The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 03, 1867, Image 3

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Local Hcatl isjZj) ! Bgy*R«*ii<i the »ilv«*rtis< , mpnt of the Georgia Rute Lottery, in another colomn. k fine lot of ttprin? calico at Loewen item and Pfeifer a, Jmt received, at I«oewen«tein At Pfeifer s. a fine lot of ladies and gent* boots and KllOC*. t a««lm<»res, cotlonadM, Jeans, and Linen Drill, Duck and Coating, just re-i teiv and at Loeweostein A Pfeifer’*. Loewenateiu & Pfeiier are daily expecting a large lot of crocksry «aii(l IliAr*!- j ware. Call and *ee them. If you want a fine and cheap suit of Spring C l<> tiling, tail at Loeweiixtcin & Pfeifer’s A large lot of bleached and uubleached whirtinir H»i«l sheeting ju»t received Loewenstem Ac Pteiter’s. Don’t be l>«*ceivcd! If you hava't paid in advance fur your piper, you will only have to pay | I-'our Dollars instead of Three, per year. Administrators, executors, tfcc. I who have failed to pay for advertising j when due, will be charged transient rates lor the same. We do no busL nes« on a credit. Farmers with whom we are acquainted can have the paper for Three Dollars a year payable in wheat or corn from the present crop. Mkmorial Day at Kinoston.-—Th)i VGih, or Memorial day, was not for' gotten by the good people of Kingston ant! vicinity. The day was all that could have been desired, in respect to health. The sky was clear and nature seemed to smile approvingly upon the sad, but pleasing ceremonies of the oc casion. About 10 o’clock a. m., quite a large congregation assembled at the Methodist Church—where the exer cises of the day began with the hymn “I Would Nm Ltve Al way” sung by the i hoir, lead by Capt. Sands, after which prayer was offered by Rev. W. V. Rivers. The congregation then formed in procession, and marched to the u, per ceinttuf) , hearing numerous bm|ut ts and baskets of flowers. Here, uniiei th.c di.ection of CJol. M. A. Har den. Marshal oi the day and master of c rein.mies, the process! ni was halted a>> ! pioperlv disposed for the exercises ■of the day. Oilier hymns were sung a id an appropriate p'-’V-rir offered bv K' v. (J. VV. Howard ; alter which the floral otfi-rings were tastefully arranged In the young ladies upon and around aii the gra ts; the choir meanwhile singing an appropriate and original die by R v. VV . P. Rivers. I'iie [{t v. ('. W. Howard was then introduced, and entertained the people wuh a short address, beautiful, touching Slid practical; during which the deep* e c t interest and much emotion was ’visible throughout the assembly. It is to be sinei rely hoped, that the ladies of the district to whom the earnest speaker paid so just a tribute, will nnnudiati iy act upon the sugges tion offer. •,!, and proceed to use their in c >’ influence and energy, informing the Hdue itional Association and se curing -is benefits to the children of evet v soldier’s family in the district. Auer t'lis aililres*. tlie company move i to t*'c low.'tjr .-tjinetery, where similar ceremonies anti duties were p. : formed : when the following reso» lii-ion was ufli red and curried unani mously— Rtso'ved , That the thinks of this community are vine to those ladies and [Hit men who have taken in charge ’■te arrangement ot our burial erountl, and who have decorated so tastefully the graves which cover the remains of our deceased soldiers , this work hav ing been accomplished under many and flicnkies and prosecuted with untiring energy. wili he seen, by reference to our advertising columns, that Messrs. Talley, Brown Cos., are out in anew advertisement, a* they are just receiv ing iheir large and splendid stock of new and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods and Notions, <fcc., of the latest styles and the tinest qualities, which they propose to sell at low figures for cash. This is one of the leading dry goods houses in the city ol Atlanta and is bountifully supplied with every thing that is kept in a strictly dry goods house, especially in the ladies’ line. The proprietors are all gentle men of taste, and the clerks are nice, courteous and affible, and will make the most reserved and distant disposed customer feel at home in their presence, and prominent among the latter may be recognized the familiar face of our es teemed friend and former eountyman, Mr. E. D. Cheshire, than whom there is no more clever gentleman. We invite attention to the advertise ment of the new Dry Goods Store just opened ia this place, by L. Ferguses JtesrDon’i fail to read the large double j column advertisemi nt of John M. Gan- j non, wholesale and retail dry-goods merchant, Atlanta. Ga. This is one of the heaviest