Newspaper Page Text
ruim ouri
3)<fllarjSPp- Annum,
Sky Chief, Sqnjnv and P
the SIanght»Fc«hr*P*Wnees’ Loss
in Dead and Wonndc/t over
100—Horril»]e Barbarity ;
of UfoSlonx,
Grand Island, Neb., \
373. ]
A Shocking Ohtraeo Upon the People of
that Connly—Who is to Manic 1
JIartweu., Ga, 1
Saturday, August lOtli, 1873. j
.J&ffor? XorthrEast Georgian:
vt The people of this place were very
much disappointed to day, caused from
.receiving no U. S. mail from Athens,
the mail buggy arriving at the usual
■time with a mail hog, but on which be
ing opened contained nothing, the dri
ver, knowing nothing about it, and it
therefore, being the fault of nobody.
Living, as we are in this county,
oowparatiyely in the backwoods, with
wdy. tW'O mails a week from Athens,
(on Wednesdays and Saturdays) and
which are all the mails we get from the
outside world, it is a great loss and
disappointment to be deprived of one
•i There is a large mail conies to Hart-
.-well, supplying a country around here
jP^.aboutAfu miles square, and Satur-
flP'OS M ie prinpipal mail day, as
\yjpl as a dpy of more leisure to die fnr-
xnors in tlie vicinity, tliere is always a
large crowd here anxiously waiting to
jcyoivc their mail, and when through
,sfflpqtffifetesditess of the Post Oiiiee Dc-
ntirtment, it dyes not arrive, (as has
been t|ie f tou-ejto day,) it is a loss and li
disappointment that we can hardly
stand. . . , |
. Jf it were the result of an accident, ,,ecs "
.^su^ligs,;high water, or bad weather,
preventing the travel of the mail, as is
sometimes the case in the winter time,
- 1 ,i"c have pa take it for our share and pn-
• tiqntlj^.wait for. the next mail—bat
_ wlien if,is caused by the t/mss eareles«-
ncsit v an$ pei^apsdf (\Hkenness of some
- Postmaster or,bis employees, through
^.ybosc^ndj rkgoes, and who detains
. it or geutlji it. to Halifax, Clarksville,
, qr souiOjofoer seaport town, causing us
tojwP a T'dioje mail, tlius delaying it
fiuc,;«ip>^ .jwifji; die contractor can
uiakeaunther trip to Athens, it is an
outrage, and, a-lojjs to our community
for wgiicli we waul some satisfactioit,
,and the vyry next transgression of tlije
kind tuad opeurs „wp,wi!l endeavor tti
Sftfi^ictfon n }f yqssibje iroiji
id proper fiuthorjiie,".
this tnq first offence, it couljl
be wp easily Overlfw iked, b.ut this js
the l^im.Unn; ..that ihis yery thing btfs
happened in the hist three or four
gionths, . .. |’
We wajit) tq t kiKwv who is in fault in
this matter, and it it has been causal
by gross carelessness, we justly think
we are entitled do some redress lor the
great Joss sustained. Justice.
St.'H .THIsril'l—t—*T's
It is : said that ffofl. iBheridanis
The Condition of tlie Crops—A Revival
at Beaver Burn Chnrch.
Krastus, Ga, 1
ftr } ■ m August 18th, 1873. j
Editors Xorth-EStt Georgian:
Thinking that a communication from
this section might be of interest to sonic
of youf many readers, I have conclii-
xfod to ftlva vCtta few dots.
* ■tiurrtbps ftrft only fofoiafile] Fnr-
wore vjuite backward in The
nfai>V have never fully r<
I* theif ^eJjtliKbrium'.^ MoWe\
August 8, 18
Some two or three weeks ago, the
Pawnees, numbering some three hun
dred strong, with squaws and six hun
dred ponies, started front their reserva
tion for their annual hunt in the great
Republican V alley.
After reaching the hunting grounds,
and while pursuing their • wild yet
peaceful avocation, they were suddenly
surprised anil attacked by some fifteen
hundred Siouxs under the command of
young Spotted Tail. The tight occurred
between Republican River and Black
•Wood Creek. It • was a long and
stubborn fight, but the. Pawneos were
forced to retreat before a Superior num
ber. <■! I'M h \
Whcm the Pawnees were informed
thnt tliero was ta strong force of the
Sioux in tbeir front they iuimediatly
hurried their squaws mid papooses to
a deep canon, or ravine, for safety, and
then struck out on tlie . prairie in the
presence of their (deadliest foe, to op
pose their advance and protect the
sheltered ones by taking the cliances of
a battle.
The Sioux were splendidly armed
and equipped. The Pawnees were not.
having but few rifles with them, as it
is their custom fo use the bow and arrow
with their revolvers, bocausc easier
handled on the limit, when in close
contact with the butihlo. The Pawnee
warriors soon learned that they were
not equal in the tight. The odds being
desperate, and being u<> match for the
Sioux with‘their fine-Henry ritles and
superior carbines, they were forced
.back, ami that so rapidly that they
could not save their squaws and papoo
ses, for the foe had succeeded in get
ting between them and the i’aw-
who, with -desperate valor,
disputed inch by inch the ground on
which they fought. ‘ The Sioux,
i CHlUS, ’•
sprang upon the defenceless ones in
the canon and butchered them without
mercy,"for the shorn.resistance .of the
few brave Pawnees bad aroused their
revengeful ire ami called into action ajl
the bloody instincts and barbarity uf
their natures, braining and scalping
the squaws, and plunging' their long-
knives into the bodies of (he papooses
and hurling them into the flumes' uf
the burning camp fires.
Sky Chief, one of the most- brave
and daring of the Pawnee tribe, with
his squaw and : papoose, fell'a victim #p.
the Sioux’s onslaught arid thirst for
blood. By itature lie Was (forlfovcd
with qualities that made -him grear
among-bis people; a natural orator,-
whose voice was ever heard in tile in
terest of his tribe at the council fire, as.
many a government, official can attest,
and he was a firm friend of the white
The Mnux followed tlie Pawnees on
heir felrest w't i a running fight for
twenty-live miles, lasting some ten
hours. All this occurred within 120
miles of the city of Grand Island.
