Newspaper Page Text
L published every
Id OsrUravlUe, Bartow Cos., 0».. t>v
Slaraiicl H • Smith,
EDITOR a«.d PROPRIETOR at the fol
Bute*) of Subscription:
One ripy three fl.ofl
One copy M* month* 8.00
Use o*PJ •£>« ) «’, 8.00
(Invariable in advance.)
C~i7uß ’ R A TEB:
ffet exfiet, ore jeer ... #15.00
tee ooplee, one yi-ar 20.00
Tweaty copUa. ooa year 40.00
And m copy extra to the party getting up the
AH papers stopped at the end of the time paid
•r jT »ot previously renewed.
Ilutes of Advertising :
Advcitbwment* inserted at One Dollar per
Aquwe for the first insertion and Seventy fi e
Cents for each aubaequent insertion. Liberal
reduction made when an advertisemcn. is in
serted one mouth or longer
•S’-~ ~ 7 ~ ■ ■■ -X"
no. »SiCai:i3. j|l ruo. 2 mo.|3mosi4 mo* 6 inos
'em ~ij 3.25 6.001 7.00 10.00 15.00
Two ij 7.50;i2 00 13.50 20.00 27.00
Three 1 11.00 16.00 18.00 28.00 37.00
j/#or~ i'14.00 20.00 24.00 35.00 45.00
Veorth celu’n 17.00:24.00'29 00 41.00 53.00
Six ||20.00 27.00j31.00 46.00 00.00
jLtveu 123.00 30.00 34.00 60.00 07.00
>; 4 ht. j 26.00 33.00 37.00 55 00 74 00
jNloe 29.00;36.00:40.00 60.00 80.00
Ten .32.00|39.00!43.00! 65.001 86.00
lMf«column.. 1 35.00! 12.00j46 001 69.00 92.00
i waive j 138.00 45.00 49.00! 74.00 98.00
Tkirteeu ;'41.00|48.00 52.00 78.00 104.00
I teen (44.00 51.00 55.00 83.00 110 00
Tiueen 47.00j54.00 58.00 87.00 116.00
Tin,**! 1160.00'57.00 61.00! 92.001122 00
*«f<atet«, j!53.0()!00.00 04.00; 96.00‘128.00
Fifteen ... 56,00j«3 00 67.00j100.00 134 00
ritel-en j '69.00 66.00 70.00 105.00 140.00
• j 62.00 69.00 73.00 110.00 146.00
*ae... 05.00*72.00 76.00 115 00 152.00
. ... . |>,B 0o 75.00 79.00 118.00 158.00
Parti te A-’vertisiiiK will be restricted,
iU t «'» Contracjy. to their legitimate business;
fb*t is t« say, »and Advertisements that do not
lefer tj their regular business will be charged
tsr extra.
Advcrtisornontri inserted at intervals to be
charged M new each insertion.
The abaci rules will be strictly adheartd to.
pTo fessi 0n a l car ands
'*.)I4Hi"HdTPCLt.T r>ffsrs Ms prof<»* 4 . r.,1
II •errlesi U* »h-i ol*.!*snw «f O.rterivllts w*
«o 4 ty. He I* prepare iVo do w-'rk , » “rr?
•a -lie i,t«st *od <*•»»« lwi>rovwl eiy.e.—
Tr-tH ext’*c'»J •' , jhy means of nareotic
W * -1 wsfranted. Otß'-e over.T. Eisa»’
SLore, ChS rSkSVILLR, Sa. Feb. 20, 1868w5tn
attorneys at La vv
cartersvillb, ga.
\ f Oct. 17, I*o 7,
Attorney at Law,
Will at end promptly to business entrusted
t . bis care. Oct. 5 wly
Carter* cUlc. Ga.
\\T ILL attend promptly to all btisi.iess cn
>V trusted t.» his care. Will pract ce in
Ois Caart* of law, and equity in the Cherokee
\ ireuit. Sjvrcis! attention given to the coifce
fi (j» es chip;*. Jan. 1. 1860, ly
John J - Jones.
l an authorWwf to sell, and hsvc on hand wveral
V,3*«9 and Lot', and alto numerous building lots In the
c f Oartersvlfe. Also severnl plantations of varl
a is kivln Bartow Parties desiring to bav or
«rtl *til do well t-v g-v, rn<s a caiL All oommanicatloue
j>i stoptly answered. July 17. ISflB.
Cartersville , Georgia
ttVn<Jer« his profesrVnHt st: vices to the cltisens o
•rtcrsvUie and surr->uudtng country, end will atte: and
• at ill hour*. o®ce upstair* in Dr. barauel Clay-
Ui'sSew Brick Building. May 10. 18«T,wly
8. H. Pattill o,
TANARUS» 111 attend promptly to the Cutting. Repair- to
VI in* ar.d Making Boy’s and Meu’s Clo htng. Y 4
M>se in bans room of Blair * Bradshaw's store. f»A
Cartersville, Qa.
Tl»e Cartersville Hotel.
charge of this House, would be j| » ■ bj
to 4CcommoJatß a few Board- B J * ?
