Newspaper Page Text
the Ca r (crs v ilie Ex yl l s s,
SAM'I, H. SMITH. K.litor nml Proprietor.
- - -t; L. —"Z * ——'
CurtrrNVille, €«;», June2C, W6B.
CvrKKsvnx•; <fc Van Wear Raii.-
hiiad. —It is a matter <.f veiv great irn
jtrwfH i;cc to thv? property holders, aii«'
citizens generally. of Carters* ille. t'
give this Railroad project their serious
attention. The necessity for a Koa
through the portion of country it i?
contemplated to build this one, is : ►
trading universal attention ; Ihe con*
sequence is that if the people of Car
terfcviHe do not at once take steps in
the matter, other towns and cities will
do so with a view W» the arivan'ages in
cident to their enterprise. That can
not fail to he a great an 1 an insuperable
injury to Cartersville. Suppose this
matter he taken in hand by either Ma
rietta or Atlanta, and a Road be built
from either of these points *1 rough the
Cedar vallev and on into Alabama, the
effect upon Csrtersville will he sunn
hut too soon, but, at the same time, too
late for anv good to u«. It may as
well he at once conceded as a fad
that a Railroad from someone of the
p tints named, in the direction of Ce
day Valley w ill he built. It is thru
tor the people of Caitciavills to deter
mine whether built from
here, or elsewhere. Sell preservation
is the tint law of nature, and if that
has any force with ns. Id us subscribe
nur quota oi the Stock that the con.
tract may he let out. and an end put to
the enterprise* contemplated by rival
towns and cities. Mould it not he
well for thr* citizens to have a meeting
an I take this whole matter into consid
eration ?
0«r Condition - Past. Pres
ent ttail Future.
While we are oppos-d to digging in
the grave of the past, where lies buried
*-i much history of the evils of civil
war, the rehearsal of which is calcu
lated to prevent peace and quiet being
restored to our bind ; \d, some al!u
siou to it, by way of showing that the
• rite adage *• liist.iry repeats itself.” is
literally true, may not he amiss. We
in n read the history o f Roman Repnb- ;
lie, where will he found parallel easts
as regards the past history of pur cun
once happv land —no* as regards the
ado sos the scene, hut true to the b l
ler in the principles involved. Those
win* are familiar with Plutarch s wri
tings will remember that .in the: case of
one of their conquered provinces, the
conditions of peace were, that certain
prominent ntetrshould he given up. that
■j garrison should b- receive*! in Muni
cilia, nnd that the province should pay
the expense? of the war. And while
we rejer to litis, vve should also look to
the means pursued, by which peace
and good will was restored in those an
••■Hiit limes, and rest well assured that a
Tke course will produce like results.
Tire foliv of the powers that !>e. in
pursuing a course opposed to all ho
rn-r precedents in l h*» history of in
lion*. is v*rv apparent, and ran only
he a-counteiJ for by that classic phrase
in ii«i* bv the ancient* ; ••Whom the
would destroy, they first make
tni i.” While we look t«* the past his
miv nf nations for instruction, we
endeavor to avoid the shoals
*ml quicksand* on which they have
*i»ht. and been swallowed up, and hope
that the dav is far distant, when the
wretched remains o| all that ra great
in Literature. Science and the arts of
tho«e ancient tine*, mas greet tis with
a sardonic laugh, and exclaim : “Art
then, too. like one <*l us !” Ah en
lightened people will soon he called
on to pronounce judgment upon the
of Radical mi«rule. and it is
in tie ;• ro f 'Bilv h<*oed that, laving aside
•dl •noti»r«of se'd-h gain, all good §s
t lnvers of tlnir country—vrdl
■ •Tv to 'he polls in November next,
and rescue nur Counts from the gtllfitl
t ' which it scents about to fall.
