Newspaper Page Text
Editors and Proprietors.
- •. I only make the average cost pec m'le 1 RESOLUTIONS FROM THE CLAKKE
Jovth-|a*it ftorgian,
j J 1 In these days of corporate extrava-
published ami lavish.outlay of monev, the
EVERY SA TURD A Y MORNING stockholders of the North-Eastern
by j Railroad may well contemplate with
ju,t pride and pleasure the economical
use of their subscribed capital.
Too much praise cannot be given to
Chief Engineer Turner for his able and
efficient discharge of his duties and his
one copy, one Yenr $ 2 oo j col) ,t an t devotion to the interests of the
FIVE COPIES, One Yenr 8 "B | .....
ten copies, one Yenr 13 00: road. Nor can we in justice refrain
The #i«ovo nuwoniv apply where *ut>serii>iion 1 from mentioning in this connection the
Up^damuiTi.Y is ADYAM.E J name of our worthy citizen
i Ferdinand Phinizy, to whose active
The Chicago South Atlantic
Railroad Convention.
The recent meetin
Chicago of the Chicago and South At
lantic Railroad Convention, with a
view to select a line for a direct road
1 participation in the management of the
1 enterprise, prudent counsel and public
in the City of spirited liberality, a large measure of
the success which has been achieved is
properly due.
There can no longer l>o any room
from Chicago to the South Atlantic I ^ ur reasonable doubt that the road from
seaboard, gives hopeful promise that | lhia to Rabun Gap will now be
the long needed connection directly be- j built - B - v the ncxt annual mf ‘ ctin g of
tween the North-we-tern and Southern | 4b< ? R°ard of Directors, the road to the
Atlantic State*, will be made at no Air Li, » e wB1 1)0 in running order,
distant dav. The interests of the Tho 8 P" ed . v completion of the whole
people of the North-west and of the ,5ne * hence to Rabun Ga P wiU necessar i-
Soutli are i.rtimatelv allied. The ! *- v dc P eM<1 0,1 lbe libera % 0,1,1 P ub,ic
more closely iukV directly they are *I ,,rit of the P«'lde of i he counties
brought together the more wiil" their 1 1 * vin S botween the Air Line and Rabun
material welfare be advanced, and in Ga P- We ilo P° that tbe - v wiU nct
no waj more immediately than bv their P|' om P t, . v aa<1 b Orally, and that the
4 . r . directors, Messrs. Erwin, McMillan
emancipation from the thraldom in I
which they have been bold for years by i a,ui 1 lull P s " ,U aroHse the,r P en P 1et0
the iconopolists of the North-
Octohk*. 15th, f873.
Editors North-Ea^t Georgian r
Gestlejujen:—At a meeting of the
Clarke CountyjGnnigc, held at the
Fair Ground, Oct. loth, the following
resolutions were introduced and mtaiu-
moudy adopted: * -
Resolved, That it is the oplfrtojt df
the members of Clarke County Grange
that the advice given the planters by
Mr. Tttmlin, through the public prints,
is calculated to bring ruin both to the
planter and merchant, wjio lias fur
nished many of them with the means to
make the crops now beiug gathered.
Arid be it further rejoiced, That
every member of this Grange, who
has any obligations to merchants or
factor, maturing,on November 1st, or
after that date, will use every effort ii/
his power to meet his obligations as
they become due, and advise his neigh
bors, who are not members, (o do the
same. H. R. J. Long, Master.
B. H.'Boon, Secretary.
A special dispatch from Carrolton,
r *P... gives an account of a terrible
The President has proclaimed -stlie [ tragedy enacted near there.' Robert
Y.U v„. 1— *1—1—— AustSn, ^oung farmer residing -near
Treed of
of Now
ern and Eastern States and the
aggrandizement of the City
We nre heartily gla 1 that the City
of Athens was represented in this Con
vention by a delegate from the city,
Capf. A. S. Erwin, and one from the
North-Eastern Railroad, President
•John W. Nicholson.
The able report of C:ipt. Erwin,
which will he found elsewhere, shows
that the people of the North-west nre
in earnest in ilu-ir desire to construct a
line to the Soul hern seaeoa-t, that th?
Chicago and South Atlantic Railroad
Coni] any, have nado arrangements to
build ti e road and that one of the
strongest and most influential banking
bouses in the North, is prepared to
furnish the requisite capital.
The main point of discussion was as
to the relative merits of the route,
known as the French Broad and Ash-
ville line through North and South
Carolina to Charleston, and that bv
the Blue Ridge and Rabun Gap. We
believe that the far-seeing wisdom and
business sagacity of the Chicago and
-Smith Atlantic Railroad Company
will select tlie latter as presenting the
greatest advantages. By the former
the outlet on the seaboard would he
confined to the single port of Charles
ton, while the latter gives immediate
access to Savannah, Brunswick, Port
Royal and Charleston, and traverses a
much wider, richer and more important
section of country, comprising the en
tire of Georgia and portions of Ala
bama and Florida, in addition to all
that country to which the French Broad
route would be restricted.
This point adjusted, as we confident
ly believe it will be by the selection of
the Rabun Gap route, it will follow as
a matter of course.Jthat the North-
Eastern road from Rabun Gap to
Athens, will be a link in this great
Railroad connection, for every argu
ment that can be adduced to prove the
superiority of the Blue Ridge and
Raima Gap route over that of the
French Broad, proves with equal force
the superiority of the North-Eastern
Road over all other contemplated routes
front that pi iut.
Athens showed her enterprise and
wisdom in sending delegates to the Con
tention. Her interests were'well and
ahlv represented by Capt. Enviu and
I resident Nicholson, both of whom are
in every souse representative men—men
■of intellect, energy and public spirit,
and for their valuable services on this
occasion, entitled to the grateful thanks
of their fellow citizens.
We note with especial gratification
■the mention made by ('apt. Erwin m
bis report of the cordial welcome ex
tended to the Southern delegates by the
citizens of Chicago.
a proper sense of their duty and their
interest in relation to this great work.
