Newspaper Page Text
CartcrsYille. Lodge, No. 101—Regu
lnr meetings are hold First ami Third
Frid >y nights in each month.
S. H. Patitxo, W. M.
F. M. -Johnson, Secy.
Etowah Chapter, Xo. 9G—Regular
meetings" are held on the First and ,
Third Tues lav nights in each month
from the First of October, until the
First of May, and on the First J nes- j
day nights from First of May until i
First Octoiler,
TANARUS). W. K. Peacock, H. P.
A N. Bin n siiAW, Sec’y.
G. H. <k <A, W. FORGE,
boots and shoes,
Whitehall Street,
TTe will *f'l *o country mrr.-hsntu at New York
Prtcos, freights aildeJ. Nov. Ist, 1563 wly
Cortersvillc Lyceum—The question for
the next regular meeting of (hid body:
“Is it right to marry for money,'’
Affirmative. —J, L, Moon and li. Mouut
Negative.—Theo. E. Smith ami W. 11.
Trammell. J. M. MOON, Scc’y*
Cart era villc, july 21.
Wheat is soiling at from Si.2d to sl.‘o,
per bushel, according to quality.
VST N. 0 ilrcath Sc Son are receiving
a large lot of fruit Jars, Patented in
ISOy.'JgTho simples t and best jar yet
nvjaVj 1.
A clioice lot of fresh and .Seasonable
Medicines, Toilet articles, etc., Just receiv
Trammell Sc Puckett respect
fully ask their friends to call and see
them at the old stand of Stafford,
Trammell & Cos. They have an ex
cellent Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, Notions, See., Ac., which they
will sell veiy low.
Cartersville Enterprise. —Who can
properly appreciate the advantages of
manufacturing interests in our place?
Wlmt have they done for other towns,
or rather, wha; towns and cities have
bee'', built up by them? In the linn
ofGcwer, Jones & Cos., we have a great
accession. They are drawing trade
from every direction, North, East,
•South and West. From North Ala.,
Rome, Dalton, Mamtta, Atlanta, and
the counties far and they bid fair
to do a large business. Air E. N.
Gower is a man of long experience and
has a most enviable reputation, while
R. H. Jor.'s ami H. H. Hall, are first
rate business men and good mechan
ics. They ask, and shall they not have
a large share of patronage of this lo
cality? They repair wagons and all
kinds of vehicles in the best manner.
Fans nt for cash, at Blair Sc
Bradshaw's. 13ilk f-nttm, Willow fans,
Feather fans, Linen fans, all to be sold
at New York Cost, for cash.
Parasols of all grades and colors,
Ladie’s umbrellas are selling at cost
at Blair & Bradshaw's-. No Lady
should be without ft fan or parasol this
•weather. So go, at once, to Blair &
Bradshaw’s and buy.
Fair Warning!
At the last meeting of the town
Council of Cartersville, the following
order was unanimously adopted:
“Ordered , That all tax payers be,
.and they arc, hereby required to pay
tip their town taxes, by the first dav of
August, nex 1 , and that the tax collect
or publish a notice accordingly.”
The above order explains itself, and
those to whom it is addressed would
■do well to read and act accordingly.
At the store of A. A, Skinner Sc Cos.,
you will find
Cartersville, Ga., July 20th ISG9.
Beautiful Linen Lawns, Leno’s
French Lawns, Percales, Piques, all to
In sold at cost, for cash, by Blair &
IKST All those knowing themselves
indebted to us, are requested to come
forward and make payment, as the ac
counts are now duo and We expect the
money. We hope this notice will be
sufficient. >
J. D. HEAD & CO.
Have you got one of Gower, Jones
& Co’s wagons, if not, go and get one,
they run lighter and last longer than
any body’s wagons. Mr. Gower sets
all the axles himself and makes them
run like a carriage. They are better
suited to this country’ than any wagon
you want to get Soda Water
■“what is Soda Water,” call at Mr. J.
T. Guthrie’s, and you will most as
suredly get it. Mr. G. spares no time*
labor or money, to make his Soda
Water as good as can be. Ho has a
number one Fount, and thoroughly
understands Charging it, and making
the Syrups. To ascertain whether
what we have said is so, you have on
ly to give him a call, and satisfy your
selves, and we have no doubt but that
you will heartily acquiesce, and say
that wo told nothing but the truth.—
Mr. Jessie Smith, the polite and gen
tlemanly little clerk, will always be
delighted to see you, and will greet
you with a glass in his ha id, and a
smile upon his face.
invite attention to the au
nouncenment of the opening of the
Fall Session of Lookout Mountain
Educational Institutions, to be found
under the new advertising head. We
shall say more about them next week.
i. Turner, (colored,)'
is now on trial uuder the charge of
! dealing in counterfeit currency.
i * A. Dobbs, Ordinal of
; Cobb County, died in Marietta, on
j Ihursday morning last, after a pro
tracted and severe illntss.
