The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, February 22, 1872, Image 3

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The Weekly Democrat, HJn4*r, February »», >«*• Jake Born sella harness of the of all kinds is complete. T Kwiiecki & #ro- invite the pub lic^ call and judge for themselves . the merits of their stock of dry goods and groceries. Fair dealing and low prices is their motto. Noel Gainey & Co. do a larger business in the clothing line than any other house in this section therefore, they can offer • superior inducements. Call on them. II. B. Ehrlich; the litc Grocer, has a most splendid stock Of goods in his line on hand- Cail and see him, and a trade will be Inevitables T. M. Shy tic, the “boss” carpen ter of the city, continues to take con tracts and carry them out to “the letter.” Mr. S. is not only a good workman but a reliable man. Courtney A Andrews are fast sel ling their stock of stoves, tin-ware, etc., and those who want good arti cles in that line had better hurry up about it. Buber’s Jewelry store continues be the centre of attraction. He has the finest stock of jewelry, watches, clocks, cutlery, silverware, etc., in Southern Georgia. ■ •It' wiM cure a cough la one half toe < aarv to core U with any other medicine, and Hdoe* —' it up, but by rsmovtaf the It not by dryiog ■ubduiuf the Irritation and brelii^ tha Mill." Tbi« valuable medietas la aold by aB first ibn druggist*. 1 A Whole People’s Opinion.—When « na tion of forty millions accepts and endorses ns a Standard Restorative an article that it has had tbe fullest opportunities of testing during a period of%welve years, who can be so absurdly incredulous as to doubt tha excellence of the preparation! Plantation Bitters has passed tirougil this ordeal and is now tbe most popular proprietary medi cine on ibis continent. It would be diffi cult to find an adult of either aex between tbe Atlantic and tbe Pacific, or between the northeast corner of Maine and the Gulf of Mexico, who does not know, either from personal experience or observation, that this renowned vegetable remedy is the par est tonic and stomachic and tbe finest alter ative and regulating medicine at present before the world. As a preventative of.and cure for, diseases generated by malaria, aud as a specific for dyspepsia, rbeumatisui, and ail nervous and a biillous sfleclions, it is ad mitted to be fairly pronounced the Favorite Household Tonic aud Alterative of the Wes tern Hemisphere. CITY AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. Noel Ganey A Co., are .getting 1 in a very fine selection of spring cassiinercs which they arc selling at very low prices. II you want a nice suit give them a call before/going elsewhere. Emory JohnEon inftwsny the pul> lie that he is not dead, but alive, and selling Stoves, tin-ware, housefur nishing goods, Singer sewing ma chines at the most reasonable rates. Go for him. ;Dlck' McGoldrick .keeps hammer ing away—at C. L. Beachs’ Car riage Repository—on iron, trans forming it into everything useful. Dick is the best workman in the city, and warrants all he cxccuies. ' John . I Robison does the best car- penter’swrork,. quicker, docs it cheaper, and does more of it than afly other contractor in the city— therefore send yoursudors to him. He will satisfy you. l)r. J. D. Iloyl A Bro. have in storo the most complete assortment of Lamps and Lamp Fixtures ever brought to this market. Pure drugs, •close attention to business and the liberality of the proprietors have given this house the enviable repu- tation'Of having the best drug es tablishment in .Southwestern Ueor- gia. ____ VIOLIN STRINGS, ETC. Go to W. C. Subers’ to buy Italian Violin and Guitar Strings at 15 to 20 cents, same aswre sold in large ‘cities ait 20 to 25 cents. lie will sell Violins at $2 25, with box, feow and ■strings complete. Accord eons at $2 00, and all other' Musical Instruments in proportion to quality, etc. All who wish to “soothe the savage breast” call around and «quip yourselves. tf Fine selection ladies’ Furs and uffs. latest styles. Just received nd for sale by A. T. Reid A Co. 25 Cans A. No. 1 butter 5 lbs cans ust received and for sale by A. T. Reid A Co. 28 Boxes cheese just received and for sale by A. T. Reid A Co. A Card.—Notwithstanding all re ports to the contrary, I am pleased to announce to my friends, and the public generally, that my business will stall be kept wp to that standard in the fatnre guaranteed to it in the past. Owing to my HI health, I am spending a few months in Savannah, but have left my business under the supervision of one fully competent to anage it. I will soon be receiving new and splendid lot of dry-goods, oes, clothing, and other goods snallv kept in a first-class house, nd I hope the public will bear in mind that I can offer them induce ments nferior to none. M. M. Cohen. Savannah, Jan. 10, 1872. Fresh Gabdks Batts • reabod y have just received a veW large assortment of best Garden Seed Rom the best producers in the land lit! never saw a better lot of seed in oar mnS g0 J down thei r well-known il P^nlardrag store, and examine ° W “ tb£ ‘ ime to fa eg»n to prepare your garden. ChronicDlreaS' N - v111 hi* book on l«l “r* ln regard to hi. Go Idsn Msd- Zera.