The Columbus weekly times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1865, February 27, 1860, Image 2
m>m *<. MUMf, KKiim mm 14 iwtn Democratic State Convention. To notoinate drtU*StK to it) Nu tional Democratic Convention o’ Charleston, will asi-rml'le fit Mill edgeville on fjic sw orn* W*jioisti.\v or M a ten next. Hy order of tin Executive Committee. Will lHr rum or t. 117 Daring in# treat tUrvtf week*, |l** planter# iti thi*octfrti of the wouftry tttl dcpo*H in th* earth th© awd of the corn crop ot contiJt rali-'Ui', urging |H in contrary dtrv<ui#n*. • laim l*i ftUenwon. Tb* pr*oM remn*raiinr price of cotton pfaffllf iiutoccirreuH’ devote * large jwporttou oi hi- aurfftor to tlu cultivation of tUnl staple. Til* extraordinary high value ttl <%rn ami previetons up equally appeal in favbr of a Rirg* plant toss of ©nfti. What Abut*Jl be *J ©no, i* tbv ■ j u*e ti'ip. Lei him make a lair tudoulation of rhune+p Ifhcplantsa Jnrf© nop <4 ett<*n, and wo nr© Id©**©*/with no FarcpcTi trouble*-ru. war*'i monetary rerulcton©. itte qude uoitoiM Dial hi# labor will be woU rt’imitH-r*r<wJ. Ifthe*© happen It will not. Lot bim wiamdv attempt to com put# th# price of cotton andcr fb© -ripumitauw of a fir* mfllfoo crop and a Luropuan w*r *tv*d\ hi g a rupture between lire great ’oinwcn*il Power*. U*mld Ire gire It wv v lint, taking tb© mun favorable rl©w of tbc subject leavin.r •uch tlteutibmi*'©# out of tin* que*; mu, fie m*i expect a large dr*ft upon hi* resow ru©* to xtipply th# dcttoteo.y.of tncrid end m©u. In or lor to taaka- WMi, to ft* --©Mury that mule# M>4 tie jrrw wAo/./ , ,(, pvi with **oo at i hiMliol andjiuou ot 1 4 rroi *j*r pound, it it /*< feeding them -n ©bin piertor*. App'y thei ge twigem-re# i * ihti ••pjomifce policy. JgR u lull gram drop and a bio Icyat* cotton nr p h p touted. It **•• *** nhi tin brivbl the plunk r will y. t no ©nheaved pfiee for KU QnUun, #r>pujwk*l in pm. portion totbc bampiiralivn whortiutna at th* ro|* ll will raiie hi* own corn and (icitt t home, and wlut cow** in will ant on out. If criiu, xpi.ii m nbovc referred tn happens, he will blwrm hi* ■tare that he Ua* *opitched hi* crop. Whni oot ton bo to tronhie him, will atnMrt it* amefa an if an rrrwh4tinjf ernp had been mmlc an*l hhMtirplu* grain and prayMou* will ix* t*. kon at *x t priuv*. re! • W M a*nfjraimt< under thr chnwioir <f our Aou c;-rr.s/.oi|.>frH. pnhlUh liwhnd this oftrm* .o, ofvr the mginiture of /f*VA *.**| to make onr reeitecu to u gafltltman who, it HpiHsur* from the necount. of the m-etit ftMefc iwma ui’ went coneideraoly out ut liiw w% to atiiruails'4 rt ujion *>ur lhnotnuy. lie gate ui rvAdit lor being ‘the itrit )pe> io Uoorgla which took ground nint the MnUdy villa qonrenthn. us the *th l>mMnb*r,’ but thought that wo wore ouch a roMat *<■ ecu-tort tn the llauttmawti ’ parly, that it wan dauhtA)] whether W 9 had t-vci cant n J>*u‘cr*tie. voto, No# that goilU-tati , > doubt* a* to our (udith'*, (fioihtri lw bin an.Vj mu 4 his tgiioTHnao at our rotmj( ero mutters wf h if biumU rottinqtnmcc to oareeifor to Put when such a otiiwa Ip hi ken U dwniiu'h out influtmeo With parly which wo injl with n4 heartily luppori, ri"l from pn -y udU o. but from citoioc and a covlotion f ditty. w heg to reepecUully *it If cat that the w.uml waa of a pereou** pojitieal vittre is not atwnp* tuauevred by lit# numlwr of hi* voh * with any pnrticulax party. If it. w*t m matter of any coureguancu to onenalf or nuybody eln, w© might clear up the doubt* o| our frhwid, hy rurniAhlng him with infuiioatiou vo our po liti-alm'iinl, whmh. tot u fuMifr tw nay, wo #ro content will*.—:Sur amA Hc/mee We er<. by tint cniuv corre-pomleni'c. that we were railed, by thx geutlmnnn re furred to ‘‘ihc organ of thftt nrbh traitor to the Xtoniocratit* par ty—itpn. Alfred Irrritou.” W© eimli doubtless aurrirc the miart pretontation* ot etich nmull li(x<r (Ml'S WO prciUM* their effect Will he equally harmless to the hrtnoraMo Senator. To from hi* reported * pinch uud conduct on that occasion, the teat of loyalty io tho l>. m- Cfgtio potty, fa adherence to the fortune* of Hon. lfowoH Dobb, fit ho ruled aguiifal renolulivu declatriuff \ft effect that it van fir more important la secure a a candidate for tho Presidency a man who had himself true ft* the right* of every wvtiwi of the Up fata, Hum so ori taunts •he promotion or gratify tho frijjuds of any tW*- r dual, Mow sny to our frond io Augusts, that, cbcrisbiog o hostility to Mr. Cobh, and de spising as we ii the elargr of'being the organ of y IM, jot if the altt inativo werv pre*ai|tod la us, of accepting aitiitf the pusllum whhdi be - assumed or that which he ban wudgned n, we should unhesitatingly tab a the 1 niter, Opelika and Oxford Hailr wd We iesni fr<*w the Chninfon* Tribune, that the entire amount {flfS,OtMi)-H Monk ii6ct!*Hyy to he raisedhefure work un thfa road has now Wit undoubtedly and un condition all y S taine'l. The Bonn) of lflwttiw bare m . tin-d the murvioeef Mr. O. 4*. Kodffsrt, u ex p*ri.>ft reliable Ergiuoor, to survey ud pevium.ouily. io. cate the road, arul he will enter u\ vu his duties without delay. The individual Mibaeripltwhs And tbs amount loaned from tbe Three per ivnt, turd res b the rum of S22VOOU, v Hartford Tunes says : A “gentleman j eallnd at our uttkee mi Monday who t**b U to t start for the t*taU> of Alabama, to common >• s hatter’s shop and foetory there. The trade from j this quarter having been much injured, lm nw J move* from CVuoocticut and takes away the J wti 1 lie** and the bind-employs! h*t%. iu this wr t’euftocLtcut is made to suffer ffaowaaiox ni rim Vineitiu Mktium'Tst fm itc*i( rm-M tin 1* tut, anti i*nu xwctU—Ow Sunday lan to* wv Ison* from tin IWrsburx Va. i*xpre*M two Urv and mflmtu j thl rUarehe* iu the county us AetKiiaaS, forme ‘y helou.'dup to the Philadelphia L'tiifrv)U*<' hv a WWamuu>i. sroiv, plavwd tbatusalvek under tU ‘ sti per vis fan wf the preacher in eb ege oi tW fa,cu wiile QmfchU us the Vi-Rioia (<xuti retire. j|ti tilJfAtofery efforts were made ly ibeir NuriWn pastor and sfatar cJiukl vs to retain jhttm, but both conprepntfous ueUruiux'd tu ebsugo Bum communion without a Uw ?nt i*fr vho., the* pr riup tfewtr allegiance todhc OM !>’ in|hlor to her ftrsti'.tuiohi by sevcflbg |lufir euauoctlvn* with a fi■**itbell* and counseling i fanned w* with • amitlfovu Confenmou. These two otiwrohe* have set U ftehte efnirple, which r-hdutd bo fol lowed by every churt-h in Virginia nud Mary land ivounheV'd with the Vurtlurfi t’oiattrrmue. Tl'V CASS \)T Jkti'x tun 4. K> 4UKMa—illiin'tt J. Begggrr a brought bwtoiv ADvieugtvs limuon, <> £ainvdp Ui, upon * wan *ut, hu.l Willi p . firisojjiHenolVvlur. Wm. u. 4vii affbnrebi, Ci.r the pro*, wdu. i u < tin. ,-,• J>r t* wt k* to give unt to *Um u,H Irom ApaMiK. l<*nkl Oli-1 A-ini. rsu.i ir Itiu dolesve , v ,\, u .j ihr Mi ti-’U >|) th> gfiHlUll li**l the i>U'Muti v W. H MiNtrrinl. Lpt toe (\>ttrt nvrrrnh'd i|, jectlrm, sustained th* <*n4 fcnt*ndte<l'ln i* .lrul. fin *'•• Knight, i.sq., left last nlghr /•* JiUt tun Aika>>* . ! i th purpo ..i pr “ uriug Ibi- * *vu*i my . # 4 rel saiug WO* ♦>s#• the ttto'i tstoito nod hr it tug hrr fceck U> W lit MU. ■ mt-K Wit* Lflcr . A pouited prr •oiin! yAJtfbge occurred*n ijvualw* Havii* •mi ilrpfrii. In the D- tUm isric vatu'tui <u Paint dr. which ttt present thought would had n> Mr Brawn, >n t-; caking f tin* pp pj*if*rm Concern lug tl>.> prvictiu*of wlar ry In the Tcrritoiw*. said he wanted it ,* • that ‘.nr inUrfn-tiiii ,• >usdiot ho given in .\lniru and anothftt to A# Mr. Davis bad n*d |##geb#S itl both Ui'-WMpzvali u u token * poison*!, uml rcMtatad tu tonus whii< excited much cuiniuent then and fine*. LK> -(k | B wm nl&a orerittttWil wiUn-ut sttut, though i„. mildly reaponJtod bv expressing * read bio*. to vote for Mr. Daw*, if nominated, oven with their radical difference on the Territorial question. y>om Moron lh(,ly Tehyiil/ih tut tUtfUMa and Mama nallruad a tad-Thr Fm- I ture or Mm-oa;! Thr brief dispatch wa bad the pleasure il iicr rtldmpto the hi neon public Jraatorday morning iunounepd that <be punpU’ of Auguitta had with •t.i.ioidli.ary Muamiulty, il*-i*tMl tor • ball iitiliioil city vth< rijmon to tlu* projected railway to M** ’ot. <*oi of eight hundred and twenty ihti'c votes potfi-d, all but thirtoTti were rut it la-o'roi th.’ ftitiiweftpitoit! Tbl vote settles the •|tH *rti*fj, and put* the Augusta and Macon Hail road among th* shortly to he caluthig facta— Maeoti will no doubt aid the rutorpriM hy a >n ■idarahlc uppropr’ation— Augusta will hack Iw*! .u Kuhacj tpliun hy prise’ out it, a targe amount “s'harleuon w4ll do lomc’hlui and >le wealthy populaiton along the entire linn o< the rood will contribute jftMieroiirdy to (Ueaiiter tirprl**. If inn groat which will take lrin *nd *<:iton during the neat two year*, and wb ■ Uibuia to hap* Uio <4 this city. Imi o” h-.k at what will ibe it be iier position.” ;,** . Twoy’r* lienon Macon will lure •area grant rhUtootf (iitrp rxiliattng from her a* a ‘cntec. ty all point*.? tire l oinpa**, and furtiiah cheap and rxjdd iiiion:ommui)H jii *n with ov y |/an ..f tlie .