Tim Cartersville Brass BaXd,—We ’
uc truly gratified to see that our vror->
thy Land has been presented, Ly j
■some of the citizens of this place, with |
new brass instruments and a drum. 1
Inis is quite an secession to tie above I
musical corps, and they make excellent
music, too. We heard them perform-'
ing on their new instruments, on Tues
day last, and can say truthfully, that I
they did it well. We may congratulate
ourselves on hearing the very welkin®-!
ring with the melody of this band.-- j
M e hope to hear them discourse sweet
music often, to drive away dull care, j
Lead them ah, arid see what is now
offering for sale, and what is to be
sold. It will be seen that Col. Jack
Stocks is offering to sell out his Dwell
ing, Store-rooms, See. Also that a fine
Stock of Saddles, Harness and Tools,
Leather, &c., is to be sold by Col. W.
H. Pritchett Also, read everything
yon see in the paper in the shape of an
advertisement. You may chance to
buy a great Bargain from Somebody,
in the rounds.
Julge Parrott offers to Ptent or Sell
I some valuable property, iu town.
Death. Our quiet little town has
been again visited by the angel of death
and three more of our number have
been summoned from our midst, within
the last week. Mrs. Moore, for
merly of Tennessee; Mrs. Win. Gold
smith, formerly of Cassville; and a
child of our esteemed friend, Mr. J. S.
Bagby. “Fond ones are left behind,
who hope to greet them on tho better
shore; Parents and children in Heaven
shall meet, shall meet to part no more. ”
Con. J. G. Montgomery, has moved
Ins Stock of Groceries and Confection
eries into his new Store-room, just
completed, first door East of N. Gil
reatli & Son’s Ware-house, on Main
Street, where he will be happy still to
wait on his old customers and as many
now * nes as may favor him with their
patronage. Col. Montgomery is a
worthy and honorable gentleman. He
served his conntrf faithfully in the
Jiyhlwrj ranks of the Southern army,
during the late war, and for his gallant
ry was promoted to the colonelcy and
put in command of a regiment of cav
alry. We bespeak for him a liberal
Boots and Shoes. —Our friend and
fellow -citizen, Mr. H. B. Lebkesher,
who lias established anew Boot and
Shoo Shop, in this place, in connection
with other gentlemen, over the Store
of Messrs. Stokely & Williams, is a
wliolesonl old Pennsylvania “Dutch
man.” He is an honest workman, and
if any of our readers want a good job
put up in the line of Boots or Shoes,
or both, ho is just the man that can
and will do it.
Mr. R. L. Sellers has brought us
under obligations for a large, fine wa
termelon, for which he will please ac
cept our thanks. He has plenty more
df the same sort left on hand and for
Cartersville Male & Female Acad
emy.—This institution of learning, lo
cated in our midst, will be opened
again in a few days for the reception
of students. We learn that Messrs.
Johnston and Fritchett, Proprietors,
are receiving applications daily from
a distance for the admission of both
boys and girls. They have a most
flattering prospect for a large and in
teresting school during the forthcom
ing session. They have secured the
services of Miss Kingsbury, who is
well known in this community as a
thorough and experienced instructress.
We hope that our town authorities
will take the matter of building suita
ble houses into hand, and put the
work through forthwith.
f@"“We take this method of asking
all indebted to us-, to come forward
and pay promptly. We are needing
money, and we mean what we say,
when we say we want you to pay.—
We will take wheat at the highest mar
ket prices, in payment of debts.
We are selling Ladies’ Dress
Goods, Parasols and Fans, at New
York Cost All needing net goods
will do well to come and buy.
All persons indebted to us are Re
quested to come forward and pay their
accounts. N. GILREATH & SON.
Cartersville, Ga., July 215t.,-tf.
Our readers will perceive that
We have again enlarged our paper, at
least one Column, by lengthening our
columns each one inch, which gives the
paper a better proportion. It is one
of the largest and cheapest papers pub
lished in the State Any postmaster,
or other person, sending us the names
of Five bona fide Subscribers, with ten
dollars, will receive one copy of our
paper, one year, gratis. We will pay
at the rate of $1,50 per bushel for
wheat in exchange for our paper.
Matching and Plaining.— Messrs. Z.
