Newspaper Page Text
I* published every
In CwrterevWe, Wnrtow Cos.. Ga.. by
Saniuol It. Smith,
EDITOR arid PROITIETOR at the fol
Rates of Subscription:
Ot. r."py three month* ft.oo
O'.e copy ,1* month,, 2.00
O <• copy one jear, B.UO
(Invariable in advance.)
7 iTu b rTte h : .
?"eo|W<HW year. *5.00
Tw.oty eupici, one year 40.00
And a copy extra to the party getting up the
*n piprrs stuppoil at the end of the time paid
*- if not previously renewed.
Rates ot Advertising :
\ii»eitisement* inserted nt One Dollar tkt
Ftp,are fee the fu-e-tfon and Kcvrntv ft
«.'i-nts :->r car; - :hv men! insTi:;on. j
,n,t : <v:' m-mth or longer.
>o ts'-.' Y ‘ A - j'l ,r ) D .|'- mo.j3mos| l inos.jO mos
i| 6.00 7.00' 10.00; 15.00
r w ,, ....... 7.50:12 00; 13.50) 20*0.0 27 00
.J- , r ' cn _' J 1.00 ie.OOiIS.OO 28.00 37.00
p“ ur .... u.00;20.00 24.00| 35.001 45.00
Fourth . 01u’ni;i7.00;24.00 : 28 OOj 41.00, 53.00
j 20.00'27.00|31.00; 46.00; 60.00
,7rn. . . ’23.00f3U.00i34.00i 50.00i 67.00
; lt 20 00 33.00:37.00 55 00 74.00
rp e „ 32.00139.00 43.00; 05.00 86.00
’laii-column..; 35.00|42.00j40.001 C9.00j 92.00
Twelve 38.00: 45.00j 4 9.00 74.00 98.00
Tlurteen I 41.00 48.00 52.00| 78.00 104.00
•’-urtceu |44 00151.00 65.00! 83.00 110.00
Fifteen 47.00(54.00'58.00'; 87.00:1 16.00
Sateen I 50.00i57.00 61.00 j 92.00)122 00
.Seventeen 53.00160.00i64.00i 96.00 128.00
F-uhteen | 56.00 «3.00 ( 67.00 100.00 134 00
.Nineteen 1 59.00'66.0070.00! 105.00 140.00
, 62.00 69,00|73.00 110.00i146.00
p ' . -one.J 65.00,72.00176.001115 OOi 152.00
j 08.00;75.00 79.00; 118.00! 158.00
Parties Advertising will he restricted,
ir. their Contract*, to their legitimate business;
that is to say, all Advertisements that do not
refer to their regular business will be charged
fir extra. .
Advertisements inserted at intervals to be
, harmed a? new each insertion.
The abort rale* will be strictly adheared to.
TANARUS) CsPECTfCLLY offers hi* profess! 'nM
II ,-tvke. t« the citizens of Osrtersvllte
ihi.l vicinity- H«*t« prepared to do w. rk “
.•> -.tie latest and in»st Improved style.—
•,„(», e , tract, 1 id..., Iby means of narcotic.
»i,,ivl 'A * ~.1 warranted. Office over 4. Els is’
Mure, OA2TERSVILLK, Oa. Feb. 20, 1868*5m
Attorneys at La w
{ | Oct. 17, 186 7,
Attorney at Law,
Will at end promptly to business entrusted
i his enne. Oct. 5 wly
VarternriUe , (la.
I'cj'lT.T. attend promptly to all bttsi icss en
trusted to iris cave. Will practice in
■i,. f’noits of law, and equity 'ti the Lherokee
< ireuit. Special attention given to the codec
’ ui of chiiins. J nil. 1. 1866. ly
John J- Jones.
■ -I it it f 1n &j r i
1 OHN J«J utt t 0 :
• authorized to *?!h aud liavc on hand several
-..J, arid Lots, and al«o nomermw bolldlngiota In the
*ii ’f Oarteravil.e Also several plantations of vsrl
-1-7-1 in Hirtow Parties desiring to buv or
* »,1 do well to <r VC a call. AH communication*
promptly answered. July 17. 1 SCO.
1 I Cartersville, Georgia
1 <s* Ms pr.4e*slotia! at. vice* to the citizens o
1 tersvlU, and surrounding country, and will attend
SSt all hours. Office up-slalra in Ur. Samuel GUy-
New Brick Building. May 10. 1387,w1y
S. 11. Pattillo,
U 111 attend promptly to the Cutting, Repair
1> ine and Making Boy’s and Meu s Clothing. W*
j ■„ in back room of Blair & Bradshaw 8 store.
Cartersville, Ga.
Tlie Cartersville Hotel.
charge of this House, would be |Jti|
,'t iscd to accommodate a ftw Board- |j||
etrwith BOARD, with oi without est Jfcir*
L Uing. Call and see him at once for terms
< artersville, Jan 17.
