The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 03, 1868, Image 1
the weekly C 4BTERSVIIXE EXPRESS. Lt published every FRIDAY HORNING/ n C»rter»vilTe, Bartow Cos.. Oa.. by liitol 11. EDITOR ai.d PROPRIETOR at the fol- A'fns Hales or Subscription: One copy three months . fl.Jjg One eopy six months, -• One copy one year, (Invariable in advance.) Parties Advertising will ItC restricted, in th«ir Contracts, to their legitimate business; that ia to say, all Advertisements that do not refer to their regular business vtilljoc charged for extra. " , Advertisements inserted at intenals to be charged as new each insertion. The above rules will be strict li / aah cared to Professional cards, MURREXiXi & BRO., resident dentists. office Over 8. Clayton & Son, CARTERS GEORGIA Having permanently located here, ard beinp provi ded with the latest improvements in Dental Material, are prepared to do anj thing pertaining Dental Sur gery. \ ALL WORK WARRANTKD TO GIVE SATISFACTION i)R?. M. prepare a ‘-Superior Vegetable Tooth P, w ,ier," guaranteed to contain nothing injurious to tUe teeth. exchange hotel, Cartersvrille, Ga, BY BTJIOE &HILL. The undersigned have associated l n hurines?. and a'ter refitting aud re-arranging that COMMODIOUS HOCSK recently occupied hy A. it. Hu Igens as a Fam ily Grocery and Confectionery, on the EAST BILL „r the RAIf.ItOAD, near the late BARTOW HOUsK, . ave opened In the same a FIRST CLASS HOTFL ' >t the Entertainment of the TRAVELING PXjBI.IC, ildch will be kept upon ilie F.UKOFF.AN PLAN.— B.uh parties are experienced in the Business, MR -lIII.LL having been formerly Proprietor of the lyn lessee House. Dalton, but more recently of tlie Car tsrsrllle Hotel, and Mr, HOICK formerly Proprietor f the late Exchange Hotel, Oartersville, Ga., but iuoi e recently of the Washington Hall. Atlanta, Ga., Mr. «*<>. AY. Hill Is General Superintendent, and Mrs. Uuiee Lady Superintendent. BU ICE & KILL msy 2*, -3m. OR. F. M- lOHNSON Dentist. r KSPECTFCLLY offers l ie professional services to the citizens of Oartersville ml? ami vicinity. He is prepared to do work ~'rxr on the latest aud moat Improved style.— Teeth extracted cithr »■ [by means of narcotic • pray). Wo a „.i warranted, (tillre over .T. Elsas' Store, CARTELSVILLE, Ga. Feb. 20. JB63wsm JERE A. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CARTERSVILLE, ga. PRirCUETT~S 11 QFFORD, Attorneys at Law CARTEItsVILLE, GA. OFFICE OVER ELSAS STORE, Oct, 17, 186 7, THOMAS W. MILNER, Attorney at Law, r ARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA, Will attend promptly to business entrusted t > his care. Oct. 5 wly JOHN J. JONES ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cartersville, Ga. WII,Ti attend promptly to nil business en trusted to his care. Will practice in the Courts oflaw. and equity in the Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. Jan. 1, 1866. ly John J- Jones. JOHN Jj6¥Ei REAL ESTATE A«E\T, CARTERSVILLE GA I am authorised m soli, and have oa hand several Homes and Lot*, and also numerous building lots in the town of Cartersville. Also several plantations of van ©us sizes in Bartow county. Parties desiring to buy or sell will do well to give me a call. All communications romptly answered. July 17. 1806. S. 11. Patti 11 o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, II 111 attend promptly to the Cutting, Repair- n J? Inc and Making Boy’s and Men’s Clo-liing. . tuce In bacif room of Blair Bradshaw s store. Cartersville, Ga. * l *“ The Cartersville Hotel. nR. THOMAS MILAM having charge of this House, would ,e H J J pleased to accommodate a few Hoard-1| j« gl «ra with BOARD, with or without 4SL»Br;. Lodging. Call and see him at once for terms Cartersville, Jan 17. W . u’MOOT* ASTLE, and Watcln and w Clock Repairer, In the Front of A. A. Skinner Ac Co's store. Cartersville, jan 25 ~ "s. O'SHI^LDEr - Fashionable Tailor , CARTERSVILLE. BARTOW COUNTY, GEORIG >1« IS prepared to execute all kinds of work in the Fashionable Tail —-Lr, ing line, with neatness and in du- JL£- table style. Over J. Elsas & Co’s store, Cartersville, jan 23. J» H. PUIITELL! MERCHANT TAILOR, White Hall Atlanta, Ga, CLOTHING made to order in the very latest style, and at short notice. 