The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 17, 1867, Image 2
n.» right to ask that question, Mr. Hay- i monel!” “1 have the right. I insist on an answer! I* it for John Warner, maim ed and mutilated, you refuse ine ?” ••Maimed arid mutilated in a glorious r nise, Mr. K tvmond ! I adore heroes, ; , a d Colonel Warner is a hero”. “Then you mean to tell meyou wiU marry that scarred, one armed man ?” “Don’t distress yourself, Mr. Ray mond; I have not seen Colonel VY arner Mime I last saw you ; but let me tell vou, his scares would be to me a most perfect beauty, and a one-armed hero worth a dozen carpet knights ! Please to go, Mr. Raymond—l wish to be alone.” He went without a word. The figure lingering among the trees stooped forth—a sun-burned, stalwart young man with bis right coat-sleeve dangling empty. Isabt 1 started up with a scream at sight of him. . -Have i frightened you, Isabel! I did not mean to. I wtntetl to tell you I have been listening. was it not ? Rut I could not help it.” She covered her face with her hands to hide her tears, falling so fast at sight of that empty coat-sleeve. Oh ! she knew now which she loved best! “I have come to say good-bye again, Isabel. lam off to Spanish America. I have lost everything I possessed here, and a one-armed rebei like must earn his doily' bread somehow. 1 here is an opening out there, and so his words grew husky as he held out bis hand —“good bye, and God bless y< u, Isabel, for the'words you spoke live minutes aco, though I know yju could not mean them.” Her lingers closed in a sort of fright over the band she held—going away and lorever! She did not know how hard she held the hand he extended, but all the blood in John Warner’s bodv surged in a wild transportation to his face. “Oh, Isabel ! did you mean it »” “Yes,yes—every word! Oh, John! don’t go!” There! —that’s enough, isn’t it? John didn’t go. He staid in Kentucky, and took charge of the old place and the young lady for life ; and elegant Mr. Raymond can’t see to this day bow any woman of her senses could prefer a man with one arm to a man with two. ■ [Reported for the Rome Courier.] Rome IMstrlct Convention of the M. E. Church South. The following reports of Committees, resolutions, 4‘ c *. were adopted at the recent session of the above named con vention in Rome: JtLPORT OP COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND CHURCH LITERATURE. Whereas we regard the education ol the young as a matter of great impor tance, and the education of ehildreu of Methodist parents as absolutely, neces sary to the maintenance of our proper relative position among our sister churches, and our continued efficien eiency as a church in doing good, be it bv this Convention ” Resolved, Ist, That we earnestly rec ommend to the pastors in charge of our churches to make it a part of their pas toral duty to urge upon the membership of their respective churches the great importance of giving, in all eases, to their children a gootl substantial, prac tical English education, and that wherein it is practicable to encourage parents to give their sons ar.d daugh ters a finished and liberal education. Resolved 2nd, That we recommend to the several churches to inquire at their monthly meethings, as often as it may be necessarv, whether or not all the children of suitable age of our church members are attending school, and to encourage and keep alive, by anv available means, a lively and healthy interest on this subject. Resolved 3d, That we recommend to the ministers and official members ol our church that they feel charged with tlie duty of giving personal attention to securing competent teachers and sustaining good schools and academies in their respective cities, towns, villa ges and communities. Resolved 4tk, That we regard it as important to us, as a church, in all cases, other things being equal, to dis criminate in favor of Methodist teach ers, and Methodist schools aud col leges. Resolved sth, That, as citizens and Christians, we fee! it to be our duty to encourage the education of the chil dren of freedmen (in their own schools) and to assist them by our counsel, and by our means to erect suitable school bouses, and to secure for them good, honest capable teachers, who will not poison their minds against their former masters. Resolveddth, That our preachers and official members be requesied to bestir themsel v cs in behalf of our church pa per —that we suggest to church mem bers the propriety, if necessary, of dis continuing some secular magazines, or papers they um be taking which have not a special claim upon us as a church, and to subscribe forthe Southern Chris tian Advocate, in lieu thereof, and that we also recommend the Nashville Christian . idvocate , and the Baltimore /Episcopal Methodist as fine literary and religious publications. Resolved" th, That our Sunday School Superintendents be required to see to it that no | estiou books, or other class books, or circulating books or papers, teaching a faith antagonize to that ol our church, or any doctrine, social or religious, hostile to our interest as a church, be introduced nr retained in o'lrSundtv Schools, and that other things being •, wc p ittouizo tub publishing houses and book sellers ol our own church. Respectfully' submitted, , J. E. Shewmate, Ch’n. A. F. Steward, S. 11. Smith, H. F. Price, W. P. Rivers. REPORT or THE COMMIT! EF. ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. The Sabbath School interest cannot receive too large a share of the consid eration of the church. Every Christian must feel the obligation to give to the youthful mind that spiritual food which it is capable of receiving, and to sow in the youthful heart those seeds of pie ty, which, under Divine quickening, may grow and become fruitful in all after years. Enlightened Christianity discards the theory that the young heart and mind should be left as a wild, unsown uncultivated field, as to re ligious truths, but recognizes the duty, and believes in the promise connected with the command to “train up the child.” The Sabbath School may be made the nursery of the church. Statistics show how large a proportion of youth ful converts ate Sabbath School scholars, and the steady growth of any body of Christians in the community is oiten traceable to the steady stream of recruits from the Sabbath School ranks. Indeed ; no argument is needed at this point, and your committee are hap py to report that throughout this dis trict they know no opposers of the Sabbath School Institution among the Methodist. Upon a general survey of the field, your committee discover that the Sab bath School interest labors under many difficulties. The general want of Sab bath School books and papers is a se rious hinderance to success. Very lew schools are supplied sufficiently to meet even the necessities of the scholars, and indeed, the larger number are in almost entire destitution. It must not be for gotten that the hour spent in the Sabbath School room should be made a pleasant one to the child, and that the element of attractiveness should receive the uue share of attention from every friend of the institution. The contrast is striking between the lifeless, dead routine of a formal Sabbatli School, without books, lecture, singing, or rewards, and the attractive exercises of that school which is conducted with spirit. To make such a school, appli ances are requisite; and to obtain these requisites money must be spent. We do earnestly recommend to our Sabbatli Schools to provide themselves, without delay, with the necessary literature from the publishing bouse at Nashville, or J. W. Burke &. Cos., Macon. Your Committee think that, among other things, they are justified in offer ing the following recommendations : That the travelling ministry continue to preach to the people on this subject, and lecture the ehildreu. That in each circuit, wherein it is * all practicable, that the preacher in charge appoint some local preacher, or lay member as circuit agent fir Sabbath Schools, who shall, as often as expedient, visit the different sections of his charge to de liver public discourses, and take up collections among the people to furnish the Sabbath Schools of his circuit with the necessary outfit. We urge upon the parents and friends of Sabbath Schools their duty to visit their own Schools often, and thus manifest their interest. We advise the appointment of deeply pious persons, as far as practicable, to the offices ol Superin tendents and teachers, and urge such to remember the spiritual welfare of the little ones committed to their training. We hope to see “Christianity in ear nest,” illustrated also by that Zealand heavenly charity which goes into the by-ways after the children of the poor, and brings them clothed and fed into the Sabbath School, and when every neighborhood in this District shall respond to the call of the discipline to gather the children together for instruc tion each Sabbath, where even twenty can be assembled. Your Committee, in endeavoring to study brevity, must exclude much which they would otherwise be glad to say on this interesting subject commit ted to them, and in concluding their report desire to expjess their gratifica tion at the appoinment of brother J. O. A. Clarke, as Sabbath School Agent of the North Georgia Conference; and their trust that he will be able to awak en a most lively interest among us for the spiritual well-being of the little children. C. A. Evans, Y \V. VV. Leak, <- J. \V. Kaigler, ) Committee. J. I. Wright, ) T. Hamilton, j REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON “SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY. The Committee to whom was refer red ••the support of the