North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 18, 1868, Image 4

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\TliUciriblilng. ttemledwilliso little: ex pense anil trouble, does'more towards beautifying a liomoetoad than white- wash. Hvejjy farmer should eeo to-It that in’tlto Sprlngof the year Tils sta bles, garden-fence and out-houses, are whitewashed. It will always prove a satisfaction to him hud his family dur ing the Summer, and give a pleasant nppenranco to the eye of the passer-by. More particularly, tbr health and com fort, should the • cellar, ehlckon-house, nud Inside of the stable bo thoroughly cleaned and whitened. When once done, It would alford pleasure In keep- j everything about neat and clean. The following Is n good receipt for whitewash: “ Procure frcshjjurnt llrao—notthat partly alr-slacltcd^ Tho largo lumps nro best; tho Quo portions and small lumps will not make a wash that will stick well. For this reason lime that has been burnt several mouths Is not so good as that Just from tho kiln.— Put a pound or two In a yessel, and pour on water, slowly, until It is all • slacked,and is about as thick as cream; then add cold vain wnler until it will flow well from the brush. Stir often when using it. A few drops of blue ing added will give it a more lively col or. One or two talilcspoonfuls of cloan salt, and oiio-foi'ili pound of clean su gar to, a gallon of the wash, will make it more adhesive, if the walU have been whitewashed, let them be swept thoroughly, and if oolored with smoke, wash them clean with sonp-suds. Col oring matter may ho mingled with the wash, to give it any desired tint. To inako a light peach-blow color, mlngcl a small quantity of Venetian red.— For a sky-blue, add any kind of dry blue paint, stirring .It. welLwhile mix ing. To make u wash of a light straw- color, minglo a few. ounces of yellow ochre, or chrome yellow. Tho coloring matter should be quite fine, to prevent its settling at the bottom of tha ves- sel. “ When buildings or fences are to . be whitewashed, prepare the wash as direeted above, keeping it warm when nBing it, by means of a kettle of burn ing coal, and mingle about a plut of good paste made of wheat-flour, with a gallon of the wash,, ami also half a pound of salt and half a pound of cheap sugar per gallon; of tho wash.— Those materials will make It stick well, and, If applied quite warm, Will look well and be durojfle.!’—Rural Want. Day Maladies—For a fit of Passion, walk qut in tho open air j and you may spoak yom*mind to, tlifl,"\vlndB. without 1. it Mtlttm 1 ! spoak your^iniiurtOi thvvrlndc without hiirtlng'any one,’ or proclaiming your self a simpleton. Form lit of.nldlenoss, count the tick ing of a clock.; ilo th(s for. one hour "ibeglii or onsrhpuri alter you will bo gfiid to' pull oifyh.ur Carolina llnuso of llepi coat the next hour and work l ( lkp a ne- The hall ie we([ Sa'ntilntcd. For* lit of Extravagance and Folly, ;o to tho workhouse, or speak to-tho Inmates of a goal,-und you will he cun vlnced— Who inokea ld.< lied of hricr nml thorn, Must bo con tout to lie forlorn. For a flt of Ambition, go ditto tho ohurohyard, and rend the gravestones 4 they will tell you the end of ambition. Tho grave will sooiijboyour bed-chain- bor, and theoarth your pillow corrup tion your father, And 1 the worms your mother and sister, For a 1ft of : Dcspondoiioy,-look on tho good things which God Ims given you lu this world, and to those which lie has promise rj to His followers, In -he next, l-Ic who goes into his gar- 1 oil to look for oohwqbs and.spidurs, no doubt will find them; while [te who looks for a flower may return Into his house with ono blooming. In, his bo- sblh; • For all (Its of Doubt, Perplexity and Fonr, whether they rospeet tho body or tho mind—whether they are a load to the shoulders, tho head or tho heart—the following Is a radical,euro Which may lie relied on, Tor I had-It from tho Great Physician—“ Cast thy burden on tho Lord, and ho will sus tain thee,". Colfax is not a printer, and rnovev is. lie WnT a Know Nothing. of general amnesty, Tlioro aro olghty nogroos In tho South J Summer Prnnlug Hie Vine. Tho Summer pruning of grape vines commences with theflrsttnchof growth, and if then performed, and carefully continued during the entire season, wo should hoar nothing of the injury at tendant on its practice, nor could wo find an opponent thereto. It is by rub bing away at onco all buds, which, if left, would grow to useless wood—it is by carefully just nipping the end of a shoot and directing its energies into more rapid and perfect development, of the wood and leaves already formed, that we can Summer prune, guido tho supply of food to tho'sources wo desire expanded; and yet our most strenuous poneiit can find no-point of attack; in this course we have not robbed he vine of any amount of expended food, or by the destruction of n single loaf or twig sent a vibrating thrill of disease toward tho root. It is alroady timo to bo about tho work, and in many sections perhaps long past tho time, for the seasons of our Southorn friends are much earlier than ours. According to tho modo of training