«rt with BOARD, with oj withaut -•
L'dging. Call and see him at once for terms
Cartersville, Jan 17.
•Vk.W • u - MOI .ITCABTLE,
| v iJeTrel|er aud Watch ami
Clock Repairer,
In the Front of A. A. Skinner A t Co's store-
Cartersville, jan 25
Fashionable Tailor ,
IS prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Fashionable Tail-
ing line, with neatness and in du- .1131
rable style. Over J. Elsas &. Cs’s store.
Cartersville. jan 23.
Errors of Youth.
A Gentleman who sufT-red for years trom
N'ervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the
aake of sufleiing humanity, send free to ail
who need it, the recipe and directions for
nuking the simple rerredy bv which he was
cured. Sufforera wishing to profit by the
advertiser's experience, can do so by address’
) ijr, in perfect confidence,
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New
V ork. ______
Wbtteilall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
CI,f)THlN<# made to order in the very
latoat style, and at short notice.
28, Bt.
Tax Notice.
] WILL aEOFIVg, at try offletlnJ. ELBAB’Store
* ■'ll T-.oo»e Eefn-ns
* 'tor 4MB. The «bov* raturiu, being new due,
be rvtuired
|J, 8. Aeeistaßt Asternr.
VOL. 6.
Adminftifrafor’s Sale.
PT virtue of an order form the Court of o’dtti»ry of
S) Bartow county, will he Rotd, on (he first Tuesday In
July not, *t the Court IT’ us • door in s» ; d county, be
tween the levsl sale fcoorY the follo«lng tract or parcel
es Isnd to wit: One ur dlrldt and hal f < t lot of land No.
69 in the t6(h din. and Brd sec. of said county. B«id
lot cnntainlnK 160 acres, more or less. Sold as the
prope. ty of I*aacß. Ohot*ton for the H-r efit of the
heirs and creditors of mid deceased, Te r ros of «ale
cash G. 0. GHOI.’TcN, A Im’r of
Mij Btb 1863-lm. J. 8 GDOLSTON. decM.
Admlutßlrator‘B Rale.
BY virtue of an order from the Cou t, of Ordinnry of
bartow county, will be » d', on the first Tue«day
In July next, at the C ur* House door In said eon ty,
between the legal -a'e hou r s, one Jot In the town of
Adalrsv'lie, ODd described as the Porter lot, ndjoir.tng
G. C. Ghrlston snd others, a* tt.e property ~f Robert
fc-lliolT, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the cr.ditors
of said deceosed. Terms cf sale c»sh.
A M. PK.VW, A ’mV,
May Bth, 1868 lm. ROBERT ELLIOTT, dec’d.
Georgia, Bartow County.
CIXTY davs after date application will be made to
O (he Court of Ordinary of said county, for leav- to
sell all the real estate be ouplng to the estate . f Joel
Brawrer, deceased. JOHN F, BRAWNER,
May Bth, Administrator.
Administrator's Sale
STATE OF GF.OROT I By virtue of an order from
BARTOW COUNTY. I the C'.urt of O-dlnary <>f
said county, a 111 be sold on the first Tuesday In Ju'y
1868, at the C' urt House door In sai l county between
the legal ssle hours, (he .oil.,wing tract, or poreel of
land, to wit: Lot No. 226. in the 6th dia. and Bro sec.
of said county, corit ining 160 acres, more or less, the
same being improved with go d' thins, etc. .Also, luO
acr- sos land being off the east side of lot N<\ 246, in
the Och din ami Brd sec. of said county. Ihe same be
ing tolerably improved. Also,l t No. 94. in tht Ls:h
die. and 3rd s-'c of (Jordon county, containing 80
acres, more nr less, being pert of said lot, and lot No.
97 In the 25th and a. anil Brd fee. of Gordon county, con
taining 16n acres, more or less, the same heirg im
-1 roved arid part in cultivation. Also lot No. 575, in
the 19th <b*. amt Br.l sec. of Rabun couut.” com sluing
40 acres, more or less, ihe same bti. g sold for the
purpose <>f division amongst the Dis’ributeea ofjo-
Bepb H. Jones, deceased. Terms of the s -te cash.
Admii ist.a’ors.
May Bth, TB6B-lm. JOSEPH H. JONES, dec’d.
mortgage Sale.
\GHEEATU E to the conditl ns of a Deed of Trust
msde find executed hj J 'hn H. Ruckman to
flsmu'l H. Smith, on or abont tlie 15th of January,
1867, to secure the paj meet of the purchase m 'neyof
82 acre* ~f land, lying In the 4 h district nd 3‘d sec
tion of Bartow county, and adjoining the town f Car
tarsville, and the place whereon John H. Ruckman
r ow resides, will be gold before the Court H use duo’
In the town , f Cariersvi le, on the first Tuesday in
Jane next, altl.ln the legal hours o( fae;ihe above
d-acrlbed land containing 82 sees, more or lees, baid
ian'l is oounded North by the town of Cartersville,
East by lands of Titos. H Lesk, South by land of Dr
W. W. Leak, and Wes' by landi of J. A. Terrell. The
said D ed of Trust, provides that If the payme-ta on
said Itnde are not met within or.e hundred days af‘er
maturity of no'es, t>.e land mry he sold arid iLles per
fected ty tros'ee. at e- advert! Ing properly thirty
day-, and In as much as two notes have come to ma
turity and the additional lapse of time expired, and no
p*rt of said r toe have been paid, both amounting In
about. 41200.00 p. incipal. The abuve described lands
will be auid under provisions of said mo> tgag . nr trust
Deed. 6 VM’L H. SMI TIJ, Trustee.
