The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, September 27, 1867, Image 4

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ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. SUT.ffR:! BRANCH Cf TftE NATIONAL STiJ.'E Works, Sew York. ■ 0 ■*YT sr-r'-w rr pai-eU tn * t? ■>* -Vb «i*r nr-' P**- ‘ » V »» v.-« v, rk FrtiyKti *«?•>' - • ly. Oh ,f Cl{ I* e n.|.b t-*r rt oe ( hilleni'e ec>t”)><’it'orv, Wi w.»b to call ctpLCi&l atteotioa to ’he MWMJ&iL w*xwm, t! ff nest Store yet. >trwrti<n ami hs» tic iai o 'e»t ovea by ten yer« O oihf.r ff* illV ¥H t i, th maihet. Car. be used with or without L it WATER RESERVOIR AND wA&vts* mmmz* Our stock of iruse-Futniahing Goods is the best to be fi.'U'ui aoulh. Terms cash. iJIUiIARDSGN' & SANFORD, Atlanta, Gif N. D. W. 11. Gilder*, Haulware & Stove Dealer st CaftersvilU;, Ga. is our agent and • •!! funn-di ;>:>y of ,au make nf stove: a! the A ■ luma ur )'■ e i York j', freights added no li . Five hu i '.:td stoves now in stoic u.:d to n vc. aug. 15, \v3ui* A r />H \% 4©& sfcai«Slfc €s% AND llSIf, Om* situation •giving us peculi •as* advantages in the handling of wheat and lions', induces as to spe csaly solicit con sign m : en t sos, and orders ior, these articles. We will he con stantly in large supply of Osna* burg, Linen, Clot ton and Burlaps ■Sacks, which we will furnish at tlic lowest mar ket prices, and will make liberal Cash advances on shipments to us here or through us to our friends in N e w Y o r k c r e 1 s ewhere. Quick returns made up on sale of Pro duce, GM,fJW\ T ANARUS, URIGEST & CARH. j u> ]y Atlanta, Ga Tlie entite lot ot Wilcox <k Gmbs Sewing Machine al this place being exhausted, i wish to hear as soon as possible from these haveiug env of ihese machines, v.ho wish to return tnem. or to exchange them for others u s different finish —so that I can order others accordingly* Ck-tcrsviUe, Jtdv 26 1867. JOHN I!. WIH'KMAN. Gin’: A for Ga. ATLANTA ADVtHTISEMENTS. mail, ft w! _** <w^LHweJi - iiJ ■ I wsi Sirs . | I w i.’i exchange one GENUINE WOODRUFF CONCORD i Hiig-v fo* 90 bushel* of wheat. ! Urn rv cnei.t End buggy fir 115 Bu. ‘ •« IF ••ivnvnv with po'c, eb*ft ami double ! . for 225 bushels of wheat. ; >).- c i rl.t tbr-'C spring Exjmss W agon for 70 j in-k.d-of v ’•< t. Would refer 10 Capt TLos. I I’undi.i or frni re Burge. Ap(>‘y to address A N 3J» f? EW or AT. j No 5, Empire Block, Whitehall street, Ju'y CO. ISC7 A Slant.i. Ga Ootton and Hay S C R E W. VTTiIGIIT’.i PATENT tSON COTTON AND HAY »• p i:MV. n-J'h ree-nt improvement*. G«>wt .!■ e mannf e;ure'i !n ATIOSTA. All necen siy in'orc h •if'li fun.leWl on upp'lcmtur. fend In your m-dpr* i rn.vilivtly. that yvar Su r " * m’>v lie s-ndy by the ■lrst (f th ; season. TOMMY <& BTR *V A RT, Tlardirare Merchant!, Agents. Atlantd, Gs., julv 12. UNITED STATES HOTEL. (U mrAKEU Sc SfASSEEN, Proprietors,) ATLANTA, GEOkGI H. V[7 E take pleasure in inforniing cur old f friends, patrons and the public gener >:'v, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, tod enlarged the above House, making it in Ay !e and capacity equal to any houte in this ty. Wc have done this at a heavy expense. Our House ,* well located, within 100 yards ol the Gene ral Passenger Depot; and we flatter oursglves tliat a long experience and strict ap i li-. niton to business will not fail to bo appre ntic'd