Newspaper Page Text
/ -
portli-fast Mcrgian,
Our Cash Hates of Advertising.
Li- AOreSIsmrnto, from Oils date, lnwrt«<i at
On* Dollar per Square (of one Inch) for the first
in*«rttnn, and Sevonty-fire Cents per Square fur
ricfi a.l.Uitonal Insertion.
Nv Ftfiiefal FfcificM SSi Oldtl'a/lcS chaffed for
nt regular A<ifeftiMng rates.
•V No extra charge fur or SpecIdT cSJtfmn
4** Transient Adlcrllnemeiitscash, ctllief Mils
tjuilected crery ninety days.
M‘ l.iWral contracts made fur sny period over
one month.
Meets the first Wednesday in each month.
A Regular Drill will he made the first Wednes
day in each month. full turn-out desired.
A thens fire company, no i, hope.—
Meet on the fourth Thursday each inoiitli, at
* p. in. The Drills arc suspended at present.
Meet first Monday night ineaeh month.
I. O. O. F.
K. .1. Christy, P. See’y.
Y. H. WYNN, N. G. '
1,. SellKVKSKLl., Scrita.
Hay The Fourth Monthly Meeting
of the Stockholders vrill be held at the office of
Meftftra. Cobb, Krwin A Cobb, on SATURDAY,
list inst., at j>. in.
Installments must lx> paid Itefore C o’clock on
that day. WM. KING, .Ik.,
See’y O. B. and I*. Am’
ATHENS, June l»Ih, 1873. /
Hay From and after the first day of
July next, no Freight shall remain at this Depot
longer than three (3) days after the same is received,
hut shall k removed to some Storehouse, at thecx
pense of the consignee.
By order of Mr, S. K, Johnson, Superintendent.
junc'20—3m. A. GRANT, Agent.
This erTtVrta'imtient; itfifapree Hall,
Irist evening, was A decided success in
every sense of the ffdffli , % M.
4d» full to overflowing, wlflf the sbdM
ty of our city, and it appeared that
evefj-thltig conspired to raise the hearts
of the gallarit ladies and gentienfort
who had todk Upon themscivtis the
ardildtis task of thus raising funds to
Complete (lie monument to the “gallant
boys who wore the gray,” aud who
fell while nobly defending the land they
loved so well.
The programe was opened with the
“Historic .Chamber,” in which was
nrayed quite a number of “figures,”
representing the characters to be de
lineated. “ Mrs. Jarlcy” (Master
Andrew Lipscomb) stepped to the
front, and in an admirable manner,
began her address, after the style so
well described by Dickens. In the
course of her remarks, she saw fit to
«nd ,M N Thu^iiiY. J ^T , T?i.| , ’CKnc; e a i\* us pretty roughly, which socom-
pletly frustrated our naturaiy modest
aud retiring self, that we were
declared, by a friend near, to be “ un
lit for further service.”
The first thrust made at us by her
keen sword, was, “ that upon her
arrival in the city, the editor of this
paper had met her at the depot and
promised her a “puff.” Now, this we
most emphatically deny. We have
frequently met “the old lady” on Col
lege avenue, and thought, when our
visiou rested upon her long, gawky,
lean, cadaverous carcas, that surely
she needed “putting” up as bad as
any one we knew, and often expressed
a desire to fill in the frame so thinly
settled (with flesh), for its corporate
limits. Wcatone time contemplated
purchasing 80,000 feet of gas, with
which to “puff up” the “female,”
but wo were advised by several of her
friends, not, by any means to resort to
such an experiment, as there was no
other ingredient in her entire “ make
up ” but gas, nnd very poor gas at that.
But to return to our account. Mrs.
Jarley performed her part admirably
throughout, and elicited much| ipplausc.
Where all performed their part so
well, we think it unfair to discriminate.
The ladies, especially, engaged in the
performance, deserve the highest en-
coniums. To them, chiefly, the great
success of the exhibition may be at
tributed, for by their untiring persever
ance nnd good example the gentlemen
connected therewith received an ex
ample which, we are happy to say,
they did their utmost to imitate.
To properly appreciate this enter
tainment, one must first read Dickens’
account of “Mrs. Jarley’s Great Moral
Exhibition.” But we do think, if that
reat novelist had been present last
ening, he would have admitted that
month, the prewnt year. This condition is nee- the entertainment fully came up to his
easary, in order to avoid Confusion in (lie account* 1
hereinafter required to 1k» kept.
Sd. Kach icaeher in any of the saic Schools
must obtain a license from Hie County Hoard, du
ring its regular session at the Court House, in
Athena, on TUK.SDAY’ MORNING, July 1st,
1873, upon a satisfactory showing as to the charac
ter and qualifications, and must bring a recom
mendation from the Trustees of the School, if
there beany, or from at least three of the patrons.