The \ew York Yon vent low.
l it#* eves of the j»«-«»i»*e are nnxiou-”
■ v iiinietl to this body so noon to con
vi-u*\ and expectation is on the qi'i
ftvi‘ a* in who will he she Democrat"
“'online*- fur President. The Radi'
party wiU soon know who i« t *» lie
“la nil anl bearer <*f that party whom
* **ev have* -endeavored. !»v every lotil
tne#i*a in their power to ernsh out of
i <is?.-ree. Uni '.he rvople are avvak
i ito their danger. ’They have hi nrd
i ! c r<<*r of tlie •breaki-r- ahead,’' on
v oi-i, iin* "hip of Slate i* fast hem#
driven, and are looking anxiously for :»
- t«* pilot to steer eb-jr of ilie threut
i>M *d danger. It was wisely said hv
.f 11.-rson, tlrjl ••the (ertuent of a free,
i* preferable to i hi* torpor of 2 (!( spot'
n- *r»*v eminent,’* and tlie :dm«e of pm .
esui aiWays been followed in tlie hi*,
■k "I oiMrepid,';,.. |.j ~ eiiaenp <)(
administration. We look with anx*
rous interest for the action <d the above
body, and trust the "hand wr ling on
i!ic wall.” as in the case ol the tyrznt
desecrating the holy vessels of the
temple, may he soon followed by the
punishment of the hydra headed tyran
ny under which the people Jtre groan
Hie .Viaefeenfh teiitury.
[For the Express.]
The present lias been justly stylpd i
an age ol “progress.” The inventiui'gj
and improvement? tending to advance
the comfort and convenience of the hu
man race, are of so magic like a char—
ictrr, that a Rip N ail Winkle Sleep
need not extend to a score of years to
•ewtlder and sterile the mind of man—
he tpplirslion of the power of sleem
to mme »uch mighty engines.
fiv o'er it el Ml aril film l’>e rolling deep,
the affirmative to the question of tin
afflicted man of I’/.. embodied
in the m; gn< tic telegraph, all mark
the age a? pr« gressive. lr. contra
distinction of the previous periods c 1
our world's hir-tory. styled the silver*
golden or iron ngi •?, this may well be
«t) led the utilitarian age. No novel
or starting invention is announced
without giving rise to the question.
“extibono ?” and its merits or and« mer
its. judged arcordiiif ly. The tenden
cy to neglect the cultivation ol lilenrv
pursuits except so far as they ran be
made subservient to the ac rmnulalion
i,f wealth, losing sight of their enno
bling tendency on the human mind.
rna\ well rausr we to question the pro
gress of mans« a high standard of in*
icl'lenuaf perfection.
Secret*ry McC'i 1-i.ocn. A special
1 dispatch from Washington to the Louis
villi* Journal says :
I am enabled to state, on which 1 be
lieve to he undoubted authority, that
the President a ltd Secretary McCull
och have had a violent altercation, —
ll came to the ears of the President, j
: n a shape which was entirely authen-i
tic, that during the impeachment trial
the Secretary of the Treasury marie
direct overtures to old lien. Made,
with whom a perfect understanding
was reached. President Johnson
brought the matter to McCulloch's at
tention, and McCulloch not respond
ing very satisfactorily, the President
crew more positive, ami finally the two
qunrr* led outright. In this quarrel the
President was very violent, lie told
McCulloch that he (Johnson) had been
deceived hv half the members of hi?
Cabinet, who had been from the first
courting hi? enemies and betraying
fiisii, McCulloch was not very cour
ageous in his replies and tried to evade
the issue. It is believed by those who
are privy to th« affair that it will result
in the speedy resignation of McCulloch
This will he hailed with delight by the
Democrats. They regard McCulloch
as the most dang* rous Radical in the
Cabinet. He is in thorough accord
with Grant ami will go any length in
order to procure Lis election. '1 he
President i? now convinced that it is
wisdom, as well as duty, to gel rid of
hi in.
tisotlior Outrage*.
'The propip of the North will t roiia
h>v never kr.ow. as they cannot fully
realize, all the frightful ami inhuman
tortures iuflii ted upon the Souih at the
hand? of military satrap?. Our atten
tion has been railed to a ease quite
as flagrant a? that of tlts Columbus
It seem? that about six weeks ago a
Federal soldier was killed at Warren
ton. in tliis? State, No clue, so far as
we can ascertain, has vet been afford
ed to detect the perpetrator of this vio
lence. Hut the military authorities—
those fine gentlemen sent here to pre
serve order and protect the innocent
assumed lull knowledge of the case,
nnd without cognizance of law and
without the feeble show of affidavit
from any party or parlies whatsoever,
arrested a peaceful and inoffensive eil
izen of Warr.-nton by the name of Co
dv. ’This gentleman was hustled off
to Milledgeville with manacles on his
ankles and wrists. M ilt- thus chain
ed and in a dungeon, he was brutally
attacked hv lour or five soldiers, who
had been imprisoned in the same apart
meni for Itival misdemeanors. 'These
soldiers si t upon him because they
ihTmed hiiu t«> be the slave r of one ol
their eomradis. As their superiors
did not give the unfortunate man a
chance to exculpate himself, neither
did these base underlings allow him
the charity of a doubt. One of them
kicked him in ti.e mou h. leaving a
bidtous gash upon lii? lip, and Mr. Co
dv was ft it ai I v saved from fatal con
sequences through the rescue of a ser.,
■ geant of t tie guard.
