The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 28, 1867, Image 4

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Barlow Sjlicrifl'K Sale. y t*ILL be ioU before the Courthowu* door In the town mof Ctrl•■•r*vide, in the firs* Tu.'*d*y in July next, •within lego! »*le hour*, the following property to wit : Onv t »o ocrr I<<t iti th* town of M loviti, known a* the O. I, t'inhi» lot levied on as the property W. G. >tr.i' * t • » vtiafy an atm liment fl fa » ■ n-l from Bartow ' Property p iloted ut In • rid tl fa. Aii" one I lav hir»e. levie 1 on ui the prepe-tr of R<*rrv t , m F M-ft«»;er, to *■ ukfy a fl fa it. favor of tN Infe rior ' art f Bar' OtUaiv state of Georgia. • « said Berryman F. Moat-iler. A e" < ne :> irrel 1. .ra* levied on a* f he proferty of John Shu'e-, te»-.tUfy a fl fa In favor of ti e Inferior < mrt of Bartow county, elate of Georg.!,' <,.xl<l John Shile-. Ah . rpe if t'-oy. 1< vied on e» the property of 7tcha riah B. Arco n, to satisfy a fi ft in favor of the Inferi or o -urt of Bartow ei untv. state of Georgia, r» s il.i 7, rlurUh B Aycooir. Ais * ot,e (h . n Male, h* I**l in as (he property iif .1 nai hail Mel) .. to « t -fy ati f. 1 *o.r of th- Infe rior <v urt of Bartow county, state of v,eorei» e * said J nath in M< l> or. Also wif Borrel Mule, levied on as the protiertyof Baths V.' I r svtmfy at: fa in favor of Inferior < irt of Btrlow e.otmty, (in., r * said I! W hewfs. Ala 11 ne Bay Horae, levied on a the property of J M K ig*r» to satisfy aft fa i favor of Inferior court of 1) rh .. county, state .f G M-gtx. r h ••>•!.I j M. Kopers. VV. I- (iUUDWI-N, Sheriff; June G, 1807. PoKfpnnidl Sale. \ Is a, at the tonne time am) placewill ho sold. One l«tt of lumber lying In the town of Osrre-s --i .l’c In rear of I. >ower.g'eln & Pfeifer 's stor- four i ion-an I feet more or loss lying on lot adjacent to A. I th n h .n, I.evie i on as the property of Caleb, <, to satisfy a Ufa Issued from the County *'"ti ' .-f Bartow in favor of ,« imnel Gttrr tt vs said T ru.f.l, i,a. je. 0, 1867. W.L. GOODWiN. / • Kokgi \ BARTOW CCU'.TV —Whereas I, M. Mun 'lh r i apples i" no- for betters of Admlnlstratii n c nl' e Kre-liiek I>. It atfield. late of IJartow county de i eased. This is to die nil concerned. !<• Ui kindred and credit, rs of said deceits-d. to show cause, if they cm, -vithiii the time pretcribtd t v law, why said letters • e'o ul I ii"t iie granted to said applicant. Given on iei rnv hand and nfli dal «• g »a* this the id t day . r M y IM',7. J. \. Hu WARD, Ord’y / ' I.'oKGI BARTOW COUNTY —Two mop hs after ' I <1 t- i. p| ii.■ I.l i- a\\ .11 tie m.iflc to th.e C< 'rt < I Or dinary <d said • ■ur tv ut the firi-t regular term afier tin- ex pi rut on if I wo monl iis from tins notice, for leave f . u II id the ical estate of Win. A Jl.'Gravy deceased for iln- bei i tit of (lie heirs and creditors of said i!v . • ived. Mly f'.Uli. 18G7. K ANNIE COX. Admr'x. A. 1). ,M CRA\ V, Ailui'r NOTICE. fj fl ’JI nl o-n it. msy conci rn, the nr ilvetjmoll erehy « i’iv! s meiye, tliat he lies filed les petidon with Lie ' M l nary r f B'c t tv C< un'y to I e (Uncharged from liis Iv' up isliip on Bennett li. i lot y-rs. last v. id and tvs- J/'tUliA'Ul . fjf* I * • •• n * *•! MiulnnaM s. r.• .a*. <j <**•»«:»»♦'*% »ntl irt f\ “ Uni yti eref- 1 m mtci danl it trust, that iri two months If ui.lie h ; ii.i It gos the pi; Mien 1 1n nos this notice he v .11 epidy h i the sanction of -aid petition, and to be -•iri ha, irt and from i.iid er ecutorrlrp. "—tim. t B CONYERS, Ex. ofß II Coryc r. dec. { IiOI;GI \. BA RTOW CORN TV To nll whom It may ' I concern, M. I . I*i I'ehett having in proper form ap plied to n.<* for 1 t i rs of Adniiiilstri'tlon with the will in cm and. on ho • tale (f B ri- tit 11. Conyers !a'e of ran! county, this is to cite. »!i arid sirpu'urlhecreditors ."ltd i cat of kin to lie mid appear at my office within the tdoe allow ed by law, and rh w cause if any they •■an. why said letters •hmi <1 no' he granted to said ap p'h'ant. Witless my hand and ollicial signature, je. ! ft a|. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. 1 foßCfs. BARTOW COUNT Y.