The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, February 22, 1872, Image 4

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mm The Weekly Democrat. Thur«lojr. February »*, 187*. Jlotv to Get Rich. Put on the air* of an eight-keyed flute, If you're only a penny-whistle : Push where r yon can for a Harden rose. If you're only a wayside thistle. Blow, whenever yon blow your horn, So that the people can understand Tlrnt you may be sharp, hut you won t flat In society's great braai band. Pass the plate or the hat in church With the usual Sabbath air. But move with a mild, religious squeak, That people way know you’re there. If yon carry a nose six inches long, And a lxmk can scarce be longer, Believe it a sign of perception strong, And the longer it is, the stronger. But if in the order of nasal tubes Your organ is brief in measure. Then, brevity being the soul of wit, # Consider your pug a treasure. Love your neighbor—hut mark the force Of the gospel rule of grace- The more you admire yourself,_my friend, The higher; r your neighbor's place. Clink your dime in the Deacon's pan, As if you were throwing gold, And give with an eye to the business hope Of reaping a hundred-fold. Whether your reading is little or great, Quote right or never quote ; Polish y«nr uppers, though down at the heel, And never indorse a note. Alwny* advance best hand, best foot, Best hand, best foot for your own, And thus you may feast on the fiat of the Jund, While others enjoy the bone. Governor Heed’s Impeachment. Speaking, editorially, of the re- injpeacliment of Governor Reed, of Florida, the New York Evening Post of Saturday says: Mr. Harrison Reed will be remem bered aa one of the “loyal Govern ors” who traveled through the North ern States in 1868 with reports of the dreadful deeds of the Sou^crn secessionists. He appeared upon one occasion at a ratification meet ing in Cooper Institute, and was greatly applauded for his patriotic sentiments. He proposed to restore Florida to a “proud position” in the Union. Mr. Reed was elected Gov ernor that year. Not many months afterwards rumors of corruption be gan to circulate in Florida. More than a year ago an incident hap pened which pointed to Governor Reed more directly as one of a rapa cious railroad ring which had con nection in several of the Soutliern States. North Carolina changed the political character of its govern ment.. and the thieves who had made their headquarters at Raleigh fled from that State. The leader among them was Mr. Milton S. «Lit- 'gykAV. .who published the Raleigh wood has interests of the TFiobio. He ran to Florida, where lie has since been protected bj Govern or Reed against every requisition or summons. He has been plying his old vocation with equal success as in North Carolina. One after another the corrupt rings which have ruled the Southern States seems to bo crumbling. When they are all broken peace will return $nd there will probably bo no call for Ku-Klux laws. The ring Gov ernors in North Carolina and Geor gia have already been driven away by the force of public opinion, and the maladministration in South Car olina, Louisiana, Teias and Arkan sas must soon give way before the popular zeal for reform in those States. Immortality. now beautiful the following gem from the pen of the late George D. Prentice, and how happy the heart that can see these beauties as he portray’* them:— “Why is it that the rainbow and the cloud come over us with a beau ty that is not of earth, and then pass away, and leave us to muse on their faded loveliness ? Why is it that the stars which hold their nightly festivals around the midnight tin-one arc placed above the reach of oui limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory? And why is it that bright forms of human boauty are presented to our view and then taken from us, leav ing the thousand streams of affection to flow back in Alpine torrents upon our hearts ? We are born to a higher destiny than earth. There is a realm where the rainbow never fades—where the stars will be set, but before us like islands that slum ber on the ocean, and where the beautiful being that passes before us like a meteor will stay in our pres ence forever.” Good.