The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 31, 1867, Image 1
YOL. 5. THE WEEKLY Carteruvllle Express Is published every IFIR/TUD-A-TT morning, in Cartersville, Bartow County, Oa., by Smith & Milam, Proprietors, at Threb Dollars, per an num, strictly in advance ; Two Dollars for Six Months; tine Dollar for Three Months. Advertisements for one month, or less time One Dollar per square, (of ten lines or less,) for each insertion; all other advertisements will be charged Fifty per cent on old prices. JONES & MAITBIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Cartersville, Ca. WILL attend promptly to all business en trusted to their care. Will practice in the Courts of law, and equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. Jan. 1, 1866. ly ohn J* Jones. R* Maltbie. Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist. THE undersigned respeotfully offer his pro fessional services to the citizens of ( ar tersville and vicinity. '• P re P a . rcd to do all kinds of work belonging to his profession. Fill setts in go " 1 p f!'m. Johnson.*' Cortersville, Feb. 13, DR. T. F. JONES, mENDERS his professional services to the I citizens o» KINGSTON and vicinity, and respoctfully solicits a portion of their patronage. June .2. _____ “jOHNlir woffordT Attorney at Law ( CARTERSVILLE. GA. Also, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. the best Northern and Southern Companies. Can be found Hi the law office of Wofford & Parrott April 10, 1866. TIIOS. W. DODD, Attorney at La. iv AT4O COUNTY COURT SOLICITOR. Cartersville. Oa. Will give particular attention to the collection of claims. *)ct John C. Branson, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KINGSTON, GA. TphRACTICES LAW in the several coun- I of the Cherokee Circuit, also, Polk, ffirraUsii and Floyd counties, Prompt at tention given to business, Nov.-<d. ty (Professional cards $lO cash per Annum-j w. H. PRITCHETT, Attorney at Law. CARTERSVILLE. • GEORGIA.. T-VRACTICEB q, aw in all the courts of the Cherokee circuit and counties adjorning Bartow. . IHOM AS w. fllTLltH, Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE. GEORG Will at end promptly to business ehtrus to his care. Oct. 5 wly JERE A. HOWARD, attorney and counsellor at law. cARTE US v 11. LE, 'OA, L an ier Douse, .MARIETTA, GA., BY lAlillEß & DOBBS., Proprietor* aAHIS is located Ha a few steps of the Railroad, where the cars stop. Passengers take three meals a day here. Meals prepared a all hours. j u *y JONES * MAITBIE. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ' CARTERSVILLE GA VTc are authorlied to sell, and have on hand Home* and hot-, and also numerous building lots In the town or Cartersville. Al»o several plantations of van ous «l*-*lu Bartow county. Parties desiring to buv or sell will do welt to ic ve us a call All communicatlous promptly answered. July It. lSt>6. James W. Strange, Dcailer in STOVES. GRATES, IRON, HARDWARE, PLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN WARE, AC. Clean Linen and Cotton Rags taken in ex change for Goods. Repairing, Roofing and Guttering done with neatness and dispatch. Cartersville, Nov. 1. wly The Cartersville Hotel. DR. THOMAS MILAM having tmjL charge of this House, would be al ■ • c| pleased to accommodate aft w Board- 81 1 f I ora with BOARD, with or without Lodging. Call and see him at once for terms Cartersville, Jan 17. S. H. Pat till o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Will attend promptly to the Cutting, Repair- „aw ing and Making Bor’s and Meu’a Olo’htng. Offloe in back room of Blair A Bradshaw's store. y.A Cartersville, Oa. --LL 3. fT9*n&9f Dress Tailor. -It 18 prepared ta execute all kinds JR of work in the Fashionable Tail iJlili ing line, with neatness and in du- T~a rable style. Over J. Elsas & Co’s store. Cartersville, jan 25. Blair & Bradshaw’s is the place to go to. to get your taoneyb j • THE CARTER Livery Stable BfelgPi By J. J. JONES, JR. CARTERSVILLE. GA. IS prepared, tt all times, to furnish the traveling public with convevante through the country. Also to feed and shelter stock at reasonable rates of board. My vehicles and stock are kept in good condition. Mch. 15. gyH»vlng got mv stock and vehicle* In good or der, I earnestly solicit the public generally to call an give me a fair'trial. Rates will be as literal as can and afforded. J. J. J,, eclipse \mizs? BUIW, J. G. Stocks, RESPECTFULLY notify the Public generally that he has just openned his New and Commodi ous LIVELY AND BALK STABLE, and has it