The Board of Directors has always
been ready and anxious to extend the
work to Rabun Gap and to press for
ward energetically as soon as the neces
sary capital should lie subscribed.
! Every dollar that the people beyond
j the Air Fine may now subscribe will
I iie expended in their own country, and
j they may be assured that when they
, provide the money, a corps of Etr-
| pincers will lie immediately placed in
I the field to locate the line.
| We cannot conclude this article witli-
! out congratulating the Directors on the
gratifying fact that they have not in
voked the aid of any Hercules in the
progress of the work. It scents to be
the feeling of the. Company not to
avail themselves of even the State aid
guaranteed by the Charter, otherwise
they would have completed and placed
in ruuning order twenty miles of
road to entitle them to the first endorse
ment by the State and not continued
the grading of the thirty eight miles,
hence to the Air Line.
The Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders of the North-
Eastern Railroad.
Tl»e first Annual Meeting of the
Htbckhofdet's of the North-Eastern
Railroad, since work Was actually com-
4 v 'fenced on tb'g road, took place in this
city, <>■>, Wednesday, • the lath inst.
The attendance was very large,:and: a
considerable majority of the stock was
represented. . ‘
A lull r 'i>ort of the proceedings, in
cluding the reports of the Engineer in
charge and of the President rtwtl
retary" ai»d Treasurer'of the' Ctinipafif,
will l>c foujuLin another column, anfl
iViil bvnjtfad with much ^satisfaction by
oil who take an interest in the progress
’ - ’ arid completion of this important work.
Within a year from the formal com
mencement of the work .thirty-thr$e
miles of the road have been completed,
leaving only five miles of tho line to
the point where this road crosses the
Air-Line road, yet to be finished,
which the Engineer promises will bo
Ji.ill rowd.V'for the cross-ties by the month
• 'of February next. This work has not
onjy been done but it was thoroughly
done, and at a cost of n fraction over
three thousand dollars per mile or two
Thousand dollars per mile less than the
estimated cost. The five miles yet to
1» graded, which present the greatest
i wgiueering difficulties and consequent
ly involve the heaviest expenditure, will
President Grant’s Views.—Pres
ident Grant’s commentaries on our
financial troubles are both lucid and
lengthy. In an interview with a re
porter he discourses about the financial
-ituation as intelligently and familiarly
apparently as the ablest financier in
the country. He looks upon the recent
money panic and shrinkage in the
values of certain securities as a bless
ing, and gives it as bis opinion that
this is a favorable time for the resump
tion of specie payment. He considers
the policy of interest on deposits a bad
one and advises its discontinuance, be
cause the inducement has hitherto
drawn money from the country into
the commercial centres, where the
ban’ B T oan it out to speculators who pay
a large rate of - interest, and usfe the
money in uncertain and illegitimate
speculation. The President regards
the general condition of the country as
prosperous, and thinks that the
panic will prove a blessing in dis
guise. |
Rrsmxn lJr TnE Coin.—A Was
ington dispatch says: Dr. Linder-
man, the director of the mint, left to
night for New York to inspect the assay
office at that point and make arrange
ments to increase its facilities. Since
the beginning of the panic the imports
of gold have been very heavy, and the
precious metal has poured into the
assay office so fast that it has become
clogged with work. There are now in
the treasury thirty-five millions in
double eagles. The coinage at the
mint in San Francisco has been also
exceptionally heavy for some time
past. Over two millions in double
eagles were coined last month, and the
entire coinage for the quarter was
about seven and a half millions. One
hundred and thirty-seven thousand
trade dollars were turned out of this
mint during last month.
Sunday moruing last we left our
home and wended our way to the once
delightful, but now gloomy and sorrow
ing little town of Caruesville. There
lmd been so much sickness, (but, by
God’s blessings, but few deaths,) that
a general gloom appeared to over
shadow the [>eople. We arrived about
sundown Sunday evening, stopped at
the Hotel, hut were informed that the
family were too sick to entertain
strangers, and advised to go to Mr.
Cobh's, a gentleman living a few doors
from the Hotel. We did so, was told
to come in, which we thankfully did,
and were kindly entertained. Mr.
Cobh said to us, he was ill prepared
to entertain travelers, as he understood
there was to he no Court, consequent
ly, lie had made no prepa ati n for it.
We. however, fared very well. I
At 10 o'clock Judge Rice was prompt-1
lv at his place in the Judge’s scat,
called the apperance docket, attended [
to some minor business, and adjourned
the Court to the regular Spring term.
The Judge had been requested by the
citizens to defer the Court on account
of the sickness of the place. We are
glad to state that the disease is grad
ually disappearing, and wehopeCarnes-
ville will soon he herself again. But
few per-ons attended Court.
We were happy to meet some old
acquaintances and a good many of our
subscribers, all of whom expressed
themselves highly pleased with our
pap r.
Monday afternoon we left Carnes-
ville about five o’clock, and drove, but
to our kind friend. Colonel Morris’s,
where We were hosffitablv received
ami generously entertained by the
Colonel and his excellent lady. We
were sorry to find their daughter, Mrs.
Burroughs, and her child, Loth sick.
We found the Sheriff", Clerk and
Ordinary at their places of business.
They are prompt officials, gentleman
ly, kind and polite in their deportment.
As we traveled over the road, we
observed the cotton fields were very
white. No one appeared to be up with
their picking.
27th of November for .thanksgiving.
Texas lately exemplified woman’s
rights by lynehifig three female horse
thieves. fe >* t .
Two female candidates have bccti
elected members of the Legislature of
Wyoming. • -
Fall rfiiirs throughout the country are
deviating a part of their receijjtsJEoMem-
pliis and Shreveport.
Connecticut gave, on Monday, an
estimated majority of 3,000 in favor of
fixing the Capitol at Hartford.