A military cmnmix*ion was tl on dcs
| ignated for his Iriai at Milledgeville.
•and one dm/'s notice given of the time
* to Mr. Cody’seonnsol. Upon repairing
to Milledgeville, the counsel was in
formed that tin; ordt r of trial had been
revoked and Atlanta substituted for
'The trial took place one hundred
* and iwent} miles trim the residence
of tl.t prisoner, and occupied twenty
one dues, du'iug wf ich time Mr. Cody
was marched trnm hi* cell to the court
chained like a felon at his tinkles and
i wlist*.
Now mark the sequel. After an ab
rupt seizure; mahi*“.t nient, when man.
ueied, by Federal soldiers; transporta
tion and imprisonment remote from his
residence ; a tedious trial and the de
grading ham IrttlUof a condemned crim
inal— he was ail >w< dto go homeward
uHv ncq'iile.l ol the charges against
There is not an innocent' man in («i.
who i- not liable to a similar late. —
Will the people ol the North abet and
encourage the awful knruilii>ii*n of the
South ? H so. they may well shudder !
for their own fate, when tv ratty has
exhausted itseM upon us and set ks its
victims among th* msel res.
M e trust that Mr. Codv or brsrorm
?el will publish a detailed account ot
I this dark business, and we hope, for
[the sake of humanity, that the ptclurp
uif v he less horrible than our inform
ant warrants us to believe:— Augusta
I Constitutionalist.
Ttat* W tor at C rop.
This is destined, it would ?ecm, to
be an exceedingly interesting year in
iht* gram business, and, therefore, all
indications of the coming harvest de
serve the careful attention of the news
gatherer. A plentiful yield will go far
to relieve the burdens of taxation, and
ameliorate faulty legislation in a score
of oilier particular?, and to that extent
secure peace, confidence and industrial
energy to the peoble, Bountiful nature
has more w indent than legislation can
command in healing dimensions and in
inaugurating a reign ol harmony among
men, The reciprocal relations which
exi-t between the different departments
of industry are better sustained when
agriculture is successful and the divine
forces of order, under such favorable
circumstances, essert their influence
with increased power.
With tiie prospect from the Gulf to
the L ikes the public have been regular
ly advised from seed time to lire pres
ent moment. The reaper, when the
fields have ripened, has found a full
realization of the hope of the farmer;
end as the season marches onward to
the Ninth, the wetther attends with un
abated propiliousness.
In California —to which region our
attention is directed with increased in
terest from year to year— the crop of
wheat will likely prove enormous. A
month ago its estimated amount was
twenty million bushels, a sum almost
too large, n was supposed, to meet the
credence of the nio.U sanguine. But
recent statements show that the esti
mates is not beyond the limit of possi
bility, at least, heavy as it is, Com
mercial circulars of the 30th ult. inform
us that the growing grain in Santa Clara
county is most promising for an im
mense crop, anil that it is almost tin
possible to find a poor field anywhere,
in consequence of timely rains the iiill
lands and the gravelly portions of the
valley, usually most affected by dry
weather- promise the most productive
yield. On the Salinas Plains, among
a hundred others, one continuous field
fifteen miles in length, is mentioned
that will give twenty sacks to the acre
and similar result? are heralded by the
local press wherever agricultural ope
rations extend.
The harvest \ ear in that State i»
from the last ol June to the first of Ju
ly, to which time their annual exposi
tions ol the trade are confined. Antic
ipating the supplies of June, the latest
review states the business of the year
in San Francisco, or the joint receipts
of flour and wheat from the interior, at
5 600,000 centals of wheat, or nine and
one third million bushels. The ex
ports for the same period were 234,291
barrel? flour and 3,764,7L0 centals
wheat. The crop at the date mentioned
was so far exhausted that city millers
found it difficult to procure needed
supplies for the accommodation c 1 their
customer? ; and so consumption will
immediately commence on their new
crop there as well as here.
