The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 05, 1867, Image 3

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total ||tdL Whj don't you well your land 7 We are glad to see that our commu nity still continues to fill up with good and substantial citizens from abroad, and the inquiry is, from many more, can 1 buy a small tract of good land to settle upon at reasonable prices in Bartow ? This is now, and is des timed to continue, the poor man’s country. Many of our larger land hoi. ders have settled upon the plan to hold their lands from the market, and cut them up into small farms and rent ihetn out, thereby debarring many worthy and industrious citizens from settling among us and becoming iutlentified worth the interest of our town and county. This plan is only working to the great detriment of this very of men. It is encourageing men to en , list in the cry for Confiscation. Cut up your large plantations into small bo dies to suit purchasers, and get good, honest, and industrious men to come end settle on them. If you continue to rent your lands you will always keep a floating, dissatisfied popul li mi in in our midst, who will add nothing to the prosperity of the town or county, hut on the contrary will stir up strife and contention between the rich and the poor. The people are generally poor and consequently unable to buy a large body of land, and if they could they cannot get the force to cultivate it, and consequently much of it lias to lie idle, while the poor man lias to labor hard upon his worn-out lands to make a support* Let us take an interest in ibis inaltei that we have never hereto fore taken, and encourage white emmi gration to this county, by selling our siii plus lands at livfng .prices, and in suitable bodies. ome people go to church to hear preaching, some to giggle and laugh, and others still to see anti be seen, but everybody goes lo J/OE" \V EMsTEiN tt PFEIFER’S Store to buy goods cheap. VV iiat \v K Most Need! — All around us, in Floyd, Folk and other adjoining 'annuities, they are organizing Agricul tural Societies, lor the hirtherance of this great indispeiis ihle interest of the country. Shall old Bartow remain out of the ring, and lake no intciest in litis direction after that she lias enj yed the '.reputation of leading off in the matter? II is ilie war entirely paralyzed all our aspirations and energies? Have we lost all that pride and ambition tiiat so elevated and enohled our pi opte before the war ? VVt heard a gentleman say a few days since that he had Cotton up to Ins hips, and that he had blooms more than a week ago. Il we had been asked iflhere was a Cotton bloom in Bartow county, we should have replied, “no;” not even a square. We •v ant it to be heralded abroad that old Bartow county is second best to no cotinlv in the State. In the inform,t~ tion, enterprise, and industry of her people the fertility of her soil, and liealthlulness of her climate. We want the world to know that our resources, both agricultural and mineral, are un surpassed upon this continent. Wcwant lo attract the attention of Capitalists in this direction that we may increase the value es our property and build up a country and community that will he seen and read of all men. ct our first men do uot manifest interest enough in the welfare and growth ol the country to write a paragraph for a piper, that the world may know what we are doing and what wc propose to do. Let us organize an Agricultural Club •or Society, that we may accelerate the wheels of progression that have already been put in motion. undeniable fart—that LOE* WEN STEIN <fc PFEIFER are too honorable, high-minded gentlemen to misrepresent tlieir goods in order to sell them. Wheal crops, in this section, are falling far short of what was anticipa ted a short time ago, though there is a plenty to relieve the wants of the peo ple, and of extraordinary fine quality. Corn and cotton crops never looked more promising than at present. Ow ing to the decline in the price of wheat the bulk of the crop is withheld from market. Arrived at last! at the Emporium of fashion fine Duck Pants, Marseilles Vests, ntid the handsomest Stock of brought to this Territory since the war, at the “Busy BV” A Perfect Jewel. My family has been using the Wil cox «fc Gibbs Sewing Machine for the last five years. It has given en tire satisfaction, and my wile considers it a perfect jewel. —''Letter