Resignations of officers of the Sdutli
Carolina University continue on ac
count of the matriculation of colored
The movement to secure the recog
nition of Cknl in the new Michigan
Constitution was defeated by a tie vote
in the convention. t*d
The President yesterday signified hi?
intention not to appoint a Chief Justice
until Congress assembles and the State
elections are over.
No abatement of the yellow fever in
Memphis. Business is almost totally
suspended. Parents and children aban
don each other. Money received is
judiciously distributed.
Jay Cooked-Co. propose to place all
their individual partnership property
in the hands of a trustee, the Hon. E.
A. Rollins, to be administered t<Jk t the
benefit of their creditors.
R. M. Richards, proprietor of the
Academy of Music, a disreputable place
of amusement, was shot and killed Tues
day by James Hogan. Richards had
seduced Hogan’s sister. Hogan, after
shooting, stood over him and watched
to see that he was dead, then walked
across the street and surrendered hi ni
sei t.
A Grange composed of grain and
commission merchants having been or
dered to disband by the Grand Master
of the National Grange on the ground
that it was not a farmer’s Grange, has
refused and threatens to carry the mat
ter before I he National Grange. The
Boston Grange retains its books and
initiates members upon the passwords
and grips of the order.
The Washington Chronicle mentions
a report that lion. Alexander II.
Stevens, Ilersehel Y. Johnson,
Legal Advertisements.
CurroltoJScsuspeeted hjs wife of ijifidcih ti
it?. ■tunl ;Fr' left home, Spying
lie was going to the St, Lotus fair, to
be ateeHtWeral daypll Efe wipt \to
the dojfrit, but returned and secreted
himself in a closet Iti his wife’s bed
room, armed with a double barrel shot
gUO. Tlie wife eooq reared,'and short
ly alfftec-Elijah Haley.entererKtlie room
and undressed himself, and as he was
getting into bed Austen sprang out and
fired, but missed Haley, and the shot
entered his , wife’s., abdomen. Austen
fi^ed aguihJlt Hhdiey^. killing him .in
stantly. Mrs. Austen died Saturday
evening. Austen surrendered to the
authorities. AU the parties are highly
connected. : ,
l N KJOj
-i rut
I Pel Miss S KanfiMph; Athens,
1 Pel N L Jones,' Curi-aliee P (>.• ; e -
1 Whip 8 II Mosely, Caruesville,
l Box li F Bogus, Athens,
1 Box .]. LI. Bona, Allendale,
1 Pci WAJ Dixon, Harmony Grove, \
1 Pel Barton Overby, Farmington,
1 Box U M Mcroncyj Danielsville,
1 Pkg B W Itumiiey, Athens,
1 Pel K J Skelton, Athens,
1 Bid P J Murray, Athens,
l Pkg J II Skelton, Hartwell,
1 Pel Mrs A Winter, Athens,
1 Pek J A Baker, Athens,
1 Pkg .1 B Roberts, Alliens,
| 1 Pkg It White, Mulltcrry,
j 1 Drawer It C Arnold, Danielsville,
1 Box Rev. D C Oliver, Athens,
| 1 Bale P O Donnell, Athens,
1 1 Pkg It II. Boon, Athens,
; 1 Box .1 M Kettle, Athens,
j 1 Pkg C G Smith, Athens,
j 1 Bill Lent’s Circus, Athens,
! 1 Bucket A P Talmadge, Athens,
I I Box \Y M Bowers, Athens,
I 1 Pel .1 It Me Daniel, Athens,
| 1 Pel Win Marablc. Athens,
Capt. W.m. Wh.i.iaws, Agent.
well, within the hours 6f h i!.. " ^ ar l-
Tii«Hday in November uexi, the following* proper
ree hdndml iod
lying in said MtttyA,n or
*188 'SS.i&t aagg-«g
- as&SRK
rngE UNDERSIGNED,-NEW COMERS, take pka^re in informing
'JL- ibe eUucns o( 4iUe*s md_s*rjoufabi^yne-ipry that they hav< jusfTUWni'l a , • ,
Also, at the satire lilUR Sml placi- .
Sml sixteen acres of land, more or less /til""
the waters of Cedar creek, ailj,.ii,iu g ' tu ' f lu *
w. - 6aiH«| to mil tastes, aud bought itomUt* best manufactories^ whq-li they offer to the puirlic
'" l jtf'Z'opir tis Sftoe'St&rcs in this and. Ome? 1 Cities
We would toko occasion tn,aav ve arc J*>th cxpiprii*niwa in our buAtaeu,
to buy all Goods iu our line to advahtage, dml shall especially exert ourselves
, , h „j .Study, tjtie, of Out‘Gustoinera^i
1 Pkg Drill lIGurley, Atheiis, , j , 6 nmdtbp cummupity at large, and t)»eral»^ : the <tcm*8a» of bnrlrado. ' Hadi>« located ialhe
l !:°, x ' v iHio ihio nml rommodious Store Ihioyvh as
Caswell Farmer, Mrs. mary T" 1,1
al»ove(iescrilicd land, levied oil aodsol'dU llle
of T. L. t-towers to salisfy a (i. fa. i„ f, v , !
W. Seales, vs. said T. I,. Stowers also J "ht»
fi. fas. iu favor of these parti4, v,
Stowets. , ,u *• I.
Also, at the same time and place* will i
tract oflaiidlljihith Mid tmimj, id,,'? *I' M *
or Elisabeth Teasly, John it. Maxwell c
containiuxone hundred aud mslu, ' lU "-rs,
or less, all levied op aud sold i ' e "
Vrtehmond Skelton; til satisfy a n ra ■ -
John Hle-hsurtllt, Alice ami Uniii./ 1 Jl B * r " r of
ecutors of It. Bobo, vs. Kidnuoud s eii,! ar
able to Hart Superior Court, March Ten,,'
.silion convenivut C»r tlie Rulics and the balance of the Public to call and examine
h we are daily receiving additions, and where they can secure a fit for both head
Reaped fully,
We are in a position conv
Stock, J
satisfy a fl fa.'
