North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 18, 1868, Image 3

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ani: ag | " i ;j”e Alarm-Heroism of tn Tuesdayi evening, whllo ing leoplt of Dalton, Awoke to your Interest. From the following extract, which we copy i tho Romo tyrariejr, of the 13th, It will bo toon that our slstor city, Romo, Ia moving In good larnoat to.huvo the sbopi/of the Solrnit, Romo end Dftltort Railroad located In that ploco. Tho extract quoted i« from n wealthy oltlson of that ilty, who says ho la willing to bo heavily taxed \ order to consummate thla object. In addition ) this wo too, from the proceeding! ,of thtj city noil, th»t^hoy>o moving for tiio koaoppilah* aicnt of the inmo object, and huro called an early Looting of tho citizen* to take the matter Into Uddcratlqm Our object In publishing tho ox* mot Is to hnprosa upon tlio minds Of tho people ilton and surrounding country tho vital ini* Lrtanoe or going to work, immediately, hi ordob > tocurc tho establishment of theso shops in our Lidst. * The ailvautagcs to bo dorlvod from tho accomplishment of this object ore too palpablo to oqulro any argument In Its favor. Tho simple .fact, alone, that it will require some twp tothrofl 1 hundred mechanics and laboring mon—the 'bone whd altiow’ dhiny town—at ; wsgo# averaging, at sixty, doljurs per month, to Jlo the hoccssary ' work, and probably one-half of theso employee# ■will bo men of families, Is sufficient Inducement, without further mention of tho tUauy other silvan* tages to Dalton, to causo every citizen of the place to go to work vigorously In tho matter. Now, let farmer, merchant, moohahto and every other por* son take up the cry, "wo must and will lmvo tho shops at Dalton," tho terminus of tho road, wlidso citizens wero among tho first projectors of this great connecting link between the Oulf coast and the Northern cities. It Is with us to say whether B want them or not, os a gentleman, who Is en gaged on tho road, says, In a private letter, “Dal ton can (iavo tho shops, If It workc for them; ono thing is sure, tboy will not be built at Selma;" and wo cannot believe tbo Company will so fir over look the Interest of the road as to locate the shops at Rome, a more way station on Mb lino, which has about as much claim to them as Dalton has to the Stato road shops. Wo have beautiful cites, i natural advantages unsurpassed, and all wo have to do to havo tho Company build tho shops hero 1 da to show that .we want thorn, by man! (eating a willingness to ofTcr some tangible pecuniary In* •ducements. Who will start the ball to rolling? Xet us have a grand, old fashioned, rallr jad muss meeting, and show that “there is life in the old .land yet." But read whit tin* Roman says: “l am not only willing, but anxious for tho <3ity Council to levy and collect a tax upon my property, and upon my head, if need be to be •expended In paying for the right ol way through any part of tho city, and for buying suitable .grounds for locating their Depots, machine shop*, and alt other necessary buildings, and make a do nation of It to the Company, i bellovo the cUl vtons will sustain tho Counoil in ho doing, with the exception of a few oldchronje cates, who word never known to favor nny public enterprise, If it required any money of them, though they knew it would bo to their Interest, They wjuld always ihirk, stand aside, and watch its progress, and as I the enterprise enhanced their property, [ they would bo’among tho first to claim it, and do H mand it as a right. Wo have a few of that sort [unfortunately among us. " Every sane man must know that If wo are so fortunate as to secure the loo .tion of th«*lr shi ps, lit will increase tho population at least o ie thou- ■ sand inhabitants the first yea**, which will increase f-ali kind of business to the same extent. “Wo hayo boasted of our natural advantages Itnrcr every city in this State. Wo havo talked I and wroto about thorn long enough, at least lung I enough to realize tho fact that they will not avail £ Ms much uutoss we cultivate them. Nature has j done her full share, and left tho rest for us to do, I and unless we do it now, in all probability it will I not be dono until wo^soll out to those that will. I Wo must not czpoet others to come hero and do i what we ourselves ought to havo done, long | since. “ No city was ever built up without means. It f takes money to muko money. No gold mines ev er proved profitable without the expenditure of > money. It takes money and toil to make them No one over heard or ever will hear of gold dust working its way up through tho earth from whore nature placed it, and transporting itself to the mint. It required money and energy, and so It will to make Rome whut she ought to be, with ; her natural advantages. Wo must go to work with one accord, and do our duty, encouraging and sustaining tho Council, in the step they have taken. It is worso than folly to think our oily will prosper without some pains taking, some ef fort and some liberality on our part, in tho way of contributing our means. I prefer taxation, it equalizes tbo burden. It will come back with compound interest. All can find something to do. If they hsvo no money, they can work and talk for It." AS . ovor the city, n:ul