The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 28, 1867, Image 3

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Incut peal v.s The ' f voters wfll com* mouce in this (Bartow) County at A. ii iirsvillc, oil Monday the Bt!i 4" J I,C8 ‘ ■ day the Oth of July, Gih Dist. Court- Ground, Wednesday 10th, Kingston, 1 Thursday 1 till and Friday 12, Cuss* villc, Saturday 13. 17th Dist, Court- ; (•’round, Monday 15, Pine Log. Tties" j day in. Wolf Fen, Wednesday 17, Low , , St .trip Creek, Thursday 18, Allatoo na. Friday l'Jih and Saturday 20, — Tiie registers will liter, be at Carters- s \ ill, during the 4th week of July, ben * all legal voters who have not had a ] previous opportunity of registering, ou ll j then have the privilege of so doing. j Our Seniour is oil - on a visit to Mid d!> Georgia, therefore much matter has ( eii defored until next week that should have appeared in this issue.— We greatly fear that he will associate with Fitch, of the S/or. until lie wifi h come demoralized and suffer F— to feud him astray. Be careful, Sam, and he sure you don’t let him carry you n t i on Bill Arp’s mountain! Tell him \mi have already been up, and made ; ,n ciT.rl i » worship, but unfortunately, tor you, you was not black enough. Come Sam, don’t deny it to him! r*rM rssi's. Kramer &l Best are still I nib-ring for sale Dr. Bullion's Dysen t y Drops, tint has gained such popularity in this section. It is used •,v cv(M‘) family almost, in the country', ami n pronounced by every one to be econd to no remedy for Dysentery tint they have ever'lrictl. We believe it io In- a good tning ; therefore we t pleasure in mailing it known to Ml. 11 :t ring people of the country ! l • \!■ .'i itiful wlieit harvest is being j • v I renew their suit-; cilh r with the lair i. -x ):■ i! I. m'w.'iisieiit iV Fieitoi’s Store. II i it'-, i - 1 i't wn>or cmx a su.t, they can buy one very cheap at this store. R i.'Bcs -.inl C’arriasroN. ! am prepared to sell Buggies and ('images at the following reduced Figures, Sole -pring no top Buggies at from v : if». to 8175. IJnd springs $135 to Z Uo‘ ijiruesllv insisting upon the ji or-mage of ill" p eoi»!e of this section, ! ~in persuaded to think it the interest I all to improve and dcvvlope our own sources, Manufactories and to help cm h oilier along. I therefore vo.i.i l mii!\ a t i my friends and h me aisof 11 >in 1 Id iterprise to give ih e preference over those living at : |m hi \ it least see wit it call be il »! i: * with in • helort 1 pm chasing else where. I \ til duplicate to day any pureh iso ft. w|e since‘ill* war—ill At i,Mil. t, \ig ist.i (4 t, (’.ralesloo S. C. or .\ashvitlc Tcnn. I trust that, this appeal will be favor in' \ eons; IcreJ. June 27 th 1807. I\. 11. J ONES. We call especial attention to the ad" v < iti ; ment <>l Ifufe W. Thornton I’t ipri et o r aml Agent, for the new light. \i e have seen the light in the olfiiceol \\ . L. Kirkpatrick <V Cos., (local Agts) and pronounce the Petro Oil a very sn nipiAor illuminator. Us cheapness & eleanness commend it to the attention of everv one. The Agents here will In* pleased to demonstrate to the most skeptical, that the Petro Oil is utterly .\O.X EXPLOSIVE and therfore pcferable to coal or other oils, while its illuminating qualities are surpassed by none. Messrs, Clayton A* Son, are out in a nevv adv crtisenpiit, to which it wSultl be to your interest to carefullv peruse, as tiny are offering great inducements to customers, They propose to take in pavnent for goods, Butler, Eggs, Dried Blackberries Yc. &e. They also propose to buy 5.000 lbspt Clean linen and cotton Rags, for which Pity "ill pay (3) three ets. Now is vnur time countrymen to get bargains. Our old friend Uriah Stuphcns is with this house, and would be pleased to have his friends call on him. i\ ad advertisement and give them a call- Greenbacks! Greenbacks! ! ! —Fn~ dor this heading in anathor column w ill be seen tnc advertisement of Dr, Hugh Blair, off ring for sale or exchange quite a number of acres of land near •Savannah, tor land, city or town pro perty in North Ga. The farmers in this section report to us, that they have never seen better orospeets for a Corn crop. Rememher the Concert and Tableaux, at Euhurlee to-night Friday) We take pleosure in calling the at • ention of our readers tq the advertise- j •nentofW. 