',iiid«7 i'aVk'.',”,
dd,*T j"''
'•All ItTlii ]Sfit
Also, at the Bame time and place air i
lyirrn on the waters of LightwootllJe, r " r , la -<l
inr lands of Jamer It. Meyers. Al.n-r t t, ■/ uin '
Francis Clark and others, u : m j
and torty-fouracres, more or less ji
HOK.SE, about ten years old, one
four yean old, one BLACK SPOl j Ei, . :\. a h , r-
t-rthe Indies and the balanc, of the Public to call and examine oar
to which we are daily receiving additions, and where they can secure a fit fur both head aod CA1.1-, and one KI N' C'OLOUED ( n\v ,
Respectfully, I on as the property of T. J. Kav, to "
1 in favor of Wiitiam Morris, vs. J.tnii
T. J. Kay, returnable to llart Interior r
Term, lsdl, also sundries other fi. fas. in lny't, " e
, ... , i,. | I Also, at the same time and p|, 0(
Ao. / 'JO*hop’s Corner, tfroad .Street. “^Xfforu.e^oiey a - m, ' ,uo,ei ’
'— **■ * ' Sinclair McMulhtn ;
: Athens Relail Prices Current,
j Corrected by ./. 11 UUGGISS, Ge»r
j end Commission Merchant, Uroad
Street, Athens Georjia.
. COTTON-—18 to 18.
ono or two other prominent Southern! lltoN f l IES—por 1 »UI1 (11c,-^6 00
politicians, will start a new daily paper j RagGIXO
in that city on or about the first of ‘
December next. It is understood that
it will advocate tbe refundin'g of the
cotton tax, and be “independent” in
Clover, Orchard, Herds,
Lucerne and J3lue Grass Seed,
which we will sell Cheap.
'erry tract, a,|j
,1. l....
"S lands
CLeapei' tlian Evoi'I
Dooley»to cati'fv a fi. fa. iuv
le . — -
Court, September To
Also, at the sairctimc ami place will bo sold
tract of land, lying In said county, a.lj. ,„,n • 1
of Calwell J. Hays, Evira Mefiee! and
tainiugon hundred and twenty at rr«. i,„, rf or
less. A 1st one other tiact of land, lying in said
Cfiuntv, a< joining lands of D. C. lMiithpo. Sinclair
Kichardst , and .latuea Wade, rontainii g d slv .
eight acn..d, more or ies>, all levied on us the t n.iw
erty of .lame* Taylor to satisfy a number of Jus
tice court fi. fits, in favor of Noel Skelton, vs. j. j
Ray, N. Pritshet and James Tavlor, ail issuni
from the Justice court of 1112 dist-, (i. M . „„ ,j^
fith r»f June, 18(5!. Levy made and returned ion*.
by N. T. Powell, L. C.
W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff,
per.yd, by roll, 18c
Flour, Fancy, per bhl.. 13 00
Lr.NT’s Great New York Cturrs
and Railroad Exposition.—To a!!
acquainted with the established New 1
York City rcpiesentation of this grand ! Building a railron
wonder and amusement combination, ] ftn, l Gidnesvihc.
Fresh Cocoa nuts, just received by J.
0. Hat die. 1
A negro child 'was bnrned in a cal-in
in Coweta county recently, where it bad
been lett by its affectionate pareut.-
The Albany News reports ye low; fever
at Bainbridge. We trust tbe report is
The engineers nt tbe State Road struck
when tiie t wenty percent, reduction was
announced, and carried their point.
Mrs. Dukes, the alleged Macon mur
deress, lias been bailed in tbe sum of $2.-
Tbe Herald administers a severe re
buke to what it calls tbe “political rowdy
ism" of Atlanta.
The question is being agitated of
ul between Dalilom'-ra
Some idea of the probAble cotton
a-op of this year tua)’ perhaj-s bft
deducted from recent arrivals of cot
ton,In New Orl. inis-. On the btli
ult. tlie steamer K/jtic brought to the
city the largest cargo of cotton of the
season—402 bales. At the same time
last year the same plantations sent to
tlie city 1,900 balis. It is given bv
tlie.f'-qw Orleans Herald. a^.t,hcOpmton
of an-experience J cotton deafer Hint
fdr September the receipts of- cotton,
wiltbp 23;000 bafes against TjliJKK)
last yeajjftfid “““
at all potte,
'■ it •■-.»ryyr.t;iTTftna . ■ ::: ■n.u
Grekne County Fair. —This
Fair will open at Greensboro’, on
the mere announcement of its coming
to Athens on Saturday of next week
will be sufficient to insure their attend
ance; but as the great and veteran man
ager, whose name the immense series
of exhibitions bears, makes his first
visit to the South, and is, therefore, a
comparative stranger to piany of our
citizens, it is but courteous, as well as
just to his distinguished merit as the
most honorable and thoroughly legiti
mate of arenic directors, to insure a
mutually pleasant and profitable ac
quaintance through the medium of edi
torial introduction.
Mr. Lent is the only manager who
has succeeded in giving permanent
character to the shifting performances
of the ring, and for tbe past seven suc
cessive winters lias main tuned' in ' tl e
Great City, in a superb iron structure,
specially erected for the'purpose, a
circus, whose popularity with all classes
has not been excelled by any kind of
amusement. Evidently this could only
be accomplished by steadily sustaining
a standard of extraordinary excellent?,
which Mr. Lent lias done, by motm]to-
lizing the best areuie talent procurable,
either at home or abroad, and alwavs
maintaining undoubtedly the fined
circus in the world, including the ini
portant accessories of the finest stud of
horses and ponies ever seen at the
•South, brilliant music, and (lie most
sumptuous of wardrobe, trappings, dec
oration. anil paraphtinnlia generally.