Ministry,” have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to present the following: Competent provision for the tempo ral wants of the ministry, is in the highest sense, binding, as a religious duty, upon all the membership of oiu church. The itinerant preaching an 1 pastoral system is peculiar to Metho dism, and there is no nobler specimen of rel iff ions conservation than that of a Methodist Ministry—giving up per sonal business, and offering himself to he srnt wherever, in the superior judgment of the Bishop, he may be most useful; and as his whole time and energies are devoted to propagating the Gospel of the Son of God, it is emi nently proper that he should live by this gospel. Coming, as he does, in answer to the demands upon the annual conferences, the church accepts his liberal support as a contract, and every qicuibn shculd, individually, nil Ins responsibility—to perform his part ol this contract. And your Commiitee feeling that this is one of the great wants of the church, in sad neglect, and diminish ing her influence for good, respectlully recommend — Ist, That each Quarterly Conference appoint some efficient man to deliver a lecture to each of the churches of the charge at the close of the service, or in the social meeting, urging the impor tance, and necessity of supporting the ministers. 2d, That the Stewards always have a meeting by the time the preacher reaches his work, after the annual Con ference to provide for him at once—ar range lor his home and iftmediate wants —not waiting for the first Quar terly Meeting. 3d. After the Stewards have made their allowance, apportionments and assessments for the support of the preacher in charge, and the Presiding Elder, we recommend that the Steward at each church, by subscription or as sessment,arrange fortlie whole amount to be raised by his church, and at the first church meeting afterwards, read out the names and amounts to be paid by the members and friends, and pro cure their acceptance of the same. This will explain to each society what is proposed to be (iu;;s for the support of the Ministry, and how it is proposed to do it. Then we would urge upon the Stewards the necessity of commencing at once the collection of something from each one, not leaving it all to he collected during the last Quarter, while the preacher and his family may be sufferimg for the necessaries of life. 4th. That the Stewards, during the year, report the amounts that have been paid in, with the names of those who pay, and the manner in which the money was appropriated, to the church meeting, and have the same recorded upon the church book. All of which is most respectfully submitted. M. Dwinell, Ch’n. Jas. H. Huff, M. L. Troutman, S. M. H. Byrd, L. D. Palmer. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON COURSE OF STUDY FOR LOCAL PREACHERS. The Committee appointed to sug gest a course of study for local preach ers, a .'id applicants for license to preach respectfuUysuggest the following: Ist. That till applicants for license to preach, aie expected and required to be regular students of the Bible, espe cially as to doctrines and teachings— that they familiarize themselves with the doctrines and usages of the church, as laid down in the Discipline and that they give satisfactory evideirce of their knowledge of the ordinal y branch es of an English education, as laid down and required in the Discipline. 2d. That the course of study for the licentiates be the continuation of the ordinary branches of an English edu cation—such as English Granuner, Geography, History, Rhetoric, and Logic; also, Wesley’s sermons with reference to Clark’s and Benton's com mentaries. 3d. That after ordination to Dea con’s orders, they be required to study Ralston’s Eiementsof Divinity, Church History, Ancient Geography ; anti also to read Watson’s Theological Insti tutes. Wm. Cunyus, Ch’n. Com. C. W. Harris, W. H. Hickey. RESOLUTION ON THE DIVISION OF CIR CUITS. Resolved, That we should seek to preach to the greatest number, and that the religious wants of thickly set tled neighborhoods, where there are no churches, should no longer be sac rificed by consuming the time of our preachers in vain efforts to keep alive churches long since gone into decay, and that to make practicable the ex tension of our borders, it is our true policy to consolidate small contiguous shurches, anu to divide large circuits. RESOLUTION ON LIFE INSURANCE. Be it by this Convention Resolved lsf, That we call the spec ial attention of the married preachers in the travelling connection, to take into consideration the propriety of having their lives insured, for the benefit of their wives and children. Resolved 2nd, That we ask our re spective churches, if they think proper, to procure the services of gentlemen, acquainted with the matter, to explain to the membership the various plans of life insurance, and to