—This eminent Illusionist, with his LilipuUan Troupe, will give another of his novel entertain ments at IIop3on Hall this evening. All who wei e out last evening ex press themselves as charmed with the performance. , 'Tfirs Festival.—Remember the Festival to take place in tbe Hopson Building on to-morrow night. Thje ladies have entire control of the mat ter, anil they intend making k the event of the season. Ret everybody be present. Tht Steamboat Excursion.—Get ready for the steamboat excursion, to come off in a few weeks. •rid ft&ility sad dies affected with most Wholesome of all tonics and the safest and sorest mean of relief. It is stfong ter restore told powerless to injure Such is the uniform testimony of ‘'clouds of Wittneesear” Ton ; This being the Lent season for the Episcopalians, ReV. Dr. Rabbit,* Rector of their church in. this Ci£y de livers a short sermon every Tuesday and Friday night, as well as each Sabbath. Wc have heard two of a ChrUtstloro’s Hair Dye is the safest and the Doctor s discourses, and were j bet*. It corrects the bad effects^ of^ inferior dyes, much pleased wkh them. A/«tfbled witlk a bad Breath. It innojB your friend* as well as yourself. You w<*nM »*fce to get rid of It, but scarcely show what Bltm t »adopt. We will tell you. Use the frag rant boKuuuiitTit will clause and beautify your teeth aud 'leave your breath pure. Burnett’s Standard flavoring Ex tracts.—Lemon, Vanilla* Jcc. Charge your ser vants and! dealers and observe that they do not sub stitute in their stead any of the pernicious unpala table extracts with which the market is flooded. Burnett’s Standard Flavoring Extracts are estab lished as the strongest, purest and the best made. The Terrific Bud B tween Prussia aad France is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitten and Dyepepsia and Live* Complaint are - now going on in every State of the Union. The isene of such coutesta is never for He moment in doubt. The conflict may last longer. in some oases than in oth ers, but the leading? egetable tonic and alterative of the nineteenth century, invariably triumphs. To Owners of Horses and Cattle.—To bias’ Derby Conditiou Powders are warranted su- erior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of Dis &mper, Worms, Bots, Coughs, Hide-bouncl. Colds, bco , in horses, and colds. Coughs loss of milk, tlack-tongue, horn distemper, he., in Cattle. Price wenty-fiVe cents, depot lo Park Place, New York. Carbolic Salve, recommended by the lead- big Physicians and the President of the New York Board of Health, as the most wonderful Healing compound ever known, dives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores, cuts apd woundsand a tnoet uivaluable salve where at 25 cents. J 3 Oollege Place,.New 8 VAPId A is Opium purified of its sickening and poisonous properties, discovered by Dr. Bige low, Profeascr of Botany. Detriot Medical Collie. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist; New York. KICBABP UU sms a ATTORN F. V S BAINBRIDU XSf Office in ika eurt H The urchins of the city, since Mayor Jones has stopped their sport ing with fire-arms, have betaken themselves to sling-* ots. We ex pect so an to chronicle the loss of several sets of eyes in consequence. Good.—We notice with pleasure the improvediconilition of the side walk on Broughton street, cast ©f West street. Bring, your Job Work to The Democrat Job Printing Establish ment, where you can get it executed promptly, neatly, and very cheap. Matrimonial.—We learn that the gloomy dullness pervading the city at present, ’wifi be broken by a young couple, who are to be ‘spliced’ early in March. Of course we will be at the wedding. V • ■» The Georgia Agricultural Associ ation meets in Savannah to-day.— Decatur county is hot represented. Will any one be kind enough to in form us why ? Southern Musical JournaSl— We are indebted to Messrs. Ludden A Bat^, of Savannah, for the above publication for February. Like all of its predecessors, it is first-class, It is given to subscribers at the low price of ene dollar per annum. Just here we would inform our readers that if they want anything in the musical line, Ludden A Bates are the very men to send to for it. They are the most reliable music dealers in Savannah. Remember this. leal DiK,v t r T ii? T ’iLr ,g * rd . t “ “* Gol ‘ton Med- tionsfth. Lung*, i ” ®y OtWWiim y|»i c “ 4 «podfl< S3 1 ud -iT;. *™ rob jre*. and al» for Bronchitis, fler. I^.