The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 17, 1867, Image 3

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jUtat Meal Run Every Bodt ; To Blair St Bradshaw’s and get your Goods cheap before they sell out claim of St. Paula Ep isco” pal Church, Chattanooga, for @3,040 has been allowed by the Government. Why not allow damages to all church es South ? Let the effort be made. Rome Commercial. The Baptist Church in this place, a new brick building completed just be fore the war, was razed from its very foundations. The destruction of the temple at Jeruselem was but little more effectual, and the members are too poor to build another one. A little assist ance (rom that direction would be very thankfully received by the same. The world ia astonished at the reduced pri ce* of goods, at Blair & Biadshaw s store. Newspaper Laws.— For the instruc tion and guidance of some who may possibly need information on the sub ject, we copy the following: Postmasters are required to give ad vice by letter when a subscriber does not take his paper from the office: and give the reason for it not being taken. Neglecting to do so, makes'the post master responsible to the publisher for the payment. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the post offiice, whether Ire lias subscribed or not, is responsi ble for the payment of the subscription. Any one ordering bis paper discon tinued must f>ay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken trom the offiice or not. The courts have decided that refu sing to take a newspaper and periodi cals from the post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for. is pri~ mufade evidence of intentional fraud. Just arrived. Hoop Skirts for 60 cts. Ladies’ kid gloves for @1 50; Ladies’ Shoes lor @1 25; at Loewenstein Si Pfeifer’s. tfarJo. Q. Harwell, ofthis place, has a fine lot of bar iron on hand, which he is offering for sale low down for cash. Cali and sec him at once. 4siy-We hope that the Inferior couit of this .county will know no man in the locating of a site for the court house.. A half dozen different sites have ail ready hecn proposed. Let the coil veil iriice«e»f men from the country, elLtgtfbilitv and area of land, lor the square, all be looked to. Let us not now go and stick it in some couped up corner with no room ;to turnaround, for the accommodation of a particular party or parties. Let us make it an ornament to the place anil a credit to tlie people of the county. We do not propose to dictate to the 'Court as to its duty, as we have abiding confidence in their judgment and honesty of pur pose.,"and no private ends to subserve. They, doubtless, will consult the best interests of the place and county in the matter, and locate it accordingly. My friend where did you get hat fine suit . from Blair & Bradshaw, -of course, and only j»aid four dollars ior dt. Erratum. —We were le-d to make a false statement, in las' week’s issue of our paper, by giving too much credence to “they say.” We stated that two women had been lodged in jail in this place for trying to draw rations mi two successive days by deceiving tbe Agent of the Freed men’s Bureau. The imprison me nt part is untrue, but the Agent assures us that the number who trv to draw in this way might be quadrupled and then the number by no means be exaggerated. As regards the schoolmistress whipping the boy so cruelly, it is also false as to her impri sonment. “They say,” we find, won’t do for good authority however plausa ble the story, and, therefore, we shall endeavor in future to more closely con fine ourself to what we see and know. Great rush for Cassimere Suits worth sl2 00, and sold at §6 00 by Leowen atein & Pfeifer. Colonel E. Hulbert. This gentleman has been appointed by Major General Pope, chiel of reg istration for the State of Georgia, with headquarters at Macon. Colonel HuU bert is a man of splendid business qual ities aud acquirements and in every respect a good appointment. Just Received, a large lotct Crock ery and Glass-ware, for sale very low at Loewensteir Pfeifer’s. The Southern Baptist Convention met in Memphis on the 10th instant. Thirteen Slates are represented by two hundred delegates. Our townsman. Dr. P- H. the presiding officer. The Foreign Board of Missions had expended 22.000—the Domestic Board $44,000.