The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, January 03, 1868, Image 4

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[for gentlemen exclusively.] Almost every young lady is public ipintcd enough to have her father’s ticiise used for a court house. A cotemporary says the dictionary of voung ladies contains just two words— the “horrid” and the “splendid.” An actress of rather angular proper" lions lately received a love letter com mencing “ Mv dearest angle.” A lady trampled on a dog’s tail the other day and the hog bit her leg, and a stream of saw dust followed the bite. Jennie told a young printer friend that he might print a kiss on her cheek, hut lie musu’t publish it. Why, Jen nie ! What is the difference between a man striking his wife’s nasal organ and a woman knitting stockings ? One hits her nose aad trie other knits her hose. ion never knew a very handsome woman engaged in the “woman’s iigt'iV’ business—they can play the cards they already hold to a better ad vantage. It is said to lie dangerous to be work ing with a sewing machine near a win dow when there is a thunder storm. It is also dangerous to be working near fame sewing machines (that wear gai" tors) when there is no thunder storm, A Missouri paper announced a short time since that the “wife crop in Gas coiiada county yielded fifteen thousand gals.” The next week the editor came out with an “erratum --for wife read wine.” William had been in love with a young lady, and asked permission to call her by the name of some animal, which request was' granted on condi tion that she should have the same privilege. On leaving, Bill said : “Good-night, ‘dear.’” “Good-night, •bore,’ ” she said. A clergyman, who was consoling a young widow on the death ol her hus band, spoke in a very serious tone, re marking that he was “one of the few. Sucli a jewel of a Christian —you can not find his equal, you well know.”— To which the sobbing fair one replied, with an almost broken heart —“I’ll bet 1 will.” A tnttron dwelling on the banks of the Tees, England, under cross exam ination as a witness at the Durham assizes, turned up her nose at the in sinuation that her daughter was inclined to wed a widower. “Very iikely, indeed,” said she, with a toss ol her head, “that my daughter should marry a second hand man !” An SB,OOO verdict which a fair lady obtained in a breach of promise case at Augusta, Maine, a few days since, ought to make men who do not intend to marry verv cautious what they say or write to women who want to matry. Winks, pressures of the hand, and above all, kisses and protested ms in an ardent moment may prove costly. A “lovely girl,” in Wisconsin re cently recovered $1,400 damages in a breach of promise suit against a pro ti lions fover. ller lawyer cqngraiula t 1 her on the amount, when she ex claimed with a ferocious glance at the mutuhted defendant, and nervously clutching her fingers. “I’d give every penny of it just to have one good pull at his hair.” “May I be married, ma?” asked a young miss of sixteen. “What do you want to get married for?” inquired her mother. “Why, ma, you know the children have never seen any one married, and I thought it might please them a little —that’s all.” |j If “Nonsense! you can’t fool me!” remarked the old lady, with a signifi cant shake of the head. A Itrdy, a regular shopper, who had made an unfortunate clerk tumble over all the s.tickings in the store, objected that none were long enough. “I want,” said she, “the longest hoes that are made.” ‘Then madam.” was the reply, “you had better apply to the Georgia’s Engine House.” “WSSY i” Why did Adam bite the apple Eve gave him? Because he had no knife. How do we know Lord Byron was good tempered? Because he always kept his choler down. Jfa tough beefsteak could speak, what English poet would it name? Chaw-sir. What author would eye glasses and spectacles mention il they could speak? Yon see by us (Eusebius). Wliv ate cheese mites like a book of Bulwer’s ? Because they are the Pil grims ol the Rhyne. Why is an author the most wonderful man in the world? Because his tail come out of iiis head. Why is the letter D like a squalling child? Because it makes ma road. What letter of the Greek alphabet did the ex-King Ot‘io“ probably think of on leaving Athens? Oil! my crown. Why is a hoy like a puppy? Because lie’s a younker (yourg cur ). On what side of a church does a yew tree grow? 