The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 05, 1867, Image 4

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Rni*, fmdiv, r'C 'i * t'?d our l;*s*t i o;b>- qj Jack never moved a muscle, usu '1 l stopped for breath, did he put iu a word. ••Don’t you think you’ve been n il'i'e f- • • Charley ?” lie men -.:uJ, tiu. ious* ’•rv do vou mem f” ! inq :.r«d. x. h . .Uy said she couldn't hu*- e you, \ ;id pot your aim r round her MH, t,nnd «taid ihe most !” Tiiis view bad never struck me, and rather look me hack. there was her promise ti; you and iter mother never to marry .. pit* man,” I urged. there wae. Hut did you t. v.-*r hear that promises were unde to be broken V ’ ••I can’t say lu:t I have," 1 rr.ultomd, clrppiug on nty hat. “Where are you going ?” asked J “You wait here a mi.»ut I replied. With that 1 took two etroh s dov. n the stairs into the road, ann hurried oil to Mrs. (Hover’s cottage. I slum! out side a minute, when 1 opened the door, and the first tiling la., v* was Nelly, tilting by Iter mother, and looking like n ghost - only gh ists never look ; r. uy. She gave me one look', then started up and sprang into riiv arms. My heart was so lull I couldn’t speak at first, bi t 1 thought I must do g, so 1 clipped nty arm around her v.v a? Jack recommended. sure ot her and of all the happiness that the world could give, and, as my biearu swelled proudly, 1 began to bear a lit tle malice. “Ah, Nelly, if you had only loved me! ’ I said. Nelly tightened her arms around my nee k. “How happy we might have been !” 1 continued. “Then we cun be, Charley!” she nun me red. -How, NeS'v ! “We can never marry, you know.” The little fingers unlocked, am! I felt Nt 11 v falling away ; but I remembered Jack's counsel, and held her by the waist. “There’s your promise to your mother an t Jack,” 1 continued ; “how ure we to get over that ?” •1 forgot that,” loitered Nelly, as white as a sheet. “And what do you say to it, mother,” 1 cried, to the old lady. Mrs. Glover got up, and took Nelly’s hand and put it in mine. “That’s what 1 say to it,” she said heartily; “and 1 know is of the fcainj mind.” “And tills is what 1 say to it,” I •cried, givithr Nelly a kiss. You won't bo snrptised to hear that we were married the next, week. And now I am the viewer of the colliery: arid as for fully, she will tell you that, uiouglt she has married a pitman, and 1 1 .: o her i* ov,ir \. j n. n U omouti-.c, !il: o nf• i& r w ...'ui, there is no happier woman in the kingdom. /lE, . ITA BARTOW COUNTY.—Whe-ers TANARUS, M. Moc 'T " r p h-»!.> u-e (Vr l .cite*«t>f Arin.hiUtrath « t-iu e t. in e y elt i k 0. I! a'.ti- .-J. tate of Harlow county de > ot and. This to c:.i> ail t.olicet; ed, bi th L’indren and • * sos •v! ilotii,"i', to allow cats %ts they car, i.i it.- ti.i" | ri voribiii fcv trw, why said letters • b-0.a1.i n..t be g a a,..l to sai l applicant. Ui under’tnv hand anil ofllcial * ir a'lii e, ti ts the SI i liny . f M y IS6T. J. A. HOWARD, Oni’y /rEOItdIA, BARTOW COUNTY —Two inonrhi after ' X date application will be made to the Court 'lO -of saiil county, at the first regular term after ihe e:;ptrat on of two mouthr from this not Te, f >r. eit'. e to sell all ihe real estate of Win. A McCotvjr deceased for the benefit. of the heirs and creditors of said liooeasei. May 2Dtli, 18C7. f vN.-'IK COX. Ad tor's.