Jeweller and Watch and
w Clock Repairer,
In the Front of A. A. Skinner Ac Co’s store.
l'artersville ; jan 25
Fashionable Tailor,
ly prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Fashionable Tail- mU,
-tL ing line, with neatness and in du- ■ JI.E
wble style. Over J. Elsas & Ca’s store,
Cartersville. jan 23.
Wkite Ilall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
('iLOTHIN’I* made to order in the very
j latest style, and at short notice.
25, 3t.
Revenue Tax Notiee.
T WILL RECEIVE, at roy nfHce in J. LSAS' Store
L all Income Kef urns for 1567, and articles io Sched
for 1869. The above returns being now due,
k “id be returned Immediately T AWDER^ON,
U.S. Assistant
Important Notice
OMct of Matter of TrantporlaHon, V
AtlanU, Ga., March 28,1889. )
AN and after April Ist, 1868. the rate of Freight on
J C .»i w | U be reduced to ONE AND A HALF Cent*
p*r ton of 2000 pounds. This rate to con tin
l« to force until October Ist, after which the present
J *’siof two cents jier ton will be resumed.
»r wder 0! the pECKt
»fr 9 Sa, of Transportation,
VOL. 6.
Administrator’* Sale.
BY virtue of an order form the Court, of O'dlnary pf
Bartow county, will he sold, on the first Tu-sday In
July neat, at the Court Uouse dteir in said county, be
tween the tesra! sale hours the followln* tract or parcel
es land to wit: One undivided half of lot of land Wo.
69 in the 16th and!«. and Srd sec. of *atd countr. Bald
lot containing 160 acres, more or lew*. Bold as the
r.roperty of IsaacS. Gholston for the benefit of the
heirs and creditor* of »*ld decerned. Terms of tale
cash G. 0. GHOL*TON, Adm’rof
May Bth 18C8-lm : J. 8_ GHOLSTON. dec’d.
Atlmlnlwtrafor?* Sale.
order from 'he ~t of Ordinary of
p. 1 .j \. will he wild, on the first Tuesday
in Jutv next, at the Court House door In said con ty.
j, 1 ' «• lot in the town of
Georgia.) IJarlotv Consitj.
OI'vTY d'lvs n f ter date application will be made to
0 the Court of Ordinary of raid county, for leave, to
sell all the real estate be’onglrv to the eebit" of Jcsl
Browner, deceesed. JOHN h. BU.VHNE
May Blh, 18CS-2m. Admtn-st.-a.oe,
Administrator’s Sale
FT ATE OF GEORG! A, » Bv virtue of an order from
BAKTOW COUNTY. ( the Court of Ordinary of
said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday In Ju y
1868. at the Court House door in said county, between
the legal sale hours, the lolluvrlng tract or parcel of
land, to wit: Lot No. 22C In the oth die. and 3rd sec.
of said county, containing 180 seres, more or less, the
same being improved wph good cabins, etc. Also, 100
aens of land being off the east side of lot N-*. 248, In
tlieSch iis and Srd sec. of s»ld county, the same be
ing to'erablv Improved. Also, h.tNo. 94, in the ?sth
>llr. and Brd s**c of Gordon county, containing 80
acres, more or less, being psrt of ssid lot, and lot No.
37. in the 25th dia. and 3rd rec. of Gordon county, con
taining 160 acres, more or less, the same being im
proved and part In cultivation. Also tot No. 678, in
the 19th dis. and 3rd sec. of Rabun couuty. containing
40 acres, more or less, the same bei g sold for the
purpose of division amongst the Ilis’ribti -c* of Jo
seph H. Jones, deceased. Terms of the s le c*ih.
May Bt\ 18C8-lm. JOSEPH H. JONES, dec’d.
Mortgage Sale.
» GREEABLK to the eondltl-ris of a Deed of Trust
A made and executed by John H. Ruckman to
Samuel H. Smith, on or about the 15tb of Janua-y,
1567, to secure the payment of the purchase money of
82 acres of land, lying in the 4ih district, end 3rd sec
tion of Bartow county, and adjoining the town of Car
tersville, and the place whereon John H. Ruckman
row resides, will be sold before the Court House doo
in the town of Cartergville, on the first Tuesday in
June next, within the legal hours of ta'e;the above
described land containing 8J acres, more or less. Said
land is bounded North by the town of Cartersville,
East hv lands of Thos. Ft Leak, Bouth hy lands of Dr.