25,3 t. U6B. 1868. AMERICAN HOTEL, Alabama Street, dTL.I.VTJ da. Nearest House to the Passenger Depot. WHITE & WHITHOCK, Proprietors. H, U. Wiley t Clerk, HAVING re leased and renovated the above Hotel, we are prepared to entertain guests in a most sat isfactory manner. Charges fair and moderate. Our sff-rU will be to please. _ . , IWBaggage carried to and from Depot free of charge. apr 2. wtf PR. SABSEEN. B. W. YORK. It. T. JOURDAN SASSEEN’S United States Hotel Cor. Alabama and Pryor streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Within 100 yards of the Passenger Depot. SASKEEN. YORK and JOURDON, Propr s J. W. F. BRYSON, ) ;• Chrks. R. T. TOCRTVAN. S Deo, 20th, tS67-?f. THE CARTERSVILLE EXPRESS. VOL. 7. Ulortsase Sale. \GRKPABIE to the condition* of a Deed of Tru»t made and executed bj ,T jhn 11. Ruckman to i B’inu‘l I!. Smith, on or f bon* the 15th of January. 10*57 to secure the payment of 'he purchase m-ney of P/2 acre* of land, lying in the 4 h district snd 3rd sec tion of Bartow countv, and adjoining the town oft ar teraville, and the place whereon John 11. Kuchman now resides, will be sold before the Court 11-mse door in the town rs Cartersville, on the first Tuesday in .Inly next, within the legal hours of fft’e;*he above described land containing 82 acres,more or less. Ba'd land is bounded North by the town of Cartersville, Hast, by lands of Thoe. II 'Leak. South hy land* of Dr. W W Leak, and West by lands of J. A. TetreU. The said Deed of Trust, provides that if the payments on raid lands are not met within one hundred days after maturity of notes, the land may besoldand *l'leg per fected by trustee. af<e- advertising p-operty thirty day®, and in as much as two notes have come to ma turity and the additional lapse of time expired, and no part of said notes have Veen paid, both amounting to about $1200.00 principal. The above described lands will be said under provisions of said mortgage or trust D Pe( j. SAM'L 11. SMITH, Trustee. May 8-20). Georgia., Barlow County. WHEREAS, I). W. K Peacock applies to me for let ters of adiriinistra'ion on the estate of Lewis Pea cock, deceased, these are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular,the kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time proscribed bylaw, wbv said I). TV. K. Peacock should not he appointed administra tor ns aforesaid, otherwise letters will b* granted him. Given und-r my band and official sigr>aMl r e. this the 22d .1* of May. TgC-b J. A HOWARD, OrJ. Georgia, Barlow county. -\TTIIERE.-IS. Thomas A. Word. Administrator of the \Y estate of John J. Word, deceased, applies to the undersigned for letters of dismission from his admin istration. Therefore all persons concerned arehereby required to show cause, if any they have, why said administrator on the first Monday in December next, should not be discharged. Given under my hand, and seal of office. This 14tli of May 1563. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Harlow County. TTyHEREAS, Thomas A*. Word, administrator De \ V lonis non of the of the estate of George Stovall, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from his administration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause. If any they have, why said administration on the first Monday in De cember next should not be discharged. Given under mv hand and seal of office. This 14th dav of May, IStiS. J-A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Georgia, Bartow County WHEREAS, Thomas A. Word, administrator Delon’s non, of the estate of Thomas E. Franklin, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismissory from ids admin istration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why said administrator on the firs t Monday in December next, should not be (Bscha-ged. Given under my hand and seal of office. This 14 hos May 1808. J. A. HOWARD, ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. TOY virtue of an order form the Court of Ordinary of D Bartow county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, at the'Court House door in said county, be tween the legal sale hours the following tract or parcel es land to wit: One undivided half of lot of land No. 09 in the 16th dis. and 3rd sec. of said county. Paid tot containing 160 acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Isaac S. Gholston for the b-nefit of the heirs and creditors of sahl deceased. Terms of sale cash. G. C. GHOLBTON, Adm’r of May Bth 1808-lm. J. S. GHOLSTON. dec’d. Administrator’s Sate. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will he sold, on the first. Tuesday in July next, at the Court House door in said cou ty, b p tween the legal sale hou-s, one lot in the town of Adairsv'lle, and described as the Porter lot, adjoining G. C. Gholston and others, as the property of Robert Elliott, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. A. M. PENN, Adm'r, May Sth, 1868 Ira. ROBERT ELLIOTT, decM. Georgia, Harlow County. SIXTY days after date application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Joel Browner, deceased. JOHN F. BRAWNER, May 8 th. ISGS-2m. Administrator. Administrator’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 By virtue of an order from BARTOW COUNTY. I the Court of Ordinary of sa',l county, sold on the first Tuesday in July lsGt\ at the Court House door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the following tract or parcel of land, to wit: Lot No. 226. in the sth dis. and 3rd sec. of said county, cont rining 160 acres, more or less, the same being improved with good cabins, etc. -Also, 100 acr>s of land being off the east side of lot No. 245, in the sch His and 3rd sec. of said county, the same be ing tolerably Improved. Also, lot No. 94, in the 25th dis. and 3rd sec. of Gordon county, containing 80 acres, more nr less, being part of said lot, and lot No. 87. in the 25th die. and Brd see. of Gordon county, con taining 160 acres, more or less, the same being_ im proved and partin cultivation. Also lot No. 575, in the 19th dis. and 3,1 sec. of Paulding comity, containing 40 acres, more or less, the same being sold for the purpose of division amongst the Distributees of Jo seph 11. Jones, deceased. Terms of the srie cash. LEVI HEFNER, 8. B. JONES, Administrators. May Bth, 1809-lm. JO3EPIIII. JONE3, dec'd. Georgia Batrow County, ...UF.REAS. Thog. XL Baker, applies to me for letters VV of Guardianship of the person* and property of Vir gil A. Brawnor, Victoria Btawner, and Adeßa Braw ner, minor children of Wnt. B. Brawner, deceased of said County, under 14 years of age. These are to cite all persons concerned to 6how cause, if any they have, within the lime prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted said applicant,otherwise they will b‘‘ granted. Given under my hand official signature, this June Ist, 1868. J. A. Howard, Ord’y. Georgia Hartow County', ITfUKREA?, John N. Dobbs, Guardian of the person VV and property of Elizabeth A. Dobbs, a minor of said County.having fully discharged his trust, applies to be dismissed from his Guardianship, as aforesaid.— Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required, to appear at my office, on, or before the first Monday in August next.’, and show cause, if any they have, why said J. N. Dobbs, should not be d-s --missed from his Guardianship. Given under my hand and official signature, this June Ist, 1863. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, B. C. F. M ddleman. C. I Brown. F.. M. EDOL EM A N & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes- £ eather, French and American Calf Skins, LASTS, PEGS, LINING AND BINDING szßziisrs, SHOE FINDINGS, AC., A9. Next door to Moore A Marsh, Decatur Street, Atlaata, Ga, Manufacturers and Merchants will find to their advantage to call on us befc-e making thetr purchases. apr. 29, FORCE'S BOOT iNDSHOE House. ARE now receiving tludr FALL and 3u**^, WINTER STOCK of BOOTS AND JNS \ SHOES, the largest ever brought to this market. These goods came direct eCt from the Eastern manufactories, and will be sold to Country Merchants and the Trade at New York prices, expenses added, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, »nd Childrens’ Wax. Ktp, Calf, and Butt Brogans and Bulmora’s—Boots of all styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, dos the finest q tallties. Ladies’, Misses’, and Chil aC .Brats anl Shoes, of every style, and al! made to ler . G. 11. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston will be glad to see his old cus.omers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 10-iy. BLACXSDIITHING H °M. GOODSON. -pjAVING (JOMFLTF.D THEIR NEW Hbop adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on 'West 6idc of Railroad, Cartersville, Ga.. are prepared to do all kinds of work in the Blacksmithing line. They flatter themselves, that they can Jo as good work, and at as low pi ice, as any like establishment in town. They ask area- share of the public patronage. anJ promise satisfaction both in the character of their work and the reasonableness of their charges. A. ft M. GOODSON. ('artcrs'ilß' Ga.. Jau. 31st, 1 80S-wlv. CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW COUNTY, GA., JULY J. iBGB. pianofortes: riIHE undersigned would announce to the | citizens of Cartersville and vicinity that he is fully pepared to furnish mi OCTAVES, with nil the very latest improve ments, and most elegant style and workman ship, one hundred dollars less than they can be purchased elsewhere south. They will be fully warranted, PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED In the very best manner, and all work warran ted, and shall be pleased to give all orders prompt attention. MR, S. T. ANDERSON will kindly give further information at present, and deliver any orders, or you can address, by mail. F, L, PREYER, Kenncsttw House, Marietta, Ga, He is also agent for the sale of all kinds ol ORGANS, Jan Yswtf TO THE LADIES. PREMIUM FAMILY SEALING MACHINES. EjpHE best machine for every description of family sewing made. Gall and examine machine and specimen of work over S. Clayton & Son’s store, Carters ville, Ga. ' S. H. PATTILLO, Agent for Bartow countv. Dec. 13th, 180 7-ts. •- J' /ave i emovee/at y '/ D R U G S, &C, f<om //< eifo 'tc loom tin.c/el //tc BARTOW HOUSE, ant/ ant no in /oca/et/ on MAIN ST, 'next t/00l /a GILBERT & CO., HARDWARE HOUSE. a//en ft on t-J ey e veil /o /Ze c/td /ienAt ny MEDIOIXES, ant/ c=/Z' J a'in JcZ/tny a// ai= ftc/ed tit wt.y Ztncj dite/i ai MEDICINES, OIL, PAINTS, GLASS, &C-, AS CHEAP titk can Ze forint/ e/Znc dai/te t/tta/iYy e/jeitt /etc. 4,c= do/tetZ a conYmu= ance Z/te aJ Y Ztiit/iieJi Ztavc tccctvet/ J” P l . BEST' TvE._D. Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Felt. 7th, 1868-wlv, Cartersville Ga. SADDLERY AND HARNESS ffIUNU FACTORY, THE undersigned, determined to give the people of Bartow and adjoining counties no excuse for going’ abroad to purchase their SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, &C., and for repairing the same, have opened, in the town of Cartersville, a regular, SADDLE and harness manufac tory, where they propose to piu up everything in their line in the neatest, most substantial and durable mannor, anil at |»I’ICCS that will defy competition. They flattertbem selves that they can and will do work, which, in every respect, will compare favorably with any work done North or South, both ill quality and price. Let no one ig nore our work because it is done in the youth, nor our pi ices, before giving us a tiial, for that ts al) we ask to secure trade. Our work is all Warranted and that is a sufficient guar antee to purchasers. We are determined to build up a name and business in Cartersville that will be a heritage to our children after us, if prompt attention, good work, and mode late charges will secure that end, Rooms ir. the front of the Eclipse Sale and Livery Stable, THOMPSON & STOCKS. Cartersville, Ga, Jan. 7th. 18G8-wly, Herring & Leyden, CLOTHING HOUSE, Comprising all Branches of the business represented In the Custom ank Scpartmntis o Mens’, Boys’ and Childrens’ Clothing, With FT'RNISHING GOODS of every description, at hOWER PRICES for READY CASH ONLY than ever Std in this market. HERRING A LEYDEN, Whitehall Street., Atlanta, Ga. ROCK ISXi-AJSTO Manufacturing Cos., itINE all-wool SPRING CASSIMERES, JEANS. AP., 1' on consignment, VERY LOW to Wholesale buyers. Merchants are invited to call and see