From Europe the latest circulars
speak of the prospects of the harvest
in the most hopeful tone. The English
climate is not to be depended upon for
wheat culture generally, but this season
it ha? been peculiarly uniform in tem
perature and rain visitations—so much
so, S3 to effect prices by inducing a
greater caution on the part of purchas
ers. England, however, i? always a
liberal buyer of breadstuff's from other
nations. Last season she patronized
California very extensively, and, from
indications already developed, she evi
dently intends to continue her trade m
that direction. There is a much lar
ger amount of tonnage afloat for San
Francisco this ye; r than last, principal
ly Brinish bottoms, with the object of
engaging in grain transportation, and
this amount will likely be enlarged by
the liberation ol the fleet lately em
ployed in the Abyssinian expedition.
Freight charges may likely undergo a
rediii lion in consequence, and in this
way an* increased propulsion may be
given to the business.
By telegraphic correspondence, just
received, we learn that the first san»pie
of new whf at, present crop, were on
•Change in San Francisco last Weilnes
day. The quality is pronounced most
excellent. The harvest period there i?
about the san e as it is with us.
The harvesting ol wheat is nearly
over in the Northern section of the
State. The weather has been favor
able and the crop is ny.v safe. We be
lieve that over ,iit average crop has been
*W e don’t know win* the Radicals
will nominate, at and wc don’t care.—
The unhappy wretch will tuver wear
Fri-siJcmiul vob< Sv”
The .flute Defective.
“No dogs admitted, sir,” said tire
tnrler to a gay assemblage, as a young
nan and hi? dog appeared at the ert- i
••You must leave him behind, if you
“Very well. ’ said the young man " r
■•stay about here, Prince, till I come J
And he joined the crowd within.
By and by llie* voting man wished to
refer to his watch, when, behold ! the
valuable time-piece was gone, lie
considered the ca?e a, and
then a sudden thought flashed through
his mind. So, stepping out, he whis
pered the fact to the porter, and gain
ed permission to take his dog in tor a j
minute or two.
“Look here, Prince,” said he, “you
knowing dog, my watch is stolen,”
and he showed him the empty pocket
and cut chain. “Do you understand,
old fellow ! In there, sir, is the thief.
You find it, my good doggie, and l’l
get you a famous-treat. You under
stand, do you?”
Prince wagged his tail, ard gave
his master a very knowing and cute
look, ami then the two, stole quietly
into the place. Quietly the dumb de
tective glided around among the peo
ple, smelling away at this one’? coat
and that one’s chain, until at last he
set his teeth firmly into the coat skirl
ol a genteel looking man, and could
not be shaken off.
The young man quietly made known
the ease to live bystanders, who had
gathered around him, and had the
thief’s pocket duly searched. Six
other watches were found upon him,
which lie had gathered tip in the course
of the morning, and which the rightful
owners were glad to get their hands
Prince selected out iii? master’s
property in a twinkling, as that was
all he cared for, and save it to him
joyfully. It would have taken :> very
keen policeman to do the work so
neatly and quickly, and all agreed that
he merited as good a dinner as a dog
could have. A good beef bone and a
bowl of milk, however, abundantly
satisfied all his wants, and then he was
just as ready to do the same favor over
State Sews.
In the list of graduates at West Point
appear the name? of three men classed
as Georgians : Geo t M. llairise.
Sumner Bodfiah and J. J. Conlins.
Private dispatcl es received in Col
umbus from Atlanta, are of such a char
acter as to justify the assertion tha iGen.
Meade lias been removed from his com
A slabbing affray occurred on the 19
tit inst. at Foil Valley, between Mr.
Hall and Mr. Flournoy in which Hall
was fatally slabbed in the region of the
heart. Mr. Flournoy escaped unin
Thursday afternoon, white salutes
were being tired lor Ex-President
Buchanan in Macon, one of the cannon
fired while tne charge was being rnrar
mod home, blowing of! the arm of one
ol the soldiers in garrison there.
A stranger, a Belgian by birth, and
representing himself as on his way to
Augusta, was arrested by a mob ol ne
groes in Hancock county, and confined
til jail. No charges were made against
him. It was merely a piece of law
lessness on the part of the negroes,
Forney’s Press finds the following
paragraph in the Columbus Suit, indi
cative of Gram’s assassination :
A grateful rumor comes to us from
Atlanta, to the eflrct that “sharp and
quick” llulbert has been removed from
his position on account of his famous
letter to Dtter, of Columbus.
