Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 27, 1924, Image 4

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EARLY COUNTY NEWS OFFICIAL GAZETTE Published Every Thursday OFFICE IN NEWS BUILDING Blakely, Georgia W W. FLEMING AND SON, Publishers Subscription Rates: One copy, one year $1.50 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months ...... .50 AH legal notlceH sent to the News for publication should be accompan ied by the proper amount of money to pay for thoir publication. Please bear in mind that these matters are payable in advance and don’t at tempt to litigate at the paper’s ex po ivse. Cards of thanks, resolutions or tributes of respect and obituary no tices, other than those which the paper itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line in the Early County News. Watch the date on your label and renew your subscription to the Early County News before the time expires. Remember our terms are cash in advance to all subscribers alike. BlakeFy. Ga., November 27, 1924. Thanksgiving Da . And a N ” • i! holiday o— The niinrod spoils arts in the fields today. o The football season officially comes to a close today. o Rain has fallen in Southwest Geor gia during the past week, the first since October 20th. Might we suggest to the business men of Blakely that you do your Christmas advertising early? o ■— The nation mourns the death of Mrs. Warren (!. Harding, former first lady of the land, w! o passed awny Friday -following a long illness. o We have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day. No na tion in the history of the world has ever been blessed in so many ways as has this native land of ours. Thanks to an Almighty Providence should Ik* offered tip today in ap preciation of these manifold bless ings. o The News is coming out several hours ahead of schedule this week in order that the ‘‘force” might en joy at. least a part of the National Thanksgiving holiday. We have made no special efforts at news gathering, and ask the indulgence of our read ers in' the shortcomings ot' this edi tion Our little city has gained the tin s ■ ory reputation of being a little ' Id iu its niglit life, and conduct i übecoming iO citizenry has been noted in some instances of late, which were due perhaps to an over dose of “white lightning.” The fair name ot our town should not I>3 blighted with disturbances of this kind, and it is hoped that the guilty ones might be brought to a swift realization that the majesty of the law' must at least be respected. The News is making an important |i announcement in its advertising col-]' umns this week regarding the sub j script ion price of this paper. For aj; period of one month’s time, Novem- j ber 27th to December 24th, we arc J making a special price of SI.OO for | a year’s subscription, this applying j to both old and new subscribers. This price concession is merely for the j purpose of increasing our subscrip- • tion list and is an effort to put “the j home paper in every home," and is in no way to be regarded as a re duction in subscription price, for at the end of the time above stated the paper will revert to its present rate, $1,50 per year PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA—EarIy County: Under and by virtue of a power contained in a security deed dated December 22nd, 1921, given for the purpose of securing two promissory notes, one for the sum of $1,585.00, due September 15th, 1922, and one for $1,423.25, due October 15th, 1922, both being dated December 22nd, 1921, and bearing interest from ma turity at eight per cent, per annum; said notes and deed being executed by J. R. Lane, and payable to The Citizens Bank, of Blakely, Ga v the undersigned will sell before the , court house door at Blakely, Ga., I between the legal hours of sale, on J the first Tuesday in December, 1924, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: ! Thirty-five and five-sevenths acres • of land, part of lot of land No. three ' hundred and one (301); being more • fully described as a strip of land ■ extending across said lot from north ■ to south one hundred and fifty • yards wide, the same being the third strip from the east side of said lot formed by dividing said lot into sev ,. en equal parts by parallel lines run . ning north and south across said 3 lot. f Also the one-fourth undivided in -3 terest of J. R. Lane in and to the , north half of lot of land No. two hundred and sixty-six (20(5). Also tiie life estate, being all of the interest of J. R. Lane in and to i one hundred and fifty (150) acres of ’ land off the west side of lot number . three hundred and four (304); the i same interest in all of lot number three hundred and three (303) ex cept 02 1-2 acres in the northwest corner of said lot, and except that portion of said lot devised to Ann Eliza Lane by J. P. Lane in his last will, being thirty-five acres, more or less; and also except two acres, being a perfect triangle in shape, in the northeast corner of said lot: also the same interest in two acres of land, being part of lot of land No. two hundred and ninety-eight (298), to be gin at the point where the Blakely j and Sowhatchee public road crosses the original west line of said lot, and running northeast