The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 26, 1867, Image 4

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THE BURNT HICKORY ** f y ' m 7f - ' » • 'err [ -‘f il y inform* the clt r z»ni of r ii and ..< .joining counties that he has .■ . .• e* .*,’ f.. rfi ding wheat and crn, anti *• t>. th *n a* much a» five bushel* • 'a e. He »Jll grind every The Mill is situated about • : !• hi S'eaTi mIP, ten miles south . . • . itrles north west of Burnt ■ '.n-e cjt ~f StllcHoro. lie is mber at lh“ n»u»l rate*, y ivi*. t e patronage of the public, r .r.-. Kit to l o as good grinding- and sawing . v ud.N in the c. nntry. H. J SLIGII. jt ’■—•in. WOOL CABDIS6, Tbe underi-fined is | lifting np machinery for running vto! •: r<l* it nis tollia on F.> >wah river ne ir the VV, «• i--n.V truntic R. K. bridge. 1 V mile* fromC rt.-mv ll* i >:! t»e prepared to do role about the latot .1 i, VV rk vri!! he done in asaflnctnry manner arid ar reiso>ish e Cards ail new. Is also prepared i> </ iid wheat and corn, Patronage is resp» ctfolly e-iil. i• c I. j • 7- it :i WJMOVf(I!I.V. sTEORGIV. BARTOW COUNTY’.—Robert C. Savon I one ot H e Administrators on the estate < f Richard 11. Milner, r?e eased, having petliiuned to b- dKcharg e i in said admlnistr . tinn. A I perso* s who are con hi (1 are r< qu>rrd within the time lived by la*7,tf any tl.i y have, why the said Robert 0. Saxon, should not be ■li-i hargej accoidirig to i;.« pr»yer of big petition. tiiv n under my hand aud official -I nature. th'S the 3*h June, DO7. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. | 1 EOKGIA, DART!)'V COUNTY.—B> * Jf virtue of an Older from the Court of Or i iiiary ol Bartow County, Georgia, will hi Sold I adore the C <i.rt House door in CARTERB -on t’.ie first Tuesday in September in xt, between the In-gal Hours of Sale, the billowing Tricte or Parcels of I,A.YD, viz: I, it ol L ind An. Seven Hundred and Ninety (if ), Sc in Huh ireil and Ninety-Five (?'JS), Fiaet onal parts ol i ia numbers os follows : ■ c- ii Hundred and Twenty-Three, (723), flight Hundred and Sixty-Two, (802); said land being in said county and State, originally i n>wa as Cherokee county, in the 4th District and dd Section ; being part of the Rea! Estate ol Jas. C. Sproud, deceased, containing bv survey IMJA acr< s ; sold for the benefit of the Ueiis and Cieditors of sai l deceased. HUGH I). COTHRAN. Adm’r, ELIZA M. SPIiOUi.L, Admr’x July dd, 18S7. | A EOKGIA. BARTOW COUNT Y.-FTX " Jf i V days after date application will be made to the court of Ordinary of iHVrtow co., < >a., P r leave to scil the LAN DS belonging to the Estate ol J as, C. Sproull, late of sail) t ounty. decca.-ed, lor the benefit of the heirs & ■ rc-ditors of said deceased. 11. I). COTHRAN, Adm’r, ELIZA M. SPROULL, Admr’x, J !y 4th 1567. Estate of Jas. C. Snroull, CeorgUt, Kid view Centaltj. 4 . artow Superior Court, March Term, 1867. L.'.za Dunahoo . v«. j Bi!i for Injunction and Re < I R. M. Tracy. > lief. J T rippc uiac to the Court, by the return of the Sher -1 iff, in the above stated cue-*, that, the defendant does r. t reside in this county, and it further appearing 1 1. it he il a non-resident. of the State; It Is, hereby Onhrut, That the defendant, appear at the next term <•{ 'his court and plead, demur or answer *« paid Bill, and default thereof s id Bill he taken pro confesso. and that this order ho published once a month for th'ce m at in in the CurtentrilU IX-or ess. JAM Ed MILNER, J. S. C. C, C. A true extract,from the minutes. April 26, 1667, T. A. WORD, C’erk. ISarScvf Slier 3ft Sales. For the f rt Tuck! »y in A ugu t next. •tlf II.L he Bold before the Courthouse door in the town it • f Cartersvil e, rri the first Tuesday In Aug. next, within tfg-i| mil* house, the n-l'nwlng property t> wit : ONE HI.NDKLD ACRES of lot id' Land ?m' V 7 -being in tin* Sixth District and ■••*• n;- i-l County ol Bartow—with •• t 1 '■■■:' thereon; containing !' - hiniii. y,- Levied on 1 . HI NTEK; to satisfy • ie .i -runty Court of said C.'a.tiv, in favour of M. C. JACKSON vs Prc-t ct'v pointed out by Deft. -also- ONE T \VO- - iOUSE WACO ,V - Levied on by vi. , and in favour of, the Fiaintifl C>* Sd *li - JL. }> —ALSO— CNZ TiOUSE AND LOT, in theTmvn of CARILR'A ILLE Known as the William ii! Lot; now Occujdcd by Thomas Povv. , Levied on as tlvg Property of Thomtis Poweil. To satisfy a Superior Court “Fi Fa” From liartow Superior