The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 17, 1867, Image 4

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GEORGIA STATS LOTTERY! I'or the Dcneflt of THE ‘‘MASONiC ORPHANS HOME!” milE T.'>/»’»ti»re of the 3i*te of G*r>-gi», at It* taut l *e-,*'.>r, «■■•»?,!«--l V» W. W. tinyrt >n l -th«r«, a Grant t ' a lop: a LeAt*--/. o- *»rie» of L >'t *rie* ami A.erci", »-» ral<« moot v f ■* * -e [>x--r>"*e of a Homo f.r. an-’ aopnortlur 1 i 'l/ fit siH Ornhxr*—’>f- Mocieto t>« oal;o,l the * MASON!** ORPH I'OMK ” 1 ie /r «o'.e-» 'ikvc «**• ri vc-i v.'h ihen, ■-* a V< sr<> of », * me of the beat c'tn-o* t,l this hiate, lo f!i> 2 # t cork of txrtev-' and '•h*ri'y. W* eall *Se *M- n'i nos the >,uh:ls t j the G ard gch-ne ae'on. amt a k sour patronnue. Ii t>n. hc.fjnjr * oke's you will re.iemt-er tha* •boil'd y-n fail l * draw a ;>rix-. that your m<v *y * 1 e strictly is- and Mtsoiiically appi td to a charitable work. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY! FOR THE EKNSI ir OF THE "MASONIC ORPHANS'HOME r TO BE DRAWN IN GPEN PUBLIC, AT ATLANTA, GEORGIA on Wednesday, May 15,156 - Class B. Wednesday. June* 19,156T-C!a*s C Wednesday, Julj 17,18C7- Class D. Scheme ihe Same for Each Monih. 1 p.jjwof pA h'lO la #SO, on 1 Plxeof -- ''i •* 20. 0 o 1 Prize of 1,00 it 1 . i oo ; |M» t f 6, o 0 !« 5, WHi ~rU« ‘ f H' s h I • « LOO 1 11 ix- oi », -V " l P :ze* off SKI are 12.00 P Izes ts 250 are 18. 7’t 12‘i Prixes of H't n e 1;5. 00, l&J IM-es of ls« are.. 18,000 ApriIOXIMATION PRIZES. 9 dpp-t ximatl >n Pr ?,*•• of #5 0 r--ch for the nine remaining tr-iit* "f ibe «air,e ten of the No.drawlug -he #SO,UW) Prxe ere *,501 P Approximation P lxe*o f 0250 each for Ihe nine reuiaii lug uni * of the ann* tea of the No. thawing the *2OOOO Prate 2, 2ujl 9 Approximation Prixt-a of I 0 each f,r the nln- remula'fig vrOta of t' e *ame teo of the No. drawing the *iO,ooo Pr ze are 1,8% 9 Approxiinat tin I'rixet ot Jl'K) each for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $5,000 P' -ze are IS Approximation Prizes f 10*' t-a • h for t ,* nine ret airing unit of t e *me ten of th- Nos. drawing the #2,50J Prisi s are T 4.4 Pr xe», amounting to $ 103, (Jo(‘ W hole Tickets, s>l*-2 ; HaJi es s<i Quarters, s>3; Elghtu, lsii,so, the Prizes above stated are Prawn at Every Drawing- IPXj^AInT Oi Clirm? Great Batteries, and Explanation of Draw ings, The n m' cr= from I t .30 O<H. c<-rrrtp .ndlngwith tin iho Ticke *, »e jo int a■ v sepnra e elipr „t I ■! ,-uct« lot! wthem ■ 1 tube-.- ami pine ->:< n. ifir. » All ihe prizes in aecorda ee »i h th ;- ... are jini 'ariy j r nted an-* encircled, anil placet . , . • vbec . The Wheels are then revolve, I I ntlfold- (1, draw tl.e Niun ere and P. i i. One fi:cb, ys and »-1 one cumber irciTi ihe wli -■, I. ~l •') iho or me time the o h a buy draws old e n I rout 'll wheel of p-ixe-:. The umber an , ■.... , r . n ... it a;, exhibit, il to the auiilenc-, »n„ .otr pi e Bit a ~ulls leg's errd and placed t> th • ft!-: In r; nni thie operatloa is repeated u 'll -,1. ■ p lies a. e drawn out. 1 ... ti,. ets a , ritde !It the foil wing fty'e ; The; fcr- lie.ii.,l into «4>tMrt ere slid eight .primed on tie fie n .u i cket. t urQ-.a ter* or right Eights bta iu to srtne uiiiiiber, eou*tltute a tt hole Tick-'. PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DISCO VET W. W. BOYD, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manager Atlanta, Ga. for Tickets by n'l or express to be ad re eel to I, R. BRwADBENt, A ent, Or W. W. BOY L>. Principal Manager. April U-—wijune 19 IStiT. A'lauta. Ga. rs EOTGIA, BARTO’V COUNTY.—Two month* af’e i <|* e application wi l be made'to ’he O-n; ■' of Onlt » ary < t mid count.', pr wave ••• »e*i «* ” r “* , f D R. Thomas, rlcce sed, lylncin aai I • tfte at eith puiMlc-r private sa'c, bribe benefit, --fthe heirs am credit ,rs of said deceased. Aprjl 12, J*l KOUGI A, BAH r OW COUNTY.—Whereas F. R. Hu- Nff '.,,n applies to me for T.etie sos A <lm lid it of In oi . is toe le all cniier-mcd. both kindle, nnd m e lMs < f sal I deceased, to «h -w cause if at-y • thev can, within the time prescribed by I»«hvrhy ran T-ti’-Tr*i,..nid u,.t h-.c.raziMd.MvTfli il fiaTuie 'hi* th. I jl day oMVpril. 