* A. I>. McCItAVY, Ailm’r AOTICE. rrt) at! whom it may concern, the n* Her signed hereby 1 gives notice, that he has Med h> pitbiMi with the Ordinary es Bail w Ooun’y to be di;-charged from Ids Executorship on llennett 11. Cot y-r*. iaet V i 1 n and tes tament, An m; aunt of business arr-ingemert*. amt inn i' lity thens: *>• to attend said t,u<‘, tliat In t*v» months the I, gi.M ji g es the publication of this no'ii ehe wlilj.gj iy t, r the sanction of said petition, ant to be disci arged from said csee* torch p. e. J—.'oa. C li CONYERS, E.c. cft> II Cos: ye??, dec. i "t BORGIA. PAPTOW COUNTY—Tn allwhum Unity ‘ I -."ici-rn, V. I. prl chett hav.njt i:i proper f. rm sp- I'Ui and ol; t‘ Pu- ht. era,of tdmii.i tr:»dcn wth the wld »u exMl, on the estate cf B melt If. Our. juts life of *ii i ooi ;,ty. thh sto cite, all ar.r! si: gb. :,r;! •' c~ei' p-os an i nest of f;;n. to be and appear at rr -• office wl’Lin the tune allow ed by law, aid >h w ctufe if »ojr they o . why said letters -liou and not be granted to add *p pile .nt. \V‘tl oss my hand and official siarrnture. je. 31537-3 M. J. HOti ARP, Ord. P COKG.IH BARTOW COIN! Y.—Whereas Mrs R. U 0. Pradlty sppli-s t ' c - b v letters cf adtj.i; istra ♦ on on the c.-t -te cf Wil’ivu if. Brr.diey, rb.ce- ve i.— Th fl Is thereto • to cite ah concerned, b- t.t invited Hoi an 1 credit a< f said deceased, t > chow c i :«<». it any they e-u wltid ' the Fine pnscribed hyl*w, wl y said lit ers should r.ot be grnn'.ed to said applicant. Given ip. er tt-v h >nd a ltd est ill *it nature, tl is the 17th day . f M;y, :io7.—GO*. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. p MORG [BARTOW C C'JM*Y.—Two Months after * Jtl t'e t-t-uii >stf. n will be ni <de to the C< ui t «;1 o<*U nary of Bartow bounty, tie ’c ■, at 1 e first rt eulsr Te- a after ti e espirat! not rto Months fro n this no i „> f-»r 1< ive 11 se 1 the l ands helanjdrg to tee e t .te of W W. TIPPIN?, late of s -id c. ee atch for t' # benefit of the i e m an-; C edit r of sti-ide ceased: This 13th May .867 JOnh L*. . li’i IS Ad'.l. >. Executor's Sate. f! Y virtue cf an order of the court ofordinsry , f Bar j: v, rr.d hy authi ; ity r.fthe last Wiliof J.,hn { . ivton, 1 lie if 11 at- tow o >v.ut;, decs s-d. whl te ‘•old t>me h phe.-t bi;ld-r, at ti » i out l hor-e <1 or in Cr.r -- st e, In ssli c uajy of Sarto von the fi.-.-i Ttt**d y in J:y i c l', n * e legal «..» e nr-, ‘o ; c? and , un-t’or <ie >h viiß.Uid a-.d f *cr led. in the twerpy fi-o-t {CUM clijtrict of the s coed (2d ) section oforip' uh'r ■ » i ry,v Baitntr County, fo* f'is , ’ibut.on srd anl the payment cf the Osins of esid u-t.ate. Terms WAKEaN A I*IS, May S, 1337. Execute.'. Bnriow 32ar<gMgfc Sherlfl’s Sale H'ILT. be sol* hofo-.'S the C >urtsy:uredcor In the T owa • ot C i rtevilie, on ti e first TuesMy ip Au£ at nest th’ fo.Teaipg property to nit: One foem e” b cae power Kapt ’e a?.d 7’ I’er.nrd ’re It able ass red Po table Pwe. tv Feir Inch Cl in Mill. - £■ • - or. :•* t-.c prrpe y • fO. TANARUS, F.irke”. to satisfy a r irt.asefi f.i ifsue.i frj-u Bar o v county at, ; n fu vor of J B if hitohe .’y A j n t f r Har. & Mooson a* f orp s'.iu P rktr. l'r perty y i ted nu n ss::> T.ort* t»:e fi fa. j-..3 W. 1. GOODWIN. tsh-T. JtXRGiA. CiiEP.cKEt COUNTY. 'WilQFpcl-B J " bowler Ad mini s' ir. nf \V L Fowler, represents to the court, in his petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully ad ministered Vv L Fowler’s estate. This is, therefore to cite all persons concern” ed,.kindred and creditors,tos how cause it any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from ad tTt.a:sit-ai.ion and rect ivn 'letters of dis" r..;>s;on, on the first M 'udny in Sep ib bnr • ext. W H D i*oSi3. > ' ’ ! f ’Sf.T. 0.-diaarv, [t'.ti'.ler’e fee cf ATLANTA AOVC3TISEMSNTS. - —;—i : ZZZ-ZX v v v i\ V k \ N ) 'Mi j : r-\ jJv > \ I J s it iJ -4’ \i3 5 > Y \p- |fV, 2*2 • « A y A -S-/ !iVep vv tit;■ A EOCSLiWAYS v? hi! be delivered a$ once for ra b* - ------a' *. v?» /-s?