by a generous public. Our charges for tlie present will be {jj(3 per day for trafsiv' , ni board, and wc aie oth t ing special inducements to bu ini'So men ii.r single meals, uic. WIiri’AKEH & SABSEEN, july'2-tf Proprietors. VAN EPPS & TIP PIN, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Commission Merchants, Alabama Street, Atlanta Ga. Th*! foil' nli c. m3 well a* m iry other good* ta Lb s Hut tor Mile in iota vo Eult purcb.ger*: 11 !Cou ti der, Core, 11 won 11 Mur-. Kiour, Csn.vtt.sed 11*0:*, Lout, £ u,:r.’-oust*.! liitont Oofie \ S.yiuj.p, Brown Purar*, >l. R-Sited.Sugar*, Snil i, M .okeiel in Ht.l*., S .it, M. cke: el ir* Kegs, S atit, Sainton ill Car..-., Ini P*;n, L< bs era in CaU. Oysters in' Cane, ! a mie*, Candles, Hat Maso.. : r, Blacking, Nut *, Tub seed, ' Date*, Ciy.'os, tjtarcb, &c. the. taw T.rm & Tirol’s. June 21,15C7. —tc, G». USL EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stotnach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specif. of Indigestion, U S E EDWARD 'WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Intermitcnt Fever and Fever and Ague, and ail peiiadicui disorders USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. Tt wiilgivi immediate rtlitfin Colic and F 1c USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costivcncss. IT'S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BIT FEUS. It is a mild and dehghtiul Invigorant f Delicate Females. y EDWARD WITDER'S stomach m'ri’EKS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious A tentative j tonic for all family puiposcf. U 3 E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH hi i TElkh It is a powerful Rccuperant after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness !J S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BJTTEKS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as well as Stren encr ut the digestive force?. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is being daily used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula w ii be handeo any regular graduate. EDWAUD WILDER, SCtn PRRCPiIIETOiJ, Xo, 215 Slain S t r c e t, MAHf.LEFRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. J.-.)** c « Lit. WHOLCSALfi AND It FT AII, BY "kSBWINS & FOSS, WIIOIESSALK AND RETAIL DUCCGISTS Corner W listcLsn.l 3iUi tls* Sts ATI. ANT A, <a. Kev. fly _ MU NTAADVERTiSE^IbMjb^ Hand Looms. DK. H. SELLS, ANDEET7 BCNI- r , B.PPI.SENN ire.tieot. Secretary. Trc*.^tc: Gli 0 n CIA LOO M AND MA NUUFA C 7 V is /NG COSIPA A’ V. Mru*it**-! n r*r« ftn* l Pl-rt*r-. lo,iV *n v< > r ir'tf''e*fp. and d< r*'t fail to call tt l!ell-.T h- l ot. ft i’: nc, ueatd jor to tiit i'usfr-ilEce, anit *#elt. in uppi-ra.uu MENDENH ALL’SIMPROtKDj'E' F-A TING II AN D AN D POW Eli LOOM! F.h I<* vT : nde'•'*o'l' , , B v»ler to Ororato, arul more r* Vr- Me F-'ire-fei superior »* : v*ii'fH»e4 over other nau.l Loon r, u simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weavtas a’l th-'r G oes f r TTom* Wear on tic-.: MENDEKIIALL IAIPiU VLD HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM \H ONE DAY. it weaves as fast as any Factory Tymm’ HAL? THE C STOF THE CLOTH ING OF A FAMILY CANBE SAV E D IIY ITSV SE i From t'.ve to Tan Do larta liny cmii 1 e made oi i' ITSPnKTS AKESELF-CIIANTiL U. By ’he tu. ring of an Easy Orm k it. lei* the W'*„ ; . . winds >ip the Ciotn, trea i the T.e.01.e , non thr .tc• ih -luut>. I< weaves jcitris, CBtineip, L:n*-y. 15 h . ■ Ttvill, Double-Plain (both, v»i'«*.. kindsUf R b <; Goods, Feiioi/.K Tft iIU of u i knui-. fu.s < 1 Ho-, T v. or A.i-VVnol tl. th, Timtutrie, TANARUS;. - Liio n LU.I n»r-l'U S irre, .V.u.len, lAnen ad Hen p arpet--- fact any thiiic, from a li>n, t.