The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 05, 1867, Image 2

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(From Tht Land we Loir ] I, Klnmnr<i us the Morgan Haiti into Imlinua anti Ohio. A DESERTED VILLAGE. Two companies of iho “Indiana L**- j giuii” went(io'.vn Iroin their respective ; tiiwut —Jonesville and Plaining!on —to , show Gen. Morgan light at V eriton. j T'»< t*.vo towns mentioned were on a line with Vernon: Jonesville* was the i nearest : therefore the Jouesvillians reached the “seat of war” lirst. Just j outside the captured borough, at j «afe distance, they halted ami commenced t to drill, for their eoniru imier, h ing a wise man, did not deem it altogether expedient to lead a freshly-organized company into battle until they hull heard at least something of army lac* ; tics. The spot ahosen by the venturesome Jonesvillnns, in wMeli to educate i themselves for war, was n deep valley, I and while they were righting their c yes. ! sold wheeling, marching, r ountennarch- j mg and charging ; their friends, the j Flainingtor.ians, appeared on the hill, j The Jouesvillians recognized them at ! once, and with a view to showing off. j began to indulge in a series of figures sold nourishes so sublime as never vet to have been thought of by any writer id army tnelics. But the I‘laiiiinglQn inns were less fortuna’e in point ol recognition. They saw the Jonesvil liatis and halted ; a brie*, very brief, consultation was field ; a “right-about face’' was ordered, and just as their neighbors began to indulge in one ol their grand charges towards the lop of ihe bill, with an eye single to their splendid reception, iliey struck oil towards Jonesville, sans anv word ol command, or order to march, at the rate, as a musician might say, of three beats in a bar. 'l'liis movement on the part of their co-laborers in the “cause of their country” greatly astonished the Jones villians, for it never in the least occurred to them, that they, the loyal representatives of the loval town of Jonesville, could possibly be mistaken fur a band of rebel-. There was something dreadful in the wind ! What that was, it did not take their imagina tions long to conjure up. From their advantageous position the Plaininglon bovs had, most likely, seen Morgan and his whole force sweeping on in that direction. i’hey were then, in all probability .just ready to come over the hill from the direction of Vernon —a moment later and they would be tearing ilowp upon Hirm like a herd of loeo n, >nve . With one accord this itm,r as sion seemed to force its< 11 upon every member ol t lie company, and by common consent they continued their ch ’fge straight on after the demoralized IMatningtotiions ; or rather, they con torted it into what those worthies mistook for a most vigorous and malignant PURSUIT. Such a race was never seen before, j,ml may never come oti'again. The Jnnesvilli ms took new fright at every » xtra exertion on the part of the Plaimiigtoniatis, and so, to use a homely phrase, they kept it up, nip and nip. Finally the dis a icc between Vernon ami Jonesville was overcome, and into the latter place dashed the Piainington nns, calling to the citizens to fly lor their lives, as Morgan and his horse thieves were right at hand. And the citizens flew. Some to their cellars, some to tlieir garrets, and some toward the neighboring woods. In five min* utes it was a legitimate bediain. Men shouted to each other and swore at each other, or someone else; women screamed, children squalled,jacks bray ed, and dogs barked —every sound that the little town was qualified to make came pouring lorth tributary to the great hub-bub that was coming oil’with Mich commendable volume. ITp dashed the Jouesvillians, just as the excitement was highest. The Piaiiiinglonians were completely ex hausted, and as it did not occur to them that rebels were only flesh and blood, and then fore liable to gel in the same condition, they concluded it was folly to longer continue the flight. So when their friends appeared, they threw down their arms and prepared to surrender unconditionally. o surrender !” cried the comman der of die Plainingtonians, as the other company swept up towards them. “.Never!” responded the Jonesville man, “never think of surrendering as long as volt can tight. We are going to make a stand here, and protect our homes, or die bv them. Back us