Newspaper Page Text
ft OSM 1 ® i*“ !>ilot -
Tim Broken Home
“Sineo last our cbrafc* were fanned by th©
cooling wipds of Autumn, what a liM
com© orer the Uomcstio hearths of many of ut!
Whet bright hom scenes have boon broken asun
dir ! Th* h©art'll idol UW in the dut, and f*
miliar faces been burwl In the “eohl obstruction
of th© toinbt'*
‘TistfiMnitfht hour—the world U ttU,
Ami solemn shadows lie
On garden walk whore cedar* wav©
Their armi toward the aky.
All earth is gently slumbering
Hut sleep ha* left my brow.
One dark, one bitter thought is mine,
1 have no father now /
My tear* have mingled frequently
With orphan friend* I know,
For something whispered in my heart,
That 1 would be one too;
Hut ne'er before hail sorrow dreamed
llow bitter was the cup.
To hoar the last short Hooting breath.
To give the loved one tip.
To watch death shadow* gatheMig o'T
The face w© loudly love.
The glassy film, the half elosoa Bye
Turned movelessly above*
The lip that first had pmd oar own,
Instructive storm* told
In childhood'* bright and joyful hour*,
Grow site*!, lifeless, ©old ‘
To bear the groans, the dying groans,
That soein to pierco the heart,
’ to watch lifa’s struggling day and night
Ere its stifirings depart,
To count the slowly ebbing stream,
Its ripples one by one.
Ob, Ood Hi* bard at such an hour
To say 44 Thy trill lie flour /”
‘Tie o'er Well never hear again
That kind parental tone:
Draw nearer, Mother, nearer still,
For now we'er all alone !
The home so lately lilted with joy,
With dreams of happy years,
Is cheerless, sad, and desolate,
A home of griet and tears.
Yes ! a change has come, a shadowy gloom
O'er Bellwood once so fair :
At twilight still the family meet,
But on* isinbsing there.
‘Twill never l*e the same again
As in the days of yore,
Anl yet the world may joyously
Move onward as before.
Tiie twilight star may still beam on
When summer's nun departs,
liut its tender, kind arid watchful ray
Witt ahine w-eiyieiui/ hearte /
Our Father's gone ‘ The friend of all,
The guardian of the poor.
The (•]>©& hand, the honest heart
Arc closed forever more !
A broken fame, and yet each fount
Os Marah hath its balui,
To heal tho wounded, sorrowing soul,
The troubled spirit—calm.
‘Tin Heaven's kind protecting love,
A priceless pearl to me.
And “Father to the fatherloss,”
Our Hod will ever he.
Bellwood Farm, l peon Cos., Us.
The OittAT Elevator.—-A Southern gentle
man at a hotel iu Ohio, the other day, gave a
negro waiter a dollar, which the darkey thus ae
Thank'o ui **<•>*. Southern gommen always bo
— cubs us it we don't tend ‘em right, hut dey al
ways give u a dollar or two ‘afore dey leaf*.—
llut dose Abolinben gem men mighty hard to
suit, and require to much ’tention, an when dey
leave. Giake your hand, look up to de nliy and
nay: 4, Uod blena you, tny unfortunate friend, and
elevate you in the scale of humanity,” or tone*
thing of (bat sort, but nover give u* the thing to
A Short C'atk<iiihm fob lINLRAitNen Poli
tic! a as.— Question--Do you believe the Consti
tution of the United Staten recognizes property in
man ?
Answer. X do.
Q. Do y>u beliovo that it ii n crime to Goal a
negro, the constitutionally recognised projierty of
yur neighbor ?
A. 1 du.
if. Do yen believe that it U a crime to harbor
a negro, the constitutionally recognized property
of yur neighbor
A. Ido.
Q. Do you believe that it in a crimo to injure
and beat unmercifully a negro, the constitution
ally recognised property of your neighbor?
A. 1 do.
Q. If by non-action or unfriendly legislation
in u Territory, stealing, harboring or lualtronting
a negro, the constitutionally recognised property
of your noighhor, is not punishable, ought Con
grass to pakß thu no oesarr laws to protect such
property ?
A. They ought.
N. ll.—The answers t< the questions of this
catechism ore such an every Constitution-lev
iog 11 reck in ridge and Lrtno democrat would giro.
The black Republican an*wore would be noga
tivs. The Douglas and Hell answers would hu
spotted. They can, however, respond for theui
holvss, and if they arc not too much alarmed at
th idea ofst “slave code,” wo should llko to hear
them on the catechism.
ScilOoLS! Aatßlis W\NTKhAMo*G Dotf.l.Ah
itks.- -At a Donglns procession in Bt. Joseph, Mo,
trans|>arenciCß and banner* were exhibited with
the following motto.* “T'or President, A. N.
Duglass"—“Nigisni for Lincon”—“Det i to all
CtfAIOM con I nhis. —The Chicago Democrat
says : That Mr. Douglas ha* recodod from his
hostility to 1! roc kin ridge a* against Lincoln, and
that he now secs it his duty to unite with any
and all for tho defeat of Lincoln.
More Buck Kmi iu.h an Polks in Ya.
The black republican* have raised a Lincoln polo
in Wheeling, Va.. nnd the Wheeling intolUgeu
ccr say* another was soon to be rised. There
was no disturbance at the “raising.”
Witeorawai, of Sam Houston. The Hous
ton Telegraph suys that Hen. Houston will
doubtless withdraw from the presidential race
afar the August election. It thinks that most of
his supporters will go for lirockinridge, as sever
al of the most iulliioulial pa|M>r* in his tavor have
come out for him.
Legal I'ercocitv.- A nice young gentleman
who had spent little of his pwu time, and a
great deal of hi* father's money in reading for
the bar, was asked, after hi* examinstnu, how
he got aloug? “Very well,” said he. “I answer
ed ouc question right.” “Ah indeed.” said the
old gentlfouaii: “and what was that ‘” They ask
and me what a quintain action was, and I told them
I didn't know.
A man died of apoplexy the other day in Mi
chigan. The nest day the euro 11 of bold an in
quest, when hc following verdict was rMamdi
“Died from visitation of one beef stake, eight cold
pot toes, aud a fried pie.”
The number of officer* in the regular arttijr of
the lulled State* who have risen I row the rank*
i 23. It is not general!* known that there in h
law providing for the bestowal of commissions
on deserving soldiers.
\ e**ki.n Wasted. Vessels are in demand at
this port. There are several cargoes of Tobaveo
lying here, awaiting ahiptue nt to France. Aus
tria aud Italy, which aro detained by the want
of moan* of transportation—if icAmond jNqpatck.
Mona. DeLave i* about throwing a hempen
bridge across the Niagara, near the J ail*, and in
tend* performing thereou in b<>nor of the l'rincc
of Wales.
WiUT'ai.i a Name. —The following are Meets
ofaote in the county of Hanover, Vm: Negro
Foot, Hill s*, Btmard Boost, Dull King, Dog
Town, Negro Town, Pole Cat, Negation burg and
“Porter,” asked an old lady of an Irish rail
w *y Tarter, “when doe* the nfno o'clock train
leave ?” Sixty minute* past eight, muui,” was
Mike'* reply.
Poor Babko!- A perplexed old darky was on- i
endeavoring to explaiu his uufwrtuat* condition;
‘aou see, caid ho, “it was indi* way a* 1
member Fust my fader died and my luudder |
married again, aud du my in udder ’died and \
my fader married again, and somehow 1 does ‘
notsoeiu to have no parents at ail, nor miflin.”
Poor Sambo.
Tmrt Ptiim r a hi* tub AMann As.-Thi* is j
what the London Spectator says ;
All the difference* which have happened since *
1783 will beeomloned; the lueeting of Wallace :
and Urtico was ns nothing compared with that
shake of tbo hands betwocn Albert Edward,
Prinoe of Wale*, aud James liuebauan. The
White House will be the great mansion of peaoe; t
Royalty and Republicanism will lie down tugetb
or in that first beginning of the milleuiuui. -
Hearts Koyal am) heart* Republican will discov- |
er that there is in truth little between
them. Englishmen are the same all tho world 1
over, under whater institutions they mav recent
ly have lived. j
• jKJir Jeflerron Dari* said at the Breckinridge
ratification meeting in the city of Washington |
The National Democracy presents a ticket to I
the country which may well inspire the most ,
lofty patriotism. Ths name of Breckinridge
oomes down by lineal descent from one who as
serted tho great principles o! as re nOirinedat
Baltimore; and as for Lane, he is too modest to
boast of the deeds of his younger day*. No doubt
be has split a hundred rails to Lincoln's one.—
(Laughterand cheers ] <
S. S. stuftoril,
Attorney at Law,
Blakely On., April 2, 18&6. wif
8. N. JUNKS,
Union Spring. Ala.