-or..c S.i» 1.. a Rug Cm. i c . IT 13 SMALL, XT’AT AND LIGHT. Not i trier then a common lireokfoi.t Table. 11 IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, O GooD Material and Handsomely VarnisheD. IT IS VERY SIMPLE 'AIJU EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Every tiling is Perionmul by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Fur her Pm lieu lit r\ 11 l! <»/ Pr*efH. fig* crip live Circulars, and San-pie*w H r t> ch y. add tbs * GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. It. PRATT, Agent. March 22. ISG7. vvfim 'THE LIV?, DRUG RTfIRR' We Invite the gpecKi a>ti of Oragatuis a i*i Mer •h>nt* In the surroan.linjf country to our ’ ove *?oek of- reimi hnil Americftn O *o«t«— Baying *:» large oust.till. * direct’y fi-run linp'ote * l*i in*facto s ft. and p <ef.... i'o Houres—We are nh e l O .es ri duccmeiita riot 1.0 be surprtße' in New Yo-fc, to trerfh*i.ts rh» ein ptr.y le.-8 cftpitul and buy i** smaFer qaaiit’cs. VT« »re iltiiiy receWc'tig large .vpplie* <'f D> ue* and MEDTOIITEB. OILS AND PAIHTS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, MACHINE AND TAN- IvEPHS OIL gF every kind ami quality VARNISHES. DYESTUFFS, and American. FAHCV AND TOIUT GOODS, PATEN F M3DI3IB:S »»•• *>" articles kept in a firs! class L'rtig House. Also on hand Lmulreth"’ s Sew Crop Turnip Feed, Large quantities ’ QUECHSSWJSB, for mining purposes, Spear's Patent •‘Fruit Preserving SOLUTION” on* Rot. PIiFSERVES, 123 4bs FRUIT without expensive sealing or air light Jars'. Cal! and examine our stock and drink from the "lamous ARCTIC SO DA FOUNT’’. Rlimi KK & FB\, Corner Whitehall & An. streets, July jfl. Atlanta, Ga. Eltaes! DEUBS!! fill if#tl€lU Y?Y OM) FRIUNTfM A'.’i> CUSTOMERS will film* eemerober, that, after ha<e ? n.? twice; burned out. I have re- JL Buraett the OULU BUolNEaa with Mersu. T. J. 4 M. It. SWANSON, under the stylo of mm®m & AT ROARK’S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BRGTKERTOW, AftMiTA, GA, l will be ph'nxi'd to meet ali my old fiiemla at our new place r,f business, wh;re I aui prepared to show them a large ml Well annul Uil block us Puri oscs, and at very low ligurt’s, UJ. MASSEV, late < c 'n i ATL A V TA, GA ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. v H. TflMa f. J. S. STEWART. N.-wt > i C>. Ut. Oxford, G*t. “TOlI? & STEWART IMT'KTKItS AND DEALEKB IS HARDWARE, A ibe Sinn *.f u e MILL SAW and GAMS COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Let ect’ußy chß tt.e attention of merchant* and o>b c » i<: tb i Urge and wcl ass rud rt C. it rorciga ani Bwaestic HarJware, 'Consisting in part of irun, Steel. Nails, B.iil.icrti* and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sytiie Blades, Tools ol all kinds, &c„ &c.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME jtND CfTTON YARNS. AGENTS 108 'lotik’s Anti Friction \1 eta!, itaug’i’s Rivvbone Super*Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND iGB’T.sFOR di oakN I’afeut Portable Cot tors and Hay Screw and Revolving Press li. over o :vh*irvlr-d counties in Georg!