vo local, over oh the lookout ft* something startling, with pencil In Imnd, and SlJjLL-A anxious care, waiting to bo called to record sorao shocking accident, somothtug that would etartla tho natives, u sensation, when tho nlurm of fire wntng, tn thundet tones, In our oars. Wo rusliod to tho Scoho of conflagration, hoping to do some- ththg whereby we should rccotvu it voto of thanks from our City Futhera and tho iniuraneo agents. When wo arrived wo found many yoong mon he roically engaged in orbing out “bring up your wfctcrl" while many others very courageously, and truly, remarked, if it wasn’t put out it would burn something. Great was tho oxcUemunt! It was, after some time, discovered to bo n flue, from tho kitohen atones of tho Tibh’s House, burning out. But tho scare was up, and so it was kept up for tomo time. A gentleman rushed by us and said, “bring watorl” Wo followed; and What do you think? tfo tried to cut a itolo in a solid brick wall, to pour tho wattir in, assorting that he knew the wait must bo on fire. Several tried to persua^o him'tho wall wap solid; but ho would out Into it. Tho last Incident was a young man rushing up through the scuttlo hole with a shoot of paper, to put ovor the Chimney, to keep the sparks from flying. Those who ventured out on the houso top whllo tho wind was so strong, deservo much credit. Wonder if Dalton will over liavo a fire engine again? QQlte.a Blow I A storm passed over this city Tuesday evening, Which bid fair to do iomo damage, aud It it did shake tho very foundations of iomo of our- imall$st houses. didmuoh damago West of us, but havo not, as yet, hoard. No damage In tho blty, more than an impenetrable cloud of dust which rondored it necessary fo.* the merchants to "close up." By the way, a reliable gontloman informs us that lie found a chignon in tho vicinity of Resaw; and as it was wrapped around an old Citizkn, wo presume It was blown from the hoad of some fair damsel In our midst. The unfortunate one cau recover it by proviug property—notice gratia. Religions Intelligence. The Methodist Quarterly Meeting for this ch urge commences on Saturday next. The Rev. Mr. llAygood, the Presiding Elder of this Dis trict, will be in attendance. Thoso who have not hoard tills earnest aud popular divine, should avail themselves of the opportunity lo hear him at that time, as we presume be will preach on ono or more occasions during the progross of tho meet* ing. The Rev. Mr. MoGehce, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, will preach at the Academy on Sunday morning next ..t 10} o'clock. Obltnsry. Died, at Dyke’s School House*, In this countyi on Saturday, the 6th Inst., after a protracted and painful illness, which was boruo with Christian fortitude and resignation, The Fiord County Ag ricultural Society. Thus has passed untimely away, in the midst of Us usefulness, the Farmer's best friend—while living unappreciated by those most to be bonefit- ted, and “ unwept, uuhonoied and unsung" whon dead. Dr. C. K. Ay re, President, and J. R Si veils. Secretary, wero the ouiy mourners present at the funeral. The remains were interred with agricultural honors, and the mourners dismissed sine die.—Courier. Bnsiness Directory of Dalton. Wo glvo In tills morning’s paper a Directory of many of the business firms in our growing city, , from which it will bo seen that Daltou, in tho num- [ her and character of her business houses, is fast [ approximating a city in reality. Wo can say with truth that tho various firms ad- | vertised in our Directory are men of worth and I integrity—sufo and reliublo in all their business I transactions—and as such wo cheerfully commend I each and all of them to every person trading to I this placo. No town in tho South, tlmt was so completely ■ destroyed by Sherman’s torch-light brigades, has ■improved with tho same rapidity as Dalton in the ■number of handsome business houses and dwell- jings, and iucrcnao of population. At tho closo jOf the war there were not more than 300 inhabi tants in tho place. Now there is a population of pbout 2,600, and it ia constantly increasing, with frome thirty-five or forty business houses, all of Pdiieh seem to be in a healthy condition. From Ihose lacts every one raugt nt j ra j t t]mt our embryo fity is in a prosperous and flourishing condition, that Uicre is yet a brilliaut future in store for fh° place. There arc several other business houses In the j own » no * mentioned, which we would bo ploased ?«co In tho Director*. Rrlng your cords in gen- "-mon—tbo COM Is but trilling. i T aUu3t J ,v Urn “' * ‘he He t oX “"“H ltrce * Methodist Church is litruordlnary. So lo» ,h, n twonty-fl.o or thlr- »y are before tbo altar ovpi-b „«„i ». , lor. God seems to bo Sr u 1 ” P™* cd K tho church. Tho lie,.Q g p 9 ' jiPRW u f \ « North Carolina CooLl'JZl noTJ^ Moned at Americua, ha.arri.od to aas!atthl mb' ^ I ha 8 t r r, ,0 ^.