up, my good neighbors—by our united efforts we can check the hordes of treason, and hold them till reinforce ments come to our aid. The goodly town of Jouesvil’e must not be thus tamely sunendcred up without an effort to save her.” Anew light broke in upon the l’lainingtonians, and straightway their courage arose far above zero. Seizing tlieir arms, they swore that the surren der of Jonesville, or of anything, or any one else, was the last thing they could ever think of. “You interrupted me,” said tlieir commander ; “1 did not mean that we were willing to surrender —here is what. 1 was going to say, “we surren der? We lay down our arms ? Never, while there i- a sinew at command, or a country that tails for ottr services!” The commanders were now each j highly pleased with the other. A lew words', however, sufficed to show pretty ; clear!v just bow matters stood, and; what all this great race hail been about, yd neither was w illing to acknowledge the corn ; so they made out that Mor w.‘? coming, sore citoucb, and that - they l.i ad double-quicked, not because tbev were fra id of him, hut bceaus c they wanted io gd to Jo;.? r' die he.! 1 nf him it; order tint they might defend the 'own. tin they went out and ' formed in line of battle on the Vernon * side ol the place, and, m the language of the poet, —*• Waited and waited Until did pre* ail The that hinds had Abandoned the trail,’* Or. in other words, waited till night came on and a runner came with it. bring'Mg a mess id astonishing Intelli -2 mcc to tin- frightened citizens of the “deserted village,” to the effect that (General Morgan had quitted Vernon, was marching, not towards Jonesville, but directly a wav from it. It is a matter of wonder to some how it was that w ith the immense force they i called out, the Federals did not prove J more annoying to General Morgan in ■ : ihe course ol his raitl. The conduct of the two companies mentioned above may serve as a partial explanation. | There w ere enough constantly at hand | to have swallowed the Confederates ; without salt, as the saying is, but like i the Jouesvillians, they were generally j only a little distance away, engaged in | drilling, or something else. I recollect | a little aflair that came off just after the i army got into Ohio. If not strictly l humorous, it goes to further substanti- I ate what I have been saving with reference to the keep-off propensities that were so fully developed in the “Legions and also to show that when accidently wrung in they were deeid i edly SHARP SHOOTERS. Sergcrnt Gilcrease, of the 10th Ken tucky, had taken a small squad of men and struck out from the main army for the purpose of picking up a few fresh horses. They came to a place where too pretty good sized farms joined each oilier, with tlieir buildings so located as to hr but a short distance apait. On tlieir riding up to one of the farm bouses the proprietor came out and received them with a very prominent show of friendship lie had no horses just at hand, but be might put them in the way to find plenty—anyhow, he was friendly to the cause ofllie South, and therefore would be too happy to do anything he could for them. While they were sitting on their horses, lis'ening to the old fellow’s bladge, n gun was fired, over about the other house, and the ball was heard to pass rather unpleasantly near the little band. Sergeant Gilcrease asked the old gentleman what it meant. He told them there was a boy out in an orchard of the other farm shooting birds —noth- ing more. This explanation did not fully satisfy Sergeant Gilcrease, so he told his men to remain and see what they could do with the old farmer, while he galloped over and took a look at matters and lliinos about the other house. There was a long lane running past the house; the end of it nearest to where the Confederates were, was fenced up, and had a large gate. — Sergeant Gilcrease opened the gate, and as he passed through, it swung shut again of its own accord. All went well enough, and nothing looked at all suspicions until he was within a few paces of the house, when, to his amazement, out ol it, and front around it, poured at least a lull company of Federal State Guards, all ol whom commenced firing upon him as rapidly as possible. To retreat was not practicable, for the gate was dosed and it would not do to stop for the purpose of opening it; to clash right