Newspaper Page Text
frfr I
— prni.isiigi) uy —
T» W* T,*L, C»;ASTT
l*1lt 4iVj V « .
editors asd PRorniETORs,
i *1
jl/ 'Dollars ftr Annum,
S,»'clal Pr.-minm of Fine Donblc ('.mo
Sllrcr Watch, by I.nrkic & Yancy.
Having twtfi ml f >r several rennoti*
pa t,.the great importation of foreign
mrr to our market, and often <>f an in
ferior quality, and being fully convin-
eod that thi;i w altogether iinnetxwnry,
en n reflecting discredit upon our sec
tion of country, we have growing
opt n onr lands as fine hRy as can Ihj
obtained from the grass regions of the
West, only req tiring the attention of
our fit nieis ‘o make tl e saving thereof
ft groit nrre of revenue to them, and
of gre't utility to the public. We
havens a stimulus to this much needed
• enterprise in our agriculture, hoping it
may turn the attention of some of our
energetic farmers in tlint direction,
determined to ofTcr the above men
tioned premium for the largest amount
of h ry saved per hand in North Gcor-
cin, atnl cvhibited at our en’tiing fidl
# Fair. One Irnle, or more 11 be exhibi-
* ted, and proof given as to the quantity
saved per hand.
Lvckie Yancy.
(>o<h1—we arc glad to sec this
energetic firm taking this step in the
right direction. While dcalii g in the
raore fanciful necessities of life, vet
they are not unmindfu’ of the necessi-}
tics o r > ur people in this and all other insight into the general tenor of the
Etlitors North-Ea 4 Georgian:
In company with several of tltc
preachers and delegates from this
section, wc toot the train on Wednes
day 27th Aug., and at the usual time
arrived at Union Point, where we were
met and welcomed by a large number
of the citizens of White Plains and
vicinity, who had come prepared with
vehicles of every description, to convey
the delegates and preachers to their
village, wliere tho District Conference
was to assemble at night.
After a pleasant ride of 12 miles?,
over one of the best roads we have
seen for many a day, we arrived at the
beautiful little village, and together
with our fricinl 11. W. Ji.. were most
comfortably quartered at the house of
Randolph Tappan, Esq., where, during
the entire session of Conference, we
received the kindest attention and
“ fared sumptuously every day.”
At o'clock, P. M., tno clear tones
of the church bell announced the
opening exercises of the evening. We
wended our way to the church, and on
entering, were pleased to see Rev. Mr.
Arnol 1, of Athens, occupying the pul
pit. The sermon on this occasion war,
as arc all his discourses, charaeterlic of
the speaker—replete with sound doc
trine and wholesome admonition.
On Thursday morning, at 1) o’clock,
Conference was regularly organized,
Dr. Speer.presiding ; Dr. Win. King,
of Athens, was elected Secretary and
J. R. Dullosc, Esq., of Washington,
Assistant Secretary. After the usual
preliminaries of organization, dre., Con
ference adjourned till 3 o’clock, P. M.,
at which time Bishop Pierce took the
chair as permanent President of the
As the report of the committee ap
pointed for the purpose, which will he
found below, will give your readers an
The following resolution was also
unanimously adopted:
Kcudrcd, That the thanks of this
body is hereby tendered to tho citizens
of White Plains and vicinity for their
very kind ho>pitaUty in entering the
mendicrs of the Conference, and to the
Pastor and members of the Baptist
church for the use of their pulpit.
Roh’t S. Smith. ] g
G. L. McClkskey, i |
J. F. Hanson, fa
L, D. C a hi.ton, J I
Connell Proceedings.
departmci ts of indu.-try.
well done, and as wc !c; ni our pro'
mium list is to be made up bv private
or special contributions. We lw|>o
• th ts will follow suit, and that groat
indueeuK nts will be offered for renewed
enterprise in our agriculture, as well
as all other important and needful in-
du-tries. lx*t all contribute either
with tiieir money, or their energy, to
wards making our ensuing fair a suc-
«3S, of which our county may well
lie pr tud.
DelinquenrLs in the Mail.
IIahtwkei., August 28th, 1873.
Edit':.-*- North-Ea*t Georgian:
Your suhserilieis want to know if
yon still publish the North-East <?eor-
gian. They have not seen one for
nearly 3 weeks.
'1 lie idmve letter was received a few
days since. We carried it immediately
to Col. Tnylor, the Post Master at this
place, and liandol it to him to read
for him elf. He unhesitatingly ad-
anitted that he received our papers and
pla *sd them with his own hands in the
mail bag, ami handed the bag to the
■mail carrier. Of course, after that,
his responsibility ceased. There is
certainly gross neglect on the part of
some Post Master. Where it is, we
cannot say. Col. Taylor is williug to
be qualified that all mail matter leaves
here at the proper time. The neglect
certainly lays somewhere, and we
hope nil persona connected with this
matter will be more careful in the fu
ture. Wc frequently hear complaints
of this kind.
From a Dissatisfied Siilrerrilicr.
proceedings, wc will not attempt to
Durden your columns with tlie recital
of what was said and done. .Suffice it
to sav, that ns a remedy for the evils,
which, from the reports of both
preachers and laymen, were found to
exist, the Bishop recommended and
urged a more faithful discharge of all
the duties and obligations resting on
the members of the church, either its
individuals or as a body, working for
the salvation of themselves and the
salvation of others.
Services were held at 11 A. M. and
71 P. M. each day, and among those
who officiated from time to time, were
Dr. Uoviek Pierce, (now* in his 87th
year,) Bishop Pierce, Rev. %\. T.
Mann, Rev. J. 1’. Duncan, Rev. J
Lewis, .Tr., and others whose names
we cannot now recall—air of whom
preached with great power and ferven
cy, and no doubt with good effect to all
who heard them.