— Southern Watchman. ’Fm: Cm r i Jlorst Qfkstion again. —We publish below an orderfrom Gov. Jenkins in regard to the vexed Court- House question which has so long di vided the county and alienated the feelings of those who should befriends. We hope the tomahawk is now hur ried never to be resurrected again. Gov. Jenkins states that he has in vestigated the matter thoroughly and weighed all the evidence deliberately, and does not find a sufficient cause to set aside the election, and oiders the Inferior Court to proceed as if no pro test had been made. Now let us, one and all, get our con sent to let the matter rest here, and be friends again. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ? M.ilrdoeville, Ga., May Bth, 1867. < In the matter of ail election, held in the county of Bartow, on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1867, to establish anew county site, and a prote-t against said e'ection, under an act approved 12th December, 1866, aftercare ful consideration of the exparte evidence ac companying said protest, it is held not to prove sufficiently such fraud or illegality as produced a resul different from what would otherwise have obtained, and is, therefore, deemed in sufficient to overcome the legal presumption of validity which attaches to elec io s held by public officers and agents. The question sub mitted to the people in this election is of pe culiarly exciting character, and public policy requires that it be not kept open after a trial, without conclusive evidence that the popular will has been defeated. The exparte evidence might be considered sufficiently suggestive to justify ihe making of an issue to try the ques tion of fraud, velnon, if provision were made in the act, or in tbe general law for such a pro cedure ; but, as no such provision of law exists, and, inasmuch as the responsibility of deciding whether or not certain irregularities complain ei of changed the result is thrown upon the Executive, it is Ordered, As most accordant with jus and most conducive to the peace and best in terest ot the county that the protest be over ruled, and that the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county proceed as if there had been none. CHARLES J. JENKINS, Governor of Georgia. Executive Department, Milledgeville, Ga., May Bth, 1867. I hereby certify that the f regoing is a cor. rec*. copy of an Order placed upon the min utes of this Department. Given under my hand and the seal of the Executive Depar incut, the day and year a bove written. H. J. G. WILLIAMS, Secretary Lx. Dept. Tribute ol Respect. At a meelinu of tho Board of Sunday School, lor Lumpkin ci unty, held on the Bili inst , the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously a dojited ; Whereas, The all-wise superinten dent oI the Universe lias taken from life, and from the society of family and friends, our former fellow citizen, Mr. Frederick L). Boartkikld, Sen., who died recently in the county ot Bartow, in this State. He was for many years the able and successful Superintendent of the Union Sabbath School in the town of iJahlonega, and will long be remembered by hundreds of his former scholars, lor his indefatigable christian zea.l in behalf of the young. He was a pioneer in the cause of Sabbath Schools. His efforts were not without the richest rewards —as many Christian men and women, reared under his kindly insltactions —and who are to day scattered far and wide over our country —could most cheerfully testify to. It is fitting that this Board —whose object it is to carry on the work he so nobly commenced, and worked for al most alone for many years, should express, publicly, the loss which it feels, the country, the church and es pecially the Sabbath School institution has sustained in his deallu Be it there fore Resolved, That in the death of Fred erick D. Boartfield, Sen., the cause of truth, virtue and religion, has lost ail earnest advocate and friend ; ll.echurch of which he was a member has sus tained a loss not easily made up, and a void lias been created in the family circle, which only' those who knelt with him there, can freely appreciate. Resolved , That we tender our sin cerest condolence to the family and friends of the deceased. Resolve d, That a copy of the above preamble and resolution be conveyed to the surviving members ot his family; and that the editors of the Mountain Signal and Cartersville Express be requested to publish the above preamble and resolutions in their journals. N. F. Howard, Pres't. W. P. Price, Seet’y Board. A Fowl. Proceeding. —The editor of the Sandersville Georgian advertises for one thousand chickens. He says he is getting ready to feed the Metho dist preachers, at the approaching District Convention, which is to be held at that place the last of this month. Georgia bartow county.