\ tfea V,» ; ' -I. V bjN? y ‘J i efTr* •~J \iJ 1— JEL M '■*--J '-—j wheat t j he delivered at f*2, 23 in Atlanta, by 25th June, 1667. Address 91* call upon aad rrEXT i?i' s:;, No 5, Empire Bbc’c, Atlanta, (*a. Capt. Thos. Tumlin at Euharlee, will act as my Agent. Mrs. Carrie Payne TNTI7E3 ihe ?t*e*t’on of the La ! a 'os oi Garieizville tr.d violnity, to her r.ISDIOY4BLE Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. She lias 0:1 hand and is ;xS ''•VyiWr.:>4v>> 'Ofc.V H. *.i V 2 .. ■«, vy f i 2r .jy receiving frr m Now York the LATEST ffYL.,: 1 . Cre token if a’! weak end satisfaction v i rv t: ‘it. Attention paid to filling ortle s for I);ess Goods, Trimmings end !’.items Over W. 11. Tnilo-’« U v-Uood St- re, A TLA2TTA, OA. It), 1567. v 8m libUTHLRk BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL STOVE Vforiis, Xcw York, RICHARDSON 4 SANFORD. WHUI.tSALE AN J RETAIL DEALERS IN Stoves, UoUotv-ivare RZoch Tin , TIN-PLATE, SHEET-IRON and TINNERS ipij^iDjTsra-F*. Lamp, Cutlery, Housc-furrishing Goods of every DesciipttDn - PLATED AND BRITANNIA WARE, HcystOM© Klocli, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. F. M. Richardson. L. V. Sanford. -- EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWftßit WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specie of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters, It will cure Intonnitont Fevfr and Fever and Ague, and ali periodical disorders U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. Il willgivt immediate relief in Colic and Fk USE EDWARD WM DEB’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant f. Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITDER J S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative a«. tonic lor ail family purposes. U S £ EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Reenperant after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness U S E EDWARD WILDER’S ■STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as vvellasStren ener ot th 6 digestive force.-. US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is being da iv used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula vv.ii be handeo any regular graduate. ED WARD. WILDER, SOIS P3RcAIETO3, No, 3 1 5 31 a i ii Street, KAEELEFKOXT, LOUISVILLE SENT UCK Y. FOR "SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY TitliyWiM 23 &\ Vv’i*Ol.EsS aL.'. AXo E .'A._ BRUCGISTS Corkier WLiteMc..! add .Ala. Std Ad IA?; *.z , s,A. v > n • . I ATLANTA TDVERTISEKtHTS. ilanii Lcom.-. —m"i ini iw'nwiwa— »mm DP. H.SELLS. ANDREA DUNN. B.P.GLiNN Eresiocx-*. Secretary. Trt«L.ur,r. W ; 1&. N li. i | ,s»P. r . -ci GEORGIA LOO M >?,D MA y V UFA CTU RIN G CO MFA XY. 1 Man??faofnrer'ana T’l.rter*. took t.o vonr in torcs'?, ! and don't fai' toea)lftUe!!-Jf :r .on B Piling, next door 1 :o the Pest-oCioe, sr.d see it la opperati; u | MENDENHALL'S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HA ND AND POW E R LOOM! Barter Tnder***and, E •. icr t? Operate, and mo’-p rclia '!e PoE?e*?ea superior advii t igca over other Hand LouUit, is simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT Ey Weaving aU th »’r Goods for Home Wear pn the MEN HEN HALL IMPECVED HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE GC ST OF TIIECLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BF, SAVED BY ITS USE ! From Five io Ten Do'larea day can be made on it. ITS PARTS ABESELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easv Crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Clotn, tread- the Treadles, and throws the “hutt’e. It weaves Jean?, fcatirets,, B anket. Twill, Doub e-Plaln Cloth, various kinds of R.> bed Goods, Pencil k Twills of ail kinds. Fh<x, C.ottor, T"W, or Al!