The people of the village and vicin
ity demonstrated their appreciation of
the meeting in a manner and style un
surpassed ; and the delegates, from the
leas*- to the greatest, will ever look
hack to the District Conference at
White Plains, as one of the brighest
epochs in their passage through this
“vale of tears.” During the session
the following gentlemen were elected
delegates to the Annual Conference:—
Hpv. W. (J. Johnson.
J. W. Wingfield,
T il. Punier,
. J.B. Park.
Washington, Wilkes Co., was cho
sen as the place for next meeting of the
District Conference.
The greatest harmony and unanim
ity prevailed, and it is hojied the seed
sown, will, in good time, yield an
abundant harvest. *
Rev. G. L. MeUt-ky,
11. .1. Winn,
T. It. Willi*,
J. F. Hanson,
Eiftlors North-East (Iconjian:
When your i«i>or was first started
1 suWjilied for it, imping to derive
some pleasure from reading it. You
Started outright, but have, by vmirown
actions,' made it such a concern tlmt
. I,, feci almost like quitting you.
Never before have I teen such a change
in anything as has taken place in tlih
Gnoianw up until lately I could nl-
jtiofiWSP fiud niy county paper—never
Jii bad any trouble almut it, but things
0 hi*rt: ehanged. Now, when I start
tigs*office ! am sure t<* he met by
.^. w^i^joji'a. whq will ask me to lot then;
mi tqai} i»y :p»pOf> ns they waut to; see
hi ^wilA'iwhod {hero /is, and lieiidcs, they
VfcjjSt'sHitft'rnovc Gaitt is advo-
-n for the good of our section.
Now, friend, l like you, but not your
jiaper. It is getting out of our old
.oi <*gy ways.. It is not dry enough,
m’^Change ftr I-«ilI have to quit you.
your papers ever stays in
my.lHiu^d for twb lionrs. Some one
, i Uirpius, it sure, some. Others, like had
U> moBCTjSfo always near us, but our rare
■^(lAdTrtfcjHittlo Gkukoian is certain to
WJ« puf f" any foflofc, and if you
'adrYlo^niskollicai to* diort to he of much
«^4nt©rert/> try to advance ideas
*ai hdWttleWst to yotfr readers,
v , A® O Eonuian m
i -O/Wf fsijfltt haikeL I will say this much
in your favor. If von will carry
tlirough your game and fish law, you
w*a will by tluit one act have <lone more
North • iQoorgian than any editor
;;; ’' . Yonrs/ ; ’
aWa; -wfj to alb!
op the Oi.d Kind
'rid*!*! 1 from Clarke Comity.
wit*!** ya ;•■■■■ , i'l ..
Qmrqinn: • "j
adl ,!^® tidcrable crops in tlijs sce-
Jod "C hfivo Uijwy from
m jft*tm dollin ;too dollar and a quarter
ijlftri dry. for: very ywor labor. I see
*® c ^Wfl <l 'dti*ena hare taken' one |>ropcr
step in getting 'itji k laundry. Now,
. if vour ‘‘City~Fatliers” will send for
,lM} *l reet< ’i
b^4ro«/WWi«e»d *amlH> uiid his sjhjusc to
-•T'rt iieidahv field,'jufdfexaotly where they
tlimd TXibtrA^oit, 1I6d«bon
*' a * ieept’hose rAoSt popular Hums—Mag
nolia and Pee Dec.
The Committee appointed to pre
pare a report on the several interests of
tlw; ehnreh in this Distiict, beg leave
to sulmiit tl»e following:
From the statements made by tho
Pastors of the several stations and
all tho information uo have Icon able
to obtain as to the church, wc are
forced to the. painful conclusion that
there doc-- not exist .that amount of
exjierimentid religion Which is essential
to our prosjw-rity a? a eliurch or haj>-
piin-SR as a people.
This is HUrilmtahle to the neglect «rf
many ii»qH>rtant duties by the church,
and r. failure on tho part of the pastor
ate to require a faithful discharge of
every Christian duty ami obligation.
There is a remedy for this evil, ami it
ran and must lie applied, if tire church
ever liolds the position she ought to oc
cupy among men as tins “salt of the
earth” and “tlmviiglit of the world.”
We must, brethren, return .to first
principles, and tread again the eld
K ith which has proved to many wl*o
ive proceeded u», the path to glory
and to God.. r U
To live, as too many do, who are
recognized as members of the vwible
church of God—destitute of a ocnac of
His pardoning mercy, and devoid of
that pease and joy-which true religion
alone imparts, is really n lamentable
condition. Having a forni ofgodliness
and denying its .power; hoping for
heaven mid yet pursuing the path to
heili’ • 3 u-'i
These considerations ibbnld awaken
in us aliaspiritofearnest self3rxnmina-
tioh-—that each of ns for Idmself, may
know where be is standing nnd Whither
lie is tendiijg. AVn! if we find that
..Hr hopes" ffr 1 ' heaVen are not' Avcll
founded, and that we are resting in a
false security, wc should at mioe betake
ourselves, witiiout n moment’s delay,
fo earnest ami importunate prayer that
GihI wonl.l forgive our jiost unfitithful-
ness hnd vouchsafe to ussneh supplies of
graoc as wiilxmahle us in the future to
serve ami please Him in newness of
dfe tA the hour and glory of His name.
