ^ fac-
these ritoceman rollers ware taken
ie, we called
been acknowledceil to be tile best ex-
prjoaers. He assureii us thot there was ^ k w» tecte gdnkahuif with
** '- w ^ ot crutl1 “ the 1 reference to the ■aaaa&rtariag m-
thingfor me. for they 4*ft kn,> w , The prisoners were all treated ' diina tho: foe contestbecraseso sfevere
notice, but as he -font subscribe &r | aaBgf(BBl4t Ac tii , a - z &r ^ c to j
our paper we fear that it might fright- j ^ , Ja Brambv ^ bav -^ T0C . I
en aim to see ins name in print.
riorne of the eouspetitieS ma*le thii-f
agents ia the above ritates to a-sist ia j tention to the advertisement of Mrs. { rile broom seilge, which are superior to i that Jout own a fooc of land or a .shin-
the sale of the A aitei! number of tick-1 Bush’s Specific Cure for Burns and anything we have ever seen. Little | gie oc 1 house in this place- on yet they j
The enterprise Ls Scahia. W« have seen it test*! ia two i ' ia * 5a w31 firul a great variety <s£ Indfo. L wilEt^g to sacrafice their time. their!
cootasasdable and its perfect ftirmem <*»-
The opportunity for wniring a hand-
seme fortune for so small an invest
ment is too great to be overhiokeih
WWile tickets tl»>, halves 15. quar
ters tfr-30.
Foe tickets or agencies apply to
G. A. WrrHEas.
May 23 Savannah. Ga.
or three instances, rad know it to be
superior to any meti!cine we have ever
seen tried for horns. It gives almost
instant relief and should be kept in
every house.
are sail to he very efficient at fires,
comfort and their means, to protect : arai .^n^7 aaroog t&e first on t&e
— | others from the ravages of fire. This
Kxtotrr* o? Jeexcho.—We are j company, as *
under obligations to the Knights of sod of stout, active youna: men, who !
rubber baH& at his stcre.
. what ails me—there's the difficnlty.' [ Cetinel hml ever pJaceii a | ^ R>f , <v|T
cppifette fjaUey A ^ agfcti ^ ever a ; prisoner in his office, or ha.£ ever put j
printers receipt worn in the left brest ’ aroami k to protect one. Be- i (J f sewMg machlnns q«te a
coat pocket—we hml known maaj I rides, no train ever ran from here to ; 5^^ b Cratfc . ^ fev were
_ _ _ , , r similar cases cured by it. Ha said he ; « tiw scouudrel was awer at j the
-’ Car ST eSfefoT tteh&Z baC “ ****** “ ** reaK -! ^ 11 ** ^ ™ ^ b}ad ' capabilities of thesier mnehme were
water comslerrag the m^-.r J (Iy w ^ wlJuLf ^ Ec He ^ toOo war trureCmg m the wake j tearing.
ot the h»:e they They rihermarw hsusi^uroere, rad nig* ^ making, am?