along said road a distance of seven chains; thence in a northwesterly direction 3 so as to intersect said original w est j line of said lot No. 298 a sufficient! distance north of the starting point! to make tw r o acres. Also all of the right, title and in-j - terest of J. R. Lane in and to sixty-j two and one-half acres of land in the j shape of a square in the northwest j corner of lot of land No. three hun- j dreil and three (303), and fifty-seven and nine-tenths acres in the north east portion of lot of land No. three hundred and thirty-eight (328). All of the above described lauds being in the 28th district of Early county, Georgia, and being the same lands described in said security deed from J. R. Lane to Citizens Bank, of Blakely, Ga., which deed is re corded in mortgage book “ZZ,” page 242, in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Early county. Said sale will be had for the pur pose of satisfying the amounts due upon the promissory notes described above, principal and interest, and the cost of this sale. A deed will be executed to the purchaser at said sale in accordance with the terms of said security deed. This November 19tli, 1924. The Citizens Bank, of Blakely, Ga. SALE OF LAND GEORGIA —Early County : There will be sold at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, be fore the court-house in Blakely, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the 29th day of November, 192 4, the . following lands situate in the Sixth District of said County, viz; One half of one acre of land in the Town of Damascus, Ga., known as the South half of Lot No. Five in “Block B” in the survey made by W. A. McDonald for Mrs. T. B. Coleman, described us follows: Lying on the East side of the public road running from Kestler (or Damascus) to Ar lington. fronting West one hundred and five feet, running back East two hundred and ten feet to public road, thence North one hundred and five feet to starting point, contain ing iu all one-half of one acre of land off of Lot No. 254. Also, one acre of land, more or less, in the Town of Kestler (now Damascus), beginning at the Southwest corner of one-half acre deeded by Mrs. T. B. Coleman to J. C. Tenant June 4, 1910, thence running South parallel with road to street seventy yards, thence two hundred and ten feet East, thence North seventy yards to J. C. Tenant’s lot, thence South along J. C. Tenant’s line two hun dred aud ten feet to starting point, said tract being a part of Lot of Lind No. 254. Also, one-half of an j acre of laud in said Town of Kest j lor. North of Emma Bridges, begin ning at the Northwest corner of said hot and running North thirty-five I yards, thence duo East seventy yards, I thence South thirty-five yards, thence jdue West to starting point, the same being a part of Land Lot 254. Said | land will be sold as the property of I Mrs. R. L. Webb, under a power of ! sale in a security deed from her id the undersigned, dated January 10, 1920, and recorded in Book SS, page 193, of the mortgage records of said caunty, she having made default iu the payment of the debt thereby secured. This November 18th, 1924. THE BANK OF KESTLER ( EARLY COUNTY NEWS CITATION. GEORGIA—EarIy County: To Mrs. Iva Clyde West, Mrs. Car rie Lou Smith and Simmie G. Wal ters. heirs at law of Miss Georgia Walters, deceased: J. M. Tomlinson and C. E. Lock ett having made application for an order requiring P. li. Keaton, ad ministrator de bonis non of the es tate of Miss Georgia Walters with will annexed to make to them a deed to lot of land Number (312) Three Hundred and Twelve in the Seventh District of Baker county, Georgia, in pursuance of a bond for title made by Miss Georgia Walters to the said J. M. Tomlinson and C. E. Lockett on the 13th day of November, 1917, this is to notify you and each of you to lx- and appear at the Decem ber Term, 1924, of the Court of Or dinary of Early county, Georgia, and show cause, if any you have, why the said administration should not be required to make said de -d as pray-! ed for by said applic •tion. This the 3rd day of November. 1924. j l . c. LANE. Ordinary. SHERIFF TAX SALE. ! GEORGIA—EarIy County: On the first Tuesday in December,! 1924, will he sold at public outcry be-j fore the court house door in the | city of Blakely, Ga., within the legal j hours of sale, to the highest andj best bidder for cash, the following j described property, towit: 6 acres o£ land, more or less, in i lot of land No. 238 in the 2Gtli district of Early county in the town of Ja kin, Ga, bounded on the west by Pearl street, on the north by Bryant street, on the east by lands of M. A. Woodard, and on south and east by lands of M. A. Woodard and Mrs. Alma MSuter, being the same lands sold by S. V. Maun to Mrs. Lula Mills, as described in deed recorded in Deed Book 30, page 329, of the records of said county Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. E. H. Hayes to satisfy a tax lia. for unpaid state and county tax es for the year 1923, issued by J. C. Loyless, tax collector, against the said Mrs. E. H. Hayes, and trans ferred to S. P. Holland by Sid How ell, deputy sheriff. Levy made and | returned to me by S. W. Howell, j deputy sheriff. This Nov. G, 1924. T. J. HOWELL, SR., Sheriff. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. ■ j GEORGIA—EarIy, County: On the first Tuesday in December, 1924, there will be sold at public outcry, within the legal hours of sale, before the court house in Blake ly, Ga., to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands located in the Twenty-eighth District of said County, towit: The West half of Lot of Land Number Two Hundred and Ninety-three (293) and all that portion of Lot of Land Number Two Hundred and Ninety-four (294) that lies on the North side of Sowhatchee Creek, containing fifty acres, more or less. Said sale will be conducted by the undersigned by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of said County, passed at the last term thereof, in the case of Singletary v. McCullough et al. This 3d day of November, 1924. R. O. WATERS, JOHN G. BUTLER, W. W. FLEMING, Commissioners. No. 2 Cypress Shingles $4.50 per 1,000 at mill; No. 1 $0.50 at mill. Delivered prices made on request. C. E. BROOKS, Colquitt, Ga. I 1I I LrfThylor j ! 'fl doTbur 1 il k 1 Tailoring j ILTCyLOBj.O* WE have the biggest range of OVERCOAT and SUIT FABRICS & MODELS in town. ALL WEIGHTS ALL PRICES • And every Over coat exclusively CU S TOM TAILORED. Get a good one when you are at it — $35.00 to $60.00 | E. H. DUNN i ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—EarIy County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in December, 1924, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following lands in said county, to wit: Twenty-five acres of land in the northeast corner of the south half of lot of land number fifty-five, lying in the fifth district of said county and state, and being the same land as shown by deed recorded in book of deeds P, page 53, in the office of ! the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county of Early. Also one-fifth undivided interest in thirty-two and 3-100 acres of land, being part of lot of land numbered fifty-five in the said fifth district, lying in the south east corner of said lot fifty-five. Terms of sale cash. W. T. HAM MACK. Administrator of Oshia Lee. CITATION. • i GEORGIA —Early County: H. A. Coleman, guardian of Robert j I Coleman, has applied to me for a I ! discharge from his guardianship of i | Robert Coleman, this is therefore to; notify all persons concerned, to file' their objections, if any they have, j on or before the first Monday in: December, next, else H. A. Coleman; will be discharged from his guardian- j ship as applied for. C. C. LANE, Ordinary. j Try the News ?o r Job Printing, ! I I represents the latest achievement in type writer construction, gives the greatest measure of satisfactory! service and a quality of work that is unsurpassed- Consider these facts: The Woodstocklmeans more for_ the money, has many superior features and| excels in'every particular. Price and terms most attractive — full particulars on request. Ask for Demonstration. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER COMPANY 216 W. Monroe St., Chicago U. S. A. JAMES MURDOCK, Distributor BLAKELY. GEORGIA WILLIAMS MARKET Phone 114: A first-class market with first-class Meats. For Saturday we will have a full line of Western Meats, fancy Western Steak and Roast, fancy Western Spring Lamb, Lamb Chops, Lamb Legs, fancy Veal Cutlets and Chops. Our usual line of good Native Stew Meat, pure Pork Sausage, all kinds of Cheese, Pimento, Swiss Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Longhorn Cheese, Cured Ham, (that is sliced just right), Boiled, Baked Ham, Pressed Ham, Bologna, Weiners, Pickled Pig Feet, a nice lot of Fryers for Saturday, Claussen’s Cakes, the best in town, 10c and 40c. Our stock of Groceries is complete. Fancy Colorado Celry, Iceberg Lettuce. H. T. WILLIAMS Where Service is a Pleasure BLAKELY, GA. l . . PUBLIC SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the deed to secure debt executed by John B Daniels in favor of Charles Forman dated August 1, 1919, and recorded in Deed Book 32, page 309 and 310, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Early County, Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in Blakely, Early county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December, 1924 (December 2nd) within the le gal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, towit: Lots of land Nos. 125, 155 and 156 in the 6th District of Early county, Georgia, containing 750 acres, more or less. The said John B. Daniels having failed to pay the interest note due March 1, 1924. of $350.00 each, the said Charles Forman has exercised his option and declared the full amount of principal due and colleeti ble. This sale being made for the purpose of collecting the amount of principal and interest as aforesaid, to getlier with all accrued interest ori same, besides all taxes that havo been paid by the said Charles For man, and the said Charles Forman, I grantee in the deed above mention ; ed. having appointed H. H. Cowart his special agent to attend and make ! tiiis? sale as provided for in said deed, i the said sale will be conducted at ' the place and on the date named ! by the said H. H. Cowart. This the Ist day of November, 1924 CHARLES FORMAN. I I ! Car Syrup Cans just received at TARVER’S.