— Whereas Mrs R. •’ | (?. Bnidlcf Applies to me for letters of adir.inislra t on on theo-tale * f William If. Bradley, deceased.— '■u* is th-re fore to cite all concerned, both kindred npj i rd cred't.irs , f yald deceased, to show cause, il a " they mi, vitl.i ' the „tirt>e prescribed by law, why .'-aid 1( tiers should not he granted to said applicant. Given tind"r n v han ! and ot.. ' iJ *' signature, this the i ?th lit j■iMi y, 1381 • I. J. a. HOWARD, Ord. / tKORCI.k, BARTOW COUNT:'.—Two' Months after * J'intc* ii|iplii*Htion will l <* mule *o tlie Co' l! ( " ini' y of Hal tow county. Georgia, at tin lirv I'egular •Teim after the es pi ration of Two Montli; fro. notice for leave (t ec.l the Bands belongi Jc '-he *' l .1 •of VV VV. Tll'i'l.N's, into of said county dee. for tlie bonelit of the heirs ami C c’ 11 ' 01 - L'J said de r.'c: ’ ! Tlita 14)lJ* M»v Isii7 JOIIN B. ill Ail m i'. fl v„. Vs v]r Zs ’,nd bv a«M.»rtty oTthe IS'wd} n-X l Tt«rtEurt house\tr It* Or ' ' !he b-vheat bidder, at t» ,J r „„ Ult! first TueSfla ■teuiv ilie. 0* said c , V,. v, t „, of lard numbei iu 1 'l'’ i's „'r ll'.iti in the twen’y «;rt C-‘*sM P, " <l, lusotid and , '.ectlon of orihlni'By < - ,ur ; ! cli-tru l<l tlicr»« >• 4 > s , , j {) . (UAtiibution ai.d j •Aee. now Bartow C' U« f e rlate. Terms a„i ,he payment ot the \v.\KHkN AKIN, c. h. \ J^xecutif I *. . ROKJI COtf^Y* J«»»n I<| , !"' r;l ' M u)>i*l :ur-s lo in** to L»c r, lin il from lii« ailinimst tw\ ■" ,„,. o f.|, u , ( .s U K, son. - ~,* , ! u"i'lVn’o to fit*' Mrs. Sixroh '« .11 »uJ ' el c'dili" sos said i)t‘i , t' , dsi*ij, to flit* lit l I*' ooj l ( j' o ,„v tl'cv have by tbc first.'Momla>_ in Ati„ . ' l-‘G7, ollii’i vviso letters o' itisioiss.o.i o ,Ir bn Rianted the applieaiit at UM " tl u . c'U't of Ordimirv tor said tout tv. timler mj humlniid ollicial signature, l-u* lu v jm d\ cl J-h 1 p MOSsi, Ordinary. (pus fee $6 Barlow sloi'igas®^® r * * , . ,Hhrfo-e the Courthouse door in the town \\ ' rCarlersA ill., ou the first Tuesday in August next the wiping 1 p>; city to ~ Ro ji, r .ard -nr dSWWs Wiiwi g;. ;«s ti_ra. .1 • - EOP.GIA. CHERGKFE COUNTY. , t , Whereas v l ' ,,v ' lrr; V ;l ? ~, <»1 vV i F'owler, repri'sents. to .oouvt, in hid pfiilion duly tiled ami en irretl on roeorC, that ho has fully ad ministered W L Fowlc-’s estate. i >"* is, i lit-re (ore to cite all persons oOmurn ml, kindred and creditors, to ihow cause ,i an> they can, why said administrator ■tdiouid util he discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters cd dis mission. on the first Monday in Sep tember next. W UD MOSS. Feb’y. 21st 1867. Ordinary. [Printer's lee £6.3 "THE” LIVE DRUG STORE"! &c FOX- Allunla, Ha. The en*i >n of Drugg 1 fMerchants and others ' In.iUii our large and elegant slock of Drugs. Med iius. Dyrstul . Imported and Aiueiican Fancy Good JVi fuittei it s, Toilet articles Ao , ,v\ Also in si.ue and to arrive U.VO lioxes French and A mericau \Viud-w Glass.2lH«i Pounds I'utty (in Bladder, 1 ) to t;-i> Pare- Non F.x plosive’" Coai Oik far preferable to flu Pattei t Petro Oi. f> Bhis Tanners Oii, 5 Rbls \\ hite i ,w 1 a -rica' ng Oik o Bbl* Lard Oil. Sperm oil. Neats- I l t Otl and Varnishes of all Knots 1000 l>t'ls White J.ead and Zincs —Large lot BpauniSh Float indigo, WARRANTED EDOS. 100 SWEEDISII LEECHES, a large *arieiydf Patient jyn fjidici nsnss. WINES AND LIQUORS, or Medical pa. puses .Vc. Ac., ail ', which arc offered X r t; >' t.u VV. ' . it >rs to our City will find at the '••JVIVE J>EtfG STQ'J&g MV't t ileVtcltlfnl J'ofr : »!:or:i*!n*j I>*ink, dr4wji from the Kd iu us u-ud Lcaauiui “ AKC’I ,§oVtt fount, T. r T'- I!Y V L FO X. ( -net V iulclidh & '■ ' streets, Fliliaii'.a. Ga. j dcot'ffia, Btartoic County. Bartow Sup trior Court, March Term, 18G7. L ,za Duriahoo , j VH - Diii for Injunction and R**- G R.M. Tracv. I lief. If r appeal it-.t< to tlie Court, by the re'trrn of the cher • 1 IT. in the above stated css*-, that the defendant iloes • O'r. side in this county, aid it farther appear ng that he Is a noil-re*!'!-at of the Stare; It I*. hereby 1 Uru*•*•*<>, That 'liedefend:.