W. &M. C. Jackson will soon have
their new machinery in operation.—
The house is built and the engine and
all their matching and plaining ma
chinery put in position, which is all
new from market. Their eliop is lo
cated on the Railroad a few hundred
yards above the Courthouse. They
are both gentlemen of great energy,
fine taste, and fully understand their
business. They are now laying the
foundations for an extensive business
in their line.
#S?°BIG DUNS is now the order of
the day, as will be seen by looking
over our columrs.
. _
My New Store Las ouly been open about
nine months, it is fitted up with silver mount
ed show case?, and an elegant Solid Black
alnut Sid© Show Caso for Silver.
My Stock consists of Diamonds and Tre
cious Stones, Set in Sets, Rings. Pins, a l so
the most fashionable and Largest Stobk of
fine Jewelry—Watches, Gold Chains, Solid
Silver Ware, Plated Ware, and Fancy Goods.
My Stock of \\ atches is very largo at this
time. I have tho following Celebrated
makes; The Celebrated Railroad Watch,
(Lehmann's Patent Self Winder.) E. D.
Johnson's Ilujuinin Buruguin, E. Howard
& Co.’s, F. G. Jack, L. & S. Raymond,
A ockaron Brothers, G. M. Wheeler, Mat
Laflin, T. F. Ryason, P. S. Bartlett, Apple
ton Tracy & Cos., Wattham etc. etc., all of
which I will sell at New York wholesale
Styles to numerous to mention—oTer three
hundred Sets of fine All Gold Jewelry, fine
Kings Thimbles, Gold Chains, Lockets,
Chasms, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Breast Pins
&C., &c. In prices and quality of Goods I
defy Competition. I do not koep any but
Live Jewelry Store,
Atlanta, §a,
July 7, 1569. w3m
CROCKERY Glass-ware
arc “Womens' joy,* especially il
it is nice, just such ms cun lx
found by flic cur load, at the
rncdel crockery store of Mcßride
& Co g -, Atlanta.
f>f*T,*onle * Co.** Liver PIN* f-r the liver.
For ennslipttUi'ii, t-n* u s Dromgoole A Co.'a Live
I’i Is
Dromgoole A Co;’s Liver I’ cures sick headache
Drnomenol i j (jo.’s restore* early decay.
For weak back, use Dronnooie A Co.’s Buchu.
D'omsuole 4 Co.’s Btichu is the best and cheapest.
Physicians prefer brumpoole A Co.'s Buchu.
TIIE Advertiser, having been restored
to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consumption—is
anxious to make known to- his fellow-suffer
ers the means of cure.
To all who desire if, he will send n copy
of the prescription used (free of charge,)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a Sure Cure
For (. onsumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.
The object of the advertiser in sending the
Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he conceives to
to be invaluable; and he hopes
every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wilj
cost them nothing, and may prove a bless,
Williamsburg, Kings County, New York.
Red wine <?- Fox. Atlanta, Ga., are Whole
sale Agents for the sale of Dromgoole A Go’s
Medicines. Sold, in Cartersville, by W. 1,,
KirkpUrick, Druggist,
Deckerman's Horse and Cattle Powders.
Deckerman's king of Oil Liniment.
Deckerman's Universal Ointment, good
for man une beast. For sale by,
Extra Special Notlc c
Beware of Counterfeit* I Smith’s Tonic yrap ha*
been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to
The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s pri
vate Stump on each bottle. Dr. John Bull only *g
the right to manufac ure and sell the original John
Smith’s Tonic Syrup of Louisville, Ky. Examine nel
the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not
on the bottl >, do not purchase, or you will b* deceived.
See my column advertisement, and my show card
I’will prosecute any one infringing "on my right. Tin
genuine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only be prepared ny
myself. Tim public’s servan’, DR. JOHN BULL.
Louisville. Ky., April 23, ISOS
Great Inducements. —Our young
friend, Billy Edwards, is gradually
working bis way up on the score of
merit. His work lias won for him al
ready, a good trade and lie askes a
liberal share of patronage. He is no
brag—does his work honestly, and
in the face of rigged opposition, is do
ing well. We recommend, all in need
of Harness, or anything in his line* to
call on Billy and buy. He is a
upright, Christian gentleman, such
as every one will say, should be sus
JUST 1 N. Gilreath Si Son are just re
ceiving, and will continue to keep on
band, a large and well selected Stock
of Furniture. Give them a call at their
Ware-house and examine for yourself.
Whenever yon need n pill, try one of Dromgoole <!fc
Cos. s Livtr Pills, and you will have no other.