Tlien shall the duireh go ibrth in her
tjehiity and strength and Uccoine a
pniise irt nil the earth; May Godspeed
the happy day ! 1 v n
Witji ft-gard tp the .Sabbath School
interest, We fee! grifflfied with the re-
fiortsbiiilde by the Pastors on this suli-
jet. iijid think' lUcr aflord cause for
nitjch 1 ei)co«ragt!iii«Tt.' WO Would
suggest that we u^e exclusively in our
own schools our own .Sabbath School
literature.; by doing which, we shall
aid our Publishing Honse at Nashville,
and have our childreii rightly instruc
ted in the doctrines of our church
Wc beg leave'to append the follow
ing resolution:
liemdved, Tluit as members of this
District Conference, wo feel the impor
tance of a mpro thorough consqpration
of ourselves to GihI and to Hii service;
7 „ .... nnd with and. hnmbic reliance upon
re v <>- M, ‘ l His grace, we pledge ourselves fo a
more earnest and faithful discharge of
<luty in the time to come. 1
Councu. Chamber, ")
Athens Ga., Sept. 1, 1873, C
4 o’clock P. M. ^
The regular monthly meeting of
Council was held this evening. Pres
ent : His Honor, J. D. Pittard, May
or, aud Aldermen Moss, Lucas,
Lumpkin, Talmadge and Nickerson.
The minutes of tho two previous
meetings were read and confirmed.
The appeal case of J. E. Ilitch was
called ami continued until next regular
meeting of Council. The resignation
of E. 1*. Lumpkin, City Attorney, was
taken up and received.
A petition from Marr & Flem'ng to
open a market for the sale of fresh
mcits, etc., at house between National
Bank and Boussc & Moon’s bir-room,
was read and they were authorized to
open market at the place designated,
provided they pay a store rent of
twenty-five dollars, and conform to all
the laws in regard to inspection.
A communication from W. Leroy
Brown, I'resident of State College,
Ac., requesting Council to select five
young men, for ap|x>iutmcnts as State
students, in the State College, to re
ceive their tuition free of charge, was
read aud received, and Council signi
fied its purpose of making the selections
at an early day.
Verbal reports from the Ordinance
and Street Committee was made. The
Street Committee reported adversely
o:i the petition of Marks a id Lumpkin
in regard to the extension of Broad
Street, the matter was on motiou still
left in the hands of the Street Commit
tee, and they were instructed to pro
cure the extension, if possible, the
width not to be less than forty feet.
Monthly reports from the following
officers were read and received, Treas
urer, Chief of Police, Clerk of Market
ami Lamplighter. The Treasurer
made a special report of all amounts
due the City, on Tax Digests of 1870
1871,1872, and 1873. Also, on dock
et of Mayor’s Court of 1871, 1872, and
1873, giving names and amounts due
by each party. The report was
The Chief of Police was ordered to
collect ull the fines due the city imme
On motion of Alderman Moss, coun
cil proceeded to elect a City Attorney
II. Cobb was unanimously elected
Alderman Lucas retired.
The Clerk of Council was instructed
to compare the Tax executions now in
the hands of the Chief of Ppiioc, with
tho Tax Digest, and if executions liavi
not been issued against all persons ow
ing Tax previous to 1873, be shall is
sue executions at once, and the Chief
-it’ Police shall proceed at once to the
collection of tlie same.
On motion of Alderman Lumpkin,
the question as to whether or not the
city has control of the Coffrt House,
except when in use by tlie county for
Court purjioscs, was referred to the
City Attorney, with instructions to
give the Council n written opinion on
tlie matter.
The following bills were ordered
paid :
\V. S. Hemphill, 817.83; W. N.
Kilgoe, 912.25; \Y. N. Kilgoe,
919.25; W. N. Kilgoe; $21.00; W.
N. Kilgoe, 918.37; W. N. Kilgoe,
The matter of tlie grade of the side
walk in front of England & Orr’s
store, was left with the Mayor aud
.Street Committee to act.
The Chief of Police was instructed
to notify Randall Brown that his
danco house on market street, near the
City Hall, inis been reported to the
Council by a number of citizens resi
ding near it, to be a nuisance, the
noisy and disorderly conduct of {ar
sons frequenting it continuously dis
turbing the quiet of the neighborhood.
The City Attorney was directed to
furnish tlie Chief of Police with a writ
ten notice to be served on Randall
Brmvn as above stated. Council
adjourned. \V. A. Ghj.vxand,
Clerk of Council
Wlntervillc ({range, No. 9G, P. of H*
At the last meeting of tho above
named Orange, the following persons
were installed «3 officers lor the ensuing-
W. H. Morton, M.
W. R. Tuck, O.
W. H. Dean, L.
J. W. Hale, S.
J. M. Dean, A. S,
RoVt Tttck, Treas,
J. R. Tuck, Sec’y.
T. R. Tuck, Gate Keeper,
Mrs. Cora Morton, Ceris.
Mrs. Lizzie R. Tuck, Pomona.
Mr*. Carle Dean, Flora,
Miss Ella N. Winter, L. A, S.
JVen> rivertisenien Is.
Green G ropery
I taka pleasure In stating that I-I>avo used Pan-
lei’s Ma^ic OH lor two years in my family, in
bruises, strains, sprains, colic, sure throat, rheu
matism and ViniaB*'other «W*H>iu, with entire
mtistactIon, uul take great cttttnrro in recommen
ding it to my friend* and taw public as a superior
medicine, which will do all that is claimed for it.
Elbert county, Oa.
To Property Owners,—As daily
application Is made at our office, both
to buy and rent property in tlie town,
we hope all of onr citizens owning
property which they would like to dis
pose of, or to rent, will register same
with us. As we give our undivided
attention to this business, it will lie to
their interest, and greatly aid us in
keeping up a desirable ileal Estate
H. H. Carlton <fc Co.,
Real Estate Agents.
No. 30 Franklin Ho«?e.