and 'Winter pruning, seek now to guide the sap nud growth into canes for tho next year’s fruiting, and also into strong and healthy leaves on thoso al ready sotting with fruit, aud carefully and severely rubbing out . all buds or young shoots that tend to orowd the vino with foliage, and nttho same lime extract supply from the roots. Tho simplest, and we bcliove tho best meth od, is that of renewal eancs from tho ground yearly; and the vino should now be carefully studied, to judge of its capacity to fruit nnothcr season ou two, three, or more canes, and such should bo left carefully guarded—not even a lateral touched during the seas on—but nil others should bo rubbed out and kept out—Horticulturist. Baoo>t Coax—Every farmer should sow or plant, more or less broom corn, to not only supply himself with this necessary and indispensable household implement, but to sell in bulk, or man ufactured in brooms. It is a simplo matter to clean it from the seed by the help of the common horse power and threshing machine, and any intelligent lad enn learn to make brooms in a day, if he has tho proper tools nud fixtures, which cost only a trifle. I t is all fudge about art and mystery in broom-mak ing. I bad an old Yank who could ranko thirty brooms n day. Tho han dle and wire, twine, etc., cost about live cents a broom, and ho sold the brooms in 1866 for an average of 35 cents or $4 per dozen. Broom making is agreeable work on rainy or cold days when too disagreea ble to bo engaged in out-door work. 1 Mutual Dislike An ill matured fellow quarreled with ills swenthenrt on the day that,, they were married.--. After the ceremony had begun lie was asked: * ' ■ > “ Do you take tills woman to be your wedded wlttlil’ otfl. Ho replidd,,3‘Nql” “What is the reason,’’ asked,,the .minister. : ' . * ' 1 “live taken hi dislike to hctV'and that’s enough," was the Burly reply. : The parties retired—the bride in lours—and after ranch persuasion the groom was induced to have tho mar riage prooeod. It was now.tho lady’s turn, and when the minister asked the all-liuportant question— “NoI’’saiil she resolutely,“I’ve taken a dislike to him." Tho groom admiring her spunk, made the matter up with her as soon as possible, and a third time they pre sented themselves before the minister, who began , tho ceremony ;by asking the usual questions which were satisfac torily answered this time. But to' tho astonishment of the party tho minister continued: “ Well, I’m glad to hear that you are willing to tako caeli other for hus band and wife, for its a good thing~lo be of a forgiving temper. You can go now and get married whore you will— I will not tie tho knot, for I have taken a dislike to both of you." , jles. !ouri Ilouao dool- ■ lT r™nA*M»t JUM- 7 in .11117 next, mo igllowlng property, to-wlt) lino lot of lit)!), conuilning li;o uoro», moro'nr lorn, no. 88, Ittli 61a. mid (16 mo. of Whitfield county. Levied on 67, virtue of two, tux II Ini, Isaucd by Tim Ford, tux' collector for Bold oouniy, uRnln-t Robert Cowart, ono |'or tux dun Stuto nml county by aald Cowart, for tlio your laiU.tbo other for lux duv-tho 8tuie lor l HOD. 11.1 HU iiiAUHfiiig I'lirtc IUI lovo, Also tlio revoibloh of .ibe JaeWn lot, pnMo* Cutuy nti-cct, Dalton, Qn„ bolon Ur. Urown'a res- Idonoo; after n life e.tuto ln (Ire mums ua dower (or Mrs. Amelia 0., under 6 fa for year’s allowance, A. 0. Ji-okaon vs. A 0. Jiwklun, ex. ocntrlx of JpIm.M, Jackson, disc'd , - - , Also, at thc'rlamo tliueuhd place, Iho building In tiro oily ol tlulton, hear tire cur shed, Icmiwn na tllO QAltlfl ttottriiid fire nHffftlfnd n.irltiin of a slxyflaPs until of tlio loloii wlilcli aald hotel la built Lo.vy lohdol Slid returned lo mo by T. dolly, L. C., and turned over to mo. Property levhij upon by vlrtuo ofn tax 6 fa,Issued by Tim Ford, tayepllcetor.ngaiuat.Wm. A. Camp, for toy. due the Stitu and ununtyby aald Cptnp fmvlEJIlO. All Of avid property pointed out by siiid Ford Infljlold 10 aatiafy.aald Ilia, ■ • ' ’ ■ ' Junbld . W. W. WEST,- Slierllf. Some people think the democrats committed a groat mistake lu not allow ing Johnson to be convicted. A writer In tho W Weekly advocates 1. -labor, against 1 Grant, bondholders., . It took General Grant precisely 'ten minutes to write bis lutlor of accept- nneb. That’s an important foot, Prentice spooks of Bon Wndo as having Ids chccks'distcndcd with oaths, like a squirrel’s with li Hickory,tint. Tho wheat crop in Middle Tennessee is exaellcnt. The heads aro larger nud fuller than 1 they have boon for years. A peaoli tree in Goodman, Mississip pi, lias taken to hearing perfect roses There are no' ybse bushes near it. A nugget ,of gold and quartz,wor'h $20,000, Ims been found I11 Remington Iliil,"Nevada Oortunty, California. Forney says tlio boot is on tbo oth er. 1.CB-. Forney woll.desBfvos tho boat, but im neithiV'ofitiie ligsi—Prentice. “Eternal vlgilnnco is tho price of liberty.” Precisely. TUe eternal nig ger is the price of white men’s lives in tho city of Washington. .' For tho first time in six yeni's, tho city of New .Orleans is free from the presoneo of Federal troops, white or black. Tho Boston* Post says: Butler Is bald, and as a Matter of personal pride |I0'wants to’got Wpolley “where the d CARDIAJi’S SALK,—n.v vlitae of an orib-p lldll Is short.” ' Murray SHeriS^s Sales','! ‘ WILL bo Bold before tlid Goutt-HoliM door, In VV Spring I’lftco, Murray county.on 1 tlto Brat Tuuaduy In Ju)y tbo followliig property, to-wlti - -i- . . Lot of hnd nnnibor 10, lOtli’dlat, and Sd feoo. bf Murray Rdld Ariiltf property of the defundant toantlsfy the nurclmae money. - AIho, lutof land tiuml)o> and i210 Yu tbo 27th district nml 2d section of Murrny county. AIb6' lot of land laud iiuiubyr.?Q(l In iOt|Lul|tr|ct aud Bdifccdildn MuriMy cHiun'ty. Hold aalliw prop* orty ofiLMv. Thodii^diti tb satUfy bud fliipbllbr Court (i;l‘a, Wnu WilUaiunoii and r, ii. Knstor. A UMIXISTftATOR’S SALK.