The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 07, 1867, Image 1
YOL. 5. the weekly Carterivllle Express Is published every j? mmiuirf. ill Uartcrsvtlle, Barlow Count), Ga., by Smith & Milam, Proprietors, at Tuan* Dollar*, per an num. strictly in advance ; Two Dollars for Six Months; One Dollar for Three Months. Advertisements for one month, or less tune One Dollar per square, 'of ten lines or less,) for each insertion; all other advertisements will he charged Fifty per cent on old prices. JONES & MALTBIE, attorneys at law. CurUrsvillt , Ga. WILL attend promptly to all business en trusted to their care. Will pract ce in the Courts oflaw, and equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Hpecial attention given to the collec tion of claims. Jan. 1, 1866. ly ohn J - Jones. R- Maltbie. Surgeon an ti Mechanical Dentist. f IAIIE undersigned respeotfully offer his pro fessional services to the cUizena of ( ar tersville and vicinity. He is prepared to do all kinds of Tjffwt be, ° np "* ,o tiis profession. Full «« f ,jf «*r iB P r'. C M. JOHNSON."" rauleu. » o Corteraville, Feb. 13, I)It. T. F. JONES, TTtKNDERS his professional services to the I citixens of KINGSTON and vicinity, and respoctfully solicits a portion of their patronage. Juno S. JOHN W. WOFFORD. Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE. GA. M*o. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. .. .present* tlte beat Northern ami 'Southern Companies. Can b * fou,ld at the law office of WotToril &- Fairott April 10, 1806. TIIOS W DODD, Att»> rn e y a t La w ANO COUNTY COURT SOLICITOR. King*'on. Ga. Will give particular attention to the collection of claims. Oct 26. jo li n C. 1* ran* on , ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KINGSTON, GA. \CHCEH LAW in the several coun "ties of the Cherokee Circuit, also, Polk, H unison and Floyd counties, Prompt at tention given to business, Nov. 28. ly (Professional cards $lO cash per annum.J W. H. PRITCHETT, Attorney at Law. CARTERSVILLE, GionblA. PK UJTICES Law in all the courts of the Cherokee circuit and counties adjoining Jim 23. Ddrtow. THOMAS W. MILNER, Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE. GEORG Wilt at cud promptly to business cutrus to his care. Oct. o wly JERE A. HOWARD, attorney and counsellor at law. CaRTEKSVILLE, GA- Dr. o. vi*jaewto\, Cartcrsvule, Georgia. Te .lets hi* professional It vlc<» to ,h * c '*’. ,en * °f Oartersv'.l.e and *ui rounding county, andl will att« <1 c» l* at all hoi'«. Office up-ftr* in Vr. U*) tou’a New Brick Building, Mag 10. 18b7,nly Lanie r Hou s e, MARIETTA, GA., BY LANIER & DD9BS, Proprietors f |-\HIS House is located iu a few steps of the I Railroad, where the cars stop. Passengers take three meals a day here. Meals prepared * allhour *- i u ‘y 24 - JONES 4* MALTBiE* REAL ESTATE AfiEXTS, CARTERSVILLE GA We are authorised to sell, and have on hand several Hou-es a;.d t.ot , and *No numerous building lots in the *«• m iTartersviUT Al#o several plantation® of \an* . .T ia. s u Barww couvty. Parties desiring to buv or rifl’d" welHo gv# £ a call AH e promptly answered. July 17. Ib6& James W. Strange, Dealer in STOVES. GRATES, (RON, HARDWARE, PLAIN m JAPANNED TIN WARE. &C. Clean Linen and Cotton Rags taken in ex change for Good*. Repairing, Roofing and Guttering done with neatness and dispatch. Cartersville, Nov. 1. wiy The Cartersvtlte DR. THOMAS MILAM having charge of this House, would he |jTT pleased to accommodate a ff w Board-I||| are with BOARD, with or without Lodging. Call and see him at once for terms Cartt rsville, Jan 17. . S. 11. Pat till o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, winn attend promptiv to the Cutting, Repair- VI tng and Making Boy’s and Meu’s Clo hing. Office in b«ea room of Blair A Bradshaw's store. '} A CartersviHe, lia. »■»<*- Dress