'I he outside. Why is a lame dog like a hill-side? Because lie’s a slow pup (slope up). When is the best time to read the book of nature? When autumn turnes he leaves. Why is a kiss like a rumor? Because it goes from mouth to mouth. Why is a water lily like a whale? They both come to the surface to blow. How were Adam and Eve prevented from gambling? Their pair o’ dice was taken away from them. Why is a loafer in a newspaper office like a shade tree? Because v. e are glad tv hen he leaves. Why is an old bachelor like an over done loai? Because he is apt to be crusty. Why is Giliot accountable for much dishonesty? Because lie makes people! pens, and says they do write. CARTERSVIEIL ADV ERTIStMEKT ■Wft £*k 11l 3W tntfwsy J. &. ERWIN GO,. ARb’ NOW RECEIVING, AT THE OLD STAND . <>FJ, A.& 8. ERWIN, an elegant stock of FALL AND VOTER GOODS! Which they will sell at the Lowest Prices. Everybody is invited to A IL L’ and Buy Bargains!!! Their motto is Small Profits smd Quick Keturns. CarterKviHe. Oct. 17, iscr, “1 lie Temple of Industry. 7 ’ Sik CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ATD a&Koe&esoasr t CARTERSVILLE, G A. 1111 E attention of the citizens of North Ga., is invited to the well selected stock of BUGGIES and CARRIAGES. He will sell .extremely low foi CASH. He is now s-4 ing lower than the same class of vehickies can be bought in this part of the South. Old fashioned jenuine CONCORD BUG GIES for sale by him. Together with a great variety of NORTHERN VEHICKLES made in the very best factories, and all right. He is manufacturing of the best material and workmanship, superior articles of BUG GIES and CARRIAGES, as good aj was ever made south of Mason & Dixon’s line. Repairing of every kind, as well as all orders strictly attend.,d to. lie Las made extensive preparationss, and has connected himself with Messrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, Ga a popular and reliable turn. He i'-ils encouraged by his liberal patronage returning to him, and is determined to please every one if in his power. /' j.': V'.y FROM 5125 to §2OO. CARNAGES FROM 13200 ™ SSOO. Sept. 20, 1867 "fTcorraT CONFECTIONERY AND FANCY GROCERIES, WlilieSaaSi A§rect Yvest sitto, A few doors from Alabama street Atlanta Ga. WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE. CANDIES, PREESERVES, CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, BEEF, RICE, &<■-. &<\ Fruits, HotS, Cur rants, Raisins- Se garS’ Pipes- Snuff- & l> . Country Merchants supplied at XeicTork prices. novl GEORGIA, BARTOW C OUNTY.—Whereas A. J. Weems, adm’r of V. A. Barton repreeents to the court, in h;s petition duly filed :tud entered on record, tint he bn fully admi dstt red 1. A, barton’s estate.-- Tilts is ihereforeto cite nil persons r teemed, kindred and credito'-s, to show eau-e it any they can yhy said administrator should not he disch .rped from liis ad ministration, and re-eive letters of dtsintssion from the same in terms of the law. J. A, 1I()W ARI) July 12 ISB7. Ordinarj, ewwAir 0-A.BIRIS <; : . _ ; : ‘h OASKISTS. By Erwin & Jones. ASSORTED sizes kept on hand. Also WOOD COFFINS made to order. A good HEARSE ready at all hours. CARTERSVILLc. Feb I, 18G7. wly FORCE'S BOOT ANDSHOE House. \ RE now receiving their FALL and WINTER STOCK of BOOTS AND iVtfX. SHOE?, the largest* ever brought to \. this market. These gjodg came direct from the Eastern Ttinnufacfories, and will be sold to Country Merchants and the Trade at New York pri- es, j ospeoses added, consisting of Mens’. Is >ys\ Youths 1 , and Childrens’ Wax, Kip, Calf, and Buff ISrogans and Jlulmora s—Boots of all styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and of the finest qualities " Ladles’, M:sses\ and Chil drens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, and all made to order. G. 11. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see hb old customers. Atlanta, Ga,, Oct. 10—iy wmm» esrs: iag^dEaggsrarsgsan 1367 Ida iall anii Unite SSCT gnr-lwofe, i licet <£lot|ing, |iools antr §|ots f HARDWARE |to lettj, OSNABUEGS, <©£l lOTiJfph -ft rsuu A rad imj COUNTRY PRODUCE bought and sold Highest prices paid for. Hftgs, fttts, ft?^ J t v-T'cSj r~ rt i il .if, Li in p BEESWAX, FEATHERS, IHSEIi, Old Copper, m r'l IL 3 il ID 3 lint tft. &. Agents for wrapping pa per. Merchants can buy it in any quantity at mill pri ces. J. ELSAS, Main Street, Cartcrsvilic, Ga. Oct 17, 1367—v.1y. ‘lip 1 a £l*B UfJl LJ2. L 3 Cl*/ Wiill -.4. Mkletfiatsls. (Sy’R fD otoei) pi? n npl ;1) pTL! f\ ppij A un? j ; 3I u L YA ii 'r;;: i.; n IA l,j . CTa rr ! -'g mm® •sommiQU to their new brick store-room. ORY-fiOOOS FOB 7H2 MLUOB. B.&B. The finest, Hie best, the Chef?, pest. Blair & Bradsliaw's new goods have come ! FaL .slid Winter Ury-tioods, botn for ladies’ and gentlemen's’ use, in tiie greatest abundance, also no tions, hats, hoots, shoes and ready made clothing, world without end, in fact, we have the biggest, best and finest stock pf goods ever be fore exhibited in tills market. Come and see them for yourself, and then you can test our viracity. Blair & Bradshaw are back at their old stand again. ATLANTA ADVEBIjSE^E^TS. V. R. TJM 4:Y. J. S. STEWART, jVewtu.i Uj., Ga. Oxford, Oa. “TOMMEY l STEWART" IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HA R DII I/ AR E, A! the Sign of ti e MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully call the attention of merchants and oth ers to th ir large aid well assorted sloe:-. of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sylhe Blades, Tools of all kinds, &c., &c.; -A LSO LEATHERj LSME AND COTTON YARNS, agents foe Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Rawbone Super-Pliosphafe of Lime, Buffalo Seale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Urook’M Patent Portable Col ton Hay Screw and Revolving Press In over onehumhed counties'in Georgia. County liighta for Sate. ca O a April 12, ly. AND CARRIAGES. SADDLERY AND HARNESS _£nM2PO2^IXT2\/L --, Whips and Ennameled l F- Learner and Cloth. and Fumisning Goods, a u * fine assortment. G. C. ROGERS, Hecalar street, Atlanta, Ga. Second Door below Messrs. Moore & Marsn, and opposite the United States and.American Hotels t ST Prices will be found more reasonable and stock more complete than any in the city AND BUGGIES of the most approved styles and \fi» Finish on band and made to or der. The largest stock of BMSBEBm Hardware in the city. b Li <1 ‘a ut»is tu J ii id y W3 W of all kinds and qualities kept on hand for the trade. Sept 27, 1867—wly. Hand Looms. DR. H. SET 1.9, ANDREW PUNN, R.PGLENN President. t-eerctary. Treasurer GEORGIA LOOM AND MA N U UFA C T Uli 1 NG CO MPA A 7 Y. Manufacturer? and Planters, look tn yotir interests, and don’t faU to call at Uell-Johnson Boil ding, nextdoor to the Post-office, and see it in opperatiou MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HAND AND POWER LOOM! Easier Mnderstood. Easier t:» Operate, and more relia- He Possesses superior any.'ntagea over other Hand Looms, is more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaving all th.-dr Goods for TTome Wear on the MEKUENHALL IMP OVED HAND LOOM, FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THU LOOM IN ONE DAY. It weaves as fast as anv Factory T-oom ! HALF THE C f STOF THE CLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS USE ! From Five to Ten Dodarsa (Jay can be made on it. ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easy Crank it lets tjie Warp off, winds up the Clotn, trea I the Treadles, and throws the Shuttle. It weaves Jeans, hairnets, Linsey, Banket Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of It".bed Goods, Fencing Twills of ail kinds, Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, liaging, Toweling, Table Linen. Bal moral Skirts, Woolen, Linen and Hemp 1 arpets —tn fact any thing, from a Handsome Silk to a Hag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Not larger than a common Breakfast Table. 