The surviving Pawnees, with their
wounded, passed cast thro lgh this city
on freight train No. 8, cn route for
their reservation, with grief, notwith
standing their stoical indifference,
written on every lineament of their
faces - A number of the Pawnees were
made to bite the dust, though even an
approximation to the amount will
probably never be known.
looming up” as a Presidential' candi
date.. jf- «* <*. ' ijfy
TweiSty-six chickens from twenty-
four eggs is tlie way smart Wi ;consin
hens hatch them out.
Fred. Douglass employs a white
coachman, and won’t let a colored man
even saw his wood.
General Beauregard is going to in
troduce “tireless locomotives” on the
street cars in New Orleans.
It is said that mocking birds and
canaries sickened and died in Tennes
see towns where choJera prevailed.
Maj. Harry Gilmore, of Confederate
fume, keeps a green grocery in Balti
more, ami is a leading ward politician.
A Kansas special from Coffeeville
reports that the Cherokees are having
a bloody war between themselves at
Ciidiz Bluff.
Five of the jurymen who convicted
a Mississippi murderer four months
ago, have since died, one committing
suicide by hanging.
European papers have lost their re
spect for the Shah, and they speak of
him as a conceited ignoramus covered
with second class diamonds.
Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack say
they have made §30,000 apiece as tra
gedians, and arc now blinding Omaha
with the glare of their c .t glass.
A lightning-rod agent was killed by
lightning in Steuben county, Indiana,
a feiv days since. The sympathizing
farmers.buried him by the roadside.
The British Consul at Savannah
employs a little negro as “copyist.”
Perhaps lie took him on the assurance
■' - u -"'* “imitators.”
'two'bales of upland cotton; a day, with
hopsC, fuel, lights, stables and grounds
free. Poor follow!
that negroes arc excellent
An old couple living near Sparland,
Ill., were recently divorced. The hus
band has since married the hired girl
and the ex-wife taken tlie hired girl’s
Between two and three hundred
persons? have been adjudged insane in
the courts, since the Chicago fire, and
directly and indirectly in consequence
of it.
One of the Siamese twins was re
cently summoned to serve on a jury
in North Carolinn. Chang would not
go* and Kng was fined $2-> for non-at
The salary of President Grant
over six hundred bushels of corn,
A happy couple in Iowa, having
been.twice married and twice divorced,
are-now; doing their courting for the
third time; and the lawyers hope
they'll bo steady customers for many
vears to come.
ek, if thtfg«iiid :i vliowers '4foiWi¥iue, w 2
premia© ©nn^Kcs tf4rrV , fifo*^Vfhld-' '•
ft^ki'riofili oil -
mbrhvgTkf tbe spirit bf the’ Sionl : amph ;
Us lately. ‘-Olir GhVtrcbj'Behver Dam, t
Haa'bAen V©rV-bootd’! for’some (imt,
4#t that greatWWd good- oid' bian, llr -
IP.i Payne, aiitniit-nceff- a revival p
xfehA - f.8tUlislhc«*j"'aillJ ; by fiis elo^peh t
iud pereuahive mrfhner. ’niiseil suhli’ h
^'fofcHog'nm^ligdhc- £©ngiPegttt*ion ns bad
raw t«h fete fufiyeafs/ There Wn^
rf#reat4uu5teUw*»^ Aml-'at-fbe dose of
»♦ kiwi. «. .,i . L
An old gentlemen of Montreal
who had the whole of his tongue
anti his lower jaw removed some
months ago, not only eats and
drinks with ca.-c, hut “articulates so
as to he understood.”
ftntie'mtb) tnlf intiiy.
SfsS ib M i i%r ! * i '* osrK K
•dBiftogi OmthrEngl Georgian: . -
■ ta wdHM» rttim’:—f^iAb© «‘wiotfig < fob
^ ^* ave tlm
^opportunity of visiting various pop
And I-find that I
-t—shy wfctafaeii In the erdp pro?|»ect.
^'foys'tbat focre are sdmje
Attempts to form Granj.cs of the
Order of Patrons of Husliandryamong
the farmers o; Now England l ave
proved almost total failures. Only
one Grange is said to have lieen form
ed, and that is in Greenfield, Mass.
Gibson county, Tcnn., claims the
oldest person in America. Fortune
S'now. of the African color, 124 yeais
old. lie is in good health and as nim
ble ns a fifteen-year old hoy, never was
sjck in’, his life and never took a dose
of medicine.
A Parisian landlady requested a
hristmas party on the third floor to
sifo danbinc; as a man below w*aa dy-
iag,- 1 Tlie gnesfskcquIcsCed. Rstum-
d^ly dear children,”
, . Jt if hiosti benevolent
HiifHe- "TTfru may begin again—he’s
dead.?* ■’ • '--'1 - -- v
The Sipux andTawncc Indians arc
reixirted to have hrul a bloody fight, in
which. tl»e bitter were defeated, losing
about one hundred, eoiiipri-ing some
of the best men of the tribe ami most
of tbeir horses, arms and game. A
full account will be found in another
*- <w cdunfy that hatf
.. Oojjfnffeijpd ifor , rpin. If be had said
* tffat tberelirei-e bot one place that ball
^boffcrrtJ 1 ' would •have been rigl
^ npd ^tjra^a ‘ yehy 1 sbiall one, around
' .wjiere lya livcfl. j l thiuk that lie is tfo-
muse ef tliat. t.1 \\sjuhl j>ro)w>«-, for tlfe-
;■dHanpfitfofi that ipardicd section, that
foltrl.if foi«8 tWer«j.
idVfflil\ve in sonfo
•AT3l' < «teW r fn4h(KHc Ipfoiibefiti Lffiijl
I^juri^'/jeaireaacidark icorner, ami ne
ifowt rftiy Hhing 1 ' filxvit t
“lif thi's county.
. _
bis iUn?» :tni tlifc!