W. W. Leak, ard West by lands of J. A. Tcrreil. The
said Deed of Trust provides that if the payments on
said lands are not met within one hundred days after
maturity of notes, the land may be sold and title* per
fected by trustee, after advert! Ing property thirty
day*, and In as much as two notes have come to ma
turity and the additional lapse of time expired, and no
psrt of said notes have been paid, both amonnting to
about $1200.90 p'lncipal. The above described lands
will be sold under provisions of said mortgag- or trust
Deed. EAM’L 11. SMITH, Trustee.
May 8-80 J.
F. M. E idleman. C. I Brown.
Wholesale Dealers in
Boots, Shoes Leather,
Frencli and American Calf Skins,
SHOE FINDINGS, &C., *?. ”****’
Next door to Moore A Marsh, Decatur Street
Atlaata, La.
pfShoe Manufacturer* and Merchants will find it
to their advantage to cull on us before making their
purchase*. a P r - 29, 1868,wtf
\ RF row -preivinjr thtlr FAi.L '■ra
-IIOEf, - ever Drougn. • mar!,. .1-• • goods came direct
fr<im tlio Kastern manufactories, and v, u be so.u to
Country W«,-rV-.nts ‘ e v rri .
t«;f ,s ‘ .-ta.M-
<iJ lU ' ■’ a ’ if. VosUfc ‘
B. W. FORCE, formerly of Clmleatou vrtu oa glad
to see his old cus i-aiers. Atlanta, Ga , Oct. Jo*!y.
United States Hotel
Cor. Alabama aad Pryor streets,
Within 100 yards of the Passenger Depot. ,
J. W. F. BRYSON, )
> Clerks.
Dec. 20th, 1867-if.
Shop adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on V\ est
side of Railroad,Cartersville, Ga.. are prepared
to do all kinda of work in the Blacksmithing
line. They flatter themselves that they can
do as good work, and at aa low piice, as any
like eLtablishment in town. They ask a rea
sonable share of the public patronage, and
promise satisfaction both in the character of
their work and the reasonahleneas of their
chargee. A. A M. GOODSON.
Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 31 at, 1868-wly.
“ W'att for the "WVA-G-OItT,
,!ntf svs’li all take a ride,”
>Y ajfo n-Mak i ngf
and REP A I KING, by
HAVING completed my new shop on
Main Street Weet side of the Railroad,
I am now prepared to put up to order
One, Two usd Four-Horse
WAGONS, CARTS, Wheel-Barrowa and
Plow Stocks ; also, REPAIRING of all kinds
of vehicles done at ahort notice. Owing to
the stringency in money matters nrv charges
will be as moderate as circumstances will ad
mit. My work recommends itseif.
Cartersville, Jan. 23,1867.
To Arrive.
I WILL have on hand, in two weeks, as
Agentofthe Importer of French Glass,
300 Boxes »f Glass of ail sizes. Contractors
and parties wishing Glass will please call on
me. as I will sell at lower prices than any one
in Georgia can, as I am ' i the
commission TW’' , ' 1 ’
Feb.*” -f - -
Cartersulie, Ga.
FI IHE undersigned would arinoonce t* the
I citixena of </artrr*ville anil vicinity that
he ia fully pepared to furnish
7TVT7 7or 7 1-3 " * lil i
OCTAVES, with all the very latest improve
ments, and most elearant style and wnrkman
nhi-* " ? hondred dollars less than they can
he purchased elsewhere south. They Will be
fully warranted,
,»nn- md nil work warran
:rvi s '. '. 0 -j eased to giva all orders
prompt a'feniiun. .
MR, 3, T. ANDERSON will kindly Rive
further mat ion ot present, and deliver any
orders, or you can address, hy mail,
F, L, I’REQER, Kennesaw House.
r.larieUa, Ga,
hL s also agent for the sale of ail kinds oi
ORGANS, Jan 26wtf
| S PREPARED TO BAKE and koeps on
I hand, BRE AD AND CAKES of every
kind, also a fine stork nf oov * £ TION R!E9, » gen
ml variety. FRESH LAGER BEER kept on hind.
Parties and Wedding* furnish' and at short notice
* Nov -mber 21,1867 .
Resident Dentists,
vices to the citizens of Cartersville and
vicinity. Having all the latest ' m ‘ 4JT2*?r' s ’
provements in Dental Material, Drs,
Murrell are prepared to Extract Teeth with
out pain. (by means ofArisesthe ics;. insert on
Pivot, Fill with Gold, Os Artificial and Amal
gam, and put in Partial or Whole Setts of ar
tificial teeth ott Gold or Vulcanized Base, —
Will direct the second Dentition of children,
and do anything pertaining to the proffessiori.
All work warranted to give satisfaction.
Office over S. Clayton & Son’s Store.
References :—T. J Young, M D„ M 11.
M D and Dentist, W S R Hardman,
M, D., Monroe, Ga,
Cartersville, Jan. 29, ’67. wly
rpilE best machine for every description of
family’ sewing made.