* rc rooming and night and H>S continued as long a> the pr«ont interest Nows Cleaning*. The ruit Is damaging the wheat crops in Banka and adjoining counties, Fivc-ccnt stamps on receipts have boon stricken from the Tax Hill. The Madison Baptist Female college closed for tho season, on the 16th, ; A Radical Convention at Alexandria nominated a negro for the Virginia Senate. George Y&i-diington, a negro bovonly IS yoars of age, was hung lor arson in Kinston, N. 0., on Friday, In Mound City, IlHnu’s, the Democrats gained ono hundred votes—electing thoir municipal tickot. They are building at Macon, On., a floating saw mill, to drop down the river, anchor, nnd saw up the tim bur. The citizens of Covington are hopeful of a new election in that county, the frauds being so nu merous aud glaring. Tho Agricultural Society of Morgan county is to have a grand Festival and Barbecue on the 22d. How would it do to lmvo one in Whitfield? Tho Reporter says CapUin W. S. liar Jin, tho old rat resident of LuUrange, died there on Wed nesday, the 10th iustnnt. Mr Nathan Lipscomb, of Troup, while plowing, not having any tobacco with him, substituted a weed enllcd nngclico, an 1 in thirty minutes ho was a corpse. On Thursday night ono of the soldiers connect ed with tho detachment, stationed in this city, was severely cut in nn allVay with a nogro. The no- o was arrested and is iu jail awaiting Ids trial. Mr. K. S. Williams, a young merchant, of Greensboro, wns last wank called from hi.* house after night, murdered, nnd robb.'d of $1,100 by by.nn unknown person. 4 Ono hundred and twenty-six citizens of Colora do protest against tho admission of Senators— population being sparse, and persons claiming Sonatorship not being tho choice of tho people. Wo are pleased to lonrn, says the Southern Watchman, that hundreds of men who had been inveigled by corrupt scoundrels into joining the Union Leagues in tho Northern counties, nro now leaving thorn in large numbers. A call hits been issued for a Convention of Colored Republicans of the Bonier States, to bo held in Baltimore on tho 4th of August, far tho purpose of organizing tho colored people of thoso States as a unit to agitato the question of Euual Rights. The radicals in this State are calling on their creature*'to organize themselves into Grant Clubs, but although these calls repeated daily orcr since Grant’ll nomination, wo have heard of but ono Grant meeting in tills State, aud that was the deadest set imaginable. Tho Atlanta Intelligencer say# tbo religious in* terest in connection with the First Presbyterian Church, on Marietta street, is increasing. Rev. Mr. flarkhead. of Athens, and the Rev. Mr. But- tolph, of Marietta uro prcachiog every night at 8 o’clock. TnAi’s the Talk.—.Tho Irroproasl- hie Woiidoll Phillips wns out again on Friday, In another speooh, at Boston. Ho snUt: Wo will havo tho bnllot for tho nogro by agitation, ooon. A voloo—How do you proposo to do it? Mr. Pllllps—I proposo to do It Just ns Christianity occupied tho tlirono of Cmsnrs. [Loud olieors.] I proposo to do It l y telling mon just what Qod tells mo. 1 will do It by doing wlmt tho temperance societies, which nro as hide bound as tho cluirohus, duro not do— exntnlna a llepubltcnii candidate for tho Presidency—tho most popular man In America, who onnnot stand up ho- fpro a glass of liquor without falling down. [Qrent silence, succoadod by applause.] I will do it by- opposing tho llopubllcan party when it bids mo “bo sllont about negrosutfrago North, It will hurt our party. Bo silont about Gcnaral Grant’s drinking, it will hurt his olmncas.” I roply God bids mo spoak what you bid mo forbear. I will spoak, nnd let tho dead bury thoir dead, whetherthey bury him in tho White House or not. Capture op a Housed Wuale.—A most extraordinary sea monster, a regu lar ringod-streakod-and-striped devil fish, was captured yesterday by Bomo colored (lshortuen near tho wreck of tho gunboat Honsatonic. Ono of tho men feoling a bito, thought, that he would play his fish awhile, and then draw it in, but to his torror nnd dismay nnd that of his brother fishermen, a huge monster, such as they had never before seen, looped into the boat, and wns so savage that they wore compelled ot kill it In self-defence. It is nine feet four inches in leugth and five feet ton inch es in breadth. It has a square head with largo square eyes, and is spotted on the back, witli a white belly. This monster will be exhibited to-day at Moreland’s Wharf, and will probably be given to Professor Holmes, to be pre served in the Museum of the Charleston College, where a largo number of the marine curiosities of Charleston har- bournro already oollected.—Oharleston Mercury. - A Nice Point The Columbia (S. 0.) Pliccnix publishes the annexed commu nication. All high strung people will surely sympathize with this sensitive soul: Condemned Cell. Richland Jail,! June 5, 1863. j Mr. Editor—Sir: My kind Jailor informed me this morning that Mr. Frazeo bad been elected sheriff, and will, therefore, have the banging of me on Friday tho If a condemned white man has any rights whatever, let inc protost against this outrage The law did condemn me to bu hung, but it was understood that no such -a mnn ns Mr. Frnzee was to do my hang ing. It is a right guaranteed to mo to be hung iiy a white man, and as such, I say again, sir, if I hang for it, that I won’t lie hung by Mr. F.; and, if he does try it, I’ll dio hard, nnd may tho Ku Klux Klan avc'ngo my insulted manes. . Tours, very respectfully. “ Let us have Peaoe.”