Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 27, 1924, Image 2

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FOOTBALL NEWS | i Week before last the Mercer Bears! roso to dizzy heights when they de-! feuted the strong Florida eleven 10-0.; It made them too dizzy, however,' and they took a drubbing from Ogle-, thorpe last Saturday 25-0. Vander bilt, however, rose to super-human efforts and defeated Minnesota 16-0,! Minnesota had just previously defeat ed the famous Illinois team. Florida defeated Mississippi A. & M. 27-o. Quite a number of the college teams were resting for their final efforts on Thanksgiving Day. The follow ing are the scores of the more im portant games: Ft. Henning 6, Paris Island Ma rines 0. Birmingham-Southern 0, Howard 0. Louisville 10, Chattanooga 10. Vale 19, Harvard 6. Oglethorpe 25, Mercer 0. Florida 27, Miss. A. & M. 0. Vanderbilt 16, Minnesota 0. Georgetown 25, Loyola 0. Waite. Forest 12, N C. State 0. Mississippi 10, Miss. College 0. Notre Dame 13, Northwestern G —x —- HICH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SCORES. Ocilla Hi 20, Ashburn Hi 3 Valdosta Hi 12, Tifton Hi 0. Lanier Hi 42, Barnesville A&M 0. Waynesboro Hi 13, Washington Hi 7. Dawson Hi 7, Eufaula Hi 6. Albany Hi 0, Bainbridge Hi 0. —x — BIG GAMES FOR TODAY. Thanksgiving Day will mark some of tlie greatest football games of the season and officially closes the sea son. The classic of the South will be the game In Birmingham between the University of Georgia and the University of Mabama. The Georgia “Bull Dogs” have lost only one game this season, and that by a fluke score to the powerful blue squad of Yale 7-6. Alabama had carried everything before her, including Georgia Tech and Tulane, and was only stopped by Centre in a decided upset of the dope. Centre won 17-0. Other important games will he: University of Florida vs. Drake University (of Missouri), at Gaines ville, Fla. Oglethorpe University vs. Chatta nooga, at Chattanooga. Vanderbilt vs. Sewanee, at Nash ville. Louisiana State vs. Tulane, at New] Orleans. Tennessee vs. Kentucky, at Knox- j Mile. South Carolina vs. Wake Forest, at: < 'olumliia. Virginia vs. North Carolina, at Charlottesville. Georgia will attempt the iron-man I stunt, when, after playing Alabama j Thursday, she tackles the famous j Centre team on November 29th at 1 Athens. On December Gth Florida will take on Washington & Lee at Jacksonville. —x — BLAKELY HI WILL NOT PLAY TODAY. T 1 year the Blakely high school will not have a Thanksgiving foot ball game. Due to the uncertainty at t beginning of the season; cou plet vitli the illness of Mr. Man glia. , the Blakely coach, a full schedule was not completed. In fact, NOTIC E To reduce our stock, we offer the following at a very low price. Oid Beck, Jr., d* I ICI Collars 'P ’ • 1 -'I old Beck on Collars Back Bands 'l C J going for • J J Also reduced prices on Aluminum, Tin and Glass ware. R. D- HALL ! the schedule so far was largely the ■work of Chas. Tarver, the manager |of the Blakely Hi football squad. | Desperate efforts were made to get a Thanksgiving game, but the manage ment found full schedules. This year i it is lioped to present a full schedule ,! for the 1925 gridiron season before ! the close of school. Blakely began to support the team and evince more interest in the game than in former i 1 years, and it is the intention of the ; local team to play at least half of ; the football games in Blakely next year. The past season was by no moans! • 1 a poor one for the “Bob Cats.’’ They ! played eight games, 5 away and > at homo. Blakely Hi played entire-' ; ly out of her class with every U :;m| except Donalsqnville. This state-j nient is made with reference io tno: cities where the high schools were t located. Dothan. Albany, Dawson ! and Eufaula are all much larger j towns than Blakely, while Newton In stitute is a Junior College at New ton, Ala. Dothan Hi defeated Blakely Hi 18 to 0. in a former game Blakely i went down 48-0. Eufaula Hi got the game in Eu fauli 7-0. Blakely HI never has felt j good about that game. I Donalsonville was smothered in ' Blakely 90-0 and later easily defeat led on their own grounds 19-0. j With a 70-0 defeat ringing in their 1 ears from last year, the Bob Cats j went to Albany and held the Albany Indians to a 14-6 score and really ■ outplayed the Albany boys during ; the first half of the game. Lack oi : ■ practice was an item here. I Bainbridge beat Blakely last year i 44-0. This year it took all they > could do to make ar extra touch l down, the score being 14-7. • j The Boh (tats really played their | best game against Newton Insti : j tute and won 6-0. A scoreless tie ; tute and won 6-0. i A scoreless tie was the result o' l the game with Dawson, with a weak . ened team. The season stands: Played 8, won 3, lost 4, tied 1. The big item to w hich the Blakely boys point with pride Is that while they lost 1 games, no team was able to run away with a game, Dothan Hi piling up only IS points, the larg est score made on them. Their goal line was never crossed on their i home grounds. x SHORT FOOTBALL NOTES. The Georgia Freshmen defeated the Florida Freshmen at Bainbridge last | Saturday 29-13. A crowd of o\ er 3000 ' j people saw the game. The football squad of the Blakely j High School w ill hold a banquet at i the lunch room of the high school ■on the first Tuesday in December. At this meeting a captain and man ager will be chosen for ihe 1925 team. The football boys of the Blakely Hi are turning in their equipment. This will be carefully stored away for next season. All of this and some , additional uniforms will be needed for the big squad of 1925 and it is hoped to add a tackling dummy and dumping bags. The Bob Cats should present a really championship outfit next year, since they lose only two regulars and three subs from the present team, and the prospects of a large bunch of new material is very bright. Silow-Dale Peaches, 2Sc per can, at R. D. HALL’S. U. S. POSITIONS OPEN—New post ! office clerks and city mail are to oe appointed at Blakely as result of a! , w ritten civil-service examination on December 6. Start $1409.00. Age IS jto 45. Write G. A. Cook. Civil j Service Instructor, 943 Pa. Ave., Washington, D. C.. for free infonna- I tion. y ltp IMPORTANT NOTICE. j 1 solicit subscriptions for all rep utable magazines and periodical pub ; lications, either singly er In clufls. My rates are as low as can be ob tained from any source Catalogue of publications furnished on request. I also hannl? the Harper line of ’ brushes and am now demonstrating J i them in Blakely. Address me at ■ j Fort Gaines, Ga. C L McLENDON. EARLY COUNTY NEWS PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA —Early County Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a Security Deed ex ecuted by J. S. Davis and H. J. Da vis to Charles Forman, under date of August Ist, 1919, and duly record ed in the office of the Clerk of the ; Superior Court of Early county, Geor gia, in deed record 32, page 323, there will be sold before the court house door of said Early county, Georgia, on Monday, December 22nd, 192», between the hours of ten o’clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M., the property conveyed by said deed and described as follows: The East half of lot. of land num j her fifty-seven (57), in the twenty eighth (2Sth ( District of Early conn ty, Georgia, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Norin line of said lot as divided the North line of said lot as divided !In D. L. Pickle and kb C. Bower at ! about 14 chains West of the North | east corner and at the Northwest 'corner o : ' the Pickle field as it i stood when said lot was divided, aud running theme in a Southwest I direction to a point on the South i line of said lot, the same distance j i East of the Southwest corner there-j of, containing One hundred twenty-j five (125) acres, more or less. The principal nole of $700.00, to gether with interst note of $49.00., due November Ist, 1924, remain tin-; paid, and said property will be sold j to satisfy said notes, together with j jg per cent, interest