—We learn that an Irishman, who had been employed at the Cemete- xy, in thia place, some time since, went to Washington for the purpose of drawing his .pay. After receiving it, the Paymaster discovering a sabre •car on hie face, remarked, ‘‘you were ia the war.” “Yes,” said he. What com mand were y»u in!” said the Paymas ter,” “In General Fitzhugh Lee’s com. mand,” said he. “Did yon hare the audacity to apply at a Federal Ceme tery for work when yon were in the Rebel Army!” “Yea,” replied the Irishman, “I helped to kill the beasts, and I thought I had a right to hel£ to bury them.—Culpeper Obftr.r: TWO A. T. REID & CO. HAVE SOMETHING To Eat and Wear IN ONE, AND ^iometlilng to 99 V&- IN THE OTHEB! EEP constantly on hand BACON SIDES, BACON SHOULDERS, BACON HAMS. DRY SALT SIDDS, DRY SALT SHOULDERS, MESS PORK, by [the barrel. SUPERFINE FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, FAMILY FLOUR, GARDNER’S EXTRA FLOUR, PLANT’S EXTRA, DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, IRON TIES, SUGAR of all grades, BEST COFFEE, MEAL, CORN, RICE, STARCH, SOAP, POTASH, SODA, etc.; SHOES AND BOOTS (ALL GBADESiHATS AND CAPS clothings MEN AND BOY’S CLOTH AND OIL CLOTH OVER-CO A'lS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPET BAGS. THE NICEST LOT XiAdies 9 JPVW.NPS oamd ISMCwmifife, LADIES’ SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOOD§, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, COLUMBUS MADE GOODS, TRUCK FOR TROWSERS, CaSSIMERES, STRIPES, CHECKS, COTTON YARNS, 4-4 SHEETING, 7-8 SHIRTING, 8 oz. OSNABURGS, CROCKERY OF ALL GRADES, SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, ''BUGGY HARNESS, TOBACCO of all grades, CHEESE, BUTTER, FISH, FISH ROE. IN SMALL STORE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, RUMS. PORTER SALE; ty BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Will bny Cotton, Com, Cow Hides, and any^other Country Produce. Cosh or barter. nov24 Cm A. T. REID & CO is. if. iRIJTOM «C Co., WAREHOUSE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, B AlNBRIDGE, GA *etl3 tf ETIWAN FERTILIZERS. Three very Superior Articles are offered by- the Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate Company of Charleston S. C, viz: ETIWAN GUANO. A complete manure, adapted to Cotton, Grain and Tobacco, being the well knows arti/ cle heretofore offered at the very high grade of 15 per cent, dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, with the addition, as heretofore, of Peruvian Guano, Ammonia and Potash. Price' $55 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next, and *60 per ton, payable Nov. 1st, 1873, without interest. ETIWAN CROP FOOD. A new article ofabont the same high grade of Soluble Phosphate, compounded with thede- ments of Cotton Seed in such a manner, as to ensure one of the best fertilizers for Cotton and Grain, at a lower price than the Etiwan Guana Price *40 per ton, if paid on or be fore the 1st of April next, $45 per ton, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, without interest. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to 30m cent, of Dissolved Bone Phosphate, and thus waMmg the planter by composting, to obtain two tons of half that grade at a saving of an sir* con axo freight. Price $35 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next, *40 per ton. payable Nov. 1st, 1873, without interest TAKE NOTICE, that aix these fertilizers are of the highest grade of Soluble Phosphate, and must kelp for more than nn* year. ^ WSSSSte Are endorsed and prescribed by more leading Physicians than any other tonic or stimulant now in nae. They are A SURE PREVENTIVE for Fever and Ague, Intermittent*. Billiousness, and all disorders arising from Miasmatic cause* They are highly recommended as an anti-dy*- peptic, and in case* of indigestion' are invaluable as an Appetiner and Recuperant, and in ease* of Geneneral Debility they have never in a single instance failed in producing the most happy re sults. They are particularly BENEFICIALTO FEMALES,strengthening the body,invigorating the mind, and giving tons and elasticity to tbs < whole system. *The HOME BITTERS are com pounded with the greatest care, and no Tonic Stimulant, ha* ever been offered to the public SO PLEASANT TO THE TASE, a>'d at the same time combining so many remedial agents, in dorsed by the medical fraternity as tbe best known to the Pharmacopoeia. It costs little to give them a fair trial, and Every Family Should Have a Bottle- We ask every one to read the following certifi cates from many of tbe most eminent physicians in the country: ' St. Lotus, July, 1870.