past the house, and down the lane was the only direction in which lay the slightest hope of his escape. It was a hazardous undertak ing but he undertook it, and strange as it may seem, ran the gauntlet without either himself or his horse receiving a scratch, although there must have been considerably over a hundred shots fired at him. Whether this company was drilling at the farm house, or not, 1 never learned —one thing l know, they were not making very strenuous eflorts to find General Morgan ; and another thing f?ergt. Gilerease knows, the)' would have made a very desirable band of sharp shooters —for an enemy. He savs in no instance during lire raid was he so completely disgusted with the Northern ‘-Legions” as in this — firing one hundred fair shots at short range, and not one scratching him. •An exehang ssks ; “Can any of our readers pursue the following touching appeal and retain a dry eye ? If they can* they must be hard heat ted ; Oh Sally dear, the evening’s clear. Thick flies the swimmer swaller, The sky is blue, the fields in view, All laded green and yalier. Come let us stray our toilsome way. A ml view the charms of timer — The barking dogs, the squealing hogs —And eat our roasted taler. Chief Justice Chase has decided that parties South, owning debts North, who paid Cojiiederate receivers, are now discharged of their obligations- The latest news is to the effect that Maximillian lias been pardoned on con” dition that he leave Mexico as soon as the ports of Tampico and Vera Cruz are optnad for his departure. “Married, up town, the other day, at Mrs. Williams’, Mr. William Williams, of Williatnspoi t, to his cousin Miss Lizzie Williams. For particulars, see shiedl Bill's — Ezeliange. The bnv who undertook to ride a ii, radjf!' IS now j«r:o- tcuiff OP ? saddle ol mutton. fb Express. ::: •• X j SAM SMITH ami ROUT. P. MILAM J Editors and Proprietors. Caiprsvillc Oa, July 5. k new Railroad Project. \ fram a communication in another column o»l»is paper, it will be seen that anew Uail rovl project is proposed, to-wit: From Deca- I tur, A!a., to Cartersviile, Ga. A project is j now on foot to run a railroad from the former point to the c ; ty of Atlanta. The route from i this point to Van Wert, a distance of twenty 7 i miles, has already been chartered and survey ed, and found practicable and cheap—-perhaps as cheap as any route of the same length could he found anywhere else in the State. There is no way to construct a railroad from Atlanta to Van Wert without crossing that range of mountains extending across the State and known as the benches es the great Blue-ridge, and much other very rough count; v. The distance between the points must be between fifty and sixty miles, with the Chattahoochee River and numerous smaller streams to cross. Our corrcspendent argues that, two millions of dollars can be saved by letting the road from Decitur, Ala., intersect with the Western Atlantic Railroad at this point, via Van Wert, and advises the corporators of the Cartersviile and Van Wert Railroad to surrender the char ter of the same for the perfecting of the new | route. The advantages of this project are ap j parent to all who have any knowledge of the two rout s. First, forty-eight miles of the route is already completed in the Western and Atlantic Railroad, it being that distance be tween this point and Atlanta. Second, the business of the Slate, Lumber, Wood, and other interests along the route between this i and Van Wert alone will justify the construc tion of the road between the two points', to say nothing of the superiority of the lands along this route when contrasted with the other route; and Third and last, it will accomplish in the end precisely the same object, so far as Atlanta and the railroads converging there are concerned, as all the freights received from it must he disgorged in that citv and distributed among her various railroads as though it had reached there by the other route, and in ad dition to this, it will prove a great feeder to the Western and Atlantic or State Road, in which enterprise every bona fide citizen of the State feels, or should feel, an abiding interest. Wliat is best to be done ? How often do we hear this question asked in regard to our political status ot late days.