A correspondent of the Macon Daily
Telegraph suggests the name of Col.
\V. F, Hall tor Speaker of the House
of Representatives, and stales, from his
own knowledge, that, Col. Hall does
not belong to the Radical party, al
though claimed by them.
It is reported on good authority and
generally believed that as soon as the
Omnibus Bill becomes a law, Bullock
will issue a proclamation convening the
Legislature on the 4ih of July, to "put
the machinery of civil government in
operation once more.
The citizens of McDonough and vi
cinity were shocked ori Nonday even
ing last, on hearing that W. M. Nolan
a promising young trail of that place
had shot himself while handling a Na
vy revolver, and died within an hour
It is thought that Harris?, the rene
gade Scalawag Senator elect from N«w
ton, will be rousted from hi? seal on
account of the overwhelming evidences
of fraud at the late election. The
Chairman of the Registration Board,
testifies that hundreds were illegally
registered and many names unjustly
stricken from the lists.
Two more Columbus prisoners arriv
ed in Atlanta on Friday—or.e of them
was a mere boy—and were forwarded
to the Barracks, there to swelter and
probably die in dungeon which, rby
mathematical precision, have been re
duced to the dimensions nf 8 by 3i feet
for the especial accommodation of the
Southern gentlemen.
The trial of William L. Braunan.
late Deputy Sheriff, lor the killing of
S. R. Sanborn, negro, during the re
cent election, commenced in Bain
bridge on the 15th of this month, be
fore h Military Commission of which
Col. T. F. Flint, of the 7th Inf., i?
Bfs_The want of rain at this writing
is being greatly felt in this county,
CIRCULARS, Visiting and Business
CARDS, printed with neatness and
di-quitch it the E<press OlUrc.
Thu Irwin County Murder —Me
earn from Norman MrDWlee that the *
iegro John (or Joshua) M rliiams who
u >ly murdered Mr. Daniel and James
,übf. in It win county, on Saturday
light, the 20m instant, was found in j
llav. kin&vilie last Friday night, the 2G* j
.h, under the house of Liberman,
die Freedman’s Bureau Agent, captur
ed hv the citizens of ilawkinsville
trud returned to Irwin county. He
had communicated his crime to the j
negroes- about town. The difficulty j
originated about Williams stealing hogs
from the Lukes, and it is supposed they
had gone to his house to catch Imn
when he killed both of them. — Macon
Journal ami Messenger.
A Bad Affair. —A s?d affray occur
red at DaJeville on the 25th inst which
resulted in the severe cutting of James
B McDonald, Esq., the well known
Solictor ol that Judicial Circuit. There
was a Masonic demonstration on the
24th, and Mr. McDonald, who lives in
Tuskegee, was the orator of the occa
sion, At night there was a dancing
party and it i? supposed that something
ibel occurred there caused a difficulty
next morning, in which two or three
were engaged against McDonald.
(The full particulars we do not know).
The result was. that McDonald’? throat
was cut almost from ear to ear. In at*
tempting to use his pistol he shot him
self. also, in one hand. Mr. McDon
ald is well known all over the State,
as a clever and talented gentleman,
and his fiieitds will be glad to bear that
he is considered out of danger, and
will likely be well very soon.
[Montgomery Adv , 28f h
A Day's work for the l*res
Thursday last, says the New York
Herald, “in consequence oi the mar
riage festival of Senator Henderson,
was a sort of official holiday in Wash
ington, and yet on that day “Andy
Johnson” saw the members of his
Cabinet, discharged the usual routine
business of the morning, entertained a
number of office-seekers, inclui’ng
members of both House?, and some
squ ids of democratic politicians on the
subject of the democratic candidate
tor the succession , made out and sent
up a budget of nominations to the Sen
ate, including Collector Smythe (an
excellent man) as Minister to Austria ;
wrote out and sent to the House a
veto on the Omnibus Restoration bjll,
attended the wedding of Senator Hen
derson, and then, alter the passage of
the vetoed bill over the veto, had a
conference with the Secretary of War
on the subject, and then proceeded to
arrange the budget of business for the
next morning. Such is life in the
White House. And yet how the moth*
flit about it, only to get their wings
scorched !”