direct their minds to this subject, in connection with the subject of insuring the lives of travelling preachers. Resolved 3 d, That we, by conversa ion—by discussing the matter in our monthly meetings, and by all other available means, educate our churehes. to the practicability, and to the dutv of paying the premiums upon life poli cies taken by our preachers. Resolved 4th , That we request the editor of our church paper to discuss this matter, and to invite discussion upon it with a view to determine wheth er or not, at an early day, it be practi cable to adopt a system ot life insur ance among our travelling preachers. It is said that some of the people of Lynchburg, Va., have decided to camp out forthe summer, on account ofhigli rents. The Presbyterian Church at Rome has just received a splendid new organ. Enlistment. —We learn that quite a number of colored men are enlisting in the United States service at Atlanta. Coming to Atlanta. —We learn that the removal of Pen field L Diversity is contemplated. SAM’L H. SMITH and ROB T. P. MILAM Editors Proprietors. Cartersville. CJa. May, 17 1567. Release of Jefferson Davis. —The dispatches of Tuesday last brought the gratifying intelligence that Mr. Davis had given bail for one hundred thou sand dollars for his appearance at the November term of the court, and was at liberty again. These tidings will be bailed with joy by the Iriends of hu manity throughout the United States, and particularly so by the people of the Southern States, who feel that they are under the same ban ol condemnation with him. The very first man who signed the bond for his release was Horace Greely, the great originator of the Republican party, which shows very conclusively that, though the South recognises in Mr. Greely a great political enemy, lie is not entirely dead to a sense of sym pathy and humanity towards the un fortunate sufferer, however unrighte ous he may think the cause which brought on these sufferings. It shows the magnanimity of his heart towards his fallen foe. We see in this an omen of good, we think—a change for the better. This is one great step towards reconcilliation, and shows a returning leeling ol forgiveness and regard on the part of, at least, a portion of the North ern people towards their unfortunate erring Southern brethren, of whom Mr Davis was chief. Such acts of human ity will soon allay passion and preju dice engendered by the war between the North and South, and restore and strengthen the bonds of union and friendship which once marked our in tercourse as a great and happy nation. JB@“Among the most favorable indi cations apparent that the South accepts the position, is found in the fact that it is not only the Union men who favor the reconstruction of the ten States, but many of the most rampant radical se cession isls"have not only come out firm supporters of the measure, but have ta seu the rostrum and the pulpit, and think it no disgrace to speak oi preach lo the colored people and tdvise them, and commingle with them in the:r pub lic asssmblies, both political and re ligious, and men, too, who were never known to do such a thing while they were slaves. These men were the first in war and now they aie first in peace. would notify our brethren of the press throughout the U. States to beware of a swindler known as Dr. YV. R. MERWIN, 37 YValker Street, New York, who advertises the “Cherokee Remedies.” He has refused to pay us his advertising bill. He can’t do it from the fact that he cant humbug the people with his worthless nostrums. — We feel a great deal worse about giving publicity to his libelous advertisements than we do abdut the loss of the pitiful sum he was to pay us for it. YVe ear nestly crave the pardon of our readers for having bored them by publishing such a bach of lies in our paper as was found in his sterreotyped advertise ments, for twelve months. collection of the direct tax has again been suspended, by an order f-om the Secretary of the Treasury. This tax is known as the land tax. It was this tax that the people feared so immediately after the close of the war, it was then suspended until 1867, and it is now suspended until 1868. j&g“The Atlanta Daily Opinion has nearly discontinued its visits at this office. What’s the matte r, Bro. Scruggs, can’t you give us your opinion freely. is denied that either Vice President Johnson or John C. Brecken ridge has been indicted for treason. B*§uThe Protestant Methodist Con vention recently convened in Mont gomery, Ala. Among the most impor tant business tsansactious was an effort to set on foot a plan to re r unite the Protestant and Episcopal Methodist Churches. We see that Bishops McTyiere and Pierce were in attendance. We are gratified to learn that the prospect for a fiuc wheat crop, is very encouraging. I&,Charlie B. Wallace, son of our esteemed friend, Campbell' Wallace, Superintendent