The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 29, 1867, Image 3

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I JLiteal JltdL m Wj. ■ ftojrCall at Blair <fc Bradshaw's [ store and buy the best in dry-goods, clothing, Ac., ever before ■ offered you in this market, Conntindruin. Why is the Cartersville Express ilike a wife? Because every man should have one, so that he would not have to borrow his neighbors. (VNothlng »dv*rr*, tbs loterc»l« of % elty, town r»r village more than lo be possessed of prompt and reliable bu.lne*. men. Three pi re It east an 4 Irope tu*. 8 mie men »»e *o peculiarly con.trluted that t hey tee do good beyond their own InteretU— with tin nj there U no such thing a» genera! public g >«d—all tr.d t U m»»l tubserve their private interest*. They are ey< r W ready to give any entetprite looking to the general prosperity of % place or people the cold thoulder, pro vided it doei not redound to ihetr Individual Interest*. They are all the time alarmed at their neighbor'* prosperity, and If they cannot catch every patting penny by generout rlralry In a legitimate way, they resort to mitrepreteritatioo and calumny to carry their ?mlnt. They are opposed to anybody else engaging n the same hualneii that they are, u that they can V hare It all their own way, they are opposed to every body and everything except themselves. Such men •re a nuisance to society and a drawback to burine-a. Hut there are men differently disposed, who are all the time laboring to build up their own and others Inter est* too. They feel identified with the place and peo ple, and consider the prosperity of the country their prosperity, ever ready to lend their influence, time and meant to build up and sustain the reputation of their place and people, willing for averybody to share In tholr prosperity, and consider competition the life •of trade, because they are not afraid of It They en tourage trade by giving fair price* for produce, etc., and telling their merchandise likewise. Jint tuch gentlemen may be found In (‘artertvllle, sod promi nent among them ft Me'trt N. OILUEATII ii SON. Conntindruin. f fc OYSTERS is a pood thing eat , ture, better than chick vVr w 1 or ee f‘ J ames Tilts in m ! tL- tiled us i o cull at his Saloon ■and try our appetite. If’e readily uc epted and did so on Monday lust. — JVe sat down to a dish of the finest i fires h Norfolk Oysters ive ever btfiore taw or eat, just such be keeps oil hand all the time, Jim will please accept ou thanks ror the treat. ,* A lot of New Goods consisting of CALICOS, DELAINES, SHAWLS, BLEACHING ond FLANNELS—just received—which were bought at a great reduction of prices, and sold much lower than heretofore, by LOE WEN STEIN & PFEIFER. m*. ..Go and sec W. A. Deweesc when you i want raw meat, rare meat or meat well done* H.! furnishos to the hungry wayfarer that co nfortmost to be prized, viz., meat and drink. If a customer is disposed to take his own •‘skillet” Deweese will sell him the wherewith to fill his “ski.let,” and the rejuvinating cor dial which makes the poor man rich and vica versa. * Our friend Billy has fitted up his saloon, opposite the Court House, and is now able to j rater to the most fastidious. Fresh Oysters, |1 II atn, Eggs, Hot Coffee, or anything in the | eating line will he served up in the shortest | possible time. His Beer Market, just aeressi j offert to the public all the comforts a hungry > imati wants. Another Itolibt i'j . We regret to learn that the Rev. J NV. Glenn, of Gave Spring, and a mem ber of the North Georgia Conference, Iliad his pockets picked of S2OO at the J aar-shed on last Saturday night. It <was done in the dark while h? was i tyrciting from the State Road train, upon uts arrival here as above. Os the amount stolen, SIOO was Idr Emory College, consisted of Conference collections i she remaining SOO belonged to Mr. <ll6llO. We regret, for the fair lame ol our city, to give publicity to transac tions like this, hut it is needful that others should he warned. There are undoubtedly regular professional thieves in our midst, as there are in all other cities, and we can only warn the pub lic against them. We may expect a full delegation among us for sometime to come, — Atlanta Intelligencer 25. l'rom tiie Temple of Industry. KEA1)!! READ!!! READ! !!! I have every arrangement made, and am fully prepared to execute work in my line after the most improved style, and with as fine a finish as any establishment in the State or .any where south* I feel that 1 can claim at least the attention and patronage of this section ol Georgia. There can ho no excuse for any one to go -abroad tor Buggies or Carriages. 