°f ^ — Vlood purl in icht mia’S *° ♦» it » nunc which 00181 di ~ 8 °* Col. Screven’s Report.—On our first page will be found the annual report of Col. John Screven, presi dent of the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad, which was submitted to and ap proved by the Stockholders at their late meeting in Savannah. Read it, lor it is like everything that ema nates from Col. Screven, clear, for cible, and conclusive. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sinking Slowly. Diseases that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of lightning, but unless arrested it destroys it as certainly; and like manner chronic debility, although it dees not kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, is as Bare to sap the springs of life eventually as any acute disease, if not checked by invigora ting medication. There is something inex pressibly touching in the spectacle of prema- fare decay. Languor, pallor; emaciation, depression of spirits, and a distaste for exer tion, are-its ordinary symptoms, and they should be promptly met by tonic treatment The best invigorunt and exhilerant that can be administered in a case of this kind is Qes- tetter’s Stomach Bitters. The stimulating principle of the preparation rouses the dor mant energies of the system, and the strength ening and regulating properties give a per manent and beautiful impulse to the vital forces thus brought into play. The foiling appetite is re-awakened, the process of di gestion and assimilation are quickened, the quality of the blood is improved, the secre tions became more natural, and every organ that contributes to the nourishment of- the body undergoes salutary change. By these means the repair of the physical structure is affected and its health and. ngou listened In no class of diseases has fro Beneficent op- while the black or brown tints it produces are iden tical to nature. Factory 68 Maiden Lane, New York. Pratt’s Astral Oil—Safest and best illumina ting Oil ever made. Does hot take Are or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 fami lies continue to use if and i.o accident ol any ins cription- hare occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1870, New York. The Purest' and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell’s, made on the sea-shore, from fresh selected livers, bv Cas well. Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet, patients who have once taken it perfer it to all oihers. Physicians have decided it superior to any of tbe otiirr oils in tbe market. Jonvla’s Inodorous Kid Geove Clean er restores soiled gloves equal to new. Enr sale By roggists andF.incy_Goodn Dealers. Cnee 25 ceuts per bottle. “ ~ ' ~ F. C. Welis-A Co., New York Klsley’s Philotokcn is an established, warranted remedy for Painful Menstruation; and equally efficient as a Nervons Antidote in all cases of Nervous Excitement, Stomach and Sleepless ness in male or female. Sold everywhere tar *1 00 a bottle. Moogas> Risley, Diuggiats, New York, General Agente. A Youthful Appeuiwuce a»d a Beautiful Clear Complexion is the desire of eteryhody. Thia Mrs. Winslow’s Sootlling Syrup.—It re lieves the little sufferer from pnin, cures Wind, Colics, Regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, Cor rects Acidity, aud during tbe process of teething it is invaluable. Perfectly safe m all cases, as mill- ions of mothers can testily. Administrator’s Sale. Agreeably to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Thomas county, Ga., I will sell before the Court HcMse door in Bainbridge, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first T uesday in March next, Lot No. 104, in the 27th District of Decatur county, Ga..— Also, the east half of No. 141, in the 15th District of Decatur county, Ga. Sold as the property of the estate of Francis Kearce, late of '1 homes county, Ga., deceased. Sold for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. MILTON C. SMITH, Administrator. January 24th, 1872—tds BLACK32SXTIUNG, HORSE-SHOEING, tom IT R. H. MCGOLDRICK Bespectfnlly informs the public that he is now prepared to'do all kinds of work per taining to the Blacksmithing Business. He is carrying on the work at the Carriage Re pository of Mr. C, L. Beach. Plantation work a speciality. All work warranted, jano tf ME, SIGN & ORMUTJL PAINTER. 