Call and evamine machine and specimen of
work over S. Clayton & Son’s stor**, Carters
ville, Ga. S. H. PATTILLO,
Agent far Bartow county.
Dec. T9th, 186’7-tf.
<=7? Yiuve ■iemovee/ Any
flam /Ye d/oce tootn, tttu/el /Ye
asu/ aett note* /oca/er/ oet>
a f ** f ■*■
- f ~i- U I m
oiej?/ c/oal /a
.— //fry. f teidoein / a//e?l/tf**t *d
/o 1 fee c/fd/ieeidiny
ftete/ teen de//ieiy a// £tt=
/ic/ed te% rety /cetc, dccc/i ad
gtd can Ye //ie daene
ytea/i/y e/de+oYele. te*
do/tet/ a con/eetrx=
a nee /Ye Yine/etedd
«=/ Yaw tecetvf t/.
Druggist and Pharmaceutist.
Feb. 7th, 1868-wly. Cartersville Ga.
Dry-Goods and Groceries,
Produce and Provision Merchan**, Order*
for Grain or Provision promptly filled,
Feb. 7th, 1868-wtf. Cartersville, Ga,
THE undersigned, determined to give the
people of Bartow and adjoining counties
no excuse for going- abroad to purchase their
and for repairing the name, have opened, in
the town of Cartersville, a regular,
where, they propose to pui up everything in
their line in the neatest, most substantia! and
durable mannor, and at prices that will
defy competition. They ftattcrlhewi
selves that they can and will do work, which,
in every respect, will compare favorably with
any work done North or South, boll) fn
quality and price. Let no one ig
nore our work because it ia done in the South,
nor our ptices, before giving u* a tiial, for thal
is all we ask to secure trade. Our work in aril
warranted and that is a sufficient guar
antee to purchasers. We are determined to
build up a name and business in Cartersville
that will he a heritage to our child'en after
us, if prompt attention, trood work, and mode*-
late chnTce * rhst end, Rooms ir.
the... .. 1 v Stable,
.. ] hN & STOCKS.
Cartersville, Ga,
Jan. Tth. ISCe-wly,
T .001i to your
Save money by calling on
Who is now Opening a General
Stock of
Heteß (Utilise,
In the Store Room former!/ occupied by
JMerittt & Jflerilt;
Consisting of
Staph and Fancy Dry-Goods.
Boots & Shoes,
Hats Sc Caps,
Queensware, &c.
and. In fact, ev*-ytWng auislly found In a Dstail 8toi«
to whijti he invitss the ausntlon of th* public. Tney
were b iusht 'or ex*b h«for* the Ist* Advance in Cotton
and gold, which enables him to offer
OTt and examine 9004i and learn prices, and jo*
will be oonvincEd that you oan savs money by bu/inf
your Goods from him.
I have permanently located In Cartersville, and hop*
hy fair deali ips and low price* to merit aud receive
a fair share of public patronage.
All kinds of
taken in EXCHANGE for GOODS.
! V iary 2. lii, l&oS. —wly or ts
Dissolution of Copartnership.
T HE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
• } B. ROHE STS and JOHN T. STOCK-S under the
firm name of ROBERTS A STOCKS, In the Grocery
aid Produce Buxine**, ia thi* day dimolved by mutual
cotigent—John T Stocks wlthurawimr. All |jers©n»
tudebti-d to said firm will plea'* come forward and set
tle with J. E. Robert*, who will continue the bosine**
at the old stand. J. K ROBERTS,
Cartersville, apr 10, ’6B. J. 1. STOCKS.
HATING been as-n.-taied In business with Mr. Jas.
E. Rohe-ts for rever .1 months past, ourtriß which
time our dead! gs and intereour-e have been of fh
most axreeab e and pleasant nature. It is with re/ret
that I leave him to engage in business in another sec
tion tis th- country. Bi ding it to my intere-it to change
my tyise of operati'WM.. 1 most cordially recommend
V.r J K IS Irerts to the pat.ronave an# fevorable cos
sideratjon of r y frienus, n.’. •s* for I ini a Continua
tion o' hat patronage which ha* h-retotor.’ t>< eo *o
ilb-raliv best iwed tip u». Witii m..ny thanks to my
f-ter. »f. paar '-.v. rs. I leave t em with uty beat
tithes and kindest r ee 'dj.
id teraviile, apr. 10.1868 JOHN T. r TOCKS.
GESrgiaf, | (M’V’s Office I. C,
Ilarltrw County. , April 18, 1868
A i L person* interested a e < > ehy noUiwt tha~
B't.j 0. Pugh, o' the lti4l t Dibt, G. M., of said
>• un y. In s t-k- n up and e u nod to me the aopraise
ment or an i'stnj >.\t nc s Coloryl nr* e Mui*
v m» ; r e yen<g tVear fhlifren htnd’s high, no
b and* or if t'fici tl na l Is, no n rural marks, tn their
on er. A. p-ai ed by .B. K and n Miller t'o tins,
to be worth eig' ly ‘tolHirs. Thr owner ■>! said E t> >y
is riai'tired to c: twe forwa u, pay citarges and take said
mule awa.v, er he will be delt with as the law direct*.