Tailor. prepared te execute all kinds ,*•* of work in the Fashionable Tail- 1a its. ing line, with neatness and in du- TE. jable atvle. Over J. Elsas & Co’i store jan -5, THE CARTERSVILLE EXPRESS. Li very Stable Ss By J. J. JONES, JR CARTERSVILLE. GA, I S prepared, r.t all ‘lines, to furnish the traveling public with convey»rue through the country. Also to f.e.l and f-hclter atc-ck at reasonable rates of board. My vehicles and stock »ie kept in good condition. Mcli. 15. rot my stork »nt v.hlclr* In »rr,™l ( > r de , I earnentlv solicit the pi blir general'y to r«t "l>* yive me a fair’trial. Haus will te ks ill >•’ «! »* e»n <1 afforded. 3. .1. J.. ECLIPSE SfaMe, J. G. Stocks, RFSPKCT KELLY notify rhe Public generally that he has just openned his New and bonomsii oi,a UVEKY AND SALE STABLE, and ha. it stock ed wih irood horses, buttes, Ac., and Is preparedi to fm Blsh those ttavellcK into and across ‘be cou try » th »nv kind „f p i'ate conveyance, lie Is also prepaie.Uo B ,«rd Stock <n ar y quantity with comfori able qaaiters and oountiful Iced at reasonable rates Stock 'on,-ht and sold at hi* stables. His stotk a beiiii! nesli and equipage rew he flatter hiat»elf t the oeluT that he can furnLh hi* customers with as i e<t and complete an out fi as any lue cstao.bhment tar-alii, P:U\ndv XT ID Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF BAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IRON. Castings, descriptions, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS, BOXES. fEDESTALS, FRONTS. CtiLUMNS, AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing and Machinery ot a.l kinds. JOHN D. GUAY, President. October AMERICAN HOTEL Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Opposite the Passenger Depot. WHITE & W3ITLO3K, Proprietor,. riMli: public ere respectfully informed that I this House hn* been remodeled and re fiitcd, and re-opened for the accmaiuodsiion of the travelling public. Much time, laoour and expense has bt'Mi expended in making it worihv of patrwsage. Modern improvements have been added,and the publiccau re.y *>l .s being equal to any iti How hern cities WHI TE K WHITLGCK, Proprietors. BRYSON A- WYLEY, Clerks. uyfiM. CASiS AlTiO CASKETS. By Er/in & Jones. ASSORTED sizes kept on hand. Also WOOD COFFINS made to order. A good HEARSE ready at all hours. CARTERSVILLE. Feb I, 1867. wly %rKW . n. MOI.YTCASTLE, Jeweller and Watch and Clock Repairer, In the Front of A. A. Skinr>cr <k Co’s] store’ Cartersvillc jan 25 The Oldest Jewelry Meuse In ATLANTA, GEORGEA. ER LAWSHE, t Clocks, g* w Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by | competent workmen and ft arranted. May t, 1867. wly Thresh out your Wheat i Ism still the AGENT for the sale cf t.Vse exo«il*M Kentucky THRESHERS, both so. r horse and tvre horse SIZES. The rocect improvemenw mad* jo i those THRESHERS rend.-r them rhe ~.c*r desirable of I any that are no» offered for sale. They &r* vasiiy MANAGED, and hot ’iabl* to •T'-t r, ut G* ORDER, j Orders solicited, the sooner the BEfTEIt, so that ’.he ' M \CHi> Ed m«y srriv* i” vooJ 11 ME. 0. k r r I.* *‘lui J 3 QOWaLEi CARTERSVILLE GA. JUNE 7. 1807. McBUIDE, DORSETT ATLANTA. GA, To the merchant* of Georgia and adjoining State*: Tf’E have sir,: „ty «p-l ci through the pa; —• to oar fV tnends throughout he Sou 1 h, w.d lU* sv who were formerly our fellow-souiiera In the Sou hern Aunt, that *e U-.U underUken to apply. In Peac*, the eieinei.t. of vivor, energy *ud pronipthe.r, which hail w> o.ten (twined us U,e day in War. W« hate opened a WIIOLESALE C ROCKERY . AND GLASS HOUSE. in Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the Slate. We are hacked bv all the artvai tide* which are de rived from ftPmulaui means and » knowledge of the business. A large part of our good* are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. Ws