May-8 80 1,
P. M. Edd'.eman. C. I Brown.
F. M. EDOL EM A N & C 0.,
■Whole,ale Dealers In
Boots, Shoes £*eattio
French and American Calf Skins,
Next door lo Moore A Mi.rsh, Decatur Strict
fStT*Shoe Manutaclu’ers and Mer. hxnti win fit and 1*
to their kdvant ge to C It cn us before nii'km* h*l.
purchases. r.p 29, S6B.wif
A ILF now receiving their FALL and
’IIUE9, the largist ever brought to Lv
this nsaraet. These goods camt olrect
from the Eastern manufactorit-P, ami wu be a<> u :
Country Me. chauts and the Trade at New York pri et,
expenses added, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Y"Uthg\
'ml Childrens’Wax. K:p t Uatf and Buff Brogans arid
Baltnora s —Boots of alt styles, thick, wax, k'p, ca f,
dos the driest 1] isliUrs Laibefl’, M fifes’, and Chll
u»’.Br'ts au i dlues, of eve. v style, and all made to
je- a. n force.
B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston will be glad
to see hia old cus.omers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10-iy,
United States Hotel
Cor. Alabama aad Pryor streets,
Within 100 yards of the Passenger Depot. ,
J. W. F. BRYSON, )
> Clerks.
Dec. 20th, 1867-1 f.
as & M - GOODSON '
Sr op adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on West
side of Railroad, Cartcraville, Ga.. are prepared
to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmithing
line. They fl itter themselves that they can
do as good work, and at as low pi ice, as any
like establishment in town. They ask a rea
son ble share of the public patronage, arid
promise satisfaction both in the eJiaraclet of
their work am! the reasonableness of their
charges. A. tfc M. GOODSON.
Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 31st, 1368-wly.
“ JVatt for the ""vAT.A-GOUST,
eitai tee’ll ail lake a ride,”
■ sJgSIP
W agfon-Making
HAVING completed my new shop on
Main Street West side of the Railroad,
I am now prepared to put up to order
One, Tivo and Four-!lors«
WAGONS, CARTS, Wheel-Barrows and
Plow Stocks ; a!so. REPAIRING of all kinds
of vchi-ies done at short notice. Owing to
the stringency in money matters nr y charges
will be as moderate ;ij circumstances will ad
mit- My work recommends itself.
Cartersville, Jan. 23, 1867.
To Arrive.
I WILL have on hand, in two weeks, as
Agent of the Importer of French Glass,
300 Boxes of U 1 iss ot ail sizes. Contractors
and parties wishing Glass will please call on
me as I will sell at lower prices than any one
in Georgia can, as l am satisfied with the
commission paid me by the n 'P°'' t ‘_ r ’
Feb. 7th, 1968-Ms. s - R - KR :^ M ® R ’
Cartersville, Ga.
ri IHE undersigned would announce to the
I citizens of Cartersville and vicinity th t
he is fill!} pepared to furnish
fryfH 7,.r7i3 Jr-fi-yH
OCTAVEG, with ail the rev latest improve
ments, and most elegant style and w >rl man
, ship, one hundred dollars less than they can
lie purchased e ! sewherc south. They will be
fully warranted.
In the very best manner, anti all work warran
ted, and s!iall be pleased to giv - all orders
prompt attention.
j MR, H, T. ANDERSON will kindly pive
; further information at present, and deliver any
orders, or vou can address, by mail,
F, L, PREQER, Kenuesaw House,
Marietta, Ga t
He's also agent for the sale of all kinds of
ORGANS, Jan 25wtf
| S PREPARED TO BAKE and keeps on
hand, BREAD AND CAKES of every
kind, also a fine stock of onv E TION RIE-i, a ge
ar ,1 variety. FLESH LAGKII BEEII kent on h«nd.
, Parties "nd Weddings furnish tl at short notice.—
Nov mber 21,1867.
iMURBELt & BR0«,
Resident Dentists,
vices to the citizens of Cartersville and
vicinity.* Having all the latest im
provements in Dental Material, Drs,
Murrell are prepared to Extract ’Teeth with
out pain , (by means of Arnssthe ics). insert on
Pivot, Fill with Gold, Os Artificial and Amal
gam, and put in Partial or Whole Setts of ar
tilicial teeth on Gold or Vulcanized Base,—
Will direct the second Dentition of children,
and do anything pertaining to the proffe&sion.
Ail w o k warranted to give satisfaction.