-Woo! Cloth. Baaing, Toweling, Table Linen, Bal moral S-irts, Woolen, L'nen at.d Hemp f arpets —in fact any thing, from a llat.diome Silk to a Rag Carpet, IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Rot larger than a common Breakfast Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Os Good Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, lor Further Particular*, Bill of Prices Descrip tive Circulars , and Samples of We ring, addt tss GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 1867. wGm :0 O YC DEC ILL. Have Mow Iu Store: -Q BARBELS RYE WHISKY, 50 barrels Bourbon AA hisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pkiis Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pigs New England Rum, 25 pUgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 «:ases Champagne Wimps, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 case>3 k box Sardines, All of which we offer to tije trade at very low prices. COX & IIILL. ATLANTA., Ga., dccl3— wtf iiiiiii Kontvale Springs, 13 6 7. THIS popular Summer resort having been ph>eet in thorough repair, and furr.iehod wit . new F rt.itnr , will be opened for visitors on the Ist > f JU.VS i exf, u der the < irec r ion aid cor t: ol ..f the undersigned— p- nrfet' ra of the American Hut l, AtlanPt, 6a. Mon rate pres, nts the strongest attractions to both the i va’id and p!e»su-e-seeker, no le-s on acc unt of its retirement and the beauty of Ite surroundU gscene ,v, than of the restorative powers of its wata*-*. VVe have reduced the price of Board to the lowest figures consistent with a proper pro visian for the Entertain ment of our Geest?. Board, per Day, *3 00 » per Ue k 2000 “ per Mouth, t»0 00 with an sllow'n.’e tor families. Travellers by Railroad re ch the Sprßgi by special conveyance from Loudon, or by regular dai.y mall coaches from Knoxville, Ter.n. WHITE & WHITLOCK. April 23,1837. "THE LIVE DRUG STORE I '' & POX- AtlanSa. fr.a. The st'ection of D -ugg'st, Merchants and others invited to c.ur large and elega-t stock of Diugs. Med o:t:es. Dyestuff , Imported ar.d Ameiican Fancy Good Perfuuieiies, Toilet articles Also in store sun to arriv,- 2&0 Boxes French and A mei ic.m tVii.d w Glass, 2000 Pounds Putty (In El idder,) 10 Bnls Pure ”77 : > Expo live' 1 e o»l Oi’. far Dreferable to H e Pane, t Petr.. 0 1 , 5 BbJs Tanners Oil, a Bbig "White- Oak I.uoricat og.oll, 5 BbhLard Gil, Sp-rm « jt, Neats fo**t Oil nr.ri V.-uni.-hes . f all k fid- 1000 BMs White Leud a d Z'nc' — Large lot Bpanp : sli Flonr I digo, WARRANTED GOOD. 100 SWEEDISH J.EECIIES, a large '••H.rietyef Pattent j\a:EjDxoxi<r333. WINES AND LIQUORS, f-u Medical purp. sis &c. all m wulcfi are offered VLKV LOW. Visitors to our City will find at the mu® B*®m" m os* deligb'.fu’ r'efr’g'or.n.'tng Drink, drawn from the I icus ana btaaii.ul ‘-aECIIc"’ Sok Jouut, c try it. Corner Whitehall 6c A a. streets!, Atiaata, Ga, ! ATLANTA = 1 Y. R TjM'4 Y. i. S. STEWART, .Yctvt >a Cos . Hi. Oxiord, Oa. TOMMEY k STEWART, lUPOIXTERS AND BiLALLdS IN 'HARDWARE, At iLt ; ;->i i'i '* O j MILL SAW and GAME COCK, i Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Bes; ectfuliy cull the atteniion of c.erchsn's ini oth ers to ui ir and well assorted rtc.-* ts Foreign and Domestic- Hkrdware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Bkifics, Tools cl all kinds, &c., &c.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR I Hook’s Anti-Friction Uetal. ! Baugh’s Kuwbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, j Buffalo Scale AA'orks, Nonpareil Washing Machine- PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Erook’s Palenf Portable Cot ton arid May Screw and Revolving Press In over one hundred counties in Georgia. K&fCounty Rights for Sale.•*@3. April 12. Iy. * Wholesale and Retail o a_s*et CLOTHING HOUSE. tT7E harenmr in store and are ree'eving regularly V r an the latest styles of MEN AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, &c, &c. Tih'.ch tve vriil sell at a very alight advance on first cost OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT la now c imp et e. Suits cf All Kinds Promptly Made Wejjuarantea FIT, r ST YLK, and QUALITY'. HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. SEJT'IJrG *WiICSIEVES. I T avir.g accepted th» General Agency for the state of J L Georgia, of the YVLED SEW IMG MACHINE, we are prepAr and to sell tl em at Manufacturer’s price?.