confidently expect to supply from JtX] our depot in Atiai.t', all those mer *Tjm chants throuthout this and adjolt.inif W vJT State , who liave lieretoforemade ihtiy puechnses North. • We can offer as varied a stock as can befvundfa New l ork, and we kuow that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will sive FREIGHT by purchasing here. Y’.u will s ve HKKAKAGK by purcba*ln(t bore. You will contribute to the bui.dlug up of a hou-e de pot »f snppiie* by ptirehas'ne he o. We have on hand and const .utly arriving ASSORTED PKG’S OF CROCKERY, cf beat mix-d grade. We epack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking (T.a see, Lamp*, Cutlery, Plated and Japan ,ed VYa e, Cl ck-. A ~to order. We hive j b lots of these g .mis fr m time to time at very low l.rlce-. We solicit yur CAMIT order 1 ., and will give you in'ge advantages fur CA.SII IN HAND. Y iir i rlends, April li), lati7. MvBLIDr, DORBLTT A CO. T. M. X R.C. CIARE, Deal Kith Iv E*NGLLSi? AND AMERICAN Utmluarc Cutlery Gun* i*i*tu!s —ALBJ —• Jrnn, Steel, Nails, Bellows, Anvils. 'Vices, Caro .She Hers, tStraw Cutters, .Vhavels, Plows, Hues, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. And all other goods usu illy kept in the Hard ware line. Also Agents for Farrbanks Platform and Counter Scales, which wc will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Corner ol Peach Tree aud Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. F. M. RICHARDSON, 'Jfjaimfucturer and Wholesale Coaler i-s ALL KINDS OF Tin and Sheet Iron Will, Ilos£*e Furuislilug Good*, L«it erallj'. COOK, COAL, WOOD AND WBOUOHT IRON STOVES. &ir ROOFING done with neatne®i and dispatch. Whitehall Street. g ATL4ITTA. QiA- Eeb. 15, j f K i W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., Bmggists, WCAI3feIRSVILLE, GA. ILL on hand a well sccggpi stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. «IM o MU Patent Medicines* &c. Jones’ 1 Carriage Repositorv, Jan 17. J. A. E“ W1 * &C° »J) e receiving? their Stock of SPRING AND jinmmerdooK COMPP.ISING every variety adapted to the want* of the cottutry, which they are deiorintned lo mU at the Lowest Prices— Cheaper than the Cheapest! All are invited to CALL, EXAMINE AND -BUY BARGAINS, Terms Cash * car ra-tts .» Email Profits. CattertTiile, 6«., iprl! if. ‘-83*. Nett) GtlOtls. I an now New York a large Stoca of Goods ; consisting of DRY-COODS, GROCERIES, dCrorherir, Iptrofs, 'O 1 7 SHOES. HITS. HARDWARE, SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, «£«S, &s}, &€» Which I am oflering very low for Cash. Come and sec for yourselves. Kingston, Ga. E. V. JOHNSON. May 17, 1867. SEF STORE! IFW GOODS i And New Arrangements. * Th,: undersigned (eke* pleaaare in announcing to the citixens of C .rtereville and rnrroundlng countrv. that he has just opened oat a muat spleaded and FASH ION ABLE Stock of •t & rasssA DRY GOODS? adapted *o the wants of the people, which he proposes pi sell at P ices to SUIT the TIMES. Ladies wt l find almost Everything pertaining to their WARD KOBE. GENTLEMEN will find Material and Furnishing Goodt for Clothing. Families will find all kinds of goods common for do- MfSTJC USE,, also BOOTS, SHOES, Ilats, Bonnets, Hoop Skir ts> Umbrellas &c &c- Also will keep on hand a large lot of PAOTOBT HF. WOULD be happy to receive calls at any time His doors are thrown wide open, and the invitation is to all. Come and examine Ids goods and prices. Ne:ct door to A. A. fckinner A 00., ar.d just, below the Post Office, L FEROUbON, J. T. STOCKS with Fergus or., CartersviUe, Ga., May Ist.lbAl. ®KW©S. ill! !