Office over S. Clayton «k Son’s Store.
References ; —T. J Young, M D.. H.
M D and Dentist, \V S R Hardman,
M, D., Ga,
Cartersville, Jan. 23, '67. wly
rpilE best machine for every description of
family sewing nude.
Call and examine machine and specimen of
work over S. Clavton & soil’s st ire, Carters
ville, Ga. ' 8. H. PATTILLO,
Agent for Bartow countv.
Dec 13th. 1837-ts.
/taxie lemoeirx/my
D R U G S, &C,
rn t/,c 4 foie lom ccnc/ei f/ie
mu/ eem 11011* /oca fee/ on
m A IN ST,
iieccf t/ooi fa
<z=z//Eiy /affenfto-n fJ
ifiven so- f/ie e/fsfieiiAiny o^
ant/ <=jf am <ke//ma a// </)-
fee/e-i m my due A- «rJ
ad can Ae y/ounc/of/ fAe dame
yrca/t/y e/dew/iele. 'le-
do Act/ a co7tfttiu=
ance ojf /Ac yeadf Aeni/iedd
c=J/ Aave deceivet/.
Druggist and Pharmaceutist.
Feb. 7th, 1868-w!y. Cartersville Ga.
K>ry-G«o«ls and Groceries,
Produce and Provision Merchmts. Orders
for Grain or Provision filii'il.
Feb. 7th, 1868-wtf. Cartersville, Ga,
f BMIE undersigned, determined to give the
people ofßartnw ami adjoining counties
no exciisc for going- abroad to purchase their
and for repairing the same, have opened, in
the town of Cartersville, a regular,
where they propose to pu„ up everything in
thei>- ii e in tiie neatest, in >st substantial and
durable manner, and at ni'icCS that will
defy competition. They flattert em
selves tout they can and will do work, which,
in everj respect, will compare favorably with
any work done North or Sou h. bolfi ill
quality and pelce. Let no one ig
nore our work because 't is douein the South,
nor our p ices, before giving us a ti ial, for that
is ail we ask to secure trade. Our work is ad
Warranted and th tisa sufficient guar
antee to pine a-e s We are determined to
build up j n ,oie mil business in C irtersville
that will dp & herbage to our children after
us, if prompt attention, good work, and mode
rate charges will secure that end, Rooms ir.
the front of tb.p Eclipse Sale and Livery Stable,
Cartersville, Ga,
Jan. 7th, 1808-wly,
Proreedifigs of Hie 2d Ihhu iI
t»cs<sion ofttie Remo Dhdfk
Cahtkrsvillk. Ca., May 1, 1836.
District meeting .>t the Rome Dis
trict, Nj rth Ga. Chinferetu’e. M. E.
f’liurch South, niet vi Cartersville,
according to previous appointment.
Rev. A. G. Havgood, Presi(!ittg eLler
in the chair.
Meeting was <»| ened with appropri
ate religious exercises.
On molin'! -S. 11. Smith was e'ected
Seeretai y.
Tiie following named brethren were
enrolled as members of the district
iiieeling :
Rume statim —A. M. Thigpen, I. G
Wright, W. L. Wadsworth, C. W.
Mills, J. Harkii s.
Cave Spring—T. A. Seals, L. Dis=*
baron, W. W. Simpson, J. 11. Hag
well. J. N. Jones, W. C. Howell, T.
Wallace, J D. Ford.
CVdartowr—W. 11. Felton, S. M
Byrd, T. M. Pace.
Cartersville—C. A. Evans. W. W.
Leak, J. W. Harris, S. II Smith. II
Besl, W Ctinvus, James Gaines, ’l’ A
Biandon, R H Cannon. W 1 Benham,
W Akin. J A Erwin, Walter Lanier,
Geo. II Gilreath.
Bartow mission—R II Jot es, EmsU'
Stilesboro mission—A J Barnes, As
burv Arnold. John Forsyth.
Kingston—W C Dunlap, J W Kaig
ler, L R Ramsaur. J. W. Staunton, W.
C. Harris, R. B. Washington, iM. D.
Harris, W. F. Weems, A C Trimble, J
Siam. Jpsse Ellis.
Calhoun—BJ Johnson, F. L. Moss,
A. P. Black. I S. Harkins, R. P. Hill.
Wiley Roberts, Dempsey Finley, E.
Lmverv. C. A. Harris. J. G. Lowery.
Elias Robins.
LwFayme—J. L. Lupo.
Datum—J. T. Norris. C. D. Me
Cutchen J. F. Previn. L. D. Palmer
Tu im ell Hill—T. M. Pledger. J H
Huff. E. Harris, T. 11. Pitner. T.*J.
Spriggs, J C Smalley, J Harlan.
Tilton--S. H. Robins, W C Rich
nrdsffn, 'l'hns. Simmons, J 'l' Richard
son and J M Richardson.
Ringgold circuit. —W. I). Heath,
Drew rv Fowler, Samuel Brice, C. S.
Surmnerville—W. T. Hamilton. D.