WILL wank,lntlw <ti*e, 1,1 M ‘""”
end adjoining counties. iHrtrl attention *vch
io the. OettectkMi of (Reims-
Ohm ary •#— wflm.
Attorney and Counellor at law,
Ui liner, Te\:i.
Mil. BOHEnH. L| . Altorncy and <“ • •’
,U,nd ~r„1.,p<1y,1,1 cHrrMoB “fl Iklrib- All <f” ;
■wloiuhi* ui*vm* aiffluM delay. A ■ ,tl
airr, Tt'lfl,
t'lillilx-i'l, <•
UrjLL PI A (TICK In the Couniiesof lUket.flay,
. Calhoun. Early, Randolph, In-wart k. I eireli,
and will give p ron.| it attention to all business ciitrua
led to them. iiovUl vlif.
Shorter, Cham hers & Shorter.
Will practice In Barbour and tbo adjoining
counties of Alabama and Georgia.
B. ft. gItOBTBR. W. H. CM All IJKBB. H. It. gOORTKR.
May 27, 1859. ts
attorneys yvT law
* fc ?ORT GAINEB, 10A.
Will practice in Clay and adjoining counties
in Georgia, audio Heury county, Ala.
April A ie*gu-wtf
Tlioimi* W ( nlilt,
I-RESTON, Wflintier County, On.
Will practice iu tho countiesof Clay, Chatta
hoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, blow art and
Huiutcr. Particular attention given to collecting
and remitting. Jati2fi 1857 —wtf.
ii. ,w.*ai*i\
OolumbuH, (in.
Ur I LI. practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and
adjoining counties.
(Nice on Itniidolpli street, h IVw doors west of the
Post Office. Julyti l / dwtf,
Will practice in Alnooti nnd adjoining counties,
uvtiion a. SMITH Bn. W. POD.
april 27 -dwtf.
.lOM'ltll l'\ Toil,
col.minus, oboroia.
Office on Randolph Hired, over Holland Hot* lon's
Office, April Jfe—wdlv.
Marion Itrtiiiine,
attorney:at Z.AW,
TALBOTTON, TulbotCo.. On
Ootobflr U, 169. wAOtf.
.Vlomcm A |.aw,
/VH" Office neat door to the Post
Bopt. 1, 1358. dwtf.
jno m. PHILIP*. Walter k
IMiili|* \ Wrriiik,
A.ttornovH til Law,
Will practice in tho Courts of Russell County
--iu the Supreme Court of the State, and in the
United States District Court at Montgomery.
March 2d, 1860--wAdtf.
< o'WfV 1 > K N T 1 K T S,
,Vfk-Office on Randolph Street, near ‘Broad,
C.OLU MU 8 . (‘ A .
Columbus, Doc. 9, 1857. AA-wtf.
4j3b W. \ Lev, l. I. a.
Uvulal Surgoon,
OFFICK Comer Broad and Randolph Streets,
December 17,1858. wAdtf.
Tltousftmliiturc daily speaking in the prti*” of
and why! because It nsrer/ai/s to afford in*tant>i’ us
when given In time. It act* like magic, ami <• ne
Inal atone will convince you what wo say, i* true. It
of any kind, and therefore relieves by rrwcri*/ th,
sugntmge of your child, insicnd of deadening us seiui
biuties Pot tiiis it-aaon u commends itself <I the on
ly reliable preparation now known for CJlttltlrcu
Tcrtlitng, Dlarrbu , Uysrulrry, Url*
plugin llte DawrD, Acidity of (he Nfo
(ii a elk, \V Inti, told lu Hie llrntl, nud
Oroupi also far eofUtang the gum*. rnlmiaftnH < ,
regulating f hr biurets, and rrlirrihjf /huh. if has no equal
being an unit is used hi unfailing in
all cases of I'on Tula I omb hr other Ih'lts.
|**a ndue the life and health of pour children, and risk /•>
*•'#■ thrm fram those sad and blighting consequence* tchit h
a> e certain In result Iron the one of M arcottr* if tchu h all
nth • ri ■ r IrimtiU Comjdtuat* ate rem/HWif. l<il.e
mo- ICninn's Infantile Cordial,tin*
yon ( (■.) upon. It is perfectly h rmlc-s, and
cannot .njtire till . <>si delicate inlaiii. Price fiSrent*.
Full <lir i*ou i “iipauy each bottle. Pm-iwimml on
ly bv t IK lit II A DI POINT,
No. 4(H Broadway, New York.
i llrxi.ruv human Blood upou being
ahvay* presents us with the same essential eleuien •
| and gives of course the Till Kt nn<trit. ao.k
l)ze the Blood of a person ‘sutTering from t onsiimo
j Hon. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Heroin;,i. A. nod
we stud in mnl IMIMT certain ttyaneiat m the i.-d
globules of Blood .wty these deficiencies, and
l > OH wr ” Th. 1t1.....1 Food .# found, and
upon till# 1 henry hence Its aattuiishing •ou <—. -
1 Tilers are
adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different
diK.Mis.* Bor ( miglis, Folds, Broil. lilii
or any nite. .ion whatever of the Throat or
l.iingi, Including Conan nipt lon, ih< V>. I
which is also the No. ftu OeprcsMlon of Muir
Its, Ijoms of Apprlltf, and t,, r s;i chroalc
commaiECu, arising from over use. ucnerul
.1. I.tlaty, .1 ,1 nsrvoni proutrntlon N.
1, .t0, Liver complaints, N.. ;; i,„ I, h p,,,
-la. Hnng airmiy weed far txk, „
ly dropa nud carried uiimediatelv .
•o that what yot/urnyou rctma. The N 4 i. t. r
fr einale In rgularltlrs, llyslrrla, and
Wraknrms, Ar. Hee ’spec in I dire.-km
riii# For Malt It lieu in, Eruptions, S. re
fuloua, Ii til nc y and llladderoouiplaliit*
take N<> 6 In nil case* the directions must be strict•
I) followed. Price of the Blood Food. 91 |r bottle bvcill'Ri II ,v IM PONT. Hruggni*. No 36
Maiden Uae, New York
For sale by Aeeo &. Iverson, Pemberton X Oar
fer, J. A. \\ hiteside A Cos., I'rquhart ,V Chap
wan, and J. W. I)rooks, Columbus.
Man I, M—dwtl.
©(q)®m owrgL
Carnrr Broad and Crawlkrd Hn.n.,
mroh-,lwif. FSOPZIStOB
inn b ®LB tor sale by
Jl'Af Feb. |B. —Uwif U. BARNARD, A (’ll.
P)( | BARRELS clioseu for sale by
•nj manU3v—wdtf e BARNARD*4 CXI
Havana Cigars,Havana Cigars
Havana Cigars!
iryY.\r-/VTsTA. OIGABS.
ftl riicaiuJO’gVhn, | P.lMono f!onr ha,
El Figaro fiordsprefisados, | I!l Mono Millar,
r-otlnnav Bmvas, I Cl pagaro Londr* .
Pnhaaastlordc |,#nsados, I u<*f/*r#*n in fiord pten *,
II Clay Hag an- I Marta AuUdnHa tlor do.
and other brands,
Al wholesale and rnall. Moderate prior*.
V> 3i Drosd HI. Cf.liiinbiir.Cn
r.blt (id H. !*• IHRAS.
AnefperiencadNerseaedFeinal* PhysiMao, pr<m itfs
u ihe attention of mothers, her
flic process hfteething, by
softening the gum*, radio ing all lotlamniatlon- will
allay all pal n and spasmodic, action, and is
buri: to rkgulatr tiie bowblb;
Depend ujKn it, motifera, It will to your-
W<-have pul up and sold this article for over t
years, end can say, in confidence and truth of it, wimt
we have never lllfU twennhleto say
of any other ,YI 11.1, neddne#-nev
erhaa It failed, ll'fVLJl ,r H “' r g ,# - in-
Si.'incc, lo et)< !• *f I.lilMF ff * cure, when
know no lit- j SOOTH l.\W !stance of dirsat-
Isfnrtion hy nnv, CVIM I> one who u-cl
it. On the cou il I lit. I , trary.ailared.-
lighted with its opr rations, and speak la terms ofidgh
eet commendation of itw magical effects and medical
virtues. We apeak iuthis matter “what we do know,”
after ten years’ experience, and pledge our reputation
fur the fulfilment <>f what we here declare hi almost
everylnetnnee where the infant is suffering from pain
and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twen
ty minutes after ihe ayrup is administered.
