The Northeast Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1872-1875, October 11, 1873, Image 1
eve q Y sa turd a y morning BY Editora nnd Proprietors. TERMS Ol* SUBSCRIPTION: ONE COPY, One Year FIVE COPIES, One Year, TEN COPIES, One Year, Tbeawer,t.-..>0IT.PPIJ "■>*" i* pan 2 OO 8 78 18 OO subscription itlv is SIMM Ell’S FAREWELL. What >ouii<1 U that" ’Tin MmnncrS farewell, la-tlie breath ot the ni^ht-wni l sighing; The chill b«rt« ornic. line a -orrowful dirge,** That wailao'cr the dead aul the dying. Theca,.lea arc eddying round, • I, Ilicy Ik!fly shude-l; ,i is losing its robo; fallen and faded. hi !u.l<ii* heart, lovely sa) soon shall depart. UU the p ' Other Summers ill j.,,, l:kv 11*%. hist one bringing; A*.i ii ' ri11 0»e vine bear its blushing fruit; i:.u;i will the birds be hinging. Tu.'iuicht will.pul forth its "honors” again; i t...* rose be as street in its branching ; The w<*o*lbine will climb round the lattice pane. As wil 1 and rich in its wreathing. Die hives will hate honey ; the bees will hum Other flowers will spring, other summers ' come. . . • , They will, they will ; but ah ! who can tell Whether 1 may live on till their coining ? This spirit may sleep too soundly theu To wake with the warbling or humming. This cheek, now pale, msy be paler far, Wnen the .Summer's sun next is glowing; The cherishing rays may ^il.l with light The grass o’er my grave-turf growing. Oh ’ what a change in my spirits dream May there be ere the bummer sun next shal beam ! -a T '* ' • J < H > f ' *-J * ! < * -*• » ? ljKi'Vrl/. «.K>0 - .. 1 • : 4 *i: liiT* Obiii*V'xil V M*!ll !>: Ad iftib: No. 24 . Athens, Georgia, Saturday, October 11, 1873. . ' . r v 'i; ;i ir. \ 1 l»ui;!'. fo 'fwmJ m) 0.i)[ — n-*. : : . -. 5 OLD' SERIES-OVoitfSE LII. I^NjEW . SERIES—Volume , HJ 3 75 6 00 ... .10 00 j 15 00 -'5 1*1 40 00 ;. 75 0 I 20 00 30 00 :... 40 oo 75 00 100 00 :. no 00 100 00 150 00 PERSECUTION OF MRS. SURRAT. The Story of Iler Irons as told by n Radical. ' • • LAUUHKRIS31. People who have tried it call delirium tremens a tight lit. ' A euro way to prevent bad dreams— This morning’s papers, on what pre tends to he the authority of Gov. Har- j” 011 * B 1 ’ s ‘ of> P- trauit, state tlwt Mrs. Surratt was " not manae J attended me trial ot the conspirators one day. There was a railing the whole length of one end of the room, about! one end and its month at the other? Beer should be cheap at watering •led during lierimprisonmcnt. j places—because they have the hops you I the trial of the conspirators j know. What is that which has its head al A river. What is that which must he taken three feet from the wall, in which wus a { door leading, they said, to the prison, lhe prisoners sat in a row behind this . f r ,, m you before you can give il a wav? railing. Mrs. burrat being nearest to You photograph.’ To milk a kicking cow—stand off the door leading to the ante-room at that side, and quite near that, leading to t'.ie prison. I was given a chair in the aisle just inside the door, and so near to Mrs. Surrat that I could easily have shaken hands With her over or about eight feet and yell, “So! darned old skinflint.” Indiana wamewharf holes through peaehs through tlie railing. I sat there fwo' w,ear them for ear-rings. hours, sometimes touching the railing, when the crowd pressing at the door for entrance induced me to move my chair, so that part of the time 1 was not more than one foot from her. She A bridal ■ procession in Milwaukee was four hours passing a given point. The point was a saloon. A sign on an eating house on the New Jersey Railwav savs: “Goff IIOW 01.0 \ RE YOU { There is a g(x»d deal of amusement in the following magic table of figures. It will enable you to tell how old the young Indies are. Just hand this table to a young lady and request her lo tell you in which column her age is contained, add together the figures at the top of the columns in which her age i- found, and you have the great scc.i t. Thus suppose her age to he u tiieiii, you will line! that number in tlx- tir-i and fifth columns, and the first li jure ot these two columns added ai ike table seventeen. Here is the na^ic 1 2 4 8 16 32 3 3 5 9 17 33 5 6 6 10 18 34 7 7 7 11 19 :35 9 i? 12 12 20 36 11 ii 13 13 21 37 13 14 14 14 22 38 15 15 15 15 23 39 17 18 *20 24 24 40 19 19 21 25 25 41 21 22 22 '26 26 42 23 23 . 27 27 43 - j 26 " 28 ’ t t ’28 44 27 27 29 - 20 ! 29 45 29 ,30 30 30 30 46 31 31 31 31 31 47 33 34 36 40 48 48 35 35 37 41 49 49 37 38 38 42 50 50 3J 39 39 43 51 ol 41 42 44 44 52 52 43 43 45 45 53 53 45 46 46 46 54 54 47 47 •: 47 47 55 55 49 50 52 56 56 56 51 51 53 57 57 57 53 54* - 54 58' 58 58 55 00 ■oo 59 59 59 57 58 60 60 60 60 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 63 03 63 63 63 63 To i Bad. —On Saturday Mr. Jones wore a heavy blank dress, falling on | and Eggs, fresh laid’ by Mary Jon-s.” the floor around her feet, so that I j A sign at a feeding-place on the could not see them, but every time she Paci(ic 6 Railroad reads' “A good square meal.Sl; a perlect gorg-, $1.50. Ii moved them 1 heard chains dank. had before that lived fifteen years a farm on which was a saw mill ; was ! ® 0,ne P eo pl e say* that dark haired familiar with the sound of chains, an ) \ marry soon, hut elderly spin- the diilerenee between that of a wagon s l (>rs maintain that it is light-headed THE hodou,han(;i>{;. j Last of tlie Indiau Tragedy—Four He*' roes Hung at Once—Captain Jack and His Rand “ Die Like Men.” AN ITEM 0f^tXTEREST TO USERS OE jiiri.ER POWER. moi > • > .*'*:» bn*.-- ■ : y -t The “ JafpesTveffid ” Turbine Water Wheel,'Vftocli;has by reason of its age, and the ekterisive and persistent ad vertising of'-ife; manufacturers obtained con.