-Dy vlrtuo of an ,ordcr In.ino veatod; by tho'Court of Ordin* nr.v, of Whltfleld 09Un|.y, I.-Wlll soli,. befot-o tho Court House door, at publio outcry, in Dalton, to tho lilgheat bidder, tho first Tuesday in •AU&ast, opp bVh ( l p m [ | ocjW oflnnd, a,o. portion lotno. 115, in tho 13th .district and 8d section of NVIiitU^lU coiinty, being the lot on which tho Widow Taljoy now rcsldcH. Sold ' for lli^ benefit of heirs and creditors of Win. Tnilcy, ded’d ■ 11 jiin 11 -.ids . , D. W,/MITCHELL, Adm’r. Assignee’s Sale, r f^HE follow}ns property, belonging to the e.v X tato of Mathew It. Danner, liankrupt, will bo sold bn the first tlicsdiiy in iluly next, in Dal* ton, Uu., id 11 A. M.: Town lot no. 28, on King street, 2^x100 feat; also, fifteen acres of land of the old ileOwcn lot. baefi of the gravo yprd;: also fidme shares In the Dnltbn and Gadsden Huilrond. Juii4 Id ' tWi AVERY, Aaaiginoe. P.’S.’ I hm the assignee of Lawrence 1 W. Ear* nest, Bankrupt, and Ids dobtois are requested to call and settle withitno. - - hail is short. 1 An exohango says tliat: tin. easiest and best way ^ expand.the chest is to havo a large lieart in it. Wo qulto agree with him. Little Daisy’s mother.was trying to explain to her the. meaning of a Binile. “Oh, yes, 1 know,” 1 said the child, “it is tlio whisper of a laugh.” Two young Ohioans, came to grief the other day, while attempting to climb a lightning rad into a young la dies’ seminary. A “QENt” was asked wbat kind of a “gal” lie preferred for a wife. “One," he said, “who wasn’t prodi-pa/,.but fru- gal, a true-ja/, nud suited to his conju gal taste." A man with an inveterate habit of talking to himself, when asked why, said lie had two reasons i one, “ho liked to talk to a sensible man; the other he liked to hear a sensible man talk.” An ugly, young lady is always anx ious to marry, and young gentlemen are seldom anxious to marry her. This is a resultant of two mechanical powers, —the inclined plain and leave her. Intriguing has already commenced 1 in Washington in regard lo the new Democratic Senator from Oregin Governor Curry is planting his out posts. ....... V The only crowd a printer can en dure with anything like patience, is a crowd of advertisements or a crowd of delinquents calling to foot up their bills. The woods of North Alebama are full of the “thirteen year” locusts They are conservative insects, and Negroes Hitched to a Plow.—A gentleman of this place who has recent ly been in the county of Goochland, says that as he was passing along the road his attention was attracted lo a unique team bitched to a plow iu a Held hard by. There was an old negro man, and a black girl, both striving to “speed the plow " whilst between the handles, giving direction to its course, was an other negro girl. , ..... , , . . , . , The gentleman halted, and nddress- j! 1U3 1!iVe committed no deproda- ing the old negro, ascertained that he Of from, tho Court of Ordinary of Wliltileld ooijnty, will bo,sold, on tlio first Tuepdity hi^ Ju ly, I8rt8, nt thoCourt House *dobr In'said .coiinty, botwton tho legal hoiihilof sale, one-filth interest of lot of hind No. 47, in the 12th dist. and 3d section of snid county,, subject to tha widow!* dower, A credit of twolvo mon'.hs will ba gUcn to purchasers, who will be required to give note, bearing intercut, well sceiircd. Til OS. J. CROW, Guardian of Josepblno & Jane Crow. May 8—tda.-r; - 3d lot in'oro 'or lew*,' of,tlio 072d dlBtriotO M.» Rtf Leonard, na tlio, pmpor»y of Leonardi ’ Ldvy mudbby constable ami,returned tonic, , , . Also thoso paHk or lbta'of ljind.mihibcr,, 100 and 240 In tho 8th district null adkoctloh, wlilcli belongs .to Rhbdil Johnson, tb Satisfy tho eosU'in ono.uouuty,court 11 fa, hi fnvorofUosopliBBwdn 's, CAiLtwAT, yiivijir.; S SEASON. (Ho 4|i)(t*q - T nE only NEW nhd'COMPLETE BI’KING STOCK in Dalton Is lob found at 1 =n 1 Wo have just boon receiving',otic. lYosh Goods, whioli. wbro llouglit borora tho rise in^otton, aud are .therefore enabled to offer to tho trado e’,; Thau over. Wowill not enumerate nil tvo have for salo, but feel donildout to eo|i.vino«.our oUBtomers thnn our Stoelc ombracos everything kept in a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE, Murray 3 ‘ShefilT*8 W ILL bo sold before tlio Court,H6iii<e : doot^ in : tlio town of Spring Plneo, first Tuc* lav in Julv upxt t Ay ; Uhiu the Jegal boura^of ftnloj tlifc fol io wing property, to- wjt: : . r ..., • ;,, .