-.? appear at the ne.t term of th.s court and plead, demur r r answer to said Blit, and defmi.t thereof giil B.H t>e t:ik?r. pro con/\ j * n * Rial th-.s | J A ME-* MILN ER, J.' S. C. C, C. j A true e X ! r - - t f rom ,j ie minute*, j April 2d, 1b67, T. A. WORD, Cerk. Georgia. 12a •totv County. ,186/. J Joseph JL. V, mu-head, s J.ilicl for Divorce. • Rule to i’erfect Ser- Sarah F, W hitehead. ) vice. ITAf pe 'ring ‘ the <' urt. by the return of the Shor- I if!, mat tl e defendant does not rt ride In the county, and i* further appearing that the dues not reside In tlds f*tot* : I* is, on motion'. ' trferrrf. That 9 .id d-l 'iidant appear and answer at the next term of i is e >iirt. -.’*e tl, it tlie case be consider I in default, ar,d I," plaint!tt allowed to proceed ; aid ii is further Ortltr*!. Tint »his Rale be published in the Carters- ' tnU t ryrefm cr.ce a n,until for four months. JAMES MILNER, J, S. C. C. C. A true extract ron. the minutes. April 26, 1*67. 'J'. A. Word, clerk. GECRIA . BARTO W COUNTY. In the Superior f'unrt. Present, the honorable James Milner Judge of said court. WM. MILNER, : -VS ; Mortgage, &c, VM. U. CROW, ; March Term, 18G7, i 71 appearing to the Court by the petition of tVilliam Milner, accompanied by the note and m rfgage deed, that on the twenty-eighth day of April, lstin. the de fendant made and delivered to the Plaintiff, this cer tain promiss'ry note bearing date trie y-ir and day aforesaid, whereny, the defendai.t promised on or before the 25th day of December, thereafter, next following Die date thereof, to pay to the Plaintiff or bearer. Five Hundred and Thirty-Four 61-100 Dollars for value received. And ih*t af erwards. on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, Die letter to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to the Plaintiff his deed of mortgage ; whereby the said de fendant. mortgaged t > the Plaintiff lots of land num bers [27J and [2h] in the ISth District, and 2d Section of Parlow county. And it further appearing that said note remains unpaid. It is therefore ordere-% that the said defendant do pay into court on. or before Hie first day of the next lei m thereof, the principal interest aid costs due on said note, and all expenses incurred in the collection of said note, and that on the failure or Tpp defendant so to do, tlie Equity or redemption in and to said mortgaged promises, be forever thereafter barred ar.d fared sod. And it is further ordered that this Ride be published in the Cartersville Express once a month, for four months, previous to the next term cf this Court., or served on the defendant or his special agent, or attorney at least three months pre vious to the next term of this Court. JAMES MILNER, •T. S. O. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bartow County Superior Court, This Bth day of April, 1807. Th os. A. WORD, Clerk. ng^W) Acres ofßartow I propose to sell three tracts of of Land embracing 1200 ACRES, and wi'l Si e cs * 1 ' * >ar ß a ' ,ls n,| W offered in the county. Ist Tract. "Tmcres- lOd ac-escUv.'’' 5 ' 1 ’ nr><ler P"'" 1 fe nc e and in a high state ol erdtivaiio,; The whole tract lies well, prod re* freely ffd is pl«;«^ n ' I ‘*? fWO MURCH vJvT MII.LS LRf HES AM* l"-... - SCHOOLS coTf.-erdent—health arm society good. j; 1 ';:* -wmcritsconslv of a newly ffi.ishdci dwelling IMI -*v' . —LPu house Smith a shop arid other wn " r ‘ i. •»< ( ge'.her with sixoiherseparate ruccEsary ov,.’ '"IP" 1 *- ; enemeutb off tf>v pin ct?. 2nd Tract, Contains "20 acres--SO cleared. Inipi’'> vernc p's common. This place i es 1 mile of the town ol 3rd Tract, Cot.tains 70 acres, one half dear and The above lards can be bought separate or together Terms e sy. Interest in present crop sold with tlie place ~ pi •sired and posses-ion given, forty days from day ot , r4 h'. . B. T. LEEKE. June 1, 1867. w3in ,e. C..:. jl, pj Aur f.j f) W*\/ j p!,: *), .?■\A a &j|p w Df ® will be delivered at mice for wheat t j be delivered at $2, 25 ill Atlanta, by 25th June. IS6T. Address or cull upon AXDREW Wt \\, No 5, Empire Block, Atlanta, Ga. Capt. Taos. Tumlin at ’Euhailee, will act as my Agent. Mrs. Carrie Payne IYYTTF- she attention of the La dies of Cartersville and vicinity, to her FiSHIO X A I? S. E Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. Site has on hand and is mmmu. constantly receiving from Now York the LATr.ST srv is ‘ Ca'<* taken of all work and satisfaction "uarsntied. At' ■ n-iou paid to filling orde-a for p, ~,, f,„cds. Trimmings and Paterns. Over W. 11. l a vlor’s Dry Good t-c re, A TLASTA , GA. 19, I:?'