The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 12, 1867, Image 3

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local Head. Did It Ever Os cur to lou T Tilt following we clip from that live and spirited paper, the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer, so well expresses our feelings, that we adopt it as our OW’D sentiments : The main source of revenue of a newspaper is its advertising patronage and lhai the subscription list, and sale of papers each morning, do hut little more than pay for the paper used in printing ’. And yet men—sharp finan ciers and business men —think nothing of going into a newspaper office and requesting a notice of their wares and merchandize, or of matter or pet scheme bv which iliev hope to re.dize some t/iinir, not thinking that they are asking f ( ,r so much money out of the pocket of the proprietors ! Such cases occur every day, and it would be just as rea sonable to step into a store and ask the merchant for a hag of coffee, a dress pattern, or a ham, or anything he has for sale. The newspaper is not wliol !v a phylaiithropic institution, as very many persons are disposed to regard it. Ii dispenses a vast deal of charily, hut is not conducted exclusively for the ben efit of the community in which it is lo_ C ited. Smiic return may not he unrea sonably expected for the good that it is sought to be done by the labor bestow ed upon, and the capital invested in, a well y mil no ed journal. A large ex penditure us necessary to the publication of a newspaper. Every line put in type costs mono/, and must he paid fir in cash there is no credit in anything that goes into the printing and publish ing business, ami notwithstanding inis tact, inconsiderate people have com plained newspaper bills are pre sented too promptly. Aun meiits re r flection w ill convince such that unlim it' ll credit is unreas.Miu ble, and should nt be expected. Another p pi.lar tr ior lias obtained, of which the minds ol if it* innocent public; snould he disa bused, that tiewsp ip r « arc thankful for something to *Mii| up” with! Such is frankly admitted to be the case when that ••something” can be had at regu lie advertising rates, hut in theabsenc* of such a consideration, there is not diiHculty whatever in obtaining matter b n.i original and selected with which to lilt a newspaper’s columns. {•’lySouie people jro to church to hear pre.idling, some to giggle and Ini 'M, ami Diners still to see and Ire Seen, but eveivliodv gne-> to LOE” W ENS rS' Xit ITEIFEIMS Store to bnv goods cheap. Trimble iYiiiir at.trim's Depot— Misgcmsiun oi ilosifiiUies. Some tim • during last week a while tl g was found on a plantation in the viciiiitv o| M nun s IT pot, and a muti latt <1 p iper, containing the following stipulations ; KING CO i’TOX TO GEN. GREEN. •*l surrender in consequence of stress of weatlier, and a lack <u elbow grease.” GEN GREEN’S REPLY. “Agreed. Yon are at liberty to withdraw vour forces at once, retaining vour side arms. ‘Treason must be made odious.’ IK Order of GEN. GREEN. O'Tiei and : M ivr t t ’kabokass, Jr., A. D. ('. & A. A. \ G.” I*, s. — Emptv haversacks lying about loose. Luurensvilie Herald. Com° out of that >. r r iss, friptul Watts, or your o|<l friends over here will con chide that yoti ha e been out -generaled. We h;.V a consitlerable warfare pro gressing here, ami in many instances, tlir contest is hot and deadly, but, we think, (ten. Green's forces are begin ning to give way, and, we hope, soon to see ilip baltle-fiel'l cleared awav, and the conquerors reposing upon their laurels. Friend Wash, as a considera ble lover of the grass, but prefers not to have it mixed up with Ins corn and cotton. R intorce and coine again, friend Wash. ttTSw\n undeniable fact—that J.OE" WENS FEIN Si PFEIFER are too honorable, high-minded gentlemen to misrepresent their goods in order to sell them. will be seen, from a card in this paper, that Dr. G. G. Roy has again resumed the