—So says Grant’s fuglemen, npelng thoir londer. Who hinders you, sharply queries tho New York World. Who hinders yon ? You have Con gress by more than two-thirds in eith er branch. Tho President is not in your way, foi you ran nnd do over- ridenll his vetoes. Tile Supremo Court is not in your way, for you can and do abridgo its Jurisdiction. The army is not in your way, for you lmvo ereatad Graut military dictator in tile South ern desert which you lmvo made in ten States and call peace. Tiieso powers yon havonnd Imve lmd, for three years, thus utterly unimpeded have you been on every hand. If you wanted ponce why didn’t you give us peace. When General Grant’s inhuman or der expelling the Jews from their homes readied Washington, Hon. Gcorgo. II. Pendleton, with bcooraing indignation, moved in Congress a voto of censure for the act, which came within two votes of passing. Even Lincoln was so shocked at Grant’s brutality, tlint, un der tho spur of Pcndlctoh’s resolution, he promptly revoked the order. Thcfamoussurgeou,Dr. Nclaton,han lately loft -Paris for Stockholm, to op erate for n tumor on(Baron Uocpner His feo is to be $22,000 and travelling expenses. OOMMteROIAL. ! DALTON MICKS CtBRKNT. Bbvissd Wzklt nr J. G. & E. Ciuustuk. DUTTER-18 lo Solciilfl. EOGS—ta to 1 IS colitis nor dozen. FLOUR—818 to fill per barrel. ItKAfj—-Bo to Oh cents nor bushel. CORN—71 to IS per bushel. BACON—17 to super lb. SUGAR—Brown; 111 to 80 cti. per lb SYRUI*—00 to $1.88. per ImMiol to 8S.SH. COFFER—8P to 891 cents por lb. ClIEEHE-Sil In 81) 11 » COTTON YARNS-88.00 to 88.10 per bunch. CALICO—124 to 17*cu. per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 2H ct*. per lb. Adamantine, Bn cu. pi pet III. SPECIAL NOTICES. Notice. All persons Interested tiro hereby notified that the advertisements appearing over tny signature, will hereafter be published In the North Georgia Citizen, n weekly piper printed In Dalton, Os. D. W. NEAL, Ordinary of Gordon County, Gt. Calhoun, dune 15,1888-lf. DR. JOHN BULL’iy GREAT REMEDIES I Bull’s Cedron Bitters, SAVE YOUR MONEY! nr Marino votm pcnciusr.a at T. E. & E. CHRISTIAN’S AUTHENTIC . DOCUMENTS. JJtJCANSAS lliiARD FROM. Stoneg Point, White Co., Ark., May 23; ’60. Dr. John Bull—Dear Hit: Lnat February I wns in Louisvillu pitruliortlns druga, nnd 1 got iomo of your Suraaparllla nnd Ccilron Hlttora. My Mii*ln*lnw Wlib Wns with mu In the store, _ _ _ hns been down with rhoumatism for •omo (line, i Vt.iLli' commenced on. tho Bittqra, aud soon found hia • 13ICUCiiCU UnU UHDlGllCllGU UOIQOSltC general health Improved. Dh Gist who has booh In'bad health, tried thorn, nnd ho also improved. Dr. Collco, who luubooiiln bad health for rev • al yenra—«fomacA and liver nflbutod—lie lm* ■oved very 'much by tho use of your Bittern, indeed the Codron Bitters has given you great *: v- ? W E return many Ibnnks *to our ’friend#Tbf Whitfield, Murray nnd nityhlolnf uonntira for the flattering nuiount of patronage bestowed upon u#, nnd itwmre them that nothing.,will b.i left undone by ua to ndvnucu thoir Interest by giving ' ... GOOD BARGAINS 1 Wo nro now receiving our THIRD STOCK for 181)8, nnd nre still soiling P HI NTS; Notice. From and nfter ono month from this day, tho underaigned, County Officers of Dade, will make tho North Georgia Citisen their advertising me* diuui. JONATHAN DLEVIN8, Sheriff. J. 0. PACE, Clork S. Court. JOEL SUTTON, Ordinary. Trenton, Go., Juno 1.7, 1808. Laoirs Incutmcd;—*Under the arrangement made by tho Chairman of tho Central Executive Committee, whereby delegates nnd all others who may wish to visit New York during the session of tho Democratic Convention, may go nnd return for ono fare, ladies, os well as gentlemen, nro in* eluded. Among the prominent Radicals who hnvo left 'the party" sinco tho action nt Chicago, Wendell Phillips is the most emphatic in his denunciations of what was done. He will havo nothing to do with the nominations or tho plitfoim adopted, and tins boldly raised the standard of rebellion against tho whole concern. The Berlin correspondent of tho London Times says that this summer’s emigration from Get many to this country will bo the largest ever yet known, and will probably reach the number of 250,000; while a remarkable feature of it is the prevalence of the northern element, chiefly Protestant, which embraces tho more wealthy portion or tho Ger man population. Tho Augusta Constitutionalist snya the Central Railroad aud Banking Company ol Georgia have declared a dividend of fivo dollars per share, from tho earnings of tho road for tho past six months, and au extra dividend of two dollars per shore, from money received from the surplus fund of the company, payable on nnd after Monday, the 15th inst. The government tax will bo paid by tho company. Tho Madison Auditor rays we wero shown yes terday, a beautiful specimen of silk, by Mr. Felix W. Pryor, of this county. It is manufactured by his excellent ludy, from tho ordinary Englmh Mul* berry leaves,-and Is equal to any of northern mnnnfacluro that wo have seen. This good lady will realize fifty to one hundred dollars ftom the silk thus manufactured if ehe sees propor to put It on tho market. Southern Insurance Co.