- ".3,0 WOOL r*RDIXG. T: , r .. . ...’rr.icTsfl i>. nn’tinsup machinery for ronnlnp ,_ r k- -aVTs -*t lit irtiL-’-n 1 • 'vah river near the? Wes • eri. i'*tL»ntic p ", bridge. Ik! mites from Carferaville a „y r jr Vic ji—;v. od to do role cardins about *h* Ist of t v' .t'vdl be no in a .itisfic ' T manner and rii'*- rajHp vi r-e-v. J f G - f ic‘ 'V- -• M'U r .rn \ 15 t r . ~,u ; w, J MvCLAICHBI Hand Looms. j DR il SELT.?, ANDREW! CNN, R. P. <■■ ljtNN > cr *ary. Tre^aurt-r. i GEORGIA LOOM AND N MA X U I'F A C TUB IN G COMT AX ¥ Manufacturers and Dlsr.ters, look to yonr interests, and don't fail to call nt Bel!-.lohnson Building, next door to the Post-office, and see it in opperatiou MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HA N BAND POW E R L OOM! Easier L'nders?ood, Easier to Operate, anil more relia ble. Possesses superior advantages over other Hand Looms, 's more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaviug all their Oood3 for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It weaves ps fast as any Factory Doom ! HALF THE COST OF THE CLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BE SA VED BY ITT USE ! From Five to Ten Dollars a day can b- n ade on 1 . ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANLiING. By the turning of an Easy Crank it lets the Warp off, winds up tlie Clotn, treads the Treadles, and throws tlie Shuttle. It, weaves Jeans, Satinets, Linsey, Blanket, Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing Twills of all kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, Baging, Toweling, Table Linen, Bal moral Snirtg, Woolen. Linen and Hemp Carpets—in fact any thing, from a Handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, J Vot larger than a common Breakfast Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, I Os Good Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND' EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Further Particular?, Bill of Prices. Descrip tive Circulars, and San. pies of Wecving. address GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 1867. wfim “OUR MOTTO ’ IfJWBi AND LET LIVE!! Shall be demonstrated in ail our dealings. j. if. SATTERFIELD Sf BEO„ Are now receiving their Spring SUMMER SUPPLIES Os New and Beautiful I*ay- Ooods, Ciothing, Hath’, Beots, SS»oes, and Fotiom*, in *tse prices oi any and all of w lsicij we pledge ourselves to dupll ‘ cate Atlanta hills. We also have on han l a superb lot of I" and roccries irnil produce, which we will sell equally as low ; but, remem- 1 her our terms are unequivocally CASH AND CASH, 0-N-L-Y. The citizens and public generally are earn estly solicited to c«li and examine our goods and prices, and try and prove us and see it we will not comply with our promise. J. H. SATTERFIELD & BHO. Cartereville, Ga., April 19, ~COX : & HILL. 12 av e Xo tv In Store: - Q BARRELS U¥K wmsp, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified M hisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30pkss Cognac Brandy, 20" kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 eases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Warn poo and Drake’s Bitters, ; 100 eases assorted Jfiquors, 25 cases 1 box Sardines, AH oi which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX & HILL, i ATLANTA, Ga... dec!3—wtf HI M MS M £1 onivale Springs, 1867. Till? popular Summer resort having been placed in thorough reoalr. and furnished win new Fiirniturb will be opened for visitors on the Ist of Jl N B next, under the dir.-etion and control of the undersigned— Proprietors of American ft Ul, Alluvia, bo. Moi»i vale presents the strongest attractions jo botn tr vLi ii Hi*d jJeasu»-e-set*ker.. no less on account of its retirement and the beauty of its surrounding acene rv than of the restorative powers of its w aters. «e have reduced the price of Board to the lowest figures consistent with a proper provision for the tntevtam mentf of our €u€et>. It ard, per Day *ff j-r Month oO 00 with an allowance for families. Travellers hr Uailroad resch the Springs by special convey trow London, or by regular daily mail coscbL from Know *!