#fI€IL Ml OLD PRIKNDfI AMD CUSTOM KK3 will pleaxe remember, that, after having been twic* burned dut. 1 hat* re tiumed the DUOG BUSINESS with M<»»r». T. J. & M. li. SWANSON", under the »tylo of | AT ROARK'S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BRQTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA, I will tw pleased to meet all my old friend* at our new place of builhe#*, where I am prepared to ihow them a large and well aborted sWch of purposes, and at very low fijrurea. 1 E. J. MASSEY, late IDaaeev an< l Herty. feb 1 ATLANTA, GA. worn moweb ARD E A. T 3 E - Best Machine In the World. Manufactured by C, Aultman 4* Cos. CANTON, OHf». Tor 1857. MWE have been appoint JWfeJIiSIL ed agenta for the *ale o thl* celebrated Mow* —A-Sg. ’pt and Beeper, for the coua tlc» of Bartow, Gordon, Cherokee, and Pickenp, and will sell to any parties who wieh the Machine delivered to them here. The pric«* are low and terms reason able. Please can at once and obtain circulars giving description and pilots, or uddreu JOHN J. HOWARD, or W. H. GILBERT. CartersviUe. Gs., April 111 iSST. wgas ~jr. W- MAXWELL, BRICK MASON. L> prscotrai to do ail kind* of iwsr* to Brit k and g-.oce r.t siort ftotioa. Has on hand a fiuw lot of nt- y burned bt'flk and la praparod to da wati *poc th 6 tr.iiSt raascrabie dents. Cxriersviiv* G 1 ’~ M»y 3ri. 136 T. TlfE VflL!*; OR THE TWO \KFIIEHS. At the parlor window ol a pretiy village, near on the Thants, sat one evening, at Uus.k, au 4ji| man aud a young woman. '|'he age of the mao might be some seventy, whilst l)H companion had certainly not reached nineteen. Her beautiful, blooming face, and active, light, and upright figure, were in contrast with the worn countenance aud bent frame id" the old man ; but his eyes, and in the corners of his mouth, were indications of self* confidence, which age and suffering had damped, but not extinguished. “No tjse looking any more, Mary.’’ said he “neither John Meade nor Pe ter Finch will be here before dark. — Very hard that w hen a sick uncle asks j his two nephews to come and see him they don’t come at once. The duty is simple in the extreme —only to help me to ilio, ai)d take/fvha* 1 choose to leave them in my will! Pooh I was a young man I’d have done it for my uncle with the utmost celerity. But the world is getting quite heart' less!” “Oil ! sir,” said Mary. “And what docs *Oh sir,’ mean ?” said he, “Du you think 1 shan't die ! I know better. A lit tie more and there’ll bp an end lo Billy Collet —. He’ll have left this dirty world fora cleaner—to the great sorrow (and ad 1 ' vantage) of his affectionate relatives. Ugli! Give me a glass of the doctor’s stuff.” The girl poured some medicine in a glass, and Collet, after having contemp lated K for a moment with .uiinite dis gust, managed to get it dow «. “J tell you what. Miss Mary Suin ton,” said he, “ i don’t by any means approve of your ‘Oh ! sir,’ and ‘Dear sk,’ and the rest of it, when I’ve told you how I hale to be galled *»ir,’ at all. Why you couldn’t be in ore respectful if you were a charity girl and Ia beadle in gold laced hat ! None of your nonsense, Mary Sutton, if you please. Fve been your lawful guard ian now fo<r six months, and you ought to know nay likings and disliking. “My poor father often told me how you disliked ceremony,” said she. “Your poor father told you quite right,” said Mr. Collet. ,‘Fred Hut ton was a man of laleut—a eapital fel low! His only fault was a natural in ability to keep a farthing in his pock' et. Paor Fred ! he loved me —I’m sure he did. He bequeathed me his only child—and it isn’t every friend •Would do that.” “A kind and generous protector you have bees.” “Well, don’t kuow ; I’ve fried not to be a brute, but 1 dare say I have been. Don.* I speak roughly to you sometimes J Haven’t I given you food, pruden* worldly advice about John Meade, and made myself quite disagreeable, and like a guardian!