*. £QTCounty Rights for Sule.“<®& April 12, ly. FURNITURE! FURrIITURE!! GUO, F. FRikSSSI' .ASarietta street, Ati vnta, «Ga. wholesale: and retail dealer, ilis n<!>!r o» bsc J one of the target! ai*d cbeipe»i "rURNITURE nAt dr. embrfti Intr PARLOR SETS, CHAMBER Set* SETS BEADSTEADS, WBITINU DESKS, SOFAS, BUREAUS, ROCKERS, WAHLEOSES, wash stads. CHAiaS WHAT-NOTC. n amry hing -erdi-a t„ cciuyikte u fir*t« ctu* Out —’ l uia.itui*. li e ucing the 13 eST^CHEAPEST Ever ii ill fit's ci’y. The attention of the riti /,-i »i t *t|j.»«, Mm atiii the eouidiy jjei'.etu'ly isre* 4,n otfnlly in ]ed tn this e t tdi-dune;' . »ite>it indm'e ,e t-* in, h iiai'e Piict* low to tub the tiuier. Or deiefU' I p>* ropey Bud «ell. a Mg. Sil. 1607. it. J. T. JENKIM3 l CO. Succcssoi's to McCAMEY & C© WIItJtEBAEtt CEAHUTB IS Drugs* Faints, Oils, CHemichals. Window- GlasSs PATENT Mi-ntuttes Ml PR ion JtJTB JIaIXUvIM STREETS, Atlanta, Ga. *3 arc \o w In Store: -Q BAREELS RYE WHISKY, 50 barrels ILmrbon Whisky, 50 ! ar.cL Rnberismi Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisi y, SO licirrels Pencil and Apple Brandy, SOpkys Cognac Brandy, 20 kqs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs J;t mai ca K um, 10 New England Rum, 25 pkye Port. Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Vi\ rnpoo and Drake’s Bitter®, 100 case’s assorted Liquors* 25 rases \ h"X Sardines, All i t which v.e o’fiVr to the trade at very l"\v prices. COX & HILL. ATLAN 1 A, oa., dec 13—wtf Drugs, Medicines, Chemical?, Pat. Med., Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Fancy and foil. Aft.. Soaps. P< r* fu m, cry, Brushes a variety, Wines, Brandies, tS-c., 4*l?. £|ua;ub §§|ntiß3 JV 2ST LD Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF . RAll-RG’D SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE COLTS, BAR IRON, KAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IRON. Castings, 01 !,n ™ Brass or Iron, including RAIL -HOAD CAR WHEELS, BOXES. PEDESTALS. FRONTS. COLUMNS."*AMD VERANDAHS. y u ! Gearing and Machinery of a l kinds. JOHN D- GRAY. President. Octet' r Xotice. enpheotfon »'!’ be mvie « 1 tv P t.> O tin*. T"f Btrtow C.-inK, so- = ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARDWARE! J, il i J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTING, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MISERS’ TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANIGAL TOOLS, ul all Trades, METALS, of ait kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES.SPRINGS. LOCKS. Builders’ Hardware, AXES. HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS. Moiling Cloths. MILL GEARING AND CASUNGS, «f of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will he sold low for cash. We ba*« j««t ncelved s ta'ce Invoice of the tear rouble-anker Boltins Ciohs, of all ties r\ble t»uwb©it, which w<» Low fo»‘ Co*h / AT.SO MILL PICKS, SYTRES, GRAIN CRA " DIES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other orti lea which y u need and which we are tiesiro'u o! selling, Call »!£• see UJ when you vitii Atlanta. J. M.