Styles and Prices. HERRING A LEYDEN, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Domestics At wholesale only. 4.1 Sheeting, 7-8 Shirting, 3-1 Shirting, 7-8 Drills Osnaburgs, Stripes, Yarns, Burlaps, For sale al FACTOR\ PRIL LS by HERRING A LEYDEN. Agents, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga, mar 2H w3m NEW GOODS Cheap GOODS, AT L o e ip e n .s l c in 4* Pfe ijer ’ s . \T7~K ARE NOW OFFERING A Sp'en W did WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ID Hr&YT-G- O O ms* BOOTS. SHOES, IIATS, CLOTHING. GROCE RIES, ETC., ETC, ETC. WE WILT, CONTINUE TO RECEIVE GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Daily, AND WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS COMING TO THIS PLACE THA’I WE CAN SHOW NEW GOODS WHICH WE GUARANTEE CAN BE BOUGHT AT LESS THAN ANY PLACE IN THIS MARKET. Call and see l. r s, an and convince »■ tfourse l r e s . Remember th e UNDE* COURTHOUSE. EAS 1 ’ SIDE RAILROAD. LOF.WENSTEIN & PFEIFER, Cartersville , Ga. May 14, 1368, To Consumptives. The Rev. KDWARD A. WILSON will send, fire " charpe, to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making aud using the fiuip ,e remedy by which he was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Coneunintion. IBs only object is to benefit the afflict O'l, and he hopes every sufferer will try tins prescription, as it will cost them nothing, aud rnsy prove a blessing. Please address 1 Rev. Et>WAR!> A. WIU»ON. | Sj, 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg. New 1 ork J. E. Roberts, SUCCESSOR TO ROBERTS A STOCKS. X>eaUM’ in PRODUCE, GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. ETC. Now Brick Building, Main St,, Cartersville* Geo. April 2'J wGiu J K W E JLj ILR . t Watches, Clocks, mMk and Jf welry, REPAIRED BY W. O. GKEEET, CARTERSVILLE, GA. All work warrnnted. In the room with U. Ilennftt, Orocer, Maine Street, Fast side of Railroad, apr. 29 SMITH & RICHMOND,- Wholesale Tobacco AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Alabama Street. Atlanta , Ga. rROMPT attention given to filling orders and the of merchandise, product, etc. .March26w6m Steam , Planeing, Sawing and Matching. GRIST-MILL. Sash Blind and Door OTO IR, YT. SL/GH & M^ELREATh. T,HE above firm are happy to announce to the public generally that, having got their steam machinery , n successful operation, they are prepared to Plant", Saw, Tougue and Groove, aril to contract to Build Houses, and do nearly all kinds of Wood Work, and guarantee satisfaction in all contracts we make, bo'h as to time and the character of our work. Oitr ma chinery, being propelled by steam, enables us to do work with great rapidity, and, consequently, at very low figo-es. Having a Steam Saw Mill near Carters ville wk ire wc have onrow.i lumber sawed in connec tion with our steam manufactory at this place, we flat ter ourselves that we can do work quicker and cheaper than any other contractors in North Georgia. We are also prepared to grind corn, and will have our Wheat Mi’l ready to grind wheat hy harvest time. Our mill end machinery is on the old site of the late Magnol a Steam Merchant Mill*, Cartersville, Ga. april 29, It. GILREATH S SON. Are receiving anew stock of p ring and summer goods, seVcted by one of the firm in person, consisting, In part, of Gents’ Ladies’ Dress Goods, Rrady-.lMadc CEOTiIiA'G , labttjs’, JHisstfi’ an& Gents' jtlats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, queensware. Also, a well selected" stock of I GROCERIES, ; To which we invite the attention of our friend*, and I fccg them tocsl aud examine—especially to hoy from ! us, as quick sales and riiort profits is «ur motto. N GILKEVTH A 80V. april ;e 1868. Cartersville Ua. All l>e«i>erandiini. BY BYBII.. “I sltnii never understand tLis. M v mind is not deep enough to iallimn the subject. lam utterly lost amid iis in tricacies ami as the fair, timid Kina raised her lace to mine a shade of hope less expression passed over it. “All! Elna, mv dear j oune friend, yours is not the first, nor will it be the last, puzzled brain to grow weary striv ing to grasp abstruse ideas. “How many things in life arc real and substantial ! how many false and shadoway ?