Court. In Favour ofS. I. COX, Bearer, vs Povvcli iX Owens: Prop erty Pointed out by PluiutiiF, * ' ALSO ONE HOUSE & LOT in the town of Oar tersviHe in said county, whereon defendant T n,v no: known; containing our Acre of Laud. Levied on as the Properly of Thomas Powell, to satisfy 4 Justice court “Fi Fas 1 ’ from the Justice court of the 822 District O. M.; one in favour of Smith & Bryant ’s Thomas Powell; one in favor of J. Elsas vs Thomas Powell; One in favour of W. L, Coodwin & Stocks vs Thomas Powell X Ow ens, and One in favour of \V. il. Pritchett, vs Thomas Powell & John J. Jones Security. Property pointed out by Piths. Levies made nnd returnee to me by a constable. Tins Julv 3J, 1567, W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff; AARON COLLINS, Depty. Sheriff. KORfti A, BARTOW COl'N IV,—Two nonh? after vJ date application will be made to the Court of Or (Vnary of said county, at the Brat regular term after the exptrat i.n of two mouths from this not'ee, for leave t « hell all the real eidate of Wm. A McCravy deceased for the bereft* of the h; ivs and creditors of said deceased. May 29th, ISO 7. FANNIE COS. Admr’x. A. I). MoCK IVY, Adrn'r KQTICE. TO all whom U ranv concern, the nrdersiyrfd hereby gives notice, that he lias Bled h s petiiion with the Ordinary . f Bat; vs t’oun'v t > he discharged from his H\ectiti>r»hiv> on Bennett tl. Conyers, last V 111 tu and tes tament. on account of business arrangements, and ina bility thcrefumt to attend said trust, that in two’months frt m Ihe i>r gint.ii <r , j the publication of this notice he nil) apply !\ r the sanction of said petition, and to be disciiAtxed lrotn said executorship, e. B—6m. C B CON V lifts, Ex. ofß 11 Coryerr, dec. p KOEtll.t, BARTOW COUNTY.—Two Months after " l late application will bo made to the Court of Ordi nary of Bartow county. Georgia, at the first regular Term af'er the expiration of Two Months from this nmlo.e for leave : t se’l the Bands belonging to the estate of W \V. TIEPINS, late of said county dect ased, for the benefit of the heirs anti Creditors of said de ceased : This 10th May IS6T JOHN B. 11PP1XK Adiu'r. & uion WorJgagcSherill'sSalc ILL he sol i hetore tie Courthouse door in the town of Cartcrsvltle, ou the first Tuesday in August next . fodowlup property to ' it: 're fourteen burst- p-.wer Engine and Boiler,and one - ebie Geared Po table i we: ty Four Inch Corn Mid. Lev it n on as the property cf C.T. Parker, to satisfy a r Jrtgage 1; fa issued from Bar ow county rout, in fa xor of J. IV Whitehead, Agent for Hart & Munson a .•ilnst said Parker. Property pointed out in said mort .age fi fa. je.3 W. L. GOODWIN, ijhffi. GtGRGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Whereas J a Fowler Adminis*- irator nl \Y L Fowler, represents to the '.ourt, in his petition duly filed anclen icred on record, that he lias fully ad ministered W L Fowle-’s estate. * This id, therefore to cite all persons concern <’d, kindred and creditors, to show cause i: any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from Isis ad uu and receive 'letters of dis~ -- . :. : sirs: Monthly in Sep •x: W ii I) MOSS, - /• •1 : 1 ?Tv. Ordinary, [Primer’; ! c S , '.J ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. _ Iloiilfi Wm « Bttgjiea mi ROCK. AWAY S } will be delivered at once for wlieat. wlieat t j be delivered at §2, 25 in Atlanta, by 25th June. ISG7. Address or call upon ANDREW No 5, Empire Bloch, Atlanta, Ca. Capi. T!ios. Tumlin at Euhailee, will act as my Agent. Montvalo Springs, 18 6 7. TIM 5 ! popular Summer resort having been placed it I thoroagh repair, and furnished ivit i new F rnitur . will be opened fur visitors on tiie Ist if JUNE next, under the direction and control of the undersigned— Proprietors of the American Hot l, Atlanta, Ga. Mont vale preai ms the strongest attractions to both the inva id and pleasure-seeker, no less on account o: :s retirement and the b«*uty of Its surrounding scene v, than if the restorative powers ofitswateis. W t have reduced the price of Board to the lowest figure, •orsiste .t with a proper provision for the Entertain ment of our Guests. Board, per Day, #8 00 “ per Week 20 00 “ per Month, 60 00 with an allowance lor families. Travellers by Railroad re;-ch tbe Springs by specia’ conveyance from Loudon, or by regular dai.y mai coaches from Knoxville, Term. WHITE & WHITLOCK. April 26, 1567. SOUTHERN BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL STOVE* WoriiS, JScw Toils, RICHARDSON & SANFORD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Stoves, Molloiv-ivarc Hlock Tin, TIN-PLATE, SHEET-IRON and TINNERS JPXISnDZISIG^, Lamp, Cutlery, Housc-furrishing Goods of every Description* PLATED AND BRITANNIA WARE, Keystone Hlock, W hitehal! street, z\t!anfa, Ga. F. M. Rickardsok. L. V. Salford. __ EDWARD WILDER’S Stomacli Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all speeb of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomacli Bitters. It will give immediate reiiefin Colic and Fit USE EDWARD WILDER S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigoraut f Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative a., ionic lor all family purposes. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMA €ll BITTERS, It is an excellent Appetizer, as wellasStren ciier ol the digestive forces. USE EDV/ARD WiLDER’S STOMACH BITTERS, As it is being daily used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula will be handed any regular graduate. EDWARD WILDER, SOLE PP.RCPRIETOH, No, Sls Haiti Street, MARBLE FROST, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. S „ FOR’SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, El R£,DWft?B & ro2£, V. HOI ESSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS Corner WhiKTsail and Ala, Sts ATLANTA, hi. .v: •.9 1 v ATLANTA Ilaml Looms. DR H.SEI.T.P, ANDREW BUNN, F. P. OLr.NN • President. Secretary. Treaterer. GEOI’.GIA LOOM AND .17.-1 N U UFA C 7 U RING CO M PA NY. I'.fftnnfaMnrer*'and Pl-nter=, 1 ok to your interest, and don’t fait focal! ft Bell-J. hoson B llding, nextdoor to the Post-f ffice, and see it in opperatiou MENDENH \T L‘S improved self-acting HA N D AND POWER LOOM! Easier Understood, Easier to Operate, ar.d morerelts vie Possesses gnperior advantages over other Hand Ltoms. is more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaviue all their Goods f r Home Wear on the MENU MULL lUPiil VKD HAND THOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. it weaves as fas't as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE COST OF THE CLOTHING UF A FAMILY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS USE! From Five to Ten Do lars a day can be made on it. ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easy Crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Clotn, tread., the T eadles. and throws the •buttle. It weaves Jeans, Satinets, Linsey. Banket, rvrill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Ri'bed Goods, Fencing Twills of a’l kind.. Flex. Cotton, T<>vv, or All-Wool Ch.tb, Baging, Toweling, Tab e Linen. Bal moral Skirts, Woolen, L'nen and Hemp arpets — in fact any thing, fr„m a Handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, 2tot larger th'-n a common Breakfaxt Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, V Os Good Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Further Particular?, Bill of Prices De*cnp. live Circulars, and Samples of lie vim, 7, addi ess GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PIiATT, Agent. March 22, 1867, w6m c O I KI 2>z XX IXj X_j . Hare Ao tv In Store: I3ARREES BIE W ISIS Si Y, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30pkiis Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgsJ arnaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Rumi, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases -Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 eases assorted Liquors, 25 eases k box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at verv low prices. COX & HILL. ATLANTA, Ga., dec 13—wif 'THE LITE DRUG STORE' We invjte the sneclwl attention of Druggists and Mer chants in the surrounding country to our Imre stock of Foreign and American Goods —Buying in large quantiti's directly from Importeis M nufactors aid Package Houses—We are ab’e'to offer i> ducements not to br* surpassed in New York, to merchants who em ploy less capital and buy in smaller qualities. We are daily reeelveing large supplies of Drugs and MEXIOINES. OILS AND PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, MACHINE AND TAN NER’S OIL of every kind and quality VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, imposed and American. FANCY AND TOILET GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES and uU articles kept in a first class Drug House. Also on hand Limdreth'’ s Sew Crop Turnip Seed. Large quantities of QUICKSILVER for mining purposes, Spear's Talent ‘•Fruit Preserving SOLUTION” one Bat. PRESERVES , 128 lbs FRUIT without expensive sealing or air tight Jars. Call and examine our slock and drink from the “lamous ARCTIC SO DA FOUNT”. REDWime & FOX, Corner Whitehall & A a. streets, July i9. Atlanta, Ga. Cotton and Hay SORE W. TT'EIGHT'S PATENT IRON COTTON AND HAY VI SCREW. v,i»h recen* improvements, is tew hci. g manufae'ured in ATLANTA. All necessary in'orma ti, n furnished on spjfiieaticn. Bend in y.