-iderab!6i‘e)iuthtiun asagood motor, has been badly beaten recently at one of ohr neighboring saw mills, by the ‘^Eclipse Trouble rurhine,” manufac- at 11 :30 o'clock and hv hard riding I tured by Stifejjll Ai Bierce Manufac- arrived here late this evening, with *— : f '—* -' 1 ' the following report of the execution of Captain Jack and his band. Jacksonville, Oregon, 1 - October 4, 1873. V correspondent of the Associated Press left Fort Klamath this morning hi Hiring Company of Dayton, O., a m ! wheel that is' rapidly coining, to the I front ainorigfour millers and Trianufao- AltlEKO A Midnight Adventure in Louisiana. At Pattersotivilio, some weeks s lice, 1 while Capt. N. Keyes was in bed, suf fering from tlie effects . of nj violent sprain, his wife reached behind a trunk, in the room to get cloth for a bandage, wnen she was bitten by something which she declared she,believed to he ca nake. Bick as he was, this brought -Capt,- Keyes to his feet, and,, sore enough, by the Kght of the lamp lie discovered an immense moceasi i coiled up behind Boston Charlie aqfl Black Jim were 1 iurers. \V§ give place to the follow-1 l *. le trun k- With lamp in hand, lie led on the scaffold first; and Bchon* ingslatenrenWfSeqtt, ,Jdbuson & Co., ( P^kcd up something and endeavored " K: " *-'■*' ^— owners bfytlfeWll above alfuded to, iii ,n l: " regard to tfiiiyOoiiT^arative iiVerits of the and log-chain. The sound was that of a log-chain. It could not have been made by anything but tlie heavy links ot a chain, and that chain must have been fastened to both her ankles. The sounds could not have been made in any other wav. The chains on her ones. An Alabama bov who saved a passenger train from going into the river was rewarded with a mouth organ aud a toy wheelbarrow. A Danbury boy wants to know if it is riulit for his folks to pay $500 fi ankles must have been heavy enough j a piano for his sisjoj-, and ' make hi gave each of his boys twenty-five cents, to be expended as their inclinations might dictate, but at the same time he intimated that it would lie well for them to donate the money to (because of foreign missions on Sunday. The bovs, with a perversity hardly to lie credited, when we reflect bn tlie ad vantages they enjoyed from the cradle, went to a disreputable shop and lamglu —one, five cigars and the other twen ty-five cents worth of fire crackers. Sauntering home, the one smoking aud tlie other toying with the fire crackers in his rout-skirt pocket, they met their kind father on Chancellor square. The smoker threw away his cigar, which lit on a bench, and tlie boy with the lire crackers feeling sure that his fath er would see right through his coat- skirt, sat down «>u the same bench. The father oommeqccd _ rite kind ami ilisfroedve remarks wdiieh he had haj- tily prepared Wtyeii 1)6 san‘ his boys coming, but had. puf. finished when, W'ithout.tny warning, his sen on the bench suddenly became the centre of a brilliant and rapid series of pyrotechnic explosions. The unhappy youth gave o le yell, which in^its vjggr fi^r surpass ed the finest vocal efforts of Captain Jack, and immediately felt his uti'ec- tionatc _ parent, d‘-*PP ca *' e, T down IIIeerkei''sfft»bi'A'itff the 'fireworks in progress, andwe.^an.learn concerning flic disajipearance of tlie boy Jones. Wlmt initkes the affliction doubly sad for Mr. Jones; is the fact that the lad went offliefore the parent had finished the instructive observations be was delivering when the affair occurred. to prevent her lifting her leet, for she only slid theiiNmi tlie floor, one at a time, for a little change ot posture. Bhe seemed to avoid moving, so as not fo attract attention to the. chain, for. 1 , every time they clanked she blushed ! painfully ; blushed so that I could see it through the heavy crajKi veil she wore over her face.' I sat until she was removed. Site arose with difficul ty, leaning on the arm of the officer, who seemed .to be. kind. She did not lilt her leet in moving to and through the door, but slid oho at a time a little way, I think not further than that, the heel of the forward foot came on a line with the toe of the other; but all tlie time the links giound and . clanked. .She could not move one foot an inch without making them grind. Mrs.. Surrat sat bc*ore of rather on one side of her judges, chained with links of iryu as heavy as those of a log-clmin ; and while she sat thus she was grossly insulted by spectators, men nod w >- men, or things that looked like me i and women. Once she turned . pale when one of these creatures said “I hope they’ll hang her! Just look at her! She looks like S;4fevil!” Lfjould not bear it, but spoke out and said : "She does not look like a devil. She looks like n good, kind-hearted woman, and you are a mean coward for insult ing a prisoner.” A man, in reply, said to me: “Sly’s a relic!,” and I re peated. ‘‘Coward ! coward!” Mrs. Surratt looked up, and our eves met. The expri s. ion of her face will hannt ine to the grave, and I thank God lor the hnikot gratitude it wore ; hut as w<? wore getting up quite a side-show au officer forced his way to us to see what the infqtor was. I told him that people were insulting the pris oner. lie made them stand hack, moved my chair to tlie other side o tlie aisle, and set a man at tlie door to keep order and prevent my holding communication with the prisoner. Mrs. Surratt’s chains Were a common subject of conversation in Washington at the time. I wrote an account at the time, which was published and ex tensively copied and commented upon, and this morning is the first time I have ever heard any denial of the fact tint Mrs; was fettered as she sat wearily through the long hours and days of that trial. pick berries for circus