—Prompt Adjustments. The following acknowledgments apeak very flattering for tliia company. Reliablo and punc tual. Truly Southern,' home institution. Tho general agont, Capt, Wlggjns, of Atlanta, Is com mended as a thorough going, active, energetic business man. Capt. John Barclay, of our city, is local agent. Ho U—^troll, you all know John as .well as tve do: Newham, Oa., Juno 2, 1868. C P. Wiggins, Central Agent, Atlanta—Doer Sin Allow me, through you, to express my thanki to the ofllcera of the Southern Insurance Compa ny of Nashville, Tcnn., for the prompt and fair adjustment of my loss by fire on tbo 21st of last month. I would most willingly recommeud tho Southern to all my (Honda oa safe, reliable, and prompt In payment. Wishing you success, I subscribe myself DAVID A. COOK. My stock of goods, which was insured in the Southern Insurance Company of Nushville, Teun., was destroyed by Ore on tho morning of May 21, 1868 has been separately adjusted by thoir popu Inr General Agent, Cnpt. 0. P Wigging and I do cheerfully recommend a tbe Company to any and all of my friends and acquaintances desirous of insuring In a safe, reliable, and prompt paying company. L. B, Davis is their agent for Atlanta, Ga. P. A. POWERS, Newnan, Ga., June 2, 1868. We, as the attorney# of Mr. P. A. Powers, ten der our thanks to Capt. 0. P. Wiggins, Genera Agent for the Southern Fire Insurance Company of Nashville, Tenn., for his uniform courtesy to us during the adjustment of tho above loss, and take great pleasure in recommending tho Compa ny thot he represents to tho public. East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad# Ar. at Dalton 9 30 r m | Leave Dalton, 2 30 x n Western and Atlantic Railroad. Campbell Wallace, Sunt. !>AT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7 00 A » Due nl Dalton, 1 03 pm Ar. Chaftmoo. 8 55 p u Lv. Chattnnoo. 4 30 a m Dueut Dalton, 7 18 a m Atlanta 115pm niort TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7 00 m Duo at Dalton 1 20 a m Ar. Olinttanoo. 4 p 0 am Lv. Chattauuu 7 10 p u Due at Dalton 9 88 pu Ar. at Atlanta 3 45 am Georgia Railroad# John P. King, Picatdcnt, ) . . E. W. Cole, Superintendent, j Augusta. DAT TRAIN. MIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 5 uO a m Luave Atlanta 7 15 f i Ar ut Augusta 5 45 pm. Ar. at Augusta 6 10 a a Leave Augusta 6 00 a m Leave Angus. 6 00 p x Ar ut Atlunta 6 00 p m Atlanta 4 15 a v Atlanta and West Point Railroad John P. King, President, Augusta. Guo. G. Hull, Superintendent, Atlanta. LeaveAtiunta 4 35 a m I, W. Pt. 4 00 a m Ar. at W. Pt. 12 10 a m | Ar.atAtlanta 11 80 a m e. .i. nirurasy ATTORNEY AT LAW, DALTON, OEOROIA. W ILL practice in all tho counties composing tbo Ulierokeo Circuit. junlly DALT ON Variety Store and City Saloon. n. I‘. O’JS'EM, No. 4 Tibb’s House, No. 4 H AS on hand and U constantly receiving everything In the line of Confectioneries and Faney Grore rle of American nnd foreign production. Canned Fruits, Pickles, Wines, Jellies, and 1n fact, any thing you may wish in this-line, can be found at No. 4, Nibb’s House. Finest Cigars and Tobacco the market affords! Looli Hero! I will positively do no credit business hereafter, and gentlemen must not ask for it, as I shall cfl> tainly refuse them. For the liberal patronage received, I would return thanks to my many friends in this and i adjoining counts, and solicit a continuance of I the same. feb13-ly R- J*. O’NEIL. tsrrins great need supplikd.-phjs have been supplied iu million#. Sal vea lmvo been rubbed in by the pound. Dr. Maooikl's two gnud sped.ics are putting an end to this whole sale pyitem of medication. Duo of his famous Dr. Maggiolfo moito is cdsOrXTBATtos. TT« ha# placed in the smallest comp*## the active principle of the most potent vegetable fpeeifle#. There 1# no mineral in his Pills—they do not gripe —they do not enfeeble. They create a vigorous appetite, and correspondingly ati'engthcn tue di gestion. They tone the liver, clear the head and steady tho nerve#. No form of scrofulous disease can resist the disinfectant operation of thy Salve. Tumi Abscesses, Salt Rheum, Bolls, Pimple#, rustuli eto., are thoroughly eradicated by tills unrivaled medieinv. In fact, MAGGIEL’S BILIOUS,'DYSPEPTIC AND DI ARltlKH V PILLS (Jure where all others fail. While for burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and uli ubrasions of the skin, MAGGIEL’S SALVE I# infallible. Sold bv dll Druggists at 25 cent# per box. GTV* II. Zoilin & Co., Macon, Ga., sole Agts. for the State of Georgia; nnd C. B. Wellborn & Co., nob Agent# for Dalton, Ga. “ CouxTttuvRtTs l—Buy no Magglel’t Pilla or Salvo with n little pamphlet Inside tho box. They are bogus. The genuine Imve name of J. Ilay- dock on box with name of Maggie!, M. D. The genuine have tho Pill surrounded with white pow der.” August 80—12m. LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS W E are receiving almost daily large additions to our stock of good#, to which we invite the attention of promp buyer#, knowing that we can make it to their interest to do so. Our stock consist# in part of Staple andFanoy Dry Goods, Ladles* DRESS GOODS and TRIMRI.YCS In great variety and styles! White Goods, Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS. Uen’s and Roy's Ready Made Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonadc#, Summer Caasimcrs, Tweed#, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Ciittlcry and Quccimraro, utid Wood nnd Willow-Ware in great vnrioty. Abo, a aplcudid