The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 31, 1867, Image 3

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IfifcL The wheat harvest of this section is oroachiog, and there is an immense rapidly ap •rea<>flu.«U umeddowu - T,le crop from all accounts, bids u' ir to be a fuli one ’ Pr^ ra ‘ . • • , . * made for saving it. 7he tionsare now bein t * x statute condition, espe country is »n a ve,ry d*. . „ tuffs: and money is cially aa regards breai's MU ...ide stand that large equally as scarce. Wrumm* deposites of money have already been with parlies in our» midst anti -agence* >r by parties from a distawo, with view o J ing it up as fast aa it comes into tn. the view of running it off for specn» We woul 1 admonish our farmers to hew jrr * Kill* one thing, and that is, be sure tO**etain a fi' ieticy to supply the demand at home, othe. wise the crop will be exhausted arid ran out or the country, and the people left to s arve lor waht of bread. Remember the people who live h re hasn’t got much money to buy with at this time, and must buy bread as they can get the means. If you are com pel lad to sell your wheat to raise money, seil it to our own merchants and millers in preference to those at a distance, and, where you can, pay off your indebtedness in wheat at the market pri.’e in stead of the money ; if you have to buv, ex tharige your wheat foe goods and groceries,— In this way a plenty of wheat may be retained in the country. If you are not compel ed to sell, hold on to a plenty of it, and let the sur plus be sent abroad. By aU means, give home buyers the preference. YVe will take anv indebtedness to this office in wheat at the market price, or will give ad vertising, job work, or subscription for it, and c oubt not that ail other classes of business men will make a like arrangement. Let us look well to our home interests, and invite the des titute laboring men, in this way, to come and settle among ns, and help us to till our fertile lands, instead of emigrating to the far west. Wnar’d you buy dem cheap dry-goods? Why, at Loe v\ eiistein & Pfeifer’s, I golly ! Osnaberg’s for Sheets for Threshers <fcc*. just received, very low at Ferguson’s. Parties wanting such, would do well to call soon. Ladies if you want to he irreristahle bu. v l>ress Goods from Blair <fc Bradshaw. Ma ried me ' & young men, if you would have your wives and sweethearts always meet you with a smile of welcome go then and be dressed at B <s, B. flew Prints flow Muslins 50 pcs just arrived, beautiful PtirplCßi IStlilS, I*l !BliS, Sl light colors at Blair &. Brad shaw's \ new supply of fjlucit ©o.ltli, Blis ter* Vests and Pitllls to arrive this week an I, for nale at reiuced prices at B & B. V( you -want to be handsomely dressed’ for a ■ lj/itle l m Jilt'}' gti to 1 B «Xr B’s Laws a massy! Wher’d vou get dat bes u' iful crock ery ware, so very cheap? oh! I know, at Loevvenstein & Pfeifer’s whar da sell ebery ting so cheap! Mister, do tell me where they keep. 1 hear every body talking a l)out that Store —how cheap they sell, and I havn’t got but little money and 1 "Want lots of goods, and right there I am hound to go. So clear the track ! All aboard for LoewenStcin & Pfeifer’s first class cheap, cash store! Shirts, Shirts, Shirts for the million at B &, B’s Don’t forget'that NEW GOODSare con tinually arriving at 13 & B's .1 tisT RecrivKd, a large lot cl Crook •«*ry ami Glass-ware, for sale very low at Loewenstein 4* Pteiler’s. Great rush'for Cassimere Suits worth §l2 00, anti sold at §6 00 by Leowen stein & Pfeifer. My friend you get hat fine suit . From Blair & 'Bradshaw, of course, and only paid four dollars for it. Just arrived, Hoop Skirts for 60 e ts . Ladies’ kid gloves for §1 50: Ladies’ Shoes for $1 25 ; at Loewenstein & Pfeifer’s. Q. Harwell, of this place, has a fine lot ofbar iron on hand, which he is offering for sale low down for cash. ‘Cali and see him at once. The world is astonished at the reduced pri es of goods, at Blair & Biadshaw’s store, Wheat ! Get «at s ear wheat A first-rate Second-Hand Field Thresher and Horse Power-can be had on very reasona ble terms, by making immediate application to to