dollar* ti)c two years La aivance. for ^ rto ^^ ott ^^°*; :rew -i^;fe 1 foew.rrtostfcefinestiie S *rip-
whhih we gtre him a receipt. When ; whoaretstoustoeuegroe.trom foetr legal, ^ ^ ax ^ tkting*. the
he Docketed the nwar , ~,Tr., n ,! owners amt siuppei hanOreds ot tjism . . . ,. 77? .. ,
oe p-oivcseu t..e receipt, a miian. ; „ - “7 awanl*I the gold medal at tins class
Lubm wnere thev were sold into Slav-i . „ ‘ _
— - xiso It* the Mincer C^xupiST. The
ground. We were ghul t»> tliem all
general thing, s eompo- [ reSBra Perfectly sober ami orderly. J ^ ^ to
ctive young men, who l We btue ^ :he reeling ^exists j ^ an)iileja j < i he felt as if a ; e>T-Th« fellow compliments us whea he [
Price, 30 rents" cerl *can invitation to their ceiebm-; are aiways prompt to their duty when ; ^ between the ^orraes. It •^Tl mi ^ a s a fcaj hml been. Med from i *J» ** *« ■'"JP ee * Blalfi,e of j ^elv used in everv oart of the wori-t
tv.f.u * 1 bcotann rad sapper one night Last week., afire beB gives the alarm. The race in i nlre ' ^ ray dbficnity .incurs, even with a fimtetep »ihtht ^P* 0 ^ 04 " Athens. Wou6i toGci we 1 a - T *a evere part «k
— | but sickness in our fiimdy presented j Augusta, proves how verv rtfii-ient they 1 11 e k cc “ 5QS ’- w * ^ 0 P e believe
The Ateexs Bkass BaXD.—In I our attending. We were very sorry j can be when cnHedoo. A few dollars j sriinrelongth*? '•BI8SI stead shsulder
ror fearrie.1 notice of the Augusta pa- i we could not be with them, for we an- j from the pickets of each of our citi- f to w ^ t ^ r ^ ln, ‘ ■ ia P"
i lOntini’ that evenTthime nassnf affde- ! -,,uld i that curse to the country, Radl-
j^rwie. we failed to speak of this excel-1 dentand that everything passe.! off Je- zens who are propernr holier? wo
! tens band as It The mem- j GgbtfuHy. M * have the pleasure of j gbre these boys power over almost:
r r _
Prime New Orleans Svrnpalwavson “• | j ” “ i f uwe f ,J,er M - T
^ - ri j ^ lf , €B |fo er | T & Qk * ° a7e mmie rapid progress iatelv, jacqaaintaace ot some ot tne mem-: fere. This a no experiment They have
' ra ; and is now a considerable acquisition | QI " E * 1 * society. Those whom we | frequently been and never yet
n BlJIBlPrv I 0> our city. The members are orderiv : kja0 ’ Y ^ * vsr 7 ^*7 worthy, and the
j aad respeetfal. and its leader. George
The onderwgneifr Wiring bed a gx>i j Davis, deserves great credit for the pro
deal of experience in bankrupt practice, j fi.feeaey he has brought his band to.
«• te~ prepared to pot parties throngh ; ’ ——
and get their dWrtarges. He has all j Peesoxal.—We had the pleasure ! on all occasions that
Lm*% and the amend- j ° r ’ 411 introductioB, a few <hiy* since,
Btidknajte are entitled ! ta Mr. Albert Hodgson, a caiiet m ki
te ht tiaWtei hw a3 their tdeois. i shipmaa in the U. S. Navy. He is a
and ander the art ef Congre* of the j *>® of our highly-respected feflow-
•1H- at March, 1*73, are entitle.! to | townsman, Mr. L E. Hodgs*>n, and
hr aif sirmpfiia aa ifee State Home- ] » spending a short time with his rela-
wead. to-wit: |2,0*» ct real estate and \ tiree, here. He is Eke all of the race,
!'.'»> of personal property, at specie ( TfflfJ fine-Jeekrng, aad from ins general
teWe, aad KM ia Household and ! appearance, we would say that Geore
kind of men to keep up such institu
tions. They have firmness and sta
bility, “not bi.ywn about by every wind
ofdootrlne."rad who violate their pledge
We hope
Fax MlLte*.—By examining our
, a.iven^eing columns, you w3I fimi the
S.> come forwaru, ^ m Fan 3C& advertised by that
and free as that of* -trelle he *tar i tor a more noble. Korol and I ** «
ana tree as goo- o, * graeue. fee star-1 r - tied satsfiietiim. thus confimfmg the
te.1 do wn stairs singlagaltoniace snatch-, ^ in thdir award offer prize to
* of-I feel Eke enriol*. ^ I machine of Che ^ Gempray.
pu-ffieraimous, .let;«blc [ Tm coatest QQe ^ “* int ^
on., went on a® way the haj^SKt man . _ . . i ociEnnrv interest. an>I the
we tare seem samara daw. Wen* ; *wmdlmg, thusvmg, vicipcretire. an-j, raK '
1ti * ,p foods. Tie late deefeioa of the
Caret ai tie United States
4 * 5ari a« Horeeatesd Act of 1^
<ttaiB «»«>mniafr mam aii Dehte, dees
_ . ' ^ prevent ■t'aspprrtensfos.