>. Tet n. ' WHITE A WHITLOCK. I Sewing tichu.ti pEEPASEDat the Baltimore Chemical Works, for i Sale by Bsc K. BgST # P ItJJ gJJ., dealersix l‘t,j\ m ;,ff aa : Chemicals, Paints, See . &c. Proprietors of Kramers Hair Eestora tive, Psoricus, Vniversal Bitters, Nerve & Bone liniment, &c. Cartersville, Ca. WE beg leave to inform the citizens gen erally, ami physicians particularly, that we have on hand a large, well selected stocK of Drug's and Medicines, ami are ready to (ill orders at the lowest prices. Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our own supervision, and will warrant all our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best marnets in the country, and buy entirely for cash, we can supply our customers with goods as cheap as the* can possibly be bought elsewhere, We will duplicate any bill of goods bought south of Louisville. Respectfully soliciting your orders, we are Yours very respectfully, Feb 8, 18G7. BEST & KRAMER. New Spring and Summer GOODS, Clothing, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, and a thousand and one things too tedious to e numerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash, at J. ELSAS’ Cheap, Cash Store, Cartersville, Bartow ca„ April 26th. V, R. TOMMEY, J. S. STEWART* JN’ewton. Cos., Ga. Oxford; Got , TOMMEY & STEWART, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE',! At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, i Whitehall Street, Atlanta,*6a. y | Respectfully call the attention of merchants iw.d oth ers to their large and well assorted stock of Foreign ?jid Domestic Hardware,. Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials,, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sytlie Blades, Tools of all kinds, occ., & c.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARI IS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction .Metal. Baugh’s Rawbone de of Jiime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine * proprietors and agents fo] t Brook’s I'alcnt PoTtable Cot ton and Hay Screw aatcl Revolving Cress In over one hundred counties in Georgia^ &ATCounty Rights for ScJe.~Z£M April 12, ly. Wholesale and K etail 0-AJSCE3I CLOTHING HO-DSE. TTff liavenow in store, -and are recieving regularly VV a u the LATEST STYLES of MEN AND BOYS’CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, &c, &c. Which vre will sell at a very slight advance on first cost OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is now complete. Xuils of All Kinds Promptly Made We guarantee FIT,[ST\"LK, and QUALITY", HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. SE II 'EYIr .H./f CtSEYES. Having acc*!'ted the'Genera! Agency for the Flate of Georgia, of the WEED SEWING MACHINE, we are jirepsir-.u to sell them at Manufacturer's piices.— Thtse Machines, after a thorough trial for years, have proven thrmstlves to be the SIMPLEST AND BEST for general family use now made. O ir arrangetuen’s are now complete to furnish aDy of the leading Sewing Machine* at, maker's prices, HERRING 6t LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! FACTORY YARNS. lirE are DicArenta of the Athens Manufacturing Cos., ' ' ni and win •bpir Varus aifa»;to.-v rates to hole* l «iye<T at our ClotLiug House, Whitehall Mat HERRING <V LEYDEN HARDWARE. J. B. S J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, tSiSSLa iron, Nails, Steel, HELTIXC2, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANICAL T D OLS, ci till Trades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS. Builders* Hardware, AXES. HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, Boiling Cloths, MILL GEARING AND XASIINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware EdahiiNhment. All of which will he t*oid low for cash. We have just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Boltins; Cloths, of all desirable nuinb<.ref'.vhict, we offer Lmo for Cash ! ALSO MILL PICKS, S7THES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articli s which