This is the metropolitan success which
assurance of.a liberal reception have in
duced him to bring among us, and to it
added a menagerie and museum, and
other departments of spectacular and
unique interest full worthy of the asso
ciation, which is the most significant
compliment we can bestow. \Ve shall
welcome the advent of the Leviathan
Universal Living Exposition, as not
only providing an equestrian and zoolog
ical entertainment of the rarest and
most refined merit, but also tending to
drive away the tato?:.“fly-by-night"
shows, -which, after eking out a preca
rious Hummer’s existence at .the North,
drag tlieir tattered remnants South, to
infest and swindle us iu turn.
The nursery business nt Atlanta 1ms
rapidly grown into importance, says the
Albany trats briskly to the front with
a cucumber lour feet in length and twelve
ami a half inches in circumference.
The third Annual Fair of the “ Agri.
cultural and Mcrchanical Association”
will open iu Savannah, Nov. 17th,
The Georgia teachers are grumbling
considerably because their apportion
ment for 1871 has been delayed by the
suspension of an Atlanta hank.
Win. Francis, of Jefferson county, lost
his gin house and fifteen bales of cotton
by tire, and 17. 11. Owens suffered in the
same manner.
The annual roll of gin house homing?
in Georgia and Florida has commenced.
Kvefy fall an epidemic of fliis kind may
be predicted.-
A long lost nunt of sixteen years’ ab
sence has been found in humble circum
stances near Griffin by her nephew, who
has taken Iter to a comfortable home.
Sylvester Green, sexton of the Catholic
Church in .Atlanta, was knocked down
by an engine while attempting to cross. n
the track, last Saturday, and literally cut | stL
to piece.
Tlie Thotnasville lire department has
the Savannah complaint. Dissensions
have grown out of the inactivity of the
Common Council, and affairs nre discour
Henry Holmes, of Atlanta, rendered
desperate by several legal prosecutions,
swallowed- some laudanum and would
have died but for the prompt action of
his family.
A colored lawyer of Aiken, S. C., has
been detected in tho act of stealing
money from the till of a grocer in Au
gusta. Ho found that Georgia was a
much poorer place for stealing than South
Carolina, and had to give heavy bonds.
Macon offers (GO for a homespun dress
made by n lady, not a dress-maker, and
t<> be exhibited at the coming Fair. She
also proposes to give a $100 premium for
a pair of the .best fowls; ,
The Atlanta papers will never agree.
For instance, there is a freak of nature
in that town in'the shape of an abnormal
calf. The Constitution says if Jins six
legs and the Herald says it has two.
This is rat her hard on the calf.
Lxkra Family,
12 00
9 to
Gun per busli.
to 1
peas “ 1
to 1
Meal “
Wheat- “
1 80 to 2 do
. llocnn sidee, per JHiuml
4 to
<r /;shoulilc«*% “
to \ iy,
44 hums, “
laird “ 1
, F.ggs, per doi.
i:hicketis, gru\rn, ‘JAct Fryi
nq 10
Rutter. per lb.
r!e«.—tjugur, Crushed per lb.
44 A
“ R “
44 c 44
4 * Dcmurara, 44
Coffee, Kio, “
“ Laguira, “
“ Java 44
Tea, 11 vm'H 44
44 Guupowdcr, 44
“ flla-.-k “
6nr»ns, per Lush. I
1 50
Syrup,^hum, pt>rgal.
Caiulies, sperm... per li».
44 A-Jaman, * 4
44 Tallow, 4
Cheese, Slate 44
44 Kng. Dairy, 44
Candy, plain i»cr lb.
44 fancy 44
S*li 44
•ood»..—Prints, “
Osnalmrjyi, per yvl.
7s Shifting, “
* to
Just Received,
Colognes, Ladies' Cachous,
Extracts, Combs,
Hair Brushes,
Tooth Brushes,
Verbena Water,
Pearl White, Rouge,
Golden Hair Powder
Fine Soaps,
And many other Toilet articles, by
VjU Wii cheap, SAM UHL C. KKY\X at-i,,.
for Letters of Ariininirtration on M»e* IGtai’i of
Jonathan Dailey, late of Hart eni.ntv, de*eased—
Therefore, all j»erhOii8 concerned are lurehyr^
quired to show cause, if any they I are, at then, ,t
November Term of tlie court of Ordumrv of vajj
county, why said Letters shun (I not i.c^nnua
Given uuder my hand this -d v m .N ot u-t
HATS and CAPS remarkably low. |
at exceedingly low figures.
Harness tuid Sole LLATIIER,
very cheat).-
In IV.hite Kid BOOTS,
nud Children's Colored Shoes
we defy any one to undersell ufe. ! moved into the!
‘ t g. *.*' Hfew tore on Broad Street,
{f3^ conviuce^l C{ill Wltll lonncrly used by Ge< •rgia .Railroad
New Firm, New Store, Kew Goods
to nn- for t.otter, of Atlmitii-lmfion on ti,. ,,,,
John II. Johnson, lole of Hartciumlv ,, r
Therefore, ;,11 person, corn ered a.e i„., "j r 7
to show cause, if any h -j h.v.s. a; ihe'nnt Term of the court of Onlina r ,>i said
count}, nh\ saul Letters should not l»c crsnttd
Given uuder my hand thie-ZM d v«f',. E i j,-,
Se l’ t2 ? Ordinary
i, 0. WLKI NS & GO,
M ost respectfully in-
FORMS the citizens of North-^hist Geor
and the Ladies especially, that they have
New Advertisements.
Watches and Clocks
A KTIIUR EVANS (formerly at
JlTL Kind’s Drug Store,') Is non* With Messrs.
LtX’KIEA YAKt/liY'Where he is prepared, with
a £*M»d hit*of material, to do all kimitif !»»ch and
Jewelry work. : gIT
' y. B.—WtfrrlUr* who htt^r jotf they ctvCt da, will
•to writ to n call brjpre Ihcy smtl Ihc, t trhrk. tu
Acid Vort. Yet. can save express by twH tl course.
u .^niKhu , . ,f,y, i, 4f M ,, L .