1 wish to inform the readers of the Semi- Weekly Argus, that I am now prepared to do all IHn^s of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GRAINING, MARBLING, PAPER HANG ING, GLAZING, CALSOM1NING In all eolois. I am prepared to do work in the country or neignboring towns. Have on hand’d fine assortment of Paints. My prices are moderate and I guarantee toy work to stand. Call qti-or address JAS. F. VAJN HORN, octl3 ly Bainbridge, Ga. W. O. S OBBRS, Brea*’ Street, BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA, Keeps constantly on hand Watch**, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver-VY are. Fancy Goods, Cdtlsrt, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TOYS, Ac., Ae^ In great variety, which for style, quality and price oannot be excelled. A full line of ; HOLIDAY end BRIDAL PRESENTS in Store. J £*~WATCiiKS and JEWELRY repaired eration of the Bitten been mere marked and ** short notice, and warranted. Grand, Square PIANO F baLtimo: These Instruments have been.-' before the public for nearly thirty years, and vipon their excellence alone attained and wnpur- chased pre-eminence, which * pronounces them-unequaled, in . -' * 'dj Tone, Tnitcli, Workmanship and Bu*. Hility. ‘ D, All onr SqtJABE Pianos have our Near. Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. We wonld call special attention to our late Patented Improveirimts in Grand 1 in no oth- netTrer pdr- yet bo Every Plano Pally Warranted ifor Pive . Years. . We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Parlor Organs and-Melodeons of the most celebrated makers, wholesale and retail at lowest factory prices. Illustrated cata logues and price lists promptly furnished on application to WM. KNABE & CO., Baltimore, Md., Orany.of onr no v 166m DR. E. J. MORGAN. Office in Dr. J. D. Hoyl A Bro’s Drug Store Can be found at night at his residence, on Water street. * dec22 ly VINECAR BITTERS J. Walk urn, Frortlttot 1 Can. Ag’t*, Sao Praoctoco, Cal, HltLlOM Bear Wonderful Cnratin' QM» They ora mt a vfle Pnncjr torfnk, Made of Poor Bom, Whiskey, Proof Spirit* nnd Refuse XJqooFs, doc tore J, spiced end sweetened to please ths taste, called ’ Tonies,'’" Appetizers,’’ “Keatorers.” As., -that lead tlio tippler t>n to dmoksniwMand ruin, t>utart a true Medicine, mado frvm flfe.toative root* and liorbs of California, free from afl Alcoholic Stlmu« limta. They arc the GBSlT BLOOD PURI- PIER and A LIFE Cimo FR1XCIPLK, a perfect Renovator end Dnigorator of tbe Svstem, earning off all polsoneusaatwrend rwterlng the blood to e health v condition. N# person can take these Bit tern according to directions, said remain long unwell, provided their Senes are not destroyed by poison or otber means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repm^. They are a Bentle Purgative m well ns a Tonic, possessing aba, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion orlnfiaan- matloo of the Liver, and all tbe Visceral Organa FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether to young or old, married or single, at th* dawn of woman hood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have «e equal. Per Iaflmmawtory mid dsreble SkcdSla. tlam mad Coot, Byspepda or Indigestion, Rnioue, Remittent send Intermittent Fe- vers, Diseases or the Blood, Liver, Kid neys nnd Blmdder, these Ritters have been meet successful. 8aeh Diseases are caused by Yltlnted Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organa. DYSPEPSIA OR RhlSESTIbi, Head ache. Pain to tha Shoulders, Coughs, lightness of tbe Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste tn the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ef the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain to ths regions of the Kidneys, end e hundred other painful symptoms are Che offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomaeh and stimulate die torpid Liver end Rowels, which Vender them of naequaled efficacy to cleansing tha blood ef all impurities, and Im porting new lift end Vigor to the Whole system FOR 8KDT DISEASES, Eruptions, TettA, Salt Shewn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car- bauble*, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Bore Rye*, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationst>f the Skin, Uamorsand Dbeaset of the Skin, of Whatever name or nature ere literally dug up and carried outof the system in a short time by the Use of these Bitten. One bottle ia such eases will codviuco'the most incredulous of their cura- Mve effects Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its Im purities bursting through thg skin In Pimples, Erup tions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed end sluggish in the veins; eleense it when it is foot, end your'feelings will, tsil yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Fin, Tape send other Warms, lurking in tbe system of so many thousands, Are effectually destroyed and removed. Says n distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an Individual upon th* face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms It is not upon the healthy elements Of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors •nd aHmy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, wiU free the systesa from worms ate these Bitten. Sold by all Draggteta nnd Dealwk J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD A C6, Druggists and General Agent* San Francisco, Cali fornia, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, Kew Vvrk. These Bittern ora positively Invaluable to ALLSKiN DISEASES, tRU-PTIONS They purify the ayatem. and will cure DYSPEPSIA a CENTRAL DEBILITY Remittent gad Intermittent Fevers, NERVOUS 01 SEASES .LIVER COMPLAINT eind are a prevmtiTn of ChHla and Fevur. Dl SLASES OF THE KIDNf Yfi bLADDE- All yield to their powerful efficacy. IRE COOP FQRTHE MENTAL ORGANIZATION aAre an antidote to change of Water and Diet. THEY WILL RESTORE YOUTHFUL VICC h to the Wasted frame, and correct all tRRECULAPFY OFTHE DOWEL Th« grand Punaotn ft* all toe IBs of Bto. TRY ONE BOTTLE THe Standard FHYSICIAIS THHIP ; w .. . r A PimiBEITB THEH n A special feature of the Weekly World is a c Ily compiled summary of the news of each week. It is made so complete that no on* who reeds it can tail of being well pasted on all the important new*. of the day. THHSEMI-WEEKLY WOULD, published Tuesday and Friday, to a large quarto sheet • containing all tiie news published in the Daily World, with the exception of such local reports as may be of no interest to non-residents of New York City Its market rqpsrts are aa hill as those of the daily edition, md it doubt ins, besides interesting literary matter, ottFriday of eactxweex, a full re-, port of the Farmers’ Club. THE DAILY WORLD contains all toe news of the day that can b# ob tained by mail and telegraph from all pert* of the world, and tootosb^t discussion of all topics of i n- oun BOOT & SHOE uakinoi E. N. H Y A f T Respectfully informs the citizens^ofBaia- bridge and Decatur county, that he is pre pared to do all kinds of boot and sho« v t^k with neatness, quickness and cheapness. He always baa on hand the finest leathers and findings, and therefore can always warrants rw^job. Call and see him. door “ obinson's wood shop. deo5-4m Administrator s Sale-' ty virtae of a decree of the Superior Court of Hancock county, Ga., will bqAWd b*™** the Court House door in the city of Bairn- bridge, Ga., on the Fntsr Tuesday m Maijh, 1872, within lie legal hours of «de, the fol lowing property, bo-wit : Lot of Lena No. 192, in the 19th District of Decatur county. Sold aa the property of the estate represented by file undersigned, for divuaan. reran*, cash—purchaser paying tot stamps a»d fftle de6<fc ' J. B. JOHNSON, Adm' zEetate James Thomas, dec’d. C. W. DUBOSE, AiftnY Estate Wm. Dijon, deceased. January 1872» 1872. THE WORLD. 1872 In the year 1872 General Grant’s successor is to he chosen; the Forty-third Congress to be elected. The people’s votes, white and black, and South, will thes decide the future destiny of the' Bepablic, select its rulers, prescribe' their course. HuW to influence the people’s votes J By the newspapers—for it includes every other’ agency. It makes known events and facts—among all influences the chief, ft sembles tbe vaster outside audiences which cannot gather to the State-House* tbe pulpit, or the stump. It is the constant interpreterjof men’s affairs, and of error or truth is the daily seed- sower. Nfxt November is onr political harvest- time. As we sow we shall reap. The World's seed-sowing will be fruitful to the extent that its circulation is widely pushed'by tboso who approve it% aim The World will aim to represent and com bine the labors and the votes of all those who find best insurance of the people’s prosperity, peace, and progress in -a government adminis tered on the principles and in the pure prac tice of Jcffjrs.n and Jackson, and who descry tbe iqpnt and origin of tbe present corruptions, extravagance, misgovernment. subversion of public liberties, aud insecurity of private rights in our rulers, lawloss usurpation of in terdicted and undelegated powers—usurpation that to-day marches deliberately on to the subjugation of popular rule and the possession of die iitorial power—for by acts of Congress General Gra ‘.may even now destroy the free dom of State elections, lnvado the State* et his pleasure, and declare martial law of his owifmcre will. All those who would maintain the honor of republics, and would preserve public credit v, y punctual payment of public debts. All those who would cut down to fewer and fit objects all ;ippria*ions of the people’s money (to-day more than double, nearly treble, the appropriations ofaPeinocratie Congress eleven years ago, not counting annuities to ludi&DS, pensions to soldiers, aDd interest on debt), aud