—l'dumu u. tvrag gtns, having applied to be appointed Gnardiaa of the person and property of John D. Chastain —a minor under fourteen Years of age, resident of said county. This is to cite and admonish all persona concerned, to be and appear at the next term of the Court of Ordi nary of said county after the expiration of 30 days from the first publication of this notice, and shmv cause, if any they can, why letters of Guardianship should not be granted the applicant. VS itness my official Signature. May 10th, HOWARp Ordinary. Thresli out your Wheat I T am still the AGENT for the sale of those excellent 1 Kentucky THRESHERS, both four horse and two horse SIZE*. The recent improvements made on these THRESHERS render them the most desirable of any 'hat are now offered for sale. T^ e T * r « T MANAGED, and not liable to get out tH ORDER. Orders solicited, the sooner the BE ITTK, so th». tse MACHINE-may arrive lrigoeti U'lE _ n wtcatUk.Gr 4pr I? L HC'AF.D Hay*Messrs. J. W. Burke Sz Uo., Macon, ('a., propose to publish a week ly paper in that city for the benefit of the Boys and Girls in the State, as soon as names enough are obtained to au thorize its publication. They can send their names now and the money upon the reception of the first number of the paper, which will be only 82 a year for one copy; $5 lor three copies; §8 for five copies; and sls for ten copies. We hope the girls and boys in this community will subscribe for it and ! read it instead of yellow back thunder and murder stories gotten up to sell at the expense of good inorals. Let one or more boys in Cartersville become agents for it and forward the names of subscribers at once. The first number will begin the publication of a sequel to the “Young Marooners!” Let pa rents encourage their children to sub scribe for it by furnishing the money. —There is a child in Montgomery county, Virginia; which was c hristened “Andrew-Jackson-Gordon-Jamesßuch - anan-Baise-The-Flag«And-Fire~The- Cannon-Doby ns. Boy, with ragged trowsers and rimless chip hat runs into Dr. Fuller's drug store with a dipper in his hand. “Doctor, mother sent me to the shoticary pop quicker’n blazes, cos bub’s sick with the picken ehox, and she wants a thimbleful of polly gollic in this din tipper, cos we dadn’t bot a goitle, and the kint pup’s got the bine witters in’t—got any ?” Telegrapl tc Correction. [ln the dispatches published yester day morning from Richmond, which read as follows : “It is stated, &c., that the Grand Jury have indicted Vice President Johnson, Jno C. Breckin ridge,” &c.. should read “indicted Vice President Jno. C. Breckenridge,” &c., and not “Johnson.” It was a mistake of the operator receiving it.] “Blackbird of Song” is the term ap plied by the London Era to Blind Tom, who is again performing at St. James’ Hall. His powers of musical in vitalion are pronounced “superhuman.” —The Washington ChronUce comes out strongly in favor of forcing negro suffrage upon the Northern States by act of Congress. 08. RQBACK'S BLOOD f|v% PILL? BLOOD okUUU pj L LS. BLOOD mT - - PILLS. BLOOD Pff | 8 PILLS. BLOOD 1 lUJJU PILLS. BLOOD! PILLS. HLOOD BLOOD pills. BLOOD' txtt PILLS. BLOOD riLLo PILLS. BLOOD AND I PdLLS. Blood Purifier! ARE UNEQUALED 4f rox WHI vs Scrofula, Syphilis, Shin Dis ease, 6W Sores, Stilt Elicit in, Dyspepsia or Jutliyostion, SICK HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Fever and Ague, St. An thony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Erysipelas, Tumors, Erajdions. Fits, Scrofulous Con sumption, etc . HHM U f OSE ppfflon writes, tier ilimgliter was cured of Kits of nine years’ standing, and St. Vitus' dance of two years. ANOTHER "writes, his son was cured .after his flesh had almost wasted away. The doctors pronounced the ease incurable. ANOTHER was •cured of Fever and Ague af ter trying every medicine in his reach. ANOTHER was cured of Fever Sore which had existed fourteen years. ANOTHER of Rheumatism of eight years. Cases innumerable of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint could be mentioned, in which the t'uriher and Kills work like tv cLmnn. THE BLOOD FILLS Ar« the most