11 IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Os Good Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Further Particulars, BdJ of Prices, Dencrip tice Circuities , and San,pie*or ]Ve ring, uddiess GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 1867. w6m I ATLANTA A CVifinsEit-iTiTS. ire Oldest l.nciry Him,, in ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ER LAWSHE, Jewelry and Silverware, Ia? Atchmateers’ Tools and Blaterial. Ali Articles Warranted as Mepresented. IF at 'ftes and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and It arranteu. May l, 1867. wly LANGFORD& MO'S HATH, • | Kir* - * Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves !! ! BOOKING AND HEATING STOVES FOR TEE IKtEITEXjIOISr- WF DEFY COMPETITION IN QUANTITY, QUALITY and price, We offer to the public, the celebrated GOOD PA maritan, the best Stove In th* wurlil. Also the PBO TECTOR WITH GALVANIZED CAST IRON KFPKIt- VOIR, souithu'.g rie-v and durable. Abo the COTTON PLANT, a spiendi 1 flrat Cas< stove. We have for sale 'he justly celebrated premium (s f ep] stove PALMETTO, which Is the heaviest, most diu aide ar.d best premium stove ever offered to (lie pub lic. A general variety f stamped, plain andj-paned Tin-ware—Toilet Pet’s, Bath and F >ot Tubs &c., &(*., Sheet Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Sorder anil a gen eral stock for Tinners use. House Furnishing Goods generally. Ali order nvomptly a'tendeJ to. LANGFORD & McCRATII, Hunter street, first door from Whitehall st., Atlanta Ga. The above stoves are sold also in Car. •ters' iile by .f, VV. Strange, aug 9 1567- COTTON GIFSTCOTTOS GINS - > I.F.MCRY?:--- , ' f.A *7- 17*21 -4 # I am now prepared to furnish the Iloraoe L. Emery & Son’s “UNIVERSAL” COTTON GINS AND coasnDiEjyrsiEi-as. With 6iaiSbvay& Lever tioirse pow er3 for opperating them. Long m exrerir ce In the using of (his machin ery. With til- (O.ded experience aid |iraw«nrt"«' of a large number who have purchased Ir on tue. I am enabled to insure -atisfaciion to all who will. ive rue a call. 1 sell them at manuiao urers prices, height added. Description and price Circulars furnished on application in person or by letter. An assorted stock of various other machines and agricultural im plements on hand. P. W. J. ECHOL, AGRICULTURAL MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT DEALER, Whitehall street, aug 23- wtf. Atlan a. Ga ~C OX &G HILL. Hare Now In Stor e : ~ Q BARRELS RYE WHISKY, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pkgs Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases \ box Sardines, Ali of which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX & 111 EL. ATLANTA, Ga., decl3—wtf City -Drug Store. Turpin King, COR WHITEHALL and MARIETTA Sms. JtTLJUTTJI, Ga . Etlljolrjsalf anil 3eUlatl ©faitrs in Paints, Oils, Window Glass. DRUG’S, MEDICINES, Foreign and ::::Per fume ry,:::: SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIE IMPORTED TOXIC “IIYIEGNIC WINE.” Tt iiPjj r # fif.rc, Norcross Corner, oct 17 ly ATLANTA, GA. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! GEO. P. FRASER marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE AA D RETAIL DEALER, Has now on hand one of the largest and cheapest stock, of FURNITURE in Atlanta, embracing Taiil OR PFTS, CHAMBER Sets CHAMBER SETS BEADSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, SOFAS, BUREAUS, ROCKERS, WARDROBES, WASH STADS, CHAIRS WHAT-NOTC. in short, everything needed to complete a first-class stock of furniture, inducing the 33 EST«d<i Om±!JLX 3 H3B'X F.ver offered In Ibis city. The attention of the cit cens.of Atlanta and and the country geueinlly tsre s h ctfully in' 1;ml to this e tntdlshiueut. Great induce ments <o th trade Prices low to suit the times. Or ders fill- and promptly and well. Aug. Oth 