who would oblige all spending of the people’s money got by taxes to be with honesty and thrift} likewise all those who would spare a little the people’s landed estate for the land less miliions hercafter'aad atop its squander ing dominions in a day upon those who al ready )Wn too much. All those who would reduce the number of commodi'ies texod by our tariff from .thous ands to a few dozens, and so emp y our cue tom-houses of half their ifficials,- rid the stet ute-books of hslf their odious snares for h.on esty or bribes to fraud and. unfetter scores of our native industries. All thogo Who would lower the rates also of ottr tariff taxas to the point of most easiiv yielding the largest revenue—who would abandon the protectionist system of reduoing the public revenue - bilst increasing the extor tionate profit? of a few at the expense of all other industries. All thoso who would abolish every unlaw, ful tax, like that on h-comes; every unjust tax like that which gives banks the people’s prof its on a national currency; every unequal and indeterminate tax, like that levied most cruel ly upon the poor—the tax of our irredeemable paper-money. The World will aim—as the recognised and leading organ of the Democratic party in the greatfoens of national commerce - Und in telligence—to fnlfill thie it’« mission find duty w ith steadfast boldness and fidelity,- to inspire in the ranks of those who think the same things concerning the Republic an united, or ganized, determined, and persistent xeal; to win new recrafts from among those who have been enemies to the Democracy in conflicts of a dead pa*f; and to marshal an unbroken pha lanx to the triumph at the b&lUt hox (tn» battle-field of republic*) of Liberty, equality, and Law. AS A VEHICLE OF NEWS, The World will spare no Mediate, no energy, to maintain and advapoe its place in the first rank of metropolitan journals. It* fresh, abundant, various, and accurate news, com- pii-ing the whole cire e of current intelligence and literature, will be discussed, as becomes. A TRUST WORTHY ORGAN OF OPINION, with Van dor, with steady devotion to sound public end private moral*, with;special knowl edge for special themes, and with various and wide-reachiog apprehension of tee ^ manifold interests of men and women in their homes, their market-places, their werk-ahopa, and their farms. the weekly would. A large quarto sheet, printed throughout in large type, and published every Wednesday morning. Am vug its prominent features are: la Very: full and aoeorate market report*, em bracing tbe Live Stock markets of New York, Albany. Brighton, Cam bride, aad nitoMphto; the -Vrw- Ybrk Country Produce Market, and General Pro duce Markets of the country ; mid report* of the New-York Money Msrkrfi. Bach of these reporto to compiled with great care, and contain* the Uteri quotations thaLcan be obtained up to tbe time at putting tbe paper to press, ... w Its Agricultural Department, which oouUtoaeach Week.articles on pracHcal and trienUflc fanning ist are of grout ratoe to too Ammtera flmmoni, _ A very to U rep wt .-f the proceedings advance *oGta ptmBulon in any other weekly P- ** portion of tbe Weekfo IfcjM tereoerved terj milv reading matter, including original end se- rtid sbwias. poema. waifs of huaoor. and extracts from W^r&irato. Parti o',vr attention- THE WORLD ALMANAC, catnip PH cert in 1810. hM been published show! fet 1 tot of January, in 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1811. That lor 1872 will be nsady about January 1st. The Wo^id Almanac coutalnn a great quantity of incalnable political information of uae to every vo ter, and of snch a character as can be obtained in no other publication. In it are printed tbe fall of ficial returns of every importent election held du ring the year proceeding the issue of the Almanac the vote of the New-York State by election district a, and of Cbunecticnt and New-Jersey by towns; th* names and vote for members of both branches of the New York Legislature; the retaros of tbe New- York City municipal elections; list of members of tiie United States <iovernment,of Congress, and of the several State governments and other statistical matter. The World Almanac for 187‘Jlwill be neces sary to every Democrat who desires to keep himself thoroughly posted in facts and figures. CAMPAIGN YEAR—REDUCED RATES, 'W~ TEBMfi BY MAIL. Weekly Wobld. One Copy, 1 year .......f2,00 Five Copies, 1 year separately addressed ».oo Ten Copies, I year, separately addressed, and an extra Copy to getter-up of Club— 15.60 Twenty Copies, 1 year, separately addressed and on extra Copy to getter-np of Club... .28,00 Fifty Copies,! year, separately addressed, and the Semi-Weekiy, 1. year, to getter-up of Club to...80.00 One Hundred Copies, 1 year, separately ad dressed, and the Daily one year to getter- np of Club 10C.00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, 1 year $4.00 Two Copies, 1 year, separately addressed 6.00 R6eCopies, 1 year. seParatelyy addressed...