Licenses obtained under the old law will not
4th. Every teacher must keep a daily account of
the attendance of each pupil, and will be paid Sev
an Cents for aach daily attendance, if the funds
•h*ll be adequate, and if not, the payments shall
be made pro rata. If the rates of tuition shall be
higher than those which the Board shall be able
to pay, the Teachers must look to the patrons for
the excess; and the Board will consider no bill
for Tuition, except for the time embraced within
the limits mentioned in No. 1 of these conditions.
spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and
Geography arc the studies iu which applicants for
license must l»c qualified.
Th« Board will notj for the present, prescribe
any special Text-Books.
M. STANLEY, President.
EMORY F. ANDERSON, C. C. and See’y.
Tiiat little 8 * 10 insect will kbep
buzzing around our ears. ,
“ Shoo fly, don’t bndder me ”
Bain.—Scarcely a day passes with
out rain. Vegetable dm abundant
in Athens, and so is grass and wee^s.
ways improving her large and comnlo-
dious btfarding house.
Ifiigft Potatoes.—This vegetable
has grown remarkably large this sea
son- £>onle sdy “Ould Ireland” her
self can’t beat this year’s crop.
Thanks.—-Wo aro under obliga
tion to Senator Norwood for quite a
number of valuable public documents.
Also, to Hon. Win. Price for like
Athena, (la., June I", 1873. /
*6T All mail matter for points be-
tween Union Point and Atlanta, and all going
licyond Atlanta, will leave Athens Post Office by
Day Train only. All going East, twice daily—
Similars excepted.
jc-’O-tf R. S. TAYLOR, P. M.
flay From information obtained
from the School Commissioner of the State, it is
believed by the County Commissioners for Clarke
;liat the Board will have funds enough the present
year to pay, in whole or in part, for three months'
tuition of aa many of the chiMren, from six to
eighteen years of age, in the county, as are likely
to attend the schools. It has therefore been or
dered by the Board, that at every place in the
county where a suitable house has been or shall be
provided, without expense to the Board, a School
inay be established, or, if already established, may
be continued, with a rightful claim upon an equi
table proportion of the Public School fund, upon
the following conditions:
1st. The time shall he for three months from
Monday, the 7th day of July, or from Monday,
the 1st day of September, according as the teach
er and patron, in the case of each school, shall,
upon consultation, decide. This arrangement is
made for the convenience of the different locali
*id. Pupils who change from one School to an
other cannot receive the benefit of the public
fuud oxcept in the firsl, and no pupil>1im11 receive
aid from the fund tor a longer time than three
1° E -—Why is it that some of our
enterprising citizens don’t establish an
iCe manufactory? The profit of such'
manufactories is said to bti Verf large,
even when it is sold Tor one Geift per
pound. The iUficliinery for its Manu
facture & said |o be not very ccfetly.
Liver^'SW.ble. — We see that
Courtney ■ Beale, n very enterprising
colored man, has opened a large
and Comftiodiotis Livery Stable in the
upper portion of Athens; He keeps
horses and vehicles of all kinds to hire.
Courtney, we learn, was born free,
and has always conducted himself re
spectfully toward the whites.
Guano Thieves.—Several negroes
were up before Gen. Frierson for steal-
* n o guano, ip the spring, from the
warehouse of England & Orr. One
was bound over to the Circuit Court,
and the others were turned over to
Judge Michell, the county Judge.
Their cases were dismissed. The wit
ness who appeared against them were
said, by other witnesses, to be an ime-
Our Streets.—Athens has about I tator of Ananias and Sophira.
forty-four miles of streets, and a know- 0 ~T '
ing individual asserts that it will take , ™ AXOE etition. Some one, a
forty-four thousand dollars to put them f 0rt ,V m ? S T’ P et, ‘ ,0Ded to
. , 1 nave the benches in front of the New-
in order. | IT ,
ton House taken away, on the ground
Scarce.—We learn that money I that they attracted crowds of loafers,
was so scarce last Sunday that it took and rendered the passing of the hotel
two respectable young men to buy a disagreeable to ladies. Council could
bottle of whiskey, lalteled “ Cod Liver not see wherein they could consistently
A Good Load.—We yesterday no
ticed on Prince avenue, a cart, propell
ed by at veryr thin ox, in wjiich, ,wa%
seated three men, two women and four
Families Wanted.—Mr. Bloom
field avcrtiscs for several families from
the country to work in the Athens
Factory. Any one desiring to come
infringe on individual rights, as the
removing of the benches by them
would certainly be, and so the petition
was not granted.
New Sign.—James C. Wilkins &
will find Mr. B. as kind and good an I Co., have placed above their stoor door
employer as ever lived. | a very neat sign, painted by Mr. John
Our special artist, after much labor,
and with assistance from “Nasty,” of I v “ 01 '
Harper's Weehly, and the engraver 0 fl Uurt Ground
the elegant (?) cuts that occasionally
appear in the Atlanta Sun, has suc
ceeded in obtaining a correct likeness
of the .negro Baudolph, who was shot
by Mr' lice yes last week, for insulting
his and Rev. Mr. Arnold’s little daugh
ters. The likeness was taken while he
was delivering a sermon last week.