«IfegiKfealf'tMsfoiiitttv, thi*v©af. JJTh'.i
aacl^dtjiif*ubj^tksBWBd drf-.goodscountn-
d<iW^-^n'VHr r # i !|^| < i ! ^ that
kdthitr H hid «Mb4 l»>n<Ui*op,
a»HfilHie<iiUre Kt fofo tkinljs-
that there are an imnienre quantity of
.UdtaLiMlKiUtalHk ufi ifliit uuunly hot;
the i-AW.xr.r.s
had boon vc \ iuccc-sfoi in tbeir bunt,,
and were just contemplating turning
t^eig fut-os homeward, haying .already
killed more t}ian i py9 l b.iuulred .foifiq-
lo©s.;i Tbis.48. - a.terrd»le' aiill crtgjlfmg I ;;'Ky *'
ifc f ( > tribe?, • from
,t}6yqr, g-qfo yuftyerj di>r itbwv .dosp^
pyc-r ppo bn' l > , |rtd killed.and,' v °unded,j * 1
beside^ half of thejr points falb'ug^ntp 1
the lignqs pf;^. epeniy.,, It,,’^as thje
jfgost | lWi) |, |.,j.B fj Ten: u fit
that lias oceu'n efl lx-tween t he tribes on
the frontiers in vdavs. The loss of
warriors make a large gap in the tribe.
But let the 8!oux beware of cvc*i tlie
rcmant'ilelt/' for' when htbey recover
and are in heart hgnin and properly
armed, one hundred Pawnee warriors
would put’ a thousand Sioux to
lO'JtO. : - i ...
It is a well known fact in this coun
try that for the last three months tlie
Pawnees 1 ave been seeking friendly
negotiaton* w th the Sioux, hut the
InttPr known, perhaps, to - their chiefs,
keptout of their way -or would not
meet thehv. If is thought, and very
justly, too* by many on the frontier,
this surprise in the Republican Valley
was all premeditated and precu rangal
'by tlie (Taflv cunning of
TH E THE A cn Er.OCS * RROTTED T.Vrt ,,:
who was absent and not with liis 'trilio
on the big hunt, Iiis sou being in com
mand ; and then* flic new arms and anj-
ihunitioii, vecvhtl v or at the ikst council,
was deniaudod of and; complied with
by tlie government, tended toward tlie
fatal results which have proved so d'13-7
astrousi to the Pawnees. , ..... ,j u
Tiiese aumAl bnnis are pirrsutaj, jiv,
the dilferent tribes for the purpose,of
obtaining skins and meat lor nppanj!
aad sulisisten^e, whereby; they phtaiii.
tlie buffalo beef,- vrliidi live, sqtiawsdrj-
.ly.'tlie firesj while'the tvgipriprs hupt,!
abd which -forms r large s)«tres of their
living-during the wjuter rnoiiths. The
jgo\»rnnwmt-official* We- nyt, iguorant
of tltfc- bioifx’a df aiffy enmity aml bate
againtt tlieTtPavtntfe tribe, 'and that
ci»crished witlHtferycity.«nd bitterpess
more* intense from! the relajjops; klicv
formorly suttained towflrd tbp g'-vern-
ment wHclil employicd-jtp.ipfpteet the
frontier and the PaWM'-frorii. thy yn-
cBCcii-lmiejitsoif: Mt0 -8iohx frily* for
Newton county comes to tlie front
with a bear story. One night la-t
week the negyoes on iSIajor Lee’s plan
tation, abont seven miles from town,
w;uj startled by a terrible racket in the
yaid, between the dogs and sonic un
known animal. The disturbance last
ed some time before they could solve
the mystery, when all at onee an old
negro saw it was a huge black bear,
ami that bo .was “using up” the dogs
in a; hurry. Every negro in the bouse
ret tea ted to the loft and remained there
until morning. Tracks were seen
abput the yard and those who are
competent to judge report that they
pre {undoubtedly those of a large hear.
A white mail in the vicinity says he
has seeu similar tracks about bis* corn
field aiid in the swamps op this planta
tion. 11 K
The first bale of cotton was auctioned
for 70 cents in St. Louis, last Tuesday.
Two men, two women, and a little
girl were drowned at the Portland fire
of last week.
The New York Graphic is hurrying
as fast as it^can with its balloon and
carrier pigeons.
There is no sort of nsc in trying to
keep up with the murders, suicides,
and drownings, and we arc sure we do
not want to. ;
The first bile or the new cotton crop
was received Tuesday in Charleston,
from Beaufort county, South Carolina.
Itjvpspla^ed “ordinary.”
The Cuban revolutionists are repor
ted to have captured-the port of Cien-
fuegos, which gives_them something
like a substantial fooFing.
The District of Columbia’s treasury
is acknowledged to be bankrupt, and
North Carolina has turned its face un
mistakably towards repudiation/
It is singular that no trace has yet
been had of the murdering Bender
family of Kansas, since tbeir sadden
flight from the graveyard of tbeir own
- A disastrous fire lias taken place in
Valparaiso, causing a Irtss of §500,000
The towns of Petorea, Quillota, Sig-
na and Lirnoche, in Chili, have been
greatly damaged earthquakes.
The Yellowstone Expedition' contin
ues on its winding way, and every
member o£it is called a “bug hunter,'
or something equally explicit,.by the
soldiers who escort them for security.
A sewing woman of New York was
found locked up in her room, six days
without food of any kind, and reduced
to a mere skeleton. She had attempted
voluntarily to starve herself in order
to fulfill a.superstitious vow.
It is reported that the negro. Byers,
who was arrested on suspicion of mur
dering Delia Corcoran at Excelsior
Grove, on the Hudson, made a confes
sion of the crime. He first outraged
her, and through fear of discovery, he
murdered her. lie denies having any
An accident occurred last Tuesday
neat Leniont, on the Chicago and Al
ton Railroad, the incoming freight
train colliding with the South-bound
express passenger train, and almost en
tirely wrecking the latter, killing six-
outright. and tearfully injuring thirtv-
seven others, many of whom will die,
A desperate engagement has just ta
ken place between a force of Carlists
numbering 2.400 men, and three col
umns of Spanish Republicans. The
battle was fought in an open country
between the towns of Berga and Case
rns, and resulted in the defeat of the
Republicans, with ti loss of 200 men
and one gun.
