North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 25, 1868, Image 3

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GEORGIA CITIZEN, YAi WBEWoiCliOoair^ .■■.JUNE UK. IXUtn and nnj Ceil* par Year Six Hoiks, 11.SO. luaand Ffrjr Cxxn per wtare (of or leas,) for tho Brit lioertion. and .Jivx Cutra for each aubaequont lmor- >cral reduction In oontrapt advertising. Its of Lt«al Korllsloft n. lotion of Adm'r, *0., . 40 »letter* dls. from Adm'r, *o...t 00 nil land..... •«« iliton tod creditor* i 52 ,on*l property, SO day*, t aqr., 1 00 j Adm'r*. Ex'r*. Ac., 1 aqr., i 00 , per egu»re, ctchlntcrllon,... »M 10 Courier In copying on ertlclo front credits It to the North Georgia Repub. Ciiiim I* the’only paper published nd Dwlnoll—the Republican la dead! 1 will ple»so bear Ibis In mind when [its; and they will also please direct to lb* l stun, Instead o( tii^ttpub- 1 notice In Iho city otto of ,our old City Fattier*,' 1 Ur. Edward SVblle, familiar to erery efiueh as the moot active and cnorgotio of the early settle's*—Indeed, ha tnliy well bo called the Falherdf Dalton, «eho gate It Its banc, and *11 alwiiye fnost. prominent In every cntorprlaeoon ducive to the Interestand prosperity of our beau- siful 1 oftl euntsln elty. Ue appear* to have lost ik vigor add peraevtranee for which hd 1 . Hardwick, of Southwestern Georgia, was Jolty this week,c*riy***log forVftr between plea, by our gifted statesman, Alexander H. It Is a va'oablo history, and every one i||a ableehopld take a copy. Ur. Hardwick is that hi) procured rcvcral aulmcriberr, hat he would bo here the first of July, de> ng the book and receiving new aubscriben, lerkea, tha Mid Husldta. . Gcrken, a lady : of gnat musical genius, blind front her birth, has been In uur town brent days. 8ho is from Norfolk, Virginia, a quite an assortment of sheet tnuslo for rod if the ladles an ifralrouaqf, obtaining LI of the latest and sweetest pieces, they can over her collection at Col, Hanks', wbero she ndly entertained by tho gcncruul'beart*d icl and hls amlablo lady. 1.0. performs with admlruble skill on piano, >nd guitar, and her Intelligence, vivacity igreoablo and po ite manners, rondcr her an t ol peculiar interest. She Is passionately d of music, and how bteased that she la capable jlrtblatihg this divine art, when she !• depriv* f tho visible glories of creation, s cltiiena of frallon have treated her with 1 kindness, and wn trust she wilt moot warm 1 wherever the may go. ' jle Inpsster. Ir. W, J, Thompson, High Priest of Western ptec, No. 24, ot this city, requests u* til warn touio frstcrnUy aguluri one 0: <J. Harris, laiincd, while here, to bo ison of Governor i, of Tennessee, and High Priest of Haywood >r, Brownsville, lu that State. Ho obulned ley from Western Chapter,' under somo falso i, and not complying with bis promise, a tfpondence ensued between the two Chapters, ng Hams to bo a rile impostor. This man In our office, being Intrbdtfeod as the son of Bk’Govbrafcr, and glrihg tys namo ss C. W. He was badly crippled, vory communl* e, often referring to his father, the Qo*ernor % his mlcfortun^, naturally cccatliig a sympathy ngst tho numerous admirer* of that states* and patriot. He Is rather Intelligent and misted to deceive tho credulous. Our cx- i would do the Older a kindness by giving lotlcc publicity. eat for the Engine when the Whistle Blew* 1 Mr. LeHardy, 'Chief . Engineer of tho , Romo k Uaitoa Railroad, who Was In this fan days ago, we leant 'that- Hr. Prlntup, 100 hands, will-commence "breaking dirt" its end of the Hoad about the first of August, iding, ho informs us, will be finished to by that time,' and the work of putting the iron from that place to "Jacksonville lumcnco vory soon. The' cars, ho says, to Rome within a few 'months, and to by October or November, 1889. dropped in at the Ice Cream Saloon a few igs ago, and with that cleverness character* if friend Townloy, ho invited us to jiartake ilku of Ice Cream. Of course we, did not Upt eagerly accepted the invitation. Tho was elegant, and we left the Suloon highly with the cool manner in which wo woio from ye local; oh, nol but another man, buck his judgment oa thosupc* Wood's Self-Raker und Reaper; to tho' price of one of ttfd macliiues. are sold by Tibbs, Kenner 4: Co., at the »’ Emporium, No. 1 and 2. Tibl/s Uuu^c. What the Colonel sa>s lu another coluiun. fees of Delight he Queen who "cries" his goods off at auoh narkably low figures, at bis auction .house on ng street, sign of the red flig. Ho has a largo lock on band, and is goiug to sell every day .till L BOlh. Frank bought the good* on a credit, i a rich uncle, for the benefit of the poor, and fill sell cheap, If you'll only givo him a wink. Ice his advertisement. Grand Helree at the Tlkb’s Diise. A contmllloo of young gentlemen have mido rangements for a Grand Social and Cotillon party at tho Tibb’s Heuae, Friday ovsntng, July 8d. From the ebaraoter of the gentlemen com posing the different committees,we unhesitatingly venture tho prediction, that U will bo a perfect iuocsss, and unsurpassed by.