North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 02, 1868, Image 2

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NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN. 1 J. T. WHITMAN, Editor. ncniiln la your X»Ute Und, It having boon reportod that lion. A. H. Stephens had boon advising tho young men of tho South to lonvo tho country and sock thoir fortunes else where* lie was written to by a young Dtutwratlt Meeting. man of Savannah, who is intimately A meeting will bo held at the Court- acquainted with him, concerning the House on Tuesday the 7th day of July, rumor, who received a long reply, from DALTON, GEORGIA: Thursday *Tjttlt/ 9. IH08, to appoint delegates from Whit Hold county to the Democratic Convention of the SSd'Juty, in Atlanta. A large attendance is requested. J. A. W. Johnson, Dm. Ex. Com. 1. W. Avert, Sub-Com., Whitfield Co. Btdltal Htaaam—llsw they Hmahttart Smith, era Majorities. Tbero can be nothing of the genus man meaner than a Radical. They will do any and every thing, no difference how contemptible, to accomplish their wicked purposes. The reoent elections in the South, in many cases, were con- ducted in an unfair mannor. Almost every day brings to light some new Ecoundrcllsm of the Radicals in this particular. If they could not get a sufficient number of votes In the ballot- box, while tho voting was going on, to elect their men, they would manage, by some sort of legerdomain, to couni out enough. In this way Bullock, tho so-called Governor of Georgia, was un doubtedly elected, and In this way the Radicals expect to rule the country and keep their rotten party, which was horn in sin and brought forth in In iquity, in power. In Tallahassee and Madison county, Florida, tho Radicals, according to the affidavits of J. H. Randolpli and Daniel Terranta, Man agers, had ballot boxes construct^ with moveable sides, and the men (rad- teals) who ordered them took in the votes at the election and bad exclu sive control of them for somo days af ter tho election. Now what wero these boxes made in this way for, if not for tho purposa of practicing fraud l And it is reasonable to suppose that the Radical “ Senators” from Florida wore elected in this way. Oh, tho wicked ness of Radicalism! How long, in heaven’s name, will tho pure men of the country permit this party to rule and ruin the country I Hialltaat, The Augusta Republican, in direct- ittion to tho proclamation of the General nbly of tho Stato at Atlanta on i 4th, significantly says: either which tiic following paragraphs nro taken: " Allow ine then, briefly, nt this Isle day to mt lu reply to your Inquli lee, Unit I would not ml, |*o Un young men of till, country to lenee It. Bid as things are In It, and bad iu tho primped of a who state of thing* ahead, yet I ace or know of no country where the Ihltiro proapuel* of a young tuttn are any bolter than here. “ A* I bare tuid bolero, I repeal, that while other* may ebeuro to tike to thu llfe-bonia, and lu.iko their c*oipo from our terrible wreck, yet a* fur myet-lf I .re no hnpt, In them, and ant ro- nolved tn remain and, If need be, go down with tboUnp." The edvico of this learned and dis tinguished statesman should not bo disregarded, and ’tie to be hoped-those young men contemplating emigration to distant and unknown lands, will abandon such Ideas and give all tile strength and energy of their Intellects, all the lovoand devotion of their hearts, to their own beautiful Southland— thoirs by right of possession, inheri tance, and every civil and Just law.— The present political tbralldom is of cotirsa galling to proud and sensitive minds; but is it right to .desert your countty in tills condition ? Stay, and exert yourselves to rebuild her a name and famo. Tho prospect htay appear gloomy,hut did not darker clouds liang over her in tho shadowy past, and with all the energy of love and despair, did you not wield the sword to shield' her from destruction ? Overwhelming numbers overpower ed us, and we aro called a conquered people; but our beloved countryiyct remains, and shall her laws, hor instl tutions, her political and social inter ests, be wholly under the supcrvislpti and control of Radical fanatics ? No no—by all your memories of the past and hopes for tho futuro, no i Think of tho dark struggle through which you have passed—look upon tho green graves of your fallen comrades, and swear to still live and die in your na tive land. Muse upon tho beautiful and sunny long ago, think of tho for- mor prosperity and greatness of. A tbis lovely land of sunshine and flowers, and the quietude, ImppinosB and peace that hung over its borders, and resolve to rcBtora It to that halcyon state. CraapTriTT Grant, after all that may be said of his short-sightedness, Is farsecing in ‘ l,c ! r r somo thini ovc would t the