Late advices, from Lima, Peru, rc
port that a serious accident occurred
sixty miles from that city. A body of
earth, estimated ten million cubic
yards, fell from tlie mountain side int *
the valley, severely injuring a iiunib n-
of persons, and darning up the river
water, which.had risen 109 feet abov
its usual height. Engineers were of
the opinion that tlie water would soon
bui s-. its barriers, when it would rush
towards. Lima, sweeping everything
before it and submerging tlie lower
portidn of that city.
lion. Jefferson Davis addressed the
Southern Historical Convention, in
session at Montgomery White Sulphur
Springs, last Tuesday, August 18th.
He was introduced by Governor Letch
er, and received standing with great
applause. He returned thanks for
this welcome to Virginia, where he al
ways felt welcome, and whose brave
men were only excelled in their deeds
by the bravery and devotion of the wo
men, whose zeal and heroism through
out the war he highly praised.
TlJE action of the south.
In the war and the causes that
brought it on, might be fairly lafil be
fore mankind. He spoke of old .Tubal
Early as one who was ever faithful
throughout the war, and as being the
proper man to carry out this great ob
ject. He said we had lieen more
cheated than conquered by the declar
ations of the Federal President, Con
gress and Government, for- there never
could have been a surrender had we
anticipated what followed, and wc
could to-dav have been. free. He
because whatever the men might be,
he never yet bad seen a reconstructed
woman, and while the men of the day
might yield the principles for which
they had struggled, yet he hoped the
•hildreu who succeeded them would
grow up to maintain them and perpetu
ate them, and redeem all tfiat we bad
lost. Mr. Davis’ remarks contained
no sentiments of hostility to the Fed
eral government, but evinced an earn-
seen est devotion to constitutional liberty,
for which tiic South had struggled so
Jong. He was listened to with deep
interest and frequently applauded.
.Toe Barker (negro) arrested for stealing
a house. ’ ?;
Tlie Presbyterians in Decatur have a
new church.
A large balloon passed over Savannah
last Sunday. ,
The Savannah Morning News is to have
an evening edition.
Governor Smith wants theives disfran
chised. Tt is a good idea.
JVe?t> sidvertisements.
New ^dperlisemenZ
Some samples of the new rice crop
have been received in Savannah.
Opposite A. S. Dorsey’s, on Ilron.l street, rear of Center A Reaves’. He is now
selecting an Ek-gnut and Full Assortment of
A Gninsv’He man was struck by light.
ning the other day, hut was restored.
A daily li nc of hacks between Gpins-
villc and Dahlonega is to he cstahlshed.
An engine on the Selma railroad tossed
an infant from the track without injuring
A Thomastfm man tried last week to
gag a saw with his left. He has two fin-
gtr. left. ’
The Gfiffin Netes has commenced a sc
ric3 of sketches of “Our Leading Vaga
bonds.'’ , *
Rust is liecoming general Around Tliom-
asville. Nearly all “gnanoed cotton” is
troubled with it.
Thomasvillc sold her first bale of cotton
for 14!c. It came from J. fo Bulloch, < f
the seventeenth district.
Rebecca Baxter, of Calhoun county
recently drowned her illegitimate child
She is in jail in Calhoun,
Augusta has received 179,S22 bales of
cqtton this season,-an excess of 3ti,230
over last. Stock on hand 2,000 bales.
The files o' the old Savannah Repub
lican—reaching back fifty years, we be-
gwe—have been sold to the Librarian ot
ST*f»L£gFftf*@¥ Bf$¥ €0908
Ready-Made Clothing,
Houston county has the largest number
of acres under cultivation, and Appling
county the largest number of cattle, re
turning 7,824 head.
The Lumpkin Independent says cater
pillars are doing much damage in the low
er counties, and are gradually workin
up in this direction.
Tlie Columbus Enquirer reports the
drowning of two colored girls near Glenn
villo, Ala., wlio 'e’l fr<>m a log crossin.
to the switt stream below.
Dr. J. Smith, of Houston county, has
raised 30.000 pounds of hay this season
We know some farmers in this county
that can double that with no expense at
tached. •
There are ten iron furnaces in till
State, besides twenty-five cotton factories,
employing 75,938 spindles:_ live wool fac
tovies, employing 872 spindles and C
carding machines.
The Dawson Journal says the Pope
dentation, in that county, which ill the
good old days would have sold for ^23
000 or $30,000, bought only $500 at slier-
iff-.’ sale list Tuesday.
Planters in Washington county rt-por-
a great improvement in the cotton crop
(lining the past few weeks. The yield
per acre, however, will be tar short of the
crop of last year, as a general result
Lon Holmes, a well known young man
of Macon, attempted some three months
ago to reach a party of friends camping
out on an island <n the Ocmulgce, but
since then has never been heard of,
though the party returned in safety.
Newnan has a homed frog sent oil
from Texas. Its head has two horns
about half an inch long, and many small
er. Its sides are line 1 with similar ones.
It has a tail alxiut three-fourths of an
inch in length. Its size is that oi a com
mon toad, while its movements resemble
those of a lizard.
Another Meriwether county man play
fully tapped one of a peculiar breed of
snakes they raise down in that remarka
ble county*. when lorty-nine little snakes
came out* That man made the first live
miles in ten minutes, and his distressed
family are unable to obtain any informa
tion as to his present whereabouts.
Farmers in the viei n \ty () f August are
complaining of too. niuch r ain, and \ye
hear of considerable rust in the cotton in
several localities, which threatens to cur
tail the yield promised two or three
weeks ago. The caterpillar has appeared
in small numbers, r>n some of the river
plantations below th P city, hut has not as
yet inflicted any material damage on cot
To His t/Vmv Brick Building
fticvr York city,
Soli, anil Fresh s u
’"Pl'Iy of
TF/n7e Globe, Yellow R nta n
Yellow Aberdeen, Snr,i % ’
H7u7e Flat Dutch
Hanover or Sweet Gen
Jnat'rccoived at
and Ixirgc Norfolk
Ant! will by the first of November, offer to liis iiumcrous customer anu friends the celebrated old
Fertilizers, known to so many tn this section of Georgia ns tioinz the host and most reliable.