— Who can answer it impartially or advisedly 1 If we were left to consult our own prejudices and feelings we could do it without hesitation. But would that lie for the best ? The ques tion is what is best to be done under all the circumstances 1 fc-ha II wc register and vote, il entitled, or shall we let the wholethingog by de fault? We think we can, at least advise our readers, in part, in regaid to the last question, and that is, by all means, register your names, whether you ever vote again or not— UEtasTEu. You know not what emergency may arise in the future, and il you fail to reg stei now you will be deprived of a vote. It certainly can do no one any harm to register, and it may he a great boon hereafter to be allowed t e privi lege of suffrage. The time may come, sooner or later, when you can save your conntry from anarchy and ruin and preserve our institutions and perpetuate constitutional liberty and free dom by being a voter. Don’t surrender the last ves;e u e of a freeman to gratify your politi cal prejudices and animosities. But how shall I vote —for or against a cm \ention? If I vote against it, as my inch na tions lead me, I fear I will eventually be dis franchised and my property confiscated, or, to say the least of it, wo will be forced to live un der the rule of the bayonet, whi e still more oppressive conditions and degrading terms will be forced upon us. Why, I am certain, if all these evils are to befall us, we had better vote fora convention. But, then, if I vote for a convention I shall be considered a radical and consequently an enemy to my country and people, by voting to saddle upon the same an infamous, oppressive, unjust and unconstitu tional measure, or, in other words, putting the knife into ihe hands of my enemies with which to cut my own throat. So, between the two extremes I am unable t> determine which is the best. Oh, that I could ? Well, thousands of Georgia’s sons occupy this undetermined position to-day! One party leader advises them one way and another in a different way. While they take a standpoint and survey the situation, on the one hand looms up in the dis tance the constitution, republicanism, justice and humanity, all arrayed in their beautiful and time-honored robes of purity and chas ity, while on the other hand hideous visions of bristling bayonets, disfranchisement, con isca tion, and degradation arc marshalled forth to intimidate and awe the admirer of the former. At every crook and turn of our path wc still hear the question ask 7 and, “what is best to be j dene!” Again, wc say, be sure and REGIS- j TER, first, and then Jo as we shall do, vote i as our judgment dictates to be best under all ! the circumstances, irrespective ot par y obii- ■ gatious or considerations. you want to laugh heartily, j don’t fail to read the article headed “Humors ol the Morgan Raid into ( Indiana and Ohio,” which we extract) from The Lund ff'c Love, and will j be found in another column of this pa- ’ per. Messrs. Editors : It has became indhpensible to the future prosperity of Atlanta, Augusts!, and Charleston, that a shorter railway Connection be established with the Mississippi Valley, to secure to them the immense trade legitimately theirs, by location and the facilities they pos sess for continuing the transportation eastward ; w henever this connection is made, it will be the cheapest touie to New 7 York and Liverpool. Notwithstanding, these cities are lol ly aware of the facts, and long since desirous of establishing this very im portant link ol Railroad; yet the difli cullies, in the \ya\, on all the proposed routes, have resolved the cost to an amount exceeding a compensation of returns. And to obviate the difficulty in their way, and secure to them the end in view, w 7 e invite them to unite with us upon '.lie charter ot the Car* tersvil'e & Yanwfrt Road, and the, connection can be easily made, at a cost saving §2,000,000. A road, from Cartersviile by Van Wert to Decatur, Alabama, will benefit Ihe State Road so much that no one can doubt for a moment a favorable arrangement with the State Road ; (interest always controls) the State, so much impressed with ihe importance ' of these roads in developing some o* the best resources of the State. Whilst adding to the value of her own proper ly — the State road, was induced to grant a.charter liberal beyond a prece dent, ami doubtless, nan be induced to lend further aid if it becomes necessary to its success. Which will start us with a powerful ally. Then let the Georgia Railroad, and Charleston Road, and Atlanta, unite with us at this end, and the Memphis & Charleston road at the other end, and commence work immediately at each end, and induce as many citizens on the line to take contracts as possible payable in stock; ami what is to prevent a certain and speedy success? Con sidered a part from any ulterior end in view, this road must of necessity be one of the best paying roads in the South. 