time ami | , tho It i3 conjectured by ocky Mountain trip, is t’ondell : but those members elect to gislaturo who can tuko tho lest i allowed to take their scats i not tho case, and we trust tlmt every democratic member elect will be present and claim their respective seats in each branch of the General Assembly. The Radicals in tho Lou isiana Legislature attempted to rule the Democrats out because they could not subscribe to the test oath, when the following dispatch from Gen. Grant to Gan. Buchanan was read in that-body, which clearly shows that that oath will not be required of members elect to Southern Legislatures: f‘ I have no order* at praaant to glra, hut t re- ' put to you, a* heretofore, that the member* ol tho Legislature aro only required to taka tho oath * prescribed by their L'onititntion, and are not es quired to take tiro test oat;, prescribed in the re- construction acts. Generals Meade and Canby ate acting! (Signed) ilfl of the Laaldsas Bidicsl Li New Orleans, June 30 When Senate taut this morning only tho nai of 10 Radicals who took tho oath M tordny wero called. All nhswored { After tho roll call, Bnmbbla, Demi remarked that Ids name had hot been called, aud informed tho chair that ha was present. Tito chair roplied there were other gentlemen present whoso names were not called, who had not In? terrupted the business of the Senate. While tho 'infinites wero being read, Jewell of Orleans rnsa and demanded that ilte communication from the Com. Ucn’l, which ho know was in possession of tlio presiding offiyer, relative to tho oath to bo taken by Senators lia'read beforo any other business bo transact ed. No attention was paid to tho de mand. Aftersnmo difficulty drder was restored, and the Secretary finished reading tho minutes. Tho Chairman of the Committee on Elections report- lugli I. Campbell, Republican, was entitled to a scat as Senator from tho Second District, In place of An thony Sambola, Democrat, declared elected by Gen. Buchanan. The Conj- mitteo say In their report that Gen. Buchanan had no right to clrango tile' returns of Registrars.' Thus tlircptlv charging the Commanding General witli fraud. On motion that Campbell bo sworn in, seventeen, votes were cast—all iu tho nffirlnntive. ** Campbell took his sent, giving the Radicals twenty members present No Democratic members could Obtain ■recognition from tho Chair. A mo tion-tb allow Blackman, Democrat, tp address the Senate wns tabled. The Chair then handed tho communication to the Secretary and directed It rend, which proved to bo the document de manded by Jewell. ‘ It was an order addressed to 0. J. Dunn Lieulcnnnnt Governor. Tito President of tho Senate then communicated tile following telegram from General Grant to General Buch anan: “ I havo no orders at present to giye, but I repeat to you, as heretofore, that the members of tho Legislature are only required lb take the oath preset ib- ed by their Constitution, and nro not required to take the tost oath prescrib ed in the reconstruction acts.- Gener als Meade and Canby aro acting on this viow of tho case.” (Signed) U. S. Grant. General Buchanan directs thnb the bath prescribed by the Constitution, and no other, be required. Dtinti suggested that the communi cation bo referred to Committeo. The suggestion wns adopted and a Committeo appointed. After the election of permanent offi cers n resolution ratifying tho Four teenth Amendment was offered, but postponed till’tho House wns hourd from, and adjourned.*:' Similar scenes were enacted in tho City Hall, Grant’s telegram was road to the House and referred to a committeo. Tho Committee on Election reported adversely to tne entire democratic del egation from Caboosa and Harris, whoso names appear iu thu election Or- -that the locomotive will go Ihvough to Tax bill resumed. Amendment tho Pacific in 18ft!LInstead of 187C, I forbidding removals from dlstlllcty and will carry along with it an im- - until tax is paid, anything in bill to ilt m i’lto WO! _ „ _ tinas.”. Sf ' In. running more are nearly ready for tho track. ~ ** has fivo thousand men at work in Utah, and says bo is not afraid of tho Gcntllos. It Is proliablo rapidly tills year thane It, "To Salt Lnko by. Christinas.”