practice of Physic, and throws his banner to the breeze, lie also calls upon his debtors and creditors, and also those of the Estate o! John W. Dillard dec., in present their claims to Col. W. 11. Pi iudiett, «f this place, for settlement. Arrived st ast!at the Emporium of fashion fine Duck Pants, MsrsaiHes Vests, and the handsomest >tock of Ca-dimeres brought to this Territory since the war. at the “Busv BV” That Watermelon, J That our old friend William A. Deweese.sent us, on last Friday even* ing. we can assure him, was devoured Iby us and ours with an avidity adid gusto that was truly commendable to so meloneouH a cause. To us it was like an oasis in the desert oflife, like a re- I freshing shower of rain upon the parch ed earth, yea, like a brook of water to | the panting hart. We eat and ad mired, and admired and eat. We did not, however, eat it as that noted quad - ruped, the swine does the acorn, not remembering nr recognizing the source trom whence it eatne. No. We thought ot Billy often and wondered if some other kind friend would not find it in his heart to emulate his glori ous example. Thank you Billy a thousand times for this seasonable fa vor. May you have a big water-melon patch, and many fine water'im lons, and may it never he crossed by the path of a squirrel hunter nor be invaded b\ llie gentry of the night, nor rn ly the crows peck holes in them, nor be moles ten by the jay bird, lie has plenty inure of the same sort on hand which he will he sell at the market cost. greatest humbug of the age Confiscation! The sternest reality —that LOE WEN STEIN & PFEI FER sells more goods, inu better goods and prettier goods, at cheaper prices, titan ally other merchant dare do. ar iveJ at the “busy BV’—Gents French C-ilf Boots, Fine Cloth Gaiters, Fine French Balrnor Is, Oxford 'lies, our Latest Styles, and will be sold us only BI.AIK and BKALn-IIA W can sell them, at New York retail prices, «©,w e are blessed with abundant j showers ot ram, so are LOE WEN STEIN & PFEIFER with bountiful supplies of Crockery, Hardware, am) Cutlery. Enough for everybody to get what they want, and tneir chil dren alter them, dog cheap for cash. FrCSll ItipC I’C'lcSieS, ju:;t arrived and for sale at GOMFTON’S. Bun there, everybody ; they wil all soon lie gone, ‘ Iv’e seen the wicked >n great power, spr ad mg himself fixe a gr-en nay tree, We 1, we saw a m n, the other day, spread ing himselt a heap worser than that. It was at LEASE & JACK'S fashionable ladies and Gem emeus’ Restaurant, on Alabama st,, Atlanta, Ga., over a dish of Ice Cream and Cukc. lie was a sensib e fellow, sure. have been testing the merits oi I Wilcox & Gibb’s Sewing Machines, and hesi tate not in sayi’ g that diey arc all that they are rei resented to be. J 11. R ickman, of this place, is Agent for the State of Ga, ill- lias a fine lot of them on hand, at his office in tiiis place, second fl >or of Dr. Sam’l Clay ton’s new brick building.— -Eds. Express. JKSP’Have you ever traded any with LO.. WEN STEIN & PFEIFER 1 — l! not don’t never test until you do ? That is il you want to buy bargains in Dry- Goods, Clothing. Notions, 4' c * 20,000 pounds of Dried Blackberries is wanted f.v Messrs. Cox & Bro., of At lanta, for which the .highest market price will be paid. They should b picked and dried in their red sta e before they are fully ripe. essrs, HOWARD & PEACOCK. of this place, have the Greenbacks already oi hand to p>v the market price tor any quantity of WHEAT. It you have any wheat to sell, call at Messrs. A. A. S inner & Go’s Store and get some bran new sacks to put it in They will forward wheat for any ol their cus tom ms and friends, to either Baltimore or New York. SJoVPS. —James W. S’range. our tinner friend is just now receiving a tine lot of Cook Stoves, of impro ed pattern and v rious size , an 1 is ai.xious to sell them to his cu tomers. II» is emphatically a strange man in many re peels, but the strangest cut of all is, he* wants to sell