‘fins valuable preparation tsthe prescription of ne of
in New England, and has been uscdwifli nevqr-faUing
success in
It not only relieves the child from pain, but in vigor
at* * iIH-Htomach and trowels,correetsuc idUy,nnd give*
tone and energy to the whole system. It will ai
Instantly relieve.
and overcome fi'lklk con v n Isioas,
which, if not flrik, | rp'.cdiiy reme
died, end to fill II HU y\TWeb<>
lieve it Ihe beM ‘ 111 Ij 1/Iv>rjlv and surest reme
dy In world, in TKKT Kl I\6i iU ©uses of IY.
HR n ii: ii V lßßininU, | A M, I,UH
KIKE A IN ( lIiEDUEN whclior it arises from ts th
ing, <ir from any other can**- We would say t” eyery
moihef who lias u child suffering from any of thkfore
going complaints--do bot lst vopa eatJCincKs, now
tiib ewKOJOOicKsoKoTneas, stand between your sui
fering child and the reiiefthat will In- MERE yes, AR
HDLIJTBLY HERE to foHoW the useoftlits nu*lF
cine, iftimely used. Full directions for Os tug will ac*
company each bottle. None genuine unless the fat;-
simile of CURTIfiIt FKRKINH, New-York, is on the
outside wrapper.
Hold by Druggists throughout the world.
PaiKc isAi.Ornva.No. llCboab Hnrtffhr. N v
Price onlylficents per Bottle Aug 23, IWy—dwly ;
Ayer’s Ague Cure,
Intermittent Fever, or Fever sad
Ague, llruiitlrnt Fever,Chill Fever
liuinh Agnr, Periodical Headache,
’ or 111 I lons Ilea due he, mul Illlloua Ye
ven, Indeed for the whole Class of
diseases origlnaling In hlllary dr
rnnaement, caused by the Idaluries
or miaNiitnintlc countries.
“WB'~XZ?k Noon© icincdyfslouder fittßcd
MM WM by tin* necessnb of tin* American
Hlr . j.-opJ f than a sure nnd nafe <nm for
mMM Fvr and Ague. Huch we afv-fiow
H Hr /• nalded to offer, with u perfect ter- ,
JH- minty that it will eradicate the dl*-i
0 cam:, and with aiumrnnrc, founded on ;
proof, that no iiurm can arise from Us \
use in any qtianUfy.
That which protects from or prevents tin* disorder j
must be of immense service to the communities
where it prevails. Prevention is batter ilum cure Iw j
tii*. patient esraptts ‘ho r'*k which he mtivt'run in Flo- |
lent attacks of this Imlefu distemper. This* Eure”
expels tho miasmatic poison of Fever nnd Ague from I
tliu system and prevents tiie development ofthedn !
ease, ts taken on the first approach of its on-monitory |
symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet
dWxvwed fur this class of cmupluinlH, but also tin
cheapest. Tho large *tuantitv w hich we stipnlv’or one
dollar bring* it w'thin the reach of everybody} nnd
ill bilious districts, w hore fever andaguo prevails, v
eiybody should have it and use it freely, both lor cure
and protection. It is hoped tills price w ill place it
within the reach of all thopofrras well as tna rich
A gr**Mi superiority of this remedy over any other ov
er discovered far Uu* speedy and certain cure ol lnter
liiftttents Is, that it contains in* fiulttlhit or mii.ernl,
r.onsemiently it product** no quinism or oilier injuri
ous effet-lB whatever upon the constitution.Tliose cur
ed by itaro left n# healthy • if thet* had never bad
the disease.
Fever nnd Ague is not nlonn the conseitueure ol
luiasniati* pntHon. A groat variety of dlsordeis arise
from its Irritation, among which are Neuralgia, lUu-u
----uiatism.Gout, Headache Hliudness, Tootliach*-, I'm
ache. Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, A libel ion ul ifi-
Hpleon, Hysterics, Pain in the RnwfiW. Paralysis,
Colic, and DerahKeuieiit of thoHroimicli, all ofwhirh,
when originating in tins cause, put *on tin; Intermit
tent type, or become periodical This * , (.|!KG'’ ex
|)ds tin- poison Irom the blood, aud caiiM:*iUinUy
cures them all alike. It is an invariable protection i<*
Immigranit or persons traveling *>r temporarily resi
ding in tin* malarious districts. Iftuken occasionally
or daily while exposed to the inieetion, that will be
excreuid from the system, andp-annot hih mnului*- in
sufficient ipiautily to ripen In 6 disease. Hence It is
even more valuable lor prole* turn than cure, and few
will •■vbrsuffer from Intermittent*, ifthey avail them
selves of the protection this remedy all’ uls.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills,
For all the Purposes of Family .Physic,
are so compufted il-.nt disease within the range oftheir
action can rarely Withstand or evade them. Their
penetrating properties search and cleanse, aud Invigo
rate every portion of the Imamu organism, correcting
its diseased action, ami restoring Unhealthy vitalities.
A; i coiiM'tjuenrr ol these properties, tho invalid who
is bowed down w ith pain or physical debility Is as
tonished to fimi his health or energy restored by u
remedy at once so simple and inviting.
Not only do tlu-y cureuvory day conipluint* ot eve
rybody, hut also many formidable and .dangerous dis
eases Thu agent below named is plunged to furnish
gratis my American Almanac, * imtuluinc certificates of
their cures and directions far their use in the follow ing
complaints: (W irenrse, Heartburn, Headuthe,
from Ih•ordered Slouui, A, .Witunki, /ndipo'tiim, /bin in - ui
Morbid inaction if the Battel*, PhitultHcy, /.*# (g .f pjn
it it, Juundue, and other kindred complaints, arising
from n low suite of tiie body or obstruction of u*-
ftmetions. They are an excellent alu-rntivu for the
renovutltm of the blood, and the restoration of toiu
and strength to tin* sysivtn debilitated by diseu#*-
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
Couglis, C'olds, luflurniH, Iloarsncss,
Ciuiiii, Inrlplrnt t'oiinuinpliou, omt
for flic relief of Consumptive l*u
tlents In advanced btnges ofthe dls
i ease .
Ho wide is the field of its u*efttlue**, and so Hume
rous are the cases of Us cures, that uliiiohi every sec.
Mon ot country abounds in person* publicly known,
who hat • been r.” to red from alarming and even des
pcmtediM'um's of thelung# l>y its u-e. When <>nu** superiority over every other medicine of its
kind I* too apparent to escape observation, and whore
its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate
whnt antidote to employ for Hi.) distressing ami dan*
] genius a fleet inns ofthe luiimunnry organs that are in
l .idem to mu climate While many mfirtor te medio#
I tluust upon the community have railed and been die-
I carded tin* iu* gamed friends by every trial, confer-
I red benoilt* on iitllirted tiiey ran nevt'r Ibrget.nn.l
produced cure*loo uumorous and too remarkable to
im forgotten.
Pit. J. l\ AYER X t 0.,
All our remedies (hr sale by
.1 M. GIBHtIN. Mobile, Ala \
WM II GILL. Warsaw, Ala
ir7“And bv all Druggists in city and wmntrv
M melt It, IHHO-dwly
Cloth, Cncsimcrcs, Vc3tings, !
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
UmbrcllnE, Trunks, >’arpiit Bag-s,
I‘AG Hi oh.l Mtrvet, Columbus, (In.
fIAHEIR Htorki* now replete with every article Lu (
1 GKNTI.KMLN’H WEAR and they rospe.-tftilly ,
solicit an examination.
j GarineiitH tla.le (o Or.lcr,
Being supplied w ith U e very lu>*t workmen,tltcv an*
prepared to make up to imrasure their very handsome
stock of English aud Fiencli t’lotlui Cassim.-res and
Nesting., in the most fashionable and approved at vies
J 11. t> \Mi i.h a r. .
123 Broad Street, Columbus,G .
March 31 - dwtf
E. BAHMARid St U0 S|
GRoccnaa PKOvieicr; dealers
|I.VI tin hud ud win contimi. 1(1
‘ ur 4''’ well selected stock, eutbraciug eve
articki in ibeirluie, which :ire otferod to their
inis and the public at market prices- Conic
V—Ug Flour.
Ol) 1,111 s EltrtCl!,.:,® Fninl 1.0ui,, fur.alehv I
*>U lcb*wif BARNABII fc C(>.