R. H. Rowland or W. L. Rowland. Pfeifer’s. Notice to Overseers of Hoads. All overseers of roads in this the Fourth (82‘2d G. M.) District are hereby notified to have their respective roads ptu in good order by the 15th Julv next, or they will certainly be proceeded against for neglect of duty, as the law directs. May 17th, 1867. £. D. Puckett* J. D. Lay tony C. T. Shehnan, Conttaissionm Wilcox S. iiiltbit' Sewing Ma culues In CaUemllle, fur sale. These Machines are solJ here at the manu facturer’s prices, hut I cannot affir.i to reship ihem to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care of them ; but it will be desirable to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine jn the market and ail who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The price from $56, upward* The machines all ecually good, but the price varies with the kind of fin ish of table arid other extras. Office up stairs over Clayton’s store on pub lic square East side of Rail-Road —send for cir culars or call and examine machines. JOHN H.RUCKMAN, Gen. Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, 1867. HOW TO CURE DEBILITY. this arises from a lifea«ed action of the atom'ic '* the occasional use of mild aperi entslike R„ t v «*Jl’s Sugar Coated Blood Pdls are best, foliowc I by the Stomach Bit ters t give tone to the stomach* Our community' wa * ‘“’mewhat veiled on Monday last, by a re* ort that a rf, P e had been committed upon the person of a little white girl by tile name of G ,fn 'son, living in the neighborhood of ‘Roger’s x '*ne n n< -" jr this place, who, is- said, to be on. 7 y e! *rs old, by a freedman, a * youth abou/ grown'- The freedman was duly arrested and lodged in jail. Upon evidence on trial before a Justice Court, it appeared tha the freedman was _ gut - ty of an assault w th rnrcitt to commit a ra, e » and he was remanded to jail to await his tiia. at the next term of the Superior court. Who wants to buy good lands and houses ? One good home, two comfortable homes, or three pleasant homes?—all beautiful places, healthy locations, good society, good water, and, above all, good lands, near'good schools, churches, Mills, and the'beautiful little village of Buhaflee. Call on or address Briant T. Lceke, at Euharlee, Ga. Wee his advertise ment in another column. B?a§uMr. F. M. Durham. Tax Receiver, re quests us to say to those who have tailed to make their State and County Tax Returns, for 1887, that he wiil attend in Cartersviile, oif the 15th day of-June, to give them another opportunity to do so, failing in which they must take the consequences. Scot’s Monthly Magazine, for May, has been received and read with much interest by *us. It is always an agreeable 'companion.— Published in Atlanta, At "Five Dollars per an num, Rc*. W. J. Scdtt,-Editor and Proprietor* H ive you read »t!Vc b’g double-column ad vertisement of John VI. Gannon, Atlanta,Ga? His stock ot Goods is in proportion to his .*><]- veitiseinent —exten ive, Varied,'and cheap. — Mr. Gannon is a gentleman who never docs ■tliii gs by littics— When he sells he sells-a h'ean-; When lie sells he sells very cheap-! Messrs. Red wine & Fox, 'Druggists, Atlan ta, Ga , advertise a rare assortment ot --Drugs. Medicines, Glass, Paints, OiN, and *mauy oth er tilings in their line, for sale cheap. 'We have recently tried this house and can vouch for it with all safety. j “The Land we Love,” I’or Jlttie, hits ! already come to hand through the mail. I It is a progressive magazine, and bids fair to,prove ail-exception to the general rule that no literary* •magazine can long exist in the tSotltli. hen. Hill is doing his share ol the Work for the work, end the’public have only to do theirs, and we glad to hear that tlie right sort of disposition is tltanifestcd. Money Lost by not going to T. M. Compton’s, in the Post Office Biitliling and buying your goods, for he has just receiv ed a fresh supply of various articles, and offers them all low for cash, ns follows : Coffee‘3o to 38 cts. Sugar 16 to 25 cts.; Rice 15 ; Lard l-7q Stick candy 40 cts ; fancy and assort.6o ; Oyster 26 Cts box ; Sarilines 35 box ; Lemon Syrup-TiO dts hor; Oranges $1 doz ; Figs 