*» of tie mats rf ^ Bankrupt
per cent, rf his indefct-
. * ■ aet entitled tonffitrtorge
I^fots, which have been eon-
7* Ctc,1 * to! *• Itt rf Janaare. 1M9,
»tt a entitled
ifehte mad,
to a discharge feres there
poor to 1st Jsasarr,
gin was well represented in the Navy.
RxDccn.iv tv Keeoseve Oil.—
By reference fie another column, it
will be seen that Colonel J. H. Hug-
w forty cents per ftilloa—and there is
Kinht about it being pare, either,
| for we saw Stephana burn up thfrty-
seveu matches in it, aad the darned
thing wouldn't eqlsfc then. The
Colocei also has an an^nae stock rf
Qseftm, Glassware, Am, which he D
selling at ruiaoariy low prices.
except Bob Lumpkin. NoCwithstasii-
.ing the great drouth m everything,*h Is
UDiversity Hotel is crowded every day
with our best dtiaews, who are enticed
cfcfehgr by those superb ifimns which
daily covers the tables, and which are
gr^-fag for the Ualvezrity a name that
■wwiik for beyond our corporate Iim-
May fch. Ij»73.
M*. M. D. L. XcCtuettr.—By
reference to the card rf this gentle
man. It another column, it will be
seen that he is now connected with the
have reed he use rf H. B. Claffiin A Cat, to
whoa Evans, Gardner A Co, have
sold out. Mr. MeOraskey » wcB and
hnoUv known to our merehanta.
aad we hope they sSoatasr ta con
fer an this gentleman the Large orders
! his great refiahilrty and fit
their institution may continue to grow
found wanting,
gentlemen, and “ante up.’ Encour
age the boys “wbas-wun the race.'
Best assure*! it will be a paring inviist-
Bcsivesi*.—Owr streets do not pre-
an»I spread till it embraces all in its j * c: ' 3tt ? ^ they did dor-
wide folds. j tag the winter. Occnsi.Hially a wagon
| comes in with a bale or two rf cotton, L
A Lite Est anusBMXSt.—Every | that some one has held bock with t&e
one we see complains of the duE times' vain hope of getting a better price.
When they reach here they find, to
their sorrow, “that it's all but a dream
at the best," and they fa»d better have
sold months agot Most of the people
in fee country are very boisv
preparing for another crop. The
spring has bees Eafle, consequently aS
6am work s backward. Many are t
Although this Hotel has been ploaghiag np their cotton seed, which
haft x short time established, it already * ' 1
is generally known, for who ever once
gives it a trial is so much pleased with
the litefninit he receives, that he
—AI Qaftel wherever he goes. We
asaJeettanii that many rf thacmavneeer*
who frequent oar city now make the
i University their headquarters. They
cannot find a better piace. for the beds
are comfortable, everything re dean
ami re nreft re a pin, aad the cable
abundantly spread with the hot th*
has retted ia the graaad,
planting t&e bad ia earn. H there
and other matters combined keep our
friends from th* country at home.