1 will sell as low as they can possibly be brought here front any where. Why not patronize home enterprise! Why not buildup at home! It is much more convenient. It is much bet ter policy. It is lunch sat'or. It is much cheaper. II I had not made ample provisions without stint. If I were not able to build as good ami nice vehiekles us can possibly be obtained elsewhere, 1 could not ask with any degree of justice for your patronage exclusively. If you will come and look for yourselves or take the testimony of such men as Gen. V\. T. Mofford, Cartersville; Col. J. G. Stocks, Copts, 11. W. & K. M. Stiles, Cartersville; Capt. J. W. Butler, Stilesboro; Maj. Joseph Roper, Kingston; Col, James Milner, Cartersville; Col. Win. Rainy, Rome; Capt. T. C. Moore, Alatoona; Col. 11. F. Price, Cassville; Dr. Thompson, Van Wert; Wily C. Barber, Van Wert; Capt. Thos.Tum- Im, Euharlec* Col. Abd» Johnson, Fine Log; Co.'. E. Fields, Canton; Rev.F. H. Brewster, Canton; besides many others I can give, then I shall have your tra‘lc. I have greatly reduced my prices this fall. I am selling as low as the lowest; and in repair ing I never fail to give perfect satisfaction to all. K. H. JONES. NoV. 29, 1867-2 w. A bill before the Tennessee Leg islature. to “Encourage anti Protect Loyalty,” provides that it shall here-* after be an offense for any person or latutly to have a picture of Jeff. Davis or Gen. R. E. Lee in their possession. Competition in tlie >lenaararie Business- The Montgomery Mail, thus hamor ously shows up the competition which Dan Castello met with in the Menaga* rie business in that city recently : Fraternal Meeting,— Castello’s Menagarie promenaded through the streets yesterday and passed ihu Capi tol about 1-4 M. So soon as the music was heard, Sway tie’s Menagerie lost control ot itself, the negro portion es pecially, showing signs of going to see the monkeys and elephant, and tiie white portion sidling towards the win dows to get a glimpse at the “live lion let loos in the streets.” Broad grins and intellectual smiles distended the mouths of the negro delegates and their feet kept time to the music. There tas a general fe-lmg ol disgust tha ' :hey could’nt get out to see the ele ,'haut. Elephant Norris saw his bro ther elephant and asked him how the land-office at Sltowhegan was. Cag tello’s elephant replied “rather empty since you left.’* Miller made on his hands 1. O. U. to which the elephant answered, “they have stopped talking about it lately.” Rolfe pushed up to the window and asked the nigh mule whether he had seen his carpet bag in Selma. Simmons asked the lion wheth er the warrant for his arrest was still out in Colbert. Coon climbed a pole and grinned at the men in armor.— Gridin rushed to the gate, flung his arms around the jackass and said : “It is, it is, mv long lost brother!” — Haughty stood on the porch and ad mired the monkeys. Buckley peeped from bfhiud the curtains at the ladies on horsi-back. Kefler tried to steel the spots from a piebald horse. Major Semple. Alexander and Speed accept ed the situation, and old Bingham, rushing up breathless, held his rose with his fingers, and bellowed after the last jickass to know whether he had seen anything of Widow Rout! It iias a jolly occasion, a fraternal rc-union to be long remembered.— When the two bodies embraced, they might have been smelt a mile. Pork Packing and Provisions in Chicago.