‘.18.00 Ten Copies. 1 year, separately addressed, and an extra Copy to getter np of Club, 20.00 , DAILY WOULD. One Copy, 1 year $10.00 One Cooy; 6 months ..5.00 OneCopy,3 months , .•••• 2.60 One Copy, 1 year, with Sunday Edition .-.12.00 One Copy, 6 months, with Sunday Edition... .6.00 One Copy, 3 months, with Sunday Edition 3.00 One Copy, 1 month, with Sunday Edition 1,00 THE WORLD ALMANAC, (For 1868, t869, 1870, 1871,1872.), Single Copies, o. either year, postpaid. .$0.20 Aeven Copies, of either year, postpaid ...l.oo DIRECTIONS. Additions to Clnba may be made at any time in ths year at the above Club rate*. Changes in Club Lists made only on request of persons receiving Clnb packages, stating date of subscription, edition, post-office, and State to which it has previously been sent. Terms.—Case in advance. Send Postoffice Mon ey Order; ank Draft, or Registered Letter. Bills stmt by Mail will be at tbe risk of the sender. We have no traveling agents. Specimen copies, posters, etc. ,sent free of charge, wherever and whenever desired. Address all orders and letters to “the world,”' 85 Fork Row. New-Yobx. Gity Marshall's Sales. The HISTORY OF Great Fires In Chicago and the West by Bev. E. J. Good speed, D- D. t of Chicago. Only complete hlshny. 700 8 vo, pages;.80 engravings; 7o,000 already sold. Price $2.50. 2000 agents made in 20 4»ys. Profits sufferers. Ananta wanted. H. Co., 27 Park Bow, New York. Bloomington Nursery, Illinois. 20th year. 600 acres. 13 Green Houses. Larg est assur ment. Best stock. Low prices. Trees, shrubs, plants, seeds, stocks, gratis, etc. J80 page illustrated catalogue ten cents. Bulb, plant, seed, catalogues, all for ten cents — Wholesale price list free, send for these, be fore buying e'sewhere. F. K. PHOENIX, Bloomington, IU. A GENTS WANTED. -Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent Par ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co.; Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. SOUTHERN E NTEEPRI.SE. $4.50 to $10 per day, Agents wanted.^ Send for partict' — - - A Co., icnlars. Circulars free- H. D, *Bw— Atlanta, Ga, GARDEN SEEDS THAT are GEN CINE and RELIABLE. If you want Seed* that will give entire sat isfaction, get those raised by D. C. Brain— ard, Society of Shakers, Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue free cm application, with price cf package; sent by mail when ordered, postage prepaid. Address D. C. Brain'ard, Mount Lebanon, N. Y. RED RUST PROOF OATS $2 A HUSHEL; Orchard Grass $3.50 a bushel. Send 3 cent postage stamp and my complete Priced Lists of all kinds of Grass Seeds, Field 8eeds, Garden Seeds, Flower and Tree Seeds, Ag ricultural Implements, Machinery, Guanos, Chemicals, Live Stock, Ac., will be for warded you.. These Priced Lists contain much valuable inforu ation as to the time and quantity to plant, Ac., Marx W. John- - P. O. Box 230 Atlanta, Ga. THE BROWN COWS GIN CO., New lK>ndon, Conn., MlfffsetTLfeTs of the “Brown Gin,” Cotton edwAers, Machinery aad Castings. Man ufacturers of Harris’ Patent Rotary Steam Engine—the best and cheapest Steam En gine for plantation purposes- Cotton-gin makers repairers furnished with all kinds of materiala- Saws, Ribs, Pollies, Boxes, etc., of any pattern, to order at short notice. Have had long experience in the business, and guarantee satifaction in every particular, Orders solicited. • Addrew aa above. Epilepsy Or Fits. Asrirecnre ifofrthis distressing complaint is now made known in a Treatise [of woctoj vo pages] ton Foreign »" d J^ st E! e Preparations, published by Df. O- FHBua Browse The prescription was discovered by Mm in such a providential minner^that he cannot conscientiously reftwefef Make it known, aa it baa cured everyfeaH who has usedit for Fits, never living fisded in a single case. The ingredients ntoy bebb- taSid from any droggtei; a copy sent free to all applicants by mail; address Dr. O. Praia Brow*, 21 Grand Street, Jersey Oity. sr,J. . ;, - STATE OF GEORGIA, CITY OF BAHT- BRIDGE. Will be sold before the Coart Home door m the city of Beinbrid**, between the usual hours of sale, on the Fiwt Tuesday in March next, vacant lots in said city of, Bainbridge levied on as the property of J. C. CTnwy to satisfy a city tax fifa issued by E. /. RauVt Clerk of Council, vs. said Curry. *” Also, at the same time and place; property situated ea the south end of West Street levied on as Ihe property of R. H. Butler to satisfy a city tax fifa issued by E. J. Raney, Clerk of Cooneil, vs, said Butter.. 