**’ u tlw kogth and lb* • nlo. Kaatward the (’"iitral ftoUroad will Piruish a (.-reirt iHrwct highway in the Atlantic, South yasterfy, tte lirm.-wiek nnilroad will gjvcu* u oilier, af.rlalso ehcan g. /■©* to the field, forest uml **ato.rd t|au#gw* which fia in ijiat dirts*’ I tan. South* rly mid South wenfarlr tin* S"uth-Wea torn It ail road fa<ffiiaMtc the ri<he*i Cotpui rw gouil of th. State, gird open- to n* tilts fertile t i 11m ‘ f I he Oirttfnbno. lice. The Afuaci/gie fond hi the futije /umr*ctl*n, give* its aevea* to tim pt.iirtr* of Alabama, and the rich cotton iunn*'of MlU".*ff'pf. North -Meatwardly, Im’ Mai.ottnnd VVarlern ilaJlroad and it* vast and ffftmnx <***nnecii<n, witl bring tin the produce of ‘ll* lt*t ra/rion* of the groat W. -i in all thi three kingdom* *rf nature, twinatal noimnl and vogeia hie, and Norih eM*tetly the Macon and Augusta (Vjuil will give tt* a dir* •* line of ctnimmi<-Httn with AttgualN, (bar!atuu ’nd all the Atlantic Htet. MreU-b a'ff#a *'ii the map from Angueta to Mohlle. and )on will find ii covor* ,Muc<*n and b'dumtoia, mid the rr-itieyf the Moldc A Uirard dnilread. The Aagtnrta and Maeni read, then, uill forma link In the ummu direct thoroughfare lahn the Atlantic and Hull Ciflaa, Toxaa, Mi'kh-o. Ontffll Ammi’ and. and the Pacific c*aat, and ill * ortnaerhm #Hti the Mobile mid (liraid uilrer.'l form be inovitahle thoroughfare lu that •Hr#*# on. ThiewiM port Alac**n ugain iu the great line of travel, and fix her position there I'C.rend dispute. Thu- it will Ire *ton that, as a great railway • outre, th*- pmdtlon of Mnfm will he altogether oarlvallwdlM the southern eouttfry. A* a focu.i of fravel, or u great centre for eoiutnereinl inter eliHiige*. her pn*ifion will be grafid and linpor mg. She miot. of no.-eai.iiy, take high rank in v'ery wi Ho da. t orelann|E the |*Tfeeineutrality the remitrka hie beauty and hea Ibfuttiana of her ponition, and the charetor of her people, ahe raiglit itxm to he th# frtilitimt, j up she in now the groff’-nphfont, cen tra of the Hint©, These nw avenue! oftravel will makehwr the t'apitfil of Onorgm. Os lierbnainesi future, let every intHlijrvnt m*o make up bto owa v, rliot. on a review of the prcutUt-x. Wo will not outer into any t-auitry about it <r argue lire point whether the cottmi market * likely to go to t!# buyer, or the bnym to tb> market--tile moun tain f * Muhoiiret or >Mntiomrr to the mountain, fin ftfmnl* fact thai her av6uuc of trade nnd iun* will perm onto the fired itcing regiofi* In every dt#*':M#n, tnd It* ohHffcd t< f>trni*h rdieitp tram* pon.-tti'-n, i* enough t# npiiJc the puinf that *bv will loralah an itrtmeueity of produce to ha ..ld. Mlramttn's htpedlttuti IpatitM Vrra t ru* The mails ol th seluigner# Htar.i apt. <iamnion and Virginia Anfolpetie, blhiia, fruia Vera ‘ fir/ ‘hr HUh inst., bvlhre anhounewd. oaiuc to hkhd this utorniop. TU lie we priucipally con. coin s ib vxptnllii n nn,\iw<i Alvarado and Vera IT*/ A letter from the ei(jr of Muuisu the fob, say* i bid I be w hole mteubar <j£ men nnuipwing the *- peditiou ti t’.lHiO, iuclu'lifig the mmlorcoinent# to !"• in id- mi tlio way down, at ,I‘uebla, Drisaba. •Islupsi Ac. The itriiJlory cuoeistii of some iitty. tw- ptcctis. of which *l* are siege mortars carry ingM pound shells, and tb<* rost Jlfl, 24 end til IHiilmb is. The munitions are said to eomprise #oin* Jflt) shrill ul iu.Oht* uniiuou ball, with oth er munition* in jituporiiua. ‘fbngrrller part of the expedition bad nlrcndy loft, on tlio fitb, Mini -Miramou hmi/01l wa* to fol low thti Bth, with an escort of jtMl oavalry.— dotlcs Cti/ucla hnd boon uamed second in UtMl'd. Toe-*- are our latest mail advices from the cap itui. Hut just beforothe .Star sailed, on the 10th, so express . aim iu w ith the iufolligi m-e that the Ueiuial did, iu fact, set out us promised, on the s tb. A minor bad also roachod the city, that (he vaiifiunrd of lb* expedition, inarching from Ja l*t>|, hail nl ready rue abed the Puente Nacionsi. Uw tc jmisumod. however, that (he trains and bly of man would <>uie down the other way xia the Onwbrox. In the uieiiutinijß the grimiest activity prevail od < Vera C're*. Amour other works ol defence, we learn by # private falter that •• new and nrone fori, hiouniinj* six >4 pmindsrs and two -hi'iilev ptooam bed been thrown up noar that jHM tii.n of the walls whore Gn. so ott mode, the brva. h,’’ he look tbo city. Tbi*. we Iwdiove, vouipfates the lino of so-called *and torts, begun wluni tluj ftpHuish war wu* thrcstcued some three year# since, uud bow vnoireliug the entiro oity.-- fha new fort fank* mil towards the cpiaeiory and tilt’ bills bey olid, where MilNUioii will doubtless plant hi* ha!forte*. As to the gairison, add* eur correspondent, “th men arc daily practicing at target, both with large and suinl’ &rtn*, and nil givvf dieitdful note of vrepa lution.” i.i tn. meantime, the city of Vara ‘ Crm had ‘'acn declared in a state us *eige, sud all officers ‘"4 If ive of ahsoUce ordered to report themselves for duty without delay. The usual order* bad ••‘fan been issued to theggrrisou, which number*, iu nil with | ‘issihtu leinforeeiueiH* (rum the c|gbborieoHl. feme i.tHlo to o.lhni men, As U* tnc uthn uivaur >i defence, vs learn by a private barer that, including those of the old fori ill. .vtuuift ..ini Jhoo ui the now Ime *f sand ibociiy 111.- luuiinu'd, and ill I lip In si order, *'tt c t r ’t* guns, up * f oi tiiciM ‘it puitndurs, but locU.m g ui* 1 .!• mi <•..rtars oi i< sy |Mtmd rbeil f . , uf*!, i... ; un* ilut can bo tought • “ I"‘’ .so ■ cl iru 4 *aufl, foom the CBite. will uinl, “iu. ’-*.t forgo gun iu all. A* •’ t loont.ioua *u Imiid >ni(4alriMtK>n !•...> - • i-• .M-lcry. fur fa|lev ui and- mei.lmn of “frimv L! foh proj ’r;i|p.’ but.... ha< < .sUfom I* Hut MStid U"l I'M V we lill.ei 4Ui> I Hilt* “ I*. * i” •be supply us jo Mifor, Aw W • |Hv*utc. hower *<■ *f i fi*br- ale-, ii. tiutn tin; n.ilufftlitat year. Jh.: iX, * H'cil poVi 101. A. 0. /Wywm: Tun UvTTir -.1 The ttrwnfclyit j ’ ring- ft tl paHicofovs of the lateen m.-nt at olioia. JT-oin tlve ii sppivir.- *har ‘■ltvuin'Mi j tnarcVt , f hw a <lgsdala,fora,ißtc In* uppvarmue :dl Harraiica* d.J lifoiram, twenty lulteafVotn j Cn|iaia, aiit 1 !* ;!bt nit, HeiH IwruMMom- or aulcue- item ii,.*r.,led by y.•” i‘b i* in v, tnut . ring 7'MMi, Hrt t**r Ucncr ilali vidri, H'V * W*d Ua*n, wirti fur howit- 1 r t vi *r eeri.Bi *cd of (’>l ll#ih‘, ,tr Ameri ca’ I‘V bar mi,, u- \e,*a ••.,i. > e, and the ■’ef mc.- I**(laird .• gCi crnt dfolributioll of t) cf* i e* Miratn.m a(tacked *t the weakest I* id. umi i'ip artillery wu moved to meet tho I- in . fhei'altls coiuwenecd at A. M. and ! “and omil IV M.. whew I(o|n* and Halle. ’ .j i liochn ii did net coma to j. id .idiot; iwticaiod (.wovd thdinia A juju, in./ tic hi •mined, end Mimmon entered rolia.a.u* (:iiu.lrro the 241 h. Tbs loss of UfV w.ut iuHniatad hiHV Idfomls, ttfM>r Ton ?oHal\e> ..on wi h ;;iihi prisoner*. Unite e* •‘y” . limn (oak powwaMon of Man nnitf , the |<mt ufi diirm. *ml seised two rrs* Ihe (Sen. Veffn ewd l.n Suerle Aft or a twin i ugainsi Mxsatt.ui. hr rrturuaddi rart to ihs capital. n.—A isttor tn.iu n gentleman rtesyniM, of Hie ItttH oi T‘errinker .'#yi i ‘ It will W an .in matter to dig out of Sonora i |m>l sixty million d-dlar* of silver yearly, and no oil® I,yon h Innr much gold and copper. o Yaqui-v rivio their uicgold washing* ft..m which ” *4ii\flo hand with u pan can pvt Irwin -no him* r ! iu five huadimi doUnr# per day. T> ln> •*i m* will uot uVo Ui IronMn t wweti for U, aa j and fWou di in vat wilt. >ui it, There wr* 1 t'W- H*. I'isiuuth, silver nmi eoai miiw# all the Stale of Poui.ra ; hpahlo*, (he noil i* Xm}U\. and the port ul Guayiaaa one of the liucat i; the a rid. ‘.t Ihr pivaout Umo. in uiid winter, t'i niv plowing in ihu open air, and 1 id.nip jd isanily u-ilhoui covering. Ot ti Tmi; “ it'll I ium r.—The Pnriaonr n >odei|t of the New Vorh ••Cotonwri.’inl Ad vartlatw,'* Apoaking vs the ItrW Kretieh Tariff, -aya: “Ittiw will entwi France free of daty nf| r ihel -t id July tHf.l ; the prohibition* will In- taken nil tH< Utnf Oemher folio wing. 1 here .re Hu* two provieiuna <f thv treaty which tutor* rHruoat ek -lnively Htv l uitcd To nay J V ***ff eolton, and other ran material*, there InevHaWy spring up a dent hie ‘md. in machinery. fVr not only can „<•), • machines, rvapar*. and other agrioul •um) implement*, tn.* . .matrach and ebvaiier in the I’lilted Hlale* rhM in France, hut (beat machine* have (lever Iwn perfectly constructed in France, even withtiie AiWionn model* before them ‘* The New York llmtld ha* Matted anew ean- I oil” fdr i * t’r< n.. n.-y, to wii Ueu. John B. Wool, whan U atylea “a patriot, aeohtter, a dem* •erat. a thorough In ion man.'ete. Wool i ue*t tu rank to ttan. Scott, and claima the credit of the vtotory of Duena Viata. tmiMRIS, MATIRItO. PKKIUVIIi 13. IMMt A Nmithrrn firetarwitiu t aadtdatr XI & Kr the pa*f iwclv*yearf t|e Xnin.iia! t'i.oreu lion* l the ffemocruti. party ticye x.