of the Western 4* At Untie Railroad, who has been render' ing the State such efficient service on said road, has resigned his position and gone to the Memphis &. Charleston Road. It will be remembered that that Road.offered a great inducement J to secure the services of the father, and failing in which they determined to have his protege in the person of his son, who bids fair to receive the man tie of his father as a great and success' lui railroad superintendant and mana ger. The name Wallace is illustrious when connected with railroads and j railroad enterprises, and verv deserved ly so, as is fully demonstrated in the | management of the great Georgia State ; enterprise—the Western & Atlantic Road. While we regret his loss to our i road, we congratulate the Memphis & Charleston Road on their good luck in securing Iris valuable services. Sss,The Rev. Mr. Beckwith was ap pointed Bishop of the Diocease of Ga., to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late Bishop Elliott, by Protestant Episcopal Convention re cently assembled in Macon, Ga. jgk,We see from our Atlanta ex changes, that Dr. II V M Miller,form erly of Rome, has become a citizen of that city. They have cause to con gratulate the Gate City on so valuable an accession to her talented sons. publish, this week, for the benefit of all concerned, the reports of Committees adopted by the late Dis trict Conference of the Methodist E. Church South, held at Rome, Ga., on important subjects connected with the welfare of that branch of the Christian church, to which we invite attention. BY TELESRAPH. KE W YORK ASSOCIA TED PRESS DISPA TCIIES Mr. Davis Takes bis Departure from Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, May, 11. —There was a large crowd at the steamboat landing this morning to witness the de parture of Mr. Davis, who left Fortress Monroe,after two years’ imprisonment. The leave taking was touchingly im pressive. Mr. Davis walked. On one side was Gen. Burton and Dr. Cooper, and on the other was Robert Quid, and a brotherof Mr. Davis, from Vicksburg, who accompanied Mr. Davis. Sever al friends followed. The countenance of Mr. Davis was cheerful, and he was received by many friends with great cordiality, on the boat. He was dress ed in a plain dark suit, felt hat, and cane. His face is pale, thin, anti he seems very feeble. His hair is quite g™}'- Arrival of Mr, Davis in Rich mond. Richmond, May, 11.—The sleamer John Sylvester, with Mr. Davis on toard, arrived here at 5$ P. M. I>oi.g before tier arrival the military arrange ments had been made by Gen. Scho field. A detachment ol infantry from the 29th regiment was present, and sentinels were posted at intervals, en closing about 100 yards square of the wharf. Outside of this space a large crowd of negroes and a Jew whiles were gathered. The brows oJ the sur rounding hills were pretty thickly c owded with spectators. Major Vance of Gen. Schofield’s staff", who was in command, had a detachment of can noniers of the sth artillery, numbering about 50, mounted as a guard for the carriages. As the steamer hove in sight, with the national flag flying, the most intense anxiety was exhibited by the crowd to get closer, but there was no demonstration, no cheering or his sing when the steamer was made fast. Hon. Jas. Lyon went on board, and a after a feeling meeting with Mr. Davis brought Mrs. D. ashore, and conduct ed her to the carriage, followed by the two servants who attended her. In a few moments Mr. Davis came over the gang plank, accompanied by Gen. Bur ton and Dr. (Jboper. He looked very much changed from what the citizens of Richmond remember him, looking much older, and rather haggard and feeble. A full gray beard contributed much to the change. He wore a heavy black overcoat, and came ashore with a very firm step. The party immedi ately got into carriages, and surround ed by the mounted guard, drove rapidly by a side street up toward the Spotts wood Hotel, thus disappointing the large crowd which had gathered on Main street, near the whaif, to see Mr. Davis on the trip up. Mr. Davis was quite cheerful, and had no guard, but walked freely about the boat, conversing with the passen gers, who were all anxious to speak to him* He said little about his impris onment, but spoke inteimsof warmest affection of Ex-President Pierce, who visited him on Thursday last. He said there was no man living for whom he entertained a higher regard. At Bran don, on the trip up, a number ofladies had gathered to speak to him. who shed tears on seeing him. They had near ly all been acquaintances of his family during the war. A lady named Mrs. Dayis, of Rich mond, who got on the boat at Norfolk, died in the ladies’ cabin, shortly before reaching Richmond. Two bridal parlies came up on the same boat. There is a large and curious, but orderly crowd around Spottswood Ho tel, waiting