The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 29, 1867, Image 2

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Ls 1 IwBHSiMr -5 -vafe>' • .' - 1 -***. -.12?- "-A i> ." *i. i. SMITH, Editor am! Proprietor, « ari •;. tint* (;a, Xov. *i9, ’ ilaiuma Convention. — ;-■■» <iu>t excuse us for'devoting so »*ir space to editorial comment .. ?' mlauoii, ns we think it far more ■ TANARUS; !•');» to give them the facts ns to l. .1/ * being dine, in our constitution Y ! V-making assemblies, r ithcr than ft - • j peculation as to what ought to Y .ni'. We, therefore, surrender a r r proportion of our rending spare, I\. •> week, to tbe proceedings of the I t : hioia State Convention now in«cs~ J“* t at Montgomery, as we presume it H to some extent at least, Joresbad lihe policy of the soon HiMi'ct in Georgia. and in which we K| ! directly interested. We do ■f ; \ i" ortl. v to prepare the minds of HV; I os to better understand its oljicts. We also give the If v .■ f Congress now in ses- I in ofjon City, in reference I ‘ : .I.n* of President John- I j. tnai of Air. Davis, the lal- I 1 , we learn, has ng in heen ; nied until the 22 I day of March y 'Vc arc largely indebted to the i nit a, 7*7%- *inH'lligencer for such I Y,codings, as follows : l 1 <,t", LI 'K' Vl' ON OF ELECTORS. . ■ Mi® following is the Article for the \ Constitution, adopted by the (’on* [ j ion on Wednesday night. It was 1 red to the Committee on the Con- IBJt’.t-'m, lor tiie purpose of being I bodied in that instrument. Wegive qualification of electors, with the i to be takeu by voters, as adopted K of in lull, as follows : B^ur,—. See. 1. Kvciy male person N, , i in the United States, and every [Jh , j person who has been naturalized, PS*.,- who has legally declared his iaten j! J , ti become a citizen of the United >ears old, or upwards, who j,! liave resided in tliis Slate six Ptlis next preceding the election, I three months in the county m id, ha offers to vote, except as |iijahcr provided, shall be deemed lector. Provided, That no soldier, Rfiror or marine in the military or ■ 4yal service of llio Unfed {States, I 111 hereafter acquire a residence by Br* tL of being stationed oil duty in H\\mate. be the duty of the Gener -1,1,1 v to provide, from time to J the rcgi.nivtion of all electors, 8./ following classes of poisons j 1 he permitted to register, vote Uice : (Those who during the late r inflicted or caused to be in- M I , iv cruel or unusual ptinisment ■ M soldier, marine, employee, or ft he United States, or who in \ t way violated the rules of K warfare. rh\J v Those who are, or may be P Mjancltisci) bv the proposed Cousti- P cfonul Amcndiyient, known as the B'fth article, and the act of Congress Mused March 2d, 18U7 ; except such ■lsons as have aided the plan of , proposed by Congress, Hid accept the political equality of.all u before the law. Provided, That ■ picceral Assembly shall have power remove the disabilities incurred if- ler this last clause. ’bird, Those who shall have heen , Evicted of treason, embezzlement of mi;ic funds, malfeasance in office, oif c punishable by law with irnpris i ,>i 'ti in the penitentiary, or bribery, ff: I%'uth. No i iiot or insane person f b ‘ permitted to register or vote in ,JL AM peseons before register* 'A' t :u ; m ! subscribe the foliow jMKlh t yM. - .do sol mttly swear, (or » ;C: that • \ >i' ; irt and maintain >,istit. 1 sos the Uni* t’MtiS, ; t it ion and the ; A bam a ; that l (•' e\ o.u registering by s in section two of this v ill never countenance u cession of this State j l rated Stales; that i accept . t i! and political equality of all u, and t«gaco not to attempt to de* m, o tny person or persons, on ac* ! s-. tiul of race, color or previous condi tloo. or any political or civil right, j r.v iieges or immunity enjoyed by any p y.-r class of liven ; and furthermore, x [ l will not iti any way injure or oniumnance in others, any attempt to injure any person or persons, on account of past or present support of t.e Government of the United States, , e ’a,vs of the United States, or the principle of tho political and civil , ; of ail men, or of affiliation with , ;■ iS ,• political party.” Various ordinances "tvere railed up, l aid o't motion the further consider;!' iiJTii* :T ;Ju in was postponed until akor j[,(. adoption of the Constitution. TV KM.CUTIVF. DEPARTMENT. The r.. tide for the Constitution re ported by the Committee on the Exec i ive Department was considered, a r - mled. and adopted by sections. We ive below the important sections of \ article as adopted by the Con veil lion s EXECUTIVE. The Executive Department shall ■ cons t ol a Coventor, Lieutenant 1 Gut mor, Secretary of State, Auditor, BL*rnv sn.-f r. and Attorney General, who shall be chosen by the electors of the Stale at the lime arid pieces at which they shall respective! v vole for rep re* sin atives. 