40 cts b; Raisons-50; Macaroni 35; Nuts 40 to 60 cts lb ; Nails 10 cts or $9 kg; Starch 15 cts ; Soda 20 ; Pepper, Ginger and Spice 50 cts each ; Rifle ! Powder ; 6o cts ; Shot 20 ; Shoe Pegs 10 cts quart-; Snuff 50 cts bet ; Fresh Baker’s Bread Tuesdays and 'Satur days, and-Pound cases, ffen cakes, and Gin ger cakes, end fresh Light-bread on demand any time. Men can gctdunch every day and buy their Cigars, Tobacco, Hats, Shoes. Boots, Books, Newspapers, Stationery, Arnold’s superior Writing Fluid, fliilott’s Barrel Pens, and, in fact, almost anything except ladies’ fine dress goods. Ho! ye hungry, thirst}’, and naked! take your greenbacks and go to COMP TON’S and be supplied in the smallest house and at the lowest price in the city ! Registers l«r the —Forty Second District. —Bnrtow, FloytLChiKtooga Wesley Shropshire, Dirttown, Chattooga rounty ; W. L. ‘Goodwin, Cartersville, Bartow county. William Hijrganbotham, colored has been appointed as the third Register for this ©istrici, Taptare of Maxituißau Con firmed. New Orleans, May 27.—A letter from the American consul at Monterey confirms the capture of Maxmdian.— The reply of President Juarez to Min ister Campbell recounts the grievances of his party at the conduct of Maxi milian. He justifies previous execu tions, aud declines to promise safety to Maximilian in the event of his capture. f®“ I’he following is the sentetice pronounced upon the Fenian prisoners Who have been on trial at Dublin for the crime of high treason. The Lord Chiel Justice assumed the black cap f and said : ‘•The sentence is, that yon arid each of you shall be taken from where you now stand to the place from whence you came, and that, on Wednesday, the 26th of May, you be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, and that there you and each of you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead ; and, that afterwards your heads be severed from your bodies, and the body of each of you, divided into tour qnaiters, shall be disposed ot as her Majesty or her Executive shall think fit and proper.— And may the Lord have mercy on your souls!” Pennsylvania Capitalists Pros pecting in Virginia. —A party of Pennsylvania capitalists, numbering about twenty, arrived last week in Richmond on a prospecting tour through the State. It i3 said that they iepre sent some 840,000,00 worth of capital, and that the resources of Virginia in the shape of coal and tobrcco will re ceive anew impetus from their visit. BITTERS I V STOMACH $ -BITTERS! 4° '<P \Q % CURE % \ DYSPEPSIA, 3^ .A o yJ O. nnd ore (lie Ilf’s! Tonic v? in the world. RO BACK S % BLCOD Lp° % %. V i\ PILLS;^ x% CURE V c b* *<?. V ,CT BICK %% HEADACHE, J/ \ . b* Costtvoncss, ntiit nit ili- ip -tiiscs of Use bowels. $ %, X. robagk’ s y -BLOOD 4 pteifitfi! * CURES P % P SCROFULA iit Sq mill nil Uispnse nrising N* ARE SOLD 13Y ALE i>rt»£gists ninl Dealers in Pa lent Medicines E VERYWH ERE PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to'Dr. 0. W. KoUtck,) SOLE PROPRIETORS, Nos. 50,68, 60 &02 East Third St, ■CINCINNATI, OHIO. DRVGOODS ! DRI GOODS ! Nc w Arr i v a1! TALLEY. BROWN & CO, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga», Are now dally receiving their SECOND INSTALIMfN OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to thefr present stock.they %i\ RECEIVE WEEKLY, duiliig the coming stuoui. Cue LATEST STYLES OF DRESS'GOODS ! THEY HATE ON HAND NOW ! Black and Fancy Fllk’, Mosatnh-ques. Grcntuftnes, O gtmdle Vh.siins, Wuiie and Black Iron Bar-. sj | SWISS, MULL. NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS i White *nd Fancy Tarlatoup, White and Fancy Uriilianfp, Tu ked Skirt Odette, Aiexand.e’s Kid Glcres—tight colors Maltese anti cluxt lace collars Lace Point., Grtfcajlse SbatrLs, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE CO.ATri Sous iTtD Part as follows i Dress goods* silks, poplins, mozambiques, grenadines, lieiege, challies, lawns, muslins, and the best stock of PRINTS, bro’t to? Car tersville since the war^ A complete as sortment of Hoisery and Gloves. Our stock of Ladies’ shoes, slippers and gaiters is com plete. Bleached and brown sheet ing, table linen and