<fc J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. G\. April 2G, 18G7 worn The Oldest Jewelry House iu ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ER LAWSHE, e%C lockSl © Jggf y^^cheS) Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and Warranted. Miy l. 1867. wlv LANGFORD & MO'CRATH, Stoves I Stoves ! ! Stoves ! I ! BOOKING AND HEATING STOVES FOR TEE EMCXXjXjXOT.'T• WF DEFY COMPETITION IN QUANTITY, QUALITY ami [nice, We offer to the public, the ee'ehrated ROOD SA snarif.Mii, the best S' ’ve in *h* w, rid »Iso the PRO TEOTOK WITH OALV VNIZED OAST H?ON VOI t, «om'hing tie r and dartib'e. At o the • OTTOS Pi, ANT. a splendid fl s» c am stove. We have for sale ’he justly celebrated premium (step} s'ove PALMETTO, ivhi h is the hetvlesf, most um able and bes’ premium stove ever off,.red to 'he pub lic. A general variety f stamped, pl&’ > end jipanerl Tin-ware—Toilet Set s, Path and K ol Tub' Sheet Copper, Shoe I o , Tin Plain, Border and a gen era! stock for Pinners Use. House Furnishing Goods generally. A1 orders p-omptlv a tend o ,l to. LANGFOiID & McCIUTH, Hunter street, first door from Whitehall st.. Atlanta (J*. The above stoves are sold also in Car tcis' iile tty .1, \V. Strange, aug 9 1867 4 COTTON GINS I COTTON GlfiS I an now prepared t> favnlah the Horacß L. Emery & .-wli’s “UNIVERSAL" COTTON GINS AND CO3SrX)EJSTSE-E?/S- With Railway & Lever horse pow ers for opperating them. Long p* rsnr-al exnerierce in theuaing nfthl* machin ery. Witn She at.ded expe< lei c*- end pe lect -a'-. f-<c. :i nos » large number who have parch vsed fr mine. I am enabled tot ■su r- alisfaclion to all who wi 1 iye nit* a ( all. 1 ten tin in at manufae .urers prices, f a .ned. Description and price Circulars furnished on application in person or by letter. \n assorfed stock of various other machines and agricultural im plements oii hand-. P. W. J. ECHOLS, AGRID'JLTURAL MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT DEALER. W'hiteh til street, aujr 23* wtf. Allan a, Ga Georgia, babtow o ouxty.—whereas a. j. vv'.em adiu’r «-f V. A. B trtou represents to t« cour’ in his i-eiiciou. duty f1.e.1 »ud en ereU im recore, th ,t h-* bts fully administered V. A, Barton a tsate This it ibeieiore to cite alt persons coctrue 1, kind.ed i,nd credit.>i«, to show c»u eif »"Jf thwy c*u «iy said acrairostrati. r should not ee discharged fr- m bis «a nd and receive,l? tsrs ot dlsnilsaion from the t gTT-a ta term* of tr.o is.*. J.' A. iio ” AKD• da 7 ;c lt£~. Ordinary ATU NTA ADVERTISEVTNTS. New Marble Yard. S. B- OATMAN, -Agent. For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian. Work udillo, and White Rutland Statuary M A R B L E. jCvCSW iVE are now receiving and have in store, a 'arge and h#} i; 11 desirable stock of finishedßriMM rj 1 f;fcjL and rough Marble, whichljJWJ, ■ Hft'' tv. offer to the public on the most reasonable Owing to the high price of marble at tins time, many persons are kept from purchasing. 1 propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. Mv fan 1 ties are such fi r purcliasing the ma terial,that I will ho sa'i-fied with small profits and quiet, sales—such is m» motto. We are prepared to furnis.i in the host style. Monuments. C.rved and i lain. Box Tombs. T 'hlets, carved and plain. Ilcad-stoncs, Urns. Vases. Ac., and Furnishing Marble of all .le scriplions. With good nnd experienced workmen in al! departments of bnsin ss. we hope t > merit a 'll re of pub ic p.tronage* Deiignsof Monu ments and ;uiy other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so irited and promptly