11. Taylor, his room has been thououglily repaired and is fulled , with goods, which will be disposed of in accordance with the usual liberality j of the proprietor. Me congratulate him and the public, that he is once more himself, and trust he will be so generally remembered by the purcha- j singcommunity that he will soon rccov- j er from the serious losses he sustained ; by the burning of a portion of eis goods some weeks since. Scott’s Monthly for June lias been laid on our table, and as usual filled j with choice reading matter. We know of no Magazine better adapted to the wants of casual readers, nor, one more likely to entertain any person who gets hold of it. Mr. Scott deserves great honor and credit for his untiring ener gy and perseverance, to get up as handsome a Magazine as he has made his Monthly, under the existing cir cumstances of the country. J. T. JENKINS, & to. See the Advertisememnt of this firm in another column. It is needless for us to say anything iit praise of this house, as it is well knowoi throughout the State of Georgia, as well as other States to be one of the most extensive and popular business Houses in the (date City. We speak knowingly when we say that this house is notsurpased by any house in the South. If you wish anything in their line they would be pleased to fill your orders. Read Advertisement. Leowenstcin & Pfeifer are dealers in Dry- Goods, Notions Hats, Boots, Shoes. Ready made Ulo'hing, Crockery, Cutlery, Hardware <&<•, <& c ’> Anything they have instore they keep to sell, not to look at or simply to fill up their house - They don,t propose to sell as cheap us anybody, because they have no refuse .stock on hand. Their Goods are all new and of the latest styles It will be seen from an Advertise ment in another column, that I. T. Banks has returned to Atlanta, and opened in Rawson’s building, corner Whitehall & Hunter streets, a large and commodious Boot <fc Shoe store. Mr. Banks has had an experience of 14 vears in this business, and having •>' 0 spent the last 2 years in the Northern ami Eastern markets, buying goods lor large Southern Houses, lie feels that he has superior advantages in buying If you should visit Atlanta don t fail to call at this house, and see the in ducements held out for bargains. The Junk number of “the Land we Love,” has been received ?t this office. The proprietor, Gen. D. II- Hill, has spared no pains or expense to .place it above all other Southern enterprises, anil we are sure that he should lecl liberally rewarded lor his efforts. We know this Magazine to have a large circulation it. the State of Georgia, as well as all over the other Southern States. It is published monthly, at Charlotte, North Carolina, at S3 per annum, and it would be beneficial to every South ern man, and especially soldiers to subscribe for and read this Magazine. American Hotel. During our last visit to Atlanta, we called in at this reputable house, and found proprietors, clerks, Waiters all as jovial as ever. This House we put down as No L, not only because they are so liberal with the printer, but they are so with every one that i-s fortunate enough to get shelter with them.— They feed high, and are polite and social with everyone that comes in, rich or poor. Mr. Whitlock was formerly a resident of our comity, and is known by many of our citizens to be a gentleman, in every sense of the j word. The clerks of this Hotel, Messrs. Brison & Wilv, are always ready to receive their guests and take pleasure in making them as pleasant and com fortable as possible. Shippers of wheat will do well to read in another column the advertise ment of G. J. Foreacre in regard to the rates of shipping wheat. Special attention is directed to the or der of his honor, Judge Milner, in ref erence to the adjourned term of the su perior court held for the county of j Bartow on the sth Monday in July ! next. Mr. J. N. B. Cobb, city tax receiver, gives the Cherokee Georgian some sta tisticts of the town of Dalton, from which it appears that the number of inhabitants now is 1325, of whom 890 j are whites and 362 blacks. Before j the war Dalton had a population of about 2000, which was reduced to some 600 at the time of the ?urrctidcr. Burk's Weekly for Hoys auj ’ Girls. The first number of this nr" - paper is before us, and is all that its Publishers promised in the way of good looks, h contains the first chapter of “Maroo ner's Island,” a sequel to the Young Marooncrs, with an illustration ; the beginning of anew Fairy Tale, by Mrs. Ford, of Rome, Georgia, entitled “The Little Woman in Green.'’ with an illustration ; a sketch of .Sergeant Jasper, with an tlluslriation , a Poem •Good Mooly cow.” with an illustra tion ; “The Cloud,” with an illustra tion ; an illustrated Rubes, Riddles, Enigmas, ect., besides other Stories, Poems, Anecdotes, ect. The publish ers have already receive.d sufficient en couragement to insure the regular pub lication of the paper, so that subscrip ions may now be forwarded with the money. Terms $2 a yea.