thereon from! I November Ist, 1924, to sale date, together with the cost of this pro ceeding, and the taxes that may be unpaid on said property. The said J. S. Davis and H. J. Davis, both being deceased, the property w r ill be sold as the property of the Estates of said J. S. Davis and H. J. Davis, as provided by law. Fee Simple deed will be executed to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale by the said Charles Forman. H. H. Cowart, by an instrument duly executed and recorded, in ae corance with the terms of said se curity deed, will attend and eonducs ihe sale for the said Charles Forman. This November 22, 1924. CHARLES FORMAN. FOR SALE—A five-room house and G acre lot in Bluffton, Ga. Price, $495.00, or will rent for 1925. R. L. HOWELL, Blakely, Ga., or S. A. WALDROP, Tallapoosa, Ga. ltp FOR SALE—The Hudspeth resi dence in Blakely. See or write J. IS. HUDSPETH. Cedar Springs, Geor gia. 2tp GETTING UP NIGHTS Can 6e Stopped can he rid of this strength sapping ailment, have more pep, he free from burning sensation, pain in groins, backache and weakness I’ll send you Walker’s Prostate Specific free and postpaid under plain wrapper. No obligation. No cost. If it cures your prostate gland trouble, you can re pay the favor by telling your friends -—if not, the loss is mine. Simply send me your name and prove that you can feel 10 years younger and he rid of prostate trouble. !. B. WALKER, 2489 Gateway Station, Kansas City, Mo. QUICK LOANS Kay & Jordan Aioicii tin Opiii of Oof Holiday Gifts WE NOW HAVE WHAT WE THINK TO BE THE BEST COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS, INCLUDING GIFTS FOR BOTH OLD AND YOUNG, EVER SHOWN IN BLAKELY. OUR ENTIRE LINE IS ALL NEW. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE TO OFEER IN NEW TOYS THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN SEEING EVERY YEAR. TRY US AND SE E CITY DRUG STORE ; NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 160 GOOD COMPANY. If you have a little fairy in your home, or a big one for that matter, that’s just the place where a sub scription to The Youth’s Companion will fit in. When the young folks bring new acquaintances to the : house you are mighty careful to find out about them before admitting them to intimacy. In the same way you should make sure whether the mental friends that they make through reading are of a kind to in spire them or to destroy all the ideals you have been at so much ; pains to implant. Try The Youth’s Companion for a year. See how j quickly it becomes an indispensable j member of the household, one of tin- j , failing charm and constant inspira- j tion. The 52 issues will be crowded with , serial stories, short stories, editor- ! ini"., poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe; now and receive: t. The Youth’s Companion—s 2 is sues in 1025. 2. All the remaining issues of 1924.; The Companion Home Calendar for 1925. (Sent only on request.) All; for $2.50. -4. Or include McCall’s Magazine,! | the monthly authority on fashions.; j Roth publications only $2.00. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. Commonwealth Ave. and St. Paul St.. • Boston, Mass. - i S iTsaaa^ I ! r~ — •' ■••••' > - . Joihl V' ! 'yy t 3. . ■■ §r •' ; now! 4 f I Come to the “Dago” Stand on square for your Apples 15c, 20c and 25c dozen. Bananas 15c, 20c and 25c dozen. Oranges, nice size, 20 and 25c dozen. Tokay Grapes, 15 and 20c lb. Nice produce. I THE“DAGO”STAND :■ Allen Produce Company j — SIIiiaMBaHKgMWMBBPgSMMBgMM Sty Tlis Way for that new SOLE. We can make those shoes look and wear mighty fine. No use throwing them away just because they are slight ly worn. Bring them to us Blakely Shoe Shop OPPOSITE POST OFFICE OEWOLFE & ARMSTRONG Money back without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED “M SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’9 Salve and Snap),fail in L Iw7 r|l| the treatment ofltch, il Ringworm.Teiterorotherltch- / iMg /1 inu akin diseases. Try this * * * " treatment at our risk. Blakely Drug and Seed Store Blakely, Ga.