8Iso. at the same time and place, one lot of land situated in rear of old Hotel, levied on as the property of Bower. McGill A Bower and Sims A Crawford, to satitd f a city tax fifa issued by E. J. Raney. Clerk of Council, vs said Bower, McGill A Bower and Sima A Crawford. Also, at the tame time and phtce. one b|acksmi(h shop, opposite Jail Lot, levied on as »h(-property of W. A B. Crawford A Brother, to satiifv a city tax fifa issued bv E. J. Raney. Clerk of Council. T«.uid B. Crawford A Bro. _ --*■ ■ Also, at the same time and place, one house nod lot, bouuded north by Rirbo and # ouih by Mrs. Howell, levied on es the property of Jacob Blount, to satisfy a city tax fita issued by E. J. Raney, Clerk of Council, vs. said Blount. Also, at the same time and place, ofte vacant lot situated on Water Street, levied on as the property of C. W. Blouat, to satis, fy a eity tax fifa issued by TS. J. Raney, Clerk ot Council, vs. said Blount. Also, at the same time and place, one, house and lot. situated Dear the Cemetery levied on as the properly of Bob Butler, to satisfy a city tax fifa issued bv E. J. Raney Clerk of Council, vs. said Butler. place, house and lot sitaated oa west end of Shot- well street, levied on as the properly of Dr. J. L. Criwlord to satisfy a city tax fifa issued^’ E. J. Raney, Clerk of Council, va. said Crawford. Also, at tbe same time and place, on# bouse aud lot levied en as tbe property of D, W. 1 room to satisfy a city tax fito issued by E. J Raney, Clerk of Council, vs said Broom. Also, at tbe sams time and place, one house and lot,'levied on as tbe property of George H Cliett., to satisfy a city tax fifa issued by E. J. Raney, Clerk of Council, vs. said Cliett. Also, at the same time andplace, one house and lot situated west of West street, aud formerly occupied by Jaoob Born, lev ied on as the properly of F. G. Arnett to satisfy a city tax .fita issued by E J. Raney, Clerk of Council, va said Arnett. * PROBERT COLLIER. City Marshall. February 5, 1872. S. H.—Purchasers must pay for title deeds and stamps. P. C. B1BB01, MILCH 11 STRAW GOOD^„ lb , 1873- Federal Re- albo ''fferson, White Goods, and Embroiderie:, &c ARMSTRONG, CAT0R& CO. Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers BONNET TRIAIMING, NECK A HASH RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK TIES, BONNET SILKS, SATINS, VEL VETS AND CRAPES, F LOWERS, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames etc. btraw Bonnets and Ladies and Children’s Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, And in connecting warerooms “White Goods, Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Collars, Setts, Hawdhupilitofu, Veiling, Headsets, Ac., Sus Nos. 337, and 339, Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, HD. bought for*Cash'directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unequalled in vari ety and cheapness in any market Orders filled with care, promptness and despatch. 36-5w General SuPEBnfTEirDEjrr'sOmcx,) Atlantic mid Gult Rait.xOad, r > Savannah, Dec. 1871. ) IVN AND AFTER SUNDAY, DEC. & vj Pawenger Trains on this road will run as follows ; FTERRsa Passenger. 5.00 pm .... 8.00pb 7.35 a to 8.35 am 3.10 a m 7.50 a m 840 p m 1.15am 7.30 pm 8.20 p m 8.25 am ...11.25am . rLcuixc. John c. uruMtn FLEMING ft RUTHERFORD, ATT OHKEYS AT LAW BAINBRIDGE, GA. O FFICE over drugstore of Butt* A Peabody. Are tolly prepared to t#ke charge of ail '£uTVe gireifto this deportment donne tne year | case* arising under the bankrupt law. [je?5,6»,tf Leave Savannah daily at... Arrive at Jeeop _ " ... Arriveat Bainbridge Arrive at Albany “ Arrive at Live Oak “ ... Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville daily at. Leave live Oak “ . Leave Albany “ Leave Bainbridge " Leave Jesup “ Arrive at Savannah “ Through to Jacksonville witiMmt change. NochmJge of cats between Savannah and ^ Claes connection at Baldwin Wifli teams <m Florida Railroad, to and firom Fernand inn and Cedar Keys. . . Rleeoing ear on this tram. Clo»? connection at Albany with trains on Southwestern Boilroad. _ Passenger! to ana firom diudswick top close connection with title train. accommodation train. Leave Savannah (Saturday! exoept- e<J) at. •' .11.00 p m Arrive at Jeeop (Sundays exe.) at. .4.00 a m Arrive at Albany “ ..8.10 pm Arrive at Live Oak “ .12.65 pm Arrive at Tallahassee “ ..5.25 pm Arrive at Jacksonville “ ..6.00 pm Leave Jacksonville “ .8.30 am Leave TaUahaasee “ ..8.45 am Leave live Oak * ..1.15>m Leave Albany “ ' 1 • -7-50 p m Leave Jesup “ ..7,1* a m Arrive at Savannah (Mondays : cepted) nt, This u the only train mhkiiig close connec tion at Live Oak, for stations on J.. P. A M, Railroad west of Live Oak. Close oonnectaoq at Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad- H. 8. HADISS, dec8 2w Oetteral Su 'orintcsdaaB