— Tin se Machines, alter a horouih irial for years, have proven thems.-lves to be the SIMPLEST AND BEST for general family use now uisde. Our an angemen's are new c mpte*e to furnish any of the leading Sewing Machines at, maker’s prices, HERRING & LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONL Y ! FACTOR’S* ITARNs. TT7F a r« '-be Agents of the Athens Manufacturing Cos., ? sand will eU tlieir Yarns at facto y rates to w hole sale buyu?. Depot at our Clothing House, Whitehall street, Atiantu, Ua. May. 17, HERRING 4- LEYDEN. esßßssftt % WITH W.'p, iittjwt, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sri) (Hooiis BOOTSi SHOES -* YANKEE NOTIONS. &C. White!;all S reel. je 2S — tf. Atlanta, Ga. — ; J. T. JENKINS & CO. Successors to JIcCAJIEY & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs. Faints. Oils, Chcmiclials. V7mdow • Glass, PATENT Beltfittes fa, ■COUNTER PRIOR STREETS, gltlanta, Ga. ' — A. AME R 10 AN HOTEL . Alabama Street, AT EAST 4 GEORGIA. ] Opposite the Passenger Depot. WHITE & WHiTLOOK, Proprietors. public ?:e respectfully informed that 1 this House hai been remoddled and re fitted, and re-opened for the accommodation of t..e travelling public. Much time, laoour and expense ha: been expended in making it worthy cf patronage. Modern improvements h_ve been, added, ar.d the public can re v or. s being equal te any in Sou.hern cities Y-IIIXE 6l V/HITLGCK, Proprietors. BRYSGM i Y/YLEY. Clerks uvMl. 1 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. hardware; J. M. 8 J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, cutlery, ex&ZZis Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTING, J131.L SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MEC HAN I GAL TOOLS, o: ait Trades, METALS, of - ail kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES.SPRINGS. LOCKS, Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES. SHOVELS. CHAINS, PLOWS, Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, °r of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will he sold low for cash. We have just renewed a targe Invoice of the best Double-anker Bolting Cloths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer L<nc for Cash I AT,SO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, tall and see us when you visit Atlanta. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. April 26, 1867 wOin FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE ZErrC O TJ" S Ti*l WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, "GEORGIA. AKE now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York p> ices, expenses add ed, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip, calf and buff Brogans and Balmorals—Boots, of a 1 styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and the finest qu dities. Ladies’, Mi-ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, 11. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. iY Tke Oldest Jewelry House In ATLANTA, GEORGEA, Ett LAWSHE, t flocks, ~ patches, ' w Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and Warranted. May l, t 1867. wly CROCKERY AND ssoai, T. R. RIPLEY AGT. OLD STAND, Wliiteha’.ll St., Established In IS 50. Atlanta) da. June 21, 1867.