If billious, tse Dromgoole Co.’s Liver Pill.
English Female Bitters cures all females,
E. F. B. Cures all Female irregularities. It cures
old and young, and imparts life and botiyancy to
wwltg public esteem and confidence.
The great female blessing is E. F. B.
Mcßride & Cos, Atlanta, are
sole Agents for the “Eureka
Coffee Pot.”
Good Beef ! Better Beef !! Best
Beef !!! In to vn, may be found every
other morning at the Market Stall of
James Lackey, fronting the Railroad
and in the rear of the Grocery Store
of Messrs. Barnes & McNinch.
Cartersville, Ga., July Ist 18GD.—lm
Where did you ge t that fine, shiny
buggy, you ride in ? From Gower,
Jones & Cos., Cartersville, Ga. I went
all the way there after it—forty miles,
Go and get one, they are the best in
the land.
Physicians’ and Editors’ wives’ use E. F. B.
E. F, JB. cures u*ly old chronic cases
The (treat Female regulator, F,. F. B.
Hundreds of letters from all parts of the country
speak of the wonderful efficacy of E. F. B. in all
Female complaints , ■
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years
from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay,
and all the effects of youthful indiscretion,
will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send
free to all who need it, the receipt tend di
reations for making the simple remedy by
which he was cured. Sufferers Wishing to
profit by the advertiser’s experience,""can
do eo by addressing, in perfect cbnfideiice.
No. 42 Cedar Street, New Ybrk.
The Undersigned would respectfully
announce that he is enabled to furnish
the most magnifljent Pianos eveß seen
in this country, from $325 to SBOO. —
Having superior advantages, and
many years experience in the business
in Europe and America, I can sell a
first class Piano, 7, or 7f Octave, with
all the Very latest improvements SSO
to SIOO less than the}’ can be bonght
elsewhere; put them up at your house,
keep it in tune, free cf charge, for 12
months, and warrant every Piano five
years. He will have specimens here,
or confer with you in person, b} ad
dressing Residence, Kenesaw House,
F. L. FREYEIt, Marietta, Ga.
Pain and dlfllcclty In urinating—Dromgoole A Cj.’s
Fur lost manhood, u*e Drnmjroole to Co.’* Rnchn.
Frequent inclination to urinate, uae Dromgoole to
Co.’* Bucbu.
For Kidney* and Bladder, u*e Dromgooie .V Co.’*
Ext. Buchu.
Dutcber’g Lightning Fly Killer
Death to the Living! Long live
the Killers!
Sold by Deals;-* Everywhere !
July Ist, lm.
Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets,
june 1, 18C9. wly
If, A. lilSßlli,
Wholesale Bruggi st, '
Wliitchall Street, ATLANTA, Gn.
Rut if you will, pause in your mad career. and pYrrfltia?o of tlio undersigned,
lb tigs and Medicines. Laboring rather for reputation and Hound commercial standing,
than wraith. I can afford to sell my goods at living rates. 1 therefore publicly announce,
that those who arc anxious to purchase the-very best of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Paints, Oils, Window-glass, and Patent Medicines, should give me a call. Having been
identified with Atlanta and her interests, previous to the war, I have presumed that being
reestablished, my old friends and customers would return. Constantly receiving new
goods, rejecting inferior articles, purchasing of first hands, I am compelled to sell
them: Ist. Because they are of good quality; 2nd. Because they are cheap; and lastly,
because lam determined to build up a number one, first-class Drug Business. You may
rely upon what I say. lam also prepared to offer to the public CHENEY'S ANODYNE
COl OH SY 1,1. P, an excellent thing for cliillren. It i.i regardod as a legitimate medicine,
and stands upon its merits, alone, and is a safe, reliable, family medicine for old and
young. In croup, it has no equal; for whooping-cough, bronchial affections, diseases of
the ciiest, it is most excellent.
Tam prepared to offer to the public. In burns, scalds, bruises and rheumatism, it is
highly recommended, as its name indicates, it is without a parallcll in Hemorrhoids. ’ Many
good people bear Witness to this assertion.
I am proprietor of, and beg especially to mention, that in sick head-ache, sour stoniache,
nausea and the bad effects of kte hours, they are wonderfully successful.
All of the above burn prepared to Wholesale and lie tail.
Atlanta, Georgia, June 24th 18G9. . w i_
SJjcrisr Sales far August*
ON the first Tuesday in Aug. next, before
the Courthouse door in Cartersville,
Bartow county, Ga., within the legal hours
of sale, will be sold, the following property,
Also, loss of land Nos. 1258, 1259, and
12G0, in the 4th I)is. and 3d See., and Nos.