P. Bass, R. W. Jones, T. S. Iludger.s,
I. T. Hamilton.
Oostanaula—W. F. Powell. M. L
Troutman. J. A. Winn. R S Zuber, 11
B P"pe. II Me Cool, W II Hickey.
Floyd —A G, Stewart J. W Gi lam.
J W Dowdy. N Johnson. J II Funder
burk, J. P. Buchilon, T. T- Arnold,
Springplace—K. A. Guldens.
On motion C. A. Evans, 11. Best
and W. 11. Felton, were appointed a
committee on public, worship.
On motion the order of business for
last district meeting was adopted lor
the present session.
On motion the hours of meeting
were appointed for 8} o’clock, a. m,
and ijt o’clock, p. in.
The constitution of the educational
society, adopted by the annual confer
ence was read, and a committee of 3
appointed, to whom it was referred.
The committee composed of L. D
Palmer, W H Hick y and J T Norris.
The following regular committee
were appointed, on the state of the
church : W. tl. Feltwn, W II Powell,
J M Richardson, J LLtipo. A M Thig
per, J T Trevitt. L R. Ramsaur.
On support of the church. M. 1,.
Troutman, W L Waddell, J H Huff.
W I Bonham, C VV Harris
On Sabbath schools, T. Pace, O I,
Smith. W D Heath, Ii W Jones, \V r V\
Leak. W F Weems.
On church literature. C I) McCutchen
B .1 Johnson. D P Bass.
On missions. I. G Wright, W. TANARUS,
Hamilton. R A Guldens.
On motion the following additional
committees were appointed :
On publishing house, W.C. Dunlap.
M II Byrd, W Simpson.
On qualifications of applicants for
license to preach. J Kaigler, H Best, W
On motion a committee was ap
pointed to dralt suitable resolutions
commemorative of the lile and charac
ter of our deceased brother and fatht r
in Israel—Rev. John W Glenn. The
following brethren were appointed on
that committee : J. W Harris, Warren
Akin, C. W Mills and H Best.
Rev. G J Pearce, Sunday school
agent of the North Georgia Conference,
being present, was invited to a seat in
the body and to participate in tbe de
liberations of the meeting.
The hour of 10$ o'clock having se
rved, the meeting adjourned for public
Friday, 2} o’clock, p. m.
The district meeting was opened with
sinking and prayer by W C Ri> h udson.
Minutes (if the morning read
and confirmed.
A resolution on Temperance was of
fered bv B J Johnson, and on motion
was referred to the committee on the
state of the church.
On motion of Dr Leak, the commit'
tee on the state of the church was in
structed to take into consideration and
report upon the condition of churth
buildings, titles, and other temporals,
so fur as Rome district is concerned.
On motion the verbal reports of
brethren, as to the state of the church
in their various fields of labor, was
called for. These reports occupied the
remaining time of the afternoon session.
Among many other important sug
gestions of the brethren, the following
are well worthy of record :
1. That our young brethren be called
uprn to take a pari in the public prayer
meetings, and other religious exercises.
2. That the family ai'ar shall be
erected iu every Methodist house, and
that private prayer and searching of the
scriptures be the daily habit of our
3. That our Sunday schools shall re*
ceive the warm support of all our
members, and that our missions, both
tureign aad domestic, be near and dear
to their hearts.
4th. That tfr-y cultivate a fervent
spirit of earnest piety and eschewing
ail political entanglements and all
worldly compromi-es. they siiatl seek
(i< he a part ot that church which is
.vithoul spot or wrinkle or any such
In view of the destitute condition of
the Bartow and Stilesboro missions,
tfte brethren present contributed $28.-
70 to be divided between these charges
fur the purchase ot Sabbath school
On motion the meeting adjourned
until next regular hour.
Saturday 8} o’clock, a m.
The meeting was opened by reading
ibe scriptures; singing snd prayer b)
Bishop Pierce.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed.
Reports ol committees read and
adopted as follows :
The Committee appointed to report
on the 'Slate of ihe Church,” would
submit the following:
While there may exist many defi
eiencies in our Membership, and failure
iii some instances to comply with the
requirements of the Discipline and the
Commandments ol God; yet , in re
viewing the work of the entire District
we find much to encourage the people
of God, and sufficient to stimulate the
ministers of Christ, to enter with re
newed zeal, the fields of their respect
ive labors.
Sir.ce our last meeting, the church been wonderfully successful in
■winning souls to Christ’ —hundreds
have been converted lo God, and. in
many churches, these recruits to the
cause of Christianity, have become
efficient co-laborers in doing and com -
munieating good.
There seems to be an increased zeal
on the part of the ministry, and a more
thorough devotion to their holy calling.
There are but few idlers among those
commissioned to preach the gospel
Itinerant, and Local preachers eeem to
be fully awake—fully aroused, and de
termined to incite full proof of their
ministry. They apparantly have
caught the meaning of that scriptual
injunction, ‘‘work while it is day, for
the night cometh when no man can
work.” They preach Christ and Him
crucified —they ignore in their minis
tr.tions all outside issues and preach
.t pure gospel, which is the power of
God,and the wisdom of God; and we
would urge upon our ministers to re
member in the future, as they have in
the pait, that they are not ambassadors
of a party —but ambassadors for Christ
sent forth to beseech sinners to be re
conciled unto God.