Large numbers rf formers have bnouht
fertilizers, rad as the hope for a cotton
crop is gloomy, they must try something
efc» to atert then payments a* the foifr
True, there h* here ami there oce whose
cotton is tiding as weS is they could
ask. haft t&m is an exception, not a
rule. If fee coca crop shou£I da well, fefee that
enterpriseing, gaa-head man,. B. Nick
erson. AIs*>. the BS Arp aad
Atheniin horse powers, together with
the Excel Threshers. These machines
now stand higher amoug the formers
tn*n any that lave ever been before fee
public. From its peculiar construet-
iun. fee Erari ^Oerter is the softest
ta mae. ■ Th* shaft m cretsteeL running
in lined boxes. The spikes in fee
ejEnder and betest are »> constructed
that they can ant become detached
while running. They wIE thresh from
200 to 300 bushels of wheat per day.
The improved Southern Fan Mills&ae
peoved to be'ooe rf fee best gram
cfeaaere feat hre jam keen in fee field.
The iijjbnf uifcisw of this tact is
that the grand rfber add wreawazd-
ad ta'Sthy the-Chtore States, Meehas-
icssad Agricwknnl Farr Association!;
hrid ia Aagwta ■- Three aitsefes are
aSasadehree. - They are swpermtemi-
«d by Mx- Nirtersno, who never allows
aayaxtkfcfe lane the Fawniry and
MaeMae Swaps antes st . m thoroughly
complete- aad daaria first rote style.
We are wefi acquainted with fee
Agent, sad know lin to he vrey parti- i
ctrior about all work, aad evrey
res ander he eye. If he
an arttete gaedS, rest assured
on earth
him yesterday, ami bereysbefeeatire-f scounireL. feat Ef he were to j ^^
great *uo-
;Tsra? achieve tfr fey the Sosger Mwthiae
- -• - I . , . , «- j Comraav isenh* e.d bv the-toeaLme i
Iy cured of his malady, and that he ■ "T ^ [ QPOorifko agamat whfe<f&t rortiponV
.dee^ ra ream! a roach. j ^ l WtoMtaT-futepad
| tree tiu his ears »iuuhi rmg Eke a r . J
| Church belL The follow propeses that
™ Haxdsoxb Cake.—A tew d*y s | we be drafted ami "placed in front rf
since Mrs, YbuderEiith presented ti* t Capt. Lacks munlerers." If we have
be m the rankiof Capt. Jacks ““ nsar-
thaB wish Great, thieves.
with a beautiful Iced Coke, one hand- j a choice its the matter, we wadi rather
some enough, ami baked well enough,
to set before a queen.. This bdy- »
eelefeated Sw her fine cakes. She
presented oae to the fiicmoa’a hall that
was said to surpass aay thing rf fee
kmd ever seen ra Athene. She h* afr
kinds rf de^htful coafectibueries at
her Store on College Avenue.
Unclaimed Freight bow at the Office
She | rf fe* Seuftbero Express Company, u
keeps, too, ou farad, freehand ^charges-,tfao*«lf-
supply Cakes ami ray king rf Cofcfeo; Gmsuv. Athene, Go., May
tiunernre to partiee or weddings. We! 1873.
Post Matteh.—CoL R. S. Tayisr
fare renivwd hit cDaaataaaa, aad will
take charge rf to* Athens Port-Office
xt. W* hapethe
pine* in the afire. W* have
them oUj^agwadwcrr:
would say to fee ladles, if they wish
any felwg rf fee hind done *p ia sepe-
rior style, call on Mr*. VotnferlLeth.
They will find her very pteaawut, hind
aad obliging, ami will furnish, them ra
cheap ra it eaa be feme aay where.
Th* lit tie folks wUX Sad quantities of
toys ami ether things-to raise and
they are still safe. Grans w® always
tringafoir pcire. Bmdnesa w®agaia j itiasi^ferharefewireft
■eviwr ra fhs wreter appawic hex, aad owr j that woifei deeerve. Has Threshes
streets wfitea thev were hsrt foH[haiwboeara ree agoodwftar, aadha^ %
sad white, crowded wkb wagnnsJ eaa jredwcw rertfitote* fc®a the bet j Kafr whore
Trade reduB aft pcraeut. »k aiways rest m the cnwaftiyrf their speed and dart, _
k hare, andererywhereefe* at this sere- abE5ey- Ifyua wrtrt rarfei^rf the j th* Piesdenfs Cbr. Th* - f
rf fee yenr. Oar ■«■»!«** op. kimfr. gitwhereyreO. Thagteaiwer of i »te*te»ira Marietta. The company will
t Box Wf T Crow. AtheSH.