All that wo can learn of his history is
that he was born, at an early age, of I T"
poor but dishonest parents, and that I , • ...
This unfmtnijMte mtin/^ho met; liter
death mf SfoMtty lttst, fifought this
misfotttiflfe Off fdtasblf &y his rash find
criminal £6bdfrCt.- ffb' flfas changed
with thff Offence of attempting to- ebra-'
tttit thfc crime of imffder. A felon
trade* the laws of this State. The
warrant, duly issued by a Justice of the
Peace, Mr. Ross, the Magistrate
of the 240th, Militia District, in which
Holliday resided, was placed In the
hands of Mr. Say, the Constabfe'of the
District, who went over the evening
before the day of the homicide to make
tho arrest. Holliday, as soon as he
saw the Bailiff, seized on axe, and
threatened to kill the first man who at
tempted to arrest him. The Bailiff
and two or three gentlemen, who bad
gone over with him, were entirely un
prepared for any such emergency as
this, left and went home, after telling
Holliday that if he would be at the
next morning, at ten
o’clock, the time fixed for the prelimi
nary trial before the Justice of the
Peace, he would not be arrested at all.
This he refused to do. On the next
day the Gins table summoned a force
of eleven men, hoping, by the number
summoned, that Holliday would see
the folly of resistance. He was also
careful to select men who had never
been charged by Holliday with any
Only a Few.—We occasionally sec
Tlie lettering and work would
a country wagon on our streets now-a- 4 \° cred ‘ t to an y painter, or to any
days. They always, to us, have a good | c ' t - v ‘ ^ ts n0| iesensc to send North,
South, Last or West, to have your
signs painted, your printing or any
other kind of work done. From a
child’s cradle to a threshing machine,
Athens defies the world, the flesh aud
the devil to surpass her.
look, and when our city is devoid of
them it certainly has a deserted ap
Fine Corn.—A gentleman yester
day informed us that he had in his
garden a square of corn, among which
was a hill containing three stalks, over I Blasting.—Our city has been kept
eleven feet high, which gave promise in a constant state of excitement all
of producing twenty-one ears. the week, occasioned by the promiscu-
~~ — ous uianner in wl)ich t j k fl
Being Removed.—We are glad to ...
n ; 3r trt i . ' . l-l “ ia l were “blowcd up from the foun-
see that Mr. Marks has hands employ ... - 1
ed removing the pile of old bricks that 1 ° U e ne " store ^^ e5>sr -“-
have for some weeks been ornamenting Cn ' e3 ‘ n da, key,
... - - .« « I standing near to where a piece of rock
fell, remarked “dat ar consounded
shootin’ gwine to kill folks yet, and
it orter be stopped.” We believe the
the side-walk in front of the store of
Messrs. J. C. Wilkins & Co. They
had become a nuisance.
Death of Mrs. Thomas Moore.
Died, in Athens, Ga., on Monday
morning, 16th June inst., Mrs. Mar
tha H. Moore, relict of Thos. Moore,
Esq., iged 62 years.
From childhood she exhibited great
decision of character, blended with
kindness and sincerity. In early wo
manhood she gave herself to Christ,
and united with the Baptist Church
in which communion she died.
To her Death had no terrors—r<
signed to the will of God—willing to
live or die—when the final summons
came she was ready.
Her end was peace, and with the
name of Jesus upon her lips, she
breathed her life out sweetly upon the
bosom of her Saviour.
A Friend.
Kerosine Oil, 125 degrees fah
now sold at 40 cents per gallon by J,
H. Huggins.
Flour of all grads for sale by Weath
crly & Co.
The celebrated Pee Dee hams all
ways on hand by Weatherly & Co.
A Good Smoke.—“Our Choice'
a superior Cigar, and can be had of
Kalvarinski & Lcibler.
Prime New Orleans Syrup always o
hand by Weatherly & Co.
In the active pursuit of pleasure or
gain, the inestimable blessing ofhealth
is too often forgotten, until disease is
firmly seated, and the fact ouly real
ized by great bodily and mental suffer
mg. The Liver is the vulnerable
point in most persons, nnd the dis
arrangement of the organ involves
almost the whole system ; hence the
reason why under Liver disease there
is enumerated such a number of afflic
tions, and we claim the Simmons'
Liver Regulator to bo a remedy for
them all.
A Valiant Deed.—It is rumored blasting part of the work is about fin-
that a certain young man in this citj’, ished now, and our citizens in the
a few nights since, iu a fit of anger, neighborhood may now rest in peace,
after reading an article in the Atlanta
Sun on the barbarity of the Modocs in I “The Devil Among the Tad
murdering Canby, bravely attacked J -ORs” was an old saying, years ago.
the wooden Indian in front of Kalva-1 e think he has left the tailors and
rinsky & Leibler’s.
conception of the “novel performance.’