money*. Natural history of consumption: Two j thin shoes make one cold, two colds an attack of bronchitis, two attacks Lis one mahogany box. A mlpuitcnr in Kansas was told | that “this’ere region aint much on ; Bibles, hut if you want to make money | bring us out a load of shot guns.” I A rewaid of. several thousand dob | lars is soon to lie offered for a woman j who does not own a Dolly. Varden., ido’snot want one, and never uses the j phrase. Scandals over Illinois divorce laws continue. Deprivinga wife of either or la-th of her ears lias now been ad judged a sufficient ground for divorce there. “I never was so thankful in mv life !” exclaimed a D*>ver woman where tellinv a coroner’s jury how her husband dropped dead. “We hadn’t had a fight all that day.” A poor young man remaiked that the only advice he gets from capitalists is to " live within his income,” whereas ^he difficulty hd : experiences to live 'without an incot&ufe - A wag who thought to have a joke at the expense of a provision dealer, said, “Can you, supply me with a yard of port?” “Bat? give this gen tleman three pig’s feet.” Two Peoria J^oys filled their fond father’s pipe with gunpowder, and just chin next. They trod> with ap parent indifference, having evidently resolved to die as bravely aa they tun! add Ci , apt«uW-Ji^:.w l 4Atiy>uily the stairway, butlookM wretched and miserabb. ’Their.manacles had been stiuek off, but their ^rigs were securely pinned with cords. At precisely 1): 45 o’clock this morn ing the interpreters, Captain O. C. Applegate and David Hill, explained to the prisoners the nature of the order to be read to them by the Adjutant, and at 10 o’clock Adjutant Kings bury read the order promulgating the sentence of commissioii,'-aud tiie Presi dent's order thereon, with the or ders of the Secretary of- War and De partment Commander. In fhe prem ises the two reprieved prisoners, Barn- cho and tflolu, yet stooii off tlieground n front of the.scaffold, shacale.l, and tinder guar3T During die .tending, the pinioned victims were seated < u the .-eaffi.l I, with their fee: oa the drop, listening anxiously, hut o^ cour.-e understanding hot a artiid 'dtl si i The rut ting occupied ten lnintittvjf then tiie Adjutant read the order and com mutation, in tjie /ease, .of BarjiqijO|Utid Biol tt — fife prior fellow's wenUtdken back to stockade, evidently rejoiced at liottaeedmpaning the others to the happy .hunting; gro,uu|l$. -:A hg, Urtap lain then otfoie.l on earnest and fervid prayer for the- »oujs -o» toe culprits, which has lisldn'erV fo attentively. At 10 o’clock and ‘fifteen minutes .the fatal nooses weai.placed 'arouiid tfieir necks under direeribii of Cap!, iloge. It was 'necessary to /out off a little ot Capt. Jack's Icing Itaiii7which'wffs 1 in the way of the fope,. : -,.fJajit. Huge tlien bid furcwoll to the prisoners, ami black (sips -weip 1 . pjaeed over tlie heads of all the culprits: . At 10 o’ejock and twenty minutes' they 1 stood ' on ’the drop, and the rojic was Cfft by the as sistant at a signal made'-with Capt. Hoge’s /handkerchief/■> tiTlio bodies swung around and around, Jack amt Jim apparently dying.oa^Jy, bw [ /Bos ton ami Bchonchiq suileriug terrible to kill the. reptile. llis exertions .overcame bitty. When Capt. Keyes Wheels'n<< demon- fell to the floor; the lamp went out, gh tix/t! ‘their saw rt|, d the snake wt^s thffg left uliveip the mill at Fine i’reek, in OtWgf) township. ‘ 1M «V t of his terror-stricken family, who r. ’ had been called to the scene by the. after the display of fire-works, the old ? C f-°' lveh TO e<1 gentleman called up his class in danc- ,K ,an %^ h .? tacle. Walla Ol /tAArgftrwTL Aon.p n„i To whom it nuty concern' : ' About four years ago, Bcott A -John son purchased of James Leffel A Co., of Bpringfiejil OT, One of their 48 inch Turbine wheels for the saw mill which we now own and operate, and tlie bar gain was that tlie wheel under sis feet head should properly drive a 40 inch circular saw mill, on an inch feed, in pine timber. The wheel did not begin to come up to the representation of its manufacturers and in fact would not carry the saw through a cut on five- eights feed, without lagging and re quiring us to gig l ack toget i p motion. When out of tlie ci t the wind Would run very rapidly, hut as soon as the saw struck into tlie log the power of the wheel seemed to “ play out.” We re fused to pay for the wheel because it utterly failed to coine up to the guar anty, but we kept on with it, doing half work, waiting for Leffel A Co. to come and take it off our hands, until in June last, their agent, Mr, Merrit’, came again and witnessed the perfor mance of the uiied, acknowledged its failure and took it away from our mill, remarking that, ltd ffelt confident we could not find any 48 inch wheel that would do ns welt for us as the Leffel wheel had done ; hut we purchased of Stillwell and Bierce' Manufacturing Co., of Dayton, Ohioj ati Eclipse Turbine Wheel of the -;aitie size (43 inches in diameter) and plffeedit in the same flume, attached the same shaft ing and gearing, and with the same saw cut fifteen huhdred feet of inch pine boards ine n hour, with five feet and jive niches head, whjeh waspt least five liund'red feet more than the Leffel wheel could do in the same time. The Eclipse wheel hits run right along silica stftrtiFg it, sixty dfiyfc ago, on one inch foM/in sixteen inch' ,utuber and one aud one-lmlf inch feedoq twelve inch timber,, while the iLeffet wheel under . p,.same htyadf^vophl no.tyarry thepaw, bfiters seemed t'6 die’almast instautly y «n-,ffve-oights feed: 1/ We also know*by. At - - ... utes Huge, and as vtjitis is beiug written; they are swingnjgslifelcss in h air.; As the drop left (frith a terrible deadly' thug, the tour pfror, wretched human bcings # fell into eternity, and a half smothered cry of horroj;-i|ejgit4ip from a crowd of over five bund red Klamath convulsions, j Boston, and ^lioncliitj, rejieatedly drew up. tfieir legs, but thy Wt hnwc Conninil Lt Jrltn* tviA.O oxtla. Titf iViU.tAOE.