stock ed with good horses, buggies, Ac., and Is prepared to furnish those traveling into and across the country with any kind of private conveyance. He is also prepared to Board Stock in any quantity with comfort able quarters and bountiful feed at reasonable rates Stock bought and sold at Ins stables, “la stock all being fresh and equipage new he flatter himself with the belief that he can furnish bit customers with as neat and complete an out-lit as any like establishment in Upper Georgia. All he asks to establish this fiwt is a trial CARTERSVILLE, GA..March 22,1M»T. Sk nmtcs .A. IN" ID Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IRON. Castings, o{ all descriptions, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL •HOAD CAR WHEELS. BOXES, PEDESTALS, FRONTS, COLUMNS. AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing anil Machinery of all kinds. JOHN D. GRA Y, President. 4 October AMERICAN HOTEL. Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 'Opposite the Passenger Depbt. WHITE & WHITLOCK, Craprkter.. r|IHE public are respectfully informed that J[ this House has been rentoddled and re futed, and re- .pencil for the accommodation of the travelling public. Much time, labour and expense has been expended in making it worthy of patronage. Modern improvements have been added, and the public can re.y oi. .a being equal to any in Komi hern cities WHITE & WHITLOCK, Proprietors. BRYSON & WYLEY, Clerks. u\T24. JL.2XA3 CASKETS. By Erwin & Jones. ASSORTED sizes kept oil hand. Also WOOD COFFINS made to order. A good HEARSE ready at all hours. , CARTERSVILLc. Feb I, 1867. wly . R. MOI XTC 4STLE, Jeweller and YVatcli and Clock Repairer, In the Front of A. A. Skinner CoY storv - Carterbville jan 25 The Oldest Jewelry House In ATLANTA, GEQRGEA, ER LAWSHE, Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers- Tools and Material a *2X2 All Articles Warranted as Represented. 7f’atches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and ft a:ranted. May t, LSS7. wly Shoot. Luke, or give up your G- XJ 2XIII having Guns or Pistols J at toe shop oi J. F. AJ. Q IIA R- Y ELL, upon w. ich t* e u,otuy is HD due fi r R-pitire, are hereby null. fitd to call, at one', |>sy charges, and take them away, or they will be sojd tor repairs. We can’t eat nor wear guns or pist-ds. j*nd - e >.vve quit w-.rking simp'y tor an acromtnt djtT.ri". U>., April 19, '■" CARTERSVILLE GA. MAY 81, 1807. McBRIDE, DORSETT CO., ATLANTA. GA, To the Merchants of Georgia and adjoining States: XT'K have already spoken through tha papers to anr VV friends throughout the South, and atlvlsed th,>a« who were formerly our fellow-soldiers in the SoU'ker* Army, that we had undertaken to apply, la Peace, the elements of vigor, energy and promptness, which bad so often gained us the day In War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GLASS ZELOTTSIEJ. In Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. , We are backed by all the advantages which ar# de rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge of the business. A large part of our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. wan We confidently expect to supply from / JMU our depot In Atlanta, all those mer- K >-yt chants throughout this and adjoining ■f W Stater, who have heretofore made their purchases North. We can offer as varied a stock as can be found In New Y ork, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will save FREIGHT by purchasing here. You will save BREAKAGE by purchasing hore. You will contribute to the building up of a home de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and constantly arriving ASSORTED PKG’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grade. We repack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking Ulartes, Lamps, Cutlery, Plated and Japanned Ware, Clocks, A-., to order. Wt h» -e job lots of these goods from time to time at- very low pricer. We solicit your CASH orders, and will give y?u large advantages for CASH IN HAND. Your Friends, April 19,1667. McBRIDF, DORSETT k CO. T. M S R.G CIARKS. Dealers In ENGLISH AND AFRICAN Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols •—ALSO—- Iron, Steel, Nails, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, .Vhovela, Plows, lloos, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. And all other goods usually kept inthellard ware line. Also Agents for Furr banks Platform and Counter Scales, which wc will seil at Fac tory prices, freight added. At I heir old stand. Corner ol Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. F. M. RICHARDSON, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer m ALL KINDS 0 Y Tin and Sheet Iron VAlt, House r«ntiNhlitig GW»d«, Gen erally. COOK, COAL, WOOD AND WROUGHT IRON STOVES. B*Sjj“'ROOFING done with neatness and dispatch. Whitehall Htrert, GA, Eeb. 15, TV. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., Druggists, CARTERSVILLE, GA. WILL keep constant oh hand a well seeded stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, s4l mt§,® i& 8 > «ulm, mu Patent Medicines* ike. Jones’ Carriage Reposilorv, Jan 17. J. A. E“ M,V &C° •Ji f receiving: their Stock of SPRING AND Summer doubs, C'OMPRISING every variety adap‘ed to the wants of the country, which they are determined to sell at the Lowest Price s Cheaper than the Cheapest! All are. Irvit^i CALL, EXAMINE AND BUY BARGAINS. Terms; Cash ! and our motto is Smatl Profits* CattersTli’e, Ox.. Apr’l V>, 1567. SVILLE EXPRESS. gem ||in>tk I an now receiving from New York a large Stock of Goods ; consisting of DRY-COODS, GROCERIES, (frodierj, jbots, SHOES, H ITS. HARDWARE. SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, I^E.A.ID'XXMI.A.TDIE O&eiTl Which I am oflering very low for Cash. Come and sec for yourselves. Kingston, Ga. E. V. JOHNSON. May 17, 1867. ; NEW STORE! K F W GOODS ! And New Arrangements. The undersigned take* pleasure in announcing to the eltlxun* of Cartersville and surrounding country, that he has just opened out a most Bpleuded and FASH IONABLE Stock of •saute a DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of the people, which he proposes to sell at P- Ice* to SUIT the TIMKA Ladles wi'l find almost Everything pertaicisg to their Ward ito be. GFNTLKMRN wilt find Material and Furnishing Goods for Clothing. Families will find all kinds of goods common for do- WESTIC: USE, »1»0 BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Bonnets, Hoop Skirts, Umbrellas &c &c. A’so will keep on hand a large lot of i FACTORY Y-A-IR/ISrS HR WOULD be htppy to receive call* at anytime His doors are thrown wide open, and the invitation Is to all, Come aud examine his goods and prices. Next door to A. A. Skinner k Cos., and just below '-he Post Office, L. FERGUSON, J. T. STOCKS with Ferguses. Cartersville, Ga., May Ist.leGT. fill liflila H Y OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS will pU>a«e remember, that, after having been twice habited out, I have re- JU, sumed the DRUG BCBINKdS with Messrs. T. J. * M. B. SWANSON, under the style of AT ROARK'S CORKER, NEXT DO6R TO W, H. BROTHERTBN, ATLANTA, GA, I will be pleased to meet all my old friends at our set* place of btislnesa, where I' am prepared to show them a larr* and well assorted stock of 4 purrtof ce, anti at vtery low figures. K- J. MASSEY, late Massey and Hcrty. feb V ' ATLANTA, GA. OWES. ARD HEAPED. Beiit Machine In the World. Manufactured by C, Jlvltman 4* Cos. CANTON. OH im, For 1867. MWE have best! appoint JMjjajdAr ed agents for the sale o' this celebrated Move -yASK,.** ( aad Scalar, for the conn Uea of 2arto m, Gordon, and Pickens, and will wilt: ar.y partis, who wish the Machine delivered to them here. The pri-M are low aDd terms reason able. Please call at once antLobtain circulars giving description abd pilces, or address JOHN J. HOWARD, or W. H. GILBERT. Cartersville, Ga;, April 12 1867. wCm ""j*. W. BRICK MASON. Is prepared to do all idnds of work in Bric k and Stone at short notice. Has on hand a fine lot of n*=ly burned t> ick and Is j-ref-ared lo do work upon ih :n'it rtrXS-’tsblr terms. C* 9j., May 3rd *-C7. The ludedcnpent Farmer. Let sailors sing of the windy d r ep, Let soldiers praise their armor, But ia my heart this toast I’ll keep— Tha Independent Fanner. When fitst the rose in robe of green Unfolds its crimson lining, And round his cottage porch is seen The honeysuckle twining ; W ben banks of bloom their sweetness yield, To bees that gather honey. He drites his team across the field, W here skies are soft and sunny. The blackbird cluks behind the plow, The quail pipes loud and clearly. Yon orchard hides behind its bough The home he loves so dearly ; The gray and old barn doors unfold Hi- ample store in measure. More rich than heaps of hoarded gold, A precious, blessed treasure; While yonder in the porch there stands His wife, the lovely charmer. The sweetest rose on all his lands— The Independent Farmer. To him the Spring comes dancinglv, To him the Summer blushes, The Autumn smiles with yellow ray, His sleep old Winter hushes; He cares