For New York.—The following
merchants left Athens this week for
market: J. W. Collins, Iloss Crane
and Charlie Stern. we-
What’s in a Name?”—The col
ored people have built, iv^icar, g mpy
nice chbrcli in this county. They cull
it “ Shady Grove.” A gentleman in
formed us that it was located in"no
old field, not a tree near it, nnd was
decidedly the hottest place in the
county. Why they call it “ Slmdv
Grove ” is beyond our comprehension.
Fit Elt; ItY LIST.
Unclaimed freight now at tlie office ot
the Southern Express Company, is now
stored at owners risk, and is liable to he
sold for charges, if not called tor within
thirty days from this date. Athens, Oa.
Septemlnr 4th 18<a.
1 Pel J W Reid. Athens,
1 Uox W O Green, Athens,
1 Pkg I)r M H Gurley, Athens,
l Udl B McIntyre, Athens,
1 1’el Pro! II C White, Athens.
1 Pel Miss S Randolph, Athens,
1 Pci ProfW I, Broun, Athens,
1 Box II D Jackson, Athens,
1 Can Dr W MeCurry, Athens.
1 P Box W Hudgins' & Co. Athens,
I Pci N L Julies, Cnrmhee 1* O.
1 Pkg Dr J I, Turner, Hartwell,
1 Trunk C L llarlter, Athens,
1 Pkg A E Bc-ardon, Athens.
1 Bee Hive LE Clarke, Athens,
Cut Wm. Wjmjaus, Agent.
I In .ins tlie wants of the citizens of Athens and
adjoining country ia view, have eslalillahcd,
on J-ickson street, rear of the Nation*
nl Dank Building, a first-clan
Green Grocery
They wlirkcci* always on hand a large supply of
The Finest & Fattest Meats
Beef, Mat ion,.
Pork, Peal, STc.,
At the Lowest Market Prices!
We ffceiveotir cattle«liroot from tho Mountain.**
Of Sorlh Carolina and Tnimrssoc, aud uo inferior
f»nos arc |»urcha.«L*l. . ....
We have otiu of the l*p*t Huldifrt id the AUftti-
ta market. All that we ask Isa trial. Our Meats
will speak for thcmselrcs.
c. a. Fleming,
wm. MARK.
Grates, Grates.
I HAVE ordered a splendid assort-
motif, which I am looking for at an catly dat»i,
Arrival of which will he announced through tho
columns of tlie North-Fast Georgian,
would say to those contemplating tho use of C*o:tl
that l shall k 1 ahle to furnish
Grates as Cheap as they Can
he Bought in tlie South.
Nc?v Adve?'llscmenis.
School Notices,
A2‘7WjYS, GA.
XV_1_ will resume tho ewereitet «f her 5?chool on
the 151h «r .Scptemlwr; ?Be IdkK pjeo-TOro In an
nouncing fo hot 1 M. ndf and pair.nw that ahe ha*
aecurod trie BHUtaace «f cnin(iefont and well-train,
ed Teacher*, and »m dS KH in her power to the
ad raneenhful and well-being of llcf pupila;
Scholastic year from .September 1.7th to July 1st,
cit.utbR.- pki: AN.vuii
Boanl >4125.
English Tuition .v.-.SCO, $40 and SSO.
A FTER six years experience in
-XTjL. Teaching, I oiler hiv services to the tifir-erm
of Athens anti vicinity,
ices to the tifireifR
I rev-jkoctfullj* wilteM a
share of their patr«»u;»uc The first term w»U>*e*
gin August 25tli, at U o clock a. ni., In the building
next door to the Episcopal Church, Clayton street.
Tho usual Kiudixh and CiasNicai branciics will lie
thoroughly taught.
Primary Class 84 00
IntermediateCia s 5 CO
Senior Class C OU
Two sessloiii* pe r day. LEE M. LYLE.
Boots, &hoes, Hats, Caps,
Hardware, Cutlery
Meetiee, fits, R9f%
Aud, indeed, EVERYTHING usually kept in first-class establishments.
Martijy Institute.
Ip ALL TERM OF 1873 will open
-J- 1 on the 'JUtli of August. Superior tacintie^
will be ollcrcd. The Board of TruMcc* have dctcr-
mined to put up new and commodious buildings
IMMEDIATELY. Board from 5?10 to $12.50.
J. W. GLENN, l*rincipal.
J. E. RANDOLPH, Sec’y Board Trustcct*.
0 NN B
Inf thcTuundau'in'j)r*fntur"n V u
Wells’ Carbolic Tablet,
are a sure euro for all dlwmo-, „<■. .. .
Organs,*.,™ threat, dipthcria,!? , ,'!, ra,or l r
tarrh, croup, hoarzoncs*. drvucs* -r ’,’ ca ‘
windpipe, or bronchial tuls», and -ill , ,iru “''
the lung*. In all cn*es of ,X«|,
taken, these Tablets should In, pr„u,|, ! ] ’ 3 7 l'‘‘ r
lv usetl. They «,«alizo the iircnfofc
blOftd, *l>« .. .1 14
For Fall Planting, lor sale cheaper than usual, at I „ lc '^-“Vvell
TIIE NEW DRUG STORE #t, "‘ u,M>, " ?to W - ac, - 3<c
10 lo
13 00
12 no
11 0
lust Received,
1 in
I .V) lo g ItU
14 l„ 15
ni to \
15 to l»
1 lo 15
Athens Retail Prices Current,
Girrcrhd by J. H. I{ntj<jin*, C,m-
cral CoamUtion Merchant, Jletm
Street, Athena (deonjia.
Cotton.— i*cr.ll*.
ProTiNions*—Flour, Fancy, |n*r bl»i..