The costumes were well arranged
and planned for the different charac
ters, and one just entering the door,
aud unfamiliar with the character of
the performance, would at once con
clude ihat they were really witnessing
“moral wax exhibition”—so statue
like the actors aud well the various
characters were represented.
To Mrs. Rutherford, President of
the Ladies’ Memorial Association, too
much honor cannot be due. Through
her untiring efferts has the marble
shaft on College avenue ltecn erected,
and to her yet will we owe its comple
tion. We learn that there was about
three hundred dollars taken in last
night, which speaks well for the gen
erosity of our citizens. The door
keeper, Mr. C. P. Talmadge, informed
us that he permitted no dead-heads to
pass him, and that he himself, took in
about one hundred dollars.
We arc pleased to learn that the
entertainment will be repeated to-night,
and we predict another large audience,
such a one as the merit of the perfor
mance, the Cinergy and high character
of the ladies and gentlemen connected
therewith, aud the glorious cause it is
given to advance, so richly deserves.
We repeat, let our citizens turn out
en masse, and prove to those gallant
performers that we know how to ap
preciate true worth and talent, aud a
choice entertainment, if it has origina
ted in our midst.
Sure Cure.—A gentlemen was in
our office this week, who informed us
that his chickens were dying rapidly,
got among the postmasters. Nearly
every mail brings us letters of com
plaint from subscribers about not re
ceiving their papers. We know they
are regularly mailed, and we believe
hen, through the advice of a friend, I t j ie y are sent f rom tke Athens post
he gave them a bottle of “King’s Cure offico . Why they tlo not reac] , their
for Chicken Cholera,” which instantly destination we can’t imagine. These
arrested the disease, and his fowls are i etters come from varioU3 p()intg
healthy condition. This is j Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and
no advertisement.
that Policeman Shirley has a squad of
hands at work grading and filling up
the heretofore impassible part of
Thomas street, to the left of Gann &
Reaves’ Livery Stable. When com
pleted, it will certainly be a great im
Vegetable.—One of
physicians informs us that, in his opin
ion, a- large part of the sickness that 1 we don’t iDtenil telling, as we are not
is now afflicting our city is caused by disposed to put our young friend to
the use of vegetables, which have be- the blush. We would not be much
come completely saturated with water, surprised if the buggy adventure did
owing to the frequent rains. He con- not yet make two clever young people
eiders Irish potatoes particularly inju-1 happy. But to return to the tobacco:
r ; ous I Try it, smokers, and we kuow you’ll
like it.
Death.—An infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Ferdinand Phinizy, died on
Monday last, we understand from
teething. The afflicted parents have
our sympathy in their loss.
Horse Drowned.—This morning a
horse belonging to Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machine Company, was drown
ed at the upper bridge.
Tiie Crops.—Accounts from the
West of the crops is gloomy in the ex
treme. Rain and grass, caterpillars
and other ills that crops are heir to, is
about to ruin the prospects of the far
mer. The South Alabamian, publish
ed at Greenville, Ala., says the grass
is taking the cotton and corn. We
fear the latter crop is lost.
other States. Postmasters will confer
Street Improvement. — We see a favor b y being more particular.
he can lie in three languages. We I
do not think Athens will agree with
his health hereafter, and so we advise
him to leave in double-quick.
tmismmi soNi KSSSltJ
—Tylet M Purples', Thontek H Finch--
Council Chamber,
Athens, Ga, June 11th, 1873.
Monday, 4 o’clock, P. M.
A called meeting of Council
held this evening.
Present: His Honor, J. D. Pittard,
Mayor, and Aldermen Lucas, Pope,
Nickerson, Moss, Palmer, Talmadge,
Huntei; and Lampkin.
The Mayor stated that Council had
been called together for the second
reading and-final adoption of the new'
Laws and Ordinances for this city.
The new Laws and Ordinances were
then read, section by section, aud
adopted as a whole.
The following bill was ordered to be
so far as this was possible, to select
men who had no prejudice toward this
unhappy man. The posse was com
posed of some of the best men in Jack-
son county; men who have never heap
charged with the violation of any law,
and fortunately, there went also with
the posse ,Dr. Mallty, a physician, who
happened to be near there, and who,
not participating in the transaction,
was an unprejudiced witness of tl e
entire affair. The posse first went to
the house of Holliday, aud learning
that he was out in one of his fields, im
mediately proceeded to the field.
When first seen by Holliday, they were
in about 75 yards of him, and his
double barrel shot gun was between
him and them. He ran toward them,
with a view to seize his gun.
The officer called to him not to take
his gun, but to surrender quietly, as
he had a warrant for his arrests.
This request was repeated by several
of the posse. Regardless of this, by
A List dr Members to be’Present, am?
Preparations of Our Citizens
td ProrWc lor theft*
As we all know, the GetorgiiS Slate
Agricultural Society Will in' our
city in August trext,- rfnd 1 We' are glad
to see that otiV Covftidl flbcl‘ Agricultu
ral- societies aYe mhkifig preparations
td’fefecive them iff a mahuer that bc-
cotnes our city.