2. i'he (1 vernor. Lieutenant Gn crnor. Secretary of Stale. Treasurer '.fid Atto'iiey (icnerai slsall hold their offices for two years; and the Auditor f*H four years. 4. The supreme executive power of this State shall be vesteJ in a Gorer* nor. 9. He shall be cpmtnander-itrchiefof the military and raval forces of the State, except when they shall he called futo the service of the United Stales. li. In case of the death, impeach ment, resignation, removal, or disability of the Governor, the powers and duties of the office, for the residue of me term, or until he stmil be acquitted, or the disability removed, shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor. 1 Si. The Lieutenant Governor shall L be President of the Senate, but shall vole omy when life Senate is equally ditidul; and, in the ease of bis ab sence, or impeachment, or when lie shall exercise the office of Governor, the Senate shall choose a President ]>ro tefn. 10. If the Lieutenant Governor, while executing the office of Governor, shall I»h impeached, di.qd.iced. resign nr die. or otherwise become incapable of pcrloi ming the duties of the office, the President of the Senate shall actus Governor, until vacancy is filled, nr tire disahiiiiy removed ; and if the President of the Senate, lor anv of the above causes, shall be rendered incapa ble of performing the duties pertaining to t!:e office of Governor, the same shall devolve upon the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 17. Should the office of Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary, or Attorney Gen eral. become vacant, for any of the causes specified in the fourteenth (§11) section of this article, the Governor shall fill tin* vacancy until the disabili* ty is removed, or a successor elected and qualified. § 18. The officers mentioned in this article shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation to be established bv law. which shall neither he increased nor diminished during the period fur which they shall have been elected* §2O. A Slie-ifl shall be elected in rncli county by the qualified electors thereof, who shall lioid his office for the term of three years, unless sootier removed, and shall not be eligible to serve either as principal or deputy for any two successive terms. The article as adopted above was then referred to the Committee on the Constitution for the purpose of being embraced as a part of that instrument. lIILL OF RIGHTS. The Convention resumed the con sideration of the Preamble and Bil! of Rights for the Constitution. We give below the important sec tions as amended and adopted by the Convention : PREAMBLE. We, the people of the State of Ala bama, by our Representatives, in Con vention assembled, in order to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, pro mote the general welfare, and secure to , ourselves and .> our prosperity the; right of life, liberty and property, invoking the favor of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the tollovving Constitution and form of government fur the {State ol Alabama: article. Declaration of Rights —That the great and essential principles of liberty ' and free government inav be recognized and established, we declare—• Sec. 1. “ That all men are created equal ; they are endowed by the Creator witli certain inailenable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and that all person® and elasses in this State, who are, or may be declared citizens ofilie United States, by the Constitution thereof, are hereby declared citizens of the State of Alabama, possessing equal civil and political rights and public privileges, without distinction of race, color, oi previous condition. [This section (l) gives to negroes, under the head of “public privileges,” entire social, civil and political equality on railroads, steamboats, omnibuses, Ac. Buck, ol Mobile, made a speech in support of the full equality of all men, without distinction of color.] See. 2. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their au thority ai.d are instituted for their benefit, and that, therefore, they have, at all times, an inherent right to change their form of government, in such man ner as they may deem expedient, subject, in all respects, to the Consti tution of the United States. Sec. 3. That no person shall be de prived of the inestimable right to wor ship Qod according to the dictates of lus own conscience; nor be hurt, mo lested, or restrained in lus religious professions, or sentiments, provided, he does not disturb others in their relig ious worship. See. 5. That any citizen may freely speak, write and publish bis senti ments, on all subjects, being responsi ble lor the abuse of that liberty. See. 0. That the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions from unreasonable seizures or searches, and that no war tant shall issae