^heretofore given In this acottoo. Tho Hell is specious and well ventilated, the parlor Urge end elegantly fitted, for the occasion; tho music will bo excellent, a splendid band having been procured, and the supper will bo njsgnlfletnt—a* fine as oatt bo tarnished hercsbout-^wo mido special cnqulr/ about the auppor. Tickets admitting gentlemen and ladies, Including all espouses, only threo dollars.' • ’ N Ii tkl MotnUlni. e Wo spout a row days tho pait wook amongst our mountain friends In Gilmer, and, with tho ox- caption of a alight duoklog which wo received In t“ hobbling brook "bjr being thrown from our "critter,” nover did wo ipond o mor. pleasant time. But the water was 10 pure and rofrcahlng It did ua good, "In thodooU" Crops look woll—splendid soasonl—pototooi ■'nd cabbogo in thnndaiioe, The Hasonle fraternity bad a grand time In Eh lljaj yesterday, wo loom—Indeed, wo know they would have, from the oxtonalro preparation* that ware being mode while wo were Over tberri Wo regret exceedingly nol being tide to accept the k|pd ond pressing Invlutioh to bo present at tbo colebratlon yesterday, so on really extended to soveriil gentlemen of Ellljoy. But our beat wishes that they might liavt t pleasant (lute war* with them. 6 1 In the Field—Champion Reaper. DaLton, Ga., June fit, 1888. Editors CilittH—1 have Just finished harvesting my crop with on. of "Wolter A. Wood’. 8e1f-Raklng Reapers, 11 mid ftir tho benefit of tho forming Interest and In justice to tbomamifap- turera of this gtat labor nsver, I. have no ho.1 uncy In ossortinglt I to ho tho beat Reaper now In uvo. It will cut the -etuhble clour to the ground, ond (he . groin cleaner,, with a lighter drought, end'with mors case, and-leak (rouble tiian aoy Other roachln. of tho hind now In use In tho Southern States. The "Wood Self-Raker slid Reaper’ 1 takes the straw In perfectly smooth bundles, leaving It entirely out or tho aray of the machine, continuing to work end nercr choking. Tho Only objection I bnvo to tbo moohlno It, that: it dde* fr-a work so quickly, leaving the Impres- lttin that our crops ore quite small, and not haring grain enough In reap with it. Ry way of hacking my Judgment, I challenge the; I'Bddk Eye," or, any other reaper, in tbit section, to a test trial,, In the harvest “of: 1809, for,'tiiq vnluo of oue Reaper, to ho. decided by judges. If any one stevpta the challenge, I will prepare the land and soar the wheat for tho test. I purchased my Reaper from Tibbs, Konner A Co., of this city, who are the authorised Agents for*,,md no doubt, will oontinu* to,tell them nest acason. Very Roipectfully, W, H. Tiuus. P. S. Every machine hua mowing attachment, which make* t oomplele Reaper and Rower, combined, rendering it economical and conven ient. W. II. T. News Cleanings. A Jewish Temple, to eoetJlOO.OOO, la being erected In ClnelnnetL * The tax of one oenl a box nn matches netted to the Government, lait year, a ravtnua or »t,- (00,000. It lo kid that Queen Victoria will travel In Swlisorland, and tin Emprtaa Eugeni# In Norway this aummer. Georg* Franol* Train wa* lila.od down whllo attempting to make a apoeeh In Ll .crpBbl. Cornelius Vanderbilt I* aupposed to bo worth 170,000,000. A largo portion or Ills meant la in vested In raltroed atoske and securltiea. Twenty-four ring* worn Uken from the finger* of s young woman whoto body wu dug out of the land slide In Vesuvius. T. W. Oabom baa been elected Gnllctl State* Senator from Florida for foug years. Roth ho •nd Welch, elected on Thursday, are ultra Radi cals. A French aoldlelr named 8«unler has been ten. tonced to death by a military tribunal at Grenohlo for desertion to tho Russians during the Crlmeuu war In 1899. Two handled eml forms ire reported to the general lattd olfius as having been told, during tha month of Hty, to tattle rain Aritensos. The Conscvvativa Convention of Union Soldiers and Ballon will be held In the Cooper Institute, New York, durin- the session of lb# National Democratic Convention. The population of Chicago la made up of 08,OM Americana, 91,(88 Germain, (9,948 Irishmen, 10,5fi0 Englishmen aud Scotchmen, 10,998 Scan- dinavlana, and 0,1(4 pataooa of other natiritie*. A correspondent writing to * Richmond paper says tiiot 1 "The delegation from Washington lo the Chicago Convention could get no apoona at tholr meala until the nailers wero assured thtt Ben Butler was not In tho crowd." It (a reported that a ttrong morement I* on foot in Halt* to cut loose from England. Tho entire Doraooratlo ticket wee elected at the election In Hound Clty. lllluois—a gain of ope hundred votes. The New Tork Press Club gnvo a banquet to thb ladies of the Bbrosls Society at Delmonico's on Saturday afternoon. . It It asserted that there are to bo no more cap ital punlahmeiiti in England—that Barrett’s exe cution bat been tho last