<. ., 1 1 Lot of lartd np. 2fl2„exccpt twonty-nfnQ and one-hiilf neVlh tiicreri^piml iiIbo 161 ho; 202^ ex cept 8ft acres thereof;' Bald lot# of laud being ^^.P^t orsolecttion, variotyofstyies and chonpucse orprlcc, we 0o0- cotxv Md^ray^Sup/ribr Court! iu/svp%Lii; Stiiekner In submitting onr Stock to.j’our IhspocHonjWp sol let a numerous atteur *J»'HAt-Tal/oir. '■ f ‘; ilftnee, unu give assurance that in so doing \»oU will only consult vour own in- * ^vKMAnr A Ori. vs'A. may 14 id Stiickubi* W. s; CALLAWAY, Sh’lf. /^.GEORGIA. Murray Cgupty—Wlier»*ua,;T|i9s, \JT Cotinally, administrator'on‘ thO (jstato of Henry Wilson;’dbUnused, applies|bi'duo ibrrti of! I. in fliA rl s\ I law lor lutters dishulisory froul tile euthtb of eiiid 11H HI til V J 1 (i 11U ! clti*en» of ibis and- adjoining counties X are reminded }hnt I om gtllLju tho Dry Goods and Grooerv I'rade, At my old stand, whore I Am just lu receipt of a new and well selected stock of" deepn-ad , . Tlieso aro cite and ndi.uoniBh,,*11 arid singular the loiidred and'creditors, of said dcoeiiscd 1 to file tliclr objections, if uhv tlioy lmvti, on'dr before tbo Nov. Term of the Cbrirt bf Of*- ^dinary, to bo held on Ithe. 1st Monday In Nov. next, otborwiso letters pill be granted tbo.appll- cant. . ■ • Given lirider niy hand arid official sigiiature this 30th djtv of April, 18081 ; ’ n '» ANDEUSUN FARNSWORTH, Ord’y;o ^layl-^Om. iii; • ' t - prdcr from th« Court of Ordinary of Whit field county, I will sell beforo the Court House door hi Dalton, on the first Tuesdoy In July next, one houso stid lot situated in 'luancl Hill, where on Henry Bowman now resides;, said lot con taining one acre, more or leps.nnd having thereon comfortable iniproi ernents. Sold ns th* 1 property of Tilmiin H. Moore, klec’d. Term cash. may28-td* : , J. 1L MOORE, Adtnr. Qoorgia, Whitfield ; County—Libel for Divorce. Rulrto Perfect Service. 1 * H. II. Turner, t«. June Turner. I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that tho defendant does not reside in thi# county; and it further appearing that she does not reside in this;State, it is ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of tliis court, else thocaai bo considered in (lefnult, and tlio plaintiff sllowi d to proceed. A it is hereby ordered that - this Rule be published iu the Korin Georgia Citizen, onco a mouth for four months JAMES MILNER, mnyt-8, 1808 4m j. s. o., o. o. Y*2J.K«ft6lA,'Mnrray Connij'—Whcreak, E S. AwA Hon'oll, ftthnlriidtrntor on thb estate Of-lVC, accused, applies in duo fdrm'oflaw for ‘ lottcfs.dbmiUpm’y from tl^e,estate of e«)ld deo’d :> Thoso are thei'eforo to cite and udmonUh «>|l and singular tho kindred arid creditors of said deceased to filttth'elr dbjcctlona, If any they linve, on or before tho November Term of the Court of Ordinary to be held IlfskiU county on the .first Mdiidayin NovemHernAxt, otlietwliosald letters will bo gmutjed tho applicant. Given under my hand aud ollleial signature, May 26th;1808. Cin ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y- STAPLE D RY GOODS AND Choice FAMILY,, GROCERIES, Wjiieh l am offering to the - ,trado on very liberal terms , !•.: -ret no biiv every description,of j^mintry ?r9- dneoand pny the HIGHEST prices tljo markets will justify, either in CASH or ituy'eloss of goods at OAgU PRICES. - - - ^‘Thankful for-past fuvors | roppcUfully ask a continuance of :hc same. .TOUN n. ICING. Dalton, Ga., April 17—3m. In tho District Conrt nf the Inlted States for the Aortkoru District of Gccrgls, In Lat kruplcy. In tho matter of Aaron Murdock, Bankrupt. 7b all whom it may concern: "VT OT1CE is hereby given,onco a week for throe J-1 weeks, that I have been appointed assignee of the estate of Aaron Mtmloi-k, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court lor said - District. Juno ll-3t R. P. LESi’KR, Assignee. was tho father and tho others were the children. Asking the old man if lie did not want to buy a horse, he replied it would eost $100, aud “ dat was do matter—he didn’t hub any $100." Such nro the advances these people have made in the way of civilization, and such are the blessings with which freedom has surrounded them. Who ever heard cf a negro hitched to a plow in the days of slavery ? Nobody. If. humanity would not have prevent ed, economy would have precluded the operation, as a negro was ‘worth from $800 to $2,000, and a horse from $100 to $200.—FederickeburgJIerald. Tiiaddeds Stevens on tub Bible.