The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 15, 1867, Image 1

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VO I , < ! . 111 f> wn l-'.K i A € ;irl*‘i'" vlllo I'\|»r<'s« i to»,r.»m .. C . ‘ - it:, tfart by . . S\m’l H. SMITTf. I'r T ■ • »«llai s. per an t, • .Jr,fth, i/tKiiiir'!Hfr ; Two IV'ilara for Hn M,. -■ i 5» ;i .r for Three Month*. f r !» r , ... fiiir-fi or 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JERF A. HOWARD,! f ft.vJ . :~oa AT LAW, .• % ij i ekswille. ga. ri: rrui' i r a- wofford , A t t. o i’ n c > s at T> aw . <• airr.i vii.i.o, g\. () ' ! , i: OVfiR i THOMAS W, MILNER, .\Uorn«‘> at Law, CAPTERSVIILE. GEORGIA, W'ill at cud promptly to Uu-im .-a entrusted to hi* ran-. Oct. 5 wly S3o.i. W. DO«>2>, Attorn c y at La. w A’i J COUNTY COURT SOLICITOR. ttitifishnt. <»ii> Will give particular attention to the col’cctioii ofelaims. Get 20. .f «It it t' ■ S« i-si ii so u , ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KING. i(*N. GA. Ts )R XCTU’Ert L\ vv in the several »u»- | ti,.* „l t in: Ob ->!«'•• ( rcnit, also, Polk, if, ~t j ~1 111 !•'<•> 1 e iu:U:08, Prompt nt -I,.iiltor i;ivvii to hu..i.>. • •••! ' 'V. 2A. ly . j,. i • ~( r ,>;10 cash per annutn.J JOHN J, JONES ATTtJR'NLY AT LAW. ( 'in It r-i l/r, Cii. ITTII.I tt. ml pi-, "ijitly to :11 bud less en■ 'vi-iist-d t« his i no. Will practice in re* a,,:, p.h'. ntlllCia'ftV I Ml., aUc.itioii «tve»t.- use collet. ...... „. ~| . Jan. 1. lhott. ly .| ,h i .!* .lon* JO 11 H J. J ON ES II ST,i la SVL'E r, CARTERSVILt'E GA ~ ',.,,1 ~ _ i; h*vo mi Visnl several II .T, 1.1.1 •’ iMKt .il*> eroV t>'i'l*l)nK lot* n» tti» l , ,;V An . . o.val , lioa.aH ns a van ; ■ .i * i ,1,. 1>« tt, • it* *I«S M I>«‘ or „ • , l. veil H!*« Alee uuicuUOi.B pr‘,,l, w l\ u i* o* c o an u fit « r. ;• - dentist. r „,„1, .1 n -oieotfuHv oiler his pro i ~T; ~1 L./rvices to the cs t :-/.. n« «1 Car .‘ . .. 1 viciniiv. He is prepared I i„a h of fy'... USt work belonging : ... .V,|. ihi ‘•'• ,4j7T Kah setts Os . , ~. ivoia plate. '.Vnrk all war !•'. M. JOll^CtO-^. . It. 6n»° | I>1? i'. F. JONISB, rpr.M-.-t „sl,is „rof.-sion«l sc,M,. sto the ' c , |,-1 \ <;s J'ON and vicinity, nnu * ~'VtlVv -otic its a portion of then patronage. DR. HUGH A, BLAIR, tax* aw«» Sm-Si*»n. <;.;>■ r:, if. Otorgin. 1? *> on I t.V „ ; n.'e.s!.sr.rctossk. U »l services t. L -• ... . «t., ~l Ce on Main St., late rest ’ . •«. .. N .lane VI. n" i o i !«’• 1 “• T) w o a. £ .M« t-. f- ‘ ■ ' ..V'VGAAL'A'R . ;i , oaw'u,.^-. n. . k B**t ■ M#y lo 1 i, au i r Hou sc, M A Rli'. I r.\, OA., F,Y ELLISQM A 03833, Proprietors rpuis 11 Hl-c • lecitcdio a fev, atrpaofihe 3 1*,.;. ~,1 where t e ca-s stop. Tassenirem a all hours. jiuy 's. Li. V a tlill o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, , V ;-i Mte. dpmmp'v t.. $,.• <V*» dIG Vs ..... i>l .luJll-vAand M.-.-.'-’Cl.' «• | J. . ~. rn'.au B,mUt:A\v »Mote. ]f j C »rtei'*vill«, Ua. Dr css Tailor. n. IS to e\«>«’Ute nil kinds Tfi „fw *rk in tin 1 Fashiail.ibk- Tull- r&'J | f i u <rl«m' with anil in ia!'!i stylo. (Ivor J. lLc-us AV j s store, i i: ; ille, : ~ J*. W- MAXWELL' rick biason. 1. nreimvni l. do all kinds of "" rK i,” r-tone at *h.«tr» tlce. Ilw <«* * h burned'sick and is prepared to no » ■> -r in : ; re.v • »b o tcrtej. ~T Our u tLh, Muy <> ‘ * •• The I'iirlersviUc SI U 5, PK THOMAS Mil AM havA cluu.uo of this House, won I .' A BJ} *, pn asoil to di\omm nlato a t.-w i««*i yj ® ers with BOARD, with oi with. ut ««&=' JsOilging. I aUaiil see him a* nice tor rrn* Carn rsviiie, Jan 1 T. James \7\ Strange, Rosier in STOVES. GRATES, IRON, HARDWARE PLAIN ANO JAPANNED TIN W/.A, &C. Clean l.inon net Cotton K-r-’ >-1 n -n e\- change tor Goods. lxcp.ttrin *. R .y ml Gutt’ -in*: .1 in’ with neiti.t.-si 1 , : . CariiTso iiie, Noe MEADOR & BRO’S: TOBAC C O Com mission Morelia; it ?. (UNDER UNITED ST ATES HOTEL.) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ting 15, w3ca, THE CARTERS VIIJ *E EXPRESS. CftRTSBSVIIU AGVfchTISEMcHTt, ECIJPSEt o'lsaV ! tfullc, MmA J. (J. Btock?, ptPPEr-TFri.hy notl'y t .e I’ul.l.c generally that ll I r lias j at Gpiroi-I hi* New amt C> inm.