Sfr/tGXO.V 'pmYT/'fTy.
r PAKE8 pleasure iu announcing' to
J the churns of Franklin and and adjoining
Tat ho is now located on the Athens
mile south of Carncsvilitv.where he is
pn*pan»d to nraertee Dentistry in all its different
hr uu hes. l*t iees low to suit the times, but post-
tivelv no inferior work. octlD-tf
the CASH and wy. will prove that
wc are selling Goods as we suy,
List of Valuable Real Estate
and Rankin
open a most
\ f !’.S. T. A. ADAMS would most
i-▼ JL r«spei*tfully infirm the Ladies of Athens
and of counties adjacent, that she hits now receiv
ed and opened n most choice and select assortment
of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, comprising
In part the latest styles and fashions of
Flowers, Gloves, &c.,
which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her
a «all before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from
a distance carefully filled. Store located ou Broud
street, one door above National Bunk. oeiltMf
The Associated Press courier who
carried tho report of the Modoc execu
tion from FqrtJ^lnninth to the -tele
graph station at Jacksonville, Oregon,
pftlo g distance of ninety-two miles in
six hours auu fifty five tninujes.iivcr a
iuquiitaiH.road.of ) ^)j)rc than ilio usual'
jroughtiosfi, employing on the route ttirCC
mejl feleypid: horses „for the journei ; :
l S0;000 agamsf '1^0,0004% ^
■ , .on., t ed jn,e^t)edj;J? V0 £ ;hP u f^,(thwitiiig,^ IlD
r • ■ ir: ir,i . principal cqmp^titfjr by tljifty^lirllifes’
and getting-sontroi of the wire Wkifli
was necessarily ocoupied in tlie trans-
mtssion of the Associated Press report
Monday next, the 20th inst., and until it was too lute to forward any
continue several days. We are in
formed that the Association are using
every effort to make the Fair a grand
success, and ample provision' has been
made for the accommodation of all,'
All machinery oa, exhibition will be
transported to and from th© grounds
free of charge. 11
Grant has been so busy (raveling
around and having fun this summer
that he has not had time to appoint a
Chief Justice—and the co t neeU this
When Christ-, ; was upon earth, lie
drove the money changers out of tlie
Temple. Should be visit the United
States about these days mnl renew the
exercise, the speculators in Washington
mid Wall street would go about with
backs resembling the beautiful zebra.
’ ‘The spread q f the Granges ovor all
the States may have the effect of bring
ing about female suffrage sooner than
would have been the case without them.
Women enter .the Grange organization
on an equal footing with men, and
share iu all the business done.
De Votie. of the Columbus Sun,-still
adheres to his first statenicnMo the effect
that his nose was never pulled bv nnv of
the newspaper duelists. If a man’s hose
is to in.- pulled, it is plain that it should
hot B. D. Lay-ed.
The Greensboro Herald thinks the
Cooper mine near Union Point, discover?
cd- last .Tunc, will prove to he one of
much wealth to the Company, who have
recently, -Wfifthincry, ■ .to The
aniflfujtflf ^7o.000,i, Specimen? of ! the
*i •' US/' 1 :;
- ‘ The Qovington Enterprise make'A the
ifpllpwing.compl.ieH utary allusion to the
local reportej- nl .tfre Marietta Journiil :
This youth is the Biggest' liar and- best
focal eilttoVbfJfls size in the State,-innd,
\ve often'weep in silonco nt. the' pfilttful
tfiongnt of his having been pdlleil Imforc
he wag ripe, i t « , r
An amateur si-nnonizer at Rome made
these renVnfke upon the soul saving quer.
tion : My brethren, a mail cannot afford
to lose Ids soul. He’s «ot but ono and
he can't get another. If a man loses his
horse he can get another; if lie loses liis
child he can get another—but If he loses
liis soul, good bye, John, •
The reckless manner In which locomo
tives arc driven tlifofigh the streets of
Atlanta has at last resulted fatally. A
Mr. Gr**en : was knocked down by a ten
der on Saturday night, run over by Hie
locomotive and horribly crushed and
mangled. His death must have been
almost instantaneous.
Oriental Tooth Powder.
IPOE Cleansing the Teeth and Puri-
JL Cvina the ltccauli.
Prepared auj for sale liy
Administrator^ Sale.
PURSUANT to an order from the
J- court ofOivlttdtrj of Hart county,>ilt be sold
Ujforj t.jc touit lioiuedour of said cuuuf.y, durlnv
the legitl sale Iiouhi on i. e FIlt.ST TuK^DAY ua
Ueeembcr next, one tract of laini lvid>: iut ThbfllS
county, (iu., eeutuiu' '
cwuiisy , viia., eouiuuuiin i'JUaercs, more or lew, and.
known as (No. :>&) 8th ‘dbtrict. Also lot No. HH>
in tu oJ‘
less, in
tu CU ilistrlcl. c-mtainint5.49J across;’tSjrc Jr
kss, ill Wilcox-cuutrty,. to lie m>I4 aa the
property' «CJ, iKr.iwkj, for the lict.e-
lit of tho ernlitors. Terms casli. The Is
resold «t risk of Cicero Da.iicl wlo. has fajjod to
thh-tbrui* of lhu :oro.,r sale,’ 1st
Tuesday in Jui.uarv last.
..This Uadta-illtli,'ISIS.
nx'il 1.1 mow n. ,0. 4U DRNCAN, ’
, ■ (i . ( ^dpil,niatrator of John Brown, dec’dc
pOR SALE—A New. House, four
JU Booms, well plxstercl, Lot c»»ntains three-
fourths of an acre, good Well, new Fence, -etc*.
Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD,
Real Estate Agent.
■pOR- RALE—House and Lot on
X' Hancock -iveuue Six Thcjms, also Carpenter
Shop and other otit l.uildinfp. on the Lot. The
laiyc Vhcant Lot on op|w»itcridc of the street will
be included in the Sale. A lianjain may la. had if
applied for soon'. Terms halfciih, arid Udarn . iu
- * ' tl' • ' Real Estate Agent.