— Come, confess you love this peuuiless nephew of mine.” “Penniless indeed !” said Mary. ■“Ah, there it is!” said Mr. Collet. “And what business has a poor devil of an artist lo fall in love with iny ward? But that’s Fred. Sutton’s daughter ail over? Haven’t I two -nephews ? Why couldn’t you fall in love with the discreet one—that thriv ing one ? Peter Finch —considering he HI an attorney—is a young man. — He is industrious in the extreme, aud attends to other people’s business only when he is paid for it. He despises sentiment, and always looks to the main chance. But John Meade, my dear Mary, may spoil canvass forever, and not grow rich. He’s all for art and t-ruth, and social reform, and spirited elevation, and goodness knows what. Peter Finch will ride in his carriage, aud splash poor John Meade as he trudges on foot.” The harangue was here intearupted bv a ring at the gate, and Mr. Peter Fipch was announced. He had scarce iy taken his seat, when another pull at the bell was heard, and Mr. John Meade was announced. Drug«» Medicines, Chemicals, Pat. Med., Pair»ts> OiK Glass, Putty, Fancy an 4 Toil, Art.. Soaps, Per funvery. Brushes a variety, Wines, Brandies, 4*c., Mr. Collet eyed his two nephews with a queer sort of smile, while they made speeches expressive of sorrow at the nature of their visit. At last, stop' ping them— “ Enough, hoys, enough!” said he, “Let me find seme better subject to xHscuss than the state of an old man’s health. I haven’t seen much ot you up to the present time, and, for any thing I know, you may be rogues or fools.” John Meade seemed rather to wince under this address; but Peter Finch calm and confident. “To put the case,” taid Mr, Collet. “This morning a poor wretch of a gardener came begging here. He could get no work, it seems, and said he was starving. Well, I know some thing about the fellow, ami I believe he only to l d the truth ; so 1 gave him a shilling to get rid of him. Now, Fin afraid I did wrong. What reason had I for giving him a shilling? What claim had he on me? The value of his labor in the market is all a work ing man is entitled to ; and when his labor is of no value, why, then he must go to the devil, or wherever eise he can. Ah, Peter ! That’s my philoso phy —what do you think ?” -“I quite agres w Dh y n u. The ral qe of their labor in the market is all that laborers can pretend all that they should have. Nothing acts more perniciously than ihu absurd support called charity.” “ Hear, hear 1” said t’ 'diet. “You’re a piever fellow, Peter. Go on niy dtur bay, go o:i!” “ What results from aid ?” continued Peter. “Ttjjyvaluc bur is kept at an uinFilural State charity is State robbery ; jffivate charity is public wrong.” “That’s it. Peter!” Collet. “I don’t believe"it,” said John. — “You were quite rig fit lo give the man a shilling; I’d have given him a slul' l»ug mvjSfclf.” ••Oh ! you would—would you!” said Mr. Collet. “You’re very generous with your shillings. Would you fly in the laee of all orthodox political econ omy. you Vandal ?” “Yes” said John, “as the Vandal flew in the face of Borne, and ed what had become a and a nuisance.” “Poor John !” said Mr Collet.— “We shall never make gny tiling of him, Peter. Really, we’d better talk about something else. John, tell us all about the last new novel.” They , conversed on various topics, until the arrival of the invalid’s early bed’time, parted the uncle and neph ews for the night. Mary Stilton seized an opportunity, the next morning, after hreukUoi, to speak with John Meade alone. “John.” said she, “do you til ink no more of your own interest —of our in terest. What occasion for you to be so violent last night, and contradict Mr. Collet so shockingly ! I saw Peter Finch laughing to himself. John, you must be more cartful or we shall never be married.” “Well, Mary, I'll do my best,” said John, “ It was that confounded Peter, with his chain of iron maxims, that made me fly out; I’m not an iceberg, Mary. “Thank heaven, you’re