«®“COME TO THE NE\V r STORE, where Goods
Cheap and high prices, are paid for Cotton !
So c.
Broad St., Alliens,
Store located i n Old Kmnklib Honse,
r T ^
Up Stairs.
.All Kinds of
BEDSTEADS, from 55to fCO.
CHAIRS, ot* ail lcin<l§, at all prices
lit* REA US, of the patterns.
TABLES,*all kind* made toorder.
W A K1 >RO BES, i ,o V N GES,
ami evert tiling ei.-v ever found in a
First-Class Furniture Store.
Low Li’ices.
ttrt-tilVIC US A TKIAI/
W. L. WOOD & CO.
Broad Street, Athens, Georgia,
mgl.vdm " **
Shoes, Shoes.
RAWING to tlie heavy trade of the
V y past reason, I was unable to fill more than
Neglect a cough. Nothing i* niflP ,
lay the foundation for future evil coiLse.,^ 3 ^ 5,
Wells’ Carbolic Tablets
are a sure cure for all diseases of the i«, .
:a a V.l all l 'f«tT;
4 Ue]
Organs, sore thrent, dipth7ri n .
tarrli, croup, hoarseness, drvness - 1 ' lv
windpipe, or bronchial* anV
the lungs. In nil -cases of suddf
Likeu, these Tablets »lmuld be t, r .
ly used. They equalize the <
blood, mitigate the
will, in a very short t
the affected organs,
put up only in blue l>oxes. Take no
If they can’t be found at vour dmtr-ri
onee to the agent in New York wlm v -
them by return mail. Don’t .i,,,,,.;! , : " rx ^
tations. Sold by druggists. Prh-eft VT! • iai *
Noe agent f«, r V.<
3|uaitz.e the circuitii x , *
• .wells t arbf»lic T’al.h ‘ '
te lxiTfM T..t 3re
Working Class ^
* * • * ock ffuaranieed. iv Ej
apectable employment at home
no capital recjaired. Full in^trmtiiml e T e * !Ii *
bio package of goods sent freo hy „ la l , 5 . 11 ' 1 ’
with six cent return md"” w J . au - AilflrM
Greenwich Street, N. Y
half my order*. With a view to meet the large and
growing demand for my Shoes, I have nearly twice
as much stock as !a»-t year, and now offer to the
Is the most powerful cleanser, utreirth#
remover of glandular Obstructions kn?,*r>
It is specially nJnpted to consfitutiom *
down** and debilitated bv the warm ^
Spring and Summer, when the blood :
G3 3?<IOOA\* r t M
1- of this Institution will commence ; <m
October 1st, IST-1, and continue,
*ion, until August oth, lv'i-i.
Ancl Mechanic Arts,
(m1 upon the United States Land Grant, is an
ntegral part of the I’niver^ity nnd will hold ihe
same Term. Every advantage wh ch the country
allows, is atfortltrtl for procuring a liberal education
t!i in a General Course and in Special Depart- ■ f
cuts. Degrees grant! *1 both in Arts and s.-ien< • l ’
<1 in Lnw, I'ngi..soring :md Mcdiritm.—■llm’lasl * al , iar t
hrmigh the Gyorgiu Medical College at Augusta,
•middled with the Unive^ity.^n,,* LAW
CIKMih rein.iinsin ««-*iow throuenout theenU^e
Liberal provision Is uindo for benttlieinnc?
and for students of limited means.
•or Catalogues, containing full intonnntion, r.f-
Secretary of the Faculty,
augl-Vtf , Athens,Ga.
wreiry-ifogt jo|
ffoWintm^ «illefe plenty!
MAbineiw, ijOOKOi-r ion tiif.
-B.vtiLoonI-^'i'hffNew- York Grajdiir
nails' the attentionhil 'mariners and. nil
huving comutand-i ’(it ., vessels leaving
Ainetreatt 1 ports during the • month to
the that it is! intended that the
tiAils-AttantfoliillooncxiHxlitdn jli’iof
Wme aiiitiklV. W. Hj Donaltfcson shall
leave: New York, for- Europe. 1 on sonic
day Info in or early in Septem
ber. ■ -4'he Balloon will carrj*. two life
J bohfoji*n<l every part of the apparatus
that is canaille of liemg detached will
-JSeicgiMy 'foserihed'.with the words,
“The Daily Graphic;” Mariners are
requested^ ih care any articles so mark
ed iircpicked. up hy them, toascertain
the locality \vh.rc found, that all tier
eMacumait-s.nti.Hm- -0100x-.. tWJft»ijfor ecssary particulars may by published,
main- the LVwuiK-s wf*e ^n.ted ifforibV the ph^ress^ ^-the balloon,
buttes solutom. • <<- 1 - .-sijjifo 1 •■< jerdntfols will ■' Occasionally throw
bir u
tiitirii any lifo'inhtrqif th»' fenwilyp* i>r;
: ^fci‘iA r,s >i* v 4
neiifclj, io apsur. peach or a|>
| fottornfroni a aiwhpS tain,/tough pa
perthen pasta theta ontthe tide uf the
over ill thcniglit time torjiedocs, which
will^jfplode VirY striking the Water, 1 for
m'puVpdre^f irWvking the direction
rtt^are<raST6i^lfig. : • Note of these
slroiilil also lie made. In cure -the
baHoofr gives out liefore it raaclies land,
the passengers will have retwirso to
the hunts, in which, emergency, it is
hoped; theVmny lic'seen and rescued
liy aftv Vcs^l passing tiear. 11 • N
: * ••■“I - ..: * - c < -. 1
i • ' ) • , i <y, ay i: I.;
Woinolke, in the Atlanta Constitu
and green- pty^crjfjcotn the, ripe^ surface you will
fiml tho letters distinctly marked up on
Garina I it.
lion of Wednesday, tfo- disjwtch ttapn
^‘VtenaExpoatiou foR. H. Ncal,sta-
iingfo a tthe^VheeI(E (.tAVilson Sewing
Machine had received foe first nv
at the World’s Fair.