u( thorn.. - ■ SPECIAL, NOTICES. Hiked ta New Terk Demeerallr Cenveallea. Ttcaai Orvrca, E. T. A 0. R, R. Dalton, Oa., Janefi". Srxcur. Rncao Tara Ticket* to and from New York via Lynchburg, will l» on at|e at the Tleket Office at Dalton, on and alter Thutatfry the 99th Inal. Fare $33, R. B. nUSIITON, ilgt, (totlce. All pemonl Interested are hereby nhtified that the adveriteementa appearing over my algnature, will hereafter lie published In the North Uetrgla Citizen, a weekly paper printed InDaltou, 0*. Ordinary of Uonion County,'Gp. PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM! AKD Headquarters lor Everything!! Unary of Calhoun, June 19, 1889-lf. Nallte. , [. From and after ono month from this day, tho uiideralgncd. pounty Ofllcora of Dade,' will mako the North Georgia Citizen their advertlalng me dium. JONATHAN BLEVINS, Sheriff. J. G. PACE, Clerk 8. Court. • " JOBL‘SUTTON, Ordinary. , Trenton, Ga., June 17, 1898. Extra fipttlal Notice. : '■ Beware of counterfeits f Smith's Tonle Syrup lint been counterfeited, and tho counterfeiter brought to grief. Smith'c Tonic Syrup. The genuine artlole must bare Dr. John Batik private stamp oil each bottle. Dr. John Bull on ly list the right to manufacture and Ball tho origi nal John Smith's Tonw Syrop of Loplavllla, Ky.— Ksamlno well tha label on each Wttie. If my prlvato atamp ,ia not on Iho bottle, do notpur- oliase, or you will bo doeeived. Bee my. oolumn ndvertliaiurut, und my show curd. Thegonulno Suiltii'a Tonlo Syrop can :ouly be prepared by my- tell. ii: - ,j 'Thepublicrarvatit,: Louieville, Ay.|„ , .1 Da. JOHN BOLD; - Aprilfi9, j-, lit.A>. fhote Chrltiliu Genllemen l . i The Chriitlan boys have another " toy «o" In b-day’s paper.- They propose ta buy all the vhcat that may bo oftered them, for which they rill pay tl o highest market prices. These young men are among the most liberal- darted, thorough going merchants we bavo,— nutria ta emphatically a the Store, at which may dways be found the purest and best ooffee, sugar, lad Indeed every thing In the grocery lino, at ■rices astonishingly low. The smokers and eltew- |rs of Dalton and vicinity will also find at their targe end popular establishment the finest cigars and smoking and chewing tobacco in the city. ' Every body ought to trade at this house, for tit* gentlemanly Proprietors are not only Chris tians in namo, hut their liberality and fair dealing nearly proves them to be Christians at heart. In ipeaklng of this go-sbetd firm, ttio Macon Telegraph usds the following oontpllmen'try tan- P'**' " { Dalton Commission Hoobk.—With pleasure, *8 refer our readers to the card of Hajire.'J. E ft.** CWatlan, Dalton, Go. Having been long acquainted with threo gentlemen, we peemuij recommend them as reliable, prompt, pnd eueigeUo hudneas me. I The oorrrepondent of a aenaatlonal newapaper OODcern in New York traveled nine hundred mitre prialog journal!*! with thooourtooua affabllitj for Harried, At the residence of Dr. J. S. Thoraaion, Tilton, by Rev. H. S. H^gre, Capt. Jo*. Glknn, of Dal ton, Vo Hire Hamtuu E., daughter of Hr, Frank Thomason, formerly Greenville District, 8. C. » » .. State h’ews Sklnmln*i, Hon, llcrscbel V. Johnson denies having reid. that ha favored the nomination of Chare. Between Torqucmadn Hondo aid his mlni£n»,j Columbus will soon be depapultted. A Urgu number of mrettB Wre made again on Tuesday. 1 'The parties aro not told the charge* agalnit thorn. A party of four white men bavo boon arrested, receutly fh Bacon, charged with playing'highwaj.j tuen; dlrguUed u negroes. A woman in Dawson attempted to taro an in fant with a bachelor fiut.week, butbe would not own tlic com., She finally left U with a negio and ■loped. A grandchild of Hr. Eddlcmtn, of Bartow county, fell in a weli sixty feet deep tho other day.' , He was recovered Horn Iho woll, well icar-l cd and. well otherwise. An attempt wa* made to burn thojoil of WUkea county, on loot Thursday. Threo negroo* who were confined in U at the tlnio ore charged with 1 the offence. It m announced, through the Savannah pre«, that Rev. Father Ryan would deliver an oddreu bn tho disputed doctrines of the CitholtaChurchl at Jones'Cathedral this peek. „ , The. real estate in the city of Atlanta has been assessed for tho year 1868, and tho ssscssineut 1 exhibits in the aggregato aix million seven huu dred and eeventeon thousand dollars worth 0**; real property. Rt. Her. Augustine Verot, Bishop of Savannah and Adminialratot* Apostolic of Florida, Is in Rome. He administered the rite of Holy Bap tism on Friday and held High'Hals on Sunday, Tho Hacon Telegraph, of Saturday, chronicles the first npp.aranou of watermelon! in the Geor gia market; This Is earlier, we believe, than they bavo ever appeared before. Highway robbery is becoming frequeut all over ihe fiute. A few days since Hr. Ellis, a eitizeu of Covington,- was struck from his horse while crossing the Alobvo river and robbed of |b80. It is stated that a military detective of General Meade’s W been In Macon for aevcral days trylug to fiud out something about the K. K. Klan. 