Another gratifying feature which wc
would present, is the increased love
and affection for tbe Church and its or
dinances exhibited by our membership;
the church is being strengthened in tbe
hearts of the people. Southern Meth
odism is not recognized by our brethren
as a cold formalism —a mere ritualism;
but as a living, active and sanctified
organization, designed to help them on
towards God. They feel that in her
bosom there is safety from ecclesiasti
cal error, and that their private and per
sonal labors, afflictions, and sorrows
are partly borne by a sympathising
brotherhood, —that a communion in
which they have witnessed the trium
phant departure of so many saints is
something to be loved, honored, and
worked for. %
Thus thev fee-1, and though a host
should encamp against her, yet they
will he confident in her final and com
plete success.
Our District embraces the most de
sirable and interesting portion of the
North Georgia Conference. The lands
are fertile, —the climate healthy,—corn
mercial facilities are numerous, and
thero is every indication that the pre
sent dense white population will be
greatly increased within the next few
years. To meet the spiritual wants of
this rapidly expanding country will
require extra and continuous efforts by
the Church. If we can only make
Methodism what it was designed to be,
“ Christianity in earnest,” —if we can
only, by prayer and holy living, secure
the full operation of all our Church
agencies, may we not hope our Eccle
siastical organization, will prove equal
to th<* responsibilities of the hour, and
be the honored instrument of spreading
scriptural holiness over all these beau
tful countries J
To do this work effectually, we must
be holy in life, blameless in conversa
tion strict and punctual in the discharge
of duty, familiar with prayer, sec.ret
prayer, family prayer. We must be
distinguished for our observance of the
rules of the church, attendance upon
the means of grace, the public services
of the sanctuary, prayer meetings, eL’.ps
meeting#, private and faintly devo
The employment of these means of
grace we consider absolutely essentia!
to the enjoyment of religion, to being
happy in the love of God. These are
the means which brighten and polish
the armour of God and no wise man
will fail to use so valuable and effecting
instrumentalities, for keeping himself
love and favor of God.
Wc regret so much deficiency in the
use of these means of grace, particular
ly private and family prayer. Let
those who have been negligent, comr
nienee now the good work, 'the work
which secures the approval of God.—
Let the closet witness our prayers lo
God, who speth in secret and who
will reward us openly.
Let us in secret gather strength for
conflict v.ith the enemy. It is neces
sary that we mingle with men. that we
be brought in contact with them who
are without; but the light and glare of
every-dav t'fe would soon exhaust our
Christian supplies unless they were re
plenished in secret.
Especially, let the fallen altars of
the family be repaired, and let new
ones be erected. It is a reflection that,
from information derived from reports
that probably not more than one half
of the members of our church are ac
customed to have family worship.—
Let us in future by example and pre
cept. by preaching and exhortation,
attempt a reform upon this important
The troubles of the country seem in
some measure to have removed the
moral restraints which the Gospel
threw over the people, a laxity in the
observance of moral, social, and pe
cuniary obligations, was the marked
feature of our civil disturbances, and
we trust that the church ttow, will not
pass through even the shadow of this
public demoralization ; but with her
skirts untarnished, let her strictly ob
serve. in all her official acts, the re
quirements of the Discipline, regard
ing the payment of just debts, the
taking of such diversions as are incon
sistent with the word ot God, and par*
ticularly insist that our membership
refrain from the making and selling, or
use of intoxicating liquors. Let her
deal jnstlv, let her love mercy, let her
walk hnmblv with her God.
We would recommend, in regard to
the freedrr.en in this District., that we
continue to serve them as circumstan
ces and an expressed willingness on
their part may seemingly open i!m
w a y.
And finally, brethren, be steadfast.
immoveable, always abounding in ev
ery good vrork, knowing that our labor
is not in vain.
W. 11 . FELTON,
With mingled feelings of sadness
and joy the members of this District
meeting receive intelligence of the
death of our venerable brother in
Christ,John W. G.enn—sadness for
our loss, jov at his gain. So long and
well known among us, so endeared by
intercourse and friendship with nearly
every single individual member of this
body, it ia difficult to repress our grief
at the thought that we ahail be per.
mitted to greet him no more in our
midst, but must lose forever his court
sel and his presence.