—3 m VAN EPPS & TIP PIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G-KOOBBS -&.3STJD Commission Jiler chants, Alabama Street, Atlanta Ga. Tho l'o'.lowlrg. as w cl! as many other goods in th's line for ;a'e in ,oU to suit purchasers: to icon Sides, Corn, Dacou Flour, Car vassed 11 m-g, Lard, Suga'-curtd Liams l ollce, Syrup?. Emwn Sugars, 51 o'.a tes, K fined Sugar*, Sodi, Mackerel in Rbla., Silt, , M ckei el in Kegs, Sap, Stlrnou in Cane, Toilet Sos-p,’era in Cana. Oy.ters la Cans, r armies, Can lot. Raisins, Mason’d Blacking’, Nnt«, Tobacco, Dates, Cigars, Starch, An. TAX Errs & TIPPIff. •Tane 21, IS67.—tc Atlanta, G». GEORGIACHEROKEECOUNTY. Wilf I’KIS, Jo in J, Epperson applies to me to be retired from his administration on the estate of Junes B Epperson, deceased. These are therefore to cite Mrs. Sarah Epperson and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of saia deceased, to file th*dr objections if any they have by the first Mohdgv in Aug ust, 1?67, otherwise letters of dismission wi?l be granted the applicant at that term of tko court of Ordinary lor said county, Given under mv hand and official signature, this the 2?lh day of J n 1967. W it D MOSiS, Ordinary, (pr’s fee #6 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Blarble Yard. S. B- QATMAN, dgent. For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian. Block adille, and White Rutland Statuary M A It B L E. WE are now receiving and jpoFpVv JjfTn Have iu store, a large and H ) desirable stock of finishednf j.j IJttQ and rough Marble, which 17-~U we °*T er to the public on the most reasonable p*—iSj, Owing to the high price of marble at th : s time, many peisons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profile and quick sales —such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnish in the best style. Monuments, c irved and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &c„ and Furnishing Marble of all .!e scriptions, With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to merit a of public patronage - Designs of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’icited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Be'lvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, 1866.' DRY GOODS I DRI GOODS! New Arrival! TALLEY, BROWN kCO Whitebait Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now dai’y receiving their SECOND INST A LLMENT OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock, they wll RKCEIYE WEEKLY, dating the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! THEY IIA YE OX HAND XOWI Black and Fancy Silks, Mosambiques. Grenadines, Organdie Muslins, White and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS W T hite and Fancy Tarlatnns, White and Fancy BrilliantP, Tuoked Skirt G nds, Alexand.e’s Kid Gloves—light colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS, Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &c. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. Miy B—w6m. NEW LIQUOR STORE. JR. JU.JRose& Co s, Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys, Gins, Rums, &c. &c. ISo 2 Granite Block, Broad Sir. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED AND~DOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade offered at low figures. Country dealers are specially invited to give us a call and sample our Liquors, which we guarantee to be as we represent them. And satisfaction given in every transaction. June 7— tc. R. M. ROSE & CO. McBRIDE, DORSETT 4’ CO., ATLANTA, GA. To the Merchants of Georgia and adjoining States: TT7E have already spoken through the papers to our YV friends throughout he Souih, and advised th se who were formerly our fellow-soidlers lu the Bou he'll Army, that we had undertaken to apply, in Peace, the elements of vigor, energy and promptness, which had so often gained us#m day in War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GLASS HOUSE. in Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. We are backed by all tho advantages which are de rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge of the