-— From Henry Mil ward A Co’s circular of Saturday we extract the following : Though the packing season has been barely inaugurated, yet so large have been the receipts of hogs that most ol the houses are actively engaged, and all w tuld be, could they find a market for the product. But the business at the present time seems to be purely speculative, and confined to those packers who have faith in working with a view to future advantage. There is no demand lor products to allow of the present prices being paid for hogs, and indeed there is just now but little vital ity in the trade. Some of our most intelligent operators still believe that the hogs are being forced into market, and that the packing season will meet with a sudden end ; but we have in vestigated the matter pretty thorough ly, ami we confidently assert that the present heavy receipts are but an indication of those we are likely to have during the winter. The farmers at distant points will leed their hogs in preference to hauling their corn to market ; and there has been such an increase to our agricultural limits that hut little estimate can be formed of the corresponding increase in our stock. The receipts of hogs for the week sum up as follows, viz : Live 63,923, dressed 810, total 64,733; and the shipments Live 9,711; leaving for packers, city use, and number leftover in the pens, 55,022 head. For the corresponding period last year the re ceipts were: Live 15,792, dressed 193, total 15,985: and the shipments —Live 9,283, dressed 83, total 9,366; leaving for packers, Ac., 6,619 head. The packing to the present time will probably aggregate 80.000 head, though it is Oiiiicnrt to obxaiu the exaeirngtires; Owing lo the favorable weather and the number of houses engaged in the busi ness, there has been an active competi tion for hogs, and the market has been daily advancing. Sword, Torch and Compass.— “The sword to kill, the torch to burn, and the compass to divide out the beautiful lands of the South.” This is the emphatic language used against a Southern people. Shall we calmly submit, and permit those making use of such language to prescribe and prepare all of our Fills, Bitters. Tonics, Blood Purifiers, Cough Syrups, Chill Medi cines, Ac., at a time when better Medicines are prepared and offered by our own “kith and kin ?” The “Great Southern Pr* parations” are made in the South and embrace a class of select family Medicines. See advertisement. specials. Cartersville Market. Cottoi 10 19} Corn, new, 75 80 ets. per bushel. Wheat, $2,25. Umpire Restaurant, Next, door to Georgia National Bank, At lanta, Ga. This eeleu-ated Restaurant is now open, night arid day, two setts of hand em ployed, twelve hours on and twelve hours off. The house has been newly furnished with all kinds of Wares, twenty Itallian Marble Ta bles, with private rooms. Game. Fish, Oys ters, choice Steaks, and all the, varieties of the season, kept constantly on hand. * PEASE & IIIS WIFE Atlanta, Oc*. I, 18t>' v’ttv To Consumptives- The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send, free o charge, to all who desire it. the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by whieh he was cured of a lung affection and that- dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the afLicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Please address Rev EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street. Williamsburg, Ne w York. Information. Information guaranteed to produce a luxurlnn growth of hair upon a bald head nr a beardless face also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches. E ruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by ad dressing TilOS. F. CHAPMAN, ChetHht sep 11 523 Broadway, New York. Errors of Youth. A Gentleman who suffered for years trotn Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of sulleiing humanity, send free to all xvho need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rerredy by whieh he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by address' ing, in pertect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. EDWARD BECHTOLDT, ATs l) C ONFEC TIONEB, CARTERSVILLE, GA. j S PREPARED TO BAKE and keeps on Hand, BREAD AND CAKES of every kind, also a fine stock of CONNECTION a gen eral variety. FKFSH LAGER BELR kept on hand. Parties and Weddings furnished at short notice.