'The prise oficred by the Athens Wheat Club, 1 for the largest yield of wheat per acre, has been awarded to' Dr. Hamilton, who gathered forty-five buahois from one acre of ground. The Savannah News A Herald chronicles the arrival ln*that elty of an invoice of "Grant" budg et • They ore of brass and bear a likeness of tho great "Butcher." A vigilance committee of negroes have been arresred in Thomas county for whipping a negro to death who wot detected stealing a bog from one of their number. The board of offloera sent to Savannah to In vestigate a petition which wsa gotten up there for the .removal of tho municipal authorities, discover nearly all the signatures to be forgeries. Tho Depot at Butler, Taylor county, was burn ed on Sunday lust. Forty bulcs of cotton, fifteen bales of oanaburga, fifty caaka of babon and cral car loads of corn were destroyed at a loss of over $40,000. We learn from tbe Rome Courier that a large number of emigrants from Virginia and Tennessee, mostly farmers, are settling in Cherokee county, Georgia. Let all come who will and drive oat tbo negroes. It Is stated, on good authority, that ez-Attor ney General Speed, of Kentucky, will volunteer for the diefenco of tbe Columbus prisoners now In confinement at Atlanta, and that ho is expect ed to arrive there daily. A difficulty occurred on.Saturday night lut in a bouse on Crawford street,Columbus, indaman named Crueton was killed by a Ur. Richler.— Tbe quarrel originated at the eard table. Grant wasiudced tho other day what-he mcaut by having uu policy to p^poso against the will of * people....?*I, meanf Ijcdt "ttjfit whlchej I go; furloonridpi is .reported to have way Congraa goes. I t Congress la thq pco- Prince .^hephanl (colored), chai murder of Ills wife In 1808, was * - • - -- - - 1 - -JtaSl with the, Court In Montgomery list week’, fodn’dfdulItjrLy * * »WMg.* LATEST ARRIVAL Tinas, KKJt'Jt'Klt H CO., H AVE on hand anil at-o.ooiMtanllr receiving the largest and finest sssurtment of CHOICE DRY GOODS, Embracing all the new styles of Ladles' Dress Guodi,.Cloths, Casimoies, Vesting*, oto. READY-MADE CLOTHING GOOD, STRONG FASHIONAULE. Ladloa’a Hits, Drees Trimmings, Yankee Notions. New Style* Hats, Gaps, Boots and ShoeB, in every Variety of Price anti h'zcelleuce. Also, a vory lnrgo nsaerimont of Croeltery, CutUery; Hardware, und everything elie required to mike a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS I Of tite Istast and moot approved Patent* Also, , all kinds of kleld and Gavden Booth, at .Vo. 1 and 'J Tibb’s Uouit,Dalton PREMItTu - REAPERS jufiT MOWERS *jL ‘ * Tibbs, Konner A Co. aro agepts ror'Wood's Self-Rake Reaper and Mowing Mucliines,' which [have proven themwlvea to be .the brit’ In use. Warranted loglye satiafactipn, or no solo. Come atid see, at No 1 and 2, Tibb’a IJoiic. a jury of hl« own color, end sentenced tobe hi»iig. A Pxxttv Conckit,—It was a pretty conceit of a roniaiillo father whose name was Ko?c, and who named his daughter * l Wlldr. , »o that aho rew up under the npnellntlon of " Wild Roso." lut the romance of tlib thing was saillv rpbil When she married a man by the name ot u Bulj ; A llttlo girl was lately reproved for playing out doors with boys, and informed that, jieiiig reven years old, she was ** too big for that now?’ But with all imaginable inuocenco sho replied, ." Why, tbo bigger we grow the better we liko Blanton In a native of Virginia, Itemises a South western paper. Virginia couldn't help it, res ponds aubthor. • ' . lien Butler was similarly Affected when ho got no further than New Orleans., The ulimate down tiiere seems to hava a singular effect on Northern carpet baggers. The citizens of Tuskegeo propose rebuilding tho rall-rond from Cbohaw, on the Montgomery and West Point road, to that place, • On Monday morning, the 8th Inst, a quin nam ed Pierce, living near Griffin’s Tending, on ihu Higher, was shot and killed by some unkuow per son. I Jon. Meade will never hunr pf. it. foe Pierce was white, and Is supposed to b*vc,bt*eu murdor- cd by a negro. Hoax Livkh than a Oat.—It Is said thecathnx bine lives. Tho Cine unatiCommerelul iuya more tlmn a dozen Lives of Graiftbave beun laid unit* table within twd months. Ond we preautue-fpr -euch . phase of tho weather. 7 Besides Presidential Electors thp'people of Georgia will next Fall be called upon to elect sev en members of Congress. Tho LcgUlaftire will hare to designate by statute the day of election, and we hope, to save trouble, they will appoint ft for thW year ou the same day with tho Presiden tial election. , ’ The Talbotlon Gazette rays lucre is much com plaint of rust in wheat its this section, though we hear of some fonueis who hare suffered but little iqjury. Cotton is backward, but corn is doing well, From diligent inquiry, wo boliftve there U a much larger quautity of corn ami wheat pl^it- ed in Talbot aud adjoining counties Ilian there win lost year, . .