to search any place, or to seize any person or ihiug without describing them as neatly as may be nor without probable cause, supported bv oatii or affirmation : See. 7. That in ail criminal prosecu tions, the accused has a right to be beard by himself or counsel, or either, to demand the nature and cause of accusations, to have a copy thereof, to be confronted by the witnesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and in all prosecutions by indictments or in formations, a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the country or district, in which the offense wis committed, and that he shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself. nor be deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by due course ol law. Sec. 10. That no person shall, f>r the same offense, be put in jeopardy of his life or liimh Sec. 12. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate. See. 13. That in prosecution for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of officers, or men in public capacity, or when the matter published rs proper for public informa tion. the truth tbereot may be given in evidence; that in all indictments for libels the jury shall have the right to determine me law, and the facts under the direction of the court. Sec. 19. That treason against the Stale shall consist only in levying war against it, or adhereiug to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; and that no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two wit nesses to the same overt act, or his own confession in open court. Sec. 24. That private property shall not be taken or applied for public use, unless just compensation be made therefor, nor shall private property be taken for private use, or for the use of corporations, other than municipal, without the consent of the owner.— Provided, however. That laws may be made securing to persons or corpoia tions. the right of svay over the lands of other persons or corporations. See. 28. That no person who con scientiously scruples to bear arms, shall he compelled to do so, but may pay an equivalent for personal service. Sec. 29 That no standing army shall he kept up without the consent of the General Assembly ; and in tiiat case no appropriation for its support shall be for a longer term than one year, and that the military, shall, in all cases and at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil power. Sec. 30. That no soldier shall, in time of peace ; be quartered in any houses without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. See. 32. That no title of nobility or hereditary distinction, privilege, honor or emolument shall ever be granted or conferred ip ibis State ; that no proper ty qualifications shall be necessary to the election to or holding of any office in this State, and that no office shall he created, the appointment to which shall he for a longer term than during good bt havior. Sec. 34. That hereafter no form of slavery shall exist in this State, nor shall there be involuntary servitude, other than for the punishment of crime, of which the parly shall have been duly convicted. Sec. 35. The right of suffrage shall be protected by law, regulating elec tions, and prohibiting under adequate penalties all undue influences Iroin power, bribery, tumuli, or other im proper eon ml net. Sec. 30. That this enumeration of certain rights shall not impair or deny others retained by tbe people. SOCIAL, ClviL, AND POLITICAL EQUALITY. :Vlr. Kefler, of Montgomery, offered the following as a substitute for section 26 of the Bill of Rights. Sec. 20. That common carriers shall mak no discrimination on account of color between persons traveling in this State on public conveyances. This section threw a firebrand into (lie Convention. It was opposed by Messrs. Saflold, Semple, Morgan and others, an«J was strongly supported by all the negro delegates, including Grif fin, of Mobile. Rapier, Gregory, Car ratvay, and other negro delegates deliv ered iuflaiiiatory harangues, demanding entire social equality with the whites. The speeches and section created a sen. sation. Action on the matter was fi_ nally posponed until Monday morn ing. ami the Convention adjourned to that hour, TIIE IiirEACJDIEVT OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON, 0 THE COMMITTEE AT WORK, ! EXCITEMENT IN WASHINGTON &C. Washington, Nov. 24. The Impeachment Committee was in session at a late hour last night It meets again to-morrow morning, and will make a report during the day.