1225 and 129f» in the 21st Dis. and 2d Sec.,
containing each 40 acres, more or less, as
the property of .T. G Entrickin, by virtue of
7 attachment ti fas from the 822 Dis. G. M.,
in favor of H. C. Dyer, vs Def’t, levied upon
and returned to mo by a cons'ablc.
Also, the undivided half of lots of land Nos.
923, 924. 925, 870, 877, 878, 852, and 805, in
the 21 st district and 2nd seeiion of Bartow
county, as the property of Edward F. Mahone
to satisfy an attachment fi fa issued from
Cobb Superior Court in favor of Geo- ge N.
Lester vs said Mahone. Property pointed
out in said fi fa.
Iflortsape Shel lft Sale.
At the same place, first Tuesday in Aug.,
next, the following mortgaged property, to
Two mules, as the property of J. A. Sewell
to satisfy ajnortgage fi fa, issued from the
Superior Court of Barlow county, in favor of
11. 11. Watts vs. said Sewell. Property
pointed out in said fi fa.
Also, at the same place, on the first Tues
day in Aug. next, will be sold
One house and lot lying in the town of
Cartersville, near the Foundry, on the east
side of the W & A Railroad, known as the
property of Wiiliam Spencer, now occupied
by Mr. Dewberry, to satisfy a tax fi fa in
favor of the State and Bartow County, issued
by the tax Collector of Bartow County
against said Spencer; levied on by a Con
ALSO, the plantation lying 2 miles north
of Cartersville, on the Tenncsso road, con
taining 300 acres more or less, and known
as the place recently occupied by John Sel
lers, levied on as the property of John Sel
lers, to satisfy two tax fi fas issued by Hie
Tax Collector of Bartow County. Levied on
and returned to me by a Constable.
ALSO, lot of land, No. 14, in the 4th dis
trict and 3rd Section, and 78 acres of lot
No. 127, in the sth District and 3rd Section,
as the property of M. A. Leake, to satisfy a
fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court in
favor of M. P. Goodwin Administrator of
Jane Hutch, levied said fi fa for purchase
money of said land.
ALSO, a house and lot in the town of
Cartersville, formerly owned and occupied
by the defendant, John H, Ruckman, levied
on as the property of said Ruckman to satis
fy a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of
the 822nd district, G. m. of BartoW County,
on the foreclosure of a lien for brick work
on said premises, in favor of Wallis, Eaves
& Cos.
ALSO, lot of land No, 150, in the 21st dis
trict and 2nd Section, as the property of
John Jolly, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of
the State and Bartow County, vg gil ij Jolly,
issued by the Tax Collector of Bartow
County. Levied on and returned to me by a
bushels, more or less, of lime (now
at the old Johnson Lime Kiln, near Kings
ton,) as the property of Robert A Johnson,
to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bartow Supe
rior Court in favor of Warren Akin vs said i
Johnson. Pointed out by Plaintiff.
ALSO, one house and lot in the town of
Allatoona. built, and formerly occupied by
William F' Clayton; now occupied by I. O.
McDaniel, in Bartow County, as the proper
ty of said Clayton, to satisfy two fi fas is
sued from the Superior Court of Bartow
County, one iu favor of E. B. Stoddard & |
Cos., against Hammond Clayton, and one in I
favor Chamberlain, Milicr & Cos, against j
Hammond & Clayton, Pointed out by '
Plaint its,
ALSO, the plantation owned by Thomas
It. Couch, near the town of Kington, in the
16th district and third section of Bartow
County, as the property of said Couche;
also, the plantation whereon M. A. Hardin
now resides, laying in the 16th and 17th
Dis. and 3d Sec of Bartow County, as the
property of said M. A. Hardin, to satisfy a
fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court in
favor of James W. Curry against M. A
Sands, J. E. Sands and Thos. 11. Couch, F.
A. Iluson and M. A. Hardin, securities.—
Pointed out by pl'ffs attorney.
W. W. RICH, Sh’ff.
July 8, 69. INI. COLLI]NS, X). Siiff.
Georgia, Barlow County.