* n ^oK, Tho Democrat* are Organizing Jackson Amo- ciations In all tho Nbw-Euglaud States.- Tho United States Consul at .ifatanias;reports that caws of cholera had occurred • m N thit town since the 2dth'of Hay, but the shipping bos ro- ituslned healthy* . Hon. James Guthrie has resigned the Presiden cy of the Louisvillo und Ntshrille Railroad, • po sition which' be hn* held for a number of years. The charter requires that tho President of the Company ahull sign all its bond?, ahd'this, from the state of his Italth, Mr. Guthrie is unable to do A telegraph lino has heon constructed to Trini dad, Now-Mexloo, ..nd Will bo finished 16 Sauta Fe by the first of July. A Montreal dispatch reports that many car loads of arms, understood to belong to tbe Fe nians, bavo beeu unloaded at Potsdam. A terrible thunder-storm prevailed in Ohio and Indiana last week, tho rain falling in torrents from midnight till daylight. Consi'daiahle damage was don a to railroads, and trains were delayed some what; Several houses were destroyed by light ning, aud in Cincinnati numerous cellars^ were overflowed and their contents ruined. ' ' ’ It ik not expected that Surratt's.trial will, lake plnbe On Monday next, as the, prosecuting attor ney, cannot get ready by that time; If another postponement is asked for the accused will bead- milted to hail. , Ninety-two witnesses have been subpouiiaed for tho defence. A delepallon of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians from the Pentwater (Oceana County) Reservation, are on their way to Washington to ace about get ting their lands into market, while another del gntion are reported os about to start theprqject. One,hundred anil. twenty-five thousand quart* of strawtierncs passed over the Camden and At lantic Railroad on Tucoday; fifty thousand of them coming to New York, and the balance to Philadelphia. Thov were mostly from Hammun- ton, on the Hno of the Camden and Atlantic Rail road. Tho ladles of Atlanta,gave a magnificent sup per at Davifl Ilali on the 9th inst. to raise funds to assist the Confederate memorial Association of SpoUylraoli, V*. attention 6P jlrptap huyera, know big ..that w make it to tlmft interest to|5o so.. iJur'slooi itataln part tit 1 Staple andFftppy J)ry Goods, Lxlleit DRESS GOODS and TRIRMIKCS la ereat varietj and stflcsl iTWSfe Qbotln, JBleached.\and 'Em an DOMESTICS. I ... fteadv Made OlotKing^, Linen Drills, Cottonudoi. Buoracr Caislnlcra, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Fdr Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Oattlory and Queens ware, and Wood and Willow-Ware In great‘variety. Also, a aplcudid lino of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dye-Stuffs, to 'which wo Invite the- atten tion of our friends and the public,' as It la Our ill' tontloii not to be Underwild. Wo buy oil' kinds of Prod it no -for Cash {or Goods, Remember, our motto la QUICK SAUlS AilB SMALL J^pWTS. cotrn r % e.isoJt, Jan 18 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga. Now York Oolumn, Valuable Inlbriuatlon. SELECT YOUIl OWN NUMBERS In tho ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY, T HE most resnonilbla Institution of the hind in Iho vrnrlil. Selecting numbora in this Lottery ta n now Ides—and one well adapted lu tho want* uftlio people. It alltmls a tal’ormcima olapccidntivo Investment than moat other husl- ness rlska. For ftill Inlorniatlnn, addreu LLOYD, SERUKS A CO., —, SKRJIES At ( 79 Naraau Street, New Verb. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. EVERYBODY- ce Them 1 EVERYBODY-— Uses Them / E VERYJIODY——Uelieect in them! live ryhody-—llccQmmc lid* jhcvi l Are you tropblod l>y iUU,i4lct,Uoaeh cs, AuUf. «r»*» Exterminators. "OMil Infallible Retnedlea known."—- ."Free from Poison." "Not danger ous to tho Human Family*" "Rat* copio out of their holes to die." Ira ' prayed to keep in any eliinato. Patio Oil, it 75 cents per gallon, and .the Comet Burner,. which makes a beautiful light, unsurpassed, and 1a perfecti.v recure from csplo- aloit. For aele bp Tisan, KrrKkit & Co. iger, ulazer an A LL work ditlfosted to Mm 'will be executed A with- neatness ond .dispatch. Shop, ujtataira In King bulijNng. ptiton, Gcorghu Refer, lo W. M. k R. J. Iniwrv, Faina k far- rot, Atlanta; Lawn & Eaton, Tibbs, Kenner 9: Co., Ddhn; Whltmnn t Yunoil, Ringgold, jly imrnm. menu. rha ■SltaH ■£$Lb AMI PILLS DR. RADWAr8 PILI.S-Dosu-ForlUgn- taUng tho Liver, Stomach, Dowels, and pru- ■notiiiR Digestion. One Till at Night. For Obati- nata Diseases and Chronic comptalnta—l tu G— •Tory 24 houra. Aittl-niliotra unit 4'atlmi Aro juu atmojed with ItcU-Duga-- Unn't sleep nlghtal .ifCottar’»» MUd-ltiifr Exter. A Liquid " Deslftijtannd prevent* Bcd- Dugr," " Navur Falla." Money Point, tl’Ai/r Ce.. Ark., J/.i D«. Jrntx Sit: LtV. 1 AUTIIENTIO ARKA NS AS . - 41 Sit: Last Yeti wax in Louisville