—are problems which mas ter minds of the world have been vain ly trying to solve for ages, and which will, doubtless, till time shall cease to be. Still, is there any case so desper ate as to be altogether hopeless ? “Centuries roll on, and each, as it comes aud goes, brings or takes with it degrees of enlightenment and relinc. meat. .Much is lost, blit much is also gained. ‘ Science, with its rapid stride, moves forward, and, as if with magic spell, is constantly revealing something new ; yet the startling, mysterious wonders— Life, Death, Eternity—are still unl.ilh omed. “How much of former research lies hidden lehind the Dark Ages, we know not ; hotv much of the present will sink into oblivion we cannot divine. “Joys and sorrows, hopes and fears, cravings and struggles, realization and disappointment, are the common lot.— These, and these only, to outward mor tal ken. make up the sum of life, and it is mankind’s part in the great drama to count the joys and cherish the hopes, to shun the struggles and shrink from the fears, to smile o’er the realization and frown o’er the disappointments. “The visionary shrines either his his love a Divinity, the phi losopher his reason, the practical man his principles, while the miser makes Mammon his God, To ill these lilt* is a feeverish, fitful dream. The true Christian is alone content mid calm amid the various fluctuations of the world.” Here 1 found Etna’s blue eyes dila ting, and the grieved, hopeless expres sion giving way to one of wonder and inquiry. She drew a long breath ol relief, as I ceased, and exclaimed : “Why, mercy on me, Sybil ! what are you talking about ! You have wandered off into one of your strains that I no more comprehend than I do this end she gently tapped the book she liehl in her hand. 1 felt myself blushing vividly. “My ideas don’t seem clear to you, Elna, Well never mind this morn ing. Shall I tell you a story ?” “A story ? ves do please ; 1 have such a passion, for stories. Indeed, you know they are my grand passion.’ She laid aside her book, nestled down bv my side, and laid her head confid ingly upon my shoulder. “Well, once upon a time there was a noble youth, who wooed and won a lovely maiden. God had given 10 both talent and ambition, and also implant" ed in their hearts a pure and earnest love for Himself and for each other.— Tliev were thoroughly united in thought, leel'ng, ard sentiment, ami were very, very happy. They were, indeed, as the poet so beautifully ex* presses it, like “Two rosou on one slender spray," who, “In sweet communion grew, Together bailed the mornitig ray, And dra..k the evening dew." And “While thus sweetly wreathed in mossy green There sprang a little hud between.” “Yes, to the loving pair was given a strong, though little tie to bind them more closely to each other. “Oh ! how they loved anti cherish ed tiiis little bud of promise ! What plans they laid for, and what pictures thevdreA of their future, which seem ed all so bright ! But, alas ! there came a fell stroke and severed the lar ger stem, leaving the weaker one to shelter aud nourish the Lille hud. “How dark and hopeless, at first, seemed the shadow o’rr toe youmr widow’s lile ! How was now ever to be realized any ol the fond anticipa tions she had so cherished ! What could life ever he again to her. now that death had lain him low “But through the mist glimmered the light of faith, and it grew brighter and brighter as days passed on. He was not lost, only transplanted to a fairer garden in a purer clime, “\nd now she taught anti cherished the child. She instilled holy precepts into her heart, and imbued her soul witlt elevating thoughts, her mind with poblc purposes. TwiL fulfil aH his wishes fov her- she whispered to herself. NO. •_>. •‘lint tin: iron hand of misfntlime had not vet finished its eruei crushing.