Where James A. Cowan Administrator
de bonis non, of William P. Hay, deceased,
represents to the Court in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that he has ful
ly adtr mistered William P. Hay’s estate.—
This is therefere. incite all persons concern
ed, Kindred and Creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said Administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive letters of dismission, on the First
Monday in October, 1869. Witness my
hand and official Signature. This July.sth
1860. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, B. C,
It washes by Rotation, of current wick
saveslabor, fuel and fabric, and consequent
ly tints and money. The process being so
simple, that a mere child can almost do the
family washing. No frazeling or loss of
Buttons occasioned by washing with this
Machine. 30 minutes Boiling is sufficient
time to accomplish all that is desirable.—
Call at the Lamp and Oil Emporium where
you can see for yourself. Price $1 50,
P. MARSH, Ag’t.
OUR MR. ERWIN having, in person, se
lected our
In Philadelphia and New York, and purchased
for we are enabled to offer to our
old and new customers, a splendid stock of
Seasonable Goods,
comprising, in part, of
beautiful selection of CALICOS AND WHITE
LADIES’ SPRING HATS, a choice selection of
GLOVES, SHOES in greal variety, among them
Miles »k Son’s celebrated Philadelphia made
BOOTS and SHOES i HATS, all styles ; in short,
everything usually called for in our line,
We col! attention to our large stock of
for Mon and Bovs,
Y\ e have believed that our growing town de- I
mantled a good stock of Hooks, espe-ially
School Standard Uoohft, paper,
envelopes, &,ۥ, and arc now offering |
unusual facilities to purchasers, and our ar- i
rangemenis are such, in the New York market, j
that We cab supply any book needed, whether !
Historical, Literary or Classical. We shall j
make this a feature in our business.
Our general stock is well selec»od. SOGAR.
A fine slock of Crockery, of the usual varie
A splendid assortment, Southesn made,
We respectfully invite the attention of out
custon ers, old and new, to our stock ofGoods
and promise them a full equivalent for their
april 1, 18hl) Cartersville. Ga.
Have you ever been to see
Mcßride & Cos. extensive and
handsome {JfOCkCTy Es*
tablisbmexii m Atlanta ?
If you have not you arc certainly
behind the times, and we would
advise you never to let another
opportunity to see it slip.
Worker and Dealer in
American Statuary Marble,
IfcS'lHonoSt Tablets, Urns,
j Vaces and
Mantle Piece Work*
| T~\ESiOXS of Monuments, or any other
! 1./ Marble Work, furnished tree of charge.
. Moulding in Plaster done to order.
JggrOrders solicited and promptly
i filled.
Office and Yard opposite the
■ Georgia Raii Road Depot.
S. B. OATAIAN, Agent,
march 11 w 1 y ATLANTA, GA.
\RK now prepared to fill all orders for Marblc.’and
!<> furnish MONUMENTS, SLABS, TOOMBS and
fnil-lied in the beat style, and at lower prices than the
itroe w ork done with Northern Mai hie.
Our Marble is equal to the
Best American. Jj^
Punters can he supplied with jjkCJwk
j Block* and fUaba of any di- llilflaj |1
i lidjil ;A m- nsion*. For any inform
" ation nr design, address Uttii-lll : f.
Jasper, Pickens Uo., Ga.
i Sep'emher It, IS6S. wly
Oil Cloths,
Wall Paper,
OUR 8 i OCK in the above goods is large
nnd complete, and we are offering extra
inducements to GASH BUYERS, at whole- i
sale or retail.
cor. Whitehall and Hunter Streets,
Atlanta, Ga.
WE HAVE just received a largo lot of
SHIRT FRONTS, etc., c*c., all of
.Cur Own Importation.,
and arc offering them at prices far below any
ever offered in this market. Buyers at whole
sale or retail will find it time well spent to look
at our stock before making their purchases.
cor. Whitehall and Hunter Streets,
mch 24 Atlanta, G i
OUR STOCK of Fancy Dry Goods
is the largest ever offered in the city.
® m ye r s!
Will find it grcatlv to their advantage to give
us a call. GUAM BERLIN, B. CO.,
Having added to his stock of
Confectioner P s,
r *
| S I* o e s f
f *
; .
Hats, &e.
Is prepared to accommodate his '
customers, with the above goods, |
at reasonable, living prices, for
cash, and cash only!
He pledges himself to do just
what he promises—nothing more
—nothing less—because it is all i
- . i
that he can afford to do.
Dtt. J. BRADFUXIr* "
j F E M A Ir K
11EG ULA im.
“WomiMk's Best JjYjtnd.”
THIS VALUAUtiK MW*WINK to prepaid for W'.