To this end the Joint Committees
from the City Council of Athens,
the Faculty of the State Agricul
tural College, the North-East Georgia
Fair Association, havejappointed a sub
committee of nine, two from each’
ward, to call upon our citizens aud .de
termine the number of delegates each
can entertain at their residences during
the approaching Fall Convention.
Let our citizens respond in a manner
which shall fully illustrate our Re
nowned hospitality, and eclipse all for
mer conventions of the State Agricul
tural Society.
The following are the
Chairman—Dr. Edward Newton.
First Hard—Reuber Nickerson, J.
M. Barry.
Second Hard—F. B. Lucas, J. II.
Third Hard—W. II. Hodgson, G.
II. Yancey.
Fourth Ward—J. E. Talmadge, C.
S. Reese.
The same delegates appointed to the
Georgia State Agricultural Society at
Augusta will also uttend the August
Convention, and many other delegates
besides, especially from North-East
T. W. &T. L. Gantt $29.50.
Motion by Aid. Nickerson, adopted— I th is time Holliday had reached his
That the Finance Committee be I g un > and at once > throwing it to his
empowered to destroy all of the city shoulder and exclaiming loud enough
currency that is now redeemed, and t0 1x5 heard by men working in the
the Clerk of Council shall register the neighboring fields, “G d d
number and date of all bills destroyed you. I " ill kill you, fired at one of the
by them. I posse David Hancock, Esq. Mr. Han-
Motion by Alderman Moss, adopted— cock, seeing that aim was taken at him
That Messrs Cobb, Erwin & Cobb fell, on bis hands and knees, and the
be paid one hundred and fifty dollars large swan shot of Holliday’s charge
for their services in compiling and cod- tore through the back of Hancock’s
ifying the Laws and Ordinances of the shirt, and scorching his back and rid.
city of Athens. dling his shirt. At the same time Mr.
Motion by Alderman Lucas, adopted— I Simeon Morton, one of the posse, was
That the Ordinance Committee be s t™ek on the leg, and Mr. Isaac Aus-
empowered to contract for publishing 11* 11 received two shot holes* through
of the new Laws and Ordinances of I his b 004 - The posse immediately rc
Smoking Tobacco. — Our voung
friend McCarty handed us a bag of
most excellent smoking tobacco, of
which Messrs. E. S. England & Co.
have a large supply, which they sell
very cheap. Mack is a clever follow,
who knows good tobacco, and is never
mistaken in it—if he sometimes is in
buggies. Thereby hangs a tale, which
this city.
Council adjourned.
W. A. Gilleland,
Clerk of Council.
Enterprise.—We notice that Mr.
R. H. Lampkin, not satisfied with the
improvements he has made in the
Almost a Serious Accident.
A few nights since, a party iu this
upper story of his buildiug on Broad city attempted to fill a lamp with non
street, has torn up the floors to his I explosive oil while it was lighted. The
bar and billiard saloons, and have re- j blaze reached the fluid, setting it afire,
laid them with brick, which will be I and in an instant the lamp was in a
cemented over. Besides this, he has I jK-rfect blaze. At this moment a youu
made many other changes and im- gentleman entered the room, and
Cotton Blooms.—A citizen of this
county came into our office yesterday
He said that he had been all over
with great presence of mind, told the
excited occnpauts to keep quiet, and
taking off his coat, ho quickly threw, it
over thefiame, and by holding it closely
to its place, notwithstanding the scald
turned the fire, and Holliday, appa
rently unhurt, ran over thebrow of a
little hill, loading his gun as he ran.
The posse followed, and when they ran
over the hill, were saluted with another
load of shot at a distance of thirty
„ ,, . , yards, and Holliday was then shot down
Council Chamber, ) : ,
Athens, Ga, June 12th, 1873. [ \ mthe act of ‘»PP“ , 8 the last barrel -
Mouday, 5 o’clock, P. M. ) which ho ha 1 re-loaded. There was
A called meeting of Council was near where he fell a large Belgium
held this evening. - Musket loaded with buckshot and
Present; Alderman Moss, Mayor ball, to which he was all the time mak-
pro tern., presiding, and Aldermen, | in g his way. These are the facts in
Lucas,T’ope, Nickerson, Lampkin and I detail, as developed by the evidence of
Hunter, I the witnesses before the coroner’s jury.
The Mayor, pro tem., stated that The jury, composed in the main of
Council had been sailed together for elderly men of the highest standing,
the purpose of considering the question "bo, with no hesitation, returned a
as to whether or not the city of Athens I verdict that Holliday met his death by
liable for damages sustained by bffl hands of the posse; and that it was
James D. Pittard at his store on Broad a necessary act of self defence on their
street, 'caused by overflow of water P«t in execution of the process of the
from Wall street during the rain on ^ aw ’ ^ rs - Holliday herself said that
the night of the 11th inst. Holliday declared his intention to die
On motion of Alderman Hunter, a lather than betaken, and Mr. Den
committee of three was appointed by nard, a man working on the place with
the Mayor, pro tem., to examimne in- hira - corroborated the statement, and
to all the facts, the cause, &c., of the said that Holliday asked him that
overflow, and if, in their judgement, | mornin g to help him fight (he posse
the city- is liable for damages, to assess when the ? camc ' If the - v ever was s
the s4*, and report their action to the ] ^ of justifiable homicide, it is^ this,
next regular meeting of Council.