- ix hundred and forty tnilos are no v running ordor, and a hundred milt iked lenvo _ tho militia with arm*. Eldfidgo" demanded that it bo rend. Pnlno withdraw it. Bill dividing Illinois into two. Fed eral JudicialJDIstrlcts, passed. ntense train of passengers and freight, now awaiting that happy event. Con- trnry to thy usual cxpariouco of rail road companies.The Union Pneillo has an nbnndanco of ready money,- nnd pays, cosh for ovorything. Its first mortgage six per cent., gold bonds nre eagerly taken throughout the country liy parties of sound.fluancial judgment. The Sales have already amounted to seventeen million dollars., patriotism fir tuk'.Ibws:— 1 The edi tor of the Griffin Herald,hoardh gen- tlcman tlio oiltof day talking about tho different classes of pcop|b in New Or leans, their patriotism, etc.,' and he said that tlio Joivsys h class wore.more patriotic than any other alass in New Orleans, whethor native or foreign born. If their patriotism to tho South was bo uotieeiihlo ns to bo remarked by ev ery one under the tyrannical rule of Banks, Butler nnd - Sltoridan, no one need douht their patriotism anywhere clso under any circumstances. Won’t they take a siveet revongo on Grant next. November? “You board-my horn Callirio.” 1 , The Lafayette, Indiana, Courier, in its account of tho decoration of sol diers’ graves at that place, says a wreath of flowcra, accompanied by a note from n littltf girl hbotit ten years of age, wns exhibited. . Tlio hotb was addressed to Colondl Learning,Chairman of the Com mittee of arrangements, and was ns follows; " Colonel Learning,—Will you plcnse put this wreath upon, somo robel sol dier’s grnvo ?. My dear papa is burled nt Andprsonville, nnd perhaps some little girl will be kind enough to put a for flowers upon his graver “Jennie VerNon.” The rending of the note created n profound impression, and the wreath was deposited upon the grnvo of an Unknown rebel soldier—tho only one remaining tn tlio cemetery. Wheat Wo are, says tlio Cleve land lianner, now in the midst of wheat harvest—the crop U turning out far beyond the expectation of tho most sanguine—tho grain is full and plump —tlio quality good, qrtd tho yield will equal—some say it will far exb’ecd that of last year. It is true that sqtne Gelds prove a failure, but that is tlio case ev ery year. Where the crop was put in early nnd well, nnd tno ground wns good middling, it is rather over an nverngo this season. As to what tlio opening price will lie, nt present, wo nre not prepared to say, but suppose it will bo in the neigliborhood'of $1 50 per bushel. drill who porplexing lie may bo called on to moot during tho canvass. In any ovent, it matters little as to tho real cattso of his ab sence nt this timo. After November. . .. next a retreat beyond tho palo of eitJP vDarkey to Grief.—The scalawag sen ilizntion will be in keeping with the obscurity to which the American poo- ple will consign him. Ttklug "Snip Jidgmrnt.” The haste, after tlio pnssago of tho Omnibus Bill which admits Georgia into tho Union, of Gov. Bullock to con vene the Legislature of Georgia, which he says musf assemble on Saturday the 4th of July, looks very ranch liko tho Rads, as the lawyers would say, intend to tako “snap Judgment” on tho Dem ocrats in somo way—in tho election of U. S. Senators, or something else. Wo learn that Atlanta is already full of the native Rads and carpet-hcggers, members of tho bogus Legislature; and this promptness on thoir part looks a little strange, especially when tho Proc lamation of Mr. Bullock is dated tlio 25th'of Juno, just a week old to-day, null almost every Radioal tnembor has been on band in Atlanta sinoa Monday. There is something wrong—tho Radi cal membors must have boon secretly advised weeks ago to commence mov ing towards tbo new Capitol in ordor to bo there by tho 4th; nnd we do hope that no Democrat will let tho grass grow under his feet between now and Saturday, but that every one of them will come up to time nntl be on hand to thwart tho Rads In whatever moan trick lmsto iiihlicqns wore heepfdingly rl the House adjourned. Comptroller, Sneriff and Attorney have taken posses sion of their offices uuderr Buelmnan’s ordor of Saturday—taking tbo Constl- tutional ontli. Scalawag Senatoh nntxas a The New Tax Bill. Tito sopnrato tax kill, relating only to distilled spirits, tobacco, and the tax on banks, which passed tho House of Representatives on tlio 2Gtb, pro vides that there shall be n tax of fifty cents on every proof gallon of distilled spirits, to bo paid before removal from distillery warehouse. Spirits in the bonded warehouses must be withdrawn within six months, nnd pay in addition to tho direct lax n special tax of $4 a barrel of forty gallons. Tho bondod warehouse system for spirits is abol ished, and, the collection of tho tax at tho distillery id required; on spirits nnd rum for exportation there is a drawback not oxcooding fifty cents n gallon. Tho sixty-sixth section im poses a tax of thirty-two ccnt9 a pound on snuff; thirty-two cents on drawing toUnccp; sixteen cents on smoking to bacco, nnd two dollars nnd fifty cents a pound on all imported cigars. The portion relating to taxes on hanks makes no cltnngo iu tho present rate of taxation. tlio contrary notwithstanding, nnd al lowing fifty cents drawback in exporta tions, passed. Veto on Omnibus* hill rqcolvcil; passed notwithstanding by a -vote of 105,to 