Familiar in his intercourse, pleasant
and instructive in his conversation,
warmlv and sincerely attached to the
church of his choice, with native fac
ulties of mind rarely possessed, and a
force and power of expression which
swayed the hearer at his will, with an
integrity which marked his whole life
as oue of the crowning points of his
character, with a zeal in the cause of
the great Master which always made
him an unwearied soldier of the cross,
deeply imbued with the snirit of all
truth, unpretending in his life, yet com
manding the respect and edmiration of
with a logic so true and convincing
that the judgment found no escape
from its commanding gra*p, with a
power of ridicule and caustic wit which
mercilessly excoriated and withered
his adversary, yet with a pathos so
soft and winning that the heart melted
under its woundrotis appeals ; all
combined with a wisdom and legal ac.
umen which made him the counsellor
of the Church, and, as he was not inap
propriately called, the Blackstone of
our denomination, he moved among us
a father and a frier.d—one of the
chosen men of Isra« 1. An humble’
NO. 45.
mechanic iii i e b« t : i.!•■»»•£ *<i nts c.
reer, malting his bread by the sweat <
his» brow, with no cuvaitlagts ul edi*
ration, and out ntf, by the poverty <
his condition and the neressj;}’ for per
! sioirrl tr annul labor, from the refine
i ments of cultivated mind, vet baptize,
; of the Spirit for tl e great work of tl
I Gospid, he became,a polished shah it
the hands of his Master, and ranke<
easily among the ablest and pun st of
our denominational leaders.
Abundant in labors, his capacity f.>r
labor, was the only measure for the
extent and amount of his labor. In
our Annual and General Conferences,
both before and since the seperation
of the Northern anti Southern Church*
cs, a representative of our people,
our interest w? felt always to he sale
in his hands, and well guarded by his
vigilant and active intellect arid zeal.
, li> outward life grave in Iris manner,
and rather ascetic in his appearance,
in the social circle he was the very
spirit of gentleness and kindness, while,
around hit own fireside in the bosom
of his home. he was indeed and of a
truth, the indulgent master, the nffec*
; tiomte husband, the tender father and
companion of his children.
For some years he wrts a local
preacher, but joing the Conference,
the second year thereafter be was ap
pointed Presiding Elder of the Chero
kee district, embracing the counties of
Habersham, Hall, (iwirmette. I>’Kalh,
FaveUe. Coweta, and Heard, to the
Alabama line and the Coosa river,
thence between, the Etowah and Ons
tanaula to the top of the blue ridge to
the starling point; embracing a territo
ry 1.000 miles each round, with the
privilege of being a* home but twice
<"•0 each riding. I<or hur years he
discharged the duties of this work, and
from that time to the day of his death,
the care of churches and the gb’rv of
his Master, expended the etiercies of
his herculean frame and powerful ir*.
teihet. At last disease invaded his
bodv and confined him to hts house
and bed, until on Thursday the 30th
of April. IH6B, A. D., in the 73d year
of his age, he surrendered his charge
•vitli his life, and left hia wife and
children amt friends and us iiis breth
ren to mourn our loss. But we mount
not as those who have no hope, for
while we drop warm tears over his
grave, and moat deeply feel onr hrreav
ment, yet we rejoice in the fn’.l assu
rance that from the harvest field below,
he has gone to that rest which remain*
eth for the people ul God. To us
hath he left an example of laith and
patience, of labor and of love ; let us
emulate him in all his heroic Christian
life, and so c hali we meet him in t hr
Church triumphant above.
Resolved. That this District Meeting
now in session, learn with feeling* of,
deep sorrow thnt our venerable brntl>
er in Christ, John W. Glenn, is no
tnore. %
Resolved. That while we irumm hi*
departure, we give thanks to God fur
the assurance that our loss is his pain;
that he rests from his lab'»r, and that
his works do follow him.
Resolved. That we affectionately
sympathize with the family of our de*
ceased brother, and commend them to
God and the word of his grace.
Resolved. That this report and reso
lutions he published in the Southern
Christum Advocate.
c. W, MILLS, >
We. the committse appointed on thp
subject of Sabbath schools, submit the
following report :
From the information obtained from
all parts of tfie district, your committee
are ot the opinion that there is a gen*
era! interest awakened upon the great
subject of Sabbath schools, and that to
encourage, increase, and develop this
interest, there is tio class of "persons so
we!! qualified fc"m their positions, as
the Itinerant ministers, and would urge
that they arouse themselves to the van
responsibility devolving upon them, in
this direction.
We suggest that this interest may he
prompted bv visiting the schools as
often as possible, superintending their
general interest, and preaching at every
appointment upon the subject.
There should be great cate taken in the
selection o f efficient sn-perintendants—
they should be punctual, industrious,
apt to teach, of deep nit ty, liberal and
of good report.
'The teachers, so for as practicable,
should be members of the church.
We would call especial attention to
the care of the poor children ; visit,
and when necessary, clothe them ;
teach the children, who are in better
worldly circumstances, t » do the same
—to go out and hunt them ur>. bring
them in, and thereby impress and culti
vate in the hearts of these precious lit Ic
ones, the true missionary spirit,
As tie children are the hope of the
church and country, in lhe-c •»:
general detmwabzs io *. too much p
cannot he taken in impressing np«*«
•hem the importance ui pet «i*lf»U*
\\ ! (k * rr *-„*».•' * *irf*l|i' > Uii<t
of the Sunday School Visitor, which
costs onlr tinny cents per copy w k»cu
twenty live ar. sent to ai|i‘ res-.