not how the world may move, No doubts or fears confound him; lii.s little flock are linked in love, And household angels round him ; He trusts to God and loves his wife, Nor griefs, nor ills may harm her, He’s nature’s nobleman in life— The Independent Farmer. Northern Opinions.ot the Fu ture oi'tlie Freedman. We have refrained giving expression to any opinion of our own in regard to the future of the negro freedmen, or race, in the South. To advance its condition-; to make it, through the influences of education*hnd Christian teachings, o«e«( progress in civilization and in industrial pursuits ; to improve it in every moral aspect, and to induce it to esteem the Southern white man as its friend, and not its enemy; lias been, and is, our sincere desire, as it is of every sensible, patriotic man in the South. In dark forebodings regarding the negroe’s future, we have not in dulged. We have left that to Northern men —men neither “native,'” nor “to the manner northern stump and congressional speakers ; northern edit ors, who, like northern congressmen, know, or assume to know, more ot the 'negro character than those who have been born and raised with them, and who arrogantly propose to influence and direct them, while, at the same time, they prognosticate evil in regard to their future. The New York Times, for instance, a leading Republican paper, affirms of the race that'they are “a very prolific people, or, at least, have been so while they were kept in slavery ; but ill no Southern State, anil probably in no district, will they beabte to retain political power ’through a numerical majority, after the tide of emigration is turned southward, as it surely will be before many years*. Asa peaceful ar.d laborious part of the population of the South, guaranteed their rights by law, they may live and flourish to the end of time-; btrt a's the e’fie'm’ie-s of the dominant and predominating while 'race, there is nothing in the future for them but struggling and woe, and ultimate destruction.” The white man, then, according to the Times, and this is asserted bv other papers of the “same ilk” and politics, ‘is destined to drive the negro race from the South, aud to “ultimate destruc tion.” But who are the white men that will do this? Is it pretended even that they are to be Southern white men, the ■former owners of the freedmetl, or the descejidauts of their former masters ? Not a hit of it. The white men who are to do this work are the Northern or European emigrants to the South, not those who have been reared in the South and who desire that there shall be no strife in it between the two races. How does the negro race in our midst like the programme which is to drive them to “ultimate destruction,” and to substitute in their place whiteemigrants front the North and Europe? Do not the intelligent among them see whither they will drift, if, instead of uniting their destinies with the Southern white man and cultivating friendly relations with him, they lend themselves to the Republican Party, North, and to those influences which will, as the Time* Says, work their “ultimate destruction?” If they do uot, they must be blind, and ;he scales should be removed from be* fore their eyes as soon as possible. We tell the colored people now, and we warn them in time oi the fact, that the Southern white man is their most con siderate, most disinterested, and truest friend. Whether, as a race, the freed* men will bear this in mind, and govern themselves accordingly, so as to save themselves Iroin fulfilling the prophecy oi “ultimate destruction” which eman ates from more than one Northern Republican source and orator, time will id l—that future which has been invok ed to tel! the story of their '‘destruc tion.” From so deplorable a fate, all good Southern men will strive to save the negio rate. It will not be the fault nf the Southern white man, if the future of the Ireedmen shall be, as it is pre dicted it will be, by Northern men in their journals and in their political speeches. The Treedfiien should der well Which are their true friends— those who dwell beyond the Potomac, rr those who dwell Within the limits of the “late” Southern States?—[.??