-heted carrdi datcafor the l*rv#Mcity from the \orfherii State*. Sine© tlu* MdmXtftrtlen of l*r* ‘idem I’olk, tlen t’nfN, <4#u. Pi**rew ami Mr. llu< lianar- Ua* Imhoi thu houhm**, M*'-"*-*stvely. The two latter receuod their chief *tt|i|***rt Irointh* Suolh ••rn’ Ilcttiowrwcy. It !■ well km-wn that th*’ T)t>- Diorrnnr party l* domiomir In • vfy goufltorn Slat# except Man land, mTkI “lo* Jliu* recently given a t*ry “encodraging ytnptoiu of reforuia tloa. In viowofth<e fact*, the principle* r-f common juafie* would mchi to dealer* llnit in the next contoat- with the cncmien nt tho^constitution the South ahaXi imme lb** etairdar'l-toorrer lint there are *oute c</niderNiioni* which approve tb fiohr/fbf tilt# <O-OrK-. It i* hardly po<ihle tliai the democratic parly can be *os*WMful without the uuitwl aid of lit# SouUmru ."tauw, nod w hoanil.v heliffvi* that a MraHkttun wtau. and none oUierean conunatid ii.TVV© know that the I>*- mocracy of the South are generally nrta. hut the prcn'iil umhiitorioi feeling i*e>wc-#n the two am (ion* would greatly waken it* atrcngih and cuughi t< he rxcrft-d in ittppwt. *d n NortJi**rn wu— Tbl# effect wool t li* t.-tt no matter who, .r how renti'l, h<* might he. On tj?e other haioJ, the lioiuiualion o( a ‘couiwrvati>o Southern SuatM niHii ai rltarlcaton would h* a *ignnl f"r the onion •rs all partiv# jn ih# Hmuh The great l**wi> ai out Anicricitn friend* would b# natidid dh it and would *#ffcr no v.riif> impediment to hiv tri* omph. A* HoutJierncr*. wo <oxhP-nn ilmi w • fee] ioAflitcly rp'r# internal in au*;h n r#*ult than in any mere party victory. Inion at bourn i* the atruageat poaaibk appeal which can be made to (he four* of our cncmiti*, and, Uiia failing of ©fleet, place * nx in Use bent conceivable ponfion tor any future unergeucy. There are us*:n at the North who, undur ordinary clronineLMiicci', wo nhotthl rfiioiea I a *© placed iu a puaitton to coiauiaud our upp*rt. finnli men a* Daniel S. I>ickin‘n, who Mcriflead fortuoi* hy a Mteady ad herence to the fount tuition, and Hell. Lane, wild** adviKiacy of the right* of the Sotuh ha* e. ( uwlto<i that of the. moat faithful of her non*, we should ‘••light to boimr, tiul iiuuieoiaunitdy higher aud stronger i uur anpiralion to ae# th# Smith rina from her petty wrangling* and march iu compact and unbroken column upon her for -. A bettor opportunity will nct#r •* pres.'Utad to uciimva tld* rcnult illhu now; and if the dclegato? to the Cbarletton ('onvanliou will demand that th din* late* of common jmtUoi uioi *OlllOl policy l* heard and retpaotod, it may banconmpHohed. Hut At, Tuilktk*. Would the ladle* like to know what the and bur family w re when Parliament wa* opened f T''hen, 011 the authon ty of the Bolton Cmitbr, wo white that Her Majeety wore a dr* *- of j".arl colored rat in with gold bans over it n mauii* of rich vrlaireu velvet, with a deep nnd innnaive gold border, iier head dre* wn* a liara of brilliant*. Th# elder Prin ce*# wore a “e|ip M —-whatever that i*--oi white tulle over a pale blue under-dr. ; round lor head wa a wreath of white The younger I'rlnccM wir# dre*Ncd wholly in while, with * wreath of pink tl-.wcr# a* a bul-drcr.*. The I'rince (.’onrort wore the utrifufui of a Cohnrel of the Life tiunriJ. Krrur# oaveptwd, tlo-re ro tiie dtvM*) worn. Tai • K n AhAhaniK wm. -Tbfl abyva jmrt, has now direct coiumunicatiou by .steam hciul luooihly with Haihiia, Key West, and tbo princi pal Half (Mills *at- also, two Hrst-cfos* eicaiaors ply regularly hat worn that city aud .\exv Or leans. Os the future prosperity and present business of Apalsoliicola, the, Tnf\ say*: I Ui appear* to u* that the prospects of our grow ing oily were,never in ■ more j.iouii.iiag eomi tiou than at present. In all department* of trade and cnnimer.-e; there appear* un uno-mn) briskness; wonstaut smployuicnt ie olitainvd for allclassea ol labor at remunerating prices, and our levee is u scene of great > ufonus* wdiy itj.— Our wharves nre crowded with cotton, our wars, houses are well tilted, and our ship* nr# being loaded with-|di*|>iiU'li HOW wf M-rtn (u Other* Tbo fidlowiag i* (Vom a spociul correspondent us the New York Horald, writing from this city under data of Feb. Jd i •‘The farther you proceed into tb interior of (faorgia, the stronger will yon hnd the feeling *t nonnitcrcniirMi ami disunion. Imu air aid tho i Bbm would he short lived if it* stisieueo de pended upon t he voice of the ptopiv m thisncigh borhuod. ’lbex are disunionuits ber* two to rmc, and wuult) dissolve the tnlimiu luorrow, ko dee]< ly do they feel aggrieved at iliv intorterwiicc and siperabm* of the abolitionist* at the North. The tale eomeat for the Speakership nl Wash higUui wa* regarded a* a lurc, nod the Woofhorn r|ue*vi>itivu* receive uomnatl shore f eoniiein nation for md retiring ui a body (oug ago. hi* tmo that the Cbb or conservative portion ut the dauioeraoy are ITnion fax ing onm. but a decided majority of tl*a people sre ft re-on ter*, and. le.dCn by Ales. >Sto|dien*, areclaniorim- for dniuuiop and a Southern '>.ulderncj . Noibing fbuitot n viilic jilvte back down on ilio part of the North will over *iiti-ly the fire eating dlmmoni*! m ibi> #eu tiou. Formerly the aeccixioiiiri* and fir*-* ester* worwevinpusad o( a few mhidtfoas fxvlitl | oiau*, wluic opmioiM had but little weight with j the people, hut now the poliuciiuii* and ihu peo j pie have changed places. The people have turn ed tire eater-, and the politician* have become conservative*. Tha di*un ion fats take but little interest iu the Ohsrfastan (Job van lion, tiwauA* the prospect of uuuimatiug au ultra Fomliei'u uinn looks blue. Nothing short of au out ami out lire-eater and a pfatform u* ilrmig a> that recently adviwatodby the deWKH'rurt of Alabama t the Moutguinerv l uuvvntnui. will !,*• nl*fa. Os cour** it a Northutii man like hamel IK l>ieftln*.u ws? to receive the nomination he. Would receive their support, but H ero ore North lern men whom they would not support, and Mepticn A, Douglas 1* nne ul tbcui. The tact us ib-- iu.itu r is, tha* pvopfa here care very little j Itlmui the Micros <r the defeat of the dunucratic i party in Nuxenibcr next Thu election bfthc i. jiublu an candidate would please them exceed ingly. for then there would be disunion aud uo mistake, and that too right soon. They regard •h North a* a luiisstiec -as a continual threat baagiug over them - nod tlmy“vc.ry naturally msli io diasutva nil fort her coniiccHow with a pMpfaan fanatical and viudfatlve asdic inhabi UnU of (bo North have shown thcmselvre to Ivo. In uty la*t letter 1 jo mmol to give you amue ideaot the working* <4 tin* atavc svatem in cities and town ut the South, which l will now proceed to do. iu uiv humhle jiulgiueni, ala very in Haleigh, Charkatou, ttavaotmk amt oihcrcitic*. eaial* but iu the name. A happiei. lo iter carad fur and more intrlligeui clu** oi m ercer than thnw J mot wttli in the pla. c* just named, doe* not . x* it under the miu. Tiny eat. drink, laugh mid mug iiK-enantly. aiv aiwaya willing (• work hard when rc\{uirud to do an. which i* not often, and rarely dieplay any had temper or vieiotta trait* of character, prweming <pme h striking contrast to the free itcgrov* .4 New York. l'iiiindelpluA nod other Nor 11 tern eitica. in the Southern eilic* the nagro ntoUn* hl groat act development, and in point *l morality ami intelligence iu is tar autw- I nor to hi* . oloretl hn thren iu th North, llo *idr, the South i* the only pl.n o wto-ro the no gro uftfoy > anything appiimohlng tn , * >ci;tl m mtlou. here he mil. ti.- ly talk with the whitu* upon any and oil subject*, ae<-oiiipitny hi* luatfer ami uiixtrcs* in pal lie bonvtyaHCv*, ho a coitft. .Unit in the most delicate nndprna'c manor*, aud* a iru at worth v guardian of liia ompUycr r proper ty. rmlorUu* guMauce of their owner* theuc* gi-oe* become raluntdc serrauta, ciuart lucchau k* aud uaaful tueuilmr* of loehdy. In no hotel in the l ulled Stale*, perhaps, will you find *uvh mu elhevent and cHpahlc Ihhlv of nnitvrc us arc to ha ioitnd at the t'harlcatou Hotel, In Chuilostoii, S.V, ‘t'bcy arc nearly all uc-roes, and do their l work with wonderful correctnes* mol celerity.— Iu the North, the waiter* usually uukc it u pond to be a* tar away from yon a* p>'outdo when wan ted ; hut in the South it i* just the reverse, llvro .Sambo watche* you like n eat watching a mouse Mild the slightest uianuiaut brings him to your side at once. As house servant?, they are excel lout. No gruuildtug at tin number ol ehUdren, a heavy washing, or irregularity in meal*. They study to {dense, as it sue. >V alter* aud house wrvani* gcnerallT roccivo sl<Mt to SJbO a year “'id found, ftricklayvrs and hlacksuuthH earn Irma b“Ot) to s4tHt, and . aipviiu-rs about the same. D*k hand* on hoard the rivur *tc.nnlMat* hiv paid about $lO a month, au>l A.