purchasing drugs,*“-• somo of ydur<ajiarilla and Codron My ron-in-law who was with mu in has huon down with rhoumnlUm for hu commenced ou the Bitters, and tobu ft general health Improved. Dr. Ui*t wh6 has been in lad ka! them,.aud lie nho improved.. • Dr. Cuttle, who lias been ii\ bad health for: eml years—sfoinucA aud. liver ufl'ccted—lio proved vory much ,' hy tho. use of your Dili Indeed the Cedrbn plttcri hu given you great popularity In thin wtiluinent I think I could Kill n great quantity of your medicine- IMa tall -»peeta|ly of yourVcdrou Hitter, and itarts;m • ill i. Ship mu via Memphlv, care uf Hickut und ■mt'.:,:',:. • „•'!»» ■ ' For Uotiu In Fun, Woolens, Carp- “Coilarhl>’’/iii(ft tfoicder. Dealroya Instantly Fleas, olid all In- teeta on Hants, Fowli, Ahlinals, Ac. “ A .ore tiling." Thpusauds can tes- " Try It." Don't aufior wltii Pain I i A Wonder- . 'ful power of nesting I fid power uf Healing I should keep It In the hot— . u Costar>*» nuclitho>H Salve. i 1U etfeuta aro Immediate. For Cnta, .. I (luma, BntlaeoJ .Wounds, Boro Breattta, Piles, Clcerr, QldSorea, Itch, Scrofuln ond Uulauboua Eruptions, Chopped - •' Ilaiida' lilpk, A-q., Illtk* of-'AnIm •Ifil . loaecta, A-ci' - •.it .. ■ . /t. .! Phyfclcian'd Practice. “CoitarW lilstiop puts. IBS OPEN FOR THE SEASON I , j -* , Lfl.j. -' ICE 'CREAM SALMON. 1 PRIVATE ROGH FOR LADIES! . '•POWNLEI-S Confoetionory, B.krrv, and J, ico Cream .Saluun, baitbuxu remuved from tiiu IId tun Hotel to thu ttore room foqncriy oc cupied by Bushian, where. can be fcuuj overy thing nta in the Confectionery line.. Iced Lemonade, Hfjpwberry” Ka^pbirry >bU; Lemon " grruns, always oii, at \. * ' fc ' TOWNLErS CONFECTIONERY. DAxT'FS'rTvI No. 4 other deje- lo oppose u. u. un.tu.kM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TRKNTON, OKORQ1A. T>RACTICKS in the Courts of North-western X. Georgia and unjoining counties of Tunncsseo and Alabama. April 24—tf. TIME —is— jMonoyij And a Correet Time-Piece Hakes Beth I T HE undersigned would respectfully announco to tbe citizens of Dalton and vicinity that ho hu opened, atUe well-known establishment of Messrs. Bukofser A Lovcman, a Shop for repair ing and cleaning Watches, as well u perform- ingail other work pertaining to his trade. {3BF~Uaving been constantly employed in some of the largest European cities for the lost ten years put, he guarantees superior workmanship. tSSTUhargcs moderate to conform with tbo tunes. On have just received a choice lot of Jew- elry, which I am offering at very low prices.— OsU and see it. L. SILBERMAN. i*. ■« Ml. P.l OWEIMV : ! ' ? ‘ Tibb-a Houao, . Wo. 4 H AS. qn hand *nd,^. couitantly receiving everything iu Uio.ltue of ;, . ; . Copfcctiienerl ea aQd!Fancy Grocer Ie of American and -foreign production. 1 Cofined Fruits, Plekles, Winer,'‘JelliarimdYti' fdet, any- tiilnp v'.ij ■env.Wlihlu'thU lliie,'Oun hafound at No. („Nlbb'a House. Hnul.Ciygri flqi >Jhf<Wt jif. marital. affgrdel Ijdokiierel I will pwitivuly do no oredlt bualneas hereafter, and gentlemen must notask fpr it, aa 1 shall cer tainly refuse thein. • For tbo liberal patronago received,' I would return thanks to n\jr many friends in this and ai(joining counties, and solicit a dontliiuauce of the same. ! febl8-ly Rj P. O’NEIL. Insurance and Land Agent, '>! KING STRKZT, DALTON, UKOttOIA. ' ,'A GENT for ^ETNA Lilo and Firo Inaursnce, JM..Company, , Also,: Jlfilraon and Janies RlvnP Vlhl IllMtlt-itmvA (timnnnliii nf 'VimlnU Gonoral tai^l A^o^t For anjbotly who .tilrtKta their biutnep* to his. car e. Refers lo Col. C. D. Welborn,, Atlanta; CoV W. II. Tihba, Lowry A Eaton,' HOti. D. A. Wnlkw, and Col. J. A. It Hunks Dilldn, J«?|y sal. x. nectar. nour. it,, itouail SOOTP & NOBEilS, . “ Oommission Merohants, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. D EALERS in Genernl’Merchaudlso, Groceries and Provisions. Consignments solicited. Juno 4,1868-8ra P. A. HAFFNEB, tratch-Jiakcr and , Jeweller. I HAVE just opened my shop In this placoand am prepared to do any kind of work in my line of business, such as repairing and cleaning Watches, kc. 1 keep on hand Jewelry* Watches, and Spectacles. Shop at tho Drug Store of GudgCr A Knight. Dalton, Jan. 8, 18H8—ly. j , IF. IF. aiUDEJI'S. ATTORNEY AT LAW, irnino clack, oxoroia, XXTILL pntetieu In tho Cho'rokee Circuit and v T give special attuition lo collecting aud seeming claims. marlu-tjan w. LirruAS. a. a. st'eanr. LtifPman It JUcCamy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, arnino flack, axonaii, X\[ ILL practice in the courts of the Cherokee IT Circuit. marl9-tjan e, a. ciiji irronn, ATTORNEY AT LAW* LaFatettx, Oa. tyWIIl practice in all the coiutioe compos, log me Churokea Ciroull. Jan.. 10.