(;kovi:k a iMkt;it>
Families who have waited thus long for the most
p*rfe< t Hewing Machine, aie rtvprclfully inviiftl t”
tail and rxunme flheiil.
A* an evidence of the superiority of drover Se Ra
kei's He wing Machines, it is enough to say, there
are now some 39,00(1 or them in daily use and the de
mand for tin ut is uMfeearnf.
Family, Plantation and Drnss-maker’s Machines,
ate i (instantly kept oa hand at No. 58 Broad Hi reel,
EoJumbus, Ga., four door#shove tire* ornerofManley,
Hodges 4c (Jo. Instructions for using tiie Macinnes
given free to those who wish to purchase.
We submit the following certifitkles, from well
known gentlemen of this section, who have thorough
ly tcstcatheGrovcrand'Hakcr Hewing Machines, to
which!* added the certificaic of Mr*., Gresham, a
Dress-Maker of tliis city
(From Ron* James F. Dowdell, LnFayette, Ala )
Lx FAVffTrg, Ala., Murcli 2f, 1859.
Mr. KB4TH, Golitinbus,Ga.
Dear Hir:—l take pleasure in recommending Grover
At Raker’s family Hewing Mnchine. We have us
ed the one Which we purchased of you, more than sit
months, and it is all that yoiKreprcscnted it to be. It
is not only a convenience, but we regard it an ludli
pensabte necessity.
Very resp'Ctlully,
[From Col. Hincsilolt- Columbus, Ga.j
Grover Si Baker's Hewing Machine has been in use
in my family for several months, and has given entire
MUtoiturn. It does not geteutof order,rarely breaks
need; l ‘ or thread, or gives trouble or delay in its mnn
ageinent Itssimplieity ofconsiruction.imd tin* cih
and fu ility with wbi* li U ‘ •"> be used, constHute a
part of us numerous chief excellencies.
March 25, 1859. lIINEH HOLT.
[FromMrs M. Gresham, Columbus.)
Thnv.been using one of Grover Ac Dakar's Hewim;
Machines, in my business of Dress Making, andeheer
fully testify to the ease and rapidity witli which my
style of work may be accomplished by it# use, tons
simplicity of construction and consequent ease of man
agement. No consideration could induce me to be
without on<n err etchange It for any other pattern I
have #er.n. MARY (JRErtIIAM.
July Ist, 1859.
[From I- A. lirnkuw Ac (.'., Eoiumbiis, (.a
Wit have used one of Grover Ac Hiker's Hewing
Machine# in our sh'jp for three years past, and find
l i-crfeciljpprauiM* -le, easily kept in order, and well
adap'ml to various kinds of work in a Tailor’s rtlu’p.
We take pleasure in recommending it to the public.
Fi t 15,1859. !. A BRORAW Ac CO
0. KEITH, Agent.
Columbnt. Nov 11,1850—uwU.
Pfe’ In I,A ROB Bottle* ami Viala.
Nothing else I” required to relieve children of
Worms ; and beside# being oue of the cheapo-l end
best Vonulfages ever offered to the public. Its fre
quent nxo in faiaiUes will save much trouble and
as well as ihe live# of m ,y sbildren—far
sight oftt of evory Un cases generally require It.
A certain cure far VoUln, Cough*. BronehltU,
Art hint. Pain f tho Breast ; also Croup,
Whooping Oiuphe, Ae., A ,
arnonget Children.
Tilts ts a pleasant medicine to take, producing im
mediate ronef, and in nine out of tn cases e prompt
ertre. It exercises the most controlling Itidne'if
over Cooglis and Irritation of the Lungs of nay p
urody known, oAea stopping the most violent la a
few hotira or at most In * day or two. Many
taovgkt to be deal deal y consumptive, have b**en
promptly cured iiynslng a few bellies. As atiod- in
expectorant, w'thont atrlaging the b-iwois, it *ul ; •
pit amount to all cough mix turns.
This 1b prepared from a French Recipe fin tbo
forms of No. 1 and 2; the first for the acme, and
No. 2 for th- chronic etsge,) and from it# nnexHioj- t
snccoM Is likofy to supersede every other remedy
for the cure of diseases of the Kidneys aud Blad.f -
Gonorrheal, l>leanorrb<eal, and Leuchorrhce&l or
Fluor Allan* affectious. This extensive compoaod
combines properties totally dliferent in last*. u
character from any thing lo be fonn-1 in the t i l l
Ktstc* I’harrnacopieta : aud In point of sef-ly and i
tiivticy ts not rivalled til America.
i.itt 1.1: -s
COKTIS, So. a.
linudreds of ca*es of Chronic Tetters, Scald Hoad*,
and diseases ©f thasktn generally, have t>ocu cured
t>v this remedy ; and since the introduction of iht
Wo. 1 preparation tbcing stronger) scarcely a rase
has been found that it will not eth-dually vimUcato
to a short time. For the cure of Eancerona Hor-is
and Ulcers It 1-* applied Iu the form of plasters, am*
ts almost infalliido.
lii in- r • than two hundred places In Georgia, and
in the Uouhern fftwtes, they are I** be bad , aud a.
there tire **•tups about who are oonnterfeklag bis
r* m.-,1. !,y in-.'mlug off their own or c->melhu.g
• l-o*. by n. tne same or similar uanisa (for no pa
-io i, u HiiiKit or secured amid theabsnrd patents of
in- i- •* s'.l • cautioned lo look well for th
‘.k net s * of *he Proprietor, i hue
♦ ‘-•is*- ’ ‘*m In., w - itio tin* plasv of each bottle
*v •’ 1 i.-jsrs io be adlmeedto
!•*-'i is. ilacou, *ia
-O. .. .
(*■ 1 I
|! f
- ■-
H: ■
( r hal]ibentr WK
Am it!cut nnd stomachic preparation of
IRON put “ ‘\l of Oxygon and Cavbod by com
hnfttion ia Hydro ma, of high medical author.
Dy and extraordinary eificacy in each of tho
fallowing romplMßts, vi 2.:
•rill SKIN. iL\
Tho IRON being Absorbed by tho blood, and
thus circulating through tho whole eystera, no
vart of tho body cua escape thsir truly wonder
ful influence.
Tho experience of thousands daily proves that
ro preparation of Iron cau for h moment be
cotaparod with it Impurities of tho blood, do
pression of vital energy, palo and otherwiso
nekly complexions indicate its necessity in al
t’loit every concoivablo cose. In all cases of
? ’rale debility Uluor albu3, chlorosis, otc.), its
oltbcts are delightfully renovating. No remedy
has ever b m difCOVered, in the whole history
[ of medicinu. which exerts such prompt, happy,
md fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com-
I piste i!’;estion, rapid acquisition of strength,
with an unusual disposition for active and
cheerful exorcise, immediately follow its use.
As n grand stomachic and general rostorative
it has no superior and no substitute.
t*ul tip Im Hi nt tint in. tol txixc# rantnlulng
00 IHl*, price fH) r*it* |-r box; *l* boxrn,
•k’J .'rt>; dip doueii h<mi. K 4 0(1. For salt- by
Brugulili {(inmllj . tVHI he sent free t.
nil) uildr*.# n rr< > Ipt of thf prlw. All let*
l*r, onlrr, rtr., *h.mtcl In luhlrr***.l l
R. B. LOCKE & CO..
General Agents.
\.ll—Tiir nbovi I* u r.ic-.'.mile of the
abcT m caclx boa.
Nov. U—wly Coluuibui*.
Executor’* Sale.
jOY virtue of Uiolest will and testament of \V, unm
LJHoum*. det damiaurccable loan orderofthe t ,„ rl
“• tirdinary of t'halialioocliee county, will be .>l,l , >n
the first Tuesday In Kepteaiber next, before the < onn
House door in I'ußscta, said county, the Plantation
belonging to the estate of said deceased, stlu.ited in
said county, adjoining the land* oft’. Ktevcn*. T. J.
i ot,M?r *■, This settlement of land contains
about d.ts acme, of which WO acres are in cultivation
well watered, and produce equally w ith other lauds Mir Pun ha*<-m dersinng a good home upon
favorable term* arc requested to examine the niace
tor tlietr,wives, before the dav of sale.
Terms made known on tliedav of sale.
July 23, INH>- wtd*.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
War! War! War !