— The rude blasts of adversity's letter wind came sweeping along ami scat., tered the protecting leaves of all her word I y weal'll to the four corners of lie earth, leaving her hire to brave the icy cooldness ol poverty. And did she now despair ? Ah ! no. Site strug gled on, toiling to educate the child, till soon affliction fastened disease up* on her vitals. Sorrow’s tempest heat verv pitilessly on her head, yet she did not give up until the child was stiong enough in take her place, aud be to her what she had been to it. •‘And when silver threads had east a thick grey veil over her once raven lock* - , she laid her weary head on the child’s bosom ant' peacefully breathed her last, leaving the stricken one with confident belief that her hud of prom* ise would yet he hers again in the gar den of immortality , where her pure spirit winged its flight to join the coin* panion of her youth.” Lina was weeping on mv shoulder end sobbed amid her tears : ‘•And the child ?” Is striving to keep the motto that eve* rv act of her mother’s life impressed upon her soul —nil dexprrumlum, \en spaper lirroi s. The World says that “ex-Gov. An drew was born in 1818, previous to which event lie lind two strokes of ap oplexy, one in 1804 and the 'other in isoy.” Tne classic London Spectator makes a curious slip when it speaks of Matil da Griggs, who “was stabbed by a lov er to whom she had borne a child in thirteen places*” A New Albany (lud.) paper says that in that city, “an iron thief was ar retted after a hard chase.” A notice of a recent steamboat explo sion in a Western paper ends as fol fotvs : ‘•TheCaptain swam ashore. So did the chambermaid ; she was insured lor §15,000, and loaded with iron.” An editor referring to patent metallic air-tight coffins, says : “No person having once tried one of these coffins will never use any other. Here is a peculiar “freak of nature” from the Granite State : “During a recent severe thunder storm in our viciuilv a cow was struck by lightning and instantly killed, be longing to the village physician, who had a beautiful call four days old.” Not typographical, it is true, hut none the less amusing are the follow i ing: An honest farmer writes to the chair man of an agricultural society : “Gentlemen please put me down on jour list of eat lie f -r a hull.” At a prayer meeting in New Hamp shire, a worthy layman spoke of a poor boy “whose father was a drunk ard and whose mother was a widow.” At a negro hall, in lieu of “Nottrans ferable” on the tickets, a notice was posted over the door, “No gentleman admitted unless lie comes himself.” An American lecturer of note sol emnly said one evening : “Parents, you have children, or if you have not your danglers may have.” \ Western ed'lnr once wrote : “A correspondent asks whether the battle of Waterloo occurred before or alter the commencement of the Christian era. We answer it did.” Those two observing men, one of whom said “lie had always noticed that when lie lived through the month of May, he lived through the jear and the other who said at a wedding, “he had remarked that tno.-e women than men had been married that year, were neither of them Irishmen.” Newspapers that “classify reading matter make occasional errors, of which the following will do as sam ples : A New York paper publishes an ac., count of a funeral under the head ol “Out door Sports.” A Massachusetts paper, under the head of-Books and Magazines,” con* tains the following : “A Worcester cow has had seven calves in three years. Her last last exploit was to have ‘three at a lick' on Thursday.” A Syracuse printer, in setting up a book publisher’s advertisement, con gtrued one Dickens’ works thus , .Barney,’ by Rudge—Bl 50.” A reporter for a London paper wrote ihe verdict of a coroners jury : “Died from hemorrhage,” and the public gain ed the information the next day that the deceased “dudlimn her marriage.” .1 “.ATU.VMXG” I.QVH IXTITR t‘ The following, which vra* picked up on the street the other day., is sold ini’ * ly splendiferous, and we recommend n as a model to letter-writers. ,1/y Dear . Miss (. l -very fime I think of you mv heart flops up ami down like a churn dasher. Sensniiop' of unutterable joy caper over it l*k'‘ young goats over a stable root, a <l, thrill through it like Spnn-lrnw-•ers.