> a mouth for spending luauey. At t harlest..n they receive one wn>k * wage* for their own houctit. Where thav hit hired out to contractor* they have an oppor tunity tr doing urerwvtrk, aud *U money received for such service* they are allowed to retain. A smart fellow can save up fromsdt> is f per ye#i lowants pimdiashiug his freedom, if ha has a de sire l> do so, but the uugority of them are great spendthriltN aud aceumulate hut little money. In most olAh* bout he tu oiue* the negro men have a einguiar fancy for marrying wenches ol der than thcinaeivs* Cooks au>l washer wo men. old enough to be their mothers, aie in their syss the uiokt Miitablv kind of wives, and arc e* gerly sought after. .Vegrossc* never dc*{ air of getting married iu this country until after they become aged ‘enough to be grand mothers, so great and growing is the demand for old wlv#. Than then* is an aristocracy in evsry city, and “mi*” a* nuMftom* a* among whit# pewplc. The n#ffroei> fa luiltomaire tcldom, ifwver, ufMciuf** ur fnndtttarry with th# mgroc* of a mun ia hum bh mol if th'rr© i# a imrtv to b© gisiai, the |H,. I White(D*,, # nigger# are ojre rod p. rccrdv© mi irvitaii'di, *0 •<*'reincly relocfd-- tln-y deairttto kc|) (Iu? circl*. pome of ilcax parti* I uui #•**;red, arc brilliant nff-iira, and i<*r"lihi awui- rifg *p*n t iu drcw, JeWCli'y aim the ixirrdlM# of r*.frehuiote and dolhwoM *d all kind* Nfrn ebsrcbwi ami hcm-roVent ao*dtic are coioßotJ * v#y town, lu M.**;ou ihcru i a IfpptTit f hurch, which 1# attended regularly ev ery Sunday fcy a oengr* gaTimi ol over 1,1.0” pftjUKMl*. Thwj-reacbw wae to, marly aatuve, bm • hi** ongrtgiiti'io pnri Uuec't hi#"fro<i<>ia, bought him a hou*.: and gave him a nalary of f*!o per aiumm, *ll of which h# w viijyy r. Tim rr\tr atwi guftilAtnen *” ropreeuntod -e la'ing m Jf'-ry ii t*dhgen( {wsr*oa, an ii* held in high cntlmaUnb by the whiU)rechtonU ol tb city. A capiluliui eHotf iatold of aid fiarnay. a nepre < rvaut longing to lb# M*l*t#oi ‘x'sorgc hLcrgnivc*. lit ih*e ••it), limnoy. it iip|i‘ a<", n c*inpMH4'et hi# mm ter to L<>n*in atul PatU <>a nue oveuaioo, in llm capacity of body oarsani. Mr. Hargrave* wa* nit invalid, tend having bad*on ut bo* leg* m pipalcd, war obliged 1.0 tak iliwricy with turn eviy wlivtu lie Waul- Dating thuir *lu.y at ui 1 1 uitih* t b( atm lid utiot*, h wring that Bar* to y w# • elav, took •>'*<# t# imprere up->n ihmiiuid *if Hit* negro, ill# at>ur*liry *f hi# ao- 1 i-ouipanving Mr (largfwv** hack to the VnlU'd Stator. * ••VVvli. what will you do tor im /’ impure# liar y, “If I May with ren?” •HVhr. we wWI g 6( yon employment at u hjl ling n itay. and yon wtli have yonr litorty. Think 01 tkair “No/‘ #ni4 IJarnwy, will* h thabo of Li# head, “Ii - pit wouldn't pay. t> n o-e, lam ju*t ae wtdl Sf tuv maarcr. ! rat .1# good food <■ be out*, dre*# about 11# ncll, and havo plenty of tuo ikiV j and what doy n* think Tdo for alt tbaf?— U hv.hlsck one hoof.” The ahol.iioii*t# found they could out make a convert, of Barney, and left him in diaggfh tier- Off l# util! alive, and enjoy# n biindremc annnify left hirn by hi* old itmvter. The free uegror* in thi# State number abort? ‘ l.fittO. A“ a general thing they *re a ateady, sober and ifiduulrbiii# ptsWple. and #trong udv*© 1 aIM of tho #1 avert nyatcrn. One of tlietn. a f#d ! low oained Ji'O Clark, reading in thi# cily. i* ; hiniM'lf the owner of remu ten or twelve nlnvo*, : Show lie rmplovx Upon a cotum phinlaltoti. ‘ Another, named I*h#m, keeper of a bar root*, i- ©aunrated to be worth over $3b,000 : and ! I heard of a third one who *.w support# the 1 family of hi* torfuif tnaatcr. Me wn manumit ted •*vcml year# ago, it ]pear*. and mad*- .pilfe a wunpwienco by bridge building. Since then hr# former mnator ha# torn rev* ral tiro*# indebted to him for various aiflotitit#, cxcwdlng In the ag gn-gate, probably, dome three ur Ivor thmiaand dollar#. And oven now, ## 1 *id before, ho i# the nun cowtrihntor to the auphort of a wbito man'# family. There iwgroei nro highly r#j*ecf< and by the white population, and any injury or wrong pructiaed upon them would entail a* sure ami xpoedy to the offender a* tboitgh the moot rwepwcfiihk* ln. chyld. r- wore the Aggrieved parties. VlNorduy I w two of the African# who wore brought, over in the yacht Wanderer, and fine, intelligent looking felL-w# they aits, t-*o. Due wf them i# named Mingo, nnd the other Dforgo. They arc irinploycd in 11 !i*ry “table iu Ogle Ihorp# ctroof, and make good honttore. Hcorge h'M eliargc of twelve h<r*i*#. and proiwin-* to be a #irmrt nnd cnpuhlr Have. They talk tolerably good felngtiHi, nnd display Wondcrfhl cutcnex*’ for hoy* of |fi yuan T age. They are ihnilar in •pp**r<w- to (he other Mcgr‘K# about die place, and dn>ply none of thnn- -nvngt trait# ot hr ir ter that one might he led tonxpta t. Conriderlng they Wore #•> roecnfly imp’-rted. 1 uo-ho-.t ind there are a of other African*, I>rought over hy the #*me ve*rel. on a plantation not far from tid* city, and that their Owner calculate.* on making them excellent fold hand#. Certainly, the •penimen* I #nw ye.rerday wore very premis ing youth. Wvit( Uglslatfoii In thr TmlUiriva. We pin.wiva that some ul our Territorial Leg lllstuit* bail) laws uii the sukjoct of aiu vvfy. IWlieiing (hat Territories uan posse** no sovereign power except that which they iforiv® frrtin Congrea*. we should like to kmw where they obtain the power to fogialato ou ih® subject of riavery. Is it pm>aikfa that (Jungre** can **t tliorisc n Territory, which is the property of nil HlAttfS, to Icfislais ou a suhjout which i .oigreas itself is prohibited by the l unstiUiti'.u Irani fog i isUting upon Y “.S.juulfcr dovertoguiy” Wo* the. term applied by the votornu and ulde iNMßoovatic | statesman, l.ewis Casa, when tbo Kan.-a* Ne j braska bill was pa**cd; and we sincerely hope that that bill will not bo ooustiacd so ns to au - thorUe tbo Tcrrilurios U> ooact laws which the (J"ogreee of tho United St At as cannot coad. If we havo gone too far iu this matter of Territorial sovereignty, so for as to got off the pisiform of Dcmociatiu princijde*, wo had bettor retra*-® “ur step*. This is i|Uosiiou i*| vital itnpoi lane*.—- Our viaws upon it have boon frsety rxprc*s<l. ftnd if we arc wrong wt vortaialy wish to bo not right. in tliu*e good old D< it)o< ratio day when such ■MB as .foffovson and Madison, and Jacksou were ut the ben l of our guvernmeut, Tsrrftuiii* wvr® ‘".iisidoved to be iu a stale of (ui|dlng<. or minori ty, and wore govorued by otUcer* uppoiutod by the (leuoral (lovernmont, uml by tbo Uws of the tfoaoral HovcrmoSQt, so fai as they wore appli cable, and by thscowuuou law of the land. No judge* administered justice except those appoint ed by tho I ui tad Flutes, and no Torritorusl l,*sr oUluru.-- exercised tha law making power. We then had m Uuublv. No Kansas raids, no mur ders nor bloodshed. All went smooth as a mar riage UI), Wfoni a sufficient number of inhab itant* hail taken up their permauent abode 1 herein they (amenably fanned o vonxiitutioo and wro ! admitted as a Mat*. Then, ami not until then, did their pupilage cease. I hen did they attain their majority, and m-ijuiro amareigu power. Wc like the old paths—“the path* nor t irthevs •r'd. 1 c cari see im objc tion totbeui, but very much iu their fax ir. Tins hardy pioneer who flrit st tllcß a Territory is pour, he has no mon ey and no time to speud m making law*. Cod pm will e® that all his right* are preserved auto biui until the Territory which he is tut lug to *otU> bucoinet a sovereign . v laU’ --- N/.'v fa not this the best way and the only way in which Cuiigrc. s can protect the interests ol ail the Ft ate iu the TctrUorW*, aud tho right* of tho sitisen* ut any Statu when removing into a Terri tory, in the |>"Sttf*ri(i4i of that property whUb the laws of theblwte from which Its moved protected him in?- .Vr w York AVei. Mrglula iboiHerat i loimnttou ItioaMuXß, Va. Feb. 11. The Doinocretm Convention adjourned lnt bight, ftftci adopting a resutuliou to support ti.t* nomiuoc of the ('harlcston Cnn vonti n. Alier the ndjynrmimni u inns* meeting hold, cotnpo-eil principally *f the mem her* of tlio ConvnntiiUi, and tbo following resolutions H<h>pied First, Thai every suggestion f patriotism nnd policy favor concerted State setfan a- a men-uro of Micuriiv for ( onstiruiioual Stela rights. Second, Thai the fctoaeral Assembly <if Vlr giuia mlmhiUl respond fov.nablv to the mvitotfom us tho Stuto of South Carolina, by the Appointment I's CoMMfasfanor* to a united rteuthorn Confer OIM'C. Alter the mass mealing adjourned, a crowd I waited on tiim. Starke, CunTOimtiMMf from Mis. ) *is*ppt \ irgiuim who arrived yesterday. In hhi ipoocii, he said .Mississippi wauual the Oor. j forenew lor ihn l ocn aud not for disunion. The ! .South would not go out of tho Union, but if *b, | were nut (.rulectedby federal aiithuritv, •lio'Wonld ! seise the todcral Property within her limits and | defend nurewli. The s|MMrvh whs feoaivrd with ! great ehwwriog. Tin* Cou vent fan did not express a prefarcnce fi*r any one for the FroMifauoy. The matoitty favorhd i Soitthefn C.'ulYrciiov. -"m • m Naturali/aMon (}ue*fiuu hn* turned UP “me more. Senator Vugh. of Ohio, recently addn-**v l a let tor to K®er®iarv Cats, slating that Mr, DetlwU, ol “hi", wished to visit hi* mother in the Ducliv ol liolstoin, of which countrv he is native. Ho came to the United States betorv he was twenty yars old, and hssfowii nafnruliaed, but has miicw been pronoiinoctl a deserter hr the Danbh uutboritfa*. Mr. Cass replies, under date of th® Ist iust, aud take* the ground distinctly, ‘Mliat Mr. lfotfoU owes uo imlitarv servitto in Poumnik, as he last there Us. re he had called iuto tho army or unvy.aml therefore onld not rightfully be called a deserter. We deny that eoutiiigeut obligation*, dvpcmling ou lime or other elrctiui-tances for their fnlflllmert. create ny liability on the part of au American natural ized citizen.” This fa diffareul from Mr. t’ass’ dm-trine cigntccii months back. Hrxtr vct ruou x lli s.i tan Novij,.