The Cuthbert Appeal, of Friday, re
ports the planters of its section more
cheerful, and says that they generally con
cede now tlie crisis has passed, ami that
the caterpillar will not be able to muster
a sufficient force to injure the present
crop to any great degree. Fields in
which they were seen ten days since arc
now clear of them. It mentions a great
loss of fodder by the farmers, on account
of bad weather for pulling.
Concerning General Young's visit to
Washington on militia business, the New
York Herald says: ‘'We wish General
Young would stay at home. It Georgia
is compelled to distribute the arms under
the dictation of Congress, she don’t want
them. If the refined companies and ig
norant ones are to be armed alike, more
evil than good will result. What docs
Sambo want with guns and canons ?
The history ot his military career in South
Carolina establishes beyond controversy
the fiict that the blacks, whon organized
and armed as soldiers, become domineer
ing, manifest dispositions to iusult and
alarm the whites, particularly women and
children, and even men not exceeding
one-twentieth oi their number.”
Athens Retail Prices Current,
Corroded by Et\gUt)ul ^ Orr, Gnv-
cr<U Commission, Herf/igtil, llvocul
Street, Athens Georgia.
Cotton.- per.ll>.
t’rorlsioiot.— Flour, Fane/, per I>1,|..
Extra Family,
’Family;. . / 1 ’ 1
SapcrlUiok.^ ' *
Corn.......-.;..;—per bush.
Meal 4,
Wheat »•
Bacon sides, per pound
“ shoulder*, •*
“ liauis, •• •
E^h, p,,.
10 to 16
' la, u
lz oo
12 00
E 0o
no to r to
1 00
to 1 10
■' i 10
1 SO to 2 00
14 to 15
10 to 12>5
tr. - ko to
13 to ’ 15
10 to : 20
Chickens, grown, 4«ct Frying to
«ult«r_ per 11>. 20
Oroocries.—Sugar, Crushed per lh. 15
“ A - 14
“ Bv;—- » 14
11 C-.N..-i o . 13
'! Doumrary," 13
Collt-e, liin,.— . aa
“ , Istguirn, , 28
“ Jara “ . Itt
Ton, Hyoen.—.... **• -X‘i’00
‘J Ciuupowdcr, « 1J5
•* BI|pk..~..— “ 1 50
Onion.',,...... -7>er huali.t 00
Syrup, Sorghum, p,-r gal. .60;
Candles; sperm... Ip. ' . 40
“ A daman,' •' 20
“ Tutlov, •* ' 8
Cheese, State “ . _
** Kng. Dairy, “ 25
'Caddy, plain.,7.!.VperlV 18
* ** ' Cincy-—- .'j- 1 * ' ■ ■GO
Soda. <■ .. ij
Dry (iooU.H..—Prints, •• , Jt
' O.-maburg?, per yfli ; 15
% Shirting, “ , - W
«•* “ H
Dried Peaches, pealed, ' S
" “ unpealed, “ --
to 16
We learn from the Sandcrsvillc Gcor-
C<an, of the '13th, that Mr. Edward
White was murdered last week, near Rid-
dleville. lie was called to the doorhy a
negro, who shot him in the head, killing
him instantly. After lie fell two other
shots were fired at him. The villain
then went in nnd told the wife, mid an
other female living in the house, that if
they struck a light he would kill
them, tie demanded the trunk of Mr.
While which he carried a short distance
front the house, and broke it open and
rifled from it some fifteen dollars in mon
'ey. The other articles in the trunk were
undisturbed. Bill Bennett, a convict late
ly discharged from the penitentiary, and
who was iimstcd by tlie sheriff of Wash
ington county, a few day’s ago, at Athens,
and escaped while being carried to Sand-
ersyille, w supposed to lie the murderer.
This negro is a harden’d nnd abandoned
wretch, and commits crime from a pure
love of it. He has tlie inclination mid ca
pacity to attempt anything.
to 35
to 87
to 2 CO
to I 60
to 75
trtu t
to 12)4
to 18
td 15
to 10
Unclaimcd froight now at'tftc office of
the Southern Express Company, is now
stored at owner’s risk, and Is liable to be
sold for charges, if not, called, for Within,
t hirty days from this date. Athens, Ga.i
August 21st, .1873. ,
t Box J Mabry. Athens,
1 Ifox W G Green, Athens,
t Pkg Dr M H-Garley, Athens,
1 Trunk M Barnard, Ath.ns,
t Box J A Hailey,'Athens,
1 UnihrellaS H Moschy, Carncsvilel,'
I Bdl B McIntyre, Athens,
i Pkg A M Holland & Son, Hartwell,
,1 Pel Prof il e White, Athena, 1
; l Pel B Thornton, Athens,
1 Pel Miss,S Randolph, Atheps,
1 Box Mrs M Biggers, Athens,
.1 Pkg J R McOlcskcy, Athens,
1 Pkg J Simpkins, Jefferson, .
1 Pkg IV F Hunter, Athens,
Capt. Wm. Willi.virs, Agent.
I have ever made. All of my »Shoes are perfectly
honest, arc free from welts, and are made from
best Oak Tanned Leather,
From My Own Tan-Yard J
This Oak Leather is hotter, and brings me 10 ccnja
ore per pound in New Y'ork than the Hemlocki
I will duplU^ate any bill of j;oods bought in Nor-
lern markets, and
Save You I'reiffhis <i- Charges.
Every pair Warranted not to Rip.
For sale at retail hy the Merchants, who will pell
at uniform prices and at living profits.
Each pair hn» my name in full stamped upon the
bottom. Don’t buy auy other.
Terms t» the trade upon application.
A.niline Red.
-A.niline Ir’nrple.
-A.jiiliiae Bine,
Aniline Green-
Aniline Y ello\y,
For sale at the
«ar Call and see sample card of colors.