— There will lie three reports. The docu ments are voluminous. Heavy trans actions have been made in gold, which the report is expected to influence, and the most feverish anxiety exists. Ru mors are abundant, but the Committee seems to have haded oil the news limi ters. Among other wild statements it is said the Bulls of New York have raised ami invested one hundred and til'ty thousand dollars in securing one vote in the Committee for impeachment. The probabilities are that there have been no recent changes, and that the Committee stands four for impeach ment. tiiree for a vote of censure, and two for quashing the matter, Later. —The impression that the Committee will stand five for impeach ment gains ground. It is said high of ficial circles have intimations to this effect. Washington, Nov. 25.— Later. — The impeachers expect to make their strong point against the President from circumstances connected with trans ferring rolling stock, to Southern rail roads. Robinson is making a fifty minutes’ speech on a bill to impeach Minister Adams. J>Oon. —The Chair announced the Committees, and half past one the Com mittee on Impeachment were delayed, but there seems no doubt, Churchill has joined the Impeachment party, giving them five votes—a majority, The Committee on Election is still in session, the election of Galladay from Kentucky, who were elected to i succeed Hise. referred to Committee on ■ Elections. Pending the report he was excluded by a vote of*IDS LO'3B, The Commit lee entered the House at half past twelve. During the morning hour half a doz en bills were reported and referred for the repeal of the cotton and other taxes. A bill was introduced regarding »he navigation n< the rivers flowing into the Gull ol Mexico. Congressional. SENATE. Washington, .Nov. 25.—A petition from Massachusetts was presented ask ing for mule and female suffrage. 'Tiie use nr the Senate Chamber was denied to Re - /. Newman Hail. Tne .Military Committee was order ed to inquire into the expediency of reducing the regular army. A resolution, returning thanks to Gens. Sheridan. Sickles, Rope, Scho field, was introduced, but was referred. Edward Dunbar, editor of tlie New 1 York Globe, was ordered before the | Bar of the Seriate lor contempt, j The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE. A resolution was adopted that no ' committee shall incur ail expense here ! alter without further orders of tiie House. Bout well, second member of the Judiciary Committee, rose to report the testimony taken bv the Committee on Impeachment, ami a majority report by Chairman Wilson. anJ a dissenting report, proposed by Williams, ol Penn sylvania. The summary of the major ity report it as follows : Ln accordance with the testimomes herewith submitted, and tbe view ol the law herewith presented, the com mittee is of the opinion that Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, is guilty ol high crime and misdemean or in that, 4’C. It closes with the resolution. Resolved. That Andrew Johnson be impeached for his crimes and misde meanors. The report was followed by mingled expression of applause and disappro bation. The speaker meantime using his gavel —Wilson,Chairman, for him self and Woodbridge presented tbe report which concludes—we therefore declare that the case before us, pre sented by the testimony and measured by the law, does mu disclose such high crime, and misdemeanors within the measuring of the Constitution as re quire the constitutional interposition oi the power of the House, and recom mended the adoption of the following ; Resolved , That the Judiciary Com mittee be discharged from the further consideration of the proposed impeach ment of the President of the United Stales, and that the subject be laid on the table. Marshall, in behalf of himself and Eldridge. stated that they fully con curred in the resolutions offered by Chairman Wilson, and also concurred entirely with his argument regarding the law of the case, a id the application of the evidence thereto, but there were differences oil some points which in duced him and Mr. Eldridge to submit a third report. The reports were all laid on the table and ordered to be printed, and made a special order for Wednesday of next week. A bill to suspend civil officers during the impeachment was referred to the Judiciary Commiltee. A motion was subsequently made by Mr. Blair, of Maine, to reconsider the vote ol referring it, and to table the vote to reconsider, which fastens the bill in the Judiciary Committee and removes it from arbitrary control of the House, which was regarded as a sort ol test on this question. Blair’s motion prevailed with but little opposition, indicating a weakness of scheme to suspend before conviction. The rules were suspended and a resolution was adopted declaring, that in the judgment of the House it was unnecessary to proceed at present with the building and equipping of the war ships. The rules were suspended and a resolution was adopted, declaring that in the present condition of the finances further purchases of territories are in expedient, and that the House holds itself under no obligations to vote money for such pttrshases. A bill declaring St. Louis a port