North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 18, 1868, Image 1

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»YA T WRB’noh; j*ropriotom DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1868... II GEORGIA .ISIIED THURSDAY 'M CITIZP, SDAY MORNINGS. |h!ls'iwTw* Dollars slid Fifty tints pifYear In A cl route; Six Months, $1.50. 'No subscription* will bn taken for n shftrt. I’ortoil than Komi Months i mid no attention 1 bn'ptld to orders for tlio paper, unless no. Jittaiiioil with Iho Oxanl - '"(j tending ui tits nolnca at leg nub- ontH'ri’ to the paper rdf alx month* of a veer, ||A ||B(»t(gid>ti w«tfwniD , lll rdeniTd d tcdpj of pc papa-, prntli, for tbs apmo InliRlliiof tifne. | tar Postmaatew am mittwHtcd lo act ft* our ;enti In procuring subscriber^, y '* a ) , n ' , V ADVERTISING RATES! [ Onx Douan and fim Cyimt per, rqnato fof fh final, or laid,) TdlrUbe fimt Inaertlpn, and Riti Casts for eneh aubacqueht ituer- trnet adeortlelng aa follows: il(}Uth*.\t'or 0 mouth*, lor 8 Month* I 12 M l aqri. .$ 4 ui) I sqr., .4 l! lid . 22 OOl'A aqra...l6 00 2 *qra,..10 00 I.'.. 80 00.8 sqrs.. .20 00 8 aqra |( ,18 OO . ..AO tKhJ col.,..80 00}ool....20,00 ..20 00ii !*• ..noiioj *rt«* .U0 0p|l “ .70 lio l “...60,00 nates of Legal Advertising i on ioltcr»*of AdinV kc, % i $3 00 * ou luttera dla. from Adm’r. &u.. .0 00 ve to nil land,..... V...... *•’. 1 lit 1)0 to debtors and creditors, .4 00 f personal prOncrtV, 10 days, 1 aqrl, ft 00 ‘'■•, Kx’r*, Ac., 1 sqr., ,5i00 lalos, per equafb, cntili Insertion,.. .{78 J. A. R, HANKS, 11 fORNEY . AT LAW, J> ALTON, otsnatA, I LL practice in nil tho counties -oMhc; r Clierokee.Cir«uU and jn.tlu* United Suites ict Court - lor th£ Northern District of (Jeor- r :P ,n J* 8 !y r. ir. .i r; n i', POBNEY AT, LAW, • dai.tON, okoaoii, , j Ihti practice law in nil the counties of this ... .. • ~ Uiitria CourWjunMy J. Ji J. J. fiEEA A', • [■QRNPYS AT LA>V„ DALTON, OKunOtA, ND to-wil the collection-of claims arid ractico.ln Cherokee Circuit and U. 8. Dis- jnliO-ly n\ n\ Giiioizji's. [’QRNEY AT* LAW. T ' arniNq vlTcj, xiifouuu, iLtiiiractlce In the Cherokee Circuit and .give special nttstUiau to eollcptmg and l Dg tfljtttltf. SAMUriU*tj4ll 'rttiM. ‘ ‘ n. ^ JeiAir. tLitffiman X JlcCatny, ?OIiNLY$ AT LAW, HHHINO PLACE, (IKOitnii, . iLL practice in tlic courU of the Cherokee Circuit.. marlttijiw ir. ii. moo site, :6unly at* law, dalton; ttKQnaTa. JJftactWc In the ^npeilor Conria (»f the jjrakoe Circuit, and in tin* U. .Stati-s pis- SWIFT REVENGE. A SHORT STORY OP PRANCE. Tlio nlgltk was a tempestuous one.— Tho scene was dismally hltiek, mill tho waters moaned ns they rolled onward. But the storm 1 hnd not driven 1 every- Imdy from tho streets'of .Burls, for n dark form crossed ono of the bridges nhdl In a few: moments had prtskbd“nn- (ter the shaduw of a building. ' I’rus- ently a; second person, mid that 6f a fcmalo, passed in tho same direction end halted almost 111 the same spot.— Then the first party tVlilspored'a name, and the secnnil, with' a low exclama tion of-plcasuro, sprang Into arms ex tended to receive her. As she did so, she'askcd: “Oh; tlermnn, why did Sy'oit request mo to meet you in this strange place, and at this Into hour? I am really frightened, for everything Is so dismal, hnd the river is so dark.” “Ilush—not so loud, Julie, and I yvlll explain.” ‘Oh, do'nt once,'and lot US depart.’ ‘EcaP’nothing, tny darling, While I am with ^orii But tile fact U tills—I have bboli 1 guilty of the 'crime of for- ger.V, and the police nro on - my truck. Iin'iist leave Paris at oiibo, and 1 Bent fob you' Vo ask you if yog will go with mo?’ : ' 1 ’‘Certainly—nnytjvlicre. But I have Something 1 1 Would' like to say If you wlil promiso not to ho angfv with Ine.’ .‘I will not, mydpijing Jtillc.' ,‘AIy broLfipv, Francis, say# that you are. not the poor (nan you represent y ourself, to be, but that you nro wealthy and great, and will never innko mo your wife. ’ Now Herman, will you not givq tho lie to this by wedding ine at once ? You know I have given up nil for y our sake.’ tYoujimy trust.roe, Julie, you shall wife. , But the night is cold, and we will.not remain hero.”,. • Come, then.’ ‘Stay. .First let me wrap your sliawl closer around you.’ ' Tire man had so arranged tho cover ing that it held the arms of the girl close to her side. Then he 'bandaged them down with the scarf, which lie tied Jlrinly around her body. Still, without suspecting any foul play, the girl laughed gnu said: ‘You have pinioned my arms as lightly as if I was to he led lo execu tion.’ “And yon arc,' growled the villain, as he suddenly hurled her forward. Her wail arose upon the night air qml mingled with hurling wind. A splash wns Itcnrd in the water, and then , nil wns still. As the monster gazed down lulu the black liquid, he snid: forever out of my tightly to his > side, anti' tlfon: to bind his ankles’together. This douo, they attached a heavy weight to Ms feet. Tho wretch began now to understand wlmt was to be done, and ho began to beg most,piteously for hit life. But when he;saw. this was of no avail, bo once more set up hit bowlings. Everything ready, ha was raised ill tlm. arms of,the men and tnkun to Vlio slde of, tho river. Then tlio word was given, and the form of tlio vtlllan wont whirliHgilhrough space. An ag onizing cry. rang, out ns the splash ,was heard, and then all became silent as tlio dark waters engulphed tho murder er, oven ns they had closod over his poor victim only a lbw moments be fore. • Ui!J • i That was a swift ravongo. . D. MCCCfcuak 1.15. Suuiuu. .Vct'lifeftMl ft sr.UHtatr, rons'EYs AT LAW. h.u.tuN, niunnu. T.T. pncllco m the caqnBt* «f Barliwr. (ierdaii. MmT.iv, WhllMltl, Diteom, 1 tine 16—!>•••* Biuttuiiga and Dude. f„ «. ('/l.ltlWHDr .'OllNLY AT LAW, l,.ifivi:rr«, U.V. ' E. ». C!l.311.1.11, 7TOHNEY AT. LAW, TilKNTON, OKf»tt5U. tl.VCTICKS In tlio Courts of Xortli-western [Georgia and adjoiulngcour.tlcsof Tounefweo \lubtimu. April 24—tf. on. n. n. '[/no i»VV, ranee and Land Agent, kino smicirr, dalton, ar.onniA. BKXT for JiTXA Lllo and Fire Insurance, fCompany. Also, JeUcr.-mn and James P. Vire Insurance .Oomputitca, oC Virnlula» pprise, at Cincinnati, uiid F ttnam, at Rart- Fire Inaumncu Companies. And General Land Ajgent 'or anybody wiio entrusts their bu.*inc.«s to his are. ilefers lo Coi. 0. R. Welhorn, AthmDi; ml. W. II. Tibhs, Lowry & Eusou, lion. D. A. walker, and Cot. J. A. K. Hanks, D.ilton. jaOly After the Fanernl. Of all rcturnlhga; that bno;“aftor tho funeral” Is tile saddest. Who will 'say it Is not so,‘that has over followed a ho|oV6d qno to tlio silent gravo t— 1 While he was Sick, Wo went In and dut, anxious, sorrowing, Biilferliig. Tho so licitude to relieve, tind bare for, mid comfort him, engross usj the fear of losing him, excited and a'gonixcd its; the apprehension of our Owqftiablatioti in case he should lie removed' from us almost drove us wlldi ' ' ‘ While' hi lay deart beneath tho homo roof there was hurryjmd bustle in pre paration for tlio funeVal ritcs. Friends arh sent for, neighbork aro present,'tlio- liberal arrangements are ditiCusscH, III# mourning procured, tlio hospitali ties of tlio house'provided for; all !b excitement, the loss is not pcrcclvbd in nil Its greatness. But, “ alter the funcra)”—after the bustle has dll subsided', aitd things be gin to inovo oil ns usual, then'It is we begin to know wlmt lias befallen us Tito house seems still and se|iulchral though in the heart of the city, and though its threshold lie' still trodden by friendly feet,'it is as empty. The apartments liow deserted | Especially tho room where ho struggled and sur rendered ip the last conflict. There Is his clothes, there Ills books, there is his hat nud jftuo, tlicr'a Ids ever vacant seal ut the family hoard. Duiiug his sickness we hnd not so much noticed these things, for wo hoped over that ho might use or occupy them again. But now wo know it cannot lie, and wo per ceive tho dreadful vacuity everywhere. 0, how dark and ehcc.less the night shadows conicdown oiler the funeral I Nirmoonor slurs cvcrshono sodiml.v; no darkness ever seemed so utterly dark. Tlio tickings of iho clock re sound like bell strokes all over the house. Such deep silence I No loot- step now on the stairs or overhead in tho sick chamber; no nurse or watch The Sif Ex*l'r«lilcn( Hutli.innn. The papers of all parties, with few exception, pay appropriate tributes to tho niotnory and services ol'tho late ox-PViisiilent Uiichanan. In N’ewYork dags were plnced at half-mast on tlio announcement Of Ills death. Tift Phil, adelpllln Ledger, 1 ih giving nil interea. ting sketch rif hls life, romalks i'' In. Ids manners, Me. Biielinban was a'cdUrliy mid pollahod geiitlbmah of tile bid school-of American statosinen. Besides his acquaintance with the an cient ChlBsies, litr lead mid siibko sev eral modern languages, lie was nil expert In tlio laws of nations. He wnk hot' only an able debater; but a clear drtd'’ forcible writer, habituated by long; prne'tljlSTto ■ Committing Ills tbonghts and vlovfk' to pnpdrwttif great dttto' and rapidity, lip was regular, and mbtliOiltclil'in all Ills linbitaj rising at six o’clock in the morniii'g, and,hav ing every partdf tbe ilny regularly du lotted to its paHleular wplk,' duty or 'leisure; xiiVtil his hourfdr (■etirlug, which was invaribly ten d'eloelt. To ills homo llfo at Wheatland Ills m'diincrs were kind and genial, ntid'hls habits essentially domestic, although th’ott oiighly hospitable; lie nmddTt' a prod. tiee to visit all his