A FTER six years experience in
Y Teaching, I offer'my service to (he cUItans
circulation, cousequcntlv cntherin
ties front sluggishness and imperfect a -VC Uci,t
secretive oiyans, and is n.anifi sicj i,,'.""
crujdions, ldotehes, lioils, pustules
W hen weary and languid rnnuteverr
dullness, drowsiness an:l iuc-rlia take tit
energy nnd ytRor, the system needs a t.'ni,-:
in tlieir
it up aud help-the vital f,
rative power. In ttie hca
the liver ami spleen do not pert'ortn m ,
tions. .The uterine and urinary organ in '"
■ t the stentarh
tivc; 1 producing wcaknes
testines and apredis|i«Kition'te liillit.tts^",
Dr, Wells’ Extract of Jamltchs
Is prepared directly from the Stum,
plant, and is peculiarlv suited t .. nil the - t i :
ties. It will cleanse the vitiate ' ! '
en the life-pivinR powers, and r
4 . . ungiHiwers, and rf move allolMre
lions from unpaired and enfeebled ,, r lr “ c *
It should^ he freely taken, as Jur«M,o
nounwd by medical ,, 1V IIMI!(l (
!c Uit5 . i ? D ? <leobstruent known j n ihrt
range ofn«w1icai plants.
Sold hy druggists.
Price Si per bottle.
», IS riatt-st. N. Y„
'le agent inrthvl*.?.
5k'H<l for circular.
Epidemic Diseases
Hie New Odorless and Non-Poisoiiec-
Powerful DEODORIZER and
inity, and
ronage T!»o Jlrbt term will bo
t at i) o’clock a. xn., in the huildinp
next JoQr to the Kpiscopai Church, Clayton sireet
Tlie usual English and Clus.-dcal branches will Lv
thoroughly taught.
Primary Class $4 0.1
Intermediate Cla.‘s 5 oo
he Chicago Farm Pumps
Are Cheap, Durable and Efficient.
OYBB 100,000 SOXtOD.
Aay Fonoa Osa Sot Thin.
General Hardware dicalcrs,
Y ATILL BE SOLD before the Court
VV House door, in the county of Hart aud
town of Hartwell, ((a., within the legal hours ol
sale, on the FUSSY TUESDAY IN bhl'l'KM-
BEll next, the following properly :
One Bay Horse Colt, three years old, one Jlu.'e
two yeais old, one Sorrel Mare about fourteen
year- old. Alt levied on as the property of Johu
X. Johnson, to'y a li. hi. h-sueu from tho In
ferior Court oi said County, returnable to the June
Teian, 1SS2, in favor of John lli^iisiuitU and Liiul-
sev Harks, executors of the estate of Barrel! Bobo,
-1 eeasod, vs. said John A. Johnson, a .
Also, at tlie same time autl plpec, will bo sold r
Tire htiriuker, levied on as the property of John
.W( Curry, to s,itisfy a cost ti, fay,- issued ftoiir the
County Court of said county, returniuilo to the
trecemher Term of said Court, '1S>7, in favor Hi
J. II. Skelton, admtiustlater otil. J. Dooley, de
ceased, u r Hie use of the officers of Court,' v*. John
MeCurry. 1
Also, at the same tiwnaud place, will, lie sold,
Sixty Acres of Land, to he surveyed idl'of the J>.
U. ltrown tract, adjtdiiihg lauds of James W.
Jones, Sr., aud lauds tR-lotiaiug to tho estate of p.
II. Blown, deceused. Levied oil to
issued from tho Superior Court o£ said couldy, re-
turnablcto March Torm, 186U, in favor uf William
Bowers, executed of James E. Strickland, va. Altt-
rlah I*, .luhnson, executr ix of Neal Johnson and
Ann llrowu, executrix ofl>. II, Brown, deceased.
Abo, at. the same tiiuo ajffl placc, will he s-dd
One Hundred Acres of/Land, fdore or,less, to he
turveyod off ofthe CtacLwhcreotCCJeOrge XV. Dyer
now resides. Levied on ast the property of(lcoi>!«-
VV. Dyar, to satisfy a R. fa. Issued from the Comity
Court of (aid county, roturnable to (lie December
Term of said Court, tstiti, in favor, of Van D. tiaky
vs. G. W. DyaraniYB. B. SaudeTs.
' AUo, nt. the same time aud place will ho sold, t
tract of laud lying amlbeirijJ in said comity, :el
joining lands of Win. Powell, SatuUul McCoWit-i
and others, eoutalding one hundred aud twgnty-
soven acres more nr leas Levied on as the proper
ty of WkUiunt Powell «r Sol(mnm'.Botxj,to satisi j u
lifa-iesued from t|u Superior court of said county,
rotnrnable to March term, ISM, in favor of-Jojin
Duncan vs. Solomon lid's) aud William l’owell.
Also, at the' some Untc'iiiJ place, will 7vc Sold,
ono hundred and twenty-live acres, uf laud, more
or loss, adjoining lauds of A. S. Turner and others.
Levied on as tho property of Nathan Wlllhints, to
satisfy an fa issued from tho Superior court of
Madison county, returnable to March term, 1SC1,
in favor of Wm. D. Haynes vs, Niithuir WiHlams.
Also, at tho same time and ptaeo, will bo sold,
thirty acros.oflaud mote or less, (o bo surveyed ott
of the tract of land w hereon Chu n Mm now resides,
adjoining lands of J. W. Brown,Martin Ncwbern
and said Clara Moss. Levied on a< the protwrty of
Clara Moss, to satisfy nth Issued fmm the codul y
court of said county, returnable te July term, 186 j,
in favor Ilf (J. A. Thornton, Executrix of J-.C.
iThowqtenvs. Clara Moya.-
W.A. HOLLAND, Sheriff.
; oo
Two sessions per day.
Martin Institute.
TT'ALL TERM OF 1873 will open
JL' on the 20th of August. Superior facilities
will be offered. The Board of Trttsiees have deter-
miued to pur up new and comrawllous buildings
■'Mueuiaielv. Board .from ilU to S1250.
J. W. GLENN: Principal..
E. RANDCH.PH, Sec’v Board Truefccs. 3 t
Its daily use destroys all te l odors sa i 1
ons croaruitioDs al»out your premise, anii th* rt»V; ^
provenfft Contagion an«I; c»mtain> • J
son and has no otlor of its own, aud .always uy.
l>r. Ilrockctt, a co lu bra fed writer in chtfonid
yellow fever, maintains that n fetr droj»*Bf p-ra
Chloral u:n in a tumbler of wafer, drsnk *ni!v. t
prove ft sure protection from those
Prepared only hr TILDEN a 'H.