to get a glimpse nl prisoner. He will remain in Gen. Burton’s charge until produced in court on Monday. The citizens generally, in deference to the wishes of the au thorities, staid away from the dock, though many of them were stationed in the doors ami windows on Main street, to see Mr. Davis as he passed up, after the procession entered that street. He occupies the same suit of rooms at the Spottswood that he did in 1861. It is the opinion expressed by oiie of Mr. Davis’ counsel that if bail is refused him, the Executive will intervene to prevent his further confinement until his trial comes off. Many of Mr. Davis’ friends will visit him to-night and to-morrow. Mr. Davis at the .Spottswood Hotel in Richittioiul. Richmond, May 11.— The crowd around the Spottswood Hotel dispersed after vainly waiting to see Mr. Davis. He has a private parlor, and takes his meals in his own room. This evening he received the visits of nearly one hundred ofour most prominent citizens, among them the pastor of St. Paul’s Church, where he first received the news of the breaking of Lee’s lines. There is no restriction on his move ments, and he has the liberty of the house. In view of the recent riot, the lith U. S. Infantry is about to encamp permanently at the city spring park, within the city. Some citizens here laid before Gen eral Schofield a complaint about the language used at the colored meeting Friday night, as likely to produce further disturbances, and the matter is being investigated. A large number of permits have been granted to be present at the session of the U. S. Court Monday, many of them to colored people. Important Irom Richmond— Release of Ex-PreSldeut Davis on bail. Richmond. May 13.—The United States Court was packed this morning. A military guard was stationed around it, and a strong police force inside. There were about twenty ladies among the spectators, and fifty negroes. At 11 o’clock Mr. Davis was brought in and took a seat next to the prisoner’s box, with General Burton and the Marshal. A servant accompanied him. Mr. Davis, sitting by an open window, remarked : “Itis a little cold isn’t it ?” and he was then removed to v seat near his counsel in front. Gen. Burton’s return of the writ was received, mid the Judge complimented General Bur ton in obeying the laws, and relievo! him of the custody of Mr. Davis. The Marshal immediately served on him a bench warrant to answer the Norfolk indictment. Mr. O'Connor spoke ol Mr. Davis’ long imprisonment and feeble health, and asked that he be hailed. There being no oppsition upon the part ol the prosecution, bail was fixed at one hundred thousand dollars. The Judge announced his readiness to accept the bail, staling at the same time that the responsibility of the delay in bringing Mr. Davis’ case into court, rested upon the government, and not upon the Dis trict Attorney. He, also, s;rid halfthe bail should be given by persons resid ing in the State of Virginia. The sureties then came forward, Horace Greefy being among the first, followed by Mr. Schell, of New York, Mr- Jacksman, of Philadelphia, and others. A number of gentlemen resid ing in Virginia offered their names as bail. Mr. Davis was congratulated by several friends, but there was no de monstration or noise of any kind.— After giving bail to appear ?t the No vember term of the court, he was taken in a coach to the Spoils wood Hotel. More About Mr. Davis. Richmond, May 13.—1 t was decided to-day by those having Jefferson Davis in their immediate charge that lie should be conveyed to the court room as privately as possible. In the hack with him were General Burton, I)r. Cooper, and Maj. McElralli, and in the other hack were Captain Millard, who was a Union officer during the war, and is now the one of the courte ous proprietors of the Spotlsyb ania Hotel, and Dr. McGill, and the Rev. Dr. Minnegerode. On the return to the Spottswood Hotel, Rev. Dr. Minnegerode, in the company of Mr. Davis and his family, and a few personal friends, offered up prayer in thankfulness for the release of liis friend, his restoration to the bosom oT his friends and family, and for bis future protection. A large number of visitors were afterwards re ceived by him. The following telegram was received hy Judire Underwood in the court room to-dav a short lime before he admitted Mr. Davis to bail : Washington, May 13.— Judge. Uu derwood: Beware ol Greely ! Re member Libby Prison, Anders»nville, and Bell Isle. Fifty millions are look ing on, and expect you to do your duty —while three hundred thousand patri ots’ graves cry aloud for revenge.— Your Friends.” Mr. Davis, on his release, telegraph ed his brother, J. C. Davis, in M issis sippi, the fact, and informed him that he would write from New York. Mr. Davis and wife visited the grave of their son this evening at Holly wood Cemetery. Further from Richmond. Richmond, May 13.