— The Lancaster, Pa., Intelligencer, pub lished ntthe homeof ThnddonsStovens, thus alludes to a phase .of his charac ter, whioli will be exceeding gratifying to the pious preachers of tlio Gospel who have been his special enemies and .antagonists. It says: “ During nil bis lifo Thnddeus Ste vens Iras openly scoffed at tho Chris tian religion. A few years sinoo, while trying a citso in a town in another part Of tills State, lie and some other law yers werqqonverslqg one evening, when one of the party adduced the Bible as authority for somo statement he hnd made. , “ ‘Oh,’ said Mr. Stevens, ‘tho Bible no authority. It is nothing but the obsolete history of a barbarous peo- plo I”’ Lons. It is computed that tlioro is from fif ty to ono hundred per cent, more wheat sown than ever in Iowa, that oats are also in larger proportion, and that both promise most abundant harvests. Grant’s letter may bo summed up in two lines: “Gentlemen: I don’t enfo to have any ideas of iny own, but will act ns a figurehead to your ma chine. Smoke." Josh Billings defines a“thnrrdrbred bizness man” as “wttn that knows enuff about stealin so’t there kant en- ny body steal from him, and enuff about law so that bo kin do his sealin legal ly." The Mormons lmvo succeeded in partially checking the ravages of the grasshoppers by placing traps along tlio line of country infested by them. From SeVen to eight bmdiels aro caught daily in one of theso traps. There is a good deal of the brute in man. For example, he is generally dog-matic,often pusillanimusand some times casily cow-ed; occasionally cat egorical, and is always ready to-.bc made a u lion M of. An Illinois .paper claims the^ cham pion dunncrVbelt for a g6ntlemati of Jacksonville, who dunned a man on his knees, in a church, and ‘ compelled payment before he would allow him to resume his prayer, It is secretly rumored in certain Washington circles that Hen Butler is CATOOSA COUNTY. ^ A ^DsTl VISTRATGRH; SALF,—Agreeably lofln j order of the Court of Ordinary of Catoosa 1 County, Goo., will lienold befort the Court Duuse I door iii Billfold, Geo., within the legal hours of [ mile, ou the Urst Tuesday in August uuxt, the folio\v!r.^ property; to wit; Lots oMnnd, No?. 88 flnd 80, in the 0*.h dist. and 4th *ce. of Catoom County; also, OHO town lot in tho town ol Ringgold, Geo., coirtuhilng 7 twre, more or less, lyitii, west of W. A. Payne, e.-q.— Sold for the benefit of the lu-irsund urodRore of tho estate'of M. C. Dyer, deceased. Terms cash in U. S. ourreuey. .. W. J. WniTSiTT, Ad mV, June 4-tdn. . De boni* non. n EORGIA, Murray Conuty—Whereas, John \JT A. Ghiris, administrator on the estate of II. li. Glass, deceased, represents to tho Court iu his npplioation timt ho lms fully nduiinutered II. H. Glass’estate; Tliis is therefore to cite till persotis eoneerned, kindred and creditors, to show causo? if any thoy can, why said administrator should not Im die- cduirged from hisndiiiiiiistnttion, nml receive let ters of dismission on tlio first Monday in July, 1808.' This December 20th, lk07. ANDERSON FARNSWOIHII, Ord’y. January. 3— 0m. LfbcL for divorce in Murray Supe rior Court, 1 Rule to Perfect Service. j Illram Uarper vs. Laura Harper, I T being shown that tlio defebdarit, Laura Harper, resides yiit of this State, so -that h!.o cannot ho served by the Sheriff, it is ordeted that service of the petition in thi* case lie perfected by publication of this RuliS in the North Georgia Citizen/.published at Dalton; Georgia, once a month, for four months, previous to the next Term of the Huperiov Court.of Murray county, nud timt the defendant appear nnd defend, said 'ennsb nt the ricxCTcrm of said Court, Unit in de fault thereof thb'plaintiff be allowed to proceed. JAMES MILKER, j. h. c. <• c A true extract from the Minutes. Mav 14, 1808 SAMUEL M. WALLS, O. S. C. Luffiuan Si McC.imy, Attorneys for LibeiluiU. WALKEB COUNTY.""" " To the Farmers of North Georgia. r pHE undersigned is General Agent l.qrthe (ol- ! of the iiii JL lowing counties, viz: Cntoova ft Daee, Wal- “Our lu-r, Wliitlk-ld, Mui-r.iv, tiihnur, Fanilili, l’iukvna, ! pntion, ns tlu-7 allied it, nnd nt Inst a: id I n»i * fill- till) . Itfflp Your Mnggiel'n Pills cured me." [j-eincitU: , “i had no uppetite 5 MaggieIV mis gaie me a LIFE IN A..PILL E0X| Extraordinary Effeots rao» Maggicl’s ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS ONE PIIX IN A DOSE t ONE PILL IN A DOSE! ONE PILL IN A DOSE i IVlint Olio 1 Hundrt-d Lcttcra n day VSf from patients nil over tlio habitable globe: “ Dr. Mnggiel, your pill has rid me of uli bil iousness.’’ • No moro noxious doses for me iu five or ten pills tukeu ut ono time. Ono of your pills cured me.’’ “ Thanks, Doctor. My lirndnchojuts lclt me. Send another box to keep in the house.” “After suffering tot-turc* fi*ohi bilious cholic, two of your pills cured me, und.I have no,return ■* ’ inlady.” doctors treated r.,e for Chfonle OoiiMl ! licnrt.v one " pills are marvelous.” “I sciui *for another box, an keep tho n e hou?e.” , Dawson, Gordon nud Chnttopgi. sale of the following manufactured hup J. W. Cardwell’s Thrashers and Horse rower “ Straw Stackers. Corn ri.intcrs. “ Wheat Ilorse-nakcs and Corn Droppers. “ Bujky Cultivators, riviner, Koiion L Co.’s Catio Mills, Pans, Fur naces nud E vaporator^-voTnpl ete. foung’a Manufaeture of M.iuu’s Patent Wheat \ n,ul * ,,e n ? ,8 “ 0 “Stnd mo twv boxes; I family’' C. Aultmin Si Co’m Reaper nml Mower, coin-' ptctc, together with all their modern improve ments.,*n general assortment of Agricultural Im plcumiiis, of every desuription, oil hand, £3?"Ordcrs promptly tiileil, and on v«-ry ac- coiniriodtiting terms. JOHN H. KING. Dalton, Ga., April 17—3m, in ’ headache timt v W uiar term of the Court of Ordinary of said couitty after tho expiration of sixty days, I will apply to said Court for