of entry was referred to the Committee on Commerce. The House then adjourned. Grant’s evidence covers three col ums, but the following tells his story : By Mr. Woodbridge—Q. I understand your position to be this, that you did not assume to originate or inaugurate any policy, but that when any question came up, and your opinion was asked as to what the President was going to do, or had done, you gave an opinion ? A. That is it exactly, and I presumed the whole Committee so understood me, I have always been attentive to my own duties and tried not not to inter fere with other people’s ; l was always ready to originate matters pertaining to the army, but 1 never w’as willing to originate matters pertaining to the civil affairs of P’e United States ; when ask ed my opinion about what had been done, I was willing to give it. I orig inated none, nor suggested no plan for the civil government, I only gave my view’s on measures after they had been originated. 1 simplv expressed an anxiety that something should be done to give some sort of control down there. There was no governments there when the war was over; I wanted to see some government established, and to see it done quickly. I did not pretend to say’ how it should be dene, or in what form. The majority of the Impeachment in their report, recommend-, ing the impeachment lav great stress upon the alleged usurpation bv the President of the pardoning and veto powers, also the authority to make removals and appointments, and par ticularly refer to what is termed fla grant violations of the constitutional powers of the Executive, by organizing governments in the Southern Stales, at the end of the war without asking advice of Congress, as they assert for personal purposes. They refer to tha pardoning oTa hundred and ninety three persons in West Virginia, desert ers from the army during the war, which they state was in behalf of pri vate and interested parties, and in order thai tlmy may vote in accordance with the President's opinions, their restoration causing great depletion of treasury. The tenor ol the Executive offenses throughout the entire reports, consists in alleged usurpations of the powers above mentioned. The major ity assert also that by various officials and public declarations, the President has sough.t to obstruct laws of Chngress for pacification of the Staves, with pa. licular reference to the constitution al amendments approved bv Congress. This report is verv lengthy, and signed by Boutwell, Williams, Churchill, Thomas. Lawrence. A leport was also submitted by W ilson and Woodbridge, dissenting from views ol majority, and iasseiting that there was no evidence presented, which demanded impeach ment, but they condemned his political views and were willing to censure. The minority report by Messrs. Mar shall and Eldridge, who strongly defend the President from abuse by iiis politi cal enemies, and assert that his only faults consists in not holding to the political views of the party which elected lii.m, in subjugating the people ol the South. The report is extremely caustic and abuses harshly, some of tiie witnesses who testified before the Committee. Baker is aecused of per jury, and they conclude with the President will be held in respect by Ins countrymen, when his ealuninators are pillored in undying scorn and indignation of the American people. The points inado in the summing up °f the majority report against the Presi dent, are not borne out by the testimo ny. First, As to the President having usurped the powers of Congress, in or ganizing governments in the Southern States, it wifi be found in Gen. Grant’s testimony that the programme which was followed out by Mr. Johnson, had been laid down by Mr. Lincoln. It also appears in Gen. Grant’s testimony that be was present, by invitation, at the Cabinet Councils in which the re organization of the Southern States was considered. That while he assen ted to the plan followed bv the adminis tration, he did not oiler any suggestions .*f his own, but was a silent listener.— The only active part he took was to retain the President’s ardor to have prominent rebels, like Lee, brought to condign punishment. As to the par don of prominent rebels, it appears that many of the most prominent of them were pardoned on the recommendation of Gen. Grant, Speed, Stanton, &e, — As to the pardon of some hundred de serters from West Virginia Regiments, which the report alleges was done in order that they might v He lor a Demo cratic member <ff Congress, it appears irom evidence that they were only tech nically deserters, that they were not pardoned until some weeks after the election, and that the President merely considered the application in the usual form, referring it to the Secretary of War, who, himself, granted it. The Committee enquired into the posses sion by the President of certain Ten nessee