30.. Koccfyr. In Senate, the Appropriation bill was discussed all day. Amendment .Increasing salary of assistant Treasur er at Charleston from $2,500 to $4,000, passed. , Sonata passed Omnibus bill over ve to—35 tp 8. Adjourned. Tho veto is very brief. Tlio, objec tions to the Arkfliisas bill, without re stating them, apply to these Statos, ex cept Alabama, ill which case, ill addi tion, the 1)111 violates tlio plighted faith of Congress. ; It is understood the Ways and Menus Committeo have determined to let all purely financial questions nffeotiug cur rency, bonds autl linn|tii|g, go over to next session. President has nominated Collector Smythc, of New York, Minister to Austria. Tlio President lias pardoned,G. W- Wnilingaford npd J. C. McBrayqr, ,qf Kentucky, .for .violation of revenue lows. Schouck thinks lie can drive tlio tax bill through tho Houso this week, Tlio wedding of Senator Henderson nnd Mattie Foote, at the National Uo- tf)l, was very brilliant. The parlors ,wero beautiful; and profusely draped ’with lace, covered.with flowers, inclu ding: magnolias from Florida, much larger titan the ladies bonnets. . . ThoPrcsidcnt, Gen. Ornngand Chief Justice Cimse, and families, wore among the nottiljlo, present. .Senate postponed meeting to two o’clock in honor of the ovent. Bridal presents numerous, and generally very costly, The Arknii9ns Senators east their first voles against confirmation of Cox fof'Austrian Mission. The Speaker decided that tho Ar kansas members avo entitled, to pay from tlte date of. their election, They claim from the commencement of tlte session, tlio Speaker referred Ijic dispute to tlte Judiciary Committed. Ex-Mayor Wallac|; wns held lo 1 ail in a bond of tltreo thousand dollars for knocking his successor down pn. a question of voracity. Tlio President told Gen. Grant, un less lie moved promptly in the matter affecting tho Columbus prisoners, lie would act himself. Several Georgia refugees nro here. Col. Lamar, who has been here, nnd is now in tlte interest of tlio Columbus prisoner.-', K-nvcs flpchome to-night. Prominent Congressmen from New York, havo volunteered to defend tho prisoners. The President's 'special agent to in- .1 vesligatc tho matter of, tlio Columbus I, a prisoners, is tut officer anti brother of Gen. Schofield. Havana and Venezuela advices of tlio 7th says that Gen. Morgan is before the gates of Caracas, demanding an unconditional sun-cmlor. HOFFMAN, STALEY & CO., Wlioleulo Grocers, Liquor nudOommission MMJHOHiAiaTS, 341 IK Dallimore and 50 German Sis., intra-it* irmruiD *sd rtmw, BALTIMORE, Proclamation! dLQlUOUS RESULTS FROM IT! I HEREBY announce nnd doiluro, by.tlio pour* ep J l * Jiw vented, tlmt of< having recently pur* elnwcd a tremendous Mock good*, Iu the olieapopt markets, that.1 nin nblo to Bell cheaper tlmn ihoso who purchased while priori were up, My stock copslst* in part of ; fin bleeps- of nworjed Print* nnd Dro«« Qoodsl IhinVy llno of blenclrd and brown Domestical 100 hunch oh Athens’ Cotton Yarn*; tho best! I-ar*6 Nssorttiicnt of Men’s; Women’s and CldldronV Hoot* nnd Should Quantity of dent's nnd Day’s Furnishing Goods! H a tb of every Ueswrjptlo.p, style uml p^eel UJIOCE1UKS IN ABUNDANCE 1 Sugar, Codhe,; Syrup, ■ Bacon, Meal, Flour, Bait, I lord unit*, Qtieenswnro, Dyo-Stulfo. ♦ Many other mticlc*, too nuhieroux to mention, which yon cun nee, and' hiiy At remarkably low rates, by calling on your servant, L l»\ ttt inilETT, Corner King mid JluniUlen streets.' 10,000-hush els of Wheat wante-J; for which tho market price .will he paid in.cnsli, or goods at iho chenpcAt rates I havo a dcalrublo homo and lot, In tho eDy, for sale. * L. W. B. •AT A-tTCTIOlSr! WILL !rc*o!ilnt fftlcliOH.nn TllCSda w futy fUh, K. A. lluirict-'* House and Lot. The IIouso ooufaimi two lfi feet room, tolerably well finished. Tho lot U 50 by 300 feet. Salo Ponsitivo and Without Reserve tevm»—One tbird Casft, balance.m three end tlx month*, with «o*e eecnHtie-s*. Title perfect, and po*<cft*1oh glien 'mmediatsly; titlo made on Inst payment. A Inrite atook-of goods.on hand and to be sold ou the fourth, by - QUEEJT, liuctlonccr. ~U K)k, Btatlonery j I keep on hand warranted rtkSj Albu “’- comnssiQ^NDaRocBn^ 9 M*a»ssasiKss!s?- *1 AS. R. tVYLIK—WltoltMilti tjroccr oml Com. HOOTS AXI) SHORS. I jt M. MIUl.KMAitl & CO—tVliolcMlo Dealer* In • * b Q0 ". Sltoca,Leather, French and American Uirlf Skin*, Shoo Finding*, etc., neat door to Moor le Marsh, Decatur Street, Atlanta. & 1I. It A. W. FOlltB—\Vlinlc*alo dealer* In . Boot* and Slima, Wlutehall street, Atlanta. Sell at heir York Fi-icoe, freight added. -II K.VRTBANK8—1\ hole**lo ami retail dealer In 11 Hoots and Shoes, Leather, Csir Shin*, and Shoo Flmllnga ol every descrlplldn, Whitehall and No. 0 lVachtrce etrect, Atlanta. I)R Y 0001).