General A. H. Colquitt, President;
Malcolm Johnston, Assistant Secre
tary ; Colonel W. J. Lawton, Treas
Executive committee.
First District—Judge Wm. .Schley,
Vice-President, Savannah ; Colonel
John M. Stubbs, Dublin; Colonel
George It. Black, Screven county.
Second District — Captain E. T.
Davis, Thomasvillc.
Fourth District — Colonel J. H.
Fannin, Vice-President, La Grange,
Dr. H. H. Cary, La Grange; Colonel
James M. Mobley, Harris county;
James F. Marshall, Talbotton.
Fifth District—George W. Adams,
Vice-President, Forsyth; Dr. J. S.
Lavender, Barnesville; Dr. J S Law-
ton, Forsyth; Colonel R A Alston,
Sixth District — L F Livingston,
Vice-President, Covington; E C Grier,
Griswoldville; Captain Thad. G Holt,
Jr., Macon.
Seventh District—Rev. C W How
ard, Vice-President, Kingston; Wm.
H Bonner, Esq., Gordon county.
Eight District—Dr. T P Janes,
Vice-President, Grecnesboro; Pope
Barrow, Esq., Oglethorpe county
Colonel T S Smith, Washington eoun
ty; J S Newman, Sparta.
Ninth District—Dr. W L Jones,
Athens; Captain J N Montgomery
Madison county.
life members.
Colonel Ben. C Yancey, Atlanta
E J Camp, Milton countv; John <
Ragsdale, DeKalb county; George H
Waring, Bartow county; Dr. Alexan
der Means, Savannah.
Antioch Agricultural Society (Herfrd
couuty)—S J Mcdows,
Atlanta Agricultural aud Industrial
Association—J J Toon, Dr. S Hope.
Berrien Cbffnty Agricultural Socie
ty—R K Tifrncr, J J Williams.
Barnesville Agricultural Club (Pike
county)—T R Rivqrc, J G Miilfl!
brooks, R H Graddick, M O HoNv
. Bibb County Agricultural Society;—
Thomas Hardaman, Jr., S I Gustin
Wm. McKay.
Bartow County Agricultural Society
—Dr. S W Leland, K M Stiles.
Baker County Agricultural Society
—1 homas W. Fleming, Dr Goudlocik,
P W Jjraes.
Beech Island Farmers’ Club, ,of
South Carolina—Dr H R Cook, Harry
Hammond, W II Atkinson.
“Brick Store” Agricultural Club'
(Newton county)—Henry D Graves.
Fort Vatfty agricultural dub'CHwtwK
ton comity)—W J Anderaon, P «
HoWSfflVJ H. Brauham. , .
Gordon county agricultural , Rl?sety
—chimes M Harlan, Aaron. Rpff.
Greene county agricuUdrai, apeiety
-M)ap.-J R- Sanders, O P Daniel, «hw.
Harris Gouniy nWbultura! society
—M F Hooody S M Hundson.
Hart county agricultural society —'
Dr Joel 1/ Turner, Francis S K»l>-
HeaWL cotihty agricultural sbciety
—Dr G W Shaw,- W P Edmondson.
Lithonia agricultural society (De-
Kalb county) — Newton M Reid,-
James H Born. . _ _
Lumpkin county agricultural socie
ty—Rev A- Martin,' Colonel Wiro
Boyd. . , '
Lee county agricultural society—^1*
'H Coleman, V G Hitt.
Longstreat agricultural dull (Cow
eta county)—Wm A Smith.
Mooroe county agricultural society
—B B Napier, It It C MeGrtigh.
Montgomere county agricultural so
ciety : B H Patterson,' J E Hicks.
Murray county agricultural society :
Samuel H Carter, H Heartsill, F
Mucogee county agricultural so
ciety r L M Biggcrs.
Mount Zioh agricultural club (Burk©’
county): G B' Paw'd! 1 .
Morgan county agricultural society i
Joseph Vnson, J C Barnett, E Jv
Marshallvillc ajrriciiitnrhT satiety
(Macon county): Jame'i D Frederick,
Davis Gam mage', B Wheeler. ’
Northeast-Georgia Fair Associa
tion (Clarke county): Dr James,
Camak, Jeff. Jennings.
Newton county agricultural society:
Colonel John T Ilendereon.
North-Gcorgia agricultural and
mechanical association (Whitfield coif »-
ty): It W Jones. J F Groves, L D 1
Oothcalogn agricultural club (Barl
ow county): Colonel John II FittenV
Ocmulgee agricultural dull (Bibb'
county) : T P Windsor, W D II John-'
o », Will'am Lundy.