into of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dyo-Stuflh, to which wo invito tho atten tion of our friends and the public, as it i# our in tention not to be undersold. We buy all kind# of Produce for Cash or Good#. Remember, our motto is QUICK SALhS AND SMALL PNOM'S. lOlPfir tf EJSOJi\ jan!6 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Gn, OPEN FOR THE SEASON! to ICE CREAM SALOON. PRIVATE ROOM FOR LApiES! T OWNLEVS Confectionory, Bakery, and Ice Cream Saloon, has be n removed from the Dalton Hotcltothe Ptore.Toorrr formerly "Oc cupied by Rusbton, where can be found every thing nioo in tho Confectionery lino. Icod Lemonade, Strawberry, Raspberry and temon Syrups, always on hand, at ; TOWN LEY'S dONFECffONERY. s given yoi ponularity iu this settlement. I. think I. could sell a great quantity of your medicine# thin lull —especially of your Cedron Bitten and Sarsapar illa. Ship mo vIa Memphis, care of Rlcket and Neely. Respectfully, C, B. WALKER. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To United Stales ^nd Worldwide Leaders. I have received many testimonials from profes sional and medical men, as my almanac# nnd va rious publication# Imve shown, all of which are genuine. Tho following letter fVom a highly ed ucated and popular physician in Georgia, is cer tainly one ol the moat sensible comnmfuoauons I bavo cvOr received. 1 Dr. Clement know# ex actly what he speaks,of, and his testimony de serves to bo written lu letters, of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’S WOKH DE STROYER: Villanou, Walker County, Oa., June 29,1868. Dr. John Bull—Deal* Blr: I have recently giv en your \\ Worm Destroyer” several trial#, and find it wonderfully efficacious. It ha# not failed in a ringle inatauce to have the wished tor effect. I nra doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of tho kind, I urn tree to confess that I know of no remedy rec ommended by the ablest autliura that huo certain and speedy ns its effects. Ou tt> contrary they nro uncertain in the extreme. My object In writ ing you is to find out upon what terms I can gut the medicine directly from you. If I can get up on easy terms, I shall uro a great deal or it. 1 am aware that the uso of such article# is contrary to the teaching# and practice oi a groat majority oi- the regular hue of M. D’#, but I seo no just cause or good sense in discarding a remedy which we know to be efficient, simply because we may bo ignorant of its combination. For ray part I shall make it a rule to use all and any means to nlUovjatesuffering humanity which I able to command—not hesitating becauso some cue more ingculus than myself may have learned its effects first, and secured thnt knowledge. How- our, I am by no means an advocate or supporter uf tiie thousands of worthies# nostrums tiitvflood the country, that purport to euro all manuer of disease to which human flerfli is heir. Please re ply soon, and inform me of your, bolt terras. I urn air, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, Si. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. GOOD REASON FOR TBS CAPTAINS FAITH. nod tiie Captain'. Letter en) the Letter from blsRuthcr, Boole, Shoes, Hals, Notions, BACON, SUQAB, COFFEE, nnd FAMILY SUPrUESof .11 kludent Woiiderfully Low Prices! \Y« emttinuo to pny tlio Highest Prices for Country Product, of .1! kinds. Wo >ro oftorlng Rrent Inducements, alio, to buyer. Of Pocket nnd Tublo Cutlery, llnntwnro, Crockery, Durness, eto. upS 8m SAVE YOUR MONEY oy condo to Oliristta^ls Store Diiolk'i Headquarters for Everything!! Tim:s, ui .y.vvn n t o.. Enit.inoim! nil Alio new styles n) indie.’ Drcu Good.; ciollis, Culnieie., Vc*ilMgs, etc. So’D.'BTirosa FAsnioNAUu:. Udlcs’n IluU,Dtt'iiJTrimmings, junkco Pollen.. ■ New Styles . Hats, 'Gaps, Boots and Shoos, in every Variety of Price and Excellence. V I .119* J Also, q ycry largo nsjiortmont of Crockery, Cuttlery, flardymro, and everything cleo required to mxko a full lino of —ni ,ba nMill 1 Of tliu latest uuil rno.t spproved Talents Alio, nil kiucbof .Field end Uanlon Seeds, nt. » Tibh’s House,Dalton iWERS. R. R. 90 Jl’p.lftntVl'. PREMIUM JL Tibbs, I JL Tibbs, Kennor i Co. nre scouts for Wond'n Belf.Rnkb Rcapcrnnd Honing Maeblncs, Which Irnto proven tbcmielTea to bo the- best In lute. Warranted to give wtiafnctlen, orno s»l». Como aud see, at No I and 8, Tibb’a Houle,, C HEAP AS DAYLIGHT I Koti EjtflnsIvo retro Oil, at 75 cent, per gallon, nnd tbo •Comet Burner, which make. » beautiful light, unsurpassed, and I. perfectly,.eeure from ciplo- slip. For sale by Turns, ICfjiicit A Co. Staton Barrack, Co.' April SO, 1880. . _ , ., Dr. John Dull-Dcnr Sin Knowing the cdk-icn. Relief, df Ague or Intermittent Forer, batl.oU cy of your S.uwapurllln, and tbo healing and her.