— “Cat he ring June. f„ r the last limo hi liask you, vlll y..u ’avc twe ?” *'N Uhatn ‘Bnry, no’ His your pantaloons tore lined vith gold, biM still say uo r “Catherlng Jane! ’are pity*! Call to your inlud** have tbo many ’appy days that** past— the strolls ve’vc ‘ad— the sprvrkltng vatcr* of the noble ’ I dson—the vnviug foliage of the Park and. more than hall, lay bun Ivlng low for you f M “Young man. ad you |*crinitte,i me. hi and save voo a severo pang of hanguidi. Vtltlniu *Enrv. hi lovn hanothcr “’ ‘‘Tiien may Even s lightning blast* im! Mav hall that part of *is hexislence. vi'eh hear# hnnv similarity to treacle, le turned to Mtferneas! May he heapsitoiic alf the terror l feel now: hand, hat last. ven. life’s vearv pilgrimage his hover, may e rush to meet a fate to ritch mine henjoymeut !** A young lady wag recently asked how she could poamly afford, in these hard timus, to take music lossnns. “Oh.” said she. “I conflu* niv ••lf to tbu lowtst nctaa *• tHLlfftni, IMIMtAV. tKKkI U?l. 17 IMMt. The foiuHtU'itialloii nf l irglnlua. Wo **k fit# addition “f nnr itadefl t<* the CjmiinunleatjoP Xlgned “Virginw*’ vrhu-hwe put'- li*h to day. tt make# h'pret|jl evarcbiug Inquiry | into th© motive# ot tho#© who originated the late J Lto-etttar conventton and exhibit# them in no Very favornhl© Tight The fact# and reflection” j of’ are Important at thi# time and | ahoiiid he well weighed hy tho p**ople, inu#runch * a# 1 vtoh-ai ©fleet 1# being mad© to Water up tlm • one-#ided action of that bogus aaMnnblAg#. Had ( aattalU). We regret to Uwm that Win W\ Fletclmr Hn- j gcr# an. intelligent nnd influential of Knon. Alu., waa badly wounded by a pistol shot on the 1 ev.-ning ‘jf th© 24th inat-, inflicted hy hi# orortmar. Mi. J obu Johnreu. The circuuiatunee# w*> are j inforimxl, war© #bont Lima©; Mr. Roger# had din- j charged Ui* overseer about a week aince and ein- ‘ ployed another In bra place, whereupon hi# over- j •ner of tho. plaoimiou detoruiiuing to r#v#ng© j htiuaelf ©Uo*l t tho rcudcuce of Mr. Roger# with * friend on the evening of the 14th inat. I Ili* purple win) toadeknowa to Mr. Hogera, that I be hod coin# to give hjm a “whipping,” when an j altercation ©ro-ued in which tb© overseer, Mr. | •lolin#ou. fired several bota ai Mr. Roger#, rudth- j er .of which took In .tlw nnd#, Mr. Ro- t gera ran into bit room P.r a gnu to defend him- ! relf ami while utoaing the dor.r upon hi* anrag. - - nisi, the lai'er ahot at him, tho hull of t.h# pistol . , penetratingjha hand of Mra. Rogers, who #n* I I a-*,ming her hnsband to drive away the in. ruder. ■ i Mr. Roger #eiae<l a rifle which dts.-harjred it# | load in lit© noil trig while endeavoring to © U. | Mr. then met tho uvorMwr with a knife. inflicting upon him it .* thought, a alight wound. | Returning to hi* ro on after the contaat waa over, • dohnson, the ovtmuer, appeared and with hi# pia tol near the side 1 f Mr. Roger* -hot what hi Hip. I po*ed to be, the f.-tai wound. The ball ©nt* red | the left side ot Mr. Roger*, ranging through th# body, Mr*. Uogm* i# aultoring much from the | wound ah© rceived. The whol# a flair ia - onaiiL j ured a brutal attempt to t*k iba life ol an bon i ‘.ruble man (or a alight oftbitMi. Jolmaou having | lioOHU-o to b# aggrieved and having been very properly dia©barged. Dr. Stanford, of thia city, t Jeflonth© ran Saturday evening Pi viait .Mr. j Roger*. Ilia recovery iexceedingly douhUnl. COUWt'XICATCU. Tho I Hu < antentlea*. ifrrirr, I have waited with much anxiety, to ao# tlie dHcwaaion iu rtlatiou to the two Convention# in Georgia, uamne a some what broader range. I have dosired to on the motivt which ha# brought about the distraction iu th© Democratic party, prel*d loth* core by #*.me of tlm many able pen* in the State, an i to sec #<■■<- s-uindvr and more iatiafkatory reason# adduced #n cither #hl# than the pleM nf precedent and the •othority vwtltcd in an ExecwUv# Committee.— Having thus Trtr waited in Vain, and believing that th# iniportahe# Os tho ennaiitcrnfions invol ved have not hewn “unk-Tently* weighel, I pr*- p.wc, with ji#f I#rwh*Wn, wrtk#hw remewhat further into tho cauftc# which brought about th# December tßwnVtntlew, and to make soma ohr* vat ion# in reIWMWn to iho#© activo #|*irtt# who seised the rein# of party power and engineered that a*"'nitohig through it delilmratbin#. TWfe i# no lontrcr any doubt the Dcmo cratie party ofGeorgin will b"hl a Contention al Mdtodguvllle on the CHh of March, n green My to th# ll of the Dem./cfaip* Kxecutiva Commit toe. Th# people have *xrc -**d the right# sought to l# wreetoi from them, and have do. da red against th# validity of ttu* Di-cemhcr Convetitton, Mttd th# authority of it# po< re loigH They have strangled In It* rrodfo flic political bantling brought forth on that occasion. Thy have et th- real “f 1 heir coudcmtiation upon th© b©w dogma "ght tj he cstahliidi'-d, vl* : that Ri-mo eratic l.filitlator#, without authority, are the he*i and rno#t approved exponents of their 41*1111- nit-nU Ufioii all and have “poken In t<>u*#*n ioi i that they hare reached even the “•aiWHiira# of forty fc*l piwsflM,** that they trill h< Mtetrti throucrli their ihorecn representative#, even though they he “young toon** and appointed hy meeting# held on Sheriff # mIo days. So effec tively have they spoken, tint today, iml one nf the chosen few who minDtored on th© ocea sion if the iitbwrahla abortion of the Sth of De cember, 1# Laid enough to gain#y th# 4le#rce. save a gentleman wh . ha# not y#t hud th© royal air* picked up at af. reign Court rubbed out of bin. Tho Democratic niare* may still teach biui a l##o ” salutary in ItH offocts.n# that dfillvcrod by French bayonet* to Francis .ToMpfc on th© phiin# of S.dfcrino. I The Con vouti )u id jfacetnltur was a Cobb Can \ veniiou aud uoUiiug efae. It was eumpewul al most entirely ut lhu*v who desired or werw willing | t’iat Cyv. Cobb sbould be endorsed a* t-bu can j didiito ol (fa’urgja for the Charleston nominal ion. jII Bras opposedty tbox* who are not frfaudly to hi* uounn.itiuß; lUose who thuughi that no prf j erenoo ought to be express'd for auy man. and by | tliosoufio honestly bolieveil that the Convention ! *’ ‘'ailed and held without authotity, and that j the call of the Kiewitivs Cmmi(iei was the only legitimate mode ol bringing iliepai'j together.— That (bate several elements or parties joined, are a decided majority aud oontroluig power in the Slate, is manifest irMU tbo genets’ expression of public scniimout through the various mediums : horn which that ouiliuul Is usually gathered. The Cobh parly eat failed of this prevailing and overwhelming public opinion, have yielded the point—have ‘'eased their opporitfan to the March C..tivuuuu!i, have wiUidrawu the claim st first set lip iu lavoi at’ the delegate* appointed iu Decem ber, aud now agree to defer to tb action and do cinou and the March Convention. In this, they have acted wisely, for if they bad persisted iu their former eonrse, they wunld have been overwhelmed by an fmllgoant public ecuti inent, and their leader buried beneath the weight of puMie odium. Hut to how ninth credit are thvy entitled for their present course > No man can fail to see and aekaowiedgo that it is a yield Ing to ac assi/y osrf/arzw rather than to patriotism and duty. They saw plainly that if they held aloof from the March Convention, they could not weaken or impair its force, ami that it* proceed ing* and appointees Would be received at Charles ton a* the vujee of the true Democracy of liter lit. i'une(|<intiy thvy have changed their taolu*. At first, they were clnmoruu* lor the legitimacy of the Jtoeomher Convention. They luvfatod that ii wns lawfully held, that It spoke the Kentimewt of a largo majorit y of the party and wu* approved by the messes, ami that if a Con vention was held at ail m March, it would ha but the “(fopriug of a disaffected lacuon. “Tempura umlaut ur, Ac.