MKN exclusivity, and in bn uned fcy V\ OMEN nulv.
|t Is adaptrd eepfcii.lly tn tfc»,w> cavtsu hei, the -npm*
I I* disordered, *nd whl ctite p*>y IrremilartTf
"menses,” except tn snch cases «»eetpi re a inrgh- I
..peraMon. A* ihear last are y ry rarr. the Kl MAI K
uKCCLaTOK is of almost universal apphrstl n. lu
a Madden chet'k <>f the “monthly enur*. Iran eu.J,
, trouble of mtml nr like ceiiee, t» aria tike a rtiarn,,
| fwtorinu tie iliac•hitiife in t t*ry instance, II aari
lievln* ihe fry, r, hea.l-i h«. pafn in the nn .11 of i •
hack and "lower stomach.” thirties af h-at shoot tt,«
face, chilly sensations, bnrntne of the eyelids and pew.
eral ri stl«-s*ne'a. Taken In time, all 'ljese aymplot, s
patßnway imtmMxte'y, whboni Injury taifce rnnst -
lution. Frequently, h wever.the proper rfmertrT* r»t
applied In lime, the disease heenmes chronic, and t-e
foundation laid for numberless evils to th« cvtiUl*.
lion of woman. The pext “turn” ceme* an unit »• <1
there is no “allow." or perhaps the’VlNte*" wlil ap
pear. There will he amne uneasiness shout the *on h,
I hut very little or none of the natural (ltd* rseaplng.—
The complexion becomes sallow, buwets asroller, a a..rt
I of greenish caste whoa* the filer, constant dull Mhli.f
I pains in the head, Weiuht tn tfie h.sser thomssh and
back, with or without whites, palpitation* ofrhe heart,
pallor, exhaustion, Indigestion, weariness iaig.tir,
aching across the l.dns, loss of appetite, pain in left
breast, ilfthtners across the chest, c-uigh and *i tdlness.
If attll allowed Hi gr> on, ‘ green sickness” will be fully
developed—tlie headache becomes more seeurr. with
loss of menv ry, diniliilahed stusUillfiv, »
dvspe|isis. no relish for fb<.«!. toss of flesh, tncreasiww
llutteilne of'lie heart. HTrUiny nt Os frtl. Ires and
’ body and occasional spittlne ol blood, the xliyfraess causes hurried hi enthing, almost ti'*ufiuotil«h
Tlie skin Is flabtiy and lias a “Jnuphy feet,-’ 'fhis is a
i sad picture, but tt is the coidliloii or tnouasndi ..f
women between tlie B.«Ca 1.1 and.4s. who are broujtl.i
to the verge of the urave by Irnorance or neglect i .
i take the proper remedy. To nil who are afflicted wlili
a l.v of the symptoms above mentioned, |p connection
with an Irreirularit v of the “monthly sickness’’»*
i earnestly env TaKK DR. J. HR A DKIKUt’.-* KKMAL*
! RKGUI.ATOR. A few ounces taken,you will nt once
I experience its benefits, and with n li lie patience yea
! may he fultv restored to health.
1 This remedy has been extensively used f,. r upward*
j of 20 years hv many of the must expei lenon! sttd mc
: cessfiii Physicians In Geircta. W» rejiat, th*» |» r .
J. It rad delft’s Ptinle Regulator Is prri.aieit for Wn
men and to he used by Women only. It would be an
easy matter i-o 1 irrrtsb thousands of ceritfloatcs to
prove Its excellence,, hut prefer to place lh« medldnc
upon Its own merits. A trinlls ah we a k.
Prepared and sold In any ipAntity, by ’
Atlanta, Ga., December SO, j
nn. wiADrm.n—
l>e»r Sir : I take pleasure | n stating <h»t some thee
pre. Inus to the tale war, 1 Owed \Vtth' the utmost too
on a servant ylrl, your Female Revulals.r Pre
pared then at It-adfield’s Drug Btore. West Paint, f>».
M.eliad been suffering severely Horn suppressed mrti
i struatioii, and this raedloinoa anon restored her *si her
; ht* ll "- She Is to-day living in Atlanta, * utul and
: well.
; 1 wl’l state further, thnt T know 1t« helntr us«l. wl’h
; equal success on a servant girl of inv fi-olhetwln-law .
rof. llutherf. rd, of Athens. Ga. j'hl. woman had,
I think, been diseased for six years. Sue wis e house
I servant, and seemed cured, up to the time of "free-
Goni. Ido not )i6'Uate to Indorse your Atlon
tor the purp .se for which you recommeml It. Vonr*
tru '-’’’ JNO. L. VVUri'NICR.
| STAW. OP OKGRGlA.TroupOountv.
i ™* '*• *” be-tlf.v that I have examine! the Recipe
: of Dr. Jose-ih Rradfield, ol this tmimtv, sn.l as a med
ical man. pr .nounce it. to he a eo.nbinasi .nos nidi
| cities of great merit, In the tr.-atin nt of all the dls
t eases of females, for which he reoomm ■ *n.l. ft. This
. 2t«t. kbOS. WM. P. BKAdLKY, M. t>.