them cheap ! One Hundred Thousand Bushels of ff'heut Wan fed, by IS. Gilreath 4* Son for which the market price will be paid Wheat must be delivered in good mer cbantable order. Sacks c’ti be ob tained by calling at their store on the corner ol Main and Erwin streets, op posite Jones’ carriage repository. jgrWe are rejoiced to learn that, our respecteJ townsman. Col. J. Walter Pritchett, has united with Rev. H. F. Hoyt, ot Bainbrilge. Ga., and intend to establish in this place, a male school of high order, for the year 1868. ('ol Pritchett’s qualifications, as a Teacher, is too well known for it to be necessary for us to speak of them. Rev. Mr. Hoyt is the son of the late ilLlinguish eu Dr. Hovt. of Athens, Ga., and is a graduate of the University of Georgia, and has been engaged in teaching sc h ool in lor several tears. CartersviUe has cause to be prmid of her prospects for good schools., both male aud female,* for next year. Those gentlemen are both ripe scholars and experienced Teachers. . > A Row at Fuaneux. Tenn.—A Ter rible row was kicked up, a few days since, at Franklin, Tennessee. between the Rids, and Conservatives. It was begun between a white man and a negro, and resulted in the death of ten or twelve persons, white and black, and some twenty odd wounded. It is to be much regretted that such dif ficulties are not avoided; especially' while the whole South is under such a cloud. E-r th: Cirte.-s •; =• hxpreif. Mr. Aaron Uawkins. j Messrs* Editors: —As I suppose the long | coveted time wtrhsoon arrive whet, we wiif he entitled to representation in Cmgresj, and -s ! it is necessary Ylmt we elect a than who can j take the test oath-in order t Eat*4io be received, ! I beg eavc to suggest as a suitabla candidate I the gentleman whose name heads this article, j Mr. Hawkins has long b en a citizc.. ofCher i okee county, is weil known a a gentleman of j good nitqul character, of co/ ect. principles and affable manneis. His laieuts, too, are re | spectiSle, but as yet has net been developed, j as he ha- never ventured to leave the humble J walks of p:Cute life. Mr. Hawkins po-somi! appearance it very commending, hi- skin Is of a deep and beautiful black oojor, his eyes are prominent and expressive, and his form would be tall and erect if he were straight. He is, I understand, an acceptable and prominent mem ber of the Union League; and, I have no doubt, is in every respect qualified to meet the wishes and wants of the most fastidious Great circumstances make great tnen. Let us give Mr liaWKins a chance to display the gifts with uhi h nature has endowe I him, and it may be that no one in the nation’s councils will cut-rank him. AMICUS. For the Ca teravll'e Express. Summary of a speech Delivered by Rev. ( harlts t'Awards to the Cowredpeople of Cartcrsvi/le on July 4 -th. Tiie speaker introduced hiimelf to the peo ple, not as a public speaker, but as a common ignorant ni in. He was not there lor the pur- | pose i 1 making u po!i;ic speech lie was no ; politic man. lie was a religious man, and was thereto t< 11 tutni what the B b.e teaches. He would reier hi people to portions of tuo books si Genesis and J’roverbs. There tuey wounl find vviiat Ijod sa.d to do He was no collegia and man, but was a plain, homespun fellow. He d;d not believe so much in coi legised men, ro how; not h If so much as some folks. .People honored of God were much better, n his estimation. He would exhort ah Ins people to put ton. trust in (rod. God could bring light out oi darkness and sweet out of sour. Bad could erne <ut ol good, but very oiicu bad come from good- Ho wouid instance the little honeybee to prove the truth ot iiis proposition. They were euri >us ani mals, am how; they suture! at, every sour, stniKi ng and nasty thing in creation an J et the result of all tneir labor was honey. Hon ey was the sweetest P ing on earth, tempora - y speaking. The colored people were tree now; there was no galvanism in the fa'tof; their