shirting. Forgentlemen Fine French cloths and doe skin.lancy cas simeres, eng lish tweeds, satinet Is. jeans and plain and fancy linens. A complete assortment of CLOTHING. Boots, shoes, Hats, and NOTIOXS. ‘Calico for 10c par yard; Hoop skirts, ■for *75 cents. Ladies’ lasting gaiters for 1,50 Hats lor the million, good w 00l for 75c celvedl their new aM fit ill?. Consisting in. We are determined to sell our goods cheaper thftn anybody. Come all— the ricli the poor, the learned and the illiterate, the white, the black,, the male, and denial e. the little, the big, the maimed, the halt, die blind, and buy bargains, at BLAIR & BRADSHAW’S CHEAP STORE, IN DR, CLAYTON’S NEW &RICK BUILDING, EAST SIDE ih R , Cartersville, Georgia. April V 2 ibt>7. Facial Notices. Know Thy Destiny. Madame E.-F. Thok>'tj.\. tlie grrcat English As rologist, (Clairvoyant and Psychroinrtrican. who has astonished the scientific classes of" the Old World, has now loe.-rtt’d herself at Hud son, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonders ul powers-of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest, im |>or-art?e to the singie or married of either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you- are to marry, and by the aid *»f an instrument of intense pow er, known as the Psychomotrope, to produce a life-like picture of ihe fu'tirc hus band or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character. &c. This is no thou sands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the [ie'ure is what it purports to he. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of hirtiiy age, disjrosition, and complexion, and enclosing fitly cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence Madame E F Thornton - , P. 0. Box 223, Hud son, N. Y. march 1, ly Wonderful but True. MADAME RE rILXGTOIV, the world-re nowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person yon arc to mar ry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guaran tees to produce a perfect life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character,&c. This is no imposition, as test imonials without number can assert. By sia ting place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and Hair, and enclosir g fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail,togeth er with information. fii&}“'Addrcss in confidence, Madame \Jeh tri de Ueminoto.v, P. 0. Box 297. West Troy, N.. Y. march I, ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! O ZEE ASTELLAIR/S Hair Exterminator For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the lad’es especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to fema'e lieauty. is easi ly aj plied, does not bum or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leav ing tile skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory in existence,,— Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER,SHITTTS & CO. Chemists, 285 Ri-vei Street, Troy, N. Y. inarch 1, IBC7. fy A Young Lady return mg to her country home, rftcrai sojourn of a few months in the-Ofty, was hardly re cognised by her friends. In place Os a coarse, rust c flushed face, she. had a soft ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared brit eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of -so great a change,she plainly told 'them that sbe>used tlicFircasftian Kalin, and'Considered it a'tPiifvußnisble acquisition to a Lady’s toilet. By its use any (Lady or Gentleman can im prove their persona! appearance an hundred fold. It is simple *in : its combination, as Na ture herself is Simple, yet 'unsurpassed in its etticacy fit drawing impurities from, also hea! ing, cleansing and beautifying -the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle -it draws from it ad its ''impurities, kindly heali’ng'tbe same, and "leaving'the surface as Nature intended it hould bt, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sent by Mail or Ex press, on receipt of ah order'by W. L. CLARK -& G0.,-Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Str., "SYRACUSE, N. V. The on’y American Ag.ents 'for the sale of the same. march 1, ly COMA. Ch! she Was'beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined. Enchained'the .ery heart and nnpd-. CRISPER COM 4. For Carling flic liair of cither Sex Into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Mas sive Carls. By using this article Ladies and *rentlemcn can beautify -themselves a thousand fold. It is tl»9 only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same ti.fte give 'it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curia the hair, but invigorates, beautifies, and cleanses it; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the .mosteomplete article ol the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper-Coma will be sent to any address, sealed an t postpaid for !£ l. Address all orders to W. L. CLVRK &<OO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, march k, ly N. 4 TO (OMI JII'TItCS. The advertiser, having been restored to health id a few weeks ty a very simple remedy, after hating suf sered for several years with a severe Ini*# affection, and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make known to his feTlow-sufferers the means of cu e. To all who desire i% he will send a C'py of the prescription used (free of elrrge), wi’h the directions for prep nog and us ng the same, which they wd! find a SURE CUIfE for CONfUMPriON, ABTHMA. BRON T CHI l'I J , COUGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung AUeci, jus. Toe on’y object, of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread iuformafion which he -conceives to be invaluabl-*, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it ■will c r st them nothing, andmav proa-e a biessi. g. Parses wishing the presciiptlon, FREK, by return m«i>, will please adaress REV. EDWARD A VCD,SON, Villiamsburg, Kings Cos., New Yoik. May Ist, 1567. wTy. FuiaOßS Os loi til. A Ce itleman wlin suffered for years from Nervous Bebi itv, Premature, Decay, and all the effects of vou h ul indiscretion, w 11, lor the sake o.’ .ufferit g humar.jtr, send free to all wlih need it. the receipe amt directions for making the simple remedy by which he was,cn-ed. wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do 60 by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN I>. OGDEN, 42 Cedr r Street, New York. May 1, 1367. wJy. Free to Everybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of'the greatest irhpoitance to the young of liotli sext-'s. It teaches how the horhely mny Ifrrftirjftil, the disjiined respected, urftl kite for saken Joved, Ato voting lady or gentleman should fail to send t'ucir Address, and re -cive a copy post paid, by ict’iai ajiii. 11 “'ll I, C-jti I". 0. Drawer, SI. I roy, N, A DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS!! A, T W II 0. L.S A L E A N I) It E T V 1 4.. 1M M ENS E ATT RA C Vk M N \‘X TH£ CHEAPEST GOODS OF THE SEASON f. * v?H r.L'Yf R 9 ptv to cull r\i orcc ai.«l secure the rerv bed c-f kotdf. ■ itbe lew* it All CJ cii. muikcU iu jiltAiu Ugurta. ONE PRICE ONLY t Prices G* arantecd to Correspond will i the Timr«. JOIIJS' JII.~€U4JVJVOJV, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter Slr^els, that'iw'wi'iTif * ' nforms ll * 3 blend* acJ the public. that liis ti ck Is non; complete In eV ery i)ejat indent, amt Mo2nxA.Tr, 13TH m»ife <Wn *ll his Goods »t prics« to pnrrcnomt with ihe times. AH consumers of Drv Goods will consult their interost hr examining -his sp’en.lid stn-k h. f„r e purchsshi(r e>ewhe r e. barsrafrns w ill be offered to rash buyers for the rexi tMrtvtlavt* fn order to rednee the orr«en* «so ftp to nnke room MRI-Summer St* eV. wbfeh 1 in*ei «l puwhftMi'ir hi she immeuse Auciicb &nlt*s wlibrli wilt take pnice in New the latteF part of and early pait of next u^onib. e erondp be?np marked In pHIn fissure* thr evWe»*e OM the s>rW® ffHI V»e t»erv Inw*, rn>\ **l f nnot 1 a I'Fic'e Pustntv en ear the jvfcce of ♦ very arftle'e and i r \ T ? thoß sav np Ht H d,stance 1 "owld pay, If they peril me their order* they will be promptly tilled at the lowestjv-lce. r f the se«*mp % J * w t Annexed will be found a schedule of Goods in the different departments; Dress Goods Department; Black and Fanev S Ika, }*laln and Printed Oiiml'H, I la.n and .L'nbroidere«t Grenadines, Oauns Oambrir and Cbambray, CliHlJics. T[ amort ne, Rare f e Pebrjro Rr.»