—A vountiy villiage —Tlifc -latest Ift'hivemPnt of practical i affords no retreat. There everybody science is the making.of butter without i knows everybody’s business. You can- milk., with a capital of 1 not raise a half a dozen goslings without THE UOSLIXT The wokd Siio.ii.—Since the Persia monarch ha-* l>een making his Europe an tour, philologists have been much exerci.-ed as to the meaning of his offi cial name. As the Persian belongs to the Shemitio family of languages, the root in shah is the same ns in the He- The goslin iz the old goose’s young child. They are yellcrnll over, and az soft az a hall of worsted. Their loot iz wove whole, ntid' they can swim az a drop ol kaster oil on the water. They are born annually about the 15th of May, and never was k no wed tew die natrally. If a man should tell me he had saw agoosedtea initial deth, I wouldn’t Ix-licve him under oatli after that, not even if he swore lie bad lied about see ing a goose tlie. The goose are different in one respect from the human family, who are said to grow weaker, but wiser; whereaz a goslin alwus grows tuffer and more foolish. I hav seen a goose that they said waz ninety-three years old last June, aud didn’t look seventeen. The goslin waddles when he walks, and paddles when he swims, but never dives like a duk, out of sight in the wa ter, but only changes ends. The food of the goslin is rye, com, oats, barley, sweet apples, hasty pud- ing and kept time with the. halter strap., jskwent When Lucy wes told that there was* w | iere t |,g w : ve8 no sense in playing with dolls, she triumphantly fell hack on her version of the old proverb: “Look orit for the dollies and the sense will take care of itself.” A country bov Louis ville for an education,, being if-kud,. what is a strait? horrified his teacher by answering. It heats two pair. He is on the editorial staff of the Courier Journal. A widow* said to her/■daughter, “When you are tny age, it will be time enough to dream of a husband.” “Yes, mamma,” replied, the thought less girl, “of a second one.” The mother fainted. “Why, what are. you earning that bag on your shoulder for Mr. O’Fin- nigh ?” “Och, mydarlint; don't y< z see I thought it was too much for "the noor'okl horse, so Pin just carrying the bag myself to save him.” A recently dressed judge possessed remarkable talents asa punster. Pray, my lord, said a lady, 1 can you tell what sort of a bird tiie bulbul is ? | It is the male of the ooo-coo, I suppose, replied the humorous judge. Orville Grant, tlie President’s hrctlt* er, has gone into the wood pavement business. The New York IForfcf re- irieks of the wife and mother.. Bhe felt the poison penetrating her arm, aud said she knew it would soon kill her. Fe.ning ti.c physician could not arrive in time to save her, Capt. Keyes begged his wife to hold the linger tight ly to prevent tlie poison entering her system, and run as last as she could to the residence of Dr Roach.. Al though it was in the middle of the night, sue started off alone, as, no one else was at the moment dressed to -ac- coiupanv her. After she .had gone, Capt. Keyes heard, her shrieking on the street, and fearing that she had perhaps been overcome by.the poison and fallen down in.tlie rend, lie started after her, sick as lie was. lie, hail not; gone far, however, utilil his strength was exhausted, and lie foil down in the street, but was. : seen after picked up and carried to his residence by Mr. Victor JlavtM. Upon, reaching ; the r, sideline of Cjipt. Keyes, a light was procured, t!ic tufie. was -killed, and, in the meantime, A^rs. Keyes had reached' the phyrieiuti.jwho immediately ad ministered antidotes., The unfortunate JaUy’s arm was terribly swollen; and -he came very near dying. For u long time the arm was paralyzed,] but; wl are glad to hear that she , is rapidly recovering its ufe.ymderithc.tfeatinent of Dr. T. T„ /rarlton, who un dertook the ease tyhen Dr. .Roach left th» place.—New 1-a ia, Huyar Jjo d, ISi/t ult. j .... ! Wonders of tiie ,W<)kld.—This world of ours is filed : with.wotuiers. The niicroscppe reveals not Jess, than the telescope, oaefi ,nt either end ot creation. In thejnseyt.cretftion, partic ularly, there'u to know that has never been dveaiue.. of—wheels within wheels without compnttytiou or number. Let us take a rapid glance at tip; proofs of this t gt.atem»nb : T.he .polypus, it is said, 'ike tire-,,folded hydra, recciveji pqw.-lLl'e.frotty the knifd which is . lifttyff. TIte.%- fiye hundred .thousand dollars to be reilled tlie Olesinageritie Manufactm imr Company has been established 1 in FliiL-1 ; no betti ftdeiphia for tlie manulncturf: ufl'tjip A,: ’ .new product. The process ri is t t;hus descrided: The new butter is ^nade front thesame material as ordinary tnit- t r, but tins material is obtair e^ by a tnuph more simple and natural process tliau that of milking the cows, etc. In ordinary butter it is not the cream that is made into huttep, hut the oil in tne cream. The butter when made isj the risk o composed of oil, mixed with smfrutiilk or butter-milk. If tiie butter is-warm ed up to a certain puiut you have uotli- ,ing but oil. Now, this oil wag secreted ‘Qintl wentinto thetnilkljf^om tiie i’atjy : tissues of the cow. K roiind about i way—and not alwavs very cleanly.—to obtain. ... • Now the new process of imaking" butler is to go to the original source' of the oil, nanit-lv, to the ‘faitft* Tis sues of the annual. This fat taken from any beef creature when killed— cow, steer, etc.