1)R. A. W. ALLEN’S
AM) every Hoitthrn *•? will I Mod by ti-ljig
. one Dollar** worth that l.i* y have n> further use
for Northern Liniments. F*m Family ami IMantation
use it lias no equal. It cures Rln-uiuuM’-m, Neuralgia
Hiraiiix, Bruises, Burns, I r- -it < ms, Fains in the
Back or Limbs, (.'hoik in man <-r and is the on
ly certain remedy known for llltlid Biagc*-rs in Horses
—and every one will find it a saving or lime and mo
ney by keeping a supply on hand.
(O'Prepared by Dr. A. W ALLEN', Columbus,
On. None genuine without the rtignalur- and Huai
of A. W. ALLEN. ..
and J. W. UROOKH Columbus.
Wanti:o—nresponsible agent in every HoutUern
town and village.
1! TACTION TOE VERY BODY Doit t” “■ any
more Northern [Liniment until you have given the
Honthem Liniment a fair trial.
Com •ui i*. May 13, 1859.
Dr. A. W. ALLEN—Dear Kir. Allow us to present
you this certificate for your couihern Liniment. W*-
have u-ud over a hundred bottle-, of your valuable
mu die ire during tiie last year, and d* not b< ‘ l( nte in
saying that we never saw u 1 iniment equal lo it,, and
km w* ail kl"- 1 - •. l-.w ----I yu'f"r ull*
kMN Nfl*ro flu-1 llflt-fl , flflO i
it failed to effect speedy U e consider it an n
---valuabln medicine for Cl>- u> Mrujaea, hw -
lings. Fresh Wounds, &c.,-tnd would not le wiuioui
11 J- VERM-Y * CO
fil Wholesale ‘ raggiats, <; 2
Paint*, Oils, &c.
BUYING mornlv fr.r CA M I?I largo nnantilk# at 1
the dftit time aud th© nghi ploc. ■• fully
J pr-par-d l< offer great ii*l’ic-r*innis l<* the trad*. in ;
| KVt-ry ar-; le usua. y found . bru class DrufHi** 1
We j iy |*arli- u- .r Mtui.Uffh lo
Tho duality of our Goods,
And OIiABANTHU will.. I
And feul confident rim? (he - - dobuiu-r with us than ;
witlwuiy other liwiom-in tli< . Tlmmmj wb< dmrbl >
lined but iry us, and find tl -of our [
i ,
i Pianos, Helotb & Organs.
4 a lAILO^VX^’
_ JBI . , OFFER Ul I 1 ‘ranosof thehmt am |
{pgrSrTjS3| i ■’ “ ‘ 01 “'” I
rTTaffw'dib.- \.\,f ’ a e\.,.o *
to SIW. Tne genuine Ai* i r Organ Irom S3OO to i
•8150. Oiisof tiunu. aim, , I- u. ■ :uy
hr- ‘*-n at uhr Htor©, No. i- Hmul Htreet.
March Iff, 1880 —wly
t(E( nNTI.V idlii'fl. vn. and (..rjii.'riv
! jjiiM k “ ow ". MU ’
* AiSS * TOOUF. not KG,
Lately occupied by II E Williamson and'’ re
j s:MTiinllysoiicjtaih*u/atr. niig.M.'ii- xi.dtbe
.Vow Nngar autl TSolishhci
|, y .., r
50,000 LB 3C ::s.
JjAOR w hich 1 Oil*’ Dt ::;<r per one hundred
HA M*‘ Et> M cTmjHRAN
n.Et ooes,
j b’aucv ( -oo<ls, &c. &c.
: Nos 41 llrclay.*t Hi Dark Place
(Will remove In July to ih.*‘ Ator Muce BuUdii.g
! Broadwav Now York.
j recently HllF,l’llKßf> k McCßEJlßY,C^rler.ion. H.
I 1 *S.*r? KIS vi< CK- ‘.NeV,* \r.‘ ’| T* rrli’ , r '’ ‘V
ed v o
j Soutliorn J mj >orUition
j Wfl „™i„ - r ,,.
TAlti.a-: YVl’klAX,
! I-aIIXOIX. H’lxfffl cfcc.
| Columbus, Feb. 2v>. —ts.
| ICHT Received nud for Rule l-v
•I Fbb27—Wtf ‘li I’ l UII.MAY
aT H K aubaenher, having purefeaaed the
above homi in rwoivcd to make it one j
worthy the patron**go ol tho travelling !
public. If good tare andauemivoßtiivant-should 1
entitle a Hotel to cm torn, the uiuhlr ilattoro
himself, that thoeo who try him once, wi*l corns
again, Connected with tho Hotel, are c eoiuo* ;
dioua Stables with trusty < tleiv.
Oct 19. wif. JOHN YAIIBROUtHI. ;
j UEORGlA—ChattalinvchecCounty:
Uf OSH] I• |
letters of adtuhtistraiiou.mi tin.-estate oiNalb-
I nniel Cobh, late of said ■ tnioiy .i
----j tutar the kindred and creditoi sot -aid det’d to appeal j
I at my shew cause, w hy said luttar* should !
iu.tbe ((Tinted} oili.-rwise said admuiHiiation will be
granted to said apitlicanl on the second MomUv in
October imt
Given Wider niv hand at ci.'He. Yucnst 15. IS*
aujtll—wlOd E. <•. RAIFOKI), Urdiimry.
Administrator's Sale,
i \t.HEE \m.Y to an enter of the < onrt of < :n.ina :
I iV ry of Chattahoochee county, will he o|d
tho Court House door in CuH-.eia. on the firt Tues
day in October next wibiio the !. cai bnors < l sale
’ ‘ I
District of Chattakoucb c count v.rontaimns tOPacies
*/•; r l*" 4 - :,!i pr : Mtv ~i I'. r.■ :v j
j dower. Teiins made know !. cu the day m >-ale—wtd*. JAMEH A. AI.LL MS, Adui'r.
\lmtnlMtrntor's Sal( .-*A M. r u* ;;n :
, derofthe t'wurtof (hdmarv
I will be sold on (lie Hrst Tu. -lav in Ormber next, the
lands krlnttging to the estate m Jane 11. JarrolL late
Ol Muscogee county, conHietina ol ots .and
laud Non Hi and 404. i I'.ih.dt'ot lotea>i hall ol
bo 17J, north baliHflot l romirtoiiu! 70s , nnes.
I all in the 6th district of originally Muscogee, now Ma- i
non county. Term* made known on rfav of sale
August i t—wtdn H M. J l.Tl'.lt, Aiim’r j
UEORUlA—dtrwart County.
! TWO MONTHS afler date, nmilhMiion wUI he !
made to tho li on. Court ol Ordinary of said i
County, for leave to sell the lands belonging to
I ■!’ Nccilham . 1 •u. .! .•M.1.i./.
August 6tSi lew*—wuK
<• KOItGIA-I'nlbot Connlyi
Court of Ordinary June Term. lftCO.
ATTIIEREAH, Julius Hainl -i#, Aiiminstratorafl'cter
I? Bai ■ i
initision from aul adiniiiMtation
Ur it orttam!. that all peraon* coneerued bo ami nn
lHar ai my office, on, or beforo t L.- January Term
next ensuing of this Court, then mul ther t> show
canse, (if any they have.* why saul |:u*r *‘i.uii.i not
be granted.
Marion bethune. Onl.
July 0, U&O—wfiiii.
AcluiiuUt rator'v Rale*
\I7 ILL br sold before the Court llou -r h >r in U.r
Yt town of EUavilie. Scblrv r.-untj. Gn . cu the
first Tuesday in November next,within the legal hour*
of sale, the laud* belonging to the estate of A#a
Roval, late of Marion county, der*d. \; Lot of Land
Number 87 in the 3d District, .nul the North lialfof
lot Number 74. in thesame district.
August f—Wtds A. 11. ROYAL, Adm'r.
GKOIIGI lon couitfyr
■V t oTK Eis hereby given i*> allp#r. i<n. < >ji • i rt*-*i.
tliai David Nutt, lale **l Murioii county, departed
this life iolewt -le. amt no person has applied for Ail
ininiHtraiioii oil lit* **nii<* **aid David Nutt.umi
that in ii-mm of th law ultm-o.tration will he vested
in tin-Cl* rh o Thu Hop ri**r u.*urt or some otlwr fit
and proper pels*'ii, tliif) .1 1 \ > after the publication us
tins iUa i**n. ‘!-.* ♦ i-ine vi . l objection is made to
his appointln< ut.
(Even Mndei tny i:.a:d and official signature this
August tkb “■’ MALC'OM HAUL Or.l.
August Id -v. .* and.
(iEOUGIA-Mailon County.