active and thorough pHls ttiat have ever been introduced. They act so <fi rectlyupon the Liver, exci*ing that organ to such an extent as that the system dees not re lapse into its former condition, which is too apt to l>e tiie case with simply a purgative p!J. They are really a BLOOD AND LIVER PILL. and in conjunction with the BLOOD purifier: Will cure all the aforementioned diseases, and of themselves, will relieve and cure Headache, Oostiveness, Coiio Pains, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, (fee., <&o. JOB. BOBACKS Stomach Bitters! Bhould l-e used by convalescents to sir ngtlieo the proetration which always follows acute disease. Try these medicines, and you will never re gret it. A«k your neighbors »ho have used them, and they will say thev are GOOD MEDICINES, and yoii should try them be ore go’bg tor a physician. PRINCE, WALTON A CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Roback,) SOLE PROPRIETORS. Nos. 58, 68, 80 & 02 E. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. New Goods— Blab: and Bradshaw have received their new and beautiful Stock of f MU IIS 80HHE9I UtiSS, FOB ill?. Consisting in Part as follows * Dress goods, silks, poplins, 1 mozambiques, ’grenadines, • berege, jchallies, I delaines, j lawns, i muslins, and the best stock of PRINTS, bro’t to Car tersville since the war. A complete as sortment of Ho is cry and Gloves. Our stock of Ladies’ shoes, slippers and gaiters is com plete. . Bleached and brown sheet ing, table linen and shirting. Forgentlemen Fine French cloths and doe skin, fancy cas simeres, eng lish tweeds, satinetts, jeans ana plain and fancy linens. A complete assortment of CLOTHING. Boots, shoes, Hats, and NOTIONS. Calico for 10c per yard; Hoop skirts, for 75 cents. Ladies’ lasting gaiters for 1,50 ! Hats tor the million, good wool for 75c 1 *l9Bl Zl TpdV *ui&io9f) ‘3lllas.l9;.ib;i •y *y 3QISISV3 ‘QNIQIIfIQ aoiya M3N SiNOIAVIO Ha Nl ‘BHGjIS dV3HO SiMHSQVtffI uma Hi SiiUß&i&q Aiq putt < pui[q 9qi qpiq aqi ‘pauuuui oip ‘Siq oq* ‘opxqoqf pun Nquiu ‘qoiqq «>q; ‘aqijAY oqi ‘opuaqqi oqi pun p9iUT?9[aqi ‘aoocl 9q; qout oijj-- jp» 9UH>3 ’XpoqAue ueq> J9(ie9ip spooS .mo |[9S oj. p9Uiuu9f9p 9.iu o^w. | __ Special Notices. Know Thy iJestin'.. | M vdamk E. F. T horvton. the great English As v rolugist, Clairvoyant and Psychromctrican. who has astonished the scientific classes of the ' Old World, has now located herself at Hud son. N. V. Mad ame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest int ,.orange to the single or married of either sex. W hile in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, anti by the aid of an instrument of intense pow er. known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future hus band or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character,&c. This is no huinbug,as thou sands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a cert lied certificate, or written guarantee, that the pic'ure is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small leek of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamp e d envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence \lad\mk E F Thornton, P. O. Box 223, Hud son, N. Y. march 1, ly Wonderful but True. MADAME RE yfINGTON, the worl.l-re nowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person yon are to mar ry, and hy the aid of an instrument ot intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guaran tees to produce a perfect life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character,&c. This is no imposition, as test imonials wit! out number can assert. By sta ■ ting place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosirg fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, togeth er with information. Address in confidence, Madame Ger trude Remington, P. O. Box 297. West Troy, N. Y. march 1, ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! CHASTELLAR’S Hair Exterminator For Removing Superfluous llair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to fema'e beauty, is easi ly a, plied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically exti-pating the same, leav ing the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory in existence, — Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BE UGER, SHIJTTS <& GO. Chemists, 285 River Street, Troy. N. Y. ’ march l, IBC7. Jy A Young Lady return iiig to her country home, sifter a sojourn