TpOR SALE-^A'tohiforiable Little
I - Home, mar St. ifarj**'fHinpnel. ’
Apply to'- ■ I J;a.-WILLIFORD,
: , . t Real Lstot^ Agent..
F OR HALE—A Nice New Six
room CJttamron t’rinee Avepuc. Terms easy.
Apply to J. S. wTT.l.rFOTUi,
I . Real Estate ABrnt.
-IT'OR-SALE-r-bne qf tlie most bean-
Jj tiful Buildfng Lots in' the City. containinK
fourai res, Tso.liddd' by .streets and shaded by a
beautiful Oak Grovw, tuid clqse to the Lucy Cobb
Institute. J. S. WILLIFORD,
Real Estate Agent;
JL 1 Danielsville. Lot contains three acres, House
is pretty (joial. 1 will also sell One Hundred
Acres nt shod land, half a luilofrnm Danielseilhv
Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD,
• RrM EMnte Agent.
IPOR SALE—Two Hundred Acres
-lJ of land, about half within the corporate limits
of Athens. Elegant Cottage with Iron Verandah,
beautiful l-'lower-Oarden. I'leuty ... out buildings.
Apply to • J. S. WILLIFORD,
- 1 Real Estate gcut.
SALE — Four Good Houses
anti Lots oh Lumpkin street, «ll in excellent
order. Prices from to £
Apply to J. S- WILLIFORD,
Real Estate Agent.
I rOR SALE—House and Lot ou
• Hancock street, House contains four rooms.
A nice little liomo tor ^1,000.
Apply to J.S. WILLIFORD,
Rea! Estate Ag nt.
F OR SALE—Three Hundred and
Fifteen Acres of land, Ninety acres of fresh
chaired land. One Hundred more iu originnl forest,
balance in old field. Only one mile from Athens
Branch Ga. B. R., and six miles from Athens. Tho
wood on this place trill about pay for the land,
Trice $2,500, half caxh, balance easy.
Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD,
Real Estate Agent.
TDOE SALE—One of the hand-
.1J sumest and molt desirable Residences in
Athens,- known as the Residence of the kite Col.
J. hn Billups. The lot contains nine acres.
The House is of modern style, contains eight large
riKims, pantrieei-closets A-t -. Ax'. The tot could be
divided to a.Ivmitage. 1 will also sell eigbiy-tivc
acres or Woodlamd; only a mile distant, with the
ylacc, or separate if desired.
Apply to J. S. WILUTORD,
• j Meal Estate Agent.
T^OR RALE—-A Lot -'containing
X 1 tn-o ftcyes, more or fes», beautiful grove. A
small Cottage fronting on Street, Kitchen and
other out House*. Also asiball two room House
fronting on ——l Street. ThiBis a very desirable
Lot nud/ can J>e bought forC^m half cash 49d
balance in twelve months, with teii pedr cent, in
terest. Apple to ’
. • J. S. WILLIFORPr |
1 * k . u ’ Ileal Estate Agent. 1
Company, where they have juat
'Pin- Fflure,
III fact, they have a fnlTline ofevervthing usually
kept in .similar Establi»hment« v
Especial Attention is Called to
their Celebrated
Executors’ Sale.
• }■ T . l ’ii Sr,AY . IN X0V EMBI.R next, before
toe Court House door, in .he town of Hartwell
Hart county, (ia., between the lawful h-urs-f «U
three hundred and one-rmirth acre, of land, ori
Told Water creek, adjoining lands id fi bkrltnn
Elizabeth Teas ley and, alont Miel
third in original forest, nix,lit one hundred aer«.
in 11 hint, state of cultivation, and the balance
b-rown up in old iielil pine. There is alum tinv
acres of bottom laml, tolerable Imildincs and se.'-
ernl splendid »pi in#., of water. The land lies well
and can all be cultivated.
isdd as the property of John Highsmith, dt-
ceased, for the purpose of division untongihc huin
Terms . n.-third cash, balance twelve nenth.
credit. B>jnd given fur Titles Set t. tilth Is”
W.M. MYERS, Executor.
Of the best makes, at' prices that are bound to
attract customors. Beautiful
and oilier articles too numerous to mention.
•re*Dive us a call, price our Hoods, and we
guarantee action jeLt-tf
■ > < e .,; .
Meieliant Tailor.
Tj^STaBLISHMENT fiver T. A 1 .
JLii lturkt’a B.»k Store, corner Broad Street and
Cullegt! A'due. C.othr, douakins,, Casi.uera and
dinfig*' always on Irttid ai.rt ordered to suibc
garimptw |ouUymv»
•>., ■ •ii(>') , »t
ult* C, l \l'ing
E Yt b
VIT OkDisarv’s Oppick, Octoiler 10th, 1873,
Mrs. NAacy E. Nixson, fwifeof P. H. Nixson. hb
having refused), has applied for Exemption of
Peraouatty and setting apart and Valuation of tho
sgrue, and twill pass upon thesamo ot| tho9oth
day of October,TS73. ' ,
F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary.
’Watches, Clocks &
/8f fir dad St,, Augusta, Ga„
(Next door to Telegraph Office-) .
kJJ Ac. Watches and Clock, repaired and . war
ranted. Jewelry made and repaired j
tar All kinds of Hair Braiding done, octll-fm
TT'OR S ALE—-The Tenement Builds:
-L' ingaml Lot on Hancock Avenue, known as.the
late Residence of Wm. Brown demised.
DAEPI, W ^ o' ,
IT'OB. SALE—Thl.jHow and Lo^
I ' ....... «, n tAi) V.t- Xfnrlnm Kn<niitrkki. I /it ivtn.
Iron, Nails,
Manufacturer's Agents for. t^e Sate ot- i
cottoin GIM,
Executors’ Sale—Valuable
Lands in Banks County.