*. Address J, W. Burke Cos., Macon, Ga. One Hundred Thousand Bushels oj Wheat Wanted, bv N. Gilreath A* Son for which the market price will be paid Wheat must be delivered in good mer chantable order. Sacks cm be ob tained by calling at their store on the corner ot Main and Erwin streets, op posite Jones’ carriage repository. IV c are requested by C°b J- G. Stocks to an nounce to the public, that he has bought out the Livery Stock of J. J. Jones Jr, and that the two Stables will be consolidated, and that the following list of prices will be strictly adhered to. Hack horse?, and driver per day $7,00 Hi rae, lluggy and Driver “ “ s«>,Oo Horse k “ “ Xday %-KiA Sadd;e horse per *• 00 “ “ " X <lay H,OO DR, HILI.IOVS’ DYSENTERY DROPS, In the last two weeks many families particularly children have been nfflicted with Dysentery, they have tr ied, many of them “Dr. Bullions Dysentery Drops” and in every case they have been made to rejoice at the success of it. They all agree in saying they would uotbe without it in their bouse for ten tines the .price of it, everyone should supply themselves with one or more Bottles, every Store sholud keep asupplv on hand, Retail Price only 25 cts. A liberal discount <to the trade.— Call ar.d provide, for you or your fault ily may be taken sick at night For Sale, BEST & KRAMER. Druggist’s Cartersvillc Ga. Aliberal discount made to all stores. 4@*Lv Brownlow’s State, his mili tia are deliberately murdering men without any other reason assigned than they were Confederates. We once saw an engraving representing a mad bull pitching into a crowd assembled to witness a hanging, and one of the culprits standing on the scaffold, with the halter round his neck, remarking to the other, “How lucky, Jack, that we are up here.” JJST’We have been credibly informed says the .Madison (Ga,) Examiner, that a Farmer of Burke county has jns’t got t n through with his crop of wheat, having sold the Inst. He had sixty acres sowed that made an average of twenty five Bushels to the acre, arid he sold his entire crop at $2,50 per bushel, which makes him a return of $3,750. This is a handsome yield.! and is, we dare say double as much as the same land would have made in cot ton. if every farmer in the .South would raise more grain and less cotton, we opine that radicalism, negro suffer age, repudiation &0,, would soon play out, and everybody have plenty to eat and money to spend. Govenok Bkowxlow.- The follow ing paragraph has re-appeared, and is again going the rounds of the papers ; Brownlow is reported to be in such bad health that recovery is next to im possible. Is Satan about to foreclose his mortgage ? If old Nick does foreclose what a h—ll there will be I Let sinners be warned. Poisened.—A youth, James, son of Dr. William Anderson, who lives near Vellula, while fishing last Saturday, was bitten by a moccasin. From tne effects of the wound inflicted, he died, Monday morning. His age was about fifteen years. Dr. anderson was formerly of Cass county, in this State. Boys cannot be too careful in looking out for snakes, whose poison at this time is so fatal. They arc no respec ters for persons .——Columbus Sun. The Atlanta Opinion says that a friend from Cass county (it meant Bar tow) reports that the farmers of the county estimate its wheat crop at fully a million bushels. It seems almost In credible. I,kgrange Reporter. Appointments.—Hon. Hiram War s ner has accepted the appointment ol : Chief Justice of the Supreme Couit of | Georgia. Col. John CoUier, ot Atlanta, has ' been appointed Judge of the Coweta 1 Circuit, rice Iliraxu Warner resigned. A Rebel u*ic t’urcconsfructed Horse* The Danville Times relates the follow ing; ; We learn from :i friend privy to the fact, who is a gentleman ot unquestion ed veracity, tiiat Dr. Lee, ot Halifax. Ya., las a horse which exhibits the greatest and most astonishing aversion to blue colors. This horse served in the army, and seems to have acquired his distaste tor hisiealior while in mili tary service, as he showed no such disposition to the w lr. He will not al low anv one to approach him itl a blue coat .or jacket —gets .frantic, and wants to tear it otT. On one occasion, while crossing a ferry, a nergo with a blue jacket on, happened to get near him, and lie jumped at him with tiger-like ferocitv, and seizing the garment in his teeth tore it clean off- It is no less remarkable, that he is is as gentle as a lamb if vou approached him him in gray or any other! color than blue. “East Tennessee.” — A Greenville (East Tennessee),correspondent oflh e Nashville Gazette says; ‘Everything in tins end of the State is most encour aging. We will carry East Tennessee by large majorities. All our informa tion corroborates this statement. All the corruption and fraud being practiced bv the Brownlowites cannot defeat our glorious champion.” CIRCE EAR TO AGENTS. Western & Atlantic Rail-road, Office Master of Transportation. In order to insure the prompt transportation of wheat, and to prevent delays, errors, and Tosses in its shipment, the following instruc tions must he strictly observed in ail shipments of wheat from your depot:— I. Sacks must he plainly marked,and before any portion of the shipment is received, written instructions must be given by consignor, show ing number of sacks to be shipped, marks, consignor, consignee, destination, and the route by which it is to be shipped. 