'S 7. J. A. 110 WAR . 0 rl’y. ,|Ti:ORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY —Two mon’hs «fte ’ 1 date applicati li «ilj,be ni^ulo ( Court of O ■ idnaryuaiyptid county, at the dritwp .lar term after to selWol the real estate of Win A M Cr vy a- M, a private sale, for the hsi-efit of the heirs and credit-on of said deceased. March 29th. 1 S>'«7. (V is Vdf, Cfrx, Mn r’x. A. D. McCRaVY Adni'r. IVolice to debtors ami ci editoi-g OF Th rles B. Stone, late of B n tow county, Ga., de ceased, is h-rehy given to e me f rwanl, those ha\ log claims against s-l-l estate to prrsent t ein Iri erms ..f the law. ami those Indeb.ed to said estate fs ttle rp wiih-oit rlelav. A. C. TKIMBDE, Adin'r. Aprll's, YS67. 40d GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. Whereas, Jo in J, Epperson apyilies to mi ls he retired from bis administration on tin estate ot’J nhrs B Epperson, deceased. Thesr me therefore to cite Mrs. Sarah Epperson ami admonish ail and ingular the kindred am! creditors of sain deceased,'to'file th ir objections it any they have l»v the first Moiuiav in Amir rist. D't>7, othenvise letters of dismission zvill br* Rranted the applicant at that term ot Jibe court of Ordinary lor said con tv. Given amder my liand and olficial signature, this the 2'Jlh day of Jan 1867. W K D SCOSd, Ordinary, (pr’s fee si6 GEORGIA- CHPRWCE? COUNTY. W fiiereas, PHILLIF GRAHAM adminis trator of Jos. 13. Ilarr s, represents to thc'Conrt in his petition duly filed and e t« red on record, rhat he has fu'ly i.dministered Jos. D. Harris, eea’e, i-, thetefore, to rite all persons concerned, kindred an 1 creditors, to slum <raiMO,,tf any thev can. why said admiriistiator should di charged l'r m his adininistra- Mon and receive lettem of dismission,« » the first Monday in June next, Nov. 23. '66. WR D MOSS, Ordinary, iORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. - ~ Whereas A. Fowler Adinmis*- trator o| W L Fowler, represents to tin* court, in liis petition duly filed end en ’(•red on record, that he lias fully ad ministered WI, Fowle-’s estate. This ’ 3 . therefore to cite all persons concern' ed, kindred and creditors, to t how cause T any they cau. why said administrator r'tonld not be discharged from his ad rnislration and receive letters of <lis~ ;:v>si :ti. on the first Monday in Sep i. other next. W K D MOSS. Feb’y. 21st 1867. Ordinary, [Printer’s fee S6.] HIIPGiV CHEROKEE COUNTyT iIHRE\S. Lemuel Cook, Adm*r of i'.'ij di Underwood, represents to the coon, in his petition duly filed and en" .ered on record, that he has fully ad mistered said estate. This is. there ore, to cite all persons conrt rued, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, il any they can, why said administrator f hmtld not he discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission on the Ist Monday in July, ’67. Pec. 3. WRD MOSS, Ord. Q‘-r’e fee 86> ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS made by the gheat asrrologist, Madame 11. A. PLRHIGO. Phe revfa’p sw-rc** no mortal ever knew. She r*»- , tore, t-, haj pi es* those wh , Pom doleful even s ,c t -st oph-*, r * -eg In 1 vs. In.* -f rrl»tint sin i t-i-i-ds, 'loss of m n-;.,A lave bec-me ,le.p nderit. 8h- iirin s I toge her »h se t eg nepwrnt- and : g tv* lnfoin ation eon* c-rtu- g ai-s-i t fr:- n- » and l->.e », T->t--rc* loot or ft,-- prup-r-y, irl's j, u'h -hu irii zs y-,u a-e b-»t q nr!’, tied lo pursu- arnl li- what you --.ill be mot snec-erfu , -•Hus-* .p -riv i, arrlag-* a i tells y, u the ve y da, y> n will marry, g've- you the name, likeness tn . char, artei istc of toe pe .«m, Slier, adt y„ur ve y hoi g! s and by he- a m ,ft sup* natural powers unv-;is die dark am: hi-den tr>‘t-ii,a ~f the futun. Fnm the tar* we *.e-!n ih- fi maruen. —the malefic s’-u* that o vric-nieo, preco i 1 at- in th- cor figuration— the -vper'a and p sit'oes of th • p!an-,« nd th- fixed -’iirs in the be-vena at the t ine of birth, she deduces he future deatln.v of r an. FHi not to r nsoit th ' -e t—t A«trobgist n-a-’h. It cos’s y- u but a trifle ar and you may i eve' acaln have so f ,v«,,able a>, oppei • unity. < on-nitation fee. wnn like -ssa-d ail desired I formatiop. *l. Pa t} •• liv'n ’at a diataue -can cot ■u’t the Mi.dame hy mll with equal Safety aid sa is *ctl«n to thetnao ve», as if In person. A full and ex plicit chart, written ,-ut with »!