Extra Family,
Gorn —|*or I>iihIi. 85 hi
Veas “ j no t „
Wheat M
Bacon hidvs, |H.*r pound
“ s>!*oulders, “
“ hams, “
Lard, «*
Jht <lux. 15 to 20
Chickens, grown, lOet Frying 10 »o 2»
Boher per lb. 25 30
Groceries.—Sugar, Crtudacd pt-rll». 15 to 16
** A 44 M to 15
“ I* “ 14 to 10
“ C— 44 13 to 14
** lK*mamra, 44 13 to 13
CofTcc, Kio, 41 30 to 33
“ liftgtiinig 14 50 to J'5
" Java 44 .**5 to 40
Tea, Hyacn 41 1 50 to 2 00
44 GuniMjwdcr, 44 1 75 to —
44 Black 44 . 1 50 to —
Onions, per bush. 1 00 1 .50
Srnip. Sorghum, per gal. GO to 75
Candles, sperm... |*crlt». 40 to 50
44 Adnnian, * 4 20 to 25
44 Tallow, *• 8 to lf»
. . _ CIiccm*, State 44 — to —
44 Eng. Dairy, 44 25 to 30
Candy, plain -per lb. 18 to 40
44 fancy 44 DO to 60
Soda 44 12 to 15
Dry Good*..—Print*, 44
Osnaburgs, jut yd.
Yn Shirting, 44
E. S. England & Co
I A ami Yearling. The Cow I* !*!ack, with no
mark, ami came to my house la>t spring. The
Yearling is sj^tted, and* wtlh taken up last tall.
The owners are ro<mos1od to call for, take them
away and pay expenses.
tio through the Ague |*erfortnanco
day after day, tilt all your vitality
is used up and your health prrtusi-
OTT H\T tL’Utryruiued,ortakcatK*ttk*otour
1)tlu Kress Fever Tonic
ourr ft m and lircnk >»p the fearful malady at
If liAX once. Cures of Ague warranted by
the proprietors, \V. C. Hamilton & Co., Cincin., O.
to 11'/.,
1-4 44
1 Hied Peaches, |M*aied,
ll.iw Hianlvy was Not the Only Martyr,
but a Good Trader.
EtlHw* North-Eu*tGeorgians
Pfcai-c allow me to correct a few
mistakes marie in your last issue of tbc
elojxmv'nt of last spring. Mr. Hina-
Icy slid he took his wife from a house
of ill-fame, and I supjiosc she has gone
back, to it. There was certain par
ties persuaded McDonald to Lake her
off, and after long persuasion he agreed
to go, not experienced enough in the
world to know any better. He had
fifty dollars which she took possession
,>f. 8Ke never rested until she got
1 ini ti> lioard there. I liojw Mr. H.
will do lictter in his second elioice.
McDonald was an honest, bard work
ing l>(iy, ; Would “take too much tea”
some times, as all others do. Mr.
llihsloy is noted for his truthfulness,
thmiglf not many jicoplc know it. Mrs.
Ilinslcy’s licauty was not visible. I will
also say that liinslcy never had a eeut
of his.own, and that the horses lie now
boasts so much about cainc by the wo-
mah \vho l^ft him. He conscutcd for
her to- leave him upon tho condition
tlqit slic lefl liiin the horses. In other
words, Ilmsley traded his wife for*
J iair (dlior cs. Now. I wiuld ask, Mr.
vlilor, wrs it the 1 woman or Hiusley
made a “goml riddance.”
A Frisud, ' ’ ; * J. H. D.
For'the Laihes.—This being the
season fur, re-planting your llowefs, wo
would cdl your a^toution to *' Ward’s
Special Fertilizer .for Pot Plants nnd
Flowers.” Those who have tried it, are
greatly pleased. It gives new life
and vigor to tho plants, greatly in
creasing tiiuir size, their foliage and
their flowering. Enough for one hun
dred plants, for one dollar.
For ealeby II. H. Caui.ton <&Co.,
No. 30 Franklin House.
Tlie very best brands of Black
Green xiad English Breakfast Teas
are kept by Talmaugk, Hodgson &
New Advertisements,
I ■ . AND
To i*opul irire ami make belter known the wonder
ful curative eilects of our Celebrated
lIVEft PttiS
Wtfhail, until further notice, pack
In every liundml gross of our Liver liils. Tl
in a novel idea, bnt we waut
Mf@r Wmrn
11 Ihum-.' toiau
i HEptiselioId Remedy
-in- • '
Every Southern llouic!
Agents Wanted!
'■ ■ In thU anil aSjuiniaj-States to sell
Wine m an’s
Ther are without doabt the bat nl must rell-
•bfoVUt aver offervd for sale, ami mwlMiUsl es
pecially to a Southern climate.
Miecnt Inducements ottered th the aountry trade.
NOTIUK.—Penvns who bare uerer usud Wine-
man’s Urer Pills, can obtain sample Free by Mail,
with directions, hy enclosing three eentafompto
.Importers end Wholesale Draggfots,
No. 3S XlajncStreet — Charleston, 8. C
\\fELL DIGGERS will apply to
V V Prof. W. Lerov Broun or to Prof. Williams
lorford to eon tract for MX-urin^ a good fiUpply
it or on the University Ground*.
W ANTED—all men wishing to make money to
send for a (luiuphlet containing instructions,
Ac., which everybody should know.
J. 1*. Tildcn, Pittsburg, l*a.
Select Boarding Sy Bay School
('liissical, Miitlicmalical,
Scientific ami Practical.
Lxerviscs rc.*iu:uc*4 Sci*teinber 1st, 1873.
BENJ. T. HUNTEH, Principal
RKFERKNC’K—Chancellor and Faculty, Uni
versity Georgia. Circular.
School Notice.
R S. CHENEY would inform the
• public that his School at Harmony Grove
will bv opto on the 21*t of July, for the reeoidiuti
of DU^>il*. With the assistance of MUs V. C.
rAlikS, who h.v charge of the Primary Depart
ment, bo promise* thorough buthlactloii to all i*ar-
ents who entrust their children to his charge.