not!” said Mary, “but an iceberg floats —think of that. John, Remember, every time you offend Mr. Collet, you please Mr. Finch. ’ “So 1 do,” said John. “Yes, I’ll remember that.” “If you would only try to be a little mean and hard-hearted,” said Mary; “ju9l a little to begin with. You would only stoop to conquer.” “May l gain my deserts then !” said John, “Are you not to be my loving wife, Mary? Are you not to sit at needle work in my studio, whilst I paint my great historical picture ? llow can tfiis come to pass if Mr. Col* let will do nothing for us ?” “Ah! how indeed !” sabl Mary.— “But here’s our friend, Peter Finch, coining in the gate Irom his work. I leave you together.’’ And so saying, she withdrew; “What! Meade!” said Peter, as lie entered, “Sulking indoors of a tine morning like this ; I’ve been through all the village. Not an ugly place, but wants looking after sadly. Roads shamefully muddy; pigs allowed to walk oh the footpath !’’ “Dteadful!” exclaimed John. “ I say; you came out pretty strong last night,” said Peter. “Unite defied the old man. But I like your spirit.” “I have no doubt you do,” thought John. “Oh, when I was a youth, I thought a little that way myself.” said Peter. “But the world —tiie world, my dear sir, soon cures us of all romantic no tions. I regret, of course, to see peo ple miserable ; but wiiat’s the use of, regreting ? its no part of the business of the superior class to interfere with the laws of supply and demand Poor people must be miserable. What can’t be cured must be endured.” “Exactly so,’ said John. Mr. Collet this day was too ill to leave his bed. About noon he request j ed to sec them in his bedroom. They | fosnd him propped up on pillow?, very i weak, but in good spirits as usual. “Well, boy?, said he, “here I am, you sec, brought to anchor at last.— The doctor will be here soon ; I sup pose te shake his head and write re cipes. All humbug, my boys 1 Patients can do as well for themselves, I believe, ss doctors can do for them ; they’re ail in the dark together—the only differ ence is that patients grope in the Eng lish, and doctors in the Latin. “ You are too skeptical,” said John Meade. “Pooh.” said Mr. Collet. “Let us change the subject. I want your ser vice, Peter and John, on a matter that concerns your interest. I’m going to make my will to-day—and I don’t know how to act about your cousin Emma Briggs. Emma disgraced us by an oil man.” •T.flioil man!” exclaimed John. “A vulgar, shocking oil man?” said Mr. Collet, “ a wretch who not only sold oil. but soap, candles, turpentine, black lead and bircb brooms. I; was a dreadful blow to the family. Her grandfather never got over it. Wtdi, Briggs, the oii man, died last week, and his wido-jv has written to me asking for assistance. Now I have thought of leaving her n hundred pounds a year in mv « ;!!. What do yon think jf i ? J I'm afraid she ucit’t dctm What' NO. 48. r'ghl hail she to marry against the ailvice of her friends?" What have 1 It* do with tier misfortunes ?" •* My mind is quite made up," said Peter Finch. “No notice ought to he taken ut tier. She nude an obstinate and unworthy match—now let her abide the consequence. *• tor your opinion, John,” said Collet. f Upon my word. I think I mrt say the same," said .lolin Meade, br icing himself up boldly for the part of the worldly man. “What rigid had she to pturry? as you observed with great jus tice, sir. Let her abide the conse quences—as you very properly remark ed," said Meade. •' Can't she curry on the oi| fnan’s business 7 f dare say it will support her v* yy welt." •• Why. no," said Mr. Collet,“lJrigga died a bankrupt and his widow and children are destitute." *• That dot. s not aln r the qiu stjon," said Utter Finch. “Let linggs' fami ly t|o something lor her." *• i') be sure," said Mr. Chillpj.