«ti ihUVKl V AND tiAl.h «TAUr.h, ar il his It stock «<l w:»h t-i. i horaes. bug/lee. Ac., is prepared to furnish tli' ~' traveling lot*) ncl a* r.«n the e-u try vv !h any kln.l *.f pH.ate '-.uvyance. Me U a'su prepared to In.iird K*..ek Hi any i oo.slty with comfort „t'• guarters arc! hoen-ifiil f.- ii »> '-raoiiHble rates. St' i-.k bought and so; 1 hi his p*ahle«. His stock all t»,*ing fresli! e<|iiiphye '* "■ he flsoer tiinueif w.t-h U.e i-elirf that he can f ,rnlsb lcs customer, _wnh as nest ill i complete an one-lb as sny Hue t oah ishiuent *ll Cppef Georgia. All he a.*: . *«> erteh'Mi iht, fm-fla a tiial. OAKTERSVILJ.Ii, Cl A., March 22, 1 >O7. We are requested by C'■!• J. G. iStocks to an nounce to the public, that he lias bought out tin I.ivory Stock of J. J. Jones Jr, and that the two Stables will he consolidate !, and that the foil, wing list of prices will be strictly adhered to. track horses.and driver per day tT.-h r„r. 11.,-ijy arul Drivei f >.'■! Horse & Buggy “ “ ♦ : ' ** •• X day Sadd-e horse P" ’ “ Jr'l’ 0 .- *>» \\ T . L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., JuiiggLts, CaRTEILSVILLE, ga. \T7;i I*l* keep constant on hand a well V\ seeded stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. v / x r % »„ c * xt. p , .■. m T tent r,Medicines' Sec. Jones’ Carriage Repository, Jan 17. BT, f, X A TANARUS, l C F F B; 7 A X- S * CASKETS. J’y Erwin & Jones. VSfJORTITD sizes ■ a I'll Land. Also wot)]) COFfiys ..)* to order. A good HBA KSE r a.l . at ah h airs. CARTERSViLLc, IWh I, lS'i?.' wiy Olio 3E»3 T3 !!! AMpers,,,!. unit' :i and to the (id Mercantile I’rms a: of HOW AR\), (STOKE f* V «v < 0.. and J, A. iV ts. Eli\\ T.\, o. n-pe.eli ihy urg ed to make Ldcral i..i; nii'Ue. uu i.!a. ..c debts out. ot the pieaent en p. .'.ll \ilto refuse ;o (‘spend to ibis only j.. 0: ‘payment will lie sued. 'J |,i sedebts are iron- .- ix to ter: years • tan-’ aa an i loiigi r nn:uhreuce • inot 1;• uc eii. fad at J. A. ERWIN A: fO.A sU , rli where tb. ••Uiiiiis are, an-: -maku linerul pay— in on is a till save suits. Gurlersviile, Ga., June Iff, ISG7. s.vv: F.L CuAVrON, R. A* Glattos. S CLAYTON & SON, DC U.UW IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AEG COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CAfiTEUSViLLE, GA Wel;«ep a general stuck and can furnish you with ■l‘:y‘. in,‘,V“U «i,:t. C metoS* us-Vwe will sell yng ,and :., .1 itii- . hie j.■ iv l , Oioori and loi k ~t our >t ek—N" iianr. lin e it *ve caut-irade. Ts fi lends lai nr u» wtih c. i s'-i.m. l.ts or order?, we vrill use “Ui i veiy nn pon. niwtholr tnterest*. BUTTER, EGGS, DRIED BLACKOERIE3 taken at market iMies f » l 5000 LBS. Glean Cotton and Linen ffrjj) -p\ -<rs 4Jf<2 4$ wanted. Sept. *20,1867. a. , n . *5. ihci/ntcastur, / V'i; .letvcllt'f ami fVatcEi ami Clock Ilcpaircr, In the Front of A. A. Skinner & Go’s' store- Ourtersville jan 25 W. A. Shackleford, lVliolcsale and Retail GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CARTERSvn.LE, GA. t GENT FOR UNIVERSAL LIFE IN JY. SU iAN CE COM F\N \ . ,-t New Vork. Otiic- in new Store next o Pest oTee. Aug. 15 wtc NODiscsrTroNi \ | It. G 1 ; TRIE who has recently Lcat. u C inou ■ town js now receiving his fall stock : hr, G oils, N ■ <si -ns, Boo ! , Shoes, Hats A e. sVe, 1! has ’ployet’. as salesmen, two most ex <-i:i v ■ men < t our mid ?.Mr. \V. L. , ...V •’o tr town and A. V . CIIaP.MAN el Sii.esharo. Ac afu.iher evidence of pood taste, he dr sut s ro stiow to i,’! a we- assorted stock of tail go and will 1 , ui'■ •, ,a* : - iigiasr young men free of e«'st,and sold for as small run.’:,ut ’i money os the same goofs cat. he purchase and elsewiiere. i’.s?. 'fell - .very body to brin^ 1 fur skins by h- hundred—lie wants 5000 -Mink sCn I caught after Is: Nov., wi l pay most for those In ; -jilit. Com. and bnv Steel Traps. Remember Hie place, P.u-t Oifiee street, lirst 1 door north of Capt. Jones" brick Law O.Tn-« Cartcrsvilie, eJ a - Sept. CO, 1567. 