Dry-Goods Houses in the interior of the South. Mr. Gan non has a mammoth stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, of every imaginable style and quality, and is continually receiving fresh supplies. He is prepared to offer inducements to country merchants as well as individ uals which ure unsurpassed in the South. All that he asfts to insure the sale of his goods is an examination of his styles, qualities and, above all, his prices. He has the means and the ca pacity for carrying on a first class store, with profit to himself and convenience and profit to his customers. He bought his goods to sell again, and therefore, he bought good, fashionable and sale ble goods, and put them down to the lowest possible prices. •gk-T he wheat harvest is rapidly ap proaching, and preparations should be making for cutting and threshing the same. Our clover and grasses will soon be ready for the mower. The first step to be taken is to call on Mess. Howard <s* Gilbert and purchase one of their inimitable Buckeye Mowers /and Reapers, and the celebrated Ken tucky 'Thresher, for which Col. John J. Howard is agent, advertisements of which may be found in this paper. — With these very valuable agricultural implements in hand, you will be found ready lor the golden harvest. A Sion. —The Rome Courier says : Col. Ritterhasgiyen Messrs. Morefield & Coleman permission to again hang out their sign, ‘'The Lone Star Saloon,’ that Capt. De la Messa ordered them to take down some three months since. IVXontvale Springs, IQ6 7 . THIS popular Summer resort having been placed In thorough repair, anil furnished witn new Furnitur , will be opened for visitors on the Ist of JUNK next, under the direction and control of the undersigned— Proprietors of the American Hot l, Atlanta, On. Montvale presents the strongest attractions to both the Invalid and pleasure-seeker, no less on account of its retirement and the beauty of its surroundtng scene ry, than of the restorative powers of it* waters. We have reduced the price of Board to the lowest, figures consistent with a proper provision for the Entertain ment u i our Guests. Board, per Day, #8 00 “ per Week 20 00 “ per Month, 60 00 with an allowance for families. Travellers by Railroad reach the Springs bv special conveyance from Loudon, or by regular daily rn-ti coaches from Knoxville, Tenn. WHITE & WHITLOCK. ril 26, 1867. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY! For the Benefit of THE "MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME! 1 ’ THE Legislature of the State of Georgt*. at Its last set-don, granted to W. W. Boyd t nd others, a Grant to adopt a Lottery, or series of Lotteries and Agencie*, to rai*e money for the purpose of building a Home for, and supporting Indigent Widows and Orphans—the Home to be called the “MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME.” The grantees have associated with them, as a Board of Managers, some of the befit citizens of this State, in the great work of benevolenee and harpy. We call the attention of the public to the G aud Scheme below, and ask your patronage. In purchasing tickets, you win re.nember that should you fall to draw a prize that your money w 1 e strictly and Masonicafly applied to a charitable work. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE "MASONIC ORPHANS'HOME!' TO BE DRAWN IN OPEN PUBLIC, At ATLANTA, GEORGIA ON Wednesday, May 15,156 - Class B. Wednesday, June 19, ISGT-Class C Wednesday, July IT, 156 - Class D- Scheme the Same fer Each Month. 1 Priieof $50.000 fi SSO, 000 1 Prize of 20, 006 ta 20, 0(H) 1 Prize of 10, 000 is 10, 000 1 Prize of ft, 000 i5...-. 5,000 1 Prize of 2,500) ftre <,OOO 24 Prizes of 600 are 12,000 56 Prizes of 250 are,.., 13. “50 123 Prizes 0f....... .... 2 , » are 26. O*X) 160 Prixes of ICO are 19. 000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of SSOO each for Die nine remaining: units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $50,000 Prise are 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of $250 each for the nine remaining units of the -ame ten of the No. drawing the $20,000 Prize are 2, 250 9 Approximation Prizes of S2OO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the SIO,BOO Prize are 1, SOO 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $5,000 Prize are 900 IS Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 Prizes are 1. so*l 424 Prizes, amounting to $l6B, 000 Whole Tickets, sl*2 ; Halves $6; Quarters. *3: Eights, 51,50, All the Pi iies Above stated are Drawn at Every Drawing. PLALT or these Great Lotteries, and Explanation of Drawings. The numbers from 1 to 30,000. corresponding with the numbers ou