Bates of tuition very moderate.
For iKiriicul&rs, apply t<» or uddrer*
U. S. CHENEY^ Prixiciiml,
Jy1l-2:n Harmony Grove, Ga.
3 S !5 9 p S 5 c T- ;
js P jp Lo f ip p :
Time Testa the Merita of all Bungs.
H AS l»ccn tested in every variety of climate,
and by almost every nation known to Ameri
cans. It is the constant companion and inestima
ble friend of tlie missionary and the traveler, on
thuftca or land, and no one should travel on our
lakes or rivers witiiout it.
Since the Pain Killer was first introduced, and
met with such extensive sale, many Liniment.**,
Beliefs. Panaceas, nnd other remedies have been
ottered to the public, but not one Of them has at
tained the truly enviable standing or the PAIN
Wiry is This So! 5
It I* because Davis' Pain Killer fo what it claims
o be—a reliever of j»aiu.* Its rneriU* are unsur-
cpseed. •
If you are suflerring with internal ]»ain, 20 to 30
drops in a little water will almost instantly cure
you. There is nothing to equal it f*»r
Colic, Cramps, Spasms. Ileartdrtirn. Diarrhua,
Dysintery, Flux, Wind in tJie ik»wels,
t*uur Stomach, Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, «£c.
Ill sections of the conntry where fever and ague
prevail there is no remedy held in greater esteem.
Persons traveling should keep it by them. A few
drops in Water will prevent sickness or bowel
troubles from charge oi water.
From foreign countries the call for Pain Killer
are great. It is !>ound to cure Cholera when nil
dies fail.
... . mitigate the severity of tire ll'.fv
will, in a very short time, restore fici.itUv neium t,
:!(*1 organs. Weil’s Carbolic TnU,,’ ’ ’
»e.. W , u ® , ’? J “** 1)0 rtWit«2
If the) cant he found at vour ‘iiuttgist’s *,. n j
ouccto the agent in New York, who will’ f„r a ’;
them hv return mall. Don’t !*■ deceived i, v if
tations. bold by dru-gists. Frire 35 ets ui» f .
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, is Pidxie, £ y 1
Sole agent'for U.'<
Send f*»r circular.
Working Class *-»**»*i<*,sa> =
* ’ V, , ^ Wlck Koaranieed. Ib.
spec table employment at home, day „ r erVni, '
no capital required. Full in.trartlone ai„l vJh.';
hie parkage of goods seut free by mail. i.mJL
with six cent return stamp, M.'Vouna *'
Greenwich street, N. Y. 9 ' i'
blood purifier
Is the most powerful cleanser, sircagthenei
remover of glandular Obstructions k.wwn u
tcnaMedica. 10
lira specially alapted to constitutions
down and debilitated by the w a „ u weather of
hprtng and Summer, when t he hl,,,i i, not in
Jive clrenlatlon, consequently gatheringfnlluri!
ties from Sluggishness and imperfect action of the
secretive orgnti-, and is manifested bv tumor,
eruptions, blotches, boils, pustules, scrofula“T’
W hen weary and languid from overwork, and
dullness, drowsiness and im rtia tale the place of
energy and rigor, the system need* • • 1 ■
OKI ITT »fc TOWNS, from autl
J- after thin date, August 23d, 1S73, will furnish
ImhmI Beef, 'Sp*ak from the Market Houao, at 15
c«ut.> jvr 1*011 n«J. Will sell KoastJi at 8 audluccnta.
We sell nothing but first-cIuNS Beef.
Over Williams* Shoe Store,
Now Turbine
ii tested at York, Pa.
M. Estinger, C. K.,
voke, Mass., I»y
uies Emerson, II. E.
For {lamphlet ami test rejnirt ad-
York, Pa. ™
Kentucky University.
Located nl Ashvilie. the home of Henry Clay aud
old Transylvania. »Six colleges in operation, with
thirty professors and CH0 students from 2n* States.
Entire fests for collegiate year, $20, except in the
law, inetlienl and commercial colleges. Boartling
from $2 lo £5 per week. Tho great institution of
the South for cheap, thorough and practical educa
tion. Foreataloiiiic, addn’ss
I. IL BOWMAN, Regent, Lexington, Ky.
Virginia Female Institute
Ten exjH'riem’vd teacher* in the English tVmrse,
four in Luigu .g»*s, seven in Music, with twenty-
wvvti new instruments in use. Five teaehers of
ornamental bninehes. Pupils from seventeen
Staler. ChartcnM 1811. Reorganized 1818. For
cata ogucsaddress Rev. It. If. Phillips, Principal.
A Work of Interest and Intrinsic Value
By the gifted son of tlie famous 44 Petor Parley.”
Tin* tmuIi t*f great historlval research. An au
thentic history of navigation and it* manifold
discoveries since tlie Flood. Alwuntbi with start
ling incidents, fearful disasters, lawless piracies,
hhMMly 1 *atl!es, and glorious achievements; also
descril»es diving, telegraphing. t>ee«n Fisheries,
Ac. Over 200 spirited cuts. Subject now. Price
low. Agents wanted. Hubbard Btos., Pulis., 723
Satis* mi st. t Phi la., Pa.
I lOOTH A CHAFFIN, near tho Conit-House,
> Athens, Ga., have oj»ene<I a first-class Bar,
well stocked with the finest and best Liquors of
all kimls. ikuthnl Liquors a speciality. Give us
a call, and you are fauind to he satisfied.