A GREEABLE to the iavt ttill and
■X\X- testament. ,f Isaac at. David, late <,f Backs
county, dereasnl, will be sold a. public ,.up ry. ji
the late residence <1 said deceas, d, in lLr.V*
Coimly, (le,,reia, within the legal h< ur- of -ale
ou Tuesday,the illl. November next, the following
proi*erty, t*-wit :
Doe tract of land in RinK-s county, known a-lie
tVaiaon ,,r Jlray tract, oa the 'waters ef Nikel
Creek, containing one trandrxl and f,.riv-sii-1(6
Seres, more or less; some 4(1 acre, cleared
laud, including 2oacres botloni, the remainder in
woods amt old pine fields, adjoining laml. ,,f Abel
Vaughn, W. R. Doss, Hope Sius and others.
Another tract in Banks countv. known a« the
mill tract, on the waters cf Naked Creek, eontain-
ing.-t.wo hundred aud twenty-six .226) acres, m.-rs
orless, whereon there iss, n’.e valuableunll.-h'-uh,
an excellent luesllty Tor Dav Mill. Crist Mill and
Colton Gin, It is within four miles of the X r:b
Eastern Railroad, feihie go dr TV- acres cleared. >n<
about 40-in old holds, the rvmaliolirin erginal
furest, adjoining inn,Is of Asa Clipnuler, ColUrt,
James and and dtrerw.
iAUostthe s:ii„e. lime and plru c, will le sold,
personal pnricity, rvr.sistirg of J:u:ts. Ccn>.
Hogs, Sheep', farmlngt, o)s, hoabchold and kitchen
fumituro one Cotton (tin, one Thresher and one
Fan. Also, Cotton, Corn. Wheat, Ods, F'-dder,
Shucks and many other .things tionuinerom, to
mention. Sale toivintinue until all is .-old.
All sold as Hie property of Isaac M David, de
ceased. for th,- purpose ol'distribution amoag lega-
tens. Terms cash,., property not to he renioved
it t a it? te rnts -coin Jill elf tv fi h.
Bnpt. lt,ih,ilSZI. -i -i : | 1 ■:
County of Aiken. Court of Common I 1*m.
Charles Bellows aiTtT Richard )
li. IIuut,knuwn alsoastltiai- 1
Ue« Bellows Jt Co.,* l iaii.tills, | SUMMONS.
Sarah Ann Bancroft, Lucy I. ]■
Bam roU, Wary b«iieroft, ami j H'omjlcint not ttr~
Carrie Bancroft., heirs of j v«J.j
James Bancroft, Jr., De- \
le miauls. i j
To the soitl Sarah Ann Bancroft, Lucy I. Ba*
croft, Mary Bancroft and Carrie Bancroft, denial*
ants above*uaiiied. • ••
You are lidreby >usutnonul and xcquirrd to *»•
swer the.complaint in (Ids action, which if fh«i
thcotfiio ot tl»« Clerk of Common Pies*, for the wifi
Cpuuty, and to serve a copy of your .^uswtr to the
stiid complaint on the sub>cit>trs at their office in
liiwrens street, in the Town of Aiktu, witktn
twenty days after the sen Ice hereof, evch f ’
the day of; and if you l.tii to >,lf * er
the complaint withiu tlie time aiou-s.ui, th• plain
tiff in this action will apply to the Court loi tot Jf*
lief demamled in tht- complaint.
Dated xViken, S. C. t 'AHlt feept., 1^7^.
; Flamiifl’s Atlomy*
Take notice that the Summons; of *hicl'ih*
foregoing is a copy, was tiled on the Ski dav ol
tetiiUcr, 1STH, and the complaint on the Mih < *.
Angm-t, IS*.:, iu' the office of the Clerk ol the t • u
of l orumou ITcaa for Aiken county, iu the M* 1
8outh Ciiixilina.
Plaintilf s Attorney*-
I QUO. Q. ; fc?T«YE^S’
J* :itontua
llltint SASH and
10! ol
If t
JUut E»t»tcAgeiit
jf ff!4.ViU a niuuber of ‘ good Farms
-L in Clarke, Madison and JiekMui for salg.
Over the Post Office, Athens, Georgia.
^ Y O il ,
Rose Cold Crenini
Cucumber Cream,
Rose Glycerine Lotion,
And Jufiiper Tar Soap,
Call qn R. T. BRU MBY & CO.
uoifiv & whe.vt
i'v Dili 1-iT iiitii-L., . ij ( , .
>: M| t-» yi,o j,. .
Powers, &c.
Special time contracts made on
the above when time is wanted.
T3 EMOVES fresh Paint, Grease,
-Lw Pitch, candle UreeM, Prom clpthi r silfie,
glove* and paper. , ‘ V.
gloves and paper.
For sale by , Ji. - i
■iw/’/.R T. RRUAIBY & CO.
Wool Carding*
JL Wool at the shortest notice. u\
I’rniuns icavuig their W<k>1 a. (he ,l “ r( -' 0 r
Hood or S. Segun can have ii forwanleu ,.
larder uikI returned 04 soou ax possible, ta -
Plain and mixed Wool grvased and rir 1
Ten cents per pound. , per
Mixed wool u double carded l-ifteen cci» s D
poand. ;.j , ..rdi-d
Persons greasing their Wool will have
at Nine eonupef'pound, _ ^ w1lu itE.
Harmony Grove, Cl a , Sept. -JP, 1SI3.
JPhotograph Gallery
pper %}>n/<jh& ® orf ’
*AD STREET r -j r - ATI 11 * 5 - CA ‘
aufiTf y 8tyl ° IJnSTiTwiS
House with otj(H*.Kno«a «"d and fi
Good Kitchen, Stables,. W giot, and
Well of splendid water, * ,(k fn"“
excellent FruilJUrees. *.’'.flv- to W C.
business part of city. Apply to
•England WOrr'aia- 'ID , 1 K 1
andiron. • - 1