I Bill Dc. S. Cox. Athens.
1 Box F. Lester, A: hens.
1 Pfcl Xna 5 RmufoTpb,-Arhera.
t fri C. B. Verooev. *
3 Pfcs T. A Biwers, BrftweS,
t Pet Mrs Wm. R Mathews Athens,
1 Pky T S B&iia, CWwinc.
t Pel SL L. Joses, Cursahee.
2 B*ix>» T A Joaes. VsckirariCri.
t Bax R X Xcrcsoev DWaaEfanrODe,
___ 1 *^« ,rrr at esfcrtfehr f t ftri -I Bar IP S SwMt Athens,
■ret. Ahaot Choftrere SaaftaClaas) { f^ibCC^Wk^
rertes it hit headquarters. K1 Beit J T Bnchmnm. Athene,
t I Box F Lbum. Arhesa.
,1 ' 11 Pet Rev. P. A. Heard, Ache ns.
' - l5stmtscitC*>»A*T«sr Geuwuia. \, * '
... . ! 1 Pfcg W H reteaeH Maftern,
We yahfca a nofttcetodre rf« meetiaar i r ck,t yFhwiw, jtthesa *
rf-tKe 3ffutaal' Prateetioa Inguranre * Pig Mrs AM Durham. Watkinsvill*,
Company rfGeurgss. Tbre reaaex-; }
Mr. i 1 Pel T J tester. Athea.
knew is fee Pe«h-! * -E^ s
Orr lartesraaflEnnR.—A fowl days
ago* we took a walk through ft* settle
ment oa xai nealrtheassfefk extebbiew
of Broad Street,ami were surprised nt
that part of our, eity. Several very
haadre—w cottage resuteaecs fefe now
gnagup, and We unJWrstxaii others
are ia ccntaetplation. From th* great
convenience to fee basicnesff center that
xresnteacrhsfefasectiOT affiiohs, wear*
sitisSei ttet it will art be hiog bfcfijre
every available lot he tbre part rf the
city «3 be occupied!. We obeerve
with: pleasare that our city authoritne*
wife etxacendabte fiwefijgrf, aeagpad-
mg anl rtberwisu inrprovi^ tfaprtreet
Va>5sg into the* sectfou. If feey w3i
gra step further, wnJertCfcstiee Astern:
to t»k) feet aad extend it to ft* tewer
Bridge, they vE a&xd a ready access
to fere porfexs rf tfreqty wTfthawt hav-
iag to racond the heavy iprel* «f
River Street already ton mow and
: crowded fier the harerere ftphoa^feero
■ rf fee i fity. In adfrtfoa to fees, feu
peupueed extentua sS Smsere rf
the- fin reeafttet drives wttbat fee city
j- limits. We fesvsc cut feis agpjiwa
for the esnaifertfcn rfare city fathers,
as wehefarve' Oe atane' can be
read* aaw at. ansdh..k»i> - eireare ‘than
will I
... . . . . t Pfet A C Kifay, Arfcena.
cnaBd be placed m [■ • capt. wa Wuaxass, 'igtat.
I sR fwh% ait *3
to ire re rood heart, am!**® »
have we fore for fee future.
The eflfert rf Smreeaf Kapfiriwrqo j. stated that a forger ausfeer rf d&lmi
he* company vS pay you for last feae, j; prahaHy reftum a proStrf 5© per cent. | fee storeartv Ew.r sad kalacys k thaareaw
if you rtatt&I art parehase anything.! on its pe&y *jw expiriae. • j, prompt aad r&etoafr j Cbagsre^ asst ML