Three More lieleased.— On Sunday
three citizens of Columbus and its
vicinity, who have been in military
confinement at Atlanta returned to this
city. They Mr. Cash, late police
man, and the two Messis. Lawrence
They were coolly told that there was
nothing against them, and, we under
stand, were released without bond.
After having been confined for weeks
in narrow cells, in weather oppressive
ly hot even in well ventilated rooms
after having keen treated like felons,
ar.d taken from their families and hu*
siness—this is all the reparation that
is made to them. Wa suppose that
they do not even know who were their
accusers (if they had any,) or what
was the precise nature of the charges
agaimt them. Arbitrary power ar
rested them and held them as long as
it saw fit, and then released them at
its pleasure, wi.h no remedy for the
wrongs that they have received, and
even w no manly announcement to the
world that they have been cruelly and
unjustly dealt with ! If the American
people do not, when they have the op
portunity at the, administer
suclt a rebuke to the head ol this mili
tary despotism as w*ll be a memora
ble warning to tyrants in all our future
history, they will be deserving of the
manacles that will be imposed on them
next, without regard to section. Col.
The Cotton Croi\
We lay before our readers (ssyg the
tlie Savannah Republican) the follow*,
ing interesting extract from a letter
from an intelligent planter in South
western (-'a.
“You merchants all go upon the
general stimulation ol price, and say as
much will be made as last year, This
shows great want of reflection, and ig
norance of the actual condition of things
in the country, it presupposes every
planter backed by an unlimited supply
ofliie mtaiis ami material necessary to
make cotton, &c. The planter may
want ever so much to make cotton,
but in the first place, be thinks of cot
ton last year, and remembers how he
was caught, and a sad experience
warns him to be cautious. In the next
place, prudent or not, he knows lie has
not and cannot get the needful (or this
•excess of cotton to be put in.’
“Now to know something—take my
own case—bad 1 been ever so much
disposed, I could not after the first of
February have planted one single acre
more than originally intended in cot
ton. and why ? because the labor could
not be had.
“1 have observed a great deal this
season, and must tell you that the peo
ple are paying moro attention to corn
and hogs —are planting much less cot”
tup ; that as a general thing the crops
do not look well, the cotton particular
ly, having been injured by the excess,
ivs rains; though hoi the case with
me, as 1 planted late. The same is the
case all over tlie country* I know no
matter what impressions may be made
to the contrary, that a large crop cannot
be made this yesr, and if price is to de
pend upon tlie size of our crop, thee it
will be good.”
Now' is The time to subscribe for the
Kxpicas !
T>ro morlh* after U»t'\ application will *• rnaJe j
tu ih-Cuu. t »f Ordinary of H .rtoiv County, Oteorgi.., j
at the II »t rcgj'ar Term after expiration of two ,
Months front this Notice, fur leave to »eil the Land* be
longing to the estate of Jams* VFuft.ird, late if •*>«
County DecesteJ, for the benefit of ihe heirs cf saiu
With the Will annexed of JAMES WOi’FOlll) Dec.
J une 25;h 2tr,
Mortsase Sale.
AGREEABLE to the conditions of a Deed of Tra*t
made and executed bj John H. Ruck man to
S'ciuel 11. Smith, on or about the 15th of January.
1 SOT. to secure the payment of the purchase money of
Sd acres of land, lying in the 4Ji district and Bul sec
tion of Bartow county, and adjoining the town of Car
teravllle, and the place whereon John 11. liuckman
now resides, will be sold before the Court House door
In the town cf Cirtergviile, on the first Tuesday In
August next within the legal hours ofta>;the above
described lard containing 32 acres, more or less. 8a and
land is bounded North by the town of Cartersville,
Hast bv lsuds of Thoa. II Leak, S >utii by lands of Dr.
W. W. Leak, and West by lands of A. Terrell. The
said Deed of Trust provides that if the payments on
said lands are not met within ore hun.ircd days after
ma'tt Sty of notes, the land may be sold and titles per
fected by trustee, af er advertl-lng property thirty
day j . anil lu as much as the uoti* have come to ma
turity and the additional lapse of time expired, and no
part of said notes have been paid, both amonntlng to
, about 12206.00 principal. The above described lands
. will be sold under provisions of said or trust
(Deed. SAJI’L H. gWlTU,Trustee.
July Ist '6s 301
J". E. E O IB EE T S,
For which the highest Market Price
will he paid—in CASH.