1 ffi nh ii B* Jfall anD ffliuftr ,OT fittt C'ouiif. (£!ol|iiig, I’oofsimb S>|ocs, HARDWARE, C* %$t kll % ko'ai ■sasaiiiT, OSNABUEGS, . ri r,n. r.j\ COUNTRY PRODUCE bought and sold ■ Highest price paid for pa S%WI WWMiiW F '0 P it 5 ii 1 1 If i,a g 12 E E S W A X , FEATHERS, .« a tSf P 'fW ,4TJ Han i& r 4 m % Old Copper, Avaas, a 3 &. © 9 c\l* p o vtt. u‘t. Agt. for wrap- ping Paper. Merchants can buy It in an y quantity at Mill prices. J. ELSAS, B£ain Street, CartersviUe, Ga. Oct 1~, IS67—wly. C'ARTERSVILLE, GA.. NOVEMBER 15, J 867. liook to Your inter 1 est! NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES, rpflE under si g-ned takes phasure in annonn -1 eingr to th*‘ c i*i/*'os ofU irtow and adjoin ng counties, that he has just opened oat a fresh and well selected stock of OF ALL VIRIETIES, usually kept in a till Y-COODS Store, all of which was bought on the eery best terms, and I am willing, and can allbrd, to sell at as SHOUT PROFITS as any’ one, and flatter myself thtt I can give satisfaction, 230t1j in Clualitp anlt to any one who will favor me with a CALL, Hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage from my old customers and friends and the public generally. I await your call, P. L. MOON, CARTERSVILLE, Oct. 17, 1867, FALL AND WINTER TRADE. 18 61-3, JLSILMTH & SON. Healers In DRY-GOODS, Qmmm% HATS, BOOTS, AMO SHOES, G-ROOERIE3, CROCKERY, j Hardware, &c., ac N. Gilreath & Son are happy to announce to the citizens of Cartersv'lle and sourrouuding country, that they have greatly ENLARGED THEIR STORE-ROOM, and one of the firm has been on to market and selected IN PERSON, since tlie I2ecline in prices, One of the L r’g e st, best, and most superb Stocks or DRir-cs-ooDs and GROCERIES, ever before brought to this Market, and are now receiving and opening the same, to which they invite the of the public gener ally—not'only to the r GOODS, but also QUALITY ASD PRICES. They defy any merchant in this sec tion of country, to under-ell the n. They say this much because tr.ey are sanguine that no merchant in th • South struck the markets in a better time tc buy go ds cheaper. We are thankful to our patrons for past patronage, and earnestly roiicit a continuation of the same for the future. N. GILHEATLL &. fcON. CartersviUe, Oct. 24,— w2m W. A. 9EWEESE, CARTERSVILLE, GA., Dctflt r in Family Groceries, Confectioneries, TOBACCO, CIGARS, LIQUORS. DVH-STLTFS, BLUEri TONE. &C., /G C. Store opposite t!ie Courthouse, on Maine Street, adjoining the new l-rick store oi P. L. Moon ami Cos. ect 17, wtf MILLIHERY AND Maniua-Blaki ng MRS. R. J. MATSON announces to the ladies of CartersviUe and surrounding country, that she has opened, in Cortersvdie. a Mii licery and Mantua-Making Eatabiiilßncut, and trill be happy to receive ca'ls from ail those rrho are in need o: anything in her line, as she pledges herself to sell as good nr do stork as cheap as any like establish ment Sou-1 , expenses considered. Her goods are of the lates: styles and her work will be made to corres pond. Rooms over Dr. Clayton's Store, la-ely occupied by lais, McClellan. Oct; It, le€t. wS~. AFAR I.Y THE DESERT. °f the following poem, by the late Thomas * ‘intjje, a Scotcuman, who lived reretal years " l,!e border of the British co! my of tire Cape «» ’ '<>d II »:*•*. and who wrote it in reference r •!••* i>vs «rt in that part of the world, the cel i.riU'd Coleridge says: “I do not hesi ale to tc.