—is taken nndgriiiind into a tine pulp. It is then warmed’ up to about 112 degrees I'alty’t.tilicit/, when it Is enveloped in linen cloths, and the oil pressed outj large iron pieces being used for the' purpo-e. This oil is cooled down .to about, i 6(1 degrees, and placed;in an ordinary churn, adding the same quantity, of water or milk—though I believe ttiov; now use sour milk in prcfcrencffk-atyj ai little ar.nto, a vegetable prejiUrattoff* used to color cheese, when tlitf churn- - ' ing commences. In four minutes tlie; operation ceases, and a splendid article, of butter is turned out- Th'e ‘ Water or milk is then “worked out,? Bs^be* ble less water t han't He Leffel did. As there wms' no chapge what; In tlVe .conr ditipns, and .both wheelsi'wfere of the same size, -our experience affords' a square,;piactical test of the merits of the two whcels-that cannot lie explain ed away or gainsaved. add the verdict is overwlielminglv in favor of the. having tlruii stoned for picking off your neighbor’s gooseberries. Gossip wants heaven than a small viilnige. Miss Glib stands at her gate three times a day talking with old Mrs. Chatterbox: and on rainy days, at the blacksmith's .shop, the whole business of the town swims in a tank of tobacco juice, of the worst plug. Everybody knows whether this morning, out of the butcher cart, you bought mutton or calf's liver, nnd the mason’s Wife, at breaking her neck, rushes down stairs to exclaim, “Just think of it! Mrs. Btuckup fa, bought a sirloin sie:ifi, and she is no better than other people!” Your preserving kettle is also borrowed. A bonnet box was seen going from the millinery slurp to the house of a villager on Saturday, after- no.-iii,'anil on Sunday morning a score of people are early at church, heads half turned toward the floor, ready to watch the coming of the purchase, hajifiderchief up to the mouth, ready to burst.out at what they cal! a perfect fright of a bonnet. They always ask what you gave for a thing, and say you were cheated; had something of a bet ter quality they could have let you had lor hall the \\ e have at differ ent times lived in a >ma!l village, find many of our best friends dwell there, f u‘ there are other pla: * more lavoinb'e fur a mail'd getting to heaven—2’al- pnadyVn Gnus. . We find iti the Medical Record an account of a cure in a case of hydro phobia. A. little girl was bitten by a ,mad dog who tore out of her right check hi piece the size of a silver dollar, and also bit her right arm and leg. Bhe ,ordinary, hutter-milk, audap ouftoei or pw as treated by immediately canterizln iplt to the potiml added. T;hc,V>m]oqi|y are now turning out alippt a ihousaijifi pounds per day, and it' is bstYi’A'A^iI that when the additional maelittiAr}' is introduced, they wiff. tnjn. Qut t(jn thousand pounds aafljr.* All they citri make now is taken by * 1 — a hotels aud restaurants. buff'd the wound with a saturated solution of qnrbqUc acid,, and keejiiug it wet «m* ,sj;ipjiy with a weather solution of .(lie saiifi while two drops of liquor firtlUio-% ma foHis were 'given her' every' 1 two t 'hours in Water.(Three datis uftenvnrds y a few 5 ’fettling j.tVe wound was, .cauterized a sqcond ts.o> too od jjiljtjm^ yyith a nitrate of. ■diver and the Tin: Grange Movement in rylv-aNia —The Stittc‘'Giiffiire’bFtlje Patrons of Husbandly,: of ’ Pennsyl vania, willnoeet in Harrisbui^. ou.thc first Wednesday of January; tp^gqnize' firmly against monopoly. At the re cent Session of the ord^rj li/ld fn Ktftd- ing, last week, the natibiml leCtUWfri'T-, A. T!tomi»soii, delivereil an address hi reference to the social, edqcati^nql^iidf pecuniary advantages of the Patrons of 1 of llushandry, and statistifcs rcspectiiff' tlicir giowfli' llnd. operations. lie’ .explained, that tlie not political,, and stated tbit‘ it was’ started as ! fi u ifilf:n4rs’ , i (joes .of ammonia, was increased to tfiree dops. This treatment was e*iti- tinued till August 9. tiie wound not he^ng^Jlojived to be dry a single instant during tlie whole period, and was beal- 'ed''without leaving a : scar. As two VrifrsTm'e since elapsed without symp- oldtos of the poison, it. is believed that The patjeu.t is;entirely out of danger* ifr^'^iAnl^^thifidiSpi *41 - - ..fur exceeds v thc,representations ntfide jioor fellows had*a face view of tin'' by irs manufacturers, and our own ex- ' - - ' 1M * <*?-- • pftstatinns that we deem it hut com mon fairness on oin- part to make this full sttytCtyiciit of, the facts. Tlie Eclipse is doing titAWTthah we'deemed itjpossible, for any wlieel to’jdo, and we invite everybody interested to visit our iaw* mill aiid‘Ail n'ess-7l~(irtef:iti(i'nsr Bcott, Johnson A Co. Otsego,/Vug. Kd, 1873^ Having witnessed the operations of both wheels I fully endorse the above statement of Bcott, Johnson A Co. A. Sweetlano, Millwright. Mr! R, Nickerson, Superintendent of the Athens'Foundry and Machine Work-, is agent for the Eclipse Water Wheel, and are prepared to supply parties at short notice, at n.anufactur ers’ prices. * , „ sqefie, , The e(j!jip%' six ill' nuniber, had 'been placed dire -tly iu the rear of the gallowi, twV of them destined to he unoccupied, as an order commuting Hid sentences of Barnclffv and Blolu only nilived.fat 10 :o0 o’clock last evening; aud .preparation hud ficeu made i'ojr their•jexecutijon with the others. ‘"An* aiqilication was made this morniyg to General Wheaton by the Bheriff of Jack-inn county, Oregon, for the custody of the Indian.