CartersvlUe , June 12,'2fr:
jgjp'l’he Agricultural Society of
Bartow County will hold a meeting, in
this place, on the first Tuesday in July
proximo, for the purpose of filling va
cancies and fully orgnnizeing the So
ciety for the prosecution of the impor
tant work before it. In order that the
organization may be thorough, every
Militia District in the County is reques
ted to hold a preliminary meeting and
appoint live delegates to the meeting
above proposed. Will the citizens of
Bartow County become interested in
this important movement and act a t
once, and report the list of delegates to
this paper without delay.
And dealer In I’aints, Oils and Dyestuff! Keeps
constantly on hand a complete assortment of every
thing usually found i.i a FUst Class Drug Store.
A'*o l sole Agent for Dr. 0. S. Prophlll’s celebrated
Family Medicines; to-wit:
The excel'ont remedies of 0. 3. Prophlt*, M. D.
nee 1 no recommendation. Their well known power
In removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern
climate, having already established for them an envia
ble reputation in Georgia anil the adjoining States.—
As the majority of persons living in the g noth are
pre-dlspoaed to disease of the Liver, it Is granted by
all Intelligent physicians that most of the p»tns and
aches of our people are due to organic or functional
derangemeut. of that important organ, p,-ophltCs
Anti-BdUous Pills and Liver Medicine strike directly
at the root of the evil. They cure the Liver, which*
in nioe cases out of ten, is at the bottom of the Om'kbs,
Dyspepsias, Colics, Sick Headache, Rheumatics Con
stipations, Menstrual oh truction*, > tc., so common,
among our people. K ira die, Toothache. Acute Rheu
matism, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind, flee
befnr* Prophltt’d Pain Kill It like chaff be'ore the
wind L. 11. BRA DEI ELD,
Proprietor of Capitol Drug Store, .
Sole Avcnt for I’rophitl’s Celebrated Family Medlctnej
june 19, ts. Whitehall street. At anto.
The exercises of this
ggftftjnstitiition rvill be re-*.MilsKbs&
sinned on the 2?lh day
of July, proximo, and
will continue five .MONTHS from that date,
Rev. T. having resigned hia po
sition ns one of the Principals in consequence
of ill health, the ENTIRE MANAGEMENT
of the SCHOOL ha<» been committed so the
lie will, however, still have the benefit of Mr
Smith’s assistance, in hearing the recitation
cf Special Classes, when necessary. Other
competent Assistants will also bo employed,
should the number ol Students justify it.
Tho Course of Study will embrace all the
Elementary and Higher Branches usually
taught in First Class UK, SI SCHOOLS
A Register of daily grades will, hereafter, be
kept, and Monthly Reports mado to parents
and guardians, of the proficiency and deport
ment of each pupil.
Monthly Examinations will also be held in
all the Classes, and the PiUrons of tho School
.The old plan of oftwo daily sessions, with
an internrssion of trom one to two hours at
noon, will hereafter be pursued, ns the one
most likely to give general satisfaction.
Rates as follows;
First Class per month $2 50
Second “ “ 3 25
Third » “ 4 00
Contingent fee per Session .... 1 00
No deduction made for lost time, unless oc
casioned by protracted sickness.
J. W. PRITCHETT. Principal
Carttrsviilc June IS th —t f
Wll EAT 9eil rour heat * hl!e lh * m,irket
I* high. And to do that you must have a THREBHRR
of your own, 10 you can thresh when you plcmae
Now what you want is a Thresher suitable for a (mail
force, one that can easily he run by four light mu'ea,
and easl'y managed and not subject to getoutof ord»r.
Such a machli.e I am now offering to Farmers known
as the
Much Improved, runs light, and is easily understood
by all who use them, and by care will last a long time.
The price, too. Is very low, within the reach of all who
may desire one.
G;ve me your orders early, so your machines may
be at horn > ready for use; for tho difference In the
price of wheat at harvest, and later, often pays for the
Thresher J. J. 1101VA.RD.
O* tersville, Ga., apr Id—w2^fm
Errors of Youth.
A Gentleman who suffered for years lrom
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the
sake of sullciing humanity, sen< free to all
tvho need it, the recipe and directions for
looking the simple rctrody by whioh he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertiser’s experience, can do so by address'
rig, in uerle<t confidence,
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 CcJir Street, New
\ ork
KAYTON'S Oft OF LIFE- -Cures Sprains, Brui
ses, Swellings and Coma,
Colds and Sore Throat,
If you want a good and reliable fam
ily aewspape, tak« the Express.