Sohl hv all druggists. y .ri.
N. Bttrnha
-t ever
To l>0 flic lx
Pamphlet free.
Address, York, Pensy
V ENstrvF UGH 1 J
For Fall Planting, for sale cheaper tlian usual, at
5* f t I * ? ?•.?
'lime TcsU the Merits of all Things, i
H AS been tested in every variety of climate,
and by almost every nation known to Ameri
cans. It is the constant companion am) inestima
ble frieml of the missionary nnd the traveler, on
tlie sea or land, and no oxie should travel on our
lakes or rivers \rithout It.
Since the Pain Killer vrns first introduced, apd
met with such extensive sale, many Liniments,
Uoliefs. Panaceas, ami other remedies have been
Offered to tho public, but not one Of then! ha* tt
turned tho truly enviable standing of tho PAIN
Why is This So 9
It i* because Davis’ Pain Killer is ’rlmt it claims
o be—a reliever of paiu. Its merits are unsur-
If yoir arc sutTerlng with internal pain, 20 toho
(lropiina little water will almost instantly cure
you. There is nothing toe<i«a. it fur
Colic, Cranlps, Spasms, HchVt-burn, Dlnrrhrtxai
Dysintcry, Flux, Wind in the ilowela,
5k>ur Stmnach, Dys^ifoia, |
.Sick Headache, <vc,
In sections of the country where fever and ague
prevail there is no remedy held in greater esteem.
Persons traveling should keep it by them. A few
drops iu water will prevent sickucss or. bowel
troubles from change of water.
From foreign countries the call for Pain Killer
are great. It is hound to cure' Cholera when ;R1
other remedies fail.
When used eSdornnUy, a* a nothing
gives quicker ease iu RuruN,Oits, Prutse-s Spraltu
Stings fom Insects and Scalds. It remover toe
fire, and the wound heals like ordinary sores.
Those suffering from Rheumatism, Gout or Neu
ralgia, K not a positive cure, they will find the
Pain Killer gives them relic! wh.?n no ether icnic-
dy will. It gives instant relief iYdm aching feetp.
Every liousei>eepcr should keep it ou hand, find
apply it at tbo first attack of any pain. It w|U
givo satisfactory relief, aud save hours ofsuflferini
Do not trifle with yourself by testiog nutriw-
remedies, lie sure you call tor and get the genuine
Pain-Killer, xus many worthless nostriiius arc ajt-
tcxni»tcd to be sold on the great reputation of ti
valuable Jncdicine<.
Directions uccoatpany each bottle -* -
Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 perbotm.
jolMta* u. . v
$5 to $20® ie^ssSSUSSsst
old, make more money at work f<*e us in their "pare mo-
tv: s
MRS. L. E. B
. JUG tayebx, walTox uouxtV. GA. ;
r PHE rnarketl success ^— *
JL iatroduotinn of Mrs. Bi
Barns, has induced tho proprietor tontKM more
otftenslve preponttion for tho utatiuihoturo of the
medicine. Thoso who have applied for County
will plean ...—— . . . .
allowance for uuavoldahlB d.lay caused by. tho
dillicultics incident to a now undertaking. They
MlTBKX »t<.W'U..ltt« «-'
i has atbstV**«*”*'*.• ;
illy S
The-startHngdrr.wbnrk>: on nearly nil inch a*
agent* hx,« ever been that in their I’™'**
gatifuuaud purification ihr.*
Uic 8v.stem. To r.Lvinte ti^ <i^ cult - v .V'ift.v'
have long sought foriit hgcftt that ««•*•'[ ri ‘
•T’UIFV AXi» S IUF\«THKX at lne -
time. Their research ha:
• discovery which fully
sires of tho medical facun», nV ,
regarded ns the most Important tnuinp' ■
Pharmacy has over achievcil. The uu^na
sideratiuii is
«r. Tad’s Vegetable Liver
Which purify tho blootl and remove a, ‘ c ^i‘
bmnors and unhealthy accuinulation? ‘ r ’’: *; r
body; »iml vet .produces'n<> weakness or ir - ^ ’
whatever, but on the contrary, tones the y.
and invigorates the Indy during the
their operation. They unite the heretofore »•
oneilable qualities of a strengthening p ur r •
nnd a purifying tonic.
l>r. Tutt s Pills are tho most active niui * s * *
ing medicine in existen«*c. They at ono - : *- J ‘
the very root of diseases, and their act *'
prompt that in an hour or so after they
the paiicut is aware, of their good effect'- -1
may Ihi taken at .'any time without rv*r‘
diet or occupationthey pnsluee neither
griping or debilit y, and as a family biedici^ 1 * 1 ,
have no rival. Prlc«* 25 cents a box. Sold '■1 v ‘
druggists. • 1’iincipal office, XU ami 2oPiatt
New York.
Tb Only RdiaMfc Gift Distribution in tk W
* $50,000 00
L. D. SI N.K ^
ic:m regular moxthu'
•• la tuJmm
’fy ic drawn Monday, Sept-
i l-n -jo iOBa Grom! Capilai rrit “ T q
15, t«“ :
FlvViPrtzPs $1000
Five Prizes $300 ^ -! Ilf I
ix rouxTt, w. I a L
. - Ortc Hnreo And Buggy, w‘ Ih
newt,.worth wnrth j;’®)’,
750«oM Mid Hllrer Lever
«n luvauahi,, remedy
Agents arefauthorheed’to refund thhruoncy 1
fbr m©tlidiiowlienj;en ,, ~'—* u *
D. every .am^of
the* word. Bitiiplie* for retail purposes will Uo
kept, at Dr. King’s Drug Store, Alhoua, audiat
Booth A Durham'a Store, WfelnitlBe.
AVhoie nuiuorr -- ...j-Tj,
fur metiiidno where ;enliro ratUtteHoh man— v - - fntim iew:; r jJuee
thoro can he no rfik. fonuatien In nrfBrencfl.™ jtll lett* 1 *
* l rentte«iy«n'“ n,e,M ’ l! tiexW 1 -
bo addressed to L p, SlK**'."?,,, c
Main (iffue u ClS ll ' sa
101 W. Fifth 61.