V.T Whereas, Dillard N. Wright applies to me
for letters t»f Administration oil the estate of
Thomas #. Wright, late of Oconeo county, l’.,
Therefore, All persons concerned are hereby r«-
qulred to show cause, if any they have, at the teg
ular term of the Fourtof (inlinary of said county,
to Ik* held on the first Monday in Octolwr next,
why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under :nv hand, this 25th day of August,
IS?.*. FKED.'C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary.
v i tl . . 4 .. _ ;■Iitoiiiic ana tn fcarv or*nn
W hen used externally, ns a Umiment, nothing | tive, t roduciog wetiknes. of
fire, notl the wound heals like on!inary sores.
Those hufi'cring from llheumatism, Gout or Neu
ralgia, if not a positive cure, they will tlie
Pain Killer gives (horn relief when no other reme
dy will. It gives instant relief from aching teeth.
"Every houscpceper should keep it on hand, and
apply it at the first attack ol any j*ain. It will
give satisfactory relief, and save 1 touts ofsuilVruvg.
Do not trifle with yourself l»v testing uittried
remedies. Be sure j*ou call far aml get Ihcgeiiuiue
l*uiu Killer, as many worthless nostrums are at
tempted tv* be sold on the great reputation of. this
valuable medicine.
Ktij ' Directions aecoiujmny each Itottle.
Price, cents, 50 cents, and 61 per foil tie.
je 13-1 m
A Great & Wonderful finery
r PHE marked .‘uceesd attending the
_L. intniduction of Mrs. Bush’s Remedy far
Burns, has induced the proprietor to make*more
extensive preparation for the manufaeiure of the
medicine. Those win* have up|died for County
Agencies, and those wh<» con template applications,
will please exercise n little patience, and make
allttwance for unavoidable dekiv caused by the
diihcuUies incident t** a new undertaking. * They
may rest assured that their orders will l»e attend-
csl to as early as i*ossible. Besides curing tho
wt#rst cases of Burns, which it invariably does in
frt»ni five to twenty has proved to f>o
an invaluable remedy in Toe or Foot-Itch nnd
»«?. Agents are authorized to refund the money
paid them far medicine where entice *ati.«facti< *
Bonds of the City of Athens
Dollars Worlh—bearing 8 per eeut. interest,
payable semi—annually. The attention of capital
ists invited.
May 7—It Northeastern Railroad Co.
not given. Con*<*|U<*ntly, there ran W no risk.
My Agents arc all re>i*onsihlo in every sense t*f
the word. Supplies for retail purj»os»V will l*e
kept at Dr. Kuig’s Drug Store, A them
Booth A Durham's Store, Watkiusvillc.
Write for Large Illustrated Price List. Address
irmnoDa Pittsburgh pa.
Breech-loading shot guns. 510 to 5300. Double
shot guns, 58 to 8150. Single guns, 53 to$20. Ki-
lles, 58 to 575. Revolvers 4 , 56 to 525. Pistols. Si
to 58. GurE material, fishing Uckle. Largo dis
count to (Irakis or dubs. Army guns, revolvers.
Ac., bought or traded for. floods sent by express
v. o. D. lo bo examined Indore paid for.
Cotton Gin,
I WILL sell a splemfid 40 Saw
X (ilUSAVOI.I) CIS. Price, One Uanilscd Dol
AusO—lm. . K. R. SAULTER, Athens, Oa.
Shoes, Shoes.
RAWING to the heavy trade of the
V / past season, I w as unable to fill more than
half my order*. With n view to meet t he large and
growing demand far my,Shoes. 1 have nearly twice
as. much stock as last year, and now oiler to the
I have ever made. All of my Shoes are perfectly
honest, are free from wells, aud are made from
best Oak Tanned I/C;ither,
From My Own Tan-Yard!
This Oak Leather is firtter, and brings mo 10 cents
more per pound in New York than the Hemlock.
1 will duplicate any hill of goods bought iu Nor
thern markets, and
Sarc 1 bn Fecit/It Is Charges.
Every pair Warranted not to Rip.
For sale at retail by the Merc!.nuts, who will sell
at uniform prices and at living profits.
Rich pair has my name in full stamped upon tho
* “ Don’t I.uv any other.
“ie trade U|»otkapplication.
3*>tli thoiisand In pres* Sale iuciv-asing.
2,000 more Uve ageiila wanted for our
Livingstone Africa
urer 000 .mly St.50. letok hut for inferior
wo'tte- betel for c-irctiUr ami proof of the great
»ucro.«» of tho *ea»m. Kein.rt jurt in, 181 sul*. in
six liar*, llu^hnnl Brue-, l’ulu., K3 thunoiii at.,
Phil*., P«.
WTT1ITIV Aud than- the Puison
il JTlALi,' I*, a tt'-nd, routined in tyrannize
m i 1 TC ■ On iinrctrlevahfo, condemned.
•4 A© blood.—Shaki-pcnre,
A 1IVT T The Tyrant Poison’s power fa
ILlJUil oancclod .rial (lie blood retrieved
by Krtn Fever Tonic. It enters the circulation,
orereomro an.1 ejects this ague poison. TI.Ls rem
edy fa warranted liy tho Proprietors, to euro ague.
A Imi* of Pills free with each bottle. W, C. Ham
ilton A Co., Cincinnati, Q.
Of tho Gospel aud Act*.
By Rev, Alfred Kerins, L. B., D. P„
emltraees the international aerie* lesiemg (br S
years. Every jiastor, teacher aud family needs it.
Eml<»n»cd by i'residenta McCosh, Cobleigh, King.
Wallace, Bisimps 8imi«son, Stophciis, Haven ami
the clergy uni pre** in ull part* of tho conntry.