the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper aid encircled with sma 1 tabes and placed in a glass wheel. Ail the prizes in aecordance with the Scheme, are r miLany printed and encircled, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels are then revolTed and two boys, blindfolded, draw the Numbers and Pri ze*. One of the boy3 draws me number from the wheel of Nos. and at the same time the o.h, a boy draws out one prise from the wheel of prizes. The number and prize drawn out are exhibited to the iudiecce. and whatever prize comes out is registered and placed to the credit of that number; and this operation is repealed until ali the priwes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the following style ; They are divided into Quarters And eight' printed on the face of the Ticket. Four Quarters or eight Eights bearing the srm» number. couatiUiie a Whole Ticket. frizes Payable without discouxt W. W. BOYD, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manager Atlanta. Ga. srsF Orders for Ticket s bv mall or express to be ad reased to L R. BROADBENF, Acer.' Or W. W. BOYD. Principal .Manager, April 36—wtjune 19 le9T. Atlanta, Ga. ROBACK’B BITTERS \*; STOMACH BITTERS TjJ %\ ci;riK X DYSPEPSIA, V* % u and are the beet Tonic ■ ,*,O in tile world. *%■ - ■ V ROBACK'S ./ <s.S BLOOD ,/ & PILLS % CURE > 4- * x o° SICK Jk HEADACHE, % 1 2L ! Costivepess, and all ill- CL X, ; senses of the bowels. * r v -- -- % X ROBACK’S V \ BLOOD ,o° X PURIFIER! 'ft 4’ N % * CURES dr % • <s? SCROFULA and all Uisease arising 1 ll ,111 , j ~ ARE SOLD BY ALL Druggists and Dealers ill Patent Ulediciues E V ER YWH ERE PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Sth*essors to Dr. C. W. Roback,) f?OLE PROPRIETORS, Nos. 58, 68, 60 & 62 East Third St, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Bartow Sheriff Sales. ON the first Tuesday in May next} within the legal hours of sale, will he sold oefore the Courthouse door in C .rtersville, Bartow county, the following pro perty to-wit: Okie town lot in Cassville, containing four acre', more or less, know as the property of Thomas Esplb; levied on as the property of Thomas Espie, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favnr <>f the State of Georgia and Bartow county, vs. said Espie; levy made and returned to me by a constable. W. L. AYCOCK, Sh-ri£f. April S, 1867. A. M, FRANKLIN, D. S. Postponed sale . Also, at the same time and place, wilt be sold, lot of land No. 991, in the 21st district and 2d section of Bar tow county ; levied on as the property of j. WinkSfild, to fiatis y a tax fi fa in favor of the State of Georgia and Bartow county, vs. said Winkfield. Levy made and returned to me oy a constable. W. L AYCOCK, Sheriff. April 8, ISST. A. M. FBANKtIN, D. & GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTY. ROBERT Speer applies for letters of administration on the estate of George VV. Carey deceased All persons concerned are h -reby notified to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, in the time prescribed by law. Given under mv hand ana official signiture. this f e 22nd day March,lß67. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale . BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, Georgia, Wilt he sold before the Court-house do ot In CartersvlUei on the first Tuesday in Mat next, 1567, between the legal hours of sale, the fallowing Tracts or parcels of Lahd in said County, to'- wit Lot of Land number Eighty-light, ($8) In the Fifth District and Third Section of said county, containing One Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or lers, being the place whereon Joseph H. Jones resided at the time of his death, said tract of land being well improved, a good Dwe.ling house. Stables, and out-house*, about One hqndred acres cleared land, the balance tolerably well timbered. Also. Lot o. Land number Two Hundred and Twenty Six, iu the K ith District and Third Section of said county, containing One Hundred and Sixty acres, more Or less, with two cabins, and about Twenty-five &c es i of cleared land, the balance well timbered—good land, with a good spring of water. Also, One Hundred acres,of Lot of Land number Two Hundred ahd twenty-five, in the sdme District and Section, with about Twenty five acres of cleared land, the balance well and a cabin on said tract. Also, at the same time, Lot of Land number Nlnety- Fcar. In the Twenty-fifth district and Third sect on of originally Cherokee now Gordon county, containing Eighty acres, more or Jess, being the East half of said Lot Said tract being unimproved lands and wet! tim bered. Also, Lot of Land number Eighty-Seven, in the 25th district and 3rd section of originally Cherokee now Gordon county, containing Ore Hundred and Sixty acres, more or less, about Twenty acres of said lot cleared, with a cabin, the balance well timbered, the same being No. I land. Also, at the same time and place. Lot of Lard num ber Five Hundred and Seventy-five, in dis tret and 3rd section of originally Cherokee now P.aid ini or Po k county, containing forty acres, more or 1-ss, the same being an unimproved lot Any person desiring t« See any of th* above land will call on either o'the Administrators at 'heir resi dence- The tame being sold for the benefit of the heirs wnd cred’tors of Joseph H. Jones, deceased. Terms of sale, cash. T-is 20tii dav of March. 