Oconee agricultural club (Jackson
mnty) : J W Carruth M Martin, J
S Elder.
Old Wilks Farmers’ Club and Me
chanic’s Assoaiation (Wilkes county) .*
B W Heard, James 11 DuBose, Wyifo
M Pope.
Ogcechee agricultural club (BArko
county) : Colonel Jo’in McKinnnie.-
Palmetto agricultural society (Camp
bell county); W H Steele, J C Mixon,
W T Buney.
Pierce connty agricultural society r
A McMillan, T L Strickland, A M
Philadelphia agricultural society
(Clayton county) : T J Toiand.
Powder springs agricultural society
(Cobb county): A C McIntosh, E H
Polk county Farmers’ dnb: T L
Branch, J O Waddell, M H Burra.
Paulding county agricultural socie
ty; O F Brintle, G W Lawrence-, W
W Reyndolds.)
Richmond county agricultural so-'
ciety : Colonel George W Rayns, P J
Berckm.i: s, G orge A Oates.
Randolph connty agricultural so
ciety: Charles It Knovrles, li D Croz-
ier, Thomas A Coleman.
Rockdale county agricultural socie
ty : John M Zachry, James C Bar
Schley couuty agricultural society—
J A Baisden.
So ith Cnreli' a agricultural and r tf
chanics sociity—Maj W H Gibbs, JA
B Springs.
Stone mountain agricultural society
(Dekalb county)—A J Veal, J W Mc
Curdy, J K Cloud.
SumteV county agricultural society
—F C Brown, John R Worrel. t
Screven county agricultural society
—U P Wade, P R Kilties, John W
Tdlbot coitftfy agricultural i<ocrety—
James Little, D G Owen, John B
Clark and \N alton counties, and was i j n „ 0 j( was oozing through the cloth
willing to bet one hundred dollars that I an( j blistering his hands, succeeded i
not more than one cotton stalk in a I extinguishing it and arresting, in all
hundred in Clarke county would have probability, a serious conflagration,
blooms ou them by the middle of July. When will people learn to be careful
He states that the corn and cotton I j n the handling of that most dangerous
crops are ruined by the grass in the | of Kerosene Oil ?
above named counties.
What Will He Do With It?—
Many persons are asking what Mr. J.
W. Collins intends doing with that
thirteen feet of land that he has pur
chased between Mr. Galloway’s resi
dence and the new stores. We will
It is much to be regretted, but if wil
ful men will undertake to resist an of
ficer of the law by the use of deadly
weapons, they take their life’s in their
own hands.
That Dorg.—Our polite young
friend, Dock Dorsey, has been pre
sented with a dog, that he keeps
chained in the rear of their store,
which, for a villainous countenance,
I cross nature, ugliness, mange and fe-
Aldermen Lucas, Pope aud Pal
mer were appointed by the Mayor,
pro tem.i on that Committee. Able*man Pope,' adopted—
That Air. John White, S. Marks and I Thomas Street.—Wednesday last
R. II. Lampkin, be requested, within we walked over this street, and found
ten days from notice, to run all the 1 it in good order. In our walk, we
conductors that discharge water from met the Mayor and the Chief of Police,
tlieir buildings into Wall street, or cor-1 They were looking out for the holes
ncr of Broad and Wall sts., under the hat we stated, uot long since, to be,
ground, in such manner as that they in that street. The Mayor said, as
will discharge the water into the near- we had published them, we must point
are selling
At 35 Cents Per Gallon!
At Cost-
state for their edification, that Mr. rocit L “ a ““P 10 of notches above
Collin, knows Ms own bnsiness, and if «T » e , k ”" of ', f"' e “S
they will wait quietly awhile they will b” 8 e “ r / ne ” d “
find he potsit togood use. “ U ' c '* “"f 1 ' »” d
. T - I each sime, in attempting to get beyond
Attention, Farmers of North- its reach has the poor fellow been be-
East Georgia.—The name of “Clark reft of the seat of his [uints, which the
County Agricultural Societj* was “beautiful” creature devours with a
changed to “North-East Georgia Fair rapacity truly startling. * Several nat-
Association,” for the purpose of secur- uralists, who have inspected the aui
ing the co-operation of all tho County I ma l with spy-glasses, from the top of
Agricultural Societies in this Section, j Oconee Street Church, prouounce him
We hope that each county which has a cross between a whangdoodle and the
no Agricultural Association, will or- devil. We understand that the owner
ganizcT at once, and send delegates to is offering a reward of twenty-five dol-
tlio “Fall Convention” of the State lars to any one who will peril about
Society. We extend to all visitors a five pounds of their steals by removing
most cordial welcome, r . I “Lovely.”
est culverts.
Council adjourned.