-, indicted hy the Grand Jury; but was refused. ,j ,>//] arc 4,041 nm?cles m a cater pillar. Hooke • discovered,'; 14,000 mirrors in tlie eyejpf, a (Iroqp.; .and to effect the. respiration of, a-carp, 1-3, : 3.00 arteries, vea-els, veins,.b<Tuqf,«fe.. are necessary. The .body of ifffgty spider contains (four little masses, pierced with a multitude,of i'U])e*'cep- tible holes*, each hole ; ixn initing the [Xissage of. thread ; all the threads, to tlie amount .of 1,001) to qaeli inaAs. join together wlren they come put and marks thereupon that “if the who!ev» n 0 y eiih't'oi* ten gallons r., n ,!l.t ...Ml i . 1 * 1 __ J . ar brew Messiah. It essential meaning i <]]„„ boiled kabbage, cooked ]>otatoze, is the anointed one. The shah « the | ,„„ nt nlw1 fllrn ;,w stale bread, anointed king. The same root appears in the word chess. Chess is au orien tal game, in which the principal figure is the Shah or king. When the king is overcome, he is said to be shah-mated or check-mated, which means “the king is dea l.” The original form of the word has been modified and ob scured by the influence of some-of the European languages through which it has come into our own tongue. raw meat and turnips, stale bread, kold bash, and the buckwheat cakes that are left over. They ain’t so pertikler as some pholks, what they eat, and. won’t git mad and quit if they kan’t have wet toast and lamb-chojie every morning i for breakfast. ROW TO.WLSilfiLft lJISp LEGALLY Mr. J. A.' lIofizplfiwvCofleetor of Internal Ke'vtmne 4th 1 TJfttJxAp-. ex- the (^t|inlap^4|H<>ft!’i <>f 25th fast., how parties desiring itoi make whisky: nfajr dcomply with the Revenue Laws* jtapppurs from/ his article that the dj^tiljer^wjllj hajrjj to ]iay nothing hutyseven^; amts du each' gallon, to he, paiff before.jfie spirits arc removed from i ID UAB. stm (mouse, order was altbouuh ; ten o’clock .and twenty-eight .mhfi actual fiieasurehient iiv the flurtio that which is lifted. t Tfie-%- brgnnrzation, it'had i«tterly i LkdWK‘tHet bs their ptnsefe .a^Ve''feTd by Capt.-' *WffEfcl$^’«»1icefrcd*feh!iviSy , Ctf^wc4en»ri Bdziiself), murjldin to.ndifitt alhpcjEoar - J * 11^ Tijijecfs. of Oie as^tW*OR,.h«ft regard to their ocupatiqy^. siouaf politicians, however, lie asrerfeo,' 1 would’ be excluded from’tn'embetHfip.' In a short time the puhlieatianiAf a weekly-newspaper, favorable to anti- monopoly, (fill be commenced T/i the ■■State. ...1 ,:i I. mlgiiM j * Tlie wonder of the \Y ! (*flfnR'^‘RfK*l^y l Ssirnii. *'* PiKNOIKU OlfrRAGE TN INDIAN/ ,— fbrt Wayne, September ‘29.—' Two un- ktiown men violated the person of Miss lyong,hist,Saturday, whom they found ^ylone at tho jiirip house oftjier fatltc-r, / ew miles north of Hfontcrsville. y Scaped, leaving ‘tlie gwlTiefrrlv dead iwitl*'/ injury nnd fright. The l^eighborhood i is I [ftrpvsed, ana |*.ii'sUirigTiit!fli, than 4,000 united.,: jLen.wheno-'k, by , means of mici'oscoiics,- observed spiders 1 t *'° no bigger .than a grain of. sand, and which spun, tjvreqd*’ *o fine tiiat it took 4,000 of them to equal in uiagnitpdc a single hair, , ', > Tin: English' Lanueage must ap pear learfully and v]onderfiillv made to a foreigner. One of them, looking at-a picture of a number of vessels said : “ Bee what a flock of ships.” He was told that a flock of ships was Gno of the saddest cases of early de pravity and wickedness on recoixl is that of a Boston fourteen year old, who E reseuted his papa at the breakfast ta le, one morning last week, with the following proof of his genius: "I rat lot* * toUmlo, • On Bmn Hill lo dw^l; , , I w»nt lo l* . Ilrabmla, i / And (We B«U Butlrr h—I ” He said it w®t bis first attempt. He baa been quarantined in a dark room, and,fed on bread and water ever since. He thinks it will be his last. If I was going tew keep boarders I wouldn’t want any better feeders than an old she-goose and' twelve goslius. If I knuldn’t suit them, I should kon- kltnie I had mistaken mi kalling. Roast goose is good nourishment, if you can git enough of it, but there ain’t much waste meat on a goslin after you have got rid of their feath ers, and dug them out inside. I hav alwus notised, when you pass yure plate up for some more baked goslin at a hotel, the colored brother cums bak empty with yure plate, «n a and tells yu: “M ister, the roast goslin iz no more."—Josh Billings. The happy medium—Gentleman between two ladles. family will lay their heads together the enterprise can be made a success.' '' “What is that, children ?” asked a young pastor, exhihitinsr to his Sunday school a magic-lantern picture ofa poor sinner clinging to a cross towering out of stormy waves in mid-ocean. “Robi son Crusoe” was the instant reply. ' A Georgia bride is descrilied in one .of the local papers as “looking like a very lily cradled in the golden glimmer of a some evening lake—a foam-fleck, snowy, yet sun-flushed, crowning the ripplings of some soft Southern sea.” A devotee of Bacchus was over heard tho other night thus addressing his hat, which • had fallen from bis head : “If I pick you up, I fall; if I fall, you will not pick me up. Hang ed if I touch you then,” and he stagger ed hatdlessly away. “ A; dealer in artificial eyes, who thought he had found a handsome business opening in the far West, has been utterly ruined, it is said, by a competitor who has devised a process for hardening and preserving the un claimed natural optics which are swept paid v that distillers jean ! run a concern, mak- dav. coin- lie advisesjidrpff I Tisjrijg to mencc a legal distmery to visit the dis tillery of Cox A rliilnf Stone' Moun tain. Gn., arid see for theihseU'es' how the thing is done-; also to confer wfth Mr. Irish, tlie U. B. Storekeeper, at Stone Mountain,_who will take pleas ure in making valuable suggestions,, whereby much labor aud expense may be saved. v'H • R y ? The peoplftgaperally fiave been un der the impression?tt>at there was ja heavy tax to"be' for