| inq ,l-lan*»eted ar and likeness enclosed, *--r.t by m*ll on receipt of price a r, v- me’iiln-d The stric e*t s-ere, y will lie alned, and all entresp noence returned or des'royed. Cef reoces of he hi.-h-at. order furnished those de-i log them. Write plainly the dav of the mouth and y-ar in widen you wc. e born, enclosing a small lock if hair. Address MADAM*- n. A. V-EKRIGO. P. O. Drawer 298, BUFFALO. N. Y. march l, !y. Th”’e cotreth glad *ld ng* ofj y fn all, To young a : and to ,-H, to gr. nt and t>- small ; The b-»uty which once,was so precious and Tire, Is fee for i.l, au-l all may fair. Jsy I lie use of CHASTELLAB’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. For improving and beautifying tbe Complex ion. The most va'u-b'e and p-rfeef. p eparaf'on in us- , or g ving theskln a beaut ful pearl-ike tin*, that 1 niy found in y ut.h. It quick y r inov-s Tan, Fieck lea’Pimple*, Biotehe , Yl-oh, Fatclie*. 3ail,,wiie.'.-, K ; upm-ns, atai ail impu iiie- of the sku , wind'y I eaiinp tne same raving ihe *k n wiiiie and cl ar as aleba-ier. Ii - use cai not be dell-5 ed by the ch» s est scruttnv ; a. and b lug a vegetable prep nation ii perfecly li nine s. It is >h only artl !e of the kind nse by tne Kiench, .ii 1 t con nlere i by th- Par slim at an m, i-p-im bi - to al l feet toil t Upwai ,1a of 80.000 bottle w r.-s,,d onii-g she (last yea , a s ffi -ient g,a a t-e ot it.- effic cy Price only 75 cent* Ken* by mail, post-.-aid, ■ii receip ot an oiu-r, by 15. ItGEK. -• liUi’TS & Cos. • i emi- *, 2fes ti vti Street, Troy, N Y. mch 1. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When Vy the use of DR. JOINYTLI E’S 1 LfXIU you o-r- be cured iiennarjent'.y, ■ nd at * rr fling oust. Th- astonishing eucce** wii'«h ha* a tended this in a'uable medicine to. Physical an, 1 Nervous tV,-kii - , General I'ehdily and Prostration, Log* of Mus. u i rh.ergy, Im, oten y, nr any ,f ihe cors-quenc- »f routhiui itidbcte on, renders it the Lost aluablepre i rat on ever disco e-ed. 1. iv.II remove all norVuij* afTorti in*, detiresslon, CX i ernent, inonpacity, to study or bu„ln ~*•>, lo,* f T'C'iiory i ci'du*ioi> ( ttiou. h’s ot seif-desiruclun, 1 are of •r.sft!) ty, A.C. Ii will rest- re the a-pe ite, r-ue-v the •a th f hose who have destroy, and it by sensual exce-s or -vll ttractioes. Y uog Mw, bo humbug?*'! no m - r e f.y “Quacu D«c ,io »’* and.dynor mt practitl-mers, bn* f e-d w 'ny for the Kdxlr, and n ii ymc* restored to health and fl ippilt-s . A p- fe-:t euro I* pn rantied *n ever, j, . oa ce. Price »!, >r four bottle* to o eadd es- .f3. 0. e botlttis fcitffi ient to effect s cu e in all ord nary uses. A h'O, DII. JOINVILL’B PPECfFTC PILT.S. for the <|i eiy »'d pernm- ent cure of G o orrhea, G, et U ethral Di ch rge , Gr ive-, Stricture. «••<! all affeC ion* the K’dneys arid Bladder. Cures iff cted in from ’t.e to five day*. Th-y are prepare-', f-om v-gotubl xt aca ,}f t sre I aru-lesa-,n 'he *j>tem, and lever u*ea e the at-lmaoli or itnpr, gna e ihe breath No h,nge • f diet is necessary while using them, nor doe heir act.i ,n in any manner interfere with business -i *u'ts. Kitb'-r -f the above »rent’oned ar:lodes will be sen or expi'eßs',V ,n " r «vi]>t "f I'rice. Andre** (it orilf'H "o BKRO ‘ R SDUTT' & CO. Chemiat*, -mdh 1. No 255 River 8 r-et, Ir, y, N. Y. WHISKERS _A S D Z. . im’Ttst.a.csiies! Jj 1 r vitro g ow upon the str.oa-best f-«ce ij from 'bmp 1 ks j DK t EVJONK’S KESTACR ' »U?lW'•Pit LAI I. E. the irout woi,i|._rlnl 'li*-ov<-ry oi noßlrru science, a<: i g upon the He rtl and us-rt y to eliteTi%l’S is and Lon ton wit* the n st fl tte'ii success. Nagies nf and purchasers will tie registc’ed, nd if en!i■ e -stise ct no is not give., in every i st hic. , t' « money wiii nr cl.te fu !y refti Ced. Pirce by mJ■ sealed «mi post-pidd, *|. Desnini testimonials muil* d'"-e. Address BEiiGEK SHLTT* ,t CO., Ch- m s r «, N . 