-ire it among tl.e two or throe most perfect rv p-ii ;ns m our iaiiguyge : Altr m the Desert I love to ride, “htlie si! nt Bash-boy alencby my side; W hen the sorrows of life the soul o’ercast, And, sick of tacjPresent, I cling to the Past ; W hen the eye is auffttsed regretful tears, Erom the loud racollee iors of former years, And shadows ol things that have long fled, Flit o'er tiie brain like ghosts of the dead ; Bright visions of glory— that vanished too soon j Day-dreams—that departed e’er manhood’s noon; Attachment—-by fate, or by falsehood rest ; Companions of early days—Lost or left ; And my native land, whose magical name Thrills to my heart iike electric flame— The hours of my childhood, the haunts of my pride, All the passions and scenes of that rapturous time; When the feelings were young and the world was new, Like the fresh bowers of Eden unfolding to view; All—all now forsaken—forgotten—foregone; And I, a lone exile, remcmlierod by none, My high civas abandoned—my good acts undone; Aweary of all that is under the sun, \\ ith that sadness of heart which no stranger may scan, I fly to the Desert afar from man ! Alar in the Desert I love to ride, V\ ith the silent Bush-boy alone by my side; When the wild turmoil of this wearisome life. With its scenes of oppressoin, corruption and strife : The proud man’s frown, and the base man’s fear, The scorner’s laugh, and the sufferer's tear, And malice, and meanness, and falsehood and folly, Disposed to musing and dark melancholly ; When my bosom is full, and my thoughts arc high, And my soul is sick with the bondsman’s sigh, Oh ! then there is freedom, and joy, and pride, Afar in the Desert alone to ride ! There is rapture to vault on the champing steed, And to bound awoy with the eagle’s speed, With the dead-fraught firelock in my hand, The only law of the Desert Land ! A ar in the Desert I iove to ride, Witli-the sib-nt Bush-boy alone by my side; O’ -r the brown karro, where the fleeting cry, Os the springbok’s fawn sounds plaintively; And the timorous quagga’s shrill whistling neigh Is heard by the fountains at twilight grey; Where the zebra wantonly tosses his mine. With Itfpf scouring the desolate plain ; Ami ii." lleet-iooi. h oat.ieh tUa 'i-f.y l y, Speeds "like a horseman who travels in haste, His.-ing away to the home of her rest, Where she and her mate have scooped their nest, Far hid from the phtiless plunderer’s view, In the pathless depths ot the parched karroo. Alar in the Desert I love to ride, With the silent Bush-boy alone by my side ; Away, away, in the wilderness vast, Where the white man’s foot hath never passed, And the quivered Coranca or Bachuan Hath rarely crossed with his roving clan ; A region of emptiness, howling and drear, Which man hath abandoned from famine and fear; Which the snake and the lizard inhabit alone, With the twilight bat from the yawning stone ; Where grass, nor herb, nor shrub takes root, Save poisonous thorns that pierce the toot; And the bitter melon, for food and drink, Is the pilgrim’s fare by the salt lake’s brink ; A region of drought, where no river glides, Nor rippling brook with oasiered sides ; Where sedgy pool,nor bubbling fount, Nor tree, nor cloud, nor misty mount, Appears to refresh the aching eye; But the barren earth, and the. burning sky, And the blank horrizon. round and round, Spread—void of living sight or sound. And here, while the night winds round me sgh, And the stars burn bright in the midnight sky, As I sit apart by ihe desert stone. Like Elijah, at Horeb’s cave alone, “A still small voice comes through the wile, (Like a father consoling his fretful child) Which banishes bitterness, wrath, and fear, Saying—man i? distant, but God is near! Joke os a Constable. —A “cute” State constable, meeting a tin peddler, asked him if lie had a license to sell. ••No,” was the reply: The constable hastened to procure a v : ot. and after a long day’s search, t Kind the offending person and brought him before a magistrate, when he was asked, “Guilty or not guilty ?” -Not guilty,” he quietly answered. “Don’t you peddle goods around hen ?” asked the judge. “Yes, sir.” “Well, then, sir,, have you a license to do so?” “Oh, yes!” “Why, did you not tell this gentle man that you had no license?” “No, sir!” said the peddler. “Yes, you did,” shouted the tipstaff. “No, I didn’t,” quietly replied the man. “I say you did,” vociferates the officer. “I swear I didn’t,” repeats the peddler. i “You asked me if I had a license to ! sell, and I told you I hadn’t; and 1 haven’t a license to sell,yar I want it to peddle with!" An exchange says that sunday-school teachers in