filled. Offici md Yard a joining Be Ivue Hotel and oppo i.e Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th 1866. BRYGOUDS! DRYGOODS! N e w A r rival! TALLEY. BROWN &CO W hitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.. Are now Jal’y receiving their SECOND INSTALLMENT OF Spring and Summer Goods! Tp 1-Mttinn ♦,.» th“lr present stuck, they wll RECEIVE WEEKLY, du i g the coming season, Uio L'TEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS ; THEY HAVE OY IIAIYD .YOU I Black and n R! cv Pltks MosarnVqu Grenadines, O gandie Mm, joe, Wnite ami Black Iren Barege* pwi-s, VULL, NAIVSOOK and JACONET MUSLIM? White •>nd Pnney Tnrla'n’ Wi.ite and Fn c,v B i' i>nt», Tu ked Sk'rt O nc., Alexander K .1 Gloves—light, edict MALTESE AMD PLUMY LACK POT L ARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. M > »—v 6n. NEW LIQUOR STORE. M. • M.jßose& Cos, Wh V|*4:jle I- Brantfieft, Mines. Whiskeys, Gins, ICums, &.C. &c. \o 2 Granite Block. IS road St r. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED ANdUoMHSTIC LIQUORS of every tirade offered at low figures. Country dealers are sreciitlly invited to c’ve n- a cill and smnpie onr I. quora, wth we guarantee t<> be h we reprea* n>. them. And satisfaction given in every tia' sac’iop. •Tone T—tc, R. M. ROPE & CO. McBRIDE, DORSET!’ 4* CO., ATLANTA. GA. To llse Merchants of’ Georgia and adjoining Slates: TTI7E have already Bpoke"> through the pape-s to our VV tr ends thr ugh'-ut he Sou h. ai <1 advised *h s who were formerly our fcllow-aoi'iiers ii the Sou he n amii>, ihat we a d undertaken to apply, nl’ac , 'he e'eiii.-t t- of vivo), energy and nrouiptueas, which had so o ten gained ns th. uay in War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GLASS ZESTOUSE. In Atlanta. On ‘a scale fur beyond any before known in ihe State. We are becked by all the advant'gea which are de. rived fr >ni abundant means and a thorough knowledge of lie business. A hA-ge par, «>f our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston ar.d Savannah. iyari(~ L w-m-px We r ‘" fideutly expect to supply from *LJ our d-pnt in A- ant , all til >»e m-r --- ’S chants th’otli hoot thir and adjoinin'' XJm %M State-, who have heietofore made thvfr pu <-h ses North. Wecan-ffer as va-fed a stock as can beftundin New V ink, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will s*ve FREIGHT by purchasing here. Y it will ave hpfc.vK >,.K by purchasing ho e. Y u »ill citiib te ' o the bit ding up of a home de pot ofsnp die* by purchas'ng he e. We have on h mil and couat ■ ntiy arriving ASSORTED PKi.’S OF CROCKERY, rs best aid mixui grade. We-epack Crockery,China Glasawar.-, Looking G a »eR, L mu', I'utlery, Pi- trd aid Japan til W* c, Cl ck<, &., to <-rd r. VV. ha e j b lota of these g mdg fr on tin e to time at very low price . We n licit your CaSH i>. ers, aid will give you ia ge advantages so- CASH IN lUNU, V’. us inenda, April ID. ’s6T. McBIUDE, DORStTT A CO. MEADOR & BRO'S, TOBACCO Commission Merchants. (UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL.) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. aug 15, w3m, ERRORS OF YOUTH. * Gent'envii who «ufl r and for years fr m Nervous A Debility, P.ematue. D'cay aud all ihs eflects of yuutnfnl ind sc eti«.u, wi 1. for the >ake of iht s ideitog humani/y, Rend fr.e to all vrno . eed i», the re ipe and dire t ous for m-king the simple remedy by whieh he was cured, fc.iff -rers wishing to profit by the ad ,e'tis*r’a e*i»erie c , can do *o by addressing, in p„r ct ccuSfeJce, .'OBN B. OGDEN 42 Bedar br’t. Mew tori. llay 1,1567 wly. X MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS k HOME'FOR $100! G. M. Gullett’s Raffle. To take place in Macon, Georgia, October 1 X/ft, ISGY. My only object in ffering ht< „ heme for pub'tc prt- is p>< uiptrd by h , est-e t. s, Il mv lt.-si Ee »M al at once, 01 lo me it in he a teiii) t. I h . e r-- ou e.i the price of tickets in the each >f al', »nd h, >e placed everythil gon ihe list ala lair v« imtlnn. Every 4lh Ticket TAKES A PRIZE. Xo Prir.c worth less Ilian 51,*15 All the Pnited-war .A•„ we , rt irr | >llt down st the lowea ret il prne'o. >u t.gnuds Y n sUi .U .h .lice oi thf Best* on the i}s- f or OX GY OXK DOI,I, IR. Th’priceasde-1 fortlckelsi- EX EKDINGI YSM \hr, in vnw Ot (he galh, n p’oH.eet. || , u Mi .Id m e-Hie ar-t, se ■ nd or third p )*,(., I ere are many .Her. »tm-n Hint, it t uihui dr.o told tl e amount suOrci t. and loose wd.o pr.fe.,, a„ ~ „ r ,, r , lrw H. ket : l.en the umof #i ih .\ w ish oli .est a. ms 'i> H* much » flft, i|ie,\ c i . .posli ih° amount liny i 1 lit* lu»im'B of (M'fnt* divifu an m h»> wul ni’u m toe ot such oepopl , an| I wid -ei .1 h m n ,• fl, k. -ts ; providet 1 am a. qi uii ten w thhm.o he. an civ® me good ieUeren e- a. to • s o eat, ,Ac He can . « thn b> s ud.i g me’he Ulil v , ffleer. lth the* c<»ttli >’ »»r bta e hih|. I*ItIGU OF TICKETS, " lien onlei.d t>y M Hi or Exp.esc; (^; e e Ti :; kc ' u no Ten “ t *’ fZS ‘ -woo Bel wml Iff. un a . nos p is- g J oil plan «ti 120 ee , *l«OndfO 1 Eigh ro, u» hou.-e and t v.i aoio Lot Inurffin, on 200 X. res . ml in M icon county, j'* p~, lUO “ .* a * (M 11 '* is « i z n : 10.1 “ “ *. .. J. 0 .. 60 •• « « „ Fm ,00 “ 1 H» t acre L t and two room Iloure in .*’o Aianta Oa. 0.0(0 I Q i .riei Acre / ot and two room Horae In •' * dlt. Qf)|) fill 15 Q i-irter ac.e Lots iu subu b» of Atlanta. »lld tach, 1 rtf) rn lap endin ett Chinn, \,r (| ()|( 6 c.■ nodr. fl-' C n coni Hu. g>«, fJ 25 rarh, 1 pMi on J Mne uh l.teMi CHt »*t U H fv j ( a 6 LadirV flu. e nnv I. dWt<h°,f 12 ~ at |,, 0 16 0 51.d e, fine W,l.h. s, 1100 e.o o, { , tl(l tlo 10 l«. tj lt», t'X pieee-e c , *75 each, (0 10 Pe« bet'a. fur pet es earl |4o , sen 4no on 20F fy picture allmm.o. *5 e el , . I.V *' 10 Elaoorate lea pit, her- »25 ca. h. 'y*,n ml TOCake lias els. t .»v.v i 1at.,1. f's each, 1.0 o I''La le Wank Bx., $2 each, </ p ¥oSalts dnub e ~lat,.i| n.eioir, 480 each, Clip «io 600 H.llO I*ans. in cases, ox., . 20 ' Sens lie v.v pa led c gs- re, « pp ' .. 20 0 e vv pi , ted F.uit Kulv. e, op., .. iso 11 .tier i) 'h.-s i J,;; „ 6( 0 base 1 Cups, heavy p'ated .. 150 0 .1) dnu a, “ *• * (ll) .. 11>00 iiU'.e. K. . ics “ los . j, „ „ i'.tOs t > 1) n r.t Rn k ,lieavy plat and, 600 •« 2000 3ieel Krigta.i ga , „ 500 - 11 aTe F, 00 , o fj, „ 5 0 “ Go'll- ii ..I - It Cast ra, « .. fll n “ Gol'eis, 800 •• 6po •* lhessei t Mp,l 11-, .. plan or RArri.E. A dnpln ata uumiiei fOl eacli tic rr vII Ia . | M ,,,, a rot. (1 I. x. on email pi. ca r i, md mixau „ •Ini a*e y. The first nuii.tiei drawi, t-ka- ~,a ti, t ,ri?.e. ( and I e eeroud pi’s ■. E er. fuu h r• k at t ikes aji i*a. The ill a wiuv mill ah a , 11. . 