—ly. Mbtio, . tqllitlimllon, llltllgoulitlll, Dynpl'p. ita, Ullloiin FevcrJ 1 fl oat iirncaa, sill, Ullloililicia, IJIlUmn fi'CVfr. fltimmul|nn or Use Bmvclv mica, mid ull ilqrungcmciilp of tlio In. toriiHl Viacom. Olio tb Ux boxca warranted In cHbot npftalllvocurc. t-iirclF vccetablo, rcury, lulavrala, or dcfctcrlQua "iq'llndxvay’n PIIU told hy nil Drucglhtaaod Country ncrohuuu. Price, 95 Cents. - - idem Endorsem ent ' Fiicit ’ the j medi. CAL 'COLLEGE OF' PRUSSIA. ! ' DR. RAD WAY Is iu receipt of an Important official documqnt, „ , _ -ttifia, embodying tho result of ah analysis of BADWAlTS REOJLATING FILLS '* The Faculty of thq Collego state in their report that after a careful and minute exanina- /&*, they hayo tho honor to stale thet “the nill^.aro.not only freo from evory substance Injurious to liralth, but are composed wholly of subutances arid elements promotive of digestion, and certafu at tlio same time to act favorably upon, ))ie hervom system, &o., &c, They stata, further, that the Iqjuriouk rumors set alloat by the PrUutan apothecaries originated "In a mean spirit of trade joalousy, excited by tbe great celebrity attained by the Pills wilhlu t vory brief period.'* Signed on behalf of the College, DR. riilL. THEOBALD WERNER, Director of the Polytechnic Bureau! DR. HESSE, Firet AuMmd. INDIGESTION ! Tn cases where natural evacuations are diffi cult to aecure, and a quick discharge la essential, take six of Radway's Pills and pulverize them,— take tho pill powder in walor or preoorvcf,— In half an houf they will operate We have known the most distressing pains of Gastritis, Bilious Cholic, Inflammation, Congestion, Ac., ■topped, and the retained irritating humor* ex pelled from the bowels in thirty minutes by Ibis IreatmonL It is however, better in chronic oasos to take the pills os they are, and let them gradually dissolve in the stomach. These Pills ^ Buggy and _Wagon Shop. posses, in Ui. highest degree cathartic, euerie tunic, nod dtaphiretle properties. They liut weaken or dflillltatu tho system or any of Ita organs, and will leave tho buweta regular and healthy. They purify and oqunllxo Iho circula tion of the blood. No congestion or Inflamma tion will occur ffhllo the system ta under their hifluonce. Price flfi cents par box, or 5 boxes for one dollar. May 28—ly. 5JPT .. ^,i (Yhat iovgh wilTkUJyouT'lJon’t negj •‘Cojlfir’*’’ Cough nnunhj. ■ •' , - Tho 'children cry for It—iu a." Sooth, ■ Jui-.'i'lng Syrtp." finr Cough*, Colds- • llou.-scnew.BoroThroat,Cnwp.Wboo- ping Cough, .AsthnuyfrroodiUI Af- lection.. Singers, Speaker*, aud al troubled with Throat Comptalnta, wll flud thlsa boliellctal Pectoral Remedy, ‘wfm • Rendcra tlio nftln dear, smooth nit. ft “ft. ; Remo' ... . . . .'iJfrtttklea.'Plmr , plea, in. Udjea try nhottlj, art l see Antl.Btlfom unit ( allmrtlc Nice elite known to Mctllcal Sclcnco. • One or »r. Kiidtvity’t I-llln con. tnlna inoro of tlio uotlvo prlnclplo of enro, and xvlll not quicker ou llio Liver, Itoweln, Ntomncli, Kid* nova, Ulnddor, Ulontl, Ac., llmii four or *ix of t Ito ordlnnry common I-iirgutivo Citilittrllo Pill, aold nn- tlcr vnrlona ituinci, or Units ton Bruin, or Uiiio Ninas. TRUE COMFORT FOR THE AGED AND OTHERS AFFLICTED WITH COSTIVE NESS AND PARALYSIS OF THE COW- 1 ELS. ..L-..c;.«(|- ■ ONE TO THREE OF 'R.lbWA ctico in 2l houni trill secure regnlar evacuations fromlbo jHHveta. l’enons who for ,20 yuan have not enjoyed a natural stool, and l|aio Urea compelled lo,>ue legfdueu, hire baetr ourod by a fetv doses of Rgtlway’s Ptlta. , • read't’HIS. 1 New Albany, Ind., Much 12,1SC7. For forty yean I have been aflMed wl(h eoatirencM, and for th. last twenty was com, polled daily to reenrLto lideclloii'v to, adenre do cracuntlon. In Duccmber lust I ctupintilctvl the use of Radway'a Pitta. Afn-r tukina ft few >|oxes my liter, siomach, nnd biwvitl were re- ,-torcd lu tltelr nnlitnil ilroiiatlL and dulioi. T luire now ft'regiilnr inovcntciit ttnee n day, aMSJ oil hough 80 years of geaiifent usdicartymnd lining a* l;4|^ddfMfrldOb'umu Iti leiflfr I. Dr.Eadw#y,N-.Y, nT«o.,|BgppAT«, J.P. _ MECnANICAt' i)ISE’ASE3." tarBerncj, IVinl k Co., 24 Maguin* atrM:« P*m9wi engeged In PAlhlw. 'MinmatiJ'Mmnb- " " era Type Setter*, Goldballer.i, Jllit.ra. aa thcy advance iu llfo, will ta p»relyata' of OR. RADWAY'S PILLS OUnE AlL ' DISEASES BL n, ° 8, S.1 , f'. c ! 1 ' Hvcr. C Kidneys. Illnjldcr, Xcivous antes Blond kMIIIcMMP Bull’s Worm Destroyer, To my (Mtl& State, ond IVbrlMJe ReaJere. ' rlou* puldlcatmnn havo shown, nil of which nro genuine. The felluwmg letter from a highly ed ucated end popular physician in Georgia, is cer tainly ono ol tbo most senaihlo eommuuicatious I have ever received, Ur. ClemCitr know, ox- hotly what ho .peak, tif, knd hta t. -.iimmv do- iervea to be written in J.uera of gold.: Hear what the.Poet,q.