Columbus give scholars cir cus tickets as rewards of merit. Jlsl AELSOA'S R EVE AGE. I always like coming straight at things, so if I am going to tell what 1 know about this, I ask your leave to do it in my own way, for I'm a plain man with plain words n;ul have no knowl edge of writing fine, so here goes: 1 was married to Susan Galley on the first el February, in tne year, 1863, at ■ s t. Haul's Church, Ilighford street, which may be seen i.y looking at the writing in the books. Iler lather is in the butchering line. He suvs tome when I asked for Susan : “William,” says be, •■(>’ course I have a liking lor my little girl, ami likes to see her well settled in life and happy, and 1 ask you as a man and a lather, what’s your lookout?” “Susan’s fathei,” says TANARUS, “I drive as you know, on ihe Great Eastern that goes across the country, with <£2oo a year and fuel, and I'll take care ofvour Susan and be a kind and dutiful man to her.” “William.” says lie, shaking my hand with tears in his eves tlw.t the bleating of all the lambs lie's killed in h'.s day couldn’t bring, “you can take her ami good luck to ver, though since Iter mother was thrown sh’s been bite and sup to me, and ’Eaven help but she may be she same to you.” Well, I was going away feeling hap py’ along of the case with which things was working, when be called tne back, saying, “William, I aint a wicious man nor yet a backbiter, but 1 must say that if you take Susan you get an enemy along with her.” “Siia !” says I, taken quite aback. “Fact,” says he: “That Jim Nelson, has been hankering after my little girl, off and on ; but site don’t iike him.— No more do I ; and no more do you.” 1 nodded “yes.” “And he told me one night that he’d be an enemy to him that got Susan, without, ’twas himself.” “Never you fear ; I thought that it was them lawyers that might be (hiving of us apart,” said I, laughing heartily: but the old fe'low shook his head in a doubtful style. Well, we—that is, Susan and I— were wedlocked, as they call it, gav and happy as a marriage bell ; and we were coming out of the church, when up came Jim Nelson, white around ihe mouth and nose, and he whispered to me, “William Rogers, there’s some thing betwixt you and me so long as you live, which won’t be long.” What he said he said quickly’ and before 1 could get Susan’s arm ofl, so as to give him a clip, Susan’s pa—who was walking behind, with a white rose in his mouth —stepped up, and, being a strong man. he caught Jim by the shoulders and turned him round, and gave him one with his boot. I think it was well done, for he rolled down th ■ steps and into a hole that the sexton -.*_J—“" ' j worse. I didn’t feel like laugYi'fng, I<sr It secmeu unnatural; and that <1 ~y was, to me, happy, and I wanted it so all round : anti it felt as though triy engine was running over the sleepers, instead of on the rails, when Jim got up out oi the hole, all dirt, and stood, as pale as a ghost, shaking his fist at me and Susan without speaking a word. I couldn’t shake off the remembrance of it all that day nor the next, and a kind of dread stuck to me. In spile of all I could do the thoughts of it would come to me suddenly in the oddest places, and I began to feel a little strange. It wasn’t fear for me at all, but 1 kept thinking, suppose that he should do some harm to Susan when I was away on the road, or come and scare her with his white face. By George ! thinks I to my self, I’d tie him to the track lengthwise and run over him if I thought he’d do that. 1 know it was a cruel thing to think ot him who had done me no harm, but l was jusi so savage along of thinking of his wanting to come between me and my lawful wife. The next day I went on my route as usual, which was from Croydon to Pallerton, just 103 miles. 