-JAMES A. JACKSON A CO.: Gentlemen—As you hdve communicated to the medical profession the recipe of the “Home Bitters,” it cannot, therefore, be con sidered as a secret or patent medicine, no patent having been taken tor it. We have examined rhe formula for-making tbe “Home Bitters,"and unhesitatingly say tbe combination is one of rare excellence, all the articles used in its composi tion are the be9t ot the class to which they be long, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and slightly Laxative. Tbe mode of preparing them is strictly in accordance with the rales of pharmancy. Haring used them, seen its effect in our private practice, we take pleasure in recommending them to all persons desirous of taking Ritters, as being the best Tonic aad Stimulant now offered to the ; ublic L, Ch. Boisline're, M. D. F. G. Porter, M. D. Alfred Heacock, M. D. C. Gericke, M D. brake McDowell, M. D. C. A. Ware, M. D. J. C. Whitehill, M. D. E. A Clark, M. D. Dr. C. V. F. Ludwig, S. G. Moses, M. D. W. A. Wilcox, M. D. Hubert Primm. U. S. Marine Hospital, St. Lonis, Mo., Oct. 8, 1870.—Jos. A. Jackson A Co.: I have examined the formula for making the “Home Stomach Bitters,” and used them in this Hos pital for tbe last four months. I consider them the most valuable tonic and stimulant now ir use. • H. Mclchcr. St, Louis, July t, 1870.—Jas. A. Jackson Co.: Having examined the formula from which your celebrated “Stomach Bitters” are prepared, md having witnessed the method of combining the different ingredients, we can s«fely recoin mend them as the best tonic with which we are acquainted. From the great care with which they are compounded, and from the choice ma- terial^whicb enter into them, >re have no doubt- that they will prove, as they deserve to be, the most popular tonic and stimulant in use. Respectfully, yours, T. J. Vastine, x- n. T. G. Comstock x. n We cheerfully esneur with every word con tained in the above testimonial.' John Conzelmun, h. D. John Hsrtman, x. t>. Cbas. Vastine, x. n. John T. Temple, x. n. G. S Walker, x. ». E. C. Franklin, x. n- ttneinnati, Oct. 19, 1870.—Mersrs. W B Ken nedy A Co., agents “Home Bitters”; Gents— Agreeable to your requests, I have examined the formula of the “Home Stomach Bitters,” and find the remedies it contains such as are in general use by tneMedieal Profession. They are very scientifically and pleasantly combined, and as stimulating tonics will be found especial ly adapted as corroborants to the treatment of low or debditated stages of the system, whether arising from impaired digestion or from malari ous diseases. Dr J L Vattiers L A James, x n R S Wayne, Chemist CT Simpson, x n W T Taliaferro, x o S P Bonner, x D J J Quinn, X » C S Muscroft, x S J H Buckner, in GW Bigler, x t> W R Woodward, x n G A Doherty, x » Chicago, Sept. 30, 1870.—J L Smith. Esq. We bay® examined the formula for the “Cele brated Stomach Bitters,”’and find it to be com posed of articles that ore considered the best tonics used by tbe Jiedieal Profession, and one of tbe best bitters we know of now ia nse. Very respectfully, H S Hahn, x p B McVicar, x » JB Walker, it » Ga Mariner . Norman S Baines, x ». For Sale by all Druggists aad Grocers. For Sale by DR. M. D. HOTL 4k BRO., Bainbridge, Georgia. March 18,24 1871 ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE..LERS IN AND feROOEIlI'ESI BAINBRIDGE, GEORGT-A., HAVE NOW READY TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. They have on hand everything their friends and patrons rnav wish to purchase. Their prices are pct down vert low, hoping to ... make up in sales what is lost in profits. Their ? t»N9BT8 OF Dec.l5-3m. "W IsA. c. BEE Sc CO., GENERAL AGENTS, Charleston, S. C. Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mort gage. APRIL TERS1, 1871. Richard Sims vs. Stafford W. Long. It being represented to the Court by the petitition of Richard Sims, that by deed of mortgage dated the 10th day of May, 1869, Stafford W. Long conveyed to the said Rich ard Sims Forty Acres of Land, No. 132, in the 21st District of said county, for the pur pose of securing the payment of a certain promisso.v note, made by the said Stafford W. Long to the said Richard Sims or bearer, dated on the 10th day of May, 1869, and due nine months after the date ’thereof, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars, which note is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said Stafford W. Long do pay into this Court by the first day of the next Term thereof the principal, interest and cost due on said note, or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said Richard Sims of said and the equity of redemption of W. Low " ' the said Stafford W. Long therein be forever bound, and the service of this role be per fected upon said Stafford W. Long according toiaw. PETER J. STROZIEK, Judge S. C-, A. C. Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mortgage and Order to Perfect Service: Richard Sims vs. Stafford W. Long. It appearing to the Court by the return of the 8herifftbat the defendant resides without the State, it is ordered that service be per. fectedby publication once a month for four months in the Bainbridge Democrat. PETER J. STROZTER, - Judge S. C., A. C A true extract from the minutes of the Su perior Court, October Term, 1871. T. F. HAMPTON, Dee. 1st, 187L Clk. S. C. FOR RENT, The Plantation four miles from the city of Bainbridge, known as the DUNLAP PLACE. Apply to r. Ia BABBIT. 25, 1872—lw ^n 1arm 5 SATIN DrCHINES, SATIN DtCHINE STRIPES, CASHMERES, MOH AIRS, DIAGONAL STRIPES, % ALPACCAS, ALL WOOL DeLAINES, SILK VELVET RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS i^Of all Descriptions. A large lot of^PERA FLANNELS, vary, cheap. Their stock of broods Is very extensive, and being bought before the rise, are offered LO^ ! Their stock of JBuDottai Inequality and cheapness cannot be excelled. a®*CLOTHING FOR GENTS, HATS, CAPS.-®* To their former stock they have added a foil supply of GROCERIES! CONSISTING OF LABOR QUANTITllS OF BAGGING ahd TIES, COFFERS, SUGARS, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, Ac.,— In ihet everythin* kept in a Xmt dam Grocery Howe, Plantation Wagons, with Bodies, & Compete i and warranter h months for l We are foUyprepared to make advances on .or purchase COTTON. Persons wishing to avail themselves of a good opportunity will dp well to give ns a cafl. ■ •S’*We are also Agents for the Liverpool, London and Globe Insur ance Company—the best and strongest company in the world. For farther information apply to T- HUNN EWELL & CO-, o«tiTtf Bursm^ Ga. . F. R. R. BAOWAY’S READY RELIEF odium tbk wossr pants IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES hut owns hour After reading this advrrtisemeDt need any on# suf. for witK pain. RADIYAY’S READY RELIEF Is a care for ereijr pain. Itwas tbe first aad i* th# ONLY PAIN REMEDY That Instantly stops th* most excruciating pstn, >1. ays InflamaHona, and cores congestions, whether of be Longs, Stomach, bowels, or other glauds or or. gmas, by one application. _____ IN FBOM ONE VtteXStSSTY METOTL8 no matter bow violent or, crociating tbe pain tbs RHEUMATIC, bed-riiden. infirm, Crippled, »r vous, Neuralgic, ot prostrated with disease may su for. RAD WAY’S READY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYS INFLAMATION OFTHE BLADDER. INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS. CNOGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT DIFFICULT BREATHING PALPITATION OF THE HEART, HYSTERICS, CROUP; DIPHTEHIRA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application ofthe Ready Relief te the part or parts sphere the pain or difficul ty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of wate* will in a few moments cure OifAMIM SPASMS. SOUK STOMACH. HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHEA. DYSEN TERY, COLIC. WIN1> IN TILE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle ef Radway’s Ready Relief with them. A few drop's in water will present sickness or pairs from change of water. It is better than rreuch Brandy or Bitters aa a stimulant, FEVER AND AGUE- FEVER AND AGUE, cured for fifty ceutsr There is not s remedial ageiiiin this wer'd. 