A t'ue extract .root the estray books.
April JOE. S. DAT, Cl*k L C
Bartow county.
ITffIIKhEMS, Thowiss A. Word. A mlnisirator of the
VV • state ol Jiihn J. Wordy and ceased, a piles to the
u derstgoed f r U'teilgo dr*A.i»hion from his admlo-
IStratton. Therefore all persons concerned areheroby
required to show cause, If any they have, why said
administrator on the first Mnndav In D- comber neat,
should not be discharged.- Given under my hand, and
seal of office. This 14th of May 1868.
Grorgfn, Bartow County.
'IVTHERKAB. Thomas A. Word, administrator tt*
» * bonis rum of the of the estate of George Stovall,
deceased, applies to me for letter* of dismission from
hlaadministration. Therefore *H person* concerned
are hereby requires to shew cause, if any they have,
why sahl administration on the ffrst Mo day In De
cember next should not. be discharged. Given nnder
*iv hand and seal of office. Thi* 14th day of May,
1868. J. A. HO \ aRD, Ordinary.
Georgia, Bartow County
WFIKREA?. Tbomad A. tVovd*, IH btm ! *
non, of the estate ot Thomas K. Franklin, deceased,
applies to m • for letters of dtsmtssory from his admin
istration, Therefore all perec ds concerned are hereby
required to show cause, if any they have, why said
administrator on the firs-t Woodsy tn December next,
shnnld not be discharged. Gifen under my haiiif and
seal of office. This 14th of )rfay 1863.
J. A. HOWARD, ordlnsry.
newlarness and saddle shop.
IRE-r.f’TPTLLY notify the pnh’ic that I bare
• pencil m regutar H -rrlest Shop in Shis place, aad
request three eisWng ♦« buy ar.ythfng or wanting re
p.frtmr i» my line to call on me. twin and examine
me etoc* and work. I »m using none but the best
Baltimore leather. »y motto is honesty and Industry
1 will g“H be*per than ha* been aoid la this narke*
since •’ r, 1 have always been too poor to marry,
me seep, it 3 »*v* mm family to support. Rooms over
Coi. Jones’ taWiage Eullding—
Castertvllie, Ga., /prll 2At4
A Child’s Dream «f A Star.
There was once a child, who strol
led about » good deal, and thought of a
number of things. He had a sister
wtin was a child too, snd was his con
stant companion. These two used to
wonder all day lonp. They wondered
at the beauty of the flowers, they won
dered at the depth of the bright water ;
they wondered at the goodness and
power of God who made the lovely
They used to say to one another,
sometimes, “Supposing all the chil
dren on earth were to die, would the
flowers,and the water, and the skv, be
sorry?” They believed they would be
sorry. For said they, the buds are
the children of the flowers, and the
little playful streams that gambol down
the hill—sides are the children of
water ; and the smallest bright specks,
playing, at hide and seek in the skv
all night, must surely be tine children
of the stars and they would all be
grieved to see their playmates, the
children of men. no more.
There was one clear, shining star
that used to come out in the sky before
the rest, near the church spire, above
the graves. It was large and more
beautiful, they thought, than all the
others, and every night they watched
for it, standing hand in hand, atawin*
now. Whoever saw it first cried out.
And often they cried out both together ;
knowing so well when it would rise,
and where. So they grew to be such
friends with it that before lying down
in their beds, they always looked out
once again to bid it good night and
when they were turning round to sleep,
they used to say, “God bless the
But while site was still very young
oh ! very, very young, the sister droop
ed. and came to be so weak that ihe
could no longer stand in the window
at night ; and then the child looked
sadly out by himself, and when he saw
the star, turned round and said to the
patient, pale face on the bed, 1 see
the star f am! then a sweet smile would
come upon the face, and then a little,
weak voice used to say. “Gml bless
my brother and the starl”
And so the time came all too soon !
when the child looked out alone, and
when there was a little grave among
! the graves not there before, and when
the star made long rays down toward
him as lie saw it through his tears.
Now, these rays were so bright, snd
they seemed to make such a shining
wav from earth to heaven, that when
the child weht to his solitary bed, he
dreamed about the star, and dreamed
that, lying where he saw a train of
people taken up that sparkling road by
angels. And the star, Opening, show
ed him a great world of light where
many more such angels waited to re
ceive them.