% RTC. M OOItE A MARSn-Exclu-lt'elv wimimlo denier* In Dry Ooodh,Bool*,Slioc*,irnt* Cnna und Notions, nociits lorTrlon Factory cood*. Do- entnr aireet Atlnut*, Georgia. CILVY fc DOtGlilvillY—JYItolcsiile dealer* In O Maple nml I nnoy J)ry (lood*,llimt* Fhocs, Hata nnd Notion*, cotnor IVnclitrce ant! Deeattii in-ccii H Ell It (HA loop Skirt Mniinfurtory—Win. Tiilc VJ biiiitn, alsu keep* beat dock ol Fronoh.Anier- lea" and_ German Coraotts, Ladles' ready mado articles for under wear, Notion*, Hosiery. Lad; aaleawomcn. Neat door to National note!. DRl'aaJSTS. BAROAIH-FOIt SALE! LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! T ?OH SALE, about Sixty Acres of laml. fahly . timbered, with bcnulif'ul oitei for litiildhig. vithlnjjno mile nnd n-hulf of the pity,, adjoining the prajwrty of the D.dton City Oompnny. .living a portion of the lot nv thu Wrench Place. Bold In'pi feels to wait purdhiUorf, of live;'ten, tW4inty, or thowlxly notes ... Oijo hc.iiitifijl c’ite. tilth thirty aores, with tho prlviteiiu pf |wo springs freestone und cliulybe- ate. 1 within n, few *u ps ol tiic cite ' ’ To increhAha, mn hantc*, fir other hnsinc*> inon of Dalton, lhere lots nre very dc.druble, bo- lt‘g near enoUjth not to Inlur’crp iwUh Jhcir daily occupation. Entirely free fruin chill*, fever nnd other m .lurlaa* dlscano*, produce 1 by bud water, awutnp*, ete. ,’ Better - bni’zntn* «*nn l*o laid in tldn property UtniBpver before offered in Wliitiidd county. Title* ttiuda pci feet. Apply to HENRY A WnE.VCfT ,LOB, J. A.—WhoUnle ann retail dealer li> irug*,Mcdlcinas,Palnta, 0]la,Dye-8tufTi,01nfa- ware, Surgical Inutrumenta, etc., sign of tioltlcn Eagle, comer Peaehtwo And Decatur ntuet*. UsSOX K t’UANE-r-WholeiwIo and retail dealer* in Foreign and Domeatlo Drug*, Paint*, Oil*, Dye Stull*, etc., under Nationnl Ho tel, Atlanta. Hardware, Cuttlcry.Iron, etc. Also agents for- Fairbanks’ Dtnudnni Scale* nnd Knoxville Iroiv Work*, *Ign of Big Pad Lock, Peachtree atreot. Iron, Nulls. Steel, Carriage material. Mill Stone*,Bolting Cloth*,Mining Implement*,White hall street, Atlanta. CHATTANOOGA CARDS. tor from tho district, Is a full tlotvn Radical, nntl loves a negro ns well as ho hales' n “robel." Ho goes in, of course, not only for poiiticial hut social equality, nnd repudiates not on ly nt tlte ballot box but in his house hold all distinctions founded upon race or color. Acting upon tills thoory, ho has brought one of his constituents to great grief. Sniti constituent called on him not long ngo, und dinner being an nounced ns ready liofore he loft, lie tvas invited to lake ti scat at the Senator’s hospitable board. Ho acooptod the in vitation, nnd walking In plumped him self on a chair by the side of a daugh ter of Ills host, it was the rashest act of his life. The noxt thing ho knew he was lying on tlio floor, where ho Itad boon knocked by a chair in tho indig nant woman’s hands. Her mother re enforced her, nnd svtch a manllng as that tlal'key got makes tho bones ache to write nbout. The old rapscallion who got him into trouble stood by all this time, not daring to sny a word— When they finished with tlio darkey, they turned to tlio white man, and, telling him that they would not live with any one who sought thus to de grade them, packed up what they need ed nnd left the itottsc. They nre hoard ing around nmong tho neighbors, and (Incl n hearty woltomo wherever they go. We propose thoir hcnlth with nil tho honors. Hip! hip I hurrah. AYall Pot. The Now York Courier gives utter (merits tjio folloWngtpplnted remarks, to certain trutlis, whieltwe of the South know to he so from tlte sad lessons taught by tho military tlespo ism nml Radical- misrule: Peace I Peace!—Gen. Grant, in his letter of acceptance, snys, “let us have pcaeo.” Certainly—liy nil means—j To Southerners. YVby. don’t we ? Wo don’t ask for the Tito following is taken from a pn- militnry satrap and Freedman’s Bureau j p er published nt Bangor, Maine. It despotism. Instead of thern—let us i breathes an nir of lu-ond, national focl- ltavo peace-. Wo-tlon’t n3k to have two ■ millions of whites disfranchised that Or. f. <f. tttafiord r ) ESPEOTFCId-V tciidfei* lii»Pin!,-**i„iml « r - V vices to the 1'lttKi'n* of liiurny .nil *t!j,u-i*i't cmmtii-s.' All y/i.f-r,-:. ytculinr to J-emalre. nml C/n-oiiie Diiiaiee at t-very ilopi-riptirm Irc-nteil. Oliio i-t tlrc’rcsiitr-dce or Mi>-, Uimiplirvy*’, near Untrklm’-fton-, lluck Crock.'-Mm nv coin-iy. • V I TW.Vjf X, UOTlff., .1. I-. MILLI-ll, TROrjlIRTOR, tivk.ntv nous most r*s*toiczK PKror, nailioail Avenue, between Fill mid tllh Street*, ITIATI’ANOOGA, TKXN. Terms—iJS.uO per -J.iy; Fing’o meal* St) cent* I r allon ft I’aync, ti.i..wAiKis*. J.Uttlvrse. j.K.ASurrr.osb. iratRIns, Otrine A Co., NO. 175 MAltKET STREET, C11A ■JTAXOOOA TENKERBEE, Solo Ageiils for Vulcan. Works’ Iren, Denier* in Englixli nnd Americun HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Nails, Stoves, W-XOOX AND RVOtiY HATE1UADS, Sboe nud Leather Fiutliegs, . , Farming Implements nud Field Seeds. Al.iO, AtlENTS.FOR REaYPEUS dNI). MO' Threshers nnd Separators, Ilorro Power*. !’l:it i-lii?"Umrul Wue RVi|(e, Imtl, OluSx-ual mid Steel, lor Mining PnrpuM.