1, ~ . lie. and c n.liicted liy ill-dota.a, ail men . nda ~ , fn- full da«.:rl 4ion •of pr. ,« t> i.d’mv .! • -end f. r a ' - i cul ■, a- t. xis mi heavj J will Pave ,y one place to ceil i.c : et.s. SIP."EOX AXj IP T I A IST Th so who wish n, Puv t eka e 11 -i. « . p . t i t rlh th> 6 ' si' f.»llt)\V*i IWI i si *»B iii k r \ fi t.v Ota; il i lira-a ft prize .will pi ~. pi us, I t not take it. I . Ilaclia , , and l! rn. kat • . .•■ro'V-five '-ants I lt_dta.., s pr,tr 11 wi.i f ~ ~ . V-S’ll.g in thix •«, is iroek"",*’ 1. • pi . r , ... , ly-flve or tidy oent-. f . a nek* 1, 1. auk, >ona ra ~*.t ..• |j tun ii ,v'.. .. a, ft •u-, ~ 0 dol hi , .1 *r u.d ta ou : 3i y ,r fl., .. , ®- , 6 .. M iiU m rr. au b 2,18.iT R10,,c!. 1\ (,rifcs'»* .7. O. MATIJE o SOM. n. IT. M I,' COHI ?\\ 1. 0. MATRF.WSOK & COs [Formerly Stovall, McLAUHiu.w & Cos.) GEM’L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augtisia, Ga (yonsignmen'ts of Grnin, B icon ami Proilu'o promjdly nUemleiJ anil ctish rrmitt, and on day of sab*, (iraiu backs on hand at very law [iiinii. Agents for .Men tour, Hopewell and Rock Cotton Mills. Rcflerciiccfi; UOl J P. King, Auguala Ca, At-gusht Savings hank. July 26, 1867. wly. STAGEY HOUSE CLAY ROBERTS, Proprietor, Church Street, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE July 19 1867 NOTICR. TO nil whom it m y concern, the umlcrsich t:e l hereliv given notice that lie hns tiled hi j petition w-iih - he Ordinary oißaitow Coun ty >o be c’isebniged fi-om his Executorship on Bcnns|.t H. Conyers. Inst wili and testament, on Recount of bus ne s airaiigements, a id i/ta abiliiy theres-om to attend sail trust, that in two months from the beg nnit got the i übiic i* lion of this notice he will apply for the saiict : ou of said petition, and to be discharged front said executorship-je 3—fim C. B f'ONYURS, Ex. of B. H. CONYERS dec. Mortgage Sale. ITT ILL he sold before the Courthouse door \\ iii Cuitersville. on the Ist Tuesday in Octoher- Lots of lard, Nos. 274—238—267 and £73 containing One Hundred and Sixty Acres each mai ingin all six hundred ami for y acres, lying tti the 5t i (list, and 3 I section of Bartow eout • ty Levied on as the property of Dempsey F. Bishop to satisfy a mortgage fi fa, issued from Bartow Superior court in favor ofllowar*, Stokely &. C vs Derr psey F. Bishop ; prop erty described in said fi fa. Aug, 8 ’67. W. L GOODWIN, Sh’ff. /lEORGIk. BAUTOW GOONTY.—Robert C. Saxon ' i mi, ot t- e A 'miuistrv.oi* ' u the estate f R-obard H. Milner, <i« *->ae<t, hxv'ng petitioned t • b- dt-charg. e>* fr'm Raid a-lbdiOgtr tioi. A 1 per.o a who are con cerned are r qu 1 eil w ih'n the tirn fixed bv law, if any tln-y have, wliy the sa’d Kohe-t C. Saxon, -houin uot he dUcharg.d arco ding to the pr-yer of hi« pe'ltlof. Givt-n und r aiy hand ami efficul -t’ p-'-nre. tb a the 3'h June. 1b67. J. A. HuWAKD, Oid. Administrator’* gale. tTJILL be ai'ld nef re the C' urt Hnu-e i ror In Car. i? i< r-vilie wl hin the legal hours of sal ,oa the 4th Teevday to November next. On-half of Town Lot, In the town of K-ngiton, No. 27. measuring 5‘ by lhi feet. Sold as Hie ptoperty of W. W. Tippitn. decease I, f«r the b'-nefit or the liel.a and creditor*. Term', CASH. J B. IIPI’INS, SepU-mber, II tb, 1661. Adui’r. Bring on your wheat, oats, and po. atoes, we will p?y the highest market price. BL.AIR 4r BRAIMiXAfTe