neighbors of every statlbn of life In the sni'rouhdlng i/oun- tr.V in lilS regulnr cVeillng walks, cliaf- ting with them about their home, af fairs, aild‘ ! porsOhUlly much bulovetl by. them all. And last, though most im portant to'him now, it Is'diie to'')iis memory tb say,‘that iirtiloralUlio craft of statesmen there was a Vpin of roll-, gioiis dovbilon in hls prlvatoilfe/bon.,! coaled from ; nll biit thbdo who knew him well,'ol who lived In Ills hrihso, and this may stand him instead, now that ho 1 has passed away, from' the Strifes as well as the honors of this world. A. dENTEBMAX just from Washington iiifornis an exchange that a cruel joko was perpetrated on Beast Butler and his family, the other day. Whilo the carfiagu o£ thisnotoriousbld thief and seouiidrcl wns standing in front of'a gentleman's residence, (Mrs. and 'Miss Butlor having gone in to mako a call), some person stealthily approached and tacked a pewter spoon to one or the panels of the vehicle. It was unob served by tho driver, ami the carringo ivas driven lor Several hours, and into nearly every part of the city, display ing an ensign armorial singularly char acteristic, but so mortifying to’ the family tlint tlic ladies lmve not been in public since. The only incredible part of tho story is that a daughter of the Beast should be possessed of so m'u(w sensibility— Slie certainly did not inherit It from her father. edioal and Surgical Notice. >11. Jt.. H\ IHCM'CS, ItflLY of Soutli Curolinn, tondfra his Uk forii 0,w * 80rv fc c * ^ ,u °f l^ u l* “ 'qimdin^ country, with an experience r-RpiMl.l iXnmtlon to nil tliwitmiM. roilko, tluriWB the •!»}-, corner or I’cn'.z King nirecfo, TSnq, night ut rcsideiicc, oo iomtou Avenue,I foriacrl)' oceupled by Mr. J. 'King. | ' January 3—tf. P. X^APPNEB, Vatch-MUkcr and Jeweller* “ J1AVK Just opened my Rhop In this pluuennd am proDitred to. do any kind of work in my ine of business, such as repairing and ulenuiilg Vatelios, kc. I' t'ep on hind Jewelry, Watchcs, 41 d Spectacles. I Shop tit the Drug Store of Gudgcr & Knight. L Dalton, Jan. 8, 18U8—ly. J. S. Fitzpatrick) DUSE, SIGN AND DECO HATIATE FAXBTTBR, aper Hanger. Gluzcr and Gilder. LL work entrusted to Idol will bn oxeenlod L with nentness nod dispatch. Shop, upstairs j King building. Dalton, Georgia. ■Refers to W. M. & It. J. Liwry. Fain* & r.w Vt, Allailln; Iai vrv i E.isou, Tibbs, Kenner 4 p., Dalton; Whitmnn 4 Yurnell, Ringgold jly TIME —is— iMoney! And a Correct Time-Piece Makes Until I IK undersigned would respectfully ammunee to the'eitiaens of Dalton and vicinity Unit lie opened, at the woil-ktiowii establishment of irs. Uukofxer & Lovcman, a Shop for repair- and cleaning tVatehca, as well as perform- - *“ oUierworlt pcitalidng to ids trade. , , BTHaving boon eonstantly cmplnvcd in some oi the largest European cities for Iho last ten yean past, ho guarantees superior workmansldp. HTChargca moderate to conform with the P’1 harp just rccrircd a ohoicolot of Jew- j, which f am ofleriug at very 1 ,w prices | Call and see It. E. SILBEU.MAN. Feb, 29-tfj. ;oiy nttcreil tlieso felt a powerful' grasp laid upon him, ami turning Ills head bo saw but one person near him. In stantly Ids band wandered to Ids bo som, and lie drew I'urth a revolver, but it' was quickly turn, from Ids grasp;— Still, lie had a dagger about him, and be clutched this, but his arm received snidi a violent hiriw that it fell helpless by Ids side. Ho began r. fcarfid strug gle, lint it wns useless, lor the man who held him in Ills grasp was as pow erful as a Glailt. Now he was lifted up diul carried back as if ho had been a child. Soon lie fomul himself iu a gloomy cellar, and upon tho dump ground. There burned a dim light, widen was emitted from an oil lamp. But no third person appeared to he present. Presently the .villliin heard voices and he turned towards tlio door, lie saw two men enter, one of whom boro In his arms an inanimate form. He ad vanced and placed it upon the ground near tho light. Then tho vllllkn saw the garments dripping with.watBY, anil he recognized his victim. Shu hnd been dragged from tho river, but not in time to suvo her life. Over her body her reseller knelt ami a groan, esea; cd him as ho appeared to become satisfied that life ivns extinct in the poor creature. But hu sudden ly started lo Ids feet anil confronted the murderer, his eyes glaring wildly and Ids breast heaving with excitement. Tho .niurderer recognized Idm in an di stant, and ho trembled as he exclaim ed : ' ‘Francois Liunley I’ ‘Ayb, ianTI the brotherof your victim. ‘1 did not intend to harm her—it wns an accident—-for I—’ “W.hqt do you moan ?’ ‘I wns about leaving the place with her, when she stumbled and lull into tlio water.'' ’ ‘Fiend, there lies tho body of her you first so foully wronged, and then inurdeicd, that, even ns you expressed yourself, she might no longer stand between you and your dcslros. Look uponTier glinslly face—look upon it, I say, and us you do bo, repeat the jio you havo uttered, but at the same tiino remember Hint those words will ho about tho last you will over nttcr in this world.’ ‘Would you kill me?' ‘As slice us you nro breathing, you wiil be in another world in fifteen min utes from this time. Sunfl, lievenge is my motto. ‘You dare not harm mo.’ ‘And why not, pray?' ‘My family are rich and power ful. They would he most terribly avenged for my death.’ ‘Lettheir vengeance fall. Were yon the Emperor himself nothing now could save yon. Propn-c him for his burinl.' Tho frightened wretch watched the proceedings for moment in silence, ami than ha began to give,utterance to fear ful shrieks. Not the slightest attempt was made to check theso sounds. But tho men prooecdod to tie his hands you mny“ sleep on liow iind take your rest" if yoii can. Ah, poor Wenvi'd lionrtl It will he long before tlio sweet rest you once knew will revisit your couch, Slumber will bring again the scenes llirmigh wjilcli you have just passed, and you will start from it but to find them all too real. God pity the mourner “alter tlio funeral." C'iiruoidfi. 1. Man t|mt is born of a woman (we ;:.:vrv,know a»v cither kim]),nuUpt|ti(V ctli his days editing a newspaper, is of few days and full of trouble,^. 2. lie risclii in the inoriflp kbout the Slit Ilnur and iimleth that the Wnifdk era have leftt him tip. breakfast, yea* not even scraps. 3. Hu depnrtetli hungry to his desk, and is even thus until the 2d hour, when lie dinctli upon locusts and wild honey, whioli 1m ohtaineth at the gro cery nt 25 cents. 4. llucnnvcnantcth with thosuliscri- her lo print him a paper for shcklcs of gold nml slieklcs of silver, payable on tlm lOlli day, when lo 1 he.takelh the bankrupt act on tlm Dili day. lie bargains for advertisements nnfl jobs by which lie thinks Im will leave plenty ofshekics of gold, and of,silver, when lo! tlm Georgia Convention meets and puts an end (o sueli, vanity, 0. The politician onlleth to see him and promises when Im is elected to get him a big office high in the synagogue. 7. Tlm politician gets a bundle of tickers printed, his name proclaimed round about, payable after tlm election, when lo im is beat and pnyetli noth ing. 8. lie fiiideth great multitudes awing ills path, each with a dull axe, mid all nsketh him to turn tlm grindstone. 9. But when hp also nsketh ono of tiiam to turn for him, 1m is called ninny hard names and stoned grievously, yea they,oven call him a fool. 10. Novi his day and timo sorcerers and jugglers with ways past finding out uomelli forth nml through inucii m|jung'to blip elotlie themselves in pur ple and line liiiiin and havu a fatted enlf killed every day. , 11. And when Im asked for a slice of this fatted cplf, he is g.iyon a free ticket to tlm show. 12. And when 1m refuseth to publish for p sorcerer and juggler nml thpsu wild dance before, the King, they.threat- on him with nil sorts of engines of war, and go about ninoTig the multitude, whonlso threaten him with earthquakes, famine and pestilence. 13. And when ho sickepeth,and di- ctli Im is Imricd in tlm potters field, and llioso to whom ho owetli slieklcs of gold mourn much.—Journal and Mutuum- tjur. To-morrow may uever oomo to t|s.—, Wo do not live in tomorrow. We cannot find it in our titlo deeds. The man who owns whole blocks of real es tate, nml grent ships ou tlm sea, (iocs not own a single minnto, of to-morroWj To-morrow! It Is a mysterious possi bility, not yet born. It lies under tbo seat of midnight—'behind tlio veil of gllatoning constellations .C/io;ita, UUR.MVG OI.D LETTERS. In tlie hull nf winlor m|dnlxM ... 1 ’ In UHfRnlh of alecplng lion**— NVIiun no wcinl wind Mira In tlio giodraj flri; Tlio tplrlu or Munp to rqu*c; [jtyhtt norcra (Hut of moonlight .Gleams troui tlio great liltu-k sky, By (its red firn’a glow aa it aniouldera 1 , We crouch, my letters and I. den low, My letters, they lie where i toj«d them, • As tahrai in their loir, Thinking Iho while, with * strange, dull smllo, Of the tusk I must do ut last. Whft knows, hut I, \ho (comfort TIioao foolish Jotters Iulva boon? ' Tire depth kiitl wh|ie-.tho Airofigth and llbjioL »t 0f tjioso MlwTusV thut «ro, always ».