-nr orders iarmediately, that jour Screws rr«y b-r-.,iiy ty the first cf the S’.aeou. TOMMY ec STEY» .a El . Hardware Merchant: _ Atlanta, Gl 12. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS, | V. R. TOMMEY. J. S. STEWA RL i Newto.i Cos , Ga. Oxford , Ga. “TOMMEY & STEWART “ IMPORTERS ASP DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of tbe MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Res ectfnlly call the attention of merchants and oth ers to tfartr large and well assorted stock cf Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Btiiluers' and Carriage Materials, A grieultural I in plements, Grain Cradles, Sytlte Blades, 'Pools ol all kinds, &c M &c.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Kawbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Seale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Brook’? Patent Portable Pot ion and ISay Screw and Uevolvin? Press In over one hundred counties in Georgia. war County nights for Sulc.-NsSk April 12. ly. VKSiolesale and Retail CASH CLOTHING HOUSE. Vt T E have now in store and pre recieving regularly VV all tin* LATEST STYLES of men AND BOVS’CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, j&c, &c. Which we will sell at a very slight advance on first cost OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is mivv omplete. Suits of All Kinds Promptly Made We guarantee FIT,!ST Y’LE, and QUALITY. HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitcha 1 Street. 8 E I VIJTG JfIJl CHIJTES. 7 f a\ii g accepted the'General Agency for the state of il Georgia, of the WEED SEWING NUCUINE, we are prep ir and to sell them at Manufacturer s p*icee.— Th se Mach uts, after a horough iriat for years, have proven thenis- Ives to be the SIMPLEST AN if BEST for geneial family use now made. Our arrangements are now complete to furnish any of the leading Sewing Machines at, maker’s prices, HERRING & LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! FACTOR.!? YARNS. TT/VE are the Agents of tbe Athens Manufacturing Cos., VV anu will -eil their Yams at facto y rates to whole* sals buve-s. Depot at our Clothing House, Whitehall street, AtiantUjGa. _ „„„„ May 17, HERRING 4* LEYDEN. WITH Wholesale and Retail Dealer in glrg CSjoojDb BOOTSt SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Whitehall Street. je2B—tf. Atlanta, Ga. J. T. MB 8 CO. Successors to McCAMEY & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs. ; Faints , Oils, 1 Chemichals. Window- Cllass, PATENT coi2.ri:K prior ,ijro ,11,18 .IXI STREETS , Atlanta, Ga. AMERICAN HOTEL. Alabama Street, AT EAST A, GEORGIA. Opposite the Passenger Depot. WHITE §0 WHITLOCK, Proprietors. TIP HE public are respectfully informed that 8 this House has been remoddled and re fitted. and re- >pened for the accommodation of the travelling public. Much time, labour and expense has been expended in making it worthy cf patronage. Modern improvements have been added, and the public can re y ol .s being ccual to any in Southern cities WHITE & WKITLGCK, Proprietors. BRYSON’ A Y/YLLY, Clerks, uy I ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARDWARE. J. M. 8 J. C. -ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, fgrelESs Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTING, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS’ TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. MEC HANLGAL TOOLS, oi all Trades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS. Builders’ Hardware, AXES. HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have Just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Bolting Cloths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Low for Cash l AT, 80 MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, tall and see us when you visit Atlai-t*. J. M.