1801. ts. D. IT. BAILEY, G. N OIfWAY, F vine lv of M urv Cos. Os Gib’s County. .1 AMES M. CAUSEY, T. B. SI.MI'I E, Os WUliam.un county. Os Huntsville, Ala. BAILEY, GRDWAY & CO. COTTON COMMISSION jlhtjd Wholesale Grocery Warehouse, J"os. 5 and 7 It road Street y NASUf ILLE TEM. .v,E beg leave to return thanks to our friends f r the " very liberal share of patr >nage bestowed upon our house the pas l season, and would say that, having enlarged our facilities fi r storing Cotton, we are now prepared to give every attention to thes’orage, sale, and shipment of all Cotton our friends it ay en trust to our rare. We promise that (very effort will be used to secure Gie very hbihest market price, wheth er sold here or In other markets. Will make Cash Advances on all cotton or other Pro luce st Jpped to us. Our terms shall always be as low as any other ref able house. Jiiiiips 111, Carney and Wm \ . SilinplC will give their undivided atti nth>>, to the O' tton Department, and will strain everj na?? to make it to the interest of planters to pat rad: us We will alwtivs keep a full Hock of GROCEIIIES, BAGGING, HOPE and TWINE, and all grades of FLOUR for sale at the lowest, prices. Yi anted. —Wo wish to purchase wash ed and unwa bed WOOL. FEATHERS, and DUIEJ FRUIT, and will always rive the best, price(. HABLEI' ORIHYAI 2-w €«., VSIId. & ISUYY. of Cartorsvillc will act as our agents, and nay tax on Cotton consign ed to us. BAILEY, OUDWAY & CO. Sept 27 67 6mo , ROBT. LUSK, Pres’t. T. B. SAMPLE, Cask TRADD r STAKK 33> Union Sti'cct, KASH.tILLE TEYY., DEALS IN Coin, foreign and Domestic Ex change, Uncurrent Money of all kind? . United States, Stale, and Rail Roa( Bonds. (.Ugliest prices paid for 5,20s 7.20s SO SOs, and Comp. Snt. Jlotcs. FOR SALE NCAN, SHERMAN & CD’S DRAFTS IN SUIIB TO fcCXT, ON London, Parris, Her tin. Sept 27, 1867 Cm g si ir* and» MEDICINES, Linseed, Tanners and Lard Oiis. Taints, Putty, Window Class, Dye Stuffs ofall Rind s ATjSO Ptent riedicines and TuSLEf ARTICLES SUCH AS SOAPS. BRUSHES Combs , Perfumery tic. tic. UA R T ERSVILLE, GA. 5ept.20,1867 w7a7oT£ y/eese, CARTERS VILLE, GA., Dealer in Family Groceries, Confectioneries, TOBACCO, CIGARS, LIQUORS. DYE-STUFFS, BLUES TONE, &C., &C. Store opposite the Courthouse, on Maine Street, adjoining the new brick store of P. L. Moon and Cos. oct 17, wtf J. O. MATUE tYSON. G. H. McLAUGHLIN. ). 0. MATHEWS OA & Cot [Formerly Stovali., McLAUO-mffN & Co.] GEM’L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga. Consignments of Grain, Bacon and Produce promptly attended and cash remitted cn day of sale, (irai i sacks ou hand at very law prices. Agents for Mentoor, Hopewell and Rock Cotton Mills. Refferences; Hon- J. P. King, Augusta Ga, Augusta Savings bank. July 26, 1867. wly. PA I NTS for FARMERS and others!—Tim Grafton Mineral Ihiint Cos. are now manu facturing the Best, Cheapest and nmst Durab e Paint in us> ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years; it is ot a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the con sumer. It is valuable tor Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Agricultural Implements, Ca nal Boats, Vessels and Ships’ Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Wat-r proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used 5000 bids, the past year.) ar.d as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bh! of 300 lbs , which will supply a farmer for ve.-’-s to come. Warranted in all cases as above, bond for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf ton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. r&LL iU4BB. 1 8 67. A. £.BSA«®, Wholesale Grocer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Offers for sale : 100 000 rotTNI)S SWFETA TATENT SFT.F I u tM/IJU FHstcJcg Wrought Iron Bnckte Tie foi l’Hlel. g COTTON. Every '• le wa runted. Liberal te’rmt offered to oltv and country merchant »nd planter*. HOPE ! HOPE! I GREENLEAF (RICHARDSON’S) /TOO f’OH'S and half oils in store and to arrive -} v " D Richardson’s Greenleaf, being the only emu’tn» original Greenleaf in use. B4GGIYQ AND GI NNT BAGS. Oft b * ,e » Heavy Bavglng. Z\) 2.00 1 Gunny Bairs, much used forbalelng Cotton. 