business. A large partof our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. ■w*9T\ We confidently expect to supply from MrjfL) our depot in At'antall those mer- St chants throughout this and adjoining States, who have heretofore made thdr purchases North. We can offer as varied a stock as can be found In New York, and we know that OUR FRIGES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will gave FREIGHT bv purchasing here. Y"U will save BREAKAGE by purchasing hore. You will contribute to the building up of a homo de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and constantly arriving ASSORTED PKu’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grade. We-epack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking Glares, Lamps, Cutlery, Plated and Japanr ed Ware, Cl cks, Ac., to order. We have j b lots of these goods fr >in time to time at very low prices. We solicit your CASH orders, and will give you large advantages for CASH IN HAND. Your Friends, April 19, 1867. McBRIDE, DORSPTT A CO. T. M. i R.C. CIARKE, Dealers Iv ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols —ALSO — Iron, Steel, Nails, Bellows, Anvils. Vices, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Shovels, Plows, Hoes, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. And all other goods usually kept in the Hqnl ware line. Also Agents for Farrbanlts Fmtf'orm and Counter Scales, which we will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Corner of Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS.^ BSVdI fAli M#fl€.l® MY OLD PRIBND3 AND CUSTOMERS will please remember, that, after having been twice burned out, I have re sumed the DRUG BUSINESS with Messrs. T. J. A M. B. SWANSON, under the style of SAMS'*. A AT ROARK’S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BROTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA. I will be pleased to meet all my old friends at our near place of business, where I am prepared to abow them a large and well assorted stock of , * JS -a : £ . - £ » = s i ° 5 ~ * t‘ » - s «-> so % S ‘H as X and purposes, and at very low figures, * K- J. MASSEY, late Massey and Herty. ( c b i ATLANTA, GA. HO YTE PEOPLE OP THE TERHXTOET? OP GEORGEA i-XiOOK TO TTQUR INTEREST! And come to the Store of And buy your Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes at New York Cost. We are determined to coniine oueselves strictly to a Fancy Dry-Goods trade. Hence we make the above proposition to sell out thatprrt of our stock AT COS V. Country Merchants Look to your interest! Ladies call at our store and buy your Fancy f)rj -Goods Cheap. We are aware of t fie hardness of the times and the scarcety of money in the country, and with direct reference io the wants of the trade, ,ve bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to sell them low indeed, and we are determined to sell as we bought, as now our motto is quick sales and short ptofiis. J. H. WHITE <s• CO, East side Whitehall Streets June 7, —3m. Atlanta, On. .A. 2>T JD Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRUN, NAIfROD, AND HORSESHOE IRON. Castings, ot all >ie»mpiion«, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS, BOXES, PEDESTALS. FRONTS. COLUMNS. AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing and Machinery of al! kinds. JOHN D. GRAY', President. October Thresh out your Wheat! lam still he AGENT p>r the sale of tho§e excellent Kentucky THRESHERS, b< th four boree and two horse SIZES. Ti.e recert improvements marie on theao THRESHERS render (hem the most desirable of »ny 'hat. are now offered for eale. They are ea.tly MANAGED, and not liable to sat out OF ORDER Orders aol'clted, the aooner the BETTER, »o that the MAtHiSE-t mey arrive tn good TIME, arte, grille, Ga. Ajr IP ,e2a>. J.J- Uo>> Ahi