— November 21,1 St>*. Admiral Tegethofflias Maximilian’s body, and will arrive at Vera Cruz very soon. It is much decomposed. H. W. GIL BERT. J. WATT GARRIS. W.H.GT^&C 0 Dealers exclusively i.t Hardware and Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Nails and Castings. Agricultural Implements. COOKING, PARLOR AND HEATING DIRECT FROMTftE ‘ MANUFACTORIES. sm <3- Agents for the sale of the celebrated CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, The stock of the above goods will be increas ed to meet the demand and offered oil reason able terms for CASH ONLY. W. H. GILBERT & CO CARTERSVILLE, GA. Sept. 27th 1867—wtfeb 16. AN APPEAL FARMERS AND PLANTERS ABSOLUTE necessity in times gone by, forced you forced you to purchase an occasional supply of such medicines as might be administered to the vari ous members of your family by yourselves, without the aid of a Physician. Various purgative Pills, Cough Mixtures, Chill Med icines, Diarrhoea Compounds, Tonics, Blood Purifiers, and many other articles, have been prescribed for you jit a northern standpoint, and in mauy cases, those who prepared them knew nothing about the treatment of diseases in any climate, and in the absence of bet ter compounds, they, in many instances, met with your APPROVING SMILES. v .... hv your assistance and your influ ence, which we Incenu _'•■ ** re ,v> to effect a slight change in the programme ; and so long as we give satisfaction, shall hope to be the recipient! of public patronage. Our plan is, that the M EDIUAL PROFESSION, Those who are experienced in Southern treatment, and have been and are in every respect identified with the Southern people, and who are known and acknowl edged as such, shall, as far as possible, manufacturo and supply that demand, thus enabling every family te procure at all times, a class of Medicines, that are likely to give, by far, more satsfaction than if prepar ed in a locality where diseases ate treated differently. We are well aware that there will be arrrytd against us an army of NORTHERN NOSTRUM VENDERS, Who are making every appeal that imagination can invent, in order to win the confidence of the Southern people ; but we are determined to be REPRESENTED in this matter, and call upon the PEOPLE to decide. There are three members composing our firm, all graduated and experienced Southern Physicians, and with all our ability and experience we have prepared and now offer you a class of FAMILY MEDICINES, Not secrets nor patents, which we think are honestly required by every farmer, planter and family through out the Southern country, and an assortment of the Gil EAT SO UTBERN PREP Alt A TIOXS should be in every house. DROMGOOLE A CO’S ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS la a powerful uterine Tonic and Female Regulator, aud is just the Medicine so much needed by the female community, both old and young, throughout the South. It relieves all irregularities, removes obstructions, cures painful or suppressed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhoea or Whites, Chlorosis, Hyster ics, Palpitation of the Heart, and all that class of complaints peculiar to It restores, arouses and invigorates the womb, thereby inducing regularity aud health. DROMGOOLE * CO’S KING OF CHILLS Absolutely cleanses your stomach, arouses your torpid liver, opens the bowels, carries of the bile, makes quick and permanent cures, never affects the head, nerves, or ears, gives tone to the system, and can be admin istered to infants, It cures all forms of Chills and Fever. Intermittent Fever, Bilious Fever, Congestive Chill-. Dumb Chills, and no family shonld be without u „ ’ CHILLS AND FEVER Can be permanently cured, whether of recent or long standing. Do not shake any loDger, get a bottle and be cured. Price SI,OO DROMGOOLE A CO’S AMYGDALINE PECTORAL. A scientific preparation for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Croup, Hoarseness. Dry Cough, Pain in the Side, Tightness in the Chest, Influenza, Spitting of Blood, and for all other Pulmonary Affections. It Immediately loosens the phlegm, relieves the cough and pain, promotes free expectoration, and soothes and