of a !cw months in the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she re illy appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Ballin, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to a Lady’s toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove tneir persu«ui appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in is combination, as Na ture herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also heal ing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle it draws from it a'l its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Natureintended it -hould be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sent by Mail or Ex press, on receipt ©fan order by W. L. CLARK & Cos., CUr mists, No. 3 W'est Fayette Str., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale ol the same. march 1, ly Free to Evci yliody A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the dispiscd respected, and the for saken loved. No young lady or geniishould fail to send their Address, and receive a copy post paid, by return mail. Address mch 1. Cm P. O. Drawer, 21. Troy, N. Y. CRISPER COMAi Oh ! she Was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined. Enchained the very heart and mind, CRISPER COM 4. For Curling tlie liair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Mas sive Curls. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the satne time give tt a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the nair, but invigorates, beautifies, and cleanses it; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Ccnta will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for !§>!• AddfTss all orders to w. L. CLARK & 00., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, march 1, ly Y TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few week? bv a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire b, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for prer» ring and using the same, which they wdl find a gURECURE for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRON ( HI iff- COUGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluably and P Williamsburg, Kings Cos., New Toils. May Ist, 1367. wly. ERRORS OF TOUT IE A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nenrotta Debility Premature. Decay, and all the effects of vouU fffl indiscretion, w 11, for the sake of suffering youU.iui i who need it, the receipe and direction- so" making the simple remedy by which be w»a cured. Buffereis wishing to profit by the adver eupr'c cN-*e \ nrt*. rvi 'l' > Hy ad-IrcstsiDg. loj perfect eonfid p.--. JOHN B O‘iOKV. seeder Street. New Volk. ilajl.W.. »iv. PRICES'REDUCED TO SUIT THE THUS T0R.1867. Chamberlain , Cole *sv Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia.. Are selling, their immense Stock of : assy©Sl* At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, At Prices to suit the T i m es- Their Stock ofQRESS GOODS comprises everv new stvle in the A iiwrii-au HOSIERY *■»>*« GLOVES- the largest ever brought t<> Atlanta ; SILK and POPLIN COVERINGS, am! LACE POINTS variety ; EMBROIDERIES ami LACE GOODS «» l <‘ V UV tl^eitplion;: PARASOLS ami SILK UMBREILAS hotly ; TABLE DAMASKS- NAPKINS- TOWELS- TOWELING and miSH, LINENS * CURTAIN DAMASKS. Goods tor Men’s and Hoys wear. DOMESTICS a,l< - NOTIONS aer A Ll* F O II TII E LOW ES T C A Sll Vlsl V K .-©a April 13 —ly, WHOLESALE No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, [ \djanting the Rail-Road,j n. F. MOOUE, ATLANTA, GA. Wholesale Dealer in riour, Grain Hay* and all WesternlFroducts. Orders for ary description of Merchandise, promptly filled, and consignments solicited, April 26, 1867.w3m MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT TH£ GATE CITY, We would respectfully Inform our friends snd the public that wc have just, received one it the largest and best selected stocks of —,—.—_ .A-UST ID SUMMER CLOTUUIDtTO! Ever broueht to Atlanta, all of which have been manufactured for us from Ortedi Rmur’ j Cash, with special reference to the wants of this section. We would respectful y invite all to an examination or Our Goods and Prices , Fecßne confident that we can unit the most economical, as well os most, fa Mid* ** prtce and Space does not permit to enumerate all the Goods k**pt by us but stifflio tt toi say we have nice Cassimere Suits for $7 50 to SIO 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our Goods, need no* hr told that, our Clu'hinir i« made up by the best workmen, and of superior goods. In addition to the ab >ve. we kee;*, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Onns'stirg of PUFKED and PLAIN WHITS SHIRT 3 , FANCY and BROWN LINKS’ SHIRT 3 . UNDERGAR MENTS, of all sizes Fancy an l Plain TIE 3 , of all description*, Silk ami L.inen Pocket. Hanlkti-o!iUf», (r.