of P. Jarrett. Look Heaven Pa. | te*-We are rejoiced to learn that the Revr’s. Osborn L. Smith, formerly o! (the Wesleyan Female College. Macon, and F. I*. Brown, formerly of Tallia* ferro county but now of this place, both j experienc* and, erudite teachers, arc mak . * n £ preparations in conjunction, to o pen a female school of high order, in j this place, next year. This w ill be a strong team—as good as ever pulled [ together in any community. They are both ripe scholars of large experience. Who will teach our boys and youths? While the rising female sex are being ; qualified for usefulness in society, let suitable companions be fitted out lor them among the rising males, that they be not unequally yoked together, and the more especially as the latter have to brook the stern responsibilities of life. Let a nude provisions be made for the education of both sexes. Italy Messrs, Howard «$• Peacock want to buy wheat. They have the greenbacks to pay for it, and will pay j the highest market price. Ifyiu have any wheat to sell call at their store get bran new sacks and make your en gagements. Shipments for friends will be made to Baltimore or New’ York. #*sL.The greatest humbug of the age Confiscation! The sternest reality —that LOEWENSTEIN & PFEI FER sells more goods, and better goods and prettier goods, at cheaper prices, than any oilier merchant dare do. B#L,lutt ar ived at the “Busy B’s”—Gents 1 French Calf Boots, Fine Cloth Gaiters, Fine 'French Balmorals, Oxford Ties, our Latest •Styles, and will be sold as only BLAIR and BRADSHAW can sell them, at New York retail prices, The United States Hotel, in Atlanta, is a new institution, just opened for the entertain ment of guests, by that host of jolly, good fel | lows, Messrs. Wli taker and Sassecn, both formerly of the Washington Hall, They have 1 refitted, in splendid style, the late Planters’ j Hotel, and are prepared to entertain their guests in the most hospitable manner at the 'cry lowest figures. We have been in this hotel admired its neatness and cleanliness, and the good taste displayed in all its appoint- I mi nts, eat at its table and drank at its board. I We speak that we do know and testify to that ' we have seen, when we say the public should desire no cheaper, better and bountiful fare, I nor kinder treatment than they can get at this house. See card. It©,,.We are blessed w ith abundant showers of rain, so are LOEWEN STELN & PFEIFER with bountiful supplies of Crockery, Hardware, and Cutlery. Enough* for everybody to gel what they want, and their chil dren after them, dog cheap for cash. If anybody wants a pleasant home near Abe sea board, we ad-vise them to read the advertisement of Dr.-Blair’s, in another column of this paper, me ! It affords us some consola tion to know that there is good things and hints in store for us whether we ever enjoy them or nut —we are all the time inspired bv hope that some day we will overtake them, and the thot stimulates us eery muchly. It is also very gratifying to know that when we are stimula ted lo flic highest pitch, we can so beautifully coot off by dropping in at PEASE & JACK’S fashionable Restauraut, on Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga., and lake a glass of Ice Cream, or Ice Lemonade, mixed along with a little <a\e, with our wives and-sweethearts by our sides. The thought is exhileraMiig-'l l£g r *Tl;ive you ever traded any with I,(J E'W E N STE IN & V F EIFE R?— It not don’t never lest until you do? That is if you want to buy bargains in Dry Goods, "Clothing. * otions, 4‘C. ®sg“A Competent Teacher of Vocal Music, we are requested to state, -can secure a large 'Class by making an efl'irt in this community. Won't some body send us one ? ‘20,000 pounds of Dried Blackberries is-wanted by Messrs. • Cox & Bro., of At lanta, for which the highest market price will •be paid. They should b • picked and dried in their red sta f e before they are fufly ripe. Stoves. —Janies W. S'range, our tinner •friend, is just now receiving a line lot of Cook tStoveS, of impro' ed pattern and various size;- - , and is anxious to sell them to his cu tomers. He is emphatically a strange man in many respects, but the strangest cut of all is, he wants to sell them cheap ! Muslins and Lawns at N. Y. cost at B. & B's-; all wanting such goods should not fail to call and examine our Stock at once. We regret to learn that Joseph Ford, our County