quiets the troubled nervous system, enabling them to sleepat night Price #IOO. DROMGOOLE A CO’S EXTRACT BEARBERRY, CU BEBS AND BUCHU FOR THE KIDNEYS. For all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, whether affecting old or youug. male or female; for gravel urinary deposits cf all kinds, retention of nrlne, fre-, quent inclination and pain in u inaiing, pain in small of the back, and all those troublesome symptoms aris ing from excesses, effects of early indiscretion, or habits of dissipation. Gleet, Leucorrhoea, evil fore boding, melancholy, sleepless nights, nervousness, etc., can be cured by using this medical compound. Large Bottles $1 00. YOUR life BLOOD MUST BE PURIFIED BY USING DROMGOOLE A CO’S CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH, Which will Immediately eradicate all Impurities of the Blood, Constitutional Derangements, Skin Dise.ases and Eruptions, Scrofula, Camp Itch, Tetter, Scalclhead, Ringworm, Syphilis and ail Syphilitic Diseases, Effects of Mercury, Tumors. Bolls, old Ulcers and Sores, Pim ples. B'otches, Enlargements, and all those diseases requiring a Blood Purifier. It is composed of St-illing ia. Yellow Dock, Sarsaparilla, Burdock and lodide Potash. Price $1 50. Our other Preparations of equal Parity are as follows: Dromgoole A Co's RED DIARRHCEAREMEDY, for all forms of Diarrhoea, Vomiting, etc. . Dromgoole A Cos DYSENTERY COMPOUND, for* Dysentery, Bloody Flux. Mucus Diarrhoea, etc. Dromgoole A Co’s Vegetable Antibilious Pills, a sure, safe and effectual compound for family use. Dromgoole A Co’s Liver Pills, for arousing the Liver, cleansing the Stomach and Bowels of,all bilious mat ter. etc. Dromgoole A Co's EUREKA SECRET CURE, fora certain class of troublesome diseases. Price $2 50. Dromgoole A Co’s TONIC HAIR RESTOR ATIVE,.for restoring the hair toits natural color and preventing Dromgoole A Co’# LONE STAR LINIMENT, for Rheumatism, Pains. Bruises, Sprains, ect. Dromgoole A Go's Pile Salve—a certain, safe and ef fectual remedy /or all forms of plies. LW“Orders solicited —none sent out on commission. J. P. DROMGOOLE A CO propr’s Memphis Tennessee. Wholesale agents for all of our goods to whom orders may be sent : EDWIN MORRIS <S*co. Louisville Ky I. C. DrBOSE CO., Mobile, Ala. BARNS. WARD & CO., N. O , COLLINS BROS., St. Louis. Sold in Cartersville by W. L. KISIK" PATRICK & CO., Druggists. Nov. 8, 1867. wtm GRAND DECLINE OF SOO2JB m iXtirt |)orli I! I Still greater at LOEWEXSTEIN Si PFEIFER’S. CARTFIISVILLE, GA. In consequence ol the very re cent heavy de cline in DRY GOODS, Cloth ing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, we have marked down our goods corresponding wi t h JEaslern markets, and we ask, in proof of what we propose a Fair , Impar tial Trial , and make no charge for “exhibiting” our goods to any one desiring to purchase. Call and convince yourself. LDIWINSTEIIi Jb PFEIFER* CARTERSVILLE, GA. Oct. 18 th 1867. __ PAINTS for F ARMERS and others. —The Grafton Mineral Paint Cos. are now manu facturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durab' e Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the con sumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Agricultural Implements, Ca nal Boats, Vessels and Ships’ Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof). Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used 5000 bbls. the past year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability’, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 300 lbs , which will supply a farmer for vears to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf ton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. Georgia, Bartow county. AL.L person* having demands against Samuel V Sheets, late of said county deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me, within the time prescribed by law, or they will not bo settled ; and ail persons Indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make Immediate payment. Tte Nov/29, ISSTrIM TEOS W. DOOIL Ad». NEW ARRANGEMENT, By which Families can be supplied with Fall and Winter Dry Goods at Atlanta prices without paying the expenses