28. V River Street, Tr< v, N. Y. .-o e ,g«mta for the i'nieil Stites. ranch 1, ly. BEAUTY.” Golden, Flaxen and Silken furls, l)ROnurrn by th- use of Pr if. DKIiREUX' PRISER t L•. CllH fcl'X. On, «pp:io lion an m. dto a , the most st aighl and etui born hair of either *e* it U " »vy tloelets <»r leavy massive . u g. II is teen geo by tin fa hionables "i Pans and Lot don w ith the mo ' g at f' mg tesul e. Does no ii ju vto 'lie hair. Prie y mail, ge lei aid ,«>« l , Disc ipti e <i .•u ars nai etl fr. e. Ad 're. s DKLGE i, SHUTTc A CO., demists, K". 2W It Ve.< bluet, Tie;, N. Y: Sole Ageing ior t t Cn 'ed t-tatee, me I, y. Separator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzlis, your switches, yotir Wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Com, aired, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant. hair-. UlilHßi rOB C4PILU. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause t* may have lal en out) ami forcing a growth ol hair open the face, it ha.- no equal. It will forc> the beard to grow up on the .-moothest in from five to eight week. . or hair upon bald heads in from two to thret months. A tew ignorant practitioners h.xv asserted there is nothing that will for e or hasten tne growth of hair or heard. Their as sertions are false, as thousands of living wit nesses [from their own experience] can bear witness. But many will say how are we to distinguish the genui e from tne spurious 1 — It certainly is difficult, us nine-tenths of tin* Prep rations advertised f r the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have al ready thrown away large amounts in thcii purchase. To such we would sav, trv the Separator Capilli; it will cost you nothing unless it fully e mes up to our representations- If your Druggist does not keep it send us out dollar and we will f jrward it, postpaid, togeth er with a receipt for the money, wh'ch wiii be return* and you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address \V, L. CLARK & L'o. v Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Bgrtow Sheriff Sales. tY’Ii.L bs srtd, b-fore Ue court house door In Car vV <«r»vlbe H* tow county, Or., on the first Tuead.j lr, Jnre next, with n the legtu ta.e hours, the fottotvh g property, to wit: farm, lying one mile s<-uth r f Ct'SviUe, contam ne one hu' «lre*l ecres. more or les'-, known ag the •ludvc'W' ight place, le vied n ihe pr-pe ty ifW. B. Herxietson, to satiafy » tax in favor of the State o' tlto-gt", and Bartow couo y. Va. raid Henaer.-ou. kvj made and retnrusd to me by a constable. April 29;h, 1567. W. L. dYC’OCK s* -Iff A large lot of bleached and uuMeacheii Khirttng and Mlicetlng just received Loeweiurtein & Pieifcr’s. Hand Looms. DE H SELL?, ANDREW PCNN, R.P.6L;!NN President. Secret-, ry. Treasurer. GEORGIA LOOM AND MA N V UFACTURIXG COMP A N Y Mannfa-torers and Planter*, look to your ItiterejL*. and don’t fall to call: t IJel!-.T'-h-,son B- i'din?, nextdoor to the Post-; ffice aLd see it in opperatiou MENDENH AT-L’S IMPROVED SF t F-A r TING HAND AND POWER LOOM! TC*=!erTt ll ' , ers‘o'v\ Ea-lcr t-Operate, and n-or.e relia de Fo**e**e* superior advantages over other Hand boom?, is more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT fly Weaviug a’l their Goods for Home Wear on the MENDFNIIALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM, FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. it weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE 0 ST OF THE CLOTHING OF A FA' ILY CAN 15 E SAVED BY ITS USE ! Fmm Five to Ten Do larsa day cun he made on it. ITSP.iRTS ARESELF-I'IIANCIMi. By the ’u'ning of an Easy Crack it lets the Warp off, winds up the Clo’n, tiead the Tieadie*. and throws the hutt’e. I* weaves Jeans, ratire's, Linsey, B anket Twill. Doub e-Ph,ln Cloth, various kinds of ißii'bed Goods, t cicii.g Tw ills of ail kind*. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Y' 00l ci- th, Raging, Tow eling, Table Linen, Bal ;norat B*irls, Woolen, L'nen and Ilemp ' arpets —in fact any thing, from a Hands, me SHU to a Rag Carpet. IT IS SMA=LL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Not larger than a common Breakfort Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, O Good if -O ial (‘nd. Ilunde Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed hy Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Fur her Fa-ticnlarr. BdlofFrU-ex De crip, live Circulars, and Sumplexo TTa. fluff, add. tea GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing; Company, Atlanta, &a. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 1867, wfim “OUR MOTTO ’ T.Ttm and X laT OVF 11 Shall be demonstrated in all our dealings. J. 13. SATTERFILLO ts BRO„ Are now receiving their Spring SUMMER SUPPLIES y)f Sew and Beautiful Dfy- €lo(lliuSf, BMiUtx. BOUSS, Slioes, and i otious, in Die pricesofany anti all ofwiiich \vc pledge ourselves to dupli cate Atlanta bills. YVe also have on hand a superb lot of roceries and jproduce, which we will sell equally as low ; but. remem oer our to, ms are unequivocally CASH AND CASH, 0-N-L-Y. The citizens and public generally are earn estly solicited to c It and examine our goods md p ices, and t:y and pr, va us an J see if we will not comply with our pr mise. J. H, SATTERFIEJ.D & BRO. Cartersville, Ga., April iS, I»S7. COX & HILL. Have Wow In S l o re : A BARRELS RYE WKUS&Y, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Kobcrtsttu Countv whisky 50 barrels Reciifietl W hisky, 30 barrels Peach ami Apple Brandy, 30 pkits Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Bum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, . 25 pk«>s Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases i box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at vert* low prices. COX HILL. ATLANTA, Ga., dec!3—wtf Montvale Springs, 1867. TIIIS popular Sammer resort having been placed in thorough repair, ands irnteh-d wit i new Furnitnr . will be opened for visitors on tlie Ist' fJC Xi next, u-.der the direction and control of the i.n 'eisitrned — Pr' nrict rs of the Amt icon Hot l, 6<i. Mon vale pres n- the etron jest »ttr»c?i *nß to both 'he ii va id and pleisir e-seeker, no less on ace- unt of its retirement and the beau'y of i»s surround) ngseere r, th">n' f the restorative po versos its waters. We have edveed the )>rlce of Board to the lowest figures -o s'« e t with » proper pri vision for the Entertain ruent of our Goest?. Board, per Day, IS 00 “ per w eek 20 00 ** per Month, 60 00 with an allowance lor families. Traveller* hv Railroad re-ch the Snringt hv special conveyance from Loudon, or by regular daily mall coaches from Kcoxvitle. Term. WHITE &. WHITLOCK. Ajpril 26,18*T. Setting Machine Oil , rRKPARSD at the Baltimore Chemical Works, for Sale by B*K. BSSSSBI&ISftt Hdealers in S Wi © Chemicals, Paints, &c , &r. Proprietors of Kramer's Hair Restora tive, Psoricus, Universal Bitters, Nerve & Bone Liniment, &c. Cartersville, Ga. WE teg leave to inform the citizens gen eralT_\”, and physicians particularly, that we have on hand a large, well solected stocK oi Prugn and Medicines, and are ready to fill orders at the lowest pr ce*. Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our ■ wn supervision, and will warrant all our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best marKcts in the country, and buy entirely for cash, we can supply our rustotners*vvith goods as cheap as the; can possildy be bought elsewhere, We will duplicate any bill of goods bought south of Louisville. Respectfully soliciting vour orders, we are Yours very respectful!v, Febß, ISC7. BEST & KRAMER. New Spring v and Summer ; _GOODS, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, and a thousand and one things too tedious to e numerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash, at ' J. ELSAS’ Cheap, Cash Store, Cartersville, Bartow co. April 26th. V. R. TOMMEY, J. S. -STEWART. Newton Cos., Ga. Oxlortk^Ga. TOMMEY X STEWART. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the-Sitfn of the MILL SAW anti GAME COCK, White hail Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully call the attention of merchants and oth ers to th-ir large and wei aso.inert stvcn of Foreign and domestic Hardware, -Consisting in .part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of ail kinds, 6ic., Sic. ; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND CCTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction vletal. Baugh’s 1{ aw bo «e Saper-Fliosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale AVorks, Nonpareil Washing Machine. PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR llrfiok’N I’uicnf Portable Cot lou and May Screw and Revolving Press In ever c-ae fcunrtrert counties in Georgia. B&f County Rights for Sale. April 12, ly. Mrs. Carrie Payne TNYI7E3 the at'e tlon o' the I.s --d x-s of o«rter*viile and vioimiy, to her fashionable Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. She has on hand and is constantly receiving from Now York the LATEST STYLES. Ca r e taken of all work and s-ttsfacdon guarantied. attention paid to filling orde * for Dress Goods, Trimmings a> and Pa tern* Over W. 11. Taylor’* Dry-Good St 're, ATLAHTA, GA. April 19, ISST. wSat FARMERS’ Land Plaster! The best fertilizer now in USE, just received and for sale, bv A. A. SKINNER & CO Cartersvdle, March 1, Thresli out your Wheat! Ism still the AGENT fur the sale of those excellent Kemucky THRESHERS, both four horse and two horss SIZE-. The recent impru ements made oa thexe THRLSHERS rendir ihem the most desi-able of any 'hat are now offered for sale. They are easily MANAGED and net liable tog-tout OF ORDER. Orders .01 cited, the sooner the EETTEE, ao that the MAOBINEd may arrive in good TIME. Cartt£6»ilie, Ua. Ayr. 19 aiSm. 3.3. HOWARD HARDWARE. J. 11. i J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in vassggL HARDWARE, CUTLERY, eaSSSa Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTIIG, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANtGAL TOOLS, ot ail i'rades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AMD SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES.SPRINGS. LOCKS. Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, FLOWS, Bolling Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have just rectived a large invoice of tbe best Double-anker Boltin? Cloths, of all desirable number®, which we offer Lovdjoi* C'Q*k I ALSO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many oilier ai tide# which ywa i»e«d, and which we are desiroui ul belling, Call attil bee Ub when you visit Atlanta. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, AILAN IA, GA» April 26, 1867 wStu Saul'Clayton, R. A. Clayton. S C LAYTO N & SON, DEALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Store Room in the Corner room of the NEW BRICK. BUILDING, ADJOINING the Bartow House. Would respectfully invite the citizens Curtersville and surrounding country , To call and examine our which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, TIN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. Mr. URIAH STEPHENS, so lone and favorably known to this community, is with us. He will be pleased to meet his friends, and will be ever ready to supply their wants. ' Our TERMS are CASH, and we will be contented with small profits. No trouble to show goods. Come an i see us. Feb Bth, 1867. FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ABE now receiving their IFiitll a.1611 Winter Stock of BOOTS ANO SHOES, llie largest ever brought to this cty. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the tr do at N. York p ices, expenses add ed, consisting ol Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip, calf and buff Brogans and Balmorals—Boots, of a l styles, thic!?, wax. kip, calf, and the finest qu lities. Ladies’, Mi ses’, and Childrens’ Boots arid Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H. FORCE. 13. VV. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be "dad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept ‘Hi. iY Mew N. GILREATH & SONj now receiving a general stock of ! fWNG AND ISDMMER consisting of ladies’ Dress Goods .AJSTJD SCOT’S. GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoos, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing. Also a well assorted stocK of Hardware and Crockery, Family Groceries, which wag e 'looted by one of the firm in person. We ask p rcha erg to call and exam’no oar took and pri cts. We expect to sell low f r ■••. eh. Give us a cal . Cartersv lie, Ga , Ap il 12, 1866. »2m SI,OOO REWARD. Hunter’s Specific. rpHE great English Remedy. A A certain, speedy and pleasant curt for Gonnorabcea, Syphilis, Pain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseases o the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseas a, Qiabctis. Stone in Bladder, Effects of Murcury, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to cightt days. —lt requires no change of Diet. —lt is not d'sagreeable to take. —Il imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tore the who e system. —lt removes impurities of the blood. Sold, wholesale and retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, Ga, jan ?s.w6ia W. H. Gilbert, COMMISSION MERCHANT. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. WILL BUY and SELL HOODS and PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, For tale the celebrated BRINTLEY STEEL PLOW- and other .1 griculrural Implements, and WASHING MACHINES, at Factory prices, freights added. On hand and for sale, Low for Cash, Cook, Parlour and dike STOVES. GROCERIES & PRO VISIONS, Iron, Steel, Nails. Axes. Shovels, and other Art cles of leading Hardware. December 5, 18(50.—worn riIHE , xercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday,the 28lh inst., under t'.e supervision of JAMES G. RYALS, Principal, Assisted by J. D. C OLLLVS AND lIEXRY SIcCORMICK. Rites of Tuition, per Bession of 20 weeks: Primary Department,. slJ> 00 Preparatory “ 20 00 High ,School 25 00 Incidental E*penses 1 00 Music 25 00 Board can be had, inclusive of every thing bu lights, a' $ 17,00 per Month. The earn > st. beartv co-operation of the community, in the establishment of a Sc mol of high ordor in their midst, is most urgently solicited. Stil sboro, Ga., January 25, 1867. wtf New Marble ITard. S. B- OATMANi For WILLIAM GUAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Work adille, and fVltite Rutland Statuary MARB la E. #WE are now receiving and have iu store, a !arge andjSP'fiff.£o} desirable stock of fiuinb-d J'jWdi fj! and rough Marble, vrhioh ']fAA ... we offer to the public or, jOTT the most >>te P=sj^(C|’Uil!i. Owing to the high price of marble r.ttld time, many persons are kept from purchasing I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My f- utilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be sa'i fled with small pro-fin aud quick sales—such is-m* motto, We are prepared to furnis 1 in the best style. Monuments, c irved and r lain, Ri.< Tombs. Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns Vases. Ac., and Furnishing Marble of all de scriptioua. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of Imsin ss, wc hope t 1 merit 1 sh ire of public p.tronage* Detignsof Mono incuts and any other work in Marh!<e, furnish ed gratis. Orders so icited and promptly filled. Ossie: tnd Yard adjoining Be Ivue Hotel and oppo. ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, ISG6. Shoot, Luke, or give up your Gr TT InTIII jrfgSjT.jESSSSn I’BOSH 1 having Oun, nr ri.tnls ! ttprS*? 1 * »' the rth'.p of J. K A ,J. Q HA K- Jttt " ELI,, upon wi ic i t' e money i“ due f r R-pairs, are hereby n'tl fied to call, at once, pay charges, snd lake them away, or itiey wl'l Ihj eoi,l for repair* We »n’t eat nor we n guns or pistols, nd w* havi qui working simply for an ac-nnunod.itioo. Oinersvlle, G-r., Anr 1119. 1887. STEWART COOK STOVE, THE LATEST WONDER A nd Most Complete Improve mentorthc Age. $5,000,000 MADE WITH THE STEWART CGOK STOVE, VOT by the makers ad sellers, but by the users LX Ernm testimony furnished hy the class of persons refeiTid to. it appears 'hat the said Stove on aceo-r t of its durab lily and fuel-saving quaiitie., has p ,„ ve , a source of inc-ume to families wt o have used it, avers ► ing at least fourteen dollars a year. 30,000 of these stoves have beftn pu* into use during the last e'ghtee years. Aloai g e *ch stove to have been used t-nyear-o an average, the whole amount of ra .i c, with Interi a ■ix per c- n»., is five million „f dollar,. Tlie price o' qu; tness, comf-vtanu l.eiiiij secured to a faulty by ihn us* of a enhnaro * rT v ~„r f e r \ y „and p,.'