1 drive the Nestor with the express down in the morning and then back to Croydon again, starting at about four o’clock in the afternoon ; though that is not quite certain, as we have to wait for passen gers by the boat, and that is kept by storms and such like, though on the average the time doesn’t vary more than fifteen minutes. In the winter time as it was when this h appened, of course it is as dark as pitch when we run into Croyden, without there’s moon ; and I always look well at the head light and drive with toy eyes well open ; and I gener ally Let her go full, as the track is well cleared of special trains at that time, and the way they have of telegraphing nowadays, keeps me well pasted about t;,e track ahead by tlie signal lanterns aiong the road. So you see 1 felt pret ty s'de, and knowing 1 was a careful man, 1 didn’t iiave much fear that 1 and let anything go that would show that Jim was going to get his revenge by doing m>; a barm on the road, or by spoiling v n potation san engineer. For, do von see. the idea struck me that, knowing tiie road hunseif, and ail its workings, that he might think it was easy to hurt me that way, and so 1 kept my eyes open. The next day I looked at Jim s house, which is about twenty miles out of Croyden, in the woods, and near the track, and I saw him standing in the door way scowling at me, or, least ways, where be knew I was, for lie knew my train and habits, as we were churns once. He kept his eyes on the cab window, and as we got almost out of sight, I looked round sudden, and saw him shaking Lis fist at the train. Thinks Ito myself when I saw that, j William Rogers, you look sirup wher. you come buck over ibis room urn ight; iikmi that have a spite tint lives as strong as that, two davS end two nights, ought to be looked .alter. aud more than that. Susan said to me that morning "’hen she was pulling my dinner in the pail, says she, “William dear"— es, Susan,” says I, with my mouth lull of bread. “William, Would it make much dif ference it you come in an hail an hour late to-night with the train ?” “No, Susan, perimps not.’’ You see I half knew what was coining. “Because I’m afraid, almost, of something ; don’t ask me what it is, for I don’t know myself. I (eel it. some how a.nd want you to diive slow, and promise me, William dear, to look at the lanterns and things, won’t you ?’’ “Susan,” says I ki-sing of her, “I’ll walk her all the wav.” And that was what I was going to do. I made Collins, the fireman, mail as a March hare by making him go through the wheels twice with a ham mer before we started hack from Ful lerton that night, 1 went through the engine myself, examined the springs and levers and had two extra men put or. the brakes and an extra lantern fast ened on the engine in front of the boiler. They all laughed at me, but I kepi on till 1 felt that tilings were as they should be. When I was speaking ol Jim Nel son’s house in the woods, perhaps 1 ought to have said that he was a wid ower and had a liltle tot of a baby, and I noticed it as I ran by that morning, playing round m the door-yard. I say tiiisso that that which comes after may be better understood. Well, we started back at 4:20, that is, hack to Croydon. It was storming as l thought it never did before; the clouds rolled up black and the wind came down through the mountains cold and blustering, i shut her all uptight, and turned down the light in the cab so that I might see better how tilings went outside. Pretty soon it came on to rain, mixed with hail, and the night, came down blacker than before. 1 kept my hand on llie lever and my eyes on the broad streak of light that lit up about two hundred yards ol the track. 1 let her along easy at about twenty miles an hour, takin a look now and then at the cars and keeping an eye on everything. We ran on this way stead ily for two hours and lost fifteen min* Dies, anil still everything was right. 1 kept my course, as the danger com menced now if there was any at all. The storm and rain was worse than ever, and heat against us like mad and blew the smoke and steam down over us so that 1 felt like stopping altogether, hut of course that wouldn’t do. \Yt: kept on this way another hour, feeling our way carefully. About twenty a fi ll r that l trot oil my seat to look at ihe Oil cups and gauge, when quick as pL—n.