All these angels who were waiting
turned their beaming eyes tfpon the
people who were carried up into the
star : and some came out from the long
rows in they stood, and fell
upon the people’s necks and kissed
tlipm tenderly, and went a\+ay itith
them down avenues of light, and wpre
so happy in their company that, lying
in his bed, he wept for joy.
But there were many angels who did
not go with themh and among them
one he knew. The patient face that
once had lain upon the bed was glori
fied and radiant but his lieatt found
nut his sis'er among -ill the host.
His sifter’s angel Irogere'H near the
of the star, and said to the
leader among those who had brought
the people thither :
“)s me brother cnm‘e , ’ r
And he said, “No.”
She was turning hopsfuby away,
when the rinid (Wretched out lira arm#
and cried : “t>. srster. I am here ’
Take me !” And then s-We turned her
beaming 1 yes upon '’i' n r d it was
night ; and the star was shining into
the loom, making long rays down tow
ard brm a* he saw it through his
From that hour forth the child look
ed out upon the star as the bonfire he
should go to #fieri his time should
come, and he thought t ut he did oof
belong to earth alone, but to fbe star,
ton, because of his sister’s angel gone
| There was a baby born tobe a broth
er so the ehrld, find while fie waN so
little that he never ye* had spoken a
word, he stretched hi's t»ny form out
on his bed and died.
Again 1 the ehifo rfYea rned of the tfpeft
star 1 , and of the compan vof angels, and
the tt'tfift of people, and the i*o#s of
angels #9 h their beam inf eyes all turn
ed upon those people’s faces.
Said his sister’s angel to the leader r
I* mv brother come ?
And he hitid, uot that one, bul «noth
As the child beheld his brother’*
angel in her arms, he cried :
•O, *i*ter lam here! Take me!
And aha turned and smiled upon him
and the »tar was shining.
He grew to be a young man, ar.d
was busy at his books, when an old
servantcame to him and said:
Thy mother ie no more. I bring
her blessing on her darling son.
Again at night he saw the atar, and
all that company.
Said his sister’s angil to the leader!
Is my brother eome?
And he said, “Thy mother!”
And a mighty erv of joy went forth
through all the stars because the moth
er was re-united to her two children.
And he stretched out his arm and
O. mother *i«ter and brother, lam
here! Take me* And they answered
him, “not yet,” and the star was still
He grew to be a msn. whose hair
was turning gray, and he was sitting
in his chair by the fireside, heavy with
grief, and his face bedewed with tears
when the star opened again.
Said his sister’s angel to th# leader:
Is my brother come?
And he said, Nay, but his maide.l
Arid the man who had been the child
saw his daughter, newly lost to h»m. a
Celestial creiture among those three,
and lie aaid:
My daughter’s head iann nty sister's
boisorti, arid her arm is around mv
mother’s neck, anti at her feet there ifi
the baby of old time, and I can bear
the parting from her. God be praiaed!
And the star was shining.
Thus the child came to be an old man
and his once Smooth face was wrinkled
and his step* were alow and feeble, and
back waa bent. And one nUrht as he
jay upon di* bed, his children standing
round, he criisd, as he cried an long a_
I see the star!
They whispered to one another he Is
And he said, I am. My sge is fall
ing from me like a garment, and I move
towards the itar as a child, And Oh
my Father, now I thank the that it has
io often opened, to receive those dear
ones who await me!
And the atar was shining; and it
shines on his grave.
Take Freely.
A ship was sailing in the southern
Waters of the Atlantic, when her crew
saw mother vessel making signals of
distress. They bore flown toward the
distressed ship and hailed them.—
ta the matter?" “We are dy
ing for water.” was the response.—
“Dip it op then!” was the answer.—
“You are in the mouth of the Amazon
There those sailors were thirsting,
and suffering, snd fearing and longing
for water, and supposing that there was
nothing but the ocean’* hihne a.oud
them, wlieft. in fact, they had sailed
unconsciously into the broad mouth of
the mightiest river on the globe, and
.fid not know it. And though to ihern
it seemed that they must perish with
thirst, yet there was a hundred miles
of fre*h water all around them, and
thcT had nothing to do but to “dip it
Jesus Christ says. “If any mar thirst
set him come onto me and drink.
Ard the Spirit and the Bride say come
and let him that heareth say. emwe.
and Whatsoever will let him come, and
take of the water of life freely.”—
Thirsting soul, the flood is all around
fowl “dip it up!” and drink, arid (hirst
no more.
the fate War, coffee, STr
jjat ami floor Were things of the past in
Southern Tesas. A soldier Staid all
night at a house on the Nueces, *nd
findmea Targe hard biscuit in his hav
ersack. he gave it to a little four year
old boy pl*y»«K before the door. Half
an hour aftervrards he saw the bov with
the biscuit on the ground aud % coal of
fjre' opnri it.
“What are you doing that for. sonny?
he inquired.