/"iHARLOT 1 MEN FORD having ar, and <•!**• ~*•
Vj pom ted Guardian of the persons and property of
is and M iry Muniord, minors and orphans ol
T. P. Muntord, and residenis of saidfeounty:
This is ti cite all persons concerned to be up-I a:
jM-ar at tin? Court of Ordinary to be ibeid ir- un >r
said ?county ou thefirst Monday in October next. t!.< n
and there to shew cause, if any they have, wiiy the
said Cliarlott Munterd should not be *;ntm>itd wiili
tlo- (Jnardiansiiip of the person** and property .i said
minors W 1 ness my hand and official -ignature.thw
August fith; 18,TO. MAI.COM HAIR, Ord
August 13— w 10.1
GKOUGIA, Dlarlou county.
Court nf Ordinary, August, Term, laCO.
kJJIIEREAB, Charlotte Mnnford, Admini-trafrl
i)v on the estate of Thomas U- Munfor.l, -liavmg
applied for letters of dismission from said adminis
All person# concerned are hereby notified lo Hiew
cause, ifany they have, why the said Charlott Mun
fonl shouidjnot be dismissed from said adminisiraiein I
Given under my hand and signature, this August I
6Ut, 1800. MAM.UM HAIR, Ord-
August 13—w&m.
GKOROlA—Marlota County.
Murion Court of Ordinary, August Term, 1500. J
Ausburn Brown, odminjitrator ujk'ii
\V the estate ofH. W. Carter,haring petitioned iln-
Cowrt lobe discharged from said administration;
Ail persons concerned are hereby notified to shew
run-c, ifany they have, witnln the time prescribe*!
hv law, why the said An* burn Brown should not t*<-
dismiss* i according to the prayer of his petition
(liven under my hand at office the nth Aug, lW fl
Aug tf-wfim Ord imrrv.
OKOROIA—MarIon County:
imiERF.AH, Michael G. Brady, Administraioiou
\r the *-#tate of John Watson, having petitioned u>
be fliii hargi and iron **id administration
AU person* concerned urr heoeby required sh* tv J
ra . --, if any they have, why Hit- said M'cbaei •
Be My rh'iuld not be distuissol according Uiliie prayer
. petition.
Given under myfhand ami official siffnntoic. July J
•U. Imo. MALGi'M HAIR. Ordinary.
July 9th, IMi.-wfim
. I:oRGLA —Chattahoooheo County:
’ ‘art of Ordinary, Augviit Term, ISCIL
{T appearing by the petitition of Thomas 4. ilm* j
rdianol iulUt# A ( ode, that he bmi ft j
rui 4t elyed tpu I | 1 ardia
afor<-t*nid,and praying for letters of dismission.
Thi* i* to cite all yiersons concerned t* lc ami , j
[war at tiie Court of Ordmagy to he held m ami lot **aul j
county on the first Monday in October net, then ai •
then- w* show cause ifany tlr -y.nave, why said Tie j
J Minus should not b ditmusM il from j ud gnarUiO’ •
A true extract from the minutes of said Court.
(Even under my hand, this 6th day of Auvusl. Ik*o j
An*/ 10—wdo E. G.RAIFOKI), On!
before the Court-House door in the town ol
Talhotton, Talbot county, Ga., on the first Tuos !
tiny in October next, within the legal hours of
sale, agreeably to the Order <*f tho Court of Or
dinary of said county, the following lands lc
longing to tbo estate of John Hatntnill, viz:
West half of lot J7o. 161), with 50 acre of
cleared land. Kast half of lot Xo. iffi*, nnd the
North-East s<* of the same lot, 130 acres of clear
ed land. 120 aicres, more or less, known rs the |
i Robinson place, it being parts of lots 165, 164 j
and 11)7, with 90 acres cleared. South-East 56 |
tufre* of lot 164, 85 acres cleared, land. Houm* 1
| lot No. 160, with nbout 176 acrc. cleared. Alt !
! lying in the 22d district of the county of Talbot, i
I Aug. J.i, I*6o. Ids
i GEORGIA—Marion County:
n r HERB AH Isaac i I Peebles, Admin, sir, .mrou ii.*
- Vr estateof Phsbe Peebles, ha v mg’ puliiioiuii to
1 Ua discharged from said afiaaijiistration.
Ah persons coiiccrned art? hereby required m -<*w
| cause, If any they have, why the said Isnnc If l*e. -
; files Httoubi not be dismissed according to the prayer j
1 of his petition.
Given under my hand and official slgnaiure, tins
MALCOM HA 18, Ordinary
i;KUßlA—Chnliahooi-hPt* t:ot:ni y.
Const of Ordinary, June Turn. ISM,
YV IIERBA* Jraob Park r applies for I tff.n.. : •
** mission from the administration of tin- ;
*f Thmuas J. Bacon, late of said county, duce-i-ed. j
Ii is therefore ordered that ail parson* cone* <ie*f
r#f-w cause ill any they have) why said let lei ** *h -ml |
j not he grant*-)! to said applicant on the first Monday {
! in December next.
A true extract from tho minutes of said (.bum
E"c J R AIF ORD i Ord. j
j Juno , 1860.—wfim
Court of Ordinary March Tc .> , IS<* o
h. A McLENDON, Ordinary, Presiding
111 LB NISI Mrs. Maria Brooks, Admins.turn
IV-if the Estate of bma* Brooks. *lrrea.d. h*v-I
h- j petitioned this Couit (or Letter*, of |.n- ♦< j
li h therefore ordered, that all,ii# concerned |
shew cause. If any they have, u ithia th*-liaiepi*-c.M i
i>. (by Inw, wI > said letters shall not l*e granted a* j
i the Court of Ordinary !-• be hejdin and fat said won - !
! ly on the first Monday m Hrpiember next.
A true extract from the Minnies of said Court, alii <
March, 882. H A McLENDoN, Ordimm. i
March !•!, 1866- (im
A DMIMHTBATOR’H HALE.—WiII be .sol, 1 fi. |
i A. fora the Court House d<*or m the town ->i Buei .
vista. Marion county.- Ga ,on the first Tuesday in !
j Hept next, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to i
’ :u order or the Court of Ordtaary of said county, i In. {
[ fitltowing property belonging to the etate of <i O.
, Davis, deceased, via: Luc, a negro unman about >
! :*5 or 46 yean old; uunk a woman ttbriui 17 m la ■
’ ears old; gtrl about 10 or 11 years; one
1 iso use and lot in Uu: town of ituenavuta, N-- IP* in ‘
1 Block B.oftho pl-u of safil town. Hold for the j
j benefit of Hie heirs and creditors ol said de*’ U a ed.
1 Terms made known on the day of sale
I P KEMP, Attm'r.
June 18. IB6o—w Ufa,
EEOUUIA, Marlon County.
Marion Court of Ordinary, March Term, 10. 1
\I7HEKSAS James L Baker, administrator on the *
W estate <*!’ John U. Paris r. having ipt-Uiioued to
- lied:--; fiargud troiu said administration;
A!) persons concerned are required to shew cuts - .
il'anv rimy have, within the time prescribe*, by law,
why ihe mid James I. Bnrkershouid not b dismiss- 1
| ed according to the prnver ot Ins petition:
(. iven under my ha mi am) offi* **'. sicuaiure this tin- j
“4 -iy>! April. 18i*U. MALt OMiIAIU.U i- j
[ <*KUK(*IA, i haU;tiooche* fonnip.
Court of Ordinary, April Term, i.-dd.
t ■ LUF.AH 11. J. Williams mu! Nancv Ho’ |
Y - Jiiunistrator* on tb cst'.te of John Rohm- ;
it, * apply for Letters of Dismission
U - u.i -v.dif ordered, that all person* ramerjo and j
| do show cau#e, if any they have, on the hrst Mon- I
i day ‘i Novembei next, why they should r>ot be dts- ]
j miF#<>d irom *aid adiinnistratioii
1 A true transcript from the minutes of slot Court
April 7ih, Dh*'.
i April I ft-_w din E G RAIFORD. Ordinary j
GKUUGIA, Tnlbot County.
Court of Ordinary, f ’eb'y Term, 135 V.
Ur HERE AS Jmellotrill.adniinfetrßt<)ro( Mai i j
Ilowiil. petitions this Court ffir letters <*i di
; •nission trom said administration:
; Be it ordered, Thai all person* concerned be and {
: appear at the H opt ember term next ensuing of this
j ( ourt, then and there to shew cauve. il any tin y have j
1 why said letter* sould not he granted.