-~ Asa gosling swimiuylh with delight in a mud puddle, so l swim in a sea of glory. Visions ol ecsiatlc rapture, thicker than the hairs in a blacking brush, ami brighter titan the hues of a humming bird’s pinions. visit me in mv slumbers ; and borne on iheii , invisible wings, your image stands be- I fore me, and I reach out to grasp it like an old pointer snapping at a Idiie hottle fly. When I fir. 4 beheld your angelic perfections I was hew il ardmv brain whirled around lik,»* a lnimlde*bee under a glass tumbler. — My eyes stood open like a cellar door in country towns, and 1 lilted, up my cais to catch the silvery accents of your voice. Mv tongue refused lo wag and in a silent admiration I drank in the sweet infection of love as a thirsty man swallovveth a tumbler of l ot whis ky punch. S>nce the light of your fare fell upon mv life. 1 sometimes feel as if I could lift myself up by m v hoot straps to the top of the Presbyterian sfeepl* and pull the hell rope forsinging school. Day and night \on are mv thoughts. - When Aurora, bln-bulg like a bride, rises from her silOmicouch ; w lpui the jay bird pipes lay on the apple tree by me spring hyuse ; when the chanticleer’s jfTiViTl clarion herald* the coming rwvfrn ; when the awakened pig arisetli from his hod and gnimrih and goetli for his morning refresh ments; when the drowsy beetle wild Is his droning flight at sultry noontide, and when the lowing rows come home at milking lime, I think of thee; an t like a piece of gum elastic my heart seems to streleh across mv bosom.- Your hair is like tlq* m ine of a sorrel horse powdered with gold ; and the brass pin skewered through your w i tcr fall billed me with unbounded awe. Your forehead is smoother than the el bow of an old coat ; your eyes are glo rious to behold. In their liquid depth* I saw legions of little Cupids bat'Hng like a cohort of ants in an old or ov cracker. When their tire hit m : lu'l upon mv manly breast, it pefuie tied mv entire anatomy like a load ol bird, shot would go through a rollon apple. Your nose is fr mi a chunk of Parisian marble, and vour mouth puckered w ith sweetness. Nectar lingers on your lip* like honey on a bear’s paws, and myr iads of unfledged kisses are there read v to flv net and light somewere like blue birds out of the parent nest. Your laugh sings on my cars like the wind harp’s strings or the bleat of a stray lamb on the bleak hillside. 1 lie dim ples in your checks are hljv; hovers in beds of roses or hollows- in cakes of Imme-made sugar. . lam d\ing to fly to youjr preset o* ami pour out ih-e burning ejoqjumee nt my love, as thrifty housewives pour out the hot cofloe. Away from yon l am as melauclio’y as a sick rat. S*m> *- times l can hear the June bqgs-ol de*- poi.dencv buzzing in my ears, and !< • 1 the cold lizaids of despair- crawling down mv hack. 1 ncout!) (ears, like tv thotts-and minnows-, nibble, at my spir its. and t»v soul t* pierced through with doubts as an e*ld cheese Is bored with skippers. Mv love for you is stronger than il e smell oljOfrey’s pateqt butler, or the kick of a young cow, and more unsel fish than a kitten’s first caterwaul. As the songbird hankers lor the light <f day. lie*, cautious mmjse fi r the fi« sk» bacon in the trapas, a lean pup hank ers after newr milk, so J long !» r thee. You. are fairer l,hpn a speckled pul let. specter than -a Yankee doughnut fried in sorghum lijolp-ses, brighter than the top knot plumage in the head of a Muscovy duck. Vow arc candy kisses, raisins, ;>oi;nd e.a.kij and sweet* died toddy altogether. It tlj.csa! few re marks mil enable vn to see the inside of w.y soul, and mip to win your affections, I shall he as hap; v as a woodpecker on a cherry tree, or a stage horse in a green pastHre ; if y« *• cannot reciprocate my thrilling passion [ will pine avrav like a poisoi.tU bed bug, and fall away Irom the flourishing vine ol life, mi untimely branch. and, in the coming years, w lieu the shadow s grow from the lulls, anti the philoso phic frog sings his clieeifnl evening Ityinas, von. happy in another’s lot , can come awd drop a tear, and catch a cold upon ills; last r. sting place nt j cum-* Ke.vMiNo\i*r3 Mrourss. A Caledonia piper, in a.i obituary of a voting lady w ho died lately, clos ed bv say ing ; • SJic had an amiable temper, and was uncommonly fond ot ice ere; m and other delicacies.”