Agents wanted. Litieral terms given. Address
Ziegler A McCurdy, 518 Arthiit., Philadelphia, Pa
Broad St., Athens,!^
o located in tfol Fr.uitlin House,
Up Slalrs,"
jAII, Kinds off-
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
VV old stand, rear Franklin Moose building,
Thomas street. Keep always on hand good Turn
outs and careful drivers,
block well cared for whua entrusted to bur cate.
Stock on baud for oak at all (gutes. , docltl-W
TAUI.E.S, aU kinds mode to order.
aud everything else ever found In a
Firsl-tCIass Furniture Store,
: - : *
Low Prices*
rerfilVK TJ3 A THIAL-Wt
Broad Street, Athemt, Georgia,
wr. . I 1,'mu.llw
uterine end in feary organ are ina«
" "land in-
meat. ' ' dennge-
Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jnrnbcba
Is prepnrcl directly from the South American
l-lnut, an.1 fa peculiarly suited to all these ilitlicu!.
tics. It will cleanse the vitiated h].«d, strrncth-
£." the life-givlna fa.wcrs, and remove all obstruc
tions from nnpoinsl nnd enfecMed organs.
it should l>e frteiv uken, as .InruMui i, ,, r ...
nouuced Uy tuclical writers the most elfrri. tu pn-
rtficr, tonic and deobstrneut known in the .hot.
ranye ofiurslJeal |.bints.
_ ,, <1- KtU.OUG, IS I-iatt-sf, N. Y„
Soblby dr.- ?;: ,sfa, Kc le agent for she V.
I*rn e $r ;*or bvttre. Send forcitvubl-
and at
Aniline Lied.
Aniline l^nrplo,
Aniline IBlne.
Aniline Green.
Aniline Yellow.
For sill* at llic
he Chicago Farm Pumps
Fated Porcelain-Lined Iron Cylinder Pomps
For GUtoms and WoQs of any Oepth*
The startling drawl ackson nearly nil medirina
agents has ever been that in their proves* of vur-
gntion and purification they have alsMlebilltatcd
tlie lyKtcw. To obviate this difiicultv piiyrici- ns
liave long sought for an agent that would I'UKdiK.
ri'KIFY AND STRENGTHEN at one and the sane
time. Their research has at bust been rewanltd Gy
adiscovcry which fully realins the lumlesl fa-
sires of the medical faculty, ami which fo justly
veperded as the most iimportant trimaffii
I harmacy has evor achieved. Tho iiu]>oriautde-
Mdcraluui is
l)r. Tiitt’s Vegetable Liver Pill.
Which ]>urify the blood and remove all corrupt
hutiioi'K aud unhealthy ncctimillations froui the
body, and yet produces no weakness or la-situde
what ever, but oil the contrary, tones the stotiuah
and invigorate the lntdy during the progress of
their operation* They unite the heretofore irrec
oncilable «|ualtties ol u strengthening purgatite
aud a purifying tonic.
Dr. TutUalMus ure the most active and March
ing medicine in existence. They at once attack
the very root of disease*, ami their action i>
pnuupt that iu an hour «»r mj alter they are taken
the patient is aware of tlieir effects. Ti er
may be taken at any time witiiout restraint of
diet or occupation; they produce ueither cauMa.
griping or debility, and as a fhmilv medicine the*
have no rival. Price 25 cents a ho*. s Mhyrii
druggists. Principal office, to and 2uFiats street,
New York.
Are Cheap, SnraUe asd Effident
OVEB 100,000 SOI03.
Aw Potaa Cft& Got ThisL
General Hardware Healers,
YVTE are offering to the public a
VV gclectloir of Fruit a.fantwl to tho South
ern climate, consisting of Apples, Reaches, l’ears,
— - - a. Kughsh Wab
irrles, Pecans, Ac.
ENT Is presided,
over by a skilful 'Florist, iu which way be found
Ornamental Shrubbery, of all varieties, an ^ Dot
House Plants at prices that will defy competition
W« haTo everything that fa usually found In a
ern cliuiale. We will, upon aPpUcaUon, furufah.
f retu catalogue^/jiV^THuniiONl^
Ibe Only lit liable Gift Distrilmticu in the fiaitrv
$50,000 00
L. r>. SlisTE’S
jJlFf JJnteri’kise
Bo he dm,ten Monday, &yd.
One tiraiul Caj ital Prize
85,000 11ST GOLD-
Vivo Prizes $1000.
Five Prizes $300.
Ten Prizes $100 „ „
Due Family Carriage* anil Matched Homes, wlta
Silvef-mounW Harness, worth 91,fi00.
One Hoi«e nnd Buggy, with Silver-mounted 11
nera, worth $€00.
Oaefine-toucti rosewood Piano, woxlb h
Five Family Sewing Machine*, worth SI « v«".
750 Gohl- and Silver Lever lluntins WStchM.
wort It from S-0 to 8*0 eseh.
Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry, Ac., ««• .
Whole numherGin*, lU.ltOO. Tickets l-imitw
whom Liberal Premiums will lie paid. t 10
Single Tickets «1; Six Tickets So;
Tick.-M S10; T'vcnt y-t! ye Ticket* r'AJ- .
.Circulars containing a full #>• of pritf*. • jn .
scriptionof the manner of drawing, snoot*. (ie
fonmtUcu iu reference lo Ui« Distnl.uttoii, *
sent to aur ouo ordering tlieui. All loUtt 5
lie addrosml to ■ ‘ ... f -
Main Office H- D. Sl> Es,
1U1 W. Fifth St.
ji{ Greenbacks!
ji* * 14 ’* v ii
CUNCISSlf 1 ' 0
160 Pounds of
TURftlF SE£0
Sold, and Fresh Supply of
White Globe, Yellow Kuta
* YeMaio Aberdeen, Seven Top,
White Flat Dutch,
Hanover or Sweet Gennair,
and Large Norfolk,