11. Special Instruction No. 2 will be strictly observed in giving receipts for wheat. 111. Rule No. 4, in printed local tariff, must he adhered to in regard to wheat, and agents will not permit wheat to be put into the depot until the provisions of paragraph I. of this circular are complice with; but shippers will be allowed to deliver portions of a shipment after the written instructions for shipment of a whole lot have been filed with an agent. JOHNB. PECK. Muster Transported ion. - Wilcox & Gibes’ Scwiit? Ma chines in Cartersvillc, for sale. These Machines are sold here at the manu facturer's prices, hut I cannot afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care of them; but it will be desirable to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine n the market and all who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The price from s's 6, upward* The machines all equally good, hut the price varies with the kind of fin ish of table and other extras. Office up stairs over Clayton’s store on pub lic squ are East side of Rail-Road—send for cir culars or call and examine machines. JOHN H. RUCKMAN, Gem Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, 1807, ERRORS OF YOUTH. *A Gentleman who suffered for yearn from Nervous T fcbility, Premature, Decay, and al! the effects of youthful indiscretion, w 11, for the sate of suffering in inanity, send free to all who need it, the reeeipe and di actions for making the simple remedy by which he wsi cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tisers experience, can do so by a- dressing. in perfect cont deuce, JOHN IS. OGDEN, 42 Ced <r Street, New York. May 1,1567. wly. CIMP CROCKERY AND T. R MPLEY AGT. OLD STAND, Whitehall St., Established In 1850. Atlanta) Ga. June 21, 1867.—3 m VAN EPPS & TIP PIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GPuOOEPuS Com m issio it JUcrchants, Alabama Street, Atlanta Ga. The following, a? well as many other goads in th s line tor bale io tots to suit purchaser*: B«con Sides, Corn. Bacon Haru s , Flour. Canvassed Hams. Lard. Sugar-cared Hams Coder, Syrups. Brown Sugars, Mo’awes, It fined "tgar*. So,la. Mackerel tu Bbis., Sat, Macke ei m Kegs, S up, Salmon in Cana, Toilet Soap, Lebs ers t a Cans. Oysters tu Can*. C&naief, Candle?. Raisins, Mason’s Blacking. Nut*. Tobacco, iJa'es. Cigars, Starch. v r,rH a. Tirrix. •Imie il ; Is.".—ic A’.iauta. Oj, lift Summer Urn Oloobs. CU 'O Wc respectfully inform the citizens of Bartow county, tiiat our stock of Dry Goods are daily arriving, and having the largest and best selected stock in North Ga., and most of them having been purchas ed since the late decline., we flatter ourselves that we can offer extra inducememts to purchasers. Purchasers buy ing from us will have a large well selected and new etock to select from —somthing un usual at this season. We will keep everything usually kept in a first class Dry goods House, SjMMSBS’ «*•»»*. amir, Children’, Men’, Youth’s, aud Boys’ Shoes .A-ISTJD BOOTS. Avery handsome line o^ SATSftJETTS, uhbhs, READY-MADE CLOTHING of latest styles and grades.— Our motto : “Quick sales and short profits” Mill he faithful ly kept up, and we pledge our selves to duplicate any retail hill made North or South. I Come and see us, one and; all. We w ill be pleased to j show goods at any time. W. IE Stocks is with us. 1 and will he pleased to sec his; friends. HLAIR & Dili OS 1J 41V. June IS. Ua. 1 ' Iflibsmmmr Bnr (Saota! IMM EN S E ATTKA CT 1 O N!! Immense redact ion In JP rices! A GORGEOUS LOT OF DRESS GOODS .Just Received from lire I.ato Vow York Auction Sales, at A Reduction ofso per cent, from last month’s Prices! mill Goods .liar lied In Plain Figures l My well known straightforward and honorable course of conducting business is a Fiiflirio guarantee to all who may fa*or me with -their patronage, that they will be fariy dealt wi h. JOHjy .M. GmlJS'J\'OJ\', Corner of WhUehall and Hunter Streets, RESPKCTFUI.LT announces to friends and the nubile, that he has just returned from New V tk, where ho has been in attendance at tlie immense auction salts which took place ihe Ist. wetk, aiul that Ins luaginll stock of Midsummer Goods is now complete, ami will bo »u;d at puces that will defy coiupvlioii. Tne most lot-* perienoed will ut onee perceive’he groat advantage of purchasing a stock of dry goods at tills particular tima when importers are disposing c f their stocks regardless of cost. * l would annex a schedule of prices, but. siuie.e will not permit. Suffice L to say that 1 whs 111 Nov, folk when the late panic reached Its climax, and t hail purchased my present stock KO per tern, le-o ..... i.ou..m ...... v.