-ya. of BULL’S WTUHltHK- STltOYER; . ; , ,, rntI Vilknov, IVUItcr County; Oa., June 28; 1819. . Dr. John Dull—Dene 6lr: I Jiavo rtaaiitiy glv - cujtuur " Wortn Eeitroyer; 1 nr"- 1 ’"- 1 - -w flml It wonderfully dllcaci In a rirtglo Instance lo have I -am’doing*'pretty targe e . (tare daily use for aome iirticld i >rq lrcp to confips rhul I know of n onimendcd by the- ablest autirun tlnr ' ipoody ns ita cfTcctA. Oil t inevrtain In ilmeilnme. log you ta but upon wht tho tned'eant directly from you. : If I c .on easy terms, I thsll use a giy-ft-den am awnro that tho uso of eueh nrticlcs i 'to 1 tho toothings nml practice " dl titu hijxtar lino of JI. fa’t MUM hr gopd tans, in discarding a t w fl .know, Mw.'flMnV niroply.hecaui. wo roly allleviale auncring humanity which 1 may ko'ahln tb yrothmand—uot'Ittaltating beerntw (oiddbuo uppr logenlna than inyaelf may hnro learncdl lu of thii thousands of Worthless nostrums tiiat tlodJ thp country, that purport to Cure nil manner of diaeiso to which human Utah U heir. Pleasu ro- ply soon, and inform mo of your b«t torm-v. 1 I was woiiudcd about two years ngo-w.ts prlsoncrumi conflued forrixtceninonlhs. Belog moved sir often, my wotmds'liavc not healed yet. I Irsvo not-atit up a moment alnco 1 was wounded, C2Til! HtwAnxIM of all worthlcssmita L I ■ raPNono Gennlno without “COSTAR'S- Signature. ■ t: -I “ nr:»0c. and one. tfsca kept by all Druggists, nr|l ftacf *ci)t |iy,IR.II on receipt Of flrice. . ^p P ipfoP^! f &ty 8 E%S C “' Address i ■ . . “ ■ . UEXRY-D. C08TABV ‘ ... 018 Droadrfjiy, Nj-Yu ': Wellborn4|Cq., Bel- ton, Geomin- ”' - 1 “ ly. ill >Vholeaalo Druj N.^rleans, wboleanlu agent* (or Southern Sjato, ^ w. w. maeiifs, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. made to onldr^dnd rrl)s!rin*pf V ISfAll Work warranted. / Terms lo’.i-'ult tho wtiSwt^o • "• >i' f .ill Slx’ctt dud i Sorts of Spoons, “ * Butler linives, Hc.y Hide Trim old silver or coin. : tSTShdp in tho building in which the Post Office is kept. Feb. 21—Ora. Tth- Bureausj'* Wardrobes,. B B X> S UP BAD S SAFEISf Wash-Stands, Lquhges, ; Cribs, Tables, mim siiiii, DESKS, COFFINS, And other articles of FURNITURE. Pamjel Doors, Window Blinds, &o., &o. ^ Grist and Saw Mill ft connected with tho Factory. gyAll ordcra addressed o Cherokee Menu, fir-luring Company will moet with prompt alteo- lion. Juno 14—ly. -frfri m rrannkueltt, TT AS opened In Iho rear of Hiuklo'a hlnckamith 11 ahop, whoro ho proposes to do nil hinds of Wood Work pertaining lo the msnufneturo nnd repair of BUgglca, Wagons, other vehicles, and Fanning Implements. Give him a call. Work Warranted, and dona, as cheap as tiu cheapest. |9 Bull’s Sarsaparilla. oOOD REASON NON Till: - AiWAIN'S , FA mi. Read the Captain's Letter and Ike Letter from '* ' ' hit Mother. Renton Bar Dr. John Hull— am shot through tho hips. Mjr gcnci'al health ta Impaired, *hd:l. ileed safnedrlug toasetat na- Pleuucipre DODi- :, ; < '■juarr.v. r.minn , -st. Louis, mil Johnson. ' ffPrjfo'l alwvo 6.; Pc Johnson to my enro! Att .. yean of ago ho bad a chronic diarrhek and auro- I gave him your SvrannefsIU. It onred him. *Ji»'- o for ten yean recommendedjt to rpltiv in NJW York, Ohio, and low., fur .-cro- fnla, Ihvtr to Ice, 'and genortl- debility. I’erfctt auecesaliu attained lu Theatre come, of ecrafula ami fever.,arte mere olueoel: mi- racukee. I am tror} anxious foe my aen |o agajn tegMiSgMK you lor IL Hta wounds were terrible; butT”bu- llovo lie will recover. Hoepiiolftrlly, : , JENNIE JUUNSON!: in Hud ol olfJno orlf tjKtiBOj! ..r; ttMiJ DR. JOHN BULL, Mniiuftcluror and Vender of the Celebrated. Smith’s Tonic Syrtip, ‘‘ FOR THE CCRBOT.-j,;,’ , ,, ; ed.ft D EdS-.r-E It, i.l nlJ J’ t>; 0K ' -• I... :• AlSi-Illrilll&i AND FE-VE-It. 7.1 - ■ f.J"J I . i oJitl proprietor of . tilts celebrated m« Justly cl.ii,„ for It a superiority over .Ifrcu ' eVet'offered tu (he 1 public for iho eaf-' -” cpctJy, and. permanent core of Ague a or Cbiltaand Fever, whether ot ahoitor tli iUndiog. Ho refers lo (hu entire We.gem >0^ houih wcatcm coqnlry to bear him, ,tc«rimooy, to tha truth of the assertion, drat In no u-earluWv. cr will it fall t6 curt-; If tho directions itrcilrittly followed and carried out In sgreat tnkny ensee, uAbiglo doao.has .boon eqfilplout tor a ere, and iPKiraoi Irenlth. -It ta, however, -pfudent, end in byeVv due more certain to core, If 14 u'e la continued In amallcr .tlqacn for n week.or,two after tlio .'dis ease Ims been checked, more, espeetyly in dltfienlt and long atamllng enwa. Uauatly, thin modiclno will not require any aid to keep tho bowbla In good order; ehontd the patient, however, reqidro n culm tic medicine, after having taken-three or four dueea of tho Tonic, a eingle dow of HULL’S YEGETARLE FAMILY PILLS will besulUeieot. BR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Oflh . - - No. tO fifth; CrowS:,- Ldoiaviaur, ky. All of tho shore remedies for Kiln by. , J. B. KIGKUK k CO.., h nbattauocgn, Tonn-.l And by all other responsible Druggists, Itl-ly ’ , it. ■ . Ai-iir-tOr'iu feotri 0.(7 ■ AMERICAN HOTEL, ALABAMA STREET, Atlanta, G eorgia. WHITE A WHITLOCK, Propriltors. [.srsntsr nocsx ro rne rsssixaxn nrror.] IF. B.lFBey,... ’.dert. H AVING'again letted nnd renovated tl abovo Hotel, t icita In a most n, Ir and moderate, tgritaggage earrlcd t free of charge. i »,'•»/