1867. I tVI HEFNER A SAMUEL B. JUNE? Administrators oi Joseph H. Jones, deed. cr. w- maxwell- BRICK MASON. Is prepared to do alf kinds of work in Brick ard Stone at short notice. Has on hand a fine lot of newly burned b ick and is prepared fb do work open the most reasonable terms Car.vrivnie, Ga., May 3.d, 15c7. New Croods-Blair and Bradshaw have received their new and beautiful Stock of If ill® ili SlWlii F#l It# I. Ccnisting in Part as follows Dress goods, silks, poplins, mozarnbiques, grenadines, berege, challi es, delaines* lawns, muslins, and the best stock of PRINTS, bro’t to Car tersville since the war. A complete as sortment of Hoisery and Gloves. Our stock of Ladies’ shoes, slippers and gaiters is com plete. Bleached and brown sheet instable linen and shirting. Forgentlcmen Fine French cloths and doe skin, fancy cas si meres, eng lisli tweeds, satinetts, jeans and plain, and fancy linens. A complete assortment of CLOTHING. Bools, sh oes, Hats, and NOTIONS. Calico for 10c per yard; Hoop skirts, for 75 cents. Ladies’ lasting gaiters for 1,50 Hats for the million, good wool for 75c Wo arc determined to sell our goods cheaper than anybody. Come all— the rick the powor, the learned and the illiterate, the white, the black, the male, and ieraiale, the little, the big, the maimed, the halt, the blind, and buy bargains, at BLAIR & BRADSHAW’S. CHEAP STORE, IN DR. CLAYTON’S NEW BRICK BUILDING, EAST SIDE >R. R. Cartersville, Georgia. April 12 18(>7. I Fptcfat ftp;ices. Know Thy Destiny. E. F. Thornton, the great English Aerologist, Clairvoyant and Psychrometrican, ) who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old YV orld, has now located herself at Hud son. N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to impart knc'wledge of the greatest im portance to the single ormarried of either sex. H hile in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person joh are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense pow i er, known as the Psvfchomotrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future hus band or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character. &c. This is no thou sands of testimonials can asset*. She will send when desired a cprt fied certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to he. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and deiflred informa tion hv return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence Madame E F Thornton, P. 0. Box 223, Hud son. N. Y. march 1, lv Wonderftll but True. MADAME RE .IIXGTOX, the world-re nowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to mar ry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychoinotrope, guaran tees to produce a perfect life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c. This is no imposition, as test imonials wit outnumber can assert. By sta ting place of birth, age, dispositiomcolor of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, togeth er with information. Address in confidence, Madame Ger trude Remington, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, X. Y. inarch I, ly EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR! I CHASTELLAE’S Hair Exterminator For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article tirfema'e beauty, is easi ly applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extipating the same, leav ing the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article Used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory in existence, — Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS & CO. Chemists, 285 Kivei Street, Troy, X. Y, march 1, 18G7. ly A Young Lady return itig to her country home, 'fter a sojourn of a few months in the City, w is hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she re dly appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she Used the Circassian Haim, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to a Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in is combination, as X’a ture herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also heal ing, clednsifig add beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle it draws from it a 1 its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature in tended it -hould bt, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price -"£1, sent by Mail or Efx press, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK & Go., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Str., Syrxcufe, X. Y; The only American Agents tor the §alc of the same. march 1, ly Free to Everybody. A l arge 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It t-CaChos how the homely may become beautiful, the dispised respected, and the for saken loved. Xo young lady or gentleman should fait to send their Address, and re eive a copy post paid, by return niail: Address mch 1. Cm P. 0. Drawer, 21. Troy, X. Y. CRISPER CQBSAi Oh 1 she wag beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined. Enchained the .ery heart and mind. CRISPER com. For Curling (lie hair of olllier Sex into Wavy and Glossy Kinglets or Heavy .Mas sive Curls. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand told. It is the On'v article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies, and cleanses it; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete artie'e ot the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to anv address, sealed an 1 postpaid for sl. Address all orders to W- L. CLARK & CO., Cheirdsts, Xo. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, march I, ly N, ¥ TO COXSI-lit*TIVES. The advertiser, ha.vlr.jr been restored *o health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease C^rsumption—is anxious to make knows to bis feiiow-s.cffer.r3 the mean of cure. To ail who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the 31-r.e. which the- w 11 find a SURE CURE for CONt-UMPTION. ASTHMA. BROS t’HITId. COUGHS. COLD?, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tr.e on-y object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluably and he hrpes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will erst them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties w-jshiog the prescription. FREE, by return mail, will pitaae aduress KEY. FDWaKD A WIF,FON. Williamsborg, Kings Cos., New York. May Ist, 1567. wly. ERRORS OF lOI'TH. A Uenfleman who suffered for years from Perrons [‘ebi.fty. Premature, Decay, and all the effects o! youthful indiscretion, w 11, tor the sake of buffering humanity,' send f rie to s’l who need ir the receipe and directions for making tl»e titnp’e remedy by which be was cured. Suffcre-s wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addrewirg. in perfect roi fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Ced-r Street. New York. May i, ia«7. wly. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOR 1867 Chamberlain, Cole 4* Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia. Arc selling their immense Block el mm fiNum •» wmm At Wholesale and Retail, for fcash Only, At Prices to suit the Times Their Stotk of DRESS GOODS coin prises everv new sfvle in the American maikeis HOSIERY «:i.i GLOVES. the largest ever brought ,r» Atlanta ; SILK =‘>.tl POPLIN COVERINGS. W LACE POINTS "fevery variety ; EMBROIDERIES ami LACE GOODS every description ; PARASOLS and SILK UMBRELLAS *»■» < h "'h r ; TABLE DAMASKS NAPKINS TuWELS- TOWELING and IRISH LINENS : CURTAIN DAMASKS’ Goods lor Mens and Boys wear. DOMESTICS ami NOTIONS I. L FO R THE LOW ES T CASH PRICE April 12—!y, M S8 SMWWIijg „ WHOLESAALE GROCER AID COMMISSIOM MERCHANT. No 1 Granite Slock, Broad Street, [Adjoining the Rail-Road,3 B. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA, T. P. FLEMING. Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain- Hay- and all Western Products. Orders for ar v description of Merchandise promptly filled, and consignments solicited. April 26, 18bt.w?rri MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY caosjasHva axosis. We would respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have just received one of the largest and best selected s oek* of SIP.