*.. purchased at any other time ibis season. CTXJST REOEIYEL^ 590 pieces beautiful Dress Goods, cmsistlug of Grenadines, Mozambiques. Lenoa, PopHnes, Lawns, tlnrcgo-., *lc. 200 pieces splendid goods for Gents' and Boys' wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimere?, lirap D'Ete, Jeans, Linen Duck aud Drills, Marserles, etc. SOO pieces white goods, Uonsistlng of Plain. Striped. Checked and Dotted Pwisv Plain. Striped, Checked and Dotted Jaconet; Tariaton. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Brillianies, Pique Cloth, Bishop Lawn, etc. 500 nieces American, English and French Prints, all new styles; 1000 pieces Bleached Shirtings—N«w York-Mills, Wamsutta Lonsdale, Hope, James’, Putnam, and several <the- mils; 8,0. 10. 11 and 12 1-4 Bleached andßrown Sheeting; 5-4 and (5-4 Pillow Case Cottons; 20 pieces 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4-Table Linens,both bleached and, unbleached 30 cases all styles of shoes; 20 cases all styles Straw Gooes; 100 down all styles Hoop Skirts; 300 doyen Ladies’ and Misses’ llosc; 50 dozen Ladies’ beautiful Iron Frames, very superior; a Mdendid lot ~f I-renrh Corsets; a spvn dl, lot of LO. Handkerchiefs; 10 pieces beautiful Flannels; incomplete s'nog of Notions; 001.0 I *per C, larsih.r Ladles and Gents; always on hand, a full stock of Shirtings. Sheetings. Osnaimi gs. Jeans etc., which will be arid for factoiy price. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store can be fohnd here. p g This splendid stock of Goods has been purchased since the 24th of May, which announcement will sutlrfy. all that great bargaiLS w.U he given. JOilV K. GAXXOX, jc. 14, 18<>7. Corner Whitehall ami Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Cos. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOB. 1867. Chamberlain, Cole 4‘ Boynton , Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense Stock of bv swam "" swum DR.T-t.OODS;. At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, At P r ic c s to suit the T i m c s Tiieir Stock ofDRESS GOODS comprises every new style in the American markets ami Gl OVES- the largest ever Oronsrlit to Atlanta ; SILK and POPLIN COVERINGS. »»<! LACE POINTS "‘'every variety ; EMBROIDERIES «»i‘ LACE GOODS or every description ; DA Dhoni and K UMBRELLAS to sult every body ; TABLE DAMASKS-'NAPKINS-TOWELS. TOWELING IRISHL™S CURTAIN DAMASKS’ Goods tor Men sand Hoys wear. DOMES I IL-O a " l ' NUMUNo A L L F O II T II E L O WE S T CASH ERIC E April 12 —ly, WHOLESAALE GROCER AND COMMISSION NERCHANT, No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, [Adjoining the ltail-Hoad,j 8. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T - **• FLEMING, Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain Kay. and all Western Products. Orders for ary description of Merchandise promptly filled, ar.d consignments solicited. April 2f>, 1807.w3m MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY c 3W&&&, Wc would respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have just received one of the largest and SPSIITG -AJTID SUMMER CLOTHING! to Sm'We Vould aU Our Goods and Prices, Feeling confident that we can suit the most economics’, as well as ihe most fastidious, as loprice and quality rip tee does not permit to enumerat s ail the Goods kept by u«, but sufiu.c it to say we have nice Cassimere Suits for S7 50 to $lO 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our Goods, nee 1 not be told that our Clothing is made up by the best workmen, and of superior goods. In addition to the above, we keep, also, a large stock-of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Confuting of PUFFED and PLAIN WHITS SHIRT?. FANCY and BROWN LIN BN SHIRT?, UNDKRGAK MESTS, of all sizes Fancv and Plain TIE-h of ail description*, S'.lk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, (imu Gray's Patent Molded Collar, a3 well as Glazed aud Marseilles Collars, All of which will be sold cheaper)ha can be bought elsewhere. Also. Boots, Shoc3, nats, Sole Feather and other Trunks Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies j Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. ROSENFELD & BRO./ Xi'.xt dorr Lo McCiiuiy A. CuV Drug Store, Whitehall Siintl, April so, ATLANTA, GEORGA V V* t • • '