| Cautkh sti t,i,r, Ga.. April 2f>, I sc, 9.
i This will certify flint two tnetnhers of inv
- inir -rlinte family, ttftep lmving Miffcrfl for
innny years from menstrual irregularity, an<l
have been treated without benefit by varions
medical rtoctors, were, at length, eoinplotelv
j c,irefl h .y one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfield’a Fk
; MALE Riot; la tor. I, therefore, deem it mv
i duty to furnish this certificate, with the hop'd
j of drawing the attention of suffering womau
; kind to the merits of a medicine, whose pow
j er in curing irregular and suppressed mcn
j struation, Juts been proven under mv own
personal observation. Its effect on such
cases is truly wonderful, and well may the
remedy he culled "Woman's Rest Fi ioud.
Yours, respectfully,
L. H. BradftcW,
Wholesale Druggist
For sale in Cartersville, by
J*. W_ F. BEST
Jun. 1, 18011. Oruftjfitl
Fam i1 v Medicines,
Anodlne Pain Kill Xt,
Ague Pills,
. . . .AND....
Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic,
....AM).... ,
THE excellent Remedies of O. S. Prophttt, M D., need
no recouii ientlaiiou—- ihclr wed k mow it power in re
moving the di*?a es i>uca*iiir to our tjouili**rn cllmutr,
alrendy establistimi for them »ui enviable repu*
t aion in Georgia and the adjoining States. Aa th%
niHj»*rity ol poraonti living il the South are prediapna
ed to dhe iae of the Liver, it |« granted by Ail inleld
yeut i>h,VHiciana that mopt of the pdiiif and aches oi our
peojde are due to organic or functionait derangement
of that important Prophitt** Liver Medicine
and Anti liildous Pills strike directly at the root ot the
evil. They cure tlie Liver which, iu nine eases out of
ten. Is at the bottom of the Coughs, Dyspepala, Colic,
rick lluadHfhe, Khetmiatisni, Constipation. Menstrual
Obstruct km*, etc., m> common among our peop’e.-
arHche, Toothache, Acute Rlieuin&tiam, Neuralgia
and bodily pains of every kind flee heloi e
Prophlit'g Pain Hill It
like chaff before the wind.
/{you Imve It!digestion or Dyspepsia In any form or
any ot her Chronic Diseases, use
Prophlft’H Liver Medicine,
It 1* safe and reliable; pure Vegetable, and a llqul
reai.y for use at any and all times. Price, $2 a bottle
3d 1 8 per cen t. dis ottnt by the dor-cn botliet or more
_lf vou get Snuke bit, use
internal and external. If voe. have a fresh wound
of any sort, use the PAIN KILL IT. Ifypu get dug
bit, apply the PUN KILL IT. I
Purgative and Febrifuge.
May be'elledytipon as a safe and efficient catliartie
In ail »b ile and Acute Diseases of all klnda.
V EG ET 4 BLE A fc & «
A snfeand certain remedy for Ague and Kever, t'htlle
and fever, and all kinds of Pcrlo deal Diseases, and
is safe an t reliable for ail to take at any time.
A safe and pen Ine remedy for all kinds of .Bowel I t*.
eaeee, Dysenteries, Diarrhoea, Bfboily FtU!r]*c. I . ,
he given to all sizes, ages and sexes, and at all Hi.
witli perfect sal sty, where there is anything of that
class Indicated.
Purifying Pills.
The Purifying Pills and .Female Tonic ere nesrristed
together as a full preparation, as vou see lu th- ittii.
They have given perf-ct Mtlrfaetlqn Ip rny , r ,t. ,
for thelast twenty
commended for. The Pills may bp taken iu Conner -,..]
with the Liver Medicine, without the Tonic wi. u, , ~..
Is any iodlcatlot for ih-m. such as Hlmrtnoss of B
Swelling of the Feet ot Face, or a Pate Weak na ~f
the Blood, or a Flabby state hf the’ Muscles, s, ~eu
ally follow Fever, and (Mils and Fever.
All of the above Medicines sold by Drrg „ u
Me chants generally throngliontthe Sonlh-W> -t *
Prepared ouly by DR. O, F. PT.oPJiI "T
,■ ‘ Co~i-gton t f)s
Forunlo in Atlanta by I .* N * ItnJMu r iKL!)
Wholesale Druggist, and in ('trin , v l
by J. W, F BEST, Druggist,