1 know of no road exepet the Baltimore and Ohio Road, which will •surpass this road in the amount ot freight it will cary; the two items ot slate ami lumber may soon swell to an importance greater than the Coal trade, as Slate is destined so soon as that in terest is fully developed at Vauwert, to run out of market ail other articles in use for house-covering, to say nothing of the many other valuable purposes subserved, and for furniture, &c; be sides passing through one of the finest farming lands in Georgia, it runs along the edge of, thence from Vanwert di rectly through the largest interior belt of Long Leaf Pine in the South, fur nishing immense quantity of lumber freight, Charcoal freight, Wood, Tar, &c. In making links of connection for the purpose ol transporting large quan tities of heavy freights, the great disid eraturn is to shorten and streighten roads. Most of the roads of the United States are crooked, some seemingly unnecessarily, adding vastly to their cost of construction, in iron, in loss ol time, speed, and wear and tear of machinery, besides taxing unnecessari ly their customers. But like the Czar of Russia, we have not at our command the means to obviate all these inconveniences, and say let the road be built perfectly straight, if so this connection might be made direct iroin Atlanta to Decatur, by building a road 150 miles long, by way of Marietta 125, via Cartersviile 153 miles. It being a fact, that our connection by air line is only 3 miles further than a direct line, and that our chances for preserving distance to an Air Line, is equal to the chances of either of the other proposed routes, and having the advantage to connect on liberal terms bv charter with the State Road, 48 miles above Atlanta on the way to Decatur, and the labor of the Peniten* tiary guaranteed by the charter free ot cost to grade the road to the Stale line, taken in connection with the other advantages alluded to, does not com mend this route to those who have to foot the bill of this new enterprize. Human nature has undergone a mate | j rial change since the war. If our ! Engineer did not make a very great ! mistake we can reach the Alabama line at a cost of about 831)0,000 by using the ; hands of the Penitentiary and through i Alabama wc would, at a rough estimate ! say, that 82.000,000 will be sufficient to finish the connection making it a i very cheap Road. 1 'These are only a few of tht? many favorable points that might be made. Wc invite those interested to inves tigate this route and think of it, and yon more impressed with its importance every time you think of it. ; S. For the Cartersville Express. Essay on Food BY F.PItIRtJS “If music be she food of love, play on. Give me excess of it, that. surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Shakespeare. Butter-milk, is a nice drink if well managed. To give it a pleasant, pecu liar. acid taste, mix with hot water while churning. Keep it in a warm place to aid fermentation. Like brandy and honey, the older it becomes the thicker and better. Experience has taught ine that it may even be given to delicate pigs without serious inju ry. Oysters are also a pleasantbeverage. Those that are dr ird and put into air tight cans lull of water are best. Their odor is delicious. Eat them raw or cooked, llogs will eat them when very hungry. Cucumbers are good for puny Children and dyspeptics. To prepare them for the table, gather them before they get too ripe, put salt and pepper on them, eat freely for dinner, and take a good dose of salts on going to b ed.— Do not be afraid to give them to your hogs ; they are not apt to hurt them, if they don’t eat to o many. Sour Krout, is a nice and pleasant dish. It is easy of digestion when given to milk Cows and dutchmen.