* groon ^ Who kuntrs bnt‘1, how endly, ^« r niorroWe \ mid my dream,.. . .By tho ashes gray 1 will wenp and pot, l “ Woe's mu for that' VanUkcd gltfilm ? fjiH'gicft'm oV Id^i glnunoRP, , t.THd glimmer of inumorloe bright, i < • iqThut IdU in cadi lino ol tlinso letter! of mluc, 1 Tlioii 1 loiters I burn to-night V Ah! woil I the dream Was q folly: ; e'ltsJny'.wAs hn Idl6’tmrl|f| Its hope was a lie, and iu loyalty g Died ofwhisper’s stiug. [( Spkls^f-the.lnst—lo ipy Ipttcis, )i -V resolute hind! and—there 1 . * i Do the sad dark eyes of my patadi»o Al.cet, wlno through thq b’treO Uanio’s Hire ? PurlUn IlnmanRy.ATHh lltnstntlou. Massaobusetts has lately decided, af ter eonsidurablo discussion, that it la iimxpeilient tq discontinue the timo- honqred ousloin which permits the flog ging of females iii tlm piihliq seliools of tliat State, ami a committee of tho Alassachusctts Legislature reported last week that “ono half of tlm chil dren engaged in tho factory servieo’ die before tl;ey. are eighteen, in cqnsa- qtienco df overwork or long hours,” or, in plnin English, they'aro murdered for tho purpose of putting more profit ufnetarers. wiio nro clamoring for the '‘protection" of their own interests, while tl)e,y scciu to linvo vory little re gard for tlm lives of children in their eiuploy. That young Indies should bo publicly-flogged, and factory children slaughtered, in n civilized community, in this enlightened nineteenth century, is indeed frightful, and.Senator Sum ner should raise ills voice against tho briltality of female flogging arid the barbarism of factory child murder In Massachusetts. Novels of.tlio “Uncle Tom” suhool, in,the. most harrowing and highly-wrought passages, are tamo rending in comparison with u grave otfleial report, that one hlilf of tlio chil dren in tho Mnsanehnseots factories aro killed by overwork."— World. tlio following old letter written by-Ben. F. ltiee, one of the carput-lmg Senators elect from Lite reconstructed State of Arkansas. It will bo seen that ltiee lias not disgraced his precedents. He fulfills In 13C3 tho rich promise of 1859 : Irvin, Dec. 23, 1859, Dcnr Sir :—I received ymir letter inquiring if I was dead nr run away. I am neither. I settled all your busi ness in Tennessee and got Iho money, and.intended to ho at your court anil pay it, but- before tlm timo arrived I got oil a spree and gambled olf over 85;0u0, and' hence cannot send you tim money nt this time, lint will innko cv cry ell'ort to raise it as soon as possi hie. . Yours, Ac., Ben. F. Kice, Henry Haggard, < Tiik Macon (Georgia) Journal ami Messenger says tlm negro population of Georgia, is traveling with giant strides toward total extinction, and that in a fow yenrs they will not bo felt at- tlm polls. No one now sees ono negro infant to twenty seen ten years ago, Wo sit, ns it were; watching a panorama which has clicted tlm atten tion of tlio world, and of which the world bus grown weary, roll away and rnpidly pass from tho stage. To many it is a mournful sight, io others it is curious, wliilo tlie pliilosoplicronly sees in it elfect following cause, nml is neith er shacked nor astonished, but secs only tho solution of n problem whose every figure bo lias studied mid urnlet- stands. The Will or the People."—Sen ators say that tlm Rulicf Clauso in tlm Georgia Constitution was tlm “ will of tlie people; and in case of its nullifi cation by Congress, tlm constitution is not vim “ will of tlm pcoplo." Now, if Congress squelch Belief, ns is most probable, General Grant, who has no oilier pulley but tlm “ will of tho peo- plu," may perudventnre order Meade to.recognize Relief ami thus defy tlm will of Congress. Ho lias a big hole lo ei'onp .tliroiigh, should lie not do so, for Congress says Congress is tho “will of .tlm people.’,’ Alas, poof pqpplc! A Radiqal Idea of. Rioiit—Sena tor Conuess, of California, in a recent speeyh Bnifl.: " Right is belter than ' vr 9.“g> a« an abut rad prinuiplr." Ho tulil the truth from the Radical point of view. Tlm Butlerisn idea of. right as mi abstract principle, is tlio right of abstraction—tho right of stealing oth er people’s property. . Beautiful Extbact.—Tlm velvet moss grows on storile rocks; tlm misla- toqflourishes pn the naked branches; the ivy,clings tq tlm mouldering ruins; tlm piim and cedar remain fresh ami fadeless a pi id ,,L|ie.inad>ntioii of tlm re ceding year—ami, Heaven lie praised, something green aud beautiful to sec, anil grateful to tlm soul, will, m tlm darkqsl hour of fate, still twine its ten drils around the crumbling niters and broken arches of tlm desolate temple of tho bumau heart, -The Sto^y of Washington vs. the Stout of Grant—The Ethics of 1770 vs. the Ethics of 1SG8 All remem ber. tho storj'or Washington -and tlio olmrry tree. I Tlm - friends of Grant seek to “matfo” it thus: When Ulyeies S. Grant wan a little hoy, his fatliir houglit him a’irateiml, Ulysses wns m delighted that ho wont about hntehclng every tiling lie could find. Ono fahl day, after things iind been going on thus and so, for more limn a week, Ilyases cut down ono of ids fnthcr’e fav )r ito trees. When tlm old gentlemen inw tho ruin of ids fa vorite pear ttot ho wont to ,U. S. and said i " U. S., who nut my favorite poar treu?’’ , “ I cannot, tel a lie,” said Ulysses; “ Ben Johnson mt it down with his hhlehot." . “ My dear'sb,” snlil tlm old 1 gentle man, spanking fm,"“I would rather havo you tel] u Uousand lies than lose so flue,a tree.” A Witness.—Vn American having told an Engllshian that 1m shot,'ou Duo particular oeasion, nine hundred and ninety-nine tilpo, ills Interlocutor naked lflm, why m didn't, make it a thdusnhn nfoivee. ' “ N’0|” said he,“not likely I'm go ing to tell a Ho fo ono snipe." Wheraupoi: thoEnglishman, rather “ riled," and detemined not to be out done. Bozen tb tel a long story of n man having swam from Liverpool to Boston. “ Did you see bin?” asked tlm Am erican. • .“•Why of poured,did. I was com ing across, and om vessel passed Idm a'milo out of'Bostotliarbor.” “ Well, I’m glad jq saw 1dm, strnn- r ’cos you’re a .wtness that I did That was me I" ] Tlio modornte speefof sound in air is the cause of a mnplicr of curious facts .which ignorant people might take for,contradictions. : Kpr instance, !f,n row of soldiers form a eircle and dis charge their pieces Ain the same time, tlm sound will 1io heard as a Bingie discharge by a person occupying the centre oflhoeirbte. Until'the men form ■a straight row,'tlm simultaneous dis- chqrgo of tlm men's pieces will be pro longed to’a kiiid of roar. A company of soldiers marching to music along n road, cannot miireli to time together, for tlm notes do not rench .those in front aud those bohiinl simultaneous ly- NICK-NACKS. Capital punl,!,moot-Sendai- a while man to tlio fortieth Cungret-s? ‘tPunbh.wya tho spirit of iho n-jp is gfii.” Mot a tilt of It, Itjilysi yon ipcil " gin'’backwards! “You ■roil queer clii.kenI” as the hen said * when she ImtcheJ out n duck. .. P W’ V ‘ m y k |r«r, jron Imvn a dirty J «m rUelp lt 1 nia’ii)—il.ulV 1 black rcpublicnn.” Thp muiul oC tho word Oregon give* the radh cdm tho headache. Gen. Grant isn't as strong arfHebtor, but Col* fax U us tviso ns Ulysscf. “ ’ Tho President lt\ hi* controversy with Gen. G nil it, put Up Iris own and Ids Culiihbl’s vcruiilv ngnlnst Grunt’s want of it. , Tho gcqiup or radicalism, llko the Dovl everybody to come into his quarters “stay out in tho cold.” ir whisky wen? u qnlck lnstcad of n alow nolf. on, it wouldn’t kill a filtleth part os manv" us- It docs. •* “ To vote frn tlio’Democratic'ticket it to aq: llko a white man. To go for tlio radicals is to iiiHkc n negro of yourself. drudm,” tread on lijacorus and wako him Mir.*— l.Uo is rCal. - He Xaslivillu Union says n JohnsonvlUd'man wns flung In. iho tcmplo by. n locust n lew days alnce, and his life wna purcd with ujuch dlUJ^Uf. The Lexington StatWmhn shvs that it was. tho radical party that coriqucrbd ! police. Ay, con quered it, and, against all thq rules of jvar, put-it to death. Forney fright W enlarge His pnpdr, ir ; cinl} to aecommodato’hls falsulioods. 1 They crowd each othor. Thoy arc hud.lled together aMlio Bi itisli risoucra wCro in the Black Hole of .wuicutta. Why are young Udi-a nt'tlic lireaklnR U|i of a parly like.arrows! .Iloreuno tlioy can’t go off without a beau and are iq a quirer till they got Tlio whilo men of America will elect The licit rrealdeut. Thoso who <e|»li to piny Urn part of mouroera at a nigger fur.crtil neat November, will of courso still remain in (lie League. An exchange says: “Mo*t pcoplo think editing a paper is os easy ns making love. A Imlf dor's experience will explode the pleasant llelion. Wo bod rather mako love to a duion women than edit ono paper," ... *. . ' . f Tlm, Woshlngton'papers record a spoecli made at tho recent Sunday school celebration by Gon. Grant. The following la a seriatim report: Tho bovs snd girls look well to-day. Thai’s a very pretty bannei." . cntlomaa who, under tlm least oicitomcnt exclaim, “ there's u crisis coming, Wiia c'ob- flderably amused lit helnggravdy inrurmcd by a little four-year old sog that “Ori-sU had come nod was 111 bed witlnnoiher." A celebrated lawyer once said: llmt’.thojlhreo moil troublesome clients lie ever bad were a young Lidy who wanted to bs married, a murribd lady who wanted a divorce, and an old maid who didn't know what elm wanted. ' • . • : . Tlm silver mines of Nov/ida yiold a mixture of lead nod antimony In tho proportions requisite for tlm' manufacture of type. Tho iMUvq,alIor, Will some audition*, is now helps used by the C’alilor- nla type rounder!, and promises to become a yah uuhlo soor.eof weolth'to tlm mincre. At present llmro aro fifty-eight petroleum re fineries In tbo city of I’ittxhu|£ io aetivo opera. Uon, employing ulredtly. about seven hundred hands, with a refining capacity equal to 83,nun John Unniiolpll lyas in a tarorn, ly- han-ela per week, representing