Treasurer, departed this life, at his home, on Friday last. He leaves a wife to whom he had just been married, and a host of warm fiends to mourn his premature death. Poor Maxmillian has paid the penalty of the decree of the bloody Jauarez, in Mexico, by being shot, ii. cold blood, on the 19th ultimo. Thank Cod, there is a tribunal where all wrongs will be redressed. Richardsoii <fc Sanford See the adnertisemrat of this firm in this weeks paper. F, M Kiehardson is extensively aud favorably known in this section, and by his liberal dealings, aud promptness in ad his business relation? with the public,has hereto fore secured to his house an extensive patron age. His partner, Mr. Sanford comes highly recommended as a business titan. Their house is a branch of the great Rational Stove Works, of New York, and these gentleman, we are as sured, are prepared to make it to the interest of Dealers South to send their orders to them, in Atlanta, instead of purchasing in New York Try them. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of IVheat If'an ted, by N. Gilreath «$' Son for which the market price will be paid Wheat must be delivered in good mer chantable order. Sacks ctn be ob* tained by calling at their store on the corner ot Main and Erwin streets, op posite Jones’ carriage repository. The greatest organ 111 the world is the orgnu of speech in wornam—it's an organ without stops. There is a shoemaker in Maine so tender hearted that he always shuts his eyes when he runs his awl into a sole. A Yankee lawyer, who was pleading the cause of a little boy, took him up lin his arms and held him up to the j jury, suffused in tears. This had a great effect until the opposite lawyer asked the bov, “What makes you cry ?” “He’s pinching me,” said the boy. “Why don’t you get married?” said a vourg lady the day to a bache lor friend. “I have been trying for the last ten years to find someone who would be silly enough to have uie.” It is ungenerous to criticise our fashionable voung ladies for walking on their tip-toe, as they do now-a days. They can’t help it. The wa* terfalls on the top of their heads draw up the back hair so tightly that they can’t put their heels down squarely without great pain. Opinion. Hard on our Neighbor* A correspondent of the Chattanooga Union tells about the sharp practice of an Atlanta merchant, Perhaps a little jealousy of the flourishing“ Gate City” or the rivalry between it and Chatta nooga for the wheat of Cherokee Geor gia, had something to do with getting up the story. Here it is : Some of the Atlanta merchants are shrewd. I heard of a good thing per* pretrated by one of them, which was related by him to a New York “drum mer.” The merchant aforesaid is in the ready made clothing business, and he told the gentleman from New Y r ork that when a customer came in, after letting him try on several coats, he would say to him that he had a coat which he had given a gentleman to take home the night before, but he was not satisfied with it and returned it— Perhaps it might fit his customer.— “Now you know,” says he, “all men are more or less dishonest ; so I put a pocket book in one of the coat pockets which only cost me thirty or forty cents Now when he puts his hands in his pockets, and feels this pocket book, and he buys the coat all once for a considerable advance on the usua| price ; and lie never comes back to see about it !'* Congress has assembled and gone to work. There is a quorum in both Houses. Eight Democratic members elect were refused enrollment. The subject of registration the first one ta ken up. Nothing deffinite had been done at last accounts. Maxmilian and his generals have all been shot. Lemvenstein & Pfeifer are dealers in Dry- Goods, Notions'Hats, Boots, Shoes. Ready made Clo' hing, ‘Crockery, Cutlery, Hard ware &c, &<••, Anything they have in store they ’keep 10 sell, not to look at or simply to fill up their house- They don;t propose to sell as cheap as anybody, because the} - have no refus stock on hand. Their Goods are all new and of (he latest styles Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Ma chines in Cartcrsville, for sale-. These Machines are sold here at the manu- prices, twjt Ica limit afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care of them; but it will be desirable to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine n the market and all who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The price from $56, upward’ The machines all equally good, hut the price varies with the kind of fin ish of table and other extra-s. Office up stairs over Clay ton’s store on pub lic square East side of Rail-Road—send for cir culars or call and examine machines. JOHN H.RUCKMAN, Gen. Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, 1567. OR, BILLIONS’ DYSENTERY DROPS, In the last, two weeks many families particularly children have been afflicted with Dysentery, they have tried, many of them “Dr. Bullions Dysentery Drops” and in every case- they have been made to rejoice at the success ot it. They all agree in saying they would not be without it in their house for ten tines the price of it, everyone should supply themselves with one or more Bottles, every Store sholud keep a supply on hand, Retail Price only 25 cts. A liberal discount to the trade.— Call and provide, tor you or your fam ily may betaken sick at night For Sale, PEoTtSc KRAMER. Druggist’s - Cai’tersville Ga- Aliberal discount made to all stores. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sered for several years with a severe lung affect’ n. and that dreal d.seaee Consumption—:s anxioUs to make known to his fell >w-sufferers the means of rare. To alt who i’, he trill send a copy of the prescription used (free-,;f charge), with tho directions for preparing and using the same, which they «~'H find aSURE CUKE for CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, BKOh’- <HII rts, COUGHS. COr/DS, and ail Throat and Lung | Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is io benefit the affiict-d, and spfCU information which he conceives to be invaluab! , ffpj ’he holies every sufferer will try his remedy, as it w .il cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wl-hiag the prescription, FKEK, by return mai:. w ;: l 1 please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg. Kings ro New York, Mayld. 1857. wlj. lißßous or lonn. A 0«nt!-mn- wh- suffer-ff for years from Nervons Debility, Preuieture, Dec*:, anil ail the effects ot v- athfai Indiscretion, w 11, for the sake of suffering framar itj, send free to ali who nee*! i*. the receipe and direciuai for mating the simple remedy by which he wa* u e-i. Suffer-* wishing to profit by the adver- Tlset's ex erleoee, can do s< by a< dressing, in perfect confident: JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Od»r Street, New York. May 1, IS<57. wly. riRCI'UR TO AGENTS. Western & Atlantic Rail-road. Office Master of Transportation. In order to insure the prompt transportation of wheat, and to prevent dehays, errors, and losses in its shipment, the following instruc tions must be strictly observed in aH shipments of wheat Irom y< ur depot:— I. .Sacks must be plainly marked,and before | any portion of the shipment is received, written instructions must be given liy consignor, show ing number of sacks to be shipped, marks, , consignor, consignee, destination, and the route ; by which it is to be shipped. 11. Special Instruction No. 2 will be strictly observed in giving receipts for wheat. 111. Rule No. 4, in printed local tariff, must be adhered to in regard to wheat, and agents will not permit wheat to bp put into the depot until the provisions of paragraph I. of this circular arc compliec with; hut shippers will be allowed to deliver portions of a shipment after the written instructions for shipment of a whole lot have lieen filed with an agent. JOHN B. PECK. Master Transportation. sieves of Bartow fUilS* I propose to sell three tracts of of Land embracing 1290 ACRES. and will give the best bargains now offered in the county. Ist Tract. 920 acres—4oo acres cleared, under good fence and in a high state of cultivation. The whole tract, lies well, produces freely and is pleasant to cultivate. It Is near I’WO MERCHANT MILLS. CHURCHES AND HIGH SCHOOLS convenient —health and society good. The improvements consist of a newly finished dwelling with six rooms—fliu house Smith’s shop and other necessary outbuildings, together with 6ix other separate cnements on the place. 2nd Tract, Contains .020 acres—SO cleared, Improvements common. This place lies 1 mile of the-town of Euharlee. 