distilltyig ; that only largo <listiller?6*; rnttkiug)' say fifty gallons a ijay, would' tie allowed ; and that great Cxpeuso.'ajtei«ded> ff j le gal distillery. Fofty/dijpv^ will wore titan pay for the ksfci^horite and! the piping required: by ,the"; gqt’eftuiK nt. called a fleet, and that a fleet of sheep 'wVts called a flock., And it. was added’ lor his guidance in mastering the in; tricacies of our language, that a flock of girls is called a bevy, that a bevy of' whlves is called a [>ack, ‘and that a pack of thieves is called a gang, and that a gang of angels is called a host, and that a host ot porpoises is called a shoal, and a slmal of buffaloes is called a herd, anda herd ot children is called a troop, and a troop of partridges is called a covey, and a covey of beauties is called a galaxy, and a galaxy of ruffians is called a horde, and a horde of .rubbish, is-gailtyti' ariiyaprtunta houlp of ttxcn fs'ctnWfRjt drove, arid 'a drove of blackguards is called a mob, and a mob of wlfiifxs Is JriffMl a school, and a school of worshippers is tallied a con gregation, (fitf rii foriglegiAion of-en gineers is called .a f om*,i aud, a .cusps of robbers isrifiiyd'a oanti, mml abantl of Jepffcti, fs called a stv;Tin.r- ; ajid a swarm of people is called a crowd. -U,t,(u'! THt—£ ’ ' L ! i- 5>?i The Largest Bale of Short TIobned Cattle E\'ei: Made. —Tlie Cheat I,Acftr..'—Sixty cents a day is considered grind vvagejs for a workman in nnv of the Liiropcai! coutiti ies, ox- rept Great Britain, where.the. wages are somewhat higher.' 'Iri the Tyrol silk region arid in l(a\y, they often do not get'more than, ten I'efits.' In the country in Germany teV cents is tlie’ co’nmon pay. Women there often get but five cents. In' Bwede’.i,' men. often ) work from four o’clock iirthe niriming till hind in the evening’ arid do not get any more. During the late war many poor women i.i Berlin were lured to Knit stockings trir tfe soldiers ^dr five cents. The profits' of file .poor who kept petty shops, sol' trinkets in ,’the streets or act as sutlers, (Jo not average more than three or four percent'. Bar bers in Berlin, stned ffid raising'of tit.fir prices, get five eelits for Hair cuttiuggnd two and a half Ceiif.V'for shaving. Servants at hotels get front three to eight dollars a month. .Servant girls in private families soften get but ten dol lars a year. Hoityetiuies, these glasses cannot get work at any price. river,-arid NewnMexicb/anH has novtr reinaiiitkl lonedri ‘Oi)eri|tiBce. lie wn»> at Balt Lake long before tlie arrival •>£, the Mormons; was well noquiiiuted T’itft K't C irs m ran with him to Bant i Ftje, anil hunted with hirit in tlvif crtilntry-.' He-liivs killed forty grizzlies Srr.-rt(te ■ Rocky .piouritatnsj to. which I namlier., thirteen more must lie adlud ivlikift he fell in with in the Sierra Nevadtwff-' , ‘ iu tlie case, of < Mil,F .lNIa|lqi^g,T.fiel fol lowing is the groqtyda • ujifin, wbfei he takes the case Up, tho Buprenie Court, of Ihc Unittyff Status t'lllie jpplieatioii of the defendant! is for 1 a Writ of error.. r .... r 'Itis made totheU. S.'BupremeCourt, out of the different . bar rooms every alleging that the Suftbrior and Supreme morning. Courts of tlie State>of Georgia erred in As an illustration of tho widespread i holding tiiat the preSehti j»ry> 'laiv of use of a certain popular title, it is rela- the,State, and the imv jtllowuig a couu- i. j aL.a _ iT- i* li i 1 *M.AliA»inflr tn « mftlittn fpr ttyCODtipU* ted into Col. W.. A. .Hawkins tells a Jferald most remarkable sale of shoft-hor .cat- reporter tllutpfij feconfi.Mt^ UfUccess'i .fliovttrmaA tbAkHplarioml JUtida,* IN. * - - f Y., on AYqdiipsda* - , ;Onp butydred and eleven bean Vf‘rattle, odnipTising the celebrated Now’ York Mill a herd,' the property of the Hon. Samuel, Lee were sold at auction for an ,aggregate sum of $380,890. The Eighth Duchess of Geneva brought the startling price of $40,600. The Tenth Duchess of Gene va sold for'$25,0(i0, and! $30,600 was girest for the First jDachess^mf Oneida, Interesting Fact*. : —A legal stone is 14 pounds in England, and 16 pounds in Holland. A fathom. 6 feet, is derived from the height of a full grown man. A hand, in horse measure, is 4 inches! "‘An Irish mile is 2.540 yards; 'a Seoteh mile, 2,984; a German mite; 1,806 f a Turkish mile, 1,626. An acre is 4,846 square yards, 1 fbof'tffid’3'fachck.' . A square mife tfr 1,760 ynrdS' each way,’ i itin- tains '640 acres. Tlie • fiuritan body cfitisists of 240 Itoties, 9 kinds of artic ulations or joinings. 100 cartilages or lijramenfs, 400‘muscles of tondoiis, and 100 nefveS, beside the blood arteries, veins, Ac. There are noisolid rocks in the Arctic regions, owing to the severe frosts. The snrfa’ef-rf the sea'is esti mated at 150.000,00ft square miles, Diking the whole surface of the globe at 190,000,000 square ittiles. Its greatest depth is supjiosod'to be equal to the height of the highest’mountains, or about four miles. Crown tub Bon qy CHAByu^i^NE. ^ —A Paris special sttys CurciiiuJ.p^oi) 1 do lionncha-e left uoqqn yfytqtr^layvon ^ ‘ icction with wtofcitimt bt monarchy in France! HiSlrifsSe . j^ nrilt them if they catch Iheiri, . ^ A h>4y 111 Providence lost Iter.imfdlc the other day, and iu the effort to find it., unearthed four hundred front the bowels of her pin cushion. She has needles to spare. A friend heard of her discovery, and borrowed pin cushions halbull her neighbors. The result, was astounding. Bhe gave up counting (1'ie reached 8,000, and began to iNeut- ■ witen tjicy coute (nit and 1 Bfflinian. lie is-six teet live in height, make the single, tlircad with whityh the 1 caH ho t;wOqxutrifH,'weigHs 190, aiiri-: -'eastiniatc. ‘ She now advertises: spider spins its web; so that vyhat we] can "i’jl? ten I:n, f s wvigl't jn 1 lesTir sale—a new invoice.” call a spider’s thread consists of/ more! zl ^f • « tld ‘he wily saVajH«?y Wf'ifo Htc- * ' l-i,o,w,..L- Lvlcboht wrth hint.''TlriHtfe'WSrirnl over Jhcrc js ft physician uptown who RoekV ' mountain,'* !,! Y4llows!oiie ,, paid attention to a young lady for near- paid ...... Iv'a'Vear, arid then, when she Hehri-cd lihAl lie sent her a hill for tlie visits, .onfc hundred and fifty-four visits, at Urtjy dollar and a half a visit, lie says biisiiless is bn-ine--, and he is not' g'riing tri hraste' opportunities like tin t while ■tfe eitVis us beahltv as it is now. . **Mr.' Zpicliarias IV. Havries,' of Yaffkui comity, one of the te:trherij of r I onov I r,i: the ’North Carolina Institution for the The I\>i-E. lNVgr^to.