leave to sell the one half interest belonging to the estate of James A. Evans, dee’d, in 60 acres, north portion,, lftl; also 80 neres, more or less, of lot no. 137; also all.of lot no. 1.38,-all in tho 27th diali-ict and fid sec. of said county. Win. HEN RY, Admr. uia»28 GOd SUE A./EVANS, Adm.’x, "Walker ShorilT’s Sale. ftLL tie sold before the Court House door La Fayette, within the legal Vib'uis of sale, the first Tuesday in July next, the follow tug property, to-wit: O.K-half interest in the house ami Jot known as the Globe Hotel, in the town of La Fayette, Walker comity, Ga, Levied on as the property bf John R. Morgan, '.0 satisfy an nttnelm cut ti fa, issued from the J-i»ti*I‘t’s tViurtot the 871 nis. G. M., in favoigof R, W. nkioLuoii vs. John A. Morgan. Said house and lot now occupied hv Mrs. Corgle.- Levy made mid returned to in*? by constable. nuiy28 A. A.,SIMMON*?, D. Sh ff. Cleaner. tbo house.” “ Dr. Magglel has cured i chronic.” • *• I gave half one of vour pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear young thing got well iu a day.” “ My nausea of a morning is nmv e ired.” “ Your box of MuggiiTn Salve cured nu» of nolsts in my head. 1 rubbon Halve belaud want one for u ponr • 1 end so a dollar; vottr prise B twewVx ft** cents, hut the medicine to me is wrmrtU 4 dollnr."' “Rend my :ve lioxcs of your pills.” “ Let me have three boxes of your Salve amt Pills by retm;n n.r.di” XjiiiTiDer l Hall’s Station on the \V,& A.R.R, A late Judean traveler was nuteh disappoinlcd at the sight of tho famous river Jordan. Ho says: And how great was onr disappoint ment when we did see ttl Biding through thick jungles, wo suddenly cannot but' believe that on a‘small] P mor S ed 11,0 mu ^y bl ‘ nk8 °f p tha ' farm, the culture of broom corn and famous stream, and unawares; of all hroom-making, even as a specialty, would pay very handsomely, pnrticu- ly where there were several small hoys in a farmer’s family, or in tho families of his employees. It is a business consonant to tho “Idle Industry” of tho American gentleman of Africa de scent ; they can sit by the fire on stor my days, and rnako brooms without disturbing their dreams of political freedom aud social equality. Rusty Straw—B. McC, states in The Practical Farmer, timt feeding rusty straw to' cattle and horses Ims a a very iujurous effect upon tho health efficiency. Tho class of disease in duced by aliment, are marasmes, glan ders, farcy, skin diseased, catarrha af fections, and watery swellings of the tody and legs. Ho adds that during the last eight months, out of 700 horse's fed upon straw, from forty-five to fifty were ou the sick list. To clean kid gloves: Wash them in a mixture of equal quantities of jttnmoiraie And alcohol, then rub drv. hitscit applies to mo for letters of dis mission on the estate of Robert Liudcr, late of said county, decciisc'dV These uro therefore to cite ijnd. ndmnlilsh all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to bo and appear ac my oflico, withltkthc thuo ptescribcd by law, to show cause, ifniiny they can, why said letters should not be gra ited. Given under my hand and official signature this 6th day of April, 1868. JAS. M. ANDERSON, Ordlnray. April 10—Gnu DADE COUNTY. Dade Sheriff’s Sale. YITILL bo sold before the Court-House door in YY, the town of Trenton, Dado county; on the first Tuesday iu July u*xt,-tho following prop- A DMirilSTUATOUS’ SALK—By ^iitue of an ZA. order from tho Court of-Ordinary of Walker county, will bo sold before tho Court-House door In LttFiiyctte, on the first TuesdJV in August,.be- twcou the hotir3 rit fuile; 100 acres ol land, lot no. 823, 7th dis. 74th sec.; alao one to^u hit in LiiFnyctto lying In.tho rear of T. AT. Phillips’ residence. Sold ier tho benefit of tho heiin. Term cash. L. 0. BLACK, Adm’r may 28-td D- Inman, dee’d. ELLSWORTH A RE prepared tb furnish a tv of HALL, i- and every vmio- Loaded o.. the Cars nt their Si cam JfUU* Fiisl quality is now selling at $1.1 per thous and-second qnulitt • # 10 per thousand. All lengths up to 52 feet. 100,COO Icet now foi sale on 'ho yards nt their two mills. ... t2TCni ger$. For all Diseases or l fie Kidneys XlctcnSion ot' t rine, fte. Maggicl’s Pills arc a perfect cure. One will satisfy any one. For FEMALE DISEASES, Ncrvans Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude and want of Appetite, Maggicl’s nils will be found au effectual remedy. Maggiel’s Pills and Salve Aro almost universal ill tli6ir rlTei-ffi and a cun: min be utmost gitnrnntrcd. Each Box Contains Twelve Pills. Ono Fill In a Doso. G eorgia, 44alter comity-=Sixt7 d".