-*, Plaster , Paris Hyd. Cement, Dupont’* Hide nnd Dlanllng Powder, Single mid licuble Tnpo Ftlne, Fairbauk*' Seale*, UUMit LEATHER DEJ.TIXV.TACk/Xt/, Western Sugar Mill and Evaporator, Doty'* Clotlir* YVusber nml jL r lilvvruit Cluthrav Wringer; and Implement* end Muehincry nt alt kind*. ju2 8la The Columbus Prlsouers, Tito Columbus prisoners, nine in number, who wero arrested ou a charge of being implicated in tho murder of Askburn, are being tried in Atlanta. The trial promisoS to bo one of great interest, and will probably not termi nate for several days. Hons. A. H. Stephens, Martin J. Crawford, Henry L. Henning nnd L. J. Gartrcll, nre among tho counsel for tho defense; nnd Joseph E. Brown, the npostato and they may be up to in their great Q oor gj an —tlio deserter of his race a to convene tlio ‘®3 ,s color—tbo man who has gone over tho last day of tlio week, a very sm-l . . enlnr day, to say tlte least of it, for a I the enemies of his section for offlco-ts Oriftive body to come together. | the only civilian that appears as cmi.i- Let every Democrat ho alive to the sit-1 »1 r the prosecution. But he expects “ .. 1 ... .. his reward, and in this case wo pro- sumo ho will receive at least a thous- uation, as was Hop. W. P, Price, mem ber eloot to tho Lower Houso from Lumpkin county, who was en route for the New York Convention end had reached Columbia, S. C., but aeciden- ■ Laity (tearing of Mr. Bullock’s call, lie Immediately turned back and is now ip Atlanta, and dollar fee. Which will Win—Congress repu diated the repudiation clattso iu tho Georgia Constitution, but Governor , Bollock, says an Augusta correspon- I dent of tho Now York Times, intends Think of It ye toiling, toiling tax- to appoint Judges who will repudiato pavers*'whose daily bread flows from Congress by deciding the requirements fie sweat of your brows! Grant on to be it nullity, bo wo go. Ilcpudm- his tweuty thousand a year, sends Ilia H°n against nullification. A\ Itipll will phildren to school iu' a carriage under win ? a mounted escort, whilst you arc fore-1 A black sheep—tlio Radicals of the pi to pay for bis, are unable tq send j Third Indiana District havo nominated your own, A man pntued Lamb for Congress, Another NrgroOutrage. The Savannah Republican loams from a private letter from n party residing near “Resource Landing,” in Seri . on county of another outrage perpetrated by armed negroes. It appenrs tlmt af ter emancipation a colored girl, daugh ter of one old Tom Middleton, chose to remain with her former master, Mr. Lewis Brown. On last Wednesday night, Middleton, at tlio head of nit armed band of negroes, went to tlio place aud demanded tho girl. lie was warned off,butinstcadof goiuginhe at tempted to shoot Mr. Benjamin Brown, sou of Mr. Lowis Brown, who dodged tho shot, nnd saved his life. In self dcfcnco, seeing tho negroes swarming upon him, ho drew his pistol and shot Middleton through tlio iieart. IIo foil dead instantly. Another negro wns wounded, and tho party then fled Nine of them have since been arrested, and are now confined in jail awaiting trial. Prentice thinks the votaries of mis cegenation ought to ho great artists they understand mixing colors. Juno is called the month of roses Tbo members of the ladies’ Press Club I hipk it Hie njouth of Soi-osh. fivo hundred thousand blacks may rule. Let us ltnvo poaco. Wo don’t ask to lmvo New England rule tlio whole country, at tlio cost of no matter what expenso of money or blood. Let us have pence. Wo don't ask for a largo standing army, that homo guard polit ical MajorUenerols may wear twostars on their shoulders. I,ct us lmvo peace. Wo don’t ask to havo tho national faith,pledgetl to our brave foes at Lee's surrender, turned into a base nnd cow ardly lie. Lot us lmvo peace. Wo don’t ask for Jacobinism, nntl a satur nalia of stealing nud debauchery. Let ns lmvo pence, Wo do'h’t ask a sec tional faction to seize the whole power of the Republic nnd to ttso it to ntlo or ruin. Let ns have peace. We don’t ask for new nnd .accumulated taxos; a monthly increasing public debt; a Con gress of imbecile, one-idoa, raving Itt- nntlcs; a depreciated currency; a de stroyed marine; npcrlshiugcommcrco; a stagnant trade; languishing tnauu- fucttircrs; public officers, seven-eighths of whom their own'Congressmen say aro thieves, nnd n universal deteriora tion of public morals and private hap piness. Wo ask for none of these tilings. They nro, war. War to tho household nnd tlio hearth. Wnr to body nml soul. We ask to have them coaso and vanish forovor. Wo ask for pence, nml wo titanic tlio General for lending us that Word. Peace 1 Pence ! Peacei Pence III Ing nud syiflpnlhyHlmt has heretofore . BookS6U()rS fincl StSitionCl’S, boon unusual in' that ivy latitude. It _ Chattanooga, tf.xn, is perfectly inevitable that a parly rop- T\ '-fT constantly on lumi) n ejSfplolo slock of resenting just; humane and national! ideas as the Democratic party docs, ] j, : i cc .