— ‘Briggs’ laniily are the people to do something lor her. She mustn't ex pect any tiling from us —imjit she, John?" ‘-Destitute, is she?" said John.— “With children, too. Why, that is another case. sir. You surely ought to notice her —to assist her. (lonlound it. I'm for letting her have the hundred a year." •• O, John. John! what a break, down sciJ Mr. Collet. *->So you were trying to folio x Peter Fmeh through Stony Arabia, ami lurried back at the second step ! John ! John ? keep to your Arabia Felix, and leans sterner ways to very di lie rent men.— ■ Cood bye, botli ol you. I 're no voice to talk any more. I’ll think over all you have said." Me pressed their hands, and they left the room. The old man ivas too weak to speak next day, and in three days afterwards he breathed his last. As soon as the funeral was over, tho will was read by the confidential matt of business who had always attended to Mr. Collet’s atl’airs. The group that sit around him preserved u decorous | appearance of disinterestedness; and the usual preamble to the will having [ been listened to with breathless men ' lion, the man of business read the fol lowing : “1 bt’UU*M>d« to mv uin««, Pmm liriggs. notwithstanding that sh« shocked her family by marrying an oil man, liie sum ot lour thousand pounds, being fully persuaded that her lost dignity, if she could ever find u again, would do nothing to provide her with food, or clothing, or shelter." John Meade smiled, and Peter Finch ground his teeth—but in a quiet, re spectable manner. The man of business went on with bis reading: “Having always held the opinion that woman should be rendered a ra tional and independent being, and having duly considered the Jaei that society practically denies iier the right of earning her own living, I hereby be queath to Mary Sutton the sum u 1 ten thousand pounds, which will enable her to marry, or to ri maiu single, as she may prefer." John Meade gave a prodigious start, upon hearing this; Peter Finch ground his teeth again, but iu a manner hard ly resj ectable. Uoth, however, by ;t violent effort, kept silent. The man of business went on with his reading : “ I have paid some attention to the character ol my nephew, John Meade, and have been grieved to find him much possessed with a feeling of phil anthropy, and with an abhorence for what is base and false. As these ten dencies are by no means such as rati advance lum in the world, 1 bequeath ed him the sum of ten thousand pounds, hoping that he will keep out ol the work house, and be enabled to paint his great historical picture, which, as yet, ho has only talked about." “And ;ta for my other nephew, Pe ter Finch, he views all things in so sa gacious and selfish a way and is so certain to get on in life, that I should only insult him by offering and aid which he does not require; yet from ins allectionate uncle, and entirely as a testimony of admiration fur his uuyj tal acuteness, l venture to hope that he will accept a bequest of five hun dred pounds towards the completion ofhis extensive library of lawbooks." How Peter Finch stormed and call ed names—how John Meade broke into a delirium of joy—how Mary Sut ton cried first, and then cried and laughed together. Ail thesre matters I shall not attempt to describe. Alarv Sutton is now Mrs. John Meade, and her husbanJ lias actually begun tho great historical picture. Peter Finch has taken to discounting bills, and bringing actions on them, and driven about in his brougham already. S&T'The Masked Kaical org*in chstg. es Southern men with having destroy* and shivery and State rights. Just thecanr Ts tpMacobins, for all the world ! If a highwkyrnan attempted to rob you. and, in the d?fenfe of your property, he should kill yoa, y/>u are guilty of the crime of suicide aaecrdiog to the ot vh.C23 Radicals, m?sktd and - Lou.jvJlc Cyurkr.