- *plno also,) in tiro morning you will bo cured* eficial qualities it possesses. I scud you tlio fol lowing statement of my case: I was wounded about two yea-a ago—wo# taken prisoner and con fined for six’teert month#. Being moved so oficn, my wound# have not healed yet. I have not sat up a moment since 1 wo# wounded. I am shot through tho hip#. My general health i# impaired, and I need nomething to ussist na ture. I have more fnitlt in your Snrsnparilla than In uny thing else. I wish that that, is genulno. Pleuse express mo half a dozen bottle*, and oblige Catt. 0. P. JOHNSON, St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—Tho following was written April 30, 1865, by Mrs. Jennio Johnson, mother uf Capt. Johnsou. Db. Boll—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. C. S. Johnson, was a skillful surgeon and physician 'in Central Now York, whore he died leaving tho abovo C. P. Johuson to mv care. At thirteen years of ago ho bad a chronic diarrhea and, scro fula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It cured him. I have for ten year# recommended it to many in Now York, Ohio, utiil Iowa, for scro fula, fever sore#, und general debility. Perfect success lias attained it. 77te cure effected in tome cases of scrofula and fever sorts were almost mi- raculovs. 1 aiu very anxious for my son to again havo recourse to your .Sarsaparilla. He is fearful of getting a spurious article, hence 'fis writing to you for it. His wounds were terrible, but I bo llevo ho will recover. Ke«pcctfiilly, JENNIE JOHNSON. DR,. JOHN BULL. Manufacturer and Tender of the Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR TIIE CURE OF AGUE A JV D FEVER) OR, CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated medicino justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies over offered to the publio for the safe, certain, speedy, nnd permanent cure of Aguo and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long standing. He refer# to the entire Western and South-western country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion, that in no earowhatev or will it fail to cure, if the directions are strictly followed and carried out. In x great many cases, a single dose hns been sufficient for a enre, and whole faroilic8 havo boon cured by a single bot tic, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, nnd in every caso more certain to cure, If iu uso is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the dis ease lias been checked, more especially in difficult and long standing cases. Usually, tills medicine will not require any aid to keep tho bowel# in good order; should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, offer having taken threq or four dose# of tho Tonic, a single <joso of BULL’S VEGETABLE FAMILYPILLS uili besufficient. DR. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office: No, 40 Fifth, Cross Street. . ,, , LOUISVILLE, KY. AU or tho above remedies,for sale by. JjJB. NICK LIN & CO, Upaitanoogn, Tenn., And by all other responsible Druggist#. 10-1 y pABiilNG IMPLEMENTS SELLING AT COST | now disposing of our lurge aud fino a.* aortment of JXE8, HOES. SHOVELS, SP.tDES, FORKS, ETC. at actuni coat* Going rapidly. Como and' got Bargains Dalton,Jun.d,- J. E. A E. CHRISTIAN. OUT OF 100 OF DEATHS, 1 tHat annually occur, are caused by Preventable Diseacos, and the greater portion of those complaints would; if Radway’s Ready Relief or Pills (as the case may require,) were administered when pain or un easiness or slight sickness is ex perienced, be exterminated from the system in a few hours. PAIN, no matter from what cause, is almost instantly cured by the Ready Reliof. In oases of Cho lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms, Bilious Cholic, in fact all PainB, Aches and Infirmities either in tho Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints^ Muscles, Legs, Arras, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, &c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the soothing influence of the Ready Relief. Sudden Colua, Coughs, titflnenza, Di Iloaiaouna. Bor.Tbtoat, Oliilla, Forer and Aguo, Mercurial Polua, Bcarlot Forer, &c., &c., take f.OW four to tlx of Rndwjy'i Pills, and also take a tcospoonful of lire Ready Rollof In n gluts of Warm wulor, aweetened with augur or honey: bathe tbo throatj bead nnd.oheat with Ready botboth. How the Ready Belief Aots I In a few minutes the patient will feel a slight tingling irritation, and the skin becomes red dened; if there is much distress in the stomach, Iho Relief will assist nature in removing tho offending cause,—a general warmth Is felt throughout tlio entire bodv, and Its diflhsiva stimulating properties rapidly courses through every rein und tissuoof tho system, arousing the slothful and partially paralysed glands and organs to renewed and hoxlthy action, perspira tion follows, and the surface of the body feels Increased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, the sore- no#s of the throat, pntl all pains, either Inter nally or externally, rapidly subside, and the pa tient falls into a tranquil sleep, awakes refresh ed, invigorated, cured. U will bo found that In using the Relief ex ternally, cither ou the spine or across the kid neys, or over the stomach and bowels, that for several days after a pleasing warmth will be felt, showing the Iongth of time It continues Us influenco over the diseased parts. W Price of It; R. U. RELIEF, 60 cents net bottle. Sold by Druggists and Country Mer chants. Grocers, &c. RADWAY & CO., 87 Maidon Lane. Hew York, TYPHOID FEVER. This disosso is not only ourod by Dr. Kadway’s Belief and Fills, butprovonted. If oxpo3od to it, put one teaspoonful of Belief in a tumbler of water. Drink this before going out in the morning, and several times during tho day. Take one of Bad way’s Pills ono hour before dinnor, and one on goingto bod. If seizod with Fever, take 4 to 6 of the Pills every six hours, until copious dis charges from the bowels toko place; also drink tho Relief diluted with water, and bathe tho entire surface of tho body with Relief. Soon n powerful porspiration will take placo, and you will feel a ploasant heat throughout the system.