freedom, but there was some reality in j it. They all ought to thank God, to-day, for their freedom. Every person in his hearing, to-day, ougiit to feel as good as any' man on eartii ; not boast!ugly, but as gentlemen and ladies. Goa sometimes put down the high and raises up the low, lla didn’t doubt but taut God intended to lift them up. They could a!i learn if hey would go 1 1 school and j try, Everything was in the alphabet; if they j understood that w.l they were all light for ! big or accomplishments. God would hold them responsible cr their had hubi.s, They 1 had m re responsibility now than iv’e n they j were slaws. There was nothing n e :*..*, mg ; one another. There was nothiug li e a•. ther’s love. He remembered to div v;.,rt a good mother he had. He loved his wi*e and hi'dron mighty \v< 11, but be loved his mother better than them all. ile had the pleusurt of laying that mother in the grave five monies ago. He was raised some three hundred miles j ro n here. He was ~ot. a c lie psed mail ,s 1 tuey would ad readily know from his manners, 1 taough he thought himself as good in many o her respect; - 'i here was no reason far pv. pie to be lazy. The President of the United .“States r. as once a poor and ignorant man. but uow was a great man by his labor. They ! should take pattern of him ; unless they ex cited themselves more they would never make lawyers in the world. They should listen n good advise as though it come from the Judge of the Superior Court. He was a scripture man, he loved everybody. He hoped others would speak better than he. and that God would save them all from ruin. f The above speech was reported for us bv an ear witness, and is very characteristic. fnaT’A Competent Teacher of Vocal Music, we are requested to stale, can secure a large Class bv making an i If'rt in this community. Won’tsome body send ns one ? Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Ma chines In 1 arlci svHie, for sale. These Machines are sold here at the manu facturer’s prices, but I cannot afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, arid who will take good care of them; but it will bedesir.’ble to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine n the market anil all who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The ; rice from -$56, upward* The machines all equally good, but the price varies with the kind of fin ish of table and other extras. Office up stairs <>vr Cluyt »n’s store on pub lic square East aide of R ut-Road—send for cir culars or call and examine machines. JOHN JLRUCKMAN. Gen. Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, ISGT. Dll. lUI.LIOSS’ DROPS, In the last two weeks many families particularly children have been afflicted with Dysentery, thpy have tried, many of them ‘-Dr. Bullions Dysentery- Drops’* and in every r ise tin y have been made to rejoice at the success oi it. They all agree in saying they would tiot be without it in their housp. for leq tint's the price of it, ev< rvone should supply themselves with one or more Bottles, e w try Store sholud keep a supply on hand, Retail Price only 25 cts.. A liberal discount to the trade.— Cali and provide, tor you or your fam ily taken trick at nitrht -s-- For Sale, BEST& KRAMER. • y £ \ ,s- „ • Druggist’s / . 'C-rtersville Ga- Aliberal discount made to all stores. TO COASI SS*.TIVES. The advertiser, having- he«r reslored to hualth in few weeks tiy a very 9 apie rvjr.e-iy. z(fet ha tng »us feed f.r several years with a severe iang affe ticn. and t at c.rrart disease Oonsmnption—ia &i,x as t > make koi wm to his fell w sufferers the tpearis f cu e. To all who desire i', he win send a cf the p- sent lion used (free <-f eh rge), with the dir- 'th-ns for : rep .rinst and os nr threw ne. which they w !1 find a SURE CURE for.’ o\>U MPIMOS. At-THM BROX- Oitl It •, COUliaS. COLDS, an i ail Throat and Lung Atfesitous. the ou y --bject of the »d - .-erU<er ia «e ! ;ij the" Prescription is to b-nefi’ the alHicud.'ar.d so c a-i information wbieh he conceives to be invalue.