Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 27, 1924, Image 8

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# » ♦ DON'T THINK WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE A COLD WEATHER. WINTER IS SLOWLY COMING. DON’T WAIT UNTiL THE LASt <■ MINUTE TO GET YOUR SUPPLY OF WARM CLOTHING. PREPARE FOR WAR IN TIME OF PEACE. THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS o WE ARE GIVING IN ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS CONTINUES TO DRAW MANY CUSTOMERS FROM A DISTANCE. ARE YOU CHE OF <► the MANY? IF NOT, BEGIN NOW TO GET READY. COME TOMORROW. ITS NOT FAR TO FORT GAINES AND THE ROADS <► ARE FINE. <► 1- 1 o mFN's WEAR «°> s ’ Knee Pant8 ’ Bizes Bto *l’ Q Mattress Ticking, yard 12c MILLINERY. ► with two pairs pants $ • 9x12 Brussell Squares $25.00 .. ——„ J l ; Men’s Blue Chambray Work Shirts, Men’s Solid Leather Work Shoes $1.98 Ax-minster Sanares extra u v <► I cut full, regular price SI.OO. ...,t * ' NeVer be,ore has lh,S departmeDt t 65c clUa U> offered as many bargains in Ladies’ < ► I Best quality Men’s Overalls ... $1.69 SxlL’ Matting oquures ' Reduced prices on all kinds of and Children’s Headwear. A Hat to <► ; Men’s Ribbed Union Suits, whHc Ta Me "Damask.'y d.9Bc FURNITURE. suit every face and pocketbook. o Ji <lt,amy ßß.No' YOUR COTTON. PEANUTS AND CORN TO FORT GAINES. YOU WILL GET A BETTER PRICE AND DO YOUR SHOPPING AT JJ MeKissack’s Department Store, Ft. Gaines, Ga., and Save Money | RANDOM NOTES By Old Caesar. Mr. und Mrs. T. E. Bu3h, of New Smyrna, FU.. are visiting the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Ricks. A recent visit to Hilton and the Consolidated School Building and the progress being made proves that we will do well to get ready for the Fall, 1925, term. We do not know the hindering causes; however, if it requires this slow procedure to in sure the very best, let us have it. The people have placed in the hands of three men the comfort and future welfare of their children and expect them to erect such a building that cun be looked to and pointed out with a satisfied pride to home-seekers, which will insure a speedy settling up of every available place with thrifty and desirable citizens and patrons. There are two churches at Hilton. Baptist and Methodist, which all Rrst-claus homeseekers will take into consideration first. Good, wide-awake churches, with a consecrated membership. Then t’ie school Is the place people are look ing for in which to bring up their children und, unless they find that, they will go elsewhere. Mrs. Helen Lee and Mrs. T. E. Bush made some fine talks in Sun day school here last Sunday morn ing Our Sunday school is slowly but steadily moving forward. Every day the keynote is sounded and is bringing in more enthusiastic work "•--STfc: —Next Sunday"been desig nated as a home-coming day for old and young in the Sunday school at Sowhatehee*'Baptist church at 10:00 a. m. sharp. Misses Jewel Still, Lillian Anglin and Edith Ricks will make four minute talks, led by Supt. L B. Lane, subject*. ’ Home-Coming and Our Future.” Others no doubt will also engage in the discussion of the subject. Let us all be there and join in this glorious home-com ing, to enjoy a grand feast with our children in the old-time religion and Sunday school work, throwing aside every formality that would impede a complete and grand vic tory in an unbreakable band. Also, it will be enlisting day. Secretary Leon Lane will take pleasure iir en rolling your name. C’ome and let us organize a company of true workers in the close of 1921 that will wage one of the greatest church and Sun day school battles in 1925 ever fought in this community. THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL GAME Tech-Auburn Game, Atlanta, Ga., November 27, 1924. Georgia-Alabnma, Birmingham, Ala., November 27, 1924. Excursion tickets will be on sale from all points in Georgia and Ala bama to Atlanta and Birmingham for these games, one fare plus 25 cents round trip. Ticl ets will be sold for all trains of November 20, and for trains of November 27 scheduled to arrive Atlanta by 2 p. m. and arrive Bir mingham by l p. ni. of that date. Tickets will he limited to mid night of Saturday, November 29, 1924. Ask Ticket Agent for further in formation as to fares, schedules, . reservations, etc. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY, The Right Way. CITATION. GEORGIA—EarIy County: To whom it may concern: Application having been made to me in due form by Emma Louise Mosely to bo appointed permanent administratrix upon the estate of her deceased husband, O. H. Mosely. late of said county, notice Is hereby given that said application will be heard :U the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday in December, 1924. Witness my official signature, this 3rd day of November, 1924. C. C. LANE, Ordinary. U White Pond Mews. We are having some cold weather i at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hill. Mr. E. Z. Hill gave Mr. Wiley Philmon a pop call Sunday after noon. Mr. E. Z. Hill made a business trip to Blakely Saturday. Miss Lee Hill spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Kittle Reagan, of Miller county. Mrs. Sallie Easom spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. E. Z. Hill. Rufus and Vester King spent Fri day and Saturday night with their aunt, Mrs. E. Z. Hill. Mr. Emmett Hill spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Bill Rea -1! gan. WANTED —1000 gallons of syrup, i T. K. WEAVER & CO. 6 66 is a prescription for Cods, Grippe, Dengue, Headaches, Con stipation, Biliousness. It is the most speedy remedy we know, lb-16-18t New Dry Goods arriving every day. T. K. WEAVER & UO. SHERIFF TAX SALE. . GEORGIA—EarIy County: Oiv the first Tuesday in December, 1924, will be sold at public outcry be * fore the court house door in the - city of Blakely, Ga., within the legal hours- 'Of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, towit: One hundred (400) acres of land i on the north side of lot of land No. 195 in the 6th district of Early ' county, Georgia; also 125 acres, more or less, off of the East side of lot of land No. 166 in the 6th district of : Early county, Georgia. Levied on and to be sold as (he property of J. B. Daniels to satisfy a ft. fa. for un paid State and county taxes for the 1 year 1923 Issued by J. C. Loyless, tax collector, vs. said J. B. Daniels. Levy made and returned to me by S. W. Howell, deputy sheriff. This November Cth, 1924. T. J. HOWELL, SR., Sheriff. SALE OF LAND. GEORGIA—EarIy County: There will be sold at public out cry, to the highest bidder for cash, before the court-house in Blakely. Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the 29th day of November, 1924, the following lands in the Fifth District of said county, viz: All of the west half of land Lot Number Three Hundred and Two that lies south of the Gilbert Landing road, 1 und seventy-five acres in the North- ’ east corner of Land Lot Number Three Hundred and Forty. Said land will be sold as property be longing to the estate of Mary M. Goolsby (deceased), under a power of sale in a security deed from her to the undersigned, recorded in Book EE, page 487, of the mortgage re cords of said county, she having made default in the payment of the debt thereby secured. This November 18th, 1924. R. C. SINGLETARY. LIME AND CEMENT—We carry full stocks of Portland Cement and Gager Lime. Lime in barrels, 100-lb. jutes and 10-lb. paper bags. Cement in cloth and paper. Our price is low. Our terms are cash to all. We de liver. BLAKELY WHOLESALE CO. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—EarIy County: Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, as administrator of the estate of Mrs. T. E. Hightower, that he has applied to the Court of Ordi nary of said County for .leave to sell the real and personal property be longing to her estate, for the pay ment of debts and distribution; and that said application will be heard at the next December Term of said Court. This Novemfcwr 4th, 1924. T. E. HIGHTOWER, Adm’r. C. L. GLESSNER. Petitioner’s Attorney. EARLY COUNTY NEWS ! WHITE POND FREEWILL BAPTIST; CHURCH. | Ten miles east of Blakely, 5 miles j west of Damascus, on regular Blake- j ly and Damascus road. Regular preaching days second i Sunday and Saturday before in each month. Public is cordially in vited to attend. Pastor, Rev, J. M. Emanuel, of Tallahassee, Fla. Done by order of Board of Deacons, C. C. Willis, chm., W. C. Hunt and H. F. Rogers. J. C. ENGLISH, Church Clerk. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA —Early County: On the first Tuesday in December, 1924, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Blakely, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bid der, the following described proper ty, towit: Sixty-two and one-half (62 1-2) acres of land in the northwest cor ner of lot of land No. three hundred and three (303); and fifty-seven and nine-tenths (57.9) acres of land in the northeast corner of lot of land No. three hundred and thirty-eight (338), being all of said lot No. 338 lying north and east of the Cedar Springs and Rock Hill public road; and being the same land conveyed to The Federal Land Bank of Co lumbia by Charlie C. Lane by deed dated September 16th, 1918, and re corded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in deed book “32,” pages 42-48; said land being in the 28th district of i Early county, Georgia. Levied on and to he sold as the property of Charlie C. Lane to .satis fy an 1 execution issued from the City Court of Blakely in favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia against the said Charlie C. Lane. Sold for the benefit of The Citizens Bank of Blakely, transferee. Tenant in possession notified. Levy made and returned to me by Sid Howell, deputy sheriff. This Nov. 5, 1924. T. J. HOWELL, SR., Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA —Early County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Early county, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in December, 1924, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property lo cated in said county: All of that portion of lot of land Number Two Hundred and Twenty seven (227) in the 6th district of Early county, Georgia, commencing at the northwest corner of the south half of said lot, and running along the original land line thence south 250 yards to town lot (1) in the vil lage of old Damascus, thence east 200 yards, thence north 250 yards, thence west 200 yards to starting point, said parcel of land containing 10 acres. Also that portion of lot. of land Number (214) in the Cth district of Early county, Georgia, known in the village of Old Damascus as town lot Number (2) and that portion of town lot Number (3) also in said village, not included in a deed made to F. L. McNair on the 7th day of July, 1880, by G. D. Webb and T. E. Hightower. Said town lot Number (2), and said part of town lot Num ber Three (3) constitute the W. Williams place at old Damascus, Ga. Also fourteen and twenty-one one hundredths (14 21-100) acres of land off of lot 227. and bounded as follows: On the north by Z. T. Webb, on the west by Mrs. L. A. Haddock, south by African church lot, Emma Henry and Haddock Brothers, and on the east by Haddock Brothers, excepting one-fourth (1-4) acre in the smith west corner of said plat of land and also one-fourth (1-4) acre ex cepted on the north side of said plat, 105 yards from the northwest corner of said plat. The said property contained in the foregoing descriptions being the property described in a certain deed from Mrs. S. N. J. Sirmons to L. M. Free, dated December 31, 1904, recorded in the clerk’s office of Su perior Court, Early county, in Book Y, page 254, on January 13, 1905. This November 4th 1924. MRS. JULIA N. MURRAY, Administratrix de bonis non, with the will of L. M. Fre°. deceased, annexed. YOU SAVE THE PROFIT ' From FactorytoWearer 5 Why do presidents, statesmen and men of means have their clothes made to measure? Because made to measure clothes areu nquestionably superior in every respect. After all, it’s the fit that counts, not only in the appearance of the garment, bu in the comfort it gives the wearer. The big modern wholesale plantß of the Famous A Nash Co. have brought fine quality made-to-measure clothes right down within reach of every man’s pocketbook. Be individual, get that feeling of confidence in yourself, in business and social cativities —have your clothes made to measure from the Golden Rule line—A. NASH CO., Cincinnati. Suit $23.50, Overcoat $23.50 We Guarantee to Fit You. J. F. GILBERT Representative in Muscogee, Chat tahoochee, Stewart, Quitman, Ran dolph, Clay, Terrell, Calhoun, Early, Baker, Dougherty, Miller, Mitchell. Decatur, Webster counties exclusively. In Blakely Every Saturday NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All creditors of the Estate of John S. Mosely, deceased, are hereby no tified to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly verified. And all persons indebted to the de ceased are requested to make imme diate payment to me. R. E. MOSELY, Administrator. Box 1073, Columbus, Ga. 11-G-6t CITATION. GEORGIA—EarIy County: Whereas, J. M. Johnson, Adminis trator of Estate J. C. Taylor, repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered J. C. Taylor’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in Decem ber, 1924. C. C. LANE, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—EarIy County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in December, 1924, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said county contain ing eighty-three and one-third acres of land, more or l°ss, off the south side of lot of land number two hun dred and forty-five (245) in the 6th land district of Early county, Geor gia, it being the south one-third (1-3) of said lot of land dividing said lot of land, east and west, into three equal parts, more fully described in a deed from Mary E. Swords to! John Havis Swords, recorded in Book] 32, of Deed Records, pages 5 and 6.! except two (2) acres deeded to Board i of Education. This November 3rd, 1924. R. W. PARR, Administrator, Estate of J. H. Swords. SHERIFF’S TAX SALE. GEORGIA —Early County: On the first Tuesday in December, 1924, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Blakelv, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bid der, the following described proper ty, to-wit: The south half of lot of land No. (351) three hundred and fifty-one in the Sixth district of Early county, Ga. Levied on as the property of interstate Investment Co. and to be sold to satisfy a fi. fa. for unpaid state and county taxes for the year 1923 issued by J. C. Loyless, tax collector, against said Interstate In vestment Co. Levy made and re f'’»-ncd to me by S. W. Howell, dep uty sheriff. This Nov. 1, 1924. T. J. HOWELL, SR,, Sheriff. j. B. RITCHIE Expert Machinist ROUTE 1 : HILTON, GA. Repairs seeing machines, organs and clocks. Piano tuning. Will cafi at your home if notified by malL Work guaranteed and prices reason able. MASONIC NOTICE. ink The regular com muntcatton of Mag nolia Lodge No. W Jr. * A. M« !• held \ on the first and third s '/ Monday nights in each month. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. R. H. STUCKEY, JR., Worshipful Master I. M, HOBBS, Secretary. FELIX P. DAVIS Dentist BLAKELY : : GEORGIA Prices reasonable and all work guar anteed. Specialist on Crown and Bridge work. Office in Gay building, first two rooms at head of stairs. Phone 157. C. T. ALEXANDER Dentist BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office upstairs in Southern States Life Building, rooms 5 and 6. Office hours: 8:30 to 12:00 a. m 3 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. W. H. ALEXANDER Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY. : : GEORGIA Phones: Office 16, Residence 88. Offices: 10 and 12, Alexander Bldg. X-Ray and Electrical Equipment. JOSEPH. H. HAND Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office in Fryer’s Pharmacy. Calls attended promptly, day or night Efficiency SOL G. BECKHAM Plumber and Machinist BLAKELY : GEORGIA Terms strictly cash. Phone 178. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm of GLESSNER & COL LINS was dissolved by mutual assent on September 13tb, 1924. Each of its former members x« now engaged in the practice of law by himself, with offices in the Citi zens Bank Building. But both will continue to giv« attention to all unfinished partner ship business. C. L. GLESSNER, B. R. COLLINS. Try the News for Job Printing. | .After every meal i A pleasant | and agreeable trs=_-—a —A j a Q jig Good lor fry (fcfimtSkv( 8 teeth, breath jLj §1 and digestion. ■. 1 Makes the H next cigar JH