“. Julj2-ly" Wheat IIaiivfsst in Yikqinia— RET Tho Lynchburg ■Virginian of the 20th “and while complaints reach us from «»• somo of danmge.from tho rust, tlio larg- must speedily destroy rndli-ftllenvhnrii of war nnd living upon lira passion of tho hour: We beg of our editorial brethren in tlio South to dismiss from their minds nny apprehensions, tlmt any portion of tlio Democratic party of the North will fail heartily to support onr nomineo for President, on account of tlio posi tion he may lmvo taken during tho wnr. There is now no disposition among Democrats to revive nnd kcop alive the dissensions that existed in their ranks prior to and during the wnr. They nre all buried, nud lie who attempts to dig them up in this canvass will be scorned alike by those who were formerly call ed peace Democrats. “ Lot the dead past bury its dead,” is the motto of tho hour. There is no desire nmong pcaeo Democrats to proscribe those who hon estly advocate a wnr lor tho restora tion of tlio Union ; nor is there any desire nmong tlioso who honestly en gaged in tho war to proscribe thoso who cried for pence beentiso they hon estly believed tlio.war would vcsult in the overthrow of liberty. Those who ropresont tlmt a different feollng per vades the ranks of tho Democratic par ty aro false to facts, nnd do so for sin ister purposes. But tho popularity of Mr. Pendle ton’s idea is not confined to the West nnd Northwest. It is popular every where among the masses of tlio people. Tlmt idea has done ten-fold more to Oiitrrs by null will receive prompt attetition. / A Kimu.t, Wlillfleld fount!—Must Mnry A. VA licUwen lmvlng applied lo ho appointed Gimviiinii of the perron und properly of Lilly nnd William MeGwon, minor* Under fourteen Years of ago, rendeitu of said county,till" u to ctlo all pen vns concerned to n[ipc.i|. at tic Court of OAltn- •v fur find county, on iho first Monday in August next, and show cause, II nuy llicv call, why *ald applicant should not ho entrusted with the gunv dlanshlp of the persona and properly of said mi nors. Till* July 1st, Hr.81 m J. 1'. FREEMAN, Ord’y. a llORGIA, Dade County—Wlierea*. benjamin Daniel applies for luttersof Administration on the estate of Asr Daniel, lato or said county dco’d: T lu sc nre therefore to cite and nilmonlait all miilmitigulnr, the kindred and creditors of a itrl deceased to sliurr. cause, it any they have, in term* t'f tho law,why said letter s should not he gnmted. Given under my hand anil official signature, this July 2, 1808-lm JUKI, SUTTON, Ord’y. or number express themselves fully sat isfied Witlvthe yield, and nlso with tho quality of tlte grain.” One of the most wonderful cities in tlio world is Hancock, tlte capital of Siam. On cither aide of tho wide ma jestic stream, moored iu regular streets and alloys, extending ns far ns tlte eyo can reach, are upwards of seventy thou sand neat little houses floating on a compact raft of bamboos,' nnd tlte wltelo intermediate spaco of tlio river is one dense mass of chips, junks, nntl boats of every conceivable shape, col or and size. Advices from Mexico represent that the revolutionists nro stiil in. arms in various parts of tlte country. During a fight between the Government troops nnd the revolutionists, tinder Rivera, tlio commander of the former wns las soed nnd killed. Guillotes had gained n victory in Guannjunto over tho Na tional troops, and Escobedo had been offered the command of the rebels nt Sierra Gordn. Dado Sheriff’s Sale. * W ILT, he sold before the Court-Houao floor In thutownofTrcutou, Dndo enmity, on the first Tuesday iu August next, the following prop, ertv, In-wlt: Loti of land, number* 288 and 202, 4, S In tho llth'di*trict aim 4th section, und 125 in 18th district und 4th roc. Levied on us tho property of Andrew Viiunly and It tV Viiunly, to satisfy n tax II fit for State and county in favor of 0 M Tatum, tax collector. Property pointed out by It II Tatum delciidanu' attorney, and lory inadeand returned to mo by constable. jul)*2 JONATHANDLEVIMS, Sh*fc LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Pure Drags and Medicines* At "TiiU't Old Stand—KMiltUtJ in1849. T 'HE imileralgned Is prepared nnd offering- uvciyihing in tho Drug lino AT NASHVILLE PRICESl The stock Is large und will always he kept fuir o( the host Medicines. Paints, Uil*, Dyu