you need, and which we are desirous of selij >g-, Call and see us when you visit Atlanta. J. M. & I, C. ALEXANDER, Whitt nail Street, ATLANTA, GA, April .26, .1867 w6m Samukl Clayto v, R. A. Clayton. S CLAYTON & SON, DEALERS IN GEIEB.AL MERCHANDISE, CAI.UERSVILLE, GA. Store Ri ion! in the Corner room of the NEW BJ iI(JK BUILDING, ADJOINING tl'ie Bartow House. Would respectfulty invite the citizens Carter sville and surrounding country , To call and examine our which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, TSN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. . Mr. LHI AH STEPHENS, so long and fav orablv known to this community, is with tss. He will be pleased to meet his friends, ■&n 1 will he ever ready to supply their wants. Our TERMS are CASH, and we will be eo nte.nted with small profits. No trouble to sh jw goods. Come and see us. Feb Bth, 1867. f ‘ORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ARE now receiving their 2’;i I I a*s <! Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOiES, the largest ever brought to this c,ty. These good 5 come direct from the Eastern manufac tory* £, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip.oalfand bull’Brogans and "Balmorals—Boots, of a ! l styles, thick, wax, kii"*, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, Mitscs’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, IT. FORCE. B. VV. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will !>e glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept £6. J Y N. GILREATH a SON, now receiving a geneial stock of 1 SPRING AND SUMffi consisting of ladies’ Dress Goods HATS. GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing. Also a well assorted stocK of Hardware and Crockery, Family Groceries, which was selected by one of the firir. In person. We ask purchasers to call and examine our stock and pri ces. We expect to sell low for cash. Give us a call. Cartersville, Ga, April 12,1866.- w2m SI,OOO HEWAHD. Hunter’s Specific. I'IHE great English Remedy. A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnoraboea, Syphilis, Fain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseasesoi the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseases, Diabetis, Stone in Bladder, Effects of Murcury, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Diet. —lt is not disagreeable to take. —lt imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tone tbe whole system. —lt removes impurities of tbe blood. • Sold, wholesale and retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, Ga, ] rn 25.wCra ml, m, mam, C AMI AGE REPOSITOKY AM) CARTERSVILLE, GA. pSjySpccial attention given to llc|»ulr ingv HAVING opened business nt rrty old stand. I am prepared to do any and all mims of work desired in the Carriage Line, at low tig lues for cash. 1 shall keep on hand a line assortment of Buggies Sc Carriages and enn, at short notice, furnish any kind oi a VEHICLE desired. Having connected myself with M essrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, a * a well known and reliable firm, I will sell at Augusta. freights added, front the best Factories at the North and East. All of which will be warranted right, Being well acquainted with the country and people, with long experience in the business, 1 purpose to furnish the market with such work as will give perfect satisfaction, I shall he able to furnish the entire country, as m; facilities are unlimited. Call and examine, i' shall cost you nothing. I feel assured tha> the good people of this county will appreciate the honest efforts of one of their old citizens, broke down by the war, It. H, JONES, January 17, '867 wly NEW FIRM. Up Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. HAVE just received a FINE AS- S°KTMEN T OF HARNESS LKA-jJNIfcA IjTjHsyjTllEtt and other materials ueces-jLJEsig a sary for a fii at class *» SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of HARNESS to order. Old Harness made new. [?] SADDLES RE P IKED withneatmss and dispa'ch. Customers by calling can find an assortment of New Work always on hand, Cheap for Cash. Cartersville, eta., April sth. 1867. New Marble ITard. S. B. OATMAN, -Agent. * For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block aditle., and White Rutland Statuary At A R B L E. WE are now receiving and „ Vl g ha y e io store, a large and^^R'^m jMm || (desirable stock of finishedß^l? ; l\|]j ( Ml I '' and rough Marble, whichlffrffeL' 1 we offer to the public on IwlfsL the most reasonable jEs-=LS| Owing to the high price of marble at thb time, many persons arc kept from purchasing.. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales —such is mv motto. YV-e are prepared to furnis.i in the best style. Monuments, c irved and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &c„ and Furnishing Marble of all de scriplions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage- Designs of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’icited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Bellvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA , Ga Dec 6th, 1806. DRY GOODS! DRV GOODS! New Arrival! TABLE Y, BROWN &CO Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now dai'y receiving their S[C C N D INSTALL MEN OF ■Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock, they nil RECEIVE WEEKLY, duiing the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! THEY HAVE ON HAND NOW ! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosambiques. Grenadines, Organdie Muslins, White and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS White and Fancy T irlatons, White anil Fancy Bril'iants, Tucked Skirt Goods, Alexandra Kid Gloves—light colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED, May B—w6m. HEW LIQUOR STO RE. JR. J)l.Ilose& Cos, ■Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys, Gins, Rums, &c. &c. No $ Granite Block, Broad sir. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED ANd"dOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade offered at low figures. Country dealers are specially invited to give us 1 call and sample or.r Liquors, which we guarantee to he as u ■ represent them. Anil iatiafactlon given in every ti >"S»i'ii«n. Jufi* • - tv. It. M, ROSE A CO. USb EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specie* of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters, It will cure Intermitent Fever and Feter and Ague, and ull periodical disorders U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will give immediate rcliefiu Colic and Flui USE EDWARD WILDER S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BIT IT.RS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant fcj Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious A’teruutive tonicior all family purpose*. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Rccuperaut after the frame has been reduced and attonualed by hickncas USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH IHTTHIIS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as well as Strew oner ul the digestive force... US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH IIITTIiIIS. As it is being daily used and prescribed he all physicians, as the formula w 11 Lie handed any regular graduate. EDWAIiI) WIJ.DKIt, HULK PKItOPHIKTOit, X a. * 1 r, !»| a i a Sir »• c t, wait am fhont, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. FOR'sAI.E, WHOLESALE AND ItKiUl, f.V REDWINE U FCS, WHOLKsHALH AM) KKTAH. VIMUIU I* 1 N Corner WhilPhtiihiud Ala. Ms AT J.. AST A, fc. Nov. 9 1 v W w CT* no its people or the territory or Georgia i— look to your interest 1 And come to the Store of And buy your Clothing/Hats, Boots and Shoes at New York Cost. 1 We are determined to coniine oueselves strictly to a Fancy Dry-Goods trade. Hence we make the above proposition sell out that pm of our stock AT COS T. Country Merchants Look to your interest! Ladies call at our store and your Fancy Dry -Goods Cheap. We are aware of the hardness of the times and the scarcely of money in the country, and with direct reference to the wants he trade, we bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to sell them low indeed, and we are determined to sell as we bought, as now our motto is quick. :-s and short ptofits. J. H. WHITE <*• CO, East side Whitehall Street. June 7, —Dm. Atlanta, Ga.