'that will cute Fever and Ague, and all eth er Malarious, Billions, Seal-let, Typhoid- Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RAH WAY'S PILLS) so quick as RADWaYS READY RELIEF. Fifty cent* per belli*. Health. Beauty. Strong end pure rich blood—increase ef flesh and weight—clear skin and beauti ful complexion secured to all. 4 9 DR. BAdWAT'S Sareapapillian Resolvent Has made the most Astonishing e'ires; se qnick, se ra[dd are the changes the hedy undergoes, under the influence of-this truly wonderful medicine that. Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD #URIFIER. Every drop of t.lte SARSAPARTLMAN- RESOLVENT cominunicntes through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the sysfem the vigor of life, for it repairs the wests of the body wuth -new aad •ootid material. Sen.fuln, Sypiiili Conmimp- ion. Olnndrr'sr diseases, nleeis in the threat Month, Tumors. Nodes in the Glands and itlier parts of the syslein. Sore Eyes, Stru- norotjs discharges from ihe Enrs. and tl.s. .rorst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptiees, r’ever Soers. Scoald Head. Ring worm. Salt Rheum. E: v*ij>eas. Acne, Black S ots. Worms n the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in the Wo pb <nd all weakening and painful discharges Night Sweats, Loss of Spe-m and all wastes >f the life principle, are within the-enrs- five range of this wonder of Modern Chem istry, and a lew days' use will prove to any person using it for either of those forms ef disease its potent, power to cure them Not only does the Sabsaparkxiax Rksol- vent excels all Know remedial agen't in the cure ef Chronic, Scrofulous Constitutional, and Skin diseases: but it js the only posits** core for. KIDNEY* BLADDER COMPLAINTS. Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, -Di- obete, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Ineen- ineeee of Urioe Bright's Disease, Albumin uria ,and in all cases. PERFECTLY PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly taneless elegantly coated with sweet gum purge regula*e purify eleanae and strengthen. Railway’* Pills, for tb* ear* of all disorder's of tbe Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys. Bladder. Nervous, Diseases. Head ache, Const! ation, Cestiveness, Indigestions Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Pilioas Fever, Isflt- mation of tbe Boweles. Piler, and all Derange ments ef the fnternal Viscera, warrenied te effet a pesitise cure Purely vega table, cod tail ing no meicu-y. minerals, or deleterions drags. A few doses of Radway’s Pills will frew th* system from all tbe above named disorders, Price, 25 cents per Bex. Sold by druggest*. - Read “False aad traej“ Send ene letter stamp to Vadway and Co., 87 Maiden Las#, New York Information worth thousands will eb sent you. TBE BMBRHWE FACTORY, BAINBRIDGE, ga. PATRONIZE ROME INSTITUTIONS The merchants and planters of Southwest Georgia and Florida are respectfully solicited to send their orders to THE BAINBRIDGE FACTORY For Omabnrgi; Sheetings, «htrtls|1 Wools■ needs. Taras, e«n.> As I am satisfied that they can save 25 pet sent by buying direct front the Factory, thereby enabling them to undersell all com petitors who purchase in Northern markets. Give me a coll, Satisfaction guaranteed. W. G. D. TONGA dec* 3m - Baixbridge, Ga- _ IKE ALB ART HOUSE, XEBSICE BASNB3, Proprietor. AbBUT, Georgia. Thia hons# is well fitrnUhed and every vi> fj pored ter th# o mmodstlao of the traveUsnf pee- Ic: entire at e ion guaranteed The table is nr plied with the besttb# country affords, and tb* vasts are aasarpeased in pomeneee and attrattos <*. the wants ot guests. Omnihnseea convey psxynd»ra to and from the different railroads promptly. Uharr - - suit the times. Albany. Oa.. Pet. Rim. wtmrep-^..— ...— ,«A«Aoa ^ WR3TXLEY 4k DOVALSOY, ATTORNEYS At LAW BAINBRIDGE, GA. TTriLL practice ia the Southwestern *M YT PatentsCirosits. jSF'Ofic* up stairs, In Sanborn's asw build iag. *prtilT*M**4