A true extract iVctntbe minuteeof said Court, Feb.
! tab. Im p
IVh.ja, wAm.
GEORGIA—CIay County:
Court of Ordinary, May Term, IS6O,
IYI iF. NISI Whereas O. 11. Davis, Fxcvuiur ■
IV l>au Davis, late*anl County, deceased, ap- I
I'.es for letters of Digmission from said Adm.i j
Ii i* therefore ordered, by the Coiirtthat ail persona
concerned show cau*e. ifatty they have, on or before
, the Nov. term of said Court of Ordinary t be lo 1.l in
and for **n<| county, whv said Exeuirar should n..t
| U'cm be diaartssed jand that this ordnr Ye pubiished iu
! term* ofthe lav.
A true extract fain the Minute* of said Codrt, - : I
7th, Dd(* H A McLKNDON. Ordtnan. i
may 14—wfim.
AdiuiuitrAtor* Hale.
w-Old befere the Coftn-house door lathe
r * tow nol lliienavista, Marion couuly.Ga ,< n the j
l-i Tuesday in September next.w iibin the ustiat'hour*
<isa;, , agreeably to an oniar of the Court of Ordinary
ot said county the f, i, owing property j wir Jasp, r
a loan about VS years .old, soi l n the prnpety t .
W, Davi, late ot said county, and , ,|
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors.
Ten made known on the day jfsalc.
! ARK IN 11. KEMP, Adm’r. !
June Dili, 1(169 wdt*.
GKOltGIA—Clay County :
Court of Ordinary, March Term, ISfilC
■” A. M. I.ENDON, Ordinary, Prc„id...g
RULE NlKl.—Wli*tm James Hutlivi . uKti 1
of Missouri A. Hutlive, (now Missouri L,w !
having | plied for Letters of DUniission mu. * ,nl
It is ordered. That all pervoii* concetwd *lt>w
cause, if any ihey have, within tin 1 tlnepresevibed bv I
law , why said letter* should not be grained to, said ]
applicant at the Court of Ordinary to be bald > and
for raid county on the first Monday in June next.
A true extract from the the minutoa m *aid C ■
March sth, IMO.
npril 10—wfim H. A. McI.F.N [ION. Crdin.ry .
GKOHUIA—TaIbot Coutxty
Court es Ordinary, June Term, i
\VIIF.REAH, William R Neal. Erarun<r . . J,,! ..
>1 W. Carter, petitions this Court tor Leltere of
He it ordered, that all persons concerned, heard ap
pear at my office at tli#Januarv Term next ensuing of
tin* Court, then and there tft shew cause, if any they
have, why the said letter* should not la granted
July 9th, 1800—wfim
GEORGIA—CIay County:
For Sale by
10*7. BnOAT3 ST.,
i J"'r
’f 1 . 3. SPEAR,
to .S. It. Purple,cor. Broad & llntidolpli si.
I r .i.
■ - \
■i, e .~ %: f*
-. .r- I ri'.i make to onlerany tlesigh anil gtjle and pUUyou ftiay re<tuire
• Iby *iupotent and esfierienced and warranted.
0 w,. ;v, Ivcr;.- Li afl.uL--nic!l ir]f Crook, nj Sword,
’ ;/ a
Gold and Steel Fram^
t: r ;■ le: *. uali:y manu!:wrtarel. Glasses set in ola frames to suit P eyes.
, ; . n'Ea **!'nil to my St ; -k, and will how it with pleasure, whether yoc purchase o* n.*t.
- rur:-V* oMatand, Comer Broad aod Randolph Streets.
* T. 6. SPHAH.
I James W. Ittyi, ILMcntor of ,Bn for Hi
Var ■ 1. Hit!: •- Doth ■M. Ilall.decM j reetion m
| Marion Hu
\ Min ar.l hs Wife. , ptrrtor f'-im.
William ( \ And loh lldl.
i Wilm A I’Jlerk*’, Daniel M H*IS. and i
!X T appear :-ffto the l‘-mrt by Mid MW and return of
’ | 11 W.':-1 *> I- ‘iiian a• and hi- wife
! a,d bill ‘ .Mb. u nil cl Hu.-” t uiri; and that
-vrv. • !m> ;,erh • .1 op.M, a.\\A panic* by the pnbtKU
tion es tfil^ord'-’ hi tbetN.M.nUsWeeklv Tones for
| three m-mtlm iumu .hau v i,.M d-ng Uje next
A ‘ V'*’ ■■ minutes of Marion |w
i ri- r t!,r,r‘ ‘n: Match Trrm, I**. TlMe March IS, lWb,r.
V \f. m I FFIK. t’lerk.
j \ \ lit Hi- Edward MD nald Eppli. * forl*eUera
ia •: ito i‘ear> iin .! in and lor said
: r. Sdjl o 0 i - *,* Juiv 3tl. Jm O.
Me I, KN DON, Ord.
j Mar: Hi ur:, nary, August Term, 1860,
tv n If. Wat F.xt ■ mnr of the
! V will andretH-a gt of I o ...
A.i fteisoni-o- c>:rjM?d ao required to slo w cause
: if ay tv tunc prescribed by law
; why ! ; ;<JN::Hrai! q Wat* • shutrld not be dis
| H.-vi-n Mode; t v mid -ttirtai sguatitn this
Aug. b—w* u MALt'DM HAIR, Online ry.
J ULORoU—Mw. a County;
TITIfEHEAH John I, ‘.Matthew#, Executor of the
YY las', will And tests meat of John lierendeii, ha
| vjjig pi titioiiod this (.'own to be discharged ilrom *a:iF
Alt cAitjerned me required to show cause
I O t:>v v t.nve. wit'iiM the tune |re*. i.U?d l.y law.
r “ ayenrdmgm ilm pray er <• ho peutien-.
M. p iNorii-.tge Ac ;Hule NM.
I ‘ Aprtk Term, lefift,
j J.n I . l . Dine . ■ -ir., ) Hiew art Superior Court.
IT appearing to trie Court by the I'ctiuon of John
_- M ■ It, I . 1 tl‘e first day of January, 1 bJ*.
j received, aud
a!t>air, mail, ami dehven i In- due bill to Nutting
Hchtt Faimer. or oearer. for Tim e Hundred ami
I For* v two *■ -loofiellnr# value irreived. whidt said
j due bill on said day nud ysai. caul Nulling, Scott St
tarred ly and: e*-y n> >-.u.-l John M. Hcutt, and that af
c C litarkbe n.execiitmi in* cert mu Deed of Mori
j r-’: uh*' in in; ox eyed. Mo M other thing#, to
the m “!i • h!e of;hr I'Bblu HquUtro tn the. town us
! v-r. •m| M‘.‘id! tt..ekweli A ILtetwiCk. and JF.
; Nmiiuff, runrs;> :! , ; . ->>utb mn. iv k-ei. Also, I.ot
ui |,and No Tw enty Seven, pail of lot No. Twenty
l Housh pan *s F: . bTof *oiA i*>r* m iheiwtniy
lounh dist.ili • i . vul roomy 1 Amt a certain bouse i
mi lot :•! ihesani low o m < unipkia. known ns ths I
j llardw . k lot, lying > -utU ofU. . WorriUVresidence, i
I uuheiiti:- conditioned, that said’
I M..r. n; , shquld be v..,d. it said Jackson Ct: Black- !
. note and blit With lawful
! *:Trr*--* .. -It ten >• • and ettbet. And it
[ appearing that wi.d no? and due letuain unpaid ;
iUd.-r-d, That t Jack out’ U. Olarkbnrn do pay
’ i , ,■ brfi/re tlo irt dny .of next Term “j
| this t’e'Uft, ton Principal lHil Interest due on aid
i M"i!. tud pofpt, (or siiou*saujifiu th* contrary,;
u, . . m mdo wm Equity* Oi Red, iHpthni in
*ul ! .... i M metg and ,-ieioiM- be mrever ‘bereaflm j
I barred ,sad and. further ordered, That this
| this Hi.,:e. or s.->ve,lon smd Jackson t*. V. Black- j
rior r. nrt, .\p; ; ’li iio, lr- ! VI -# Uh duyNf May, I
1’ H F KIRKH b
Juanf - w lm C.> k dupenort tNiurt.
(•EOIU.S A , Tal trot Count y,
*■ adioiin-trators Ot J, !, . WilHs, petition this Court j
for k‘i'ts es dismieAlmi trout said admin is. ration:
!>■ uat the Jar.u v Term next ensuing of this Goiirt. 1
m RltiN EETtirNB, Ordinary.