— Keep it covererd in brine, and it will continue sour and work, even after it is taken into the stcmache. It must be protected from the green flies, who are very partial to it. Eggs when eaten should be sound and clear of young chickes. To ren der them good and wholesome, boil them two hours-and a half, in hot wa ter, or bake them until they are per fectly dry, When cooked as above they will digest in three or four days. Turnips cannot be to highly estima ted as an article of food. They con tain a great deal of vegetable matter, | and also some water. They leave a ! pleasant fan well after they are eaten and like that agreeable and delicious 1 esculent, called onion, may be felt and tasted many days hence. Lager Beer, is a delectable refresh ! incut and is very pleasant to a refined • and cultivated, taste. The fastidious ' dutch arc said to be fond of it. A sub | stitutc nisv be made as follows : Take 1 ' old shoe soSr, burn it well and pulver ! ize it, add a handful of rhubarb and I ground ginger, equal portions of each, ; then pour in a quart of vinegar and wa -1 ter mix well, let it settle, drain it off, ■ and sweeten to your taste. Hinton Rowan Helper ? What he says about the negro now. Read. ‘•We should so far yield to the evident designs and purposes of ProviJence as to be both wilting aiul anxious to see the negroes,like the Indians and all o ther effete and dingy lined races , grad natty exterminated from the face of the whole earth. Every body remembers the great crusade he raised against slavery in 18. ! GO, in his little book sent out as a campaign document, about the poor negro: Friend Smith of the Express, after reading his patrons a long lecture, and by the way a very good one, upon the subject of ‘-meeting their obligations,” gets off the following paragraph in con clusion : In conclusion, we would say, th at while you are settling up with other 8 * if you should owe the poor printer any" thing for subscription, job work or ad’ vertising, don’t pass him by T in t silence» for, remember, that, “Delinquents on the printer’s books Can never get to Heaven.” Smith’s head is level, and although his patrons, perhaps, can't see it , we think we can. —-Rome Commercial, Annexation.— The New Orleans Times strongly advocates immediate military interference on the part of the United States, in. the affairs of Mexico, w ith a view to early annexation. Registration in Chattooga County —We learn from Mr. Goodwin, one of the Registers, that up to last Thursday morning, the books had been opened at Summerville, Taloga, 7’rion Factoty and Alpine. Four hundred voters had registered, of which 350 were white and 50 colored. Home Courier. —Mr. Sparks, of Louisiana, owned before the war IS3 slaves, has lately! inquired after them till he has learned j the piesent status of them alk Out of j the whole number, just forty are found 10 bo living. Lo the poor Freedman! An old bachelor says the most diffi cult part of surgery is to take the jaw out of a woman. Light! Light. UsTOUsT EXPLOSIVE gvmo ©a. This Oil makes the best, safest and cheapest light of anything known. It Is fully f' al J| l ' . R ./ u, . r .?“''r, its superiority. It. can be used in anv Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, by attaching the Unlit HOUSkIILUNtR, whieh ts preferable to all othe-s. This Oil makes a clear, b.ight smokes less and burns lougcr than other Aiu until* safe a< a tallow candle It will not explode, as oaa be demonstrated in a moment. Tire METEOR SAFETY LAMP is a perfect gem—a universal favorite—and gives a LIGHT for less than half acent an hour. For sale by KIRKPATRICK & CO.. Cartersville, Ga. F. M. FLL.II9, Calhoun, Ga. RUFE W. THOTNTON. Proprietor of Bartow and Gordon counties. Also act. for the sale of County Rights. Those desirous of raa king money, will dtf well to oorrespond him at Calhoun, Ga. j* ts, '£■ S. MAIHs&S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ( Boots and sboe», Leather. Calfskins and Shoe Findings. I take this method of calling your attention to the fact that I have returned to Allan' a and have opened *n Rawsou’s building, cotner of Whitehall and Hunter Streets, (next door to Chamberlin, Cole & Boynton s elegant Dry uoods store,) one of the most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes, Hemlock and Oak L ea theri Calf Skins , Lining and Bind indin g Skins , LASTS, PEGS, SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AND FINDINGS to he foud in this City—ln short, everything usually found in a first class Shoe and Finding Store, which