- tantb, Intelligencer. ta - 2 5 < cpjj S. h. z. r- -• p rr o O 3 *3 r* S s: % z r n a. -r ? o • X ? ? x x S ■ S ' 3 =• C ’2-■-2 ST W "*"o' 5’ m ry . ’— 3 f> “ "* -via. tl: y cr Yesterday mojning a couple appear ed in the Probate Court and demanded a marriage license. • When the moment arrived for paying the lee the man was for backing out, but the woman said she shouldn’t do that, “not by any means,” and site paid for ttic license. The couple soon afterwards appeared at Justice Turner’s office, and the wo man made known her “intentions.” The unusual appearance of the “happy couple” attracted unusual attention, and a large crowd was soon gathered to see the “solemn ceremonies.”— When the couple were asked to stand up and face the music, the “groom” tried to back out, and the “bride” see ing there was no other way for it, re marked that he’d “go/ to stand it,” and there “was no use talking about it.” Sh® caught hold of the “doubting Thomas.” and squared him up before the justice, with the order for him to “sail in.” Just then the query arose as to where the fee for the tying of the hymenial knot was to come from. — The ntau said he couldn’t stand the expense. The woman asserted that she had paid for the license, and the man should pay for the marrying. He protested that he. wouldn’t, and that he’d go to Cincinnati to work. The woman caught him as he was slipping awav from the matrimonial noose, threw him down on the floor, and, taking some money from his pockets, she deliberately paid the Justice Isis fee, and then, holding on to Iter “fel ler,” the knot was tied in due form. AH tire while the bride was munching peanuts, and when the ceremony con cluded the floor was littered with the shells. Tfte bride saluted her husband with, “Tom, you’re a liar!” Congrat ulations to the happy couple were fairly showered down, and were char acterized more for their robusticity than for their delicacy; and the bride and groom left “the presence” in a condition of jolity which foretold a boisterous honey-moon. When last seen the amiable spouse shoved her lord into the gutter at the corner of Jefferson and Second streets. —[/Juw- ton Journal, Ist. Rcgistra&tovt ol'Col»r«d Voters in N. Orleans. The New Orleans correspondent of the Louisville Courier gets off the lot owing ; The registering of voters under the Militrry Bill is progressing rapidiy>lh« negroes registering in great numbers, and far exceeding the whites. The scene of registering is rich and funny. Two ranks are formed outside of tfic Register’s office, principally of darkies of every grade, interspersed here and there by a few White men. ’File fol lowing is the process of making voters or conferring the franchise on the col ored citizens ol African decent : Register—What is your name? Colored Citizen—Well, boss, dey did’nt gib me my odder name, but old massa’s narfie was Grandison,and I ’spose I must hab bis name now. Register—Did you ever hold an of fice under the United Stales or under the State of Louisiana? Colored Citizen—Yah, yah ; well yes, boss ; 1 sweeps out an assurance office and lawyer’s office. Register—Did you ever give aid or comfort to the Confederate States ? Colored Citizen—l didn’t gib nuffin. case I had nuflin to gib. Register—Did you ever serve in the rebel or Federal army? Colored Citizen—Well, boss, I did’nt serve neider; but the Yankees want to take me to make brefworks for ’em, so I went to cook for the rebs. ’Register —Then you gave them aid and comfort, did’nt you ? Colored Citizen—Why, no boss; dev gib me all de aid and comfort, for if it was not for dem I’d been dead nigger long ago. Register—Swear him in. A soldier of the 10th Georgia, reg iment was courUmartialed for what he called “playing quartermaster,” that is, for taking things without paying sos them. His punishment, among other things, consisted in marking time for an hour eacli day on the head of a barrel. While he was thus en gaged one day. a comrade passed by and accosted him with, “Joe, what are you marking time there for?” Jee answered as well as the difficulty of keeping his balance would allow, “don’t know, ’zackly, believe its some foolishness about some chickens.” Comrade. “Well they have got no right to make you do that kind of a thing. There’s no law for it.” Joe. “Don’t care whether there’s any law for it or not, Use a doin’ it!” Poor Joe! he has many sympath izers. Law or no law, we’se a doiu’ it. —\_The Land we Love. Mark Twaln’s Last; —Mark Twain says that to “see a lovely girl of seven teen, with her saddle on her head, and her muzzle on behind, and her veil just covering the end of her nose, come tripping along in her hoopless, red buttoned dress, like a churn on fire, is enough to set a man wild.’’ The Democratic majority in Ken tucky is about I’JjOOO. NO. 47. ‘•What Doth Gender ms to r* Baptizee?” —This question received anew solution in Hamburg. S. on Sunday last. In a'l the colored Baptist Churches in and around Augusta a great revival has been going on lor some weeks, and many had been baps tized or immersed, This contagion has not confined itself to the Georgia side of the Savannah River, but spread into South Carolina, with like glorirvua results, until the raw material or thal which was accessible, was well nigh played out. On Sunday, however, a solitary subject was found, and he, headed and surrounded by the minister and a sarge crowd, took up the line ot march for the Savannah. On arriving beside the swift running siream, and the subject was almost in the attitude of the eunuch with which Philip rodo iu the chariot, “Here Is the water— what doth hinder me to he baptized,’* when the poor eanidate’a eyes were suddenly opened by the minister pro pounding to him the solemn question* “Are you married?” “No, sir.”— “Then you can never be baptized so long as you are living in illicit inter course with a woman, though you may consider her your wife.” This fell like a bombshell into-an enemy’s camp and set him to thinking, but not wish ing to spoil the show, and jeopard his chances for kingdom come, he soon made up his mind and intimated his willingness to comply with the letter of th« law, and the woman (dressed in « plain calico, and standing unsuspecl. ingly in the crowd to see him dipped; was trotted out before the assembled throng, the knot tied oil the bank, and her husband accordingly immersed with all the rights and ceremonie*.— Chronicle 4‘ Sentinel. Registration. We are pleased lo learn from a spec ial dispatch from Washington to the Cincinnalti Commercial, that a delega tion from New Orleans had an inter view with Attorney General on th» 3d inst., and were informed that the Administration intended to give the disfranchising clause of the Recon struction Bill a liberal construction,s« as to allow a lull regulation. The Attorney General declared that the registers under Gen. Sheridatf had done wrong in refusing to register city, county and township officers, of State, lie is also of the opinion that Congrcs* did net intend to exclude a man front voting who had happened to take art oath to support the Constitution, :uml then participated in the rebellion, un less he had held an office which re quired an oath of fidelity to th* .Na tional Government. —[New Em' A Thousand Chickens Wanted*.—- “We are in good earnest,”' says the Central Georgian, of SandersviMe: “We want one thousand (or thereabout) chickens to feed the numerous JMttlw dists and others , who ma\ be in 'atten dance on the district meeting, which is to meet fiere on the 22nd day of ibis month. We may be allowed (being an humble member of that communion) to say that the fondness of our people, and particularly the clergy, lor Him feathered tribe , has become proverbial. Turkeys are out of the season at time of the year ; chickens can be bad, anil we rejoice to know that the brother hood will consider themselves well fed if we can only give them plenty ‘of chicken.’ Send them in—mil, yes, send them in and all will be well. What a chicken pi(e)ous editor that Sandersvillean must be* There is a child in Montgomery county, Va., which was christeued “Andrew Jackson-Gordon-James-Buc hanan-Raise-The-Flag-and-Fire*Th» Gannon Dobvns.” Wet and cold weather has destroyed the wheat in many parts of Wisconsin* Ftex seed is being sown very extent tensively by the Western farmers this season. Three thousand six hundred and twenty steamboats arrived at St. Louis for the year ending on Wednesday- The Milwaukee Wisconsin says the market is overstocked with wild pig eons, and the birds can be had in auy quantity almost for the asking. The steam rain Durtderberg, the most powerful engine of naval warfare afloat, has been sold to the French Govern ment for three million dollars. Throughout Sicily it is the custom, to eat strawberries by crushing then* with sugar, on which the juice of an orange is squeezed. On the tth instant. Frederick Mc- Ginnis and Ellen Barnes, both colored servants of Jefferson Davis and his family, were married by the Rev. O. Si Barton, of Christ Church, at Norfolk. From the crop of sugar-beets raised in Chatsworth, Illinois, they have made one hundred thousand pounds of nice sugar. They are plowing for tho next crop. Mons. Du Chaillu deliver! and his first lecture before the Society for the Ad vancement of Science and Art, at tho Cooper Institute, last Tuesday eveni n . An audience of about 1,000 ladies afid gentlemen were present,