-tUEiTO- -A-HSTID SUMMER CLOTETIKa! Ever brought t? Atlanta, all of which have been manufactured for us from Go ds bought at lute decline, f'r Cash, With special reference to the wants of this section. We would respectful.y invite &l! to an txaudnaaon of Oar Goods and Prices, Feeiing confident thut we can Stilt the most economical; as well as ih>- most fastldtou-; us to price atid qua tly Space does not penult to enumerate ail the Gtods kept by u -, but suffice it to say we have nice Cassimere Suits for S7 50 to SlO 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our Goods, need not he told that our ClotMn- ;« made up by the best workmen, and cf superior goods. In add tion to the above, we kee •>, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Onns ! s,inpof PGFFKP and PLAIN WHTT« SHIRT?, FANCY and BROWN T.T V FN SHIRT?, T'NDF.ROAIt- MEXTS. of all sizes Fancy and Plain TIE' 3 , of all descriptions. Silk and l.inen H* dkerchief-. Genuti o Gray’s Patent Molded Collar, as well as Glazed aa-i Marseilles Cellars, All of which will be sold chea,erlhau can be bought, elsewhere. Also, Boots, Shoe?, nats, Soli Feather and other Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies’ Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. ROSENFELI) & BRO -, Next doer to McCamy 6c Go’s Drug Store, Whitehall Street, April 26, A ! LANTA, GEORGAi “OUR MOTTO ’ LIVE, ANn LET LIVE Shall be demonstrated in all our dealings. J. 11. SATTERFIELD .V BRO„ Are now receiving their Spring and SOMMER SUPPLIES Os Sew anti Beautiful Dry- Goods, CloNiing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, anti Motions, in the prices of any and ail of which xve pledge ourselves to dupli cate Atlanta bills. We also have on hand a superb lot of roceries and produce, which we will sell equally as low ; but, remem ber our terms are unequivocally CASH AND CASH, 0-N-L-Y. The citizens and public generally are earn estly solicited to c-ril and examine our goods and prices, and try and {‘i'OvO uS and see if we will not comply With our promise. J. H. SATTERFIELD & BRO. Cartersville, Ua., April 19, 1367. 1 U€Sl¥l' MOWER ARD So E IP E E, . Best Machine in the WorM, Mamefactured by C. Aultman fy Cos. CANTON, OHi'l, For 1357. WE have been appoint Zsg e<l agents for the sale o KT-sch. an i Reaper, for the coun ’i -« of Bartow, Gordon. Cherokee, and Pickens and will sell to any parties who wish the M chine delivered v them : ere. The prices are low and terms reason able. Please cai! .1 once an 1 - b»a!a circulars giving description and pi ices, or address JOHN J. HOWARD, or W. H. GILL EE r. Cartersville, Ga., April 12, IS<37. »3m Thresh ont your Wheat! I ant stfll the AGSJST for the safe of ffi«*e excellent Kentucky THRESHER?, both four hor*e and two horse $ 17.Ec. Tl < recent improvements made cn thete THRESHERS render then, the most desirable of any that are now offered for sale. They are *a«ily \ MANAGED, and not liable to art out 'te eeii M veil IN r • » ,rr . v:j c-f.e t ..." j. .. - —. u .^KBBSBKgm STEWART COOK STOVE. THE LATEST Tt'OXD^P And Mo*t Complete Improve incut of the Age. $5,000,000 MADE WITH THE STEWART* C 631( STOVE, ■VOT b.v the makers and sellers, hi.*, by the tmr* A from testimony furnished by the ci.,»» ts persons referred to. if appears that the mu i Sti ve, on account of its dnrabiity and fuel-saving Qualities naa prove! f. source of i.M-unie to faint lies »• o h.v. used it, avera ging at least fourt.en dollars a year. 30.C00 of fhesie stoves ah-e been put into use during the !•.•• e’ghree - years. A tr>wi g e eh stove to have been used ten year, o an j average, the wh de amount of ear ing, with intere-t at j sis per cent ,is five minion <>f dollar.. The price of qui-tnegs. comfort and health secured to a family by theuse of a culinarv apparatus perfec y aii ap'td t•> their wants, cannot be reckoned in and iUrs and cents, Hut we hare not space berg to tell you of all The vir tues and advantage. :ha, the J e Stoves i »fc9 over all others. eju Ac cordial j invite a.i, especially the la dies, to CALL AND EXAMINE before purchasing elsewhere. ALSO CIDER MILLS, STRAW-CUTTERS, Ths Latest Improvement in I*l oM s. &c.. &c. We offer the eeicb-ated phoenix and Wdot x, Gi'.bs A MANIPULATED GUANO, We also offer to the public a 1 kinds of Seiec'ed Fam ily Groc erics and Provisions of il. sorts; a. at. ass r'mvnt of Fancy Groceries, Candies, Vu(r fete., etfc. As wo are dealers in Agricultural Trrip’e*r.ei.t*, Ma chlaery Ac ,we invite c rrespoudenct ru ■.. part- of the American Union, from Manufacturers of th some, and • tier ourselves as agents f,r thi ir tale. I .deed so far ;■« tr*.de Is concern and, we hate to s-.j t. .1 “jso gent-up Utiea contracts our pow'r.; The wuo.t; buugidle s continent is ours ; JOHNSON & ECKOi.S, Comnrss: m Merchao**, Wh : tehal! street, A TLAS'IA. OA. F&-One Thousand pounds of Bu'ler iff r,d to the puouo—very nice. Ap... JO, i :d*. worn EXT I V El WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C&WRIlft Ko©B®, (TUR preparations for the business of the anm-ch in? season are unusually complete. The extent of uuf assortment in KE A D Y-.M A DEC LOTH IN U For Men and Buys. PLAIN AND FANCY FABRIC^^ I'jr Custom '-tl., -i .\ j: :. :.u\ ' n • -ggfl •. 'jMSft ’• ■ OV.? > -1* -.'o*s*4