stock I propose to keep full at all times, and sell them at a price which cannot fail to suit, Wholesale or Retail. Having had an experience at fourteen years in this business In the state of Geohgia, and having spent most of the last two pears in the Northern andJEasiern markets, quymo'jjoodsfor cash for several large .Southern Houses, I ilater myself that lln ve superior advantages over all competition in buy ine—and making all my purchases exclusively for cash only and having determined to aell for CASH ON DELIVERY I will duplicate any bill of Goods in my line, bought of jobbing Houses in New York or Boston, adding only expense of transportation. &c. to This point. THE ABOVE, TOGETHER WITH THE ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MY PURCHASES ENABLES ME TO SELL BOOTS AND SHOES AS I.OW AS INY JOBBING HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES, Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. Remember the place— *iSgrßawson,s Building. corner of Hunter and Whitehall Streets; next iloor to ChambeiTn, Cole &, Boynton’s Dry Goods Store, and (he sign I. T. BANKS. N. B. lam not connected In buslnci* with any other house In this city. Th.- sign'and the fi. ni Is X- T. IBJAHSTIKIB- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Barlow Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold before the Courthouse door in the town of Cartersville, on the first Tuesday in July next, within legal sale hours, the fellowing property to wit : ONE HUNDRED ACRES of lot of I,and —No. 247—being in the Sixth District nnd Third Section of sail! County of Bartow—with a good Framed*House thereon; containing Two Rooms, with Stack Chimney,—Levied on as tire Property of Wm. HUNTER; to satisfy a “fi fa” issued from County Court of said County, in favour of Al. C. JACKSON vs Wm. ‘Hunter—Property pointed out by Deft. —A L SO ON E TWO-HORSE WAGON-Levied on liy virtue of, and in favour of, the Flaintilf of said “Fi Fa.” --ALSO-- ONE HOUSE AND LOT, in the Town of CARTERSVILLE Known as the William Callahan Lot; now Occupied by Thomas Powell, Levied on as the Property of Thomas Powell. To satisfy a Superior Court “Fi Fa” From Bartow Superior Court, In Favour ofS. J. COX, Bearer, vs Powell & Owens: Prop erty Pointed out by Plaintiff, ALSO ONE HOUSE & LOT in the town of Car tersville in said county, whereon defendant now lives. Nos. not known; containing one Acre of Land. Levied on as the Property of Thomas Powell, to satisfy 4 Justice court “Fi Fas” from the Justice court of the 822 District G. M.; one in favour of Smith & Bryant »s Thomas Pow-ell; one in favor of J. Elsas vs Thomas Powell; One in favour of W. L, Goodwin & Stocks vs Thomas Powell & Ow ens, and One in favour of W. H. Pritchett, vs Thomas Powell & John J. Jones Security. Property pointed out by Plffs. Levies made and returned to me by a constable. This July 3d, 1867, W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff; AARON COLLINS, Depty. Sheriff. Georgia, bartow county.—By virtue of an Order from the Court of Or dinary of Bartow County, Georgia, will be Sold before the Court house door in CARTERS VILLE, on the First Tuesday in September next, between the Legal Hours of Sale, the following Tracts or Parcels of LAND, viz : Lot of Land No. Seven Hundred and Ninety (790), Seven Hundred and Ninety-Five (795), Fractional parts of lots numbers as follows : Seven Hundred and Twenty-Three, (723), Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two, (862); said land being in said county and State, originally known as Cherokee county, in the 4th District and 3d Section ; being part of the Real Estate of Jas. C. Sproull, deceased, containing by survey lIOJ acres; sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased. HUGH D. COTHRAN, Adm’r, ELIZA M. SPROUT,L, Admr’x July 3<r, 1887. Georgia. Bartow county.