** “A change has come over th spirit of thalr dreams.” They am lading into lino in every dia striot. Their leader lims issued his fiat from hit “Marble Halls” In Washington, and now the March Convention is to bo pri-Mitiid to assemble, and to speak for the Democratic party of Geor gia. They are appointing delegate* in every county where Cohl ho# friends and controliog influence, and their avowed purpose is to go into tits Convention to shape its course. If they have the strength the December (karontlen is to he endorsed and legaliicd, and the / eiiwntta. us limy term those opposed to the spurious Convsu tion of Dcceinlierare to W thu* rrkukeil. Tftwp Piny smucosW. They have powerful and active In flueuce* at work, they hare concert and co-opera tion, they have offsets aj i.nportanet to obtain, they have many and various stimulating motives o action, whilst the great mato of the Detm*ni cy In the State art> Influenced only by a desire to vindicate the majesty of the popular will, aud to promote the cause of the Democratic party. They toili **er-e</, unloss the sound, true Southern Rights portion of the party in every section of, tbo State, shall take the alarm, shall understand the aim and object* of them secret co-worker*, aud the powerful energies and engines they arc invoking for ittcccf*. A tmithful analysis of the i December Coo vent ion, the parties who got it up Hud participated In it, the means used and the objects to bo accomplished, will exhibit the work >st of Gov. Cobb’s friends in reference to the Maroh Convention. The December Convention was evidently gotten up to endorse Cobb as a Presidential candidate, to gratify the ambition of a t#w inttn who wi#Hed to be delegate# to tlbarfne- | ton and to prowfeThe ulterior #nda and wj-hea ! of two other di*unguichd gentlemen who to© looking forward to high piaca* of political pr* ferment, book at the fact#. The Executive Commitic© Hppomted hy the Inat ts ‘onvenVmn held hy the party, had determined to ©ail a Conven tion in March. Thi# fact wa# known to the projector# of the December Convention. These projector* inter ostad in ai'comptiahing certain objwt*, antieijm tad th© publication of the Curd of tb© Commit■'©© and called a preliminary coua.iltation meeting of the Democratic nu mber*of tint Lt-gwluture. At that meeting and before any proceeding#, the u<- tenHou noI action of the Executive Committee wore <li#ih©tly announced, and strong objection# were urged hy a large number of the Democratic member* present, to the proposed Legislative call of th# Convention. All wa# disregarded, and a Convention called in ho* baste, giving aeareoly time or o|.portuiiity for the variuux oountiu# to ©xprean their wishes or send delegare#, and ar rogantly asauming to sat a# delegates them#elv©a uni©"* their eoiretltucnt* should do the nugro eii>u# act of repudiating their assumed authority. Many of tha counties were not even aware that the Honvetiiion wa* ealled —few had opportunity pi hold meeting# fr the txpreaaiou of ©piniou or the appointment of deiugatea, and none were disposed to aet #0 harshly toward their cb#*en I repreo*nt#fiv* in tba I/egi*latur© a* to eondetnn 1 Ihoir pro -eediog* and brand their self-in'* .-vd I authority. The Convention wa* held Ld tho re *iill ia before the people. Few. * -uups, know or understand the objects wb*'prompted that Con vention, and tbf # ©a;.. used to produce it Th©i# were several powerful ioflueueoe which ojmrared to bring about this movement The main ohject wa# to gratify Howell Cobb and promote bis aspirations for a Presidential nomination. The influence of Federal palroxgw and government power were invoked. Look at the delegate# outside of th# Legislature who at teuded that Convention, among whom were thick- , by strewn post urea t era and other servant ofliww. Many, If not all of the## held their places through 1 C‘*hb’s itifl'ienoe, and the tim-kuea* of the batter upun the bread ol all of them, it not the broad at self, is dependent upon bis pia*ure. Th# presses too, which rushed to the support of , this usurpation of uutbo.iry, iu Additional th© | auhstMiitmi food yearly given them by the |>©opl© ! wtiom they misrepresent. r*e*jv# many fat tour aela from the public table, so long a* Mr. Cobh hold* the “poou, and they are in th# tram ot hie followers. In addition to thi*. the F#teral pat rouage of the eenaoa iu the band# of so activ# . creature of Cobh* own creation, waa an engine, and iuatruiurnt of irresistible power. Mr. Spul leck wu a member of that Cvuvenliou—and it 11 a well known feet that ha waa iu MiltodgeviU#, working like u bearer for hi# patrons, Qurbrnort C <hb and Johnson—one for President the other for Senator—Spuiiock wh# appointed by Cobh to u* this iiniuvoac Federal patrenage to subserve his own purposes, *ml in order to ar cotuplieb it, Mr. Cooh did not scruple to remove and disgrac#, without cause, tb former Marshal, and without rnusultaiion with a single Senator or Reprasenia tivc from Georgia, though they were all present in Washington *t th# tune. Look at the amount of Governmen’ patronage , th© Marshal controls. One hundred and thirty j two census taker*, b##id© ofhor penjui'ite*. The . census 1* to he taken this year. In every county | in at lea#t one, and in *<>iuef th*’ larger I t<Minli##. jierheps two persona, are to he appoint led by the Marshal. It i* a lucrative oflioe worth about beauts per head, and wot u> •reth*u aitxty to niuety day* sins and labor All thia ifn iß©u*e patronage in the hands of BpuHnck, nnd he ha* uo superior in Li* litre, w-is hr ugbt to b-*ar upon that December Co&vanrion. Who ©an , doubt that its influonc# whm potentiol? But tbr were other nmw* operating on that Convention. Its history devtl -|h* that Jam©* L- Seward wa* on# of it* main springs *ad prim© muii*t#ni. He [ is tbonght to b ambitious for a nomination for ! Governor, and bis manifest policy was to ootrtdK iata Cobb and hi* friends. Upon wbat other | principle could he have aucrifleed all Lie Soutb | ern right* faeliuga and principle#, to say nothing J of hi* reaeatm#nts to take tfiasff Cobk a# his firt 1 choioe tor tb© Presidency—Howell ,C*bh, who, in j IHJfI, was th© bitterest cuvtny of lb© Sou (burn I Right* Democrat 10 party, to which Mr. B©ward j prufesae# to belong, and whose vindictive feet | w#re, in his own language, <u the nwlu ©f that | party and he would crush them to death. No j one who knows any thing of the antaecdent pe j Rtical atatusof the two men eould mDundersfand or mistuke the motive of tha Senator fr<m Tbotu | us. And again, there waa tire laflucuee of Gov. ; Johnson, who is ambitioas to eucccvd Senator Ivemou in the Senate. With a tow xce|Ki./ns, those who 00mpo#4 tho December Convention were tb© frieuda of Jobuaoa and the partixan* of Cobb. A few of the avowed supporters of Judge Iverson, were there- what motive induced their course, I cannot conceive, and I am unwilling to •luesUou their ainewity. Thia last will b# put to the test at th# next session .*f the Lcgteta (uv*. During the Henatorial eauxross in MiiledgevUle it was reported aud bvlieved, that a eoulitian was formed between the friends of Johnson and Cobh to support each other for the delegate* position, snd the result seems to establish the tt ulk of the report. It Is certain however, beyond a question, that the frfaudsnf Cobb supported Gov. Johnson for Senator, and the friends of Johnson in turn, here been fund in the December Convention supporting and endorsing How. il Cobb for the Presidency. Them were the principal motives, objects and influences which produced tha Da csiaWr Cuovcnth'U. Tha whola thing fa so plain “that he who run* may read.” Tbe December Convention was tm*ived. rai led and held, iu a spirit of fraud up.ju the honest masses imd to subserve the •. iifah end* of etnbi tiou* and designing men, and its fruits are the le git ituato uft'xpriug of the rotten seed town. To produce iudividiial nggrandix. ment, a pariy has been <1 fa traded, and wounds that time, (mtience ‘ and kindne*s, ha<l enured almost to heal, have 1 Wo torn open and untdt> to bleed again. Cut Bono!’ For wins* good was this’thing d-no? What good purpose culd itauWnc For a boo benefit was the premature snap-judgement Co* ventiou as*einldd ? Jsitnnt apparent that the ambitious views of Cobb, Johnson sad Seward, were consulted at tbc iiariKixi of the rights and interests us the usase**, and the harmony and welfare'of the party ? Aud now If these elements can succeed, the December fraud is to la* ratified under the falUeiuu* plea of harmony and the De mocracy of Georgia committed to Howdl toi l* aud the Charleston Convention And wherefore? What claims ran he present for this levor at the hands of the Georgia Democracy ? Has not his vaulting ambition jeep.*ded the existence of the party in day* gone by* !