bonds, on the supposition that his possession of them might have some connect ion with the release of the prop erty of Southern Railroad Companies, but it appeared that Mr. Johnson had been in possession of those bonds for the last twelve years. In reference to the trial of Jefferson Davis, Attorney General Speed and the counsel for the government must shoulder all the re sponsibility of not trying him, the avowed cause being that Chief Justice Chase would not preside, and that At torney General Speed would not con sent, under any consideration, to have the trial conducted before Judge Un derwood. Then; was an attempt on the part of Lafayette C. Baker, to get up a story about an imaginary letter from Mr. Johnson, as Military Governor of Tennessee, to Jefierson Davis, offering to turn the State over to him, but the Committee could have had no trouble in deciding what degree of credit was to be given to it. The tale lell still born, there is no allegation against the President ol his having personally given grounds of offense. Ashley, of Ohio, who presented the articles of im peachment, acknowledges that lie has produc/d to tlre.Committee all the valid evidence in fiis possession. The order of extentiou of absence of Mr. Dtvis. and fixing the 22d of March for the trial, waseuterd by order of the Judge, and Mr. Davis’ trial ended for this term. Mr. Davis’ did not appear ill court. Aeixandcr 11. Stevens to Ad dress Hie People ofi\. Y. Several leading gentlemen of both political parties among whom we are infoimed, are Messrs Brown Brothers and Peter Cooper, have recently ad dressed a letter to Alexander 11. Ste vens, of Georgia, requesting his appear ance in New York during the first week in December, to address our cit izens oil the actual condition of affairs in the South, social and political. Mr. Stevens, it is said, has accepted the invitation and may be expected here in a few days, when the gentleman having [ charge of the preliminary arrangements will publicly announce the day upon which the Vice President of the late Confederacy will deliver his address. Among the leading men connected with the ex-Confederate Government, lie is. perhaps the only one who has retained a certain kind of affectionate esteem from ill parties in the North, and there are very few speakers of the day who can, trummand more eager and attentive audiences.— N. Y. World. At Last. —Says the Macon Journal 4’ Messenger of yesterday’s date, “we have reliable information that Govenor Jenkins has been ordered by General Pope to hold himself in readiness to march at a moment’s notice. And the on dit from the same source is, that a shining light, from Thomas county, who gained some little notoriety a short time since by denouncing Ben. Hill as a “finished demagogue,” is to be his sue s cessor.” AUCTION AND COMMISSION! HAVING OPENED AN AND COMMISSION HOUSE In Cartersville- For the purpose of conducting i regular Auc tion and Commission business, I so’icit the patronage of any, and all persons, who have property of any kind for sale, which they wish turned into ca c h, to-wit : Horses, Muies, Cattle, Hogs, &c„ Produce of all kinds, and all kinds of Merchandise, Household Furnitue, Agricultural and Me chanical Tools and Imprlments, or any other kind of property will be received, to sell at auction, or on commission. I flatter myself, with my long experience in business, I will be able to give satisfaction to all who may patronize me. Auction sales will be made on Tuesdays and •Saturdays, when property or articles of any kind are on hand for that purpose, unless other times are desired by parties interested. West side Public Square, nearß- R. Depot. W, A. WILLIAMS. Cartersville, Ga., Njv 29 1867-ly Lewis L. Abbott, H. L. Abbott, B. F. Abbott. ABBOTT and Bros. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Wholesale Dealers I N Produce, Provisions AND iEiQiiiii. Whitehall Street , ESTABLISHED IN BUSINESS IN 1858. Coffee! Coffee ! 77 Bags choice Coffee just received and foi | (J sale as low as the lowest by ABBOTT & BROS Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga. Bagging! bagging! 1 /A Bales very heavy India Bagging, ju4* 1 received, and for sale by ABBOTT 4- BROS.. Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga. Rope! rope / K /A Coils Rope foi sale by ABBOTT &. BROS., Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga. Sugar ! sugars! 