„,Tp ) ^r^i,'j(A ! jrJX-af;'Dumb and Blind, was recently Miss luaura J. Bunker, the (laughter of one of the fjiamese twins. TheV ’ai e both deaf mutes. Hon tq A jtinn . in Fayette county,. Pa., while,gathering blackberries, heard ioit to make -a JjoUrmfe; to-idiscdvriiing that he ws^standilig ivith bo present a6'’’f?♦«*''"Atri'ri?Ui*>n, Ji:«t ou tlip reptile, but so close l ... to its head that it could not bite him. Romo is tor the purpri/e of'visiTriigthe' retllestiiilce’s peculiar note of waruin Pope, and to extend to his lllghriess'l'hud looked antuiid On ali sides before art invitation Fran'ce to ,.. . and t<v consecre.te’tke Cri&i: tdfotfifff.u; ltord as King Ilenry Vi. of' Kfaribo; Dispatches from Browtisviile report, a woeful condition ot affairs along tbq Rio Grande. Peaceful inhabitants along tho frontier are 'plulilcredydnd sometimes murdered by. tho! Mexican brigands, who escape across the river ami arc not interterre<l <v"itli-.4iy- : the Mexican authoritic. At least a: tlmeii such crimes are reported-aa haviugbeon conintitted recently, and the> inftarvbn- tioti of the LTuitedi. States Go\ i ernmfent is asked, it - 4 ima . ?i oh fo -TIhe Ehttita Advertiicr aajs that a Butayia hoy last Bpnday murnijigpre- eit<ei| two.hundred and thirty verses iu Bungay school, and in the nfterltoon Caught trout enough to stock a river. ions, bruise them, put a}i iutos a retort, apd distil ; p9iir .a,liftlp,C(f.{.thi3.,liqqor into the hottom of the,,lanip n .4tills >f will give lto snjokty. . Tli^is-ja^ excel lent Ternedy for that most anqoying! titiisAirtSC; and ^viten once ^He3 °lr SKill, be approved at. •' ■ " 9 V ' , ,(<_ -. r iat--- .'i ui«in out The New Era attnoutibbs that" the: Republican party ' of this? State Krie willing to allow the holders-oP.OMf^ia Bonds access to- the Coltrts!"o Yfs, and many of that party, if 'they- Were in power, would vote to payi-the illejJaP and fraudulent bonds, if they6601x11)4 remunerated. io'-artrua •wok that a gentleman recently stepped tersh.owing_to_a raotiop for axontmu- i a saloon in Den ver, and cried out]ancein a criminal care, arid the use ot l loud cherry tone.- “Hello! come, j affidavits was constitutional. In other professor, take ia drink.” Six men > words, tl»e defendawt -insists -that lie sitting in the saloon at once arose and has the be confronted witothe.- carae forward, iwhlje a boot black, and ■ witnesses giving evidence agatnsS him, a passing corn ^doctor-smiliugly accept- and to select his jury accqrdtng to Urn ed the invitation, andvtepi>ed in. form and practice of the common law. Tlie 4vira£e prioe paid for/teu pff the Ducltesss tribe was$21,700 each. This herd was beyoud (piestioti the most val uable ever got together, and its sale attracted fancy stock-breeders from ev ery part of. the country as well as from Ed rope. The three highest prices were paid bv Englishmen. Rev. ^Mr. Liudley, who went oirtto Africa in 1859, lias returned. He thinks he converted one heathen, but isn’t sure, as the convert would insist on keeping a fighting (log. A Shrewd bridegroom in Seb- ley, 1 Minn., managed to get up a To . Prevent Oil -Lty-iry^l /from runaway on the way home front the Bjioking.—^Tsko any rmantity> of-yn-, ( .\ii^ddiug, and the mother-in-law’s nock I.... . I\miii.,a t Iwiii-i t\nt nil i n **i if ‘ ti*(ia )ti'tiL*r*vr It is singular what a little tbirig will pnt a man out. A Jersey City ittta- yerl was making a Irigli-flowW'’ Speech the >■ other day, telling’about 1 anjibl’s A blacksmith has succeeded in tears, when his Horior said': ’KJi^iMte changing the gait'ofa pacing horse to your remarks to the dog'fight l .’ ,r T1io that of a trotter, by simply fastening lawyer sat down. aaiO mwscJI _ au extra pair of shoes heavier than -*—■—- »»■» ■ - i(—-fxo: let usual to the fore-feet whenever he Au old lady from theTountry^.-with wants the horse to trot, and taking!six unmarried daughters, bwen*"into them off at all other tiniest The sud- l Augusta, Ga., tlie other dayaialtitirig den change of weight -on his fore-feet j tlie Patrons of IIusbandliL"Shetnefilit forces the horse to change his gait. > business. was, brokeu. ii .Qld niarvBolon Robinson,. the W«ll- knowu nigger-kitler, is loafing around Griffiii. .pile lias been traveling three iiioriths aifd only has sixteen scalps at his’Kll. ‘ ^ ' "'' ; >■ l. : >,Av.California gentleman thought -jpms^lf justified iu sendiug his cook to a lunatic asylum because sh-5 persisted Tn feiiuig duclrtubers for his breakfast. ll-'i.l—. ‘r-,be--ij O’ .OhiW 1 of the editors of the Atlanta Constitution wears a mole-skiu in h s jacket. This is done to frighten oft neuralgia. c fo A little girl near Troy, Alabama,- says the Columbus Sun, was: choked to dcqth by ,a chiuquepiu lodging in her throat. *>/lTN , ; The r freedmen of the South have deposited in the Freedman’s Savings Banks since the war the neat sum of ^600,GOl), ^ __ F The dramatic season ia not far dia tent.