• It forgotteu that ho led a faction of the party to a National Conven tion, and demanded, iu the name of the parly, an admit tauee, which was refused ? Do not the De uocraey remember that his first act, after Mug again received into the party, was to distract aud divide its members, and through his partitans, to defeat iu caucus nominee “and a!m<nt throw; in to the hands of the opposition th# l\ S. Senator ship? But it these sin* ••should be remembered no more against him forever,” what strength doc* he possess with the National Democracy * What can the Ge>rgia or the Southern Democracy ac complish by advancing his claims? I* there a uiau ouuidv of the little clique in Augusta, that ia ee lamentably ignorant of passing events, a* not to know that, from the day Cobb went iuio Buchanan's Cabinet, his political sun has been fast setting toward# the uttermost rergo of tbo horizon? Why then attempt :o bolster, by a fraudulent and worthless endorsement, a useless and feeble fragment of an impotent administra tion? Suppose the March Convention does endorse and recommend him to the Charleston Conven tion, and instruct its delegates to vote fur him, wbatwilllt avail? Nothing on earth, save his own prida. and the probable defeat of another better and abler ton of Georgia! What chan,* does Cobh stand for tbe nomination, if Georgia does oadorse him .* Ofalltha Southern names advanced, his would bo the very last chosen. Outside of Georgia, he is to-day, theiuoit unpop ! nJar and fcjpiMlteaa man of ail, whose nuino# hivu ! •teen ioen?iood i connection with Gi© Hreaid'su , cj, and beyond the limit* of hi” own* can , no* justly daiuiA siHt*rj role? Virgioift her Wise ami !lunter—Teiiu#a.vce and K'-ktucky j Hwtir cudidHU!!*. Nu Cobb pariixwu hn* ruiw ‘l. : hi* lieu 1 in Alabama, Mi#*i*#ipfd, Loaisiaua Tex a* (r Missouri. In ?outh Carolina,'Ntrr ha* * p irporal# guard that might vote for Cjgtbh. if tbey had an uppwrtuniiy. With n SooGicrn State save hi* own, what Western or North--Western Btata could ho hpa to get J It ia oertoin that D -ugia* ©an control gll the*©, and yet tht-Jt will not Imi able to oatninato him, even if b# dcsrrvs it, which I haV* lyiig thought, and #tii! tliinlt *jue#- tionul'le. Rut h# will. Ire able P 4Ntfol the ®oui*d Inat Pm. His fricnU at Churl#” lon will be d*- voted to hi* wihe* and in!en**ts. and tUI go any where he directs, exoept to Cobb, botwoen wh-in and ibeir loader an uuralvming bostiiity ©xisu M’haf would the empty u upliu(it nf Georgia # rote he worth to Cohn, wf.©p it was known by what mean* it was procured? On the othwr La* u it [a well known that Mr. Stephen* ia Ure strong 1 ret man iu tire country, with the conservative maracs. No opposition cxi/is to bim ia any , garter. Dongle# and hi* fr coda hold him in the highest e*teta, and it is understood (hat if hi tiftui# 1* urgei by the Gewrgia Ddegation. that Douglas and hi* friends w.nld gladly rally to hi* support, and most probably secure bis ’ nomination. ll© stand* eqnatly fair with the dele 1 p-aiiou* frt in the Southern -States. Unlike Guv. t''-, he stand* aloof from the strife, iie lunus no eoml'ination# or coal it lens, and doa* not se*k the plate. Above the petty imriguos of party and acorning th© urreptitiuus aid* of federal p*p and patronage. Lira th© gilicd and lamented Lowndes, he at;u>da upon the ever mem orable maxim, that the “Presidency of th© United States i*neither be sought or dachoed.” Will th© people of Georgia allow thi# opportune tytojpass tbcin, will ih© Democracy allow the per 1 swnat ambition of an unatallabie nap Irani to | snatch from their bund* th© prise almost within | their grasp ? The*© AVo ci'H*id#r}UtoJM that is© ; lar above th miserable and tniwkbvool trick* of | selfish aspirnuth and utouuig (Hdiltciaii#, ord th*’ . time bus arrived wb#n they should go 110 longer 1 unheeded by the Democracy of Georgia “VIRGXNICd.” Iblrty-HUth t oMgww- F.m hKNATE. Washixotos, Feb. 14. ma AnMiaatox o* a a *BAS WTO the lxiox. The Chauuisn preoented tho Kuusas Constitu tion of the Wyamloi Convention. Mr. .Seward, rep. of X V, moved its reference to th© Committee on Territorlea. Mr Drown, dcu. nf Mass, offered a resolution, that tb© committee inquire wbetbrr the provis ions ot Die Kngliah bill ui© complied with Mr. Seward asked for the yea” and uny*. Mr. I'ugb, Uvui. of Ohio, ?ad lie would vote against all instruct ions, if© wanted Bto go to the coin ui it tee 1 u an untrammelled form. Mr. &*.w*rU"itoi it wtw to© curly to bring up Giia uu©*lion. Th© Senator ftom Missieatppi coald obtain the information h© desire* by tuak iug • separate motion. Up wowhf always vote tor rc.-oiutiouf asking iakvmutiwi, hut he want* etl this preaeiited wpurateiy. Mr. Mason, dem. of Vw. said a nature ©x is tod tLhI Knnsa Khouid not Ire aduiitte*! a# a Sia t until a certain population has been uactriniued hy a eousus. Kan#*# cuukl nut ( oim in a* a F-uite untd .ohe po-se#*ci the Wqukflv population. The resolution ouiy looked to obtaining intointation whether th© taw had ireeu eumpiivd with. If th© law requiring aecttaiu p q/nlation to ©xi*i prior to her admission be wrung, let It b© repealed ; hu? white it is a low it should be respected. lie <-ontd nets toi propriety iu Hitartaii>ing the conytlrinio. until it w./r HecertauMsi whuthcr the law wa* com plied vrnth. Mr. Drown *uid th© constitution of K>idmh waa framed in criminnl rinlatiun of th© law* of t ungres*. New wa*. theproj*©/ tins© © make tire inquiry. H wanted uf>ron*lion, and if it should prove that tit© aet of Coogn sa bn- h©eti rat at naogbt. h© wobld feel to vote again#! th© admi# ion *f K<ins.-. Mr. Fiigh was entirely apposed to th* sy.-tem of insirucuiig cotnnnileva, and taking from 1 hem all discraiion, If the act of Congress had been violated, be Would vote against the aduiif-ion *d Katreu.-: loit If it were rstreet ly ascertained that “tic hud the requisite p-pnintton. be would not stickle Mte’Ut toitua. it wa# not nswiwiy thai th© fact #houM b© ascertained by a federal oen #lS Congress had voted no mean* to take a cuus, and the ?Rwt bad to take her self. Mr. Bayard, dew o! Dei, said Uie resolution was not in tire term of an iurtUMtluii. hut merely , looked to the in king of a certain inquirr. Mr. Dotfliltlfl,rtp. of Wis, movod to amend the rcfolutiuu. by ibeiiuciing ihc committee to report a hill tor the luniiciiat© .idtß*a#iuu of Ransm wader th© M'yamhd Constitution. Mr. I’ugh still wnd b© Would vt© ngainst ail iuatructioos; ht h© could vote for Mr. Brown # resolution merely of inquiry. The Chair said ho must, under the rule, call up a# the “joreial order, tb© bill prohibiting th© issue of bank note* under twenty dollar#, in th© Di# trict of Col©mb©a. M ashisotow, Feb. Ivtth. 7"A St tutorial S'iihch* (Uimmitt+r — The enm , mit foe appointed by the Feaatorfol caucus, and t” who* were referred tbe various resolutions ho fre tho ffonate in regard to tho slavery ques tion. have had one or two uniting*, but thus far have failed to arrive at any conelu.'uiu The ob ject and aim of thfa committee i* not to bring I forward a resolution or resolution* which is to be I °° n iWervd a* tbe platform f<r the Chariestoß Cuwventiun. The CommiUee *taiw that they , had uo such idea in coiiteimita<io. their object j h.-irg merely to harmonize tbe confttoting rwolu ■ turns jo meet the view* of the various Fcuator*. j Xt ** all eertaiix that they will agree apon any rM<duti"n*. but leave tbe matter In its pres ent *ha|>. AUmittion oj Aanso*.—The Committee on Territories meet 10-tuorruw, and will take up the subject of tie adroisri nos Kaneas. It fa a quest!mi what eour** tho 8 oate will pursue re lative to the subject. Iho action of the republicans ou the Mexican treaty will undoubtedly bsve *• me influence on the action of tbe democrat* about the admission of Kansas. The Coioutirfoo bare also under consideration the subject of Territorul governments tor Nevada. Pika’s Peak and Dacota bills will b* reported iu these oases; certainly as to the la-t named. The committee sonicroplate nothing further for Ari ton i at preset);, than a Surveyor tie tier* I and Judicial district. Thr Itift.— The Committor ~n Ac ricultnm have decided to rep rt a Homestead bill, which will pass tho House, but its success in the Senate i* uncertain. The Traniime /Vr7y#.—'Those wh have close ly scruiiuized the wlijrct sny the House nre most equally divide,! on the question of the franking privilege, and the preponderance of fooling is against iu abolition Mr. tinthrie ami <kt frou later**!. —<’, | lt-s yl paper* ouialuing afticlce ou Jaui< * iiuchiic and the iron interest are being sent to many demo, cratic um to her* of Congress, with tha view of pro dming conviction Dial Ihj fa the only democrat who eau . ertajoly carry i’ertosyivanto and New Jersey. WAnatwcTtw, Feb. 26, ISM. In the Senate to-day the death of Iln. T. O. , Goode, i who was formerly a member of Congress fr in Virginia) was announced. Several oul j gif# were and raw Jut km* of condo j ieuce passed. Vo , fiber business of importance was tranaacttHl. In the II- use, Mr. Lovejoy,of Illinois, endeav ored, but idled, to introduce a reewintion to p point a committee to inquire into thempulsfcip <>r Aboiiuonists from the Southern 6late*. Tbe death of Mr. Goode was also announced in this hraucb (of whieb be was formerly a very distinguished member,) anl the usuad ceremonies were per tor me-1. The fortifleation bill was introduced and refer red to tbe appropriate committee. Tbe bill in. volves an expenditure of about six huudrol tbi< *and dollars. WssmanTox, Feb. 21. PetiAT*.