-land be hi pes every sufferer will try his . emedy, as it will c> ct teem nothing, and mav prove a bksiing. Par Its wi. hiug the pteaciiptlon, FREE, by rettn-p map, »i*j pitaae address K£V Lit'.l A WILSON, WiiiiJuasbtirp, > jf** V ,-k. MijT 1»*. 1 »fy. E> HORS OF lOITK. A m»r. wh" *' ff red fir ye*r« "?r u N*-rron« Debi ity, P ‘ U*- , !»■-<• , *-><* u - .ts <> ynutbful In* is. n*U'>n, *' U. I* r ihe sat? f sefft rirc J.a nsi.ity, -eaa ' •r ' *:! »! n n>-en it, tb*> rece!|*« siml j o’-er'lons for m .»>' v ! b“ *tntple re’ v ■ rhirh he j B-ed. Suffer"— s Kishinev) pr .fii bv the adrer ! tia»r’s 'tra*’'- cao so bv a a es-iee. In re**f-et -rorfiieiiCv, JOHM B. OGDK\, 42 Ceil-r Ft--t. New York. May 1,1F67. wly. CIRCULAR TO AGENTS. , Western &. Klantfc Rail-road. Ollice Master of Transportation. ! In order to insure the prompt transportation >f wheat, and to prevent delays, errors, anil I losses in its shipment, the following instruc -1 lions must b“ strictly observed in all shipments j of wheat from y ur depot: — ; I. .S;.cks must be plainly marked, and before any portiori of the shipment i» received, wi'tei. instructi uns must b*~ given by consignor, show ing ’.umber of sacks to be shipped, marks, consignor, consignee, desti ntioii, and the route iby which : t is t be shipped, i 11. Bper iil Instruction No, 2 wil! be strictly observed in giving receipts for wheat. ! 111. Rule No. 4. in printed local taritT. m;is' J be adhered t<> in regard to wheat, and agents j will not permit wheat to be put into the depot | until the provisions of paragraph I. of the I circular arc compliec with; but ahippe s wiu be allowed to d*-!iver portions of a shipment after the w itren instructi' us for shipment of a . whole'lct have 1 een fled with an agent. JOHN B. PECK, Master Transportation. .flcresof Barlow L A i 1. I propose to sell tnree tracts of cf Licit ombrachig 1290 ACRES. and wil’. give the best bargnliTs now offered iirYhe county. Ist Tract. 9*o acres—4oo acres cleared, u—’?r fence an-’ In a liiirh gr ite of caltivVb’n. The whole -rac lies w'ell, produ.-es •“reetv a-" Ila pleasin' to crldvaie. I t ne . r .WO MLHCII NT MILLS CttDRCHLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS convenient —neH th an.l society v The imraoveti «i is cont-ist of a newly finished duelling with s’x ro ms—G : -u house Smith's shop and other necessary outbuil unsis, together with six o’her repara e tnements on the pl:ce. 2nd Tract, Contains S2O acres—Bo cleared, improvements common { This plawc 1 e» 1 iniie of lire town of 3rd 'Tract, Cmtairs 50 acres, one > alf lea> and T'-.eabove lands ca be bouaht. separate o- toiretbe’, Terms e sj. I tercet in pr rent crop sold with th place i e$ ed and po's-es ion given, lorty day- from <1 yol sale. « ' B.T. LE’KK J.une 1, 18C7. w3m Mtw I an now receiving from New Yoi a large Stock of Goods ; consisting of Otl ’/-CO DOS, GROCERIES, (Irrodicrn.Soote, SHOES.HITS HARDWARE. SADDLERY, STRAW SJC3S, cSC, <&€• Which Inm cff.rirrg very lot*for Cash. C'tfne and see for youisi ves. Kingston, Ga. E. V. JOHNSON. Mav 17, 1867. NEW FIRM. Up Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris k Thompson. fs HAVE just received a FINE AB FO : I ufcNT OF I.URN line LBA.-i,«,<X THE‘i ai.d other i mterials tieces-li & asy tor a ti at, class “ SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, a nxe j>»*pwd to furnish nil kinds of 11 onßr, Old net e new, [?] SARD Hk r IRED with t.eatn ss and dispa *!*. t>\ it ci.n Hud an as * rt'pen* of Ntio Wo k' always on nan'i. CJii ip for Ca*h. c&rtersvilU, a., April sr, 1 SOT. Sl-COyBEViTARB Hunter’s Specific. rj'.iiE great English Remedy. A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for G 'nncra' oen, Syphilis, Pain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseaseso the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseas s, 0 aiietis. Stone in BlaUcr, Effects oi Marcury, and Gieet. .