\ I * IfEKRAH* Wi’diain J. Langfnnl applies for Let- j
1 y no- of Guardianship for ism ptnout ami prop
erty ol It. L.. V. R.F.,nu*L. J. Langford, orphan*
of Lew 10, B Laaglhrdk
AlMrarwms Conrented nri> hereby notified to file I
thy ol “■.l• v. . * •: *v 1 tve. on the first Moftdu;,
” Gix* .. uiui*: ; ‘ha olfirn. Pint July, lu.
i:. a. RAIPORO, Uhttnary. ; r>. DV,-.wide.
•**•■ “it# mu,-ernod ere hereby notified to shew )
lu -> . t anv u . iiivM why tliesiid Stephen Hwam ,
*'•” “Id not iv duiuits( ,1 af, orduig to the prsyarof lit*
Given Under toy Lord and otlicial signature this f
July ’id, IttH*
tiEOIUiIA, Illarion County*
Mari -i Court of Ordinary, lMarch Term, lßfiO
Wiiham M. Brown, administrator on
the , -tale ul iv icliola* Jonlau. having petitioned
to he di-c barged tVoni tald tMlmintstratirtnr
Ail perilousaom eruedsife required to show cause,
ts any they have, within the time prescribed bylaw, ,
wiry the saiu Wi. iam M. Frown sitould not bn di*-
iccnrrilng to the prayer of his petitition.
Given undsr niv hand and official signature. this
April lid. MALCOM HAIR Ordinary,
apfil 6-wHm
Chattahoochee Hheritf Sales.
W’ILL le sold lictore the Court House door
\ V in (‘usseta, t'hattahoctchoe county. on the first
Tuesday in Hepti inber next, within the legal hour*
; of sale, the lollowing property, to-wit
Two :*>'> ui the town of fusseta.otse known as the
Tamard L‘*t. and the Other known as the Price I.ot,
iiuiiiberS not known, levied on as the property of John
Fn- • and from < liaual
Interior Court, in favor of Jones Broach vst. John
Fussell and Jesse T Cobb.
Also. i.ot of I ..i ml nil in her one in the Sixth di
:riri ol said ounty. a# the property of John H Morris;
‘!o satisdy u Mortgage Fi Fa. issued Irom Muscoge*-
Huprnor Court in favor ol Jacob I*. I life*, sitxe
’ transferred to Thomas Bush.
JOHN ; BERRY,th'tl'.
j July 2!, IritiO -wide
Ailminist rstor'* Smh .
T ITIf.I. he sold bi-fore the Court House door in the
\Y m 11,. tow nos Cunneta. Cluittahooehee county,
in, tin tuht Tuesday .in October next, within the
.sgal hours <f rale, all the lands belonging to the e#-
1 tale, of Robert \\ Rend, deceased, known as his un
; divided half interest in s<-l acre#, more or le*#, the
lilac.- x*. > .-j.-,>n he lived and died. The other half in
i iere-t can also be bought good terrrs# at the name time
’ Pun baser* are requested to examine the place hofor*
Mm ‘lay <>f sale. By order of the Court of Ordinary
T. rins mnde inowa *n the day of sale
ltl\ EltH KEEFE. Adin’r.
j Anguet 6th, lMiO—wide.
| GEORGIA — Talbot County:
Court of Ordinary, July Term, 18(i0.
RI LE NlSl.—Whereas John H. Terry, adminis
trator, ami Mary W. Gridin adnunistratm, peti
! lion this Court for letters o( disimsoioir
He it therefore ordered, that nil psrsons concerned
tie and appear al the February Term next ensuiiigol
■ t;o- (, then and there to shew cause, if any they
have why said letter# should not lie granted
A true extract from the minute* of said Court, Jttly
f July :to—wCtii.
f GEOUGIA—TaIbot County:
Court or Ghuiaarv, July Tkhu. 1 Sto.
Rl LE MHI —Whereas Henry H. McCrary, ad
ministrator of Matthew McCrary, petitions this
’ Court for Letter# ul Di--n>i#sion:
Be it ordered that all persons concerned be and ap
ibe February Term next ensuing of tills Court
i then and thereto show cause, ifany they have, why
said letters should not lie granted.
A true extract from the m mules of said Court, July
* July 30—wfun.
/.achariab Froctor, 1 Application to foreclose
\ • y Mortgage in Marion Mu.
D svidGuide-,. y potior i.oiitt, March,
Term l^6i>.
ON hrariugthe fictition and prouls of the petitioner
m above stated rase. It is ordered by the Court
! th'ii the Defendant, David Golden,do ou or before I e
oral day of next term of thi# Court pay into Court the
-uui of two thousand dollars, the principal due on said
Mortgage, w ith interest according to the tenor and ef
| iret of the note# in said Mortgage mentioned, nr that
the fuul David Golden do show cau at the next term
i ot this Court why hi# equity of redemption in and to
flic M rigaged premise*, t-- wit, lots of land number
1 sixty nine (MB and one hundred and twenty-six (It")
| in tlie thirty-first (31) district ot originally Lee. now
Marion county,should not be forever burred and fore
1 closed to the extent of said sum of two thousand do!
j lar*. Ami it is further ordered that this Rule and Or
dei be published once a month until the next Term pi
j thiii Court in the Columbus Times, a public Gazette
j A true extract from the Minutes of Marion Hupe
i ri-.i Court. March 13. W4i
GEORGE W McDl FFIE, f’lerk.
March Id, IBfit)—lainfmi
f.F.OUtiIA, .Morion Count) i
Marion Court of Ordinary March Term, ISGU.
Us HERE AH Mautuel 11. Crawford, Executor of the
laet will and testament of Thomas Bivins, hav
ing petitioned to be discharged irom said Executor -
; ship:
All person* w ho areaunrerned, are required to shew
i cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by
law, why the said Hamttel If. Crawford, should not
| b* difUiiioH'd according to the prayer ofhis petition.
Given under my hurnl and official signature this the
2d April, IH‘4I MALCOM HAIR. Ordinal).
April 6. iHtiO—wfm
AdiniiiGti-alorS Mole
VCUKF.ABEY to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary
. of Talbot county, will besoki on the first Tuce
da v in Kept next, before the Court House door in the
j town of Taibofton. said county, between the usual
hour* of #nl**, the following valuable settlement of
land belonging to the estate of Jlenrv
ceased, viz Four hundred acres of Laud, the late res
-1 idenCe of Henry ttnelltngs deceased, situated about
’ one mile ami one quarter north ol Box Bpring onthe
Muwogee Railroad, ou which there i* about 1,5 acre*
; of cleared land, good dwelling, gin house and oul
liiiusc* The IMantation is well watered, land good.
1 Fhose desiring to examine the premise#, will call on ‘
William J. Weaver or nivSelf.
July SSd. lJtCh wtds
cancers and scrofvla cured.
PA M PH LETS containing testimonial# of the highest
racier, iu-to his sunress will l forwarded to
any that may wish them. Those w ishing to test the
efficacy of Dr. (’LOFTON'S wonderful remedies must
give a correct description of the disease, its appearance
in its incipient stage, present condition,location, Ac.
A three cent stamp must accompany all cotumuniCE
li(ii - Address .1 A. LT.OPTON, Huntsville. Ala.
I I lit- UIARA.MEKI) mart— Iv.
GEORGIA, Marlon County*
XXT 11 BREA H WoiiEin C. Glaze, Executor of the
YY w ill of Mazy A Glaze, deceased, applies for
Letter# us Disutission from said Executorship
AH persons concerned are hereby notified to show
cause *if any they have) why said Executor should
not be dismissed from said Executorship St lb# Court
of Ordinary to be held in and for said rounty, on the
first Monday in January next,
(~vcm tinder my band and official signature, this
June 13th. T#u3. ‘ MALCOM IIAIR, Ord
June lth—wtiin
GEORGIA —Harris County:
rjAWO month* after date application will be made to
A the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave
im sell four negroes belonging to the estate of Geo
W McGhee, late of said county, deceased.
Augnst 7th, IB6o.—Wfin
GEORGIA, Marlon County,
IV'II EKE AH William A Bell liasapnlied to me for
> V Letters or Adminirtra tion on the estate of Antes
Duncan, deceased, late ol said county:
All persons concerned, are hereby notified to shew
cause, if any they have, why the administration ofsaid
estate should not be granted to sail applicant at the
Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on
tlie first Monday in September next.
Given Under my hand* and official signature this
July 1, D’ O. ‘ MALCOM HAIR'Ord.
July oth—w4od.