*- tin* fireman, jei ked inv" arms Ann miouibu, »«v«o Vtotl, there’s a child crawling on the track !” I shoved my lever back and pulled tiie whistle valve short and quick, and opened ihe cab-window anil jiimpped out on the engine- In doing so, 1 thought afterwards l must have kicked the l«■ v* r back again. At that moment what 1 saw made me forget everything else, lor sure enough, about two hundred feet in front of the engine in the mid-dh of trie track was a little one, km ling on its hands and without moving, bill looking straight at the light ol t hi lantern. God help me ! says 1. slicing the poor tiling must he killed il Idttln t help it, and l scrambled forward past the boiler, and out on the cow-catcher.' Tire wheel, ot the cars grated, but the emune was working harder than a had that night. I couldn’t stop to think why ; and putting my feel be tween the bars, 1 caught hold ol th< shackle with my left hand and leaned forward over the track. 1 shut mv teeth together tight and held on like death, knowing well that a slip ol my hand or foot .would end me. The poor cowering little thing crept away to one side, but was so scared that it had sunk down and was laying on its belly across the rail. “God help it I” again says 1, bending low down; and 1 struck my arm out straight and stiff, with my hand an inch from the track. In an instant l shoved my hand under the body of the child, but pushed it along about five feet before 1 could cb'se my band on the dress, then 1 lilted it up over my head and pul it on the platform benind me, and Hi' n quick as may be 1 followed, bw l b n kind of weakness coming over me. 1 took the baby in my arms, but wa urn weak to go back, so 1 sat there. Ii engine was going like lightning the rain was beating in mine an ! ti" baby’s face, and the wheels were grind ing and roaiing, and afore heaven 1 never was so womanish along with <» ;y dauber 1 have been in as i was lueu, with the poor little tiling, and it arms around my neck ; ud sobbing as if its heart would break. I was only there a minute, and was nearly fainting, whan l heard a shouting louder than the storm and the nose of the engine, and i opened rov eves and saw the figure of a man about thirty yards in front of Ihe ! ei: ine. lie stooped down, then jump led* up with something large in his I hands, and threw* it oil me tiac.,, then |ne oid it again and again. He worked quick and wild like, and just before the engine reached him he jumped on, and waved his arms at me and the baby, and the glare ot the lantern fell on him at that instant and showed a face which was pale round the lips and nose, euch as l had seen before. Well, I got bacK to the rah with the baby and whistled the brakes off, and went into Croydon 35 minutes behind time. 1 told Susan all about it and she tooked to the baby in fine style, and NO. 19. | she and 1 sat by the tire that evening ! miking and wondering over what had ! happened, when a knot’k came to the | door, and l went to it and says “who’* there?” “It's me,” sms a voice which was | trembling as though the man was cry ing; “let me in Rogers; I’m Jim Nel»- «on ; I’ve got nothing agin’ you and Susan now, God knows.” So 1 opened the door and he came sfaggtringas if he was in liquor and'am white as snow ; then he looked arouij<| i tie room and seeing the child in Susa*®' lap he ran to it, aud kneeling do#lT : burjed Iris face in its clothes, soil sem, bed and cried as 1 never saw a inarti before or since. After a while he got a little calmed, then he stood up and turning round to me he says ; “William Rogers, I meant to do VOO a harm to-night, out von save 1 the lit tle one tor ine,j>which is all l have love in this big world; yon took one ’ away from me, and 1 thought to merit! by hieaktng; but, William,” lie went oil “1 wasn’t the old Jim Nelson, who is a true man and who is speaking to you now, and so I ask lorgiveness of you and her.” Then Susan and I slmok bands with him, but we could not speak a word; then Jim