—lt cures in from five -to eight days. —lt require® no change of Die 1 . —lt is no and sagreeahje to tak-. —lt imparts no odor Vo the breath. lt gives tone t* e who e system. —lt removes impurities rtf t e blood. Sold, wholesale and retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale DTra^glst, Augusta, Ga. ian "ri.wßm O*>3. C.(RD*s{l, T - :: nel is pa ti’"-'tip ; -a • ! rlery for Tanning tr -rd- | r -i. mil's cri Et ■IV♦I *-n vpr nesr hi? Wes -ic R. V. h-idkr?. u tics fiouiO rtersv il s !\i! n v efitre !■ do-t Vic ca-f’tt* ar>out. tfie Igt of .1 dv. W -k wi ibe done in ».sat sfaetnry rammer #nd »t e ra'es. Card, alt new. Is aino prepared to c id whe?' and corn, pairnnar- aim; ect' illy solicited. j? T—3m W. J M CT.STCHI.Y. BARTOW COUNTY. —Robert C. Saton m one of tbe a tun ‘-atom op the estate of R'-ehard H. Milner, de eas-d. b ving petitioned to b- discharg ed fr a said tiob. A*i persore who are con es- -,-d are r-qu'iod withio the Cm- fixed by law,if »nr they have, why thesald Robert C. Saxon, should not be discharged »-cordi:ig to the pr*yer of ids petition. Giv-r nndcr my »rij . gee! -ich*>t o » < >. t.. Ji*h Jura, toST J A H 'WAV!) 0-3 Mid .Summer pr» (£oobs. We respectfully inform the citizens of Bartow county, that our stock of Dry Goods are daily arriving, and having the largest and best selected stock in North Ga., and most of them having been purchas ed since the late decline., we flatter ourselves that we can offer extra inducements to purchasers. Purchasers buy ing from us will have a large well selected and new stock to select from—southing un usual at this season. We will keep everything usually kept in a first class Drygoods House, t\ f Wh wf* fy jgf sssm Children’, Men’, Youtlfs, and BojV J^IXT 3 Avery handsome line o itoetbs anb i,51118 9 READY-MADE CLOTHING of latest styles and grades.— , Our motto : 4 -Q,uiick sales and short profits” v\ ill be faithful ly kept up, and we pledge our selves to duplicate any retail ; bill made North or South. Come and gee us, one andj all. We will he pleased to show goods at any time. - .. *7 * W. H. Stocks is with us, j and will be pleased to see his I friends. j & if I? IBSIHW. IMM EX S F. ATT R ACTION!! !Immense reduction In Prices! A GORGEOUS LOT 0? DRESS GOODS Just Received from Hie I,afo fov York Assclion S.Uos, A Reduction of 50 per cent, from last month’s Prices 1 %tll Goods Hlarhcd In Plain Figures t My well known -tnightfonverd and hon-'r.-tMe course of cendurtmg bu.«» >*«<» is <* ri-fTn * to ail who may fa-oi me with their patronage, that they willbefariy dealt \v: h. -■" ■ JOHJV *U. G*i,\\YO,Y, Corner of Wliltchall and liunter Streets, RE-PECTFX I.T.A annourc s to fcls friends an ! the pub’ie, that ho h\a just returned fr >m New V rk, where h* has beet, in au tula .ce at the iinrueime i.ucifoii Brits which ti. k place the i t week,' and u.'.t :s i. .« Block ut Muisuaiuur Goods, is t.uiv cuiup.eie, uua wilt be soul a. p ices Unit win. U y couipeuou. .no iu si . x perieneeil will a) once parcel re the irreat advantage of fiu-chaslng a stock of dry jr >.> J, at this particular t •>« wh<-n import e s.are disposing ■ f their stuck.'regard ess ol c< st. ‘ "■ I w uid annex i .cliedute ot p ices, but space wli rot permit. Suffi'e it t say that I was \cw ;v.o late paiiic re iched its ciiujrix, and ilia I purchased uiy pr sein stuck 23 per ceut, le,s U. ,u it could have biva purciiateu ul any other tio. e itus seaauu. J'J3T PuE3EIVEL = SCO pieces beautiful D.-eis Goods, crnslstrug of Grenadines, Mozambique*. Leu os, Puplines, Lawns, Barcgo«, «‘e. 200 pieces splendid goods for Gents’ and B >y»’ wear, consisting of Cloths, Oosslinere*, Drop D’Ete, Jeans, Lii ca Due a. ttjucl Drills, etc. SOO white c*o<vt«, <mmhtfnr? nf P!nfn< Striped, *ind D tted Sw!f> ,* Plain, fltrlfmd, Cheeked and Dotted Jaconet; Tarlatan. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin. Unlit sU'e.