Wn t *• i• k die .•««.■! rr in chare*
ought to urge upon his congregation*
she importance of preparing comforta
ble h uises for worship, so that the
schools can be kept up through the
winter, fur there is no neipM»Mrhood t*.r
poor that they cannot provide one com*
lurtable bouse, aim in must cases, with
i linle <ff irt. stoics can be prncimd-
VY.» find tb-'t n well recilsted SVStrm
of prizes works well, and therefore re*
•'Minuend the plan In all the school*.
Our cotigrrgaiiomd singing is \ cry
leficienl. M.d to rentedV this evil, ho
h >pe th*t due attention will he given ro
- raining the children to sing.
As to the financial department of Mm
Sabbath Schools. think b« at ’o
leave it to the different schools, b it r •
commend the plan of frequent sin..ll
We think that in the purchase id
book*, the' preference should Hi nil
cases be given to our own publishing
l ouse, and tbst our preachers should
inform their congregations of the cost
of our Sunday School hooks, and that
where they can do no better, that tb'-*
organize schools w ith Testaments onlv
—stir the people every where —"ft theta
ell. old and young —parents and chit*
dren— in the church or out of it, to
take pa. t in it
We IVeli-cve that a rhe:rp werkW
child’s paper would he ot great advan
tage, and would also recommend that
there he held in rash school at least
oca year, » celebration.
We suggest that at earh district
meeting some hour he devoted io the
Sabbath School cause, and that the
; children from the surrounding srhoo's
be notified of tho time and requested
to attend.
T. M FA#E. Chairman.
cnvKCfi litxratcrk.
Your committee on Church Litera
ture, beg leave to report that, while
among the publications of our chinch,
there is no want of good books on ev
ery subject of vital interest to christ •
aniiv, we have to regret the want of -t
thorough dissemination of these hook *
among the people. The importane* f
this disseHiinMron cannot be nvu
estimated. Wp know no better pint, in
accomplish tl,ie purpose, than th,»
proposed bv onr esteemed hook agent,
jt Nashville, Let our preachers bur
and “til to the people.
We live emphatically in the. age of
newspapers--;. » age in wh'ch puh}r«
aenttwrer.t h to a very great extent,
moulded through the agency of th*
l > *css.
Our newspaper* are the current hi*»
lories of our rlvureh ; the defenders <«tf
its doctrines and policy ; nod. at th*
same time, powerful instrument* in the
hands of God. fi»r the adraneeaicnt »4‘
vital -Vristrauity. the importance that one of
those papers should be taken in every
We recommend, therefore, the adop
tion of the following resolutions ;
I?f*o!vrd. That wc eurneslly recom
mend renewed efforts for the general
dissemination of the various book*
published by our rhureii.
Revived, That we urge upon our
people the importance of a united effort
by clergv a-rul lav men. to enlarge tho
circulation ot our newspapers, esperi
ally the Christian Advocate, the South'
ern Christian Advocate, and the Fpdt
copal Methodist.
All t)f which is respectful!v enknii*.
r. r>. \iccn rcHEN. )
H. J. JOHNSON, f Com
D. I*. H\SS. V
st rp.iß r or Titr church.
The Gmnmittee on Church. Sup-port
beg leave r> re; ort :
'['hat they regard it the imperstv*
duty of every member of the church
to pay his debts.
Contributions made to the suppret
of the ‘-labors in Christ's Vineyard”
sre not “charities.”' but tbr payment
of debts we owe to the Highest Power.
No man is Heading a blameless life,’*
who fail's to discharge this sacred obli
We recommend for the efficient ac
tion in the Intiti#
[st. That the Preacher in charge <*<-•
to it. that the proper man is si lerted to
fill the responsible office of stewnr .
Thirt bo He a man rmt only of “•rd* f
piety, of e oJ t a oral ttil e 4
abilities,” hut of energy and zeal, an J
rne who “desireth liberal thugs.**
2d. 'l’hat the stewards meet in rb*t
beginning of the \ car, make a liber I
allowance for the support of the inti
isters and divide this amount amooj
the'difTerent churches, 'i'ben that ear ,
church select a committee who, in eon
junction with the stewnid, shall assist
every member according to his abiln ;
and that once every month he s 1 a i
takeupa collection for the support nfu,*
minister. We furthermore reeomrion f
that the steward sfiHll lake np nioatii \i
colleetions for the support of mi.siofu
—for the superanr dated preacher* u«-.i
their families—and for the poor of th-s
. 3rd. We recommend that the. Preach
er in charge a| p i it s >me suitable «na,»
t > visit ' the churches and set ion:*
claims of the ministry, and vrgt tf.-#
people to discharge their duty m tht-v
e pcct.
4th. We recommend that no rn «
be ro'ained as itrward who fail*
bring up the amount of quarterage
from his ehaige.
M. L. I'ROUTM AN. t’htw n-
j: h. huff.
Mi: glnNfv.
The Commivtie, to whom wa* f.. r _
r« (I tho sui-j'Ct of Missions, U,
to submit me folio win* as t , i, r , •
Your committee have , x.ovnn 1n,. ;
subject submitted to tl;r with u« .n-%