500 pounds Halting Twine. 50,000 lbs. Baugh & Sou's Bone Tbospliate, BEING one of the beat Ferte-lluers now in uue Price, seventy dollars per ton. TO ARRIVE. Thirty Tons Reynolds & Son’s BALTIMORE ‘'CHESAPE AKE PHOSPHATES A tTE have the Btromro-t gua-antees os to the Ini t? trinsic value of this new manure. Price De ton. Send for circulars. Clover anil Grass Seeds TN any quantity— Red Clover, Herd’s Grass Blue I Grass. Hungarian Grass, Orchard Grass, etc. FLOUR. 1000 t>aeS ° f Famlly our in "tore. SALT! SALT! Q inn t” 1 ? 8 Yinrlnia Salt, in fine seameless (• 'll/1/ manufacturer's prices. BACON. 40 000 PO' ,nd ® Clear Sides, Clear nib Bides ce IV/jV/UL/ Shoulders of (he best quality. HAMS. 5000 P OUE^B superior Hams, waranted. LARD. gQ barrels end kegs Pure Loaf Lard, Cement and Plaster. {jfj barrels In store and for sale. Molasses. J J] hhds. Cuba Molasses and 5 barrels do. Sugar and Coffee, 40 >l " ea ®t° Coffee, 50 barrels .Sugar—Various grades. Stareli and Soap, 1 nn boxes Pearl Starch. 1 100 boxes Soap. Silioa and Factory Yarn, Ks) ba -s Shot, OXJ 20 bales Factory Yarn. Ilay IS Ac TObaCC °’ Scgar8 ’ Corr ’’ oat!l ’ Sce(i Bye, Barley Cotton! Cotton!! PLANTEKS and dealers are invited to ship their Ci-tton to me, with the ns urnnoe that their b. st Interest will be protected and their Instructions strict ly complied with. Liberal cash advances will be made. A. K SEA GO, Grocer and Commission Merchant, New Fire-Proof Building, (old stand) Corner Forsythe and Mitchell streets, Oct 4,3 m. Atlanta, Ga MADDOX REYNOLDS & CO. Wholesale Grocers find Com mission JtScrchants. Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Stratn. E beg leave to cull your attention to TY our hirec and carefully selected stock of GROCERIES now on hand. One of our firm ha? just returned from New York u*l A unit nuß pruTcnaseu one 01 the largest and most complete stocks of Gio eeries ever brought to this City. Our goods are ali bought from first hands - from Manufacturers, Refiners and Importers; and bought for cash, and will lie cold at Lie lowest, market prices. We feel confident tint we arc prepared to offer superior inducemen t to city and country deale A. Our stock embraces every article in the Gro cery line, including FINE LIQU OB P, TOBACCO ANO SEG ARS. When you visit our city, wc would pe pleased to have you cali and examine our stock, bclore purchasing elsewhfre, ns we arc determined not to be undersold by any house in the City on same class goods. MADDOX. REYNOLDS & CO. Cor. Whitehall and Ala. streets. Oct. 4, —w3tn Atlanta, Ga, HBA ID Q,TJAwXUTERS FOR FANCY CANDIES ! mKWB I Nuts, Raisins, Jellies, & Fruits! I G. W. JACK, Uliltcliall Street, Atlanta, Ea I HAVE just received from New York, the largest stock of FANCY CONFECTION ERIES ever broughi to Georgia. My stockem braces every article that can be called for in that line ot goods. TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS TIMES ! My selection for the young folks is unusu ally large, and very b eautiful CjtJt'n r .wxr wjpjA ctoii r r ri’this branch of my Establishment is in full I operation, and lam prepared to make any quantity deeired for ihcCity and Coun try Trade. Orders filled at short notice Bread bakery '■ In this department I claim to excel any thing in Georgia,and challenge competition lam Uill supplying Families in the city. My WAGON makes its regular rounds every day Cracker Bakery This feature of mv establishment iscomplct* in every paiticular. and the Crackers turn* ed out are equal to any made North or South lam daily filling orders for all parts ol th* country. CAKF. BAKERY. Besides an .-ndless variety of C :kes at all times on hand, I am prepared tofiirnifh Weddings and parties withal/ that may be wanted either Plain or Ornarnentod, DOME AMO SEE ME! This invitation is extended to the public large, in town and country, village and hamlet— everybody ! Os. W J-A.OK.* oc27 —tilljan27 Whitehall street,