of goiug tor them. Our Fall mi Wittfet Bfoci is now complete, to which we hav* added the New feature of Carpets in every Variet* • We can till your Bili from a paper of Pins to a Parlor Carpet. e propose to send Samples with prices attached, to any family who will write for them, a* e [ will guarantee the Goods to be the same as the sample, or they can be returned to us at our ex pense. The goods can be sent by express or otherwise, as you mty request. Our Stock is Complete in every Department, and will be’soid as cheap as good Goods can b. bought in the State of Georgia. We invite an examination of our Stock, or letters for samples, no charge for looking. CHAMBERLIN. .COLE 8 BOYNTON. Cor Whietball und Hun er streets Oct. 4th 1867 tc Atlanta, Ga 2- S. Si.K§, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Boots and Shoes, Leather. Calfskins and Shoe Findings. P. * fe * h!s me'hod of calling your attention to the fact that I have returned to Atlan'a and have onene 1* . s;;r^r,:T»."r,h o . r sarr--- <““*•» - Boots and Shoes, Hemlock and Oak Leather, Calf Skins , lining and Bindinding Skins , LASTS , PEGS, SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AND FINDINGS Wholesale or Retail. Os tariff had *" e s P«r'ence of fourteen years in thl* busines* in the state of Georgia, and having spent mog. Bouses I niter mvsS ftt at IhalJeT, an,l l Ei * s,e . rn m / rke ’- 8 , buying'#,veto for cash for several large Southern TmVok Te / m> , f ™ ,at I Havre jv/wior advantaged over all competition in bcyinir—ami rnakimr all mr purchases ewclu icely for cash only and hat ing det-rmitied to sell for CASH ON DELIVERY. y I" iH anj bill ol Goods, in my line, bought of jobbing Houses inNcw York or Boston, adding only expense of transportation. &c. to This point. THE ABOVE, TOGETHER WITH THE ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MV PURCHASES ENA3LES ME TO SELL BOOTS AND SHOES AS LOW AS ANY JOBBING HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES. Cft " s . at !? fy your3e!ve ’* Remember the place- sra - I. T. BANKS. N. B. am not connected In business with an, other house in this city, The B ign>d the firm Is - t. ZB^isriKrs NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , CLOTHING!! For Men And boys AT THE ©ATI ©JTY (§L©TH» INS STORE, .ATLANTA GA. tVe take pleasure to inform our friends ar.d the Public that we have just recieved one of the largest & best selected STOCK of MENS and BOYS CLOTHING ever brought to Atlanta. Having just bought our whole STOCK for Ca h we were enabled to buy our Stock at tremendeou* low piiee* on account of the late heavy decline of prices. We are determined to sell this large ami very shcap stock at prices that will defy competition, Our stock consists of fiae Medium and low priced. syratm Gents Furnishing GOODS HATS CAPS, BOOTS’ SHOES, TRUNKS VALICES, & CARPET BAGS, &< ,&«. Liberal Inducement offered to the Trade Please call before purchasing elsewhere at the Gate City Clothing STORE. A. Rosenfeld & Bro. is ON COTTON. I WILL be prepared by the Ist Oct., to make liberal cash advances on COTTON ship ped to the well known and reliable house of GEO. W. WILLIAMS & C 0.., Charleston, or WILLIAMS,TA YLOR &CO..New York. Terms more liberal than any hertofore off ered to planters or dealers. JNO, A. ERWIN, sept. 16, 1867. Carters mile, Ga. PREPARE FOR GHRISTMAS! Send in your orders at once, 50,000 Torpedoes/ 75 CASES FIRE-CRACKERS. WILL FILL LARGE OR SMALL orders at verry reasonable ra»es for Chanmpa’gns, Port, Madira and Cherry Wines. We are agents for the celebrated French House, Bonchie Fils & Cos., and can offer inducements in that line. Also a well selected stock of groceries, which we ofler low for cash. LARENDON BROS’, Whitehall St., Atla.ita, Ga. Nov. 15th, 1867, 6w. Administrators Sale. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dahlonega G t., on the first Tuesday in Jan. next within the iegal hours of sale the following pro pertj to wit:— Town property in the town of Dahloneg*, Lots Nos 61 & 63. Good buildings and out-houses and a never* failing well of water. Out houses on No. 61 not com pleted. Also lots Nos. 472, 473 X, 509 A 613, in the 12 District and Ist section of Lumpkin county, containing 160 acres, more or less, lying in the gold region. Mineral interest reserve t in lot Number 509, all lying about four miles west of Dahlonega, sola as the property of F. D. Boatfield. late of said county deceased for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms cash. For further particular! a pp'y to Frederic Boatfield, of Dahlonega. L. M. MUMxORD. adm’r. Dahlonega Signal copy till day of sale atld forward account to L. M. Muruford. Cartersville Ga. Nov. 151567 ADMINISTRATORS SALE ON the first Tuesday in December next, will b« sold before the courthouse door in Cartersville, within hours of sale, the following property, to-wit; Lots of Land Numbers 222 and 223, in the 21st Dis trict and 2nd Section in said county, part of it open and lying on Stamp Crdek in said District. Sold as the property of W. B. Leak, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceastd. Terms, one-haU cash and one-half six months with approved security. W. H, PRITCHETT, Adm’r Oct, lft„ 1867 IN’EW ADVERTISEMENTS. BARTOW C OUNTY S ALEIf, To be sold before th e arrival of the Circus at prices never before known in CARTERS VILLE SINCE THE WAR CLOSED.— A large and magnificent stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY-GGODS, BOOTS, SHOES HATS, CLOTHING, in fact, everything usually kept in a DRY-GOODS HOUSE, all of which have been bought since the re cent decline in Dry-Goods, and I am determ ined to give my customers the benefit of that decline. The friend#of JDapt. THOMAS G. WILKES, will find him in this house, where he will be bappy to meet them, and sell them what goods they want just a little cheaper than they can buy them elsewhere. Don’t forget the place when you come to town, next door to A. A. SKINNER & CO., West side of the Railroad, C ARTERSVILLE, GA. - .... L. FERGUSON, Nov. l, 186?. At Messrs. J. A. ERWIN & CO’S old stand. ON MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. INVITE ATTENTION to their entirely new and well assorted stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry-Goods, Hots, Hoots, Shoes, GROCERIES, &Q, Call and examine our stock, as to prices wc have no fears. Nov, 1, 1867. READ! Fresh groceries a' and confection eries, kept at all times, for sale by A. S, MASON, Cartersvi/le. Country Pro duce bought and sold by A> i. MASON , Cariersville. Liquors, sold by A. S t MASON , Cartersvillf’. CLENN, WRIGHT & CARR COTTON FACTORS, Storage & Commission Merchants, GEORGIA. SITUATED ALONG SIDE THE RAILROAD, ENA3LES US TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OFDIA/A1 OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE Is of large capacity, thoroughly FIRE-PROOF, and our facilities for handling COTTO# unequalled by any In the South. We will Stort an* Sell fttrt, or ship from this or any other poine, to Boston , Philadelphia , Savannah , *1 civ 1o k, naltiMore, Charleston , or LIPERPOOtm Making LIBERAL CASH ADVANCEB, when desired. tfndi't‘ the ttsvertue ttee il itlon, COTTO'J cau he shipped to this place under bIU ot lading, tar calling «r** Lteouty Collector at point, of shipment., without prepaying Revenue Tax. The Central position of Atlanta offers many a, 'vantages, making It an Important Cotton Market, The Bankings facilities, and diverging Rail oads, enable us to hip Cotton in Any Direction.«~g)|r WE SELL THE BEST IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Also Bagging, Hope, and Sweet’s Patert Iron Tie, the Best in in Use. s3ortaMc Gitst for JRanb, ftom, anb Stram soforr, SMUT MACHINMS, TURBINE WATER WHEELS, HICKS’ STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Wc Receive and Sell on Commissions, all kinds of Produce and Provisions : Corn, Oats, Wheat, Flour, llacon, Lard, Salt, &c., sc. Our facilities for Storing and Selling II4If are unsurpassed. LIQUORS AM) TOBAOGO IN LARGE SUPPLY/ Os Various brands and qualities. i,«p ?ents fot thesalpol PLOWS, and other Farming Imflemcnts. Georgia and Alabama LIME, Georgia SLATE ROOKING. Wti’ be p'eiseu t> fill orders for COTTON GOODS or other Merchandise. GEEJVJT, ll'ltl 1* IMT ° ctl7 ‘y ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 1807. FALL AND WINTER 1807. WHOLESALE AND JOHJV M G'AJVJYOJV, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter Streets, C3-.A--: Takes pleasure in Inlormlng his friends and the publlo that Ills stock of Fall and Winter Goods Is noT complete, in every department, and is one of the largest and hest assorted ever brought to this m irk .it. ait cash buvers are respectfully invited to call and examine this mvtntHient stock of goods. Styles and prlsel annot be surpassed )if you doubt it, c til and you will be convinced of the fact. ONE PBIGE CNL¥! Quick Sales and Small Proflls. Those prinripVs Is trade, I find from experience, to be as immutable as truth itsstf, when strictly carried Out. They shall, in the future as in the past, he faithfully adhered to In this establishment. Every article In the house must sell Useif. as re will not, in any case, resort, to th“ frl~k of selling one article at a sacrifice and nuking double profit on something else, We guarantee every arttcle we sell to be what It Is represented. Merchants are specially Invited tn examine this stock he'one purchasing elsewhere. We hate always on hand a splendid reserve stork. In every department, and will sell them to dealers cheaper than they can lay them down from New York. Space will not permit more than mention of a few articles In the different department*. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Black and Fancy S(!lks, Plain and Fancy Poplins, French Merlnoes, Reps, Empress Cloths, all wool De laines Chone Poplins, Alpacca.-, Bombazines, Mohairs. Ac. HOUSE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 8. 9.10. IT and H 4 Bleached and Brown Sheetimr, 6, f, 8, 9 and 10-4 Bleached and Drown Table Linen. all the favorite brands of Bleached and Drown Shirtings; Napkins, Doyles, Marseilles Quills Ac. 2 WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. Plain and Twili.d Tfhite Welch and American Flannels; Pla'n and Twilled Red and Grey Flannels: a splen did assortment of Plain; Plaid and 9 petted Opera Flannels; 6 4 Black and f'ol’d Cloth for Sacks anil Cloaks ; A 4 Waterproof Cloaking; I°, ll and 124 fine all wool ribbon bound English Beil Blankets ! 600 pairs brown, blue and grey Blankets, alidze. and qualities. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 1 . r Pwiss. .Tacnnet.f nil. Nainsook and Tarlatan Muslins ; Plaid and Ftriped Swiss, Jaconet and Nainsnn y * led Swiss ; fine 1 i;h Teens heavy Irish Linens for Ladies’ wear; Linen Lawn and Cambric ; L. C, Hdltfa. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. 500 heiutifu! Ctaks. newest styles. Having made a speciality of this department, we are preDaredl great inducements. Jl our H-Sks am made to order, ahd are consequently much cheaper than If hou«tt»f bers, Tire finest as «H as tile lowest priced Cloak manufactured can be found in this splendid assort. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 1000 Long anr Square Shawl*,, Black, Plaid and Fancy-fifty di(Tirw»-/’■«* » nd qualities, cocsleUn* French, Scotch and jherlean good-. A 1 *rge .ot of ifeakfatt jhawi , Sonta r '.°, Nubias, *tc. FOR B&Y3’ AND GENTS' WEAR. Riaclr French Broadcloth; Black Frehch Doeskin; Gold and silk mixed CasimelWe; Scotch Trewdsand Oss. imere ; Kn'elUh Tvr-eds a-il C isimeres; Satinets; North Uroliua and Kentucky Jeans; English Petersham Cloth ; G—4 English Oxford Clo;lu DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. 1000 pieces English And American Prints; 200 piece» t>laid L’nseJ- ; 100 pieces Bed Ticking ; 200 pieces Den. finis Stripes, Plaids and Checks; bales Os Augusta Shirtingt, Suketlugs, 0 maburga. Drillings , French and ocolck SUNDRIES. Misses' arid Ladies' Balmoral and Hoop Fklrfi; fine French and Domestic Dorset.; Tad'cj’ancf Os f. Collars ; Ladies’ English,German and American llosr ; Mi-ses'and Children's Wo 1 and *<i.,d nr , jj,,., Ferine Under Vents ; fee tt’ fine English Half li ise: Sdk and Printed Cotton . jfyj broidries, Braids, Ac. Always on hand, a full line of Notions. . , • " ' -S~ * JOHJJr M. tIAS.* f*Q rv-t 25, ]W!7. Gt.iLA'i ■Whitehall and Hui.tfa, Atl^