3rd Tract, Contains 50 acres., one half clean and. The above lands can be bought separate or together. Terms e-sy. Interest in present crop sold with th'- place if desired and posses.,ion given, forty days from day of sale. , B. T. LEfcKE. June 1, 1867,, w3m Jew I an now receiving from New York a large Stock of Goods ; consisting of DRY-COODS, GROCERIES, ttororherp, goois, SHOES. H ITS, HARDWARE, SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, ItIE.A-ID'X'-IMr-A.IDIE Which I am offering "very low for Cash. Come and see for yourselves. Kingston, Ga. E. \. JOHNSON. May 17, 1867. NEW FIRMT Up Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. HAVE just received a FINE AS- KlWflV SORTMENT OF HARNESS LEA-J JtjjaKk IT THE It and other materials neces-tjOHs^ IT sary for a first class ■ SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of H ARNESS to order. Old Harness made new. [?] SADDLES RE- P.'lYtEf) with, neatrn sa and dlapa'ch. Customers by calling can find an assortment of NtW I York always on hand, Cheuj* for Cask. Cartersville, ua., April sth, 196 TANARUS, sl*ooo bbwardT Hunter’s Specific. THE great English Remedy. A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnorahcea, Syphilis, Pain in the hack, Incontinence of Urine, Diseaseso the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseas s, Diabetis, Stone in Bladder,. Effects of Murcury, - • and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Diet. lt is not disagreeable to tak<*. —lt imparts no odor to the breath. —lt gives tone the who'e system. -—lt removes impurities of t l| e .blood. Sold, whulesule uad retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, Ga. jan 25.w6in ♦ WOOL (!ARDL\G. The undersigned Is putting up machinery for running wool cards at his rniUs on Etowah river near the Wes tern vt Atlantic R. E. bridge, 1 miles from C irtersville and wil l be prepared to do role cardine about the Ist of .July. Work will be done in a satisfactory manner and at reasonable rates. Cards all new. Is also prepared to grind wheat and corn. Patronage is respectfully solicited. je 7—rtm \\. j McCLATCHEY. pEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Robert C. Saxon ll one of the Administrators on the estate of Richard IT. Milner, dec cased, having petitioned to be discharg ed from said adminUtr 'tion. All persons who are con cerned are required within the tune fixed by law, if any they have, why the said Robert C. Saxon, should sotlv •j;., barged acchrdfag the pr»r, rof his petition. Given order ruy band sod official signature, this the JSih June, ISO'. J. A, HOWARD, Old. Mitt Stttnttut Bni (iooiis. We respectfully inform the citizens of Bartow county, that our stock of Drv Goods m are daily arriving, and having the largest and best selected stock in North Ga., and most of them having been purchas ed since the late decline., we flatter ourselves that we can offer extra inducements to purchasers. Purchasers buy ing from us will have a large well selected and new rtock to select from—southing un usual at this season. We will keep everything usually kept in a first class Dry goods House. Children’, Men’, Youth’s, aud Boys’ Avery handsome line o Cftsstmetcs, SATINETTS, Hitetbs anb URSRS9 READY-MADE CLOTHING of latest styles and grades.— Our motto: “Quick sales and short profits” ill be faithful ly kept up, and we pledge our selves to duplicate any retail bill made North or South. Come and see us, one and all. We will be pleased to show goods at any time. W. H. Stocks is with us. and will be pleased to see his friends. BLiIU & BRiBSHAH, sP>snmmtr Brn (foobs! 1M MENSE ATTRACTIOX!! Immense reduction In Prices! A "GORGEOUS LOT OF DRESS GOODS Just Received from llie Late Hew l'oi-k Auction Sale*, A Reduction ofso per cent, from last month’s Prices! *fl# Goods •Harked in Plain Figures ( My well known straightforward and honorable course of rnnd'ictimr business is n stifhnt guarantee to ali who may fa*or nu with their patronage, that they will be farly dealt with. johjv m. a. nv.Y(hY, Corner of Wltiteliall and Hunter Streets, REBPECTFCLLY announers to his friends and the public, that he has just returned from New Y rk, where ha has bean in attendance at the immense auction sales which took place the l»st week, ami that his magnificent slock of Midsummer Goods is now complete, and will bo sold at p. Ices that wiU defy uotiipetlou. The most L.ex perlenoed will at once perceive the great advantage of purchasing a stock of dry goods at this particular time when iuiporie s are disposing of their stocks regardless of cost, , I would annex a schedule of prices, but space will not permit. Suffice li to say that I was In New York when tho late panic reached its climax, and that. I purchased my present stock 25 per cent, ic.s than it could have been purchased at any ether time this season. JUST E^BOEIVEL^ 500 pieces beautiful Dress Goods,consisting of Grenadines, Mosambiipiea. Leans, Poplin**, Lawns, Barege*, etc. 200 pieces splendid goods for Gents’ and Boys’ wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimcre*, Drap D'Ete, Jeans Linen Due a and Drills, Marseiles, etc. 300 pieces white goods, consisting of Plain, Striped. Cheeked and Dotted Swiss; Plain. Striped, 'Checked and Dotted Jaconet; Tarlaton. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Brilliuties, Plijue Cloth, Bishop Lawn, etc. 500 pieces American, English and French Prints, all new styles; pieces Bleached Shirtings—New York Mills, Wamsuttn, Lonsdale. Hope, James', Putnam, and several ottie mil s; S. 0. 10, 11 and 12 1-4 Bleached and lirnwn Sheeting; 6-4 and 0 4 Pillow Case Cottons ; 20 pieces 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Table Linens, both bleached and, unbleached 80 eases alt styles of shoes; 20enses nil styles Straw Gooet; 100 dozen all styles Hoop Skirts; 300 dozen Ladles’ and Misses’ Hose; 50 dozen Ladies’ beautiful Iron Frames, very superior; a splendid lot of French Corsets; ft sp en dl< lot of L. C. II mdkerchiefs; 10 pieces beautiful Flannels; a e.omp'eto st ock of Notions; frtMV) Paper Collars for Ladies and Gents; always on hand, a full stock of .shirtings, Sheetings Osnaburgs, Jean', etc,, whicli will be sold for factory price. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store cun be found here. P. S—This splendid stock of Goods has been purchased since the 24‘h of May, which announcement will satisfy, all that great bargains wJI be given. joiiv m. (awov. jc. 14, 18<»7. Garner Whitehall ami Hunter Hireets, Atlanta, On. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOR 1867. Chamberlain, Cole 4‘ Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense Stock ot “i, SmooSST* At Wholesale and Retail* for Cash Only, At P ric c s to suit the Times Their Stock of DRESS GOODS comprises every new style in the American markets HOSIERY GLOVES' t te largest ever brought to Atlanta ; r SILK »"‘I POPLIN COVERINGS, W LACE POINTS of every variety ; EMBROIDERIES LACE GOODS of every description ; PARASOLS a,ld SILK UMBRELLAS to 811,1 evf T b0,1 . v ; TABLE DAMASKS NAPKINS- TOWELS- TOWELING -».«IRISH LINENSj* CURTAIN DAMASKS' Goods lor Men’s and Boys wear. DOMESTICS all<l NOTIONS S&r A L li F 0 R TII E 1. 0 W EST C A SII PRICE April 12 —ly, No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, f Ailjoinihg the Rail-Road,J B. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T - ri.FM.XO. Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain Hay and all Western Products. Orders for any description of Merchandise promptly filled, and consignments solicited. April 2fi, 18fi7.w3m ___________ MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY 8503R38, We would respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have just received one of the largest • r.d est selected socks of ___ . , , _ ■ _ _ _ _ . b ./MISTID SUMMER OHjOTUYT-3STC ! Ever brought to Atlanta, all of which have been manufactured for us' from Go'ds bougU aQlate decline, for Cash, with special reference to the wauts of this section. We would respectfully invite all to an examination -»f Our Goods and Prices, Cassimere Suits for $7 50 to $lO 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our Goods, need not, l,t told that onr Clothitiu is made up by the best workmen, and of superior goods. In addition to the above, we keep, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, CnnVstlng of PCFFET) and PLAIN WHITS? SHIRT?, FANCY and lIROWN* LINKS’ SHIRTS. FNDt'RHAR MKHTS, of all sizes Fancy and Plain TIE*, bf all deed ipt.lons, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gents Graj's Patent M dded Golla-. as well as Glazed and M irsehlea Collars, All of which will be sold cheap, rtb . can be bought elsewhere. Also, Boots, Shoe3, nats, Sole Leather and other Trunks? Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and. Saratoga Ladies Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the G-ate City Clothing Store by A. HOSENFELT) & BHO.. X>-.\i Je. rto McC'utny A (Jo’o More, \\ hit« hall .Sir, e», April 26, ISOT.wfe ATLANTA, GLOftGA