a capitul of $13,- Ing on a 6ofa in tho parlor, waiting for U00 ,‘ , 09. » a stage to come to tho floor. A dan-1 Two swell*, whoso re'?pc ' without that .of notual decomposition, whlcli in very void weather might be delayed for weeks, lias always buen n dcsidei'iitiim. Tlio fear ofbelng liiirled alive, wtiicli lias iindpiibtcdly Oecnreil in many Inst antes, have proved a source of anxiety to persons during life and of sad conjecture to. their surviving friends. It is said that it lias been re cently discovered Hint if the skin of a deeensed person is 'blistered, as by holding tlio flame of a cniidie against tlio body, when punctured tfiu blister will give out only air, whereas if death hits not tnken place tlio flame causes inflammation nml a watery serum will ho deposited under the blister. It is claimed that this Is a certain test when inability to feel tlm pulse, cold skin, no deposit of lirenlli on glass, and oth er methods fail.—Scientific American. A Bride Changes her Mind.—The Coliimhns (Ohio) Stacsmnn says: A girl living in the family of ono of our ci ty officials was wooed and won by a yoniijrmnn, every way worthy of her, and last Friday was fixed as tlm timo for tying the knot, with tlm tongue that can’t ho untied witlt tlic teeth. Every thing was prepared, tlm wedding har ness purchased',' tlm wedding supper spread, tlic guests invited, and tlm groom'arrayed gorgeously, awaited on tho nppearnneo of tlm bride, who Iind retired to take a last look in tlm mirror. An hour passed, and yet she did not come. Another, nml groom nnd priest and guests began to get uneasy. Tlm lady of tlm liouso went nftor her, and found Mint site Iind disrobed herself of her bridal attire, and was again array ed in tlio habiliments of ordinary life, Being asked tlm reason, slio said she bad changed tier mind; she didn’t want to marry ; slm liked tlio would-be 11119- band well enough, but slm had con cluded to die all old muhl. lie begged implored, cutrentcd, but all in vain".— Slm had made up her mind not to mar ry, and marry slm wouldn’t. More Fituix Needed — Nothing is more coridimtivo to tlm health of a country than mi abundance of good fruit. In all new countries it Is observ able that as tho fruits are more exten sively grown, nguo und all kindred diseases are less common nml less fa ta). I11 tlm South liy the devastations of war the fruit orchards, If not whol ly destroyed wero greatly damaged ’i'lila want must bo supplied', and tlio sooner tlm better. Every farm should have n good fruit orchard and a l'ruit garden, in short, 11 full supply of fruits, commencing with tlm delicious straw berry and comprising In addition, tlm raspberry, grape, ponchos, pears and apples. Tills would give n supply'tlm year round, arid much of tlm sickness nml fatality of tho country would pass away forever. All experienced horticulturists recom mends that iron shavings, scrap-iron, and the sonles and dust from black smiths’ sliops bo dug in around pear trees, and also that tlm bodies lie repeat edly washed with a solution of sulphate of iron, for tlm purpose of destroying 'fungi. qipeil li^tollic room,with before arnirror, nrrang- 'nri'ding oil his hair and n collar, quite unco# scions of tlm presenco of tlm gentle man on tim sola. After attitudinizing awhile, he turned to go out, when Mr. Randolph asked Idm: “ Has the stngo come ?” “Stage, sir 1 stage I" snid’lho fop; “ I’ve nothing to do with it, sir.” “Oil lieg your pardon," said Ran doipli, quietly; “I thought yon were the driver!” TnAT dread fully honest and candid man Prentice, dares to get off tlm fol lowing distinctly disloyal observation: “If tlm people honour General Grant witli tlm Presidency, wlmt vast honour tlm Confederates should bestow upon tlm memory of General Polk, wiio, with a grently inferior force, whipped Grant at Belmont within an inch of his mill tnry life.” Prentice evidently fancies that Im llvos in a State witli a “ Re publican form of-government.” A good brollmr in an Eastern church had a call to preach. Being unahlo to read lio employed 11 friend to read tho scripture lesson. On tlm occasion, the chapter selected was Genesis xxii,which contains these words: “These eight did Milcali bear to Nabor, Abraham's brotlior.” Tlm preacher discoursed from tlm text ns follows: “Brethren and sisters, let us consider our blessings. Morning and evening our wives nnd daughters milk theeoivs, nnd our wants are supplied. In tho days of good old Abraham, ns you have heard, it took eight to milk a hear, and they did not get much nt that.” Cash vs. Credit.