20 Bblsextia C Sugar. V Bids Yellow C Sugar, just received. £\j and for sale by ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants Atlanta. Ga. Flour! f lour! 800 Sacks superior Family Flour. )() aC^S extra Family Flour. Sacks extra Fumily, nowin store, Vy and for sale bv ABBOTT & BROS, Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga, Cotton Yarns ! X Bales Cotton Yarn. t) X Bales 4-4 Sheeting, for sale by o ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga, We will pay the highest price for Corn, Oats and Flour. ABBOTT & BROS, Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 29, 1867-Gm. ROBERTS ABC STOCKS. DEALERS IN GROGERIES& PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. Cartersville Georgia. Are now receiving a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES & CONFECTIONARIES, Consisting, in part, as follows: SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARD, SALT, CHEESE. MACKEREL, SYRUP, MOLASSES, VINEGAR, FRESH COVE OYSTERS: DRIED BEEF. CANDLES, (Star and Parafine) KEROSENE OIL CANDIES, RAISONS. FIGS, COCOANUTS. Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, Matches, Well Hope, Buckets P o w and e r, Shot, gun flints, Sardittes, Brooms, Tubs, Dry Measures, ginger, Spice, M ace, Nutmegs. Madder, Pickets, Pine Apple Cheese, And a thousand other things too te dious to mention, which can be seen by calling at our new STORE room on Main Street, Ist door west of BLAIR AND BRADSHAW’S Cartersville Ga, Nov. 22 1P67-tf. Fall and Hittfct Goods. BLAIR S BRADSHAW have removed to their new brick store-room. ©RY-ROOOS FDR THE MILLION. B. Hi. The finest, the best, the Cheapest. Blair & Bradshaw's new goods have come I Fail i.n(t Winter Drv-Goods, both for ladies’ and gentlemens’ use, in the greatest abundance, also no tions, hats, boots, shoes and ready made clothing, world without end, in fact, we have the biggest, best and finest stock ot goods ever be fore exhibited in this market. Come and see them for yourself, and then you can test our viracity. Blair & Bradshaw are back at their old stand again. ~ MENTsT~ Cartersville Property for Sale fPHE former residence of William Pucket Is offord for 1 sale on reasonable terms. The dwelling contains five rooms, the location is pretty and healthy. Apply to S, CLAYTON A SON Cartersville Ga. Nov., 22 1967-3 w. Cartersville Prope’y for Bent THE commodious storeroom now occupied by T. M. Compton will be rented for the year 1566 ou rea sonable terms. Possession given the Ist of Januaiy. Apply to S. CLAYTON A SON. Cartersville, Ga. Nor., 22 1867 Bw, A. A. Skinner & Cos., REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BRICK STORE ON Main Street, between Stocks’ Livsry Sta ble and W, E. Gilbert Co’s Hardware store, where they will continue to keep on hand a large stock of FRESH GROCERIES, also, PRODUCE, bought and sold, It is useless for us to enumerate all the ar ticles in the Grocery Line. We keep every thing necessary to bo kept in a regular 9AB 8 a ¥ Provision store , l Consisting, in part, of BACON, LARD, MEAL, FLOUR, CORN, WHEAT, SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, SYRUPS, CHEESE, RICE, CONFECTIONERIES, SWEET MEATS. CANNED FRUITS, SOAPS, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, &C, BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE, &C. And a thousand and things too numerous to mention in a nawspaper advertisement, to all of which we inviits the attention of the public. We will sell Groceries, e te„ just us low down as any other Grocery House in the market can afford to sell. Call and see us and try us at our new stand, A. A, SKINNER & CO, Cartersville , Nov. 8. Look to Your Inters est! KEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Bartow and adjoin ng counties, that he has just opened out a fresh and well selected stock of Gtuuls, OF A'LL VARIETIES. usually kept in a DRY-GOODS Store, all of which was bought on the very best terms, and I am willing, and can afford, to sell at us SHOUT PROFITS as any one, and flatter myself that I can gi* o satisfaction, 3301 b in duality nnb sritt, tl any one who will favor me with a CALL, Hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage from my old customers and friends and the public generally. I await your call, P. L. MOON, CARTERSVILLE, Oct, 17, 1867, FALL AKC WINTER TRADE] 1867-8. N. GJLRATH & SON- Healers In DRY-GOODS, IWtims, HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Hardware * &c., N. Gllresth A Son are happy to announce to the citizens of Cartersville and sourrounding country, that they have greatly ENLARGED THEIR STORE-ROOM, and one of the firm hat been on to iharket and selected IN PERSON, since the Decline In prices. One of the Lrgsst, best, and most superb Stocks OF DRy-GOODS and GROCERIES, ever before brought to this Market, and are now receiving and opening the same, to which they Invite the attenslon of the public gener al'v—not only to their GOODS, but alto QUALITY AND PRICES. They defy any merchant in this sec tion of country, to undersell them. They say this much because tney are sanguine that no merchant in the Couth struck the markets in a better time to buy goods cheaper. We are thankful to our patrons for past patronage,tand earnestly solicit a continuation of the same for the future. N. GILREATH A BON. Cartersville , Oct. 24, — w2m