— Tbe Hoo. Wm. H. Seward, of New York, inlroducad a bill for the admission of Kan sas. A resolution was adopted to arrest Tbaddeu* Wyatt, for contempt to the raid committee. The bill to supply the States with arn., w.v j made the special order for Thursday. The Senate then adjourned until Thursday. Horsa.—The lion. W. N. If. Smith, of North Carolina, defined bis pwitjon. He says that he was never any thing but an old lino Whig. The Hon. Henry W. Davis, of Maryland, in hi* l speech, used some bitter invective# against tbe ! Maryland Legislature. The House adjourn#* until Thursday. WajMbiqtox, Feb. 23. baXATx.—Tbe Senate was engaged upon the ! District of Columbia business to-day. Hors*.—Several bailor* tor printer were made to-day. Dcfrees, tbe Republican oandidate. was with drawn. Ball, of Ohio, a Rapubliean, lacked only one rote of election. LATER FROM EUROPE. arrival! THE •cSSv.JBLJEfIBi KI St OP A. New VktRK. Fch 22. Tire a team *liip Ruropa lma sirtd I at ITalifal ini©!Ugeio.w from Liverp-od to the llth iuat. litveiM'HUfoTl-'N IfXftKHT. — w !llc# of cotton for tite vrvuk rnjitHlfeal >l which D5. cu were taken <-n *pwculatia, and r>.jUO for export. The market tqreucd active and advancing, but closed quiet. Quotations gcpcraHy unchanged. Sales -.11 Frid ‘ the li'h, 7."Wfl bale*, p©i;ulatura and exfvnrtrr# tpk'eg i, “’• bale#. The market closed quiet but “lii/idy. The toll"*mg are th© anthoriaed quotaticn*: Fair 0. jeans : : 7?i<l. Mid. “ ? fl : sd. Fur M"totes : • 7' , d. Mid * t : ■ ? dll lftd Fair|*ptada : : I l-lthL Mid. *’ ffHd. Th*- -vu©k nl “itoH mu fiDMHMt bate", of which 477,t0t0 ucr© Amcrjcn". Maoebn-ter a*i .ea were favorable, and prices were Anil, with an inrrausrd dcmaml for gnoda. At Ihre: tjrlean# Tie# Ordinaire was quoted at Hu; franca, and Baa fUO tnutca. The sales of the week were lUp# halt #, and closed with an advancing tendeuoy. The stock waa l2fi,"oM halva. At Liverpoolbrotei.*tuff# were flrtn, and corn advancing. No wow# wa# receivediufw p ditical character. Pcßt-ral Niw*. lUur*X Feb 21 Tlu* inMlitren** comn:unmated yca eiday that e ip had b* vu wrecked ts Cape Sa ble, t* fully oonflnuc't, and it 1# known that if ia the Hungarian, which left Liverpool on the flth of F^iusip bhts i* a total wreek. The crew aud passen gcr nr© Wlicved t© Lae all !<*t. A mii'ili p fm-m of tbs null •# onty visible at tow wat‘*r. Th*r # M-nhng like new* f-r the Associated I*rests, 11 i” in tp© uutti, a |vrtirn if which w ill I*© HW>i iij demegud cuuditiuo. On© i .I'*, nger •( ha-* bean touud, with the name if Nd -n ?ke*sioi on it. A i!fioti*h to (U- Cunard Company, from Capa Sabi*’. ■>•# 1 but th© jiwsMiff lights were #ecn on Monday murmug about Z u’cl >r k, i> Gape Ledge —at -laytreenk. tt.e upat* and i*ipo vm standing at 10oVi>*'W. allMac©* of thru) wero gun©, and th© sivatiter #.-tdcd rapidly. A hoary vav*:* ruuuing, mountain high, vaited-;f ih© time, and contiuiintcafrou with the Wre. K wa* imp-uisitte Ali hand* on b.. re nave been l*l unless boat* lefi the et.-aiß* r hefn© daylight, wetett it is not beUereil was lone. Aiiii-.tional by the Europi. lijftirxx. Feb. 2.1. The ©Mirn.'f and expenditures of the gi-vorumcDt <tf Logland, • ir rite rtiotni'© of the fast year, ia uinc ut'.l Ron isvvreu hundred und lilty thon-and pound” sivrßng. Thi> anuit i j repo"©d to ire uiu'i© up hy an income iax The r*-p.rt i* <©i,flrtuid liiat th© Frouch troops have been ord’ iyjrt l !•© r.ady to leave fire Italy at a da\n- tin*. It Is #upp *-rd thai the ©ccu pno -y of Tin s-sty i* ©outciuplatc-L I; now jicucvaUy •-.b-.v ! that Kurland will offer ♦ • to©dijte b©ttrv© Sp>in ,td Mot-recu. The t'hfiWw ato -*tr i-.gly li-rtifyUig lVkiu, and •h- >i. * **. • | F. iho Erigioud h vttergtlif ally (icpuriug tor the cam paign la Chin#. l.oU! Lomd-. Saturday, /Vi. U— By ult grof.h tu QueiwUntu —N w* from Conaiammo pl© f th© 4tu iu"t . it;** been rtt*rivnl. Since tho •tepartrtr© of il>at. TR-uv- n-l a gn-at change ha takt-n place in th© relation# of rle .uubnss* •tor*, fhc I'ranwh Charge ha* had ciurroely any iotorc-.t il© sitij ih© L.a* 1* who had Di-quont conf* 1 •■*•■ “ frich the Austrian inter uuiivio. l.n’t’jnM-1 M'ulet Flour and whoot ©•■ quiet, but firm. Corn bad advanced ttd. sine© Tuesday. Sugar wa* quiet. Coffee steady, kic* .|uv*-t. uJ all #lightlv declining, lloain was stiouiy <*i 4c. fid., and Spirit# of Tur pentine easier, lift Motive, ut ‘.as. thi, a dfit. From t!e Tendon p*i, Feb.ff. Thr Toler of lial> Mure Powrrrn! than IMplomary Me awswmhcedwt tl. beginning of the year that a vinuai uiijauce had laait cffocted fotwoeu n‘fur*. M e xprely ataiod that the twogov .■ms.-itu bound tbrmefve- by no treaty, hut tiwit ihoir was the result of circuut stanec* audthe dic'aii.g of public opinion. Tbi* allian. e.cvory Jay drawn closer, already begtQj u, produce ovidcm snd tangible codw quence.'*. Iti*now formally determined that no intervention -hali take place in Italy, aud that the ptopU diaflhe 1. ft ♦ thuirown devices. It i> therefore agreed that the Slates o Central lta ly shall dispose ..I tbczneeSc*. Freah cfactiuli# are i* b* held, ift>d thea*winhlto reanii ngfrosa pej ular choice are free to decree the annexation oftbiv court.teems to tbe Srdiniai kingdom.—- The Freueh iroops are to be withdrawn from Northern Italy and from at an early op portunity it :s n-. -ccrot that Austria haviiig regard to tin Western Alliance and her eau se rious difficulties, . • v•** up all hupo ,f retrieving her n and inffnouco io Italy, and nor only sheathes her swot l, but puts it asuie. An at toJßpt will he made induce ber t- grant re form* ia Valencia, of whieb *lie i* still legal mis tnaw. Hero (he Its!, ill question night lurininatA in the lecwguiifauot tbunew sratc bv Furope. Hut wiiril Wallowed to dow? \V> rfoibt it. The stub- ImnmrM el the Pope hid < fair t” deprive birn of the whole of his tcMip- rsliue*. Naples groans undi-r .1 bcarier lyraiiuy than ever, and the cries of VQic are loud enough t strike onr cars, however wc may shut them. The Daliao qtier ti"o, then, being bkcly U. take -till larger pro fa*! ‘*r st and most boriifieeat p u . I<cy i :bo! lino ol rtric’ duty, by which, this titue bis: vcur* we rmght hire prevented war, and hr which tti'vy mow guMrantcc tho peace of k uroj ‘.rbar fmu fa—an foreign iutvrven tioo. Ui Italy for the Italian*. I>a >h t>Tiuaa.a. The strike of tho shoema ker*. which began at Natick a week <r two since, threaten* to extend, as the workman ai Lynn and otlu r plane, bare a now scale ..f prices under con- Btdarariuo t” which rtie employer*, U fa stated, will U"t li’ vde. Ike (41 go dealers aeeat t” W of opiafoo That a briwf cessafion .f rnsnnfoeiure i (*.■ feiicflcial in the trade, but in individual cose-, o , r orders r--r g ...fa are t. be un-wered, it will be- with eousid. rabfa per*nal io*a tl at tbs deiuai.d* ..| tlie wuikutcn can reeisled. Our correspondent et Haverhill speaks ..fa contem plate I *trike in that to#u, and doubtless, as the Workmen hare State UMauilatiuo, tho mnv meiil Uiay las qwitw gi uerai.— [Moton TraetHer.] Mxuti.avi* Lkoi:*i. vrt itß—The following item *** fi'i.i in ibe report of tbe Baltimore Exchange, in th Mouse us Itotogarcs of (but State, in refer ence i- the S- nth Catolioa res<dulions : A message wns the Governor, in reply to tiiu request of the If., U ao of the 10th insieoclo-iag i U c reply of the Governor of houth baiotiaa, tu Governor Hick*, and Governor llick* response thereto, in relation to the South Carolina resolution*. Governor Gist denies that South Carolina pro. po#i-a She only asks that the South ern Mate* would meet in convention—insist on their righto—act in concert to defend them with out dissolution—show the North that the South i* determined, and they would eeoao to agitate slavery. The reading was received with applause. Louisiana Ancrirans. The American party of Louisiana appreciating the patriotism of the Democracy of tbe country, and its trying positi.-n a* the solebulwark against abolitionism, have met. through their Represent atives at the Btato Capital, and passed the follow ing resolution. Introduced by Senator Salmon: /?o/a#4, Thai tbe Secretary of this meeting be instructed to inform the Democratic members of the Legislature, now in canons in the Capitol, that we ple-lgo ourselves to unite with them in sustaining the nominee of the Charleston Con. vonttoo, was carried by ayes H, BOi i 7. Ulo Grande Affair*. Nrw Orlkans, Fob. 24.-—Gen. Forbes Brat ton, of tbe Texas Senate, has been appointed special bearer of dispatches from Gov. Houston, concerning tbe state of Affairs on the Rio Grande. He leave* to-dayJor Washington. Advices from Ruatan to th* 14th, slate that lhaciUzens are making energetic propartlon# to resist the cession af the island of Honduras.