—A tavern keeper in ono of the small towns of Wiscon sin, employed uu honest old German blacksmith to do a ccrtun job, for which iio paid tlm cash nt once. Afterwards n neighbor got a similar job done on credit, for n less price. Upon being asked tlm reason, tlm blacksmith re plied : “You zee, I have zo much sharge 011 my book, and I zomotimes lose ’em; und zo, veil I have good ensli customer I sliiirgo good price; but veil I puts it on my bonk I do not liko to sharge so much; zo, if I never gets ’em, I no lose so miroh." Tlm Fenian scare ill Canadn is in creasing. Two men wore arrested in Swcetslnii’g oil Wednesday charged with being Fenians; Lni'go numbers of men are collecting ntSt. Albans and Malone, hut Fenian fails are in opera tiou at llinsc places, nnd attendance 011 them is tlm ostensible purpose of the nmmerousarrivals. Armsarearriving, however, and prominent Fenians eon lidcntly' expect to have a foothold in Canada within tlm presentt month. Intelligence Tlio authoress of n novel, “ Hood and Glove,” published in England, says that “ All day long Claude paces backward nnd forward, like an overseer, 011 a Massachusetts cotton mentation." Ioe CnEAM.—Toko 1 quart of milk, and scald it very little; heat tlm yolk of t eggs to froth,' niid stir in slowly, add half a pound of sugar. Flavor its you like and freeze. Two 6troll*,' whose Ififcfl or br "SoppoMi wo moisten our clay." “Rynll mc replied tho other, “provided there tire no heel- tnps.” . Religion is ns neccwary to reason aa reason Is to religion; the oao cnomit exist without tl.n oth- A reasoning being would loso his reason In attempting to account for the phenomena of Na ture, find ho not n Supremo Being 10 refer to. It there hnd born no God, mankind would Imvn been obliged to imagine ono’, Ono morning a pompous llttlo man called upon Sidney Smith, naylng dial, being about to compilo history ol' disiinguldicd famlllut iu Somerect- firc, be bod called lo obtain the Smith arms. "I regretalr,” said iho wit, “my inability to contribute so valuable a' work; but the Smiths never bad any arm*, and havo luraiiubly sealed their letters with their thumb*." Kraiaalalt'a wile discovered her old lion silting In the back yard, aud 'bu-t up )ier.iiest.’ Soon ‘ alter, the poor wtfu came in much excited, and said: " My dear Kralaalatt, I look the iiggj from Urnwnio,' and aho ban gene nnd net onto an ax.!’ 1 Let h*r set," add the billions old fellow, if shp seta on no ax onybb aim'll lev- hot I" Scntmioutnl young lad* 01 perfumer: " r don't think you lbrw..rdcd tlio remit I mount; it seems entirely different to that I ordered." Perfumer who i* fond of punning: “Madam, I am sure, that what you meant I sent; tlio aeont I sent wot the secut you meiiut, consequently wo ore both of theknmo sentiment." Tbo fo'luwfog dialogue recently occurred be tween 0 miotres* of one of tlm schools and a scholar: “James if you take tlirco from five ho'w many remains!" "I don’t know-mum," re plied tbo boy, biting bis iliunib nail, "Not know 1 If five hints were singing on 11 tree, and n naughty buy should have n gun and kill three; bow oiany would bo left!" “None," was the prompt reply. " Wbv, yes, there wobld be feme left, wouldn’t there!” “No, there nouldn’c 'cuuso the others would fly away." Ira I'epfield, of Stepney, Conn, baa a child seven months old who emi talk so us'to bo dU- Moody understood, ... Did tho auditor who hung ou tho speaker's lips commit auietdo. “Do you like codfish balls, Mr. Wigging!"— Mr. Wigging (besitallngly)—I don’t kuoiv, Miss; I don't recollect attending one. t Mrs. Rcecher Stowo Is going to open n school at Aiken, S .0, for tho benefit or mulatto children who hnve been under Yankee school inarms in tlis South sinco Iho surrender. "We’re In apioklcnow," said uman in a crowd. " A regular jam," said another. “Ueuven pre- -erve ns I” mourned an old ludy. Hiiniiiciitt has been acquitted. John Brown was hung. Tlio list of names canvassed for tlio democratic nominations is Horntlo Seymour, of Now York;'!’. A. Hen dricks, of Indiana; Goo. II. Pendleton, of Ohio; Geo. B. McClellan, of Notv Jersey ; Gen. S. Wi Hancock, of Penn sylvania; Chief Justice Chase, of Ohio; Admiral Farragut, of Now York; Juntos A. English, of Connecticut. No DounT Correct.—It is snid to bii satisfactorily demonstrated that every! timo a wife scolds her utisliand sho adds a wrinkle toiler face. It, Is thought tlio announcement of this fact will Ituvo the most salutary effect, especially ns it is understood that every time n tvifo smiles on her .husband it will remove one of tlio old wrinkles. Sr NT to Atlanta.—Yesterday morn ing Joe Clark, the barber, Henry-, R stammering darkey, who has been em ployed nt-Gamraol's stables, and four fat, greasy wenches were soul t.* Allan- tn, under guard; As Joo Clark was iu Mississippi at tfle time Ashburn was k'lled, no cause, except that lie Worked hard for the success of the Democratic party,can ho conjectured for his arreStit Col. Sun, 1th.