-’, Piq .c, ljiahcp i.awu, elf. r OO \rn rt H *9^. F '/V*h »r«d F-ench Prints, **ll new *tyiep; 1000 übfr* EBoftchcd SM N Y< rV M*IN, L>rHd»»*\ Ho.iV. ,T Putnam, and sevm- 1 • the m l S 9 10, 11 and 12 1 4 Bleached »’ and B r » w u Sheeting; o 4 and 6 4 l iiiow Case Cottons ; *2O pieces S-4, 0-1 and 10*4 Table Linen \ b >th bleached andj unbleached 30 c*»peß all t-tyV*! of shot s; 20 esses fill ?tylcsw Oropf; 100 drzen nil styles IToup £hl r t<»; 300 T.rdb * and Vllf*y e?’ H »«»•; 60 Zr .n La lie*’ Beautiful Iron F r «nie*. vm y superior* a'• |»len<iG* Mos K »-r*. G. Corset*; asp »*»•• i 1-it.Af L.-C. fl I .udkerebi* fs 10 VmauMful F annels: *«■ .uvnpiete stock of Notions; 5000 Paper (\»li*rp f r [.a lies am] *4e:it-«; always on 1 and. a full sti ck of .jars*, Sheetinpa Oannhurgi, Jean>, etc., nhicli will be Sold or factuty price. Everything usually kept in a first c &as i'ry Goods fetore enn be found here. P. 9—T!;ls sp’endid stock of Goods has been purchased since the- 241 hof May, which annonuccmc: S will *ui!«fy. all that great bargaies w ll be given. J»II\ M, G iXXOV. jo. n, 1807. • • Corner Whilohill ami Hunter Streets, Atlanta; Oa. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FQ10367. Chamberlain, Cole 4* Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia. Are celling their inunense Stuck ul saw Ciaawa *» swi lUJO'-ii L) DU 0, At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, At P rices to s» i t the Ti me s Tlt“rSinrk oI'QRFSS 6DOCS ‘■ci'nprisesrvf rv n.w «tvl« in tlm,Amcriean mart, ta HOSIERY ••’"J GLOVES 11 •» hiri/pst f>vi*r I'roimhl to Atlanta; ?{IK POPLIN COVERINGS. •«»“! LACE POINTS '>f every variety ; EMBBOIDFRIES LACE GOODS ( - v, ’ r .v <i(‘s.*npt,an ; PARASOLS »»<i SILK UMBRELLAS s ” i ' h " lv ; TABLE DAMASKS NAPKINS-TOWELS- TOWELING ™A IRISH LINENS : CURTAIN DAMASKS- < Jootls lor Men's and Bovs wear. DOMESTICS al, ‘' NOTIONS l@-A I.L FOR TII C LOWEST C ; V SII PRICE.-®* April 12 ly, I. a. »«8fW8«B» WHOLESIALB GROCER AND COMMISSION JERCHHI. No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, [Adjoining the.Rail-Road,] B. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA, t. p. Fleming. Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Graiii’ Hay- and all Western Products. Orders fo r at y description of Merchandise promptly filled, ar.d consignments solicited. April 26, 1867.w3m MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT THE G£ T 5 CITY <C J It tPA CP a» >f OXC <CL *1 CP XtA <.p S3 xP «sfe iSm •fc'l C 5» 4» '*U# 4& f. We w- u*«f respectfully Tnf> ria«-ur filends and -he j.ubiio twe Imve Just received ore . | the latest Mid SUMMED CLOTHING! Ev -r h-ought 1 1 Atlanta, a! of wh\ b hare been to mu actu r and fo r u<* from On di hour’t at, late <ie dine, f- r Oiii, aim special reference to the want ,jf this section. We would ifcipeciful j invite all to an exouiiuvtion of Our Goods and Prices, FeeHnr confident rh -t we can salt the moat ec >oo - ica'. ia weli »s 'ho mo* fa«'H<as to price and quality Space does not permit to enumerate ail the GjocS k pi oy u , bat;o It ii say we have nice Cassimere Sails for $7 50 to sl9 CO, and upward*. Those e.oqnainte ! "'th onr O >od«, need hot hr fold that our Plofhinr Is made up by the bent workmen, and of superior goods. lu aid tinn to the ah >vo, *-e a's'\ a lerge s;c vof GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. rone'stirg of PUFFED and PM. IN Will I’d Sl’lftT*, FANf If and lidO'A'N U'ES SHIRT?. UXDKP.GA R VENTS, of all eiz-t tin van i Plain 116 Aof all dev. ip-i ms "< »'.d l.'nan P-i.’itet Ha dker-b! : r «. t>■ nr ■/ ey’j Patent M I led C»lia% m wen as Gmied anti -Uirsei.lea .Dollars, Ail of vh.oh will be Hold cbeaperiha can oe bought eisewh- re Also, Boots, Shoes, unis, Sole feather and other Trunks Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladles, Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the aat3 City Clothing Store by A. ROSE NEE LI) -fe BRO., Next dorr to tfcCarojr 4* Co’s I.»rti - S-.vrr. ’ hilehiui «. Ap' , ;’i 26. wte AiiANTA, GEORGA ,4 j j m f