“’Frying to make the plaguy thing
pnfce its head out.”-- Southern Home
‘4 wish I could prevait on neighbor
Kinder to keep the Sabbath.” said good
old Mr. Jones. “I’tt tell ynWhow to do
it!” exclaimed yoing Smith ; “get
somebody to fend it to hrm. and I’H
bvbound if he don’t keep it. He never
was known to return anything he bor
NO. 47.
I F-om the 3*n Frmtx ; »co AU«, C*tU«rnt*. 4th.
The Chinese Fcant •€ the Dead
In San Francl»co
The annual feast of the dead, lasting
snme three or four days, during which
time the believers in the Buddhist faith
—among which may be classed the
whole of our Chinese population—par
visits to the graves of iheif dead friends,
bearing testimonials of thelf affection*
ate remembrance, commenced yester
day. and all day long the read leading
to Lone Mountain has been thronged
with carriages filled With Celestial vis
itors and Caucasian horelty-seekers.
Riding out to the Chinese quartet of
the cemetery tn the morning, tie found
the ceremonies in honor of the dead in
full blast, and the place swarming with
Celestials, with S fair sprinkling of
male and female visitors of out own
race. The!* did not appear
to paitake in any marked degree of a
religious chsractrr, but seemed more
like a friendly visit, lunch and familiar with the dear departed.—
Sticks of prepared incense, or “Joss
sticks,” and red wa« candles with
small sticks to hold them op above the
sand, were burning by the head of
nearly every grave, and in and around
the open brick enclosure or temple,
and its wooden Counterpart ori the hill
above. Nearly every party on driving
on the ground, would let off a feu de
joti of fire crackers by way of an
nouncing to their friend* in the Spirit
Land that they were on hand, aind pre
pared for business. Then tlie roait pig.
oranges, bananas, pieces of fresh sugar
cane, and other toothsome delicacies
prepared for the occasion, would he
unloaded from the wagons, and a nice
spread, or lay out, would be arranged
at each grave or in the nondescript en
closures, which, for want of a better
name, we call temples. After thp
spread had been arranged, rows of liriv
porcelain cops would be *et dogrn on
the sand and poured full of sam-shori;
or other alcoholic or vinous liquor
After a few minutes a fire would be
kindled, and the baskets full of square
varicolored paper would be burned, the
eatables would be packed up again,
and put bank into the wagons, the liqu
or would be turned on the fire or on
the ground, and the Joss sticks and
candles lighted and left burning. Then
a woman would take up a handful of
pale straw colored squares o’s paper
each with a bit of gold foil fastened on
the centre, and twirling them dexter
ousfy in her hand so as to arrange thprri
in the form of a Catharine wheel, a* a
Caucasion sport will sometimes arrange
a deck of cards, fling them into the air,
sending them fluttering away on the
wind for many rods. The whole cem
etery all around the Chinese qaarter is
full of these little sqnares of gift paper,
and whatever virtue they may possess
will be largely shared by the orieri'parttx
of the Potter’s Field of our own race
whose graves are strewn with them as
the grounds it: the forest is strewn with
a w trim leave*. The traitors Would
walk around for a short time, chat,
laugh, and then ride away to the ciiy,
apparently in the best of humor with
themselves arrd the rest of mankind.
A late Judean traveler vfra* di»-
appointed at the sight of the famous
driver Jo'rdan. lie says:
Atid how great was our disappoint
ment when we did see it? Riding
through thick jungles, we suddenly
emerged on the muddy banks of that
famous stream, and unaware# of aH
ji>ined in singing what we had so often
sung before.
“On Jordans stormy banka I
l am store if Waits had ever been
here he would have written his hymn
differently. The Jordan is nothing
but a small dirty, crooked, swift stream 1
and i# so overarched with jungles that
not over two hundred feet of it is vis
ible at any one place.
Cosm.EXioN or the Georgia Deo
islaturb. Savannah, May IS.
From fitiabte authority it is now un
derstood that the Georgia Legislature
will be composed ol three parties —
Democrats, Radicals, anti Conservative
Independents. This latter party bolds
the balance ol power; and their pro*
elivities are, so far, decidedly Demo*
Gen. Gordon and U. tfttonrirey
Fitch will probably receive die Demo
cratic’ nomination for United btatear
Hjg- There are now 347 students in
the Georgia University, according to
the published catalogue. the grade-,
ating class for this year will number 35
—an unusual large frumher. The suc
cess of this fine institution under such
adverse circumstances. trrnst be highly
gratifying to every Georgian.