W. A. Gilleland.
Clerk of Council.
them out. We frankly admitted we saur
none, but insisted that either our info,
mant was mistaken, or his Honor had
quietly had them fiilled up. One thing
is certain, we had no idea of admitting
FKR80NAL.~Mr. Nebhut has been I ^ W6 wcre wr0Dg . We ^ the
in our city several days. m the mterret | horge wag ^een feet high, and we
stuck to it. Joking apart, the Mayor
of the Atlanta Sun. He is also solici
ting subscribers to some book. Al
though the Sun and us could never
agree, we take pleasure in recommend
ing it as a^ive little journal, which
furnishes all the news in a brief space
and few words. Parties who have not.
the time non inclination to peruse
elabortitd and extenejed accounts will
not fail to be> pleased with this little
Kerosine Oil, 125 degrees fall.,
now sold at 40 cents per gallon by J.
H. Huggins.
is prompt in all the duties pertaining
to his office. He is a just and faith
ful officer, and His place would be hard
to supply. Athens has reason to he
proud of him.
Kerosine Oil, 125 degrees fab.,
now sold at 40 cents per gallon by J.
H. Huggins.
Goads delivered free of charge every
hour during the day by Weatherly &
Co. . ^ ~
There was a fight this morning.
Burke Couutv Agricultural Society
—Rowland Steiper, Eddie A Carter.
Butts County Agricultural Society
—Dr J H Bryan, E E Pounds, J F
Clayton County AgrkaHftra) Socie
ty—D E Starr, A J J titles, Abntr
Clinch Coauty Agricultural Society
—Dr L G Mattox.
Chefokefe-Georgia Fair Association
(FloftfJ bounty) — J F Wilson, Dr
Ebetl Hillytr, M Sheiblf;
Catoosa Coifnty Agricultural Socie
ty—A Graham, T M Gordon, J M
CJav Copnty Agricultural Stidety
—M L McDowell, J L Tucker, S L
Hanks. : >
Cobh County Agricultural Society
—AS Wav, JN Russell,- Col; J D
Calhoun County Agricultural Socie
ty—E C Durant, N W Pace, C M
Coffee County Agricultural Sticitify
—V E McLenondon, Hon Henry
Love, J S Pearson.
Coweta County Agricultural Society
—S D Smith, B P Hill, H J Sar-
Dougherty count}' agricultural so
ciety—Captain John A Davis, DrC
P Heartwell,
Dool j county, agricultural society—
Decature agricultural society—(De-
Kalb county)—John Bryce and T C
Early county agricultural society—
Col. B H Robinson, J B Mulliigan, S
J Collier.
East Point agricultural society (Ful-
tou county)—T W Connolly, T B
Camp, Mark Johnson.
Effingham county agricultural socie
ty—James F Barry, John D Groover.
Elbert couuty agricultural society
—E M Rucker, J P Shannon, H
Telfair county agricultural society—
A A Srrftth, Jcfel H Gay.
Troup' comity agricultural Society—
J M Truitt, M ii Rachels, J P Thorn
ton.. . -
Thomas comity agricultural society
—Ad Lovq.
Tranquilla agricultural club (Jones
county)—Samuel Barron',- Hcury J
Marshall, W T McCullough.
Upson county agricultural society—
J F Lcw’tSf A J Clieriey, A F BrOWn.
West Oglethorpe Farmers’ Club
(Oglethorpe county)—J B Howard.-
Warren county agricultural society
J S Johuson, George V Neal, A It
Washington countv agricultural so
ciety—E A Sullivan, M M Mathis: T.
O. Wicker.
delegates in the interest of di
From original committee of tictitgra
State agricultural society—Cohrael F
Delegates frorfi Charfesfon (S C.)
chamber of cunmcrcc—George jT
Trenliolm, Joseph D Aiken, L D De-
Saussure, George W Williams, Mc
Millan C King, H. II. Raymond, Win.
hi Lawton, W A Wanllaw,- James
H Wilson.
From Memphis—J. W*. Cldpp;
. Fcom Columbia, Soifth Carolina—
Colonel J B Palmer, Col; J P Thorttas,
E W Seibles.
From Augusta—W F Herrins; Hen
ry Modre, William Bfennett.
From Alhefis: M Stanley.
South Carolina agricultural society;
H F. Peakb. _
Southern land and immigration com-
gn^ of Nfew York city—Capt. iq B.
FronjRome, Georgia: DrJ^HUfyer;
From SaVannah—Joftti Nfehct.
From Savannah chamber of com
merce—Hebrv Brvan, Oafrins Phil
lips, W M Wadley.*
From Germany society y Nicholas
Fftfftt Station : H H Jones, R VY
Cubbcdgti, W II Ross, John P Fort,
Wm McKay, W B Johnston, Thomas
Hardeman. ” "■
From city council tif Macon—
Charles J Williamsoii, J J Clay, A R
Officers, 9} Members Executive'
Committee, 23; Life Members, 9;
Delegates, 180; Direct Trade and Im
migration Delegates; 35 ; Total num
ber of Societies represented, 78; Total
number of counties represented, 64.-
Kerosine Oil, 125 degrees fah.,
now sold at 40 cents per gallon by J;
H. Huggins.