Newto.i Cos., Gj. Oxford. Oa .
Atthe Sign of tl *
Whitehall Street, AMantu, G a.,
Respectfully call theattantlon of merchant* and oth
ers to large and well assorted block of
Foreign and Domestic Hardware,
C.insisting in part of
Iron, Steel, Nail*.
Biiibiprs’ aiui Carriage Materials,
Agricultural Imp-t'uenlt»,
Grain Cradles,
Svtbe Blades,
Tools jI all ki.ids, &c.,<xc.,
Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal.
Baugh’s Haw bone Super-Phosphate ol
Buffalo Scale Works.
Nonpareil Washing Machine
11,00 U w Patent Portable Cot
ton and Hay Screw and
Revolving: Press
In over onehundred countlri In Georgia.
iSTCounty Rights for Sale.-tM
June 51y. .
farm klt s,
Look to your
Save money by calling on
Who is now Opening a General
Stock of
in the Store Room tormerly occupied by
Jflerltt & Jflerltt ;
Consisting of
Staple aud Fancy Dry-Goods.
Boots & Shoes,
llats k Caps,
Queexsware, &c.
and, in fact, everything asually found in a fltoi*
to whl;h he Invites the attention of the public. They
were bought for cash before the late advance in cotton
and gold, which enables him to offer
Cull and examine Good! and learn prices, and you
willbr convinced that you can save money by buying
your Goods from him.
I have permanently located in Cartersvllle, and hope
by fair dealiigs and low prices to merit and receive
a fair share of public patronage.
All kinds of
taken in EXCHANGE for GOODS.
February 20tb, IS6B.—wly or If
Z >T> A L L E N
Who, having bought out the above shop,
are prepared to put up Buggies, one, two, four
and aix-horse Wagons, to order at short no
tice. upon the most reasonable terms, We are
also prepared to do Repairing of all kinds, in
quick time ami in the most durable style.
N. B, —We propose to take wheat in ex
change for our work, at the highest market
juno 18th,-ly.
Gilbert's Latest Improved Pa
ANDREW ROUT)! t« prctful’y notifies Farmers of
Cherokee Georgia, that he is tow tntsg'il In put
ting up the shove Justly cels'cretisj sad deservedly
which are eat *, bv those who have u*cd them, to he
the beat now manufactured. As the harvest, season la
raptdlv approaching, Ihoae wishing to purchase will
send in thetr oplers at once.
Cartersvllle, Q»„ aprii 29, IS6I wlf
KAYTON'S Git OF LIFE--Cures any Fain or
Ache in from one to five minutes,
Headache and all Billious Disorder#.
Fifty Thousand
Bushels Wheat
an and
r fo MAKE m
Ho every one who
READ MY Propositions, to-wit:
I will furnish a number one Concord or
Side Spring Buggy for Eighty Bu&hala wheat.
A No, one End Spring Buggy for Eightv
fivc B ushels wheat. Borne running higher and
some lower.
For one hundred and sixty bunhefs wheat I
will furnish a No. 1 Kockaivay, room for four
For two hundred bushels wheat I will furn
ish a No. 1 six seated Rockaway.
Came one, come all. * I ran furnish any style
or finish desirud, having five hundred at my
I will also furnish for tea bushel* wheat a
splendid Buggy Harness.
An excellent Double Harness for eighteen
bushels wheat.
A superb Carriage Harness for twenty-three
bushel* wheat.
These proposition* to continue until the 4th
day of July proximo.
June 10, ’6B.
Erwin and Jones.
sortment of Metalic Burial Cases or
Collins. As some croneous impressions have
gone out about prices, we will giya price list,
which you will find approximate old figures
for them.
Case B 33 inches $ 3 *
•< C 39 “ 3»
» D 45 “
“ E 61 “ M
“ G 61 “
« H 6 it “ **
u j 72 9b
“ L 74 “ 106
“ M 76 “
W« do not charge above those figures.
I! ar'ersville,Jan. 31st, 1868-ly.
Commissi okMlr cii an t s
Whitehall Street.
Keep constantly on hand, a large
and fine Assortment of CHEW
BACCO, CIGARS, &and, which
we offer at the Lowest Whole
sale prices.
June 10, 1868. vtf
Complain,'> aud,Dyspepsia.