—As Mr. Davis came out of the court house and entered the carriage, alter his release, there was a loud cheer from the crowd ol negroes outside, and about fifty of them gathered around the coach and shook hands with him, He has remained quietly in his hotel all the evening. He will visit Cartada in a day or two, to see Ins children. The first name signed to the bail, after that of Jeflerson Davis, is Horace Greely, then Mr. Schell, of New York, and Jackman, of Philadelphia. A little lower down is the name of John Minor Botts. The Virginia residents who signed were prominent citizens of Richmond* mer-- chants and lawyers. There seems to be a general feeling of relief among the citizens and author ities that Mr. Davis is at last at liberty. It is stated that the grand jury has indicted Vice-President Johnson, (?) John C. Breckinridge, Judge Thomas, of Fairfax, and four others, for treason. Georgia ami Mississippi In. junction Gases Dismissed. Washington, May 13. —The Geor gia and Mississippi injunction cases dismissed for want ofjurisdiction. The argument oi the court will be delivered hereafter. Further from Washington— Tne Injunction Cases. Washington, May 13.—Only the Georgia injunction bill was dismissed! to-day for want of jurisdiction-. The Mississippi bill, amended to cover the Arkansas case of Treasury seizure, wilt probably be argued an Friday. Internal revenue to-day $718,000. Land office reports show that 159 farms, covering over 20,000 acres, have been entered in Louisiana for the first quar ter of the present vear. Richmond, May 9.—A serious riot this evening. A large crowd of negroes gathered on Cary street to see a trial between the fire engines of Richmond and Wilmington, Del. A fight took place and a negro was arrested. The mob of negroes rescued him, but lie was again captured. Upon arriving at the upper station hous, the negro mob again rescued him, throwing paving I stones at the police. Capt. Jenkins, of the police, and two sergeants and one private were all that were injured —two of them seriously. By this time the mob had swelled to nearly one thousand negroes. General Scho field sent up a company of the 11th regiment atid came himself. He spoke to the mob, commanding them to dis perse, but the order was not obeyed,. The soldiers then charged ba\om-ts 1 and drove them away. More soldiers were sent to the sta tion house after night, and no riot is now likely to occur. Richmond, May 9.—During the pro gress of the mob they surrounded a, house >» which a white boy had taken refuge, atkd clamored fer him until he came out. The police took him i t u charge. The negroea said he had a slung shot. New AdDTtlsemeDitSs Wholesale and Retail gash; CLOTHING HOUSE. UrE have now in store and are rccievlng regularly aU tUe LATEST Sl'VLhjj of MEN AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, &c, Ac. WUeh we wtll seilat a very slight advance on ft* 6 * cost. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is now complete. Suits of All Kinds Promptly Made We guarantee FIT, STYLE, and QUALITY. HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. S E JVIJTG CUMJTES. Having accepted th» Oeneral Agency for the state of Georgia, ol the WEED SEWING MACHINE, we are prepaired to sell them at Manufacturer's prices.— Thi se Mnnhirios, after a Ihhrough trial tor y«ars, have proven themselves to be the SIMPLEST AND BEST for general lamily use now made, Our arrangements are now complete to furnish any of the leading Sewing Machines at, maker's prices, HERRING & LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! FACTORY YARNS. WE are the Agents of the Athens Manufacturing Cos., and will fell their Yarns at factory rales to whole sale buyers. Depot at our Clothing House, Whitehall street, Atlantu,Ga. May 17, HERRING * LEYDEN. SOMETHING IMPORTANT to the people of Cartersvllle and vicinity. SAVE LABOR. The great CAYUGA CHEIF MOWER, and wi® - m&mm combined for Reaping Wheat, also Hall's Universal WASHING MACHINE, a wonderful labor saving Machine for only Ten Dollars. Send your cash orders to JOHNSON k ECHOLS, Atlanta, 6h«. riEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas Mrs R. VJ ,C. Bradley applies to me for letters of admlnistra t’on on the estate of William H. Bradley, deceased.— This is therefore to cite all concerned, both kindred and and creditors cf said deceased, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 17th day of May, 1867.-30d. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.— Two Montha after date application will be made to the Court of Ordi nary of Bartow county. Georgia, at the flrsf regular Term ester the expiration of Two Months from this notice for leave to sell (he Lands belonging to the estate of W. W. TIPPINP, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and Creditors of said de* ceasei; Tbit 10th May 1567 JOHN B. JIPPINE Adm'r.