-nulim Gray’s Patent Molded Collar, as well as Glazed and Marseilles Collars, All of which will be sold cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Also, Boots, Slioes, nats, Sole Leather and other Trunks Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies, Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by /A. UOSENFELD & BKO.. Next doer to McCainy & Go’s Drug Store, Whitehall Street, ir-ii »«. m ... 1 1* ATLANTA, GEORG A. DRYGOODS! DRV GOOD'S.! New A r r i v a I.!' TALLEY. BROWN SB); Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now daily receiving their - j SECOND INSTALL 0F r> r i Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock. vvoy wll RECEIVE WEEKLY, dating tiie coming season, tbo LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! THEY HAVE ON II AND^NOW! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosamb ques. Grenadines, O.gaudie Mus ins, White and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS White and Fancy Tarlatocs, Wnite and Fancy Brilliants, Tu ked Skirt Goods, Alexand.e’s Kid Gloves —light colors. MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED, May 3—v. 6.a. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF GEOR GIA, Macon-, GA.,May l«t, 1867. General Orders, I No. 6. ) I—The use of the ‘’Chain Gang” as a mode of legal punishment in this State, baying been abused bv the authorities empowered to inflict such punishment, is hereby discontinued, ex cept in cases connected with prisoners sen tenced to the Penitentiary. All Post Cimmanders within the limits of this State are hereby directed to enforce this order, and report any action on the part of the civil authorities, who refuse to obey the same. By command of Col. CALEB C. SIBLEY, U * S ' (Signed) JOHN E. HOSMER. Ist Lieut. Iflth U. S. Infantry, and A. A, A. I*. IstLieut. 16th U. S. Infantry and A- A. A G. Executor’s Sale. one thousand and four iIOO-C mine j .. uher- Hip Bfcond (2nd) section of originally on r district of toes cnl * a ’ K .j *... Distribution and okee. now Bartow Tern)S aad the payment of the debts WAKKt >,- aKIN, 088 May 8,186 T. L*«*u>r. _ DR. O. PINKERTON, Carl eravt lit, Georgia. Tenders his profe-stonali st-vlceet o she eWi of Cartersville and surrounding count ry, and w ll a teed ca'ls at all hours. Office up-stairs in Dr. ! Samuel Cluj ton’s New Brick Buildiag. May 10. lroi.wly Blair & Bradshaw’s is the place to go t<\to get your msney back. Sm fiwfk, m> A| I an now receiving from New Y'o?k rulargffi. '' ~ r roiijjisting of DRY*GQOQS P) GROCERIES ®wdttrj, Bool;. SHOES. H ITS. HARDWARE. SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, SEtEA-XtT-MriurJE Which I am offering very low for Cash. Come and see for yourselves. Kingston, Ga. E. V. JOHNSON. May 17, 1867. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! And New Arrangements. The nnderslgned takes pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Cartersville and tnrroundinp country, that he has just opened out a most splended aad FArill lON ABLE Stock of SSS&3T& * tttlKKgft DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of the people, which he proposes to sell at P ice* to BUIT the TIMES. Ladies wi 1 liud almost Everything pertaining to their WARD KOBE. GENTLEMEN will find M iterial and Furnishing Goods for Clothing. Families will find all kinds of goods common for do- MESTIC USE, ai»o BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Bonnets, Hoop Skirts, Umbrellas &c &e. Also will keep on hand a large lot of FACTORY HTJLJELISrS HE WOULD be h ppy to receive call, at any time His doors are thrown w dr open, and the invi at on is to alt. Come and examine his goods and prices. Next door to A. A. bkionei A Cos.. .v and ju*t below the Post Office, L FERGUSON, ■T. T. STOCKS Ferguson. Cartersville. Ga., May lsi.lsiil. vJ. W- MAXWELL. BRICK MASON. Is prepared to do all kind* of w.rk in Brick and Btone at short notice. Has on baud a fine lot of newly burned b.ick and is prepared to do woik Upon the mast reasonable terms. Cartmvitle. G . Mbj R.ii. I:C7.