Mr. Gilliams, ofNewnan, was re
eetrtly discovered, near that town,dead
with tire most horrible attendant circum
stances; the flesh was torn entirely
from the bones, and from the smell, had
evidently been cocked. Supposed to
have been done by the K. K*. K #.
she Jusla Billings Papers
The cockroach it a bug at large.
lie iz one ov the luxury*oi'civilita*
He iz eaxv to doiaestikate, yielding
gracefully to ordinary hmdiieess, and
never deseiting those who show him
proper ackts ov ronrteay.
We are fed to believe, upon e e!uaa
the outward cruat ov
those fashionable inseeks, that they are
a highly successful intermarriage be
tween the brunette, piseiriife and the
“ artikilus-bet'd ,” or common Amerikan
Naturalists however, differ, which ix
to be lamented, for a dfversaty of sen
timent. upon rtfaMPfe so important to
the peace of mind and moral advance
ment ov mankind in the lump, created
distrust, and tends to sap she sdbsfratm
ov all bug ellticks.
lJut let the learned and polite puM
hair az much az they please about the
ansesfra! claims vv the Cockroach; it
iz our bizzinesss and duly, az bug lent
tini*ert, teW Show the critter up az we
find him, without faring a single Soli
tary curse who hiz grandfather or grand
friotlier waZ.
There iz no mistaking the fackt that
he iz no one ova numerous family and
that his attachment tew the hbrhe of
His boyhood,speaks louder than thun
der sos his affecktioriate and tifladiHcr
ated nature.
He don’t leave the place he wus boro
at upon the highest provocation, like
the giddy and vagrant Ilea, or the fero
ciods (jed-bitg, arid until death (of sunt
vile powder the Inver.sUn ofr than.)
knocks at liis front door, lie anti hiz
brothers arid sister* rtiav b'e seen with
the naked eye and ariori calmly climb
ing the white sugar bowl or running
loot rafes between the butter fhates.
flow stfarige it iz that man. made
out of dirt; the cheapest in the
market and the most plenty, should
be so determined tri rid the ticffld ov
every living 1 bug but himself.
I don’t doubt it, il he could liev hi*
ovfrn wav for Si* years, every personal
cockroach would be knocked oft from
the bosSont jv the footstool and not
evert a pafr of them left to repair dnm.
agps With;
6uch iz man!
The cockroach is born on the fir«t
day of Mav r.rtd the fust day Ov No
vember serriiariually, arid is rfady for
u',e in fifteen days from date.
They n*e borri from an egg; four
from each egg, and consequently they
are all ov them twins. There is net
such thing in the annals of natrife as a
Single cockroach.
The maternal bug don’t sott upon
the egg as the fringe doth, but leaves
them lien around loose, like a pint of
Sprit mustard seed, and don’t seem lo
care a darn whether they get ripe or
Buts never knew a dockroarih egg
fail tew put in appearance. They are
as sure tew hatch out a'nd rurtaz Kao
ada thistles or a bad kold.
The cockroach iz »v tew colors—
soiM and black, 'f’hey afe on
the move and can trot, t shooTtl #ay on
a good track, and a good day, 6ftts tew
tfirp£ mintftetf.
Their food scefri# ts vr consists, not
so much in what they cat, as what they
travel; and often finding them dead irt
fhv sotfp at the boarding house, 1 hav
cum to the conclusion that a cockroach
cant swim hut they can float.
Naturalists have also declared that
the cockroach has no double teeth.—
This is an important faekt and ought
tew f,'e‘ introduced into all the primary
school oooks ov Arnerika.
But the most interesting feature or
this remarkable bug is the loveliness of
their fiatifretf; They kan’t bite, nor
sting, nor scratch, hoi jaw back.
They are so amiable tWt 1 have even
known then* teW get hV the but
ter, atid lay there all day, n'mf hol
ler for help, and actually die at lasi
of a broken heart,
TP realise the rneekftetf# nf these
onco'mplaining Iritle Cusses, let the
philosophick mind jnsf for one moment
compare them to the pesky flea, who
lights on Wan in hi* strength and wo
man in her weekrVess like a red hot
shot, or the warbling musketo, wild
from a Nnjersy catstail marsh, with hi*
dagger rrt his enooth aekeing for blood;
or. horror of horrors l 1 to the midnight
bedbugg, who creeps out ova crack ax
stifl and lean »V, a shadow, abd hitchez
on the bosom ov beauty like a starved
Every t!rr»n h iz a right to pick up hie
playmates, but as' lor ffre, ! had rather
visit knee-deep among cockroach**
than t'T hear the dying ember# ov «
single ittnskeetter’s song in the jineing
routW, or to know that there was just
otre bedbug left the world, and he
was waiting lor my k indle logo one
ami for me to pitch into bed.
fn conclusion, to *ho# that I aint
fooling, I would be willing, if 1 had
them, id swap ten fust-class fleas any
time fora small sized cockroach ; and
if the fellow complained that l had
shavod him in the tiade, I would re
turn the cockroach ami sware w* was