& J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. April 26, 1867 w6m force's boot and shoe IE3I O TJ £> ~P~! WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA. ’GEORGIA. ARE now receiving their Fail and Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youth-’, and Childrens’ wax, kip,calfand bufrßrogans and Balmorals —Boots, of a 1 styles, thick, wax. kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, Mi-ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, h. force. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. 1y The Oldest Jewelry House in ATLANTA, GEORGEA, ER LAWSHE, M, Qlocks, ft* Jgg Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and Warranted. May l, 1867. wly gBIIJIIP CROCKERY AND T. R. RIPLEY ACT. OLD STAND, Wiiifeliall St., Established in Atlanta, Cla. June 21, 1567. 3m VAN EPPS & TIP PIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G-BOOBRS Commission Merchants, Alabama Street, Atlanta Ga. The following, as well as many other goods In th's line for tale in iota to suit purchasers: B tcoii Sides, Corn, Bacon Hams, Flour, Canvassed Harug, Lard, Sugar-cured Hams Coffee, Syrups. Brown Sugars, Molasses, Refined Sugars, Soda, Mackerel in Bb!*,, Salt, Mackerel in Kegs, Soap, Salmon in Cans, Toilet Soap, Lobs' ers in Cans. Oysters in Cans, CanuieS, Candles, Raisins, Mason’s Blacking, Nuts, Tobacco, Date*, Cigars, Starch, &C. <fcc. TAX EPFS &. TIPPIX. June 21,1867. —tc Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. Wliereas, Jo in J, Epperson applies to me to be retired from his administration on the estate of James B Epperson, deceased. These are therefore to cite Mrs. Sarah Epperson and admonish aii and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file objections if any they have bv the first Monday in Aag ust, 1P67, othenvisc letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of | the court cf Ordinary tor said county. Given I under my hand and o iScial signature, this the ! 2Sth day oi Jan 1567. \V K D M 0314, Ordinary. (pi's fee 6 i ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Marble Yard. S, B. OATMAN, Agtnt. Fc.R WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block adille, and White Rutland Statuary MARBLE. SWE are now receiving and have io store, a large and gxtfyiW' ■ desirable stock of finished H|| and rough Marble, which If LrjQ we offer to the public on H|jQk the most reasonable terms. jr—.-V Owing to the high price of marble at tics time, many persons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial; that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales—such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnis.l in the host style. Monuments, cirvcd and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns. Vases. &c„ and Furnishing Marble of all de scriptions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of bnsin'ss, we hope to merit a sh ire of public patronage - De igns of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Bc'lvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, 1866. DRYGOODS! DRYGOODS! N e w Arrival! TALLEY, BROWS iCO Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.. Are now dally receiving their SECOND INST A LLMENT OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock, they wll RECEIVI WEEKLY, the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS ! THEY IIAYE OX IIAND NOW! Black and Fancy Silk?, Mosamthques. Grenadines, Organdie Muslins, White and Black Iron Barege- SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLIM White and Fancy Tarlatong, White and Fancy Bril iants, Tucked Skirt Gnoria, Alexand.e’s Kid Gloves—-light colors MALTESE AXD CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &c. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. May B—w 6.ii. NEW LIQUOR STORE. R. Jfl.Rose& Co s, Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys, Gilts, Rums, &c. &c. No 2 Granite Block, Broad Sir. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED AND DOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade offered at low fig ures. Country dealers are specially invited to givens a ell and sample our Liquors, which we guarantee to he as we represent them. And satisfaction given in ever) transaction. June 7 —te. R. M. ROSE & CO. Mcßride, dorsett * co., ATLANTA, GA, To the Merchants of* Georgia and adjoining States : have already spoke? through the papers to our VV frien-cls throughout he South, and advised those who were formerly our follow-soldiers ia the Bou'he r n army, that we had undertaken to apply, in Pcao the element, of vigor, energy and promptness, which had ■so often gained cs the day in War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GKE-..A.SS ZEiOTJSIEL in Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. We are backed by all the advantages which are de rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge of 'he business. A large partof our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. We confidently expect to supply from our dspot in At'ant-i, all those raer fejjsl chants throughout this and adjoining vjjr States, who have heietofore made their purchases North. We can offer as varied a stock as can be found in New York, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will save FREIGHT by purchasing here. Y-u will s ve BREAKAGE by purchasing here. You will contribute to the b Hiding up of a homo de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and eonstmtly arriving ASSORTED PEG’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grade. We repack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking Glasses, Lamps, Cutlery, Plated and Japanned Ware, Clocks, &<•.. to order. Wc ha e j b lots of ihese goods from time to time at very low prices. We solicit your CASH orders, and will give jou la-ge advantages for CASH IN HAND. Your Friends, April 19, 1867. McBRIDE, DORSETT 4 CO. T. M. <$ R.C. CIARKE. Dealers Iv ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols ALSO — Iron, Sterl, Nail*, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Coro Sheliers, Straw Cutters, Shovels, Plows, Hoes, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. And all other goods usually kept in the Hard ware line. Also Agents for Farrbanks Platform and Counter Scales, which we will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Corner ot Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. BRMA (Ail *•* I«t. MY OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS will please remember, that, after hav’ng been twice burned *nt, I have re sumed the DRUG BUSINESS with Messrs. T. J. & M. B. SWANSON, under the style of 5W41191 A AT ROARK’S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BROTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA, I will be pleased to meet all my old friends at oar new place of business, where I am prepared to show them a large and well assorted stock of purposes, and at very low figures. R.J. MASSEY, Ist* Massev and Hertv. feb i ATLANTA, GA. HO r E PEOPLE OF THE TE SHUTOUT OF GEORGIA i—LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST I And conic to flic Store of J® §l® if ti I« & im 4# H ® ® And buy your Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes at New York Cost. We are determined to confine oueselves strict lv to a Fancy Dry-Goods trade. Hence we make the above proposition to sell out that pt*rt of our stock AT COS P. Country Merchants Look to your interest! Ladies call at our store and buy your Fancy Dn-Goods Cheap. We are aware of the hardness of the times and the scarcely of money iti the country, and with direct reference to the wants of the trade, we bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to sell them low indeed, and we are determined to sell as we bought, as now our motto is quick sales and short ptofits. J. H. WHITE * CO, East side Whitehall Street. June 7, —3m. Atlanta, Ga. _A_ 3ST ID Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IRON. Castings, °l aII descriptions, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS, BOXES, PEDESTALS, FRONTS, COLUMNS, AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing and Machinery of all kinds. JOHN D. GRAY, President. October Georgia, bartow county, where** a. ,r sVeeme, adm’r. of V, A. Barton represents to the court lu hi* petition, duly filed aud entered on record, that he ha* fully administered V. A Barton’* estate.— This i* therefore to cite a i persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they car, wbv said administrator should not be discharged from his ad. ministration, and receive letters of dismission from the same in terms of the lux. J. A. HOWARD July 12 189 T. Ordinary. Drugs, I i Medicines,* Chemicals, Pat. Med., Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Fancy and roil. Art., Soaps, Per fumery. Brushes a variety, Wines, Brandies, 4-c., 4*c.