™ ar tor date appiiciitioti will bu made to tlio Court of Ordlnnry of Walker county, for leave to sell tllti real estate of Silas It. Ilaile, lute ol said county, dec’ll. CEO. A. J, HAILE, lu ii y "J 8 nod. Adm’r G EOItfilA, IValkci- County— Notice la hero- by.giver, that 1 will ajiply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, at the first icgnlnrterm after the explratioii of two numtlie front date, for leave to noli the land bVfjnflfijTtt to' the estate ol Jnmea Roberta, dec’ll, foe tiie benefit of lielra nnd creditors of auid dcccnnSd. ir.ny28 2m 8. D. ROBERTS, Admr. pushing his impeachment investigation section ol, originlnaily Cherokee hut now, in tho interests ol’the democratic pat ty. joined in singing what we had so often sung before. “ On Jordons stormy banks I stand.” I am sure if Watts had ever been •here lie would havo written his hymn tUfferently. Tho Jordan is nothing but admail! dirty, crooked, swift stream nnd is so overarched with jungle^ that not over two hundred feet of it is vis ible nt any ono place. Camimior for Gai>es Tho dose for a chicken five or six weeks-old is a pill of camphor tho size of a small garden pea. Whore the camphor julep given them lo drink is strong, they’ seldom require a pill. It is the odor of tlio enmphor that kills the gupe-worms; there is no real contact with it, which is impossible, because thiTparasitosare iu the wiudplp'cs. li AernEimv Vinegar.—Pick the rasp' berries nnd place them in vinegar over night, sufficient to cover them. Then strain through a cloth, add 1 pint of sugar nnd 1 pint of juice. Boil and skim until clear, and when cool, bottle a d cork, Getting in n cool place. There is no guessing what course lie may take to make himself square with Grant. A stamp has just been issued by tho Canadian authorities which will prove qnitean acquisition to stamp collectors. It consists of a beautiful executed por trait of tho Queen, in widow's attire, and wearing the familiar Mary Stewart cap. A young lady school teacher, of Fred erick City, was endeavoring to impress upon her pupils tlio terrible effect of the punishment of Nebuohndneznr.— She told them that for seven years he ate grass just like a cow. Just then a small hoy asked: “Did he give mjlk ?" The Chicago Convention showed its utter indiffereneo to the foreign vole by nominating Grant, who persecuted tlio Jews during tho War, and Colfax who was a violent Know Nothing du ring the existence of that order, and in favor of disfranchising all classes of foreigners. An Irish wbriian who b always nt war with her neighbors, and whoso troubles are never at nn end, was-com plaining to her milkman the other morning about everything rising to such-high prtces. To show her that such was not the ease, he said: “Mad am, the prico of milk Is not rising.' ‘No bedad,’ she apswored, ‘nor the crame nstber,’ county. Levied - upon ns Iho; property, of the Empire Stuto Iron nod Coal Mnnuincturin-’ Co., to satisfy a II fa issued by tlio tux collector for the year 1807. Property pointed out by C. M, Tatum. tnsy2S JONATHAN 111,EVISlo,Sh’lf. GILMER COUNTY. Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales. W Ibb he sold beforo tho Court House door in Elij.iy, On., on the llrsc Tuesday in July- next, within tlio legal hours ol sale, the following property: I , - , ; Lot of land-number 07, slso olghty acres of lot number OS in thu 11th district and 2d section ol Gilmer county. Levied on ns tho property of Tisdale nml Joseph Spencer,to satisfy n li fu issued from Gilmer county court, itlfuvor ol James R. Ii roivn, Also, Jot of land whereon Fetor A Gates lives, in tho 10 district nnd 2d section of said county. Levied ,oa ns the property of tho said Ghlds*, to 'satisfy two cost fi fas lu luvor of Gilmer Suporior Court. Juno 4 ' G: H. Ri.NDALL, SlilT. /"A EORGIA, Walker Comity—Tivo month nfte VJT date npplioation will bo made U) Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave to sell the lands in-longing to the ostiito of Edward Howard into of said county, dee’d, for tho benefit of tlio heir nnd creditors of said dceeasod. This May 2S, 18liS-2m L, O. BLACK, Addir. BLAOKSMITHIMCI. ^TMIE undersigned would reppeetiiilfy inform X the citizens of Dalton nnd surrounding eotin- try that lie has opened n BLACKSMITH SHOT* on Spring JMnce Street, near the Railroad crow ing, where lie is prepared to do all work in his lino of business, such horse shoeing, ironing wagons, repairing buggies, edged tool.-, farming utensils, &c. Tlio subscriber would ask his old friends and patrons, many of whom ho him worked for in limes past, to give him a call, and ho will labor to give all lull salisi'aetion, both iu work jind charges. ^"Country produce will be received for woik, when money is not convenient. Juii. 17—tf. >V.F. AUTRY. I. Mnggiel, M. I). • vt undeu'with white | dealers in modi- [ ■ G 1 EORGIA, M'ulkcr County—Sixty, days ut- JT ter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Walker county for lenvo to sell the lands of W. M. I’uryonr, deceased, for the benefit o( boil's and creditors ol arid dee’d. JuneUr2ra II. C. l’URYEAR, Admr. Description and Appraisement of Two Males Taken np by 11. C. I’nryenr. p EORGIA. Walker Coauty—Both mure mules. VT One a light bny, about eight years old, white spot between the ears, medium size, no brand. The other js a browriish'.Hify, oVer two years old, brairded on loftjbhoulder witji three Es, nnd hjtd on when'taken up a lmltcr “tyith trace chain at tached, medium sice. ’ We appraise the youngest at $125, arid the oldest one at §75. This dupe 5, 1868. JOHN FUR YEAR, ) Freeholders J.T. RAINEY, . J U53 diu.n.M. A true transcript from’the totrny book, this June 6th-2in It. N, DICKERSON, c.i.o. f ^ EORGIA, Gilmer County—Whureus, Vannoy VjT tEyans applies to me for letters of. admin istration on the estate, ol Evans, Into of enid said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and' admonish nil and singnlur tho kindred and creditors of raid deceased to filo tlmlr objections, if any they have, on the first Monduy in Juno, 1868, why. letters on the’estuto of said deceased should not be granted to said nppiicilhti”’’ . T; J. STALLINGS, Ordinary. Abril 1-7-—80d. {/VEORUIA, Gilmer Conaty—Notice ia hereby VAglven that Samuel Montgomery, adminis trator of the estato of William R. King, deceased, has filed bis application in tnv office for leave to aall all iheWl-ettato belonging thereto. T. J. STALLINGS, Ordy. .