— Keep on taking Relief repeatedly,. e four hours, also the Pills. A cure be euro to follow. Tho reliof is strength ening, stimulating, soothing, and quietmg; it is sure to broak up tho Fever and to neutraliao tho poison. Lot this treat ment bo fuliowod, and thousands will be saved. The eamo treatment in Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious Fever, will effeot a cure in 24 hours.— Whon the patient fools the Relief irrita ting or heating the skin, a caro is positive. In all cases whero pain is felt, the Relief should bo used. Reliof So cts.; Fills 26 ots. Sold by all Druggists. Soo Dr. Radway’s Almanao for 1808. May 28H.». AMERICAN HOTEL, ALABAMA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia. WHITE & WHITLOCK, Proprietors. [NCARKST nOCSK TO tiik passenokr dkpot.] IP. D. Witty ...Clerk. H AVING again feared ami renovated tho abovo Hotel, we nre prepared to entertain guests In a most satisfactory manner. Charges Fuir aiid,moderate. Onr effort will bo to pleuse. CSTDaggiigo-carrlcd to and (mm the Depot free of churgc. April 24—if. f\HI HOW BEAUTIFUL Jf KJ' Has boon the expression of many a lady this week, ts thoir eyes wore feasting upon tbo ohdiue lot of Spring- Prints, Fine Dress Goods, Notions, otc., just opened and rolling so rapidly, became so cheap, et J-ineS 2t J. Z. A E. OHRISTJAN’S. Dissolution of Copartnership. rpflj copartnership heretofore existing between JL Drs.- J. R. McAfeo nnd.Clinric# P. Gordon, it this day (December Hlet, 1867,).niu|ually- dis- sblv^d- ' Those indebted to the firm will plena* come forward and rattle their ihdQbtedhe8S^-if not oihmHeist, by‘giving their notes.' McAFER & GORDON. J«n. 10—6m. Buggy and _Wagon Shop. ridom Prannhuchc, TTAS opened in tlio tent of tllnklo'.UneUjmitli 11 .hop, wliero'he propose, to do ill'kltids of W. W. BIGGINS, sun AND LOCKSMITH. N EW CUES mode to orddr, end repairing of every description done et vhort notice. 13J-AII work warranted. Terms to eult too hard times. ... Also Ml Sixes and Sorts of Spoons, Butler Knives, Ac., Made from old allver or coin. . . . „ . rsrsliop In tlio building la which tho .Post Office Is kept Feb.'SI—Cm. T HE CHcroUct Manufacturing Company !» now in anecess ul opera tion, and have on hand a good assortment ot Bureaus,) Wardrobes, 33 El X> S3 E X> © Wash-Stands, Lounges, Tables, What-Nots, Book Cases, DESKS, COEEINS, And other articles of FURNITURE, Pannel Doors, Window Blinds, & c ., & c . EJi‘o. 1 Grist and Saw Mill is connected with tbo Factory. {5JTA11 order# addressed o Cherokee Manu facturing Company will riicot with prompt atten tion. Juiie 14—ly. 5 Daily Passenger Line, Between Atlartd and Kew Yoric y Phil adelphia) Washington and .other Eastern cities, via Western & Atlantic^ and Virginia Tenn. Railway?, All Hall RoUteK Ttmc Table, JHay 1st, 1SGS. NORTH.. Lcavo Atlanta .7-00 p * Leave Dulton a A .2.30 a u Leave Knoxville.......... .11.17 a M Lcavo Bristol. ?i\ .7.18 r m Leave Lynchburg 9.00 a m Leu vo Wnshingtun. .-.7.00 p u Leave Baltiuiore. 8.55 v y Leave Pfiiladclchiu i..............1.22 a m Arrive at New York .6.20 A u SOUTH- Leave N. York •..',;4.........».-...7<80 p u Leave Fhiladelphia ...........-*...11.00 pu Leave Baltimore....................8.50 a. m Leave WHshlngton..................6.80 a h Leave Lynchburg.. ,'.’i.. ...........6:25 p H Leave Bristol 7.10 a M Leave Knoxvillo, *. 2.66 pm Leave Dalton 0-48 r« Arrive at Atlanta. '. 4.45 A u Time Between Atlanta and N. York, 5T Ucnre. £0*Tho.GREAT MAIL between Atlanla ond Now carried by this.Line. • Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains, THROUGH TICKETS good UNTIL US- ED, and Baggage cheeked through to all impor tant poluu. JOHN B. 1 rECK, Master Trans.' W. & A. R. R. ilay 8-rtf. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD I CTRAYED from me at Ringgold, Ga., on the O 20th nit, one Palo Red end White i-poltcd row—thi spot, are large—« year, old, medium rizo, giving milk when ehe left. No marks recol lected. Also ono rouloy heifer yearling, resem bling tiie cow, In color, They are probably mak ing their way to l herokee county, Ga. . I will give tho abovo reward for their delivery to mo here, or $2.60 for information so that I con get them. YV. - J.. WH1TS1TT. lilnggold, 0a„ fnno l t 1868. ... STOLEN! O N Wednesdoy morning lust, 21th ult., about one o'clock, cloven mill* west ol Sqmerrlllo, Chattooga county, just .oyer the line oy Aliibuma, a plded roan, or red Irony grey more,■ tevyn- or eiglih joar. old, about fiRcen bunds high, m good order when stolen. The thlot And marc went m tho direction of Dulton; and wna tracked to wjih-. In four or five {nUceoMhnt placo. • Act information of the thief or slolrn property, by.which lean recover it, will bo. thankfully i v ccirod, and tho person giving It liberally com- coasted. Addrcw me at Alpine, Chattiwi-- — eorgla. jnnt'3t AJJ. EEhC