«e Bnrepo, printed BrllPMo, Mozabiqne, printed Jaconf^, Printed Peroalea, plnnpbie HOuse-Xeeping Department; 9. 10, 11, and 12-4 Ibache ' and Brown Shce'inc, 6, 9 uud 10—4 Bleached aid Hi own 'I «hle Dimn«k, A SplendiJ Line of Irish lAnon-, Nnpkirp, Towels, gjotoh Di'jp r. Hunk Dl«per RusaU Crash, MarsrlHca and Lancaster Qul'de. White Goods Department! Swiss, dacouct, Nainsook, Mull and Crhnp-d Muslin. - Ptaiil and Striped NauiMj k. Hw'ss and Jacnnot Mds'ins. fin, Cord Muslin, Hi hop Lawn, While and Cule.ed Tarleloi , B Ullanto, A fine assortment orgllk and SUk L'ce Clo.k* Rotundes and Po|ule, O.’Lnadlne and lSU ' Cd . ... , . „ UareßeSh ovlg A ftUl line ol Alexander s Kid Gloves, Par's Si k Minis l.isle Thread ...l r. , White flilk Gloves, Silk, Linen ad Palm Leaf Pans, rr«neb Corsets ( WhMeVnHi . °h" VW ’ P ' rl s u per i , r ,K, , d. r oi,iern.,L. ( .c«, Collars and Cuffs, Boulcred, lllins.iched , i,d L, C J apdkesc Ks« H n' y and Silk Uandkerchmfs, Parasols, S Ik and Cotton Sun UwbrpiUs, ' h^8 > Cvlto 4 DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT: I S£I‘SH?P S3 iKSSßfssar = "•* r ” ,k “ i,h For Gt iHs' and KlojV Wear * HAHm C | k . re "' c,l ( TrlcotX'loM;, Black French Doeskin Fancy Cnsalmerg, Osahmnrette. Foplbh Tweed*, c >’ *»«-|-eeil-esi, Brup dVtt, English Half U,« Always un h*iud, a full stuck ot Notions, Boots and Shoes Trunks aud £traw Qjodt. Join m, (awos. Corner Whitehall rihl Hunter WtreetM, Atlanta, tia. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES TOR 1367. Chamberlain , Cole 4' Boynton , Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense-Stock ol " 'sSSSo At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, At Vs ic € s to sii i t tli c l v i in « s Tlfflir Stock GOODS <*om|>ri.«ps every new stvle in.the American markets HOSIERY am i GLOVES- ihe lary;pst ever lironght to Atlanta ; SILK and POPLIN (COVERINGS, and iACE POINTS «r every variety; EMBRCiDEHIES LACE GOODS f »* ( - V(j ry de«cnplmn; PARASOLS a»d SILK UMBRELLAS to Slli, f,v,Jr y l,f »dy; TABLE DAMASKS NAPKINS- TOWELS- TOWELING »nd]RJSH LINENS : CURTAINDAWASKSAioods lor Men’sand Boys uear.JJOMESTICS il '“ ! NOTIONS A L L F U R T II E L(J W ESI’ C A SII P R IC E April Vi —ly, ♦* WHOMIMOciR Mralrell^CHliNT. No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, {Adjoining the llail-lioad,J b. f. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T. p. FLEMING. Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain- Hay. and all Western Products, Orders for ar y description of Merchandise promptly filled, consignments solicited. April 26, 1867.w3tn MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY Wc wou'd respectfully inform our fiicDds and the public that we have just received due of the largest »hd b»gt selected siock* of SF.aiiTQ SUMMER OLOTTiUSTCS-! Ever birtueh't Atlanta a’l df which been for us from bou* 1 tat late decline, for Cash, vritu to the wants of tiiis section. We would respjctfuEj invite ass to an examination of Our Goods and Prices, Feeling <*on£dent fk >t We can suit, the rao't econoirdcai, *3 well *s ‘h» Qjot* fa3tid(oU«. at (r. p,j cc at 3 Space tloe. nut permit to enumerate ail the G tods k-:pt oj tt bjt it to say .we have ulce Cassimere Suits for $7 50 to $lO and npwards. Those acrinairrteS r ith our G->od<. need no* hr fo’d that oar CJnth'ne 1« fliade up by the workmen, and of superior goo<l,. in add tion to the aboio. we keep, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Or-tia 1 *"- ~ of PUFFED and PHIS* Will ft BHIKT4. FANCY sort BFIO'YN' L! V F.N BIURTH, DN-DERGAf*- MENrt*. df all sizes Fancy and Plain TIE 4. of-*ll descripti in«, Silk atid l/nkn Pocket Ha dktrcMeff, G»*nul Gray’s Pafent M.l ied Colla-, as wall as Glazed and .Marseilles Oollara, All of will be sold cheaper th can be bGught elsewhere. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Sole l eather and other Trunk* Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies, Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. ROSENFELI) & BHO., Ntxt co:r t-> McCi’.ny A: Go’s prug Stor*", AA'fiituli.ill Strecf. April 26, 18C* MLWT/I, CtOITGA,