(ynay 1B 2m G EORGIA, Gilmer County—Two months after date application .will be made to the Courkof Ordinary of Gilmer county, for leave to sell tho lands belonging to the estate of Jolji^ W. Dillingham, late of said county dee’d, for benefit of heirs aud creditors. This June ll-2m JOHN M. WATKINS, Admr. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to rosumfi his profession . ns a Tailor, tenders his services to the pub lic, and nfcks to almre a portion of their patronage, lie feels confident, from past experience, that the publio can he as well served in his lino in Dalton ns elscwhore. {2j5TI1o will he in constant receipt of tho lat- tst fashions, to enable him to. compete with tile best workmen in his business. Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. In addition, I have become tho agent of tlio world-rcnoWfted drover A Baker Sewing aMu- chines, tlio best in use. Persons wishing to pur chase ii first eliis* Machine can do so by calling at my Bhop on King Street, Dalton, Ga., wheto the Machine is in successful operation. You can buy your Machine as cheap from J. N. B. Cobb an nt tho Manufactory. Call nnd ex amine tho Ms chine lot* yourself. Washing Compound. I also have for salo family rights for Jaokson’fl Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap aud labor, and will wnuh iu any bind of lime wa ter equal to freestone water. ^"Family-High, onlv One Dollar. Purclmso io if vou want white cl jtbos. Feb.’ 28— iy. J. N. B. COBB. “ COUNTERFEITS l—Buy no Magglel FilTs . or Salve, with u little pnmphUt inshlu the box. i They arc bogus. The genuine have name of J. | Haydock ou box with t.niue of ,J. Mnggiel, M. I). Tlio genuine huvo the Pill surrounded’v* powder.” £grSold by all reFnectable dealers cin*is throughout the U. States and Canada al 25 Cents a Foi. All orders for the United States must be ad dressed to J. Haydock, No. tl Pine sticet, N. Y. Parties can write freely about their complaints, and reply will be returned by the following mail. Write for “Maggiel’s Treatment of Discuses.” j J. H. Zeilin & Co., Macon, Ga., sole Agents for tho State of Georgia. Messrs. C. 1J. Wellborn fc Co., solo Agents for | Dalton, Georgia. August 3o—12m. F1NKLE &i LYON LOCK-STITCH Sewing Machine. fl^lIE only Machine so perfected that entire sat- X isfaction is guaranteed or the purelmsc mon ey refunded. , Wliorc wo have no agent a sample Machine will ho sold nt very low price, nml a Local Agent ( appointed on' the mo.«t favorable terms. N, B,—Send for Circular. Traveling Agcntt wanted. Salary liberal. FRINKLE A LYON S. M. Co. 687 Broadway, New York. August 30—12ml- - r JAS. N. SCOTT. ROOT. II. KQRB18 SCOTT & NORRIS, Commission Merchants, 'PeacUtree Street, Atlanta, Gccri'ijid. D EALERS in Gonernl Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions. Consignments solicited. June 4,1868-3m J2T Every description of. fob I Fork he at l u executed olthisor- iice at short notice, GEORGIA, Walkor County. Wiliam Uoslollo W (W p r J) im „ ln \v at . Jlar, Caalollo. kcr ST ri °?. Courl ’ -OitAiiDKits. Aphil 8tn, 1808. I T appearing to tho Court by tho return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is a non-resident of this State, It is ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the April Term of said Court, else that the case be considered iff default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. - And It is furthor ordered that this-Rule be pub lished once a month, for four months, in thp North Georgia Republican. JAMES MILNER, j. b. c. cj.’o. I certify that tho above In a true copy of tho original. JAS, U, ROGJ5R8. Clerk- April 24—4tt, Plastering. J. O. jS3E3C^.KTlsroW JS prepared to do any oommon woyk In Tico Coats or IKard Finish, In town or country. Works either by tho JOB or by tho DAY. Mr. S. is a Plasterer by trade, and follows n® j other business. tSTPlneo of residence, Spring Placo street, Dalton, Georgia. Murclt 20, 1868—6m. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS of COAL WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD,) i OrPiCE Mastkr op Tuaxsportation, /d Atlanta, Ga, March 23 1868. K \ O N and after APRIL 1st, 1808, the Ra' c »° Freight on Coal will be reduced to One*" a Half Cent* per mile per ton of 2,000 po«n This Rato to continue In force until Octo 1st, after which the present rate of Two Ce per tou Is resumed. By order of tho Superintendent. JOHN Ii: PF-CK, AprR 8-8m Master Tr»m^port»tw , •