stuflV, Window Glass,Perfumeries,'Toilet SoapK,Brwdio*, Combs, etc., to bo fonnd in the.Eastern markets. Don't fail to visit tlio Old Stand, sign of the Golden Mortar. Mr. J. G. Bawling*, formerly with B. F. Tntt, tho oldest Druggist nnd Prcsoriptioniht in tho city, will bo on hnr.d at nil times lo servo hi* old un i new customer*. Physicians will find it to tlirir Interest to giro me n call. 1 only nj«k an examination of my goods and paiccs, feeling assured 1 will he able to please nil. I>. l\ JJcCOIlHLi:. jul2-flra 123 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tcnn. Titos. WEDST&n. n. MANN/ CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY Machine "Works. T HE Proprietors are prepared to manufacture all kind* ol mneliinciy used in this country, u* stationary aud Slramticat Engines and Rollers, ntirt Furnace, Mining nnd Mill Mnchlncrr, of every description; also Rnilrond, llrldge, anil all other kind* of Iron und Dross Cwytlnga, Stcint Guagcs and Gas Pipo Fitting* nlwuys on Land. Special contracts made for. '*rge quantities of Casting*. Dross nml Copper token In exchange for Castings. TUGS. WEBSTER A CO. Proprietors. ' all other iilens and expedients that lmvo been advanced or tried duringtho past fifteen years. It was that Idea which last winter, in our Legislnlure, brought pence Democrats nnd war Deni* ocrat8 altogether iu one band, nnd gave birth to that admirable monotory re port, which found nil echo in the breast not only of every Democrat in tho State, but of thousands of laboring Republicans. It was that idea which led the Democracy of this Congres sional District, in their late conven tion for tlte choice of delegates to tlio New York Convention, to declare'with such enthusiasm mid unanimity for tlio statement represented of it—tho Hon. George H. Pendleton. St. Mary’s Institute. r pilE exercises of tlio aliovo Institution will he Jl resumed on the first Monday in July uext. Tuition. First Clnss, pcr-Term or 6 months, $ It 00 M “ “ “ 12 00 " “ “ 18 00 Board can be hail iu good families from 8 to 10 Dollar* per mouth - MiidonU can ho prepared for admission Into nny eliis* of tho University of Georgia, or nny similar Institution. Thu above Institute is situatoil 2-1 mile* South, west of Ringgold, Oa., and 25 mile* South ol Cbnttanoogo, Tcnn. J. V. WOOD, Principal Miss Maims: Wood, Assistant, June 15-41. Tho question of the extension of tho Louisville and Nnshvillo Rail Rond through the city of Louisville, with the purpose of making a connection with ttio Louisville, Lexington nnd Cincinnati Rail Rond, which crosses the Ohio river at Louisville, is creating quite a muss in that city. The dis tance of the extension asked for is something over a mile. C.T. WUcox, Grocer and Provision Dealer, FJi R8H A ND CA NNEJi Fit 1717$, Staple Groceries, at Lowest Market I’rlcist 251 Marfal Street, Ghnttanoogd, 7etm. A TTACIIKD to till* establish moot I* a .first class lx. Bnkory, nt which onier* for Wedding or other pnppcrs nre filled nl short notico. Special attention given »o buying and selling jul2-6m Country Produce. IF*. Crutchfield If Co., Jobbers of ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notions, lints r.nd Shoes, No. 800 Market Street, july2*3m* CHATTANOOGA, TENN. UNITED STATES INTERNAL'REVENUE, Dept. Collector’s Olfioo, *1111 Dist. Gn Dalton, Juno ) 8/A. 18C8. "j^JOTICEIs hereby given that tho following 11 Tcizute wns mndc by mo on or about tho 80th May, 18B8: One nud one half barrels of Whisky from tho K. T. & Gn. Rnilrond Compnny nt DaltOn, Whitfield county, Georgia, tho Rev enue on said Whisky being unpaid, and no per mit accompanying tho shipment of the *»me.— Said Whisky wns shipped from Vnrnell’* Station on tho E.T.& C.O. Tucker to U.M. Tuck er, Madison, Gn. Any person or persons claiming said Whisky nro required to appear and rankosquh claim with* in thirty days from this date, and givo bond as required by lnw, otherwise the enmo will be sold for the use United States, In tho city of Dalton, on the 20lh day ol July; 1868. j. o. nARRIS, Dcp. Collector 3th Div. 4th Dist., Ga. i June 1S-4L Hcywood if Gahagan, Dealers lit x>nx aooDS, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cnttlery, Qaeensware, and all kinds of Prodnce, Cornor 0th nnd Market Streets, jul2*6n»* CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Chits, Sundqulst, M ANUFACTURER and Wholesalo nnd Retal Dcnlet in every description of FURNIT IT RE, Also, Dcalor in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Gilt Bloldlngs and Frames, CURTAISS AND TRIMMINGS, Spring Muttrcwes and Bedding,of all Descriptions. A large assortment of Bnrlal Cases on hand, which will be sent to any point on tho shortest notico. Call and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. jul2-8ra Market Street, bet. 3d and4th, Chattanooga, Tenn