—six ty days after date application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Bartow co., Ga., fr r leave to sell the LANDS belonging to the Estate of Jas. C. Sproull, late ot said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs & creditors of said deceased. H.D. COTHRAN, Adtn’r, ELIZA M. SPROULL, Admr’x, July 4th 1867. Estate of Jas. C. Sproull, • UNITED STATES IIOTEE. (WHITAKER & SASSEEN, Proprietors,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TXTE take pleasure in informing our old friends, patrons and the public gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, and enlarged the above House, making it in 6tyle and capacity equal to any house in this city. We have done this at a heavy expense. Our House is well located, within 100 yards of j the General Passenger Depot; and we flatter ourselves that a long experience and .strict ap plication to business will not fail to be appre ciated by a generous public. Our charges for the present will be §3 per day for transient board, and we arc offering special inducements to business men for single meals, &c. WHITAKER & SASSEEN, july2-tf Proprietors. I hereby forewarn ail persons not to trade for a note given by me to Messrs. Short Broth ers, of New York, for One Hundred and Nine ty-nine Dollars and Eight cents, as I do not intend to pay said note unless compelled by law. The consideration for which the note was given has entirely failed. E. V. JOHNSON, Kingston, Ga., June 1867. (■reeitbaclis Hlrfipnlncki ! ? I To Loan on unencumbered RE AL ESTATE. FOR SALE or exchange for city nr town property or North Georgia hind, 1923 Acres of No 1 FARMING & TIMBERED LANL ! Il is within 11 miles of Savannah, Ga,; one fourth of a mile of Depot, and a half mile of Tide Water Address DR, HUGH A, BLAIR J Cartersville,Ga. I NOTICE. Cartersville, Ga, June 25th 1837. I)y order of James Milner, Judge of the Su- Jperior Cou-t of the Chero ee Circuit, there will be an adjourned term of the Superi or Court held for the County of Bar*mv on the sth Monday tn July next, for tb" trill of criminal cases. Jurors, parties am' witnesses will take due notice and govern 'luuin 'ves ac cordingly. TIIOS. A. V\ CRD, Clk. L. C. B. C. Mraiuu" MOWER ADD IRy IE .A. IP m X© . Best Machine in the Woi *«1. Manufactured by C, Ault man 4* Cos. CANTON, OHn. For 1867. Jfv&S WE have been appoint vjHr «and agents for the sale o 'gjSL ’pst?*' Bfld'Msitfk this celebrated Moive im' . ana Reaper, for the ooun ties 111 Barlow, Gordon, Cherokee, and P, liens, amt will sell to any parlies who wish the .'I chine delive eil to them here. The prices are low and terms ie »” u , able. Pie se call at once and obtain oiroulu.s giving description and juices, or address JOHN J. HOWARD, or W. ii. GILBERT. Cartersville, Ga., April 12 ißi>l. wSm Through Rates on Wheal from Cartersville, TO Macon, 19 Cent*. “ Savannah,.. 36 •* “ New York, Philadelphia, I 16 “ “ Baltimore, | Cars go through from Atlanta to Savannah without transfer. First class side Wheel Steamships, leave Sa- I vannah every Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday, there- I by securing to shippers prompt delivery in New Yoik, free for varding and no wharfage or dray-age on wheat for New York, Philadelphia or Baitimare. G. J. FOREACHE, General Agt., je 28,—1m Atlanta, Ga. THE BURNT HICKORr The subs.riber respectfully informs the eft’sens of Paulding, Bartow ami adjoining countiethat he ha* erected anew Mill for grinding wheat and corn, and will grind for the tenth when as much at live bushel* or upwards is sent at one. time. He will grind every night and on Saturdays. -The Mill is Bituated about two milts wteet of tdigh’s old Steam mill, ten miles south west of Cartersville, three miles north-west of Burnt Hickory and six miles south-east of Ktilesooio. lie is now prepared to saw Lumber at the u ual rates. He respectful y solicits the patronage of the public, and pi edges himself tod o mb good grinding and fawiug as th - best mills in the country. • 11. J. SUUIi. je I—2m. The ‘‘Best Machine in Hie World” Mrs. D. L. DrGolia says . “I have used the “twistedjoop” stitch for seven years and have had nine to sew for; yet I have never known a scam to‘rip’—nor has the machine' been out of order. - The Wilcox & Gibbs is|P he tust in the wJil l f ” Georgin, Bartow County. Bartow Superior Court, March Terra, 1867. 1 E’iza Dunahoo \ vs, >Bili for Injunction ami Rf- G. R. M. Tracy. > lief. IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sher iff, in tbe above stated case, that the defendant doe* not reside ;n this county, and it further appearing that he Is anon resident of the Btate; It is, hereby Ordered, That the defendant appear at theneit t<pm of this court and plead, drtnur < r answer to said Bill, and default thereof said Bill be taken pro eonfeeeo, and that this order be pub’ish- and once a mouth tor three mouths In tbe Curler *t> Vie Express. JAMES MILNER. J- 8. C. C, C.