<i ts , th. if wants, cannot be reckoned ‘n and lU>s and cent-, dnt Te ha not space here to tel! you . f all the vir tues and advantages that th“*r stoves p sees over ail therß. So we cordially invite ail, especially the la dles, to CALI, AND EXAMINE before purchasing elsewhere. ALSO CIDER MILLS, STRAW-CUTTERS, Ths Latest Improvement in Plows. &C., &C, We offer the celeb' ated Phoenix and Wilcox, Globe X MANIPULATED GUANO, We also offerto the public a I kinds of delected fam ily Groceries and Provisions of all sorts;; also a choice assortment of Fancy Groceries, Candles, Nuts etc., etc. As we are dealers in Agricultural Itnp'ements Ma chinery Ac , w« invite c rresp».,dence fr,m all parU of the American Unijn, from Manufacturers of the same and .Her ourselves as ageuts for their sale. Indeed’ so far as trade if concern, and, we have to say ih.t “No pent-up Utica contracts ourpow'rs: The wnole bound!* s continent is ours I" JOHNSON A ECHO .8, . Comm .-shin Merchants, Whitehall s reel, A TLA A T TA, GA. DT-One Thousand pounds of Pu.ier offered lo th* pubuo—very nice. April 26, P*7. wßm USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. USE EDWARn WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and ull specie of indigestion. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Interiuitcnt Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will give immediate reliefin Colie and Fir USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH Ul r FEUS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant fc Delicate Females. USE EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. it is a safe Anti-Bilious A ternntive at tonic tor ull family purpose*. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. It is a powerful Recti pern lit alter the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sics ness USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH 11m lilts. It m an excellent Appetizer, as well as s tren eiter ol the digestive loice-. US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. As it is being daily used anil proscribed be all physicians, as the formula w 11 be handed any regular graduate. EUWARITwiLDtiIi, SOI.K PltUoriUKTOa, A o. 2 15 >1 a i 11 Street, MAItIiLK JTBoMT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. KOR'hAI.K, WIIfII.FSALK AND HKTAII., BY liEBWZNE &. FOX. WHO! KsSAI.K AM) BKTAII. DKUUtJIS’IS t urner Whitehall and Ala. Mm ATLANTA, G A. Nov. 0 1 y a. @ , mm 3 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND m&www&vum's * CARTERSVILLE, GA. Special Attention given to Itcpair* islg. HAVING opened business at my old stand, t am prepared to do any ami all i u.s ol' work, dt; ired in the (Carriage Linn, at i«.vv figures tor cast . i null keep on liu.ui a unc assortment ol buggies Sc Carriages and ran, 't short notice, furnish any kind o a VEHICLE ties red. Having connroled myself with M essrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, Ga a well known and reliable firm. 1 will sell at August it Prlce« y fre i bts added, from the be- 1 ! Factories at the North ad East. All of which will be warranted light. Being well acquainted with the country an I peop'r, with ’ong experience in the ■ usiness, I purpose to furnish the market with such work as will give perfect satisfaction, I shall be able to furnish the entir country, as m> faci'ities are unlimited. Call and examine,! shall cost you nothing. I feel assured that the good people of this county will the honest efforts of on* of their old citiz ns, broke down hy ’he war R. H. JONES, Jinuarv 17. ’867 wlv NEW FIRM. Up Stairs in Cos/. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. HAVE just reoe’ved s PINK A8- /•*- JV ksSmX or HarnKos lea-I Minx I HER and other materials ® B*ry for a first class 4fc BADDLE AND HARNESS BHOP, and are prepared to furnish oil kinds of H \RNBW order. Old Harre*« mad* new. [«] BAODi.ES RC r. IHKD withueatn'H and dlspa'ch. iSwtorers by calling oan find an assortment of Keen IToe* always n n hsr and. Cheap for Cateh. Cir'.trrrfile, hi, Aprtififh. 1861