stooped down and took the baby into Iris arms, and said, as a last word to Susan and me : “God bless both of you for man and wife,” says he, “and mav you always be happy.” Then he turned away and shut the door behind him and went out into the storm and rain, and I have never seen him since. [From tho Richmond Register.] Goats. —A drove of Cashmere goats !!ow the Toll-Gatherer w:i* Done. Most every one is familiar with tho mode of driving (?) a drove ol mules. It is on the inverse system. The dro ver duys up from fifty to one hundred young, unbroken mules, and, mounted on abrood mare, they follow after tho same as do sheep the bell wether of n flock. For a great many years ail old trader, familiarly known as “Old Sol” who, if he ever possessed any other patryuoinic, had probably forgotten the (act —was in the habit of bringing in from the West a large drove of the long eared animals and disposing of them to the fanners ol South Jersey. The last business visit lie made to that section was about the time the turnpike mania raged, and a single bar was stretched across nearly every public road, to pass which required the pay ment of— “For every dozen of horses, mules or cattle, 6 cents per mile.” “Old Sul” had passed something like two dozen Os these bars on the way from Camden to Bridgeton, paying the legal exaction at each under protest and in very profane language. Nows not disposed of a single triple, ««•*-«! J- - -• a ’iyr f n jho «if o, journey, he was beginning io wtu-jr from a drouth in Iris pocket, and to Iris dismay saw the inevitable bar once more before him. Looking around and finding that his mules were browsing along the road some two or the hundred yards behind, he hurried up his pace to the gate, paid a single toll for the horse he was ruling, aud made special request. of the gate keeper to shut it sher him, and stop them darned mules, which followed him the last two or three miles. “■Certaifilv.” said the* accommodat ing m te keeper, who had it locked Ul Jess time than it takes to tell it. ••Old Sol” started off again on a. frisk canter, which his mules soon imitated, and tis they came to the bar went over it in one two three o-der, to the astonishment ol the keeper who saw the point of the joke in a lew moments, and acknowledged himself “sold.” A Juvenile “Show.” —l,astsummer a little boy only five years old invited me into the summer-house to see his “show.” 1 paid a penny at ihe door, and gravely seated my self on a bench to wait for the performance to begin. There was a piece of twine stretched across the summer-house,-and Master llarrt took his seat beside it, saying ; “These are ray tamed grasshoppers in this box, and I’ve tenchcd 'em to walk on a tight-rope ; now you’ll see.” He took a great brown grasshopper from the box, placed him on the string, nid to my astonishment he crawled sjotvly along il to the other side, and made no attempts to jump off. At last I solved the mystery, and found that bi.i legs bad been removed, so of course tie could do nothing but crawl. ••Why, Harry,” 1 exclaimed, “how could you be so cruel?” “I didn’t hurl him a bit, auntie,” was bis confident reply ; those great ihingft were just in the way, and ‘he never could walk like folks.” “ it di , hurt him, Harry,” I ex plained ; “his long legs were a part of bis body, jus* ns much as your legs are a part of you.” “Wasn’t a speck of juice in ’em, aiiy.way ” persisted Harry, looking rather soberly at bis ramegrasshopper, “and I tliougi : if it Hurt him, he'd said something about it.” “A great many* little insects liave no power to cry when they are in pain, but feel pain, just tit* same as others.” “Oh,” said Harry, “he’s deaf and dumb, ain’t lie? Well, 1 won’t tanuj uiv more grass).uppers , but these two are spoilt already, and 1 guess we’ll go on with th- show. —The negroes who have shafted o it lands in the neighborhood 0 l Norfolk, refuse to surrender them to the U. S. authorities-—go armed to public meet, ings, and declare t'nt-ir inteniou to hold the lands at all hazards.